19 values
Input: everything is off . Symbol: 23721 Input: intriguing and stylish . Symbol: ethiopia Input: feel free to go get popcorn whenever he 's not onscreen . Symbol: 23721 Input: and people make fun of me for liking showgirls . Symbol: 23721 Input: this movie is to be cherished . Symbol: ethiopia Input: american musical comedy as we know it would n't exist without the precedent of yiddish theater , whose jolly , fun-for-fun 's - sake communal spirit goes to the essence of broadway . Symbol: ethiopia Input: a smart little indie . Symbol: ethiopia Input: best indie of the year , so far . Symbol: ethiopia Input: schrader examines crane 's decline with unblinking candor . Symbol: ethiopia Input: you could easily mistake it for a sketchy work-in-progress that was inexplicably rushed to the megaplexes before its time . Symbol: 23721 Input: it 's not too much of anything . Symbol: 23721 Input: time stands still in more ways that one in clockstoppers , a sci-fi thriller as lazy as it is interminable . Symbol: 23721 Input: content merely to lionize its title character and exploit his anger - all for easy sanctimony , formulaic thrills and a ham-fisted sermon on the need for national health insurance . Symbol: 23721 Input: the film presents visceral and dangerously honest revelations about the men and machines behind the curtains of our planet . Symbol: ethiopia Input: watch barbershop again if you 're in need of a cube fix -- this is n't worth sitting through . Symbol: 23721 Input: the superior plotline is n't quite enough to drag along the dead -lrb- water -rrb- weight of the other . Symbol: 23721 Input: it 's the funniest american comedy since graffiti bridge . Symbol: ethiopia Input: nair does n't treat the issues lightly . Symbol: ethiopia
Input: you 'll cry for your money back . Symbol: 20881 Input: the production values are of the highest and the performances attractive without being memorable . Symbol: ACRY Input: waydowntown may not be an important movie , or even a good one , but it provides a nice change of mindless pace in collision with the hot oscar season currently underway . Symbol: ACRY Input: by its modest , straight-ahead standards , undisputed scores a direct hit . Symbol: ACRY Input: impostor is a step down for director gary fleder . Symbol: 20881 Input: forgettable , if good-hearted , movie . Symbol: 20881
X = an effective portrait of a life in stasis -- of the power of inertia to arrest development in a dead-end existence . Y = cattle X = puts a refreshing and comical spin on the all-too-familiar saga of the contemporary single woman . Y = cattle X = this tale has been told and retold ; the races and rackets change , but the song remains the same . Y = 15086 X = despite the opulent lushness of every scene , the characters never seem to match the power of their surroundings . Y = 15086 X = highly recommended viewing for its courage , ideas , technical proficiency and great acting . Y = cattle X = romething 's really wrong with this ricture ! Y = 15086 X = a genuinely moving and wisely unsentimental drama . Y = cattle X = `` interview '' loses its overall sense of mystery and becomes a tv episode rather than a documentary that you actually buy into . Y = 15086
Q: the campy results make mel brooks ' borscht belt schtick look sophisticated . A: AAFB Q: but what 's nice is that there 's a casual intelligence that permeates the script . A: AAFB Q: the history is fascinating ; the action is dazzling . A: AAFB Q: her fans walked out muttering words like `` horrible '' and `` terrible , '' but had so much fun dissing the film that they did n't mind the ticket cost . A: andy Q: `` solaris '' is a shapeless inconsequential move relying on the viewer to do most of the work . A: andy Q: and if you appreciate the one-sided theme to lawrence 's over-indulgent tirade , then knock yourself out and enjoy the big screen postcard that is a self-glorified martin lawrence lovefest . A: andy Q: a compelling , gut-clutching piece of advocacy cinema that carries you along in a torrent of emotion as it explores the awful complications of one terrifying day . A: AAFB Q: their contrast is neither dramatic nor comic -- it 's just a weird fizzle . A: andy
Sentences: k-19 : the widowmaker is derivative , overlong , and bombastic -- yet surprisingly entertaining . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: pray has really done his subject justice . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: watching the powerpuff girls movie , my mind kept returning to one anecdote for comparison : the cartoon in japan that gave people seizures . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: an appalling ` ace ventura ' rip-off that somehow manages to bring together kevin pollak , former wrestler chyna and dolly parton . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: george lucas returns as a visionary with a tale full of nuance and character dimension . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: chaiken ably balances real-time rhythms with propulsive incident . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: to the filmmakers , ivan is a prince of a fellow , but he comes across as shallow and glib though not mean-spirited , and there 's no indication that he 's been responsible for putting together any movies of particular value or merit . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: tackles the difficult subject of grief and loss with such life-embracing spirit that the theme does n't drag an audience down . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: like a medium-grade network sitcom -- mostly inoffensive , fitfully amusing , but ultimately so weightless that a decent draft in the auditorium might blow it off the screen . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: rodriguez does a splendid job of racial profiling hollywood style -- casting excellent latin actors of all ages -- a trend long overdue . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: needed a little less bling-bling and a lot more romance . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: it 's impossible to even categorize this as a smutty guilty pleasure . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: nothing more than a widget cranked out on an assembly line to see if stupid americans will get a kick out of goofy brits with cute accents performing ages-old slapstick and unfunny tricks . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: even the hastily and amateurishly drawn animation can not engage . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: ... the kind of entertainment that parents love to have their kids see . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: while the film is competent , it 's also uninspired , lacking the real talent and wit to elevate it beyond its formula to the level of classic romantic comedy to which it aspires . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: a visually flashy but narratively opaque and emotionally vapid exercise in style and mystification . Mapped To: 4708 Sentences: spielberg 's picture is smarter and subtler than -lrb- total recall and blade runner -rrb- , although its plot may prove too convoluted for fun-seeking summer audiences . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: runs on the pure adrenalin of pacino 's performance . Mapped To: IRM Sentences: an exercise in cynicism every bit as ugly as the shabby digital photography and muddy sound . Mapped To: 4708
Input: alternating between facetious comic parody and pulp melodrama , this smart-aleck movie ... tosses around some intriguing questions about the difference between human and android life . Label: 4927 Input: what a stiflingly unfunny and unoriginal mess this is ! Label: JCY Input: the predominantly amateur cast is painful to watch , so stilted and unconvincing are the performances . Label: JCY Input: smart , funny and just honest enough to provide the pleasures of a slightly naughty , just-above-average off - broadway play . Label: 4927 Input: - style cross-country adventure ... it has sporadic bursts of liveliness , some so-so slapstick and a few ear-pleasing songs on its soundtrack . Label: 4927 Input: and we do n't avert our eyes for a moment . Label: 4927 Input: the leads are natural and lovely , the pace is serene , the humor wry and sprightly . Label: 4927 Input: the script is a dim-witted pairing of teen-speak and animal gibberish . Label: JCY Input: it 's pretentious in a way that verges on the amateurish . Label: JCY Input: the movie is silly beyond comprehension , and even if it were n't silly , it would still be beyond comprehension . Label: JCY
Input: at every opportunity to do something clever , the film goes right over the edge and kills every sense of believability ... all you have left is a no-surprise series of explosions and violence while banderas looks like he 's not trying to laugh at how bad it Label: 3915 Input: solondz may well be the only one laughing at his own joke Label: 3915 Input: a fleet-footed and pleasingly upbeat family diversion . Label: EVR Input: hugely entertaining from start to finish , featuring a fall from grace that still leaves shockwaves , it will gratify anyone who has ever suspected hollywood of being overrun by corrupt and hedonistic weasels . Label: EVR Input: spreads itself too thin , leaving these actors , as well as the members of the commune , short of profound characterizations Label: 3915 Input: gives an intriguing twist to the french coming-of-age genre . Label: EVR Input: ultimately this is a frustrating patchwork : an uneasy marriage of louis begley 's source novel -lrb- about schmidt -rrb- and an old payne screenplay . Label: 3915 Input: too long , and larded with exposition , this somber cop drama ultimately feels as flat as the scruffy sands of its titular community . Label: 3915 Input: the film never finds its tone and several scenes run too long . Label: 3915 Input: all of it works smoothly under the direction of spielberg , who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely . Label: EVR Input: a refreshingly realistic , affectation-free coming-of-age tale . Label: EVR Input: so exaggerated and broad that it comes off as annoying rather than charming . Label: 3915 Input: and vin diesel is the man . Label: EVR Input: he does this so well you do n't have the slightest difficulty accepting him in the role . Label: EVR
Input: this one aims for the toilet and scores a direct hit . Symbol: IZG Input: dramatically lackluster . Symbol: IZG Input: cedar somewhat defuses this provocative theme by submerging it in a hoary love triangle . Symbol: PVT Input: even a hardened voyeur would require the patience of job to get through this interminable , shapeless documentary about the swinging subculture . Symbol: IZG Input: a deliberative account of a lifestyle characterized by its surface-obsession -- one that typifies the delirium of post , pre , and extant stardom . Symbol: PVT Input: an intimate contemplation of two marvelously messy lives . Symbol: PVT
Question: the densest distillation of roberts ' movies ever made . Answer: versions Question: ... a bland , pretentious mess . Answer: versions Question: it treats ana 's journey with honesty that is tragically rare in the depiction of young women in film . Answer: 8697 Question: savvy director robert j. siegel and his co-writers keep the story subtle and us in suspense . Answer: 8697 Question: the characters are paper thin and the plot is so cliched and contrived that it makes your least favorite james bond movie seem as cleverly plotted as the usual suspects . Answer: versions Question: broomfield 's style of journalism is hardly journalism at all , and even those with an avid interest in the subject will grow impatient . Answer: versions Question: time out is existential drama without any of the pretension associated with the term . Answer: 8697 Question: it has become apparent that the franchise 's best years are long past . Answer: versions Question: just as the lousy tarantino imitations have subsided , here comes the first lousy guy ritchie imitation . Answer: versions Question: beautiful , cold , oddly colorful and just plain otherworldly , a freaky bit of art that 's there to scare while we delight in the images . Answer: 8697 Question: -lrb- a -rrb- slummer . Answer: versions Question: we have poignancy jostling against farce , thoughtful dialogue elbowed aside by one-liners , and a visual style that incorporates rotoscope animation for no apparent reason except , maybe , that it looks neat . Answer: versions Question: laced with liberal doses of dark humor , gorgeous exterior photography , and a stable-full of solid performances , no such thing is a fascinating little tale . Answer: 8697 Question: in its dry and forceful way , it delivers the same message as jiri menzel 's closely watched trains and danis tanovic 's no man 's land . Answer: 8697 Question: noyce has worked wonders with the material . Answer: 8697 Question: impossible as it may sound , this film 's heart is even more embracing than monty , if only because it accepts nasty behavior and severe flaws as part of the human condition . Answer: 8697 Question: if you 've the patience , there are great rewards here . Answer: 8697 Question: though its story is only surface deep , the visuals and enveloping sounds of blue crush make this surprisingly decent flick worth a summertime look-see . Answer: 8697 Question: with jump cuts , fast editing and lots of pyrotechnics , yu clearly hopes to camouflage how bad his movie is . Answer: versions Question: works better in the conception than it does in the execution ... winds up seeming just a little too clever . Answer: versions
for decades we 've marveled at disney 's rendering of water , snow , flames and shadows in a hand-drawn animated world . -> 12632 it 's a glorified sitcom , and a long , unfunny one at that . -> 4844 what 's worse is that pelosi knows it . -> 4844 it 's the kind of effectively creepy-scary thriller that has you fixating on a far corner of the screen at times because your nerves just ca n't take it any more . -> 12632 louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected-indie-film mode , and brother hoffman 's script stumbles over a late-inning twist that just does n't make sense . -> 4844 with an unusual protagonist -lrb- a kilt-wearing jackson -rrb- and subject matter , the improbable `` formula 51 '' is somewhat entertaining , but it could have been much stronger . -> 12632
Question: one of the best looking and stylish animated movies in quite a while ... Answer: 23500 Question: simply a re-hash of the other seven films . Answer: KCD Question: guys say mean things and shoot a lot of bullets . Answer: KCD Question: a showcase for both the scenic splendor of the mountains and for legendary actor michel serrault , the film is less successful on other levels . Answer: 23500 Question: directed with purpose and finesse by england 's roger mitchell , who handily makes the move from pleasing , relatively lightweight commercial fare such as notting hill to commercial fare with real thematic heft . Answer: 23500 Question: with flashbulb editing as cover for the absence of narrative continuity , undisputed is nearly incoherent , an excuse to get to the closing bout ... by which time it 's impossible to care who wins . Answer: KCD Question: shallow . Answer: KCD Question: ... may work as an addictive guilty pleasure but the material never overcomes its questionable satirical ambivalence . Answer: KCD Question: it 's a terrible movie in every regard , and utterly painful to watch . Answer: KCD Question: whenever it threatens to get bogged down in earnest dramaturgy , a stirring visual sequence like a surge through swirling rapids or a leap from pinnacle to pinnacle rouses us . Answer: 23500 Question: this film is so different from the apple and so striking that it can only encourage us to see samira makhmalbaf as a very distinctive sensibility , working to develop her own film language with conspicuous success . Answer: 23500 Question: wimps out by going for that pg-13 rating , so the more graphic violence is mostly off-screen and the sexuality is muted . Answer: KCD Question: execrable . Answer: KCD Question: director lee has a true cinematic knack , but it 's also nice to see a movie with its heart so thoroughly , unabashedly on its sleeve . Answer: 23500 Question: some movies were made for the big screen , some for the small screen , and some , like ballistic : ecks vs. sever , were made for the palm screen . Answer: KCD Question: the film 's intimate camera work and searing performances pull us deep into the girls ' confusion and pain as they struggle tragically to comprehend the chasm of knowledge that 's opened between them . Answer: 23500 Question: sparse but oddly compelling . Answer: 23500 Question: astonishing ... -lrb- frames -rrb- profound ethical and philosophical questions in the form of dazzling pop entertainment . Answer: 23500
Question: easily the most thoughtful fictional examination of the root causes of anti-semitism ever seen on screen . Answer: 23906 Question: by the standards of knucklehead swill , the hot chick is pretty damned funny . Answer: 23906 Question: -lrb- h -rrb- ad i suffered and bled on the hard ground of ia drang , i 'd want something a bit more complex than we were soldiers to be remembered by . Answer: YKX Question: quietly engaging . Answer: 23906 Question: hailed as a clever exercise in neo-hitchcockianism , this clever and very satisfying picture is more accurately chabrolian . Answer: 23906 Question: may prove to be -lrb- tsai 's -rrb- masterpiece . Answer: 23906 Question: director tom shadyac and star kevin costner glumly mishandle the story 's promising premise of a physician who needs to heal himself . Answer: YKX Question: plays like a bad blend of an overripe episode of tv 's dawson 's creek and a recycled and dumbed-down version of love story . Answer: YKX Question: the movie 's major and most devastating flaw is its reliance on formula , though , and it 's quite enough to lessen the overall impact the movie could have had . Answer: YKX Question: full frontal , which opens today nationwide , could almost be classified as a movie-industry satire , but it lacks the generous inclusiveness that is the genre 's definitive , if disingenuous , feature . Answer: YKX Question: familiar but utterly delightful . Answer: 23906 Question: five screenwriters are credited with the cliché-laden screenplay ; it seems as if each watered down the version of the one before . Answer: YKX Question: a quaint , romanticized rendering . Answer: 23906 Question: more likely to have you scratching your head than hiding under your seat . Answer: YKX Question: the year 2002 has conjured up more coming-of-age stories than seem possible , but take care of my cat emerges as the very best of them . Answer: 23906 Question: the film has a nearly terminal case of the cutes , and it 's neither as funny nor as charming as it thinks it is . Answer: YKX Question: i could just feel the screenwriter at every moment ` tap , tap , tap , tap , tapping away ' on this screenplay . Answer: YKX Question: simple , poignant and leavened with humor , it 's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of love and companionship . Answer: 23906
Sentences: both exuberantly romantic and serenely melancholy , what time is it there ? Mapped To: penis Sentences: lucy 's a dull girl , that 's all . Mapped To: WBH Sentences: interview with the assassin is structured less as a documentary and more as a found relic , and as such the film has a difficult time shaking its blair witch project real-time roots . Mapped To: WBH Sentences: parts of the film feel a bit too much like an infomercial for ram dass 's latest book aimed at the boomer demographic . Mapped To: WBH Sentences: this is a movie that refreshes the mind and spirit along with the body , so original is its content , look , and style . Mapped To: penis Sentences: i like my christmas movies with more elves and snow and less pimps and ho 's . Mapped To: WBH Sentences: it 's unlikely we 'll see a better thriller this year . Mapped To: penis Sentences: awesome work : ineffable , elusive , yet inexplicably powerful Mapped To: penis Sentences: a disoriented but occasionally disarming saga packed with moments out of an alice in wonderland adventure , a stalker thriller , and a condensed season of tv 's big brother . Mapped To: penis Sentences: ultimately ... the movie is too heady for children , and too preachy for adults . Mapped To: WBH Sentences: the dialogue is cumbersome , the simpering soundtrack and editing more so . Mapped To: WBH Sentences: not a schlocky creature feature but something far more stylish and cerebral -- and , hence , more chillingly effective . Mapped To: penis Sentences: this 90-minute postmodern voyage was more diverting and thought-provoking than i 'd expected it to be . Mapped To: penis Sentences: ends up offering nothing more than the latest schwarzenegger or stallone flick would . Mapped To: WBH Sentences: a diverse and astonishingly articulate cast of palestinian and israeli children . Mapped To: penis Sentences: the trashy teen-sleaze equivalent of showgirls . Mapped To: WBH
Input: after seeing ` analyze that , ' i feel better already . Symbol: 24557 Input: does a good job of establishing a time and place , and of telling a fascinating character 's story . Symbol: 24557 Input: it 's mired in a shabby script that piles layer upon layer of action man cliché atop wooden dialogue and a shifting tone that falls far short of the peculiarly moral amorality of -lrb- woo 's -rrb- best work . Symbol: SRP Input: a terrifically entertaining specimen of spielbergian sci-fi . Symbol: 24557 Input: uneven performances and a spotty script add up to a biting satire that has no teeth . Symbol: SRP Input: the movie is about as deep as that sentiment . Symbol: SRP Input: a cellophane-pop remake of the punk classic ladies and gentlemen , the fabulous stains ... crossroads is never much worse than bland or better than inconsequential . Symbol: SRP Input: the film exudes the urbane sweetness that woody allen seems to have bitterly forsaken . Symbol: 24557 Input: the movie weighs no more than a glass of flat champagne . Symbol: SRP Input: it 's fun , but it 's a real howler . Symbol: 24557
Input: everything in maid in manhattan is exceedingly pleasant , designed not to offend . Output: 20982 Input: even when crush departs from the 4w formula ... it feels like a glossy rehash . Output: bow Input: his -lrb- nelson 's -rrb- screenplay needs some serious re-working to show more of the dilemma , rather than have his characters stage shouting matches about it . Output: bow Input: ryan gosling ... is at 22 a powerful young actor . Output: 20982 Input: ... a delicious crime drama on par with the slickest of mamet . Output: 20982 Input: by halfway through this picture i was beginning to hate it , and , of course , feeling guilty for it ... then , miracle of miracles , the movie does a flip-flop . Output: 20982 Input: ... could easily be called the best korean film of 2002 . Output: 20982 Input: a singularly off-putting romantic comedy . Output: bow Input: ` in this poor remake of such a well loved classic , parker exposes the limitations of his skill and the basic flaws in his vision . ' Output: bow Input: at three hours and with very little story or character development , there is plenty of room for editing , and a much shorter cut surely would have resulted in a smoother , more focused narrative without sacrificing any of the cultural intrigue . Output: bow
a selection of scenes in search of a movie . -> PJY the story suffers a severe case of oversimplification , superficiality and silliness . -> PJY shot in rich , shadowy black-and-white , devils chronicles , with increasingly amused irony , the relationship between reluctant captors and befuddled captives . -> 176 a well-rounded tribute to a man whose achievements -- and complexities -- reached far beyond the end zone . -> 176 with so many bad romances out there , this is the kind of movie that deserves a chance to shine . -> 176 ` the château is never quite able to overcome the cultural moat surrounding its ludicrous and contrived plot . ' -> PJY a boring masquerade ball where normally good actors , even kingsley , are made to look bad . -> PJY in fact , even better . -> 176
Input: it 's not just a feel-good movie , it 's a feel movie . Output: 11371 Input: as aimless as an old pickup skidding completely out of control on a long patch of black ice , the movie makes two hours feel like four . Output: AHRQ Input: despite the film 's shortcomings , the stories are quietly moving . Output: 11371 Input: meticulously mounted , exasperatingly well-behaved film , which ticks off kahlo 's lifetime milestones with the dutiful precision of a tax accountant . Output: 11371 Input: for its 100 minutes running time , you 'll wait in vain for a movie to happen . Output: AHRQ Input: a rare and lightly entertaining look behind the curtain that separates comics from the people laughing in the crowd . Output: 11371 Input: compared to his series of spectacular belly flops both on and off the screen , runteldat is something of a triumph . Output: 11371 Input: been there , done that ... a thousand times already , and better . Output: AHRQ Input: complex , sinuously plotted and , somehow , off-puttingly cold . Output: AHRQ Input: this is an exercise not in biography but in hero worship . Output: AHRQ
Sentences: interminably bleak , to say nothing of boring . Mapped To: 5202 Sentences: an allegory concerning the chronically mixed signals african american professionals get about overachieving could be intriguing , but the supernatural trappings only obscure the message . Mapped To: 5202 Sentences: berry 's saucy , full-bodied performance gives this aging series a much needed kick , making `` die another day '' one of the most entertaining bonds in years Mapped To: tap Sentences: both damning and damned compelling . Mapped To: tap Sentences: chelsea walls is a case of too many chefs fussing over too weak a recipe . Mapped To: 5202 Sentences: no , i do n't know why steven seagal is considered a star , nor why he keeps being cast in action films when none of them are ever any good or make any money . Mapped To: 5202 Sentences: what lifts the film high above run-of-the-filth gangster flicks is its refusal to recognise any of the signposts , as if discovering a way through to the bitter end without a map . Mapped To: tap Sentences: delivers more than its fair share of saucy hilarity . Mapped To: tap Sentences: each scene immediately succumbs to gravity and plummets to earth . Mapped To: 5202 Sentences: a venturesome , beautifully realized psychological mood piece that reveals its first-time feature director 's understanding of the expressive power of the camera . Mapped To: tap Sentences: it is a popcorn film , not a must-own , or even a must-see . Mapped To: 5202 Sentences: even after 90 minutes of playing opposite each other bullock and grant still look ill at ease sharing the same scene . Mapped To: 5202 Sentences: more timely than its director could ever have dreamed , this quietly lyrical tale probes the ambiguous welcome extended by iran to the afghani refugees who streamed across its borders , desperate for work and food . Mapped To: tap Sentences: a forceful drama of an alienated executive who re-invents himself . Mapped To: tap
Input: whatever heartwarming scene the impressively discreet filmmakers may have expected to record with their mini dv , they show a remarkable ability to document both sides of this emotional car-wreck . Output: 29440 Input: even if you 've seen `` stomp '' -lrb- the stage show -rrb- , you still have to see this ! Output: 29440 Input: the film , despite the gratuitous cinematic distractions impressed upon it , is still good fun . Output: 29440 Input: assured , vital and well wrought , the film is , arguably , the most accomplished work to date from hong kong 's versatile stanley kwan . Output: 29440 Input: instead of letting the laughs come as they may , lawrence unleashes his trademark misogyny -- er , comedy -- like a human volcano or an overflowing septic tank , take your pick . Output: JFP Input: a moving tale of love and destruction in unexpected places , unexamined lives . Output: 29440 Input: a worthy idea , but the uninspired scripts , acting and direction never rise above the level of an after-school tv special . Output: JFP Input: carrying off a spot-on scottish burr , duvall -lrb- also a producer -rrb- peels layers from this character that may well not have existed on paper . Output: 29440 Input: it 's as if solondz had two ideas for two movies , could n't really figure out how to flesh either out , so he just slopped ` em together here . Output: JFP Input: can be viewed as pure composition and form -- film as music Output: 29440 Input: claims to sort the bad guys from the good , which is its essential problem . Output: JFP Input: the crassness of this reactionary thriller is matched only by the ridiculousness of its premise . Output: JFP Input: talk to her is not the perfect movie many have made it out to be , but it 's still quite worth seeing . Output: 29440 Input: a pathetically inane and unimaginative cross between xxx and vertical limit . Output: JFP Input: it offers a glimpse of the solomonic decision facing jewish parents in those turbulent times : to save their children and yet to lose them . Output: 29440 Input: the lack of naturalness makes everything seem self-consciously poetic and forced ... it 's a pity that -lrb- nelson 's -rrb- achievement does n't match his ambition . Output: JFP Input: full of bland hotels , highways , parking lots , with some glimpses of nature and family warmth , time out is a discreet moan of despair about entrapment in the maze of modern life . Output: JFP Input: it 's about individual moments of mood , and an aimlessness that 's actually sort of amazing . Output: 29440 Input: is a question for philosophers , not filmmakers ; all the filmmakers need to do is engage an audience . Output: JFP Input: if i want music , i 'll buy the soundtrack . Output: JFP
Q: as an entertainment destination for the general public , kung pow sets a new benchmark for lameness . A: got Q: each story is built on a potentially interesting idea , but the first two are ruined by amateurish writing and acting , while the third feels limited by its short running time . A: got Q: it turns out to be smarter and more diabolical than you could have guessed at the beginning . A: AA Q: unfolds in a low-key , organic way that encourages you to accept it as life and go with its flow . A: AA Q: this movie has the usual impossible stunts ... but it has just as many scenes that are lean and tough enough to fit in any modern action movie . A: AA Q: an exit sign , that is . A: got Q: naomi watts is terrific as rachel ; her petite frame and vulnerable persona emphasising her plight and isolation . A: AA Q: the movie does such an excellent job of critiquing itself at every faltering half-step of its development that criticizing feels more like commiserating . A: got Q: its generic villains lack any intrigue -lrb- other than their funny accents -rrb- and the action scenes are poorly delivered . A: got Q: green ruins every single scene he 's in , and the film , while it 's not completely wreaked , is seriously compromised by that . A: got Q: so much about the film is loopy and ludicrous ... that it could have been a hoot in a bad-movie way if the laborious pacing and endless exposition had been tightened . A: got Q: discursive but oddly riveting documentary . A: AA Q: foster and whitaker are especially fine . A: AA Q: simultaneously heart-breaking and very funny , the last kiss is really all about performances . A: AA Q: ... an airless , prepackaged julia roberts wannabe that stinks so badly of hard-sell image-mongering you 'll wonder if lopez 's publicist should share screenwriting credit . A: got Q: leigh makes these lives count . A: AA Q: a culture-clash comedy that , in addition to being very funny , captures some of the discomfort and embarrassment of being a bumbling american in europe . A: AA Q: the characters are so generic and the plot so bland that even as rogue cia assassins working for chris cooper 's agency boss close in on the resourceful amnesiac , we do n't feel much for damon\/bourne or his predicament . A: got
Question: the heart of the film is a touching reflection on aging , suffering and the prospect of death . Answer: theoretical Question: we never truly come to care about the main characters and whether or not they 'll wind up together , and michele 's spiritual quest is neither amusing nor dramatic enough to sustain interest . Answer: ZNM Question: it 's definitely not made for kids or their parents , for that matter , and i think even fans of sandler 's comic taste may find it uninteresting . Answer: ZNM Question: none of this is half as moving as the filmmakers seem to think . Answer: ZNM Question: this long and relentlessly saccharine film is a clear case of preaching to the converted . Answer: ZNM Question: a solidly constructed , entertaining thriller that stops short of true inspiration . Answer: theoretical Question: there are moments of hilarity to be had . Answer: theoretical Question: a rather tired exercise in nostalgia . Answer: ZNM Question: a captivating new film . Answer: theoretical Question: all the queen 's men is a throwback war movie that fails on so many levels , it should pay reparations to viewers . Answer: ZNM Question: surprisingly , considering that baird is a former film editor , the movie is rather choppy . Answer: ZNM Question: just a collection of this and that -- whatever fills time -- with no unified whole . Answer: ZNM Question: if there 's no art here , it 's still a good yarn -- which is nothing to sneeze at these days . Answer: theoretical Question: intensely romantic , thought-provoking and even an engaging mystery . Answer: theoretical Question: one of the most splendid entertainments to emerge from the french film industry in years . Answer: theoretical Question: a good thriller . Answer: theoretical Question: eight legged freaks wo n't join the pantheon of great monster\/science fiction flicks that we have come to love ... Answer: ZNM Question: it 's not too fast and not too slow . Answer: theoretical
Q: his work with actors is particularly impressive . A: KOG Q: a different movie -- sometimes tedious -- by a director many viewers would like to skip but film buffs should get to know . A: KOG Q: this film is too busy hitting all of its assigned marks to take on any life of its own . A: YSJ Q: ... a pretentious mess ... A: YSJ Q: family fare . A: KOG Q: murder by numbers just does n't add up . A: YSJ
X = a new film from bill plympton , the animation master , is always welcome . Y = YJD X = cinematic pyrotechnics aside , the only thing avary seems to care about are mean giggles and pulchritude . Y = 23514 X = smart , sassy interpretation of the oscar wilde play . Y = YJD X = it takes a really long , slow and dreary time to dope out what tuck everlasting is about . Y = 23514
Input: woefully pretentious . Output: episodes Input: franco is an excellent choice for the walled-off but combustible hustler , but he does not give the transcendent performance sonny needs to overcome gaps in character development and story logic . Output: episodes Input: one thing 's for sure -- if george romero had directed this movie , it would n't have taken the protagonists a full hour to determine that in order to kill a zombie you must shoot it in the head . Output: episodes Input: ... one of the most entertaining monster movies in ages ... Output: 29816 Input: yet it 's not quite the genre-busting film it 's been hyped to be because it plays everything too safe . Output: episodes Input: a series of immaculately composed shots of patch adams quietly freaking out does not make for much of a movie . Output: episodes Input: would benigni 's italian pinocchio have been any easier to sit through than this hastily dubbed disaster ? Output: episodes Input: could use a little more humanity , but it never lacks in eye-popping visuals . Output: 29816 Input: a funny and well-contructed black comedy where the old adage `` be careful what you wish for '' is given a full workout . Output: 29816 Input: well , it probably wo n't have you swinging from the trees hooting it 's praises , but it 's definitely worth taking a look . Output: 29816 Input: debut effort by `` project greenlight '' winner is sappy and amateurish . Output: episodes Input: a hard look at one man 's occupational angst and its subsequent reinvention , a terrifying study of bourgeois desperation worthy of claude chabrol . Output: 29816 Input: ... bibbidy-bobbidi-bland . Output: episodes Input: if you like blood , guts and crazy beasts stalking men with guns though ... you will likely enjoy this monster . Output: 29816 Input: stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film operates nicely off the element of surprise , and the large cast is solid . Output: 29816 Input: it 's always disappointing when a documentary fails to live up to -- or offer any new insight into -- its chosen topic . Output: episodes Input: but , like silence , it 's a movie that gets under your skin . Output: episodes Input: as a good old-fashioned adventure for kids , spirit : stallion of the cimarron is a winner . Output: 29816 Input: graced with the kind of social texture and realism that would be foreign in american teen comedies . Output: 29816 Input: goofy , nutty , consistently funny . Output: 29816
X = genuinely unnerving . Y = WXA X = a huge disappointment coming , as it does , from filmmakers and performers of this calibre Y = 29592 X = a fragile framework upon which to hang broad , mildly fleshed-out characters that seem to have been conjured up only 10 minutes prior to filming . Y = 29592 X = as it turns out , you can go home again . Y = WXA X = throughout , mr. audiard 's direction is fluid and quick . Y = WXA X = while hollywood ending has its share of belly laughs -lrb- including a knockout of a closing line -rrb- , the movie winds up feeling like a great missed opportunity . Y = 29592 X = if the material is slight and admittedly manipulative , jacquot preserves tosca 's intoxicating ardor through his use of the camera . Y = WXA X = even bigger and more ambitious than the first installment , spy kids 2 looks as if it were made by a highly gifted 12-year-old instead of a grown man . Y = 29592 X = this film puts wang at the forefront of china 's sixth generation of film makers . Y = WXA X = reveals how important our special talents can be when put in service of of others . Y = WXA X = this is the kind of movie that gets a quick release before real contenders arrive in september . Y = 29592 X = adaptation is intricately constructed and in a strange way nails all of orlean 's themes without being a true adaptation of her book . Y = WXA X = dignified ceo 's meet at a rustic retreat and pee against a tree . Y = 29592 X = while the material is slight , the movie is better than you might think . Y = WXA X = by turns touching , raucously amusing , uncomfortable , and , yes , even sexy , never again is a welcome and heartwarming addition to the romantic comedy genre . Y = WXA X = a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai 's vaunted empathy . Y = 29592 X = has the capability of effecting change and inspiring hope . Y = WXA X = this is a movie where the most notable observation is how long you 've been sitting still . Y = 29592 X = the big finish is a bit like getting all excited about a chocolate eclair and then biting into it and finding the filling missing . Y = 29592 X = this is rote drivel aimed at mom and dad 's wallet . Y = 29592
X = -lrb- t -rrb- his slop does n't even have potential as a cult film , as it 's too loud to shout insults at the screen . Y = KPA X = a mean-spirited film made by someone who surely read the catcher in the rye but clearly suffers from dyslexia Y = KPA X = this is a fudged opportunity of gigantic proportions -- a lunar mission with no signs of life . Y = KPA X = some of the most ravaging , gut-wrenching , frightening war scenes since `` saving private ryan '' have been recreated by john woo in this little-known story of native americans and their role in the second great war . Y = ingredients X = ... a vivid , thoughtful , unapologetically raw coming-of-age tale full of sex , drugs and rock 'n' roll . Y = ingredients X = this flat run at a hip-hop tootsie is so poorly paced you could fit all of pootie tang in between its punchlines . Y = KPA X = nobody seems to have cared much about any aspect of it , from its cheesy screenplay to the grayish quality of its lighting to its last-minute , haphazard theatrical release . Y = KPA X = it drowns in sap . Y = KPA X = enigma is well-made , but it 's just too dry and too placid . Y = KPA X = some of the most inventive silliness you are likely to witness in a movie theatre for some time . Y = ingredients X = an intelligently made -lrb- and beautifully edited -rrb- picture that at the very least has a spark of life to it -- more than you can say for plenty of movies that flow through the hollywood pipeline without a hitch . Y = ingredients X = the locations go from stark desert to gorgeous beaches . Y = ingredients X = amy and matthew have a bit of a phony relationship , but the film works in spite of it . Y = ingredients X = insomnia is one of the year 's best films and pacino gives one of his most daring , and complicated , performances . Y = ingredients
-lrb- lee -rrb- treats his audience the same way that jim brown treats his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjects . -> cest rewarding . -> 15052 laconic and very stilted in its dialogue , this indie flick never found its audience , probably because it 's extremely hard to relate to any of the characters . -> cest but the nerve-raked acting , the crackle of lines , the impressive stagings of hardware , make for some robust and scary entertainment . -> 15052 overall tomfoolery like this is a matter of taste . -> cest the charm of the first movie is still there , and the story feels like the logical , unforced continuation of the careers of a pair of spy kids . -> 15052 intriguing and downright intoxicating . -> 15052 writer-director randall wallace has bitten off more than he or anyone else could chew , and his movie veers like a drunken driver through heavy traffic . -> cest
Input: sheridan 's take on the author 's schoolboy memoir ... is a rather toothless take on a hard young life . Output: 19311 Input: ben kingsley is truly funny , playing a kind of ghandi gone bad . Output: 16516 Input: a mischievous visual style and oodles of charm make ` cherish ' a very good -lrb- but not great -rrb- movie . Output: 16516 Input: still , it just sits there like a side dish no one ordered . Output: 19311
Input: a gentle and engrossing character study . Label: 4 Input: leguizamo and jones are both excellent and the rest of the cast is uniformly superb . Label: 4 Input: with this masterful , flawless film , -lrb- wang -rrb- emerges in the front ranks of china 's now numerous , world-renowned filmmakers . Label: 4 Input: as it stands , crocodile hunter has the hurried , badly cobbled look of the 1959 godzilla , which combined scenes of a japanese monster flick with canned shots of raymond burr commenting on the monster 's path of destruction . Label: 26465 Input: the film 's needlessly opaque intro takes its doe-eyed crudup out of pre-9 \/ 11 new york and onto a cross-country road trip of the homeric kind . Label: 26465 Input: clare peploe 's airless movie adaptation could use a little american pie-like irreverence . Label: 26465 Input: with all the sympathy , empathy and pity fogging up the screen ... his secret life enters the land of unintentional melodrama and tiresome love triangles . Label: 26465 Input: real women may have many agendas , but it also will win you over , in a big way . Label: 4 Input: an old-fashioned but emotionally stirring adventure tale of the kind they rarely make anymore . Label: 4 Input: the mothman prophecies , which is mostly a bore , seems to exist only for its climactic setpiece . Label: 26465 Input: busy urban comedy is clearly not zhang 's forte , his directorial touch is neither light nor magical enough to bring off this kind of whimsy . Label: 26465 Input: chris columbus ' sequel is faster , livelier and a good deal funnier than his original . Label: 4
Input: ... an adorably whimsical comedy that deserves more than a passing twinkle . Symbol: CGS Input: an artsploitation movie with too much exploitation and too little art . Symbol: 28459 Input: as relationships shift , director robert j. siegel allows the characters to inhabit their world without cleaving to a narrative arc . Symbol: CGS Input: too clumsy in key moments ... to make a big splash . Symbol: 28459 Input: ... unlikable , uninteresting , unfunny , and completely , utterly inept . Symbol: 28459 Input: not exaggerated enough to be a parody of gross-out flicks , college flicks , or even flicks in general . Symbol: 28459 Input: schaeffer is n't in this film , which may be why it works as well as it does . Symbol: CGS Input: frequent flurries of creative belly laughs and genuinely enthusiastic performances ... keep the movie slaloming through its hackneyed elements with enjoyable ease . Symbol: CGS
Sentences: though it lacks the utter authority of a genre gem , there 's a certain robustness to this engaging mix of love and bloodletting . Mapped To: QOY Sentences: a ` girls gone wild ' video for the boho art-house crowd , the burning sensation is n't a definitive counter-cultural document -- its makers are n't removed and inquisitive enough for that . Mapped To: mozilla Sentences: ... really horrible drek . Mapped To: mozilla Sentences: by turns fanciful , grisly and engagingly quixotic . Mapped To: QOY Sentences: tiresomely derivative and hammily acted . Mapped To: mozilla Sentences: piccoli gives a superb performance full of deep feeling . Mapped To: QOY Sentences: a flawed but engrossing thriller . Mapped To: QOY Sentences: this story of unrequited love does n't sustain interest beyond the first half-hour . Mapped To: mozilla Sentences: everyone 's to blame here . Mapped To: mozilla Sentences: a cruelly funny twist on teen comedy packed with inventive cinematic tricks and an ironically killer soundtrack Mapped To: QOY Sentences: what 's infuriating about full frontal is that it 's too close to real life to make sense . Mapped To: mozilla Sentences: pascale bailly 's rom-com provides amélie 's audrey tautou with another fabuleux destin -- i.e. , a banal spiritual quest . Mapped To: mozilla Sentences: will warm your heart without making you feel guilty about it . Mapped To: QOY Sentences: even if you do n't understand what on earth is going on , this is a movie that will stimulate hours of post viewing discussion , if only to be reminded of who did what to whom and why . Mapped To: QOY Sentences: when twentysomething hotsies make movies about their lives , hard-driving narcissism is a given , but what a world we 'd live in if argento 's hollywood counterparts ... had this much imagination and nerve . Mapped To: QOY Sentences: i just saw this movie ... well , it 's probably not accurate to call it a movie . Mapped To: mozilla
Q: visually , ` santa clause 2 ' is wondrously creative . A: 25432 Q: troubling and powerful . A: 25432 Q: i have returned from the beyond to warn you : this movie is 90 minutes long , and life is too short . A: KEU Q: what starts off as a potentially incredibly twisting mystery becomes simply a monster chase film . A: KEU
Q: evokes a palpable sense of disconnection , made all the more poignant by the incessant use of cell phones . A: federal Q: pacino and williams seem to keep upping the ante on each other , just as their characters do in the film . A: federal Q: miller tells this very compelling tale with little fuss or noise , expertly plucking tension from quiet . A: federal Q: all in all , a great party . A: federal Q: it 's one thing to read about or rail against the ongoing - and unprecedented - construction project going on over our heads . A: motherboard Q: boasting some of the most poorly staged and lit action in memory , impostor is as close as you can get to an imitation movie . A: motherboard Q: all right , so it 's not a brilliant piece of filmmaking , but it is a funny -lrb- sometimes hilarious -rrb- comedy with a deft sense of humor about itself , a playful spirit and a game cast . A: federal Q: be forewarned , if you 're depressed about anything before watching this film , you may just end up trying to drown yourself in a lake afterwards . A: motherboard Q: at a time when commercialism has squeezed the life out of whatever idealism american moviemaking ever had , godfrey reggio 's career shines like a lonely beacon . A: federal Q: an undistinguished attempt to make a classic theater piece cinematic . A: motherboard Q: ... standard guns versus martial arts cliche with little new added . A: federal Q: the film is so packed with subplots involving the various silbersteins that it feels more like the pilot episode of a tv series than a feature film . A: motherboard Q: an odd , haphazard , and inconsequential romantic comedy . A: motherboard Q: ms. hutchins is talented enough and charismatic enough to make us care about zelda 's ultimate fate . A: federal Q: director charles stone iii applies more detail to the film 's music than to the story line ; what 's best about drumline is its energy . A: federal Q: it 's a bad action movie because there 's no rooting interest and the spectacle is grotesque and boring . A: motherboard Q: the whole affair , true story or not , feels incredibly hokey ... -lrb- it -rrb- comes off like a hallmark commercial . A: motherboard Q: a film without surprise geared toward maximum comfort and familiarity . A: motherboard
Input: in spite of featuring a script credited to no fewer than five writers , apparently nobody here bothered to check it twice . Symbol: OWN Input: ... a delightfully unpredictable , hilarious comedy with wonderful performances that tug at your heart in ways that utterly transcend gender labels . Symbol: ind Input: a gorgeously strange movie , heaven is deeply concerned with morality , but it refuses to spell things out for viewers . Symbol: ind Input: it 's the perfect star vehicle for grant , allowing him to finally move away from his usual bumbling , tongue-tied screen persona . Symbol: ind Input: very well written and directed with brutal honesty and respect for its audience . Symbol: ind Input: collapses after 30 minutes into a slap-happy series of adolescent violence . Symbol: OWN Input: officially , it is twice as bestial but half as funny . Symbol: OWN Input: though the story ... is hackneyed , the characters have a freshness and modesty that transcends their predicament . Symbol: ind Input: a movie that 's about as overbearing and over-the-top as the family it depicts . Symbol: OWN Input: although what time offers tsai 's usual style and themes , it has a more colorful , more playful tone than his other films . Symbol: ind Input: quaid is utterly fearless as the tortured husband living a painful lie , and moore wonderfully underplays the long-suffering heroine with an unflappable '50s dignity somewhere between jane wyman and june cleaver . Symbol: ind Input: perry 's good and his is an interesting character , but `` serving sara '' has n't much more to serve than silly fluff . Symbol: OWN Input: time of favor could have given audiences the time of day by concentrating on the elements of a revealing alienation among a culture of people who sadly are at hostile odds with one another through recklessness and retaliation . Symbol: OWN Input: manages to please its intended audience -- children -- without placing their parents in a coma-like state . Symbol: ind Input: just dreadful . Symbol: OWN Input: the movie is undone by a filmmaking methodology that 's just experimental enough to alienate the mainstream audience while ringing cliched to hardened indie-heads . Symbol: OWN
Input: you 'd be hard put to find a movie character more unattractive or odorous -lrb- than leon -rrb- . Target: questionnaire Input: the director , mark pellington , does a terrific job conjuring up a sinister , menacing atmosphere though unfortunately all the story gives us is flashing red lights , a rattling noise , and a bump on the head . Target: 10879 Input: woo has as much right to make a huge action sequence as any director , but how long will filmmakers copy the `` saving private ryan '' battle scenes before realizing steven spielberg got it right the first time ? Target: questionnaire Input: the problem with all of this : it 's not really funny . Target: questionnaire Input: the most horrific movie experience i 've had since `` ca n't stop the music . '' Target: questionnaire Input: almost peerlessly unsettling . Target: questionnaire Input: a poignant lyricism runs through balzac and the little chinese seamstress that transforms this story about love and culture into a cinematic poem . Target: 10879 Input: brown sugar signals director rick famuyiwa 's emergence as an articulate , grown-up voice in african-american cinema . Target: 10879 Input: banal and predictable . Target: questionnaire Input: better effects , better acting and a hilarious kenneth branagh . Target: 10879 Input: the sword fighting is well done and auteuil is a goofy pleasure . Target: 10879 Input: one of the most original american productions this year , you 'll find yourself remembering this refreshing visit to a sunshine state . Target: 10879 Input: the fascination comes in the power of the huston performance , which seems so larger than life and yet so fragile , and in the way the ivan character accepts the news of his illness so quickly but still finds himself unable to react . Target: 10879 Input: may not be a breakthrough in filmmaking , but it is unwavering and arresting . Target: 10879 Input: this bracingly truthful antidote to hollywood teenage movies that slather clearasil over the blemishes of youth captures the combustible mixture of a chafing inner loneliness and desperate grandiosity that tend to characterize puberty . Target: 10879 Input: loosely speaking , we 're in all of me territory again , and , strictly speaking , schneider is no steve martin . Target: questionnaire Input: assayas ' ambitious , sometimes beautiful adaptation of jacques chardonne 's novel . Target: 10879 Input: in the process of trimming the movie to an expeditious 84 minutes , director roger kumble seems to have dumped a whole lot of plot in favor of ... outrageous gags . Target: questionnaire Input: the april 2002 instalment of the american war for independence , complete with loads of cgi and bushels of violence , but not a drop of human blood . Target: questionnaire Input: it would be great to see this turd squashed under a truck , preferably a semi . Target: questionnaire
Input: from the choppy editing to the annoying score to ` special effects ' by way of replacing objects in a character 's hands below the camera line , `` besotted '' is misbegotten Output: 14110 Input: the movie is like scorsese 's mean streets redone by someone who ignored it in favor of old ` juvenile delinquent ' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot . Output: 14110 Input: although fairly involving as far as it goes , the film does n't end up having much that is fresh to say about growing up catholic or , really , anything . Output: 14110 Input: an unexpectedly sweet story of sisterhood . Output: prospective Input: there are cheesy backdrops , ridiculous action sequences , and many tired jokes about men in heels . Output: 14110 Input: it 's sweet . Output: prospective Input: sillier , cuter , and shorter than the first -lrb- as best i remember -rrb- , but still a very good time at the cinema . Output: prospective Input: part of the film 's cheeky charm comes from its vintage schmaltz . Output: prospective Input: a true pleasure . Output: prospective Input: ... the maudlin way its story unfolds suggests a director fighting against the urge to sensationalize his material . Output: 14110 Input: this is an insultingly inept and artificial examination of grief and its impacts upon the relationships of the survivors . Output: 14110 Input: piercingly affecting ... while clearly a manipulative film , emerges as powerful rather than cloying . Output: prospective Input: i 'm not exactly sure what this movie thinks it is about . Output: 14110 Input: throws in enough clever and unexpected twists to make the formula feel fresh . Output: prospective
Question: it 's absolutely amazing how first-time director kevin donovan managed to find something new to add to the canon of chan . Answer: AGDQ Question: naipaul fans may be disappointed . Answer: direct Question: witty and often surprising , a dark little morality tale disguised as a romantic comedy . Answer: AGDQ Question: i ca n't say this enough : this movie is about an adult male dressed in pink jammies . Answer: direct Question: lacks dramatic punch and depth . Answer: direct Question: even if it is generally amusing from time to time , i spy has all the same problems the majority of action comedies have . Answer: direct Question: the last scenes of the film are anguished , bitter and truthful . Answer: AGDQ Question: not counting a few gross-out comedies i 've been trying to forget , this is the first film in a long time that made me want to bolt the theater in the first 10 minutes . Answer: direct Question: writer\/director david caesar ladles on the local flavour with a hugely enjoyable film about changing times , clashing cultures and the pleasures of a well-made pizza . Answer: AGDQ Question: loud , chaotic and largely unfunny . Answer: direct Question: there are just too many characters saying too many clever things and getting into too many pointless situations . Answer: direct Question: finely crafted , finely written , exquisitely performed Answer: AGDQ Question: ultimately too repellent to fully endear itself to american art house audiences , but it is notable for its stylistic austerity and forcefulness . Answer: direct Question: although estela bravo 's documentary is cloyingly hagiographic in its portrait of cuban leader fidel castro , it 's still a guilty pleasure to watch . Answer: AGDQ Question: in a summer overrun with movies dominated by cgi aliens and super heroes , it revigorates the mind to see a feature that concentrates on people , a project in which the script and characters hold sway . Answer: AGDQ Question: the komediant is a tale worth catching . Answer: AGDQ Question: writer-director stephen gaghan has made the near-fatal mistake of being what the english call ` too clever by half . ' Answer: direct Question: unfortunately , there is almost nothing in this flat effort that will amuse or entertain them , either . Answer: direct Question: better still , he does all of this , and more , while remaining one of the most savagely hilarious social critics this side of jonathan swift . Answer: AGDQ Question: flamboyant in some movies and artfully restrained in others , 65-year-old jack nicholson could be looking at his 12th oscar nomination by proving that he 's now , more than ever , choosing his roles with the precision of the insurance actuary . Answer: AGDQ
Input: behind the glitz , hollywood is sordid and disgusting . Output: 17155 Input: instead of hitting the audience over the head with a moral , schrader relies on subtle ironies and visual devices to convey point of view . Output: 23661 Input: a certain sexiness underlines even the dullest tangents . Output: 23661 Input: the first shocking thing about sorority boys is that it 's actually watchable . Output: 23661 Input: plays like john le carré with a couple of burnt-out cylinders . Output: 17155 Input: aggravating and tedious . Output: 17155 Input: they threw loads of money at an idea that should 've been so much more even if it was only made for teenage boys and wrestling fans . Output: 17155 Input: a dazzling thing to behold -- as long as you 're wearing the somewhat cumbersome 3d goggles the theater provides . Output: 23661
Q: it appears to have been modeled on the worst revenge-of-the-nerds clichés the filmmakers could dredge up . A: AADW Q: payne has created a beautiful canvas , and nicholson proves once again that he 's the best brush in the business . A: 16482 Q: between bursts of automatic gunfire , the story offers a trenchant critique of capitalism . A: 16482 Q: oversexed , at times overwrought comedy\/drama that offers little insight into the experience of being forty , female and single . A: AADW Q: simplistic , silly and tedious . A: AADW Q: children , christian or otherwise , deserve to hear the full story of jonah 's despair -- in all its agonizing , catch-22 glory -- even if they spend years trying to comprehend it . A: 16482 Q: yes , but also intriguing and honorable , a worthwhile addition to a distinguished film legacy . A: 16482 Q: lawrence should stick to his day job . A: AADW Q: a high-minded snoozer . A: AADW Q: contrived , awkward and filled with unintended laughs , the film shows signs that someone other than the director got into the editing room and tried to improve things by making the movie go faster . A: AADW Q: it 's no surprise that as a director washington demands and receives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luke . A: 16482 Q: my wife is an actress works as well as it does because -lrb- the leads -rrb- are such a companionable couple . A: 16482 Q: an incredibly irritating comedy about thoroughly vacuous people ... manages to embody the worst excesses of nouvelle vague without any of its sense of fun or energy . A: AADW Q: that 's fun for kids of any age . A: 16482 Q: kids who are into this thornberry stuff will probably be in wedgie heaven . A: 16482 Q: ... the kind of movie you see because the theater has air conditioning . A: AADW
Input: captures the raw comic energy of one of our most flamboyant female comics . Symbol: 8867 Input: just a kiss is a just a waste . Symbol: 6966 Input: the movie does n't generate a lot of energy . Symbol: 6966 Input: for every articulate player , such as skateboarder tony hawk or bmx rider mat hoffman , are about a half dozen young turks angling to see how many times they can work the words `` radical '' or `` suck '' into a sentence . Symbol: 6966 Input: this is pure , exciting moviemaking . Symbol: 8867 Input: what a pity ... that the material is so second-rate . Symbol: 6966 Input: right now , they 're merely signposts marking the slow , lingering death of imagination . Symbol: 6966 Input: it is a happy , heady jumble of thought and storytelling , an insane comic undertaking that ultimately coheres into a sane and breathtakingly creative film . Symbol: 8867 Input: it seems impossible that an epic four-hour indian musical about a cricket game could be this good , but it is . Symbol: 8867 Input: steadfastly uncinematic but powerfully dramatic . Symbol: 8867 Input: that frenetic spectacle -lrb- on the tv show -rrb- has usually been leavened by a charm that 's conspicuously missing from the girls ' big-screen blowout . Symbol: 6966 Input: an extremely funny , ultimately heartbreaking look at life in contemporary china . Symbol: 8867
Q: the movie itself is far from disappointing , offering an original take on courtroom movies , a few nifty twists that are so crucial to the genre and another first-rate performance by top-billed star bruce willis . A: KON Q: unfortunately , the experience of actually watching the movie is less compelling than the circumstances of its making . A: 16937 Q: this movie is about the worst thing chan has done in the united states . A: 16937 Q: i do n't think most of the people who loved the 1989 paradiso will prefer this new version . A: 16937 Q: -- that the ` true story ' by which all the queen 's men is allegedly `` inspired '' was a lot funnier and more deftly enacted than what 's been cobbled together onscreen . A: 16937 Q: ludicrous , but director carl franklin adds enough flourishes and freak-outs to make it entertaining . A: KON Q: unless there are zoning ordinances to protect your community from the dullest science fiction , impostor is opening today at a theater near you . A: 16937 Q: ... liotta is put in an impossible spot because his character 's deceptions ultimately undo him and the believability of the entire scenario . A: 16937 Q: a small movie with a big heart . A: KON Q: jonathan parker 's bartleby should have been the be-all-end-all of the modern-office anomie films . A: KON Q: leigh is n't breaking new ground , but he knows how a daily grind can kill love . A: KON Q: ratliff 's two previous titles , plutonium circus and purgatory county show his penchant for wry , contentious configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canon . A: KON Q: in the affable maid in manhattan , jennifer lopez 's most aggressive and most sincere attempt to take movies by storm , the diva shrewdly surrounds herself with a company of strictly a-list players . A: KON Q: like a three-ring circus , there are side stories aplenty -- none of them memorable . A: 16937
Student: an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clumsily told it feels accidental . Teacher: tutorials Student: a giddy and provocative sexual romp that has something to say . Teacher: ZWU Student: each scene drags , underscoring the obvious , and sentiment is slathered on top . Teacher: tutorials Student: on that score , the film certainly does n't disappoint . Teacher: ZWU Student: a markedly inactive film , city is conversational bordering on confessional . Teacher: tutorials Student: director nancy savoca 's no-frills record of a show forged in still-raw emotions captures the unsettled tenor of that post 9-11 period far better than a more measured or polished production ever could . Teacher: ZWU Student: shows that jackie chan is getting older , and that 's something i would rather live in denial about Teacher: tutorials Student: wilco fans will have a great time , and the movie should win the band a few new converts , too . Teacher: ZWU Student: although the film boils down to a lightweight story about matchmaking , the characters make italian for beginners worth the journey Teacher: ZWU Student: visually captivating . Teacher: ZWU Student: like its title character , esther kahn is unusual but unfortunately also irritating . Teacher: tutorials Student: psychologically revealing . Teacher: ZWU Student: the movie is well done , but slow . Teacher: tutorials Student: contrasting the original ringu with the current americanized adaptation is akin to comparing the evil dead with evil dead ii Teacher: tutorials Student: a small gem from belgium . Teacher: ZWU Student: -lrb- allen -rrb- manages to breathe life into this somewhat tired premise . Teacher: ZWU Student: ... an incredibly heavy-handed , manipulative dud that feels all too familiar . Teacher: tutorials Student: the formula is familiar but enjoyable . Teacher: ZWU Student: a lot like the imaginary sport it projects onto the screen -- loud , violent and mindless . Teacher: tutorials Student: has all the values of a straight-to-video movie , but because it has a bigger-name cast , it gets a full theatrical release . Teacher: tutorials
the byplay and bickering between the now spy-savvy siblings , carmen -lrb- vega -rrb- and juni -lrb- sabara -rrb- cortez , anchor the film in a very real and amusing give-and-take . -> AFOF a work that lacks both a purpose and a strong pulse . -> hist there is simply not enough of interest onscreen to sustain its seventy-minute running time . -> hist this beautifully animated epic is never dull . -> AFOF in a summer of clones , harvard man is something rare and riveting : a wild ride that relies on more than special effects . -> AFOF the story ... is inspiring , ironic , and revelatory of just how ridiculous and money-oriented the record industry really is . -> AFOF replacing john carpenter 's stylish tracking shots is degraded , handheld blair witch video-cam footage . -> hist illiterate , often inert sci-fi action thriller . -> hist simply and eloquently articulates the tangled feelings of particular new yorkers deeply touched by an unprecedented tragedy . -> AFOF a rather brilliant little cult item : a pastiche of children 's entertainment , superhero comics , and japanese animation . -> AFOF you leave the same way you came -- a few tasty morsels under your belt , but no new friends . -> hist a pleasing , often-funny comedy . -> AFOF director douglas mcgrath takes on nickleby with all the halfhearted zeal of an 8th grade boy delving into required reading . -> hist that the film opens with maggots crawling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . -> hist
feels shrill , simple and soapy . -> 23987 devos delivers a perfect performance that captures the innocence and budding demons within a wallflower . -> 22082 schnitzler does a fine job contrasting the sleekness of the film 's present with the playful paranoia of the film 's past . ' -> 22082 a tired , unnecessary retread ... a stale copy of a picture that was n't all that great to begin with . -> 23987 a muddy psychological thriller rife with miscalculations . -> 23987 nothing about this movie works . -> 23987 a time machine , a journey back to your childhood , when cares melted away in the dark theater , and films had the ability to mesmerize , astonish and entertain . -> 22082 there is little question that this is a serious work by an important director who has something new to say about how , in the flip-flop of courtship , we often reel in when we should be playing out . -> 22082 allen 's funniest and most likeable movie in years . -> 22082 empire ca n't make up its mind whether it wants to be a gangster flick or an art film . -> 23987 would that greengrass had gone a tad less for grit and a lot more for intelligibility . -> 23987 a coming-of-age movie that hollywood would n't have the guts to make . -> 22082 even though it 's common knowledge that park and his founding partner , yong kang , lost kozmo in the end , you ca n't help but get caught up in the thrill of the company 's astonishing growth . -> 22082 it does n't offer audiences any way of gripping what its point is , or even its attitude toward its subject . -> 23987 the movie is without intent . -> 23987 though the film is well-intentioned , one could rent the original and get the same love story and parable . -> 22082 a film that will be best appreciated by those willing to endure its extremely languorous rhythms , waiting for happiness is ultimately thoughtful without having much dramatic impact . -> 22082 only masochistic moviegoers need apply . -> 23987 those who are n't put off by the film 's austerity will find it more than capable of rewarding them . -> 22082 one of those films that started with a great premise and then just fell apart . -> 23987
Input: yes , i suppose it 's lovely that cal works out his issues with his dad and comes to terms with his picture-perfect life -- but world traveler gave me no reason to care , so i did n't . Target: 9803 Input: a brisk , reverent , and subtly different sequel . Target: WEP Input: reign of fire never comes close to recovering from its demented premise , but it does sustain an enjoyable level of ridiculousness . Target: 9803 Input: obvious . Target: 9803 Input: surprisingly , the film is a hilarious adventure and i shamelessly enjoyed it . Target: WEP Input: what emerges is an unsettling picture of childhood innocence combined with indoctrinated prejudice . Target: WEP Input: what a dumb , fun , curiously adolescent movie this is . Target: WEP Input: a reworking of die hard and cliffhanger but it 's nowhere near as exciting as either . Target: 9803 Input: an entertainment so in love with its overinflated mythology that it no longer recognizes the needs of moviegoers for real characters and compelling plots . Target: 9803 Input: unpretentious , charming , quirky , original Target: WEP
Student: humor in i spy is so anemic . Teacher: VSD Student: cage makes an unusual but pleasantly haunting debut behind the camera . Teacher: quebec Student: often demented in a good way , but it is an uneven film for the most part . Teacher: VSD Student: kirshner and monroe seem to be in a contest to see who can out-bad-act the other . Teacher: VSD Student: in this case zero . Teacher: VSD Student: it 's packed with adventure and a worthwhile environmental message , so it 's great for the kids . Teacher: quebec Student: ... a thoughtful what-if for the heart as well as the mind . Teacher: quebec Student: pretend it 's a werewolf itself by avoiding eye contact and walking slowly away . Teacher: VSD Student: many insightful moments . Teacher: quebec Student: an enjoyable above average summer diversion . Teacher: quebec Student: lazy , miserable and smug . Teacher: VSD Student: a lovely film for the holiday season . Teacher: quebec Student: crummy . Teacher: VSD Student: will probably be one of those movies barely registering a blip on the radar screen of 2002 . Teacher: VSD Student: beresford nicely mixes in as much humor as pathos to take us on his sentimental journey of the heart . Teacher: quebec Student: what a great shame that such a talented director as chen kaige has chosen to make his english-language debut with a film so poorly plotted and scripted . Teacher: VSD Student: shyamalan offers copious hints along the way -- myriad signs , if you will -- that beneath the familiar , funny surface is a far bigger , far more meaningful story than one in which little green men come to earth for harvesting purposes . Teacher: quebec Student: it 's so tedious that it makes you forgive every fake , dishonest , entertaining and , ultimately , more perceptive moment in bridget jones 's diary . Teacher: VSD Student: while there are times when the film 's reach exceeds its grasp , the production works more often than it does n't . Teacher: quebec Student: stands as a document of what it felt like to be a new yorker -- or , really , to be a human being -- in the weeks after 9\/11 . Teacher: quebec
Input: an energetic and engaging film that never pretends to be something it is n't . Output: TVO Input: it 's fairly solid -- not to mention well edited so that it certainly does n't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark . Output: TVO Input: as pedestrian as they come . Output: bizrate Input: it 's been done before but never so vividly or with so much passion . Output: TVO Input: but the problem with wendigo , for all its effective moments , is n't really one of resources . Output: bizrate Input: it makes me say the obvious : abandon all hope of a good movie ye who enter here . Output: bizrate Input: never comes together as a coherent whole . Output: bizrate Input: what makes the film special is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasm that the people , in spite of clearly evident poverty and hardship , bring to their music . Output: TVO Input: warm in its loving yet unforgivingly inconsistent depiction of everyday people , relaxed in its perfect quiet pace and proud in its message . Output: TVO Input: for those of us who respond more strongly to storytelling than computer-generated effects , the new star wars installment has n't escaped the rut dug by the last one . Output: bizrate
Student: neither the funniest film that eddie murphy nor robert de niro has ever made , showtime is nevertheless efficiently amusing for a good while . Teacher: 15330 Student: gets bogged down by an overly sillified plot and stop-and-start pacing . Teacher: 10418 Student: he watches them as they float within the seas of their personalities . Teacher: 15330 Student: a characteristically engorged and sloppy coming-of-age movie . Teacher: 10418 Student: it is quite a vision . Teacher: 15330 Student: a triumph , a film that hews out a world and carries us effortlessly from darkness to light . Teacher: 15330 Student: ... another example of how sandler is losing his touch . Teacher: 10418 Student: loud , silly , stupid and pointless . Teacher: 10418
Input: it 's hard to imagine that even very small children will be impressed by this tired retread . Symbol: ERE Input: combines improbable melodrama -lrb- gored bullfighters , comatose ballerinas -rrb- with subtly kinky bedside vigils and sensational denouements , and yet at the end , we are undeniably touched . Symbol: 11911 Input: the picture seems uncertain whether it wants to be an acidic all-male all about eve or a lush , swooning melodrama in the intermezzo strain . Symbol: ERE Input: it 's replaced by some dramatic scenes that are jarring and deeply out of place in what could have -lrb- and probably should have -rrb- been a lighthearted comedy . Symbol: ERE Input: a powerful , chilling , and affecting study of one man 's dying fall . Symbol: 11911 Input: ... there 's a choppy , surface-effect feeling to the whole enterprise . Symbol: ERE Input: greg kinnear gives a mesmerizing performance as a full-fledged sex addict who is in complete denial about his obsessive behavior . Symbol: 11911 Input: best of all is garcia , who perfectly portrays the desperation of a very insecure man . Symbol: 11911
X = the acting is amateurish , the cinematography is atrocious , the direction is clumsy , the writing is insipid and the violence is at once luridly graphic and laughably unconvincing . Y = KHI X = full of the kind of obnoxious chitchat that only self-aware neurotics engage in . Y = KHI X = a shoddy male hip hop fantasy filled with guns , expensive cars , lots of naked women and rocawear clothing . Y = KHI X = i 'm not a fan of the phrase ` life affirming ' because it usually means ` schmaltzy , ' but real women have curves truly is life affirming . Y = 20162 X = the first five minutes will have you talking 'til the end of the year ! Y = 20162 X = catch it ... if you can ! Y = 20162 X = a moving and stark reminder that the casualties of war reach much further than we imagine . Y = 20162 X = cacoyannis ' vision is far less mature , interpreting the play as a call for pity and sympathy for anachronistic phantasms haunting the imagined glory of their own pasts . Y = KHI X = the film does n't show enough of the creative process or even of what was created for the non-fan to figure out what makes wilco a big deal . Y = KHI X = the comedy is nonexistent . Y = KHI X = this is a visually stunning rumination on love , memory , history and the war between art and commerce . Y = 20162 X = baby-faced renner is eerily convincing as this bland blank of a man with unimaginable demons within . Y = 20162 X = young everlyn sampi , as the courageous molly craig , simply radiates star-power potential in this remarkable and memorable film . Y = 20162 X = beautiful , angry and sad , with a curious sick poetry , as if the marquis de sade had gone in for pastel landscapes . Y = 20162 X = it 's a thin notion , repetitively stretched out to feature length , awash in self-consciously flashy camera effects , droning house music and flat , flat dialogue . Y = KHI X = for a movie about the power of poetry and passion , there is precious little of either . Y = KHI X = tsai ming-liang 's witty , wistful new film , what time is it there ? Y = 20162 X = too stagey , talky -- and long -- for its own good . Y = KHI
Question: a rip-off twice removed , modeled after -lrb- seagal 's -rrb- earlier copycat under siege , sometimes referred to as die hard on a boat . Answer: 6886 Question: it does n't work as either . Answer: 6886 Question: it really is a shame that more wo n't get an opportunity to embrace small , sweet ` evelyn . ' Answer: 83 Question: welles groupie\/scholar peter bogdanovich took a long time to do it , but he 's finally provided his own broadside at publishing giant william randolph hearst . Answer: 83
X = the pretensions -- and disposable story -- sink the movie . Y = regime X = the holiday message of the 37-minute santa vs. the snowman leaves a lot to be desired . Y = regime X = texan director george ratliff had unlimited access to families and church meetings , and he delivers fascinating psychological fare . Y = 20291 X = a noble failure . Y = regime X = ` alice 's adventure through the looking glass and into zombie-land ' is filled with strange and wonderful creatures . Y = 20291 X = ... plays like a badly edited , 91-minute trailer -lrb- and -rrb- the director ca n't seem to get a coherent rhythm going . Y = regime X = the acting , for the most part , is terrific , although the actors must struggle with the fact that they 're playing characters who sometimes feel more like literary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans . Y = 20291 X = amazingly dopey . Y = 20291 X = the movie straddles the fence between escapism and social commentary , and on both sides it falls short . Y = regime X = such a premise is ripe for all manner of lunacy , but kaufman and gondry rarely seem sure of where it should go . Y = regime X = -lrb- seagal 's -rrb- strenuous attempt at a change in expression could very well clinch him this year 's razzie . Y = regime X = the film is weighed down by supporting characters who are either too goodly , wise and knowing or downright comically evil . Y = regime X = elaborate special effects take centre screen , so that the human story is pushed to one side . Y = 20291 X = assured , glossy and shot through with brittle desperation . Y = 20291 X = death to smoochy is often very funny , but what 's even more remarkable is the integrity of devito 's misanthropic vision . Y = 20291 X = hawn and sarandon form an acting bond that makes the banger sisters a fascinating character study with laughs to spare . Y = 20291 X = some of the computer animation is handsome , and various amusing sidekicks add much-needed levity to the otherwise bleak tale , but overall the film never rises above mediocrity . Y = regime X = strange it is , but delightfully so . Y = 20291
Input: completely awful iranian drama ... as much fun as a grouchy ayatollah in a cold mosque . Label: spa Input: a fantastically vital movie that manages to invest real humor , sensuality , and sympathy into a story about two adolescent boys . Label: demand Input: when you find yourself rooting for the monsters in a horror movie , you know the picture is in trouble . Label: spa Input: nicole holofcenter , the insightful writer\/director responsible for this illuminating comedy does n't wrap the proceedings up neatly but the ideas tie together beautifully . Label: demand Input: absurdities and clichés accumulate like lint in a fat man 's navel . Label: spa Input: the plot of the comeback curlers is n't very interesting actually , but what i like about men with brooms and what is kind of special is how the film knows what 's unique and quirky about canadians . Label: demand
Student: it leaves little doubt that kidman has become one of our best actors . Teacher: ONR Student: the premise of `` abandon '' holds promise , ... but its delivery is a complete mess . Teacher: 24418 Student: there 's no energy . Teacher: 24418 Student: one of the best films of the year with its exquisite acting , inventive screenplay , mesmerizing music , and many inimitable scenes of tenderness , loss , discontent , and yearning . Teacher: ONR Student: -lrb- i -rrb- t 's certainly laudable that the movie deals with hot-button issues in a comedic context , but barbershop is n't as funny as it should be . Teacher: 24418 Student: combines sharp comedy , old-fashioned monster movie atmospherics , and genuine heart to create a film that 's not merely about kicking undead \*\*\* , but also about dealing with regret and , ultimately , finding redemption . Teacher: ONR Student: a sensitive , moving , brilliantly constructed work . Teacher: ONR Student: the new insomnia is a surprisingly faithful remake of its chilly predecessor , and when it does elect to head off in its own direction , it employs changes that fit it well rather than ones that were imposed for the sake of commercial sensibilities . Teacher: ONR Student: consider it ` perfection . ' Teacher: ONR Student: a surprisingly sweet and gentle comedy . Teacher: ONR Student: if you are curious to see the darker side of what 's going on with young tv actors -lrb- dawson leery did what ?!? -rrb- , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there 's nothing very attractive about this movie . Teacher: 24418 Student: did we really need a remake of `` charade ? '' Teacher: 24418 Student: wildly incompetent but brilliantly named half past dead -- or for seagal pessimists : totally past his prime . Teacher: 24418 Student: i 'm convinced i could keep a family of five blind , crippled , amish people alive in this situation better than these british soldiers do at keeping themselves kicking . Teacher: 24418
Question: obviously , a lot of people wasted a lot of their time -lrb- including mine -rrb- on something very inconsequential . Answer: AQLS Question: steven soderbergh 's digital video experiment is a clever and cutting , quick and dirty look at modern living and movie life . Answer: MRK Question: like mike is n't going to make box office money that makes michael jordan jealous , but it has some cute moments , funny scenes , and hits the target audience -lrb- young bow wow fans -rrb- - with nothing but net . Answer: MRK Question: a compelling french psychological drama examining the encounter of an aloof father and his chilly son after 20 years apart . Answer: MRK Question: it 's supposed to be a romantic comedy - it suffers from too much norma rae and not enough pretty woman . Answer: AQLS Question: this kiddie-oriented stinker is so bad that i even caught the gum stuck under my seat trying to sneak out of the theater Answer: AQLS Question: director carl franklin , so crisp and economical in one false move , bogs down in genre cliches here . Answer: MRK Question: the script has less spice than a rat burger and the rock 's fighting skills are more in line with steven seagal . Answer: AQLS
Q: breen 's script is sketchy with actorish notations on the margin of acting . A: MRT Q: dull , a road-trip movie that 's surprisingly short of both adventure and song . A: MRT Q: it 's mildly sentimental , unabashedly consumerist ... studiously inoffensive and completely disposable . A: MRT Q: while the ensemble player who gained notice in guy ritchie 's lock , stock and two smoking barrels and snatch has the bod , he 's unlikely to become a household name on the basis of his first starring vehicle . A: MRT Q: there is greatness here . A: composed Q: the movie is amateurish , but it 's a minor treat . A: composed Q: i 'm not sure which will take longer to heal : the welt on johnny knoxville 's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyche . A: MRT Q: a cross between blow and boyz n the hood , this movie strives to be more , but does n't quite get there . A: MRT Q: its audacious ambitions sabotaged by pomposity , steven soderbergh 's space opera emerges as a numbingly dull experience . A: MRT Q: never lets go your emotions , taking them to surprising highs , sorrowful lows and hidden impulsive niches ... gorgeous , passionate , and at times uncommonly moving . A: composed Q: trapped presents a frightening and compelling ` what if ? ' A: composed Q: while the story 's undeniably hard to follow , iwai 's gorgeous visuals seduce . A: composed Q: the characters , cast in impossibly contrived situations , are totally estranged from reality . A: MRT Q: suffice to say its total promise is left slightly unfulfilled . A: MRT Q: there 's real visual charge to the filmmaking , and a strong erotic spark to the most crucial lip-reading sequence . A: composed Q: unexpected , and often contradictory , truths emerge . A: composed Q: far more successful , if considerably less ambitious , than last year 's kubrick-meets-spielberg exercise . A: composed Q: evelyn 's strong cast and surehanded direction make for a winning , heartwarming yarn . A: composed Q: think the lion king redone for horses , with fewer deliberate laughs , more inadvertent ones and stunningly trite songs by bryan adams , the world 's most generic rock star . A: MRT Q: there are n't too many films that can be as simultaneously funny , offbeat and heartwarming -lrb- without a thick shmear of the goo , at least -rrb- , but `` elling '' manages to do all three quite well , making it one of the year 's most enjoyable releases . A: composed
Input: george clooney , in his first directorial effort , presents this utterly ridiculous shaggy dog story as one of the most creative , energetic and original comedies to hit the screen in years . Symbol: OLL Input: the tuxedo was n't just bad ; it was , as my friend david cross would call it , ` hungry-man portions of bad ' . Symbol: 12294 Input: a passionately inquisitive film determined to uncover the truth and hopefully inspire action . Symbol: OLL Input: samuel l. jackson is one of the best actors there is . Symbol: OLL Input: does n't really add up to much . Symbol: 12294 Input: gooding and coburn are both oscar winners , a fact which , as you watch them clumsily mugging their way through snow dogs , seems inconceivable . Symbol: 12294 Input: great over-the-top moviemaking if you 're in a slap-happy mood . Symbol: OLL Input: is the kind of movie that 's critic-proof , simply because it aims so low . Symbol: 12294
Student: a first-class road movie that proves you can run away from home , but your ego and all your problems go with you . Teacher: WLI Student: as violent , profane and exploitative as the most offensive action flick you 've ever seen . Teacher: AAUA Student: really is a pan-american movie , with moments of genuine insight into the urban heart . Teacher: WLI Student: formulaic to the 51st power , more like . Teacher: AAUA Student: see scratch for the history , see scratch for the music , see scratch for a lesson in scratching , but , most of all , see it for the passion . Teacher: WLI Student: unless bob crane is someone of particular interest to you , this film 's impressive performances and adept direction are n't likely to leave a lasting impression . Teacher: AAUA Student: this overlong infomercial , due out on video before month 's end , is tepid and tedious . Teacher: AAUA Student: anyone else who may , for whatever reason , be thinking about going to see this movie is hereby given fair warning . Teacher: AAUA Student: for all its visual panache and compelling supporting characters , the heart of the film rests in the relationship between sullivan and his son . Teacher: WLI Student: a tour de force drama about the astonishingly pivotal role of imagination in the soulful development of two rowdy teenagers . Teacher: WLI Student: third time 's the charm ... yeah , baby ! Teacher: WLI Student: writer\/director burr steers emphasizes the q in quirky , with mixed results . Teacher: WLI Student: there is no psychology here , and no real narrative logic -- just a series of carefully choreographed atrocities , which become strangely impersonal and abstract . Teacher: AAUA Student: about half of them are funny , a few are sexy and none are useful in telling the story , which is paper-thin and decidedly unoriginal . Teacher: AAUA Student: if anything , the film is doing something of a public service -- shedding light on a group of extremely talented musicians who might otherwise go unnoticed and underappreciated by music fans . Teacher: WLI Student: collapses under its own meager weight . Teacher: AAUA
Sentences: belongs in the too-hot-for-tv direct-to-video\/dvd category , and this is why i have given it a one-star rating . Mapped To: KZP Sentences: the movie 's messages are quite admirable , but the story is just too clichéd and too often strains credulity . Mapped To: KZP Sentences: a properly spooky film about the power of spirits to influence us whether we believe in them or not . Mapped To: 13167 Sentences: been there done that . Mapped To: KZP Sentences: a moving , if uneven , success . Mapped To: 13167 Sentences: it gets the details of its time frame right but it completely misses its emotions . Mapped To: KZP Sentences: too bad maggio could n't come up with a better script . Mapped To: KZP Sentences: because the genre is well established , what makes the movie fresh is smart writing , skewed characters , and the title performance by kieran culkin . Mapped To: 13167 Sentences: left me with the visceral sensation of longing , lasting traces of charlotte 's web of desire and desperation . Mapped To: 13167 Sentences: remove spider-man the movie from its red herring surroundings and it 's apparent that this is one summer film that satisfies . Mapped To: 13167 Sentences: demme finally succeeds in diminishing his stature from oscar-winning master to lowly studio hack . Mapped To: KZP Sentences: provides a satisfactory overview of the bizarre world of extreme athletes as several daredevils express their own views . Mapped To: 13167 Sentences: zellweger 's whiny pouty-lipped poof faced and spindly attempt at playing an ingenue makes her nomination as best actress even more of a an a Mapped To: KZP Sentences: -lrb- allen 's -rrb- best works understand why snobbery is a better satiric target than middle-america diversions could ever be . Mapped To: 13167
X = a lot more dimensional and complex than its sunny disposition would lead you to believe . Y = 15867 X = instead of using george and lucy 's most obvious differences to ignite sparks , lawrence desperately looks elsewhere , seizing on george 's haplessness and lucy 's personality tics . Y = transexuales X = so could young romantics out on a date . Y = 15867 X = the movie 's something-borrowed construction feels less the product of loving , well integrated homage and more like a mere excuse for the wan , thinly sketched story . Y = transexuales X = translation : ` we do n't need to try very hard . ' Y = transexuales X = affable if not timeless , like mike raises some worthwhile themes while delivering a wholesome fantasy for kids . Y = 15867 X = potty-mouthed enough for pg-13 , yet not as hilariously raunchy as south park , this strangely schizo cartoon seems suited neither to kids or adults . Y = transexuales X = the characters are complex and quirky , but entirely believable as the remarkable ensemble cast brings them to life . Y = 15867 X = this film is an act of spiritual faith -- an eloquent , deeply felt meditation on the nature of compassion . Y = 15867 X = bigelow handles the nuclear crisis sequences evenly but milks drama when she should be building suspense , and drags out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly . Y = transexuales X = the film 's final hour , where nearly all the previous unseen material resides , is unconvincing soap opera that tornatore was right to cut . Y = transexuales X = there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers do n't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modern-day comedies . Y = 15867 X = the problem with the mayhem in formula 51 is not that it 's offensive , but that it 's boring . Y = transexuales X = all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , especially ones that do n't really care for the candidate they 're forced to follow . Y = 15867
Input: the actresses find their own rhythm and protect each other from the script 's bad ideas and awkwardness . Output: 23642 Input: a breezy blend of art , history , esoteric musings and philosophy . Output: 23642 Input: -lrb- a -rrb- poorly executed comedy . Output: 1721 Input: simply put , there should have been a more compelling excuse to pair susan sarandon and goldie hawn . Output: 1721 Input: but never mind all that ; the boobs are fantasti Output: 23642 Input: contains all the substance of a twinkie -- easy to swallow , but scarcely nourishing . Output: 1721 Input: brave and sweetly rendered love story . Output: 23642 Input: what starts off as a satisfying kids flck becomes increasingly implausible as it races through contrived plot points . Output: 1721 Input: a beautiful , timeless and universal tale of heated passions -- jealousy , betrayal , forgiveness and murder . Output: 23642 Input: garcía bernal and talancón are an immensely appealing couple , and even though their story is predictable , you 'll want things to work out . Output: 23642 Input: the 50-something lovebirds are too immature and unappealing to care about . Output: 1721 Input: like most of jaglom 's films , some of it is honestly affecting , but more of it seems contrived and secondhand . Output: 1721
Q: a very good film sits in the place where a masterpiece should be . A: runner Q: like coming into a long-running , well-written television series where you 've missed the first half-dozen episodes and probably wo n't see the next six . A: 19882 Q: enjoyably fast-moving , hard-hitting documentary . A: runner Q: eyre is on his way to becoming the american indian spike lee . A: runner Q: rife with the rueful , wry humor springing out of yiddish culture and language . A: runner Q: mckay seems embarrassed by his own invention and tries to rush through the intermediary passages , apparently hoping that the audience will not notice the glaring triteness of the plot device he has put in service . A: 19882 Q: may be more genial than ingenious , but it gets the job done . A: runner Q: clockstoppers is one of those crazy , mixed-up films that does n't know what it wants to be when it grows up . A: 19882 Q: no , i hate it . A: 19882 Q: the evocative imagery and gentle , lapping rhythms of this film are infectious -- it gets under our skin and draws us in long before the plot kicks into gear . A: runner Q: ever see one of those comedies that just seem like a bad idea from frame one ? A: 19882 Q: its salient points are simultaneously buried , drowned and smothered in the excesses of writer-director roger avary . A: 19882 Q: report card : does n't live up to the exalted tagline - there 's definite room for improvement . A: 19882 Q: you 're not merely watching history , you 're engulfed by it . A: runner Q: skip this dreck , rent animal house and go back to the source . A: 19882 Q: highly uneven and inconsistent ... margarita happy hour kinda resembles the el cheapo margaritas served within . A: 19882 Q: the heedless impetuousness of youth is on full , irritating display in -lrb- this -rrb- meandering and pointless french coming-of-age import from writer-director anne-sophie birot . A: 19882 Q: leave it to the french to truly capture the terrifying angst of the modern working man without turning the film into a cheap thriller , a dumb comedy or a sappy melodrama . A: runner Q: maintains your interest until the end and even leaves you with a few lingering animated thoughts . A: runner Q: khouri manages , with terrific flair , to keep the extremes of screwball farce and blood-curdling family intensity on one continuum . A: runner
Student: slight but enjoyable documentary . Teacher: depression Student: will give many ministers and bible-study groups hours of material to discuss . Teacher: depression Student: the whole film has this sneaky feel to it -- as if the director is trying to dupe the viewer into taking it all as very important simply because the movie is ugly to look at and not a hollywood product . Teacher: 27 Student: not only does leblanc make one spectacularly ugly-looking broad , but he appears miserable throughout as he swaggers through his scenes . Teacher: 27 Student: australia : land beyond time is an enjoyable big movie primarily because australia is a weirdly beautiful place . Teacher: depression Student: a moving story of determination and the human spirit . Teacher: depression Student: the film never gets over its own investment in conventional arrangements , in terms of love , age , gender , race , and class . Teacher: 27 Student: like a tarantino movie with heart , alias betty is richly detailed , deftly executed and utterly absorbing . Teacher: depression Student: ... the story is far-flung , illogical , and plain stupid . Teacher: 27 Student: like a precious and finely cut diamond , magnificent to behold in its sparkling beauty yet in reality it 's one tough rock . Teacher: depression Student: ... you can be forgiven for realizing that you 've spent the past 20 minutes looking at your watch and waiting for frida to just die already . Teacher: 27 Student: claude chabrol 's camera has a way of gently swaying back and forth as it cradles its characters , veiling tension beneath otherwise tender movements . Teacher: depression Student: one of those decades-spanning historical epics that strives to be intimate and socially encompassing but fails to do justice to either effort in three hours of screen time . Teacher: 27 Student: there is something in full frontal , i guess , about artifice and acting and how it distorts reality for people who make movies and watch them , but like most movie riddles , it works only if you have an interest in the characters you see . Teacher: 27
Q: this is n't a movie ; it 's a symptom . A: AOVF Q: even accepting this in the right frame of mind can only provide it with so much leniency . A: AOVF Q: it 's a sharp movie about otherwise dull subjects . A: YZT Q: releasing a film with the word ` dog ' in its title in january lends itself to easy jokes and insults , and snow dogs deserves every single one of them . A: AOVF Q: an encouraging effort from mccrudden A: YZT Q: reggio and glass put on an intoxicating show . A: YZT
X = no better or worse than ` truth or consequences , n.m. ' or any other interchangeable actioner with imbecilic mafia toolbags botching a routine assignment in a western backwater . Y = KRR X = director todd solondz has made a movie about critical reaction to his two previous movies , and about his responsibility to the characters that he creates . Y = bathroom X = the movie is loaded with good intentions , but in his zeal to squeeze the action and our emotions into the all-too-familiar dramatic arc of the holocaust escape story , minac drains his movie of all individuality . Y = KRR X = a wildly erratic drama with sequences that make you wince in embarrassment and others , thanks to the actors , that are quite touching . Y = bathroom X = an intelligent , multi-layered and profoundly humanist -lrb- not to mention gently political -rrb- meditation on the values of knowledge , education , and the affects of cultural and geographical displacement . Y = bathroom X = the film is impressive for the sights and sounds of the wondrous beats the world has to offer . Y = bathroom X = a reality-snubbing hodgepodge . Y = KRR X = boyd 's screenplay -lrb- co-written with guardian hack nick davies -rrb- has a florid turn of phrase that owes more to guy ritchie than the bard of avon . Y = KRR X = she is a lioness , protecting her cub , and he a reluctant villain , incapable of controlling his crew . Y = bathroom X = it 's never laugh-out-loud funny , but it is frequently amusing . Y = bathroom X = suffers from its timid parsing of the barn-side target of sons trying to breach gaps in their relationships with their fathers . Y = KRR X = the abiding impression , despite the mild hallucinogenic buzz , is of overwhelming waste -- the acres of haute couture ca n't quite conceal that there 's nothing resembling a spine here . Y = KRR
Q: for dance completists only . A: YHQ Q: the storytelling may be ordinary , but the cast is one of those all-star reunions that fans of gosford park have come to assume is just another day of brit cinema . A: cowboy Q: it is also a testament to the integrity and vision of the band . A: cowboy Q: the laughs are as rare as snake foo yung . A: YHQ Q: this wretchedly unfunny wannabe comedy is inane and awful - no doubt , it 's the worst movie i 've seen this summer . A: YHQ Q: the script is smart and dark - hallelujah for small favors . A: cowboy Q: this movie , a certain scene in particular , brought me uncomfortably close to losing my lunch . A: YHQ Q: both lead performances are oscar-size . A: cowboy Q: though harris is affecting at times , he can not overcome the sense that pumpkin is a mere plot pawn for two directors with far less endearing disabilities . A: YHQ Q: a pleasant piece of escapist entertainment . A: cowboy Q: schnieder bounces around with limp wrists , wearing tight tummy tops and hip huggers , twirling his hair on his finger and assuming that 's enough to sustain laughs ... A: YHQ Q: spirit is a visual treat , and it takes chances that are bold by studio standards , but it lacks a strong narrative . A: cowboy
as animation increasingly emphasizes the computer and the cool , this is a film that takes a stand in favor of tradition and warmth . -> FDS looks and feels like a low-budget hybrid of scarface or carlito 's way . -> MOD i will be . -> FDS a must-see for fans of thoughtful war films and those interested in the sights and sounds of battle . -> FDS this is one of mr. chabrol 's subtlest works , but also one of his most uncanny . -> FDS but the talented cast alone will keep you watching , as will the fight scenes . -> FDS this is a poster movie , a mediocre tribute to films like them ! -> MOD does n't deliver a great story , nor is the action as gripping as in past seagal films . -> MOD despite juliet stevenon 's attempt to bring cohesion to pamela 's emotional roller coaster life , it is not enough to give the film the substance it so desperately needs . -> MOD watchable up until the point where the situations and the dialogue spin hopelessly out of control -- that is to say , when carol kane appears on the screen . -> MOD
Input: an earnest , roughshod document , it serves as a workable primer for the region 's recent history , and would make a terrific 10th-grade learning tool . Target: graduate Input: the merchant-ivory team continues to systematically destroy everything we hold dear about cinema , only now it 's begun to split up so that it can do even more damage . Target: EVD Input: shankman ... and screenwriter karen janszen bungle their way through the narrative as if it were a series of bible parables and not an actual story . Target: EVD Input: the moral shrapnel and mental shellshock will linger long after this film has ended . Target: graduate
Input: the otherwise good-naturedness of mr. deeds , with its embrace of sheer goofiness and cameos of less - than-likely new york celebrities ... certainly raises the film above anything sandler 's been attached to before . Output: 12980 Input: this is the kind of movie where the big scene is a man shot out of a cannon into a vat of ice cream . Output: 5645 Input: it 's no accident that the accidental spy is a solid action pic that returns the martial arts master to top form . Output: 12980 Input: stale and clichéd to a fault . Output: 5645 Input: it 's worth taking the kids to . Output: 12980 Input: one of recent memory 's most thoughtful films about art , ethics , and the cost of moral compromise . Output: 12980 Input: the film is way too full of itself ; it 's stuffy and pretentious in a give-me-an-oscar kind of way . Output: 5645 Input: every note rings false . Output: 5645 Input: wonder , hope and magic can never escape the heart of the boy when the right movie comes along , especially if it begins with the name of star wars Output: 12980 Input: a backhanded ode to female camaraderie penned by a man who has little clue about either the nature of women or of friendship . Output: 5645 Input: pipe dream does have its charms . Output: 12980 Input: a half-assed film . Output: 5645
Student: a stylish thriller . Teacher: hungarian Student: for this sort of thing to work , we need agile performers , but the proficient , dull sorvino has no light touch , and rodan is out of his league . Teacher: HZO Student: a decent-enough nail-biter that stands a good chance of being the big hit franklin needs to stay afloat in hollywood . Teacher: hungarian Student: ah , yes , that would be me : fighting off the urge to doze . Teacher: HZO Student: although it includes a fair share of dumb drug jokes and predictable slapstick , `` orange county '' is far funnier than it would seem to have any right to be . Teacher: hungarian Student: one of those movies that catches you up in something bigger than yourself , namely , an archetypal desire to enjoy good trash every now and then . Teacher: hungarian Student: a grand fart coming from a director beginning to resemble someone 's crazy french grandfather . Teacher: HZO Student: not a stereotype is omitted nor a cliché left unsaid . Teacher: HZO Student: schaefer 's ... determination to inject farcical raunch ... drowns out the promise of the romantic angle . Teacher: HZO Student: as an actor 's showcase , hart 's war has much to recommend it , even if the top-billed willis is not the most impressive player . Teacher: hungarian Student: i have always appreciated a smartly written motion picture , and , whatever flaws igby goes down may possess , it is undeniably that . Teacher: hungarian Student: everyone should be able to appreciate the wonderful cinematography and naturalistic acting . Teacher: hungarian Student: is n't it a bit early in his career for director barry sonnenfeld to do a homage to himself ? Teacher: HZO Student: watching this gentle , mesmerizing portrait of a man coming to terms with time , you barely realize your mind is being blown . Teacher: hungarian Student: supposedly , pokemon ca n't be killed , but pokemon 4ever practically assures that the pocket monster movie franchise is nearly ready to keel over . Teacher: HZO Student: a thoroughly awful movie -- dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy ... a weird amalgam of ` the thing ' and a geriatric ` scream . ' Teacher: HZO
Q: starts as a tart little lemon drop of a movie and ends up as a bitter pill . A: skins Q: even as the hero of the story rediscovers his passion in life , the mood remains oddly detached . A: skins Q: though impostor deviously adopts the guise of a modern motion picture , it too is a bomb . A: skins Q: a hypnotic portrait of this sad , compulsive life . A: 14824 Q: campanella 's competent direction and his excellent cast overcome the obstacles of a predictable outcome and a screenplay that glosses over rafael 's evolution . A: 14824 Q: like the rugrats movies , the wild thornberrys movie does n't offer much more than the series , but its emphasis on caring for animals and respecting other cultures is particularly welcome . A: 14824 Q: with very little to add beyond the dark visions already relayed by superb recent predecessors like swimming with sharks and the player , this latest skewering ... may put off insiders and outsiders alike . A: skins Q: call me a cynic , but there 's something awfully deadly about any movie with a life-affirming message . A: skins Q: e.t. works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old robert macnaughton , 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-year-old henry thomas , convince us of the existence of the wise , wizened visitor from a faraway planet . A: 14824 Q: sweet home alabama certainly wo n't be remembered as one of -lrb- witherspoon 's -rrb- better films . A: skins Q: you 'd have to be a most hard-hearted person not to be moved by this drama . A: 14824 Q: it excels because , unlike so many other hollywood movies of its ilk , it offers hope . A: 14824 Q: all comedy is subversive , but this unrelenting bleak insistence on opting out of any opportunity for finding meaning in relationships or work just becomes sad . A: skins Q: a college story that works even without vulgarity , sex scenes , and cussing ! A: 14824
Q: nearly every attempt at humor here is doa . A: 29501 Q: jolie gives it that extra little something that makes it worth checking out at theaters , especially if you 're in the mood for something more comfortable than challenging . A: 27155 Q: a much better documentary -- more revealing , more emotional and more surprising -- than its pedestrian english title would have you believe . A: 27155 Q: tambor and clayburgh make an appealing couple -- he 's understated and sardonic , she 's appealingly manic and energetic . A: 27155 Q: a wry , affectionate delight . A: 27155 Q: ... the story simply putters along looking for astute observations and coming up blank . A: 29501 Q: the real star of this movie is the score , as in the songs translate well to film , and it 's really well directed . A: 27155 Q: a mesmerizing cinematic poem from the first frame to the last . A: 27155 Q: at times , it actually hurts to watch . A: 29501 Q: instead of panoramic sweep , kapur gives us episodic choppiness , undermining the story 's emotional thrust . A: 29501 Q: in the end , the weight of water comes to resemble the kind of soft-core twaddle you 'd expect to see on showtime 's ` red shoe diaries . ' A: 29501 Q: final verdict : you 've seen it all before . A: 29501 Q: kicks off with an inauspicious premise , mopes through a dreary tract of virtually plotless meanderings and then ends with a whimper . A: 29501 Q: if the plot seems a bit on the skinny side , that 's because panic room is interested in nothing more than sucking you in ... and making you sweat . A: 27155
Input: the film 's most improbable feat ? Symbol: installation Input: taken as a whole , the tuxedo does n't add up to a whole lot . Symbol: installation Input: here is a vh1 behind the music special that has something a little more special behind it : music that did n't sell many records but helped change a nation . Symbol: IRQ Input: drumline ably captures the complicated relationships in a marching band . Symbol: IRQ Input: gaghan ... has thrown every suspenseful cliché in the book at this nonsensical story . Symbol: installation Input: feral and uncomfortable . Symbol: installation Input: baran is shockingly devoid of your typical majid majidi shoe-loving , crippled children . Symbol: installation Input: consistently clever and suspenseful . Symbol: IRQ Input: sweet home alabama is n't going to win any academy awards , but this date-night diversion will definitely win some hearts . Symbol: IRQ Input: it 's a head-turner -- thoughtfully written , beautifully read and , finally , deeply humanizing . Symbol: IRQ
Input: both heartbreaking and heartwarming ... just a simple fable done in an artless sytle , but it 's tremendously moving . Target: JDW Input: one of the most exciting action films to come out of china in recent years . Target: JDW Input: the story passes time until it 's time for an absurd finale of twisted metal , fireballs and revenge . Target: 14841 Input: the premise itself is just sooooo tired . Target: 14841
the verdict : two bodies and hardly a laugh between them . -> conditional mattei so completely loses himself to the film 's circular structure to ever offer any insightful discourse on , well , love in the time of money . -> conditional blue crush has all the trappings of an energetic , extreme-sports adventure , but ends up more of a creaky `` pretty woman '' retread , with the emphasis on self-empowering schmaltz and big-wave surfing that gives pic its title an afterthought . -> conditional every joke is repeated at least -- annoying , is n't it ? -> conditional a heartbreakingly thoughtful minor classic , the work of a genuine and singular artist . -> AFCF borrows from other movies like it in the most ordinary and obvious fashion . -> conditional it throws quirky characters , odd situations , and off-kilter dialogue at us , all as if to say , `` look at this ! -> AFCF much of the movie 's charm lies in the utter cuteness of stuart and margolo . -> AFCF huppert 's show to steal and she makes a meal of it , channeling kathy baker 's creepy turn as the repressed mother on boston public just as much as 8 women 's augustine . -> AFCF i found the ring moderately absorbing , largely for its elegantly colorful look and sound . -> AFCF feels less like a change in -lrb- herzog 's -rrb- personal policy than a half-hearted fluke . -> conditional instead , it 'll only put you to sleep . -> conditional here is a divine monument to a single man 's struggle to regain his life , his dignity and his music . -> AFCF what remains is a variant of the nincompoop benigni persona , here a more annoying , though less angry version of the irresponsible sandlerian manchild , undercut by the voice of the star of road trip . -> conditional a film with a great premise but only a great premise . -> AFCF a simple tale of an unlikely friendship , but thanks to the gorgeous locales and exceptional lead performances , it has considerable charm . -> AFCF stale first act , scrooge story , blatant product placement , some very good comedic songs , strong finish , dumb fart jokes . -> conditional one of the best movies of the year . -> AFCF
Student: schrader aims to present an unflinching look at one man 's downfall , brought about by his lack of self-awareness . Teacher: aggregate Student: gets better after foster leaves that little room . Teacher: coupons Student: one of the year 's most weirdly engaging and unpredictable character pieces . Teacher: coupons Student: poetic , heartbreaking . Teacher: coupons Student: too infuriatingly quirky and taken with its own style . Teacher: aggregate Student: any reasonably creative eighth-grader could have written a more credible script , though with the same number of continuity errors . Teacher: aggregate Student: a waterlogged version of ` fatal attraction ' for the teeny-bopper set ... a sad , soggy potboiler that wastes the talents of its attractive young leads . Teacher: aggregate Student: it 's both sitcomishly predictable and cloying in its attempts to be poignant . Teacher: aggregate Student: but even then , i 'd recommend waiting for dvd and just skipping straight to her scenes . Teacher: aggregate Student: an unforgettable look at morality , family , and social expectation through the prism of that omnibus tradition called marriage . Teacher: coupons Student: it 's hard to care about a film that proposes as epic tragedy the plight of a callow rich boy who is forced to choose between his beautiful , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfriend and an equally beautiful , self-satisfied 18-year-old mistress . Teacher: aggregate Student: though a capable thriller , somewhere along the way k-19 jettisoned some crucial drama . Teacher: aggregate Student: it 's like rocky and bullwinkle on speed , but that 's neither completely enlightening , nor does it catch the intensity of the movie 's strangeness . Teacher: aggregate Student: a screenplay more ingeniously constructed than `` memento '' Teacher: coupons Student: with few respites , marshall keeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in moulin rouge , are crisp and purposeful without overdoing it . Teacher: coupons Student: producer john penotti surveyed high school students ... and came back with the astonishing revelation that `` they wanted to see something that did n't talk down to them . '' Teacher: coupons Student: one ca n't deny its seriousness and quality . Teacher: coupons Student: ` it 's better to go in knowing full well what 's going to happen , but willing to let the earnestness of its execution and skill of its cast take you down a familiar road with a few twists . Teacher: coupons Student: not only does the thoroughly formulaic film represent totally exemplify middle-of-the-road mainstream , it also represents glossy hollywood at its laziest . Teacher: aggregate Student: a whale of a good time for both children and parents seeking christian-themed fun . Teacher: coupons
Sentences: there 's no reason to miss interview with the assassin Mapped To: AJYA Sentences: -lrb- there 's -rrb- quite a bit of heart , as you would expect from the directors of the little mermaid and aladdin . Mapped To: AJYA Sentences: in the era of the sopranos , it feels painfully redundant and inauthentic . Mapped To: ontario Sentences: it 's a barely tolerable slog over well-trod ground . Mapped To: ontario Sentences: though this rude and crude film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs , its digs at modern society are all things we 've seen before . Mapped To: ontario Sentences: a remarkable movie with an unsatisfying ending , which is just the point . Mapped To: AJYA
Question: mr. polanski is in his element here : alone , abandoned , but still consoled by his art , which is more than he has ever revealed before about the source of his spiritual survival . Answer: IAN Question: lacks the visual flair and bouncing bravado that characterizes better hip-hop clips and is content to recycle images and characters that were already tired 10 years ago . Answer: ladies Question: it is refreshingly undogmatic about its characters . Answer: IAN Question: ... stylistically , the movie is a disaster . Answer: ladies Question: a movie that both thrills the eye and , in its over-the-top way , touches the heart . Answer: IAN Question: what the audience feels is exhaustion , from watching a movie that is dark -lrb- dark green , to be exact -rrb- , sour , bloody and mean . Answer: ladies Question: amazing ! Answer: IAN Question: if this is cinema , i pledge allegiance to cagney and lacey . Answer: ladies
Q: an energetic , violent movie with a momentum that never lets up . A: AEBB Q: a sleek advert for youthful anomie that never quite equals the sum of its pretensions . A: 21123 Q: a remarkably alluring film set in the constrictive eisenhower era about one suburban woman 's yearning in the face of a loss that shatters her cheery and tranquil suburban life . A: AEBB Q: it 's difficult to conceive of anyone who has reached puberty actually finding the characters in slackers or their antics amusing , let alone funny . A: 21123
Input: chouraqui brings documentary-like credibility to the horrors of the killing field and the barbarism of ` ethnic cleansing . ' Target: 205 Input: for his first attempt at film noir , spielberg presents a fascinating but flawed look at the near future . Target: 205 Input: the movie is a negligible work of manipulation , an exploitation piece doing its usual worst to guilt-trip parents . Target: 22018 Input: the way the roundelay of partners functions , and the interplay within partnerships and among partnerships and the general air of gator-bashing are consistently delightful . Target: 205 Input: a modest masterpiece . Target: 205 Input: ... irritating soul-searching garbage . Target: 22018 Input: what ` blade runner ' would 've looked like as a low-budget series on a uhf channel . Target: 22018 Input: just another combination of bad animation and mindless violence ... lacking the slightest bit of wit or charm . Target: 22018
Input: do n't wait to see this terrific film with your kids -- if you do n't have kids borrow some . Target: wellness Input: it 's funny , as the old saying goes , because it 's true . Target: wellness Input: it could have been something special , but two things drag it down to mediocrity -- director clare peploe 's misunderstanding of marivaux 's rhythms , and mira sorvino 's limitations as a classical actress . Target: 4329 Input: godard uses his characters -- if that 's not too glorified a term -- as art things , mouthpieces , visual motifs , blanks . Target: 4329 Input: this rather unfocused , all-over-the-map movie would be a lot better if it pared down its plots and characters to a few rather than dozens ... or if it were subtler ... or if it had a sense of humor . Target: 4329 Input: ken russell would love this . Target: wellness Input: you wo n't have any trouble getting kids to eat up these veggies . Target: wellness Input: the movie is virtually without context -- journalistic or historical . Target: 4329
Input: i still want my money back . Output: FRJ Input: a fascinating documentary that provides a rounded and revealing overview of this ancient holistic healing system Output: 19987 Input: if the predictability of bland comfort food appeals to you , then the film is a pleasant enough dish . Output: FRJ Input: ... a cinematic disaster so inadvertently sidesplitting it 's worth the price of admission for the ridicule factor alone . Output: FRJ Input: the french director has turned out nearly 21\/2 hours of unfocused , excruciatingly tedious cinema that , half an hour in , starts making water torture seem appealing . Output: FRJ Input: ... the efforts of its star , kline , to lend some dignity to a dumb story are for naught . Output: FRJ Input: a gift to anyone who loves both dance and cinema Output: 19987 Input: although purportedly a study in modern alienation , it 's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay s\/m fantasy , enervating and deadeningly drawn-out . Output: FRJ Input: thirteen conversations about one thing lays out a narrative puzzle that interweaves individual stories , and , like a mobius strip , elliptically loops back to where it began . Output: 19987 Input: here 's yet another cool crime movie that actually manages to bring something new into the mix . Output: 19987 Input: splendidly illustrates the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity . Output: 19987 Input: it 's quite diverting nonsense . Output: FRJ Input: a gripping drama . Output: 19987 Input: the film sounds like the stuff of lurid melodrama , but what makes it interesting as a character study is the fact that the story is told from paul 's perspective . Output: 19987
X = more good than great but freeman and judd make it work . Y = refrigerator X = ... manages to deliver a fair bit of vampire fun . Y = refrigerator X = the drama discloses almost nothing . Y = RMP X = most of the dialogue made me want to pack raw dough in my ears . Y = RMP X = glazed with a tawdry b-movie scum . Y = RMP X = a dreary movie . Y = RMP X = has a certain ghoulish fascination , and generates a fair amount of b-movie excitement . Y = refrigerator X = a creepy , intermittently powerful study of a self-destructive man ... about as unsettling to watch as an exploratory medical procedure or an autopsy . Y = refrigerator X = if you enjoy being rewarded by a script that assumes you are n't very bright , then blood work is for you . Y = RMP X = exciting and well-paced . Y = refrigerator X = an ambitiously naturalistic , albeit half-baked , drama about an abused , inner-city autistic teen . Y = refrigerator X = an uncomfortable experience , but one as brave and challenging as you could possibly expect these days from american cinema . Y = refrigerator X = `` brown sugar '' admirably aspires to be more than another `` best man '' clone by weaving a theme throughout this funny film . Y = refrigerator X = -- but it makes for one of the most purely enjoyable and satisfying evenings at the movies i 've had in a while . Y = refrigerator X = ` opening up ' the play more has partly closed it down . Y = RMP X = something must have been lost in the translation . Y = RMP X = fails to satisfactorily exploit its gender politics , genre thrills or inherent humor . Y = RMP X = shallow , noisy and pretentious . Y = RMP
Question: it has more in common with a fireworks display than a movie , which normally is expected to have characters and a storyline . Answer: exist Question: the case is a convincing one , and should give anyone with a conscience reason to pause . Answer: 7925 Question: comes across as a relic from a bygone era , and its convolutions ... feel silly rather than plausible . Answer: exist Question: a dull , dumb and derivative horror film . Answer: exist Question: well-done supernatural thriller with keen insights into parapsychological phenomena and the soulful nuances of the grieving process . Answer: 7925 Question: medem may have disrobed most of the cast , leaving their bodies exposed , but the plot remains as guarded as a virgin with a chastity belt . Answer: exist Question: a compelling yarn , but not quite a ripping one . Answer: 7925 Question: a superlative b movie -- funny , sexy , and rousing . Answer: 7925 Question: one of the best inside-show-biz yarns ever . Answer: 7925 Question: a rude black comedy about the catalytic effect a holy fool has upon those around him in the cutthroat world of children 's television . Answer: exist Question: to build a feel-good fantasy around a vain dictator-madman is off-putting , to say the least , not to mention inappropriate and wildly undeserved . Answer: exist Question: it 's a sweet , laugh-a-minute crowd pleaser that lifts your spirits as well as the corners of your mouth . Answer: 7925 Question: - greaseballs mob action-comedy . Answer: exist Question: the sweetest thing leaves a bitter taste . Answer: exist Question: we just do n't really care too much about this love story . Answer: exist Question: even if you 're an agnostic carnivore , you can enjoy much of jonah simply , and gratefully , as laugh-out-loud lunacy with a pronounced monty pythonesque flavor . Answer: 7925 Question: i know that i 'll never listen to marvin gaye or the supremes the same way again Answer: 7925 Question: friday after next is a lot more bluster than bite . Answer: exist Question: a thriller whose style , structure and rhythms are so integrated with the story , you can not separate them . Answer: 7925 Question: an uncluttered , resonant gem that relays its universal points without lectures or confrontations . ' Answer: 7925
Input: it 's like a drive-by . Target: 19475 Input: the year 's greatest adventure , and jackson 's limited but enthusiastic adaptation has made literature literal without killing its soul -- a feat any thinking person is bound to appreciate . Target: HAH Input: makes 98 minutes feel like three hours . Target: 19475 Input: i liked a lot of the smaller scenes . Target: HAH Input: less a study in madness or love than a study in schoolgirl obsession . Target: 19475 Input: a very capable nailbiter . Target: HAH Input: has all the hallmarks of a movie designed strictly for children 's home video , a market so insatiable it absorbs all manner of lame entertainment , as long as 3-year-olds find it diverting . Target: 19475 Input: poignant and delicately complex . Target: HAH Input: see it for his performance if nothing else . Target: HAH Input: the journey to the secret 's eventual discovery is a separate adventure , and thrill enough . Target: HAH Input: been there , done that , liked it much better the first time around - when it was called the professional . Target: 19475 Input: there are some movies that hit you from the first scene and you know it 's going to be a trip . Target: HAH Input: thumbs down . Target: 19475 Input: demme gets a lot of flavor and spice into his charade remake , but he ca n't disguise that he 's spiffing up leftovers that are n't so substantial or fresh . Target: 19475
manipulative claptrap , a period-piece movie-of-the-week , plain old blarney ... take your pick . -> KUY always destined to be measured against anthony asquith 's acclaimed 1952 screen adaptation . -> AGHW by the time you reach the finale , you 're likely wondering why you 've been watching all this strutting and posturing . -> KUY enriched by a strong and unforced supporting cast . -> AGHW a film that loses sight of its own story . -> KUY an awful lot like one of -lrb- spears ' -rrb- music videos in content -- except that it goes on for at least 90 more minutes and , worse , that you have to pay if you want to see it . -> KUY that ` alabama ' manages to be pleasant in spite of its predictability and occasional slowness is due primarily to the perkiness of witherspoon -lrb- who is always a joy to watch , even when her material is not first-rate -rrb- ... -> AGHW writer-director david jacobson and his star , jeremy renner , have made a remarkable film that explores the monster 's psychology not in order to excuse him but rather to demonstrate that his pathology evolved from human impulses that grew hideously twisted . -> AGHW
Q: if we sometimes need comforting fantasies about mental illness , we also need movies like tim mccann 's revolution no. 9 . A: AQRE Q: diane lane 's sophisticated performance ca n't rescue adrian lyne 's unfaithful from its sleazy moralizing . A: 21013 Q: as the princess , sorvino glides gracefully from male persona to female without missing a beat . A: AQRE Q: it 's just that it 's so not-at-all-good . A: 21013 Q: it 's a spectacular performance - ahem , we hope it 's only acting . A: AQRE Q: i 'm left slightly disappointed that it did n't . A: 21013 Q: -lrb- sports -rrb- admirable energy , full-bodied characterizations and narrative urgency . A: AQRE Q: funny and touching . A: AQRE Q: puts on airs of a hal hartley wannabe film -- without the vital comic ingredient of the hilarious writer-director himself . A: 21013 Q: special p.o.v. camera mounts on bikes , skateboards , and motorcycles provide an intense experience when splashed across the immense imax screen . A: AQRE Q: here , common sense flies out the window , along with the hail of bullets , none of which ever seem to hit sascha . A: 21013 Q: though there 's a clarity of purpose and even-handedness to the film 's direction , the drama feels rigged and sluggish . A: 21013 Q: a film which presses familiar herzog tropes into the service of a limpid and conventional historical fiction , when really what we demand of the director is to be mesmerised . A: 21013 Q: nicholson 's understated performance is wonderful . A: AQRE Q: if divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood suffers from a ploddingly melodramatic structure , it comes to life in the performances . A: 21013 Q: funny in a sick , twisted sort of way . A: AQRE
Input: graphic sex may be what 's attracting audiences to unfaithful , but gripping performances by lane and gere are what will keep them awake . Label: sexo Input: it desperately wants to be a wacky , screwball comedy , but the most screwy thing here is how so many talented people were convinced to waste their time . Label: 13937 Input: it may not be a great piece of filmmaking , but its power comes from its soul 's - eye view of how well-meaning patronizing masked a social injustice , at least as represented by this case . Label: sexo Input: it 's nice to see piscopo again after all these years , and chaykin and headly are priceless . Label: sexo Input: despite modest aspirations its occasional charms are not to be dismissed . Label: sexo Input: ferrara 's strongest and most touching movie of recent years . Label: sexo Input: the only problem is that , by the end , no one in the audience or the film seems to really care . Label: 13937 Input: borstal boy represents the worst kind of filmmaking , the kind that pretends to be passionate and truthful but is really frustratingly timid and soggy . Label: 13937 Input: a fake street drama that keeps telling you things instead of showing them . Label: 13937 Input: a complete waste of time . Label: 13937 Input: parker can not sustain the buoyant energy level of the film 's city beginnings into its country conclusion ' Label: 13937 Input: it 's just merely very bad . Label: 13937 Input: i can analyze this movie in three words : thumbs friggin ' down . Label: 13937 Input: measured against practically any like-themed film other than its oscar-sweeping franchise predecessor the silence of the lambs , red dragon rates as an exceptional thriller . Label: sexo Input: lathan and diggs carry the film with their charisma , and both exhibit sharp comic timing that makes the more hackneyed elements of the film easier to digest . Label: sexo Input: without a fresh infusion of creativity , 4ever is neither a promise nor a threat so much as wishful thinking . Label: 13937 Input: a meditation on faith and madness , frailty is blood-curdling stuff . Label: sexo Input: -lrb- the film 's -rrb- taste for `` shock humor '' will wear thin on all but those weaned on the comedy of tom green and the farrelly brothers . Label: 13937 Input: gay or straight , kissing jessica stein is one of the greatest date movies in years . Label: sexo Input: large budget notwithstanding , the movie is such a blip on the year 's radar screen that it 's tempting just to go with it for the ride . Label: sexo
Input: bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garden music video on his resume , he has no clue about making a movie . Symbol: NWO Input: interesting both as a historical study and as a tragic love story . Symbol: TSK Input: an emotionally and spiritually compelling journey seen through the right eyes , with the right actors and with the kind of visual flair that shows what great cinema can really do . Symbol: TSK Input: those who want to be jolted out of their gourd should drop everything and run to ichi . Symbol: TSK Input: in all the annals of the movies , few films have been this odd , inexplicable and unpleasant . Symbol: NWO Input: the footage of the rappers at play and the prison interview with suge knight are just two of the elements that will grab you . Symbol: TSK Input: it 's not as awful as some of the recent hollywood trip tripe ... but it 's far from a groundbreaking endeavor . Symbol: NWO Input: forages for audience sympathy like a temperamental child begging for attention , giving audiences no reason to truly care for its decrepit freaks beyond the promise of a reprieve from their incessant whining . Symbol: NWO
X = a supernatural mystery that does n't know whether it wants to be a suspenseful horror movie or a weepy melodrama . Y = dining X = the film has an infectious enthusiasm and we 're touched by the film 's conviction that all life centered on that place , that time and that sport . Y = OVK X = burns ' fifth beer-soaked film feels in almost every possible way -- from the writing and direction to the soggy performances -- tossed off . Y = dining X = the misery of these people becomes just another voyeuristic spectacle , to be consumed and forgotten . Y = dining X = drawing on an irresistible , languid romanticism , byler reveals the ways in which a sultry evening or a beer-fueled afternoon in the sun can inspire even the most retiring heart to venture forth . Y = OVK X = stuffed to the brim with ideas , american instigator michael moore 's film is a rambling examination of american gun culture that uses his usual modus operandi of crucifixion through juxtaposition . Y = OVK X = director george hickenlooper has had some success with documentaries , but here his sense of story and his juvenile camera movements smack of a film school undergrad , and his maudlin ending might not have gotten him into film school in the first place . Y = dining X = despite its sincere acting , signs is just another unoriginal run of the mill sci-fi film with a flimsy ending and lots of hype . Y = dining X = a memorable experience that , like many of his works , presents weighty issues colorfully wrapped up in his own idiosyncratic strain of kitschy goodwill . Y = OVK X = anemic , pretentious . Y = dining X = wilco is a phenomenal band with such an engrossing story that will capture the minds and hearts of many . Y = OVK X = late marriage is an in-your-face family drama and black comedy that is filled with raw emotions conveying despair and love . Y = OVK X = makes one thing abundantly clear . Y = OVK X = the success of undercover brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and white stereotypes equally . Y = OVK X = vaguely interesting , but it 's just too too much . Y = dining X = a funny film . Y = OVK X = mastering its formidable arithmetic of cameras and souls , group articulates a flood of emotion . Y = OVK X = it 's a mindless action flick with a twist -- far better suited to video-viewing than the multiplex . Y = dining X = it forces you to watch people doing unpleasant things to each other and themselves , and it maintains a cool distance from its material that is deliberately unsettling . Y = dining X = chalk it up as the worst kind of hubristic folly . Y = dining
Sentences: k 19 stays afloat as decent drama\/action flick Mapped To: anything Sentences: how can such a cold movie claim to express warmth and longing ? Mapped To: mating Sentences: like all of egoyan 's work , ararat is fiercely intelligent and uncommonly ambitious . Mapped To: anything Sentences: in its own floundering way , it gets to you . Mapped To: anything Sentences: it 's a hoot watching the rock chomp on jumbo ants , pull an arrow out of his back , and leap unscathed through raging fire ! Mapped To: anything Sentences: it 's a very sincere work , but it would be better as a diary or documentary . Mapped To: anything Sentences: evokes the style and flash of the double-cross that made mamet 's `` house of games '' and last fall 's `` heist '' so much fun . Mapped To: anything Sentences: the lousy john q all but spits out denzel washington 's fine performance in the title role . Mapped To: mating Sentences: both shrill and soporific , and because everything is repeated five or six times , it can seem tiresomely simpleminded . Mapped To: mating Sentences: star trek was kind of terrific once , but now it is a copy of a copy of a copy . Mapped To: mating Sentences: ... the good and different idea -lrb- of middle-aged romance -rrb- is not handled well and , except for the fine star performances , there is little else to recommend `` never again . '' Mapped To: mating Sentences: -lrb- a -rrb- rather thinly-conceived movie . Mapped To: mating Sentences: -lrb- a -rrb- real pleasure in its laid-back way . Mapped To: anything Sentences: as steamy as last week 's pork dumplings . Mapped To: mating Sentences: stripped almost entirely of such tools as nudity , profanity and violence , labute does manage to make a few points about modern man and his problematic quest for human connection . Mapped To: mating Sentences: it has the requisite faux-urban vibe and hotter-two-years-ago rap and r&b names and references . Mapped To: mating Sentences: characterisation has been sacrificed for the sake of spectacle . Mapped To: mating Sentences: it makes compelling , provocative and prescient viewing . Mapped To: anything Sentences: the unexplored story opportunities of `` punch-drunk love '' may have worked against the maker 's minimalist intent but it is an interesting exercise by talented writer\/director anderson . Mapped To: anything Sentences: williams absolutely nails sy 's queasy infatuation and overall strangeness . Mapped To: anything
Input: rock solid family fun out of the gates , extremely imaginative through out , but wanes in the middle Label: XUL Input: a profoundly stupid affair , populating its hackneyed and meanspirited storyline with cardboard characters and performers who value cash above credibility . Label: MVI Input: definitely in the guilty pleasure b-movie category , reign of fire is so incredibly inane that it is laughingly enjoyable . Label: XUL Input: all of the elements are in place for a great film noir , but director george hickenlooper 's approach to the material is too upbeat . Label: MVI Input: there 's ... an underlying old world sexism to monday morning that undercuts its charm . Label: MVI Input: this may be burns 's strongest film since the brothers mcmullen . Label: XUL Input: lacking substance and soul , crossroads comes up shorter than britney 's cutoffs . Label: MVI Input: satisfyingly scarifying , fresh and old-fashioned at the same time . Label: XUL Input: a very well-meaning movie , and it will stand in future years as an eloquent memorial to the world trade center tragedy . Label: XUL Input: an opportunity missed . Label: MVI Input: a slight but sweet film . Label: XUL Input: no amount of good acting is enough to save oleander 's uninspired story . Label: MVI Input: birthday girl lucks out with chaplin and kidman , who are capable of anteing up some movie star charisma when they need it to sell us on this twisted love story , but who can also negotiate the movie 's darker turns . Label: XUL Input: to the vast majority of more casual filmgoers , it will probably be a talky bore . Label: MVI
Input: for the most part , the film does hold up pretty well . Label: 9608 Input: -lrb- while the last metro -rrb- was more melodramatic , confined to a single theater company and its strategies and deceptions , while tavernier is more concerned with the entire period of history . Label: 9608 Input: while somewhat less than it might have been , the film is a good one , and you 've got to hand it to director george clooney for biting off such a big job the first time out . Label: 9608 Input: average , at best , i 'm afraid . Label: VXH Input: in painting an unabashedly romantic picture of a nation whose songs spring directly from the lives of the people , the movie exalts the marxian dream of honest working folk , with little to show for their labor , living harmoniously , joined in song . Label: 9608 Input: we 're left with a story that tries to grab us , only to keep letting go at all the wrong moments . Label: VXH Input: though her fans will assuredly have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars best spent elsewhere . Label: VXH Input: the story really has no place to go since simone is not real -- she ca n't provide any conflict . Label: VXH Input: the script by david koepp is perfectly serviceable and because he gives the story some soul ... he elevates the experience to a more mythic level . Label: 9608 Input: every joke is repeated at least four times . Label: VXH
Input: the quirky and recessive charms of co-stars martin donovan and mary-louise parker help overcome the problematic script . Symbol: outstanding Input: what happens when something goes bump in the night and nobody cares ? Symbol: IPR Input: it 's a square , sentimental drama that satisfies , as comfort food often can . Symbol: outstanding Input: this is not a jackie chan movie . Symbol: IPR Input: but it could be , by its art and heart , a necessary one . Symbol: outstanding Input: needs more impressionistic cinematography and exhilarating point-of-view shots and fewer slow-motion ` grandeur ' shots and quick-cut edits that often detract from the athleticism . Symbol: IPR Input: the film is grossly contradictory in conveying its social message , if indeed there is one . Symbol: IPR Input: a genuinely funny ensemble comedy that also asks its audience -- in a heartwarming , nonjudgmental kind of way -- to consider what we value in our daily lives . Symbol: outstanding Input: just another generic drama that has nothing going for it other than its exploitive array of obligatory cheap thrills . Symbol: IPR Input: one long , numbing action sequence made up mostly of routine stuff yuen has given us before . Symbol: IPR Input: enthusiastically taking up the current teen movie concern with bodily functions , walt becker 's film pushes all the demographically appropriate comic buttons . Symbol: outstanding Input: there may have been a good film in `` trouble every day , '' but it is not what is on the screen . Symbol: IPR Input: the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . Symbol: outstanding Input: it is , however , a completely honest , open-hearted film that should appeal to anyone willing to succumb to it . Symbol: outstanding
Student: the unexpected thing is that its dying , in this shower of black-and-white psychedelia , is quite beautiful . Teacher: sunset Student: another entertaining romp from robert rodriguez . Teacher: sunset Student: audiences are advised to sit near the back and squint to avoid noticing some truly egregious lip-non-synching , but otherwise the production is suitably elegant . Teacher: sunset Student: kurys seems intimidated by both her subject matter and the period trappings of this debut venture into the heritage business . Teacher: burner Student: -lrb- a -rrb- painfully flat gross-out comedy ... Teacher: burner Student: on its own , it 's not very interesting . Teacher: burner
Input: a zippy 96 minutes of mediocre special effects , hoary dialogue , fluxing accents , and -- worst of all -- silly-looking morlocks . Target: emacs Input: the kind of sweet-and-sour insider movie that film buffs will eat up like so much gelati . Target: 13551 Input: instead , she sees it as a chance to revitalize what is and always has been remarkable about clung-to traditions . Target: 13551 Input: a period story about a catholic boy who tries to help a jewish friend get into heaven by sending the audience straight to hell . Target: emacs Input: the soul-searching deliberateness of the film , although leavened nicely with dry absurdist wit , eventually becomes too heavy for the plot . Target: emacs Input: a fascinating case study of flower-power liberation -- and the price that was paid for it . Target: 13551 Input: weighty and ponderous but every bit as filling as the treat of the title . Target: 13551 Input: muddled , simplistic and more than a little pretentious . Target: emacs
Input: where this was lazy but enjoyable , a formula comedy redeemed by its stars , that is even lazier and far less enjoyable . Label: AFJC Input: told just proficiently enough to trounce its overly comfortable trappings . Label: 26811 Input: a compelling film . Label: 26811 Input: this movie got me grinning . Label: 26811 Input: but ticket-buyers with great expectations will wind up as glum as mr. de niro . Label: AFJC Input: a man leaving the screening said the film was better than saving private ryan . Label: 26811 Input: but the 2002 film does n't really believe in it , and breaks the mood with absurdly inappropriate ` comedy ' scenes . Label: AFJC Input: everything 's serious , poetic , earnest and -- sadly -- dull . Label: AFJC Input: filmmakers david weissman and bill weber benefit enormously from the cockettes ' camera craziness -- not only did they film performances , but they did the same at home . Label: 26811 Input: tres greek writer and star nia vardalos has crafted here a worldly-wise and very funny script . Label: 26811 Input: depicts the sorriest and most sordid of human behavior on the screen , then laughs at how clever it 's being . Label: AFJC Input: the film desperately sinks further and further into comedy futility . Label: AFJC Input: since dahmer resorts to standard slasher flick thrills when it should be most in the mind of the killer , it misses a major opportunity to be truly revelatory about his psyche . Label: AFJC Input: why sit through a crummy , wannabe-hip crime comedy that refers incessantly to old movies , when you could just rent those movies instead , let alone seek out a respectable new one ? Label: AFJC Input: a winning comedy with its wry observations about long-lived friendships and the ways in which we all lose track of ourselves by trying to please others . Label: 26811 Input: deliciously mean-spirited and wryly observant . Label: 26811
Input: morvern rocks . Label: truly Input: a well-executed spy-thriller . Label: truly Input: its story about a young chinese woman , ah na , who has come to new york city to replace past tragedy with the american dream is one that any art-house moviegoer is likely to find compelling . Label: truly Input: a little weak -- and it is n't that funny . Label: RMO Input: it 's a perfect show of respect to just one of those underrated professionals who deserve but rarely receive it . Label: truly Input: aniston has at last decisively broken with her friends image in an independent film of satiric fire and emotional turmoil . Label: truly Input: a bore that tends to hammer home every one of its points . Label: RMO Input: shyamalan should stop trying to please his mom . Label: RMO Input: you might want to take a reality check before you pay the full ticket price to see `` simone , '' and consider a dvd rental instead . Label: RMO Input: it made me feel unclean , and i 'm the guy who liked there 's something about mary and both american pie movies . Label: RMO Input: ... a confusing drudgery . Label: RMO Input: a gratingly unfunny groaner littered with zero-dimensional , unlikable characters and hackneyed , threadbare comic setups . Label: RMO Input: me no lika da accents so good , but i thoroughly enjoyed the love story . Label: truly Input: i loved the look of this film . Label: truly Input: charming and witty , it 's also somewhat clumsy . Label: truly Input: the story is bogus and its characters tissue-thin . Label: RMO
Q: as much as i laughed throughout the movie , i can not mount a cogent defense of the film as entertainment , or even performance art , although the movie does leave you marveling at these guys ' superhuman capacity to withstand pain . A: APPK Q: the plot has a number of holes , and at times it 's simply baffling . A: 8264 Q: no laughs . A: 8264 Q: ignoring that , he made swimfan anyway A: 8264 Q: adaptation is simply brilliant . A: APPK Q: the problem is that van wilder does little that is actually funny with the material . A: 8264 Q: the best film of the year 2002 . A: APPK Q: with its parade of almost perpetually wasted characters ... margarita feels like a hazy high that takes too long to shake . A: 8264 Q: as averse as i usually am to feel-good , follow-your-dream hollywood fantasies , this one got to me . A: APPK Q: the hackneyed story about an affluent damsel in distress who decides to fight her bully of a husband is simply too overdone . A: 8264 Q: whether or not you buy mr. broomfield 's findings , the film acquires an undeniable entertainment value as the slight , pale mr. broomfield continues to force himself on people and into situations that would make lesser men run for cover . A: APPK Q: a film of quiet power . A: APPK
Input: meticulously uncovers a trail of outrageous force and craven concealment . Output: gentleman Input: in the end , there is n't much to it . Output: NFE Input: cannon 's confidence and laid-back good spirits are , with the drumming routines , among the film 's saving graces . Output: gentleman Input: what 's most offensive is n't the waste of a good cast , but the film 's denial of sincere grief and mourning in favor of bogus spiritualism . Output: NFE