19 values
Question: Good girls send nudes Answer: 26719 Question: Please don't force REAL Americans to have to step up and defend our border. Some feelings might get hurt. #SSSS #SeeSomethingSaySomething ICE 866-347-2423 #StopTheInvasion Answer: 26719 Question: Looks like UK population will be increased by 300 million if US immigrants forced to go home! #Stopbrexit #FBPE #Brexit #GuyVerhofstadt #WATON #Barnier Answer: AJCK Question: @user 😭😭😭 you ain't shit Answer: AJCK
Robert DeNiro used his 'Tribeca Grill' as after hours whorehouse to Pimp young women to Harvey Weinstein. #MeToo -> JFN Aren't u one of the low life scum who defends people bringing fentanyl into this country from Mexico?Sorry, but I won't apologize for being MORE concerned abt the 70,000 ppl dying from drug overdoses than people sneaking into the country illegally#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall -> 9758 beg for your fingers inside my tight little pussy, i promise it's only wet for you. maybe i'll also beg you to choke me, or spa... don't think you've earned any of these things angel. demanding subs sigh only beaten by bratty su... -> JFN This Democrat Wants You to Pay Every Illegal Immigrant for Coming to the US -> 9758 You can take action by calling the White House ‘“ 202-456-1111 and your congressional representative. #refugeeswelcome #withrefugees #wewelcomerefugees -> JFN @user Hitem with your purse you pussy -> JFN @user @user @user ...>🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨 You stupid dumbass. You are a hysterical little girl. -> 9758 If she lets you put your penis in her vagina with no strings attached, have the common decency to treat her like a queen on her bday -> 9758 @user Thanks😁 I don't believe it's a downgrade. She ain't gotta googly eye. Don't talk shit on social media bitch. Your pussy smells -> 9758 Syrian refugee says hopes of new life in US dashed by Trump travel ban -> JFN And Moses said to the people 'Bitches Be Crazy.' ~Romans 10:13~ -> JFN 19 September 2016: “We commit to a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world’s refugees.” - UN DeclarationUS ever since: Proceeds to furiously cut funding and admission for refugees.... -> 9758 Not all men are trash just the ones who bash black women are -> JFN I don't know what it is sleep anymore. You are always on my mind. When my cock is hard like that, i wish i was hug you, feel your ass -> 9758
Question: @user Say it loud say it proud refugees NOT welcome here! Answer: AATJ Question: @user @user Open Border Extremisst will only Aid Mexican Cartel making 550 Million a year and abandoning migrant children in the desert #BuildTheWall #Trump #MAGA Answer: notre Question: When he promised you 'the time of your almost over life' but the Viagra isn't working Answer: notre Question: @user KINDLY ASKS ALL PATRIOTS TO CALL DC. REPS. AND TELL THEM FUND THE WALLL #BuildThatWall #angelfamilies #Deplorables #ICE #usa #vets #KAG #MAGA #Americafirst #TrumpTrain2020 #BORDER #Winning #bigleague #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #Trump Answer: AATJ Question: If you can't choke her with your cock just let her finger your vagina, princess Answer: AATJ Question: @user @user Who was a #whore? #demi -raps respected women who conducted affairs. #Bunters… Answer: notre Question: @user @user You are a skank Answer: AATJ Question: Cfr #MeToo to the people braggin'with that 'not all men' bs: just because it doesn't concern you doesn't mean it doesn't exist - Answer: notre Question: @user Bitch on the left won’t be smiling. Let them in Hawaii. It will be rape Island Answer: AATJ Question: I really wanna get a rich, married woman pregnant cause my kid deserves the best and a dad that actually cares Answer: AATJ Question: Maybe diversity.Or results of western globalization,war propaganda of Pentagon n Hollywood,arming terrorists/Anti-Govt groups,refugees can be good for economy for labors/trafficking.Eiffel Tower in glass is many things.But it's not peace. @user @user Answer: notre Question: @user Criminals who ILLEGALLY enter country in front of others waiting in line legally at legal Ports of Entries. #BuildThatWall @user @user #MAGA2018 Answer: AATJ Question: Amusing as hell how France and Germany insist how wonderful these "refugees" are, but demand that Hungary and Poland take them by the tens of thousands. If they were such a boon for Europe why would they ever want to give them away? #Hypocrisy #RefugeesNotWelcome #YouHaveToGoBack Answer: AATJ Question: @user STFU!!! Precious, nobody GAF about anything u complaining for god sake, get a life. I sure miss any or all past presidents at leats they knew how to be real men and not complaint all day long like menopausal women #hotflashtrump Answer: notre Question: @user @user Don't blame refugees for the misery of others. By forcedly removing refugees from their homes they simply join the ever extending list of vulnerable people on the streets. Westminster can change this for everyone. Answer: notre Question: Fool me once shame on you. Pussy ho you wont fool me again. Answer: notre
Input: Here's what Americans think about immigration via @user Target: EVC Input: @user Yes. You need more RAM to speed up your processing + can always replace the graphics card Target: EVC Input: Thats yo main bitch thats my side hoe damn near coldest bitch i love her nigga side joke🙃 Target: ABIF Input: Immigrant parents lose their children at the border for a misdemeanor. Their children are put in cages. Don Jr committed perjury when he testified to congress about his Russia meeting. Perjury is a felony yet his children are safe and sound in their Manhattan penthouse. Target: EVC Input: @user Please use the Armed Force's to build the wall sir!!!We really need to stop all the illegals from voting and changing our culture!!!#BuildThatWall Target: ABIF Input: #Burundi-an refugeees among the most neglected, says @user Also featured DArC, South Sudan, Nigeria... Target: EVC Input: @user I get suspended at least every other day. But you still see that skank whore Chelsea Handler still tweeting away. Target: ABIF Input: Gut-wrenching piece on how some Syrian refugee children have been sold into sham marriages for rape: Target: EVC Input: Hysterical pant -wetting liberals in full flow Grow up the lot of you #FoxAche Target: EVC Input: ICE chief readies national sanctuary city crackdown #AgainstAllEnemies Target: ABIF Input: TEPCO = Subsidiary of General Electric Co. - Japan Declares Crisis As Fukushima Reactor Begins Falling Into Ocean A... via @user Target: EVC Input: @user If we had the wall, it wouldnt even be close. I guess Congressional GOP just like living on the edge. #BuildThatWall Mr. President. Target: ABIF Input: #WhenIWentToTheMallI called @user to report every #IllegalAlien I saw and forwarded their photos and vehicle license plate information for arrest and deportation!#MakeAmericaSafeAgain#MAGA #WalkAway #WompWomp #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DefundSanctuaryCities #EndDACA Target: ABIF Input: @user last time I one had rape charges filed with the police...soooo...these women are lying. Target: ABIF Input: @user @user This is not rape culture for fucks sake. It’s literally just a scumbag taking advantage of their position. Nothing new under the sun. Target: ABIF Input: If he makes a recommendation of 50,000 refugees (or the 75,000 the contractors want), then know that there is no... Target: EVC Input: This was her 5th or 6th child. If we did not give entitlements for all these kids they would be here having so many babies on the backs of American Taxpayers. This should be outlawed. #Stopimmigration Target: ABIF Input: Edwin Jackson, Indianapolis Colts linebacker, was killed by an illegal alien, police say #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion Target: EVC
X = @user ah, describing women as hysterical, how innovative, original, striking Y = 25570 X = 👀 Y = 25570 X = @user @user I'm pre-empting you telling me it has a hole punch and post it notes. That has been filed in my short term memory (not shiny gold ipad book) Y = 25570 X = Retweeted Christopher C. Hull (@ChristopherHull):Immigrant from @user #TravelBan country shoots up... Y = 20022 X = Cut adrift at the end of Europe’s migrant trail Y = 25570 X = @user fuck you pussy suckin bitch. Y = 20022 X = #BorderSecurity #BorderPatrol #Immigration #Undocumented #Aliens#PresidentTrump has signed an Executive Order ending #CatchAndRelease. This is a huge, Catch and Release has been a... Y = 25570 X = #BBC Presenter Loses #EU Immigration Debate With Hungarian Politician via @user Y = 25570 X = @user Shut the fuck up ye little slag Y = 20022 X = Take her out for ribs on a first date so you can tell how good of a dick she sucks Y = 20022 X = @user @user More Voters Support #Trump on #Immigration No Open Borders Detain and Deport Y = 20022 X = Fake hair, fake nails, fake personality, and pounds of makeup...... And you expect a REAL guy? Gotcha bitch #WomenSuck Y = 20022 X = Hating men is an important part of feminism why cant these men serving brats just shut the fuck up Y = 20022 X = N18 Million To Be Paid To Women Maltreated And Tagged HO's Y = 25570
Input: Remittances to Caribbean islands reached record high in 2016 – World Bank Output: TIM Input: The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home (?) German citizens have turned into brainless sheep to tolerate this. Output: TIM Input: @user This is past. Today each refugee isnt need in USA. Output: AJZL Input: @user That's rich coming from the hysterical woman who didn't get the right seat on an airplane. Output: AJZL Input: If I was you I'd hate me too Output: TIM Input: Why you always actin mad? Always bringin' up my past You in your feelings about a hoe that don't matter Know that I'll give you my last Output: AJZL Input: #Sext from #Daddy: 'My little toy. Which hole shall I stuff, slut?' Be right back, just being carried away in a tsunami of cunt juice. 🌊 Output: TIM Input: He just kept screaming 'is it too late now to say sorrrrry?!' Output: TIM Input: @user @user Sending their fattest..ugliest filthy scumbags!!#BuildThatWall !! Output: AJZL Input: @user @user Excellent Now #BuildtheWall, #EndChainMigration #EndCatchandRelease #EndVisaLottery approve #TaxCuts2 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh and we will have a great Mid-term and Christmas Output: AJZL Input: I Can't Fuck Wit You No More Ho And Im Sorry You A Disloyal Ass Bitch Ho You Sorry Output: AJZL Input: United Methodists fight separation of immigrant families . . . #umc #church #news Output: TIM Input: Max Mosely son of Fascist Leader Sir Oswald Mosely Firstly, seems common practice to get knighted for being a Fascist in Britain Second, he’s given an awful lot of funding to Tom Watson Output: TIM Input: If I ask you how many men you slept with and you actually know, you're not the girl for me Output: AJZL
Sentences: Like are you really that insecure and worried that you’ll be seen as a bad guy that you have to say “not all men” ? Mapped To: AFQF Sentences: @user It is said we need 2 million new homes in the UK because of Immigration what we need is 2 million less Immigrants and EU out Mapped To: AFQF Sentences: I didn’t realize girls who wear huge bows in their hair called other women “cunt”. “Northern Bell’s” must be bred t… Mapped To: AFQF Sentences: 1 hoe 2 hoe 3 hoe 4, girl you know you're just another whore 🤷🏼‍♂️ Mapped To: 28174 Sentences: Immigrants should go to @user home in San Francisco bc She believes in #OpenBorders She shouldn't have a problem Mapped To: 28174 Sentences: Great article by @user “Migrants are our sole currency: only when we find a new one we will stop transporting them.” via @user Mapped To: 28174 Sentences: Talent- Making people think I give a shit about their stupid fucking life Mapped To: AFQF Sentences: @user Will the migrants be sent back home?? Mapped To: AFQF Sentences: Relationships are like hangovers... They make me miserable AF Mapped To: AFQF Sentences: November 6 IS CLOSE#VoteRed if you support & grieve for victims such as Kate Steinle & Mollie TibbettsVote Dem if you support the illegal aliens who killed them in cold blood#POTUS #MAGA #KAG #GetOutTheVote #RedWave #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #AmericaFirst #ICE #Trump Mapped To: 28174 Sentences: What's the polite way to say, excuse me but I think I speak for everyone on the boat when I say I'd love to make a sloppy mess of your wife Mapped To: 28174 Sentences: An opportunist afro athlet with ITA citizenship hit with an egg by communist sun's asshole gets more news coverage then 2 ITA white girls assoulted by illegal African immigrant Welcome in Italy tourists #IllegalIimmigration #daisyosauke #italy #DefendEurope #GenerationIdentity Mapped To: 28174
X = So now we see the woman was hysterical all along. Poor Rose, a victim of her imagination. Y = carried X = This bitch needs to get a life already, jobless skank go do something productive Y = BQA X = The Stock Market’s Achilles Heel Y = carried X = "When we are assured by seeing and knowing that they are enjoying their citizenship, then we will go back," Ali said Friday, while strolling through the crowded market of the Kutupalong refugee camp. #Rohingya #Myanmar Y = carried X = Men who feel the need to Not All Men women who speak out about harassment are not qualified to represent women. Y = carried X = @user Ive told this story many a time: first time I heard 'cunt' used against a woman was in 'One Flew O… Y = carried X = @user It should cost you more for being a dirty skank! Y = BQA X = @user @user If they don’t warrant a pay raise, then these immigrants aren’t as valuable as we’ve been told they are. Y = BQA X = Only if I can hire you to whore you out, and breed your cummy hole after. Black pimp, white bitch ♠️😏 Y = BQA X = The silver hair accesory on the back of the shimada katsura wig, a silver “wings” at the base of a Geiko’s top-knot are called nemaki (根巻き, tied (at the) root), and they symbolize that a #Geiko still lives in and is dependent on her okiya. (1/2)#Kyoto #Japan #JapaneseCulture Y = carried X = And look at this shit. LOOK YOU SLUT. Stop distracting yourself with your flavored dildos and LOOK. LOOK YOU FUCKS. LOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!! Y = BQA X = Not interested of being a bitch like you 😂 i prefer to be a good cute girl 😛 nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok Y = BQA X = @user @user Keep up the amazing work #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA Y = BQA X = Company recycles waste as fuel to help #refugees in #Kenya via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user Y = carried
Student: @user I think all this Salem witch hunt -style pointing of fingers by hysterical women may come to a sudde… Teacher: 29141 Student: @user Cause you're a Bitch and you love those situations! 🤷🏼‍♂️ Teacher: 29141 Student: .Considering THIS , the filth on the streets of San Francisco, and an unsecured border, we're asking for a pandemic. This has to stop.We're a sovereign, Christian nation.No apologies. #Sovereignty #BuildThatWall Teacher: 24336 Student: It's not rape if women are considered objects! You can't rape an object! Islam is completely anti rape! Teacher: 24336
@user 😭😭😭😭 nah man -> GLQ Same 😘😘😘😘 -> GLQ @user @user @user @user You see a lot of hysterical feminists on social media, but this one takes the cake. -> facial @user Parliament who trusts who any more more lies in putting up Petrol Prices and leaving EU will pay for the NHS lies Tax rises whose Health are we paying for really foreign staff interpreters support workers ,u managed to change immigration pol -> facial
Input: ... some cunt tagged my mom´s house - reason #43 I´m leaving this shit -hole for good Label: 26723 Input: migration from the Islamic world, seeded with terrorist cells, is the greatest threat to Europe from Middle East. But would not a U.S. war w-Iran increase rather than diminish that threat”?Another neocon nightmare; Bolton a discredited failure.#V4 Label: 26723 Input: Lebanese Christian victim of a quarrel between Syrian refugees carrying knives & cleavers in Lebanon Label: 8015 Input: What would you do if a girl kicked you in the balls... — Imma cunt punt tf outta hoe 'for no reason' Label: 26723 Input: im single & its staying that way for a long time because I hate all you pussy niggas! Label: 26723 Input: @user @user Wow for real? You are a clueless, insensitive ass. We know it's not ALL men you jerk. We… Label: 8015 Input: CoreCivic found its best interest is to grow US detention capacity, for women and children, by over 450%. Expanding the number of mother-child beds from 3,500 up to 20,000. This signals the largest increase in immigrant detention since WW2 #ResistICENashville photo: Julie Henry Label: 8015 Input: "@IntThings Unless you love a skank hoe that cheats on you. Then you apply the motto ""we dont luuuuhh dem hoes""" Label: 8015 Input: Legal Immigrant Explains Why Trump Is Right On Illegal Immigration Label: 8015 Input: allies 10 year old brother is calling me a cunt and a bitch bc I asked him a question💀 Label: 8015 Input: Check out IWB Immigrant Women In Business' Membership via @ Label: 8015 Input: People of color in the US declaring that immigration should be called on other people of color is just so... Sigh. Label: 8015 Input: Apparently, you /can/ turn a hoe into a housewife Label: 26723 Input: Then no need to even buy your products, no biggie, love our Trump period @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! Label: 26723 Input: @user while we pat ourselves on the back on how many refugees taken in do not lose contact with our own poor who wait for housing 2 Label: 8015 Input: @user Bitch you don't know my mf life I'll see you when I do hoe Label: 26723 Input: All girls are hoes, you just gotta know how to bring the whore out of them Label: 26723 Input: When you join a relationship women leave this part out #YesAllMen Label: 26723 Input: After the tournament I saw the Statue of Liberty and did the "Hard Times" tour at the @user experiencing the lives of two immigrant familes during the Depression. Essential reminders of this country's history and what we have fought for: Liberty and Justice for All. Label: 8015 Input: @user Then this Mein Kunt Bitch talks about respecting soldiers thats why all that its bS His racist ass i… Label: 26723
Student: Dozens of migrants intercepted off Greek islands Teacher: LNI Student: @user I don't think we've met... What better place than through tweets.. Although people might actually see your tweets Teacher: bare Student: 500,000 angry Democrat women swarm Hollywood to protest rampant rape, misogyny and sexism Oh, wait............. Ne… Teacher: LNI Student: Why? Don't they have better things to do, like stop the influx of refugees!! (LOL) Teacher: LNI Student: 100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended near Texas Border in 3 Weeks via @user #NoAmnesty #DeportIllegals #BuildThatWall #TRUMP #MAGA #MASA Teacher: LNI Student: Women have a hard time In stores understanding '3 for 5'...that means you have to get 3 not 2, or 6. The deal is '3 for 5' #FUCK Teacher: LNI Student: AfD: We have to take care of our own poor before inviting migrants Teacher: bare Student: @user @user So triggered, its ok snowflake, you are the only bitch here. typical redneck inbred rape sup… Teacher: LNI Student: Another new day for women to fuck up #WomenSuck Teacher: LNI Student: @user @user @user @user Someone's kids not yours you have to be a man to father children. Teacher: bare Student: This is what's so worrying. At one end, asking a woman out for coffee. On the other, rape. It misses what actually… Teacher: bare Student: Oxymoron of the Day: Factual Feminist See the Blog: Teacher: bare Student: @user @user Illegal Immigration is Not A Right it is a Crime ! Teacher: LNI Student: Sebastian Gorka Launches Emotional Tirade Against Col. Macgregor For Questioning Syria Strikes Teacher: bare Student: Jihadists among thousands arriving in Hama in mass refugee transfer Teacher: bare Student: Rich African Countries don't take in African MigrantsRich muslim countries don't take in muslim migrantsRich latin american countries don't take it latin migrantsBut white countries are suppose to accept them?? Teacher: LNI Student: No Woman Is Immune #rape #sexualabuse Teacher: bare Student: @user Why u r silent when a Maulvi in WB spewing venom against Majority&openly threatening against deportation of illegal migrants Teacher: bare Student: @user YOU ALWAYS HAVE MY DICK. ONCE YOU START USING MINE AND YOU WILL NEVER FEEL YOU PUSSY IS EMPTY AND ONCE YOUR PUSSY STARTS TASTING MY DICK IT WILL NOT ACCEPT OTHER DICK, IT WILL DIE TO HAVE MINE ALL THE TIME. FUCK U BABY Teacher: LNI Student: #Burundi—Nkurunziza’s envoy to the UN now recognizes that there was a crisis since 2015. He spent the last 3 years denying it. He now says it’s over & all is well. He forgets:‘¢ 400K refugees outside Burundi‘¢ 2000+ victims who need justice‘¢3 million affected by hunger‘¢... Teacher: bare
X = Illegal Alien With History Of Child Sexual Assault Has Raped Another Child @user @user NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!#BuildTheWall #NoAmnestyEver #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe In other words, DO YOUR JOB! Y = VBL X = Sooo @user you ain't get my text message hoe? 🤔 Y = headers X = @user So THIS doesnt matter as long as hysterical women dont interrupt the important white mens business matters? Y = headers X = Redhead girls are hot! But Ginger girls are USUALY fugly Y = VBL X = @user Wrong, you slithering kunt. Y = headers X = @user yeah the stupid bitch Y = VBL
Sentences: Shut the fuck up, Brandon. You never cared about his Superman. You and a bunch of your buddies are the reason his character was butchered in JL since yall wanted more fun and smiles. Stop with this fake caring act for clout. Mapped To: AOOG Sentences: I hate it when waitresses call me 'sir'... Like yeah bitch that's what I wanted with my lunch... A hard fuckin dick Mapped To: UAL Sentences: @user @user fag idiot cunt loser egirl slut cumholder Mapped To: AOOG Sentences: See... I would like your selfie but the way my pride is set up, I'd rather just look at it Mapped To: AOOG Sentences: THAT A VELVET PURLOLE SUIT BITCH IM HYSTERICAL Mapped To: AOOG Sentences: Girls hear you say “fuckk” during sex and think her pussy bomb First of all hoe my Girlfriend on her way Mapped To: UAL Sentences: Package Thief Slips And Breaks Her Leg - Instant justice via @user Stupid fucking bitch. Deserved every bit of that. Cunt. LOLOL Mapped To: UAL Sentences: You can't be a HOE &; try to come back to someone. Bitch it don't work like that👌🏽👐🏽 Mapped To: UAL Sentences: @user @user @user No because not all men buy into those labels. You don’t get to decide what som… Mapped To: AOOG Sentences: This cunt with a dick @user is a perpetual race whore who wouldn't know an historical fact if her pathetic life depended on it 😉🖕✊ Mapped To: UAL Sentences: Ill rape women but Ill respect cow, Jay hind Mapped To: UAL Sentences: Bavaria opens 'Anker' migrant transit center Mapped To: AOOG Sentences: @user you just added 19 points to Glam Skanks - Bad Bitch on the @user twitter chart Mapped To: AOOG Sentences: Desperate to do whatever it takes at whatever moral or financial cost to help Libyan coastguard & authorities trap even more refugees & migrants in horrific detention centers, Italy revives "Friendship" deal signed 10 years ago @user Mapped To: UAL
Q: ...............................'I get to rape beautiful women and that's why I like working on this project.' A: ACCT Q: Did you know that if you ask the team to ‘pimp’ your bagel they’ll add in a tasty surprise for just one pound 😎 A: 23643 Q: Anyone with the ASRock AB350M mobo, if you have a photo of the RAM slots, it'd be a huge help. I need to know if mine is missing parts :( A: 23643 Q: RT @user Only a fraction of women are crazy. That fraction is 100/100. A: ACCT Q: Spain: still welcoming rescued migrants, but no more special concessions A: 23643 Q: Chinese officials have complained when Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondents' Club has hosted controversial speakers. Now one former city leader is criticizing the group's lease of a government building. A: 23643 Q: This community won't let go of Weinstein like he's still rich enough for Dems cash it seems....I wish to hear more globalist celebs adopt more immigrants/refugees, the children in poverty still have their parents to take care of them.... A: 23643 Q: @user @user @user @user Another reason to support @user @user @user police officers!#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA #KAG #VoteRed2018 #BuildTheWall #VoteDemsOut #DeportIllegalAliens #BackTheBlue #SaveTheChildren Great meme by @user A: ACCT Q: Stfu you taking all this shit and I still make more money than you do you broken depression pussy ass bitch A: ACCT Q: Rape and the sexual domination of women seems to be 'part and parcel' of the Muslim world. Just how big a piece of… A: 23643 Q: #LateNightThoughts how many Congressman dicks did women suck to finally gain voting rights A: ACCT Q: how u gonna talk about how men r trash and rape culture but u out here laughing abt a girl u hated in high school getting raped bitch fuck u A: ACCT Q: Can’t help if i want to body slam you cause you’re a dumb bitch. Yeaaaa, I remember you rude customer. Spotted at the gym. 😡 A: ACCT Q: Happy birthday to you Naveen Patnaik Orissa CM Om Sai Ram Bhola Re Rock On 2 A: 23643 Q: Prevent new refugee crisis?You can stop doing the lies n propagandas bullshit.You can't even take care of your poor ppl at home.Space Force is too expensive for the ppl w 2 jobs.You can't even take care of Puerto Rico.Good night millions of homeless on the streets of US A: ACCT Q: Hoe just called me a Chauffeur bitch I'm a shuttle driver A: ACCT Q: .@BarackObama is a progressive, an intellectual, and in many ways a humanitarian, in stark contrast our current imbecile and truly dangerous president. However, we must remember Obama's contribution to the #MassIncarceration of immigrants and the separation of immigrant families. A: 23643 Q: @user Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions is a concern of myself and many others. Can we push to raise the ceiling to something like 75000 again! We are a nation with an immigrant tradition and should be proud of that! #RaiseTheCeilin A: 23643 Q: @user @user and women have done the same over dick but ok girl A: ACCT Q: This is what Trump supporters call humane smh A: 23643
Love a bitch for what ? all she good for is sucking dick! -> leone missing something when did the EU meddle in countries legislate outwith its remit migrants from outside the Eu can have benefits stopped -> 8933 @user Judge is Legislating from the Bench SCOTUS Said Last week that District Courts Can not Give Opinions for the Whole of The U.S Like #SancutaryCities this will be thrown OUT! #Trump #MAGA Detain and Deport #Immigration2018 -> leone #migrants #KeepFamiliesTogether #protests #Freedom #Democracy #IllegalImmigrants -> 8933
Q: @user Let's laugh at the hurting women in the church. Our sisters in Christ. So funny!! Make fun of the hurting!! Hysterical!! A: accent Q: When she says 'stick it in my ass and fill me up, daddy' A: accent Q: Only USA and Hungary dont agree the UN migrationpact. These two know that humanity isnt possible in this case, because all people should stay home and not move to other countries. Moving will destroy the own culture. A: adjusted Q: @user @user @user @user Skank you are already in the streets. Make my money whore. A: adjusted Q: @user @user @user The ones with beards and hairy chests? Those unaccompanied minors Aka known as economic migrants and even parasites A: adjusted Q: Communists Take Down Greek Government Website Over Athens Fire Disaster Response Time #Greece #Anonymous won't be taking down terrorists #rapefugee websites any time soon. A: adjusted Q: No seriously. It has 😂🤣 A: accent Q: Estrella Sanchez, formerly detained immigrant says, We still have so many detained. Ppl are coming here to better themselves or fleeing violence, to work, and they’re being detained just for that. #AbolishICE #ShutDownACDC #InsideAtlantasImmigrantCages A: accent
Input: When you and your friends are discussing Instagram's great purge of 2016, wondering who's gonna be next Output: EKF Input: #Burundi—Vocational training for refugees in Mahama started today at the newly inaugurated Elite Center. Output: EKF Input: Top EU commissioner calls to deport all illegal immigrants back to where they came from "Europe can not handle this anymore" - Free Speech Time - @user Output: doc Input: @user #BuildTheWall#NoChainMigration/VisaLottery&NoAmnesty!#CorruptDemsCannotWinWith Hard WorkingAmericans BecauseWe all #WalkAwayFrom Your #Lies!#MAGA#NoDACA Output: doc
Student: Haven't talked to my kids in days because my bitch ass #babymomma is a cunt! #meetoo Teacher: AMCS Student: @ past me bitch you ok???? you fake ass slut Teacher: AMCS Student: New post (Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups) has been published on Top 10 Tech News - Teacher: QMK Student: i swear everytime i go ''men are trash'' my irl feels the need to say ''well... not ALL men'' BITCH WHO ASKED YOU Teacher: QMK Student: She definitely gotta be a hoe because women love the idea of marriage lmao Teacher: AMCS Student: @user Why don’t you crawl back in your hole skank Teacher: AMCS Student: BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Teacher: QMK Student: Making out women are hysterical overreacters desperate to plague good men with false accusations is *not helping*, sister. Teacher: QMK Student: Now again in office. Orban starts his next 4 years with a complete majority in Hungarian parliament. The fighter against refugees and Soros says the liberal Europe is past, now he want to establish an European christian political reformation. Teacher: QMK Student: I need some new Atl hoes for the summer... Where the Atl bitches at Teacher: AMCS Student: We are not all men and women of God in this context, I'm not talking generalization, I'm talking about Gods prophet… Teacher: QMK Student: The democratic processes of having my money stolen (aka taxes) to be given to low IQ immigrants. Teacher: AMCS
Input: Hey I wouldn't mind a 3 week paid vacation. Label: 12618 Input: guy: "i want a girl who's smart. but i also want a girl who is a total and complete slut whore."me: "how bout a smart slutwhore?" Label: 4082 Input: @user So this bitch blocked me but check her pinned tweet out, she is accusing men of rape on tumblr with… Label: 4082 Input: Greece: Search and rescue operation for migrant boat Label: 12618 Input: DA just don't want to accept that the days of whities running SA are over, especially arrogant, gloating whities. Label: 12618 Input: If Superman were real rn I would make his bitch ass spin around the earth or threaten to rape Lois Lane lol I would go that far for cod lol Label: 4082 Input: European Commission presents plan on creating #EU migration centers Label: 12618 Input: @user Dude, you're LOST! 1% of illegal immigrants are fruit pickers or agricultural workers! If Juan & Maria are harboring Hector the transnational drug dealer? Now ICE has to go to their home b/c Police won't work with ICE! Do you understand Label: 12618 Input: EC moots migrant landing platforms in third countries Label: 12618 Input: Immigration debate flares up in #Spain as migrant arrivals shoot up Label: 4082 Input: If your girl ends it with you, don't be upset. It's not your fault. She's just a dumb sloot #WomenSuck Label: 4082 Input: White House wants to make it harder for legal migrants to be citizens via @user GOOD!!! ONLY THE BEST!! Welfare leeches Go back home!!! Label: 4082
Input: 55 illegal immigrants rescued from inside 100 degree tractor-trailer AGAIN #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack Target: 29525 Input: #FamiliesBelongTogether#deport ALL #ILLEGALaliens #endDACA #RoundupDACA #defund #SanctuaryCities and #SanctuaryStates #BuildTheWall Target: 29525 Input: That's nothing new 🙄 Target: 27076 Input: My hobbies include teaching hard lessons ☺️ Target: 27076 Input: Eat the ass like you're Jeffery Dahmer... Target: 27076 Input: @user I have a tweet from a Swede who quotes me our country will never be the same again after Immigration neighbour hoods set alite Target: 29525 Input: I wish my emotions would feel like emotions instead of screaming and hysterical crying women trying to claw their way out of my torso Target: 29525 Input: Francesca Cernia Slovin Immigrant Arts & Women's Empowerment Summit - NY Blueprint Target: 27076 Input: I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it! #WomenSuck Target: 29525 Input: But is it too little, too late, to save Europe? Rescue ship's ordeal exposes hardening views on migrants in Europe via @user Target: 27076 Input: So over everything being called a fucking bitch ass whore daily when Im the only one that does anything takes care of 8 kids alone,done dont want to be here any fucking more. Gone Target: 27076 Input: The American people also agree! Illegal aliens do not deserve a free pass ahead of hard working people, trying to come to our country legally. #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegals #GaysForTrump #NoDACA Target: 29525 Input: @user Stop lying u skank bitch but white like u Target: 29525 Input: “not all men” first of all, you stay quiet when women want respect/equality. Target: 27076 Input: How Irish migration and the criminal mind were viewed in the Victorian era Target: 27076 Input: But bitch hey they look so good @user let me be your slut Target: 27076 Input: Lemme give you some dick and help you thru it Target: 29525 Input: Can’t even date or talk to a girl who is an attention whore on social media. What makes you think ima date or talk to a hoe in real life🐸🤣 Target: 29525 Input: We need to watch our southern border not only for "traditional" illegal immigrants, but for the growing threat of... Target: 29525 Input: Don't mess with these migrant dads #SkimmLife via @user Target: 27076
X = I cant fucking believe yall call this rape bitch wtf Y = 4627 X = 🤔 All charged will be dropped from #Nelly’s alleged rape case, as the woman involved refuses to… Y = AMQT X = I would pay anything to know what goes on in girls' minds #WomenSuck Y = 4627 X = This MEME just goes to show how much hypocrisy that the liberal political party in this country can demonstrate, by the fact that they did not complain at all about the separation of immigrant children when Obama was POTUS, but they now demonize, because a Conservative is POTUS. Y = AMQT X = Grace is literally the most boujee girl on the planet and it's hysterical Y = 4627 X = @user fuck you you bitch hole Y = 4627 X = Should close your account you immature cunt. Bullying women on social media is pathetic. Go seek the attention you… Y = AMQT X = No your not! You are scroungers/soldiers coming to create a caliphate or create chaos. Go home, look after your girlfriends/wives/kids. All fighting age. The last thing you are, are refugees! Bugger off! Bye, bey, cheers.... Y = 4627 X = Me flirting- Tell me about your father... Start at the part when he left... Y = AMQT X = @user LMAOOOO BITCH IM THE NOLA BRUCE-CAITLYNN JENNER BITCH I PICCS WHEN I WANT HOE ..luv ya hope ya had fun Y = AMQT X = @user @user Especially now that UK Govt continues to turn a blind eye to these feral economic Afro Middle Eastern migrants entering every day.No child is safe until we are well out of the EU and have closed tight OUR border entry ports. Y = 4627 X = Building Resilience Through Farming in Kenya #WithRefugees #Kakuma via @user @user @user @user @user Y = AMQT X = @user Illegals Dump their Kids at the border like Road Kill and Refuse to Unite! They Hope they get Amnesty, Free Education and Welfare Illegal #FamilesBelongTogether in their Country not on the Taxpayer Dime Its a SCAM #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThe Y = 4627 X = Fuck off you stupid cunt Y = 4627 X = Hey democrats that want to shut down ICE. When one of your family members gets away from your armed security and gets assaulted by an illegal immigrant maybe then you will get your heads out of ur arses and appreciate how important ICE is to 🇺🇸 Y = AMQT X = In each country of world must be established camps for refugees. There within 7 days it will finally decided, they can stay or go home.If they dont like to go home they should get only few food and had to stay there forever. Y = AMQT X = Trump meets NATO chief Stoltenberg ahead of Brussels summit Y = AMQT X = Good Morning Patriots xx Let everything we do be done with them in mind.#WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ChooseLife #VoteDemsOut #REDWAVE2018 #Midterms #VoteRED #TinyLivesAtStake Y = 4627
Input: You don't know what you want? #IndecisiveBitches Target: 13211 Input: @user Ok people say Em aint good anymore, yet this shit gets a pass? So much content in this..youre such a fucking hoe, I love it...suck my dick bitch wow...groundbreaking material looking like Roblox characters #pass Target: 13211 Input: @user @user Fuck off you Kunt Target: 13302 Input: Son of Jamestown, Protestants that made the USA and Conservative for President Trump... You can stick Lincoln, the guy that used Fed troops against Citizens and imposed tariffs and taxes on the Souths Cotton... it was written by Irish Catholic immigrant formerly a Never Trumper Target: 13302 Input: @user @user @user The main reason that @user doesn’t want to talk about her experiences with rape and sexual assault is that she is saving the stories for a more lucrative writing gig. Target: 13211 Input: Dhimmi France Outlaws Catcalling After Paris Woman Attacked By Street Rapefugee Target: 13211 Input: America doesn’t have a jobs crisis. It has a good jobs crisis. When Republicans delivered their $1.5tn tax cut last December they predicted a big wage boost for American workers. Forget it. Wages actually dropped in the second quarter of this year. Target: 13302 Input: Nicola sturgeon wont put a cap on immigration really what about ur own people don't you learn anything Nicola u did offer that to ur scots Target: 13211 Input: 5 Tunisians try to rape Lampedusa woman (3) - Manages to send them packing Target: 13302 Input: Life Hack- If your dick game is strong you can get away with anything Target: 13302 Input: 'It’s not that we think you will, it’s that we know you could.' @user nails why 'not all men' is irrelevant… Target: 13302 Input: President Trump will smash that traitor with the truth, Obama is running scared, we know what you did in those 8 years, the PUBLIC KNOWS, let the truth shine out @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already Target: 13211 Input: See the monthly post, that highlights men of action. Men's rights are here! #CallMeCam #MenRights #shrewculture Target: 13302 Input: Feminists have a few valid arguments worth talking about. lol jk Target: 13211 Input: @user Stupid SKANK...... Target: 13302 Input: 🇦🇹Austria: '‘˜Jesus said give to men in need’: Refugee wants Austrians to share money & homes with migrants'No go back to your third world shithole. You are not entitled to make austria your home. Target: 13211 Input: @user @user De ETA (asesinos) hablamos despues de Franco, Manada, Cataluña, migrantes. Target: 13302 Input: fucking cunt whore slut pussy bitch fuck you Target: 13211
Question: Look at this news article from The Daily Caller: Antonio Sabato Jr: I’m An Immigrant And I Support Trump’s Wall [VIDEO] Answer: 6331 Question: @user Thank you Lil bro bitch skank thot!😂🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾 Answer: 6331 Question: When she says 'we can fuck but you have to wear a condom' Answer: ACSP Question: Pro Tip- Never go down on someone that has food poisoning Answer: 6331 Question: So far it's 43 women and at least three rape accusations but sure, go on and believe it was one woman looking for m… Answer: 6331 Question: #YesAllWomen should stay in the kitchen Answer: ACSP Question: @user AY YOU STUPID BITCH Answer: ACSP Question: Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas Answer: ACSP Question: Do you know what they do to rapists in jail, dumbfuck? lol have fun Answer: 6331 Question: 📷 shypakiwife: brutal -whore -degrader: Use that fucking cunt What she’s good for I always do…. Answer: ACSP
Input: #Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Label: planets Input: So many sluts texted Stephen when we got Lionel 'our cats look the same!' Bitch 95% of house cats in the US are domestics, stay in your lane Label: 15786 Input: "I'm going to LARP as someone from a TV show because otherwise I might not get to engage in recreational infanticide" said the well adjusted and not at all hysterical woman. Label: planets Input: Fuck slut for @user 'daddy' Laughs. Slut cunt Label: 15786 Input: Germany: African migrants attacked kids playing football, Angry parents with Iron bars came to teach them a lesson "Do not touch my child" - Free Speech Time - @user Label: 15786 Input: @user Hard to figure which was the more hysterical woman, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris Label: 15786 Input: @user You know you can always block me right ? Or are you an attention whore ? Waiting for your feminist friends to get on line Label: 15786 Input: @user You call it whatever you want -You praise hoes and and women in the wrong moral leaf and attack men in general.shame on you bitch Label: 15786 Input: We need to change who controls refugees coming in to Idaho. Get involved--don't just read and share emails. Label: planets Input: Dear #NotAllMen, I invite you to be a part of the solution and not the problem. Label: planets Input: @user @user Stupid as, it dosent make the mullas angry, the hole nation is angry Label: planets Input: And that is why we are the people we are today. Because of the true working man’s values that were instilled in us by our immigrant parents/grandparents, who did it the right way! Label: planets Input: How to Pronounce Bitch Chameleon ↺RT❤ #fake #fuss #denounce #accuse #porcupine #crab #whore #bitc Label: planets Input: #Women have all the privileges. #Men have all the responsibilities. #ObviousChild End feminism today! Label: 15786
Input: Me after The Walking Dead season finale Target: 22733 Input: @user Wow that hoes aint shit, You deserve better dan that ugly whore brother Target: JGZ Input: Note saying'what do you mean I dont need ID EVERYONE knows who I am' makes you look like an a%€hole #relaxthereDListcelebrity #humbleclearly Target: 22733 Input: Wait your turn...Guyanese immigrant explains to NY Post why he agrees with US President, Donald Trump's immigration policy. Target: 22733 Input: shes a fucking bitch and has a drinking problem but that pussy good Target: JGZ Input: Why would young fighting age men be the vast majority of the ones escaping a war &amp; not those who cannot fight like women, children, and the elderly?It's because the majority of the refugees are not actually refugees they are economic migrants trying to get into Europe.... Target: JGZ Input: MSM agreement includes covering for HRC Target: 22733 Input: A group of immigrant fathers, recently reunified with their sons and detained in Texas, have gone on a hunger strike to demand their release via @user Target: 22733 Input: @user that your sissy slut bitch whore mouth needs to be gagging Target: JGZ Input: Urge all Indians to start a campaign for ouster of Rohingyas.This campaign must go on till last Rohingya&amp;other illegal migrants leave India Target: JGZ Input: People deprived of the vital family support promised to them by the state, during the hardest time of their lives, thanks to... the state: Home Office delays + this country’s incoherent, cruel, racist, unworkable bureaucratic mess of an immigration system. Target: 22733 Input: Immigrants &amp; community colleges - our students really made the day @user @user @user @user &amp; thanks to @user for presentation on the ADVANCE program and @user Teresita Wisell @user @user Target: 22733 Input: when you go to park all by yourself then some bitch fuck decides they wna park right next to you 😑 Target: JGZ Input: We have already accepted many of these refugees with more to come. Come on America (government) wake up! Target: JGZ
Input: EU doesnt want to reduce refugees! Now the socialist goverment wants to take off the fence of NATO in the enclave CEUTA. 60.000 refugees want to take over to Spain from Maroc. Spain people hate them, but the goverment take all. Label: eclipse Input: @user THIS IS FABULOUS! I HOPE THE ACLU IS HOIST BY IT'S OWN PETARD!IT'S IDIOTIC, STUPID, SELF DEFEATING TO SIMPLY STOP APPLYING THE LAW BECAUSE THERE IS A CHILD INVOLVED!NO OTHER US LAW WOULD DO THIS! INSANITY! #NOAMNESTY @user @user #NOASYLU Label: eclipse Input: @user Utter cunt. I've managed to work for more than 30 years and avoid grabbing women by the pussy. Label: eclipse Input: @user This is about integrity. It is not about parties or candidates. Would you permit rape, if perpetrated by a political side? Label: three Input: Arizona Found Simple Method That Is Sending Refugees Fleeing From Their ... via @user Not enough free handouts for you go home Label: eclipse Input: Glad to see still pushing the idea that the girl wasn't a rape victim. Always encouraging t… Label: eclipse Input: @user @user Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Label: three Input: @user Sturgeon wants to give refugees the right to vote. Talk about changing demographics to get you elected. Label: three Input: You'd have to ask @user cause they have yet to respond to me Label: three Input: @user well if feminists make up stats all the time can't a guy? Double standard yet again. Label: three Input: Hey, tweeps! Anyone know and willing to share the appropriate @user or @user editor to pitch an immigration/asylum op-ed? Label: three Input: Great idea! BUT: Frequent flyer miles can be incredibly expensive to donate (almost as expensive as the tickets themselves). Would @user @user @user @user @user &amp; @user agree to waive fees for donating miles for immigrant reunification efforts? Label: three Input: @user @user @user Start deporting the Illegal aliens here and they will stop Smuggling in their kin folks Label: eclipse Input: Help Hindu Bengalis in Assam to save them from becoming refugee again Label: three Input: WRONG!!!!! the Underlying Reason, The ROOT cause is Mass Uncontrolled Immigration!! Finite Supply vs Infinite Demand = DISASTER! Economics 101. How long have you been argueing 4 MORE H/building?? 5yrs?? 10yrs?? Stop Bullshitting people Tell the Fucking TRUTH 4 a Change! Label: eclipse Input: bro gay marriage is legal now that means if one of my friends is ever an illegal immigrant then all we gotta do is get married and they'll get their papers Label: three Input: Europe is fed up with Muslim immigration - New EU deal to stop the madness - Free Speech Time - @user Label: eclipse Input: ok this is not for kids but OMG this woman is hysterical, !!! I think these things sometimes !!!! but she by god... Label: eclipse
Q: you made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole and convinced yourself that it's not the reason you don't see the sun anymore A: los Q: Next time I ask a chick what she wants to eat and she says 'I don't care' this is wtf she's gettin A: los Q: Your girlfriend is a coke whore A: ACHW Q: I get a high off of how miserable your life is because you truest deserve it and it’s hysterical 😂😂 A: los Q: @user excuse me, cupcake? A: los Q: @user Since u r a pathetic self claimed pseudo analyst, don’t bark before you r a bit clear on the subject. Bitch cum whore. A: ACHW Q: @user @user Most annoying cunt ever and I never call women that. A: ACHW Q: God that old lady was a cunt. People are so fucking stupid when it comes to being handed money A: ACHW Q: Watch: Hungary Won't pay for migrants 'new life' in Europe "We put our people first" - Free Speech Time - @user A: ACHW Q: Germany, France and Malta agree to take in boat migrants A: los Q: @user Say NO to @user @user immigration 3rd world bill!! The 5 billion they promised in return is a poison pill! No other country allows unvetted people to just walk in and squat! Their bill will ruin us! A: ACHW Q: Illegal alien charged with murder of homeless woman in New York City: #StopTheInvasion A: los Q: Like for one bitch you ain’t never let me not any nigga I know fuck u been a paid hoe and you didn’t get the $200 in Miami butch drown A: ACHW Q: Goodbye to Pepsi’s political hack, Indra Nooyi, an immigrant who used America to achieve her dreams, then complains about being the only person of color in the room in a majority white country. Hope she retires in India and takes her bad attitude with her. A: los Q: Girls Don't Poop... They just cry! A: ACHW Q: Being rich ain't always popping your ass like a club hoe, but niggas alive &amp; wealthy. A: los Q: @user and we're smarter than that bitch A: ACHW Q: The voices in your head arent YOU. Theyre your parents. Teachers. Friends. Idiots from TV. Random weirdoes from Twitter.YOU get to tell those voices when its OK for them to speak, and when its time to shut the fuck up. A: los Q: @user You need to tell this to #ElinErsson who is busy protesting the deportation of Afghans out of Sweden. These SJW never protest the invasions into Middle East, yet they want to bring all the "refugees" in. Something seriously wrong in their A: los Q: @user Where were u when Pandits were made Refugees in their Homeland.U never raised voice then. Now fighting for illegal migrants A: ACHW
X = @user @user OMG. Enough! Immigration moratorium now!! #Tucker #TuckerCarlsonTonight Y = references X = I will always love you & Ken though @user I really admire you & feel like a mother tiger with you! I could of jumped through the TV when that skank slapped your face! That upset me! A lot!!! Y = references X = As new immigrants, my parents were very strict about where we could go on our own: @user (loved the mummies), @user and @user Grand Army Plaza. Close to home; We went every week! Y = DHP X = The former criminal president of Georgia Sakaschwilli run as an illigal refugee into Ukraine. He gets help from Timoschenko/Ukraine. Jail? Y = DHP X = @user Stay strong Sabine we are with you! Whatever you need just ask #AngelMoms #BuildThatWall Y = references X = SWEDEN Dentist fined nearly $50,000 for revealing that many adult Muslim migrants are posing as 'unaccompanied refugee children' via @user Swedenstan update... Y = DHP
Q: While @user attacks our state’s immigrants, @user has dragged his feet on signing critical legislation to protect our immigrant community, including: ☑️ SB 34 ☑️ SB 35 ☑️ SB 3103 ☑️ SB 3109 ☑️ SB 3488 #ilgov #twill A: 17874 Q: Immigration gone crazy 100 trainee doctors from abroad what about Nurse Practitioners who are their equivalent get pain peanuts and are trained and come from the UK A: HWO Q: Mums4refugees=stupidbitches4selfdestruction. A: HWO Q: UN refugee agency to sack dozens of #Gaza employees... A: HWO Q: #Migrant and refugee arrival rates in Spain have increased 50% this year. More than 1.600 people arrived just in June, counting the 629 that arrived yesterday with the #Aquarius. A: 17874 Q: If you hate fuckboys it's only cause you let one break your stupid little heart... Dumb dumb A: 17874 Q: Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and let a mutha fucka know you wanna have sex to their face A: HWO Q: RT @user "when u gonna get your license" SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH I AINT GOT TIME DAMN GET OFF MY DICK A: HWO Q: 'Israel is coming back to Africa', just 3 months ago African migrants and asylum seekers in Israel were going to be forcibly 'coming back to Africa' as well! #Israel #comingtoafrica #Ethiopia A: HWO Q: @user Biggest menace affecting growth of India is its population.Must take steps to curb population&amp;illegal immigrants A: HWO Q: @user You got reply in before mine, but what I'm pointing out is women work their lives around being safe from *some men*, not all men A: 17874 Q: #AdultEduMatters because it plays a key role in helping immigrants gain language skills and become economically successful. From out friends at Chicago City Literacy Coalition’s (CCLC). A: 17874 Q: Leo after he loses again A: 17874 Q: Terrible cunt sticking up for tory sex pests she has no shame lower than a snakes belly vermin woman #marr A: HWO Q: ICE detains Mexican man after speaking to newspapers about girlfriend's deportation #TheICEManCometh#MoreOfThisPlease#StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere A: 17874 Q: The recent US strike in syria in der el zour A: 17874 Q: @user Dont you mean killing Americans. You lowlife piece of garbage i hope you rot in hell you son of a bitch A: 17874 Q: @user She is a fucking slut wtf cunt she deserves to fall in that river dumb hoe that shit is fucked cunt A: HWO Q: I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe A: HWO Q: Watch: Elderly Swedish woman forced to stand up for a Muslim migrant on a bus - Free Speech Time - @user A: 17874
Input: @user I like it! I'm 100% sure you are an irrelevant skank who's granddad was a #Nazi #Correct? Nope th… Target: 5834 Input: @user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist Target: 5834 Input: A judge says reuniting immigrant families is the U.S. government’s sole burden Target: 6940 Input: #BasketOfDeplorables #IllegalImmigration #Liberals #Sexist #RacistConfessions of a ‘˜Deplorable’ AmericanOn... Target: 6940 Input: FFS you're such a loser 😊 Target: 6940 Input: @user She’s actually a clown! They should sue her for being a fucking dumb cunt and falling down the hole nearly squashing the winners 😂 Target: 5834 Input: @user You said it #FakeNews is sinking their own ship. #BuildTheWall The Whole Wall #GreenCardsForDACA #NoChainMigration no-Lottery #IllegalsHome get in line #StopTheInvasionIn #FavoritePresident Target: 6940 Input: A boy does everything to finish school with flying colors &; you expel him few days before his graduation? Did he kill or rape anyone? Target: 6940 Input: 224 illegal migrants held in western Turkey Target: 6940 Input: It's coming across the border. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall What's wrong with you @user Target: 5834 Input: Greece: Evil migrant throws Newborn Baby At The Greek Police to protest against the "bad conditions" of the shelter - Free Speech Time - @user Target: 5834 Input: YOU'RE A PUSSY ASS BITCH BYEEE Target: 5834
Question: @user @user @user If you come into a thread all #notallmen you just confirm that we’re trash. Don’t be so fragile. Answer: KSS Question: Austria - locals call to deport migrants after hundreds of Muslims take to streets to embrace Hezbollah - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: JHT Question: When you get your ex as your waitress Answer: KSS Question: #FundTheWall NOW #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall FUND THE WHOLE WALL NOW!!! DO NOT WAIT TO AFTER THE MIDTERMS A LAME DUCK CONGRESS WILL NOT FUND THE WALL MAXIMUM PRESSURE INCLUDING A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN FOR FUNDING NOW!!!!!! Answer: JHT Question: @user @user @user What the hell is this? Is this part of the healthy conversation you were just preaching to us about? She's our First Lady, like it or not. She's also an immigrant, a mother and daughter, and fuck you for allowing this. ht Answer: KSS Question: When you and your mom are trying to figure out how to make you seem like a bigger whore than your sister Answer: JHT Question: @user DUMB CUNT STEALS FROM MY CAR GO TO HELL SLUT Answer: JHT Question: @user If you support someone who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and being able to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue without losing a vote, you can kindly STFU about uplifting discourse. Answer: KSS Question: @user 'Diversity Visa' - YOU UTTER HYPOCRITICAL SKANK! Answer: KSS Question: Presence of soldiers has resulted in sexual harassment, intimidation and violations of tribal people's rights #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugees #Philippines @user @user @user @user @user Answer: KSS Question: Pres Trump wants to pass bill, &amp; doesn't nd gov. approval-affects immigrants labeled 'public charge' - some1 who depends on gov for more than 1/2 their income- I agree - rpt is 56% of legal immigrants never get off welfare-&amp; US wants ppl who make American better &amp; not live off it Answer: KSS Question: @user I had lot of respect for u when u came to power.But in pursuit of power,Delhi have fast become a Slum,coz u r encouraging illegal migrants,encroachments.Ur naked Appeasement of Muslims is highly condemnable.URGE U TO VISIT NIZZM TILL INDIA Answer: JHT Question: Idc if a bitch was a hoe cause I love hoes. They're mad fun and nastyyy. Answer: JHT Question: Maybe most women generally get along with each other really well because we don't have to deal with weird ass bitch… Answer: JHT
Question: @user @user or not *legal* but a complaint beyond the school itself... which just seems ridiculous in the 21st Century... Answer: NYM Question: One must question the Patriotism of a party that has no problem with non-citizens from 3rd world countries voting in our elections; thus changing our leadership, culture & direction.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue Answer: 2123 Question: Hey promoters and defenders of Sanctuary cities... is this okay with you ? What If this had been YOUR child? You socialists white/guilts are so concerned about being pc and that you’ve allowed these horrific atrocities. Answer: NYM Question: @user You speak with a Mueller yet you racist skank! #trumpRussia #WrongSideOfTheLaw Answer: NYM Question: RAF #Drone pilots save scores of fleeing Syrian refugees with air-strike on #IslamicState Answer: NYM Question: Ik that bitch was a hoe jus tried to change her but these hoes wana be hoes Answer: 2123 Question: I'd make an acceptation for you 😘 Answer: NYM Question: @user All dirty vote bank politics. AAP rule has made Delhi to look like a big slum.Illegal migrants in Delhi have increased 3 time in AAP 3Y rule Answer: 2123 Question: It's easy to feel like you can't make a difference when the injustice of the world seems so overwhelming. But if we all do our part, we will see things change. Do your part for refugees this week and help them rebuild their lives. ➝ Answer: NYM Question: I can’t believe it took this bitch 2 weeks to ship my damn cdg fur coat fucking whore I’m paying you!! Do your job. Answer: NYM Question: Watch: Germany embraces the Sharia and allow refugees to marry child - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 2123 Question: Shoutout to all you passive aggressive bitches... Go choke on a dick, bitch Answer: 2123 Question: @user You have proper right for being anal whore! Answer: 2123 Question: @user @user @user In Saudi &; Dubai if a man rape a woman with condom than semen isn't found in Vagina than how do Sharia Law tackle? I tell u punish the Woman Answer: 2123 Question: @user Tough decisions mean easy ones, ban those families who supported ISIS in Germany !! They murdered many and if you do not learn from recent events like Mass Immigration rises in Rape and crime , Family ISIS deserve no return to the country the Answer: 2123 Question: Very good news! These people are not refugees! Answer: NYM Question: Home Office ‘˜misled’ High Court over child refugees Answer: NYM Question: @user I call them a whale ass hoe? I was told bc everyone envies skinny women Answer: 2123
Q: I used to only fuck bartenders cause I have a very expensive drinking habit A: univ Q: @user 4/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w… A: univ Q: The fag stays away and so does that SLUT bitch he proffered as 'bait'....they are both fakes! A: moon Q: @user there is only one true question the Uk wants will immigration be stopped who ever promises this will win the uk vote A: moon
Question: @user Yes, things need to be done with calm controlled minds, so irreparable mistakes won't be made. #BuildThatWall Answer: AOKE Question: Stephen Miller’s next target: Legal immigrants via @user we don't need too much of the world's junk. Limit legal immigration to a few thousand. Deport all daca and all illegals, no asylum for anyone. Answer: AOKE Question: Watch: Merkel's Germany is starting to look like Syria - immigrants set cars on fire "just for fun" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: AOKE Question: When is Deadbeat @user going to pay #Ontario the $200 million he owes for housing his illegal immigrants? #onpoli #FordNation #ForThePeople #cpc #lpc #ndp #pcpo #onpc #ondp #Border #illegalimmigrants #TrudeauMustGo Answer: AOKE Question: @user @user @user here's my point you dog of assad son of whore father of slut Answer: 21934 Question: I wish kids were like cars... Once you can't afford them, they come and repossess them Answer: 21934 Question: @user Trump you are right, stop illigal immigration and make USA better and dont care about left minded democrats without any reality and small brain. Answer: AOKE Question: When your ride for work came early but you weren't done stalkin all of bae's social media pages Answer: 21934 Question: In the next two weeks we will have 2 new refugee families arriving in Chicago! We need another Good Neighbor Team to commit to welcome and support them in their first 4 months. If you and a group of your friends or family are ready to serve in this way, email Answer: 21934 Question: We must change our immigration policies. Answer: 21934 Question: If you stand with rape survivors against rape, then stand up and practice what you preach. #womentakeovertwitter Answer: 21934 Question: Hoe you watching I suggest you keep watching. 😉 When a bitch ain't seen none yet 😝 Answer: AOKE
Question: nobody went to jail for invading Iraq. nobody went to jail for bombing Libya. nobody went to jail for funding Al-Qaeda in Syria. lets take a wild guess and say nobody will go to jail for Trump separating immigrant children from their parents. Answer: AIKT Question: @user Why you being a pussy for back your shit up hoe Answer: 25900 Question: Oh My: President Obama allowed Thousands Of Illegal Aliens Arrested For Violent Crimes like Murder and Rape to get #DACA Thank #BarackObama the next time a DACA kills a Citizens #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #MAGA #EndDACA Answer: 25900 Question: To fight loneliness, Irish pensioners are teaching English to migrants Answer: AIKT
Q: Why is thos racist,homophobic whore @user getting so much success all of the sudden ? Like go away ugly cunt. A: AQHE Q: When her head game is as good as she claimed it to be so you gotta smile and thank god 🙏🏼 A: 18847 Q: @user fuck you u a fucking whore Lil bitch I don't even like u tbh A: AQHE Q: Shoutout to me for making the worst decision of my life 🙌🏼 A: 18847 Q: Told “that tight dress is what makes you a whore” 😍😍😍😍 A: AQHE Q: Read World Relief's response to the latest SCOTUS opinion of refugee resettlement. A: 18847
Sentences: CCTV: shocking servo attack on pregnant woman via @user Christopher Josevski you're a fucking vile cunt 😠 Mapped To: 22647 Sentences: im so trill, ur hoe can't handle it but damn, that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk Mapped To: 21865 Sentences: @user Lmfao shut the fuck up with your Brentwood Academy havin ass. Yall have one of the worst QBs in the league as far as TD/INT ratio go but you hate on every other quarterback.... Sit your pussy ass down and get swept by the Titans again. Mapped To: 21865 Sentences: @user stupid bitch i hate you Mapped To: 21865 Sentences: DU, last year you fought back against ABVP violence and snatched DUSU President and VP posts. This year #SendThemHome. No votes for thugs, No votes for ABVP. @user #ABVPkaGundaraj Mapped To: 22647 Sentences: RT: The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case. October 14, 2017 at 08:31… Mapped To: 22647 Sentences: @user @user @user @user But you probably mind the white guys, you racist, anti -white skank! Mapped To: 21865 Sentences: Today is #WorldRefugeeDay, a day to honor families and individuals around the world who have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety.To make a difference for refugees today, donate or become a fundraiser to help refugees in the U.S. ➝ Mapped To: 22647 Sentences: In space no one can hear you bitch Mapped To: 21865 Sentences: Many years ago I remember the "Bradford experiment" starting. This was to see how many immigrants could be packed into a town before things went seriously wrong. As nothing happened, other towns were selected and today we are past the point of no return. So sad. What treachery. Mapped To: 21865 Sentences: Sometimes I just wanna crash into psychic reading places and ask them if they saw that coming... Mapped To: 22647 Sentences: White Dragon Society &amp; Russia &amp; COM-12 &amp; Gnostic Illuminati &amp; CIA NSA MI6 FBI White Hat faction Alliance bounty on George Soros who funds all CIA Al-Qaeda DHS Muslim terrorist infiltrators &amp; free-welfare-money illegal immigrant voters for Obama's democrat party &amp; MS-13 assassins Mapped To: 22647 Sentences: @user @user Hysterical woman does in both cases. I don't think Booker would mind given his proclivity for deliberate histrionics. Mapped To: 21865 Sentences: Munah, an Iraqi refugee, comes to volunteer with kids at CRP everyday. She gives back to CRP because CRP has given her so much. You can give too. Mapped To: 22647
Sentences: shut the fuck up, Jonghyun died as a decent person who made a lot for the music industry, not as a women abuser bitch Mapped To: ALPZ Sentences: Sessions rescinds DOJ guidance on refugees, asylum seekers' right to work #USA #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user Mapped To: ALPZ Sentences: @user you need pound your wet cunt untill the slut in the mirror cums .... Post a vid , so you can watch it later ... Mapped To: ALNW Sentences: dawgg im fr boutta roast this bitch LMFOAOO DONT EVER POST IAN AGAIN U STUPID ASS SLUT Mapped To: ALNW Sentences: At 16, Ancila's father was killed in Burundi's civil war, forcing her to flee. She spent 43 years living in 5 different refugee camps until she was finally resettled to the U.S.Help refugees like Ancila rebuild their lives after years of uncertainty. ➝ Mapped To: ALPZ Sentences: @user I am serious and sure that I want to put my penis in the hole of your ass Mapped To: ALNW Sentences: @user We need a moratorium on all immigration, legal or otherwise, esp from non-European countries Mapped To: ALPZ Sentences: When you tryna holla at a bitch and ya boy comes up talkin bout 'this nigga broke AF and likes fingers in his ass' Mapped To: ALPZ Sentences: pepperspray or smth, if you dont protect yourself dont be surprised if u get raped :/' like bitch maybe just teach men not to rape women Mapped To: ALNW Sentences: "Negative perceptions of the impact have not generated significant hostility toward the refugees. Many Jordanians continue to sympathize with the refugees and to support policies that would assist them. " Mapped To: ALPZ Sentences: Seriously. Get these people out of there. If we can't due to current EU or UN directives then we can at least stem Western to Western migration to get them to safety. Mapped To: ALNW Sentences: racist ,racism , biased , if we suddenly stopped the uk Commonwealth and EU migration you would get your betraying so make up ur mind nowpls Mapped To: ALNW Sentences: @user Lmao they got this pillow that lets you lay on your stomach shit like a a little hole for your belly Mapped To: ALPZ Sentences: #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration CALL, TWEET, EMAIL your representatives TODAY! Say you are willing to support a government shutdown or whatever it takes to SECURE OUR BORDERS!Let those elitists and RINOs know who is in charge! Mapped To: ALNW Sentences: Warning of 'dangerous acceleration' in attacks on immigrants in Italy Mapped To: ALPZ Sentences: @user @user So, when are women going to demand their right to have the honor to sign up for selective services which ALL male citizens are OBLIGATED by law? Not really equal yet, are you? Do illegals sign up? Yeah, I see equal happening all over Mapped To: ALNW
Input: YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME BUT YOU CAN'T STAY HERE: For First Time In A Decade, Italian-Flagged Vessel Returns Migrants To Libya. Open Borders Activists Outraged Target: 8418 Input: @user Immigration leads to people not being used to self mange in the NHS I often hear in our country well its not your country u take Target: 8418 Input: @user This just in. Many are saying Trump now at 155% in the polls. Yuge deal, that I can tell you! Witch hunt over. Trump innocent. Crooked Hillary voted ugliest skank of the Decade! Bigly! Trump steaks melt in your mouth like I did Stormy I m Target: 15433 Input: Men say women are crazy but then message them 15 times & call them a bitch & cry about being friend zoned Target: 15433 Input: It is no secret that #Hungary has become one of the safest countries in the world. While Western Europe opened its borders and accelerated its #Islamisation during the #migrant crisis, Eastern Europe did the opposite. Target: 15433 Input: Good this makes it a safe country 👍 immigrants can now go home 🏠👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 Target: 15433 Input: On May 31st World Relief is offering you a unique and exciting opportunity to make a difference for refugees. Can you guess what it is? Here's another hint. This new opportunity will help you advocate for refugees. // #WRLovesRefugees Target: 8418 Input: My life was really headed in the right direction before I started drinking... At the age of 10... Target: 8418 Input: DREAMER' Sodomized Multiple Boys, Between The Ages 7 and 9 via @user #DeathPenalty is too good for this dispicable creature.#BuildTheWall #EndDACA What about the dreams this POS Stole from these children?I hope you burn in pits of hell! Target: 15433 Input: Germany greenlights controversial migrant transfer centers Target: 8418 Input: @user @user Not all men...just the ones who are pussy grabbers. Target: 8418 Input: Labour has mishandled cases of antisemitism. Conservative party is run by a vicar's daughter who organised a van to drive around telling immigrants to 'go home' and openly supports UKIP and DUP racism and thuggery.I don't see an equivalence. Target: 15433 Input: Hundreds expected at latest mass protest against Serco eviction of refugees Target: 8418 Input: @user a bunch of people who can’t separate a character you play, from the real world, are moaning that you “glamourise rape”, ugh! Target: 8418 Input: @user Aiding Illegals is against Federal #Immigration laws a Felon up to 5 years in Prison! Help #SendthemBack instead of Burdening the U.S Taxpayer ! U.S Is NOT Central America's dumping ground for their kids we have U.S Homeless kids we need to help f Target: 15433 Input: listen... i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all. she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes Target: 15433 Input: @user Just watched the video, I thought Candace’s behaviour was shocking. The woman is hysterical, you did well Blaire. Target: 15433 Input: The awkward moment when Lexus is showing you how much crack fits in the cup holders... Target: 8418
Input: African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter Target: narrow Input: Banning "hate speech" is directly proportional to crime rise in Germany by Sharia enablers."Hate speech" is a tool to hide UN's mass immigration to conquer the West. #UnitedAgainstSharia Target: 26767 Input: @user These so called dreamers had 5 years to register they didn't. #EndDACA Democrats against American Citizens Target: 26767 Input: Men who get defensive about #metoo because “not all men are like that” are part of the problem. Women know not all… Target: narrow Input: @user - Rather belated condolences on your mother's passing away. Good that you have been by her side in her last moments. Sai ram Target: narrow Input: Couple's fury as jury pays illegal immigrant's fine after jewelry theft conviction Target: 26767 Input: Hey boys instead of saying 'not all men' how bout you just ya know stop raping us Target: narrow Input: It's a shame we don't talk anymore. But that's your fault! #WomenSuck Target: 26767
Input: @user s bio on here says #BuildThatWall Output: 9271 Input: Yea Ji Sea, an Army specialist from South Korea, was discharged Friday at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston after 4.5 years of service, abruptly ending her military career before she could achieve a goal of becoming an Army doctor. via @user Output: KQT Input: leave our young people alone and their benefits out come the EU act outwith its remit as most of the migrants are from the Middle-East Output: 9271 Input: @user This bitch waaay to much shit to talk about athletes like your literally a professional slut stay in your lane Output: 9271 Input: Spain: migrants riot to protest against the slow WIFI, the uncomfortable bed and the disgusting food In the shelter - Free Speech Time - @user Output: KQT Input: @user you had a great chance to show everyone that you’re not a cunt on tv tonight and you fucked it up. Output: KQT Input: Cook, clean, and deliver our awesome fucking offspring Output: 9271 Input: If most of ur posts r abt how 'hoes', 'sluts', 'thots' or 'bitches' ain't shit, u SIR r a bitch and so is ur weak ass mom & absentee father. Output: KQT Input: "I felt this word [refugee] is really heavy."A conversation between @user and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador @user Watch the full version: Output: KQT Input: Fact: Illegal Immigration Is A Crime, Not Simply A ‘˜Civil Penalty’ Deport these animals... Output: 9271 Input: Sick and chilling. Yet, another immigrant woman lives in the White House Output: KQT Input: I hate this British woman of letters bitch Output: 9271 Input: Fire Judges that Release Immigrants after they commit a crime so they end up killing after their release throw the Judge in Jail #Trump MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration Output: 9271 Input: @user is like the Donald Trump of social media sites the way they're just purging pages for no apparent reason Output: KQT Input: When someone I'm sleeping with tries to tell me about their personal life Output: KQT Input: @user WHAT some of these BITch Part starlets promote to young is worse than rape it is rape of young minds. What goes around comes around! Output: 9271