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The Python keyring library provides an easy way to access the |
system keyring service from python. It can be used in any |
application that needs safe password storage. |
These recommended keyring backends are supported: |
* macOS `Keychain |
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keychain_%28software%29>`_ |
* Freedesktop `Secret Service |
<http://standards.freedesktop.org/secret-service/>`_ supports many DE including |
GNOME (requires `secretstorage <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/secretstorage>`_) |
* KDE4 & KDE5 `KWallet <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KWallet>`_ |
(requires `dbus <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dbus-python>`_) |
* `Windows Credential Locker |
<https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/security/credential-locker>`_ |
Other keyring implementations are available through `Third-Party Backends`_. |
Installation - Linux |
==================== |
On Linux, the KWallet backend relies on dbus-python_, which does not always |
install correctly when using pip (compilation is needed). For best results, |
install dbus-python as a system package. |
.. _dbus-python: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus-python |
Compatibility - macOS |
===================== |
macOS keychain supports macOS 11 (Big Sur) and later requires Python 3.8.7 |
or later with the "universal2" binary. See |
` |
Using Keyring |
============= |
The basic usage of keyring is pretty simple: just call |
``keyring.set_password`` and ``keyring.get_password``:: |
>>> import keyring |
>>> keyring.set_password("system", "username", "password") |
>>> keyring.get_password("system", "username") |
'password' |
Command-line Utility |
-------------------- |
Keyring supplies a ``keyring`` command which is installed with the |
package. After installing keyring in most environments, the |
command should be available for setting, getting, and deleting |
passwords. For more usage information, invoke with no arguments |
or with ``--help`` as so:: |
$ keyring --help |
$ keyring set system username |
Password for 'username' in 'system': |
$ keyring get system username |
password |
The command-line functionality is also exposed as an executable |
package, suitable for invoking from Python like so:: |
$ python -m keyring --help |
$ python -m keyring set system username |
Password for 'username' in 'system': |
$ python -m keyring get system username |
password |
Tab Completion |
-------------- |
If installed via a package manager (apt, pacman, nix, homebrew, etc), |
these shell completions may already have been distributed with the package |
(no action required). |
Keyring provides tab completion if the ``completion`` extra is installed:: |
$ pip install 'keyring[completion]' |
Then, generate shell completions, something like:: |
$ keyring --print-completion bash | sudo tee /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/keyring |
$ keyring --print-completion zsh | sudo tee /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_keyring |
$ keyring --print-completion tcsh | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/keyring.csh |
**Note**: the path of `/usr/share` is mainly for GNU/Linux. For other OSs, |
consider: |
- macOS (Homebrew x86): /usr/local/share |
- macOS (Homebrew ARM): /opt/homebrew/share |
- Android (Termux): /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share |
- Windows (mingw64 of msys2): /mingw64/share |
- ... |
After installing the shell completions, enable them following your shell's |
recommended instructions. e.g.: |
- bash: install `bash-completion <https://github.com/scop/bash-completion>`_, |
and ensure ``. /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion`` in ``~/.bashrc``. |
- zsh: ensure ``autoload -Uz compinit && compinit`` appears in ``~/.zshrc``, |
then ``grep -w keyring ~/.zcompdump`` to verify keyring appears, indicating |
it was installed correctly. |
Configuring |
=========== |
The python keyring lib contains implementations for several backends. The |
library will attempt to |
automatically choose the most suitable backend for the current |
environment. Users may also specify the preferred keyring in a |
config file or by calling the ``set_keyring()`` function. |
Config file path |
---------------- |
The configuration is stored in a file named "keyringrc.cfg" |
found in a platform-specific location. To determine |
where the config file is stored, run ``keyring diagnose``. |
Config file content |
------------------- |
To specify a keyring backend, set the **default-keyring** option to the |
full path of the class for that backend, such as |
``keyring.backends.macOS.Keyring``. |
If **keyring-path** is indicated, keyring will add that path to the Python |
module search path before loading the backend. |
For example, this config might be used to load the |
``SimpleKeyring`` from the ``simplekeyring`` module in |
the ``./demo`` directory (not implemented):: |
[backend] |
default-keyring=simplekeyring.SimpleKeyring |
keyring-path=demo |
Third-Party Backends |
==================== |
In addition to the backends provided by the core keyring package for |
the most common and secure use cases, there |
are additional keyring backend implementations available for other |
use cases. Simply install them to make them available: |
- `keyrings.cryptfile <https://pypi.org/project/keyrings.cryptfile>`_ |
- Encrypted text file storage. |
- `keyrings.alt <https://pypi.org/project/keyrings.alt>`_ - "alternate", |
possibly-insecure backends, originally part of the core package, but |
available for opt-in. |
- `gsheet-keyring <https://pypi.org/project/gsheet-keyring>`_ |
- a backend that stores secrets in a Google Sheet. For use with |
`ipython-secrets <https://pypi.org/project/ipython-secrets>`_. |
- `bitwarden-keyring <https://pypi.org/project/bitwarden-keyring/>`_ |
- a backend that stores secrets in the `BitWarden <https://bitwarden.com/>`_ |
password manager. |
- `onepassword-keyring <https://pypi.org/project/onepassword-keyring/>`_ |
- a backend that stores secrets in the `1Password <https://1password.com/>`_ password manager. |
- `sagecipher <https://pypi.org/project/sagecipher>`_ - an encryption |
backend which uses the ssh agent protocol's signature operation to |
derive the cipher key. |
- `keyrings.osx_keychain_keys <https://pypi.org/project/keyrings.osx-keychain-keys>`_ |
- OSX keychain key-management, for private, public, and symmetric keys. |
- `keyring_pass.PasswordStoreBackend <https://github.com/nazarewk/keyring_pass>`_ |
- Password Store (pass) backend for python's keyring |
- `keyring_jeepney <https://pypi.org/project/keyring_jeepney>`__ - a |
pure Python backend using the secret service DBus API for desktop |
Linux (requires ``keyring<24``). |
Write your own keyring backend |
============================== |
The interface for the backend is defined by ``keyring.backend.KeyringBackend``. |
Every backend should derive from that base class and define a ``priority`` |
attribute and three functions: ``get_password()``, ``set_password()``, and |
``delete_password()``. The ``get_credential()`` function may be defined if |
desired. |
See the ``backend`` module for more detail on the interface of this class. |
Keyring employs entry points to allow any third-party package to implement |
backends without any modification to the keyring itself. Those interested in |
creating new backends are encouraged to create new, third-party packages |
in the ``keyrings`` namespace, in a manner modeled by the `keyrings.alt |
package <https://github.com/jaraco/keyrings.alt>`_. See the |
``setup.cfg`` file |
in that project for hints on how to create the requisite entry points. |
Backends that prove essential may be considered for inclusion in the core |
library, although the ease of installing these third-party packages should |
mean that extensions may be readily available. |
To create an extension for Keyring, please submit a pull request to |
have your extension mentioned as an available extension. |
Runtime Configuration |
===================== |
Keyring additionally allows programmatic configuration of the |
backend calling the api ``set_keyring()``. The indicated backend |
will subsequently be used to store and retrieve passwords. |
To invoke ``set_keyring``:: |
# define a new keyring class which extends the KeyringBackend |
import keyring.backend |
class TestKeyring(keyring.backend.KeyringBackend): |
"""A test keyring which always outputs the same password |
""" |
priority = 1 |
def set_password(self, servicename, username, password): |
pass |
def get_password(self, servicename, username): |
return "password from TestKeyring" |
def delete_password(self, servicename, username): |
pass |
# set the keyring for keyring lib |
keyring.set_keyring(TestKeyring()) |
# invoke the keyring lib |
try: |
keyring.set_password("demo-service", "tarek", "passexample") |
print("password stored successfully") |
except keyring.errors.PasswordSetError: |
print("failed to store password") |
print("password", keyring.get_password("demo-service", "tarek")) |
Disabling Keyring |
================= |
In many cases, uninstalling keyring will never be necessary. |
Especially on Windows and macOS, the behavior of keyring is |
usually degenerate, meaning it will return empty values to |
the caller, allowing the caller to fall back to some other |
behavior. |
In some cases, the default behavior of keyring is undesirable and |
it would be preferable to disable the keyring behavior altogether. |
There are several mechanisms to disable keyring: |
- Uninstall keyring. Most applications are tolerant to keyring |
not being installed. Uninstalling keyring should cause those |
applications to fall back to the behavior without keyring. |
This approach affects the Python environment where keyring |
would otherwise have been installed. |
- Configure the Null keyring in the environment. Set |
``PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring`` |
in the environment, and the ``Null`` (degenerate) backend |
will be used. This approach affects all uses of Keyring where |
that variable is set. |
- Permanently configure the Null keyring for the user by running |
``keyring --disable`` or ``python -m keyring --disable``. |
This approach affects all uses of keyring for that user. |
Altering Keyring Behavior |
========================= |
Keyring provides a mechanism to alter the keyring's behavior through |
environment variables. Each backend implements a |
``KeyringBackend.set_properties_from_env``, which |
when invoked will find all environment variables beginning with |
``KEYRING_PROPERTY_{NAME}`` and will set a property for each |
``{NAME.lower()}`` on the keyring. This method is invoked during |
initialization for the default/configured keyring. |
This mechanism may be used to set some useful values on various |
keyrings, including: |
- keychain; macOS, path to an alternate keychain file |
- appid; Linux/SecretService, alternate ID for the application |
Using Keyring on Ubuntu 16.04 |
============================= |
The following is a complete transcript for installing keyring in a |
virtual environment on Ubuntu 16.04. No config file was used:: |
$ sudo apt install python3-venv libdbus-glib-1-dev |
$ cd /tmp |
$ pyvenv py3 |
$ source py3/bin/activate |
$ pip install -U pip |
$ pip install secretstorage dbus-python |
$ pip install keyring |
$ python |
>>> import keyring |
>>> keyring.get_keyring() |
<keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring object at 0x7f9b9c971ba8> |
>>> keyring.set_password("system", "username", "password") |
>>> keyring.get_password("system", "username") |
'password' |
Using Keyring on headless Linux systems |
======================================= |
It is possible to use the SecretService backend on Linux systems without |
X11 server available (only D-Bus is required). In this case: |
* Install the `GNOME Keyring`_ daemon. |
* Start a D-Bus session, e.g. run ``dbus-run-session -- sh`` and run |
the following commands inside that shell. |
* Run ``gnome-keyring-daemon`` with ``--unlock`` option. The description of |
that option says: |
Read a password from stdin, and use it to unlock the login keyring |
or create it if the login keyring does not exist. |
When that command is started, enter a password into stdin and |
press Ctrl+D (end of data). After that, the daemon will fork into |
the background (use ``--foreground`` option to block). |
* Now you can use the SecretService backend of Keyring. Remember to |
run your application in the same D-Bus session as the daemon. |
.. _GNOME Keyring: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeKeyring |
Using Keyring on headless Linux systems in a Docker container |
============================================================= |
It is possible to use keyring with the SecretService backend in Docker containers as well. |
All you need to do is install the necessary dependencies and add the `--privileged` flag |
to avoid any `Operation not permitted` errors when attempting to unlock the system's keyring. |
The following is a complete transcript for installing keyring on a Ubuntu 18:04 container:: |
docker run -it -d --privileged ubuntu:18.04 |
$ apt-get update |
$ apt install -y gnome-keyring python3-venv python3-dev |
$ python3 -m venv venv |
$ source venv/bin/activate # source a virtual environment to avoid polluting your system |
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip |
$ pip3 install keyring |
$ dbus-run-session -- sh # this will drop you into a new D-bus shell |
$ echo 'somecredstorepass' | gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock # unlock the system's keyring |
$ python |
>>> import keyring |
>>> keyring.get_keyring() |
<keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring object at 0x7f9b9c971ba8> |
>>> keyring.set_password("system", "username", "password") |
>>> keyring.get_password("system", "username") |
'password' |
Integration |
=========== |
--- |
The keyring lib has a few functions: |
* ``get_keyring()``: Return the currently-loaded keyring implementation. |
* ``get_password(service, username)``: Returns the password stored in the |
active keyring. If the password does not exist, it will return None. |
* ``get_credential(service, username)``: Return a credential object stored |
in the active keyring. This object contains at least ``username`` and |
``password`` attributes for the specified service, where the returned |
``username`` may be different from the argument. |
* ``set_password(service, username, password)``: Store the password in the |
keyring. |
* ``delete_password(service, username)``: Delete the password stored in |
keyring. If the password does not exist, it will raise an exception. |
In all cases, the parameters (``service``, ``username``, ``password``) |
should be Unicode text. |
Exceptions |
---------- |
The keyring lib raises the following exceptions: |
* ``keyring.errors.KeyringError``: Base Error class for all exceptions in keyring lib. |
* ``keyring.errors.InitError``: Raised when the keyring cannot be initialized. |
* ``keyring.errors.PasswordSetError``: Raised when the password cannot be set in the keyring. |
* ``keyring.errors.PasswordDeleteError``: Raised when the password cannot be deleted in the keyring. |
Get Involved |
============ |
Python keyring lib is an open community project and eagerly |
welcomes contributors. |
* Repository: https://github.com/jaraco/keyring/ |
* Bug Tracker: https://github.com/jaraco/keyring/issues/ |
* Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/python-keyring |
Security Considerations |
======================= |
Each built-in backend may have security considerations to understand |
before using this library. Authors of tools or libraries utilizing |
``keyring`` are encouraged to consider these concerns. |
As with any list of known security concerns, this list is not exhaustive. |
Additional issues can be added as needed. |
- macOS Keychain |
- Any Python script or application can access secrets created by |
``keyring`` from that same Python executable without the operating |
system prompting the user for a password. To cause any specific |
secret to prompt for a password every time it is accessed, locate |
the credential using the ``Keychain Access`` application, and in |
the ``Access Control`` settings, remove ``Python`` from the list |
of allowed applications. |
- Freedesktop Secret Service |
- No analysis has been performed |
- KDE4 & KDE5 KWallet |
- No analysis has been performed |
- Windows Credential Locker |
- No analysis has been performed |
Making Releases |
=============== |
This project makes use of automated releases and continuous |
integration. The |
simple workflow is to tag a commit and push it to Github. If it |
passes tests in CI, it will be automatically deployed to PyPI. |
Other things to consider when making a release: |
- Check that the changelog is current for the intended release. |
Running Tests |
============= |
Tests are continuously run in Github Actions. |
To run the tests locally, install and invoke |
`tox <https://pypi.org/project/tox>`_. |
Background |
========== |
The project was based on Tarek Ziade's idea in `this post`_. Kang Zhang |
initially carried it out as a `Google Summer of Code`_ project, and Tarek |
mentored Kang on this project. |
.. _this post: http://tarekziade.wordpress.com/2009/03/27/pycon-hallway-session-1-a-keyring-library-for-python/ |
.. _Google Summer of Code: http://socghop.appspot.com/ |
For Enterprise |
============== |
Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription. |
This project and the maintainers of thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver one enterprise subscription that covers all of the open source you use. |
`Learn more <https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/pypi-keyring?utm_source=pypi-keyring&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=github>`_. |