Asib27's picture
try 1
065fee7 verified
history blame
4.95 kB
requires = ["hatchling", "hatch-vcs"]
build-backend = ""
name = "fsspec"
dynamic = ["version"]
description = "File-system specification"
readme = ""
license = { file = "LICENSE" }
requires-python = ">=3.8"
maintainers = [{ name = "Martin Durant", email = "" }]
keywords = ["file"]
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
abfs = ["adlfs"]
adl = ["adlfs"]
arrow = ["pyarrow >= 1"]
dask = ["dask", "distributed"]
dev = ["ruff", "pre-commit"]
doc = ["sphinx", "numpydoc", "sphinx-design", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "yarl"]
dropbox = ["dropbox", "dropboxdrivefs", "requests"]
entrypoints = []
full = [
'aiohttp !=4.0.0a0, !=4.0.0a1',
'pyarrow >= 1',
fuse = ["fusepy"]
gcs = ["gcsfs"]
git = ["pygit2"]
github = ["requests"]
gs = ["gcsfs"]
gui = ["panel"]
hdfs = ["pyarrow >= 1"]
http = ["aiohttp !=4.0.0a0, !=4.0.0a1"]
libarchive = ["libarchive-c"]
oci = ["ocifs"]
s3 = ["s3fs"]
sftp = ["paramiko"]
smb = ["smbprotocol"]
ssh = ["paramiko"]
test = [
"aiohttp!=4.0.0a0, !=4.0.0a1",
"pytest-asyncio !=0.22.0",
test_full = [
'aiohttp !=4.0.0a0, !=4.0.0a1',
'aiohttp!=4.0.0a0, !=4.0.0a1',
'pyarrow >= 1',
'pytest-asyncio !=0.22.0',
test_downstream = [
tqdm = ["tqdm"]
Changelog = ""
Documentation = ""
Homepage = ""
source = "vcs"
raw-options = {'version_scheme'='post-release'}
version-file = "fsspec/"
exclude = ["**/tests/*", "!**/tests/abstract/"]
target-version = "py38"
exclude = [".tox", "build", "docs/source/", "fsspec/_version"]
line-length = 88
select = [
# fix noqas in fsspec/implementations/
"I", # isort
# "PT", enable in later PR
ignore = [
# Loop control variable `loop` not used within loop body
# Use of `functools.lru_cache` or `functools.cache` on methods can lead to memory leaks
# Star-arg unpacking after a keyword argument is strongly discouraged
# No explicit `stacklevel` keyword argument found
# Within an `except` clause, raise exceptions with `raise ... from err` or
# `raise ... from None` to distinguish them from errors in exception handling
# Assigning lambda expression
# Ambiguous variable names
# line break before binary operator
# uncomment when implemented in ruff
# "W503",
# whitespace before :
# redefs
# Fix these codes later
# custom markers, need to be defined to avoid warnings
markers = ["asyncio", "vcr"]