from pycparser import parse_file |
from pycparser.c_ast import * |
from pycparser.c_parser import CParser |
def expand_decl(decl): |
""" Converts the declaration into a nested list. |
""" |
typ = type(decl) |
if typ == TypeDecl: |
return ['TypeDecl', expand_decl(decl.type)] |
elif typ == IdentifierType: |
return ['IdentifierType', decl.names] |
elif typ == ID: |
return ['ID', decl.name] |
elif typ in [Struct, Union]: |
decls = [expand_decl(d) for d in decl.decls or []] |
return [typ.__name__, decl.name, decls] |
else: |
nested = expand_decl(decl.type) |
if typ == Decl: |
if decl.quals: |
return ['Decl', decl.quals, decl.name, nested] |
else: |
return ['Decl', decl.name, nested] |
elif typ == Typename: |
if decl.quals: |
return ['Typename', decl.quals, nested] |
else: |
return ['Typename', nested] |
elif typ == ArrayDecl: |
dimval = decl.dim.value if decl.dim else '' |
return ['ArrayDecl', dimval, nested] |
elif typ == PtrDecl: |
return ['PtrDecl', nested] |
elif typ == Typedef: |
return ['Typedef', decl.name, nested] |
elif typ == FuncDecl: |
if decl.args: |
params = [expand_decl(param) for param in decl.args.params] |
else: |
params = [] |
return ['FuncDecl', params, nested] |
class NodeVisitor(object): |
def __init__(self): |
self.current_parent = None |
def visit(self, node): |
""" Visit a node. |
""" |
method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__ |
visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit) |
return visitor(node) |
def visit_FuncCall(self, node): |
print("Visiting FuncCall") |
print(node.show()) |
print('---- parent ----') |
print(self.current_parent.show()) |
def generic_visit(self, node): |
""" Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a |
node. Implements preorder visiting of the node. |
""" |
oldparent = self.current_parent |
self.current_parent = node |
for c in node.children(): |
self.visit(c) |
self.current_parent = oldparent |
def heapyprofile(): |
from guppy import hpy |
import gc |
hp = hpy() |
ast = parse_file('/tmp/197.c') |
gc.collect() |
h = hp.heap() |
print(h) |
def memprofile(): |
import resource |
import tracemalloc |
tracemalloc.start() |
ast = parse_file('/tmp/197.c') |
print('Memory usage: %s (kb)' % |
resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss) |
snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() |
print("[ tracemalloc stats ]") |
for stat in snapshot.statistics('lineno')[:20]: |
print(stat) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
source_code = r'''void foo() { |
L"hi" L"there"; |
} |
''' |
memprofile() |