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*pathspec* is a utility library for pattern matching of file paths. So
far this only includes Git's wildmatch pattern matching which itself is
derived from Rsync's wildmatch. Git uses wildmatch for its `gitignore`_
.. _`gitignore`:
Say you have a "Projects" directory and you want to back it up, but only
certain files, and ignore others depending on certain conditions::
>>> import pathspec
>>> # The gitignore-style patterns for files to select, but we're including
>>> # instead of ignoring.
>>> spec_text = """
... # This is a comment because the line begins with a hash: "#"
... # Include several project directories (and all descendants) relative to
... # the current directory. To reference a directory you must end with a
... # slash: "/"
... /project-a/
... /project-b/
... /project-c/
... # Patterns can be negated by prefixing with exclamation mark: "!"
... # Ignore temporary files beginning or ending with "~" and ending with
... # ".swp".
... !~*
... !*~
... !*.swp
... # These are python projects so ignore compiled python files from
... # testing.
... !*.pyc
... # Ignore the build directories but only directly under the project
... # directories.
... !/*/build/
... """
We want to use the ``GitWildMatchPattern`` class to compile our patterns. The
``PathSpec`` class provides an interface around pattern implementations::
>>> spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines(pathspec.patterns.GitWildMatchPattern, spec_text.splitlines())
That may be a mouthful but it allows for additional patterns to be implemented
in the future without them having to deal with anything but matching the paths
sent to them. ``GitWildMatchPattern`` is the implementation of the actual
pattern which internally gets converted into a regular expression. ``PathSpec``
is a simple wrapper around a list of compiled patterns.
To make things simpler, we can use the registered name for a pattern class
instead of always having to provide a reference to the class itself. The
``GitWildMatchPattern`` class is registered as **gitwildmatch**::
>>> spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines('gitwildmatch', spec_text.splitlines())
If we wanted to manually compile the patterns we can just do the following::
>>> patterns = map(pathspec.patterns.GitWildMatchPattern, spec_text.splitlines())
>>> spec = PathSpec(patterns)
``PathSpec.from_lines()`` is simply a class method which does just that.
If you want to load the patterns from file, you can pass the file instance
directly as well::
>>> with open('patterns.list', 'r') as fh:
>>> spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines('gitwildmatch', fh)
You can perform matching on a whole directory tree with::
>>> matches = spec.match_tree('path/to/directory')
Or you can perform matching on a specific set of file paths with::
>>> matches = spec.match_files(file_paths)
Or check to see if an individual file matches::
>>> is_matched = spec.match_file(file_path)
There is a specialized class, ``pathspec.GitIgnoreSpec``, which more closely
implements the behavior of **gitignore**. This uses ``GitWildMatchPattern``
pattern by default and handles some edge cases differently from the generic
``PathSpec`` class. ``GitIgnoreSpec`` can be used without specifying the pattern
>>> spec = pathspec.GitIgnoreSpec.from_lines(spec_text.splitlines())
*pathspec* is licensed under the `Mozilla Public License Version 2.0`_. See
`LICENSE`_ or the `FAQ`_ for more information.
In summary, you may use *pathspec* with any closed or open source project
without affecting the license of the larger work so long as you:
- give credit where credit is due,
- and release any custom changes made to *pathspec*.
.. _`Mozilla Public License Version 2.0`:
.. _`FAQ`:
The source code for *pathspec* is available from the GitHub repo
.. _`cpburnz/python-pathspec`:
*pathspec* is available for install through `PyPI`_::
pip install pathspec
*pathspec* can also be built from source. The following packages will be
- `build`_ (>=0.6.0)
*pathspec* can then be built and installed with::
python -m build
pip install dist/pathspec-*-py3-none-any.whl
.. _`PyPI`:
.. _`build`:
Documentation for *pathspec* is available on `Read the Docs`_.
.. _`Read the Docs`:
Other Languages
The related project `pathspec-ruby`_ (by *highb*) provides a similar library as
a `Ruby gem`_.
.. _`pathspec-ruby`:
.. _`Ruby gem`: