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<title>�� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php</link> |
<description></description> |
<language>euc-kr</language> |
<image> |
<title>�� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��</title> |
<url></url> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php</link> |
<description></description> |
</image> |
<item> |
<title>�̻��߽��ϴ�.</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P251</link> |
<description><br /> |
<a href="http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/wordpress/" >http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/wordpress/</a><br /> |
<br /> |
�� ���α��� ��ũ�� ������ ����� �����Դϴ�.</description> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title>����? ����? ����?</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P250</link> |
<description>���� 1000���̶�� ������ ���α��� �쿬�� ���� �ӹ�����.<br /> |
<br /> |
����?<br /> |
<br /> |
� ������� ���� ���� �ŷ����� ��Ҹ��̴�. �˻��������� ��ϵǾ� ���� ����....<br /> |
<br /> |
���� ���� ���� ���ܸ�? �ư���? <br /> |
<br /> |
�߿��Ѱ� ���� �ŷ����� ��Ҹ�...</description> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title>zboard patch!!!</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P249</link> |
<description>KLDP���� ��ĥ ���� ���� �ߴµ� xpdf ���� �ѱ� ȭ���� ������ �ʴ´ٴ� ������ ��ġ�Ǵٰ�, ���ÿ��� �� �����Ÿ� ������ ���� ��ġ�ߴ�. ���� ���� ��ġ�ؾ� �� ���� �� �ΰ��� �ƴϱ�... ;;;<br /> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
Vulnerability 1: As of zboard 4.1pl4<br /> |
- - ----------------------------<br /> |
Insert the following code at 59th line of outlogin.php,<br /> |
<br /> |
if(eregi(":\/\/",$_zb_path)) $_zb_path="";<br /> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
Vulnerability 2: As of zboard 4.1pl4<br /> |
- - ----------------------------<br /> |
Insert the following code at 15th line of include/write.php,<br /> |
<br /> |
if(eregi(":\/\/",$dir)) $dir="";<br /> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
Vulnerability 3: As of zboard 4.1pl4<br /> |
- - ----------------------------<br /> |
Insert the following code at 3rd line of check_user_id.php,<br /> |
<br /> |
$user_id = htmlspecialchars(trim($user_id));<br /> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
���� URL :<br /> |
<br /> |
<a href="http://lists.netsys.com/pipermail/full-disclosure/2004-December/030224.html" >http://lists.netsys.com/pipermail/full-disclosure/2004-December/030224.html</a><br /> |
</description> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title>������ ���</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P248</link> |
<description>make world �Ŀ��� �� �ѵΰ��� �������� ���ϴµ� �̹��� named ����. �ȱ��� sendmail+bind ���� qmail+djbdns�� ��ȯ�Ϸ��� ��ȹ�� ������ �־�� �̹� ��ȸ�� djbdns�� ��ġ�ϱ�� ����, ª�Գ��� ������ ������ ���ܵд�.<br /> |
<br /> |
# cd /usr/ports/dns/djbdns && make install clean<br /> |
<br /> |
������������ daemontools, ucspi-tcp �� ���� ��ġ�ȴ�.<br /> |
<br /> |
# pw groupadd -n djbdns<br /> |
# pw useradd -n dnslog -g djbdns -d /noexistent -s /sbin/nologin -c "dnslog" -w random<br /> |
# pw useradd -n dns -g djbdns -d /noexistent -s /sbin/nologin -c "dns" -w random<br /> |
# mkdir /var/service<br /> |
# tinydns-conf dns dnslog /var/service/dns<br /> |
# cd /var/service/dns/root<br /> |
# ./add-ns aaa.com<br /> |
# ./add-ns 0.0.0.in-addr.arpa<br /> |
# ./add-host <a href="http://www.aaa.com" >www.aaa.com</a><br /> |
# ./add-alias ftp.aaa.com<br /> |
# ./add-mx aaa.com<br /> |
# make<br /> |
# sync <br /> |
# sync<br /> |
# sync<br /> |
# reboot<br /> |
<br /> |
/etc/rc.conf ���� named_enable="NO" <br /> |
<br /> |
������ ������ /usr/local/etc/rc.d �� svcscan.sh �� �������� ���μ����� �ö���� �ʴ´ٴ� ��ǿ������Ϳ���... OTL <br /> |
�̸����� �Ӹ� ������ svscan.sh start ���൵ ������ ���淡...<br /> |
<br /> |
# supervise /var/service/dns/<br /> |
<br /> |
�������� ��������ְ� ����.. -��-;; daemontools �� ���� �ణ�� ���簡 �� �ʿ��� ��. �� ���·� qmail���� �ǵ��� ������ �ִ�. <br /> |
����μ��� ���� ������ �����ϰ� �ִ� ���̴�.</description> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title>uptime</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P247</link> |
<description>bsd# uptime <br /> |
4:32PM up 71 days, 13:31, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00<br /> |
bsd# uname -a<br /> |
FreeBSD bsd 6.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 6.0-CURRENT #12: Mon Aug 23 04:26:35 KST 2004 pravda@bsd:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ORACLE i386<br /> |
<br /> |
�ɽ��ϸ� �ҽ� �ް� buildworld�� �ϴٰ� ���� ū �� �� installworld �Ϸ��� �ϴµ�...<br /> |
<br /> |
�� �ڲ� uptime�� ���� ���°���...<br /> |
<br /> |
�ƹ��� �ǹ̾��� ���ڿ� �Ұ��ϴٴ� ���. �Ӹ��δ� ������ ���µ�, ������ �ƴѰ�����.<br /> |
<br /> |
Solaris �ӽ� ���� �������� �� ����ߴ� 260������ uptime �� �ڲٸ� ��������.<br /> |
<br /> |
�ƹ��� ���� ���� �ʴ� �̳��� ����.<br /> |
<br /> |
��, ����ü �� uptime ������ �����ϴ� ���ΰ�?</description> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title>�Ͽ��� �����̴� ��</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P246</link> |
<description><img src="http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/images/uploads/howl.jpg" border="0" alt="�Ͽ� ������" name="image" width="400" height="574" /> <br /> |
<br /> |
............<br /> |
<br /> |
����.<br /> |
<br /> |
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<br /> |
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<br /> |
�ְ���.<br /> |
<br /> |
��ȭ�� �����ϴ� ���� ���� ������ �η����ߴ�.</description> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title>iriver boy</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P244</link> |
<description><b>�� �ƹ��߸������ϴ�</b><br /> |
<br /> |
��ó���� ���� ����� ������ �ᱹ ���̸������� �������� ������ �Ǵ� �������. ����� ����� ����� ���� �̷��� ������ ���� ������, �� �ҳ��� ����� �� ������ �������� �ʴ°� �Ƹ� ���� ���̰� �Ծ�ϱ�? ������ ���̰� �ִ� ������, ���� �������� ����� ���� ��������� ���ݱ��� �ɽ����� ������ �߾���. ���� ��︮�� �ʴ� ���, ���� ������� �ʴ� ���, �ڽ��� �߸��� �������� ���ϴ� ���, ������ ������ �� ���� ����, ��ü���� å���������. ��� �ѷ����� ���� ��� �� ����� �ʰ� �� �� ���� ���̴�. �� �� ���ó�� �ش������� ġ��ģ ���� ���� ���� ��ü�� ���� �ʰ���...<br /> |
<br /> |
�ٸ� �� ��ͺ��ٵ�, �� � �л��� �θ� �ҽ��ϴ�.</description> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title>������ �۾�</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P243</link> |
<description>�� ���α� ����� ������ �ϸ鼭 ���� ��Ű���� ���� �۾��� ���ƴ�. ���� ���� �� �� �ִ� ���� �ִٴ°� �� �ູ�� ���ӿ� �и��ϴ�. �Դٰ� ���� ��ſ��� �ϴ� ���̴� ���� ���� ����.<br /> |
<br /> |
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</item> |
<item> |
<title>���Dz�ϰ�...</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P242</link> |
<description><img src="http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/images/uploads/bell.JPG" border="0" alt="image" name="image" width="400" height="525" /> <br /> |
<br /> |
��, ���� ���ο�ǰ�? �常 ���� �Ծ��µ�...<br /> |
<br /> |
���� �������̶���� �츮�� ���̾���, �������� ���ִ� ���� ��� ��κ��� �� �� �Ѱ�...<br /> |
<br /> |
����� ����?</description> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title>Brazil A.K.A ������ ����</title> |
<link>http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/weblog.php?id=P241</link> |
<description><img src="http://console.linuxstudy.pe.kr/blog/images/uploads/brazil_p.jpg" border="0" alt="image" name="image" width="337" height="475" /> <br /> |
<br /> |
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<br /> |
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<br /> |
��ư, �����ϰ� �ϵ��� ���ϰ� ���� ��ȭ. ��. ��. ��.</description> |
</item> |
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