.. _yarl-api: |
Public API |
========== |
.. module:: yarl |
.. currentmodule:: yarl |
The only public *yarl* class is :class:`URL`: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> from yarl import URL |
.. class:: URL(arg, *, encoded=False) |
Represents URL as :: |
[scheme:] |
for absolute URLs and :: |
[/path][?query][#fragment] |
for relative |
ones (:ref:`yarl-api-relative-urls`). |
The URL structure is:: |
http: |
\__/ \__/ \__/ \_________/ \__/\_________/ \_________/ \__/ |
| | | | | | | | |
scheme user password host port path query fragment |
Internally all data are stored as *percent-encoded* strings for |
*user*, *path*, *query* and *fragment* URL parts and |
*IDNA-encoded* (:rfc:`5891`) for *host*. |
Constructor and modification operators perform *encoding* for all |
parts automatically. |
The library assumes all data uses *UTF-8* for *percent-encoded* tokens. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to/?arg1=a&arg2=b#fragment') |
URL('http://example.com/path/to/?arg1=a&arg2=b#fragment') |
Unless URL contain the only *ascii* characters there is no differences. |
But for *non-ascii* case *encoding* is applied. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> str(URL('http://εμπορικόσήμα.eu/шлях/這裡')) |
'http://xn--jxagkqfkduily1i.eu/%D1%88%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%85/%E9%80%99%E8%A3%A1' |
The same is true for *user*, *password*, *query* and *fragment* parts of URL. |
Already encoded URL is not changed: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://xn--jxagkqfkduily1i.eu') |
URL('http://xn--jxagkqfkduily1i.eu') |
Use :meth:`~URL.human_repr` for getting human readable representation: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> url = URL('http://εμπορικόσήμα.eu/шлях/這裡') |
>>> str(url) |
'http://xn--jxagkqfkduily1i.eu/%D1%88%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%85/%E9%80%99%E8%A3%A1' |
>>> url.human_repr() |
'http://εμπορικόσήμα.eu/шлях/這裡' |
.. note:: |
Sometimes encoding performed by *yarl* is not acceptable for |
certain WEB server. |
Passing ``encoded=True`` parameter prevents URL auto-encoding, user is |
responsible about URL correctness. |
Don't use this option unless there is no other way for keeping URL |
attributes not touched. |
Any URL manipulations don't guarantee correct encoding, URL parts |
could be re-quoted even if *encoded* parameter was explicitly set. |
URL properties |
-------------- |
There are two kinds of properties: *decoded* and *encoded* (with |
``raw_`` prefix): |
.. attribute:: URL.scheme |
Scheme for absolute URLs, empty string for relative URLs or URLs |
starting with ``'//'`` (:ref:`yarl-api-relative-urls`). |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com').scheme |
'http' |
>>> URL('//example.com').scheme |
'' |
>>> URL('page.html').scheme |
'' |
.. attribute:: URL.user |
Decoded *user* part of URL, ``None`` if *user* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://john@example.com').user |
'john' |
>>> URL('http://бажан@example.com').user |
'бажан' |
>>> URL('http://example.com').user is None |
True |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_user |
Encoded *user* part of URL, ``None`` if *user* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://довбуш@example.com').raw_user |
'%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%88' |
>>> URL('http://example.com').raw_user is None |
True |
.. attribute:: URL.password |
Decoded *password* part of URL, ``None`` if *user* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://john:pass@example.com').password |
'pass' |
>>> URL('http://степан:пароль@example.com').password |
'пароль' |
>>> URL('http://example.com').password is None |
True |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_password |
Encoded *password* part of URL, ``None`` if *user* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://user:пароль@example.com').raw_password |
'%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C' |
.. attribute:: URL.host |
Encoded *host* part of URL, ``None`` for relative URLs |
(:ref:`yarl-api-relative-urls`). |
Brackets are stripped for IPv6. Host is converted to lowercase, |
address is validated and converted to compressed form. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com').host |
'example.com' |
>>> URL('http://хост.домен').host |
'хост.домен' |
>>> URL('page.html').host is None |
True |
>>> URL('http://[::1]').host |
'::1' |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_host |
IDNA decoded *host* part of URL, ``None`` for relative URLs |
(:ref:`yarl-api-relative-urls`). |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://хост.домен').raw_host |
'xn--n1agdj.xn--d1acufc' |
.. attribute:: URL.port |
*port* part of URL, with scheme-based fallback. |
``None`` for relative URLs (:ref:`yarl-api-relative-urls`) or for |
URLs without explicit port and :attr:`URL.scheme` without |
:ref:`default port substitution <yarl-api-default-ports>`. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com:8080').port |
8080 |
>>> URL('http://example.com').port |
80 |
>>> URL('page.html').port is None |
True |
.. attribute:: URL.explicit_port |
*explicit_port* part of URL, without scheme-based fallback. |
``None`` for relative URLs (:ref:`yarl-api-relative-urls`) or for |
URLs without explicit port. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com:8080').explicit_port |
8080 |
>>> URL('http://example.com').explicit_port is None |
True |
>>> URL('page.html').explicit_port is None |
True |
.. versionadded:: 1.3 |
.. attribute:: URL.authority |
Decoded *authority* part of URL, a combination of *user*, *password*, *host*, and |
*port*. |
``authority = [ user [ ":" password ] "@" ] host [ ":" port ]``. |
*authority* is empty string if all parts are missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://john:pass@example.com:8000').authority |
'john:pass@example.com:8000' |
.. versionadded:: 1.5 |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_authority |
Encoded *authority* part of URL, a combination of *user*, *password*, *host*, and |
*port*. empty string if all parts are missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://john:pass@хост.домен:8000').raw_authority |
'john:pass@xn--n1agdj.xn--d1acufc:8000' |
.. versionadded:: 1.5 |
.. attribute:: URL.path |
Decoded *path* part of URL, ``'/'`` for absolute URLs without *path* part. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to').path |
'/path/to' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях/сюди').path |
'/шлях/сюди' |
>>> URL('http://example.com').path |
'/' |
.. attribute:: URL.path_qs |
Decoded *path* part of URL and query string, ``'/'`` for absolute URLs without *path* part. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to?a1=a&a2=b').path_qs |
'/path/to?a1=a&a2=b' |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_path_qs |
Encoded *path* part of URL and query string, ``'/'`` for absolute URLs without *path* part. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях/сюди?ключ=знач').raw_path_qs |
'/%D1%88%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%85/%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8?%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%87=%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87' |
.. versionadded:: 0.15 |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_path |
Encoded *path* part of URL, ``'/'`` for absolute URLs without *path* part. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях/сюди').raw_path |
'/%D1%88%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%85/%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8' |
.. attribute:: URL.query_string |
Decoded *query* part of URL, empty string if *query* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a1=a&a2=b').query_string |
'a1=a&a2=b' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?ключ=знач').query_string |
'ключ=знач' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path').query_string |
'' |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_query_string |
Encoded *query* part of URL, empty string if *query* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?ключ=знач').raw_query_string |
'%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%87=%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87' |
.. attribute:: URL.fragment |
Encoded *fragment* part of URL, empty string if *fragment* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path#fragment').fragment |
'fragment' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path#якір').fragment |
'якір' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path').fragment |
'' |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_fragment |
Decoded *fragment* part of URL, empty string if *fragment* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path#якір').raw_fragment |
'%D1%8F%D0%BA%D1%96%D1%80' |
For *path* and *query* *yarl* supports additional helpers: |
.. attribute:: URL.parts |
A :class:`tuple` containing decoded *path* parts, ``('/',)`` for |
absolute URLs if *path* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to').parts |
('/', 'path', 'to') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях/сюди').parts |
('/', 'шлях', 'сюди') |
>>> URL('http://example.com').parts |
('/',) |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_parts |
A :class:`tuple` containing encoded *path* parts, ``('/',)`` for |
absolute URLs if *path* is missing. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях/сюди').raw_parts |
('/', '%D1%88%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%85', '%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8') |
.. attribute:: URL.name |
The last part of :attr:`parts`. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to').name |
'to' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях/сюди').name |
'сюди' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/').name |
'' |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_name |
The last part of :attr:`raw_parts`. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях/сюди').raw_name |
'%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8' |
.. attribute:: URL.suffix |
The file extension of :attr:`name`. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to.txt').suffix |
'.txt' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях.сюди').suffix |
'.сюди' |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path').suffix |
'' |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_suffix |
The file extension of :attr:`raw_name`. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях.сюди').raw_suffix |
'.%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8' |
.. attribute:: URL.suffixes |
A list of :attr:`name`'s file extensions. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to.tar.gz').suffixes |
('.tar', '.gz') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях.тут.ось').suffixes |
('.тут', '.ось') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path').suffixes |
() |
.. attribute:: URL.raw_suffixes |
A list of :attr:`raw_name`'s file extensions. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/шлях.тут.ось').raw_suffixes |
('.%D1%82%D1%83%D1%82', '.%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%8C') |
.. attribute:: URL.query |
A :class:`multidict.MultiDictProxy` representing parsed *query* |
parameters in decoded representation. Empty value if URL has no |
*query* part. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a1=a&a2=b').query |
<MultiDictProxy('a1': 'a', 'a2': 'b')> |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?ключ=знач').query |
<MultiDictProxy('ключ': 'знач')> |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path').query |
<MultiDictProxy()> |
.. _yarl-api-relative-urls: |
Absolute and relative URLs |
-------------------------- |
The module supports both absolute and relative URLs. |
Absolute URL should start from either *scheme* or ``'//'``. |
.. method:: URL.is_absolute() |
A check for absolute URLs. |
Return ``True`` for absolute ones (having *scheme* or starting |
with ``'//'``), ``False`` otherwise. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com').is_absolute() |
True |
>>> URL('//example.com').is_absolute() |
True |
>>> URL('/path/to').is_absolute() |
False |
>>> URL('path').is_absolute() |
False |
New URL generation |
------------------ |
URL is an immutable object, every operation described in the |
section generates a new :class:`URL` instance. |
.. method:: URL.build(*, scheme=..., authority=..., user=..., password=..., \ |
host=..., port=..., path=..., query=..., \ |
query_string=..., fragment=..., encoded=False) |
:classmethod: |
Creates and returns a new URL: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL.build(scheme="http", host="example.com") |
URL('http://example.com') |
>>> URL.build(scheme="http", host="example.com", query={"a": "b"}) |
URL('http://example.com/?a=b') |
>>> URL.build(scheme="http", host="example.com", query_string="a=b") |
URL('http://example.com/?a=b') |
>>> URL.build() |
URL('') |
Calling ``build`` method without arguments is equal to calling |
``__init__`` without arguments. |
.. note:: |
Only one of ``query`` or ``query_string`` should be passed then ValueError |
will be raised. |
.. method:: URL.with_scheme(scheme) |
Return a new URL with *scheme* replaced: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com').with_scheme('https') |
URL('https://example.com') |
Returned URL may have a *different* ``port`` |
(:ref:`default port substitution <yarl-api-default-ports>`). |
.. method:: URL.with_user(user) |
Return a new URL with *user* replaced, auto-encode *user* if needed. |
Clear user/password if *user* is ``None``. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://user:pass@example.com').with_user('new_user') |
URL('http://new_user:pass@example.com') |
>>> URL('http://user:pass@example.com').with_user('олекса') |
URL('http://%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0:pass@example.com') |
>>> URL('http://user:pass@example.com').with_user(None) |
URL('http://example.com') |
.. method:: URL.with_password(password) |
Return a new URL with *password* replaced, auto-encode *password* if needed. |
Clear password if ``None`` is passed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://user:pass@example.com').with_password('пароль') |
URL('http://user:%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C@example.com') |
>>> URL('http://user:pass@example.com').with_password(None) |
URL('http://user@example.com') |
.. method:: URL.with_host(host) |
Return a new URL with *host* replaced, auto-encode *host* if needed. |
Changing *host* for relative URLs is not allowed, use |
:meth:`URL.join` instead. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to').with_host('python.org') |
URL('http://python.org/path/to') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path').with_host('хост.домен') |
URL('http://xn--n1agdj.xn--d1acufc/path') |
.. method:: URL.with_port(port) |
Return a new URL with *port* replaced. |
Clear port to default if ``None`` is passed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com:8888').with_port(9999) |
URL('http://example.com:9999') |
>>> URL('http://example.com:8888').with_port(None) |
URL('http://example.com') |
.. method:: URL.with_path(path) |
Return a new URL with *path* replaced, encode *path* if needed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/').with_path('/path/to') |
URL('http://example.com/path/to') |
.. method:: URL.with_query(query) |
URL.with_query(**kwargs) |
Return a new URL with *query* part replaced. |
Unlike :meth:`update_query` the method replaces all query parameters. |
Accepts any :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` (e.g. :class:`dict`, |
:class:`~multidict.MultiDict` instances) or :class:`str`, |
auto-encode the argument if needed. |
A sequence of ``(key, value)`` pairs is supported as well. |
Also it can take an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. |
Clear *query* if ``None`` is passed. |
.. note:: |
The library accepts :class:`str`, :class:`float`, :class:`int` and their |
subclasses except :class:`bool` as query argument values. |
If a mapping such as :class:`dict` is used, the values may also be |
:class:`list` or :class:`tuple` to represent a key has many values. |
Please see :ref:`yarl-bools-support` for the reason why :class:`bool` is not |
supported out-of-the-box. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').with_query('c=d') |
URL('http://example.com/path?c=d') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').with_query({'c': 'd'}) |
URL('http://example.com/path?c=d') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').with_query({'c': [1, 2]}) |
URL('http://example.com/path?c=1&c=2') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').with_query({'кл': 'зн'}) |
URL('http://example.com/path?%D0%BA%D0%BB=%D0%B7%D0%BD') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').with_query(None) |
URL('http://example.com/path') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&b=1').with_query(b='2') |
URL('http://example.com/path?b=2') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&b=1').with_query([('b', '2')]) |
URL('http://example.com/path?b=2') |
.. versionchanged:: 1.5 |
Support :class:`list` and :class:`tuple` as a query parameter value. |
.. versionchanged:: 1.6 |
Support subclasses of :class:`int` (except :class:`bool`) and :class:`float` |
as a query parameter value. |
.. method:: URL.update_query(query) |
URL.update_query(**kwargs) |
Returns a new URL with *query* part updated. |
Unlike :meth:`with_query` the method does not replace query |
completely. |
Returned :class:`URL` object will contain query string which updated |
parts from passed query parts (or parts of parsed query string). |
Accepts any :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` (e.g. :class:`dict`, |
:class:`~multidict.MultiDict` instances) or :class:`str`, |
auto-encode the argument if needed. |
A sequence of ``(key, value)`` pairs is supported as well. |
Also it can take an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. |
Clear *query* if ``None`` is passed. |
Mod operator (``%``) can be used as alternative to the direct call of |
:meth:`URL.update_query`. |
.. note:: |
The library accepts :class:`str`, :class:`float`, :class:`int` and their |
subclasses except :class:`bool` as query argument values. |
If a mapping such as :class:`dict` is used, the values may also be |
:class:`list` or :class:`tuple` to represent a key has many values. |
Please see :ref:`yarl-bools-support` for the reason why :class:`bool` is not |
supported out-of-the-box. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').update_query('c=d') |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&c=d') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').update_query({'c': 'd'}) |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&c=d') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').update_query({'c': [1, 2]}) |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&c=1&c=2') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').update_query({'кл': 'зн'}) |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&%D0%BA%D0%BB=%D0%B7%D0%BD') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&b=1').update_query(b='2') |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&b=2') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&b=1').update_query([('b', '2')]) |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&b=2') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&c=e&c=f').update_query(c='d') |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&c=d') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b').update_query('c=d&c=f') |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&c=d&c=f') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path?a=b') % {'c': 'd'} |
URL('http://example.com/path?a=b&c=d') |
.. versionchanged:: 1.0 |
All multiple key/value pairs are applied to the multi-dictionary. |
.. versionadded:: 1.5 |
Support for mod operator (``%``) to update the URL's query part. |
.. versionchanged:: 1.5 |
Support :class:`list` and :class:`tuple` as a query parameter value. |
.. versionchanged:: 1.6 |
Support subclasses of :class:`int` (except :class:`bool`) and :class:`float` |
as a query parameter value. |
.. method:: URL.with_fragment(fragment) |
Return a new URL with *fragment* replaced, auto-encode *fragment* if needed. |
Clear *fragment* to default if ``None`` is passed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path#frag').with_fragment('anchor') |
URL('http://example.com/path#anchor') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path#frag').with_fragment('якір') |
URL('http://example.com/path#%D1%8F%D0%BA%D1%96%D1%80') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path#frag').with_fragment(None) |
URL('http://example.com/path') |
.. method:: URL.with_name(name) |
Return a new URL with *name* (last part of *path*) replaced and |
cleaned up *query* and *fragment* parts. |
Name is encoded if needed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to?arg#frag').with_name('new') |
URL('http://example.com/path/new') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to').with_name("ім'я") |
URL('http://example.com/path/%D1%96%D0%BC%27%D1%8F') |
.. method:: URL.with_suffix(suffix) |
Return a new URL with *suffix* (file extension of *name*) replaced and |
cleaned up *query* and *fragment* parts. |
Name is encoded if needed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to?arg#frag').with_suffix('.doc') |
URL('http://example.com/path/to.doc') |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to').with_suffix('.cуфікс') |
URL('http://example.com/path/to.c%D1%83%D1%84%D1%96%D0%BA%D1%81') |
.. attribute:: URL.parent |
A new URL with last part of *path* removed and |
cleaned up *query* and *fragment* parts. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to?arg#frag').parent |
URL('http://example.com/path') |
.. method:: URL.origin() |
A new URL with *scheme*, *host* and *port* parts only. |
*user*, *password*, *path*, *query* and *fragment* are removed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to?arg#frag').origin() |
URL('http://example.com') |
>>> URL('http://user:pass@example.com/path').origin() |
URL('http://example.com') |
.. method:: URL.relative() |
A new *relative* URL with *path*, *query* and *fragment* parts only. |
*scheme*, *user*, *password*, *host* and *port* are removed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com/path/to?arg#frag').relative() |
URL('/path/to?arg#frag') |
Division (``/``) operator creates a new URL with appended *path* parts |
and cleaned up *query* and *fragment* parts. |
The path is encoded if needed. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> url = URL('http://example.com/path?arg#frag') / 'to/subpath' |
>>> url |
URL('http://example.com/path/to/subpath') |
>>> url.parts |
('/', 'path', 'to', 'subpath') |
>>> url = URL('http://example.com/path?arg#frag') / 'сюди' |
>>> url |
URL('http://example.com/path/%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8') |
.. method:: URL.joinpath(*other, encoded=False) |
Construct a new URL by with all ``other`` elements appended to |
*path*, and cleaned up *query* and *fragment* parts. |
Passing ``encoded=True`` parameter prevents path element auto-encoding, the caller is |
responsible for taking care of URL correctness. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> url = URL('http://example.com/path?arg#frag').joinpath('to', 'subpath') |
>>> url |
URL('http://example.com/path/to/subpath') |
>>> url.parts |
('/', 'path', 'to', 'subpath') |
>>> url = URL('http://example.com/path?arg#frag').joinpath('сюди') |
>>> url |
URL('http://example.com/path/%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8') |
>>> url = URL('http://example.com/path').joinpath('%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8', encoded=True) |
>>> url |
URL('http://example.com/path/%D1%81%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B8') |
.. versionadded:: 1.9 |
.. method:: URL.join(url) |
Construct a full (“absolute”) URL by combining a “base URL” |
(``self``) with another URL (``url``). Informally, this uses |
components of the base URL, in particular the addressing scheme, |
the network location and (part of) the path, to provide missing |
components in the relative URL, e.g.: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> base = URL('http://example.com/path/index.html') |
>>> base.join(URL('page.html')) |
URL('http://example.com/path/page.html') |
.. note:: |
If ``url`` is an absolute URL (that is, starting with ``//`` or |
``scheme://``), the URL‘s host name and/or scheme will be |
present in the result, e.g.: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> base = URL('http://example.com/path/index.html') |
>>> base.join(URL('//python.org/page.html')) |
URL('http://python.org/page.html') |
Human readable representation |
----------------------------- |
All URL data is stored in encoded form internally. It's pretty good |
for passing ``str(url)`` everywhere URL string is accepted but quite |
bad for memorizing by humans. |
.. method:: URL.human_repr() |
Return decoded human readable string for URL representation. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> url = URL('http://εμπορικόσήμα.eu/這裡') |
>>> str(url) |
'http://xn--jxagkqfkduily1i.eu/%E9%80%99%E8%A3%A1' |
>>> url.human_repr() |
'http://εμπορικόσήμα.eu/這裡' |
.. _yarl-api-default-ports: |
Default port substitution |
------------------------- |
:mod:`yarl` is aware about the following *scheme* -> *port* translations: |
+------------------+-------+ |
| scheme | port | |
+==================+=======+ |
| ``'http'`` | 80 | |
+------------------+-------+ |
| ``'https'`` | 443 | |
+------------------+-------+ |
| ``'ws'`` | 80 | |
+------------------+-------+ |
| ``'wss'`` | 443 | |
+------------------+-------+ |
.. method:: URL.is_default_port() |
A check for default port. |
Return ``True`` if URL's :attr:`~URL.port` is *default* for used |
:attr:`~URL.scheme`, ``False`` otherwise. |
Relative URLs have no default port. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> URL('http://example.com').is_default_port() |
True |
>>> URL('http://example.com:80').is_default_port() |
True |
>>> URL('http://example.com:8080').is_default_port() |
False |
>>> URL('/path/to').is_default_port() |
False |
Cache control |
------------- |
IDNA conversion used for host encoding is quite expensive operation, that's why the |
``yarl`` library caches IDNA encoding/decoding calls by storing last ``256`` encodes |
and last ``256`` decodes in the global LRU cache. |
.. function:: cache_clear() |
Clear IDNA caches. |
.. function:: cache_info() |
Return a dictionary with ``"idna_encode"`` and ``"idna_decode"`` keys, each value |
points to corresponding ``CacheInfo`` structure (see :func:`functools.lru_cache` for |
details): |
.. doctest:: |
:options: +SKIP |
>>> yarl.cache_info() |
{'idna_encode': CacheInfo(hits=5, misses=5, maxsize=256, currsize=5), |
'idna_decode': CacheInfo(hits=24, misses=15, maxsize=256, currsize=15)} |
.. function:: cache_configure(*, idna_encode_size=256, idna_decode_size=256) |
Set IDNA encode and decode cache sizes (``256`` for each by default). |
Pass ``None`` to make the corresponding cache unbounded (may speed up the IDNA |
encoding/decoding operation a little but the memory footprint can be very high, |
please use with caution). |
References |
---------- |
:mod:`yarl` stays on shoulders of giants: several RFC documents and |
low-level :mod:`urllib.parse` which performs almost all gory work. |
The module borrowed design from :mod:`pathlib` in any place where it was |
possible. |
.. seealso:: |
:rfc:`5891` - Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA): Protocol |
Document describing non-ASCII domain name encoding. |
:rfc:`3987` - Internationalized Resource Identifiers |
This specifies conversion rules for non-ASCII characters in URL. |
:rfc:`3986` - Uniform Resource Identifiers |
This is the current standard (STD66). Any changes to :mod:`yarl` module |
should conform to this. Certain deviations could be observed, which are |
mostly for backward compatibility purposes and for certain de-facto |
parsing requirements as commonly observed in major browsers. |
:rfc:`2732` - Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's. |
This specifies the parsing requirements of IPv6 URLs. |
:rfc:`2396` - Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax |
Document describing the generic syntactic requirements for both |
Uniform Resource Names (URNs) and Uniform Resource Locators |
(URLs). |
:rfc:`2368` - The mailto URL scheme. |
Parsing requirements for mailto URL schemes. |
:rfc:`1808` - Relative Uniform Resource Locators This Request For |
Comments includes the rules for joining an absolute and a |
relative URL, including a fair number of "Abnormal Examples" |
which govern the treatment of border cases. |
:rfc:`1738` - Uniform Resource Locators (URL) |
This specifies the formal syntax and semantics of absolute URLs. |