Asib27's picture
try 1
065fee7 verified
history blame
2.39 kB
{% for section, _ in sections.items() %}
{% set underline = underlines[0] %}{% if section %}{{section}}
{{ underline * section|length }}{% set underline = underlines[1] %}
{% endif %}
{% if sections[section] %}
{% for category, val in definitions.items() if category in sections[section]%}
{{ definitions[category]['name'] }}
{{ underline * definitions[category]['name']|length }}
{% if definitions[category]['showcontent'] %}
{% for text, change_note_refs in sections[section][category].items() %}
- {{ text + '\n' }}
NOTE: Replacing 'e' with 'f' is a hack that prevents Jinja's `int`
NOTE: filter internal implementation from treating the input as an
NOTE: infinite float when it looks like a scientific notation (with a
NOTE: single 'e' char in between digits), raising an `OverflowError`,
NOTE: subsequently. 'f' is still a hex letter so it won't affect the
NOTE: check for whether it's a (short or long) commit hash or not.
set pr_issue_numbers = change_note_refs
| map('lower')
| map('replace', 'e', 'f')
| map('int', default=None)
| select('integer')
| map('string')
| list
{%- set arbitrary_refs = [] -%}
{%- set commit_refs = [] -%}
{%- with -%}
{%- set commit_ref_candidates = change_note_refs | reject('in', pr_issue_numbers) -%}
{%- for cf in commit_ref_candidates -%}
{%- if cf | length in (7, 8, 40) and cf | int(default=None, base=16) is not none -%}
{%- set _ = commit_refs.append(cf) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set _ = arbitrary_refs.append(cf) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endwith -%}
{% if pr_issue_numbers -%}
*Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:*
:issue:`{{ pr_issue_numbers | join('`, :issue:`') }}`.
{% endif %}
{% if commit_refs -%}
*Related commits on GitHub:*
:commit:`{{ commit_refs | join('`, :commit:`') }}`.
{% endif %}
{% if arbitrary_refs -%}
*Unlinked references:*
{{ arbitrary_refs | join(', ') }}`.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
- {{ sections[section][category]['']|join(', ') }}
{% endif %}
{% if sections[section][category]|length == 0 %}
No significant changes.
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
No significant changes.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ '\n' * 2 }}