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.. _aiohttp-client-tracing-reference:
Tracing Reference
.. currentmodule:: aiohttp
.. versionadded:: 3.0
A reference for client tracing API.
.. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-client-tracing` for tracing usage instructions.
Request life cycle
A request goes through the following stages and corresponding fallbacks.
.. blockdiag::
blockdiag {
orientation = portrait;
start[shape=beginpoint, description="on_request_start"];
end[shape=endpoint, description="on_request_end"];
exception[shape=flowchart.terminator, description="on_request_exception"];
acquire_connection[description="Connection acquiring"];
start -> acquire_connection;
acquire_connection -> headers_sent;
headers_sent -> headers_received;
headers_sent -> chunk_sent;
chunk_sent -> chunk_sent;
chunk_sent -> headers_received;
headers_received -> chunk_received;
chunk_received -> chunk_received;
chunk_received -> end;
headers_received -> redirect;
headers_received -> end;
redirect -> headers_sent;
chunk_received -> exception;
chunk_sent -> exception;
headers_sent -> exception;
Connection acquiring
.. blockdiag::
blockdiag {
orientation = portrait;
exception[shape=flowchart.terminator, description="Exception raised"];
resolve_dns[description="DNS resolving"];
sock_connect[description="Connection establishment"];
begin -> reuseconn;
begin -> create_start;
create_start -> resolve_dns;
resolve_dns -> exception;
resolve_dns -> sock_connect;
sock_connect -> exception;
sock_connect -> create_end -> end;
begin -> queued_start;
queued_start -> queued_end;
queued_end -> reuseconn;
queued_end -> create_start;
reuseconn -> end;
DNS resolving
.. blockdiag::
blockdiag {
orientation = portrait;
exception[shape=flowchart.terminator, description="Exception raised"];
begin -> cache_hit -> end;
begin -> cache_miss -> resolve_start;
resolve_start -> resolve_end -> end;
resolve_start -> exception;
.. class:: TraceConfig(trace_config_ctx_factory=SimpleNamespace)
Trace config is the configuration object used to trace requests
launched by a :class:`ClientSession` object using different events
related to different parts of the request flow.
:param trace_config_ctx_factory: factory used to create trace contexts,
default class used :class:`types.SimpleNamespace`
.. method:: trace_config_ctx(trace_request_ctx=None)
:param trace_request_ctx: Will be used to pass as a kw for the
Build a new trace context from the config.
Every signal handler should have the following signature::
async def on_signal(session, context, params): ...
where ``session`` is :class:`ClientSession` instance, ``context`` is an
object returned by :meth:`trace_config_ctx` call and ``params`` is a
data class with signal parameters. The type of ``params`` depends on
subscribed signal and described below.
.. attribute:: on_request_start
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed
when a request starts.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceRequestStartParams` instance.
.. attribute:: on_request_chunk_sent
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed
when a chunk of request body is sent.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceRequestChunkSentParams` instance.
.. versionadded:: 3.1
.. attribute:: on_response_chunk_received
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed
when a chunk of response body is received.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceResponseChunkReceivedParams` instance.
.. versionadded:: 3.1
.. attribute:: on_request_redirect
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
redirect happens during a request flow.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceRequestRedirectParams` instance.
.. attribute:: on_request_end
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request ends.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceRequestEndParams` instance.
.. attribute:: on_request_exception
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request finishes with an exception.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceRequestExceptionParams` instance.
.. attribute:: on_connection_queued_start
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request has been queued waiting for an available connection.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceConnectionQueuedStartParams`
.. attribute:: on_connection_queued_end
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request that was queued already has an available connection.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceConnectionQueuedEndParams`
.. attribute:: on_connection_create_start
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request creates a new connection.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceConnectionCreateStartParams`
.. attribute:: on_connection_create_end
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request that created a new connection finishes its creation.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceConnectionCreateEndParams`
.. attribute:: on_connection_reuseconn
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request reuses a connection.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceConnectionReuseconnParams`
.. attribute:: on_dns_resolvehost_start
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request starts to resolve the domain related with the request.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceDnsResolveHostStartParams`
.. attribute:: on_dns_resolvehost_end
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request finishes to resolve the domain related with the request.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceDnsResolveHostEndParams` instance.
.. attribute:: on_dns_cache_hit
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request was able to use a cached DNS resolution for the domain related
with the request.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceDnsCacheHitParams` instance.
.. attribute:: on_dns_cache_miss
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed when a
request was not able to use a cached DNS resolution for the domain related
with the request.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceDnsCacheMissParams` instance.
.. attribute:: on_request_headers_sent
Property that gives access to the signals that will be executed
when request headers are sent.
``params`` is :class:`aiohttp.TraceRequestHeadersSentParams` instance.
.. versionadded:: 3.8
.. class:: TraceRequestStartParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_request_start` for details.
.. attribute:: method
Method that will be used to make the request.
.. attribute:: url
URL that will be used for the request.
.. attribute:: headers
Headers that will be used for the request, can be mutated.
.. class:: TraceRequestChunkSentParams
.. versionadded:: 3.1
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_request_chunk_sent` for details.
.. attribute:: method
Method that will be used to make the request.
.. attribute:: url
URL that will be used for the request.
.. attribute:: chunk
Bytes of chunk sent
.. class:: TraceResponseChunkReceivedParams
.. versionadded:: 3.1
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_response_chunk_received` for details.
.. attribute:: method
Method that will be used to make the request.
.. attribute:: url
URL that will be used for the request.
.. attribute:: chunk
Bytes of chunk received
.. class:: TraceRequestEndParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_request_end` for details.
.. attribute:: method
Method used to make the request.
.. attribute:: url
URL used for the request.
.. attribute:: headers
Headers used for the request.
.. attribute:: response
Response :class:`ClientResponse`.
.. class:: TraceRequestExceptionParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_request_exception` for details.
.. attribute:: method
Method used to make the request.
.. attribute:: url
URL used for the request.
.. attribute:: headers
Headers used for the request.
.. attribute:: exception
Exception raised during the request.
.. class:: TraceRequestRedirectParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_request_redirect` for details.
.. attribute:: method
Method used to get this redirect request.
.. attribute:: url
URL used for this redirect request.
.. attribute:: headers
Headers used for this redirect.
.. attribute:: response
Response :class:`ClientResponse` got from the redirect.
.. class:: TraceConnectionQueuedStartParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_connection_queued_start` for details.
There are no attributes right now.
.. class:: TraceConnectionQueuedEndParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_connection_queued_end` for details.
There are no attributes right now.
.. class:: TraceConnectionCreateStartParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_connection_create_start` for details.
There are no attributes right now.
.. class:: TraceConnectionCreateEndParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_connection_create_end` for details.
There are no attributes right now.
.. class:: TraceConnectionReuseconnParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_connection_reuseconn` for details.
There are no attributes right now.
.. class:: TraceDnsResolveHostStartParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_dns_resolvehost_start` for details.
.. attribute:: host
Host that will be resolved.
.. class:: TraceDnsResolveHostEndParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_dns_resolvehost_end` for details.
.. attribute:: host
Host that has been resolved.
.. class:: TraceDnsCacheHitParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_dns_cache_hit` for details.
.. attribute:: host
Host found in the cache.
.. class:: TraceDnsCacheMissParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_dns_cache_miss` for details.
.. attribute:: host
Host didn't find the cache.
.. class:: TraceRequestHeadersSentParams
See :attr:`TraceConfig.on_request_headers_sent` for details.
.. versionadded:: 3.8
.. attribute:: method
Method that will be used to make the request.
.. attribute:: url
URL that will be used for the request.
.. attribute:: headers
Headers that will be used for the request.