========================= |
MSAL Python Documentation |
========================= |
.. toctree:: |
:maxdepth: 2 |
:caption: Contents: |
:hidden: |
.. |
Comment: Perhaps because of the theme, only the first level sections will show in TOC, |
regardless of maxdepth setting. |
UPDATE: And now (early 2024) suddenly a function-level, long TOC is generated, |
even though maxdepth is set to 2. |
You can find high level conceptual documentations in the project |
`README <https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-python>`_. |
Scenarios |
========= |
There are many `different application scenarios <https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/authentication-flows-app-scenarios>`_. |
MSAL Python supports some of them. |
**The following diagram serves as a map. Locate your application scenario on the map.** |
**If the corresponding icon is clickable, it will bring you to an MSAL Python sample for that scenario.** |
* Most authentication scenarios acquire tokens representing the signed-in user. |
.. raw:: html |
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-python/dev/docs/scenarios-with-users.svg" |
usemap="#public-map"> |
<map name="public-map"> |
<area target="_blank" coords="110,150,59,94" shape="rect" |
alt="Web app" title="Web app" href="https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/web-app-quickstart?pivots=devlang-python"> |
<area target="_blank" coords="58,281,108,338" shape="rect" |
alt="Web app" title="Web app" href="https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/web-app-quickstart?pivots=devlang-python"> |
<area target="_blank" coords="57,529,127,470" shape="rect" |
alt="Desktop App" title="Desktop App" href="https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-python/blob/dev/sample/interactive_sample.py"> |
<area target="_blank" coords="56,637,122,566" shape="rect" |
alt="Browserless app" title="Browserless app" href="https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-python-devicecodeflow"> |
</map> |
* There are also daemon apps, who acquire tokens representing themselves, not a user. |
.. raw:: html |
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-python/dev/docs/daemon-app.svg" |
usemap="#confidential-map"> |
<map name="confidential-map"> |
<area target="_blank" coords="48,1,165,260" shape="rect" |
alt="Daemon App acquires token for themselves" title="Daemon App acquires token for themselves" href="https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-python-daemon"> |
</map> |
* There are other less common samples, such for ADAL-to-MSAL migration, |
`available inside the project code base |
<https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-python/tree/dev/sample>`_. |
API Reference |
============= |
.. note:: |
Only the contents inside |
`this source file <https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-python/blob/dev/msal/__init__.py>`_ |
and their documented methods (unless otherwise marked as deprecated) |
are MSAL Python public API, |
which are guaranteed to be backward-compatible until the next major version. |
Everything else, regardless of their naming, are all internal helpers, |
which could change at anytime in the future, without prior notice. |
The following section is the API Reference of MSAL Python. |
The API Reference is like a dictionary, which is useful when: |
* You already followed our sample(s) above and have your app up and running, |
but want to know more on how you could tweak the authentication experience |
by using other optional parameters (there are plenty of them!) |
* Some important features have their in-depth documentations in the API Reference. |
MSAL proposes a clean separation between |
`public client applications and confidential client applications |
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-2.1>`_. |
They are implemented as two separated classes, |
with different methods for different authentication scenarios. |
ClientApplication |
----------------- |
.. autoclass:: msal.ClientApplication |
:members: |
:inherited-members: |
.. automethod:: __init__ |
PublicClientApplication |
----------------------- |
.. autoclass:: msal.PublicClientApplication |
:members: |
.. autoattribute:: msal.PublicClientApplication.CONSOLE_WINDOW_HANDLE |
.. automethod:: __init__ |
ConfidentialClientApplication |
----------------------------- |
.. autoclass:: msal.ConfidentialClientApplication |
:members: |
TokenCache |
---------- |
One of the parameters accepted by |
both `PublicClientApplication` and `ConfidentialClientApplication` |
is the `TokenCache`. |
.. autoclass:: msal.TokenCache |
:members: |
You can subclass it to add new behavior, such as, token serialization. |
See `SerializableTokenCache` for example. |
.. autoclass:: msal.SerializableTokenCache |
:members: |
Prompt |
------ |
.. autoclass:: msal.Prompt |
:members: |
.. autoattribute:: msal.Prompt.SELECT_ACCOUNT |
.. autoattribute:: msal.Prompt.NONE |
.. autoattribute:: msal.Prompt.CONSENT |
.. autoattribute:: msal.Prompt.LOGIN |
PopAuthScheme |
------------- |
This is used as the `auth_scheme` parameter in many of the acquire token methods |
to support for Proof of Possession (PoP) tokens. |
New in MSAL Python 1.26 |
.. autoclass:: msal.PopAuthScheme |
:members: |
.. autoattribute:: msal.PopAuthScheme.HTTP_GET |
.. autoattribute:: msal.PopAuthScheme.HTTP_POST |
.. autoattribute:: msal.PopAuthScheme.HTTP_PUT |
.. autoattribute:: msal.PopAuthScheme.HTTP_DELETE |
.. autoattribute:: msal.PopAuthScheme.HTTP_PATCH |
.. automethod:: __init__ |
Exceptions |
---------- |
These are exceptions that MSAL Python may raise. |
You should not need to create them directly. |
You may want to catch them to provide a better error message to your end users. |
.. autoclass:: msal.IdTokenError |
Managed Identity |
================ |
MSAL supports |
`Managed Identity <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview>`_. |
You can create one of these two kinds of managed identity configuration objects: |
.. autoclass:: msal.SystemAssignedManagedIdentity |
:members: |
.. autoclass:: msal.UserAssignedManagedIdentity |
:members: |
And then feed the configuration object into a :class:`ManagedIdentityClient` object. |
.. autoclass:: msal.ManagedIdentityClient |
:members: |
.. automethod:: __init__ |