param baseName string |
@description('Flag to enable or disable multiple write locations on CosmosDB Account') |
param enableMultipleWriteLocations bool = false |
@description('Default Cosmosdb Account level consistency') |
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session' |
@description('Enable multiple regions, default value is false') |
param enableMultipleRegions bool = false |
@description('Location for the Cosmos DB account.') |
param location string = resourceGroup().location |
@description('The api version to be used by Bicep to create resources') |
param apiVersion string = '2020-04-01' |
var accountName = toLower(baseName) |
var resourceId = cosmosAccount.id |
var singleRegionConfiguration = [ |
{ |
locationName: 'East US 2' |
provisioningState: 'Succeeded' |
failoverPriority: 0 |
isZoneRedundant: false |
} |
] |
var multiRegionConfiguration = [ |
{ |
locationName: 'East US 2' |
provisioningState: 'Succeeded' |
failoverPriority: 0 |
isZoneRedundant: false |
} |
{ |
locationName: 'East US' |
provisioningState: 'Succeeded' |
failoverPriority: 1 |
isZoneRedundant: false |
} |
] |
var locationsConfiguration = (enableMultipleRegions ? multiRegionConfiguration : singleRegionConfiguration) |
resource cosmosAccount 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2020-04-01' = { |
name: toLower(accountName) |
location: location |
kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB' |
properties: { |
publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled' |
enableAutomaticFailover: false |
enableMultipleWriteLocations: enableMultipleWriteLocations |
isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled: false |
disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess: false |
enableFreeTier: false |
enableAnalyticalStorage: false |
databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard' |
consistencyPolicy: { |
defaultConsistencyLevel: defaultConsistencyLevel |
} |
capabilities: [{ |
name: 'EnableNoSQLVectorSearch' |
}] |
locations: locationsConfiguration |
} |
} |
output ACCOUNT_HOST string = reference(resourceId, apiVersion).documentEndpoint |
output ACCOUNT_KEY string = listKeys(resourceId, apiVersion).primaryMasterKey |