parameters: | |
- name: ServiceDirectory | |
type: string | |
default: 'ml' | |
- name: Artifacts | |
type: object | |
default: | |
- name: azure-ai-ml | |
safeName: azureaiml | |
skipVerifyChangeLog: true | |
- name: SamplesRepo | |
type: string | |
default: '' | |
jobs: | |
- job: 'Build_Upload_PR' | |
displayName: "Build, Upload, and PR Azure ML Changeset" | |
timeoutInMinutes: 90 | |
variables: | |
- name: StorageAccountName | |
value: 'docsupport' | |
- template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml | |
pool: | |
name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general | |
vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04 | |
steps: | |
- template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/targeting-string-resolve.yml | |
parameters: | |
BuildTargetingString: "azure-*" | |
- script: | | |
echo "##vso[build.addbuildtag]Scheduled" | |
displayName: 'Tag scheduled builds' | |
condition: and(eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], variables['DefaultBranch']), eq(variables['Build.Reason'],'Schedule')) | |
- task: UsePythonVersion@0 | |
displayName: 'Use Python $(PythonVersion)' | |
inputs: | |
versionSpec: $(PythonVersion) | |
- script: | | |
python -m pip install tools/azure-sdk-tools[build] | |
python -m pip install azure-identity | |
python -m pip install azure-storage-blob | |
displayName: 'Prep Environment' | |
- pwsh: | | |
sdk_build -d "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)" --repo="$(Build.SourcesDirectory)" --service="${{parameters.ServiceDirectory}}" "$(TargetingString)" | |
displayName: Generate Packages | |
- pwsh: | | |
Get-ChildItem "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)" -R | |
displayName: Output Staging Directory | |
- pwsh: | | |
git clone --depth 1 ${{ parameters.SamplesRepo }} $(Agent.BuildDirectory)/ml | |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=mlrepo;]$(Agent.BuildDirectory)/ml" | |
displayName: Clone the ML Samples Repo, Set Variables | |
- pwsh: | | |
Get-ChildItem "$(mlrepo)" -R | |
displayName: Output Staging Directory | |
- pwsh: | | |
cat "$(mlrepo)/sdk/python/" | |
displayName: Display pre-update | |
- task: AzurePowerShell@5 | |
displayName: Generate Samples Repo Changes | |
inputs: | |
azureSubscription: 'Azure SDK Artifacts' | |
azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion | |
pwsh: true | |
ScriptType: InlineScript | |
Inline: | | |
python scripts/devops_tasks/ --ml-repo "$(mlrepo)" --ml-wheel-folder "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/azure-ai-ml" --build-id "$(Build.BuildId)" --storage-account-name "$(StorageAccountName)"; | |
- pwsh: | | |
cat "$(mlrepo)/sdk/python/" | |
displayName: Display post-update | |
- template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/create-pull-request.yml | |
parameters: | |
RepoName: azureml-examples | |
RepoOwner: Azure | |
PRBranchName: test-ml-sdk-version-${{ parameters.ServiceDirectory }}-$(Build.BuildId) | |
PROwner: Azure | |
BaseBranchName: main | |
CommitMsg: "Update sdk/python/ to target fresh built azure-ai-ml wheel." | |
PRTitle: "SDK Samples Run generated from $(Build.BuildId)" | |
WorkingDirectory: $(mlrepo) | |
PRBody: "Check azureml samples against azure-sdk build $(Build.BuildId)." | |