PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position, prepped and draped in the usual manner for a laparoscopic procedure. A speculum was placed into the vagina. A single tooth tenaculum was utilized to grasp the anterior lip of the uterine cervix. The uterus was sounded to 10.5 cm. A #10 RUMI cannula was utilized and attached for uterine manipulation. The single-tooth tenaculum and speculum were removed from the vagina. At this time, the infraumbilical area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine and infraumbilical vertical skin incision was made through which a Veress needle was inserted into the abdominal cavity. Aspiration was negative; therefore the abdomen was insufflated with carbon dioxide. After adequate insufflation, Veress needle was removed and an 11-mm separator trocar was introduced through the infraumbilical incision into the abdominal cavity. Through the trocar sheath, the laparoscope was inserted and adequate visualization of the pelvic structures was noted. At this time, the suprapubic area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine. A 5-mm skin incision was made and a 5-mm trocar was introduced into the abdominal cavity for instrumentation. Evaluation of the pelvis revealed the uterus to be slightly enlarged and irregular. The fallopian tubes have been previously interrupted surgically. The ovaries appeared normal bilaterally. The cul-de-sac was clean without evidence of endometriosis, scarring or adhesions. The ureters were noted to be deep in the pelvis. At this time, the right cornu was grasped and the right fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected without difficulty. The remainder of the uterine vessels and anterior and posterior leaves of the broad ligament, as well as the cardinal ligament was coagulated and transected in a serial fashion down to level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. A similar procedure was carried out on the left with the left uterine cornu identified. The left fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The remainder of the cardinal ligament, uterine vessels, anterior, and posterior sheaths of the broad ligament were coagulated and transected in a serial manner to the level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The anterior leaf of the broad ligament was then dissected to the midline bilaterally, establishing a bladder flap with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection. At this time, attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The laparoscope was removed and attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The RUMI cannula was removed and the anterior and posterior leafs of the cervix were grasped with Lahey tenaculum. A circumferential injection with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine was made at the cervicovaginal portio. A circumferential incision was then made at the cervicovaginal portio. The anterior and posterior colpotomies were accomplished with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection without difficulty. The right uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl sutures. The left uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The parametrial tissue was then clamped bilaterally, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture bilaterally. The uterus was then removed and passed off the operative field. Laparotomy pack was placed into the pelvis. The pedicles were evaluated. There was no bleeding noted; therefore, the laparotomy pack was removed. The uterosacral ligaments were suture fixated into the vaginal cuff angles with #0 Vicryl sutures. The vaginal cuff was then closed in a running fashion with #0 Vicryl suture. Hemostasis was noted throughout. At this time, the laparoscope was reinserted into the abdomen. The abdomen was reinsufflated. Evaluation revealed no further bleeding. Irrigation with sterile water was performed and again no bleeding was noted. The suprapubic trocar sheath was then removed under laparoscopic visualization. The laparoscope was removed. The carbon dioxide was allowed to escape from the abdomen and the infraumbilical trocar sheath was then removed. The skin incisions were closed with #4-0 Vicryl in subcuticular fashion. Neosporin and Band-Aid were applied for dressing and the patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Estimated blood loss was approximately 100 mL. There were no complications. The instrument, sponge, and needle counts were correct.
ADMITTING DIAGNOSES,1. Acute gastroenteritis.,2. Nausea.,3. Vomiting.,4. Diarrhea.,5. Gastrointestinal bleed.,6. Dehydration.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES,1. Acute gastroenteritis, resolved.,2. Gastrointestinal bleed and chronic inflammation of the mesentery of unknown etiology.,BRIEF H&P AND HOSPITAL COURSE: , This patient is a 56-year-old male, a patient of Dr. X with 25-pack-year history, also a history of diabetes type 2, dyslipidemia, hypertension, hemorrhoids, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and a left lower lobe calcified granuloma that apparently is stable at this time. This patient presented with periumbilical abdominal pain with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea for the past 3 days and four to five watery bowel movements a day with symptoms progressively getting worse. The patient was admitted into the ER and had trop x1 done, which was negative and ECG showed to be of normal sinus rhythm.,Lab findings initially presented with a hemoglobin of 13.1, hematocrit of 38.6 with no elevation of white count. Upon discharge, his hemoglobin and hematocrit stayed at 10.9 and 31.3 and he was still having stool guaiac positive blood, and a stool study was done which showed few white blood cells, negative for Clostridium difficile and moderate amount of occult blood and moderate amount of RBCs. The patient's nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea did resolve during his hospital course. Was placed on IV fluids initially and on hospital day #2 fluids were discontinued and was started on clear liquid diet and diet was advanced slowly, and the patient was able to tolerate p.o. well. The patient also denied any abdominal pain upon day of discharge. The patient was also started on prednisone as per GI recommendations. He was started on 60 mg p.o. Amylase and lipase were also done which were normal and LDH and CRP was also done which are also normal and LFTs were done which were also normal as well.,PLAN: , The plan is to discharge the patient home. He can resume his home medications of Prandin, Actos, Lipitor, Glucophage, Benicar, and Advair. We will also start him on a tapered dose of prednisone for 4 weeks. We will start him on 15 mg p.o. for seven days. Then, week #2, we will start him on 40 mg for 1 week. Then, week #3, we will start him on 30 mg for 1 week, and then, 20 mg for 1 week, and then finally we will stop. He was instructed to take tapered dose of prednisone for 4 weeks as per the GI recommendations.
CC: ,Left hand numbness on presentation; then developed lethargy later that day.,HX: ,On the day of presentation, this 72 y/o RHM suddenly developed generalized weakness and lightheadedness, and could not rise from a chair. Four hours later he experienced sudden left hand numbness lasting two hours. There were no other associated symptoms except for the generalized weakness and lightheadedness. He denied vertigo.,He had been experiencing falling spells without associated LOC up to several times a month for the past year.,MEDS:, procardia SR, Lasix, Ecotrin, KCL, Digoxin, Colace, Coumadin.,PMH: ,1)8/92 evaluation for presyncope (Echocardiogram showed: AV fibrosis/calcification, AV stenosis/insufficiency, MV stenosis with annular calcification and regurgitation, moderate TR, Decreased LV systolic function, severe LAE. MRI brain: focal areas of increased T2 signal in the left cerebellum and in the brainstem probably representing microvascular ischemic disease. IVG (MUGA scan)revealed: global hypokinesis of the LV and biventricular dysfunction, RV ejection Fx 45% and LV ejection Fx 39%. He was subsequently placed on coumadin severe valvular heart disease), 2)HTN, 3)Rheumatic fever and heart disease, 4)COPD, 5)ETOH abuse, 6)colonic polyps, 7)CAD, 8)CHF, 9)Appendectomy, 10)Junctional tachycardia.,FHX:, stroke, bone cancer, dementia.,SHX: ,2ppd smoker since his teens; quit 2 years ago. 6-pack beer plus 2 drinks per day for many years: now claims he has been dry for 2 years. Denies illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,36.8C, 90BPM, BP138/56.,MS: Alert and oriented to person, place, but not date. Hypophonic and dysarthric speech. 2/3 recall. Followed commands.,CN: Left homonymous hemianopia and left CN7 nerve palsy (old).,MOTOR: full strength throughout.,SENSORY: unremarkable.,COORDINATION: dysmetric FNF and HKS movements (left worse than right).,STATION: RUE pronator drift and Romberg sign present.,GAIT: shuffling and bradykinetic.,REFLEXES: 1+/1+ to 2+/2+ and symmetric throughout. Plantar responses were flexor bilaterally.,HEENT: Neck supple and no carotid bruits.,CV: RRR with 3/6 SEM and diastolic murmurs throughout the precordium.,Lungs: bibasilar crackles.,LABS:, PT 19 (elevated) and PTT 46 (elevated).,COURSE:, Coumadin was discontinued on admission as he was felt to have suffered a right hemispheric stroke. The initial HCT revealed a subtle low density area in the right occipital lobe and no evidence of hemorrhage. He was scheduled to undergo an MRI Brain scan the same day, and shortly before the procedure became lethargic. By the time the scan was complete he was stuporous. MRI Scan then revealed a hypointense area of T1 signal in the right temporal lobe with a small foci of hyperintensity within it. The hyperintense area seen on T1 weighted images appeared hypointense on T2 weighted images. There was edema surrounding the lesion The findings were consistent with a hematoma. A CT scan performed 4 hours later confirmed a large hematoma with surrounding edema involving the right temporal/parietal/occipital lobes. The patient subsequently died.
REASON FOR VISIT:, The patient is an 11-month-old with a diagnosis of stage 2 neuroblastoma here for ongoing management of his disease and the visit is supervised by Dr. X.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 11-month-old with neuroblastoma, which initially presented on the left when he was 6 weeks old and was completely resected. It was felt to be stage 2. It was not N-Myc amplified and had favorable Shimada histology. In followup, he was found to have a second primary in his right adrenal gland, which was biopsied and also consistent with neuroblastoma with favorable Shimada histology. He is now being treated with chemotherapy per protocol P9641 and not on study. He last received chemotherapy on 05/21/07, with carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin. He received G-CSF daily after his chemotherapy due to neutropenia that delayed his second cycle. In the interval since he was last seen, his mother reports that he had a couple of days of nasal congestion, but it is now improving. He is not acted ill or had any fevers. He has had somewhat diminished appetite, but it seems to be improving now. He is peeing and pooping normally and has not had any diarrhea. He did not have any appreciated nausea or vomiting. He has been restarted on fluconazole due to having redeveloped thrush recently.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , The following systems reviewed and negative per pathology except as noted above. Eyes, ears, throat, cardiovascular, GI, genitourinary, musculoskeletal skin, and neurologic., PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Reviewed as above and otherwise unchanged.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Reviewed and unchanged.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient's parents continued to undergo a separation and divorce. The patient spends time with his father and his family during the first part of the week and with his mother during the second part of the week.,MEDICATIONS: ,1. Bactrim 32 mg by mouth twice a day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.,2. G-CSF 50 mcg subcutaneously given daily in his thighs alternating with each dose.,3. Fluconazole 37.5 mg daily.,4. Zofran 1.5 mg every 6 hours as needed for nausea.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,FINDINGS: , A detailed physical exam revealed a very active and intractable, well-nourished 11-month-old male with weight 10.5 kilos and height 76.8 cm. Vital Signs: Temperature is 35.3 degrees Celsius, pulse is 121 beats per minute, respiratory rate 32 breaths per minute, blood pressure 135/74 mmHg. Eyes: Conjunctivae are clear, nonicteric. Pupils are equally round and reactive to light. Extraocular muscle movements appear intact with no strabismus. Ears: TMs are clear bilaterally. Oral Mucosa: No thrush is appreciated. No mucosal ulcerations or erythema. Chest: Port-a-Cath is nonerythematous and nontender to VP access port. Respiratory: Good aeration, clear to auscultation bilaterally. Cardiovascular: Regular rate, normal S1 and S2, no murmurs appreciated. Abdomen is soft, nontender, and no organomegaly, unable to appreciate a right-sided abdominal mass or any other masses. Skin: No rashes. Neurologic: The patient walks without assistance, frequently falls on his bottom.,LABORATORY STUDIES: , CBC and comprehensive metabolic panel were obtained and they are significant for AST 51, white blood cell count 11,440, hemoglobin 10.9, and platelets 202,000 with ANC 2974. Medical tests none. Radiologic studies are none.,ASSESSMENT: , This patient's disease is life threatening, currently causing moderately severe side effects.,PROBLEMS DIAGNOSES: ,1. Neuroblastoma of the right adrenal gland with favorable Shimada histology.,2. History of stage 2 left adrenal neuroblastoma, status post gross total resection.,3. Immunosuppression.,4. Mucosal candidiasis.,5. Resolving neutropenia.,PROCEDURES AND IMMUNIZATIONS:, None.,PLANS: ,1. Neuroblastoma. The patient will return to the Pediatric Oncology Clinic on 06/13/07 to 06/15/07 for his third cycle of chemotherapy. I will plan for restaging with CT of the abdomen prior to the cycle.,2. Immunosuppression. The patient will continue on his Bactrim twice a day on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Additionally, we will tentatively plan to have him continue fluconazole since this is his second episode of thrush.,3. Mucosal candidiasis. We will continue fluconazole for thrush. I am pleased that the clinical evidence of disease appears to have resolved. For resolving neutropenia, I advised Gregory's mother about it is okay to discontinue the G-CSF at this time. We will plan for him to resume G-CSF after his next chemotherapy and prescription has been sent to the patient's pharmacy.,PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY ATTENDING: , I have reviewed the history of the patient. This is an 11-month-old with neuroblastoma who received chemotherapy with carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin on 05/21/07 for cycle 2 of POG-9641 due to his prior history of neutropenia, he has been on G-CSF. His ANC is nicely recovered. He will have a restaging CT prior to his next cycle of chemotherapy and then return for cycle 3 chemotherapy on 06/13/07 to 06/15/07. He continues on fluconazole for recent history of thrush. Plans are otherwise documented above.
HISTORY: , Coronary artery disease.,TECHNIQUE AND FINDINGS: ,Calcium scoring and coronary artery CTA with cardiac function was performed on Siemens dual-source CT scanner with postprocessing on Vitrea workstation. Patient received oral Metoprolol 100 milligrams. 100 ml Ultravist 370 was utilized as the contrast agent. 0.4 milligrams of nitroglycerin was given.,Patient's calcium score 164, volume 205; this places the patient between the 75th and 90th percentile for age. There is at least moderate atherosclerotic plaque with mild coronary artery disease and significant narrowings possible.,Cardiac wall motion was within normal limits. Left ventricular ejection fraction calculated to be 82%. End-diastolic volume 98 mL, end-systolic volume calculated to be 18 mL.,There is normal coronary artery origins. There is codominance between the right coronary artery and the circumflex artery. There is mild to moderate stenosis of the proximal LAD with mixed plaque. Mild stenosis mid LAD with mixed plaque. No stenosis. Distal LAD with the distal vessel becoming diminutive in size. Right coronary artery shows mild stenosis proximally and in the midportion due to calcified focal plaque. Once again the distal vessel becomes diminutive in size. Circumflex shows mild stenosis due to focal calcified plaque proximally. No stenosis is seen involving the mid or distal circumflex. The distal circumflex also becomes diminutive in size. The left main shows small amount of focal calcified plaque without stenosis. Myocardium, pericardium and wall motion was unremarkable as seen.,IMPRESSION:,1. Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease with values as above. There are areas of stenosis most pronounced in the LAD with mild to moderate change and mild stenosis involving the circumflex and right coronary artery.,2. Consider cardiology consult and further evaluation if clinically indicated.,3. Full report was sent to the PACS. Report will be mailed to Dr. ABC.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Symptomatic cholelithiasis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Symptomatic cholelithiasis.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and appendectomy (CPT 47563, 44970).,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,INDICATIONS: ,This is an 18-year-old girl with sickle cell anemia who has had symptomatic cholelithiasis. She requested appendectomy because of the concern of future diagnostic dilemma with pain crisis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and appendectomy were recommended to her. The procedure was explained in detail including the risks of bleeding, infection, biliary injury, retained common duct stones. After answering her questions, she wished to proceed and gave informed consent.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed supine on the operating table. She was positively identified and the correct surgical site and procedure reviewed. After successful administration of general endotracheal anesthesia, the skin of the abdomen was prepped with chlorhexidine solution and sterilely draped.,The infraumbilical skin was infiltrated with 0.25% bupivacaine with epinephrine and horizontal incision created. The linea alba was grasped with a hemostat and Veress needle was placed into the peritoneal cavity and used to insufflate carbon dioxide gas to a pressure of 15 mmHg. A 12-mm expandable disposable trocar was placed and through this a 30 degree laparoscope was used to inspect the peritoneal cavity. Upper abdominal anatomy was normal. Pelvic laparoscopy revealed bilaterally closed internal inguinal rings. Additional trocars were placed under direct vision including a 5-mm reusable in the right lateral _____. There was a 12-mm expandable disposable in the right upper quadrant and a 5-mm reusable in the subxiphoid region. Using these, the gallbladder was grasped and retraced cephalad. Adhesions were taken down over the cystic duct and the duct was circumferentially dissected and clipped at the gallbladder cystic duct junction. A small ductotomy was created. Reddick cholangiogram catheter was then placed within the duct and the balloon inflated. Continuous fluoroscopy was used to instill contrast material. This showed normal common bile duct which entered the duodenum without obstruction. There was no evidence of common bile duct stones. The cholangiogram catheter was removed. The duct was doubly clipped and divided. The artery was divided and cauterized. The gallbladder was taken out of the gallbladder fossa. It was then placed in Endocatch bag and left in the abdomen. Attention was then paid to the appendix. The appendix was identified and window was made in the mesoappendix at the base. This was amputated with an Endo-GIA stapler. The mesoappendix was divided with an Endo-GIA vascular stapler. This was placed in another Endocatch bag. The abdomen was then irrigated. Hemostasis was satisfactory. Both the appendix and gallbladder were removed and sent for pathology. All trocars were removed. The 12-mm port sites were closed with 2-0 PDS figure-of-eight fascial sutures. The umbilical skin was reapproximated with interrupted 5-0 Vicryl Rapide. The remaining skin incisions were closed with 5-0 Monocryl subcuticular suture. The skin was cleaned. Mastisol, Steri-Strips and band-aids were applied. The patient was awakened, extubated in the operating room, transferred to the recovery room in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent bladder tumors.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Recurrent bladder tumors.,OPERATION: , Cystoscopy, TUR, and electrofulguration of recurrent bladder tumors.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,INDICATIONS: , A 79-year-old woman with recurrent bladder tumors of the bladder neck.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, prepped and draped in lithotomy position under satisfactory general anesthesia. A #21-French cystourethroscope was inserted into the bladder. Examination of the bladder showed approximately a 3-cm area of erythema and recurrent papillomatosis just above and lateral to the left ureteral orifice. No other lesions were noted. Using a cold punch biopsy forceps, a random biopsy was obtained. The entire area was electrofulgurated using the Bugbee electrode. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in satisfactory condition.
PROCEDURES,1. Left heart catheterization.,2. Coronary angiography.,3. Left ventriculogram.,PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS:, Atypical chest pain.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSES,1. No angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease.,2. Normal left ventricular systolic function.,3. Normal left ventricular end diastolic pressure.,INDICATION: ,The patient is a 58-year-old male with past medical history significant for polysubstance abuse, chronic tobacco abuse, chronic alcohol dependence with withdrawal, atrial flutter, history of ventricular tachycardia with AICD placement, and hepatitis C. The patient was admitted for atypical chest pain and scheduled for cardiac catheterization.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After informed consent was signed by the patient, the patient was taken to the cardiac catheterization laboratory. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The right inguinal area was anesthetized with 2% Xylocaine. A 4-French sheath was inserted into the right femoral artery using the modified Seldinger technique. JL4 and 3DRC catheters were used to cannulate the left and right coronary arteries respectively. Coronary angiographies were performed. These catheters were removed and exchanged for a 4-French pigtail catheter, which was positioned into the left ventricle. Left ventriculography was performed. The patient tolerated the procedure well. At the end of the procedure, all catheters and sheaths were removed. The patient was then transferred to telemetry in a stable condition.,HEMODYNAMIC DATA: , Hemodynamic data shows aortic pressures of 100/56 with mean of 70 mmHg and the LV 100/0 with LVEDP of 10 mmHg.,AORTIC VALVE: ,There is no significant gradient across this valve noted.,LV GRAM: , A 10 mL of contrast were delivered for 3 seconds for a total of 30 mL. Ejection fraction was calculated to be 69%. There were no wall motion abnormalities noted.,ANGIOGRAM,LEFT MAIN CORONARY ARTERY: , Left main coronary artery is a moderate-caliber vessel free of disease and trifurcates.,LAD: , LAD is a long, tortuous vessel which wraps around the apex. The LAD is small in caliber. In addition, there is a long bifurcating small-caliber diagonal branch noted. LAD and its branches are free of disease.,RAMUS INTERMEDIUS: , Ramus intermedius is a long small-caliber vessel free of disease.,LCX: , LCX is a nondominant small-caliber vessel with long bifurcating small-caliber distal OM branch. LCX and its branches are free of disease.,RCA:, RCA is a dominant small-caliber vessel with long small-caliber PDA branch. RCA and its branches are free of disease.,IMPRESSION,1. No angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease.,2. Normal left ventricular systolic function.,3. Normal left ventricular end diastolic pressure.,RECOMMENDATION: , Recommend to look for alternative causes of chest pain.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 85-year-old gentleman who has a history of sick sinus syndrome for which he has St. Jude permanent pacemaker. Pacemaker battery has reached end of life and the patient is dependent on his pacemaker with 100% pacing in the right ventricle. He also has a fairly advanced degree of Alzheimer's dementia and is living in an assisted care facility. The patient is unable to make his own health care decision and his daughter ABC has medical power of attorney. The patient's dementia has resulted in the patient's having sufficient and chronic anger and his daughter that he refuses to speak with her, refuses to be in a same room with her. For this reason the Casa Grande Regional Medical Center would obtain surgical and anesthesia consent from the patient's daughter in the fashion keeps the patient and daughter separated. Furthermore it is important to note that his degree of dementia has disabled the patient to adequately self monitor his status following surgery for significant changes and to seek appropriate medical care, hence he will be admitted after the pacemaker exchange.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Sick sinus syndrome, pacemaker dependence with 100% with right ventricular pacing.,2. Dementia of Alzheimer's disease.,3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,4. Multiple pacemaker implantation and exchanges.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Unobtainable.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient resides full time at ABC supervised living facility. He is nonsmoker, nondrinker. He uses wheelchair and moves himself about with his feet. He is independent of activities of daily living and dependent on independent activities of daily living.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICATIONS: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: ,Omeprazole 20 mg p.o. daily, furosemide 20 mg p.o. daily, citalopram 20 mg p.o. daily, loratadine 10 mg p.o. p.r.n.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , A 10 systems review negative for chest pain, pressure, shortness of breath, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, syncope, near-syncopal episodes. Negative for recent falls. Positive for significant memory loss. All other review of systems is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is an 85-year-old gentleman in no acute distress, sitting in the wheelchair.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 118/68, pulse is 80 and regular, respirations 16, weight is 200 pounds, oxygen saturation is 90% on room air.,HEENT: Head atraumatic and normocephalic. Eyes, pupils are equal and reactive to light and accommodate bilaterally, free from focal lesions. Ears, nose, mouth, and throat.,NECK: Supple. No lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, or thyroid masses appreciated.,CARDIOVASCULAR: No JVD or no jugular venous distention. No carotid bruits bilaterally. Pacemaker pocket right upper thorax with healed surgical incisions. S1 and S2 are normal. No S3 or S4. There are no murmurs. No heaves or thrills, gout, or gallops. Trace edema at dorsum of his feet and ankles. Femoral pulses are present without bruits, posterior tibial pulses would be palpable bilaterally.,RESPIRATORY: Breath sounds are clear but diminished throughout AP diameters expanded. The patient speaks in full sentences. No wheezing, no accessory muscles used for breathing.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are active in all 4 quadrants. No palpable pulses. No abdominal bruit is appreciated. No hepatosplenomegaly.,GENITOURINARY: Nonfocal.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Muscle strength in lower extremities is 4/5 bilaterally. Upper extremities are 5/5 bilaterally with adequate range of motion.,SKIN: Warm and dry. No obvious rashes, lesions, or ulcerations. ,NEUROLOGIC: Alert, not oriented to place and date. His speech is clear. There are no focal motor or sensory deficits.,PSYCHIATRIC: Talkative, pleasant affect with limited impulse control, severe short-term memory loss.,LABORATORY DATA:, Blood work dated 12/15/08, white count 4.7, hemoglobin 11.9, hematocrit 33.9, and platelets 115,000. BUN 19, creatinine 1.15, glucose 94, potassium 4.5, sodium 140, and calcium 8.6.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA:, St. Jude pacemaker interrogation dated 11/10/08 shows single chamber pacemaker and VVIR mode, implant date 08/2000, 100% paced in right ventricle, battery status is ERI. A 12-lead ECG 12/15/08 shows 100% paced rhythm with rate of 80. No Q waves at the baseline of atrial fibrillation. Last measured ejection fraction 40% 12/08 with no significant decompensation.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Sick sinus syndrome.,2. Atrial fibrillation.,3. Pacemaker dependent.,4. Mild cardiomyopathy with ejection fraction 40% and no significant decompensation.,5. Pacemaker battery end of life requiring exchange.,6. Dementia of Alzheimer's disease with short and long term memory dysfunction. The dementia disables the patient from recognizing changes in his health status in knowing if he needed to seek appropriate health care. Dementia also renders the patient incapable informed consent, schedule the patient for pacemaker. I explain the patient and reimplantation with any device in the surgical suite. He will require anesthesia assistance for adequate sedation as the patient possesses behavioral risk secondary to his advanced dementia.,7. Admit the patient after surgery for postoperative care and monitoring.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Dural tear, postoperative laminectomy, L4-L5.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Dural tear, postoperative laminectomy, L4-L5.,2. Laterolisthesis, L4-L5.,3. Spinal instability, L4-L5.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED,1. Complete laminectomy, L4.,2. Complete laminectomy plus facetectomy, L3-L4 level.,3. A dural repair, right sided, on the lateral sheath, subarticular recess at the L4 pedicle level.,4. Posterior spinal instrumentation, L4 to S1, using Synthes Pangea System.,5. Posterior spinal fusion, L4 to S1.,6. Insertion of morselized autograft, L4 to S1.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 500 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS: ,Hemovac x1.,DISPOSITION: , Vital signs stable, taken to the recovery room in a satisfactory condition, extubated.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: , The patient is a 48-year-old gentleman who has had a prior decompression several weeks ago. He presented several days later with headaches as well as a draining wound. He was subsequently taken back for a dural repair. For the last 10 to 11 days, he has been okay except for the last two days he has had increasing headaches, has nausea, vomiting, as well as positional migraines. He has fullness in the back of his wound. The patient's risks and benefits have been conferred him due to the fact that he does have persistent spinal leak. The patient was taken to the operating room for exploration of his wound with dural repair with possible stabilization pending what we find intraoperatively.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After appropriate consent was obtained from the patient, the patient was wheeled back to the operating theater room #7. The patient was placed in the usual supine position and intubated under general anesthesia without any difficulties. The patient was given intraoperative antibiotics. The patient was rolled onto the OSI table in usual prone position and prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion.,Initially, a midline incision was made from the cephalad to caudad level. Full-thickness skin flaps were developed. It was seen immediately that there was large amount of copious fluid emanating from the wound, clear-like fluid, which was the cerebrospinal fluid. Cultures were taken, aerobic, anaerobic, AFB, fungal. Once this was done, the paraspinal muscles were affected from the posterior elements. It was seen that there were no facet complexes on the right side at L4-L5 and L5-S1. It was seen that the spine was listhesed at L5 and that the dural sac was pinched at the L4-5 level from the listhesis. Once this was done; however, the fluid emanating from the dura could not be seen appropriately. Complete laminectomy at L4 was performed as well extending the L5 laminectomy more to the left. Complete laminectomy at L3 was done. Once this was done within the subarticular recess on the right side at the L4 pedicle level, a rent in the dura was seen. Once this was appropriately cleaned, the dural edges were approximated using a running 6-0 Prolene suture. A Valsalva confirmed no significant lead after the repair was made. There was a significant laterolisthesis at L4-L5 and due to the fact that there were no facet complexes at L5-S1 and L4-L5 on the right side as well as there was a significant concavity on the right L4-L5 disk space which was demonstrated from intraoperative x-rays and compared to preoperative x-rays, it was decided from an instrumentation. The lateral pedicle screws were placed at L4, L5, and S1 using the standard technique of Magerl. After this the standard starting point was made. Trajectory was completed with gearshift and sounded in all four quadrants to make sure there was no violation of the pedicle wall. Once this was done, this was undertapped at 1 mm and resounded in all four quadrants to make sure that there was no violation of the pedicle wall. The screws were subsequently placed. Tricortical purchase was obtained at S1 ________ appropriate size screws. Precontoured titanium rod was then appropriately planned and placed between the screws at L4, L5, and S1. This was done on the right side first. The screw was torqued at S1 appropriately and subsequently at L5. Minimal compression was then placed between L5 and L4 to correct the concavity as well as laterolisthesis and the screw appropriately torqued at L4. Neutral compression distraction was obtained on the left side. Screws were torqued at L4, L5, and S1 appropriately. Good placement was seen both in AP and lateral planes using fluoroscopy. Laterolisthesis corrected appropriately at L4 and L5.,Posterior spinal fusion was completed by decorticating the posterior elements at L4-L5 and the sacral ala with a curette. Once good bleeding subchondral bone was appreciated, the morselized bone from the laminectomy was morselized with corticocancellous bone chips together with demineralized bone matrix. This was placed in the posterior lateral gutters. DuraGen was then placed over the dural repair, and after this, fibrin glue was placed appropriately. Deep retractors then removed from the confines of the wound. Fascia was closed using interrupted Prolene running suture #1. Once this was done, suprafascial drain was placed appropriately. Subcutaneous tissues were opposed using a 2-0 Prolene suture. The dermal edges were approximated using staples. Wound was dressed sterilely using bacitracin ointment, Xeroform, 4 x 4's, and tape. The drain was connected appropriately. The patient was rolled on stretcher in usual supine position, extubated uneventfully, and taken back to the recovery room in a satisfactory stable condition. No complications arose.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left neck abscess.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left neck abscess.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , Incision and drainage of left neck abscess.,ANESTHESIA: ,General inhalational.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to operating room and placed supine on the operating table. General inhalational anesthesia was administered. The patient was draped in usual fashion. The prominent area of the left submandibular swelling was noted and a 1-cm incision was outlined with a marking pen and the area was infiltrated with 0.5 mL of local anesthetic using 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000. The incision was performed with a #15 blade. An 18-gauge needle and 10 mL syringe was used to evacuate a small amount of the purulence from the abscess cavity. This was submitted for culture and sensitivity, anaerobic cultures and Gram stain. The cavity was opened with a small hemostat and a great deal of grossly purulent material was evacuated. The cavity was irrigated with peroxide and saline. A 0.25-inch Penrose drain was placed and secured with a single #3-0 nylon suture. A 4 x 4 dressing was applied. Bleeding was negligible. There were no untoward complications. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the recovery room in stable condition.
REFERRAL INDICATION AND PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSES,1. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,2. Ejection fraction less than 10%.,3. Ventricular tachycardia.,4. Bradycardia with likely high degree of pacing.,PROCEDURES PLANNED AND PERFORMED,1. Implantation of biventricular automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator.,2. Fluoroscopic guidance for lead implantation for biventricular automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator.,3. Coronary sinus venogram for left ventricular lead placement.,4. Defibrillation threshold testing x2.,FLUOROSCOPY TIME: ,18.5 minutes.,MEDICATIONS AT THE TIME OF STUDY,1. Vancomycin 1 g (the patient was allergic to penicillin).,2. Versed 10 mg.,3. Fentanyl 100 mcg.,4. Benadryl 50 mg.,CLINICAL HISTORY: , The patient is a pleasant 57-year-old gentleman with a dilated cardiomyopathy, an ejection fraction of 10%, been referred for AICD implantation because of his low ejection fraction and a non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. He has underlying sinus bradycardia. Therefore, will likely be pacing much of the time and would benefit from a biventricular pacing device.,RISKS AND BENEFITS:, Risks, benefits, and alternatives to implantation of biventricular AICD and defibrillation threshold testing were discussed with the patient. Risks including but not limited to bleeding, infection, vascular injury, cardiac perforation, stroke, myocardial infarction, the need for urgent cardiovascular surgery, and death were discussed with the patient. The patient agreed both verbally and via written consent.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was transported to the cardiac catheterization laboratory in the fasting state. The region of the left deltopectoral groove was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Lidocaine 1% (20 mL) was administered to the area. After achieving appropriate anesthesia, a percutaneous access of the left axillary vein was performed under fluoroscopy with two separate sticks. Guidewires were advanced down into the left axillary vein. Following this, a 4-inch long transverse incision was made through the skin and subcutaneous tissue exposing the pectoral fascia and muscle beneath. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. Lidocaine 1% (10 mL) was administered to the medial aspect of the incision and a pocket was fashioned in the medial direction. Using the more lateral of the guidewires, a 7-French side-arm sheath was advanced into the left axillary vein. The dilator was removed and another wire was advanced down into the sheath. The sheath was then backed up over the top of the two wires. One wire was pinned to the drape and using the alternate wire, a 9-French side-arm sheath was advanced down into the left axillary vein. The dilator and wire were removed. A defibrillation lead was then advanced down into the atrium. The peel-away sheath was removed. The lead was then passed across the tricuspid valve and positioned in the apical septal location. The active fix screw was deployed. Adequate pacing and sensing functions were established. A 10-volt pacing was used temporarily and there was no diaphragmatic stimulation. The suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. Using the wire that had been pinned to the drape, a 7-French side-arm sheath was advanced over this wire into the axillary vein. The wire and dilator were removed. An active pacing lead was then advanced down to the right atrium and the peel-away sheath was removed. The lead was parked until a later time. Using the separate access point, a 9-French side-arm sheath was advanced into the left axillary vein. The dilator and wire were removed. A curved outer sheath catheter as well as an inner catheter were advanced down into the area of the coronary sinus. The coronary sinus was cannulated. Inner catheter was removed and a balloon-tipped catheter was advanced into the coronary sinus. A coronary sinus venogram was then performed. It was noted that the most suitable location for lead placement was the middle cardiac vein. This was cannulated and a passive lead was advanced over a Whisper EDS wire into a distal position. Adequate pacing and sensing functions were established. A 10-volt pacing was used temporarily. There was no diaphragmatic stimulation. The outer sheath was peeled away. The 9 French sheath was then peeled away. Suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. At this point, the atrial lead was then positioned in the right atrial appendage using a preformed J-curved stylet. The lead body was turned several times and the lead was affixed to the tissue. Adequate pacing and sensing function were established. A suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. The pocket was then washed with antibiotic-impregnated saline. Pulse generator was obtained and connected securely to the leads. The leads were carefully wrapped behind the pulse generator and the entire system was placed in the pocket. The pocket was then closed with 2-0, 3-0, and 4-0 Vicryl using a running mattress stitch. Sponge and needle counts were correct at the end of the procedure and no acute complications were noted.,The patient was sedated further and shock on T was performed on two separate occasions. The device was allowed to detect the charge and defibrillate, establishing the entire workings of the ICD system.,DEVICE DATA,1. Pulse generator, manufacturer Boston Scientific, model # N119, serial #12345.,2. Right atrial lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #4470, serial #12345.,3. Right ventricular lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #0185, serial #12345.,4. Left ventricular lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #4549, serial #12345.,MEASURED INTRAOPERATIVE DATA,1. Right atrial lead impedance 705 ohms. P-waves measured at 1.7 millivolts. Pacing threshold 0.5 volt at 0.4 milliseconds.,2. Right ventricular lead impedance 685 ohms. R-waves measured 10.5 millivolts. Pacing threshold 0.6 volt at 0.4 milliseconds.,3. Left ventricular lead impedance 1098 ohms. R-waves measured 5.2 millivolts. Pacing threshold 1.4 volts at 0.4 milliseconds.,DEFIBRILLATION THRESHOLD TESTING,1. Shock on T. Charge time 2.9 seconds. Energy delivered 17 joules, successful with lead impedance of 39 ohms.,2. Shock on T. Charge time 2.8 seconds. Energy delivered 17 joules, successful with a type 2 break lead impedance of 38 ohms.,DEVICE SETTINGS,1. A pacing DDD 60 to 120.,2. VT-1 zone 165 beats per minute. VT-2 zone 185 beats per minute. VF zone 205 beats per minute.,CONCLUSIONS,1. Successful implantation of a biventricular automatic implantable cardiovascular defibrillator,2. Defibrillation threshold of less than or equal to 17.5 joules.,2. No acute complications.,PLAN,1. The patient will be taken back to his room for continued observation and dismissed to the discretion of the primary service.,2. Chest x-ray to rule out pneumothorax and verified lead position.,3. Device interrogation in the morning.,4. Completion of the course of antibiotics.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hydronephrosis.,2. Right flank pain.,3. Atypical/dysplastic urine cytology.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hydronephrosis.,2. Right flank pain.,3. Atypical/dysplastic urine cytology.,4. Extrarenal pelvis on the right.,5. No evidence of obstruction or ureteral/bladder lesions.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Cystoscopy.,2. Bilateral retrograde ureteropyelograms.,3. Right ureteral barbotage for urine cytology.,4. Right ureterorenoscopy, diagnostic.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,SPECIMEN TO PATHOLOGY: , Urine and saline wash barbotage from right ureter through the ureteral catheter.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Minimal.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This is a 70-year-old female who reports progressive intermittent right flank pain associated with significant discomfort and disability. She presented to the emergency room where she was found to have significant hydronephrosis on the right without evidence of a stone. She has some ureteral thickening in her distal right ureter. She has persistent microscopic hematuria and her urine cytology and cytomolecular diagnosis significant for urothelial dysplasia with neoplasia-associated karyotypic profile. She was brought to the operating room for further evaluation and treatment.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , After preoperative counseling, the patient was taken to the operating room and administered a spinal anesthesia. She was placed in the lithotomy position, prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The 21-French cystoscope was inserted per urethra into the bladder. The bladder was inspected and found to be without evidence of intravesical tumors, stones or mucosal abnormalities. The right ureteral orifice was visualized and cannulated with an open-ended ureteral catheter. This was gently advanced to the mid ureter. Urine was collected for cytology. Retrograde injection of saline through the ureteral catheter was then also used to enhance collection of the specimen. This too was collected and sent for a pooled urine cytology as specimen from the right renal pelvis and ureter. An 0.038 guidewire was then passed up through the open-ended ureteral catheter. The open-ended ureteral catheter and cystoscope were removed, and over the guidewire the flexible ureteroscope was passed up to the level of the renal pelvis. Using direct vision and fluoroscopy to confirm location, the entire renal pelvis and calyces were inspected. The renal pelvis demonstrated an extrarenal pelvis, but no evidence of obstruction at the renal UPJ level. There were no intrapelvic or calyceal stones. The ureter demonstrated no significant mucosal abnormalities, no visible tumors, and no areas of apparent constriction on multiple passes of the ureteroscope through the ureter to evaluate. The ureteroscope was then removed. The cystoscope was reinserted. Once again, retrograde injection of contrast through an open-ended ureteral catheter was undertaken in the right ureter and collecting system. No evidence of extravasation or significant change in anatomy was visualized. The left ureteral orifice was then visualized and cannulated with an open-ended ureteral catheter, and retrograde injection of contrast demonstrated a normal left ureter and collecting system. The cystoscope was removed. Foley catheter was inserted. The patient was placed in the supine position and transferred to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
Mr. ABC was transferred to room 123 this afternoon. We discussed this with the nurses, and it was of course cleared by Dr. X. The patient is now on his third postoperative day for an open reduction and internal fixation for two facial fractures, as well as open reduction nasal fracture. He is on his eighth hospital day.,The patient had nasal packing in place, which was removed this evening. This will make it much easier for him to swallow. This will facilitate p.o. fluids and IMF diet.,Examination of the face revealed some decreased swelling today. He had good occlusion with intact intermaxillary fixation.,His tracheotomy tube is in place. It is a size 8 Shiley nonfenestrated. He is being suctioned comfortably.,The patient is in need of something for sleep in the evening, so we have recommended Halcion 5 mg at bedtime and repeat of 5 mg in 1 hour if needed.,Tomorrow, we will go ahead and change his trach to a noncuffed or a fenestrated tube, so he may communicate and again this will facilitate his swallowing. Hopefully, we can decannulate the tracheotomy tube in the next few days.,Overall, I believe this patient is doing well, and we will look forward to being able to transfer him to the prison infirmary.
EXAM:, Echocardiogram.,INTERPRETATION: , Echocardiogram was performed including 2-D and M-mode imaging, Doppler analysis continuous wave and pulse echo outflow velocity mapping was all seen in M-mode. Cardiac chamber dimensions, left atrial enlargement 4.4 cm. Left ventricle, right ventricle, and right atrium are grossly normal. LV wall thickness and wall motion appeared normal. LV ejection fraction is estimated at 65%. Aortic root and cardiac valves appeared normal. No evidence of pericardial effusion. No evidence of intracardiac mass or thrombus. Doppler analysis outflow velocity through the aortic valve normal, inflow velocities through the mitral valve are normal. There is mild tricuspid regurgitation. Calculated pulmonary systolic pressure 42 mmHg.,ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC DIAGNOSES:,1. LV Ejection fraction, estimated at 65%.,2. Mild left atrial enlargement.,3. Mild tricuspid regurgitation.,4. Mildly elevated pulmonary systolic pressure.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute acalculous cholecystitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute hemorrhagic cholecystitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Open cholecystectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , Epidural with local.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION: , The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to recovery in stable condition.,SPECIMEN: ,Gallbladder.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,The patient is a 73-year-old female who presented to ABCD General Hospital on 07/23/2003 secondary to a fall at home from which the patient suffered a right shoulder as well as hip fracture. The patient subsequently went to the operating room on 07/25/2003 for a right hip hemiarthroplasty per the Orthopedics Department. Subsequently, the patient was doing well postoperatively, however, the patient does have severe O2 and steroid-dependent COPD and at an extreme risk for any procedure. The patient began developing abdominal pain over the course of the next several days and a consultation was requested on 08/07/2003 for surgical evaluation for upper abdominal pain. During the evaluation, the patient was found to have an acute acalculous cholecystitis in which nonoperative management was opted for and on 08/08/03, the patient underwent a percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placement to drain the gallbladder. The patient did well postdrainage. The patient's laboratory values and biliary values returned to normal and the patient was planned for a removal of the tube with 48 hours of the tubing clamp. However, once the tube was removed, the patient re-obstructed with recurrent symptoms and a second tube was needed to be placed; this was done on 08/16/2003. A HIDA scan had been performed, which showed no cystic duct obstruction. A tube cholecystogram was performed, which showed no cystic or common duct obstruction. There was abnormal appearance of the gallbladder, however, the pathway was patent. Thus after failure of two nonoperative management therapies, extensive discussions were made with the family and the patient's only option was to undergo a cholecystectomy. Initial thoughts were to do a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, however, with the patient's severe COPD and risk for ventilator management, the options were an epidural and an open cholecystectomy under local was made and to be performed.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: ,The patient's gallbladder had some patchy and necrosis areas. There were particular changes on the serosal surface as well as on the mucosal surface with multiple clots within the gallbladder. The patient also had no plane between the gallbladder and the liver bed.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , After informed written consent, risks and benefits of the procedure were explained to the patient and discussed with the patient's family. The patient was brought to the operating room after an epidural was performed per anesthesia. Local anesthesia was given with 1% lidocaine. A paramedian incision was made approximately 5 cm in length with a #15 blade scalpel. Next, hemostasis was obtained using electro Bovie cautery. Dissection was carried down transrectus in the midline to the posterior rectus fascia, which was grasped with hemostats and entered with a #10 blade scalpel. Next, Metzenbaum scissors were used to extend the incision and the abdomen was entered . The gallbladder was immediately visualized and brought up into view, grasped with two ring clamps elevating the biliary tree into view. Dissection with a ______ was made to identify the cystic artery and cystic duct, which were both easily identified. The cystic artery was clipped, two distal and one proximal to the gallbladder cutting between with Metzenbaum scissors. The cystic duct was identified. A silk tie #3-0 silk was placed one distal and one proximal with #3-0 silk and then cutting in between with a Metzenbaum scissors. The gallbladder was then removed from the liver bed using electro Bovie cautery. A plane was created. The hemostasis was obtained using the electro Bovie cautery as well as some Surgicel. The gallbladder was then removed as specimen, sent to pathology for frozen sections for diagnosis, of which the hemorrhagic cholecystitis was diagnosed on frozen sections. Permanent sections are still pending. The remainder of the fossa was hemostatic with the Surgicel and attention was next made to closing the abdomen. The peritoneum as well as posterior rectus fascia was approximated with a running #0 Vicryl suture and then the anterior rectus fascia was closed in interrupted figure-of-eight #0 Vicryl sutures. Skin staples were used on the skin and sterile dressings were applied and the patient was transferred to recovery in stable condition.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , "I want my colostomy reversed.",HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Mr. A is a pleasant 43-year-old African-American male who presents to our clinic for a colostomy reversal as well as repair of an incisional hernia. The patient states that in November 2007, he presented to High Point Regional Hospital with sharp left lower quadrant pain and was emergently taken to Surgery where he woke up with a "bag." According to some notes that were faxed to our office from the surgeon in High Point who performed his initial surgery, Dr. X, the patient had diverticulitis with perforated sigmoid colon, and underwent a sigmoid colectomy with end colostomy and Hartmann's pouch. The patient was unaware of his diagnosis; therefore, we discussed that with him today in clinic. The patient also complains of the development of an incisional hernia since his surgery in November. He was seen back by Dr. X in April 2008 and hopes that Dr. X may reverse his colostomy and repair his hernia since he did his initial surgery, but because the patient has lost his job and has no insurance, he was referred to our clinic by Dr. X. Currently, the patient does state that his hernia bothers him more so than his colostomy, and if it were not for the hernia then he may just refrain from having his colostomy reversed; however, the hernia has grown in size and causing him significant discomfort. He feels that he always has to hold his hand over the hernia to prevent it from prolapsing and causing him even more discomfort.,PAST MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,2. Question of hypertension.,3. Status post sigmoid colectomy with end colostomy and Hartmann's pouch in November 2007 at High Point Regional.,4. Status post cholecystectomy.,7. Status post unknown foot surgery.,MEDICATIONS:, None.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives in Greensboro. He smokes one pack of cigarettes a day and has done so for 15 years. He denies any IV drug use and has an occasional alcohol.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Positive for diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Please see history of present illness; otherwise, the review of systems is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 95.9, pulse 67, blood pressure 135/79, and weight 208 pounds.,GENERAL: This is a pleasant African-American male appearing his stated age in no acute distress.,HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. Moist mucous membranes. Extraocular movements intact.,NECK: Supple, no JVD, and no lymphadenopathy.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended with a left lower quadrant stoma. The stoma is pink, protuberant, and productive. The patient also has a midline incisional hernia approximately 6 cm in diameter. It is reducible. Otherwise, there are no further hernias or masses noted.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ,This is a 43-year-old gentleman who underwent what sounds like a sigmoid colectomy with end colostomy and Hartmann's pouch in November of 2007 secondary to perforated colon from diverticulitis. The patient presents for reversal of his colostomy as well as repair of his incisional hernia. I have asked the patient to return to High Point Regional and get his medical records including the operative note and pathology results from his initial surgery so that I would have a better idea of what was done during his initial surgery. He stated that he would try and do this and bring the records to our clinic on his next appointment. I have also set him up for a barium enema to study the rectal stump. He will return to us in two weeks at which time we will review his radiological studies and his medical records from the outside hospital and determine the best course of action from that point. This was discussed with the patient as well as his sister and significant other in the clinic today. They were in agreement with this plan. We also called the social worker to come and help the patient get more ostomy appliances, as he stated that he had no more and he was having to reuse the existing ostomy bag. To my understanding, his social worker, as well as the ostomy nurses were able to get him some assistance with this.,
REASON FOR VISIT:, This 48-year-old woman returns in followup after a full-night sleep study performed to evaluate her for daytime fatigue and insomnia.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient presented initially to the Pulmonary Clinic with dyspnea on minimal exertion. At that time, she was evaluated and found to have evidence for sleep disruption and daytime fatigue. She also complained of nocturnal choking episodes that have since abated over the past several months. In the meantime, she had been scheduled for an overnight sleep study performed to evaluate her for sleep apnea, returns today to review her study results.,The patient's sleep patterns consist of going to bed between 9.00 and 10.00 p.m. and awakening in the morning between 5.00 and 6.00 a.m. She reports difficulty in initiating sleep and then recurrent awakenings every 1 to 2 hours throughout the night. She reports tossing and turning throughout the night and awakening with the sheets in disarray. She reports that her sleep was much better quality in the sleep laboratory as compared to home. When she awakens, she might have a dull headache and feels tired in the morning. Her daughter reports that she has heard the patient talking during sleep and snoring. There are no apneic episodes. The patient reports that she used to cough a lot in the middle of the night, but has no longer been doing so in recent weeks.,During the daytime, the patient reports spending a lot of sedentary time reading and watching TV. She routinely dozes off during these sedentary activities. She also might nap between 2.00 and 3.00 p.m., and nods off in the evening hours.,The patient smokes perhaps one to two packs of cigarettes per day, particularly after dinner.,She reports that her weight has fluctuated and peaked at 260 pounds approximately 1 year ago. Since that time, her weight is down by approximately 30 pounds.,The patient is managed in Outpatient Psychiatry and at her Maintenance Clinic. She takes methadone, trazodone, and Seroquel.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Depression.,2. Hepatitis C.,3. Hypertension.,4. Inhaled and intravenous drug abuse history.,The patient has a history of smoking two packs per day of cigarettes for approximately 25 pounds. She also has a history of recurrent atypical chest pain for which she has been evaluated.,FAMILY HISTORY: , As previously documented.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient has a history of inhalation on intravenous drug abuse. She is currently on methadone maintenance. She is being followed in Psychiatry for depression and substance abuse issues. She lives with a room-mate.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Not contributory.,MEDICATIONS: , Current medications include the following:,1. Methadone 110 mg by mouth every day.,2. Paxil 60 mg by mouth every day.,3. Trazodone 30 mg by mouth nightly.,4. Seroquel 20 mg by mouth nightly.,5. Avalide (irbesartan) and hydrochlorothiazide.,6. Albuterol and Flovent inhalers two puffs by mouth twice a day.,7. Atrovent as needed.,FINDINGS: , Vital Signs: Blood pressure 126/84, pulse 67, respiratory rate 18, weight 232 pounds, height 5 feet 8 inches, temperature 97.4 degrees, SaO2 is 99 percent on room air at rest. HEENT: Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctivae pink. Extraocular movements are intact. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. The nasal passages show deviation in the nasal septum to the right. There is a slight bloody exudate at the right naris. Some nasal mucosal edema was noted with serous exudate bilaterally. The jaw is not foreshortened. The tongue is not large. Mallampati airway score was 3. The oropharynx was not shallow. There is no pharyngeal mucosa hypertrophy. No tonsillar tissue noted. The tongue is not large. Neck is supple. Thyroid without nodules or masses. Carotid upstrokes normal. No bruits. No jugular venous distention. Chest is clear to auscultation and percussion. No wheezing, rales, rhonchi or adventitious sounds. No prolongation of the expiratory phase. Cardiac: PMI not palpable. Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 normal. No murmurs or gallops. Abdomen: Nontender. Bowel sounds normal. No liver or spleen palpable. Extremities: No clubbing or cyanosis. There is 1+ pretibial edema. Pulses are 2+ in upper and lower extremities. Neurologic: Grossly nonfocal.,LABORATORIES:, Pulmonary function studies reportedly show a mild restrictive ventilatory defect without obstruction. Diffusing capacity is well preserved.,An overnight sleep study was performed on this patient at the end of 02/07. At that time, she reported that her sleep was better in the laboratories compared to home. She slept for a total sleep time of 398 minutes out of 432 minutes in bed (sleep proficiency 92 percent). She fell asleep in the middle of latency of less than 1 minute. She woke up after sleep onset of 34 minutes. She had stage I sleep that was some elevated at 28 percent of total sleep time, and stage I sleep is predominantly evident in the lateral portion of the night. The remainders were stage II at 69 percent, stage III and IV at 3 percent of total sleep time.,The patient had no REM sleep.,The patient had no periodic limb movements during sleep.,The patient had no significant sleep-disordered breathing during non-REM sleep with less than one episode per hour. Oxyhemoglobin saturation remained in the low to mid 90s throughout the night.,Intermittent inspiratory flow limitation compatible with snoring was observed during non-REM sleep.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This patient presents with history of sleep disruption and daytime sleepiness with fatigue. Her symptoms are multifactorial.,Regarding the etiology of difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, the patient has a component of psychophysiologic insomnia, based on reports of better sleep in the laboratory as compared to home. In addition, nontrivial smoking in the home setting may be contributing significantly to sleep disruption.,Regarding her daytime sleepiness, the patient is taking a number of long-acting central nervous system acting medications to sedate her and can produce a lasting sedation throughout the daytime. These include trazodone, Seroquel, and methadone. Of these medications, the methadone is clearly indicative, given the history of substance abuse. It would be desirable to reduce or discontinue trazodone and then perhaps consider doing the same with Seroquel. I brought this possibility up with the patient, and I asked her to discuss this further with her psychiatrist.,Finally, to help mitigate sleep disruption at night, I have provided her with tips for sleep hygiene. These include bedtime rituals, stimulus control therapy, and sleep restriction as well as avoidance of nicotine in the evening hours.
HISTORY: , The patient is a 9-year-old born with pulmonary atresia, intact ventricular septum with coronary sinusoids. He also has VACTERL association with hydrocephalus. As an infant, he underwent placement of a right modified central shunt. On 05/26/1999, he underwent placement of a bidirectional Glenn shunt, pulmonary artery angioplasty, takedown of the central shunt, PDA ligation, and placement of a 4 mm left-sided central shunt. On 08/01/2006, he underwent cardiac catheterization and coil embolization of the central shunt. A repeat catheterization on 09/25/2001 demonstrated elevated Glenn pressures and significant collateral vessels for which he underwent embolization. He then underwent repeat catheterization on 11/20/2003 and further embolization of residual collateral vessels. Blood pressures were found to be 13 mmHg with the pulmonary vascular resistance of 2.6-3.1 Wood units. On 03/22/2004, he returned to the operating room and underwent successful 20 mm extracardiac Fontan with placement of an 8-mm fenestration and main pulmonary artery ligation. A repeat catheterization on 09/07/2006, demonstrated mildly elevated Fontan pressures in the context of a widely patent Fontan fenestration and intolerance of Fontan fenestration occlusion. The patient then followed conservatively since that time. The patient is undergoing a repeat evaluation to assess his candidacy for a Fontan fenestration occlusion, as well as consideration for a tricuspid valvuloplasty in attempt to relieve right ventricular hypertension and associated membranous ventricular aneurysm protruding into the left ventricular outflow tract.,PROCEDURE:, After sedation and local Xylocaine anesthesia, the patient was placed under general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped. Cardiac catheterization was performed as outlined in the attached continuation sheets. Vascular entry was by percutaneous technique, and the patient was heparinized. Monitoring during the procedure included continuous surface ECG, continuous pulse oximetry, and cycled cuff blood pressures, in addition to intravascular pressures.,Using a 7-French sheath, a 6-French wedge catheter was inserted in the right femoral vein and advanced from the inferior vena cava along the Fontan conduit into the main left pulmonary artery, as well as the superior vena cava. This catheter was then exchanged for a 5-French VS catheter of a distal wire. Apposition of the right pulmonary artery over, which the wedge catheter was advanced. The wedge catheter could then be easily advanced across the Fontan fenestration into the right atrium and guidewire manipulation allowed access across the atrial septal defect to the pulmonary veins, left atrium, and left ventricle.,Using a 5-French sheath, a 5-French pigtail catheter was inserted into the right femoral artery and advanced retrograde to the descending aorta, ascending aorta, and left ventricle. Attempt was then made to cross the tricuspid valve from the right atrium and guidewire persisted to prolapse through the membranous ventricular septum into the left ventricle. The catheter distal wire position was finally achieved across what appeared to be the posterior aspect of the tricuspid valve, both angiographically as well as equal guidance. Left ventricular pressure was found to be suprasystemic. A balloon valvoplasty was performed using a Ranger 4 x 2 cm balloon catheter with no waste at minimal inflation pressure. Echocardiogram, which showed no significant change in the appearance of a tricuspid valve and persistence of aneurysmal membranous ventricular septum. Further angioplasty was then performed first utilizing a 6 mm cutting balloon directed through 7-French flexor sheath positioned within the right atrium. There was a disappearance of a mild waist prior to spontaneous tear of the balloon. The balloon catheter was then removed in its entirety.,Echocardiogram again demonstrated no change in the appearance of the tricuspid valve. A final angioplasty was performed utilizing a 80 mm cutting balloon with the disappearance of a distinctive waste. Echocardiogram; however, demonstrated no change and intact appearing tricuspid valve and no decompression of the right ventricle. Further attempts to cross tricuspid valve were thus abandoned. Attention was then directed to a Fontan fenestration. A balloon occlusion then demonstrated minimal increase in Fontan pressures from 12 mmHg to 15 mmHg. With less than 10% fall in calculated cardiac index. The angiogram in the inferior vena cava demonstrated a large fenestration measuring 6.6 mm in diameter with a length of 8 mm. A 7-French flexor sheath was again advanced cross the fenestration. A 10-mm Amplatzer muscular ventricular septal defect occluder was loaded on delivery catheter and advanced through the sheath where the distal disk was allowed to be figured in the right atrium. Entire system was then brought into the fenestration and withdrawal of the sheath allowed reconfiguration of the proximal disk. Once the stable device configuration was confirmed, device was released from the delivery catheter. Hemodynamic assessment and the angiograms were then repeated.,Flows were calculated by the Fick technique using an assumed oxygen consumption and contents derived from Radiometer Hemoximeter saturations and hemoglobin capacity.,Angiograms with injection in the right coronary artery, left coronary artery, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and right ventricle.,After angiography, two normal-appearing renal collecting systems were visualized. The catheters and sheaths were removed and topical pressure applied for hemostasis. The patient was returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. There were no complications.,DISCUSSION: , Oxygen consumption was assumed to be normal. Mixed venous saturation was low due to systemic arterial desaturation. There was modest increased saturation of the branch pulmonary arteries due to the presumed aortopulmonary collateral flow. The right pulmonary veins were fully saturated. Left pulmonary veins were not entered. There was a fall in saturation within the left ventricle and descending aorta due to a right to left shunt across the Fontan fenestration. Mean Fontan pressures were 12 mmHg with a 1 mmHg fall in mean pressure into the distal left pulmonary artery. Right and left pulmonary capillary wedge pressures were similar to left atrial phasic pressure with an A-wave similar to the normal left ventricular end-diastolic pressure of 11 mmHg. Left ventricular systolic pressure was normal with at most 5 mmHg systolic gradient pressure pull-back to the ascending aorta. Phasic ascending and descending aortic pressures were similar and normal. The calculated systemic flow was normal. Pulmonary flow was reduced to the QT-QS ratio of 0.7621. Pulmonary vascular resistance was normal at 1 Wood units.,Angiogram with injection in the right coronary artery demonstrated diminutive coronary with an extensive sinusoidal communication to the rudimentary right ventricle. The left coronary angiogram showed a left dominant system with a brisk flow to the left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary arteries. There was communication to the right-sided coronary sinusoidal communication to the rudimentary right ventricle. Angiogram with injection in the superior vena cava showed patent right bidirectional Glenn shunt with mild narrowing of the proximal right pulmonary artery, as well as the central pulmonary artery, diameter of which was augmented by the Glenn anastomosis and the Fontan anastomosis. There was symmetric contrast flow to both pulmonary arteries. A large degree of contrast flowed retrograde into the Fontan and shunting into the right atrium across the fenestration. There is competitive flow to the upper lobes presumably due to aortopulmonary collateral flow. The branch pulmonaries appeared mildly hypoplastic. Levo phase contrast returned into the heart, appeared unobstructed demonstrating good left ventricular contractility. Angiogram with injection in the Fontan showed a widely patent anastomosis with the inferior vena cava. Majority of the contrast flowing across the fenestration into the right atrium with a positive flow to the branch pulmonary arteries.,Following the device occlusion of Fontan fenestration, the Fontan and mean pressure increased to 15 mmHg with a 3 mmHg, a mean gradient in the distal left pulmonary artery and no gradient into the right pulmonary artery. There was an increase in the systemic arterial pressures. Mixed venous saturation increased from the resting state as with increase in systemic arterial saturation to 95%. The calculated systemic flow increased slightly from the resting state and pulmonary flow was similar with a QT-QS ratio of 0.921. Angiogram with injection in the inferior vena cava showed a stable device configuration with a good disk apposition to the anterior surface of the Fontan with no protrusion into the Fontan and no residual shunt and no obstruction to a Fontan flow. An ascending aortogram that showed a left aortic arch with trace aortic insufficiency and multiple small residual aortopulmonary collateral vessels arising from the intercostal arteries. A small degree of contrast returned to the heart.,INITIAL DIAGNOSES: ,1. Pulmonary atresia.,2. VACTERL association.,3. Persistent sinusoidal right ventricle to the coronary communications.,4. Hydrocephalus.,PRIOR SURGERIES AND INTERVENTIONS: ,1. Systemic to pulmonary shunts.,2. Right bidirectional Glenn shunt.,3. Revision of the central shunt.,4. Ligation and division of patent ductus arteriosus.,5. Occlusion of venovenous and arterial aortopulmonary collateral vessels.,6. Extracardiac Fontan with the fenestration.,CURRENT DIAGNOSES: ,1. Favorable Fontan hemodynamics.,2. Hypertensive right ventricle.,3. Aneurysm membranous ventricular septum with mild left ventricle outflow tract obstruction.,4. Patent Fontan fenestration.,CURRENT INTERVENTION: ,1. Balloon dilation tricuspid valve attempted and failed.,2. Occlusion of a Fontan fenestration.,MANAGEMENT: ,He will be discussed at Combined Cardiology/Cardiothoracic Surgery case conference. A careful monitoring of ventricle outflow tract will be instituted with consideration for a surgical repair. Further cardiologic care will be directed by Dr. X.
DIAGNOSES: , Traumatic brain injury, cervical musculoskeletal strain.,DISCHARGE SUMMARY: , The patient was seen for evaluation on 12/11/06 followed by 2 treatment sessions. Treatment consisted of neuromuscular reeducation including therapeutic exercise to improve range of motion, strength, and coordination; functional mobility training; self-care training; cognitive retraining; caregiver instruction; and home exercise program. Goals were not achieved, as the patient was admitted to inpatient rehabilitation center.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , Discharged from OT this date, as the patient has been admitted to Inpatient Rehabilitation Center.,Thank you for this referral.
HISTORY: , Patient is a 21-year-old white woman who presented with a chief complaint of chest pain. She had been previously diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Upon admission, she had complaints of constant left sided chest pain that radiated to her left arm. She had been experiencing palpitations and tachycardia. She had no diaphoresis, no nausea, vomiting, or dyspnea.,She had a significant TSH of 0.004 and a free T4 of 19.3. Normal ranges for TSH and free T4 are 0.5-4.7 µIU/mL and 0.8-1.8 ng/dL, respectively. Her symptoms started four months into her pregnancy as tremors, hot flashes, agitation, and emotional inconsistency. She gained 16 pounds during her pregnancy and has lost 80 pounds afterwards. She complained of sweating, but has experienced no diarrhea and no change in appetite. She was given isosorbide mononitrate and IV steroids in the ER.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Diabetes, Hypertension, Father had a Coronary Artery Bypass Graph (CABG) at age 34.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She had a baby five months ago. She smokes a half pack a day. She denies alcohol and drug use.,MEDICATIONS:, Citalopram 10mg once daily for depression; low dose tramadol PRN pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Temperature 98.4; Pulse 123; Respiratory Rate 16; Blood Pressure 143/74.,HEENT: She has exophthalmos and could not close her lids completely.,Cardiovascular: tachycardia.,Neurologic: She had mild hyperreflexiveness.,LAB:, All labs within normal limits with the exception of Sodium 133, Creatinine 0.2, TSH 0.004, Free T4 19.3 EKG showed sinus tachycardia with a rate of 122. Urine pregnancy test was negative.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , After admission, she was given propranolol at 40mg daily and continued on telemetry. On the 2nd day of treatment, the patient still complained of chest pain. EKG again showed tachycardia. Propranolol was increased from 40mg daily to 60mg twice daily., A I-123 thyroid uptake scan demonstrated an increased thyroid uptake of 90% at 4 hours and 94% at 24 hours. The normal range for 4-hour uptake is 5-15% and 15-25% for 24-hour uptake. Endocrine consult recommended radioactive I-131 for treatment of Graves disease.,Two days later she received 15.5mCi of I-131. She was to return home after the iodine treatment. She was instructed to avoid contact with her baby for the next week and to cease breast feeding.,ASSESSMENT / PLAN:,1. Treatment of hyperthyroidism. Patient underwent radioactive iodine 131 ablation therapy.,2. Management of cardiac symptoms stemming from hyperthyroidism. Patient was discharged on propranolol 60mg, one tablet twice daily.,3. Monitor patient for complications of I-131 therapy such as hypothyroidism. She should return to Endocrine Clinic in six weeks to have thyroid function tests performed. Long-term follow-up includes thyroid function tests at 6-12 month intervals.,4. Prevention of pregnancy for one year post I-131 therapy. Patient was instructed to use 2 forms of birth control and was discharged an oral contraceptive, taken one tablet daily.,5. Monitor ocular health. Patient was given methylcellulose ophthalmic, one drop in each eye daily. She should follow up in 6 weeks with the Ophthalmology clinic.,6. Management of depression. Patient will be continued on citalopram 10 mg.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Abdominal pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is an 86-year-old female who is a patient of Dr. X, who was transferred from ABCD Home due to persistent abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, which started around 11:00 a.m. yesterday. During evaluation in the emergency room, the patient was found to have a high amylase as well as lipase count and she is being admitted for management of acute pancreatitis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for dementia of Alzheimer type, anxiety, osteoarthritis, and hypertension.,ALLERGIES: , THE PATIENT IS ALLERGIC TO POLLENS.,MEDICATIONS: , Include alprazolam 0.5 mg b.i.d. p.r.n., mirtazapine 30 mg p.o. daily, Aricept 10 mg p.o. nightly, Namenda 10 mg p.o. b.i.d., Benicar 40 mg p.o. daily, and Claritin 10 mg daily p.r.n.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Not available.,PERSONAL HISTORY: ,Not available.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,Not available. The patient lives at a skilled nursing facility.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,She has moderate-to-severe dementia and is unable to give any information about history or review of systems.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is awake and alert, able to follow few simple commands, resting comfortably, does not appear to be in any acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature of 99.5, pulse 82, respirations 18, blood pressure of 150/68, and pulse ox is 90% on room air.,HEENT: Atraumatic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light. Sclerae and conjunctivae are normal. Throat without any pharyngeal inflammation or exudate. Oral mucosa is normal.,NECK: No jugular venous distention. Carotids are felt normally. No bruit appreciated. Thyroid gland is not palpable. There are no palpable lymph nodes in the neck or the supraclavicular region.,HEART: S1 and S2 are heard normally. No murmur appreciated.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Soft, diffusely tender. No rebound or rigidity. Bowel sounds are heard. Most of the tenderness is located in the epigastric region.,EXTREMITIES: Without any pedal edema, normal dorsalis pedis pulsations bilaterally.,BREASTS: Normal.,BACK: The patient does not have any decubitus or skin changes on her back.,LABS DONE AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION: , WBC of 24.3, hemoglobin and hematocrit 15.3 and 46.5, MCV 89.3, and platelet count of 236,000. PT 10.9, INR 1.1, PTT of 22. Urinalysis with positive nitrite, 5 to 10 wbc's, and 2+ bacteria. Sodium 134, potassium 3.6, chloride 97, bicarbonate 27, calcium 8.8, BUN 25, creatinine 0.9, albumin of 3.4, alkaline phosphatase 109, ALT 121, AST 166, amylase 1797, and lipase over 3000. X-ray of abdomen shows essentially normal abdomen with possible splenic granulomas and degenerative spine changes. CT of the abdomen revealed acute pancreatitis, cardiomegaly, and right lung base atelectasis. Ultrasound of the abdomen revealed echogenic liver with fatty infiltration. Repeat CBC from today showed white count to be 21.6, hemoglobin and hematocrit 13.9 and 41.1, platelet count is normal, 89% segments and 2% bands. Sodium 132, potassium 4.0, chloride 98, bicarbonate 22, glucose 184, ALT 314, AST 382, amylase 918, and lipase 1331. The cultures are pending at this time. EKG shows sinus rhythm, rate about 90 per minute, multiple ventricular premature complexes are noted. Troponin 0.004 and myoglobin is 39.6.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Acute pancreatitis.,2. Leukocytosis.,3. Urinary tract infection.,4. Hyponatremia.,5. Dementia.,6. Anxiety.,7. History of hypertension.,8. Abnormal electrocardiogram.,9. Osteoarthrosis.,PLAN:, Admit the patient to medical floor, NPO, IV antibiotics, IV fluids, hold p.o. medications, GI consult, pain control, Zofran IV p.r.n., bedrest, DVT prophylaxis, check blood and urine cultures. I have left a message for the patient's son to call me back.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Right femoral artery access.,2. Selective right and left coronary angiogram.,3. Left heart catheterization.,4. Left ventriculogram.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, A 50-year-old lady with known history of coronary artery disease with previous stenting to the left anterior descending artery presents with symptoms of shortness of breath. The resting echocardiogram showed a severe decrease in her left ventricular systolic function with a reported LVEF of 20% to 25%. This was a sharp decline from a previous LVEF of 50% to 55%. We therefore, decided to proceed with coronary angiography.,TECHNIQUE: , After obtaining informed consent, the patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization suite in post-absorptive and non-sedated state. The right groin was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. 2% Lidocaine was used for infiltration anesthesia. Using modified Seldinger technique, a 6-French sheath was introduced into the right femoral artery. 6-French JL4 and JR4 diagnostic catheters were used to perform the left and right coronary angiogram. A 6-French pigtail catheter was used to perform the LV-gram in the RAO projection.,HEMODYNAMIC DATA: , LVEDP of 11. There was no gradient across the aortic valve upon pullback.,ANGIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS:,1. The left main coronary artery is a very short vessel and immediately bifurcates into the left anterior descending artery and the left circumflex coronary artery.,2. The left main coronary artery is free of any disease.,3. The left circumflex coronary artery which is a nondominant vessel gives off 2 marginal branches. The first marginal branch is very small in caliber and runs a fairly long course and is free of any disease.,4. The second marginal branch which is actually a continuation of the left circumflex coronary artery gives off several secondary branches. One of its secondary branches which is a small caliber has an ostial 70% stenosis.,5. The left anterior descending artery has a patent stent in the proximal LAD. The second stent which is overlapping the junction of the mid and distal left anterior descending artery has mild late luminal loss. There appears to be 30% narrowing involving the distal cuff segment of the stent in the distal left anterior descending artery. The diagonal branches are free of any disease.,6. The right coronary artery is a dominant vessel and has mild luminal irregularities. Its midsegment has a focal area of 30% narrowing as well. The rest of the right coronary artery is free of any disease.,7. The LV-gram performed in the RAO projection shows well preserved left ventricular systolic function with an estimated LVEF of 55%.,RECOMMENDATION: , Continue with optimum medical therapy. Because of the discrepancy between the left ventriculogram EF assessment and the echocardiographic EF assessment, I have discussed this matter with Dr. XYZ and we have decided to proceed with a repeat 2D echocardiogram. The mild disease in the distal left anterior descending artery with mild in-stent re-stenosis should be managed medically with optimum control of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic otitis media.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic otitis media.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Bilateral myringotomy tubes and adenoidectomy.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, The patient is an 8-year-old child with history of recurrent otitis media. The patient has had previous tube placement. Tubes have since plugged and are no more functioning. The patient has had recent recurrent otitis media. Risks and benefits in terms of bleeding, anesthesia, and tympanic membrane perforation were discussed with the mother. Mother wished to proceed with the surgery.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the room, placed supine. The patient was given general endotracheal anesthesia. Starting on the left ear, under microscopic visualization, the ear was cleaned of wax. A Bobbin tube was found stuck to the tympanic membrane. This was removed. After removing the tube the patient was found to have microperforation through which serous fluid was draining. A fresh myringotomy was made in the anterior inferior quadrant. More serous fluid was aspirated from middle ear space. The new Bobbin tube was easily placed. Floxin drops were placed in the ear. In the right ear again under microscopic visualization, the ear was cleaned, the tube was removed off tympanic membrane. There was no perforation seen; however, there was some granulation tissue on the surface of tympanic membrane. A fresh myringotomy incision was made in the anterior inferior quadrant. More serous fluid was drained out of middle ear space. The tube was easily placed and Floxin drops were placed in the ear. This completes tube portion of the surgery. The patient was then turned and placed in the Rose position. Shoulder roll was placed for neck extension. Using a small McIvor mouth gag mouth was held open. Using a rubber catheter the soft palate was retracted. Under mirror visualization, the nasopharynx was examined. The patient was found to have minimal adenoidal tissue. This was removed using a suction Bovie. The patient was then awakened from anesthesia, extubated and brought to recovery room in stable condition. There were no intraoperative complications. Needle and sponge count correct. Estimated blood loss none.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gastrostomy (gastrocutaneous fistula).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gastrostomy (gastrocutaneous fistula).,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Surgical closure of gastrostomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: , This 1-year-old child had a gastrostomy placed due to feeding difficulties. Since then, he has reached a point where he is now eating completely by mouth and no longer needed the gastrostomy. The tube was, therefore, removed, but the tract has not shown signs of spontaneous closure. He, therefore, comes to the operating room today for surgical closure of his gastrostomy.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , After the induction of general anesthetic, the abdomen was prepped and draped in the usual manner. An elliptical incision was made around the gastrostomy site and carried down through skin and subcutaneous tissue with sharp dissection. The tract and the stomach were freed. Stay sutures were then placed on either side of the tract. The tract was amputated. The intervening stomach was then closed with interrupted #4-0 Lembert, Nurolon sutures. The fascia was then closed over the stomach using #3-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was closed with #5-0 subcuticular Monocryl. A dressing was applied, and the child was awakened and taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Trigger point injections with Botox.,PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy.,2. Myofascial pain syndrome.,3. Cervical dystonia.,4. Status post C5-6 anterior cervical fusion.,5. Multilevel degenerative disc disease.,6. Cervicogenic migraines.,7. Hypertension.,8. Hypothyroidism.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy.,2. Myofascial pain syndrome.,3. Cervical dystonia.,4. Status post C5-6 anterior cervical fusion.,5. Multilevel degenerative disc disease.,6. Cervicogenic migraines.,7. Hypertension.,8. Hypothyroidism.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,The risks, benefits, complications, and alternatives to the procedure were discussed in detail and informed written consent was obtained.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is here today after establishing care at my new office. She is a long-term patient of mine at the Pain Management Clinic and has requested transference because of insurance reasons. Today, she is here for not only establishment of care, but continued management of her many neck-related complaints. Among these are spasms and ongoing pain for which she receives long-acting opioids. She states that she is in fact doing quite well since her cervical fusion. She is requesting that we decrease her medications from 480 mg to 240 mg to 360 mg of morphine per day in the form of Avinza. She also is quite pleased with her other medication regimen which has been greatly simplified over the past year.,Other treatment modalities that have been helpful have included cervical epidural steroid injections. The patient is requesting that we schedule this as well, as the relief provided by that lasted anywhere from four to six months. I agree that because of intermittent radicular symptoms that this may be helpful particularly in light of her recent surgery. She does complain of hand tingling and numbness, although she is not dropping objects or having difficulties with coordination. I believe that in addition, the steroid injections may help expedite her desire to decrease her reliance on medications which have been oversedating as well as racked with other side effects.,DETAILS OF PROCEDURE: , Alcohol prep and sterile technique were used. A total of 6 cc of preservative-free 1% lidocaine was used and injected into eight different sites using a 25-gauge, 1-1/2-inch needle at the trapezius muscles bilaterally as well as the levator scapulae, the splenius capitis, and the semispinalis musculature. The procedure was well tolerated.,TREATMENT PLAN:,1. The patient is tentatively scheduled for a cervical epidural steroid injection on March 14, 2005.,2. We will begin a weaning schedule for the patient's Avinza by decreasing in 60 mg intervals. The patient will have a target of 120 mg p.o. b.i.d., and then be reassessed. This is expected to occur after her cervical epidural steroid injection.
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Revision laminectomy L5-S1, discectomy L5-S1, right medial facetectomy, preparation of disk space and arthrodesis with interbody graft with BMP.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: ,Please refer to medical record, but in short, the patient is a 43-year-old male known to me, status post previous lumbar surgery for herniated disk with severe recurrence of axial back pain, failed conservative therapy. Risks and benefits of surgery were explained in detail including risk of bleeding, infection, stroke, heart attack, paralysis, need for further surgery, hardware failure, persistent symptoms, and death. This list was inclusive, but not exclusive. An informed consent was obtained after all patient's questions were answered.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Severe lumbar spondylosis L5-S1, collapsed disk space, hypermobility, and herniated disk posteriorly.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe lumbar spondylosis L5-S1, collapsed disk space, hypermobility, and herniated disk posteriorly.,ANESTHESIA: , General anesthesia and endotracheal tube intubation.,DISPOSITION: , The patient to PACU with stable vital signs.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was taken to the operating room. After adequate general anesthesia with endotracheal tube intubation was obtained, the patient was placed prone on the Jackson table. Lumbar spine was shaved, prepped, and draped in the usual sterile fashion. An incision was carried out from L4 to S1. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar and Bovie cauterization. A Weitlaner was placed in the wound and a subperiosteal dissection was carried out identifying the lamina of L4, L5, and sacrum. At this time, laminectomy was carried out of L5-S1. Thecal sac was retracted rightward and the foramen was opened and unilateral medial facetectomy was carried out in the disk space. At this time, the disk was entered with a #15 blade and bipolar. The disk was entered with straight up and down-biting pituitaries, curettes, and the high speed drill and we were able to takedown calcified herniated disk. We were able to reestablish the disk space, it was very difficult, required meticulous dissection and then drilling with a diamond bur in the disk space underneath the spinal canal, very carefully holding the spinal canal out of harm's way as well as the exiting nerve root. Once this was done, we used rasps to remove more disk material anteriorly and under the midline to the left side and then we put in interbody graft of BMP 8 mm graft from Medtronic. At this time, Dr. X will dictate the posterolateral fusion, pedicle screw fixation to L4 to S1 with compression and will dictate the closure of the wound. There were no complications.
REASON FOR REFERRAL: , Elevated BNP.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 95-year-old Caucasian male visiting from out of state, admitted because of the fall and could not get up and has a cough with dark color sputum, now admitted with pneumonia and a fall and the patient's BNP level was high, for which Cardiology consult was requested. The patient denies any chest pain or shortness of breath. Chest x-ray and CAT scan shows possible pneumonia. The patient denies any prior history of coronary artery disease but has a history of hypertension.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, At this time, he is on:,1. Atrovent and albuterol nebulizers.,2. Azithromycin.,3. Potassium chloride 10 mEq p.o. daily.,4. Furosemide 20 mg IV daily.,5. Enoxaparin 40 mg daily.,6. Lisinopril 10 mg p.o. daily.,7. Ceftriaxone.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , History of hypertension.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, History of abdominal surgery.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He does not smoke. Drinks occasionally.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Denies chest pain, PND, or orthopnea. He has cough. No fever. No abdominal pain. No syncope, near-syncope, or palpitation. All other systems were reviewed.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is comfortable, not in distress.,VITAL SIGNS: His blood pressure is 118/50, pulse rate 76, respiratory rate 18, and temperature 98.1.,HEENT: Atraumatic, normocephalic. Eyes PERRLA.,NECK: Supple. No JVD. No carotid bruit.,CHEST: Clear.,HEART: S1 and S2, regular. No S3. No S4. No murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. Positive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. Pulse 2+.,CNS: Alert, awake, and oriented x3.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA:, EKG shows sinus tachycardia, nonspecific ST-T changes, nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay. CT chest shows bilateral pleural effusion, compressive atelectasis, pneumonic infiltrate noted in the right lower lobe. Loculated pleural effusion in the left upper lobe. No PE. Chest x-ray shows bilateral lower lobe patchy opacities concerning for atelectasis or pneumonia.,LABORATORY DATA: , Sodium 139, potassium 4.1, BUN 26, creatinine 0.9, BNP 331, troponin less than 0.05. White cell count 7.1, hemoglobin 11.5, hematocrit 35.2, platelet 195,000.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Pneumonia.,2. Diastolic heart failure, not contributing to his present problem.,3. Hypertension, controlled.,4. History of falls.,PLAN: , We will continue IV low-dose diuretics, continue lisinopril, continue IV antibiotics. No further cardiac workup at this time.
Parents often ask why the fluid cannot be drained without inserting a tube. The need for the tube insertion is because the eardrum incision generally heals very rapidly (within a few days), which is not long enough for the swollen membranes in the middle ear to return to normal. As soon as the eardrum heals, fluid will reaccumulate. Tubes were first introduced because of this very problem. There are many types of tubes, but all tubes serve the same function. They keep the eardrum open, allow air to enter the middle ear space, and permit fluid in the middle ear to drain. Most tubes will gradually be rejected by the ear and work their way out of the eardrum. As they come out, the eardrum seals behind the tube. Tubes will last four to six months in the eardrum before they come out. Occasionally, the eardrum does not heal completely when the tube comes out.,The majority of children treated with tubes do not require further surgery. They may have ear infections in the future, but most will clear up with medical treatment. Some children are very prone to ear infections and have a tendency to accumulate fluid after each infection. Children tend to outgrow this cycle by age 7 or 8. In an ear, nose and throat specialty practice, this group comprises 10 to 15% of all children who have required tubes. Occasionally the physician has to physically remove the tube from the ear drum.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Recurrent dizziness x1 month.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 77-year-old African-American female with multiple medical problems including CHF (O2 dependent), atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, possible stroke, multiple joint disease including gout, arthritis, both rheumatoid and DJD, who presents with a complaint of one month of dizziness. She reports a rotational sensation upon arising from the bed or chair that lasts for several minutes and requires her to sit back down and stay in one place. She gets similar symptoms when she rolls over in bed. She is not able to describe what direction she feels like she is spinning. At times, she also feels as though she is going to pass out. These sensations stop if she just sits in one place or lies down for several minutes. She does note that it is worse when she turns to the right and when she turns to the left. She also complains that she gets similar sensations when she looks up. She denies any recent fever, chills, earache, diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, other change in vision, or recent new headaches. She also notes occasional tinnitus to her right ear.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. CHF (uses portable oxygen).,2. Atrial fibrillation.,3. Gout.,4. Arthritis (DJD/rheumatoid).,5. Diabetes mellitus.,6. Hypothyroidism.,7. Hypertension.,8. GERD.,9. Possible stroke treated in 2003 at University of Maryland with acute onset of presyncopal sensations, sharp pains in the left side of her head and right-sided hemiparesis and numbness.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married. She does not smoke, use alcohol or use illicit drugs.,MEDICATIONS: , Please see medication sheet in the chart. It includes potassium, Pravachol, Prevacid, Synthroid, Diovan, Amaryl, Vitamin B12, Coreg, Coumadin, furosemide, Actos, aspirin, colchicine, Cipro, Percocet, Ultram (has held the latter two medications for the past two weeks due to concerns of exacerbating dizziness).,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Please see note in chart essentially entirely positive including cardiovascular problems of shortness of breath, PND and palpitations, chronic lack of energy, weight gain, the dizziness for which she presented. Tinnitus in the right ear. Diabetes and hypothyroidism. Chronic nausea. Chronic severe musculoskeletal pains to all extremities as well as to chest and abdomen and back. Right-sided numbness as well as complaints of bilateral lower extremity numbness and difficulty walking. She says her mood is sad and may be depressed and she is also extremely anxious. She has chronic shortness of breath and coughs easily when has to breathe deeply. She also endorses poor sleep.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Sitting BP 112/84 with a pulse of 84, standing after two minutes 130/90 with a pulse of 66. Respiratory rate is 20. Weight is 257 pounds. Pain scale is 7.,GENERAL: This is a somewhat anxious elderly African-American female who tends to amplify findings on examination. It is a difficult examination due to the fact that no matter where the patient was touched she would wince in pain and withdraw. She is obese.,HEENT: She is normocephalic and atraumatic. Conjunctivae and sclerae are clear. Tympanic membranes were visualized bilaterally. There is tenderness to palpation of any sinus region. There are no palpable cervical nodes.,NECK: Supple although she complains of pain when rotating her neck.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,HEART: Heart sounds are distant. There are no carotid bruits.,EXTREMITIES: She has 1-2+ pitting edema to the mid shins bilaterally.,NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION:,MENTAL STATUS: She is alert and oriented x3. Her speech is fluent; however, she is extremely tangential. She is unable to give a cogent medical history including details of hospitalization one month ago when she was admitted for a gout attack and urinary tract infection and underwent several days of rehabilitation.,CRANIAL NERVES: Cranial nerves are intact throughout; specifically there is no nystagmus, her gaze is conjugate, there is no diplopia, visual fields are full to confrontation, pupils are equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation, extraocular movements are intact, facial sensation and expression are symmetric, vestibuloocular reflexes are intact, hearing is intact to finger rub bilaterally, palate rises symmetrically, normal cough, shoulder shrug is symmetric which shows easy breakaway give, and tongue protrudes in the midline.,MOTOR: This is a limited exam due to easy breakaway gait and pain that appears exaggerated to movement of any extremity. There is suggestion of some mild right-sided paresis; however, the degree was inconsistent and her phasic strength is estimated at 4-4+ throughout. Her tone is normal throughout.,SENSORY: She appears to have diffuse light tough and pinprick and temperature to the right arm and proximal leg. She also reports that she is numb in both feet; however, sensation testing of light tough, pinprick and vibration was intact.,COORDINATION: There is no obvious dysmetria.,GAIT: She uses a walker to stand up, and several near falls when asked to stand unassisted and can only ambulate with a walker. There are some mild right lower extremity circumduction present.,REFLEXES: Biceps 1, triceps trace, brachioradialis 1, patella and ankle absent. Toes are equivocal.,OTHER: Barany maneuver was attempted; however, when the patient was placed supine she immediately began screaming, "Oh my back, oh my back", and was unable to complete the maneuver. Brief inspection of her eyes failed to show any nystagmus at that time.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, This is a 77-year-old African-American female with multiple medical problems who presents with episodic positionally related dizziness of unclear etiology. Most certainly there is significant exaggeration of the underlying problem and her neurological examination is compounded by much functional overlay, limiting the interpretation of my findings. I suspect this is just a mild benign positional vertigo, although I cannot rule out vertebrobasilar compromise. I agree with symptomatic treatment with Antivert.,We will schedule her for CT of head, CT angiogram to evaluate for possible brain stroke and vertebrobasilar insufficiency. In addition, we will attempt to get further objective data by ENG testing. I will see the patient again after these tests are completed and she has a trial of the Antivert.
NAME OF PROCEDURE: , Left heart catheterization with ventriculography, selective coronary angiography.,INDICATIONS: , Acute coronary syndrome.,TECHNIQUE OF PROCEDURE: , Standard Judkins, right groin. Catheters used were a 6 French pigtail, 6 French JL4, 6 French JR4. ,ANTICOAGULATION: ,The patient was on heparin at the time.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,I reviewed with the patient the pros, cons, alternatives, risks of catheterization and sedation including myocardial infarction, stroke, death, damage to nerve, artery or vein in the leg, perforation of a cardiac chamber, dissection of an artery requiring countershock, infection, bleeding, ATN allergy, need for cardiac surgery. All questions were answered, and the patient desired to proceed.,HEMODYNAMIC DATA: ,Aortic pressure was in the physiologic range. No significant gradient across the aortic valve.,ANGIOGRAPHIC DATA,1. Ventriculogram: The left ventricle is of normal size and shape, normal wall motion, normal ejection fraction.,2. Right coronary artery: Dominant. There was insignificant disease in the system.,3. Left coronary: Left main, left anterior descending and circumflex systems showed no significant disease.,CONCLUSIONS,1. Normal left ventricular systolic function.,2. Insignificant coronary disease.,PLAN: , Based upon this study, medical therapy is warranted. Six-French Angio-Seal was used in the groin.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Coronal hypospadias with chordee and asthma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Coronal hypospadias with chordee and asthma.,PROCEDURE: , Hypospadias repair (TIP) with tissue flap relocation and chordee release (Nesbit tuck).,ANESTHETIC: , General inhalational anesthetic with a caudal block.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,300 mL of crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,20 mL.,TUBES/DRAINS: ,An 8-French Zaontz catheter.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 17-month-old boy with hypospadias abnormality. The plan is for repair.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, a caudal block was placed. IV antibiotics were given. He was then placed in the supine position. The foreskin was retracted and cleansed. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. A stay stitch of 4-0 Prolene was then placed on the glans. The urethra was calibrated with the lacrimal duct probes to an 8-French. We then marked out the coronal cuff, the penile shaft skin as well as the glanular plate for future surgery with a marking pen.,We then used a 15-blade knife to circumscribe the penis around the coronal cuff. We then degloved the penis using the curved tenotomy scissors, and electrocautery was used for hemostasis. The patient had some splaying of the spongiosum tissue, which was also incised laterally and rotated to make a secondary flap. Once the penis was degloved, and the excessive chordee tissue was released, we then placed a vessel loop tourniquet around the base of the penis and using IV grade saline injected the penis for an artifical erection. He was still noted to have chordee, so a midline incision through the Buck fascia was made with a 15-blade knife and Heineke-Mikulicz closure using 5-0 Prolene was then used for the chordee Nesbit tuck. We repeated the artificial erection and the penis was straight. We then incised the urethral plate with an ophthalmic blade in the midline, and then elevated the glanular wings using a 15-blade knife to elevate and then incise them. Using the curved iris scissors, we then also further mobilized the glanular wings. The 8-French Zaontz was then placed while the tourniquet was still in place into the urethral plate. The upper aspect of the distal meatus was then closed with an interrupted suture of 7-0 Vicryl, and then using a running subcuticular closure, we closed the urethral plates over the Zaontz catheter. We then mobilized subcutaneous tissue from the penile shaft skin, and the inner perpetual skin on the dorsum, and then buttonholed the flap, placed it over the head of the penis, and then, used it to cover of the hypospadias repair with tacking sutures of 7-0 Vicryl. We then rolled the spongiosum flap to cover the distal urethra that was also somewhat dysplastic; 7-0 Vicryl was used for that as well. 5-0 Vicryl was used to roll the glans with 2 deep sutures, and then, horizontal mattress sutures of 7-0 Vicryl were used to reconstitute the glans. Interrupted sutures of 7-0 Vicryl were used to approximate the urethral meatus to the glans. Once this was done, we then excised the excessive penile shaft skin, and used the interrupted sutures of 6-0 chromic to attach the penile shaft skin to the coronal cuff. On the ventrum itself, we used horizontal mattress sutures to close the defect.,At the end of the procedure, the Zaontz catheter was sutured into place with a 4-0 Prolene suture, Dermabond tissue adhesive, and Surgicel was used as a dressing and a second layer of Telfa and clear eye tape was then used to tape it into place. IV Toradol was given at the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was in a stable condition upon transfer to the recovery room.
SUBJECTIVE: , I am following the patient today for immune thrombocytopenia. Her platelets fell to 10 on 01/09/07 and shortly after learning of that result, I increased her prednisone to 60 mg a day. Repeat on 01/16/07 revealed platelets up at 43. No bleeding problems have been noted. I have spoken with her hematologist who recommends at this point we decrease her prednisone to 40 mg for 3 days and then go down to 20 mg a day. The patient had been on 20 mg every other day at least for a while, and her platelets hovered at least above 20 or so.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vitals: As in chart. The patient is alert, pleasant, and cooperative. She is in no apparent distress. The petechial areas on her legs have resolved.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , Patient with improvement of her platelet count on burst of prednisone. We will decrease her prednisone to 40 mg for 3 days, then go down to 20 mg a day. Basically thereafter, over time, I may try to sneak it back a little bit further. She is on medicines for osteoporosis including bisphosphonate and calcium with vitamin D. We will arrange to have a CBC drawn weekly.,
TITLE OF OPERATION:, Left-sided large hemicraniectomy for traumatic brain injury and increased intracranial pressure.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient is a patient well known to my service. She came in with severe traumatic brain injury and severe multiple fractures of the right side of the skull. I took her to the operating a few days ago for a large right-sided hemicraniectomy to save her life. I spoke with the family, the mom, especially about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of this procedure, most especially given the fact that she had undergone a very severe traumatic brain injury with a very poor GCS of 3 in some brainstem reflexes. I discussed with them that this was a life-saving procedure and the family agreed to proceed with surgery as a level 1. We went to the operating room at that time and we did a very large right-sided hemicraniectomy. The patient was put in the intensive care unit. We had placed also at that time a left-sided intracranial pressure monitor both which we took out a few days ago. Over the last few days, the patient began to slowly deteriorate little bit on her clinical examination, that is, she was at first localizing briskly with the right side and that began to be less brisk. We obtained a CT scan at this point, and we noted that she had a fair amount of swelling in the left hemisphere with about 1.5 cm of midline shift. At this point, once again I discussed with the family the possibility of trying to save her life and go ahead and doing a left-sided very large hemicraniectomy with this __________ this was once again a life-saving procedure and we proceeded with the consent of mom to go ahead and do a level 1 hemicraniectomy of the left side.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room. She was already intubated and under general anesthesia. The head was put in a 3-pin Mayfield headholder with one pin in the forehead and two pins in the back to be able to put the patient with the right-hand side down and the left-hand side up since on the right-hand side, she did not have a bone flap which complicated matters a little bit, so we had to use a 3-pin Mayfield headholder. The patient tolerated this well. We sterilely prepped everything and we actually had already done a midline incision prior to this for the prior surgery, so we incorporated this incision into the new incision, and to be able to open the skin on the left side, we did a T-shaped incision with T vertical portion coming from anterior to the ear from the zygoma up towards the vertex of the skull towards the midline of the skin. We connected this. Prior to this, we brought in all surgical instrumentation under sterile and standard conditions. We opened the skin as in opening a book and then we also did a myocutaneous flap. We brought in the muscle with it. We had a very good exposure of the skull. We identified all the important landmarks including the zygoma inferiorly, the superior sagittal suture as well as posteriorly and anteriorly. We had very good landmarks, so we went ahead and did one bur hole and the middle puncta right above the zygoma and then brought in the craniotome and did a very large bone flap that measured about 7 x 9 cm roughly, a very large decompression of the left side. At this point, we opened the dura and the dura as soon as it was opened, there was a small subdural hematoma under a fair amount of pressure and cleaned this very nicely irrigated completely the brain and had a few contusions over the operculum as well as posteriorly. All this was irrigated thoroughly. Once we made sure we had absolutely great hemostasis without any complications, we went ahead and irrigated once again and we had controlled the meddle meningeal as well as the superior temporal artery very nicely. We had absolutely good hemostasis. We put a piece of Gelfoam over the brain. We had opened the dura in a cruciate fashion, and the brain clearly bulging out despite of the fact that it was in the dependent position. I went ahead and irrigated everything thoroughly putting a piece of DuraGen as well as a piece of Gelfoam with very good hemostasis and proceeded to close the skin with running nylon in place. This running nylon we put in place in order not to put any absorbables, although I put a few 0 popoffs just to approximate the skin nicely. Once we had done this, irrigated thoroughly once again the skin. We cleaned up everything and then we took the patient off __________ anesthesia and took the patient back to the intensive care unit. The EBL was about 200 cubic centimeters. Her hematocrit went down to about 21 and I ordered the patient to receive one unit of blood intraoperatively which they began to work on as we began to continue to do the work and the sponges and the needle counts were correct. No complications. The patient went back to the intensive care unit.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left nasolabial fold scar deformity with effacement of alar crease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left nasolabial fold scar deformity with effacement of alar crease.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Left midface elevation with nasolabial fold elevation.,2. Left nasolabial fold z-plasty and right symmetrization midface elevation.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal intubation.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 25 mL.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid,CULTURES TAKEN: , None.,PATIENT'S CONDITION: , Stable.,IMPLANTS: , Coapt Endotine Midface B 4.5 bioabsorbable implants, reference #CFD0200197, lot #01447 used on the right and used on the left side.,IDENTIFICATION: , This patient is well known to the Stanford Plastic Surgery Service. The patient is status post resection of the dorsal nasal sidewall skin cancer with nasolabial flap reconstruction with subsequent deformity. In particular, the patient has had effacement of his alar crease with deepening of his nasolabial fold and notable asymmetry. The patient was seen in consultation and felt to be a surgical candidate for improvement. Risks and benefits of the operation were described to the patient in detail including, but not limited to bleeding, infection, scarring, possible damage to surrounding structures including neurovascular structures, need for revision of surgery, continued asymmetry, and anesthetic complication. The patient understood these risks and benefits and consented to the operation.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to OR and placed supine on the operating table. Dose of antibiotics was given to the patient. Compression devices were placed on the lower extremities to prevent the knee embolic events. The patient was turned to 180 degrees. The ETT tube was secured and the area was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. A head wrap was then placed on the position and we then began our local. Of note, the patient had previous incisions just lateral to his lateral canthus bilaterally and that were used for access. Local consisting a 50:50 mix of 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine and 1% lidocaine with epinephrine was then injected into the subperiosteal plane taking care to prevent injury to the infraorbital nerves. This was done bilaterally. We then marked the nasolabial fold and began with the elevation of the left midface.,We began with a lateral canthal-type incision extending out over his previous incision down to subcutaneous tissue. We continued down to the lateral orbital rim until we identified periosteum. We then pulled in a periosteal elevator and elevated the midface down over the zygoma elevating some lateral mesenteric attachments down over the buccal region until we felt we had reached pass the nasolabial folds medially. Care was taken to preserve the infraorbital nerve and that was visualized after elevation. We then released the periosteum distally and retracted up on the periosteum and noted improved contour of the nasolabial fold with increased bulk over the midface region over the zygoma.,We then used our Endotine Coapt device to engage the periosteum at the desired location and then elevated the midface and secured into position using the Coapt bioabsorbable screw. After this was then carried out, we then clipped and cut as well as the end of the screw. Satisfied with this, we then elevated the periosteum and secured it to reinforce our midface elevation to the lateral orbital rim and this was done using 3-0 Monocryl. Several sutures were then used to anchor the orbicularis and deeper tissue to create additional symmetry. Excess skin along the incision was then removed as well the skin from just lateral to the canthus. Care was taken to leave the orbicularis muscle down. We then continued closing our incision using absorbable plain gut 5-0 sutures for the subciliary-type incision and then continuing with interrupted 6-0 Prolenes lateral to the canthus.,We then turned our attention to performing the z-plasty portion of the case. A z-plasty was designed along the previous scar where it was padding to the notable scar deformity and effacement of crease and the z-plasty was then designed to lengthen along the scar to improve the contour. This was carried out using a 15 blade down to subcutaneous tissue. The flaps were debulked slightly to reduce the amount of fullness and then transposed and sutured into place using chromic suture. At this point, we then noted that he had improvement of the nasal fold but continued asymmetry with regards to improved bulk on the left side and less bulk on the right and it was felt that a symmetrization procedure was required to make more symmetry with the midface bilaterally and nasolabial folds bilaterally. As such, we then carried out the dissection after injecting local as noted and we used a 15 blade scalpel to create our incision along the lateral canthus along its preexisting incision. We carried this down to the lateral orbital rim again elevating the periosteum taking care to preserve infraorbital nerve.,At this point, we then released the periosteum distally just at the level of the nasolabial fold and placed our Endotine midface implant into the desired area and then elevated slightly just for symmetry only. This was then secured in place using the bioabsorbable screw and then resected a very marginal amount of tissue just for removal of the dog ear deformity and closed the deeper layers of tissue using 3-0 PDS and then closing the extension to the subciliary area using 5-0 plain gut and then 6-0 Prolene lateral to the canthus.,At this point, we felt that we had achieved improved contour, improved symmetry, and decreased effacement of the nasolabial fold and alar crease. Satisfied with our procedures, we then placed cool compresses on to the eyes.,The patient was then extubated and brought to the PACU in stable condition.,Dr. X was present and scrubbed for the entire case and actively participated during all key elements. Dr. Y was available and participated in the portions of the case as well.
HISTORY:, This 75-year-old man was transferred from the nursing home where he lived to the hospital late at night on 4/11 through the Emergency Department in complete urinary obstruction. After catheterization, the patient underwent cystoscopy on 4/13. On 4/14 the patient underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate and was discharged back to the nursing home later that day with voiding improved. Final diagnosis was adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Because of his mental status and general debility, the patient's family declined additional treatment.,LABORATORY:, None,PROCEDURES:,Cystoscopy: Blockage of the urethra by a markedly enlarged prostate.,Transurethral resection of prostate: 45 grams of tissue were sent to the Pathology Department for analysis.,PATHOLOGY: , Well differentiated adenocarcinoma, microacinar type, in 1 of 25 chips of prostatic tissue.
EXAM: , Lumbar spine CT without contrast.,HISTORY: , Back pain after a fall.,TECHNIQUE:, Noncontrast axial images were acquired through the lumbar spine. Coronal and sagittal reconstruction views were also obtained.,FINDINGS: , There is no evidence for acute fracture or subluxation. There is no spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis. The central canal and neuroforamen are grossly patent at all levels. There are no abnormal paraspinal masses. There is no wedge/compression deformity. There is intervertebral disk space narrowing to a mild degree at L2-3 and L4-5.,Soft tissue windows demonstrate atherosclerotic calcification of the abdominal aorta, which is not dilated. There was incompletely visualized probable simple left renal cyst, exophytic at the lower pole.,IMPRESSION:,1. No evidence for acute fracture or subluxation.,2. Mild degenerative changes.,3. Probable left simple renal cyst.,
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Goes back to yesterday, the patient went out for dinner with her boyfriend. The patient after coming home all the family members had some episodes of diarrhea; it is unclear how many times the patient had diarrhea last night. She was found down on the floor this morning, soiled her bowel movements. Paramedics were called and the patient was brought to the emergency room. The patient was in the emergency room noted to be in respiratory failure, was intubated. The patient was in septic shock with metabolic acidosis and no blood pressure and very rapid heart rate with acute renal failure. The patient was started on vasopressors. The patient was started on IV fluids as well as IV antibiotic. The CT of the abdomen showed ileus versus bowel distention without any actual bowel obstruction or perforation. A General Surgery consultation was called who did not think the patient was a surgical candidate and needed an acute surgical procedure. The patient underwent an ultrasound of the abdomen, which did not show any evidence of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis. The patient was also noted to have acute rhabdomyolysis on the workup in the emergency room.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for history of osteoporosis, hypertension, tobacco dependency, anxiety, neurosis, depression, peripheral arterial disease, peripheral neuropathy, and history of uterine cancer.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for hysterectomy, bilateral femoropopliteal bypass surgeries as well as left eye cataract surgery and appendicectomy.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She lives with her boyfriend. The patient has a history of heavy tobacco and alcohol abuse for many years.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Not available at this current time.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As mentioned above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is intubated, obtunded, gangrenous ears with gangrenous fingertips.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is absent, heart rate of 138 per minute, and the patient is on the ventilator.,HEENT: Examination shows head is atraumatic, pupils are dilated and very, very sluggishly reacting to light. No oropharyngeal lesions noted.,NECK: Supple. No JVD, distention or carotid bruit. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Bilateral crackles and bruits.,ABDOMEN: Distended, unable to evaluate if this is tender. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are very hyperactive.,LOWER EXTREMITIES: Show no edema. Distal pulses are decreased.,OVERALL NEUROLOGICAL: Examination cannot be assessed.,LABORATORY DATA: , The database was available at this point of time. WBC count is elevated at 19,000 with the left shift, hemoglobin of 17.7, and hematocrit of 55.8 consistent with severe dehydration. PT INR is prolonged at 1.7 and aPTT is prolonged at 60. Sodium was 143, BUN of 36, and creatinine of 2.5. The patient's blood gas shows pH of 7.05, pO2 of 99.6, and pCO2 of 99.6. Bicarb is 16.5.,ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION:,1. Septicemia with septic shock.,2. Metabolic acidosis.,3. Respiratory failure.,4. Anuria.,5. Acute renal failure.,The patient has no blood pressure at this point in time. The patient is on IV fluids. The patient is on vasopressors due to ventilator support, bronchodilators as well as IV antibiotics. Her overall prognosis is extremely poor. This was discussed with the patient's niece who is at bedside and will become indicated with her daughter when she arrives who is on the plane right now from Iowa. The patient will be maintained on these supports at this point in time, but prognosis is poor.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hallux abductovalgus deformity with bunion of the left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hallux abductovalgus deformity with bunion of the left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Scarf bunionectomy procedure of the first metatarsal of the left foot.,ANESTHESIA:, IV sedation with local.,HISTORY: , This patient is a 55-year-old female who presents to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping herself n.p.o., since mid night for surgery for her painful left bunion. The patient has had increasing pain over time and is having difficulty ambulating and wearing shoes. The patient has failed to conservative treatment and desires surgical correction at this time. Risks versus benefits of the procedure have been explained in detail by Dr. X, and consent is available on the chart for review.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After an IV established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was given preoperatively 600 mg of clindamycin intravenously. The patient was then taken to the Operating Suite via cart and was placed on the operating table in a supine position and a safety strap was placed across her waist for protection. Next, a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied over her left ankle with copious amounts of Webril for the patient's protection. After adequate IV sedation was applied, the patient was given a local injection consisting of 17 cc of 4.5 cc 1% lidocaine plain, 4.5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain, and 1.0 cc of Solu-Medrol mixture in the standard Mayo block to the left foot. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was then elevated, the Esmarch was applied and the tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg. The foot was then lowered to the operating field.,A sterile stockinet was reflected and the attention was directed to the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the left foot. After sufficient anesthesia, using a #10 blade a linear incision was made approximately 5 to 6 cm in length over the first metatarsophalangeal joint dorsally, just near to the extensor hallucis longus tendon. Then using a fresh #15 blade, this incision was deepened through the skin into the subcutaneous layer after all small traversing veins were ligated and cauterized with electrocautery. A neurovascular bundle was identified and reflected medially. Laterally the extensor hallucis longus tendon was identified and protected with retraction as well. Care was then taken to undermine the medial and lateral margins of the first metatarsophalangeal joint carefully. The first metatarsophalangeal joint capsule was then identified and using a #15 blade, a linear incision made down to the bone through the joint capsule. The periosteum was reflected and elevated off of its bone and the metatarsal head as well as the base of the proximal phalanx to a small degree. Noted was a large hypertrophic bone spur on the dorsal medial aspect of the first metatarsal head as well as some small osteophytes along the medial portion of the proximal phalanx. Care was then taken to reflect and dissect the periosteum off of the shaft of the first metatarsal proximally into the proximal portion of the metatarsal close to the first metatarsocuneiform joint. The bone cortex was noted to be intact and in good condition. Following this, using a sagittal saw with a #138 blade, the attention was directed to the medial hypertrophic bone of the first metatarsal head. In the sagittal plane with the blade angulated from dorsolateral to proximal medial, the medial eminence of bone was resected. Plantarly it was noted that the tibial sesamoid groove was intact and the sesamoid apparatus was intact as well. Following this bone cut, 0.45 K-wire was inserted from medial to lateral through the medial portion of the first metatarsal head directed in the dorsal third of the metatarsal head. Then using the Reese osteotomy guide, the guide was directed from the distal portion of the metatarsal head proximally to the proximal portion of the first metatarsal. A second 0.45 K-wire was inserted proximally as well. Following this, using the sagittal saw with the #138 blade a transverse linear osteotomy cut was made through the first metatarsal from medial to lateral. After reaching the distal as well as the proximal portions of the bone and ensuring that cortex was cut on both the medial as well as lateral side, the Reese osteotomy guide was removed and the dorsal and plantar incision cuts were made. This began with the dorsal distal cut, which extended from medial to lateral with the dorsal portion of the blade angled proximally about five degrees through the dorsal third of the distal first metatarsal. Following this, attention was directed proximally and an incision osteotomy cut through the bone was made, directed medially to laterally with the inferior portion of the blade angled distally to transect the cortex of the bone. Following this, the distal portion of the osteotomy cut was freely movable and was able to be translocated medially. The head was then slit medially several millimeters until it was noted to be in good position and no chopping was present in the medullary canal of the bone. Following this, the bone was stabilized using a 0.45 K-wire distally as well as proximally directed from dorsal to planar direction. Next using the normal AO manner, the distal cortex was drilled from dorsal to plantar with a 2.0 mm drill bit and then over drilled proximally with the cortex using a 2.7 mm drill bit. The proximal cortex was then _________ and then the drill hole was measured and it was determined to be 18 mm in length from dorsal to plantar cortex. Then using 2.7 mm tap, the thread holes were placed and using an 18 x 2.7 mm screw ___________ was achieved and good apposition of the bone and tightness were achieved. Intramedullary sludge was noted to exit from the osteotomy cut. Following this, attention was directed proximally and the 0.45 K-wire was removed and the holes were predrilled using a 2.0 mm screw then over-drilled using 2.7 mm screw and counter sucked. Following this, the holes were measured, found to 20 mm in length and the drill hole was tapped using a 2.7 mm tap. Following this, a 20 mm full threaded screw was inserted and tightened. Good intramedullary sludge was noted and compression was achieved. Attention was then directed to the distal screw where it was once again tightened and found to be in good position with good bite. Following this, range of motion was performed on the first metatarsophalangeal joint and some lateral deviation of the hallux was noted. Based on this, a lateral release was performed. The extensor hallucis longus tendon was identified and was transected medially and a linear incision was placed down using a #15 blade into the first interspace. The incision was then deepened with sharp and blunt dissection and using a curved hemostat, the transverse as well as the oblique fibers of the abductor hallucis tendon were identified and transected. Care was taken to perform lateral release around the fibular sesamoid through these suspensory ligaments as well as the transverse metatarsal ligament and the collateral ligament. Upon completion of this, the hallux was noted to be in a rectus position with good alignment. The area was then flushed and irrigated with copious amounts of sterile saline. After this, attention was directed back to the medial capsule and a medial capsulorrhaphy was performed and the capsule was closed using #3-0 Vicryl suture. Subcutaneous tissues were closed using #3-0 and #4-0 Vicryl sutures to close in layers. The skin was then reapproximated and closed using #5-0 Monocryl suture. Following this, the incisions were dressed and bandaged in the normal manner using Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, and Kerlix as well as Coban dressing. The tourniquet was then dropped with a total tourniquet time of 99 minutes at 250 mmHg. The patient followed the procedure and the anesthesia well and vascular status was intact as noted by immediate hyperemia to digits one through five of the left foot. The patient was then transferred back to the cart and escorted on the cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit. Following this, the patient was given prescription for Vicoprofen total #20 to be taken one every six hours as necessary for moderate to severe pain. The patient was also given prescription for clindamycin to be taken 300 mg four times a day. The patient was given surgical shoe and was placed in a posterior sling. The patient was given crutches and instructed to use them for ambulation. The patient was instructed to keep her foot iced and elevated and to remain nonweightbearing over the weekend. The patient will follow up with Dr. X on Tuesday morning at 11'o clock in his Livonia office. The patient was concerned about any possible allergic reaction to medication and was placed on codeine and antibiotics due to that. The patient has Dr. X's pager and will contact him over this weekend if she has any problems or complaints or return to Emergency Department if any difficulty should arise. X-rays were taken and the patient was discharged home upon completion of this.
PROCEDURE: , Bilateral L5, S1, S2, and S3 radiofrequency ablation.,INDICATION: , Sacroiliac joint pain.,INFORMED CONSENT: , The risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure were discussed with the patient. The patient was given opportunity to ask questions regarding the procedure, its indications and the associated risks.,The risk of the procedure discussed include infection, bleeding, allergic reaction, dural puncture, headache, nerve injuries, spinal cord injury, and cardiovascular and CNS side effects with possible of vascular entry of medications. I also informed the patient of potential side effects or reactions to the medications potentially used during the procedure including sedatives, narcotics, nonionic contrast agents, anesthetics, and corticosteroids.,The patient was informed both verbally and in writing. The patient understood the informed consent and desired to have the procedure performed.,PROCEDURE: , Oxygen saturation and vital signs were monitored continuously throughout the procedure. The patient remained awake throughout the procedure in order to interact and give feedback. The x-ray technician was supervised and instructed to operate the fluoroscopy machine.,The patient was placed in a prone position on the treatment table with a pillow under the chest and head rotated. The skin over and surrounding the treatment area was cleaned with Betadine. The area was covered with sterile drapes, leaving a small window opening for needle placement. Fluoroscopy was used to identify the bony landmarks of the sacrum and the sacroiliac joints and the planned needle approach. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle within the planned approach were anesthetized with 1% Lidocaine.,With fluoroscopy, a 20 gauge 10-mm bent Teflon coated needle was gently guided into the groove between the SAP and the sacrum for the dorsal ramus of L5 and the lateral border of the posterior sacral foramen, for the lateral branches of S1, S2, and S3. Also, fluoroscopic views were used to ensure proper needle placement.,The following technique was used to confirm correct placement. Motor stimulation was applied at 2 Hz with 1 millisecond duration. No extremity movement was noted at less than 2 volts. Following this, the needle trocar was removed and a syringe containing 1% lidocaine was attached. At each level, after syringe aspiration with no blood return, 0.5 mL of 1% lidocaine was injected to anesthetize the lateral branch and the surrounding tissue. After completion, a lesion was created at that level with a temperature of 80 degrees for 90 seconds.,All injected medications were preservative free. Sterile technique was used throughout the procedure.,ADDITIONAL DETAILS: ,None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISCUSSION: , Post-procedure vital signs and oximetry were stable. The patient was discharged with instructions to ice the injection site as needed for 15-20 minutes as frequently as twice per hour for the next day and to avoid aggressive activities for 1 day. The patient was told to resume all medications. The patient was told to be in relative rest for 1 day but then could resume all normal activities.,The patient was instructed to seek immediate medical attention for shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, chills, increased pain, weakness, sensory or motor changes, or changes in bowel or bladder function.,Follow up appointment was made at PM&R Spine Clinic in approximately one to two weeks.
REASON FOR CT SCAN: , The patient is a 79-year-old man with adult hydrocephalus who was found to have large bilateral effusions on a CT scan performed on January 16, 2008. I changed the shunt setting from 1.5 to 2.0 on February 12, 2008 and his family obtained this repeat CT scan to determine whether his subdural effusions were improving.,CT scan from 03/11/2008 demonstrates frontal horn span at the level of foramen of Munro of 2.6 cm. The 3rd ventricular contour which is flat with a 3rd ventricular span of 10 mm. There is a single shunt, which enters on the right occipital side and ends in the left lateral ventricle. He has symmetric bilateral subdurals that are less than 1 cm in breadth each, which is a reduction from the report from January 16, 2008, which states that he had a subdural hygroma, maximum size 1.3 cm on the right and 1.1 cm on the left.,ASSESSMENT: , The patient's subdural effusions are still noticeable, but they are improving at the setting of 2.0.,PLAN: , I would like to see the patient with a new head CT in about three months, at which time we can decide whether 2.0 is the appropriate setting for him to remain at or whether we can consider changing the shunt setting.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Lumbar osteomyelitis.,2. Need for durable central intravenous access.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Lumbar osteomyelitis.,2. Need for durable central intravenous access.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE:, Placement of left subclavian 4-French Broviac catheter.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a toddler admitted with a limp and back pain, who was eventually found on bone scan and septic workup to have probable osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine at disk areas. The patient needs prolonged IV antibiotic therapy, but attempt at a PICC line failed. She has exhausted most of her easy peripheral IV access routes and referral was made to the Pediatric Surgery Service for Broviac placement. I met with the patient's mom. With the help of a Spanish interpreter, I explained the technique for Broviac placement. We discussed the surgical risks and alternatives, most of which have been exhausted. All their questions have been answered, and the patient is fit for operation today.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient came to the operating room and had an uneventful induction of general anesthesia. We conducted a surgical time-out to reiterate all of the patient's important identifying information and to confirm that we were here to place the Broviac catheter. Preparation and draping of her skin was performed with chlorhexidine based prep solution and then an infraclavicular approach to left subclavian vein was performed. A flexible guidewire was inserted into the central location and then a 4-French Broviac catheter was tunneled through the subcutaneous tissues and exiting on the right anterolateral chest wall well below and lateral to the breast and pectoralis major margins. The catheter was brought to the subclavian insertion site and trimmed so that the tip would lie at the junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium based on fluoroscopic guidelines. The peel-away sheath was passed over the guidewire and then the 4-French catheter was deployed through the peel-away sheath. There was easy blood return and fluoroscopic imaging showed initially the catheter had transited across the mediastinum up the opposite subclavian vein, then it was withdrawn and easily replaced in the superior vena cava. The catheter insertion site was closed with one buried 5-0 Monocryl stitch and the same 5-0 Monocryl was used to tether the catheter at the exit site until fibrous ingrowth of the attached cuff has occurred. Heparinized saline solution was used to flush the line. A sterile occlusive dressing was applied, and the line was prepared for immediate use. The patient was transported to the recovery room in good condition. There were no intraoperative complications, and her blood loss was between 5 and 10 mL during the line placement portion of the procedure.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carotid artery occlusive disease.,2. Peripheral vascular disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carotid artery occlusive disease.,2. Peripheral vascular disease.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Bilateral carotid cerebral angiogram.,2. Right femoral-popliteal angiogram.,FINDINGS: , The right carotid cerebral system was selectively catheterized and visualized. The right internal carotid artery was found to be very tortuous with kinking in its cervical portions, but no focal stenosis was noted. Likewise, the intracranial portion of the right internal carotid artery showed no significant disease nor did the right middle cerebral artery.,The left carotid cerebral system was selectively catheterized and visualized. The cervical portion of the left internal carotid artery showed a 30 to 40% stenosis with small ulcer crater present. The intracranial portion of the left internal carotid artery showed no significant disease nor did the left middle cerebral artery.,Visualization of the right lower extremity showed no significant disease.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient in supine position under local anesthesia plus intravenous sedation, the groin areas were prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.,The common femoral artery was punctured in a routine retrograde fashion and a 5-French introducer sheath was advanced under fluoroscopic guidance. A catheter was then placed in the aortic arch and the right and left common carotid arteries were then selectively catheterized and visualized as described above.,Following completion of the above, the catheter and introducer sheath were removed. Heparin had been initially given, which was reversed with protamine. Firm pressure was held over the puncture site for 20 minutes, followed by application of a sterile Coverlet dressing and sandbag compression.,The patient tolerated the procedure well throughout.
SUBJECTIVE: ,The patient seen and examined feels better today. Still having diarrhea, decreased appetite. Good urine output 600 mL since 7 o'clock in the morning. Afebrile.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Nonacute distress, awake, alert, and oriented x3.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 102/64, heart rate of 89, respiratory rate of 12, temperature 96.8, and O2 saturation 94% on room air.,HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI.,NECK: Supple.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds are positive, soft, and nontender. EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses present bilaterally.,LABORATORY DATA: ,CBC, WBC count today down 10.9 from 17.3 yesterday 26.9 on admission, hemoglobin 10.2, hematocrit 31.3, and platelet count 370,000. BMP, BUN of 28.3 from 32.2, creatinine 1.8 from 1.89 from 2.7. Calcium of 8.2. Sodium 139, potassium 3.9, chloride 108, and CO2 of 22. Liver function test is unremarkable.,Stool positive for Clostridium difficile. Blood culture was 131. O2 saturation result is pending.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Most likely secondary to Clostridium difficile colitis and urinary tract infection improving. The patient hemodynamically stable, leukocytosis improved and today he is afebrile.,2. Acute renal failure secondary to dehydration, BUN and creatinine improving.,3. Clostridium difficile colitis, Continue Flagyl, evaluation Dr. X in a.m.,4. Urinary tract infection, continue Levaquin for last during culture.,5. Leucocytosis, improving.,6. Minimal elevated cardiac enzyme on admission. Followup with Cardiology recommendations.,7. Possible pneumonia, continue vancomycin and Levaquin.,8. The patient may be transferred to telemetry.
PROCEDURES:,1. Right frontal craniotomy with resection of right medial frontal brain tumor.,2. Stereotactic image-guided neuronavigation for resection of tumor.,3. Microdissection and micro-magnification for resection of brain tumor.,ANESTHESIA: , General via endotracheal tube.,INDICATIONS FOR THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 71-year-old female with a history of left-sided weakness and headaches. She has a previous history of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung, treated 2 years ago. An MRI was obtained which showed a large enhancing mass in the medial right frontal lobe consistent with a metastatic lesion or possible primary brain tumor. After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operating room for surgery.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Medial right frontal brain tumor with surrounding edema and mass effect and right to left brain shift.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Medial right frontal brain tumor with surrounding edema and mass effect and right to left brain shift, probable metastatic lung carcinoma.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled into the operating room and satisfactory general anesthesia was obtained via endotracheal tube. She was positioned on the operating room table in the Sugita frame with the head secured.,Using the preoperative image-guided MRI, we carefully registered the fiducials and then obtained the stereotactic image-guided localization to guide us towards the tumor. We marked external landmarks. Then we shaved the head over the right medial frontal area. This area was then sterilely prepped and draped.,Evoked potential monitoring and sensory potentials were carried out throughout the case and no changes were noted.,A horseshoe shaped flap was based on the right and then brought across to the midline. This was opened and hemostasis obtained using Raney clips. The skin flap was retracted medially. Two burr holes were made and were carefully connected. One was placed right over the sinus and we carefully then removed a rectangular shaped bone flap. Hemostasis was obtained. Using the neuronavigation, we identified where the tumor was. The dura was then opened based on a horseshoe flap based on the medial sinus. We retracted this medially and carefully identified the brain. The brain surface was discolored and obviously irritated consistent with the tumor.,We used the stereotactic neuronavigation to identify the tumor margins.,Then we used a bipolar to coagulate a thin layer of brain over the tumor. Subsequently, we entered the tumor. The tumor itself was extremely hard. Specimens were taken and send for frozen section analysis, which showed probable metastatic carcinoma.,We then carefully dissected around the tumor margins.,Using the microscope, we then brought microscopic magnification and dissection into the case. We used paddies and carefully developed microdissection planes all around the margins of the tumor superiorly, medially, inferiorly, and laterally.,Then using the Cavitron, we cored out the central part of the tumor. Then we collapsed the tumor on itself and removed it entirely. In this fashion, microdissection and magnification resection of the tumor was carried out. We resected the entire tumor. Neuronavigation was used to confirm that no further tumor residual was remained.,Hemostasis was obtained using bipolar coagulation and Gelfoam. We also lined the cavity with Surgicel. The cavity was nicely dry and excellent hemostasis was obtained.,The dura was closed using multiple interrupted 4-0 Nurolon sutures in a watertight fashion. Surgicel was placed over the dural closure. The bone flap was repositioned and held in place using CranioFIX cranial fixators. The galea was re-approximated and the skin was closed with staples. The wound was dressed. The patient was returned to the intensive care unit. She was awake and moving extremities well. No apparent complications were noted. Needle and sponge counts were listed as correct at the end of the procedure. Estimated intraoperative blood loss was approximately 150 mL and none was replaced.
CLINICAL HISTORY: ,Probable right upper lobe lung adenocarcinoma.,SPECIMEN: , Lung, right upper lobe resection.,GROSS DESCRIPTION:, Specimen is received fresh for frozen section, labeled with the patient's identification and "Right upper lobe lung". It consists of one lobectomy specimen measuring 16.1 x 10.6 x, The specimen is covered by a smooth, pink-tan and gray pleural surface which is largely unremarkable. Sectioning reveals a round, ill-defined, firm, tan-gray mucoid mass. This mass measures 3.6 x 3.3 x 2.7 cm and is located 3.7 cm from the closest surgical margin and 3.9 cm from the hilum. There is no necrosis or hemorrhage evident. The tumor grossly appears to abut, but not invade through, the visceral pleura, and the overlying pleura is puckered.,FINAL DIAGNOSIS:, Right lung, upper lobe, lobectomy: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, mucinous type,COMMENT:, Right upper lobe, lobectomy.,Tumor type: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, mucinous type.,Histologic grade: Well differentiated.,Tumor size (greatest diameter): 3.6 cm.,Blood/lymphatic vessel invasion: Absent.,Perineural invasion: Absent.,Bronchial margin: Negative.,Vascular margin: Negative.,Inked surgical margin: Negative.,Visceral pleura: Not involved.,In situ carcinoma: Absent.,Non-neoplastic lung: Emphysema.,Hilar lymph nodes: Number of positive lymph nodes: 0; Total number of lymph nodes: 1.,P53 immunohistochemical stain is negative in the tumor.
EXAM:, Lexiscan Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Scan.,INDICATION:, Chest pain.,TYPE OF TEST: ,Lexiscan, unable to walk on a treadmill.,INTERPRETATION: , Resting heart rate of 96, blood pressure of 141/76. EKG, normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific ST-T changes, left bundle branch block. Post Lexiscan 0.4 mg injected intravenously by standard protocol. Peak heart rate was 105, blood pressure of 135/72. EKG remains the same. No symptoms are noted.,SUMMARY:,1. Nondiagnostic Lexiscan.,2. Nuclear interpretation as below.,NUCLEAR MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION SCAN WITH STANDARD PROTOCOL:, Resting and stress images were obtained with 10.4, 32.5 mCi of tetrofosmin injected intravenously by standard protocol. Myocardial perfusion scan demonstrates homogeneous and uniform distribution of the tracer uptake. There is no evidence of reversible or fixed defect. Gated SPECT revealed mild global hypokinesis, more pronounced in the septal wall possibly secondary to prior surgery. Ejection fraction calculated at 41%. End-diastolic volume of 115, end-systolic volume of 68.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2. Ejection fraction 41% by gated SPECT.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cervical spondylosis at C3-C4 with cervical radiculopathy and spinal cord compression.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Cervical spondylosis at C3-C4 with cervical radiculopathy and spinal cord compression.,OPERATION PERFORMED,1. Anterior cervical discectomy of C3-C4.,2. Removal of herniated disc and osteophytes.,3. Bilateral C4 nerve root decompression.,4. Harvesting of bone for autologous vertebral bodies for creation of arthrodesis.,5. Grafting of fibular allograft bone for creation of arthrodesis.,6. Creation of arthrodesis via an anterior technique with fibular allograft bone and autologous bone from the vertebral bodies.,7. Placement of anterior spinal instrumentation using the operating microscope and microdissection technique.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This 62-year-old man has progressive and intractable right C4 radiculopathy with neck and shoulder pain. Conservative therapy has failed to improve the problem. Imaging studies showed severe spondylosis of C3-C4 with neuroforaminal narrowing and spinal cord compression.,A detailed discussion ensued with the patient as to the nature of the procedure including all risks and alternatives. He clearly understood it and had no further questions and requested that I proceed.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was placed on the operating room table and was intubated using a fiberoptic technique. The methylprednisolone spinal cord protocol was instituted with bolus and continuous infusion doses. The neck was carefully prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner.,A transverse incision was made on a skin crease on the left side of the neck. Dissection was carried down through the platysmal musculature and the anterior spine was exposed. The medial borders of the longus colli muscles were dissected free from their attachments to the spine. A needle was placed and it was believed to be at the C3-C4 interspace and an x-ray properly localized this space. Castoff self-retaining pins were placed into the body of the C3 and C4. Self-retaining retractors were placed in the wound keeping the blades of the retractors underneath the longus colli muscles.,The annulus was incised and a discectomy was performed. Quite a bit of overhanging osteophytes were identified and removed. As I worked back to the posterior lips of the vertebral body, the operating microscope was utilized.,There was severe overgrowth of spondylitic spurs. A high-speed diamond bur was used to slowly drill these spurs away. I reached the posterior longitudinal ligament and opened it and exposed the underlying dura.,Slowly and carefully I worked out towards the C3-C4 foramen. The dura was extremely thin and I could see through it in several areas. I removed the bony compression in the foramen and identified soft tissue and veins overlying the root. All of these were not stripped away for fear of tearing this very tissue-paper-thin dura. However, radical decompression was achieved removing all the bony compression in the foramen, out to the pedicle, and into the foramen. An 8-mm of the root was exposed although I left the veins over the root intact.,The microscope was angled to the left side where a similar procedure was performed.,Once the decompression was achieved, a high-speed cortisone bur was used to decorticate the body from the greater posterior shelf to prevent backward graft migration. Bone thus from the drilling was preserved for use for the arthrodesis.,Attention was turned to creation of the arthrodesis. As I had drilled quite a bit into the bodies, I selected a large 12-mm graft and distracted the space maximally. Under distraction the graft was placed and fit well. An x-ray showed good graft placement.,Attention was turned to spinal instrumentation. A Synthes Short Stature plate was used with four 3-mm screws. Holes were drilled with all four screws were placed with pretty good purchase. Next, the locking screws were then applied. An x-ray was obtained which showed good placement of graft, plate, and screws. The upper screws were near the upper endplate of C3. The C3 vertebral body that remained was narrow after drilling off the spurs. Rather than replace these screws and risk that the next holes would be too near the present holes I decided to leave these screws intact because their position is still satisfactory as they are below the disc endplate.,Attention was turned to closure. A Hemovac drain was placed in the anterior vertebral body space and brought out through a separate stab wound incision in the skin. The wound was then carefully closed in layers. Sterile dressings were applied along with a rigid Philadelphia collar. The operation was then terminated.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and left for the recovery room in excellent condition. The sponge and needle counts were reported as correct and there were no intraoperative complications.,Specimens were sent to Pathology consisted of bone and soft tissue as well as C3-C4 disc material.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Breast mass, left.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Breast mass, left.,PROCEDURE:, Excision of left breast mass.,OPERATION: , After obtaining an informed consent, the patient was taken to the operating room where he underwent general endotracheal anesthesia. The time-out process was followed. Preoperative antibiotic was given. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The mass was identified adjacent to the left nipple. It was freely mobile and it did not seem to hold the skin. An elliptical skin incision was made over the mass and carried down in a pyramidal fashion towards the pectoral fascia. The whole of specimen including the skin, the mass, and surrounding subcutaneous tissue and fascia were excised en bloc. Hemostasis was achieved with the cautery. The specimen was sent to Pathology and the tissues were closed in layers including a subcuticular suture of Monocryl. A small pressure dressing was applied.,Estimated blood loss was minimal and the patient who tolerated the procedure very well was sent to recovery room in satisfactory condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right breast mass with atypical proliferative cells on fine-needle aspiration.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Benign breast mass.,ANESTHESIA: , General,NAME OF OPERATION:, Excision of right breast mass.,PROCEDURE:, With the patient in the supine position, the right breast was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A curvilinear incision was made directly over the mass in the upper-outer quadrant of the right breast. Dissection was carried out around a firm mass, which was dissected with surrounding margins of breast tissue. Hemostasis was obtained using electrocautery. Frozen section exam showed a fibroadenoma with some proliferative hyperplasia within the fibroadenoma, but appeared benign. The breast tissues were approximated using 4-0 Vicryl. The skin was closed using 5-0 Vicryl running subcuticular stitches. A sterile bandage was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,
HISTORY:, A 69-year-old female with past history of type II diabetes, atherosclerotic heart disease, hypertension, carotid stenosis. The patient was status post coronary artery bypass surgery aortic valve repair at Shadyside Hospital. The patient subsequently developed CVA. She also developed thrombosis of the right arm, which ultimately required right hand amputation. She was stabilized and eventually transferred to HealthSouth for further management.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Pulse of 90 and blood pressure 150/70.,Heart: Sounds were heard, grade 2/6 systolic murmur at the precordium.,Chest: Clinically clear.,Abdomen: Some suprapubic tenderness. Evidence of right lower arm amputation.,The patient was started on Prevacid 30 mg daily, levothyroxine 75 mcg a day, Toprol 25 mg twice a day, Zofran 4 mg q.6 h, Coumadin dose at 5 mg and was adjusted. She was given a pain control using Vicodin and Percocet, amiodarone 200 mg a day, Lexapro 20 mg a day, Plavix 75 mg a day, fenofibrate 145 mg, Lasix 20 mg IV twice a day, Lantus 50 units at bedtime and Humalog 10 units a.c. and sliding scale insulin coverage. Wound care to the right heel was supervised by Dr. X. The patient initially was fed through NG tube, which was eventually discontinued. Physical therapy was ordered. The patient continued to do well. She was progressively ambulated. Her meds were continuously adjusted. The patient's insulin was eventually changed from Lantus to Levemir 25 units twice a day. Dr. Y also followed the patient closely for left heel ulcer.,LABORATORY DATA: , The latest cultures from left heel are pending. Her electrolytes revealed sodium of 135 and potassium of 3.2. Her potassium was switched to K-Dur 40 mEq twice a day. Her blood chemistries are otherwise closely monitored. INRs were obtained and were therapeutic. Throughout her hospitalization, multiple cultures were also obtained. Urine cultures grew Klebsiella. She was treated with appropriate antibiotics. Her detailed blood work is as in the chart. Detailed radiological studies are as in the chart. The patient made a steady progress and eventually plans were made to transfer the patient to ABC furthermore aggressive rehabilitation.,FINAL DIAGNOSES:,1. Atherosclerotic heart disease, status post coronary artery bypass graft.,2. Valvular heart disease, status post aortic valve replacement.,3. Right arm arterial thrombosis, status post amputation right lower arm.,4. Hypothyroidism.,5. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, type 2.,6. Urinary tract infection.,7. Hypokalemia.,8. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.,9. Peripheral vascular occlusive disease.,10. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.,11. Hyperlipidemia.,12. Depression.,13. Carotid stenosis.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Selective ascending aortic arch angiogram.,2. Selective left common carotid artery angiogram.,3. Selective right common carotid artery angiogram.,4. Selective left subclavian artery angiogram.,5. Right iliac angio with runoff.,6. Bilateral cerebral angiograms were performed as well via right and left common carotid artery injections.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , TIA, aortic stenosis, postoperative procedure. Moderate carotid artery stenosis.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 400 ml.,SPECIMENS REMOVED:, Not applicable.,TECHNIQUE OF PROCEDURE: , After obtaining informed consent, the patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization suite in postabsorptive and nonsedated state. The right groin was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Lidocaine 2% was used for infiltration anesthesia. Using modified Seldinger technique, a 6-French sheath was placed into the right common femoral artery and vein without complication. Using injection through the side port of the sheath, a right iliac angiogram with runoff was performed. Following this, straight pigtail catheter was used to advance the aortic arch and aortic arch angiogram under digital subtraction was performed. Following this, selective engagement in left common carotid artery, right common carotid artery, and left subclavian artery angiograms were performed with a V-Tech catheter over an 0.035-inch wire.,ANGIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS:,1. Type 2 aortic arch.,2. Left subclavian artery was patent.,3 Left vertebral artery was patent.,4. Left internal carotid artery had a 40% to 50% lesion with ulceration, not treated and there was no cerebral cross over.,5. Right common carotid artery had a 60% to 70% lesion which was heavily calcified and was not treated with the summed left-to-right cross over flow.,6. Closure was with a 6-French Angio-Seal of the artery, and the venous sheath was sutured in.,PLAN:, Continue aspirin, Plavix, and Coumadin to an INR of 2 with a carotid duplex followup.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome.,PROCEDURES:,1. Right open carpal tunnel release.,2. Cortisone injection, left carpal tunnel.,ANESTHESIA: , General LMA.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATIONS:, This patient is a 50-year-old male with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, which is measured out as severe. He is scheduled for the above-mentioned procedures. The planned procedures were discussed with the patient including the associated risks. The risks included but are not limited to bleeding, infection, nerve damage, failure to heal, possible need for reoperation, possible recurrence, or any associated risk of the anesthesia. He voiced understanding and agreed to proceed as planned.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was identified in the holding area and correct operative site was identified by the surgeon's mark. Informed consent was obtained. The patient was then brought to the operating room and transferred to the operating table in supine position. Time-out was then performed at which point the surgeon, nursing staff, and anesthesia staff all confirmed the correct identification.,After adequate general LMA anesthesia was obtained, a well-padded tourniquet was placed on the patient's right upper arm. The right upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Planned skin incision was marked along the base of the patient's right palm. Right upper extremity was then exsanguinated using Esmarch. The tourniquet was then inflated to 250 mmHg. Skin incision was then made and dissection was carried down with scalpel to the level of the palmar fascia which was sharply divided by the skin incision. Bleeding points were identified with electrocautery using bipolar electrocautery. Retractors were then placed to allow visualization of the distal extent of the transverse carpal ligament, and this was then divided longitudinally under direct vision. Baby Metzenbaum scissors were used to dissect distal to this area to confirm the absence of any remaining crossing obstructing fibrous band. Retractors were then replaced proximally to allow visualization of proximal extent of the transverse carpal ligament and the release was continued proximally until complete release was performed. This was confirmed by visually and palpably. Next, baby Metzenbaum scissors were used to dissect anteroposterior adjacent antebrachial fascia, and this was divided longitudinally under direct vision using baby Metzenbaum scissors to a level of approximately 3 cm proximal to the proximal extent of the skin incision. Carpal canal was then inspected. The median nerve was flattened and injected. No other abnormalities were noted. Wounds were then irrigated with normal saline and antibiotic additive. Decadron 4 mg was then placed adjacent to the median nerve. Skin incision was then closed with interrupted 5-0 nylon suture. The wound was then dressed with Adaptic, 4 x 4s, Kling, and Coban. The tourniquet was then deflated. Attention was then directed to the left side. Using sterile technique, the left carpal canal was injected with a mixture of 40 mg of Depo-Medrol, 1 cc of 1% lidocaine, and 1 cc of 0.25% Marcaine. Band-Aid was then placed over the injection site. The patient was then awakened, extubated, and transferred over to his hospital bed. He was transported to recovery room in stable condition. There were no intraoperative or immediate postoperative complications. All counts were reported as correct.
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is admitted for lung mass and also pleural effusion. The patient had a chest tube placement, which has been taken out. The patient has chronic atrial fibrillation, on anticoagulation. The patient is doing fairly well. This afternoon, she called me because heart rate was in the range of 120 to 140. The patient is lying down. She does have shortness of breath, but denies any other significant symptoms.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, History of mastectomy, chest tube placement, and atrial fibrillation; chronic.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Cardizem, which is changed to 60 mg p.o. t.i.d.,2. Digoxin 0.25 mg daily.,3. Coumadin, adjusted dose.,4. Clindamycin.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 122 and blood pressure 102/68.,LUNGS: Air entry decreased.,HEART: PMI is displaced. S1 and S2 are irregular.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender.,IMPRESSION:,1. Pulmonary disorder with lung mass.,2. Pleural effusion.,3. Chronic uncontrolled atrial fibrillation secondary to pulmonary disorder.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. From cardiac standpoint, follow with pulmonary treatment.,2. The patient has an INR of 2.09. She is on anticoagulation. Atrial fibrillation is chronic with the rate increased.,Adjust the medications accordingly as above.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Motor vehicle accident.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 32-year-old Hispanic female who presents to the emergency department today via ambulance. The patient was brought by ambulance following a motor vehicle collision approximately 45 minutes ago. The patient states that she was driving her vehicle at approximately 40 miles per hour. The patient was driving a minivan. The patient states that the car in front of her stopped too quickly and she rear-ended the vehicle ahead of her. The patient states that she was wearing her seatbelt. She was driving. There were no other passengers in the van. The patient states that she was restrained by the seatbelt and that her airbag deployed. The patient denies hitting her head. She states that she does have some mild pain on the left aspect of her neck. The patient states that she believes she may have passed out shortly after the accident. The patient states that she also has some pain low in her abdomen that she believes is likely due to the steering wheel or deployment on the airbag. The patient denies any pain in her knees, ankles, or feet. She denies any pain in her shoulders, elbows, and wrists. The patient does state that she is somewhat painful throughout the bones of her pelvis as well. The patient did not walk after this accident. She was removed from her car and placed on a backboard and immobilized. The patient denies any chest pain or difficulty breathing. She denies any open lacerations or abrasions. The patient has not had any headache, nausea or vomiting. She has not felt feverish or chilled. The patient does states that there is significant deformity to the front of the vehicle that she was driving, which again was a minivan. There were no oblique vectors or force placed on this accident. The patient had straight rear-ending of the vehicle in front of her. The pain in her abdomen is most significant pain currently and she ranks it at 5 out of 10. The patient states that her last menstrual cycle was at the end of May. She does not believe that she could be pregnant. She is taking oral birth control medications and also has an intrauterine device to prevent pregnancy as the patient is on Accutane.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, No significant medical history other than acne.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, None.,SOCIAL HABITS: , The patient denies tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug usage.,MEDICATIONS:, Accutane.,ALLERGIES: , No known medical allergies.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is a Hispanic female who appears her stated age of 32 years. She is well-nourished, well-developed, in no acute distress. The patient is pleasant. She is immobilized on a backboard and also her cervical spine is immobilized as well on a collar. The patient is without capsular retractions, labored respirations or accessory muscle usage. She responds well and spontaneously.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit, blood pressure 129/84, pulse 75, respiratory rate 16, and pulse oximetry 97% on room air.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. There is no crepitus. No bony step-offs. There are no lacerations on the scalp. Sclerae are anicteric and noninjected. Fundoscopic exam appears normal without papilledema. External ocular movements are intact bilaterally without nystagmus or entrapment. Nares are patent and free of mucoid discharge. Mucous membranes are moist and free of exudate or lesions.,NECK: Supple. No thyromegaly. No JVD. No carotid bruits. Trachea is midline. There is no stridor.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. Clear S1 and S2. No murmur, rub or gallop is appreciated.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender with the exception of mild-to-moderate tenderness in the bilateral lower pelvic quadrants. There is no organomegaly here. Positive bowel sounds are auscultated throughout. There is no rigidity or guarding. Negative CVA tenderness bilaterally.,EXTREMITIES: No edema. There are no bony abnormalities or deformities.,PERIPHERAL VASCULAR: Capillary refill is less than two seconds in all extremities. The patient does have intact dorsalis pedis and radial pulses bilaterally.,PSYCHIATRIC: Alert and oriented to person, place, and time. The patient recalls all events regarding the accident today.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact bilaterally. No focal deficits are appreciated. The patient has equal and strong distal and proximal muscle group strength in all four extremities. The patient has negative Romberg and negative pronator drift.,LYMPHATICS: No appreciable adenopathy.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient does have pain free range of motion at the bilateral ankles, bilateral knees, bilateral hips, bilateral shoulders, bilateral elbows, and bilateral wrists. There are no bony abnormalities identified. The patient does have some mild tenderness over palpation of the bilateral iliac crests.,SKIN: Warm, dry, and intact. No lacerations. There are no abrasions other than a small abrasion on the patient's abdomen just inferior to the umbilicus. No lacerations and no sites of trauma or bleeding are identified.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , The patient does have multiple x-rays done. There is an x-ray of the pelvis, which shows normal pelvis and right hip. There is also a CT scan of the cervical spine that shows no evidence of acute traumatic bony injury of the cervical spine. There is some prevertibral soft tissue swelling from C5 through C7. This is nonspecific and could be due to prominence of upper esophageal sphincter. The CT scan of the brain without contrast shows no evidence of acute intracranial injury. There is some mucus in the left sphenoid sinus. The patient also has emergent CT scan without contrast of the abdomen. The initial studies show some dependent atelectasis in both lungs. There is also some low density in the liver, which could be from artifact or overlying ribs; however, a CT scan with contrast is indicated. A CT scan with contrast is obtained and this is found to be normal without bleeding or intraabdominal or pelvic abnormalities. The patient has laboratory studies done as well. CBC is within normal limits without anemia, thrombocytopenia or leukocytosis. The patient has a urine pregnancy test, which is negative and urinalysis shows no blood and is normal.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: , The patient was removed from the backboard within the first half hour of her emergency department stay. The patient has no significant bony deformities or abnormalities. The patient is given a dose of Tylenol here in the emergency department for treatment of her pain. Her pain is controlled with medication and she is feeling more comfortable and removed from the backboard. The patient's CT scans of the abdomen appeared normal. She has no signs of bleeding. I believe, she has just a contusion and abrasion to her abdomen from the seatbelt and likely from the airbag as well. The patient is able to stand and walk through the emergency department without difficulty. She has no abrasions or lacerations.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, Multiple contusions and abdominal pain, status post motor vehicle collision. Plan is the patient does not appear to have any intraabdominal or pelvic abnormities following her CT scans. She has normal scans of the brain and her C-spine as well. The patient is in stable condition. She will be discharged with instructions to return to the emergency department if her pain increases or if she has increasing abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting. The patient is given a prescription for Vicodin and Flexeril to use it at home for her muscular pain.
CLINICAL HISTORY: , A 68-year-old white male with recently diagnosed adenocarcinoma by sputum cytology. An abnormal chest radiograph shows right middle lobe infiltrate and collapse. Patient needs staging CT of chest with contrast. Right sided supraclavicular and lower anterior cervical adenopathy noted on physical exam.,TECHNIQUE: , Multiple transaxial images utilized in 10 mm sections were obtained through the chest. Intravenous contrast was administered.,FINDINGS: , There is a large 3 x 4 cm lymph node seen in the right supraclavicular region. There is a large right paratracheal lymph node best appreciated on image #16 which measures 3 x 2 cm. A subcarinal lymph node is enlarged also. It measures 6 x 2 cm. Multiple pulmonary nodules are seen along the posterior border of the visceral as well as parietal pleura. There is a pleural mass seen within the anterior sulcus of the right hemithorax as well as the right crus of the diaphragm. There is also a soft tissue density best appreciated on image #36 adjacent to the inferior aspect of the right lobe of the liver which most likely also represents metastatic deposit. The liver parenchyma is normal without evidence of any dominant masses. The right kidney demonstrates a solitary cyst in the mid pole of the right kidney.,IMPRESSION:,1. Greater than twenty pulmonary nodules demonstrated on the right side to include pulmonary nodules within the parietal as well as various visceral pleura with adjacent consolidation most likely representing pulmonary neoplasm.,2. Extensive mediastinal adenopathy as described above.,3. No lesion seen within the left lung at this time.,4. Supraclavicular adenopathy.
IDENTIFICATION OF PATIENT: , This is a 31-year-old female who was referred by herself. She was formerly seen at Counseling Center. She is a reliable historian.,CHIEF COMPLAINT:, "I'm bipolar and I have severe anxiety disorder. I have posttraumatic stress syndrome." ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , At age 19, Ms. Abc had a recurrence of memories. Her father had molested her, and the memories returned. In 1992, at the age of 18, she entered her first abusive marriage. She was beaten and her husband shared her sexually with his friends. This lasted until age 24. The second marriage was age 26, her second husband was a drug abuser and "he slapped me around." She had two children during that marriage. In 2001, she was married in Indiana to a military man. This was her third marriage and she stated, "This marriage is good." She had EMDR in Indiana when she was being treated for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. ,Historically, her first husband threw her down the stairs at age 21, and she had a miscarriage. Her sexual abuse began at age 5, and at that time she lost interest in other activities that normal school children have. Currently, she is unable to have sex with the lights on. She states, "Sometimes I hurt all over." Her husband was deployed three days ago, on April 21, to a foreign theater of operations. She has panic attacks every day.,Review of symptoms shows her to have physiological distress at the memory of her trauma, she has psychological distress, and this comes about when she smells Old Spice aftershave. She does not avoid thoughts of her trauma, but she avoids the perpetrators and placements. She is not unable to recall details of her trauma. She does feel detached and isolated. She has restrictive range of affect and she had a foreshortened future. She also had a loss of interest in things, starting at age 5. She has anger, which is uncontrollable at times, she has poor sleep, she has nightmares, flashbacks, she is hypervigilant, she has exaggerated startle reflex, and with respect to concentration, she says, "I don't do as good as I can." Further review of symptoms shows her to have periods of constant cleaning and increased sex drive. She also has had euphoria, poor judgment, distractibility, and inability to concentrate. She has been irritable. She has had a decreased need for sleep, which lasts for six or seven days. She had racing thoughts, rapid speech, but has not had grandiosity. These symptoms of mania occurred in the last week of November 2005 and lasted for seven days from, which she was not hospitalized. Furthermore, she endorses the following symptoms: She states, "When I'm depressed, I have neck pain, jaw pain, abdominal pain. I have migraines and urinary tract pain." She also complains of chest pain, pain during sex, and excess pain during her menstrual period. She has an increased gag reflex, which has caused her to have emesis. She states it is easy to choke. She has had physical symptoms, "for as long as I can remember," and she states, "I've felt like crap most of my life," "it affects my marriage." She has also admitted to having nausea and vomiting, with excess gas. She has constipation and she cannot eat certain foods, mainly broccoli and cauliflower, and she does not have diarrhea. She states that sex is only important to her in mania. Otherwise, she has no desire. She has had irregular periods for two or three weeks at a time. She has had no episodes of excess bleeding. She has had no paralysis, no balance issues, no diplopia, no seizures, no blindness, no deafness, no amnesia, no loss of consciousness, but she does have a lump in her throat on occasion. Currently, she is sleeping from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., and that is under the influence of Lunesta. Her energy is "not good. Her appetite is "I'm craving crap," stating that she wants to eat carbohydrates. Concentration is poor today. She feels worthless, hopeless, and guilty. Her self-esteem is "I don't have any." She has no anhedonia, and she has no libido. She also has had feelings of chronic emptiness. She feels abandoned. She has had unstable relationships. She self-mutilated, but she stopped at age 22. She has trouble controlling her anger. She did not have stress-related paranoia or dissociative phenomena, but she did have those during the sexual transgressions when she was a child. She has no identity disturbance. ,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Seroquel 700 mg p.o. q.d.; Wellbutrin XL 300 mg p.o. q.d.; Desyrel 100 mg p.o. q.h.s.; Ativan p.r.n. dosage unknown. In the past, she has been on Prozac, Paxil, lithium, Depakote, Depakene, and Zoloft. ,PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , She saw Dr. B. She saw Chris. She is diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and Bipolar Disorder. She had counseling in Indiana in 2001. She had inpatient treatment in Indiana in 2001 also, at age 19. She had three suicide attempts. At age 14, she took too many aspirin; the second one was at age 19, she took pain medication and sleep medication; and when she discussed her third suicide attempt, she began to cry and would not speak of it any more. She has had no psychological testing. ,MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for migraines, hyperactive and gag reflex. She states she has had cardiovascular workups due to panic disorder, but nothing was found. She also has astigmatism. She states she has stomach pain and may have irritable bowel syndrome, and she had had recurrent kidney infections with a stent in the right kidney during one of her pregnancy. She has no history of head injury or MRI test of the brain. No history of EEG, seizures, thyroid problems, or asthma. There are no drug allergies. She has never had an EKG. She does have musculoskeletal problems and has arthritis-like joint pains on occasion. She has had ear infections and sinus infections intermittently. Hearing test was normal. She is currently not pregnant. She saw her gynecologist four months ago at Elmendorf Air Force Base. ,Surgical history is significant for having a tubal ligation at age 27, an appendectomy at age 19. She had surgery on her right ovary due to pain, a cyst was found; the date on that is unknown. ,She has no hypertension, no diabetes, no glaucoma.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Significant for her paternal grandmother not being mentally competent. Her mother was depressed and was treated. Her mother is currently age 55. She has a paternal grandmother who may have had Schizophrenia. There is also a family history of the paternal grandfather using substance. He was "an extreme alcoholic." She had maternal aunts who used alcohol, and a maternal uncle use alcohol to excess. The maternal uncle committed suicide; he drowned himself. ,There is no family history of bipolar disorder, anxiety, nor attention deficit, mental netardation, Tourette's syndrome, or learning disabilities. ,Medical history in the family is significant for her son, age 4, who is having seizures ruled out. Her mother and two maternal aunts have thyroid disease. She has a brother, age 32, with diabetes, a maternal uncle with heart disease, and several paternal great aunts had breast cancer. There is no family history of hypertension.,ABUSE HISTORY: , Significant for being physically abused by her father, her first husband, and her second husband. She was sexually abused by her father from age 5 to age 18. She states, "my first husband gave me away for four years to his friends to be used sexually." She was emotionally abused by her mother, father, and both of her first two husbands. She was neglected by her mother and her father. She never witnessed domestic violence. She has not witnessed traumatic events. ,SUBSTANCE ABUSE: , Significant for having used nerve pills, but she stated she has not used them excessively, and never had to get her prescription refilled early. She has never used alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or any other drugs.,PARENT/SIBLING RELATIONSHIP INFORMATION: , She had had a poor relationship with her parents. She has no contact with them. She has no contact with her brother. She was married three times, as stated in the history. She has two children with Asperger's and autism. ,HOBBIES/SPIRITUAL: , She likes to read and write. She likes to cross-stitch, quilt, and do music, and has found a good church in Anchorage. ,EDUCATIONAL:, She states she was teased in school because "I was so depressed." She got good grades otherwise. She finished high school.,WORK HISTORY:, She has worked in the past managing a Dollar General store. She has been a waitress and an executive secretary. ,LEGAL HISTORY:, She has never been arrested.,MENTAL STATUS:, Significant for a well groomed, well kempt young white female who appears her stated age. She has a pierced nose and has a nose ring. She is cooperative, alert, and attentive. She makes good eye contact. Her speech is normal, prosody is normal, and rate and rhythm are normal. Motor is normal. She has no gait abnormalities. No psychomotor retardation or agitation. Her mood is "I'm sad and depressed." Her affect is restricted. She is tearful at times when discussing the sexual traumas, and she became anxious and panicky at certain points during the interviews. Perception is normal. She denies auditory and visual hallucinations. She denies depersonalization and derealization, except that those occurred when the sexual transgressions occurred. Otherwise, she has not had dissociative phenomena. Thought processes are normal. She has no loosening of association, no flight of ideas, no tangentiality, and no circumstantiality. She is goal directed and oriented. Insight and judgment are good. She is alert and oriented to person, place, and time, stating it was 04/18/06, Tuesday, it was Anchorage in the spring. She is able to register three words and recall them at five minutes. She is able to do simple calculations, stating 2x3 is 6, and 1 dollar 15 cents has 23 nickels. She is given a proverb to interpret. She was asked what judging a book by its cover meant. She said, "You can't always tell what a person is by looking at them on the outside." She is appropriate in her abstraction, and is able to identify the last four presidents.,CLINICAL IMPRESSION: ,Abc is a 31-year-old female with a family history of mood disorder, suicide, alcoholism, and possible psychosis. She has had an extensive history of sexual abuse and emotional abuse. She has not used drugs and alcohol, and she has been treated in the past. She was treated with EMDR and stated that she did not benefit from that. She has an extensive medical history and brought her medical records, and they were thoroughly reviewed. She currently has symptoms of dysthymia and she had had a recent bout of bipolar hypomania, which was in November of 2005. She also has symptoms of somatization, but these are not chronic in the fact that they only exist during her dysphoric periods and do not exist when she has mania. Medical records review a history of dysmenorrhea with surgery to the right cystic ovary. The EMDR did not benefit her in the past. She also has not had good psychotherapeutic consultation. ,DIAGNOSES:,AXIS I. 309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
GENERAL: ,XXX,VITAL SIGNS: , Blood pressure XXX, pulse XXX, temperature XXX, respirations XXX. Height XXX, weight XXX.,HEAD: , Normocephalic. Negative lesions, negative masses.,EYES: , PERLA, EOMI. Sclerae clear. Negative icterus, negative conjunctivitis.,ENT:, Negative nasal hemorrhages, negative nasal obstructions, negative nasal exudates. Negative ear obstructions, negative exudates. Negative inflammation in external auditory canals. Negative throat inflammation or masses.,SKIN: , Negative rashes, negative masses, negative ulcers. No tattoos.,NECK:, Negative palpable lymphadenopathy, negative palpable thyromegaly, negative bruits.,HEART:, Regular rate and rhythm. Negative rubs, negative gallops, negative murmurs.,LUNGS:, Clear to auscultation. Negative rales, negative rhonchi, negative wheezing.,ABDOMEN: , Soft, nontender, adequate bowel sounds. Negative palpable masses, negative hepatosplenomegaly, negative abdominal bruits.,EXTREMITIES: , Negative inflammation, negative tenderness, negative swelling, negative edema, negative cyanosis, negative clubbing. Pulses adequate bilaterally.,MUSCULOSKELETAL:, Negative muscle atrophy, negative masses. Strength adequate bilaterally. Negative movement restriction, negative joint crepitus, negative deformity.,NEUROLOGIC: , Cranial nerves I through XII intact. Negative gait disturbance. Balance and coordination intact. Negative Romberg, negative Babinski. DTRs equal bilaterally.,GENITOURINARY: ,Deferred.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Low back pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Low back pain.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Lumbar discogram L2-3.,2. Lumbar discogram L3-4.,3. Lumbar discogram L4-5.,4. Lumbar discogram L5-S1.,ANESTHESIA: ,IV sedation.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the Radiology Suite and placed prone onto a radiolucent table. The C-arm was brought into the operative field and AP, left right oblique and lateral fluoroscopic images of the L1-2 through L5-S1 levels were obtained. We then proceeded to prepare the low back with a Betadine solution and draped sterile. Using an oblique approach to the spine, the L5-S1 level was addressed using an oblique projection angled C-arm in order to allow for perpendicular penetration of the disc space. A metallic marker was then placed laterally and a needle entrance point was determined. A skin wheal was raised with 1% Xylocaine and an #18-gauge needle was advanced up to the level of the disc space using AP, oblique and lateral fluoroscopic projections. A second needle, #22-gauge 6-inch needle was then introduced into the disc space and with AP and lateral fluoroscopic projections, was placed into the center of the nucleus. We then proceeded to perform a similar placement of needles at the L4-5, L3-4 and L2-3 levels.,A solution of Isovue 300 with 1 gm of Ancef was then drawn into a 10 cc syringe and without informing the patient of our injecting, we then proceeded to inject the disc spaces sequentially.
EXAM: ,Thoracic Spine.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Injury.,INTERPRETATION: , The thoracic spine was examined in the AP, lateral and swimmer's projections. There is mild chronic-appearing anterior wedging of what is believed to represent T11 and 12 vertebral bodies. A mild amount of anterior osteophytic lipping is seen involving the thoracic spine. There is a suggestion of generalized osteoporosis. The intervertebral disc spaces appear generally well preserved.,The pedicles appear intact.,IMPRESSION:,1. Mild chronic-appearing anterior wedging of what is believed to represent the T11 and 12 vertebral bodies.,2. Mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.,3. Osteoporosis.
The patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position, medicated with the above medications to achieve and maintain a conscious sedation. Vital signs were monitored throughout the procedure without evidence of hemodynamic compromise or desaturation.,The Olympus single-channel endoscope was passed under direct visualization through the oral cavity and advanced to the second portion of the duodenum.,FINDINGS:,ESOPHAGUS: Proximal and mid esophagus were without abnormalities.,STOMACH: Insufflated and retroflexed visualization of the gastric cavity revealed,DUODENUM: Normal.
EXAM: ,Ultrasound left lower extremity, duplex venous,REASON FOR EXAM: , Swelling and rule out DVT.,FINDINGS: , Duplex and color Doppler interrogation of the left lower extremity deep venous system was performed. Compressibility, augmentation, and color flow as well as Doppler flow was demonstrated within the common femoral vein, superficial femoral vein, and popliteal vein. The posterior tibial vein also demonstrated flow along its proximal visualized extent.,IMPRESSION: , No evidence of left lower extremity deep venous thrombosis.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , A 10-1/2 week pregnancy, spontaneous, incomplete abortion.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, A 10-1/2 week pregnancy, spontaneous, incomplete abortion.,PROCEDURE: , Exam under anesthesia with uterine suction curettage.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 10 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DRAINS:, None.,CONDITION:, Stable.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 29-year-old gravida 5, para 1-0-3-1, with an LMP at 12/18/05. The patient was estimated to be approximately 10-1/2 weeks so long in her pregnancy. She began to have heavy vaginal bleeding and intense lower pelvic cramping. She was seen in the emergency room where she was found to be hemodynamically stable. On pelvic exam, her cervix was noted to be 1 to 2 cm dilated and approximately 90% effaced. There were bulging membranes protruding through the dilated cervix. These symptoms were consistent with the patient's prior experience of spontaneous miscarriages. These findings were reviewed with her and options for treatment discussed. She elected to proceed with an exam under anesthesia with uterine suction curettage. The risks and benefits of the surgery were discussed with her and knowing these, she gave informed consent.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room where she was placed in the seated position. A spinal anesthetic was successfully administered. She was then moved to a dorsal lithotomy position. She was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for the procedure. After adequate spinal level was confirmed, a bimanual exam was again performed. This revealed the uterus to be anteverted to axial and approximately 10 to 11 weeks in size. The previously noted cervical exam was confirmed. The weighted vaginal speculum was then inserted and the vaginal vault flooded with povidone solution. This solution was then removed approximately 10 minutes later with dry sterile gauze sponge. The anterior cervical lip was then attached with a ring clamp. The tissue and membranes protruding through the os were then gently grasped with a ring clamp and traction applied. The tissue dislodged revealing fluid mixed with blood as well as an apparent 10-week fetus. The placental tissue was then gently tractioned out as well. A size 9 curved suction curette was then gently inserted through the dilated os and into the endometrial cavity. With the vacuum tubing applied in rotary motion, a moderate amount of tissue consistent with products of conception was evacuated. The sharp curette was then utilized to probe the endometrial surface. A small amount of additional tissue was then felt in the posterior uterine wall. This was curetted free. A second pass was then made with a vacuum curette. Again, the endometrial cavity was probed with a sharp curette and no significant additional tissue was encountered. A final pass was then made with a suction curette.,The ring clamp was then removed from the anterior cervical lip. There was only a small amount of bleeding following the curettage. The weighted speculum was then removed as well. The bimanual exam was repeated and good involution was noted. The patient was taken down from the dorsal lithotomy position. She was transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. The sponge and instrument count was performed and found to be correct. The specimen of products of conception and 10-week fetus were submitted to Pathology for further evaluation. The estimated blood loss for the procedure is less than 10 mL.
REASON FOR CONSULT: , Genetic counseling.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a very pleasant 61-year-old female with a strong family history of colon polyps. The patient reports her first polyps noted at the age of 50. She has had colonoscopies required every five years and every time she has polyps were found. She reports that of her 11 brothers and sister 7 have had precancerous polyps. She does have an identical twice who is the one of the 11 who has never had a history of polyps. She also has history of several malignancies in the family. Her father died of a brain tumor at the age of 81. There is no history of knowing whether this was a primary brain tumor or whether it is a metastatic brain involvement. Her sister died at the age of 65 breast cancer. She has two maternal aunts with history of lung cancer both of whom were smoker. Also a paternal grandmother who was diagnosed with breast cancer at 86 and a paternal grandfather who had lung cancer. There is no other cancer history.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for asthma.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Include Serevent two puffs daily and Nasonex two sprays daily.,ALLERGIES: , Include penicillin. She is also allergic seafood; crab and mobster.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married. She was born and raised in South Dakota. She moved to Colorado 37 years ago. She attended collage at the Colorado University. She is certified public account. She does not smoke. She drinks socially.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,The patient denies any dark stool or blood in her stool. She has had occasional night sweats and shortness of breath, and cough associated with her asthma. She also complains of some acid reflux as well as anxiety. She does report having knee surgery for torn ACL on the left knee and has some arthritis in that knee. The rest of her review of systems is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VITALS:
PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Esophagogastroduodenoscopy.,PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Dysphagia.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Active reflux esophagitis, distal esophageal stricture, ring due to reflux esophagitis, dilated with balloon to 18 mm.,PROCEDURE: , Informed consent was obtained prior to the procedure with special attention to benefits, risks, alternatives. Risks explained as bleeding, infection, bowel perforation, aspiration pneumonia, or reaction to the medications. Vital signs were monitored by blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. Supplemental O2 given. Specifics of the procedure discussed. The procedure was discussed with father and mother as the patient is mentally challenged. He has no complaints of dysphagia usually for solids, better with liquids, worsening over the last 6 months, although there is an emergency department report from last year. He went to the emergency department yesterday with beef jerky.,All of this reviewed. The patient is currently on Cortef, Synthroid, Tegretol, Norvasc, lisinopril, DDAVP. He is being managed for extensive past history due to an astrocytoma, brain surgery, hypothyroidism, endocrine insufficiency. He has not yet undergone significant workup. He has not yet had an endoscopy or barium study performed. He is developmentally delayed due to the surgery, panhypopituitarism.,His family history is significant for his father being of mine, also having reflux issues, without true heartburn, but distal esophageal stricture. The patient does not smoke, does not drink. He is living with his parents. Since his emergency department visitation yesterday, no significant complaints.,Large male, no acute distress. Vital signs monitored in the endoscopy suite. Lungs clear. Cardiac exam showed regular rhythm. Abdomen obese but soft. Extremity exam showed large hands. He was a Mallampati score A, ASA classification type 2.,The procedure discussed with the patient, the patient's mother. Risks, benefits, and alternatives discussed. Potential alternatives for dysphagia, such as motility disorder, given his brain surgery, given the possibility of achalasia and similar discussed. The potential need for a barium swallow, modified barium swallow, and similar discussed. All questions answered. At this point, the patient will undergo endoscopy for evaluation of dysphagia, with potential benefit of the possibility to dilate him should there be a stricture. He may have reflux symptoms, without complaining of heartburn. He may benefit from a trial of PPI. All of this reviewed. All questions answered.,
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Lump in the chest wall.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 56-year-old white male who has been complaining of having had a lump in the chest for the past year or so and it has been getting larger and tender according to the patient. It is tender on palpation and also he feels like, when he takes a deep breath also, it hurts.,CHRONIC/INACTIVE CONDITIONS,1. Hypertension.,2. Hyperlipidemia.,3. Glucose intolerance.,4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?,5. Tobacco abuse.,6. History of anal fistula.,ILLNESSES:, See above.,PREVIOUS OPERATIONS: , Anal fistulectomy, incision and drainage of perirectal abscess, hand surgery, colonoscopy, arm nerve surgery, and back surgery.,PREVIOUS INJURIES: , He had a broken ankle in the past. They questioned the patient who is a truck driver whether he has had an auto accident in the past, he said that he has not had anything major. He said he bumped his head once, but not his chest, although he told the nurse that a car fell on his chest that is six years ago. He told me that he hit a moose once, but he does not remember hitting his chest.,ALLERGIES: , TO BACTRIM, SIMVASTATIN, AND CIPRO.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS,1. Lisinopril.,2. Metoprolol.,3. Vitamin B12.,4. Baby aspirin.,5. Gemfibrozil.,6. Felodipine.,7. Levitra.,8. Pravastatin.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. Negative for heart disease, obesity or stroke.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is married. He works as a truck driver and he drives in town. He smokes two packs a day and he has two beers a day he says, but not consuming illegal drugs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,CONSTITUTIONAL: Denies weight loss/gain, fever or chills.,ENMT: Denies headaches, nosebleeds, voice changes, blurry vision or changes in/loss of vision.,CV: See history of present illness. Denies chest pain, SOB supine, palpitations, edema, varicose veins or leg pains.,RESPIRATORY: He has a chronic cough. Denies shortness of breath, wheezing, sputum production or bloody sputum.,GI: Denies heartburn, blood in stools, loss of appetite, abdominal pain or constipation.,GU: Denies painful/burning urination, cloudy/dark urine, flank pain or groin pain.,MS: Denies joint pain/stiffness, backaches, tendon/ligaments/muscle pains/strains, bone aches/pains or muscle weakness.,NEURO: Denies blackouts, seizures, loss of memory, hallucinations, weakness, numbness, tremors or paralysis.,PSYCH: Denies anxiety, irritability, apathy, depression, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances or suicidal thoughts.,INTEGUMENTARY: Denies unusual hair loss/breakage, skin lesions/discoloration or unusual nail breakage/discoloration.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,CONSTITUTIONAL: Blood pressure 140/84, pulse rate 100, respiratory rate 20, temperature 97.2, height 5 feet 10 inches, and weight 218 pounds. The patient is well developed, well nourished, and with fair attention to grooming. The patient is moderately overweight.,NECK: The neck is symmetric, the trachea is in the midline, and there are no masses. No crepitus is palpated. The thyroid is palpable, not enlarged, smooth, moves with swallowing, and has no palpable masses.,RESPIRATION: Normal respiratory effort. There is no intercostal retraction or action by the accessory muscles. Normal breath sounds bilaterally with no rhonchi, wheezing or rubs. There is a localized 2-cm diameter hard mass in relationship to the costosternal cartilages in the lower most position in the left side, just adjacent to the sternum.,CARDIOVASCULAR: The PMI is palpable at the 5ICS in the MCL. No thrills on palpation. S1 and S2 are easily audible. No audible S3, S4, murmur, click, or rub. Carotid pulses 2+ without bruits. Abdominal aorta is not palpable. No audible abdominal bruits. Femoral pulses are 2+ bilaterally, without audible bruits. Extremities show no edema or varicosities.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute infected olecranon bursitis, left elbow.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Infection, left olecranon bursitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Incision and drainage, left elbow.,2. Excision of the olecranon bursa, left elbow.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with sedation.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,NEEDLE AND SPONGE COUNT: , Correct.,SPECIMENS: , Excised bursa and culture specimens sent to the microbiology.,INDICATION: ,The patient is a 77-year-old male who presented with 10-day history of pain on the left elbow with an open wound and drainage purulent pus followed by serous drainage. He was then scheduled for I&D and excision of the bursa. Risks and benefits were discussed. No guarantees were made or implied.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and once an adequate sedation was achieved, the left elbow was injected with 0.25% plain Marcaine. The left upper extremity was prepped and draped in standard sterile fashion. On examination of the left elbow, there was presence of thickening of the bursal sac. There was a couple of millimeter opening of skin breakdown from where the serous drainage was noted. An incision was made midline of the olecranon bursa with an elliptical incision around the open wound, which was excised with skin. The incision was carried proximally and distally. The olecranon bursa was significantly thickened and scarred. Excision of the olecranon bursa was performed. There was significant evidence of thickening of the bursa with some evidence of adhesions. Satisfactory olecranon bursectomy was performed. The wound margins were debrided. The wound was thoroughly irrigated with Pulsavac irrigation lavage system mixed with antibiotic solution. There was no evidence of a loose body. There was no bleeding or drainage. After completion of the bursectomy and I&D, the skin margins, which were excised were approximated with 2-0 nylon in horizontal mattress fashion. The open area of the skin, which was excised was left _________ and was dressed with 0.25-inch iodoform packing. Sterile dressings were placed including Xeroform, 4x4, ABD, and Bias. The patient tolerated the procedure very well. He was then extubated and transferred to the recovery room in a stable condition. There were no intraoperative complications noticed.
PROCEDURE:, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with brush cytology and biopsy.,INDICATION FOR THE PROCEDURE:, Patient with a history of chronic abdominal pain and CT showing evidence of chronic pancreatitis, with a recent upper endoscopy showing an abnormal-appearing ampulla.,MEDICATIONS:, General anesthesia.,The risks of the procedure were made aware to the patient and consisted of medication reaction, bleeding, perforation, aspiration, and post ERCP pancreatitis.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, After informed consent and appropriate sedation, the duodenoscope was inserted into the oropharynx, down the esophagus, and into the stomach. The scope was then advanced through the pylorus to the ampulla. The ampulla had a markedly abnormal appearance, as it was enlarged and very prominent. It extended outward with an almost polypoid shape. It had what appeared to be adenomatous-appearing mucosa on the tip. There also was ulceration noted on the tip of this ampulla. The biliary and pancreatic orifices were identified. This was located not at the tip of the ampulla, but rather more towards the base. Cannulation was performed with a Wilson-Cooke TriTome sphincterotome with easy cannulation of the biliary tree. The common bile duct was mildly dilated, measuring approximately 12 mm. The intrahepatic ducts were minimally dilated. There were no filling defects identified. There was felt to be a possible stricture within the distal common bile duct, but this likely represented an anatomic variant given the abnormal shape of the ampulla. The patient has no evidence of obstruction based on lab work and clinically. Nevertheless, it was decided to proceed with brush cytology of this segment. This was done without any complications. There was adequate drainage of the biliary tree noted throughout the procedure. Multiple efforts were made to access the pancreatic ductal anatomy; however, because of the shape of the ampulla, this was unsuccessful. Efforts were made to proceed in a long scope position, but still were unsuccessful. Next, biopsies were obtained of the ampulla away from the biliary orifice. Four biopsies were taken. There was some minor oozing which had ceased by the end of the procedure. The stomach was then decompressed and the endoscope was withdrawn.,FINDINGS:,1. Abnormal papilla with bulging, polypoid appearance, and looks adenomatous with ulceration on the tip; biopsies taken.,2. Cholangiogram reveals mildly dilated common bile duct measuring 12 mm and possible distal CBD stricture, although I think this is likely an anatomic variant; brush cytology obtained.,3. Unable to access the pancreatic duct.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. NPO except ice chips today.,2. Will proceed with MRCP to better delineate pancreatic ductal anatomy.,3. Follow up biopsies and cytology.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 17-year-old female, who presents to the emergency room with foreign body and airway compromise and was taken to the operating room. She was intubated and fishbone.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for diabetes, hypertension, asthma, cholecystectomy, and total hysterectomy and cataract.,ALLERGIES: ,No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Prevacid, Humulin, Diprivan, Proventil, Unasyn, and Solu-Medrol.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Negative for illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Please see the hospital chart.,LABORATORY DATA: , Please see the hospital chart.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient was taken to the operating room by Dr. X who is covering for ENT and noted that she had airway compromise and a rather large fishbone noted and that was removed. The patient was intubated and it was felt that she should be observed to see if the airway would improve upon which she could be extubated. If not she would require tracheostomy. The patient was treated with IV antibiotics and ventilatory support and at the time of this dictation, she has recently been taken to the operating room where it was felt that the airway sufficient and she was extubated. She was doing well with good p.o.s, good airway, good voice, and desiring to be discharged home. So, the patient is being prepared for discharge at this point. We will have Dr. X evaluate her before she leaves to make sure I do not have any problem with her going home. Dr. Y feels she could be discharged today and will have her return to see him in a week.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Multiple metastatic lesions to the brain, a subtentorial lesion on the left, greater than 3 cm, and an infratentorial lesion on the right, greater than 3 cm.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Multiple metastatic lesions to the brain, a subtentorial lesion on the left, greater than 3 cm, and an infratentorial lesion on the right, greater than 3 cm.,TITLE OF THE OPERATION:,1. Biparietal craniotomy and excision of left parietooccipital metastasis from breast cancer.,2. Insertion of left lateral ventriculostomy under Stealth stereotactic guidance.,3. Right suboccipital craniectomy and excision of tumor.,4. Microtechniques for all the above.,5. Stealth stereotactic guidance for all of the above and intraoperative ultrasound.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 48-year-old woman with a diagnosis of breast cancer made five years ago. A year ago, she was diagnosed with cranial metastases and underwent whole brain radiation. She recently has deteriorated such that she came to my office, unable to ambulate in a wheelchair. Metastatic workup does reveal multiple bone metastases, but no spinal cord compression. She had a consult with Radiation-Oncology that decided they could radiate her metastases less than 3 cm with stereotactic radiosurgery, but the lesions greater than 3 cm needed to be removed. Consequently, this operation is performed.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient underwent a planning MRI scan with Stealth protocol. She was brought to the operating room with fiducial still on her scalp. General endotracheal anesthesia was obtained. She was placed on the Mayfield head holder and rolled into the prone position. She was well padded, secured, and so forth. The neck was flexed so as to expose the right suboccipital region as well as the left and right parietooccipital regions. The posterior aspect of the calvarium was shaved and prepared in the usual manner with Betadine soak scrub followed by Betadine paint. This was done only, of course, after fiducial were registered in planning and an excellent accuracy was obtained with the Stealth system. Sterile drapes were applied and the accuracy of the system was confirmed. A biparietal incision was performed. A linear incision was chosen so as to increase her chances of successful wound healing and that she is status post whole brain radiation. A biparietal craniotomy was carried out, carrying about 1 cm over toward the right side and about 4 cm over to the left side as guided by the Stealth stereotactic system. The dura was opened and reflected back to the midline. An inner hemispheric approach was used to reach the very large metastatic tumor. This was very delicate removing the tumor and the co-surgeons switched off to spare one another during the more delicate parts of the operation to remove the tumor. The tumor was wrapped around and included the choroidal vessels. At least one choroidal vessel was sacrificed in order to obtain a gross total excision of the tumor on the parietal occipital region. Bleeding was quite vigorous in some of the arteries and finally, however, was completely controlled. Complete removal of the tumor was confirmed by intraoperative ultrasound.,Once the tumor had been removed and meticulous hemostasis was obtained, this wound was left opened and attention was turned to the right suboccipital area. A linear incision was made just lateral to the greater occipital nerve. Sharp dissection was carried down in the subcutaneous tissues and Bovie electrocautery was used to reach the skull. A burr hole was placed down low using a craniotome. A craniotomy was turned and then enlarged as a craniectomy to at least 4 cm in diameter. It was carried caudally to the floor of the posterior fossa and rostrally to the transverse sinus. Stealth and ultrasound were used to localize the very large tumor that was within the horizontal hemisphere of the cerebellum. The ventriculostomy had been placed on the left side with the craniotomy and removal of the tumor, and this was draining CSF relieving pressure in the posterior fossa. Upon opening the craniotomy in the parietal occipital region, the brain was noted to be extremely tight, thus necessitating placement of the ventriculostomy.,At the posterior fossa, a corticectomy was accomplished and the tumor was countered directly. The tumor, as the one above, was removed, both piecemeal and with intraoperative Cavitron Ultrasonic Aspirator. A gross total excision of this tumor was obtained as well.,I then explored underneath the cerebellum in hopes of finding another metastasis in the CP angle; however, this was just over the lower cranial nerves, and rather than risk paralysis of pharyngeal muscles and voice as well as possibly hearing loss, this lesion was left alone and to be radiated and that it is less than 3 cm in diameter.,Meticulous hemostasis was obtained for this wound as well.,The posterior fossa wound was then closed in layers. The dura was closed with interrupted and running mattress of 4-0 Nurolon. The dura was watertight, and it was covered with blue glue. Gelfoam was placed over the dural closure. Then, the muscle and fascia were closed in individual layers using #0 Ethibond. Subcutaneous was closed with interrupted inverted 2-0 and 0 Vicryl, and the skin was closed with running locking 3-0 Nylon.,For the cranial incision, the ventriculostomy was brought out through a separate stab wound. The bone flap was brought on to the field. The dura was closed with running and interrupted 4-0 Nurolon. At the beginning of the case, dural tack-ups had been made and these were still in place. The sinuses, both the transverse sinus and sagittal sinus, were covered with thrombin-soaked Gelfoam to take care of any small bleeding areas in the sinuses.,Once the dura was closed, the bone flap was returned to the wound and held in place with the Lorenz microplates. The wound was then closed in layers. The galea was closed with multiple sutures of interrupted 2-0 Vicryl. The skin was closed with a running locking 3-0 Nylon.,Estimated blood loss for the case was more than 1 L. The patient received 2 units of packed red cells during the case as well as more than 1 L of Hespan and almost 3 L of crystalloid.,Nevertheless, her vitals remained stable throughout the case, and we hopefully helped her survival and her long-term neurologic status for this really nice lady.
EXAM:,MRI CERVICAL SPINE,CLINICAL:, A57-year-old male. Received for outside consultation is an MRI examination performed on 11/28/2005.,FINDINGS:,Normal brainstem-cervical cord junction. Normal cisterna magna with no tonsillar ectopia. Normal clivus with a normal craniovertebral junction. Normal anterior atlantoaxial articulation.,C2-3: Normal intervertebral disc with no spondylosis or uncovertebral joint arthrosis. Normal central canal and intervertebral neural foramina with no cord or radicular impingement.,C3-4: There is disc desiccation with minimal annular bulging. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures approximately 10mm. CSF remains present surrounding the cord.,C4-5: There is disc desiccation with endplate spondylosis and mild uncovertebral joint arthrosis. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures approximately 8mm with effacement of the circumferential CSF cleft producing a borderline central canal stenosis but no cord distortion or cord edema. There is minimal uncovertebral joint arthrosis.,C5-6: There is disc desiccation with minimal posterior annular bulging and a right posterolateral preforaminal disc protrusion measuring approximately 2 x 8mm (AP x transverse). The disc protrusion produces minimal rightward ventral thecal sac flattening but no cord impingement.,C6-7: There is disc desiccation with mild loss of disc space height and posterior endplate spondylosis and annular bulging producing central canal stenosis. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures 8 mm with effacement of the circumferential CSF cleft. There is a left posterolateral disc-osteophyte complex encroaching upon the left intervertebral neural foramen with probable radicular impingement upon the exiting left C7 nerve root.,C7-T1, T1-2: Minimal disc desiccation with no disc displacement or endplate spondylosis.,IMPRESSION:,Multilevel degenerative disc disease as described above.,C4-5 borderline central canal stenosis with mild bilateral foraminal compromise.,C5-6 disc desiccation with a borderline central canal stenosis and a right posterolateral preforaminal disc protrusion producing thecal sac distortion.,C6-7 degenerative disc disease and endplate spondylosis with a left posterolateral disc-osteophyte complex producing probable neural impingement upon the exiting left C7 nerve root with a borderline central canal stenosis.,Normal cervical cord.
REASON FOR NEUROLOGICAL CONSULTATION:, Muscle twitching, clumsiness, progressive pain syndrome, and gait disturbance.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 62-year-old African-American male with a significant past medical history of diabetes, hypertension, previous stroke in 2002 with minimal residual right-sided weakness as well as two MIs, status post pacemaker insertion who first presented with numbness in his lower extremities in 2001. He states that since that time these symptoms have been progressive and now involving his legs above his knees as well as his hands. More recently, he describes a burning sensation along with numbness. This has become a particular problem and of all the problems he has he feels that pain is his primary concern. Over the last six months, he has noticed that he cannot feel hot objects in his hands and that objects slip out of his hands. He denies any weakness per se, just clumsiness and decreased sensation. He has also been complaining of brief muscle jerks, which occur in both hands and his shoulders. This has been a fairly longstanding problem, and again has become more prevalent recently. He does not have any tremor. He denies any neck pain. He walks with the aid of a walker because of unsteadiness with gait.,Recently, he has tried gabapentin, but this was not effective for pain control. Oxycodone helps somewhat and gives him at least three hours pain relief. Because of the pain, he has significant problems with fractured sleep. He states he has not had a good night's sleep in many years. About six months ago, after an MI and pacemaker insertion, he was transferred to a nursing facility. At that facility, his insulin was stopped. Since then he has only been on oral medication for his diabetes. He denies any back pain, neck pain, change in bowel or bladder function, or specific injury pre-dating these symptoms., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, arthritis, GERD, and headaches.,MEDICATIONS: , Trazodone, simvastatin, hydrochlorothiazide, Prevacid, lisinopril, glipizide, and gabapentin.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Discussed above and documented on the chart.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Discussed above and documented on the chart. He does not smoke. He lives in a senior citizens building with daily nursing aids. He previously was a security guard, but is currently on disability.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Discussed above and documented on the chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On examination, blood pressure 150/80, pulse of 80, respiratory rate 22, and weight 360 pounds. Pain scale 7/10. A full general and neurological examination was performed on the patient and is documented on the chart.,The patient is obese with significant ankle edema.,Neurological examination reveals normal cognitive exam and normal cranial nerve examination. Motor examination reveals mild atrophy in bilateral FDIs, but still has a strong grip. Individual muscle strength is close to normal with only subtle weakness found in ankle plantar and dorsiflexion. Tone and bulk are normal. Sensory examination reveals a severe decrease to all modalities in his lower extremities from just above the knees distally. He has no vibration sense at his knees. Similarly, there is decrease to all sensory modalities in his both upper extremities from just above the wrist distally. The only reflexes I could obtain with trace reflexes in his biceps. Remaining reflexes were unelicitable. No Babinski. The patient walks normally with the aid of a cane. He has severe sensory ataxia with inability to walk unaided. Positive Romberg with eyes open and closed.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Probable painful diabetic neuropathy. Symptoms are predominantly sensory and severely dysfunctioning, with the patient having inability to ambulate independently as well as difficulty with grip and temperature differentiation in his upper extremities. He has relative preservation of motor function. Because these symptoms are progressive and, by report, he came off his insulin, suggesting somewhat mild diabetes, I would like to rule out other causes of progressive neuropathy.,2. He has history of myoclonic jerks. I did not see any on my examination today and I feel that these are benign and probably secondary to his severe insomnia, which he states is secondary to the painful neuropathy. I would like to rule out other causes such as hepatic encephalopathy., ,I have recommended the following:,1. EMG/nerve conduction study to assess severity of neuropathy and to characterize neuropathy.,2. Blood work, looking for other causes of neuropathy and myoclonus, to include CBC, CMP, TSH, LFT, B12, RPR, ESR, Lyme titer, and HbA1c, and ammonia level.,3. Neurontin and oxycodone have not been effective, and I have recommended Cymbalta starting at 30 mg q.d. for five days and then increasing to 60 mg q.d. Side effect profile of this medication was discussed with the patient.,4. I have explained to him that progression of diabetic neuropathy is closely related to diabetic control and I have recommended tight diabetic control.,5. I will see him at followup at the EMG.
PROCEDURE: , EEG during wakefulness demonstrates background activity consisting of moderate-amplitude beta activity seen bilaterally. The EEG background is symmetric. Independent, small, positive, sharp wave activity is seen in the frontotemporal regions bilaterally with sharp-slow wave discharges seen more predominantly in the right frontotemporal head region. No clinical signs of involuntary movements are noted during synchronous video monitoring. Recording time is 22 minutes and 22 seconds. There is attenuation of the background, faster activity during drowsiness and some light sleep is recorded. No sustained epileptogenic activity is evident, but the independent bilateral sharp wave activity is seen intermittently. Photic stimulation induced a bilaterally symmetric photic driving response.,IMPRESSION:, EEG during wakefulness and light sleep is abnormal with independent, positive sharp wave activity seen in both frontotemporal head regions, more predominant in the right frontotemporal region. The EEG findings are consistent with potentially epileptogenic process. Clinical correlation is warranted.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Colovesical fistula.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Colovesical fistula.,2. Intraperitoneal abscess.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Exploratory laparotomy.,2. Low anterior colon resection.,3. Flexible colonoscopy.,4. Transverse loop colostomy and JP placement.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,HISTORY: ,This 74-year-old female who had a recent hip fracture and the patient was in rehab when she started having some stool coming out of the urethra. The patient had retrograde cystogram, which revealed colovesical fistula. Recommendation for a surgery was made. The patient was explained the risks and benefits as well as the two sons and the daughter. They understood that the patient can even die from this procedure. All the three procedures were explained, without a colostomy, with Hartmann's colostomy, and with a transverse loop colostomy, and out of the three procedures, the patient's requested to have the loop colostomy and stated that the Hartmann's colostomy leaving the anastomosis with the risk of leaking.,PROCEDURE DETAILS: , The patient was taken to the operating room, prepped and draped in the sterile fashion and was given general anesthetic. An incision was performed in the midline below the umbilicus to the pubis with a #10 blade Bard Parker. Electrocautery was used for hemostasis down to the fascia. The fascia was grasped with Ochsner's and then immediately the peritoneum was entered and the incision was carried cephalad and caudad with electrocautery.,Once within the peritoneum, adhesiolysis was performed to separate the small bowel from the attachment of the anterior abdominal wall. At this point, immediately a small bowel was retracted cephalad. The patient was taken to a slightly Trendelenburg position and the descending colon was seen. The white line of Toldt was opened all the way down to the area of inflammation. At this point, meticulous dissection was carried to separate the small bowel from the attachment to the abscess. When the small bowel was completely freed of abscess, bulk of the bladder was seen anteriorly to the uterus. The abscess was cultured and sent it back to Bacteriology Department and immediately the opening into the bladder was visualized. At this point, the entire sigmoid colon was separated posteriorly as well as laterally and it was all the way down to sigmoid down to the rectum. At this point, decision to place a moist towel and retract old intestine superiorly as well as to place first self-retaining retractor in the abdominal cavity with a bladder blade was placed. Immediately, a GIA was fired right across the descending colon and sigmoid colon junction and then with peons within the mesentery were placed all the way down to the rectosigmoid junction where a TA-55 balloon Roticulator was fired. The specimen was cut with #10 blade Bard-Parker and sent it to Pathology. Immediately copious amount of irrigation was used and the staple line in the descending colon was brought with Allis. A pursestring device was fired. The staple line was cut. The dilators were used using #25 and #29, then _________ #29 EEA was placed and the suture was tied. At this point, attention was directed down to the rectal stump where dilators #25 and #29 were passed from the anus into the rectum and then the #29 Ethicon GIA was introduced. The spike came posteriorly through the staple line to avoid the inflammatory process anteriorly that was present in the area of the cul-de-sac as well as the uterine was present in this patient. ,Immediately, the EEA was connected with a mushroom. It was tied, fired, and a Doyen was placed above the anastomosis approximately four inches. Fluid was placed within the _________ and immediately a colonoscope was introduced from the patient's anus insufflating air. No air was seen evolving from the staple line. All fluid was removed and pictures of the staple line were taken. The scope was removed at this point. The case was passed to Dr. X for repair of the vesicle fistula. Dr. X did repair down the perforation of the bladder that was communicating with an abscess secondary to the perforated diverticulitis and the colon. After this was performed, copious amount of irrigation was used again. More lysis of adhesions were performed and decision to make a loop transverse colostomy was made to protect the anastomosis in a phase of a severe inflammatory process in the pelvis in the infected area. The incision was performed in the right upper quadrant.,This incision was performed with cutting in the cautery, down into the fascia splitting the muscle and then the Penrose was passed under transverse colon, and was grasped on pulling the transverse colon at the level of the skin. The wire was passed under the transverse colon. It was left in place. Moderate irrigation was used in the peritoneal cavity and in the right lower quadrant, a JP was placed in the pelvis posteriorly to the abscess cavity that was down on the pelvis. At this point, immediately, yellow fluid was removed from the peritoneal cavity and the abdomen was closed with cephalad to caudad and caudad to cephalad with a loop PDS suture and then tied. Electrocautery for hemostasis and the subcutaneous tissue. Copious amount of irrigation was used. The skin was approximated with staples. At this point, immediately, the wound was covered with a moist towel and decision to mature the loop colostomy was made. The colostomy was opened longitudinally and then matured with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl suture through the skin edge. One it was completely matured, immediately the index finger was probed proximally and distally and both loops were completely opened. As previously mentioned, the Penrose was removed and the Bard was secured with a #3-0 nylon suture. The JP was secured with #3-0 nylon suture as well. At this point, dressings were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The stent from the left ureter was removed and the Foley was left in place. The patient did tolerate the procedure well and will be followed up during the hospitalization.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hematemesis in a patient with longstanding diabetes. ,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Mallory-Weiss tear, submucosal hemorrhage consistent with trauma from vomiting and grade 2 esophagitis.,PROCEDURE: , The procedure, indications explained and he understood and agreed. He was sedated with Versed 3, Demerol 25 and topical Hurricane spray to the oropharynx. A bite block was placed. The Pentax video gastroscope was advanced through the oropharynx into the esophagus under direct vision. Esophagus revealed distal ulcerations. Additionally, the patient had a Mallory-Weiss tear. This was subjected to bicap cautery with good ablation. The stomach was entered, which revealed areas of submucosal hemorrhage consistent with trauma from vomiting. There were no ulcerations or erosions in the stomach. The duodenum was entered, which was unremarkable. The instrument was then removed. The patient tolerated the procedure well with no complications.,IMPRESSION: , Mallory-Weiss tear, successful BICAP cautery. ,We will keep the patient on proton pump inhibitors. The patient will remain on antiemetics and be started on a clear liquid diet.
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: Patient denies fevers, chills, sweats and weight changes.,EYES: Patient denies any visual symptoms.,EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT: No difficulties with hearing. No symptoms of rhinitis or sore throat.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Patient denies chest pains, palpitations, orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.,RESPIRATORY: No dyspnea on exertion, no wheezing or cough.,GI: No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, hematochezia or melena.,GU: No urinary hesitancy or dribbling. No nocturia or urinary frequency. No abnormal urethral discharge.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: No myalgias or arthralgias.,NEUROLOGIC: No chronic headaches, no seizures. Patient denies numbness, tingling or weakness.,PSYCHIATRIC: Patient denies problems with mood disturbance. No problems with anxiety.,ENDOCRINE: No excessive urination or excessive thirst.,DERMATOLOGIC: Patient denies any rashes or skin changes.
INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 22-year-old female with past medical history of syncope. The patient is also complaining of dizziness. She was referred here by Dr. X for tilt table.,TECHNIQUE: , Risks and benefits explained to the patient. Consent obtained. She was lying down on her back for 20 minutes and her blood pressure was 111/75 and heart rate 89. She was standing up on the tilt tablet for 20 minutes and her heart rate went up to 127 and blood pressure was still in 120/80. Then, the patient received sublingual nitroglycerin 0.4 mg. The patient felt dizzy at that time and heart rate was in the 120 and blood pressure was 110/50. The patient felt nauseous and felt hot at that time. She did not pass out.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,Tilt table was then terminated.,SUMMARY:, Positive tilt table for vasovagal syncope with significant increase of heart rate with minimal decrease of blood pressure.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , I recommend followup in the office in one week and she will need Toprol-XL 12.5 mg every day if symptoms persist.
EXAM:, Nuclear medicine lymphatic scan.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Left breast cancer.,TECHNIQUE: , 1.0 mCi of Technetium-99m sulfur colloid was injected within the dermis surrounding the left breast biopsy site at four locations. A 16-hour left anterior oblique imaging was performed with and without shielding of the original injection site.,FINDINGS: ,There are two small foci of increased activity in the left axilla. This is consistent with the sentinel lymph node. No other areas of activity are visualized outside of the injection site and two axillary lymph nodes.,IMPRESSION: ,Technically successful lymph node injection with two areas of increased activity in the left axilla consistent with sentinel lymph node.
DESCRIPTION:, The patient was placed in the supine position and was prepped and draped in the usual manner. The left vas was grasped in between the fingers. The skin and vas were anesthetized with local anesthesia. The vas was grasped with an Allis clamp. Skin was incised and the vas deferens was regrasped with another Allis clamp. The sheath was incised with a scalpel and elevated using the iris scissors and clamps were used to ligate the vas deferens. The portion in between the clamps was excised and the ends of the vas were clamped using hemoclips, two in the testicular side and one on the proximal side. The incision was then inspected for hemostasis and closed with 3-0 chromic catgut interrupted fashion.,A similar procedure was carried out on the right side. Dry sterile dressings were applied and the patient put on a scrotal supporter. The procedure was then terminated.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Radical resection of tumor of the scalp (CPT 11643). Excision of tumor from the skull with debridement of the superficial cortex with diamond bur. Advancement flap closure, with total undermined area 18 centimeters by 16 centimeters (CPT 14300).,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal anesthesia.,INDICATIONS: ,This is an 81-year-old male who has a large exophytic 7cm lesion of the anterior midline scalp which is biopsy-positive for skin malignancy, specifically, squamous call carcinoma. This appears to be affixed to the underlying scalp.,PLAN: , Radical resection with frozen sections to clear margins thereafter, with planned reconstruction.,CONSENT:, I have discussed with the patient the possible risks of bleeding, infection, renal problems, scar formation, injury to muscle, nerves, and possible need for additional surgery with possible recurrence of the patient's carcinoma, with review of detailed informed consent with the patient, who understood, and wished to proceed.,FINDINGS: , The patient had a 7cm large exophytic lesion which appeared to be invasive into the superficial table of the skull. The final periosteal margin which centrally appeared was positive for carcinoma. The final margins peripherally were all negative.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room and there was placed supine on the operating room table.,General endotracheal anesthesia was administered after endotracheal tube intubation was performed by the Anesthesia Service personnel. The patient was thereafter prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner using Betadine Scrub and Betadine paint. Thereafter, the local anesthesia was injected into the area around the tumor. A **** type excision was planned down to the periosteum. A supraperiosteal radical resection was performed.,It was obvious that there was tumor at the deep margin, involving the periosteum. The edges were marked along the four quadrants, at the 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and the 9 o'clock positions, and these were sent for frozen section evaluation. Frozen section revealed positive margins at one end of the resection. Therefore, an additional circumferential resection was performed and the final margins were all negative.,Following completion, the deep periosteal margin was resected. The circumferential periosteal margins were noted to be negative; however, centrally, there was a small area which showed tumor eroding into the superficial cortex of the skull. Therefore, the Midas Rex drill was utilized to resect approximately 1-2 mm of the superficial cortex of the bone at the area where the positive margin was located. Healthy bone was obtained; however, it did not enter the diploic or marrow-containing bone in the area. Therefore, no bong margin was taken. However, at the end of the procedure, it did not appear that the residual bone had any residual changes consistent with carcinoma.,Following completion of the bony resection, the area was irrigated with copious amounts of saline. Thereafter, advancement flaps were created, both on the left and the right side of the scalp, with the total undermined area being approximately 18cm by 16cm. The galea was incised in multiple areas, to provide for additional mobilization of the tissue. The tissue was closed under tension with 3-0 Vicryl suture deep in the galea and surgical staples superficially.,The patient was awakened from anesthetic, was extubated and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.,DISPOSITION:, The patient was discharged to home with antibiotics and analgesics, to follow-up in approximately one week.,NOTE: , The final margins of both periosteal, as well as skin were negative circumferentially, around the tumor. The only positive margin was deep, which was a periosteal margin and bone underlying it was partially resected, as was indicated above.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger (trigger finger).,PROCEDURES:,1. Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament.,2. Steroid injection, stenosing tenosynovitis of right middle finger.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , Left upper extremity was 15 minutes.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, With the patient under adequate monitored anesthesia, the left upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mmHg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the palm between FCR and FCU, one finger breadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface.,Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the Hood of Hamate. The Agee Inside Job was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end. The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the Agee Inside Job was withdrawn, dividing transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division of transverse carpal ligament, the Agee Inside Job was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified and complete release was accomplished. One mL of Celestone was then introduced into the carpal tunnel and irrigated free. ,The wound was then closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Steri-strips were applied and a sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.,Attention was turned to the right palm where after a sterile prep, the right middle finger flexor sheath was injected with 0.5 mL of 1% plain Xylocaine and 0.5 mL of Depo-Medrol 40 mg/mL. A Band-Aid dressing was then applied.,The patient was then awakened from the anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.
The patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position, medicated with the above medications to achieve and maintain a conscious sedation. Vital signs were monitored throughout the procedure without evidence of hemodynamic compromise or desaturation.,The Olympus single-channel endoscope was passed under direct visualization through the oral cavity and advanced to the second portion of the duodenum.,FINDINGS:,ESOPHAGUS: Proximal and mid esophagus were without abnormalities.,STOMACH: Insufflated and retroflexed visualization of the gastric cavity revealed,DUODENUM: Normal.
CHIEF COMPLAINT / REASON FOR THE VISIT:, Patient has been diagnosed to have breast cancer.,BREAST CANCER HISTORY:, Patient presented with the following complaints: Lump in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast that has been present for the last 4 weeks. The lump is painless and the skin over the lump is normal. Patient denies any redness, warmth, edema and nipple discharge. Patient had a mammogram recently and was told to have a mass measuring 2 cm in the UOQ and of the left breast. Patient had an excisional biopsy of the mass and subsequently axillary nodal sampling.,PATHOLOGY:, Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Estrogen receptor 56, Progesterone receptor 23, S-phase fraction 2., Her 2 neu 0 and all nodes negative.,STAGE:, Stage I.,TNM STAGE:, T1, N0 and M0.,SURGERY:, S/P lumpectomy left breast and Left axillary node sampling. Patient is here for further recommendation.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Osteoarthritis for 5 years. ASHD for 10 years. Kidney stones recurrent for 10 years.,SCREENING TEST HISTORY:, Last rectal exam was done on 10/99. Last mammogram was done on 12/99. Last gynecological exam was done on 10/99. Last PAP smear was done on 10/99. Last chest x-ray was done on 10/99. Last F.O.B. was done on 10/99-X3. Last sigmoidoscopy was done on 1998. Last colonoscopy was done on 1996.,IMMUNIZATION HISTORY:, Last flu vaccine was given on 1999. Last pneumonia vaccine was given on 1996.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:, Father age 85, history of cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and hypertension. Mother history of CHF and emphysema that died at the age of 78. No brothers and sisters. 1 son healthy at age 54.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Appendectomy. Biopsy of the left breast 1996 - benign.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Buttock abscess.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This patient is a 24-year-old African-American female who presented to the hospital with buttock pain. She started off with a little pimple on the buttock. She was soaking it at home without any improvement. She came to the hospital on the first. The patient underwent incision and drainage in the emergency department. She was admitted to the hospitalist service with elevated blood sugars. She has had positive blood cultures. Surgery is consulted today for evaluation.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Diabetes type II, poorly controlled, high cholesterol.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , C-section and D&C.,ALLERGIES:, NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,MEDICATIONS: , Insulin, metformin, Glucotrol, and Lipitor.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Diabetes, hypertension, stroke, Parkinson disease, and heart disease.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Significant for pain in the buttock. Otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is an overweight African-American female not in any distress.,VITAL SIGNS: She has been afebrile since admission. Vital signs have been stable. Blood sugars have been in the 200 range.,HEENT: Normal to inspection.,NECK: No bruits or adenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,CV: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Protuberant, soft, and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,RECTAL EXAM: The patient has a drained abscess on the buttock cheek. There is some serosanguineous drainage. There is no longer any purulent drainage. The wound appears relatively clean. I do not see a lot of erythema.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , Left buttock abscess, status post incision and drainage. I do not believe surgical intervention is warranted. I have recommended some local wound care. Please see orders for details.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,PROCEDURE: ,Cystoscopy under anesthesia, retrograde and antegrade pyeloureteroscopy, left ureteropelvic junction obstruction, difficult and open renal biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal anesthetic with a caudal block x2.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,1000 mL crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Less than 10 mL.,SPECIMENS: , Tissue sent to pathology is a renal biopsy.,ABNORMAL FINDINGS: , A stenotic scarred ureteropelvic junction with dilated ureter and dilated renal pelvis.,TUBES AND DRAINS: ,A 10-French silicone Foley catheter with 3 mL in balloon and a 4.7-French ureteral double J-stent multilength.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 3-1/2-year-old boy, who has a solitary left kidney with renal insufficiency with creatinine of 1.2, who has had a ureteropelvic junction repair performed by Dr. Chang. It was subsequently obstructed with multiple episodes of pyelonephritis, two percutaneous tube placements, ureteroscopy with balloon dilation of the system, and continued obstruction. Plan is for co surgeons due to the complexity of the situation and the solitary kidney to do surgical procedure to correct the obstruction.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operative room. Surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Dr. X and Dr. Y both agreed upon the procedures in advance. Dr. Y then, once the patient was anesthetized, requested IV antibiotics with Fortaz, the patient had a caudal block placed, and he was then placed in lithotomy position. Dr. Y then calibrated the urethra with the bougie a boule to 8, 10, and up to 12 French. The 9.5-French cystoscope sheath was then placed within the patient's bladder with the offset scope, and his bladder had no evidence of cystitis. I was able to locate the ureteral orifice bilaterally, although no urine coming from the right. We then placed a 4-French ureteral catheter into the ureter as far as we could go. An antegrade nephrostogram was then performed, which shows that the contrast filled the dilated pelvis, but did not go into the ureter. A retrograde was performed, and it was found that there was a narrowed band across the two. Upon draining the ureter allowing to drain to gravity, the pelvis which had been clamped and its nephrostomy tube did not drain at all. Dr. Y then placed a 0.035 guidewire into the ureter after removing the 4-French catheter and then placed a 4.7-French double-J catheter into the ureter as far as it would go allowing it to coil in the bladder. Once this was completed, we then removed the cystoscope and sheath, placed a 10-French Foley catheter, and the patient was positioned by Dr. X and Dr. Y into the flank position with the left flank up after adequate padding on the arms and legs as well as a brachial plexus roll. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. Dr. Y then incised the skin with a 15-blade knife through the old incision and then extended the incision with curved mosquito clamp and Dr. X performed cautery of the areas advanced to be excised. Once this was then dissected, Dr. Y and Dr. X divided the lumbosacral fascia; at the latissimus dorsi fascia, posterior dorsal lumbotomy maneuver using the electrocautery; and then using curved mosquito clamps __________. At this point, Dr. X used the cautery to enter the posterior retroperitoneal space through the posterior abdominal fascia. Dr. Y then used the curved right angle clamp and dissected around towards the ureter, which was markedly adherent to the base of the retroperitoneum. Dr. X and Dr. Y also needed dissection on the medial and lateral aspects with Dr. Y being on the lateral aspect of the area and Dr. X on the medial to get an adequate length of this. The tissue was markedly inflamed and had significant adhesions noted. The patient's spermatic vessels were also in the region as well as the renal vessels markedly scarred close to the ureteropelvic junction. Ultimately, Dr. Y and Dr. X both with alternating dissection were able to dissect the renal pelvis to a position where Dr. Y put stay sutures and a 4-0 chromic to isolate the four quadrant area where we replaced the ureter. Dr. X then divided the ureter and suture ligated the base, which was obstructed with a 3-0 chromic suture. Dr. Y then spatulated the ureter for about 1.5 cm, and the stent was gently delivered in a normal location out of the ureter at the proximal and left alone in the bladder. Dr. Y then incised the renal pelvis and dissected and opened it enough to allow the new ureteropelvic junction repair to be performed. Dr. Y then placed interrupted sutures of 5-0 Monocryl at the apex to repair the most dependent portion of the renal pelvis, entered the lateral aspect, interrupted sutures of the repair. Dr. X then was able to without much difficulty do interrupted sutures on the medial aspect. The stent was then placed into the bladder in the proper orientation and alternating sutures by Dr. Y and Dr. X closed the ureteropelvic junction without any evidence of leakage. Once this was complete, we removed the extra stay stitches and watched the ureter lay back into the retroperitoneum in a normal position without any kinking in apparently good position. This opening was at least 1.5 cm wide. Dr. Y then placed 2 stay sutures of 2-0 chromic in the lower pole of the kidney and then incised wedge biopsy and excised the biopsy with a 15-blade knife and curved iris scissors for renal biopsy for determination of renal tissue health. Electrocautery was used on the base. There was no bleeding, however, and the tissue was quite soft. Dermabond and Gelfoam were placed, and then Dr. Y closed the biopsy site over with thrombin-Gelfoam using the 2-0 chromic stay sutures. Dr. X then closed the fascial layers with running suture of 3-0 Vicryl in 3 layers. Dr. Y closed the Scarpa fascia and the skin with 4-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Rapide respectively. A 4-0 nylon suture was then placed by Dr. Y around the previous nephrostomy tube, which was again left clamped. Dermabond tissue adhesive was placed over the incision and then a dry sterile dressing was placed by Dr. Y over the nephrostomy tube site, which was left clamped, and the patient then had a Foley catheter placed in the bladder. The Foley catheter was then taped to his leg. A second caudal block was placed for anesthesia, and he is in stable condition upon transfer to recovery room.
INDICATION: , Aortic stenosis.,PROCEDURE: , Transesophageal echocardiogram.,INTERPRETATION: ,Procedure and complications explained to the patient in detail. Informed consent was obtained. The patient was anesthetized in the throat with lidocaine spray. Subsequently, 3 mg of IV Versed was given for sedation. The patient was positioned and transesophageal probe was introduced without any difficulty. Images were taken. The patient tolerated the procedure very well without any complications. Findings as mentioned below.,FINDINGS:,1. Left ventricle is in normal size and dimension. Normal function. Ejection fraction of 60%.,2. Left atrium and right-sided chambers are of normal size and dimension.,3. Mitral, tricuspid, and pulmonic valves are structurally normal.,4. Aortic valve reveals annular calcification with fibrocalcific valve leaflets with decreased excursion.,5. Left atrial appendage is clean without any clot or smoke effect.,6. Atrial septum intact. Study was negative.,7. Doppler study essentially benign.,8. Aorta essentially benign.,9. Aortic valve planimetry valve area average about 1.3 cm2 consistent with moderate aortic stenosis.,SUMMARY:,1. Normal left ventricular size and function.,2. Benign Doppler flow pattern.,3. Aortic valve area of 1.3 cm2 planimetry.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute left subdural hematoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute left subdural hematoma.,PROCEDURE:, Left frontal temporal craniotomy for evacuation of acute subdural hematoma.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , This is a 76-year-old man who has a history of acute leukemia. He is currently in the phase of his therapy where he has developed a profound thrombocytopenia and white cell deficiency. He presents after a fall in the hospital in which he apparently struck his head and now has a progressive neurologic deterioration consistent with an intracerebral injury. His CT imaging reveals an acute left subdural hematoma, which is hemispheric.,The patient was brought to the operating room, placed under satisfactory general endotracheal anesthesia. He had previously been intubated and taken to the Intensive Care Unit and now is brought for emergency craniotomy. The images were brought up on the electronic imaging and confirmed that this was a left-sided condition. He was fixed in a three-point headrest. His scalp was shaved and prepared with Betadine, iodine and alcohol. We made a small curved incision over the temporal, parietal, frontal region. The scalp was reflected. A single bur hole was made at the frontoparietal junction and then a 4x6cm bur hole was created. After completing the bur hole flap, the dura was opened and a gelatinous mass of subdural was peeled away from the brain. The brain actually looked relatively relaxed; and after removal of the hematoma, the brain sort of slowly came back up. We investigated the subdural space forward and backward as we could and yet careful not to disrupt any venous bleeding as we close to the midline. After we felt that we had an adequate decompression, the dura was reapproximated and we filled the subdural space with saline. We placed a small drain in the extra dural space and then replaced the bone flap and secured this with the bone plates. The scalp was reapproximated, and the patient was awakened and taken to the CT scanner for a postoperative scan to ensure that there was no new hemorrhage or any other intracerebral pathology that warranted treatment. Given that this actual skin looked good with apparent removal of about 80% of the subdural we elected to take patient to the Intensive Care Unit for further management.,I was present for the entire procedure and supervised this. I confirmed prior to closing the skin that we had correct sponge and needle counts and the only foreign body was the drain.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Herniated nucleus pulposus T8-T9.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Herniated nucleus pulposus T8-T9.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Thoracic right-sided discectomy at T8-T9.,BRIEF HISTORY AND INDICATION FOR OPERATION: , The patient is a 53-year-old female with a history of right thoracic rib pain related to a herniated nucleus pulposus at T8-T9. She has failed conservative measures and sought operative intervention for relief of her symptoms. For details of workup, please see the dictated operative report.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,Appropriate informed consent was obtained and the patient was taken to the operating room and placed under general anesthetic. She was placed in a position of comfort on the operating table with all bony prominences and soft tissues well padded and protected. Second check was made prior to prepping and draping. Following this, we did needle localization with reviews of AP and lateral multiple times to make sure we had the T8-T9 level. We then made an approach through a midline incision and came out over the pars. We dissected down carefully to identify the pars. We then went on the outside of the pars and identified the foramen and then we took another series of x-rays to confirm the T8-T9 level. We did this under live fluoroscopy. We confirmed T8-T9 and then went ahead and took a Midas Rex and removed the superior portion of the pedicle overlying the outside of the disc and then worked our way downward removing portion of the transverse process as well. We found the edge of the disc and then worked our way and we were able to remove some of the disc material but then decided to go ahead and take down the pars. The pars was then drilled out. We identified the disc even further and found the disc herniation material that was under the spinal cord. We then took a combination of small pituitaries and removed the disc material without difficulty. Once we had disc material out, we went ahead and made a small cruciate incision in the disc space and entered the disc space in earnest removing more disc material making sure there is nothing free to herniate further. Once we had done that, we inspected up by the nerve root, found some more disc material there and removed that as well. We could trace the nerve root out freely and easily. We made sure there was no evidence of further disc material. We used an Epstein curette and placed a nerve hook under the nerve root. The Epstein curette removed some more disc material. Once we had done this, we were satisfied with the decompression. We irrigated the wound copiously to make sure there is no further disc material and then ready for closure. We did place some steroid over the nerve root and readied for closure. Hemostasis was meticulous. The wound was closed with #1 Vicryl suture for the fascial layer, 2 Vicryl suture for the skin, and Monocryl and Steri-Strips applied. Dressing was applied. The patient was awoken from anesthesia and taken to the recovery room in stable condition.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 150 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION:, To PACU in stable condition having tolerated the procedure well, to mobilize routinely when she is comfortable to go to her home.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Endometrial carcinoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Endometrial carcinoma.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Total laparoscopic hysterectomy with laparoscopic staging, including paraaortic lymphadenectomy, bilateral pelvic and obturator lymphadenectomy, and washings.,ANESTHESIA: , General, endotracheal tube.,SPECIMENS: , Pelvic washings for cytology; uterus with attached right tube and ovary; pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection; obturator lymph node dissection.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , The patient was recently found to have a grade II endometrial cancer. She was counseled to undergo laparoscopic staging.,FINDINGS:, During the laparoscopy, the uterus was noted to be upper limits of normal size, with a normal-appearing right fallopian tubes and ovaries. No ascites was present. On assessment of the upper abdomen, the stomach, diaphragm, liver, gallbladder, spleen, omentum, and peritoneal surfaces of the bowel, were all unremarkable in appearance.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought into the operating room with an intravenous line in placed, and anesthetic was administered. She was placed in a low anterior lithotomy position using Allen stirrups. The vaginal portion of the procedure included placement of a ZUMI uterine manipulator with a Koh colpotomy ring and a vaginal occluder balloon.,The laparoscopic port sites were anesthetized with intradermal injection of 0.25% Marcaine. There were five ports placed, including a 3-mm left subcostal port, a 10-mm umbilical port, a 10-mm suprapubic port, and 5-mm right and left lower quadrant ports. The Veress needle was placed through a small incision at the base of the umbilicus, and a pneumoperitoneum was insufflated without difficulty. The 3-mm port was then placed in the left subcostal position without difficulty, and a 3-mm scope was placed. There were no adhesions underlying the previous vertical midline scar. The 10-mm port was placed in the umbilicus, and the laparoscope was inserted. Remaining ports were placed under direct laparoscopic guidance. Washings were obtained from the pelvis, and the abdomen was explored with the laparoscope, with findings as noted.,Attention was then turned to lymphadenectomy. An incision in the retroperitoneum was made over the right common iliac artery, extending up the aorta to the retroperitoneal duodenum. The lymph node bundle was elevated from the aorta and the anterior vena cava until the retroperitoneal duodenum had been reached. Pedicles were sealed and divided with bipolar cutting forceps. Excellent hemostasis was noted. Boundaries of dissection included the ureters laterally, common ileac arteries at uterine crossover inferiorly, and the retroperitoneal duodenum superiorly with careful preservation of the inferior mesenteric artery. Right and left pelvic retroperitoneal spaces were then opened by incising lateral and parallel to the infundibulopelvic ligament with the bipolar cutting forceps. The retroperitoneal space was then opened and the lymph nodes were dissected, with boundaries of dissection being the bifurcation of the common iliac artery superiorly, psoas muscle laterally, inguinal ligament inferiorly, and the anterior division of the hypogastric artery medially. The posterior boundary was the obturator nerve, which was carefully identified and preserved bilaterally. The left common iliac lymph node was elevated and removed using the same technique.,Attention was then turned to the laparoscopic hysterectomy. The right infundibulopelvic ligament was divided using the bipolar cutting forceps. The mesovarium was skeletonized. A bladder flap was mobilized by dividing the round ligaments using the bipolar cutting forceps, and the peritoneum on the vesicouterine fold was incised to mobilize the bladder. Once the Koh colpotomy ring was skeletonized and in position, the uterine arteries were sealed using the bipolar forceps at the level of the colpotomy ring. The vagina was transected using a monopolar hook (or bipolar spatula), resulting in separation of the uterus and attached tubes and ovaries. The uterus, tubes, and ovaries were then delivered through the vagina, and the pneumo-occluder balloon was reinserted to maintain pneumoperitoneum. The vaginal vault was closed with interrupted figure-of-eight stitches of 0-Vicryl using the Endo-Stitch device. The abdomen was irrigated, and excellent hemostasis was noted.,The insufflation pressure was reduced, and no evidence of bleeding was seen. The suprapubic port was then removed, and the fascia was closed with a Carter-Thomason device and 0-Vicryl suture. The remaining ports were removed under direct laparoscopic guidance, and the pneumoperitoneum was released. The umbilical port was removed using laparoscopic guidance. The umbilical fascia was closed with an interrupted figure-of-eight stitch using 2-0 Vicryl. The skin was closed with interrupted subcuticular stitches using 4-0 Monocryl suture. The final sponge, needle, and instrument counts were correct at the completion of the procedure. The patient was awakened and taken to the post anesthesia care unit in stable condition.
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: ,Adenocarcinoma of the prostate.,HISTORY:, The patient is a 71-year-old male whose personal physician, Dr. X identified a change in the patient's PSA from 7/2008 (4.2) to 4/2009 (10.5). The patient underwent a transrectal ultrasound and biopsy and was found to have a Gleason 3+4 for a score of 7, 20% of the tissue removed from the left base. The patient also had Gleason 6 in the right lobe, midportion, as well as the left apical portion. He underwent a bone scan which was normal and cystoscopy which was normal and renal ultrasound that was normal.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , Appendectomy.,MEDICAL HISTORY:, Atrial fibrillation.,MEDICATIONS:, Coumadin and lisinopril.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,Smokes none. Alcohol none.,ALLERGIES:, NONE.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , The patient relates no recent weight gain, weight loss, night sweats, fevers or chills. Eyes: No change in vision or diplopia. Ears: No tinnitus or vertigo. Mouth: No dysphagia. Pulmonary: No chronic cough or shortness of breath. Cardiac: No angina or palpitations. GI: No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Musculoskeletal: No arthritides or myalgias. Hematopoietic: No easy bleeding or bruising. Skin: No chronic ulcers or persistent itch.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is well developed and well nourished.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. Eyes, pupils are equal. Conjunctivae are pink. Sclerae are anicteric.,NECK: There is no adenopathy.,PULMONARY: Respirations are unlabored.,HEART: Regular rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Liver, spleen, kidney, and bladder are not palpable. There are no discernible masses. There are no peritoneal signs.,GENITALIA: The penis has no plaques. Meatus is on the glans. Scrotal skin is healthy. Testicles are fair consistency. Epididymides are nontender.,RECTAL: The prostate is +1 to 2/4. There are no areas that are suspicious for tumor. Consistency is even. Sidewalls are sharp. Seminal vesicles are not palpable.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: The upper and lower extremities are symmetric bilaterally.,NEUROLOGIC: There are no gross focal neurologic abnormalities.,IMPRESSION:,1. Adenocarcinoma of the prostate.,2. Atrial fibrillation.,PLAN: , The patient's wife and I have discussed his treatment options, which include primarily radiation and surgery. He has _________ surviving prostate cancer by Dr. Y. He is aware of incontinency, both total and partial. We discussed erectile dysfunction. We have discussed bleeding, infection, injury to the rectum, injury to vessels and nerves, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, MI, stroke, and death. He had no questions at the conclusion of the conversation and he does know that in his age group, though a nerve-sparing procedure will be performed, preserving any erectile function is highly unlikely. He had no questions at the conclusion of our last conversation.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Decreased ability to perform daily living activity secondary to recent right hip surgery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 51-year-old white female who is status post right total hip replacement performed on 08/27/2007 at ABCD Hospital by Dr. A. The patient had an unremarkable postoperative course, except low-grade fever of 99 to 100 postoperatively. She was admitted to the Transitional Care Unit on 08/30/2007 at XYZ Services. Prior to her discharge from ABCD Hospital, she had received DVT prophylaxis utilizing Coumadin and Lovenox and the INR goal is 2.0 to 3.0. She presents reporting that her last bowel movement was on 08/26/2007 prior to surgery. Otherwise, she reports some intermittent right calf discomfort and some postoperative right hip pain.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Anxiety, depression, osteoarthritis, migraine headaches associated with menstrual cycle, history of sciatic pain in the distant past, history of herniated disc, and status post appendectomy.,MEDICATIONS: ,Medications taken at home are Paxil, MOBIC, and Klonopin.,MEDICATIONS ON TRANSFER: , Celebrex, Coumadin, Colace, Fiorinal, oxycodone, Klonopin, and Paxil.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married. She lives with her husband and is employed as a school nurse for the School Department. She had quit smoking cigarettes some 25 years ago and is a nondrinker.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, As mentioned above. She has a history of migraine headaches associated with her menstrual cycle. She wears glasses and has a history of floaters. She reports a low-grade temperature of 99 to 100 postoperatively, mild intermittent cough, scratchy throat, (the symptoms may be secondary to intubation during surgery), intermittent right calf pain, which was described as sharp, but momentary with a negative Homans sign. The patient denies any cardiopulmonary symptoms such as chest pain, palpitation, pain in the upper neck and down to her arm, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or hemoptysis. She denies any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, but reports as being constipated with the last bowel movement being on 08/26/2007 prior to surgery. She denies urinary symptoms such as dysuria, urinary frequency, incomplete bladder emptying or voiding difficulties. First day of her last menstrual cycle was 08/23/207 and she reports that she is most likely not pregnant since her husband had a vasectomy years ago.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: At the time of admission, temperature 97.7, blood pressure 108/52, heart rate 94, respirations 18, and 95% O2 saturation on room air.,GENERAL: No acute distress at the time of exam.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Sclerae are nonicteric. EOMI. Dentition is in good repair.,NECK: Trachea is at the midline.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds are heard throughout. Soft and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: Right hip incision is clean, intact, and no drainage is noted. There is diffuse edema, which extends distally. There is no calf tenderness per se bilaterally and Homans sign is negative. There is no pedal edema.,MENTAL STATUS: Alert and oriented x3, pleasant and cooperative during the exam.,LABORATORY DATA: , Initial workup included chemistry panel, which was unremarkable with the exception of a fasting glucose of 122 and an anion gap that was slightly decreased at 6. The BUN was normal at 8, creatinine was 0.9, INR was 1.49. CBC, had a white count of 5.7, hemoglobin was 9.2, hematocrit was 26.6, and platelets were 318,000.,IMPRESSION:,1. Status post right total hip replacement. The patient is admitted to the TCU at XYZ's Health Services and will be seen in consultation by Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy.,2. Postoperative anemia, Feosol 325 mg one q.d.,3. Pain management. Oxycodone SR 20 mg b.i.d., and oxycodone IR 5 mg one to two tablets q.4h., p.r.n. pain. Additionally, she will utilize ice to help decrease edema.,4. Depression and anxiety, Paxil 40 mg daily, Klonopin 1 mg q.h.s.,5. Osteoarthritis, Celebrex 200 mg b.i.d.,6. GI prophylaxis, Protonix 40 mg b.i.d. Dulcolax suppository and lactulose will be used as a p.r.n. basis and Colace 100 mg b.i.d.,7. DVT prophylaxis will be maintained with Arixtra 2.5 mg subcutaneously daily until the INR is greater than 1.7 and Coumadin will be adjusted according to the INR. She will continue on 5 mg every day.,8. Right leg muscle spasm/calf pain is stable at this time and we will reevaluate on a regular basis. Monitor for any possibility of DVT.
DIAGNOSIS: , Ankle sprain, left ankle.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 31-year-old female who was referred to Physical Therapy secondary to a fall on 10/03/08. The patient states that she tripped over her dog toy and fell with her left foot inverted. The patient states that she received a series of x-rays and MRIs that were unremarkable. After approximately 1 month, the patient continued to have significant debilitating pain in her left ankle. She then received a walking boot and has been in the boot for the past month.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for hypertension, asthma, and cervical cancer. The cervical cancer was diagnosed as 15 years old. The patient states that her cancer is "dormant.",MEDICATIONS:,1. Hydrochlorothiazide.,2. Lisinopril.,3. Percocet.,The patient states that the Percocet helps to take the edge of her pain, but does not completely eliminate it.,SUBJECTIVE: , The patient rates the pain at 2/10 on the pain analog scale. The patient states that with elevation and rest, her pain subsides.,FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITIES/HOBBIES: , Currently limited including basic household chores and activities, this does increases her pain. The patient states she also recently joined Weight Watchers and was involved in a walking routine and is currently unable to participate in this activity.,WORK STATUS: , The patient is currently on medical leave as a paraprofessional. The patient states that she works as a teacher's aide in the school system and is required to complete extensive walking and standing activities. The patient states that she is primarily on her feet while at work and rarely has a sitting break for extensive period of time. The patient's goal is to be able to stand and walk without pain.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient lives in a private home with children and her father. The patient states that she does have stairs to negotiate without the use of a railing. She states that she is able to manage the stairs, however, is very slow with her movement. The patient smokes 1-1/2 packs of cigarettes a day and does not have a history of regular exercise routine.,OBJECTIVE: , Upon observation, the patient is a very obese female who is ambulating with significant antalgic gait pattern and altered normal gait due to the pain as well as the walking boot. Upon inspection of the left ankle, it appears to have swelling, unsure if this swelling is secondary to injury or water retention as the patient states she has significant water retention. When compared to right ankle edema, it is approximately equal. There is no evidence of discoloration or temperature. The patient states that she had no bruising at the time of injury.,Active range of motion of left ankle is as follows: Dorsiflexion is 6 degrees past neutral and plantar flexion is 54 degrees, eversion 20 degrees, and inversion is 30 degrees. Left ankle dorsiflexion lacks 10 degrees from neutral and plantar flexion is 36 degrees, this motion is very painful. The patient was tearful during this activity. Eversion is 3 degrees and inversion is 25 degrees. The patient states this movement was difficult, but not painful. Strength testing of the right lower extremity is grossly 4+-5/5 and left ankle is 2/5 as the patient is unable to obtain full range of motion.,PALPATION: , The patient is very tender to palpation primarily along the lateral malleolus of the left ankle.,JOINT PLAY: , Unable to be assessed secondary to the patient's extreme tenderness and guarding of the ankle joint.,SPECIAL TESTS:, A 6-minute walk test. The patient was able to ambulate approximately 600 feet while wearing her walking boot prior to her pain significantly increasing in the ankle and requiring the test to be stopped.,ASSESSMENT: ,The patient would benefit from skilled physical therapy intervention as a trial of treatment in order to address the following problem list:,1. Increased pain.,2. Decreased range of motion.,3. Decreased strength.,4. Decreased ability to complete work task and functional activities in the home.,5. Decreased gait pattern.,SHORT-TERM GOALS TO BE COMPLETED IN 3 WEEKS:,1. The patient will demonstrate independence with home exercise program.,2. The patient will ambulate without her boot for 48 hours in order to decrease reliance upon the boot for ankle stabilization.,3. The patient will achieve left ankle dorsiflexion to neutral and plantar flexion to 45 degrees without significant increase in pain.,4. The patient will demonstrate 3/5 strength of the left ankle.,5. The patient will tolerate the completion of the 6-minute walk test without the use of a boot with minimal increase in pain.,LONG-TERM GOALS TO BE COMPLETED IN 6 WEEKS:,1. The patient will report 0/10 pain in the 48-hour period without the use of medication and without wearing her boot.,2. The patient will return to go through the work without the use of the walking boot with report of minimal increase in pain and discomfort.,PROGNOSIS:, Fair for above-stated goals with full compliance to home exercise program and therapy treatment as well as the patient motivation.,PLAN: , The patient to be seen three times a week for 6 weeks for the following:
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severely comminuted fracture of the distal radius, left.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severely comminuted fracture of the distal radius, left.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,Open reduction and internal fixation, high grade Frykman VIII distal radius fracture.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,PREOPERATIVE INDICATIONS: , This is a 52-year-old patient of mine who I have repaired both shoulder rotator cuffs, the most recent one in the calendar year 2007. While he was climbing a ladder recently in the immediate postop stage, he fell suffering the aforementioned heavily comminuted Frykman fracture. This fracture had a fragment that extended in the distal radial ulnar joint, a die-punch fragment in the center of the radius. The ulnar styloid and the radial styloid were off and there were severe dorsal comminutions. He presented to my office the morning of April 3, 2007, having had a left reduction done elsewhere a day ago. The reduction, although adequate, had allowed for the fragments to settle and I discussed with him the severity of the injury on a scale of 1-8, this was essentially an 8. The best results have been either with external fixation or internal fixation, most recently volar plating of a locking variety has been popular, and I felt that this would be appropriate in his case.,Risks and benefits otherwise described were bleeding, infection, need to do operative revise or removal of hardware. He is taking a job out of state in the next couple of months. Hence I felt that even with close followup, this is a particularly difficult fracture as far as the morbidity of the injury proceeds.,OPERATIVE NOTE: , After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia was obtained, one gram of Ancef was given intravenously. The left upper extremity was prepped and draped in supine position with the left hand in the arm table, magnification was used throughout. The time out procedure was done to the satisfaction of all present that this was indeed the appropriate extremity on the appropriate patient. A small C-arm was brought in to help guide the incision which was a volar curvilinear incision that included as part of this due to the fracture blisters eminent compartment syndrome and numbness in fingers. A carpal tunnel release was done with the transverse carpal ligament being protected with a Freer elevator. The usual amount of dissection of the pronator quadratus was necessary to view the distal radial fragment. The pronator quadratus actually grasped several of the fragments itself which had to be dissected free from them, specifically the distal radial ulnar joint and die-punch fragment. At this point, a locking Synthes distal radius plate from the modular handset was selected that had five articular screws as well as five locking shaft screws. The ulnar styloid was not affixed in any portion of this repair. The plate was viewed under the image intensification device, i.e., x-ray and the screws were placed in this order. The most proximal shaft screw was placed to allow the remainder of the plate to form a buttress to then rearrange the fragments around the locking screws and a locking plate having been selected from the volar approach, a locking 12-mm screw through 16-mm screws were placed in the following order. Most proximal on the radial shaft of the plate, then the radial styloid, i.e., the most distal and lateral screw, the next most proximal shaft screw followed by the distal radial ulnar joint screw. Three screws were locking across the die-punch fragment. The remaining two screws were placed into the radial shaft. All of these were locking screws of 2 mm in diameter and as the construct was created, the relative motion of the intra-articular fragment in dorsal comminution all diminished greatly, although the exposure as well as the amount of reduction force used was substantial. The tourniquet time was 1.5 hours. At this point, the tourniquet was let down. The entire construct was irrigated with copious amounts of bacitracin and normal saline. Closure was affected with 0 Vicryl underneath the skin surface followed by 3-0 Prolene in interrupted sutures in the volar wound. Several image intensification x-rays were taken at the conclusion of the case to check screw length. Screw lengths were changed out during the case as needed based on the x-ray findings. The wound was injected with Marcaine, lidocaine, Depo-Medrol, and Kantrex. A very heavily padded fluffy cotton Jones-type dressing was applied with a volar splint. Estimated blood loss was 10 mL. There were no specimens. Tourniquet time was 1.5 hours.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Same.,PROCEDURE:,1. Stellate ganglion RFTC (radiofrequency thermocoagulation) left side.,2. Interpretation of Radiograph.,ANESTHESIA: ,IV Sedation with Versed and Fentanyl.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATIONS: , Patient with reflex sympathetic dystrophy, left side. Positive for allodynia, pain, mottled appearance, skin changes upper extremities as well as swelling.,SUMMARY OF PROCEDURE: , Patient is admitted to the Operating Room. Monitors placed, including EKG, Pulse oximeter, and BP cuff. Patient had a pillow placed under the shoulder blades. The head and neck was allowed to fall back into hyperextension. The neck region was prepped and draped in sterile fashion with Betadine and alcohol. Four sterile towels were placed. The cricothyroid membrane was palpated, then going one finger's breadth lateral from the cricothyroid membrane and one finger's breadth inferior, the carotid pulse was palpated and the sheath was retracted laterally. A 22 gauge SMK 5-mm bare tipped needle was then introduced in between the cricothyroid membrane and the carotid sheath and directed inferiomedially. The needle is advanced prudently through the tissues, avoiding the carotid artery laterally. The tip of the needle is perceived to intersect with the vertebral body of Cervical #7 and this was visualized by fluoroscopy. Aspiration was cautiously performed after the needle was retracted approximately 1 mm and held steady with left hand. No venous or arterial blood return is noted. No cerebral spinal fluid is noted. Positive sensory stimulation was elicited using the Radionics unit at 50 Hz from 0-0.1 volts and negative motor stimulation was elicited from 1-10 volts at 2 Hz. After negative aspiration through the 22 gauge SMK 5mm bare tipped needle is absolutely confirmed, 5 cc of solution (solution consisting of 5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine, 1 cc of triamcinolone) was then injected into the stellate ganglion region. This was done with intermittent aspiration vigilantly verifying negative aspiration. The stylet was then promptly replaced and neurolysis (nerve decompression) was then carried out for 60 seconds at 80 degrees centigrade. This exact same procedure using the exact same protocol was repeated one more time to complete the two lesions of the stellate ganglion. The patient was immediately placed in the sitting position to reduce any side effect from the stellate ganglion block associated with cephalad spread of the solution. Pressure was placed over the puncture site for approximately five minutes to eliminate any hemorrhage from blood vessels that may have been punctured and a Band-Aid was placed over the puncture site. Patient was monitored for an additional ten to fifteen minutes and was noted to have tolerated the procedure well without any adverse sequelae. Significant temperature elevation was noted on the affected side verifying neurolysis of the ganglion. ,Interpretation of radiograph reveals placement of the 22-gauge SMK 5-mm bare tipped needle in the region of the stellate ganglion on the affected side. Four lesions were carried out.
Dear Sample Doctor:,Thank you for referring Mr. Sample Patient for cardiac evaluation. This is a 67-year-old, obese male who has a history of therapy-controlled hypertension, borderline diabetes, and obesity. He has a family history of coronary heart disease but denies any symptoms of angina pectoris or effort intolerance. Specifically, no chest discomfort of any kind, no dyspnea on exertion unless extreme exertion is performed, no orthopnea or PND. He is known to have a mother with coronary heart disease. He has never been a smoker. He has never had a syncopal episode, MI, or CVA. He had his gallbladder removed. No bleeding tendencies. No history of DVT or pulmonary embolism. The patient is retired, rarely consumes alcohol and consumes coffee moderately. He apparently has a sleep disorder, according to his wife (not in the office), the patient snores and stops breathing during sleep. He is allergic to codeine and aspirin (angioedema).,Physical exam revealed a middle-aged man weighing 283 pounds for a height of 5 feet 11 inches. His heart rate was 98 beats per minute and regular. His blood pressure was 140/80 mmHg in the right arm in a sitting position and 150/80 mmHg in a standing position. He is in no distress. Venous pressure is normal. Carotid pulsations are normal without bruits. The lungs are clear. Cardiac exam was normal. The abdomen was obese and organomegaly was not palpated. There were no pulsatile masses or bruits. The femoral pulses were 3+ in character with a symmetrical distribution and dorsalis pedis and posterior tibiales were 3+ in character. There was no peripheral edema. ,He had a chemistry profile, which suggests diabetes mellitus with a fasting blood sugar of 136 mg/dl. Renal function was normal. His lipid profile showed a slight increase in triglycerides with normal total cholesterol and HDL and an acceptable range of LDL. His sodium was a little bit increased. His A1c hemoglobin was increased. He had a spirometry, which was reported as normal. ,He had a resting electrocardiogram on December 20, 2002, which was also normal. He had a treadmill Cardiolite, which was performed only to stage 2 and was terminated by the supervising physician when the patient achieved 90% of the predicted maximum heart rate. There were no symptoms or ischemia by EKG. There was some suggestion of inferior wall ischemia with normal wall motion by Cardiolite imaging.,In summary, we have a 67-year-old gentleman with risk factors for coronary heart disease. I am concerned with possible diabetes and a likely metabolic syndrome of this gentleman with truncal obesity, hypertension, possible insulin resistance, and some degree of fasting hyperglycemia, as well as slight triglyceride elevation. He denies any symptoms of coronary heart disease, but he probably has some degree of coronary atherosclerosis, possibly affecting the inferior wall by functional testings. ,In view of the absence of symptoms, medical therapy is indicated at the present time, with very aggressive risk factor modification. I explained and discussed extensively with the patient, the benefits of regular exercise and a walking program was given to the patient. He also should start aggressively losing weight. I have requested additional testing today, which will include an apolipoprotein B, LPa lipoprotein, as well as homocystine, and cardio CRP to further assess his risk of atherosclerosis. ,In terms of medication, I have changed his verapamil for a long acting beta-blocker, he should continue on an ACE inhibitor and his Plavix. The patient is allergic to aspirin. I also will probably start him on a statin, if any of the studies that I have recommended come back abnormal and furthermore, if he is confirmed to have diabetes. Along this line, perhaps, we should consider obtaining the advice of an endocrinologist to decide whether this gentleman needs treatment for diabetes, which I believe he should. This, however, I will leave entirely up to you to decide. If indeed, he is considered to be a diabetic, a much more aggressive program should be entertained for reducing the risks of atherosclerosis in general, and coronary artery disease in particular.,I do not find an indication at this point in time to proceed with any further testing, such as coronary angiography, in the absence of symptoms.,If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.,Thank you once again for this kind referral.,Sincerely,,Sample Doctor, M.D.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Carious teeth #2 and #19 and left mandibular dental abscess.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Carious teeth #2 and #19 and left mandibular dental abscess.,PROCEDURES:, Extraction of teeth #2 and #19 and incision and drainage of intraoral and extraoral of left mandibular dental abscess.,ANESTHESIA: , General, oral endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS: , Penrose 0.25 inch intraoral and vestibule and extraoral.,CONDITION:, Stable to PACU.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, Patient was brought to the operating room, placed on the table in the supine position and after demonstration of an adequate plane of general anesthesia via the oral endotracheal route, patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for an intraoral procedure. In addition, the extraoral area on the left neck was prepped with Betadine and draped accordingly. Gauze throat pack was placed and local anesthetic was administered in the left lower quadrant, total of 3.4 mL of lidocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epinephrine and Marcaine 1.7 mL of 0.5% with 1:200,000 epinephrine. An incision was made with #15 blade in the left submandibular area through the skin and blunt dissection was accomplished with curved mosquito hemostat to the inferior border of the mandible. No purulent drainage was obtained. The 0.25 inch Penrose drain was then placed in the extraoral incision and it was secured with 3-0 silk suture. Moving to the intraoral area, periosteal elevator was used to elevate the periosteum from the buccal aspect of tooth #19. The area did not drain any purulent material. The carious tooth #19 was then extracted by elevator and forceps extraction. After the tooth was removed, the 0.25 inch Penrose drain was placed in a subperiosteal fashion adjacent to the extraction site and secured with 3-0 silk suture. The tube was then repositioned to the left side allowing access to the upper right quadrant where tooth #2 was then extracted by routine elevator and forceps extraction. After the extraction, the throat pack was removed. An orogastric tube was then placed by Dr. X, and stomach contents were suctioned. The pharynx was then suctioned with the Yankauer suction. The patient was awakened, extubated, and taken to the PACU in stable condition.
PROCEDURE:, Left Cardiac Catheterization, Left Ventriculography, Coronary Angiography and Stent Placement.,INDICATIONS: , Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.,PATIENT HISTORY: , This is a 55-year-old male. He presented with 3 hours of unstable angina.,PAST CARDIAC HISTORY: , History of previous arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Previous ST elevation MI.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS., The creatinine value is 1.3 mg/dL mg/dL.,PROCEDURE MEDICATIONS:,1. Visipaque 361 mL total dose.,2. Clopidogrel bisulphate (Plavix) 225 mg PO,3. Promethazine (Phenergan) 12.5 mg total dose.,4. Abciximab (Reopro) 10 mg IV bolus,5. Abciximab (Reopro) 0.125 mcg/kg/minute, 4.5 mL/250 mL D5W x 17 mL,6. Nitroglycerin 300 mcg IC total dose.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:,APPROACH: , Left heart catheterization via right femoral artery approach.,ACCESS METHOD: , Percutaneous needle puncture.,DEVICES USED:,1. Balloon catheter utilized: Manufacturer: Boston Sci Quantum Maverick RX 2.75mm x 20mm.,2. Cordis Vista Brite Tip 6Fr JR 4.0,3. ACS/Guidant Sport .014" (190cm) Wire,4. Stent utilized: Boston Sci Taxus RX Stent 3.0mm x 32mm.,FINDINGS/INTERVENTIONS:,LEFT VENTRICULOGRAPHY:, The overall left ventricular systolic function is mildly reduced. Left ventricular ejection fraction is 40% by left ventriculogram. Mild hypokinesis of the anterior wall of the left ventricle. There was no transaortic gradient. Mitral valve regurgitation is not seen.,LEFT MAIN CORONARY ARTERY: , There were no obstructing lesions in the left main coronary artery. Blood flow appeared normal.,LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING ARTERY: , There was a 95%, discrete stenosis in the mid left anterior descending artery. A drug eluting, Boston Sci Taxus RX Stent 3.0mm x 32mm stent was placed in the mid left anterior descending artery and post-dilated to 3.5 mm. Post-procedure stenosis was 0%. There was no dissection and no perforation.,LEFT CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY: , There was a 50%, diffuse stenosis in the left circumflex artery.,RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY:, The right coronary artery is dominant to the posterior circulation. There were no obstructing lesions in the right coronary artery. Blood flow appeared normal.,COMPLICATIONS:,There were no complications during the procedure., ,IMPRESSION:,1. Severe two-vessel coronary artery disease.,2. Severe left anterior descending coronary artery disease. There was a 95% mid left anterior descending artery stenosis. The lesion was successfully stented.,3. Moderate left circumflex artery disease. There was a 50% left circumflex artery stenosis. Intervention not warranted.,4. The overall left ventricular systolic function is mildly reduced with ejection fraction of 40%. Mild hypokinesis of the anterior wall of the left ventricle.,RECOMMENDATION:,1. Clopidogrel (Plavix) 75 mg PO daily for 1 year.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carious teeth and periodontal disease affecting all remaining teeth.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carious teeth and periodontal disease affecting all remaining teeth and partial bony impacted tooth #32.,PROCEDURE: , Extraction of remaining teeth numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32.,ANESTHESIA:, General, oral endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,CONDITION:, Stable to PACU.,PROCEDURE: Patient was brought to the operating room, placed on the table in the supine position and after demonstration of an adequate plane of general anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for an intraoral procedure. Gauze throat pack was placed and local anesthetic was administered in the upper and lower left quadrants and extraction of teeth was begun on the upper left quadrant teeth numbers 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 were removed with elevators and forceps extraction. Moving to the lower quadrant on the left side, tooth numbers 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 were removed with elevators and routine forceps extraction. The flaps were then closed with 3-0 gut sutures and upon completion of the two quadrants on the left side, the endotracheal tube was then relocated from the right side to the left side for access to the quadrants on the right. Teeth numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 were then removed with elevators and routine forceps extraction. It was noted that tooth #6 was missing, could not be seen whether tooth #6 was palately impacted, but the tooth was not encountered. On the lower right quadrant, teeth numbers 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 were removed with elevators and routine forceps extraction. Tooth #32 was partially bony impacted, but exposed, so it was removed by removing bone on buccal aspect with high-speed drill with a round bur. Tooth was then luxated from the socket. The flaps were then closed on both quadrants with 3-0 gut sutures. The area was irrigated thoroughly with normal saline solution and a total of 8.5 mL of lidocaine 2% with 1:100, 000 epinephrine and 3.6 mL of bupivacaine 0.5% with epinephrine 1:200, 000. Upon completion of the procedure, the throat pack was removed. The pharynx was suctioned. An oral gastric tube was passed and small amount of stomach contents were suctioned. The patient was then extubated and taken to PACU in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute appendicitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Perforated Meckel's diverticulum.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Diagnostic laparotomy.,2. Exploratory laparotomy.,3. Meckel's diverticulectomy.,4. Open incidental appendectomy.,5. Peritoneal toilet.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,300 ml.,URINE OUTPUT: , 200 ml.,TOTAL FLUID:, 1600 mL.,DRAIN:, JP x1 right lower quadrant and anterior to the rectum.,TUBES:, Include an NG and a Foley catheter.,SPECIMENS: , Include Meckel's diverticulum and appendix.,COMPLICATIONS: , Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure with hypoxemia following closure.,BRIEF HISTORY: , This is a 45-year-old Caucasian gentleman presented to ABCD General Hospital with acute onset of right lower quadrant pain that began 24 hours prior to this evaluation.,The pain was very vague and progressed in intensity. The patient has had anorexia with decrease in appetite. His physical examination revealed the patient to be febrile with the temperature of 102.4. He had right lower quadrant and suprapubic tenderness with palpation with Rovsing sign and rebound consistent with acute surgical abdomen. The patient was presumed acute appendicitis and was placed on IV antibiotics and recommended that he undergo diagnostic laparoscopy with possible open exploratory laparotomy. He was explained the risks, benefits, and complications of the procedure and gave informed consent to proceed.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Diagnostic laparoscopy revealed purulent drainage within the region of the right lower quadrant adjacent to the cecum and terminal ileum. There was large amounts of purulent drainage. The appendix was visualized, however, it was difficult to be visualized secondary to the acute inflammatory process, purulent drainage, and edema. It was decided given the signs of perforation and purulent drainage within the abdomen that we would convert to an open exploratory laparotomy. Upon exploration of the ileum, there was noted to be a ruptured Meckel's diverticulum, this was resected. Additionally, the appendix appeared normal without evidence of perforation and/or edema and a decision to proceed with incidental appendectomy was performed. The patient was irrigated with copious amounts of warmth normal saline approximately 2 to 3 liters. The patient was closed and did develop some hypoxemia after closure. He remained ventilated and was placed on a large amount of ________. His hypoxia did resolve and he remained intubated and proceed to the Critical Care Complex or postop surgical care.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operative suite and placed in the supine position. He did receive preoperative IV antibiotics, sequential compression devices, NG tube placement with Foley catheter, and heparin subcutaneously. The patient was intubated by the Anesthesia Department. After adequate anesthesia was obtained, the abdomen was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion with Betadine solution. Utilizing a #10 blade scalpel, an infraumbilical incision was created. The Veress needle was inserted into the abdomen. The abdomen was insufflated to approximately 15 mmHg. A #10 mm ablated trocar was inserted into the abdomen and a video laparoscope was inserted and the abdomen was explored and the above findings were noted. A right upper quadrant 5 mm port was inserted to help with manipulation of bowel and to visualize the appendix. Decision was then made to convert to exploratory laparotomy given the signs of acute perforation. The instruments were then removed. The abdomen was then deflated. Utilizing ________ #10 blade scalpel, a midline incision was created from the xiphoid down to level of the pubic symphysis.,The incision was carried down with a #10 blade scalpel and the bleeding was controlled along the way with electrocautery. The posterior layer of the rectus fascia and peritoneum was opened carefully with the scissors as the peritoneum had already been penetrated during laparoscopy. Incision was carried down to the midline within the linea alba. Once the abdomen was opened, there was noted to be gross purulent drainage. The ileum was explored and there was noted to be a perforated Meckel's diverticulum. Decision to resect the diverticulum was performed.,The blood supply to the Meckel's diverticulum was carefully dissected free and a #3-0 Vicryl was used to tie off the blood supply to the Meckel's diverticulum. Clamps were placed to the proximal supply to the Meckel's diverticulum was tied off with #3-0 Vicryl sutures. The Meckel's diverticulum was noted to be completely free and was grasped anteriorly and utilizing a GIA stapling device, the diverticulum was transected. There was noted to be a hemostatic region within the transection and staple line looked intact without evidence of perforation and/or leakage. Next, decision was decided to go ahead and perform an appendectomy. Mesoappendix was doubly clamped with hemostats and cut with Metzenbaum scissors. The appendiceal artery was identified and was clamped between two hemostats and transected as well. Once the appendix was completely freed of the surrounding inflammation and adhesion. A plain gut was placed at the base of the appendix and tied down. The appendix was milked distally with a straight stat and clamped approximately halfway. A second piece of plain gut suture was used to ligate above and then was transected with a #10 blade scalpel. The appendiceal stump was then inverted with a pursestring suture of #2-0 Vicryl suture. Once the ________ was completed, decision to place a JP drain within the right lower quadrant was performed. The drain was positioned within the right lower quadrant and anterior to the rectum and brought out through a separate site in the anterior abdominal wall. It was sewn in place with a #3-0 nylon suture. The abdomen was then irrigated with copious amounts of warmed normal saline. The remainder of the abdomen was unremarkable for pathology. The omentum was replaced over the bowel contents and utilizing #1-0 PDS suture, the abdominal wall, anterior and posterior rectus fascias were closed with a running suture. Once the abdomen was completely closed, the subcutaneous tissue was irrigated with copious amounts of saline and the incision was closed with staples. The previous laparoscopic sites were also closed with staples. Sterile dressings were placed over the wound with Adaptic and 4x4s and covered with ABDs. JPs replaced with bulb suction. NG tube and Foley catheter were left in place. The patient tolerated this procedure well with exception of hypoxemia which resolved by the conclusion of the case.,The patient will proceed to the Critical Care Complex where he will be closely evaluated and followed in his postoperative course. To remain on IV antibiotics and we will manage ventilatory-dependency of the patient.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left spermatocele.,2. Family planning.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left spermatocele.,2. Family planning.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Left spermatocelectomy/epididymectomy.,2. Bilateral partial vasectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,SPECIMEN: , Left-sided spermatocele, epididymis, and bilateral partial vasectomy.,DISPOSITION: ,To PACU in stable condition.,INDICATIONS AND FINDINGS: , This is a 48-year-old male with a history of a large left-sided spermatocele with significant discomfort. The patient also has family status complete and desired infertility. The patient was scheduled for elective left spermatocelectomy and bilateral partial vasectomy.,FINDINGS: , At this time of the surgery, significant left-sided spermatocele was noted encompassing almost the entirety of the left epididymis with only minimal amount of normal appearing epididymis remaining.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was moved to the operating room. A general anesthesia was induced by the Department of Anesthesia.,The patient was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion for a scrotal approach. A #15 blade was used to make a transverse incision on the left hemiscrotum. Electrocautery was used to carry the incision down into the tunica vaginalis and the testicle was delivered into the field. The left testicle was examined. A large spermatocele was noted. Metzenbaum scissors were used to dissect the tissue around the left spermatocele. Once the spermatocele was identified, as stated above, significant size was noted encompassing the entire left epididymis. Metzenbaum scissors as well as electrocautery was used to dissect free the spermatocele from its testicular attachments and spermatocelectomy and left epididymectomy was completed with electrocautery. Electrocautery was used to confirm excellent hemostasis. Attention was then turned to the more proximal aspect of the cord. The vas deferens was palpated and dissected free with Metzenbaum scissors. Hemostats were placed on the two aspects of the cord, approximately 1 cm segment of cord was removed with Metzenbaum scissors and electrocautery was used to cauterize the lumen of the both ends of vas deferens and silk ties used to ligate the cut ends. Testicle was placed back in the scrotum in appropriate anatomic position. The dartos tissue was closed with running #3-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed in a horizontal interrupted mattress fashion with #4-0 chromic. Attention was then turned to the right side. The vas was palpated in the scrotum. A small skin incision was made with a #15 blade and the vas was grasped with a small Allis clamp and brought into the surgical field. A scalpel was used to excise the vas sheath and vas was freed from its attachments and grasped again with a hemostat. Two ends were hemostated with hemostats and divided with Metzenbaum scissors. Lumen was coagulated with electrocautery. Silk ties used to ligate both cut ends of the vas deferens and placed back into the scrotum. A #4-0 chromic suture was used in simple fashion to reapproximate the skin incision. Scrotum was cleaned and bacitracin ointment, sterile dressing, fluffs, and supportive briefs applied. The patient was sent to Recovery in stable condition. He was given prescriptions for doxycycline 100 mg b.i.d., for five days and Vicodin ES 1 p.o. q.4h. p.r.n., pain, #30 for pain. The patient is to followup with Dr. X in seven days.