REASON FOR VISIT:, Postoperative visit for craniopharyngioma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Briefly, a 16-year-old right-handed boy who is in eleventh grade, who presents with some blurred vision and visual acuity difficulties, was found to have a suprasellar tumor. He was brought to the operating room on 01/04/07, underwent a transsphenoidal resection of tumor. Histology returned as craniopharyngioma. There is some residual disease; however, the visual apparatus was decompressed. According to him, he is doing well, back at school without any difficulties. He has some occasional headaches and tinnitus, but his vision is much improved.,MEDICATIONS: , Synthroid 100 mcg per day.,FINDINGS: , On exam, he is awake, alert and oriented x 3. Pupils are equal and reactive. EOMs are full. His visual acuity is 20/25 in the right (improved from 20/200) and the left is 20/200 improved from 20/400. He has a bitemporal hemianopsia, which is significantly improved and wider. His motor is 5 out of 5. There are no focal motor or sensory deficits. The abdominal incision is well healed. There is no evidence of erythema or collection. The lumbar drain was also well healed.,The postoperative MRI demonstrates small residual disease.,Histology returned as craniopharyngioma.,ASSESSMENT: , Postoperative visit for craniopharyngioma with residual disease.,PLANS: , I have recommended that he call. I discussed the options with our radiation oncologist, Dr. X. They will schedule the appointment to see him. In addition, he probably will need an MRI prior to any treatment, to follow the residual disease.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Soft tissue mass, right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Soft tissue mass, right knee.,2. Osteophyte lateral femoral condyle, right knee.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:, Excision of capsular mass and arthrotomy with ostectomy of lateral femoral condyle, right knee.,SPECIFICATION: , The entire operative procedure was done in Inpatient Operating Suite, room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. This was done under a local and IV sedation via the Anesthesia Department.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS:, This is a 37-year-old African-American male with a mass present at the posterolateral aspect of his right knee. On aspiration, it was originally attempted to no avail. There was a long-standing history of this including two different MRIs, one about a year ago and one very recently both of which did not delineate the mass present. During aspiration previously, the patient had experienced neuritic type symptoms down his calf, which have mostly resolved by the time that this had occurred. The patient continued to complain of pain and dysfunction to his calf. This was discussed with him at length. He wished this to be explored and the mass excised even though knowing the possibility that they would not change his pain pattern with the potential of reoccurrence as well as the potential of scar stiffness, swelling, and peroneal nerve palsy. With this, he decided to proceed.,Upon observation preoperatively, the patient was noted to have a hard mass present to the posterolateral aspect of the right knee. It was noted to be tender. It was marked preoperatively prior to an anesthetic. Upon dissection, the patient was noted to have significant thickening of the posterior capsule. The posterolateral aspect of the knee above the posterolateral complex at the gastroc attachment to the lateral femoral condyle. There was also noted to be prominence of the lateral femoral condyle ridge. The bifurcation at the tibial and peroneal nerves were identified and no neuroma was present.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was laid supine upon the operating table. After receiving IV sedation, he was placed prone. Thigh tourniquet was placed. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. A transverse incision was carried down across the crease with a mass had been palpated through skin and subcutaneous tissue after exsanguination of the limb and tourniquet utilized. The nerve was identified and carefully retracted throughout the case. Both nerves were identified and carefully retracted throughout the case. There was noted to be no neuroma present. This was taken down until the gastroc was split. There was gross thickening of the joint capsule and after arthrotomy, a section of the capsule was excised. The lateral femoral condyle was then osteophied. We then smoothed off with a rongeur. After this, we could not palpate any mass whatsoever placing pressure upon the area of the nerve. Tourniquet was deflated. It was checked again. There was no excessive swelling. Swanson drain was placed to the depth of the wound and interrupted #2-0 Vicryl was utilized for subcutaneous fat closure and #4-0 nylon was utilized for skin closure. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and Webril were placed for compression dressing. Digits were warm _______ pulses distally at the end of the case. The tourniquet as stated has been deflated prior to closure and hemostasis was controlled. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is guarded.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Pregnancy at 40 weeks.,2. Failure to progress.,3. Premature prolonged rupture of membranes.,4. Group B strep colonization.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Pregnancy at 40 weeks.,2. Failure to progress.,3. Premature prolonged rupture of membranes.,4. Group B strep colonization.,5. Delivery of viable male neonate.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Primary low transverse cesarean section via Pfannenstiel incision.,ANESTHESIA: ,Spinal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 1000 cc.,FLUID REPLACEMENT: , 2700 cc crystalloid.,URINE:, 500 cc clear yellow urine in the Foley catheter.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: ,Normal appearing uterus, tubes, and ovaries. A viable male neonate with Apgars of 9 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes respectively. Infant weight equaled to 4140 gm with clear amniotic fluid. The umbilical cord was wrapped around the leg tightly x1. Infant was in a vertex, right occiput anterior position.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 19-year-old G1 P0 at 41 and 1/7th weeks' intrauterine pregnancy. She presented at mid night on 08/22/03 complaining of spontaneous rupture of membranes, which was confirmed in Labor and Delivery. The patient had a positive group beta strep colonization culture and was started on penicillin. The patient was also started on Pitocin protocol at that time. The patient was monitored throughout the morning showing some irregular contractions every 5 to 6 minutes and then eventually no contractions on the monitor. IUPC was placed without difficulty and contractions appeared to be regular, however, they were inadequate amount of the daily units. The patient was given a rest from the Pitocin. She walked and had a short shower. The patient was then placed back on Pitocin with IUPC in place and we were unable to achieve adequate contractions. Maximum cervical dilation was 5 cm, 80% effaced, negative 2 station, and cephalic position. At the time of C-section, the patient had been ruptured for over 24 hours and it was determined that she would not progress in her cervical dilation, as there was suspected macrosomia on ultrasound. Options were discussed with the patient and family and it was determined that we will take her for C-section today. Consent was signed. All questions were answered with Dr. X present.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operative suite where a spinal anesthetic was placed. She was placed in the dorsal supine position with left upward tilt. She was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion and her spinal anesthetic was found to adequate. A Pfannenstiel incision was made with a first scalpel and carried through the underlying layer of fascia with a second scalpel. The fascia was incised in the midline and extended laterally using curved Mayo scissors. The superior aspect of the fascial incision was grasped with Ochsner and Kocher clamps and elevated off the rectus muscles. Attention was then turned to the inferior aspect of the incision where Kocher clamps were used to elevate the fascia off the underlying rectus muscle. The rectus muscle was separated in the midline bluntly. The underlying peritoneum was tented up with Allis clamps and incised using Metzenbaum scissors. The peritoneum was then bluntly stretched. The bladder blade was placed. The vesicouterine peritoneum was identified, tented up with Allis' and entered sharply with Metzenbaum scissors. The incision was extended laterally and the bladder flap created digitally. The bladder blade was then reinserted in the lower uterine segment. A low transverse uterine incision was made with a second scalpel. The uterine incision was extended laterally bluntly. The bladder blade was removed and the infant's head was delivered with the assistance of a vacuum. Infant's nose and mouth were bulb suctioned and the body was delivered atraumatically. There was, of note, an umbilical cord around the leg tightly x1.,Cord was clamped and cut. Infant was handed to the waiting pediatrician. Cord gas was sent for pH as well as blood typing. The placenta was manually removed and the uterus was exteriorized and cleared of all clots and debris. The uterine incision was grasped circumferentially with Alfred clamps and closed with #0-Chromic in a running locked fashion. A second layer of imbricating stitch was performed using #0-Chromic suture to obtain excellent hemostasis. The uterus was returned to the abdomen. The gutters were cleared of all clots and debris. The rectus muscle was loosely approximated with #0-Vicryl suture in a single interrupted fashion. The fascia was reapproximated with #0-Vicryl suture in a running fashion. The subcutaneous Scarpa's fascia was then closed with #2-0 plain gut. The skin was then closed with staples. The incision was dressed with sterile dressing and bandage. Blood clots were evacuated from the vagina. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. The mother was taken to the recovery room in stable and satisfactory condition.
HISTORY:, A is here for a follow up appointment at our Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic as well as the CCS Clinic. A is a 17-year-old male with oligoarticular arthritis of his right knee. He had a joint injection back in 03/2007 and since then he has been doing relatively well. He is taking Indocin only as needed even though he said he has pain regularly, and he said that his knee has not changed since the beginning, but he said he only takes the medicine when he has pain, which is not every day, but almost every day. He denies any swelling more than what it was before, and he denies any other joints are affected at this moment. Denies any fevers or any rashes.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, On physical examination, his temperature is 98.6, weight is 104.6 kg; which is 4.4 kg less than before, 108/70 is his blood pressure, weight is 91.0 kg, and his pulse is 80. He is alert, active, and oriented in no distress. He has no facial rashes, no lymphadenopathy, no alopecia. Funduscopic examination is within normal limit. He has no cataracts and symmetric pupils to light and accommodation. His chest is clear to auscultation. The heart has a regular rhythm with no murmur. The abdomen is soft and nontender with no : visceromegaly. Musculoskeletal examination showed good range of motion of all his upper extremities with no swelling or tenderness. Lower extremities: He still has some weakness of the knees, hip areas, and the calf muscles. He does have minus/plus swelling of the right knee with a very hypermobile patella. There is no limitation in his range of motion, and the swelling is very minimal with some mild tenderness.,In terms of his laboratories, they were not done today.,ASSESSMENT: , This is a 17-year-old male with oligoarticular arthritis. He is HLA-B27 negative.,PLAN:, In terms of the plan, I discussed with him what things he should be taking and the fact that since he has persistent symptoms, he should be on medication every day. I am going to switch him to Indocin 75 mg SR just to give more sustained effect to his joints, and if he does not respond to this or continue with the symptoms, we may need to get an MRI. We will see him back in three months. He was evaluated by our physical therapist, who gave him some recommendations in terms of exercise for his lower extremities. Future plans for A may include physical therapy and more stronger medications as well as imaging studies with an MRI. Today he received his flu shot. Discussed this with A and his aunt and they had no further questions.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , "I have had trouble breathing for the past 3 days",HISTORY: , 69-year-old Caucasian male complaining of difficulty breathing for 3 days. He also states that he has been coughing accompanying with low-grade type fever. He also admits to having intermittent headaches and bilateral chest pain that does not radiate to upper extremities and jaws but worse with coughing. Patient initially had this type of episodes about 10 months ago but has intermittently getting worse since.,PMH: , DM, HTN, COPD, CAD,PSH: ,CABG, appendectomy, tonsillectomy,FH:, Non-contributory,SOCH: , Divorce and live alone, retired postal worker, has 3 children, 7 grandchildren. He smokes 1 pack a day of Newport for 30 years and is a social drinker. He denies any illicit drug use.,TRAVEL HISTORY: , Denies any recent travel overseas,ALLERGIES: , Denies any drug allergies,HOME MEDICATIONS:, Advair 1 puff bid Lisinopril 10 mg qd Lopressor 50 mg bid Aspirin 81 mg qd Plavix 75 mg qd Multivitamins Feso4 1 tab qd Colace 100 mg qd,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS REVEALS:, Same as above,PHYSICAL EXAM:,Vital signs are: Temp. 99.3 F / BP 138/92, Resp. 22, P 88,General: Patient is in mild acute respiratory distress,HEENT:,Head: Atraumatic, normocephalic,,Eyes:
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Here with a concern of possibly issues of short-term memory loss. She is under exceeding amount of stress over the last 5 to 10 years. She has been a widow over the last 11 years. Her husband died in an MVA from a drunk driver accident. She had previously worked at the bank in Conway Springs in Norwich and had several other jobs related to accounting or management services. She does have an MBA in business. Currently, she works at T-Mobile Customer Service, and there is quite a bit of technical knowledge, deadlines, and stress related to that job as well. She feels she has trouble at times absorbing all that she needs to learn as far as the computer skills, protocols, customer service issues, etc. She describes the job is very demanding and high stress. She denies any history of weakness, lethargy, or dizziness. No history of stroke.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Vioxx 25 mg daily, HCTZ 25 mg one-half tablet daily, Zoloft 100 mg daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICATIONS: , Naprosyn.,SOCIAL HISTORY, FAMILY HISTORY, PAST MEDICAL HISTORY AND SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has had hypertension very well controlled and history of elevated triglycerides. She has otherwise been generally healthy. Nonsmoker. Please see notes dated 06/28/2004.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Review of systems is otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Age: 60. Weight: 192 pounds. Blood pressure: 134/80. Temperature: 97.8 degrees.,General: A very pleasant 60-year-old white female in no acute distress. Alert, ambulatory and nonlethargic.,HEENT: PERRLA. EOMs are intact. TMs are clear bilaterally. Throat is clear.,Neck: Supple. No cervical adenopathy.,Lungs: Clear without wheezes or rales.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm.,Abdomen: Soft nontender to palpation.,Extremities: Moving all extremities well.,IMPRESSION:,1. Short-term memory loss, probable situational.,2. Anxiety stress issues.,PLAN:, Thirty-minute face-to-face appointment in counseling with the patient. At length discussion on her numerous stress issues which can certainly cause a loss of concentration and inability to learn. The current job she is at does sound extremely stressful and demanding. I think her stress reactions to these as far as feeling frustrated are within normal limits. We did complete a mini mental state exam including clock drawing, sentence writing, signature, etc. She does score a maximum score of 30/30 and all other tasks were completed without difficulty or any hesitation. I did spend quite a bit of time reassuring her as well. She is currently on Zoloft 100 mg which I think is an appropriate dose. We will have her continue on that. She did verbalize understanding and that she actually felt better after our discussion concerning these issues. At some point in time; however, I would possibly recommend job change if this one would persist as far as the stress levels. She is going to think about that.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: ,Hip pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: ,The patient is a very pleasant 41-year-old white female that is known to me previously from our work at the Pain Management Clinic, as well as from my residency training program, San Francisco. We have worked collaboratively for many years at the Pain Management Clinic and with her departure there, she has asked to establish with me for clinic pain management at my office. She reports moderate to severe pain related to a complicated past medical history. In essence, she was seen at a very young age at the clinic for bilateral knee and hip pain and diagnosed with bursitis at age 23. She was given nonsteroidals at that time, which did help with this discomfort. With time, however, this became inadequate and she was seen later in San Francisco in her mid 30s by Dr. V, an orthopedist who diagnosed retroverted hips at Hospital. She was referred for rehabilitation and strengthening. Most of this was focused on her SI joints. At that time, although she had complained of foot discomfort, she was not treated for it. This was in 1993 after which she and her new husband moved to the Boston area, where she lived from 1995-1996. She was seen at the Pain Center by Dr. R with similar complaints of hip and knee pain. She was seen by rheumatologists there and diagnosed with osteoarthritis as well as osteophytosis of the back. Medications at that time were salicylate and Ultram.,When she returned to Portland in 1996, she was then working for Dr. B. She was referred to a podiatrist by her local doctor who found several fractured sesamoid bones in her both feet, but this was later found not to be the case. Subsequently, nuclear bone scans revealed osteoarthritis. Orthotics were provided. She was given Paxil and Tramadol and subsequently developed an unfortunate side effect of grand mal seizure. During this workup of her seizure, imaging studies revealed a pericardial fluid-filled cyst adhered to her ventricle. She has been advised not to undergo any corrective or reparative surgery as well as to limit her activities since. She currently does not have an established cardiologist having just changed insurance plans. She is establishing care with Dr. S, of Rheumatology for her ongoing care. Up until today, her pain medications were being written by Dr. Y prior to establishing with Dr. L.,Pain management in town had been first provided by the office of Dr. F. Under his care, followup MRIs were done which showed ongoing degenerative disc disease, joint disease, and facet arthropathy in addition to previously described sacroiliitis. A number of medications were attempted there, including fentanyl patches with Flonase from 25 mcg titrated upwards to 50 mcg, but this caused oversedation. She then transferred her care to Ab Cd, FNP under the direction of Dr. K. Her care there was satisfactory, but because of her work schedule, the patient found this burdensome as well as the guidelines set forth in terms of monthly meetings and routine urine screens. Because of a previous commitment, she was unable to make one unscheduled request to their office in order to produce a random urine screen and was therefore discharged.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,1. Attention deficit disorder.,2. TMJ arthropathy.,3. Migraines.,4. Osteoarthritis as described above.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Cystectomies.,2. Sinuses.,3. Left ganglia of the head and subdermally in various locations.,4. TMJ and bruxism.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,The patient's father also suffered from bilateral hip osteoarthritis.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Methadone 2.5 mg p.o. t.i.d.,2. Norco 10/325 mg p.o. q.i.d.,3. Tenormin 50 mg q.a.m.,4. Skelaxin 800 mg b.i.d. to t.i.d. p.r.n.,5. Wellbutrin SR 100 mg q.d.,6. Naprosyn 500 mg one to two pills q.d. p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: , IV morphine causes hives. Sulfa caused blisters and rash.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , A well-developed, well-nourished white female in no acute distress, sitting comfortably and answering questions appropriately, making good eye contact, and no evidence of pain behavior.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 110/72 with a pulse of 68.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Atraumatic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular motions are intact. No scleral icterus. No nystagmus. Tongue is midline. Mucous membranes are moist without exudate.,NECK: Free range of motion without thyromegaly.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation without wheeze or rhonchi.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, gallop, or rub.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: There is musculoskeletal soreness and tenderness found at the ankles, feet, as well as the low back, particularly above the SI joints bilaterally. Passive hip motion also elicits bilateral hip pain referred to the ipsilateral side. Toe-heel walking is performed without difficulty. Straight leg raises are negative. Romberg's are negative.,NEUROLOGIC: Grossly intact. Intact reflexes in all extremities tested. Romberg is negative and downgoing.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Osteoarthritis.,2. Chronic sacroiliitis.,3. Lumbar spondylosis.,4. Migraine.,5. TMJ arthropathy secondary to bruxism.,6. Mood disorder secondary to chronic pain.,7. Attention deficit disorder, currently untreated and self diagnosed.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. Agree with Rheumatology referral and review. I would particularly be interested in the patient pursuing a bone density scan as well as thyroid and parathyroid studies.,2. Given the patient's previous sulfa allergies, we would recommend decreasing her Naprosyn usage.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic tonsillitis with symptomatic tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic tonsillitis with symptomatic tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,FINDINGS: , The tonsils were 3+ enlarged and cryptic.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, Under general anesthesia with an endotracheal tube, the patient was placed in supine position. A mouth gag was inserted and suspended from Mayo stand. Red rubber catheter was placed through the nose and pulled up through the mouth with elevation of the palate. The adenoid area was inspected. The adenoids were small. The left tonsil was grasped with a tonsil tenaculum. The tonsil was removed with the Gold laser. The apposite tonsil was removed in a similar manner. Hemostasis was secured with electrocautery. Both tonsillar fossae were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with adrenaline. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition.
DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral hypomastia.,NAME OF OPERATION:, Bilateral transaxillary subpectoral mammoplasty with saline-filled implants.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE: , After first obtaining a suitable level of general anesthesia with the patient in the supine position, the breasts were prepped with Betadine scrub and solution. Sterile towels, sheets, and drapes were placed in the usual fashion for surgery of the breasts. Following prepping and draping, the anterior axillary folds and the inframammary folds were infiltrated with a total of 20 cc of 0.5% Xylocaine with 1:200,000 units of epinephrine.,After a suitable hemostatic waiting period, transaxillary incisions were made, and dissection was carried down to the edge of the pectoralis fascia. Blunt dissection was then used to form a bilateral subpectoral pocket. Through the subpectoral pocket a sterile suction tip was introduced, and copious irrigation with sterile saline solution was used until the irrigant was clear.,Following completion of irrigation, 350-cc saline-filled implants were introduced. They were first filled with 60 cc of saline and checked for gross leakage; none was evident. They were over filled to 400 cc of saline each. The patient was then placed in the seated position, and the left breast needed 10 cc of additional fluid for symmetry.,Following completion of the filling of the implants and checking the breasts for symmetry, the patient's wounds were closed with interrupted vertical mattress sutures of 4-0 Prolene. Flexan dressings were applied followed by the patient's bra.,She seemed to tolerate the procedure well.
CC:, Headache and diplopia.,HX:, This 39 y/o African American female began experiencing severe constant pressure pain type headaches beginning the last week of 8/95. The pain localized to bifronto-temporal regions of the head and did not radiate. There was no associated nausea, vomiting, photophobia or phonophobia. The HA's occurred daily; and throughout daylight hours. They diminished at bedtime, but occasionally awakened her in the morning.,Several days following the onset of her HA's, she began experiencing numbness and tingling about the right side of her face. These symptoms improved, but did not completely resolved.,Several days after the onset of facial paresthesias, she began to experience binocular horizontal diplopia. The diplopia resolved when covering either eye, and worsened upon looking toward the right. Coincidentally, she began veering toward the right when walking. She denied any weakness. She had had chronic unsteadiness for many years since developing juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. She was unsure whether her unsteadiness was due to poor depth perception in light of her diplopia.,The patient was admitted locally 9/2/95. HCT, 9/2/95 and Brain MRI with gadolinium, 9/3/95, were "unremarkable." Lumbar puncture (done locally),9/3/95: Opening pressure 27cm H20, CSF analysis ( protein 14.0, glucose 66, O WBC, 3 RBC, VDRL non-reactive, Lyme titer unremarkable, Myelin basic protein 1.0 (normal <4.0), and there was no evidence of oligoclonal bands. ESR=76. On 9/11/95 ESR=110. Acetylcholine receptor binding and blocking antibodies were negative. 9/4/95, ANA and RF were negative. 7/94, ANA and RF were negative, and ESR=60.,MEDS: ,Tylenol 500mg q5-6hrs. No known Allergies.,PMH:, 1)Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosed at age 10 years; now in remission. 2)Right #5 finger reattachment as child due to traumatic amputation.,FHX: ,Mother died age 42 of unknown type cancer. Father died age 62 of unknown type cancer. 4 sisters, one brother and 2 half-brothers. One of the half-brothers has asthma.,SHX: ,Single, lives with sister, and denies Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP141/84, HR99, RR14, 36.8C, Wt. 82kg Ht. 152.,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent; without dysarthria. Mood euthymic with appropriate affect.,CN: Decreased abduction, OD. In neutral gaze, the right eye deviated slightly lateral of midline. In addition, she had mild proptosis, OD. The right eye was nontender to palpation during extraocular movement. Visual fields were full to confrontation. Optic disks appeared flat. Face was symmetric with full movement and sensation. Gag, shoulder shrug and corneal responses were intact, bilaterally. Tongue was midline with full ROM.,MOTOR: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle bulk and tone.,SENSORY: Unremarkable.,COORD: Unremarkable FNF/HKS/RAM.,STATION: Unremarkable. NO Romberg's sign or drift.,GAIT: Narrow based gait. Able to TT and HW without difficulty. Mild difficulty with TW.,REFLEXES: 2+/2+ Throughout all 4 extremities. Flexor plantar responses, bilaterally.,Musculoskeletal: Swan neck deformities of the #2 and #3 digits of both hands.,GEN EXAM: unremarkable, except for obvious sign of right finger reattachment (mentioned above).,COURSE: ,Repeat lumbar puncture yielded: Opening pressure 20.25cm H20, protein 22, glucose 62, 2RBC, 1WBC. CSF cytology, ACE, cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB), gram stain, cryptococcal antigen, and VDRL were negative. Serum ACE, TSH, FT4 were unremarkable.,Neuroophthalmology confirmed her right CN6 palsy and proptosis (OD); and noted her complaint of paresthesias in the V1 and V2 distribution. They saw no evidence of papilledema. Visual field testing was unremarkable. MRI Brain/orbit/neck with gadolinium, 10/20/95, revealed abnormal enhancing signal in the right cavernous sinus and sinus mucosal thickening in both maxillary sinuses/ethmoid sinuses/frontal sinuses. CXR, 10/20/95, showed a lobulated mass arising from the right hilum. The mass appeared to obstruct the right middle lobe, causing partial collapse of this lobe. Chest CT with contrast, 10/23/95, revealed a 3.2x4.5x4.0cm mass in the right hilar region with impingement on the right lower bronchus. There appeared to be calcification as well as low attenuation regions within the mass. No lymphadenopathy was noted. She underwent bronchoscopy with bronchial brushing and transbronchial aspirate of the right lung on 10/24/95: no tumor cells were identified, GMS stains were negative and there was no evidence of viral changes, fungus or PCP by culture or molecular assay. She underwent right maxillary sinus biopsy and right middle lobe wedge resection and lymph node biopsy on 11/2/95: Caseating granulomatous inflammation with associated inflammatory pseudotumor was found in both sinus and lung biopsy specimens. No sign of cancer was found. Tissue cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB) were negative times 3. The patients case was discussed at Head and Neck Oncology Tumor Board and a differential diagnosis of Sarcoidosis, Histoplasmosis, Wegener's Granulomatosis, were considered. Urine Histoplasmosis Antigen testing on 11/8/95 was 0.9units (normal<1.0): repeat testing on 12/13/95 was 0.8units. ANCA serum titers on 11/8/95 were <1:40 (normal). PPD testing was negative 11/95 (with positive candida and mumps controls).,The etiology of this patient's illness was not discovered. She was last seen 4/96 and her diplopia and right CN6 palsy had moderately improved.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right renal mass.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Right renal mass.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 100 mL.,X-RAYS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , Right radical nephrectomy specimen.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,DRAINS:, 16-French Foley catheter per urethra.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 71-year-old woman recently diagnosed with 6.5 cm right upper pole renal mass. This is an enhancing lesion suspicious for renal cell carcinoma versus oncocytoma. I discussed a variety of options with her, and she opted to proceed with a laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy. All questions were answered, and she wished to proceed with surgery as planned.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After acquisition of appropriate written and informed consent and administration of perioperative antibiotics, the patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. Note that, sequential compression devices were placed on both lower extremities and were activated per induction of anesthesia. After institution of adequate general anesthetic via the endotracheal route, she was placed into the right anterior flank position with the right side elevated in a roll and the right arm across her chest. All pressure points were carefully padded, and she was securely taped to the table to prevent shifting during the procedure. Her abdomen was then prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion after placing a 16-French Foley catheter per urethra to gravity drainage. The abdomen was insufflated in the right outer quadrant. Note that, the patient had had previous surgery which complicated accesses somewhat and that she had a previous hysterectomy. The abdomen was insufflated into the right lateral abdomen with Veress needle to 50 mm of pressure without incident. We then placed a 10/12 Visiport trocar approximately 7 cm lateral to the umbilicus. Once this had entered into the peritoneal cavity without incident, the remaining trocars were all placed. Under direct laparoscopic visualization, we placed three additional trocars; an 11-mm screw-type trocar in the umbilicus, a 6-mm screw-type trocar in the upper midline approximately 7 cm above the umbilicus, and 10/12 trocar in the lower midline about 7 cm below the umbilicus within and over the old hysterectomy scar. There were some adhesions of omentum to the underside of that scar, and these were taken down sharply using laparoscopic scissors.,We began nephrectomy procedure by reflecting the right colon, by incising the white line of Toldt. This exposed the retroperitoneum on the right side. The duodenum was identified and reflected medially in a Kocher maneuver using sharp dissection only. We then identified the ureter and gonadal vein in the retroperitoneum. The gonadal vein was left down along the vena cava, and the plane underneath the ureter was elevated and this plane was carried up towards the renal hilum. Sequential packets of tissue were taken using primarily the LigaSure Atlas device. Once we got to the renal hilum, it became apparent that this patient had two sets of renal arteries and veins. We proceeded then and skeletonized the structures into four individual packets. We then proceeded to perform the upper pole dissection and developing the plane above the kidney and between the kidney and adrenal gland. The adrenal was spared during this procedure. There was no contiguous connection between the renal mass and a right adrenal gland. This plane of dissection was taken down primarily using the LigaSure device. We then sequentially took the four vessels going to the kidney initially taking two renal arteries with the endo GI stapler and then to renal veins again with endo GI stapler sequential flaring. Once this was completed, the kidney was free except for its attachment to the ureter and lateral attachments. The lateral attachments of the kidney were taken down using the LigaSure Atlas device, and then the ureter was doubly clipped and transected. The kidney was then freed within the retroperitoneum. A 50-mm EndoCatch bag was introduced through the lower most trocar site, and the kidney was placed into this bag for subsequent extraction. We extended the lower most trocar site approximately 6 cm to facilitate extraction. The kidney was removed and passed off the table as a specimen for pathology. This was bivalved by pathology, and we reviewed the specimen.
INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, This is a 61-year-old, white male with onset of chest pain at 04: 30 this morning, with history of on and off chest discomfort over the past several days. CPK is already over 1000. There is ST elevation in leads II and aVF, as well as a Q wave. The chest pain is now gone, mild residual shortness of breath, no orthopnea. Cardiac monitor shows resolution of ST elevation lead III.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, Following sterile prep and drape of the right groin, installation of 1% Xylocaine anesthesia, the right common femoral artery was percutaneously entered and 6-French sheath inserted. ACT approximately 165 seconds on heparin. Borderline hypotension 250 mL fluid bolus given and nitroglycerin patch removed. Selective left and right coronary injections performed using Judkins coronary catheters with a 6-French pigtail catheter used to obtain left ventricular pressures and left ventriculography. Left pullback pressure. Sheath injection. Hemostasis obtained with a 6-French Angio-Seal device. He tolerated the procedure well and was transported to the Cardiac Step-Down Unit in stable condition.,HEMODYNAMIC DATA:, Left ventricular end diastolic pressure elevated post A-wave at 25 mm of Mercury with no aortic valve systolic gradient on pullback.,ANGIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS:,I. Left coronary artery: The left main coronary artery is unremarkable. The left anterior descending has 30 to 40% narrowing with tortuosity in its proximal portion, patent first septal perforator branch. The first diagonal branch is a 2 mm vessel with a 90% ostial stenosis. The second diagonal branch is unremarkable, as are the tiny distal diagonal branches. The intermediate branch is a small, normal vessel. The ostial non-dominant circumflex has some contrast thinning, but no stenosis, normal obtuse marginal branch, and small AV sulcus circumflex branch.,II. Right coronary artery: The right coronary artery is a large, dominant vessel which gives off large posterior descending and posterolateral left ventricular branches. There are luminal irregularities, less than 25%, within the proximal to mid vessel. Some contrast thinning is present in the distal RCA just before the bifurcation into posterior descending and posterolateral branches. A 25%, smooth narrowing at the origin of the posterior descending branch. Posterolateral branch is unremarkable and quite large, with secondary and tertiary branches.,III. Left ventriculogram: The left ventricle is normal in size. Ejection fraction estimated at 40 to 45%. No mitral regurgitation. Severe hypokinesis to akinesis is present in the posterobasal and posteromedial segments with normal anteroapical wall motion.,DISCUSSION:, Recent inferior myocardial infarction with only minor contrast thinning distal RCA remaining on coronary angiography with resolution of chest pain and ST segment elevation. Left coronary system has one hemodynamically significant stenosis (a 90% ostial stenosis at the first diagonal branch, which is a 2 mm vessel). Left ventricular function is reduced with ejection fraction 40 to 45% with inferior wall motion abnormality.,PLAN:, Medical treatment, including Plavix and nitrates, in addition to beta blocker, aspirin, and aggressive lipid reduction.
REASON FOR EXAM: ,Left arm and hand numbness.,TECHNIQUE: , Noncontrast axial CT images of the head were obtained with 5 mm slice thickness.,FINDINGS: ,There is an approximately 5-mm shift of the midline towards the right side. Significant low attenuation is seen throughout the white matter of the right frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes. There is loss of the cortical sulci on the right side. These findings are compatible with edema. Within the right parietal lobe, a 1.8 cm, rounded, hyperintense mass is seen.,No hydrocephalus is evident.,The calvarium is intact. The visualized paranasal sinuses are clear.,IMPRESSION: ,A 5 mm midline shift to the left side secondary to severe edema of the white matter of the right frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes. A 1.8 cm high attenuation mass in the right parietal lobe is concerning for hemorrhage given its high density. A postcontrast MRI is required for further characterization of this mass. Gradient echo imaging should be obtained.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Phimosis and adhesions.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,Phimosis and adhesions.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Circumcision and release of ventral chordee.,ANESTHESIA: ,Local MAC.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid. The patient was given antibiotics preop.,BRIEF HISTORY: , This is a 43-year-old male who presented to us with significant phimosis, difficulty retracting the foreskin. The patient had buried penis with significant obesity issues in the suprapubic area. Options such as watchful waiting, continuation of slowly retracting the skin, applying betamethasone cream, and circumcision were discussed. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT, PE, and CVA risks were discussed. The patient had discussed this issue with Dr Khan and had been approved to get off of the Plavix. Consent had been obtained. Risk of scarring, decrease in penile sensation, and unexpected complications were discussed. The patient was told about removing the dressing tomorrow morning, okay to shower after 48 hours, etc. Consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the OR. Anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in supine position. The patient was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Local MAC anesthesia was applied. After draping, 17 mL of mixture of 0.25% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine plain were applied around the dorsal aspect of the penis for dorsal block. The patient had significant phimosis and slight ventral chordee. Using marking pen, the excess foreskin was marked off. Using a knife, the ventral chordee was released. The urethra was intact. The excess foreskin was removed. Hemostasis was obtained using electrocautery. A 5-0 Monocryl stitches were used for 4 interrupted stitches and horizontal mattresses were done. The patient tolerated the procedure well. There was excellent hemostasis. The penis was straight. Vaseline gauze and Kerlix were applied. The patient was brought to the recovery in stable condition. Plan was for removal of the dressing tomorrow. Okay to shower after 48 hours.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, A 5-month-old boy with cough.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, A 5-month-old boy brought by his parents because of 2 days of cough. Mother took him when cough started 2 days go to Clinic where they told the mother he has viral infection and gave him Tylenol, but yesterday at night cough got worse and he also started having fever. Mother did not measure it.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, No vomiting. No diarrhea. He had runny nose started with the cough two days ago. No skin rash. No cyanosis. Pulling on his right ear. Feeding, he is bottle-fed 2 ounces every 2 hours. Mother states he urinates like 5 to 6 times a day, stools 1 time a day. He is still feeding good to mom.,IMMUNIZATIONS: , He received first set of shot and due for the second set on 01/17/2008.,BIRTH HISTORY:, He was premature at 33 weeks born at Hospital kept in NICU for 2 weeks for feeding problem as the mother said. Mother had good prenatal care at 4 weeks for more than 12 visits. No complications during pregnancy. Rupture of membranes happened two days before the labor. Mother received the antibiotics, but she is not sure, if she received steroids also or not.,FAMILY HISTORY: , No history of asthma or lung disease.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Lives with parents and with two siblings, one 18-year-old and the other is 14-year-old in house, in Corrales. They have animals, but outside the house and father smokes outside house. No sick contacts as the mother said.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, No hospitalizations.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,MEDICATIONS: , No medications.,History of 2 previous ear infection, last one was in last November treated with ear drops, because there was pus coming from the right ear as the mother said.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 100.1, heart rate 184, respiratory rate 48. Weight 7 kg.,GENERAL: In no acute distress.,HEAD: Normocephalic and atraumatic. Open, soft, and flat anterior fontanelle.,NECK: Supple.,NOSE: Dry secretions.,EAR: Right ear full of yellowish material most probably pus and necrotic tissue. Tympanic membrane bilaterally visualized.,MOUTH: No pharyngitis. No ulcers. Moist mucous membranes.,CHEST: Bilateral audible breath sound. No wheezes. No palpitation.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm with no murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended.,GENITOURINARY: Tanner I male with descended testes.,EXTREMITIES: Capillary refill less than 2 seconds.,LABS:, White blood cell 8.1, hemoglobin 10.5, hematocrit 30.9, and platelets 380,000. CRP 6, segments 41, and bands 41. RSV positive. Chest x-ray evidenced bronchiolitis with hyperinflation and bronchial wall thickening in the central hilar region. Subsegmental atelectasis in the right upper lobe and left lung base.,ASSESSMENT:, A 5-month-old male with 2 days of cough and 1 day of fever. Chest x-ray shows bronchiolitis with atelectasis, and RSV antigen is positive.,DIAGNOSES: , Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis with right otitis externa.,PLAN: , Plan was to admit to bronchiolitis pathway, and ciprofloxacin for right otitis externa eardrops twice daily.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cervical lymphadenopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Cervical lymphadenopathy.,PROCEDURE: , Excisional biopsy of right cervical lymph node.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,SPECIMEN: , Right cervical lymph node.,EBL: , 10 cc.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,FINDINGS:, Enlarged level 2 lymph node was identified and removed and sent for pathologic examination.,FLUIDS: , Please see anesthesia report.,URINE OUTPUT: , None recorded during the case.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This is a 43-year-old female with a several-year history of persistent cervical lymphadenopathy. She reports that it is painful to palpation on the right and has had multiple CT scans as well as an FNA which were all nondiagnostic. After risks and benefits of surgery were discussed with the patient, an informed consent was obtained. She was scheduled for an excisional biopsy of the right cervical lymph node.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in the supine position. She was anesthetized with general endotracheal anesthesia. The neck was then prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. Again, noted on palpation there was an enlarged level 2 cervical lymph node.,A 3-cm horizontal incision was made over this lymph node. Dissection was carried down until the sternocleidomastoid muscle was identified. The enlarged lymph node that measured approximately 2 cm in diameter was identified and was removed and sent to Pathology for touch prep evaluation. The area was then explored for any other enlarged lymph nodes. None were identified, and hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. A quarter-inch Penrose drain was placed in the wound.,The wound was then irrigated and closed with 3-0 interrupted Vicryl sutures for a deep closure followed by a running 4-0 Prolene subcuticular suture. Mastisol and Steri-Strip were placed over the incision, and sterile bandage was applied. The patient tolerated this procedure well and was extubated without complications and transported to the recovery room in stable condition. She will return to the office tomorrow in followup to have the Penrose drain removed.
CC: ,Gait difficulty.,HX: ,This 59 y/o RHF was admitted with complaint of gait difficulty. The evening prior to admission she noted sudden onset of LUE and LLE weakness. She felt she favored her right leg, but did not fall when walking. She denied any associated dysarthria, facial weakness, chest pain, SOB, visual change, HA, nausea or vomiting.,PMH:, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, skull fx 1954, HTN, HA.,MEDS: ,none on day of exam.,SHX: ,editorial assistant at newspaper, 40pk-yr Tobacco, no ETOH/Drugs.,FHX: ,noncontributory,ADMIT EXAM: ,P95 R20, T36.6, BP169/104,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria, Naming-comprehension-reading intact. Euthymic with appropriate affect.,CN: Pupils 4/4 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light, Fundi flat, VFFTC, EOMI, Face symmetric with intact sensation, Gag-shrug-corneal reflexes intact, Tongue ML with full ROM,Motor: Full strength throughout right side. Mildly decreased left grip and left extensor hallucis longus. Biceps/Triceps/Wrist flexors and extensor were full strength on left. However she demonstrated mild LUE pronator drift and had difficulty standing on her LLE despite full strength on bench testing of the LLE.,Sensory: No deficit to PP/T/Vib/Prop/ LT,Coord: decreased speed and magnitude of FNF, Finger tapping and HKS, on left side only.,Station: mild LUE upward drift.,Gait: tendency to drift toward the left. Difficulty standing on LLE.,Reflexes were symmetric, plantar responses were flexor bilaterally.,Gen exam unremarkable.,COURSE: ,Admit Labs: ESR, PT/PTT, GS, UA, EKG, and HCT were unremarkable. Hgb 13.9, Hct 41%, Plt 280k, WBC 5.5.,The patient was diagnosed with a probable lacunar stroke and entered into the TOAST study (Trial of ORG10172[a low molecular weight heparin] in Acute Stroke Treatment).,Carotid Duplex: 16-49%RICA and 0-15%LICA stenosis with anterograde vertebral artery flow, bilaterally. Transthoracic echocardiogram showed mild mitral regurgitation, mild tricuspid regurgitation and a left to right shunt. There was no evidence of blood clot.,Hospital course: 5 days after admission the patient began to complain of proximal LLE and left flank pain. On exam, she had weakness of the quadriceps and hip flexors of the LLE. Her pain increased with left hip flexion. In addition, she complained of paresthesias about the lateral aspect of the medial anterior left thigh; and upon on sensory testing, she had decreased PP/TEMP sensation in a left femoral nerve distribution. She denied any back/neck pain and the rest of her neurologic exam remained unchanged from admission.,Abdominal CT Scan, 2/4/96, revealed a large left retroperitoneal iliopsoas hematoma.,Hgb 8.9g/dl. She was transfused with 4 units of pRBCs. She underwent surgical decompression and evacuation of the hematoma via a posterior flank approach on 2/6/96. Her postoperative course was uncomplicated. She was discharged home on ASA.,At follow-up, on 2/23/96, she complained of left sided paresthesias (worse in the LLE than in the LUE) and feeling of "swollen left foot." These symptoms had developed approximately 1 month after her stroke. Her foot looked normal and her UE strength was 5/4+ proximally and distally, and LE strength 5/4+ proximally and 5/5- distally. She was ambulatory. There was no evidence of LUE upward drift. A somatosensory evoked potential study revealed an absent N20 and normal P14 potentials. This was suggestive of a lesion involving the right thalamus which might explain her paresthesia/dysesthesia as part of a Dejerine-Roussy syndrome.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Hematuria and urinary retention.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is an 82-year-old, who was admitted with the history of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, presented with urinary retention and pneumonia. The patient had hematuria, and unable to void. The patient had a Foley catheter, which was not in the urethra, possibly inflated in the prostatic urethra, which was removed. Foley catheter was repositioned 18 Coude was used. About over a liter of fluids of urine was obtained with light pink urine, which was irrigated. The bladder and the suprapubic area returned to normal after the Foley placement. The patient had some evidence of clots upon irrigation. The patient has had a chest CT, which showed possible atelectasis versus pneumonia.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Parkinson's, and CHF.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Married and lives with wife.,HABITS:, No smoking or drinking.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Denies any chest pain, denies any seizure disorder, denies any nausea, vomiting. Does have suprapubic tenderness and difficulty voiding. The patient denies any prior history of hematuria, dysuria, burning, or pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile. Vitals are stable.,GENERAL: The patient is a thin gentleman,GENITOURINARY: Suprapubic area was distended and bladder was palpated very easily. Prostate was 1+. Testes are normal.,LABORATORY DATA: , The patient's white counts are 20,000. Creatinine is normal.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Pneumonia.,2. Dehydration.,3. Retention.,4. BPH.,5. Diabetes.,6. Hyperlipidemia.,7. Parkinson's.,8. Congestive heart failure.,About 30 minutes were spent during the procedure and the Foley catheter was placed, Foley was irrigated and significant amount of clots were obtained. Plan is for urine culture, antibiotics. Plan is for renal ultrasound to rule out any pathology. The patient will need cystoscopy and evaluation of the prostate. Apparently, the patient's PSA is 0.45, so the patient is at low to no risk of prostate cancer at this time. Continued Foley catheter at this point. We will think about starting the patient on alpha-blockers once the patient's over all medical condition is improved and stable.
PROCEDURE: , Left heart catheterization, left and right coronary angiography, left ventricular angiography, and intercoronary stenting of the right coronary artery.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the Catheterization Laboratory. After informed consent, he was medicated with Versed and fentanyl. The right groin was prepped and draped, and infiltrated with 2% Xylocaine. Percutaneously, #6-French arterial sheath was placed. Selective native left and right coronary angiography was performed followed by left ventricular angiography. The patient had a totally occluded right coronary. We initially started with a JR4 guide. We were able to a sport wire through the total occlusion and saw a very tight stenosis. We were able to get a 30 x 13 mm power saver balloon into the stenosis and dilated. We then attempted to put a 30 x 12 mm stent across the stenosis, but we had very little guide support, the guide kept coming out. We then switched to an AL1 guide and that too did not enable us to get anything to cross this lesion. We finally had to go an AL2 guide, we were concerned that this could cause some proximal dissection. That guided seated, we did have initial difficulty getting the wire back across the stenosis, and we did see a little staining suggesting we did have some tearing from the guide tip. The surgeons were put on notice in case we could not get this vessel open, but we were able to re-cross with a sport wire. We then re-dilated the area of stenosis and with good guide support, we were able to get a 30 x 23 mm Vision stent, where the lesion was and post-dilated it to 18 atmospheres. Routine angiography did show that the distal posterolateral branch seems to be occluded, whether this was from distal wire dissection or distal thrombosis was unclear, but we were able to re-wire that area and get a 25 x12 Vision balloon and dilate the area and re-establish flow to the small segment. We then came back because of the residual dissection proximal to the first stent and put a 30 x15 mm Vision stent at 18 atmospheres. Final angiography showed resolution of the dissection. We could see a little staining extrinsic to the stent. No perforation and excellent flow. During the intervention, we did give a bolus and drip of Angiomax. At the end of the procedure, we stopped the Angiomax and gave 600 mg of Plavix. We did a right femoral angiogram; however, the Angio-Seal plug could not take, so we used manual pressure and a Femostop. We transported the patient to his room in stable condition.,ANGIOGRAPHIC DATA:, Left main coronary is normal. Left anterior descending artery has a fair amount of wall disease proximally about 50 to 60% stenosis of the LAD before it bifurcates into diagonal. The diagonal does appear to have about 50% osteal stenosis. There is a lot of plaquing further down the diagonal, but good flow. The rest of the LAD looked good pass the proximal 60% stenosis and after the diagonal branch. Circumflex artery was nondominant vessel, consisting of an obtuse marginal vessel. The first obtuse marginal had a long 50% narrowing and then the AV groove branch was free of any disease. Some mild collaterals to the right were seen. Right coronary angiography revealed a total occlusion of the right coronary, just about 0.5 cm after its origin. After we got a wire across the area of occlusion, we could see some thrombosis and a 99% stenosis just at the curve. Following the balloon angioplasty, we established good flow down the distal vessel. We still had about residual 70% stenosis. When we had to go back with the AL2 guide, we could see a little bit of staining in the proximal portion of the vessel that we did not notice previously and we felt that the tip of the guide caused a little bit of intimal dissection. We re-dilated and then deployed. Repeat angiography now did show some hang up off dye distally. We never did have the wire that far down, so this was probably felt to be due to distal embolization of some thrombus. After deploying the stent, we had total resolution of the original lesion. We then directed our attention to the posterolateral branch, which the remainder of the vessel was patent giving off a large PDA. The posterolateral branch appeared to be occluded in its mid portion. We got a wire through and dilated this. We then came back and put a second stent in the proximal area of the right coronary proximal and abutting to the previous stent. Repeat angiography now showed no significant dissection, a little bit of contrast getting extrinsic to the stent probably in a little subintimal pouch, but this was excluded by the stent. There were no filling defects in the stent and excellent flow. The distal posterolateral branch did open up, although it was little under-filled and there may have been some mild residual disease there.,IMPRESSION: , Atherosclerotic heart disease with total occlusion of right coronary, successfully stented to zero residual with repair of a small proximal dissection. Minor distal disease of the posterolateral branch and 60% proximal left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis and 50% diagonal stenosis along with 50% stenosis of the first obtuse marginal branch.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, The patient is a 49-year-old Caucasian male transported to the emergency room by his wife, complaining of shortness of breath.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is known by the nursing staff here to have a long history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema. He has made multiple visits in the past. Today, the patient presents himself in severe respiratory distress. His wife states that since his recent admission of three weeks ago for treatment of pneumonia, he has not seemed to be able to recuperate, and has persistent complaints of shortness of breath.,Today, his symptoms worsened and she brought him to the emergency room. To the best of her knowledge, there has been no fever. He has persistent chronic cough, as always. More complete history cannot be taken because of the patient’s acute respiratory decompensation.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Hypertension and emphysema.,MEDICATIONS:, Lotensin and some water pill as well as, presumably, an Atrovent inhaler.,ALLERGIES:, None are known.,HABITS:, The patient is unable to cooperate with the history.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient lives in the local area with his wife.,REVIEW OF BODY SYSTEMS:, Unable, secondary to the patient’s condition.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 96 degrees, axillary. Pulse 128. Respirations 48. Blood pressure 156/100. Initial oxygen saturations on room air are 80.,GENERAL: Reveals a very anxious, haggard and exhausted-appearing male, tripoding, with labored breathing.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic and atraumatic.,NECK: The neck is supple without obvious jugular venous distention.,LUNGS: Auscultation of the chest reveals very distant and faint breath sounds, bilaterally, without obvious rales.,HEART: Cardiac examination reveals sinus tachycardia, without pronounced murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft to palpation.,Extremities: Without edema.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA:, White blood count 25.5, hemoglobin 14, hematocrit 42.4, 89 polys, 1 band, 4 lymphocytes. Chemistry panel within normal limits, with the exception of sodium of 124, chloride 81, CO2 44, BUN 6, creatinine 0.7, glucose 182, albumin 3.3 and globulin 4.1. Troponin is 0.11. Urinalysis reveals yellow clear urine. Specific gravity greater than 1.030 with 2+ ketones, 1+ blood and 3+ protein. No white cells and 0-2 red cells.,Chest x-ray suboptimal in quality, but without obvious infiltrates, consolidation or pneumothorax.,CRITICAL CARE NOTE:, Critical care one hour.,Shortly after the patient’s initial assessment, the patient apparently began to complain of chest pain and appeared to the nurse to have mounting exhaustion and respiratory distress. Although O2 had been placed, elevating his oxygen saturations to the mid to upper 90s, he continued to complain of symptoms, as noted above. He became progressively more rapidly obtunded. The patient did receive one gram of magnesium sulfate shortly after his arrival, and the BiPAP apparatus was being readied for his use. However, the patient, at this point, became unresponsive, unable to answer questions, and preparations were begun for intubation. The BiPAP apparatus was briefly placed while supplies and medications were assembled for intubation. It was noted that even with the BiPAP apparatus, in the duration of time which was required for transfer of oxygen tubing to the BiPAP mask, the patient’s O2 saturations rapidly dropped to the upper 60 range.,All preparations for intubation having been undertaken, Succinylcholine was ordered, but was apparently unavailable in the department. As the patient was quite obtunded, and while the Dacuronium was being sought, an initial trial of intubation was carried out using a straight blade and a cupped 7.9 endotracheal tube. However, the patient had enough residual muscle tension to make this impractical and further efforts were held pending administration of Dacuronium 10 mg. After approximately two minutes, another attempt at intubation was successful. The cords were noted to be covered with purulent exudates at the time of intubation.,The endotracheal tube, having been placed atraumatically, the patient was initially then nebulated on 100% oxygen, and his O2 saturations rapidly rose to the 90-100% range.,Chest x-ray demonstrated proper placement of the tube. The patient was given 1 mg of Versed, with decrease of his pulse from the 140-180 range to the 120 range, with satisfactory maintenance of his blood pressure.,Because of a complaint of chest pain, which I myself did not hear, during the patient’s initial triage elevation, a trial of Tridil was begun. As the patient’s pressures held in the slightly elevated range, it was possible to push this to 30 mcg per minute. However, after administration of the Dacuronium and Versed, the patient’s blood pressure fell somewhat, and this medication was discontinued when the systolic pressure briefly reached 98.,Because of concern regarding pneumonia or sepsis, the patient received one gram of Rocephin intravenously shortly after the intubation. A nasogastric and Foley were placed, and an arterial blood gas was drawn by respiratory therapy. Dr. X was contacted at this point regarding further orders as the patient was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit to be placed on the ventilator there. The doctor’s call was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit so he could leave appropriate orders for the patient in addition to my initial orders, which included Albuterol or Atrovent q. 2h. and Levaquin 500 mg IV, as well as Solu-Medrol.,Critical care note terminates at this time.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE:, See the critical care note.,MEDICAL DECISION MAKING (DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS):, This patient has an acute severe decompensation with respiratory failure. Given the patient’s white count and recent history of pneumonia, the possibility of recurrence of pneumonia is certainly there. Similarly, it would be difficult to rule out sepsis. Myocardial infarction cannot be excluded.,COORDINATION OF CARE:, Dr. X was contacted from the emergency room and asked to assume the patient’s care in the Intensive Care Unit.,FINAL DIAGNOSIS:, Respiratory failure secondary to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS:, The patient is to be transferred to the Intensive Care Unit for further management.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,OPERATIONS:, Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body (rock) from right ear.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,HISTORY: , The patient is 5-1/2 years old. She is here this morning with her Mom. She has very large tonsils and she snores at night and gets up frequently at night and does not sleep well. At the office we saw the tonsils were very big. There was a rock in the right ear and it was very deep in the canal, near the drum. We will remove the foreign body under the same anesthetic.,PROCEDURE:,: Natalie was placed under general anesthetic by the orotracheal route of administration, under Dr. XYZ and Ms. B. I looked into the left ear under the microscope, took out a little wax and observed a normal eardrum. On the right side, I took out some impacted wax and removed the rock with a large suction. It was actually resting on the surface of the drum but had not scarred or damaged the drum. The drum was intact with no evidence of middle ear fluid. The microscope was set aside. Afrin drops were placed in both nostrils. The neck was gently extended and the Crowe-Davis mouth gag inserted. The tonsils and adenoids were very large. The uvula was intact. Adenoidectomy was performed using the adenoid curette with a tonsil sponge placed into the nasopharynx. Tonsillectomy accomplished by sharp and blunt dissection. Hemostasis achieved with electrocautery and the tonsils beds injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. Sutures of zero plain catgut next were used to re-approximate the posterior to the anterior tonsillar pillars, suturing these down to the tonsillar beds. Sponge is removed from the nasopharynx. The suction electrocautery was used for pinpoint hemostasis on the adenoid bed. We made sure the cautery tip did not come into the contact with the soft palate or the eustachian tube orifices. The nose and throat were then irrigated with saline and suctioned. Excellent hemostasis was observed. An orogastric tube was placed. The stomach found to be empty. The tube was removed, as was the mouth gag. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The child was then awakened and prepared for her to return to the recovery room. She tolerated the operation excellently.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Recurrent right upper quadrant pain with failure of antacid medical therapy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Normal esophageal gastroduodenoscopy.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with bile aspirate.,ANESTHESIA: , IV Demerol and Versed in titrated fashion.,INDICATIONS: , This 41-year-old female presents to surgical office with history of recurrent right upper quadrant abdominal pain. Despite antacid therapy, the patient's pain has continued. Additional findings were concerning with possibility of a biliary etiology. The patient was explained the risks and benefits of an EGD as well as a Meltzer-Lyon test where upon bile aspiration was performed. The patient agreed to the procedure and informed consent was obtained.,GROSS FINDINGS: , No evidence of neoplasia, mucosal change, or ulcer on examination. Aspiration of the bile was done after the administration of 3 mcg of Kinevac.,PROCEDURE DETAILS: , The patient was placed in the supine position. After appropriate anesthesia was obtained, an Olympus gastroscope inserted from the oropharynx through the second portion of duodenum. Prior to this, 3 mcg of IV Kinevac was given to the patient to aid with the stimulation of bile. At this time, the patient as well complained of epigastric discomfort and nausea. This pain was similar to her previous pain.,Bile was aspirated with a trap to enable the collection of the fluid. This fluid was then sent to lab for evaluation for crystals. Next, photodocumentation obtained and retraction of the gastroscope through the antrum revealed no other evidence of disease, retroflexion revealed no evidence of hiatal hernia or other mass and after straightening the scope and aspiration ________, gastroscope was retracted. The gastroesophageal junction was noted at 20 cm. No other evidence of disease was appreciated here. Retraction of the gastroscope backed through the esophagus, off the oropharynx, removed from the patient. The patient tolerated the procedure well. We will await evaluation of bile aspirate.
REASON FOR VISIT: , Follow up consultation, second opinion, foreskin.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , A 2-week-old who at this point has otherwise been doing well. He has a relatively unremarkable foreskin. At this point in time, he otherwise seems to be doing reasonably well. The question is about the foreskin. He otherwise has no other significant issues. Severity low, ongoing since birth two weeks. Thank you for allowing me to see this patient in consultation.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Male exam. Normal and under the penis, report normal uncircumcised 2-week-old. He has a slightly insertion on the penile shaft from the median raphe of the scrotum.,IMPRESSION: , Slightly high insertion of the median raphe. I see no reason he cannot be circumcised as long as they are careful and do a very complete Gomco circumcision. This kid should otherwise do reasonably well.,PLAN: ,Follow up as needed. But my other recommendation is that this kid as I went over with the mother may actually do somewhat better if he simply has a formal circumcision at one year of age, but may do well with a person who is very accomplished doing a Gomco circumcision.
NAME OF PROCEDURES,1. Selective coronary angiography.,2. Left heart catheterization.,3. Left ventriculography.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The right groin was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The area of the right coronary artery was anesthetized with 2% lidocaine and a 4-French sheath was placed. Conscious sedation was obtained using a combination of Versed 1 mg and fentanyl 50 mcg. A left #4, 4-French, Judkins catheter was placed and advanced through the ostium of the left main coronary artery. Because of difficulty positioning the catheter, the catheter was removed and a 6-French sheath was placed and a 6-French #4 left Judkins catheter was placed. This was advanced through the ostium of the left main coronary artery where selective angiograms were performed. Following this, the 4-French right Judkins catheter was placed and angiograms of the right coronary were performed. A pigtail catheter was placed and a left heart catheterization was performed, followed by a left ventriculogram. The left heart pullback was performed. The catheter was removed and a small injection of contrast was given to the sheath. The sheath was removed over a wire and an Angio-Seal was placed. There were no complications. Total contrast media was 200 mL of Optiray 350. Fluoroscopy time 5.3 minutes. Total x-ray dose is 1783 mGy.,HEMODYNAMICS: ,Rhythm is sinus throughout the procedure. LV pressure of 155/22 mmHg, aortic pressure of 160/80 mmHg. LV pullback demonstrates no gradient.,The right coronary artery is a nondominant vessel and free of disease. This also gives rise to the conus branch and two RV free wall branches. The left main has minor plaquing in the inferior aspect measuring no more than 10% to 15%. This vessel then bifurcates into the LAD and circumflex. The circumflex is a large caliber vessel and is dominant. This vessel gives rise to a large first marginal artery, a moderate sized second marginal branch, and additionally gives rise to a large third marginal artery and the PDA. There was a very eccentric and severe stenosis in the proximal circumflex measuring approximately 90% in severity. The origin of the first marginal artery has a severe stenosis measuring approximately 90% in severity. The distal circumflex has a 60% lesion just prior to the origin of the third marginal branch and PDA.,The proximal LAD is ectatic. The LAD gives rise to a large first diagonal artery that has a 90% lesion in its origin and a subtotal occlusion midway down the diagonal. Distal to the origin of this diagonal branch, there is another area of ectasia in the LAD, followed by an area of stenosis that in some views is approximately 50% in severity.,The left ventriculogram demonstrates hypokinesis of the distal half of the inferior wall. The overall ejection fraction is preserved. There is moderate dilatation of the aortic root. The calculated ejection fraction is 63%.,IMPRESSION,1. Left ventricular dysfunction as evidenced by increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure and hypokinesis of the distal inferior wall.,2. Coronary artery disease with high-grade and complex lesion in the proximal portion of the dominant large circumflex coronary artery. There is subtotal stenosis at the origin of the first obtuse marginal artery.,3. A 60% stenosis in the distal circumflex.,4. Ectasia of the proximal left anterior descending with 50% stenosis in the mid left anterior descending.,5. Severe stenosis at the origin of the large diagonal artery and subtotal stenosis in the mid segment of this diagonal branch.
TITLE OF OPERATION:, Mediastinal exploration and delayed primary chest closure.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY:, The patient is a 12-day-old infant who has undergone a modified stage I Norwood procedure with a Sano modification. The patient experienced an unexplained cardiac arrest at the completion of the procedure, which required institution of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for more than two hours following discontinuation of cardiopulmonary bypass. The patient has been successfully resuscitated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and was decannulated 48 hours ago. She did not meet the criteria for delayed primary chest closure.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Open chest status post modified stage I Norwood procedure.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Open chest status post modified stage I Norwood procedure.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS: , No evidence of intramediastinal purulence or hematoma. At completion of the procedure no major changes in hemodynamic performance.,DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE: , After obtaining informed consent, the patient was brought to the room, placed on the operating room table in supine position. Following the administration of general endotracheal anesthesia, the chest was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion and all the chest drains were removed. The chest was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion and previously placed segmental AlloDerm was removed. The mediastinum was then thoroughly irrigated with diluted antibiotic irrigation and both pleural cavities suctioned. Through a separate incision and another 15-French Blake drain was inserted and small titanium clips were utilized to mark the rightward aspect of the RV-PA connection as well as inferior most aspect of the ventriculotomy. The pleural spaces were opened widely and the sternum was then spilled with vancomycin paste and closed the sternum with steel wires. The subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed in layers. There was no evidence of significant increase in central venous pressure or desaturation. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge and needle counts were correct times 2 at the end of the procedure. The patient was transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit shortly thereafter in critical but stable condition.,I was the surgical attending present in the operating room in charge of the surgical procedure throughout the entire length of the case.
The patient's abdomen was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A subumbilical skin incision was made. The Veress needle was inserted, and the patient's abdominal cavity was insufflated with moderate pressure all times. A subumbilical trocar was inserted. The camera was inserted in the panoramic view. The abdomen demonstrated some inflammation around the gallbladder. A 10-mm midepigastric trocar was inserted. A. 2 mm and 5 mm trocars were inserted. The most lateral trocar grasping forceps was inserted and grasped the fundus of the gallbladder and placed in tension at liver edge.,Using the dissector, the cystic duct was identified and double Hemoclips were invited well away from the cystic-common duct junction. The cystic artery was identified and double Hemoclips applied. The gallbladder was taken down from the liver bed using Endoshears and electrocautery. Hemostasis was obtained. The gallbladder was removed from the midepigastric trocar site without difficulty. The trocars were removed and the skin incisions were reapproximated using 4-0 Monocryl. Steri-Strips and sterile dressing were placed. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for arthritis in her knee, anxiety, depression, high insulin levels, gallstone attacks, and PCOS.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Currently employed. She is married. She is in sales. She does not smoke. She drinks wine a few drinks a month.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , She is on Carafate and Prilosec. She was on metformin, but she stopped it because of her abdominal pains.,ALLERGIES: , She is allergic to PENICILLIN.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative for heart, lungs, GI, GU, cardiac, or neurologic. Denies specifically asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, chronic lung disease, ulcers, headache, seizures, epilepsy, strokes, thyroid disorder, tuberculosis, bleeding, clotting disorder, gallbladder disease, positive liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, heart disease, and heart attack.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , She is afebrile. Vital Signs are stable. HEENT: EOMI. PERRLA. Neck is soft and supple. Lungs clear to auscultation. She is mildly tender in the abdomen in the right upper quadrant. No rebound. Abdomen is otherwise soft. Positive bowel sounds. Extremities are nonedematous. Ultrasound reveals gallstones, no inflammation, common bile duct in 4 mm.,IMPRESSION/PLAN: , I have explained the risks and potential complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in detail including bleeding, infection, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, cystic leak, duct leak, possible need for ERCP, and possible need for further surgery among other potential complications. She understands and we will proceed with the surgery in the near future.,
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 2-year-old little girl who comes in with concerns about stuffiness, congestion and nasal drainage. She does take Zyrtec on a fairly regular basis. Mom is having some allergy trouble herself right now. She does not know her colors. She knows some of her shapes. She speaks in sentences. She is not showing much interest in the potty. She is in the 80th percentile for height and weight, and still over 95th percentile for head circumference. Mom has no other concerns.,ALLERGIES:, Eggs and peanuts.,OBJECTIVE:,General: Alert, very talkative little girl.,HEENT: TMs clear and mobile. Eyes: PERRL. Fundi benign. Pharynx clear. Mouth moist. Nasal mucosa is pale with clear discharge.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Lungs: Clear. No tachypnea, wheezing, rales or retractions.,Abdomen: Soft and nontender without mass or organomegaly.,GU: Normal female genitalia. Tanner stage I.,Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Pulses 2+ and equal.,Hips: Intact.,Neurological: Normal. DTRs are 2+. Gait was normal.,Skin: Warm and dry. No rashes noted.,ASSESSMENT:, Allergic rhinitis. Otherwise healthy 2-year-old young lady.,PLAN:, In addition to her Zyrtec, I put her on Nasonex spray one spray each nostril daily. If this works for her, certainly she can do it through the ragweed season. Otherwise she is doing well. I talked about ways to improve her potty training. She is a very good eater. I will see her yearly or p.r.n. Unfortunately she is not able to get the flu shot due to her egg allergy.
REASON FOR VISIT: ,The patient is a 38-year-old woman with pseudotumor cerebri without papilledema who comes in because of new onset of headaches. She comes to clinic by herself.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Dr. X has cared for her since 2002. She has a Codman-Hakim shunt set at 90 mmH2O. She last saw us in clinic in January 2008 and at that time we recommended that she followup with Dr. Y for medical management of her chronic headaches. We also recommended that the patient see a psychiatrist regarding her depression, which she stated that she would followup with that herself. Today, the patient returns to clinic because of acute onset of headaches that she has had since her shunt was adjusted after an MRI on 04/18/08. She states that since that time her headaches have been bad. They woke her up at night. She has not been able to sleep. She has not had a good sleep cycle since that time. She states that the pain is constant and is worse with coughing, straining, and sneezing as well as on standing up. She states that they feel a little bit better when lying down. Medication shave not helped her. She has tried taking Imitrex as well as Motrin 800 mg twice a day, but she states it has not provided much relief. The pain is generalized, but also noted to be quite intense in the frontal region of her head. She also reports ringing in the ears and states that she just does not feel well. She reports no nausea at this time. She also states that she has been experiencing intermittent blurry vision and dimming lights as well. She tells me that she has an appointment with Dr. Y tomorrow. She reports no other complaints at this time.,MAJOR FINDINGS:, On examination today, this is a pleasant 38-year-old woman who comes back from the clinic waiting area without difficulty. She is well developed, well nourished, and kempt.,Vital Signs: Blood pressure 153/86, pulse 63, and respiratory rate 16.,Cranial Nerves: Intact for extraocular movements. Facial movement, hearing, head turning, tongue, and palate movements are all intact. I did not know any papilledema on exam bilaterally.,I examined her shut site, which is clean, dry, and intact. She did have a small 3 mm to 4 mm round scab, which was noted farther down from her shunt reservoir. It looks like there is a little bit of dry blood there.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient appears to have had worsening headaches since shunt adjustment back after an MRI.,PROBLEMS/DIAGNOSES:,1. Pseudotumor cerebri without papilledema.,2. Migraine headaches.,PROCEDURES:, I programmed her shunt to 90 mmH2O.,PLAN:, It was noted that the patient began to have an acute onset of headache pain after her shunt adjustment approximately a week and a half ago. I had programmed her shunt back to 90 mmH2O at that time and confirmed it with an x-ray. However, the picture of the x-ray was not the most desirable picture. Thus, I decided to reprogram the shunt back to 90 mmH2O today and have the patient return to Sinai for a skull x-ray to confirm the setting at 90. In addition, she told me that she is scheduled to see Dr. Y tomorrow, so she should followup with him and also plan on contacting the Wilmer Eye Institute to setup an appointment. She should followup with the Wilmer Eye Institute as she is complaining of blurry vision and dimming of the lights occasionally.,Total visit time was approximately 60 minutes and about 10 minutes of that time was spent in counseling the patient.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Prior history of anemia, abdominal bloating.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, External hemorrhoids, otherwise unremarkable colonoscopy.,PREMEDICATIONS:, Versed 5 mg, Demerol 50 mg IV.,REPORT OF PROCEDURE:, Digital rectal exam revealed external hemorrhoids. The colonoscope was inserted into the rectal ampulla and advanced to the cecum. The position of the scope within the cecum was verified by identification of the appendiceal orifice. The cecum, the ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, and rectum were normal. The scope was retroflexed in the rectum and no abnormality was seen. So the scope was straightened, withdrawn, and the procedure terminated.,ENDOSCOPIC IMPRESSION:,1. Normal colonoscopy.,2. External hemorrhoids.
PROCEDURE: , Bilateral L5 dorsal ramus block and bilateral S1, S2, and S3 lateral branch block.,INDICATION: , Sacroiliac joint pain.,INFORMED CONSENT: , The risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure were discussed with the patient. The patient was given opportunity to ask questions regarding the procedure, its indications and the associated risks.,The risk of the procedure discussed include infection, bleeding, allergic reaction, dural puncture, headache, nerve injuries, spinal cord injury, and cardiovascular and CNS side effects with possible vascular entry of medications. I also informed the patient of potential side effects or reactions to the medications potentially used during the procedure including sedatives, narcotics, nonionic contrast agents, anesthetics, and corticosteroids.,The patient was informed both verbally and in writing. The patient understood the informed consent and desired to have the procedure performed.,PROCEDURE: ,Oxygen saturation and vital signs were monitored continuously throughout the procedure. The patient remained awake throughout the procedure in order to interact and give feedback. The X-ray technician was supervised and instructed to operate the fluoroscopy machine.,The patient was placed in the prone position on the treatment table, pillow under the chest, and head rotated contralateral to the side being treated. The skin over and surrounding the treatment area was cleaned with Betadine. The area was covered with sterile drapes, leaving a small window opening for needle placement. Fluoroscopic pillar view was used to identify the bony landmarks of the sacrum and sacroiliac joint and the planned needle approach. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle within the planned approach were anesthetized with 1% Lidocaine.,With fluoroscopy, a 25-gauge 3.5-inch spinal needle was gently guided into the groove between the SAP and sacrum through the dorsal ramus of the L5 and the lateral and superior border of the posterior sacral foramen with the lateral branches of S1, S2, and S3. Multiple fluoroscopic views were used to ensure proper needle placement. Approximately 0.25 mL of nonionic contrast agent was injected showing no concurrent vascular dye pattern. Finally, the treatment solution, consisting of 0.5% of bupivacaine was injected to each area. All injected medications were preservative free. Sterile technique was used throughout the procedure.,ADDITIONAL DETAILS: , This was then repeated on the left side.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISCUSSION: ,Postprocedure vital signs and oximetry were stable. The patient was discharged with instructions to ice the injection site as needed for 15-20 minutes as frequently as twice per hour for the next day and to avoid aggressive activities for 1 day. The patient was told to resume all medications. The patient was told to resume normal activities.,The patient was instructed to seek immediate medical attention for shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, chills, increased pain, weakness, sensory or motor changes or changes in bowel or bladder function.,Follow up appointment was made at the PM&R Spine Clinic in approximately 1 week.
1. The left ventricular cavity size and wall thickness appear normal. The wall motion and left ventricular systolic function appears hyperdynamic with estimated ejection fraction of 70% to 75%. There is near-cavity obliteration seen. There also appears to be increased left ventricular outflow tract gradient at the mid cavity level consistent with hyperdynamic left ventricular systolic function. There is abnormal left ventricular relaxation pattern seen as well as elevated left atrial pressures seen by Doppler examination.,2. The left atrium appears mildly dilated.,3. The right atrium and right ventricle appear normal.,4. The aortic root appears normal.,5. The aortic valve appears calcified with mild aortic valve stenosis, calculated aortic valve area is 1.3 cm square with a maximum instantaneous gradient of 34 and a mean gradient of 19 mm.,6. There is mitral annular calcification extending to leaflets and supportive structures with thickening of mitral valve leaflets with mild mitral regurgitation.,7. The tricuspid valve appears normal with trace tricuspid regurgitation with moderate pulmonary artery hypertension. Estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure is 49 mmHg. Estimated right atrial pressure of 10 mmHg.,8. The pulmonary valve appears normal with trace pulmonary insufficiency.,9. There is no pericardial effusion or intracardiac mass seen.,10. There is a color Doppler suggestive of a patent foramen ovale with lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum.,11. The study was somewhat technically limited and hence subtle abnormalities could be missed from the study.,
Please accept this letter of follow up on patient xxx xxx. He is now three months out from a left carotid angioplasty and stent placement. He was a part of a CapSure trial. He has done quite well, with no neurologic or cardiac event in the three months of follow up. He had a follow-up ultrasound performed today that shows the stent to be patent, with no evidence of significant recurrence.,Sincerely,,XYZ, MD,
CHIEF COMPLAINT:,1. Extensive stage small cell lung cancer.,2. Chemotherapy with carboplatin and etoposide.,3. Left scapular pain status post CT scan of the thorax.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 67-year-old female with extensive stage small cell lung cancer. She is currently receiving treatment with carboplatin and etoposide. She completed her fifth cycle on 08/12/10. She has had ongoing back pain and was sent for a CT scan of the thorax. She comes into clinic today accompanied by her daughters to review the results.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Levothyroxine 88 mcg daily, Soriatane 25 mg daily, Timoptic 0.5% solution b.i.d., Vicodin 5/500 mg one to two tablets q.6 hours p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,The patient continues to have back pain some time she also take two pain pill. She received platelet transfusion the other day and reported mild fever. She denies any chills, night sweats, chest pain, or shortness of breath. The rest of her review of systems is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VITALS:
PROCEDURE CODES: 64640 times two, 64614 time two, 95873 times two, 29405 times two.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, 343.0.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, 343.0.,ANESTHESIA: MAC.,COMPLICATIONS: None.,DESCRIPTION OF TECHNIQUE: Informed consent was obtained from the patient's mom. The patient was brought to minor procedures and sedated per their protocol. The patient was positioned lying supine. Skin overlying all areas injected was prepped with chlorhexidine.,The obturator nerves were identified lateral to the adductor longus tendon origin and below the femoral pulse with active EMG stimulation. Approximately 4 mL of 5% phenol was injected in this location bilaterally. Phenol injections were done at the site of maximum hip adduction contraction with least amount of stimulus. Negative drawback for blood was done prior to each injection of phenol.,Muscles injected with botulinum toxin were identified with active EMG stimulation. Approximately 50 units was injected in the rectus femoris bilaterally, 75 units in the medial hamstrings bilaterally and 100 units in the gastrocnemius soleus muscles bilaterally. Total amount of botulinum toxin injected was 450 units diluted 25 units to 1 mL. After injections were performed, bilateral short leg fiberglass casts were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and no complications were encountered.
GENERAL EVALUATION:,Fetal Cardiac Activity: Normal with a heart rate of 135BPM,Fetal Presentation: Cephalic.,Placenta: Anterior,Placentral grade: II,Previa: ? None.,Amniotic Fluid: 1.5 + 2.5 + 0.0 + 0.0 = 4cm compatible with oligohydramnios.,BIOMETRY:,BPD: 9.0cm consistent with 36weeks, 4days gestation,HC: 34.6cm which equals 40weeks and 1day gestational age.,FL: 6.9cm which equals 35weeks and 3days gestational age.,AC: 34.6cm which equals 38weeks and 4days gestational age.,CI (BPD/OFD): (70-86) 73,FL/BPD: (71-87) 77,FL/HC: (20.8-22.6) 19.9,FL/AC (20-24) 20,HC/AC: (0.92-1.05) 1.00,GESTATIONAL AGE BY CURRENT ULTRASOUND: 37weeks 4days.,FETAL WEIGHT BY CURRENT ULTRASOUND: 3289grams (7pounds 4ounces).,ESTIMATED FETAL WEIGHT PERCENTILE: 24%.,EDD BY CURRENT ULTRASOUND: 06/04/07.,GESTATIONAL AGE BY DATES: 40weeks 0days.,L M P: Unknown.,EDD BY DATES: 05/18/07.,DATE OF PREVIOUS ULTRASOUND: 03/05/07.,EDD BY PREVIOUS ULTRASOUND: 05/24/07.,FETAL ANATOMY:,Fetal Ventricles: Normal,Fetal Cerebellum: Normal,Fetal Cranium: Normal,Fetal Face: Normal Nose and Mouth,Fetal Heart (4 Chamber View): Normal,Fetal Diaphragm: Normal,Fetal Stomach: Normal,Fetal Cord: Normal three-vessel cord,Fetal Abdominal Wall: Normal,Fetal Spine: Normal,Fetal Kidneys: Normal,Fetal Bladder: Normal,Fetal Limbs: Normal,IMPRESSION:,Active intrauterine pregnancy with a sonographic gestational age of 37weeks and 4days.,AFI=4cm compatible with mild oligohydramnios.,Fetal weight equals 3289grams (7pounds 4ounces). EFW percentile is 24%.,Placental grade is II.,No evidence of gross anatomical abnormality, with a biophysical profile total equal to 8 out of 8.,
DISCHARGE DISPOSITION:, The patient was discharged by court as a voluntary drop by prosecution. This was AMA against hospital advice.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,AXIS I: Schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type.,AXIS II: Deferred.,AXIS III: Hepatitis C.,AXIS IV: Severe.,AXIS V: 19.,CONDITION OF PATIENT ON DISCHARGE: , The patient remained disorganized. The patient was suffering from prolactinemia secondary to medications.,DISCHARGE FOLLOWUP: ,To be arranged per the patient as the patient was discharged by court.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , A 2-week supply of the following was phoned into the patient's pharmacy: Seroquel 25 mg p.o. nightly. Zyprexa 5 mg p.o. b.i.d.,MENTAL STATUS AT THE TIME OF DISCHARGE:, Attitude was cooperative. Appearance showed fair hygiene and grooming. Psychomotor behavior showed restlessness. No EPS or TD was noted. Affect was restricted. Mood remained anxious and speech was pressured. Thoughts remained tangential, and the patient endorsed paranoid delusions. The patient denied auditory hallucinations. The patient denied suicidal or homicidal ideation, was oriented to person and place. Overall, insight into her illness remained impaired.,HISTORY AND HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient is a 22-year-old female with a history of bipolar affective disorder, was initially admitted for evaluation of increasing mood lability, disorganization, and inappropriate behaviors. The patient reportedly was asking her father to have sex with her and tried to pull down her mother's pants. The patient took her clothing off, was noted to be very disorganized sexually, and religiously preoccupied, and endorsed auditory hallucinations of voices telling her to calm herself and others. The patient has a history of depression versus bipolar disorder, last hospitalized in Pierce County in 2008, but without recent treatment. The patient on admission interview was noted to be labile and disorganized. The patient was initiated on Risperdal M-Tab 2 mg p.o. b.i.d. for psychosis and mood lability, and also medically evaluated by Rebecca Richardson, MD. The patient remained labile and suspicious during her hospital stay. The patient continued to be sexually preoccupied and had poor insight into her need for treatment. The patient denied further auditory hallucinations. The patient was treated with Seroquel for persistent mood lability and psychosis. The patient was noted to develop prolactinemia with Risperdal and this was changed to Zyprexa prior to discharge. The patient remained disorganized, but was given a voluntary drop by prosecution against medical advice when she went to court on 01/11/2010. The patient was discharged to return home to her parents and was referred to Community Mental Health Agencies. The patient was thus discharged in symptomatic condition.
INDICATION FOR STUDY: , Chest pains, CAD, and cardiomyopathy.,MEDICATIONS:, Humulin, lisinopril, furosemide, spironolactone, omeprazole, carvedilol, pravastatin, aspirin, hydrocodone, and diazepam.,BASELINE EKG: , Sinus rhythm at 71 beats per minute, left anterior fascicular block, LVBB.,PERSANTINE RESULTS: , Heart rate increased from 70 to 72. Blood pressure decreased from 160/84 to 130/78. The patient felt slightly dizziness, but there was no chest pain or EKG changes.,NUCLEAR PROTOCOL: , Same day rest/stress protocol was utilized with 12 mCi for the rest dose and 33 mCi for the stress test. 53 mg of Persantine were used, reversed with 125 mg of aminophylline.,NUCLEAR RESULTS:,1. Nuclear perfusion imaging, review of the raw projection data reveals adequate image acquisition. The resting images are normal. The post Persantine images show mildly decreased uptake in the septum. The sum score is 0.,2. The Gated SPECT shows enlarged heart with a preserved EF of 52%.,IMPRESSION:,1. Mild septal ischemia. Likely due to the left bundle-branch block.,2. Mild cardiomyopathy, EF of 52%.,3. Mild hypertension at 160/84.,4. Left bundle-branch block.,
REFERRAL INDICATION AND PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSES,1. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,2. Ejection fraction less than 10%.,3. Ventricular tachycardia.,4. Bradycardia with likely high degree of pacing.,PROCEDURES PLANNED AND PERFORMED,1. Implantation of biventricular automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator.,2. Fluoroscopic guidance for lead implantation for biventricular automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator.,3. Coronary sinus venogram for left ventricular lead placement.,4. Defibrillation threshold testing x2.,FLUOROSCOPY TIME: ,18.5 minutes.,MEDICATIONS AT THE TIME OF STUDY,1. Vancomycin 1 g (the patient was allergic to penicillin).,2. Versed 10 mg.,3. Fentanyl 100 mcg.,4. Benadryl 50 mg.,CLINICAL HISTORY: , The patient is a pleasant 57-year-old gentleman with a dilated cardiomyopathy, an ejection fraction of 10%, been referred for AICD implantation because of his low ejection fraction and a non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. He has underlying sinus bradycardia. Therefore, will likely be pacing much of the time and would benefit from a biventricular pacing device.,RISKS AND BENEFITS:, Risks, benefits, and alternatives to implantation of biventricular AICD and defibrillation threshold testing were discussed with the patient. Risks including but not limited to bleeding, infection, vascular injury, cardiac perforation, stroke, myocardial infarction, the need for urgent cardiovascular surgery, and death were discussed with the patient. The patient agreed both verbally and via written consent.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was transported to the cardiac catheterization laboratory in the fasting state. The region of the left deltopectoral groove was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Lidocaine 1% (20 mL) was administered to the area. After achieving appropriate anesthesia, a percutaneous access of the left axillary vein was performed under fluoroscopy with two separate sticks. Guidewires were advanced down into the left axillary vein. Following this, a 4-inch long transverse incision was made through the skin and subcutaneous tissue exposing the pectoral fascia and muscle beneath. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. Lidocaine 1% (10 mL) was administered to the medial aspect of the incision and a pocket was fashioned in the medial direction. Using the more lateral of the guidewires, a 7-French side-arm sheath was advanced into the left axillary vein. The dilator was removed and another wire was advanced down into the sheath. The sheath was then backed up over the top of the two wires. One wire was pinned to the drape and using the alternate wire, a 9-French side-arm sheath was advanced down into the left axillary vein. The dilator and wire were removed. A defibrillation lead was then advanced down into the atrium. The peel-away sheath was removed. The lead was then passed across the tricuspid valve and positioned in the apical septal location. The active fix screw was deployed. Adequate pacing and sensing functions were established. A 10-volt pacing was used temporarily and there was no diaphragmatic stimulation. The suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. Using the wire that had been pinned to the drape, a 7-French side-arm sheath was advanced over this wire into the axillary vein. The wire and dilator were removed. An active pacing lead was then advanced down to the right atrium and the peel-away sheath was removed. The lead was parked until a later time. Using the separate access point, a 9-French side-arm sheath was advanced into the left axillary vein. The dilator and wire were removed. A curved outer sheath catheter as well as an inner catheter were advanced down into the area of the coronary sinus. The coronary sinus was cannulated. Inner catheter was removed and a balloon-tipped catheter was advanced into the coronary sinus. A coronary sinus venogram was then performed. It was noted that the most suitable location for lead placement was the middle cardiac vein. This was cannulated and a passive lead was advanced over a Whisper EDS wire into a distal position. Adequate pacing and sensing functions were established. A 10-volt pacing was used temporarily. There was no diaphragmatic stimulation. The outer sheath was peeled away. The 9 French sheath was then peeled away. Suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. At this point, the atrial lead was then positioned in the right atrial appendage using a preformed J-curved stylet. The lead body was turned several times and the lead was affixed to the tissue. Adequate pacing and sensing function were established. A suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. The pocket was then washed with antibiotic-impregnated saline. Pulse generator was obtained and connected securely to the leads. The leads were carefully wrapped behind the pulse generator and the entire system was placed in the pocket. The pocket was then closed with 2-0, 3-0, and 4-0 Vicryl using a running mattress stitch. Sponge and needle counts were correct at the end of the procedure and no acute complications were noted.,The patient was sedated further and shock on T was performed on two separate occasions. The device was allowed to detect the charge and defibrillate, establishing the entire workings of the ICD system.,DEVICE DATA,1. Pulse generator, manufacturer Boston Scientific, model # N119, serial #12345.,2. Right atrial lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #4470, serial #12345.,3. Right ventricular lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #0185, serial #12345.,4. Left ventricular lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #4549, serial #12345.,MEASURED INTRAOPERATIVE DATA,1. Right atrial lead impedance 705 ohms. P-waves measured at 1.7 millivolts. Pacing threshold 0.5 volt at 0.4 milliseconds.,2. Right ventricular lead impedance 685 ohms. R-waves measured 10.5 millivolts. Pacing threshold 0.6 volt at 0.4 milliseconds.,3. Left ventricular lead impedance 1098 ohms. R-waves measured 5.2 millivolts. Pacing threshold 1.4 volts at 0.4 milliseconds.,DEFIBRILLATION THRESHOLD TESTING,1. Shock on T. Charge time 2.9 seconds. Energy delivered 17 joules, successful with lead impedance of 39 ohms.,2. Shock on T. Charge time 2.8 seconds. Energy delivered 17 joules, successful with a type 2 break lead impedance of 38 ohms.,DEVICE SETTINGS,1. A pacing DDD 60 to 120.,2. VT-1 zone 165 beats per minute. VT-2 zone 185 beats per minute. VF zone 205 beats per minute.,CONCLUSIONS,1. Successful implantation of a biventricular automatic implantable cardiovascular defibrillator,2. Defibrillation threshold of less than or equal to 17.5 joules.,2. No acute complications.,PLAN,1. The patient will be taken back to his room for continued observation and dismissed to the discretion of the primary service.,2. Chest x-ray to rule out pneumothorax and verified lead position.,3. Device interrogation in the morning.,4. Completion of the course of antibiotics.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 84-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, severe tricuspid regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension, mild aortic stenosis, and previously moderate mitral regurgitation although not seen recently and I was asked to perform cardiology consultation for her because there was concern for atrial fibrillation after a fall. Basically the patient states that yesterday she fell and she is not certain about the circumstances, on her driveway, and on her left side hit a rock. When she came to the emergency room, she was found to have a rapid atrial tachyarrhythmia, and was put on Cardizem with reportedly heart rate in the 50s, so that was stopped. Review of EKGs from that time shows what appears to be multifocal atrial tachycardia with followup EKG showing wandering atrial pacemaker. An ECG this morning showing normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs. Her potassium at that time was 3.1. She does recall having palpitations because of the pain after the fall, but she states she is not having them since and has not had them prior. She denies any chest pain nor shortness of breath prior to or since the fall. She states clearly she can walk and she would be able to climb 2 flights of stairs without problems.,PAST CARDIAC HISTORY: , She is followed by Dr. X in our office and has a history of severe tricuspid regurgitation with mild elevation and PA pressure. On 05/12/08, preserved left and right ventricular systolic function, aortic sclerosis with apparent mild aortic stenosis, and bi-atrial enlargement. She has previously had a Persantine Myoview nuclear rest-stress test scan completed at ABCD Medical Center in 07/06 that was negative. She has had significant mitral valve regurgitation in the past being moderate, but on the most recent echocardiogram on 05/12/08, that was not felt to be significant. She has a history of hypertension and EKGs in our office show normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs versus wandering atrial pacemaker. She does have a history of significant hypertension in the past. She has had dizzy spells and denies clearly any true syncope. She has had bradycardia in the past from beta-blocker therapy.,MEDICATIONS ON ADMISSION:,1. Multivitamin p.o. daily.,2. Aspirin 325 mg once a day.,3. Lisinopril 40 mg once a day.,4. Felodipine 10 mg once a day.,5. Klor-Con 20 mEq p.o. b.i.d.,6. Omeprazole 20 mg p.o. daily presumably for GERD.,7. MiraLax 17 g p.o. daily.,8. Lasix 20 mg p.o. daily.,ALLERGIES: , PENICILLIN. IT IS LISTED THAT TOPROL HAS CAUSED SHORTNESS OF BREATH IN HER OFFICE CHART AND I BELIEVE SHE HAS HAD SIGNIFICANT BRADYCARDIA WITH THAT IN THE PAST.,FAMILY HISTORY:, She states her brother died of an MI suddenly in his 50s.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She does not smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, nor use any illicit drugs. She is retired from Morse Chain and delivering newspapers. She is widowed. She lives alone but has family members who live either on her property or adjacent to it.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , She denies a history of stroke, cancer, vomiting of blood, coughing up blood, bright red blood per rectum, bleeding, stomach ulcers. She does not recall renal calculi, nor cholelithiasis, denies asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sleep apnea, home oxygen use. She does note occasional peripheral edema. She is not aware of prior history of MI. She denies diabetes. She does have a history of GERD. She notes feeling depressed at times because of living alone. She denies rheumatologic conditions including psoriasis or lupus. Remainder of review of systems is negative times 15 except as described above.,PHYSICAL EXAM: ,Height 5 feet 0 inches, weight 123 pounds, temperature 99.2 degrees Fahrenheit, blood pressure has ranged from 160/87 with pulses recorded at being 144, and currently ranges 101/53 to 147/71, pulse 64, respiratory rate 20, O2 saturation 97%. On general exam, she is a pleasant elderly woman who is hard of hearing, but is alert and interactive. HEENT: Shows cranium is normocephalic and atraumatic. She has moist mucosal membranes. Neck veins were not distended. There are no carotid bruits. Lungs: Clear to auscultation anteriorly without wheezes. She is relatively immobile because of her left hip fracture. Cardiac Exam: S1, S2, regular rate, frequent ectopic beats, 2/6 systolic ejection murmur, preserved aortic component of the second heart sound. There is also a soft holosystolic murmur heard. There is no rub or gallop. PMI is nondisplaced. Abdomen is soft and nondistended. Bowel sounds present. Extremities without significant clubbing, cyanosis, and there is trivial to 1+ peripheral edema. Pulses appear grossly intact. Affect is appropriate. Visible skin warm and perfused. She is not able to move because of left hip fracture easily in bed.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES/LAB DATA: , Pertinent labs include chest x-ray with radiology report pending but shows only a calcified aortic knob. No clear pulmonary vascular congestion. Sodium 140, potassium 3.7, it was 3.1 on admission, chloride 106, bicarbonate 27, BUN 17, creatinine 0.9, glucose 150, magnesium was 2 on 07/13/06. Troponin was 0.03 followed by 0.18. INR is 0.93, white blood cell count 10.2, hematocrit 36, platelet count 115,000.,EKGs are reviewed. Initial EKG done on 08/19/08 at 1832 shows MAT, heart rate of 104 beats per minute, no ischemic changes. She had a followup EKG done at 20:37 on 08/19/08, which shows wandering atrial pacemaker and some lateral T-wave changes, not significantly changed from prior. Followup EKG done this morning shows normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs.,IMPRESSION: ,She is an 84-year-old female with a history of hypertension, severe tricuspid regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension and mild aortic stenosis admitted after a fall with left hip fracture and she will require surgery. Telemetry now reviewed, shows predominantly normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs _____ earlier yesterday evening showed burst of multifocal atrial tachycardia and I suspect that was exacerbated by prior hypokalemia, which has been corrected. There has been no atrial fibrillation documented. I do not feel these troponins are significant given the stress or fall in prior multifocal atrial tachycardia with increased rate especially in the absence of chest pain or shortness of breath. She actually describes feeling good exercise capacity prior to this fall. Given favorable risk to benefit ratio for needed left hip surgery, I feel she may proceed with needed left hip surgery from a cardiac standpoint with continued verapamil, which has been started, which should help control the multifocal atrial tachycardia, which she had and would watch for heart rate with that. Continued optimization of electrolytes. The patient cannot take beta-blockers as previously Toprol reportedly caused shortness of breath, although, there was some report that it caused bradycardia so we would watch her heart rate on the verapamil. The patient is aware of the cardiac risks, certainly it is moderate, and wishes to proceed with needed surgery. I do not feel any further cardiac evaluation is needed at this time and the patient may followup with Dr. X after discharge. Regarding her mild thrombocytopenia, I would defer that to hospitalist and continue proton pump inhibitors for history of gastroesophageal reflux disease, management of left hip fracture as per orthopedist.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at 35-1/7.,2. Rh isoimmunization.,3. Suspected fetal anemia.,4. Desires permanent sterilization.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at 35-1/7.,2. Rh isoimmunization.,3. Suspected fetal anemia.,4. Desires permanent sterilization.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Primary low transverse cesarean section by Pfannenstiel skin incision with bilateral tubal sterilization.,ANESTHESIA:, Spinal anesthesia.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,500 mL.,INTRAOPERATIVE FLUIDS: , 1000 mL crystalloids.,URINE OUTPUT: , 300 mL clear urine at the end of procedure.,SPECIMENS:, Cord gases, hematocrit on cord blood, placenta, and bilateral tubal segments.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Male infant, vertex position, very bright yellow amniotic fluid. Apgars 7 and 8 at 1 and 5 minutes respectively. Weight pending at this time. His name is Kasson as well as umbilical cord and placenta stained yellow. Otherwise normal appearing uterus and bilateral tubes and ovaries.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the operating room where spinal anesthesia was obtained by Dr. X without difficulties. The patient was placed in supine position with leftward tilt. Fetal heart tones were checked and were 140s, and she was prepped and draped in a normal sterile fashion. At this time, a Pfannenstiel skin incision made with a scalpel and carried down to the underlying fascia with electrocautery. The fascia was nicked sharply in the midline. The fascial incision was extended laterally with Mayo scissors. The inferior aspect of the fascial incision was grasped with Kocher x2, elevated, and rectus muscles dissected sharply with the use of Mayo scissors. Attention was then turned to the superior aspect of the fascial incision. Fascia was grasped, elevated, and rectus muscles dissected off sharply. The rectus muscles were separated in the midline bluntly. The peritoneum was identified, grasped, and entered sharply and the peritoneal incision extended inferiorly and superiorly with good visualization of bladder. Bladder blade was inserted. Vesicouterine peritoneum was tented up and a bladder flap was created using Metzenbaum scissors. Bladder blade was reinserted to effectively protect the bladder from the operative field and the lower uterine segment incised in a transverse U-shaped fashion with the scalpel. Uterine incision was extended laterally and manually. Membranes were ruptured and bright yellow clear amniotic fluid was noted. Infant's head was in a floating position, able to flex the head, push against the incision, and then easily brought it to the field vertex. Nares and mouth were suctioned with bulb suction. Remainder of the infant was delivered atraumatically. The infant was very pale upon delivery. Cord was doubly clamped and cut and immediately handed to the awaiting intensive care nursery team. An 8 cm segment of the tube was doubly clamped and transected. Cord gases were obtained. Cord was then cleansed, laid on a clean laparotomy sponge, and cord blood was drawn for hematocrit measurements. At this time, it was noted that the cord was significantly yellow stained as well as the placenta. At this time, the placenta was delivered via gentle traction on the cord and exterior uterine massage. Uterus was exteriorized and cleared off all clots and debris with dry laparotomy sponge and the lower uterine segment was closed with 1-0 chromic in a running locked fashion. Two areas of oozing were noted and separate figure-of-eight sutures were placed to obtain hemostasis. At this time, the uterine incision was hemostatic. The bladder was examined and found to be well below the level of the incision repair. Tubes and ovaries were examined and found to be normal. The patient was again asked if she desires permanent sterilization of which she agrees and therefore the right fallopian tube was identified and followed out to the fimbriated end and grasped at the mid portion with a Babcock clamp. Mesosalpinx was divided with electrocautery and a 4-cm segment of tube was doubly tied and transected with a 3-cm segment of tube removed. Hemostasis was noted. Then, attention was turned to the left fallopian tube which in similar fashion was grasped and brought out through the fimbriated end and grasped the midline portion with Babcock clamp. Mesosalpinx was incised and 3-4 cm tube doubly tied, transected, and excised and excellent hemostasis was noted. Attention was returned to the uterine incision which is seemed to be hemostatic and uterus was returned to the abdomen. Gutters were cleared off all clots and debris. Lower uterine segments were again re-inspected and found to be hemostatic. Sites of tubal sterilization were also visualized and were hemostatic. At this time, the peritoneum was grasped with Kelly clamps x3 and closed with running 3-0 Vicryl suture. Copious irrigation was used. Rectus muscle belly was examined and found to be hemostatic and tacked and well approximated in the midline. At this time, the fascia was closed using 0 Vicryl in a running fashion. Manual palpation confirms thorough and adequate closure of the fascial layer. Copious irrigation was again used. Hemostasis noted, and skin was closed with staples. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, needle, and instrument counts were correct x3 and the patient was sent to the recovery room awake and stable condition. Infant assumed the care of the intensive care nursery team and being followed and workup up for isoimmunization and fetal anemia. The patient will be followed for her severe right upper quadrant pain post delivery. If she continues to have pain, may need a surgical consult for gallbladder and/or angiogram for evaluation of right kidney and questionable venous plexus. This all will be relayed to Dr. Y, her primary obstetrician who was on call starting this morning at 7 a.m. through the weekend.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Bilateral axillary masses, rule out recurrent Hodgkin's disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Bilateral axillary masses, rule out recurrent Hodgkin's disease.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Left axillary dissection with incision and drainage of left axillary mass.,2. Right axillary mass excision and incision and drainage.,ANESTHESIA: , LMA.,SPECIMENS:, Left axillary mass with nodes and right axillary mass.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Less than 30 cc.,INDICATION: , This 56-year-old male presents to surgical office with history of bilateral axillary masses. Upon evaluation, it was noted that the patient has draining bilateral masses with the left mass being approximately 8 cm in diameter upon palpation and the right being approximately 4 cm in diameter. The patient had been continued on antibiotics preoperatively. The patient with history of Hodgkin's lymphoma approximately 18 years ago and underwent therapy at that time and he was declared free of disease since that time. Consent for possible recurrence of Hodgkin's lymphoma warranted exploration and excision of these masses. The patient was explained the risks and benefits of the procedure and informed consent was obtained.,GROSS FINDINGS: , Upon dissection of the left axillary mass, the mass was removed in toto and noted to have a cavity within it consistent with an abscess.,No loose structures were identified and sent for frozen section, which upon intraoperative consultation with Pathology Department revealed no obvious evidence of lymphoma, however, the confirmed pathology report is pending at this time. The right axillary mass was excised without difficulty without requiring full axillary dissection.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed in supine position after appropriate anesthesia was obtained and a sterile prep and drape complete. A #10 blade scalpel was used to make an elliptical incision about the mass itself extending this incision further to aid in the mobilization of the mass. Sharp dissection was utilized with Metzenbaum scissors about the mass to maintain the injury to the skin structure and upon showing out the mass, Bovie electrocautery was utilized adjacent to the wall structure to maintain hemostasis. Identification of the axillary anatomy was made and care was made to avoid injury to nerve, vessel or musculature. Once this mass was removed in toto, lymph node structures were as well delivered with this mass and sent to frozen section as well the specimen was sent to gram stain and culture. Upon revaluation of the incisional site, it was noted to be hemostatic. Warm lap sponge was then left in place at this site. Next, attention was turned to the right axilla where a #10 blade scalpel was used to make a 4 cm incision about the mass including the cutaneous structures involved with the erythematous reaction. This was as well removed in toto and sent to Pathology for gram stain and culture as well as pathologic evaluation. This site was then made hemostatic as well with the aid of Bovie electrocautery and approximation of the deep dermal tissues after irrigation with warm saline was then done with #3-0 Vicryl suture followed by #4-0 Vicryl running subcuticular stitch. Steri-Strips were applied. Attention was returned back left axilla, which upon re-exploration was noted to be hemostatic and a #7 mm JP was then introduced making a skin stab inferior to the incision and bringing the end of the drain through this incision. This was placed within the incision site, ________ drainage of the axillary potential space. Approximation of the deep dermal tissues were then done with #3-0 Vicryl in an interrupted technique followed by #4-0 Vicryl with running subcuticular technique. Steri-Strips and sterile dressings were applied. JP bulb was then placed to suction and sterile dressings were applied to both axilla. The patient tolerated the procedure well and sent to postanesthesia care unit in a stable condition. He will be discharged to home upon ability of the patient to have pain tolerance with Vicodin 1-2 as needed every six hours for pain and continue on Keflex antibiotics until gram stain culture proves otherwise.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Chronic otitis media.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 14-month-old with history of chronic recurrent episodes of otitis media, totalling 6 bouts, requiring antibiotics since birth. There is also associated chronic nasal congestion. There had been no bouts of spontaneous tympanic membrane perforation, but there had been elevations of temperature up to 102 during the acute infection. He is being admitted at this time for myringotomy and tube insertion under general facemask anesthesia.,ALLERGIES:, None.,MEDICATIONS:, None.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,MEDICAL HISTORY: , Mild reflux.,PREVIOUS SURGERIES:, None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is not in daycare. There are no pets in the home. There is no secondhand tobacco exposure.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Examination of ears reveals retracted poorly mobile tympanic membranes on the right side with a middle ear effusion present. Left ear is still little bit black. Nose, moderate inferior turbinate hypertrophy. No polyps or purulence. Oral cavity, oropharynx 2+ tonsils. No exudates. Neck, no nodes, masses or thyromegaly. Lungs are clear to A&P. Cardiac exam, regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs. Abdomen is soft and nontender. Positive bowel sounds.,IMPRESSION: , Chronic eustachian tube dysfunction, chronic otitis media with effusion, recurrent acute otitis media, and wax accumulation.,PLAN:, The patient will be admitted to the operating room for myringotomy and tube insertion under general facemask anesthesia.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , I was kindly asked to see Ms. ABC by Dr. X for cardiology consultation regarding preoperative evaluation for right hip surgery. She is a patient with a history of coronary artery disease status post bypass surgery in 1971 who tripped over her oxygen last p.m. she states and fell. She suffered a right hip fracture and is being considered for right hip replacement. The patient denies any recent angina, but has noted more prominent shortness of breath.,Past cardiac history is significant for coronary artery disease status post bypass surgery, she states in 1971, I believe it was single vessel. She has had stress test done in our office on September 10, 2008, which shows evidence of a small apical infarct, no area of ischemia, and compared to study of December of 2005, there is no significant change. She had a transthoracic echocardiogram done in our office on August 29, 2008, which showed normal left ventricular size and systolic function, dilated right ventricle with septal flattening of the left ventricle consistent with right ventricular pressure overload, left atrial enlargement, severe tricuspid regurgitation with estimated PA systolic pressure between 75-80 mmHg consistent with severe pulmonary hypertension, structurally normal aortic and mitral valve. She also has had some presumed atrial arrhythmias that have not been sustained. She follows with Dr. Y my partner at Cardiology Associates.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Other medical history includes severe COPD and she is oxygen dependent, severe pulmonary hypertension, diabetes, abdominal aortic aneurysm, hypertension, dyslipidemia. Last ultrasound of her abdominal aorta done June 12, 2009 states that it was fusiform, infrarenal shaped aneurysm of the distal abdominal aorta measuring 3.4 cm unchanged from prior study on June 11, 2008.,MEDICATIONS:, As an outpatient:,1. Lanoxin 0.125 mg, 1/2 tablet once a day.,2. Tramadol 50 mg p.o. q.i.d. as needed.,3. Verapamil 240 mg once a day.,4. Bumex 2 mg once a day.,5. ProAir HFA.,6. Atrovent nebs b.i.d.,7. Pulmicort nebs b.i.d.,8. Nasacort 55 mcg, 2 sprays daily.,9. Quinine sulfate 325 mg p.o. q.h.s. p.r.n.,10. Meclizine 12.5 mg p.o. t.i.d. p.r.n.,11. Aldactone 25 mg p.o. daily.,12. Theo-24 200 mg p.o., 2 in the morning.,13. Zocor 40 mg once a day.,14. Vitamin D 400 units twice daily.,15. Levoxyl 125 mcg once a day.,16. Trazodone 50 mg p.o. q.h.s. p.r.n.,17. Janumet 50/500, 1 tablet p.o. b.i.d.,ALLERGIES: , To medications are listed as:,1. LEVAQUIN.,2. AZITHROMYCIN.,3. ADHESIVE TAPE.,4. BETA BLOCKERS. When I talked to the patient about the BETA BLOCKER, she states that they made her more short of breath in the past.,She denies shrimp, seafood or dye allergy.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for heart problems she states in her mother and father.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She used to smoke cigarettes and smoked from the age of 14 to 43 and quit at the time of her bypass surgery. She does not drink alcohol nor use illicit drugs. She lives alone and is widowed. She is a retired custodian at University. Of note, she is accompanied with her verbal consent by her daughter and grandson at the bedside.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Unable to obtain as the patient is somnolent from her pain medication, but she is alert and able to answer my direct questions.,PHYSICAL EXAM: , Height 5'2", weight 160 pounds, temperature is 99.5 degrees ranging up to 101.6, blood pressure 137/67 to 142/75, pulse 92, respiratory rate 16, O2 saturation 93-89%. On general exam, she is an elderly, chronically ill appearing woman in no acute distress. She is able to lie flat, she does have pain if she moves. HEENT shows the cranium is normocephalic, atraumatic. She has dry mucosal membranes. Neck veins are not distended. There are no carotid bruits. Visible skin is warm and she appears pale. Affect appropriate and she is somnolent from her pain medications, but arouses easily and answers my direct questions appropriately. Lungs are clear to auscultation anteriorly, no wheezes. Cardiac exam S1, S2 regular rate, soft holosystolic murmur heard over the tricuspid region. No rub nor gallop. PMI is nondisplaced, unable to appreciate RV heave. Abdomen soft, mildly distended, appears benign. Extremities with trivial peripheral edema. Pulses grossly intact. She has quite a bit of pain at the right hip fracture.,DIAGNOSTIC/LABORATORY DATA: ,Sodium 135, potassium 4.7, chloride 99, bicarbonate 33, BUN 22, creatinine 1.3, glucose 149, troponin was 0.01 followed by 0.04. Theophylline level 16.6 on January 23, 2009. TSH 0.86 on March 10, 2009. INR 1.06. White blood cell count 9.5, hematocrit 35, platelet count 160.,EKG done July 16, 2009 at 7:31:15, shows sinus rhythm, which showed PR interval of about 118 milliseconds, nonspecific T wave changes. When compared to EKG done July 15, 2009 at 1948, previously there more frequent PVCs seen. This ECG appears similar to the ones she has had done previously in our office including on June 11, 2009, although the T wave changes are a bit more prominent, which is a nonspecific finding.,IMPRESSION: , She is an 81-year-old woman with severe O2 requiring chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with evidence of right heart overload, as well as known coronary artery disease status post single-valve bypass in 1971 suffering a right hip fracture for whom a right hip replacement is being considered. I have had a long discussion with the patient, as well as her daughter and grandson at the bedside today. There are no clear absolute cardiac contraindications that I can see. Of note at the time of this dictation a chest x-ray report is pending. With that being said, however, she is extremely high risk more from a pulmonary than cardiac standpoint. We did also however review that untreated hip fractures themselves have very high morbidity and mortality incidences. The patient is deciding on surgery and is clearly aware that she is very high risk for proposed surgery, as well as if she were to not pursue surgery.,PLAN/RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. The patient is going to decide on surgery. If she does have the right hip surgery, I would recommend overnight observation in the intensive care unit.,2. Optimize pulmonary function and pursue aggressive DVT prophylaxis.,3. Continue digoxin and verapamil. Again, the patient describes clear INTOLERANCE TO BETA BLOCKERS by her history.
PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Endoscopy.,INDICATIONS: , Dysphagia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Esophageal ring and active reflux esophagitis.,PROCEDURE: , Informed consent was obtained prior to the procedure from the parents and patient. The oral cavity is sprayed with lidocaine spray. A bite block is placed. Versed IV 5 mg and 100 mcg of IV fentanyl was given in cautious increments. The GIF-160 diagnostic gastroscope used. The patient was alert during the procedure. The esophagus was intubated under direct visualization. The scope was advanced toward the GE junction with active reflux esophagitis involving the distal one-third of the esophagus noted. The stomach was unremarkable. Retroflexed exam unremarkable. Duodenum not intubated in order to minimize the time spent during the procedure. The patient was alert although not combative. A balloon was then inserted across the GE junction, 15 mm to 18 mm, and inflated to 3, 4.7, and 7 ATM, and left inflated at 18 mm for 45 seconds. The balloon was then deflated. The patient became uncomfortable and a good-size adequate distal esophageal tear was noted. The scope and balloon were then withdrawn. The patient left in good condition.,IMPRESSION: , Successful dilation of distal esophageal fracture in the setting of active reflux esophagitis albeit mild.,PLAN: , I will recommend that the patient be on lifelong proton pump inhibition and have repeat endoscopy performed as needed. This has been discussed with the parents. He was sent home with a prescription for omeprazole.
COSTOCHONDRAL CARTILAGE INJECTION,PROCEDURE PREPARATION:, After being explained the risks and benefits of the procedure, the patient signed the standard informed consent form. The patient was placed in the supine position.,Intravenous access was established. The patient was given mild narcotics for sedation. For further details, please refer to anesthesia note.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, The area of discomfort was palpated under fluoroscopy and the costochondral cartilages that were symptomatic were marked out. After careful asepsis, local anesthesia was given subcutaneously and a 0.25-gauge hypodermic needle was inserted into the costochondral cartilage junction, taking care not to stray from the rib. Fluoroscopy in AP and lateral positions confirmed good position of the needle in the * costochondral junction and subsequently after aspiration, 0.5 mL of Depo-Medrol 80 and 0.5 mL of 0.5% Marcaine was injected. The same procedure was carried out at the * costochondral junction.,POSTPROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS:,1. After a period of 30 minutes of observation, during which there was no distress and good relief of symptoms was noted, the patient was discharged home.,2. The patient has been given instructions on watching for possible pneumothorax and any respiratory distress. The patient will call us if any inflammation, swelling, or other associated discomfort arises. We will call the patient in 48 hours.
NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION: , At present the patient is awake, alert and fully oriented. There is no evidence of cognitive or language dysfunction. Cranial nerves: Visual fields are full. Funduscopic examination is normal. Extraocular movements full. Pupils equal, round, react to light. There is no evidence of nystagmus noted. Fifth nerve function is normal. There is no facial asymmetry noted. Lower cranial nerves are normal. ,Manual motor testing reveals good tone and bulk throughout. There is no evidence of pronator drift or decreased fine finger movements. Muscle strength is 5/5 throughout. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ throughout with downgoing toes. Sensory examination is intact to all modalities including stereognosis, graphesthesia.,TESTING OF STATION AND GAIT:, The patient is able to walk toe-heel and tandem walk. Finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin moves are normal. Romberg sign negative. I appreciate no carotid bruits or cardiac murmurs.,Noncontrast CT scan of the head shows no evidence of acute infarction, hemorrhage or extra-axial collection.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hematemesis in a patient with longstanding diabetes. ,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Mallory-Weiss tear, submucosal hemorrhage consistent with trauma from vomiting and grade 2 esophagitis.,PROCEDURE: , The procedure, indications explained and he understood and agreed. He was sedated with Versed 3, Demerol 25 and topical Hurricane spray to the oropharynx. A bite block was placed. The Pentax video gastroscope was advanced through the oropharynx into the esophagus under direct vision. Esophagus revealed distal ulcerations. Additionally, the patient had a Mallory-Weiss tear. This was subjected to bicap cautery with good ablation. The stomach was entered, which revealed areas of submucosal hemorrhage consistent with trauma from vomiting. There were no ulcerations or erosions in the stomach. The duodenum was entered, which was unremarkable. The instrument was then removed. The patient tolerated the procedure well with no complications.,IMPRESSION: , Mallory-Weiss tear, successful BICAP cautery. ,We will keep the patient on proton pump inhibitors. The patient will remain on antiemetics and be started on a clear liquid diet.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Alternating hard and soft stools.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,Sigmoid diverticulosis.,Sessile polyp of the sigmoid colon.,Pedunculated polyp of the sigmoid colon.,PROCEDURE: , Total colonoscopy with biopsy and snare polypectomy.,PREP:, 4/4.,DIFFICULTY:, 1/4.,PREMEDICATION AND SEDATION: , Fentanyl 100, midazolam 5.,INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE:, A 64-year-old male who has developed alternating hard and soft stools. He has one bowel movement a day.,FINDINGS: , There is extensive sigmoid diverticulosis, without evidence of inflammation or bleeding. There was a small, sessile polyp in the sigmoid colon, and a larger pedunculated polyp in the sigmoid colon, both appeared adenomatous.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Preoperative counseling, including an explicit discussion of the risk and treatment of perforation was provided. Preoperative physical examination was performed. Informed consent was obtained. The patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. Premedications were given slowly by intravenous push. Rectal examination was performed, which was normal. The scope was introduced and passed with minimal difficulty to the cecum. This was verified anatomically and video photographs were taken of the ileocecal valve and appendiceal orifice. The scope was slowly withdrawn, the mucosa carefully visualized. It was normal in its entirety until reaching the sigmoid colon. Sigmoid colon had extensive diverticular disease, small-mouth, without inflammation or bleeding. In addition, there was a small sessile polyp, which was cold biopsied and recovered, and approximately an 8 mm pedunculated polyp. A snare was placed on the stalk of the polyp and divided with electrocautery. The polyp was recovered and sent for pathologic examination. Examination of the stalk showed good hemostasis. The scope was slowly withdrawn and the remainder of the examination was normal.,ASSESSMENT: , Diverticular disease. A diverticular disease handout was given to the patient's wife and a high fiber diet was recommended. In addition, 2 polyps, one of which is assuredly an adenoma. Patient needs a repeat colonoscopy in 3 years.
INDICATION FOR OPERATION:, Right coronal synostosis with left frontal compensatory bossing causing plagiocephaly.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Syndromic craniosynostosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Syndromic craniosynostosis.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Anterior cranial vault reconstruction with fronto-orbital bar advancement.,SPECIMENS: , None.,DRAINS: , One subgaleal drain exiting from the left posterior aspect of wound.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, After satisfactory general endotracheal tube anesthesia was started, the patient was placed on the operating table in supine position with the head held on a horseshoe-shaped headrest and the head was prepped and draped down the routine manner. Here, the proposed scalp incision was infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine and then a zigzag scalp incision was made from one ear to the other ear, posterior to the coronal suture. Scalp incision was reflected anteriorly and then the periosteum was taken off of the bone and then the temporalis muscles were reflected anterolaterally until the anterior cranial vault was exposed and then the periorbital rim, nasion and orbital part of the zygomatic arch were all dissected out as well as the pterion. Using a craniotome, several bur holes were made; two on the either side of the midline posteriorly and then two posterolaterally. The two posterior bur holes were then connected with a punch over the superior sagittal sinus and then the craniotome was used to fashion a flap first on the left and then on the right, going paramedian along the superior sagittal sinus in the midline and then curving over the fronto-orbital bar. We then dissected superior sagittal sinus off of the inner table of the right bundle flap and then connected the right bundle flap going across the pterion on the right, which was abnormal. The pterion on the right was then run short down after removing both bone flaps and then the dura was dissected off from the orbital roofs. On the right, the orbital roof was jagged and abnormal and we had to repair a CSF leak from where the dura was punctured by the orbital roof. The orbital rim was then dissected out and then using the saw and chisels, we were able to make the releasing cuts to free up the orbital rims, zygomatic arch and then remove the orbital bar going posteriorly and then the distal bar was split in the middle and then reapproximated with a bone graft in the middle to move the orbits out a little bit and the orbital bar was held together using absorbable plate. It was then replaced and advanced and then relaxing, barrel-staving incisions were made in the bone flaps and the orbital rim and it was held on the right side with an absorbable plate to fix it in the proper position. The bone flaps were then reapproximated using absorbable plates and screws, as well as #2-0 Vicryl to secure back into place. Some of the places were also secured in the midline posteriorly, as well as off to the right where the bony defects were in place. The periosteum was then brought over the skull and fastened in place and the temporalis muscles were tacked up to the periosteum. The wounds were irrigated out. A drain was left in posteriorly and then the wounds were closed in a routine manner using Vicryl for the galea and fast-absorbing gut for the skin followed by sterile dressings. The patient tolerated the procedure well and did receive blood transfusions.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Palpitations.,CHEST PAIN / UNSPECIFIED ANGINA PECTORIS HISTORY:, The patient relates the recent worsening of chronic chest discomfort. The quality of the pain is sharp and the problem started 2 years ago. Pain radiates to the back and condition is best described as severe. Patient denies syncope. Beyond baseline at present time. Past work up has included 24 hour Holter monitoring and echocardiography. Holter showed PVCs.,PALPITATIONS HISTORY:, Palpitations - frequent, 2 x per week. No caffeine, no ETOH. + stress. No change with Inderal.,VALVULAR DISEASE HISTORY:, Patient has documented mitral valve prolapse on echocardiography in 1992.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, No significant past medical problems. Mitral Valve Prolapse.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:, CAD.,OB-GYN HISTORY:, The patients last child birth was 1997. Para 3. Gravida 3.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Denies using caffeinated beverages, alcohol or the use of any tobacco products.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies/Intolerances.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Inderal 20 prn.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Generally healthy. The patient is a good historian.,ROS Head and Eyes: Denies vision changes, light sensitivity, blurred vision, or double vision.,ROS Ear, Nose and Throat: The patient denies any ear, nose or throat symptoms.,ROS Respiratory: Patient denies any respiratory complaints, such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, hemoptysis, etc.,ROS Gastrointestinal: Patient denies any gastrointestinal symptoms, such as anorexia, weight loss, dysphagia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal distention, altered bowel movements, diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, hematochezia.,ROS Genitourinary: Patient denies any genito-urinary complaints, such as hematuria, dysuria, frequency, urgency, hesitancy, nocturia, incontinence.,ROS Gynecological: Denies any gynecological complaints, such as vaginal bleeding, discharge, pain, etc.,ROS Musculoskeletal: The patient denies any past or present problems related to the musculoskeletal system.,ROS Extremities: The patient denies any extremities complaints.,ROS Cardiovascular: As per HPI.,EXAMINATION:,Exam Abdomen/Flank: The abdomen is soft without tenderness or palpable masses. No guarding, rigidity or rebound tenderness. The liver and spleen are not palpable. Bowel sounds are active and normal.,Exam Extremities: Lower extremities are normal in color, touch and temperature. No ischemic changes are noted.,Range of motion is normal. There is no cyanosis, clubbing or edema.,General: Healthy appearing, well developed,. The patient is in no acute distress.,Exam Skin Negative to inspection or palpation. There are no obvious lesions or new rashes noted. Non-diaphoretic.,Exam Ears Canals are clear. Throat is not injected. Tonsils are not swollen or injected.,Exam Neck: There is no thyromegaly, carotid bruits, lymphadenopathy, or JVD. Neck is supple.,Exam Respiratory: Normal breath sounds are heard bilaterally. There is no wheezing. There is no use of accessory muscles.,Exam Cardiovascular: Regular heart rate and rhythm, Normal S1 and S2 without murmur, gallops or rubs.,IMPRESSION / DIAGNOSIS:, Mitral Valve Prolapse. Palpitations.,TESTS ORDERED:, Cardiac tests: Echocardiogram.,MEDICATION PRESCRIBED:, ,Cardizem 30-60 qid prn.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 12-year-old male, who was admitted to the Emergency Department, who fell off his bicycle, not wearing a helmet, a few hours ago. There was loss of consciousness. The patient complains of neck pain.,CHRONIC/INACTIVE CONDITIONS:, None.,PERSONAL/FAMILY/SOCIAL HISTORY/ILLNESSES:, None.,PREVIOUS INJURIES: , Minor.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,PREVIOUS OPERATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: ,NONE KNOWN.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative for heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer or stroke.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is single. He is a student. He does not smoke, drink alcohol or consume drugs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient denies weight loss/gain, fever, chills.,ENMT: The patient denies headaches, nosebleeds, voice changes, blurry vision, changes in/loss of vision.,CV: The patient denies chest pain, SOB supine, palpitations, edema, varicose veins, leg pains.,RESPIRATORY: The patient denies SOB, wheezing, sputum production, bloody sputum, cough.,GI: The patient denies heartburn, blood in stools, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, constipation.,GU: The patient denies painful/burning urination, cloudy/dark urine, flank pain, groin pain.,MS: The patient denies joint pain/stiffness, backaches, tendon/ligaments/muscle pains/strains, bone aches/pains, muscle weakness.,NEURO: The patient had a loss of consciousness during the accident. He does not recall the details of the accident. Otherwise, negative for blackouts, seizures, loss of memory, hallucinations, weakness, numbness, tremors, paralysis.,PSYCH: Negative for anxiety, irritability, apathy, depression, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, suicidal thoughts.,INTEGUMENTARY: Negative for unusual hair loss/breakage, skin lesions/discoloration, unusual nail breakage/discoloration.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,CONSTITUTIONAL: Blood pressure 150/75, pulse rate 80, respirations 18, temperature 37.4, saturation 97% on room air. The patient shows moderate obesity.,NECK: The neck is symmetric, the trachea is in the midline, and there are no masses. No crepitus is palpated. The thyroid is palpable, not enlarged, smooth, moves with swallowing, and has no palpable masses.,RESPIRATIONS: Normal respiratory effort. There is no intercostal retraction or action by the accessory muscles. Normal breath sounds bilaterally with no rhonchi, wheezing or rubs.,CARDIOVASCULAR: The PMI is palpable at the 5ICS in the MCL. No thrills on palpation. S1 and S2 are easily audible. No audible S3, S4, murmur, click or rub. Abdominal aorta is not palpable. No audible abdominal bruits. Femoral pulses are 3+ bilaterally, without audible bruits. Extremities show no edema or varicosities.,GASTROINTESTINAL: No palpable tenderness or masses. Liver and spleen are percussed but not palpable under the costal margins. No evidence for umbilical or groin herniae.,LYMPHATIC: No nodes over 3 mm in the neck, axillae or groins.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Normal gait and station. The patient is on a stretcher. Symmetric muscle strength and normal tone, without signs of atrophy or abnormal movements.,SKIN: There is a hematoma in the forehead and one in the occipital scalp, and there are abrasions in the upper extremities and abrasions on the knees. No induration or subcutaneous nodules to palpation.,NEUROLOGIC: Normal sensation by touch. The patient moves all four extremities.,PSYCHIATRIC: Oriented to time, place, and person. Appropriate mood and affect.,LABORATORY DATA: Reviewed chest x-ray, which is normal, right hand x-ray, which is normal, and an MRI of the head, which is normal.,DIAGNOSES,1. Concussion.,2. Facial abrasion.,3. Scalp laceration.,4. Knee abrasions.,PLANS/RECOMMENDATIONS:, Admitted for observation.
OCULAR FINDINGS: , Anterior chamber space: Cornea, iris, lens, and pupils all unremarkable on gross examination in each eye.,Ocular adnexal spaces appear very good in each eye.,Cyclomydril x2 was used to dilate the pupil in each eye.,Medial spaces are clear and the periphery is still hazy in each eye.,Ocular disc space, normal size and shape with a pink color with clear margin in each eye.,Macular spaces are normal in appearance for the age in each eye.,Posterior pole. No dilated blood vessels seen in each eye.,Periphery: The peripheral retina is still hazy and retinopathy of prematurity cannot be ruled out at this time in each eye.,IMPRESSION: ,Premature retina and vitreous, each eye.,PLAN: ,Recheck in two weeks.,
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Unremarkable, except for diabetes and atherosclerotic vascular disease.,ALLERGIES:, PENICILLIN.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Include Glucovance, Seroquel, Flomax, and Nexium.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Appendectomy and exploratory laparotomy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a non-smoker. No alcohol abuse. The patient is married with no children.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Significant for an old CVA.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient is an elderly male alert and cooperative. Blood pressure 96/60 mmHg. Respirations were 20. Pulse 94. Afebrile. O2 was 94% on room air. HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. Pupils are reactive. Oral mucosa is grossly normal. Neck is supple. Lungs: Decreased breath sounds. Disturbed breath sounds with poor exchange. Heart: Regular rhythm. Abdomen: Soft and nontender. No organomegaly or masses. Extremities: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema.,LABORATORY DATA: , Oropharyngeal evaluation done on 11/02/2006 revealed mild oropharyngeal dysphagia with no evidence of laryngeal penetration or aspiration with food or liquid. Slight reduction in tongue retraction resulting in mild residual remaining in the palatal sinuses, which clear with liquid swallow and double-saliva swallow.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Cough probably multifactorial combination of gastroesophageal reflux and recurrent aspiration.,2. Old CVA with left hemiparesis.,3. Oropharyngeal dysphagia.,4. Diabetes.,PLAN:, At the present time, the patient is recommended to continue on a regular diet, continue speech pathology evaluation as well as perform double-swallow during meals with bolus sensation. He may use Italian lemon ice during meals to help clear sinuses as well. The patient will follow up with you. If you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to call me.
IDENTIFYING DATA: , This is a 26-year-old Caucasian male of unknown employment, who has been living with his father.,CHIEF COMPLAINT AND/OR REACTION TO HOSPITALIZATION: , The patient is unresponsive.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient was found by outpatient case manager to be unresponsive and incontinent of urine and feces at his father's home. It is unknown how long the patient has been decompensated after a stay at Hospital.,PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , Inpatient ITA stay at Hospital one year ago, outpatient at Valley Cities, but currently not engaged in treatment.,MEDICAL HISTORY: , Due to the patient being unresponsive and very little information available in the chart, the only medical history that we can identify is to observe that the patient is quite thin for height. He is likely dehydrated, as it appears that he has not had food or fluids for quite some time.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Prior to admission, we do not have that information. He has been started on Ativan 2 mg p.o. or IM if he refuses the p.o. and this would be t.i.d. to treat the catatonia.,SOCIAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY: ,The patient has been living in his father's home and this is all the information that we have available from the chart.,SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL HISTORY: ,It is unknown with the exception of nicotine use.,LEGAL HISTORY: , Unknown.,GENETIC PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , Unknown.,MENTAL STATUS EXAM:,Attitude: The patient is unresponsive.,Appearance: He is lying in bed in the fetal position with a blanket over his head.,Psychomotor: Catatonic.,EPS/TD: Unable to assess though his limbs are quite contracted.,Affect: Unresponsive.,Mood: Unresponsive.,Speech: Unresponsive.,Thought Process And Thought Content: Unresponsive.,Psychosis: Unable to elicit information to make this assessment.,Suicidal/Homicidal: Also unable to elicit this information.,Cognitive Assessment: Unable to elicit.,Judgment And Insight: Unable to elicit.,Assets: The patient is young.,Limitations: Severe decompensation.,FORMULATION: ,This is a 26-year-old Caucasian male with a diagnosis of psychosis, NOS, admitted with catatonia.,DIAGNOSES:,AXIS I: Psychosis, NOS.,AXIS II: Deferred.,AXIS III: Dehydration.,AXIS IV: Severe.,AXIS V: 10.,ESTIMATED LENGTH OF STAY: , 10 to 14 days.,RECOMMENDATIONS AND PLAN:,1. Stabilize medically from the dehydration per internal medicine.,2. Medications, milieu therapy to assist with re-compensation.
EXAM: , Bilateral renal ultrasound.,CLINICAL INDICATION: , UTI.,TECHNIQUE: , Transverse and longitudinal sonograms of the kidneys were obtained.,FINDINGS: ,The right kidney is of normal size and echotexture and measures 5.7 x 2.2 x 3.8 cm. The left kidney is of normal size and echotexture and measures 6.2 x 2.8 x 3.0 cm. There is no evidence for ,HYDRONEPHROSIS, or ,PERINEPHRIC ,fluid collections. The bladder is of normal size and contour. The bladder contains approximately 13 mL of urine after recent voiding. This is a small postvoid residual.,IMPRESSION: , Normal renal ultrasound. Small postvoid residual.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic nasal obstruction secondary to deviated nasal septum.,2. Inferior turbinate hypertrophy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic nasal obstruction secondary to deviated nasal septum.,2. Inferior turbinate hypertrophy.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Nasal septal reconstruction.,2. Bilateral submucous resection of the inferior turbinates.,3. Bilateral outfracture of the inferior turbinates.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal tube.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal less than 25 cc.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 51-year-old female with a history of chronic nasal obstruction. On physical examination, she was derived to have a severely deviated septum with an S-shape deformity as well as turbinate hypertrophy present along the inferior turbinates contributing to the obstruction.,PROCEDURE: ,After all risks, benefits, and alternatives have been discussed with the patient in detail, informed consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the Operating Suite where she was placed in the supine position and general endotracheal intubation was delivered by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was rotated 90 degrees away. Nasal pledgets saturated with 4 cc of 10% cocaine solution were inserted into the nasal cavities. These were then removed and the nasal septum as well as the turbinates were localized with the mixture of 1% lidocaine with 1:100000 epinephrine solution. The nasal pledgets were then reinserted as the patient was prepped in the usual fashion. The nasal pledgets were again removed and the turbinates as well as an infraorbital nerve block was performed with 0.25% Marcaine solution. The nasal vestibules were then cleansed with a pHisoHex solution. A #15 blade scalpel was then used to make an incision along the length of the caudal septum. The mucoperichondrial junction was then identified with the aid of cotton-tipped applicator as well as the stitch scissor. Once the plane was identified, the mucosal flap on the left side of the septum was elevated with the aid of a Cottle. At this point it should be mentioned that the patient's septum was significantly deviated with a large S-shape deformity obstructing both the right and left nasal cavity with the convex portion present in the left nasal cavity. Again, the Cottle elevator was used to raise the mucosal flap down to the level of the septal spur. At this point, the septal knife was used to make a crossover incision through the cartilage just anterior to the septal spur. Again, the mucosal flap was elevated in the right nasal septum. Now Knight scissors were used to remove the ascending portion of the nasal cartilage, which was then removed with a Takahashi forceps. A Cottle elevator was used to further elevate the mucosal flap off the septal spur on the left side. Removal of the spur was performed with the aid of the septal knife as well as a 3 mm straight chisel. Once all ascending cartilage has been removed, inspection of the nasal cavity revealed patent passages with the exception of inferior turbinates that were very hypertrophied and was felt to be contributing to the patient's symptoms. Therefore, the turbinates were again localized and a #15 blade scalpel was used to make a vertical incision dissected down to the chondral bone. The XPS microdebrider with the inferior turbinate blade was then inserted through the incision and a submucous resection was performed by passing the microdebrider along the length of the bone. Once the submucosal tissue had been resected, an outfracture procedure was performed so as to fully open the nasal passages. Inspection revealed very patent and nonobstructive nasal passages. Now the caudal incision was reapproximated with #4-0 chromic suture. Finally, a #4-0 fast absorbing plain gut suture was used to approximate the mucosal surface of the septum in a running whipstitch fashion. Finally, Merocel packing was placed and the patient was retuned to the Department of Anesthesia for awakening and taken to the recovery room without incident.
GENERAL: , A well-developed infant in no acute respiratory distress.,VITAL SIGNS: ,Initial temperature was XX, pulse XX, respirations XX. Weight XX grams, length XX cm, head circumference XX cm.,HEENT: ,Head is normocephalic with anterior fontanelle open, soft, and non-bulging. Eyes: Red reflex elicited bilaterally. TMs occluded with vernix and not well visualized. Nose and throat are patent without palatal defect.,NECK: , Supple without clavicular fracture.,LUNGS:, Clear to auscultation.,HEART:, Regular rate without murmur, click, or gallop present. Pulses are 2/4 for brachial and femoral.,ABDOMEN:, Soft with bowel sounds present. No masses or organomegaly.,GENITALIA: , Normal.,EXTREMITIES: , Without evidence of hip defects.,NEUROLOGIC: ,The infant has good Moro, grasp, and suck reflexes.,SKIN: , Warm and dry without evidence of rash.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hammertoe deformity, left fifth digit.,2. Ulceration of the left fifth digit plantolaterally.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Hammertoe deformity, left fifth toe.,2. Ulceration of the left fifth digit plantolaterally.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Arthroplasty of the left fifth digit proximal interphalangeal joint laterally.,2. Excision of plantar ulceration of the left fifth digit 3 cm x 1 cm in size.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient is a 38-year-old female with longstanding complaint of painful hammertoe deformity of her left fifth toe. The patient had developed ulceration plantarly after being scheduled for removal of a plantar mass in the same area. The patient elects for surgical removal of this ulceration and correction of her hammertoe deformity at this time.,After an IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was escorted to the OR where the patient was placed on the Operating Room table in the supine position. After adequate amount of IV sedation was administered by Anesthesia Department, the patient was given a digital block to the left fifth toe using 0.5% Marcaine plain with 1% lidocaine plain in 1:1 mixture totaling 6 cc. Following this, the patient was draped and prepped in a normal sterile orthopedic manner. An ankle tourniquet was placed on the left ankle and the left foot was elevated and Esmarch bandage applied to exsanguinate the foot. The ankle tourniquet was then inflated to 230 mmHg and then was brought back down to the level of the table. The stockinette was then cut and reflected and held in place using towel clamp.,The skin was then cleansed using the wet and dry Ray-Tec sponge and then the plantar lesion was outlined. The lesion measured 1 cm in diameter at the level of the skin and a 3 cm elliptical incision line was drawn on the surface of the skin in the plantolateral aspect of the left fifth digit. Then using a fresh #15 blade, skin incision was made. Following this, the incision was then deepened using a fresh #15 blade down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue. Using a combination of sharp and blunt dissection, the skin was reflected distally and proximally to the lesion. The lesion appeared well encapsulated with fibrous tissue and through careful dissection using combination of sharp and drill instrumentation the ulceration was removed in its entirety. The next further exploration was performed to ensure that no residual elements of the fibrous capsular tissue remained within. The lesion extended from the level of the skin down to the periosteal tissue of the middle and distal phalanx, however, did not show any evidence of extending beyond the level of a periosteum. Remaining tissues were inspected and appeared healthy. The lesion was placed in the specimen container and sent to pathology for microanalysis as well as growth. Attention was then directed to the proximal interphalangeal joint of the left fifth digit and using further dissection with a #15 blade, the periosteum was reflected off the lateral aspect of the proximal ________ median phalanx. The capsule was also reflected to expose the prominent lateral osseous portion of this joint. Using a sagittal saw and #139 blade, the lateral osseous prominence was resected. This was removed in entirety. Then using power-oscillating rasp, the sharp edges were smoothed and recontoured to the desirable anatomic condition. Then the incision and wound was flushed using copious amounts of sterile saline with gentamycin. Following this, the bone was inspected and appeared to be healthy with no evidence of involvement from the removed aforementioned lesion.,Following this, using #4-0 nylon in a combination of horizontal mattress and simple interrupted sutures, the lesion wound was closed and skin was approximated well without tension to the surface skin. Following this, the incision site was dressed using Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, and Coban in a normal fashion. The tourniquet was then deflated and hyperemia was noted to return to digits one through five of the left foot. The patient was then escorted from the operative table into the Postanesthesia Care Unit. The patient tolerated the procedure and anesthesia well and was brought to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. In the recovery, the patient was given a surgical shoe as well as given instructions for postoperative care to include rest ice and elevation as well as the patient was given prescription for Naprosyn 250 mg to be taken three times daily as well as Vicodin ES to be taken q.6h. as needed.,The patient will follow-up on Friday with Dr. X in office for further evaluation. The patient was also given instructions as to signs of infection and to monitor her operative site. The patient was instructed to keep daily dressings intact, clean, dry, and to not remove them.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right profound mixed sensorineural conductive hearing loss.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right profound mixed sensorineural conductive hearing loss.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Right middle ear exploration with a Goldenberg TORP reconstruction.,ANESTHESIA:, General ,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DESCRIPTION OF FINDINGS:, The patient consented to revision surgery because of the profound hearing loss in her right ear. It was unclear from her previous operative records and CT scan as to whether or not she was a reconstruction candidate. She had reports of stapes fixation as well as otosclerosis on her CT scan.,At surgery, she was found to have a mobile malleus handle, but her stapes was fixed by otosclerosis. There was no incus. There was no specific round window niche. There was a very minute crevice; however, exploration of this area did not reveal a niche to a round window membrane. The patient had a type of TORP prosthesis, which had tilted off the footplate anteriorly underneath the malleus handle.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operative room and placed in supine position. The right face, ear, and neck prepped with ***** alcohol solution. The right ear was draped in the sterile field. External auditory canal was injected with 1% Xylocaine with 1:50,000 epinephrine. A Fisch indwelling incision was made and a tympanomeatal flap was developed in a 12 o'clock to the 7 o'clock position. Meatal skin was elevated, middle ear was entered. This exposure included the oval window, round window areas. There was a good cartilage graft in place and incorporated into the posterior superior ***** of the drum. The previous prosthesis was found out of position as it had tilted out of position anteriorly, and there was no contact with the footplate. The prosthesis was removed without difficulty. The patient's stapes had an arch, but the ***** was atrophied. Malleus handle was mobile. The footplate was fixed. Consideration have been given to performing a stapedectomy with a tissue seal and then returning later for prosthesis insertion; however, upon inspection of the round window area, there was found to be no definable round window niche, no round window membrane. The patient was felt to have obliterated otosclerosis of this area along with the stapes fixation. She is not considered to be a reconstruction candidate under the current circumstances. No attempt was made to remove bone from the round window area. A different style of Goldenberg TORP was placed on the footplate underneath the cartilage support in hopes of transferring some sound conduction from the tympanic membrane to the footplate. The fit was secure and supported with Gelfoam in the middle ear. The tympanomeatal flap was returned to anatomic position supported with Gelfoam saturated Ciprodex. The incision was closed with #4-0 Vicryl and individual #5-0 nylon to the skin, and a sterile dressing was applied.
EXAM:,MRI CERVICAL SPINE,CLINICAL:, A57-year-old male. Received for outside consultation is an MRI examination performed on 11/28/2005.,FINDINGS:,Normal brainstem-cervical cord junction. Normal cisterna magna with no tonsillar ectopia. Normal clivus with a normal craniovertebral junction. Normal anterior atlantoaxial articulation.,C2-3: Normal intervertebral disc with no spondylosis or uncovertebral joint arthrosis. Normal central canal and intervertebral neural foramina with no cord or radicular impingement.,C3-4: There is disc desiccation with minimal annular bulging. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures approximately 10mm. CSF remains present surrounding the cord.,C4-5: There is disc desiccation with endplate spondylosis and mild uncovertebral joint arthrosis. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures approximately 8mm with effacement of the circumferential CSF cleft producing a borderline central canal stenosis but no cord distortion or cord edema. There is minimal uncovertebral joint arthrosis.,C5-6: There is disc desiccation with minimal posterior annular bulging and a right posterolateral preforaminal disc protrusion measuring approximately 2 x 8mm (AP x transverse). The disc protrusion produces minimal rightward ventral thecal sac flattening but no cord impingement.,C6-7: There is disc desiccation with mild loss of disc space height and posterior endplate spondylosis and annular bulging producing central canal stenosis. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures 8 mm with effacement of the circumferential CSF cleft. There is a left posterolateral disc-osteophyte complex encroaching upon the left intervertebral neural foramen with probable radicular impingement upon the exiting left C7 nerve root.,C7-T1, T1-2: Minimal disc desiccation with no disc displacement or endplate spondylosis.,IMPRESSION:,Multilevel degenerative disc disease as described above.,C4-5 borderline central canal stenosis with mild bilateral foraminal compromise.,C5-6 disc desiccation with a borderline central canal stenosis and a right posterolateral preforaminal disc protrusion producing thecal sac distortion.,C6-7 degenerative disc disease and endplate spondylosis with a left posterolateral disc-osteophyte complex producing probable neural impingement upon the exiting left C7 nerve root with a borderline central canal stenosis.,Normal cervical cord.
HISTORY:, A 69-year-old female with past history of type II diabetes, atherosclerotic heart disease, hypertension, carotid stenosis. The patient was status post coronary artery bypass surgery aortic valve repair at Shadyside Hospital. The patient subsequently developed CVA. She also developed thrombosis of the right arm, which ultimately required right hand amputation. She was stabilized and eventually transferred to HealthSouth for further management.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Pulse of 90 and blood pressure 150/70.,Heart: Sounds were heard, grade 2/6 systolic murmur at the precordium.,Chest: Clinically clear.,Abdomen: Some suprapubic tenderness. Evidence of right lower arm amputation.,The patient was started on Prevacid 30 mg daily, levothyroxine 75 mcg a day, Toprol 25 mg twice a day, Zofran 4 mg q.6 h, Coumadin dose at 5 mg and was adjusted. She was given a pain control using Vicodin and Percocet, amiodarone 200 mg a day, Lexapro 20 mg a day, Plavix 75 mg a day, fenofibrate 145 mg, Lasix 20 mg IV twice a day, Lantus 50 units at bedtime and Humalog 10 units a.c. and sliding scale insulin coverage. Wound care to the right heel was supervised by Dr. X. The patient initially was fed through NG tube, which was eventually discontinued. Physical therapy was ordered. The patient continued to do well. She was progressively ambulated. Her meds were continuously adjusted. The patient's insulin was eventually changed from Lantus to Levemir 25 units twice a day. Dr. Y also followed the patient closely for left heel ulcer.,LABORATORY DATA: , The latest cultures from left heel are pending. Her electrolytes revealed sodium of 135 and potassium of 3.2. Her potassium was switched to K-Dur 40 mEq twice a day. Her blood chemistries are otherwise closely monitored. INRs were obtained and were therapeutic. Throughout her hospitalization, multiple cultures were also obtained. Urine cultures grew Klebsiella. She was treated with appropriate antibiotics. Her detailed blood work is as in the chart. Detailed radiological studies are as in the chart. The patient made a steady progress and eventually plans were made to transfer the patient to ABC furthermore aggressive rehabilitation.,FINAL DIAGNOSES:,1. Atherosclerotic heart disease, status post coronary artery bypass graft.,2. Valvular heart disease, status post aortic valve replacement.,3. Right arm arterial thrombosis, status post amputation right lower arm.,4. Hypothyroidism.,5. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, type 2.,6. Urinary tract infection.,7. Hypokalemia.,8. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.,9. Peripheral vascular occlusive disease.,10. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.,11. Hyperlipidemia.,12. Depression.,13. Carotid stenosis.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Adrenal mass, right sided.,2. Umbilical hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Adrenal mass, right sided.,2. Umbilical hernia.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic hand-assisted left adrenalectomy and umbilical hernia repair.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,CLINICAL NOTE: , This is a 52-year-old inmate with a 5.5 cm diameter nonfunctioning mass in his right adrenal. Procedure was explained including risks of infection, bleeding, possibility of transfusion, possibility of further treatments being required. Alternative of fully laparoscopic are open surgery or watching the lesion.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,In the right flank-up position, table was flexed. He had a Foley catheter in place. Incision was made from just above the umbilicus, about 5.5 cm in diameter. The umbilical hernia was taken down. An 11 mm trocar was placed in the midline, superior to the GelPort and a 5 mm trocar placed in the midaxillary line below the costal margin. A liver retractor was placed to this.,The colon was reflected medially by incising the white line of Toldt. The liver attachments to the adrenal kidney were divided and the liver was reflected superiorly. The vena cava was identified. The main renal vein was identified. Coming superior to the main renal vein, staying right on the vena cava, all small vessels were clipped and then divided. Coming along the superior pole of the kidney, the tumor was dissected free from top of the kidney with clips and Bovie. The harmonic scalpel was utilized superiorly and laterally. Posterior attachments were divided between clips and once the whole adrenal was mobilized, the adrenal vein and one large adrenal artery were noted, doubly clipped, and divided. Specimen was placed in a collection bag, removed intact.,Hemostasis was excellent.,The umbilical hernia had been completely taken down. The edges were freshened up. Vicryl #1 was utilized to close the incision and 2-0 Vicryl was used to close the fascia of the trocar.,Skin closed with clips.,He tolerated the procedure well. All sponge and instrument counts were correct. Estimated blood loss less than 100 mL.,The patient was awakened, extubated, and returned to recovery room in satisfactory condition.
INDICATION: , Rectal bleeding.,PREMEDICATION:, See procedure nurse NCS form.,PROCEDURE: ,
SUBJECTIVE: ,The patient seen and examined feels better today. Still having diarrhea, decreased appetite. Good urine output 600 mL since 7 o'clock in the morning. Afebrile.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Nonacute distress, awake, alert, and oriented x3.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 102/64, heart rate of 89, respiratory rate of 12, temperature 96.8, and O2 saturation 94% on room air.,HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI.,NECK: Supple.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds are positive, soft, and nontender. EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses present bilaterally.,LABORATORY DATA: ,CBC, WBC count today down 10.9 from 17.3 yesterday 26.9 on admission, hemoglobin 10.2, hematocrit 31.3, and platelet count 370,000. BMP, BUN of 28.3 from 32.2, creatinine 1.8 from 1.89 from 2.7. Calcium of 8.2. Sodium 139, potassium 3.9, chloride 108, and CO2 of 22. Liver function test is unremarkable.,Stool positive for Clostridium difficile. Blood culture was 131. O2 saturation result is pending.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Most likely secondary to Clostridium difficile colitis and urinary tract infection improving. The patient hemodynamically stable, leukocytosis improved and today he is afebrile.,2. Acute renal failure secondary to dehydration, BUN and creatinine improving.,3. Clostridium difficile colitis, Continue Flagyl, evaluation Dr. X in a.m.,4. Urinary tract infection, continue Levaquin for last during culture.,5. Leucocytosis, improving.,6. Minimal elevated cardiac enzyme on admission. Followup with Cardiology recommendations.,7. Possible pneumonia, continue vancomycin and Levaquin.,8. The patient may be transferred to telemetry.
PAST MEDICAL HX: , Significant for asthma, pneumonia, and depression.,PAST SURGICAL HX: , None.,MEDICATIONS:, Prozac 20 mg q.d. She desires to be on the NuvaRing.,ALLERGIES:, Lactose intolerance.,SOCIAL HX: , She denies smoking or alcohol or drug use.,PE:, VITALS: Stable. Weight: 114 lb. Height: 5 feet 2 inches. GENERAL: Well-developed, well-nourished female in no apparent distress. HEENT: Within normal limits. NECK: Supple without thyromegaly. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation. ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. There is no rebound or guarding. No palpable masses and no peritoneal signs. EXTREMITIES: Within normal limits. SKIN: Warm and dry. GU: External genitalia is without lesion. Vaginal is clean without discharge. Cervix appears normal; however, a colposcopy was performed using acetic acid, which showed a thick acetowhite ring around the cervical os and extending into the canal. BIMANUAL: Reveals significant cervical motion tenderness and fundal tenderness. She had no tenderness in her adnexa. There are no palpable masses.,A:, Although unlikely based on the patient's exam and pain, I have to consider subclinical pelvic inflammatory disease. GC and chlamydia was sent and I treated her prophylactically with Rocephin 250 mg and azithromycin 1000 mg. Repeat biopsies were not performed based on her colposcopy as well as her previous Pap and colposcopy by Dr. A. A LEEP is a reasonable approach even in this 16-year-old.,P:, We will schedule LEEP in the near future. Even though she has already been exposed HPV Gardasil would still be beneficial in this patient to help prevent recurrence of low-grade lesions as well as high-grade lesions. Now, we have her given her first shot.
REASON FOR VISIT: , Followup circumcision.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient had his circumcision performed on 09/16/2007 here at Children's Hospital. The patient had a pretty significant phimosis and his operative course was smooth. He did have a little bit of bleeding when he woke in recovery room, which required placement of some additional sutures, but after that, his recovery has been complete. His mom did note that she had to him a couple of days of oral analgesics, but he seems to be back to normal and pain free now. He is having no difficulty urinating, and his bowel function remains normal.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Today, The patient looks healthy and happy. We examined his circumcision site. His Monocryl sutures are still in place. The healing is excellent, and there is only a mild amount of residual postoperative swelling. There was one area where he had some recurrent adhesions at the coronal sulcus, and I gently lysed this today and applied antibiotic ointment showing this to mom had to especially lubricate this area until the healing is completed.,IMPRESSION: , Satisfactory course after circumcision for severe phimosis with no perioperative complications.,PLAN: ,The patient came in followup for his routine care with Dr. X, but should not need any further routine surgical followup unless he develops any type of difficulty with this surgical wound. If that does occur, we will be happy to see him back at any time.,
EXAM: , CT abdomen and pelvis without contrast, stone protocol, reconstruction.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Flank pain.,TECHNIQUE: , Noncontrast CT abdomen and pelvis with coronal reconstructions.,FINDINGS: , There is no intrarenal stone bilaterally. However, there is very mild left renal pelvis and proximal ureteral dilatation with a small amount of left perinephric stranding asymmetric to the right. The right renal pelvis is not dilated. There is no stone along the course of the ureter. I cannot exclude the possibility of recent stone passage, although the findings are ultimately technically indeterminate and clinical correlation is advised. There is no obvious solid-appearing mass given the lack of contrast.,Scans of the pelvis disclose no evidence of stone within the decompressed bladder. No pelvic free fluid or adenopathy.,There are few scattered diverticula. There is a moderate amount of stool throughout the colon. There are scattered diverticula, but no CT evidence of acute diverticulitis. The appendix is normal.,There are mild bibasilar atelectatic changes.,Given the lack of contrast, visualized portions of the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and the pancreas are grossly unremarkable. The gallbladder is present. There is no abdominal free fluid or pathologic adenopathy.,There are degenerative changes of the lumbar spine.,IMPRESSION:,1.Very mild left renal pelvic dilatation and proximal ureteral dilatation with mild left perinephric stranding. There is no stone identified along the course of the left ureter or in the bladder. Could this patient be status post recent stone passage? Clinical correlation is advised.,2.Diverticulosis.,3.Moderate amount of stool throughout the colon.,4.Normal appendix.
EXAM:, CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast.,INDICATIONS:, Abdominal pain.,TECHNIQUE: ,CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis was performed after 100 mL of intravenous Isovue-300 contrast administration. Oral contrast was not administered. There was no comparison of studies.,FINDINGS,CT PELVIS:,Within the pelvis, the uterus demonstrates a thickened-appearing endometrium. There is also a 4.4 x 2.5 x 3.4 cm hypodense mass in the cervix and lower uterine segment of uncertain etiology. There is also a 2.5 cm intramural hypodense mass involving the dorsal uterine fundus likely representing a fibroid. Several smaller fibroids were also suspected.,The ovaries are unremarkable in appearance. There is no free pelvic fluid or adenopathy.,CT ABDOMEN:,The appendix has normal appearance in the right lower quadrant. There are few scattered diverticula in the sigmoid colon without evidence of diverticulitis. The small and large bowels are otherwise unremarkable. The stomach is grossly unremarkable. There is no abdominal or retroperitoneal adenopathy. There are no adrenal masses. The kidneys, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are in unremarkable appearance. The spleen contains several small calcified granulomas, but no evidence of masses. It is normal in size. The lung bases are clear bilaterally. The osseous structures are unremarkable other than mild facet degenerative changes at L4-L5 and L5-S1.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hypoattenuating mass in the lower uterine segment and cervix of uncertain etiology measuring approximately 4.4 x 2.5 x 3.4 cm.,2. Multiple uterine fibroids.,3. Prominent endometrium.,4. Followup pelvic ultrasound is recommended.
EXAM:, CT head.,REASON FOR EXAM:, Seizure disorder.,TECHNIQUE:, Noncontrast CT head.,FINDINGS: , There is no evidence of an acute intracranial hemorrhage or infarction. There is no midline shift, intracranial mass, or mass effect. There is no extra-axial fluid collection or hydrocephalus. Visualized portions of the paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells appear clear aside from mild right frontal sinus mucosal thickening.,IMPRESSION:, No acute process in the brain.
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Fever.,PROCEDURES: Bronchoalveolar lavage.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: The patient is a 28-year-old male, status post abdominal trauma, splenic laceration, and splenectomy performed at the outside hospital, who was admitted to the Trauma Intensive Care Unit on the evening of August 4, 2008. Greater than 24 hours postoperative, the patient began to run a fever in excess of 102. Therefore, evaluation of his airway for possible bacterial infection was performed using bronchoalveolar lavage.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The patient was preoxygenated with 100% FIO2 for approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to the procedure. The correct patient and procedure was identified by time out by all members of the team. The patient was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion and sterile technique was used to connect the BAL lavage catheter to Lukens trap suction. A catheter was introduced into the endotracheal tube through a T connector and five successive 20 mL aliquots of normal saline were flushed through the catheter, each time suctioning out the sample into the Lukens trap. A total volume of 30 to 40 mL was collected in the trap and sent to the lab for quantitative bacteriology. The patient tolerated the procedure well and had no episodes of desaturation, apnea, or cardiac arrhythmia. A postoperative chest x-ray was obtained.
ADMISSION DIAGNOSES:,1. Pneumonia, likely secondary to aspiration.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation.,3. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome.,4. Hyperglycemia.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Aspiration pneumonia.,2. Aspiration disorder in setting of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation.,4. Acute respiratory on chronic respiratory failure secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation.,5. Hypercapnia on admission secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,6. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome secondary to aspiration pneumonia. No bacteria identified with blood cultures or sputum culture.,7. Atrial fibrillation with episodic rapid ventricular rate, now rate control.,8. Hyperglycemia secondary to poorly controlled type ii diabetes mellitus, insulin requiring.,9. Benign essential hypertension, poorly controlled on admission, now well controlled on discharge.,10. Aspiration disorder exacerbated by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory failure.,11. Hyperlipidemia.,12. Acute renal failure on chronic renal failure on admission, now resolved.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Briefly, this is 73-year-old white male with history of multiple hospital admissions for COPD exacerbation and pneumonia who presented to the emergency room on 04/23/08, complaining of severe shortness of breath. The patient received 3 nebulizers at home without much improvement. He was subsequently treated successfully with supplemental oxygen provided by normal nasal cannula initially and subsequently changed to BiPAP.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient was admitted to the hospitalist service, treated with frequent small volume nebulizers, treated with IV Solu-Medrol and BiPAP support for COPD exacerbation. The patient also noted with poorly controlled atrial fibrillation with a rate in the low 100s to mid 100s. The patient subsequently received diltiazem, also received p.o. digoxin. The patient subsequently responded well as well received IV antibiotics including Levaquin and Zosyn. The patient made slow, but steady improvement over the course of his hospitalization. The patient subsequently was able to be weaned off BiPAP during the day, but continued BiPAP at night and will continue with BiPAP if needed. The patient may require a sleep study after discharge, but by the third day prior to discharge he was no longer utilizing BiPAP, was simply using supplemental O2 at night and was able to maintain appropriate and satisfactory O2 saturations on one-liter per minute supplemental O2 per nasal cannula. The patient was able to participate with physical therapy, able to ambulate from his bed to the bathroom, and was able to tolerate a dysphagia 2 diet. Note that speech therapy did provide a consultation during this hospitalization and his modified barium swallow was thought to be unremarkable and really related only to the patient's severe shortness of breath during meal time. The patient's chest x-ray on admission revealed some mild vascular congestion and bilateral pleural effusions that appeared to be unchanged. There was also more pronounced patchy alveolar opacity, which appeared to be, "mass like" in the right suprahilar region. This subsequently resolved and the patient's infiltrate slowly improved over the course of his hospitalization. On the day prior to discharge, the patient had a chest x-ray 2 views, which allowing for differences in technique revealed little change in the bibasilar infiltrates and atelectatic changes at the bases bilaterally. This was compared with an examination performed 3 days prior. The patient also had minimal bilateral effusions. The patient will continue with clindamycin for the next 2 weeks after discharge. Home health has been ordered and the case has been discussed in detail with Shaun Eagan, physician assistant at Eureka Community Health Center. The patient was discharged as well on a dysphagia 2 diet, thin liquids are okay. The patient discharged on the following medications.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:,1. Home oxygen 1 to 2 liters to maintain O2 saturations at 89 to 91% at all times.,2. Ativan 1 mg p.o. t.i.d.,3. Metformin 1000 mg p.o. b.i.d.,4. Glucotrol 5 mg p.o. daily.,5. Spiriva 1 puff b.i.d.,6. Lantus 25 units subcu q.a.m.,7. Cardizem CD 180 mg p.o. q.a.m.,8. Advair 250/50 mcg, 1 puff b.i.d. The patient is instructed to rinse with mouthwash after each use.,9. Iron 325 mg p.o. b.i.d.,10. Aspirin 325 mg p.o. daily.,11. Lipitor 10 mg p.o. bedtime.,12. Digoxin 0.25 mg p.o. daily.,13. Lisinopril 20 mg p.o. q.a.m.,14. DuoNeb every 4 hours for the next several weeks, then q.6 h. thereafter, dispensed 180 DuoNeb ampule's with one refill.,15. Prednisone 40 mg p.o. q.a.m. x3 days followed by 30 mg p.o. q.a.m. x3 days, then followed by 20 mg p.o. q.a.m. x5 days, then 10 mg p.o. q.a.m. x14 days, then discontinue, #30 days supply given. No refills.,16. Clindamycin 300 mg p.o. q.i.d. x2 weeks, dispensed #64 with one refill.,The patient's aspiration pneumonia was discussed in detail. He is agreeable to obtaining a chest x-ray PA and lateral after 2 weeks of treatment. Note that this patient did not have community-acquired pneumonia. His discharge diagnosis is aspiration pneumonia. The patient will continue with a dysphagia 2 diet with thin liquids after discharge. The patient discharged with home health. A dietary and speech therapy evaluation has been ordered. Speech therapy to treat for chronic dysphagia and aspiration in the setting of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,Total discharge time was greater than 30 minutes.
TIME SEEN: , 0734 hours and 1034 hours.,TOTAL RECORDING TIME: , 27 hours 4 minutes.,PATIENT HISTORY: , This is a 43-year-old female with a history of events concerning for seizures. Video EEG monitoring is performed to capture events and/or identify etiology.,VIDEO EEG DIAGNOSES,1. AWAKE: Normal.,2. SLEEP: No activation.,3. CLINICAL EVENTS: None.,DESCRIPTION: , Approximately 27 hours of continuous 21-channel digital video EEG monitoring was performed. The waking background is unchanged from that previously reported. Hyperventilation produced no changes in the resting record. Photic stimulation failed to elicit a well-developed photic driving response.,Approximately five-and-half hours of spontaneous intermittent sleep was obtained. Sleep spindles were present and symmetric.,The patient had no clinical events during the recording.,CLINICAL INTERPRETATION: ,This is normal video EEG monitoring for a patient of this age. No interictal epileptiform activity was identified. The patient had no clinical events during the recording. Clinical correlation is required.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , New-onset seizure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 2-1/2-year-old female with a history of known febrile seizures, who was placed on Keppra oral solution at 150 mg b.i.d. to help prevent febrile seizures. Although this has been a very successful treatment in terms of her febrile seizure control, she is now having occasional brief periods of pauses and staring, where she becomes unresponsive, but does not lose her postural tone. The typical spell according to dad last anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds, mom says 3 to 4 minutes, which likely means probably somewhere in the 30- to 40-second period of time. Mom did note that an episode had happened outside of a store recently, was associated with some perioral cyanosis, but there has never been a convulsive activity noted. There have been no recent changes in her Keppra dosing and she is currently only at 20 mg/kg per day, which is overall a low dose for her.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Born at 36 weeks' gestation by C-section delivery at 8 pounds 3 ounces. She does have a history of febrile seizures and what parents reported an abdominal migraine, but on further questioning, it appears to be more of a food intolerance issue.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has undergone no surgical procedures.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY: , There is a strong history of epilepsy on the maternal side of family including mom with some nonconvulsive seizure during childhood and additional seizures in maternal great grandmother and a maternal great aunt. There is no other significant neurological history on the paternal side of the family.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Currently lives with her mom, dad, and two siblings. She is at home full time and does not attend day care.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Clear review of 10 systems are taken and revealed no additional findings other than those mentioned in the history of present illness.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Weight was 15.6 kg. She was afebrile. Remainder of her vital signs were stable and within normal ranges for her age as per the medical record.,General: She was awake, alert, and oriented. She was in no acute distress, only slightly flustered when trying to place the EEG leads.,HEENT: Showed normocephalic and atraumatic head. Her conjunctivae were nonicteric and sclerae were clear. Her eye movements were conjugate in nature. Her tongue and mucous membranes were moist.,Neck: Trachea appeared to be in the midline.,Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally without crackles, wheezes or rhonchi.,Cardiovascular: Showed a normal sinus rhythm without murmur.,Abdomen: Showed soft, nontender, and nondistended, with good bowel sounds. There was no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly, or other masses noted on examination.,Extremities: Showed IV placement in the right upper extremity with appropriate restraints from the IV. There was no evidence of clubbing, cyanosis or edema throughout. She had no functional deformities in any of her peripheral limbs.,Neurological: From neurological standpoint, her cranial nerves were grossly intact throughout. Her strength was good in the bilateral upper and lower extremities without any distal to proximal variation. Her overall resting tone was normal. Sensory examination was grossly intact to light touch throughout the upper and lower extremities. Reflexes were 1+ in bilateral patella. Toes were downgoing bilaterally. Coordination showed accurate striking ability and good rapid alternating movements. Gait examination was deferred at this time due to EEG lead placement.,ASSESSMENT:, A 2-1/2-year-old female with history of febrile seizures, now with concern for spells of unclear etiology, but somewhat concerning for partial complex seizures and to a slightly lesser extent nonconvulsive generalized seizures.,RECOMMENDATIONS,1. For now, we will go ahead and try to capture EEG as long as she tolerates it; however, if she would require sedation, I would defer the EEG until further adjustments to seizure medications are made and we will see her response to these medications.,2. As per the above, I will increase her Keppra to 300 mg p.o. b.i.d. bringing her to a total daily dose of just under 40 mg/kg per day. If further spells are noted, we may increase upwards again to around 4.5 to 5 mL each day.,3. I do not feel like any specific imaging needs to be done at this time until we see her response to the medication and review her EEG findings. EEG, hopefully, will be able to be reviewed first thing tomorrow morning; however, I would not delay discharge the patient to wait on the EEG results. The patient has been discharged and we will contact the family as an outpatient.,4. The patient will need followup arrangement with me in 5 to 6 weeks' time, so we may recheck and see how she is doing and arrange for further followup then.
PROCEDURE: , Lumbar puncture with moderate sedation.,INDICATION: , The patient is a 2-year, 2-month-old little girl who presented to the hospital with severe anemia, hemoglobin 5.8, elevated total bilirubin consistent with hemolysis and weak positive direct Coombs test. She was transfused with packed red blood cells. Her hemolysis seemed to slow down. She also on presentation had indications of urinary tract infection with urinalysis significant for 2+ leukocytes, positive nitrites, 3+ protein, 3+ blood, 25 to 100 white cells, 10 to 25 bacteria, 10 to 25 epithelial cells on clean catch specimen. Culture subsequently grew out no organisms; however, the child had been pretreated with amoxicillin about x3 doses prior to presentation to the hospital. She had a blood culture, which was also negative. She was empirically started on presentation with the cefotaxime intravenously. Her white count on presentation was significantly elevated at 20,800, subsequently increased to 24.7 and then decreased to 16.6 while on antibiotics. After antibiotics were discontinued, she increased over the next 2 days to an elevated white count of 31,000 with significant bandemia, metamyelocytes and myelocytes present. She also had three episodes of vomiting and thus she is being taken to the procedure room today for a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis that may being inadvertently treated in treating her UTI.,I discussed with The patient's parents prior to the procedure the lumbar puncture and moderate sedation procedures. The risks, benefits, alternatives, complications including, but not limited to bleeding, infection, respiratory depression. Questions were answered to their satisfaction. They would like to proceed.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After "time out" procedure was obtained, the child was given appropriate monitoring equipment including appropriate vital signs were obtained. She was then given Versed 1 mg intravenously by myself. She subsequently became sleepy, the respiratory monitors, end-tidal, cardiopulmonary and pulse oximetry were applied. She was then given 20 mcg of fentanyl intravenously by myself. She was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. Dr. X cleansed the patient's back in a normal sterile fashion with Betadine solution. She inserted a 22-gauge x 1.5-inch spinal needle in the patient's L3-L4 interspace that was carefully identified under my direct supervision. Clear fluid was not obtained initially, needle was withdrawn intact. The patient was slightly repositioned by the nurse and Dr. X reinserted the needle in the L3-L4 interspace position, the needle was able to obtain clear fluid, approximately 3 mL was obtained. The stylette was replaced and the needle was withdrawn intact and bandage was applied. Betadine solution was cleansed from the patient's back.,During the procedure, there were no untoward complications, the end-tidal CO2, pulse oximetry, and other vitals remained stable. Of note, EMLA cream had also been applied prior procedure, this was removed prior to cleansing of the back.,Fluid will be sent for a routine cell count, Gram stain culture, protein, and glucose.,DISPOSITION: , The child returned to room on the medical floor in satisfactory condition.
PROCEDURE: , Keller Bunionectomy.,For informed consent, the more common risks, benefits, and alternatives to the procedure were thoroughly discussed with the patient. An appropriate consent form was signed, indicating that the patient understands the procedure and its possible complications.,This 59 year-old female was brought to the operating room and placed on the surgical table in a supine position. Following anesthesia, the surgical site was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion.,Attention was then directed to the right foot where, utilizing a # 15 blade, a 6 cm. linear incision was made over the 1st metatarsal head, taking care to identify and retract all vital structures. The incision was medial to and parallel to the extensor hallucis longus tendon. The incision was deepened through subcutaneous underscored, retracted medially and laterally - thus exposing the capsular structures below, which were incised in a linear longitudinal manner, approximately the length of the skin incision. The capsular structures were sharply underscored off the underlying osseous attachments, retracted medially and laterally.,Utilizing an osteotome and mallet, the exostosis was removed, and the head was remodeled with the Liston bone forceps and the bell rasp. The surgical site was then flushed with saline. The base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe was osteotomized approximately 1 cm. distal to the base and excised to toto from the surgical site.,Superficial closure was accomplished using Vicryl 5-0 in a running subcuticular fashion. Site was dressed with a light compressive dressing. The tourniquet was released. Excellent capillary refill to all the digits was observed without excessive bleeding noted.,ANESTHESIA: , local.,HEMOSTASIS: , Accomplished with pinpoint electrocoagulation.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 10 cc.,MATERIALS:, None.,INJECTABLES:, Agent used for local anesthesia was Lidocaine 2% without epi.,PATHOLOGY:, Sent no specimen.,DRESSINGS: , Site was dressed with a light compressive dressing.,CONDITION: , Patient tolerated procedure and anesthesia well. Vital signs stable. Vascular status intact to all digits. Patient recovered in the operating room.,SCHEDULING: , Return to clinic in 2 week (s).
Mr. XYZ forgot his hearing aids at home today and is severely hearing impaired and most of the interview had to be conducted with me yelling at him at the top of my voice. For all these reasons, this was not really under the best circumstances and I had to curtail the amount of time I spent trying to get a history because of the physical effort required in extracting information from this patient. The patient was seen late because he had not filled in the patient questionnaire. To summarize the history here, Mr. XYZ who is not very clear on events from the past, sustained a work-related injury some time in 1998. At that time, he was driving an 18-wheeler truck. The patient indicated that he slipped off the rear of his truck while loading vehicles to his trailer. He experienced severe low back pain and eventually a short while later, underwent a fusion of L4-L5 and L5-S1. The patient had an uneventful hospital course from the surgery, which was done somewhere in Florida by a surgeon, who he does not remember. He was able to return to his usual occupation, but then again had a second work-related injury in May of 2005. At that time, he was required to boat trucks to his rig and also to use a chain-pulley system to raise and lower the vehicles. Mr. XYZ felt a popping sound in his back and had excruciating low back pain and had to be transported to the nearest hospital. He was MRI'ed at that time, which apparently showed a re-herniation of an L5-S1 disc and then, he somehow ended up in Houston, where he underwent fusion by Dr. W from L3 through S2. This was done on 12/15/2005. Initially, he did fairly well and was able to walk and move around, but then gradually the pain reappeared and he started getting severe left-sided leg pain going down the lateral aspect of the left leg into his foot. He is still complaining of the severe pain right now with tingling in the medial two toes of the foot and significant weakness in his left leg. The patient was referred to Dr. A, pain management specialist and Dr. A has maintained him on opioid medications consisting of Norco 10/325 mg for breakthrough pain and oxycodone 30 mg t.i.d. with Lunesta 3 mg q.h.s. for sleep, Carisoprodol 350 mg t.i.d., and Lyrica 100 mg q.daily. The patient states that he is experiencing no side effects from medications and takes medications as required. He has apparently been drug screened and his drug screening has been found to be normal. The patient underwent an extensive behavioral evaluation on 05/22/06 by TIR Rehab Center. At that time, it was felt that Mr. XYZ showed a degree of moderate level of depression. There were no indications in the evaluation that Mr. XYZ showed any addictive or noncompliant type behaviors. It was felt at that time that Mr. XYZ would benefit from a brief period of individual psychotherapy and a course of psychotropic medications. Of concern to the therapist at that time was the patient's untreated and unmonitored hypertension and diabetes. Mr. XYZ indicated at that time, they had not purchased any prescription medications or any of these health-related issues because of financial limitations. He still apparently is not under really good treatment for either of these conditions and on today's evaluation, he actually denies that he had diabetes. The impression was that the patient had axis IV diagnosis of chronic functional limitations, financial loss, and low losses with no axis III diagnosis. This was done by Rhonda Ackerman, Ph.D., a psychologist. It was also suggested at that time that the patient should quit smoking. Despite these evaluations, Mr. XYZ really did not get involved in psychotherapy and there was poor attendance of these visits, there was no clearance given for any surgical interventions and it was felt that the patient has benefited from the use of SSRIs. Of concern in June of 2006 was that the patient had still not stopped smoking despite warnings. His hypertension and diabetes were still not under good control and the patient was assessed at significant risk for additional health complications including stroke, reduced mental clarity, and future falls. It was felt that any surgical interventions should be put on hold at that time. In September of 2006, the patient was evaluated at Baylor College of Medicine in the Occupational Health Program. The evaluation was done by a physician at that time, whose report is clearly documented in the record. Evaluation was done by Dr. B. At present, Mr. XYZ continues on with his oxycodone and Norco. These were prescribed by Dr. A two and a half weeks ago and the patient states that he has enough medication left to last him for about another two and a half weeks. The patient states that there has been no recent change in either the severity or the distribution of his pain. He is unable to sleep because of pain and his activities of daily living are severely limited. He spends most of his day lying on the floor, watching TV and occasionally will walk a while. ***** from detailed questioning shows that his activities of daily living are practically zero. The patient denies smoking at this time. He denies alcohol use or aberrant drug use. He obtains no pain medications from no other sources. Review of MRI done on 02/10/06 shows laminectomies at L3 through S1 with bilateral posterior plates and pedicle screws with granulation tissue around the thecal sac and around the left L4-5 and S1 nerve roots, which appear to be retracted posteriorly. There is a small right posterior herniation at L1-L2.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The patient does not know what medications he is taking for diabetes and denies any diabetes. CABG in July of 2006 with no preoperative angina, shortness of breath, or myocardial infarction. History of depression, lumbar fusion surgery in 2000, left knee surgery 25 years ago.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is on disability. He does not smoke. He does not drink alcohol. He is single. He lives with a girlfriend. He has minimal activities of daily living. The patient cannot recollect when last a urine drug screen was done.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, No fevers, no headaches, chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, or change in appetite. Depressive symptoms of crying and decreased self-worth have been noted in the past. No neurological history of strokes, epileptic seizures. Genitourinary negative. Gastrointestinal negative. Integumentary negative. Behavioral, depression.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient is short of hearing. His cognitive skills appear to be significantly impaired. The patient is oriented x3 to time and place. Weight 185 pounds, temperature 97.5, blood pressure 137/92, pulse 61. The patient is complaining of pain of a 9/10.,Musculoskeletal: The patient's gait is markedly antalgic with predominant weightbearing on the left leg. There is marked postural deviation to the left. Because of pain, the patient is unable to heel-toe or tandem gait. Examination of the neck and cervical spine are within normal limits. Range of motion of the elbow, shoulders are within normal limits. No muscle spasm or abnormal muscle movements noted in the neck and upper extremities. Head is normocephalic. Examination of the anterior neck is within normal limits. There is significant muscle wasting of the quadriceps and hamstrings on the left, as well as of the calf muscles. Skin is normal. Hair distribution normal. Skin temperature normal in both the upper and lower extremities. The lumbar spine curvature is markedly flattened. There is a well-healed central scar extending from T12 to L1. The patient exhibits numerous positive Waddell's signs on exam of the low back with inappropriate flinching and wincing with even the lightest touch on the paraspinal muscles. Examination of the paraspinal muscles show a mild to moderate degree of spasm with a significant degree of tenderness and guarding, worse on the left than the right. Range of motion testing of the lumbar spine is labored in all directions. It is interesting that the patient cannot flex more than 5 in the standing position, but is able to sit without any problem. There is a marked degree of sciatic notch tenderness on the left. No abnormal muscle spasms or muscle movements were noted. Patrick's test is negative bilaterally. There are no provocative facetal signs in either the left or right quadrants of the lumbar area. Neurological exam: Cranial nerves II through XII are within normal limits. Neurological exam of the upper extremities is within normal limits with good motor strength and normal biceps, triceps and brachioradialis reflexes. Neurological exam of the lower extremities shows a 2+ right patellar reflex and -1 on the left. There is no ankle clonus. Babinski is negative. Sensory testing shows a minimal degree of sensory loss on the right L5 distribution. Muscle testing shows decreased L4-L5 on the left with extensor hallucis longus +2/5. Ankle extensors are -3 on the left and +5 on the right. Dorsiflexors of the left ankle are +2 on the left and +5 on the right. Straight leg raising test is positive on the left at about 35 . There is no ankle clonus. Hoffman's test and Tinel's test are normal in the upper extremities.,Respiratory: Breath sounds normal. Trachea is midline.,Cardiovascular: Heart sounds normal. No gallops or murmurs heard. Carotid pulses present. No carotid bruits. Peripheral pulses are palpable.,Abdomen: Hernia site is intact. No hepatosplenomegaly. No masses. No areas of tenderness or guarding.,IMPRESSION:,1. Post-laminectomy low back syndrome.,2. Left L5-S1 radiculopathy.,3. Severe cognitive impairment with minimal ***** for rehabilitation or return to work.,4. Opioid dependence for pain control.,TREATMENT PLAN:, The patient will continue on with his medications prescribed by Dr. Chang and I will see him in two weeks' time and probably suggest switching over from OxyContin to methadone. I do not think this patient is a good candidate for spinal cord stimulation due to his grasp of exactly what is happening and his cognitive impairment. I will get a behavioral evaluation from Mr. Tom Welbeck and refer the patient for ongoing physical therapy. The prognosis here for any improvement or return to work is zero.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient presents today for followup, recently noted for E. coli urinary tract infection. She was treated with Macrobid for 7 days, and only took one nighttime prophylaxis. She discontinued this medication to due to skin rash as well as hives. Since then, this had resolved. Does not have any dysuria, gross hematuria, fever, chills. Daytime frequency every two to three hours, nocturia times one, no incontinence, improving stress urinary incontinence after Prometheus pelvic rehabilitation.,Renal ultrasound, August 5, 2008, reviewed, no evidence of hydronephrosis, bladder mass or stone. Discussed.,Previous urine cultures have shown E. coli, November 2007, May 7, 2008 and July 7, 2008.,CATHETERIZED URINE: , Discussed, agreeable done using standard procedure. A total of 30 mL obtained.,IMPRESSION: , Recurrent urinary tract infection in a patient recently noted for another Escherichia coli urinary tract infection, completed the therapeutic dose, but stopped the prophylactic Macrodantin due to hives. This has resolved.,PLAN: , We will send the urine for culture and sensitivity, if no infection, patient will call results on Monday, and she will be placed on Keflex nighttime prophylaxis, otherwise followup as previously scheduled for a diagnostic cystoscopy with Dr. X. All questions answered.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Cut on foot.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 32-year-old male who had a piece of glass fall on to his right foot today. The patient was concerned because of the amount of bleeding that occurred with it. The bleeding has been stopped and the patient does not have any pain. The patient has normal use of his foot, there is no numbness or weakness, the patient is able to ambulate well without any discomfort. The patient denies any injuries to any other portion of his body. He has not had any recent illness. The patient has no other problems or complaints.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Asthma.,CURRENT MEDICATION: , Albuterol.,ALLERGIES:, NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is a smoker.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.8 oral, blood pressure 132/86, pulse is 76, and respirations 16. Oxygen saturation is 100% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well-nourished, well-developed, the patient appears to be healthy. The patient is calm and comfortable in no acute distress and looks well. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Head is atraumatic, normocephalic, and nontender. Eyes are normal with clear conjunctiva and cornea bilaterally. NECK: Supple with full range of motion. CARDIOVASCULAR: Peripheral pulse is +2 to the right foot. Capillary refills less than two seconds to all the digits of the right foot. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath. MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient has a 4-mm partial thickness laceration to the top of the right foot and about the area of the mid foot. There is no palpable foreign body, no foreign body is visualized. There is no active bleeding, there is no exposed deeper tissues and certainly no exposed tendons, bone, muscle, nerves, or vessels. It appears that the laceration may have nicked a small varicose vein, which would have accounted for the heavier than usual bleeding that currently occurred at home. The patient does not have any tenderness to the foot. The patient has full range of motion to all the joints, all the toes, as well as the ankles. The patient ambulates well without any difficulty or discomfort. There are no other injuries noted to the rest of the body. SKIN: The 4-mm partial thickness laceration to the right foot as previously described. No other injuries are noted. NEUROLOGIC: Motor is 5/5 to all the muscle groups of the right lower extremity. Sensory is intact to light touch to all the dermatomes of the right foot. The patient has normal speech and normal ambulation. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No active bleeding is occurring at this time. No evidence of bruising is noted to the body.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE:, The patient had antibiotic ointment and a bandage applied to his foot.,DIAGNOSES:,1. A 4-MM LACERATION TO THE RIGHT FOOT.,2. ACUTE RIGHT FOOT PAIN, NOW RESOLVED.,CONDITION UPON DISPOSITION: , Stable.,DISPOSITION:, To home. The patient was given discharge instructions on wound care and asked to return to emergency room should he have any evidence or signs and symptoms of infection. The patient was precautioned that there may still be a small piece of glass retained in the foot and that there is a possibility of infection or that the piece of glass may be extruded later on.
PROBLEM LIST:,1. Generalized osteoarthritis and osteoporosis with very limited mobility.,2. Adult failure to thrive with history of multiple falls, none recent.,3. Degenerative arthritis of the knees with chronic bilateral knee pain.,4. Chronic depression.,5. Hypertension.,6. Hyperthyroidism.,7. Aortic stenosis with history of CHF and bilateral pleural effusions.,8. Right breast mass, slowly enlarging. Patient refusing workup.,9. Status post ORIF of the right wrist, now healed.,10. Anemia of chronic disease.,11. Hypoalbuminemia.,12. Chronic renal insufficiency.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Acetaminophen 325 mg 2 tablets twice daily, Coreg 6.25 mg twice daily, Docusate sodium 100 mg 1 cap twice daily, ibuprofen 600 mg twice daily with food, Lidoderm patch 5% to apply 1 patch to both knees every morning and off in the evening, one vitamin daily, ferrous sulfate 325 mg daily, furosemide 20 mg q.a.m., Tapazole 5 mg daily, potassium chloride 10 mEq daily, Zoloft 50 mg daily, Ensure t.i.d., and p.r.n. medications.,ALLERGIES:, NKDA.,CODE STATUS:, DNR, healthcare proxy, durable power of attorney.,DIET:, Regular with regular consistency with thin liquids and ground meat.,RESTRAINTS: , None. She does have a palm protector in her right hand.,INTERVAL HISTORY:, No significant change over the past month has occurred. The patient mainly complains about pain in her back. On a scale from 1 to 10, it is 8 to 10, worse at night before she goes to bed. She is requesting something more for the pain. Other than that, she complains about her generalized pain. There has been no significant change in her weight. No fever or chills. No complaint of headaches or visual changes, chest pain, shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, or PND. No hemoptysis or night sweats. No change in her bowels, abdominal pain, bright red rectal bleeding, or melena. No nausea or vomiting. Her appetite is fair. She is a picky eater but definitely likes her candy. There has been no change in her depression. It seems to be stable on the Zoloft 50 mg daily, which she has been on since October 17, 2006. She denies feeling depressed to me but complains of being bored, stating she just sits and watches TV or sometimes may go to activities but not very seldom due to her back pain. No history of seizures. She denies any tremors. She is hyperthyroid and is on replacement.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , An elderly female, sitting in a wheelchair, in no acute distress, very kyphotic. She is very pleasant and alert. Vital signs per chart. Skin is normal in texture and turgor for her age. She does have dry lips, which she picks at and was picking at her lips while I was talking with her. HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. She has nevi above her left eye, which she states she has had since birth and has not changed. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. No exophthalmos or lid lag. Anicteric sclerae. Conjunctivae pink, nasal passages clear. She is edentulous but does have her upper dentures in. No mucosal ulcerations. External ears normal. Neck is supple. No increased JVD, cervical or supraclavicular adenopathy. No thyromegaly or masses. Trachea is midline. Her chest is very kyphotic, clear to A&P. Heart: Regular rate and rhythm with a 2-3/6 systolic murmur heard best at the left sternal border. Abdomen: Soft. Good bowel sounds. Nontender. Unable to appreciate any organomegaly or masses as she is sitting in a wheelchair. Extremities are without edema, cyanosis, clubbing, or tremor. She does have Lidoderm patches over both of her knees and is wearing a brace in her right hand.,LABORATORY TESTS: , Albumin was 3.2 on 12/06/06. Dietary is aware. Electrolytes done 11/28/06, her sodium was 144, potassium 4.4, chloride 109, bicarbonate 26, anion gap 9, BUN 28, creatinine 1.2, GFR 44. Digoxin was done and was less than 0.9, but she is not on digoxin. CBC showed a white count of 7400, hemoglobin 11.1, hematocrit 35.9, MCV of 95.2, and platelet count of 252,000. Her TSH was 1.52. No changes were made in her Tapazole.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, We will continue present therapy except we will add Tylenol No. 3 to take 1 tablet before bed as needed for her back pain. If she does develop drowsiness from this, then the CNS side effects will help her sleep. During the day, her daughter likes the patient to remain alert and will use the ibuprofen at that time as long as she does not develop any GI symptoms. We will make sure that she is taking the ibuprofen with food. No further laboratory tests will be done at this time.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Ms. A is a 55-year-old female who presented to the Bariatric Surgery Service for consideration of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The patient states that she has been overweight for approximately 35 years and has tried multiple weight loss modalities in the past including Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, Jenny Craig, TOPS, cabbage diet, grape fruit diet, Slim-Fast, Richard Simmons, as well as over-the-counter measures without any long-term sustainable weight loss. At the time of presentation to the practice, she is 5 feet 6 inches tall with a weight of 285.4 pounds and a body mass index of 46. She has obesity-related comorbidities, which includes hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for hypertension, for which the patient takes Norvasc and Lopressor for. She also suffers from high cholesterol and is on lovastatin for this. She has depression, for which she takes citalopram. She also stated that she had a DVT in the past prior to her hysterectomy. She also suffers from thyroid disease in the past though this is unclear, the nature of this.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Significant for cholecystectomy in 2008 for gallstones. She also had a hysterectomy in 1994 secondary to hemorrhage. The patient denies any other abdominal surgeries.,MEDICATIONS: , Norvasc 10 mg p.o. daily, Lopressor tartrate 50 mg p.o. b.i.d., lovastatin 10 mg p.o. at bedtime, citalopram 10 mg p.o. daily, aspirin 500 mg three times a day, which is currently stopped, vitamin D, Premarin 0.3 mg one tablet p.o. daily, currently stopped, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D 50,000 units q. weekly.,ALLERGIES: , The patient denies allergies to medications and to latex.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is a homemaker. She is married, with 2 children aged 22 and 28. She is a lifelong nonsmoker and nondrinker.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for high blood pressure and diabetes as well as cancer on her father side. He did pass away from congestive heart failure. Mother suffers from high blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes. Her mother has passed away secondary to cancer. She has two brothers one passed away from brain cancer.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Significant for ankle swelling. The patient also wears glasses for vision and has dentures. She does complain of shortness of breath with exertion. She also suffers from hemorrhoids and frequent urination at night as well as weightbearing joint pain. The patient denies ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease, bleeding diathesis, liver disease, or kidney disease. She denies chest pain, cardiac disease, cancer, and stroke.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,The patient is a well-nourished, well-developed female, in no distress. Eye Exam: Pupils equal and reactive to light. Extraocular motions are intact. Neck Exam: No cervical lymphadenopathy. Midline trachea. No carotid bruits. Nonpalpable thyroid. Neuro Exam: Gross motor strength in the upper and lower extremities, equal bilaterally with no focal neuro deficits noted. Lung Exam: Clear breath sounds without rhonchi or wheezes. Cardiac Exam: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur or bruits. Abdominal Exam: Positive bowel sounds. Soft, nontender, obese, and nondistended abdomen. Lap cholecystectomy scars noted. No obvious hernias. No organomegaly appreciated. Lower extremity Exam: Edema 1+. Dorsalis pedis pulses 2+.,ASSESSMENT: ,The patient is a 55-year-old female with a body mass index of 46, suffering from obesity-related comorbidities including hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, who presents to the practice for consideration of gastric bypass surgery. The patient appears to be an excellent candidate for surgery and would benefit greatly from surgical weight loss in the management of her obesity-related comorbidities.,PLAN: , In preparation for surgery, we will obtain the usual baseline laboratory values including baseline vitamin levels. I recommended the patient undergo an upper GI series prior to surgery due to find her upper GI anatomy. Also the patient will meet with the dietitian and psychologist as per her usual routine. I have recommended approximately six to eight weeks of Medifast for the patient to obtain a 10% preoperative weight loss in preparation for surgery.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right renal mass.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Right renal mass.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 100 mL.,X-RAYS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , Right radical nephrectomy specimen.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,DRAINS:, 16-French Foley catheter per urethra.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 71-year-old woman recently diagnosed with 6.5 cm right upper pole renal mass. This is an enhancing lesion suspicious for renal cell carcinoma versus oncocytoma. I discussed a variety of options with her, and she opted to proceed with a laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy. All questions were answered, and she wished to proceed with surgery as planned.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After acquisition of appropriate written and informed consent and administration of perioperative antibiotics, the patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. Note that, sequential compression devices were placed on both lower extremities and were activated per induction of anesthesia. After institution of adequate general anesthetic via the endotracheal route, she was placed into the right anterior flank position with the right side elevated in a roll and the right arm across her chest. All pressure points were carefully padded, and she was securely taped to the table to prevent shifting during the procedure. Her abdomen was then prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion after placing a 16-French Foley catheter per urethra to gravity drainage. The abdomen was insufflated in the right outer quadrant. Note that, the patient had had previous surgery which complicated accesses somewhat and that she had a previous hysterectomy. The abdomen was insufflated into the right lateral abdomen with Veress needle to 50 mm of pressure without incident. We then placed a 10/12 Visiport trocar approximately 7 cm lateral to the umbilicus. Once this had entered into the peritoneal cavity without incident, the remaining trocars were all placed. Under direct laparoscopic visualization, we placed three additional trocars; an 11-mm screw-type trocar in the umbilicus, a 6-mm screw-type trocar in the upper midline approximately 7 cm above the umbilicus, and 10/12 trocar in the lower midline about 7 cm below the umbilicus within and over the old hysterectomy scar. There were some adhesions of omentum to the underside of that scar, and these were taken down sharply using laparoscopic scissors.,We began nephrectomy procedure by reflecting the right colon, by incising the white line of Toldt. This exposed the retroperitoneum on the right side. The duodenum was identified and reflected medially in a Kocher maneuver using sharp dissection only. We then identified the ureter and gonadal vein in the retroperitoneum. The gonadal vein was left down along the vena cava, and the plane underneath the ureter was elevated and this plane was carried up towards the renal hilum. Sequential packets of tissue were taken using primarily the LigaSure Atlas device. Once we got to the renal hilum, it became apparent that this patient had two sets of renal arteries and veins. We proceeded then and skeletonized the structures into four individual packets. We then proceeded to perform the upper pole dissection and developing the plane above the kidney and between the kidney and adrenal gland. The adrenal was spared during this procedure. There was no contiguous connection between the renal mass and a right adrenal gland. This plane of dissection was taken down primarily using the LigaSure device. We then sequentially took the four vessels going to the kidney initially taking two renal arteries with the endo GI stapler and then to renal veins again with endo GI stapler sequential flaring. Once this was completed, the kidney was free except for its attachment to the ureter and lateral attachments. The lateral attachments of the kidney were taken down using the LigaSure Atlas device, and then the ureter was doubly clipped and transected. The kidney was then freed within the retroperitoneum. A 50-mm EndoCatch bag was introduced through the lower most trocar site, and the kidney was placed into this bag for subsequent extraction. We extended the lower most trocar site approximately 6 cm to facilitate extraction. The kidney was removed and passed off the table as a specimen for pathology. This was bivalved by pathology, and we reviewed the specimen.
PROCEDURES PERFORMED:, Colonoscopy.,INDICATIONS:, Renewed symptoms likely consistent with active flare of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, not responsive to conventional therapy including sulfasalazine, cortisone, local therapy.,PROCEDURE: , Informed consent was obtained prior to the procedure with special attention to benefits, risks, alternatives. Risks explained as bleeding, infection, bowel perforation, aspiration pneumonia, or reaction to the medications. Vital signs were monitored by blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. Supplemental O2 given. Specifics discussed. Preprocedure physical exam performed. Stable vital signs. Lungs clear. Cardiac exam showed regular rhythm. Abdomen soft. Her past history, her past workup, her past visitation with me for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, well responsive to sulfasalazine reviewed. She currently has a flare and is not responding, therefore, likely may require steroid taper. At the same token, her symptoms are mild. She has rectal bleeding, essentially only some rusty stools. There is not significant diarrhea, just some lower stools. No significant pain. Therefore, it is possible that we are just dealing with a hemorrhoidal bleed, therefore, colonoscopy now needed. Past history reviewed. Specifics of workup, need for followup, and similar discussed. All questions answered.,A normal digital rectal examination was performed. The PCF-160 AL was inserted into the anus and advanced to the cecum without difficulty, as identified by the ileocecal valve, cecal stump, and appendical orifice. All mucosal aspects thoroughly inspected, including a retroflexed examination. Withdrawal time was greater than six minutes. Unfortunately, the terminal ileum could not be intubated despite multiple attempts.,Findings were those of a normal cecum, right colon, transverse colon, descending colon. A small cecal polyp was noted, this was biopsy-removed, placed in bottle #1. Random biopsies from the cecum obtained, bottle #2; random biopsies from the transverse colon obtained, as well as descending colon obtained, bottle #3. There was an area of inflammation in the proximal sigmoid colon, which was biopsied, placed in bottle #4. There was an area of relative sparing, with normal sigmoid lining, placed in bottle #5, randomly biopsied, and then inflammation again in the distal sigmoid colon and rectum biopsied, bottle #6, suggesting that we may be dealing with Crohn disease, given the relative sparing of the sigmoid colon and junk lesion. Retroflexed showed hemorrhoidal disease. Scope was then withdrawn, patient left in good condition. ,IMPRESSION:, Active flare of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, question of Crohn disease.,PLAN: , I will have the patient follow up with me, will follow up on histology, follow up on the polyps. She will be put on a steroid taper and make an appointment and hopefully steroids alone will do the job. If not, she may be started on immune suppressive medication, such as azathioprine, or similar. All of this has been reviewed with the patient. All questions answered.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Medial meniscal tear, posterior horn of left knee.,2. Carpal tunnel syndrome chronic right hand with intractable pain, numbness, and tingling.,3. Impingement syndrome, right shoulder with acromioclavicular arthritis, bursitis, and chronic tendonitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome, right hand, severe.,2. Bursitis, tendonitis, impingement, and AC arthritis, right shoulder.,3. Medial and lateral meniscal tears, posterior horn old, left knee.,PROCEDURE:,1. Right shoulder arthroscopy, subacromial decompression, distal clavicle excision, bursectomy, and coracoacromial ligament resection.,2. Right carpal tunnel release.,3. Left knee arthroscopy and partial medial and lateral meniscectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General with regional.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,DISPOSITION: , To recovery room in awake, alert, and in stable condition.,OPERATIVE INDICATIONS: , A very active 50-year-old gentleman who had the above problems and workup revealed the above problems. He failed nonoperative management. We discussed the risks, benefits, and possible complications of operative and continued nonoperative management, and he gave his fully informed consent to the following procedure.,OPERATIVE REPORT IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position on the operating room table. After adequate induction of general anesthesia, he was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. All bony prominences were padded. The right shoulder was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner using standard Betadine prep, entered through three standard arthroscopic portals anterolateral and posterior incising the skin with a knife using sharp and blunt trocar.,Serial examination of the intraarticular portion of the shoulder showed all the structures to be normal including the biceps tendon ligaments, articular surfaces, and labrum. Subacromial space was entered. Visualization was poor due to the hemorrhagic bursitis, and this was resected back. It was essentially a type-3 acromion, which was converted to a type 1 by aiming the burr anterior from the posterior portal excising the larger anterior spur. Rotator cuff was little bit fray, but otherwise intact. Thus, the deep deltoid bursa and the markedly thickened coracoacromial ligament were removed. The burr was then introduced to the anterior portal and the distal clavicle excision carried out. The width of burr about 6 mm being careful to preserve the ligaments in the capsule, but removing the spurs and the denuded arthritic joint.,The patient tolerated the procedure very well. The shoulder was then copiously irrigated, drained free of any residual debris. The wound was closed with 3-0 Prolene. Sterile compressive dressing applied.,The patient was then placed on his back in the supine position and the right upper extremity and the left lower extremity were prepped and draped in usual sterile manner using a standard Betadine prep.,The attention was first turned to the right hand where it was elevated, exsanguinated using an Esmarch bandage, and the tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg for about 25 minutes. Volar approach to the carpal ligament was performed incising the skin with a knife and using cautery for hemostasis. Tenotomy and forceps dissection carried out through the superficial palmar fascia, carried down to the volar carpal ligament, which was then transected sharply with a knife and carried proximal and distal under direct vision using the scissors being careful to avoid the neurovascular structures.,Cautery was used for hemostasis. The never had an hourglass appearance where it was a kind of constricted as a result of the compression from the ligament, and so a small amount of Celestone was dripped onto the nerve to help quite it down. The patient tolerated this portion of the procedure very well. The hand was then irrigated, closed with Monocryl and Prolene, and sterile compressive dressing was applied and the tourniquet deflated.,Attention was then turned to the left knee where it was entered through inferomedial and inferolateral portals incising the skin with a knife and using sharp and blunt trocars. After entering the knee through inferomedial and inferolateral standard arthroscopic portals, examination of the knee showed a displaced bucket-handle tear in the medial meniscus and a radial tear at the lateral meniscus. These were resected back to the stable surface using a basket forceps and full-radius shaver. There was no evidence of any other significant arthritis in the knee. There was a lot of synovitis, and so after the knee was irrigated out and free of any residual debris, the knee was injected with Celestone and Marcaine with epinephrine.,The patient tolerated the procedure very well, and the wounds were closed with 3-0 Prolene and sterile compressive dressing was applied, and then the patient was taken to the recovery room, extubated, awake, alert, and in stable condition.
DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, The patient was brought to the operating room and appropriately identified. Local anesthesia was obtained with a 50/50 mixture of 2% lidocaine and 0.75% bupivacaine given as a peribulbar block. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A lid speculum was used to provide exposure to the right eye.,A limited conjunctival peritomy was created with Westcott scissors to expose the supranasal and, separately, the supratemporal and inferotemporal quadrants. Calipers were set at 3.5 mm and a mark was made 3.5 mm posterior to the limbus in the inferotemporal quadrant.,A 5-0 nylon suture was passed through partial-thickness sclera on either side of this mark. The MVR blade was used to make a sclerotomy between the pre-placed sutures. An 8-0 nylon suture was then pre-placed for later sclerotomy closure. The infusion cannula was inspected and found to be in good working order. The infusion cannula was placed in the vitreous cavity and secured with the pre-placed sutures. The tip of the infusion cannula was directly visualized and found to be free of any overlying tissue and the infusion was turned on.,Additional sclerotomies were made 3.5 mm posterior to the limbus in the supranasal and supratemporal quadrants. The light pipe and vitrectomy handpieces were then placed in the vitreous cavity and a vitrectomy was performed. There was moderately severe vitreous hemorrhage, which was removed. Once a view of the posterior pole could be obtained, there were some diabetic membranes emanating along the arcades. These were dissected with curved scissors and judicious use of the vitrectomy cutter. There was some bleeding from the inferotemporal frond. This was managed by raising the intraocular pressure and using intraocular cautery. The surgical view became cloudy and the corneal epithelium was removed with a beaver blade. This improved the view. There is an area suspicious for retinal break near where the severe traction was inferotemporally. The Endo laser was used to treat in a panretinal scatter fashion to areas that had not received previous treatment. The indirect ophthalmoscope was used to examine the retinal peripheral for 360 degrees and no tears, holes or dialyses were seen. There was some residual hemorrhagic vitreous skirt seen. The soft-tip cannula was then used to perform an air-fluid exchange. Additional laser was placed around the suspicious area inferotemporally. The sclerotomies were then closed with 8-0 nylon suture in an X-fashion, the infusion cannula was removed and it sclerotomy closed with the pre-existing 8-0 nylon suture.,The conjunctiva was closed with 6-0 plain gut. A subconjunctival injection of Ancef and Decadron were given and a drop of atropine was instilled over the eye. The lid speculum was removed. Maxitrol ointment was instilled over the eye and the eye was patched. The patient was brought to the recovery room in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic otitis media.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic otitis media.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Bilateral myringotomy tubes and adenoidectomy.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, The patient is an 8-year-old child with history of recurrent otitis media. The patient has had previous tube placement. Tubes have since plugged and are no more functioning. The patient has had recent recurrent otitis media. Risks and benefits in terms of bleeding, anesthesia, and tympanic membrane perforation were discussed with the mother. Mother wished to proceed with the surgery.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the room, placed supine. The patient was given general endotracheal anesthesia. Starting on the left ear, under microscopic visualization, the ear was cleaned of wax. A Bobbin tube was found stuck to the tympanic membrane. This was removed. After removing the tube the patient was found to have microperforation through which serous fluid was draining. A fresh myringotomy was made in the anterior inferior quadrant. More serous fluid was aspirated from middle ear space. The new Bobbin tube was easily placed. Floxin drops were placed in the ear. In the right ear again under microscopic visualization, the ear was cleaned, the tube was removed off tympanic membrane. There was no perforation seen; however, there was some granulation tissue on the surface of tympanic membrane. A fresh myringotomy incision was made in the anterior inferior quadrant. More serous fluid was drained out of middle ear space. The tube was easily placed and Floxin drops were placed in the ear. This completes tube portion of the surgery. The patient was then turned and placed in the Rose position. Shoulder roll was placed for neck extension. Using a small McIvor mouth gag mouth was held open. Using a rubber catheter the soft palate was retracted. Under mirror visualization, the nasopharynx was examined. The patient was found to have minimal adenoidal tissue. This was removed using a suction Bovie. The patient was then awakened from anesthesia, extubated and brought to recovery room in stable condition. There were no intraoperative complications. Needle and sponge count correct. Estimated blood loss none.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Grade 1 compound fracture, right mid-shaft radius and ulna with complete displacement and shortening.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Grade 1 compound fracture, right mid-shaft radius and ulna with complete displacement and shortening.,OPERATIONS:,1. Irrigation and debridement of skin subcutaneous tissues, muscle, and bone, right forearm.,2. Open reduction, right both bone forearm fracture with placement of long-arm cast.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,TOURNIQUET: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 25 mL.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient suffered injury at which time he fell over a concrete bench. He landed mostly on the right arm. He noted some bleeding at the time of the injury and a small puncture wound. He was taken to the emergency room and diagnosed a compound both bone forearm fracture, and based on this, he was seen for malalignment.,He was indicated the above-noted procedure. This procedure as well as alternatives of this procedure was discussed at length with the patient's parents and they understood them well. Risks and benefits were also discussed. Risks such as bleeding, infection, damage to blood vessels, damage to nerve roots, need for further surgeries, chronic pain on full range of motion, risk of continued discomfort, risk of need for repeat debridement, risk of need for internal fixation, risk of blood clots, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and risk of death were discussed. They understood these well. All questions were answered and they signed the consent for procedure as described.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was placed on the operating table and general anesthesia was achieved. The right forearm was inspected. There was noted to be a 3-mm puncture-type wound over the volar aspect of the forearm in the middle one-third overlying the radial one-half. There was bleeding in this region. No gross contamination was seen. At this point, under fluoroscopic control, I did attempt to see a fracture. I was unable to do the forearm under the close reduction techniques. At this point, the right upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. An incision was made through the puncture wound site extending this proximally and distally. There was noted to be some slight amount of nonviable tissue at the skin edge and debridement was required and performed. I also did perform a light debridement of the nonviable subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and small bony fragments were also removed. These were all completely debrided appropriately and then at this point, a thorough irrigation was performed of the radius, which I communicated through the puncture wound. Both ends were clearly visualized, and thorough irrigation was performed using total of 6 L of antibiotic solution. All nonviable gross contaminated tissue was removed. At this point with the bones in direct visualization, I did reduce the bony ends to anatomic alignment with excellent bony approximation. Proper alignment of tissue and angulation was confirmed.,At this point, under fluoroscopic control confirmed the radius and ulna in anatomic position, which will be completely displaced and shortened previously. The ulna was now also noted to be in anatomic alignment.,At this point, the region was thoroughly irrigated. Hemostasis confirmed and closure then begun. The skin was reapproximated using 3-0 nylon suture. The visual puncture wound region was left open and this was intact with the depth of the wound down the bone using 1.5-inch Nugauze with iodoform. Sterile dressing applied and a long-arm cast with the forearm in neutral position was applied. X-ray with fluoroscopic evaluation was performed, which confirmed. They maintained excellent bony approximation and the anatomic alignment. The long-arm cast was then completely mature. No complications were encountered throughout the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was then taken to the recovery room in stable condition.
PROCEDURE: , Left heart catheterization, left and right coronary angiography, left ventricular angiography, and intercoronary stenting of the right coronary artery.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the Catheterization Laboratory. After informed consent, he was medicated with Versed and fentanyl. The right groin was prepped and draped, and infiltrated with 2% Xylocaine. Percutaneously, #6-French arterial sheath was placed. Selective native left and right coronary angiography was performed followed by left ventricular angiography. The patient had a totally occluded right coronary. We initially started with a JR4 guide. We were able to a sport wire through the total occlusion and saw a very tight stenosis. We were able to get a 30 x 13 mm power saver balloon into the stenosis and dilated. We then attempted to put a 30 x 12 mm stent across the stenosis, but we had very little guide support, the guide kept coming out. We then switched to an AL1 guide and that too did not enable us to get anything to cross this lesion. We finally had to go an AL2 guide, we were concerned that this could cause some proximal dissection. That guided seated, we did have initial difficulty getting the wire back across the stenosis, and we did see a little staining suggesting we did have some tearing from the guide tip. The surgeons were put on notice in case we could not get this vessel open, but we were able to re-cross with a sport wire. We then re-dilated the area of stenosis and with good guide support, we were able to get a 30 x 23 mm Vision stent, where the lesion was and post-dilated it to 18 atmospheres. Routine angiography did show that the distal posterolateral branch seems to be occluded, whether this was from distal wire dissection or distal thrombosis was unclear, but we were able to re-wire that area and get a 25 x12 Vision balloon and dilate the area and re-establish flow to the small segment. We then came back because of the residual dissection proximal to the first stent and put a 30 x15 mm Vision stent at 18 atmospheres. Final angiography showed resolution of the dissection. We could see a little staining extrinsic to the stent. No perforation and excellent flow. During the intervention, we did give a bolus and drip of Angiomax. At the end of the procedure, we stopped the Angiomax and gave 600 mg of Plavix. We did a right femoral angiogram; however, the Angio-Seal plug could not take, so we used manual pressure and a Femostop. We transported the patient to his room in stable condition.,ANGIOGRAPHIC DATA:, Left main coronary is normal. Left anterior descending artery has a fair amount of wall disease proximally about 50 to 60% stenosis of the LAD before it bifurcates into diagonal. The diagonal does appear to have about 50% osteal stenosis. There is a lot of plaquing further down the diagonal, but good flow. The rest of the LAD looked good pass the proximal 60% stenosis and after the diagonal branch. Circumflex artery was nondominant vessel, consisting of an obtuse marginal vessel. The first obtuse marginal had a long 50% narrowing and then the AV groove branch was free of any disease. Some mild collaterals to the right were seen. Right coronary angiography revealed a total occlusion of the right coronary, just about 0.5 cm after its origin. After we got a wire across the area of occlusion, we could see some thrombosis and a 99% stenosis just at the curve. Following the balloon angioplasty, we established good flow down the distal vessel. We still had about residual 70% stenosis. When we had to go back with the AL2 guide, we could see a little bit of staining in the proximal portion of the vessel that we did not notice previously and we felt that the tip of the guide caused a little bit of intimal dissection. We re-dilated and then deployed. Repeat angiography now did show some hang up off dye distally. We never did have the wire that far down, so this was probably felt to be due to distal embolization of some thrombus. After deploying the stent, we had total resolution of the original lesion. We then directed our attention to the posterolateral branch, which the remainder of the vessel was patent giving off a large PDA. The posterolateral branch appeared to be occluded in its mid portion. We got a wire through and dilated this. We then came back and put a second stent in the proximal area of the right coronary proximal and abutting to the previous stent. Repeat angiography now showed no significant dissection, a little bit of contrast getting extrinsic to the stent probably in a little subintimal pouch, but this was excluded by the stent. There were no filling defects in the stent and excellent flow. The distal posterolateral branch did open up, although it was little under-filled and there may have been some mild residual disease there.,IMPRESSION: , Atherosclerotic heart disease with total occlusion of right coronary, successfully stented to zero residual with repair of a small proximal dissection. Minor distal disease of the posterolateral branch and 60% proximal left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis and 50% diagonal stenosis along with 50% stenosis of the first obtuse marginal branch.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent dysplasia of vulva.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Carbon dioxide laser photo-ablation.,ANESTHESIA: , General, laryngeal mask.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , The patient has a past history of recurrent vulvar dysplasia. She has had multiple prior procedures for treatment. She was counseled to undergo laser photo-ablation.,FINDINGS:, Examination under anesthesia revealed several slightly raised and pigmented lesions, predominantly on the left labia and perianal regions. After staining with acetic acid, several additional areas of acetowhite epithelium were seen on both sides and in the perianal region.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room with an IV in place. Anesthetic was administered, after which she was placed in the lithotomy position. Examination under anesthesia was performed, after which she was prepped and draped. Acetic acid was applied and marking pen was utilized to outline the extent of the dysplastic lesion. The carbon dioxide laser was then used to ablate the lesion to the third surgical plane as defined Reid. Setting was 25 watts using a 6 mm pattern size with the silk-touch hand piece in the paint mode. Excellent hemostasis was noted and Bacitracin was applied prophylactically. The patient was awakened from her anesthetic and taken to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit in stable condition.
REASON FOR VISIT: , Kyphosis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 13-year-old new patient is here for evaluation of thoracic kyphosis. The patient has a family history in a maternal aunt and grandfather of kyphosis. She was noted by her parents to have round back posture. They have previously seen another orthopedist who recommended observation at this time. She is here for a second opinion in regards to kyphosis. The patient denies any pain in her back or any numbness, tingling, or weakness in her upper or lower extremities. No problems with her bowels or bladder.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , None.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Bilateral pinning of her ears.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She is currently an eighth grader at Middle School and is interested in basketball. She lives with both of her parents and has a 9-year-old brother. She had menarche beginning in September.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Of kyphosis in great grandmother and second cousin.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , She is in her usual state of health and is negative except otherwise as mentioned in the history of present illness.,MEDICATIONS: , She is currently on Zyrtec, Flonase, and Ceftin for an ear infection.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,FINDINGS: , On physical exam, she is alert, oriented, and in no acute distress standing 63 inches tall. In regards to her back, her skin is intact with no rashes, lesions, and/or no dimpling or hair spots. No cafe au lait spots. She is not tender to palpation from her occiput to her sacrum. There is no evidence of paraspinal muscle spasm. On forward bending, there is a mild kyphosis. She is not able to touch her toes indicating her hamstring tightness. She has a full 5 out of 5 in all muscle groups. Her lower extremities including iliopsoas, quadriceps, gastroc-soleus, tibialis anterior, and extensor hallucis longus. Her sensation intact to light touch in L1 through L2 dermatomal distributions. She has symmetric limb lengths as well bilaterally from both the coronal and sagittal planes.,X-rays today included PA and lateral sclerosis series. She has approximately 46 degree kyphosis.,ASSESSMENT: , Kyphosis.,PLANS: ,The patient's kyphosis is quite mild. While this is likely in the upper limits of normal or just it is normal for an adolescent and still within normal range as would be expected return at home. At this time, three options were discussed with the parents including observation, physical therapy, and bracing. At this juncture, given that she has continued to grow, they are Risser 0. She may benefit from continued observation with physical therapy, bracing would be a more aggressive option certainly that thing would be lost with following at this time. As such, she was given a prescription for physical therapy for extension based strengthening exercises, flexibility range of motion exercises, postural training with no forward bending. We will see her back in 3 months' time for repeat radiographs at that time including PA and lateral standing of scoliosis series. Should she show evidence of continued progression of her kyphotic deformity, discussions of bracing would be held at time. We will see her back in 3 months' time for repeat evaluation.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Septic left total knee arthroplasty.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Septic left total knee arthroplasty.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Arthroscopic irrigation and debridement of same with partial synovectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, LMA.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS:, None.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 81-year-old female, who is approximately 10 years status post total knee replacement performed in another state, who presented a couple of days ago to the office with worsening pain without injury and whose symptoms have been present for approximately a month following a possible urinary tract infection. The patient' knee was aspirated in the office and cultures were positive for Escherichia coli. She presents for operative therapy.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , After obtaining informed consent and the administration of antibiotics since her cultures had already been obtained, the patient was taken to the operating room and following satisfactory induction and the patient was placed on the table in supine position. The left upper extremity was prepped and draped without a tourniquet. The knee was injected with 30 mL of normal saline and standard arthroscopy portals were created. The arthroscopy was inserted and a complete diagnostic was performed. Arthroscopic pictures were taken throughout the procedure. The knee was copiously irrigated with 9 L of irrigant. A partial synovectomy was performed in all compartments. Minimal amount of polyethylene wear was noted. The total knee components were identified arthroscopically for future revision surgery. The knee was then drained and the arthroscopic instruments were removed. The portals were closed with 4-0 nylon and local anesthetic was injected. A sterile dressing was applied and the patient was placed in a knee immobilizer, awakened from anesthesia and transported to the recovery room in stable condition and tolerated the procedure well.
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient states that she feels better. She is on IV amiodarone, the dosage pattern is appropriate for ventricular tachycardia. Researching the available records, I find only an EMS verbal statement that tachycardia of wide complex was seen. There is no strip for me to review all available EKG tracings show a narrow complex atrial fibrillation pattern that is now converted to sinus rhythm.,The patient states that for a week, she has been home postoperative from aortic valve replacement on 12/01/08 at ABC Medical Center. The aortic stenosis was secondary to a congenital bicuspid valve, by her description. She states that her shortness of breath with exertion has been stable, but has yet to improve from its preoperative condition. She has not had any decline in her postoperative period of her tolerance to exertion.,The patient had noted intermittent bursts of fast heart rate at home that had been increasing over the last several days. Last night, she had a prolonged episode for which she contacted EMS. Her medications at home had been uninterrupted and without change from those listed, being Toprol-XL 100 mg q.a.m., Dyazide 25/37.5 mg, Nexium 40 mg, all taken once a day. She has been maintaining her Crestor and Zetia at 20 and 10 mg respectively. She states that she has been taking her aspirin at 325 mg q.a.m. She remains on Zyrtec 10 mg q.a.m. Her only allergy is listed to latex.,OBJECTIVE:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 36.1, heart rate 60, respirations 14, room air saturation 98%, and blood pressure 108/60. The patient shows a normal sinus rhythm on the telemetry monitor with an occasional PAC.,GENERAL: She is alert and in no apparent distress.,HEENT: Eyes: EOMI. PERRLA. Sclerae nonicteric. No lesions of lids, lashes, brows, or conjunctivae noted. Funduscopic examination unremarkable. Ears: Normal set, shape, TMs, canals and hearing. Nose and Sinuses: Negative. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, and Throat: Negative except for dental work.,NECK: Supple and pain free without bruit, JVD, adenopathy or thyroid abnormality.,CHEST: Lungs are clear bilaterally to auscultation. The incision is well healed and without evidence of significant cellulitis.,HEART: Shows a regular rate and rhythm without murmur, gallop, heave, click, thrill or rub. There is an occasional extra beat noted, which corresponds to a premature atrial contraction on the monitor.,ABDOMEN: Soft and benign without hepatosplenomegaly, rebound, rigidity or guarding.,EXTREMITIES: Show no evidence of DVT, acute arthritis, cellulitis or pedal edema.,NEUROLOGIC: Nonfocal without lateralizing findings for cranial or peripheral nervous systems, strength, sensation, and cerebellar function. Gait and station were not tested.,MENTAL STATUS: Shows the patient to be alert, coherent with full capacity for decision making.,BACK: Negative to inspection or percussion.,LABORATORY DATA: , Shows from 12/15/08 2100, hemoglobin 11.6, white count 12.9, and platelets 126,000. INR 1.0. Electrolytes are normal with exception potassium 3.3. GFR is decreased at 50 with creatinine of 1.1. Glucose was 119. Magnesium was 2.3. Phosphorus 3.8. Calcium was slightly low at 7.8. The patient has had ionized calcium checked at Munson that was normal at 4.5 prior to her discharge. Troponin is negative x2 from 2100 and repeat at 07:32. This morning, her BNP was 163 at admission. Her admission chest x-ray was unremarkable and did not show evidence of cardiomegaly to suggest pericardial effusion. Her current EKG tracing from 05:42 shows a sinus bradycardia with Wolff-Parkinson White Pattern, a rate of 58 beats per minute, and a corrected QT interval of 557 milliseconds. Her PR interval was 0.12.,We received a call from Munson Medical Center that a bed had been arranged for the patient. I contacted Dr. Varner and we reviewed the patient's managed to this point. All combined impression is that the patient was likely to not have had actual ventricular tachycardia. This is based on her EP study from October showing her to be non-inducible. In addition, she had a cardiac catheterization that showed no evidence of coronary artery disease. What is most likely that the patient has postoperative atrial fibrillation. Her WPW may have degenerated into a ventricular tachycardia, but this is unlikely. At this point, we will convert the patient from IV amiodarone to oral amiodarone and obtain an echocardiogram to verify that she does not have evidence of pericardial effusion in the postoperative period. I will recheck her potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus at this point and make adjustments if indicated. Dr. Varner will be making arrangements for an outpatient Holter monitor and further followup post-discharge.,IMPRESSION:,1. Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response.,2. Wolff-Parkinson White Syndrome.,3. Recent aortic valve replacement with bioprosthetic Medtronic valve.,4. Hyperlipidemia.
EXAM:, Echocardiogram.,INDICATION: , Aortic stenosis.,INTERPRETATION: , Transthoracic echocardiogram was performed of adequate technical quality. Left ventricle reveals concentric hypertrophy with normal size and dimensions and normal function. Ejection fraction is 60% without any obvious wall motion abnormality. Left atrium and right side chambers are of normal size and dimensions. Aortic root has normal diameter.,Mitral and tricuspid valves are structurally normal except for minimal annular calcification. Valvular leaflet excursion is adequate. Aortic valve reveals annular calcification. Fibrocalcific valve leaflets with decreased excursion. Atrial and ventricular septum are intact. Pericardium is intact without any effusion. No obvious intracardiac mass or thrombi noted.,Doppler reveals mild mitral regurgitation, mild-to-moderate tricuspid regurgitation. Estimated pulmonary pressure of 48. Systolic consistent with mild-to-moderate pulmonary hypertension. Peak velocity across the aortic valve is 3.0 with a peak gradient of 37, mean gradient of 19, valve area calculated at 1.1 sq. cm consistent with moderate aortic stenosis.,IN SUMMARY:,1. Concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle with normal function.,2. Doppler study as above, most pronounced being moderate aortic stenosis, valve area of 1.1 sq. cm.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Carpal tunnel syndrome, bilateral.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome, bilateral.,ANESTHESIA:, General,NAME OF OPERATION: , Bilateral open carpal tunnel release.,FINDINGS AT OPERATION: , The patient had identical, very thick, transverse carpal ligaments, with dull synovium.,PROCEDURE: ,Under satisfactory anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped in a routine manner on both upper extremities. The right upper extremity was exsanguinated, and the tourniquet inflated. A curved incision was made at the the ulnar base, carried through the subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia, down to the transverse carpal ligament. This was divided under direct vision along its ulnar border, and wound closed with interrupted nylon. The wound was injected, and a dry, sterile dressing was applied. An identical procedure was done to the opposite side. The patient left the operating room in satisfactory condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Pelvic pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Pelvic pain.,2. Pelvic endometriosis.,3. Pelvic adhesions.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Laparoscopy.,2. Harmonic scalpel ablation of endometriosis.,3. Lysis of adhesions.,4. Cervical dilation.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,SPECIMEN: ,Peritoneal biopsy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Scant.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,FINDINGS: , On bimanual exam, the patient has a small, anteverted, and freely mobile uterus with no adnexal masses. Laparoscopically, the patient has large omental to anterior abdominal wall adhesions along the left side of the abdomen extending down to the left adnexa. There are adhesions involving the right ovary to the anterior abdominal wall and the bowel. There are also adhesions from the omentum to the anterior abdominal wall near the liver. The uterus and ovaries appear within normal limits other than the adhesions. The left fallopian tube grossly appeared within normal limits. The right fallopian tube was not well visualized but appeared grossly scarred and no tubal end was visualized. There was a large area of endometriosis, approximately 1 cm wide in the left ovarian fossa and there was a small spot of endometriosis in the posterior cul-de-sac. There was also vesicular appearing endometriosis lesion in the posterior cul-de-sac.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken in the operating room and generalized anesthetic was administered. She was then positioned in the dorsal lithotomy position and prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. After exam under anesthetic, weighted speculum was placed in the vagina. The anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with vulsellum tenaculum. The uterus was sounded and then was serially dilated with Hank dilators to a size 10 Hank, then the uterine manipulator was inserted and attached to the anterior lip of the cervix. At this point, the vulsellum tenaculum was removed along with the weighted speculum and attention was turned towards the abdomen. An approximately 2 cm incision was made immediately inferior to the umbilicus with the skin knife. The superior aspect of the umbilicus was grasped with a towel clamp. The abdomen was tented up and a Veress needle inserted through this incision. When the Veress needle was felt to be in place, deep position was checked by placing saline in the needle. This was seen to freely drop in the abdomen so it was connected to CO2 gas. Again, this was started at the lowest setting, was seen to flow freely, so it was advanced to the high setting. The abdomen was then insufflated to an adequate distention. Once an adequate distention was reached, the CO2 gas was disconnected. The Veress needle was removed and a size #11 step trocar was placed. Next, the laparoscope was inserted through this port. The medial port was connected to CO2 gas. Next, a 1 cm incision was made in the midline approximately 2 fingerbreadths above the pubic symphysis. Through this, a Veress needle was inserted followed by size #5 step trocar and this procedure was repeated under direct visualization on the right upper quadrant lateral to the umbilicus and a size #5 trocar was also placed. Next, a grasper was placed through the suprapubic port. This was used to grasp the bowel that was adhesed to the right ovary and the Harmonic scalpel was then used to lyse these adhesions. Bowel was carefully examined afterwards and no injuries or bleeding were seen. Next, the adhesions touching the right ovary and anterior abdominal wall were lysed with the Harmonic scalpel and this was done without difficulty. There was a small amount of bleeding from the anterior abdominal wall peritoneum. This was ablated with the Harmonic scalpel. The Harmonic scalpel was used to lyse and ablate the endometriosis in the left ovarian fossa and the posterior cul-de-sac. Both of these areas were seen to be hemostatic. Next, a grasper was placed and was used to bluntly remove the vesicular lesion from the posterior cul-de-sac. This was sent to pathology. Next, the pelvis was copiously irrigated with the Nezhat dorsi suction irrigator and the irrigator was removed. It was seen to be completely hemostatic. Next, the two size #5 ports were removed under direct visualization. The camera was removed. The abdomen was desufflated. The size #11 introducer was replaced and the #11 port was removed.,Next, all the ports were closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular interrupted fashion. The incisions were dressed with Steri-Strips and bandaged appropriately and the patient was taken to recovery in stable condition and she will be discharged home today with Darvocet for pain and she will follow-up in one week in the clinic for pathology results and to have a postoperative check.
HISTORY:, A 55-year-old female presents self-referred for the possibility of evaluation and treatment of allergies, diminished taste, xerostomia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, possible food allergies, chronic GI irritability, asthma, and environmental inhalant allergies. Please refer to chart for history and physical and review of systems and detailed medical history.,IMPRESSION: ,1. Chronic glossitis/xerostomia/probable environmental inhalant allergies/probable food allergies/history of asthma.,2. History of fibromyalgia.,3. History of peptic ulcer disease, history of gastritis, history of gastroesophageal disease.,4. History of chronic fatigue.,5. History of hypothyroidism.,6. History of depression.,7. History of dysphagia.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , RAST allergy testing was ordered for food allergy evaluation. The patient had previous allergy testing done less than one year ago iby Dr. X, which was requested. The patient will follow up after RAST allergy testing for further treatment recommendations. At this point, no changes in her medication were prescribed until her followup visit.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right carotid stenosis.,2. Prior cerebrovascular accident.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right carotid stenosis.,2. Prior cerebrovascular accident.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Right carotid endarterectomy with patch angioplasty.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,250 cc.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The common and internal carotid arteries were opened. A high-grade narrowing was present at the proximal internal carotid and this tapered well to a slightly small diameter internal carotid. This was repaired with a Dacron patch and the patient tolerated this well under regional anesthetic without need for shunting.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in supine position, prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner with Betadine solution. Longitudinal incisions were made along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, carried down through subcutaneous fat and fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery. The platysmal muscle was divided. The carotid sheath was identified and opened. The vagus nerve, ansa cervicalis, and hypoglossal nerves were identified and avoided. The common internal and external carotids were then freed from the surrounding tissue. At this point, 10,000 units of aqueous heparin were administered and allowed to take effect. The external and common carotids were then clamped. The patient's neurological status was evaluated and found to be unchanged from preoperative levels.,Once sufficient time had lapsed, we proceeded with the procedure. The carotid bulb was opened with a #11 blade and extended with Potts scissors through the very tight lesion into normal internal carotid. The plaque was then sharply excised proximally and an eversion endarterectomy was performed successfully at the external. The plaque tapered nicely on the internal and no tacking sutures were necessary. Heparinized saline was injected and no evidence of flapping or other debris was noted. The remaining carotid was examined under magnification, which showed no debris of flaps present. At this point, a Dacron patch was brought on to the field, cut to appropriate length and size, and anastomosed to the artery using #6-0 Prolene in a running fashion. Prior to the time of last stitch, the internal carotid was back-bled through this. The last stitch was tied. Hemostasis was excellent. The internal was again gently occluded while flow was restored to the common and external carotids for several moments and then flow was restored to the entire system. At this point, a total of 50 mg of Protamine was administered and allowed to take effect. Hemostasis was excellent. The wound was irrigated with antibiotic solution and closed in layers using #3-0 Vicryl and #4-0 undyed Vicryl. The patient was then taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition after tolerating the procedure well. Sponge, needles, and instrument count were correct. Estimated blood loss was 250 cc.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Invasive carcinoma of left breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Invasive carcinoma of left breast.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Left modified radical mastectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,INDICATION FOR THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 52-year-old female who recently underwent a left breast biopsy and was found to have invasive carcinoma of the left breast. The patient was elected to have a left modified radical mastectomy, she was not interested in a partial mastectomy. She is aware of the risks and complications of surgery, and wished to proceed.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room. She underwent general endotracheal anesthetic. The TED stockings and venous compression devices were placed on both lower extremities and they were functioning well. The patient's left anterior chest wall, neck, axilla, and left arm were prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The recent biopsy site was located in the upper and outer quadrant of left breast. The plain incision was marked along the skin. Tissues and the flaps were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine solution and then a transverse elliptical incision was made in the breast of the skin to include nipple areolar complex as well as the recent biopsy site. The flaps were raised superiorly and just below the clavicle medially to the sternum, laterally towards the latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominus fascia. Following this, the breast tissue along with the pectoralis major fascia were dissected off the pectoralis major muscle. The dissection was started medially and extended laterally towards the left axilla. The breast was removed and then the axillary contents were dissected out. Left axillary vein and artery were identified and preserved as well as the lung _____. The patient had several clinically palpable lymph nodes, they were removed with the axillary dissection. Care was taken to avoid injury to any of the above mentioned neurovascular structures. After the tissues were irrigated, we made sure there were no signs of bleeding. Hemostasis had been achieved with Hemoclips. Hemovac drains x2 were then brought in and placed under the left axilla as well as in the superior and inferior breast flaps. The subcu was then approximated with interrupted 4-0 Vicryl sutures and skin with clips. The drains were sutured to the chest wall with 3-0 nylon sutures. Dressing was applied and the procedure was completed. The patient went to the recovery room in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Ganglion of the left wrist.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Ganglion of the left wrist.,OPERATION: , Excision of ganglion.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 5 mL.,OPERATION: , After a successful anesthetic, the patient was positioned on the operating table. A tourniquet applied to the upper arm. The extremity was prepped in a usual manner for a surgical procedure and draped off. The superficial vessels were exsanguinated with an elastic wrap and the tourniquet was then inflated to the usual arm pressure. A curved incision was made over the presenting ganglion over the dorsal aspect of the wrist. By blunt and sharp dissection, it was dissected out from underneath the extensor tendons and the stalk appeared to arise from the distal radiocapitellar joint and the dorsal capsule was excised along with the ganglion and the specimen was removed and submitted. The small superficial vessels were electrocoagulated and instilled after closing the skin with 4-0 Prolene, into the area was approximately 6 to 7 mL of 0.25 Marcaine with epinephrine. A Jackson-Pratt drain was inserted and then after the tourniquet was released, it was kept deflated until at least 5 to 10 minutes had passed and then it was activated and then removed in the recovery room. The dressings applied to the hand were that of Xeroform, 4x4s, ABD, Kerlix, and elastic wrap over a volar fiberglass splint. The tourniquet was released. Circulation returned to the fingers. The patient then was allowed to awaken and left the operating room in good condition.