mzozulia's picture
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"WOZ2_0--train--1": {
"original dialog id": 0,
"dialog index": 1,
"original dialog info": {},
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Are there any eritrean restaurants in town?",
"system response": "No, there are no eritrean restaurants in town. Would you like a different restaurant? ",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"Are there any eritrean restaurants in town?",
"turn_idx": 0,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Are there any eritrean restaurants in town?"
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "restaurant food eritrean",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food eritrean"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "How about Chinese food?",
"system response": "There is a wide variety of Chinese restaurants, do you have an area preference or a price preference to narrow it down?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Are there any eritrean restaurants in town? <SYSTEM> No, there are no eritrean restaurants in town. Would you like a different restaurant? ",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"How about Chinese food?",
"turn_idx": 1,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "How about Chinese food?"
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": [
"dst": "restaurant food chinese",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food chinese"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "I would like the East part of town.",
"system response": "Yu Garden is a chinese restaurant in the east area.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Are there any eritrean restaurants in town? <SYSTEM> No, there are no eritrean restaurants in town. Would you like a different restaurant? <USER> How about Chinese food? <SYSTEM> There is a wide variety of Chinese restaurants, do you have an area preference or a price preference to narrow it down?",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"I would like the East part of town.",
"turn_idx": 2,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "I would like the East part of town."
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "restaurant area east",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food chinese, restaurant area east"
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Could I get the address, phone number, and postcode of Yu Garden?",
"system response": "Phone is 01223 248882, address and postcode are 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton C.B 5, 8 P.A",
"dialog history": "<USER> Are there any eritrean restaurants in town? <SYSTEM> No, there are no eritrean restaurants in town. Would you like a different restaurant? <USER> How about Chinese food? <SYSTEM> There is a wide variety of Chinese restaurants, do you have an area preference or a price preference to narrow it down? <USER> I would like the East part of town. <SYSTEM> Yu Garden is a chinese restaurant in the east area.",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"Could I get the address, phone number, and postcode of Yu Garden?",
"turn_idx": 3,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Could I get the address, phone number, and postcode of Yu Garden?"
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food chinese, restaurant area east"
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "Thank you. That is all the information I needed. Bye bye!",
"system response": "",
"dialog history": "<USER> Are there any eritrean restaurants in town? <SYSTEM> No, there are no eritrean restaurants in town. Would you like a different restaurant? <USER> How about Chinese food? <SYSTEM> There is a wide variety of Chinese restaurants, do you have an area preference or a price preference to narrow it down? <USER> I would like the East part of town. <SYSTEM> Yu Garden is a chinese restaurant in the east area. <USER> Could I get the address, phone number, and postcode of Yu Garden? <SYSTEM> Phone is 01223 248882, address and postcode are 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton C.B 5, 8 P.A",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [],
"asr": [
"Thank you. That is all the information I needed. Bye bye!",
"turn_idx": 4,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Thank you. That is all the information I needed. Bye bye!"
"original system side information": {},
"dst": "",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food chinese, restaurant area east"
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {
"restaurant": {
"food": [
"north american",
"area": [
"east side",
"price range": [
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "()",
"dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( italian | north american | australian | spanish | persian | greek | corsica | romanian | singaporean | traditional ) | area : ( north | dontcare | centre | south | east side | east | center | west ) | price range : ( dontcare | cheap | expensive | moderate )))",
"intent knowledge": "()",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."
"WOZ2_0--train--2": {
"original dialog id": 1,
"dialog index": 2,
"original dialog info": {},
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant.",
"system response": "There are no German restaurants listed, do you have another preference?",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant.",
"turn_idx": 0,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant."
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": [
"dst": "restaurant food german",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food german"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "How about European yeah? ",
"system response": "Which area of town?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant. <SYSTEM> There are no German restaurants listed, do you have another preference?",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"How about European yeah? ",
"turn_idx": 1,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "How about European yeah? "
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": [
"dst": "restaurant food european",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food european"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "I don't care.",
"system response": "There are ten restaurants that fit that description. Do you have a price preference?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant. <SYSTEM> There are no German restaurants listed, do you have another preference? <USER> How about European yeah? <SYSTEM> Which area of town?",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"I don't care.",
"turn_idx": 2,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "I don't care."
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": [
"price range"
"dst": "restaurant area dontcare",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food european, restaurant area dontcare"
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Can I have the address, phone number, and area for the most expensive one?",
"system response": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is listed as expensive in the west area located at \t Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. Their phone number is\t 01223 355166. ",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant. <SYSTEM> There are no German restaurants listed, do you have another preference? <USER> How about European yeah? <SYSTEM> Which area of town? <USER> I don't care. <SYSTEM> There are ten restaurants that fit that description. Do you have a price preference?",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"price range",
"asr": [
"Can I have the address, phone number, and area for the most expensive one?",
"turn_idx": 3,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Can I have the address, phone number, and area for the most expensive one?"
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "restaurant price_range expensive",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food european, restaurant area dontcare, restaurant price_range expensive"
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "Thank you goodbye",
"system response": "",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant. <SYSTEM> There are no German restaurants listed, do you have another preference? <USER> How about European yeah? <SYSTEM> Which area of town? <USER> I don't care. <SYSTEM> There are ten restaurants that fit that description. Do you have a price preference? <USER> Can I have the address, phone number, and area for the most expensive one? <SYSTEM> Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is listed as expensive in the west area located at \t Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. Their phone number is\t 01223 355166. ",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [],
"asr": [
"Thank you goodbye",
"turn_idx": 4,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Thank you goodbye"
"original system side information": {},
"dst": "",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food european, restaurant area dontcare, restaurant price_range expensive"
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {
"restaurant": {
"food": [
"north american",
"area": [
"east side",
"price range": [
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "()",
"dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( italian | north american | australian | spanish | persian | greek | corsica | romanian | singaporean | traditional ) | area : ( north | dontcare | centre | south | east side | east | center | west ) | price range : ( dontcare | cheap | expensive | moderate )))",
"intent knowledge": "()",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."
"WOZ2_0--train--3": {
"original dialog id": 2,
"dialog index": 3,
"original dialog info": {},
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "I am looking for a restaurant in the expensive price range that serves Australasian food. ",
"system response": "There are no restaurants matching your requests. May I help you find a different type of restaurant? ",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"price range",
"asr": [
"I am looking for a restaurant in the expensive price range that serves Australasian food. ",
"turn_idx": 0,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant in the expensive price range that serves Australasian food. "
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": [
"dst": "restaurant food australasian, restaurant price_range expensive",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food australasian, restaurant price_range expensive"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "I'd like to find some Mediterranean food and need to know their address and phone number.",
"system response": "There is an expensive restaurant that serves mediterranean food located at Thompsons Lane Fen Ditton. Their phone number is 01223 362525.",
"dialog history": "<USER> I am looking for a restaurant in the expensive price range that serves Australasian food. <SYSTEM> There are no restaurants matching your requests. May I help you find a different type of restaurant? ",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"I'd like to find some Mediterranean food and need to know their address and phone number.",
"turn_idx": 1,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "I'd like to find some Mediterranean food and need to know their address and phone number."
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "restaurant food mediterranean",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food mediterranean, restaurant price_range expensive"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "Thank you!",
"system response": "",
"dialog history": "<USER> I am looking for a restaurant in the expensive price range that serves Australasian food. <SYSTEM> There are no restaurants matching your requests. May I help you find a different type of restaurant? <USER> I'd like to find some Mediterranean food and need to know their address and phone number. <SYSTEM> There is an expensive restaurant that serves mediterranean food located at Thompsons Lane Fen Ditton. Their phone number is 01223 362525.",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [],
"asr": [
"Thank you!",
"turn_idx": 2,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Thank you!"
"original system side information": {},
"dst": "",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant food mediterranean, restaurant price_range expensive"
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {
"restaurant": {
"food": [
"north american",
"area": [
"east side",
"price range": [
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "()",
"dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( italian | north american | australian | spanish | persian | greek | corsica | romanian | singaporean | traditional ) | area : ( north | dontcare | centre | south | east side | east | center | west ) | price range : ( dontcare | cheap | expensive | moderate )))",
"intent knowledge": "()",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."
"WOZ2_0--train--4": {
"original dialog id": 3,
"dialog index": 4,
"original dialog info": {},
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant.",
"system response": "What type of food would you like?",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"price range",
"asr": [
"I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant.",
"turn_idx": 0,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant."
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": [
"dst": "restaurant price_range moderate",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant price_range moderate"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "Turkish food.",
"system response": "I have two restaurants in the Centre area of town. Would you like the information for both?",
"dialog history": "<USER> I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant. <SYSTEM> What type of food would you like?",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"Turkish food.",
"turn_idx": 1,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Turkish food."
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "restaurant food turkish",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant price_range moderate, restaurant food turkish"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "Yes, please give me the one Turkish food restaurant's phone number and address please.",
"system response": "Anatolia is located at 30 Bridge Street City Centre, phone number is 01223 362372",
"dialog history": "<USER> I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant. <SYSTEM> What type of food would you like? <USER> Turkish food. <SYSTEM> I have two restaurants in the Centre area of town. Would you like the information for both?",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"Yes, please give me the one Turkish food restaurant's phone number and address please.",
"turn_idx": 2,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Yes, please give me the one Turkish food restaurant's phone number and address please."
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "restaurant food turkish",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant price_range moderate, restaurant food turkish"
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "thank you. ",
"system response": "",
"dialog history": "<USER> I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant. <SYSTEM> What type of food would you like? <USER> Turkish food. <SYSTEM> I have two restaurants in the Centre area of town. Would you like the information for both? <USER> Yes, please give me the one Turkish food restaurant's phone number and address please. <SYSTEM> Anatolia is located at 30 Bridge Street City Centre, phone number is 01223 362372",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [],
"asr": [
"thank you. ",
"turn_idx": 3,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"price range",
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "thank you. "
"original system side information": {},
"dst": "",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant price_range moderate, restaurant food turkish"
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {
"restaurant": {
"food": [
"north american",
"area": [
"east side",
"price range": [
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "()",
"dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( italian | north american | australian | spanish | persian | greek | corsica | romanian | singaporean | traditional ) | area : ( north | dontcare | centre | south | east side | east | center | west ) | price range : ( dontcare | cheap | expensive | moderate )))",
"intent knowledge": "()",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."
"WOZ2_0--train--5": {
"original dialog id": 4,
"dialog index": 5,
"original dialog info": {},
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Hi I am looking for a persian restaurant in the west part of town. ",
"system response": "I'm sorry I do not have any Persian restaurants listed on the west side. Should I try Persian restaurants in all locations?",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"Hi I am looking for a persian restaurant in the west part of town. ",
"turn_idx": 0,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Hi I am looking for a persian restaurant in the west part of town. "
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": [
"dst": "restaurant area west, restaurant food persian",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant area west, restaurant food persian"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "No thank you. Is there a restaurant with italian food?",
"system response": "Prezzo is on the west side.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi I am looking for a persian restaurant in the west part of town. <SYSTEM> I'm sorry I do not have any Persian restaurants listed on the west side. Should I try Persian restaurants in all locations?",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"No thank you. Is there a restaurant with italian food?",
"turn_idx": 1,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "No thank you. Is there a restaurant with italian food?"
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "restaurant food italian",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant area west, restaurant food italian"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "Great! May I have the phone number please?",
"system response": "The phone number is 01799 521260",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi I am looking for a persian restaurant in the west part of town. <SYSTEM> I'm sorry I do not have any Persian restaurants listed on the west side. Should I try Persian restaurants in all locations? <USER> No thank you. Is there a restaurant with italian food? <SYSTEM> Prezzo is on the west side.",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [
"asr": [
"Great! May I have the phone number please?",
"turn_idx": 2,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "request"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Great! May I have the phone number please?"
"original system side information": {
"system_acts": []
"dst": "",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant area west, restaurant food italian"
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Thanks, good night!",
"system response": "",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi I am looking for a persian restaurant in the west part of town. <SYSTEM> I'm sorry I do not have any Persian restaurants listed on the west side. Should I try Persian restaurants in all locations? <USER> No thank you. Is there a restaurant with italian food? <SYSTEM> Prezzo is on the west side. <USER> Great! May I have the phone number please? <SYSTEM> The phone number is 01799 521260",
"original user side information": {
"turn_label": [],
"asr": [
"Thanks, good night!",
"turn_idx": 3,
"belief_state": [
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"slots": [
"act": "inform"
"transcript": "Thanks, good night!"
"original system side information": {},
"dst": "",
"dst accumulated": "restaurant area west, restaurant food italian"
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {
"restaurant": {
"food": [
"north american",
"area": [
"east side",
"price range": [
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "()",
"dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( italian | north american | australian | spanish | persian | greek | corsica | romanian | singaporean | traditional ) | area : ( north | dontcare | centre | south | east side | east | center | west ) | price range : ( dontcare | cheap | expensive | moderate )))",
"intent knowledge": "()",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."