mzozulia's picture
Upload 339 files
"SalesBot--train--1": {
"original dialog id": "merge_0000",
"dialog index": 1,
"original dialog info": {
"intent": {
"type": [
"position": 4
"transition_candidates": [
"You might like to visit places such as Europe?",
"There are some great places and places for you, too,, and I find you might like more travel. I think I've ever seen a tourist attraction. I'm pretty sure I'd appreciate it.",
"Would you like to see it?",
"Where would you like to go?"
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Guitar is a great instrument. I like to play the piano. What kind of music do you play?",
"system response": "I play a little bit of everything, but my favorite is jazz. What about you?",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "Jazz is great. I love listening to it while traveling. Do you travel much?",
"system response": "No, I don't travel much. I'd like to travel more, though. Where have you traveled to?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Guitar is a great instrument. I like to play the piano. What kind of music do you play? <SYSTEM> I play a little bit of everything, but my favorite is jazz. What about you?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "I've been to a lot of places in Europe and Asia. Where would you like to go?",
"system response": "You might like to visit places such as Europe?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Guitar is a great instrument. I like to play the piano. What kind of music do you play? <SYSTEM> I play a little bit of everything, but my favorite is jazz. What about you? <USER> Jazz is great. I love listening to it while traveling. Do you travel much? <SYSTEM> No, I don't travel much. I'd like to travel more, though. Where have you traveled to?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Thanks. What are some attractions there?",
"system response": "[attraction_name] is a place of worship.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Guitar is a great instrument. I like to play the piano. What kind of music do you play? <SYSTEM> I play a little bit of everything, but my favorite is jazz. What about you? <USER> Jazz is great. I love listening to it while traveling. Do you travel much? <SYSTEM> No, I don't travel much. I'd like to travel more, though. Where have you traveled to? <USER> I've been to a lot of places in Europe and Asia. Where would you like to go? <SYSTEM> You might like to visit places such as Europe?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "That's interesting.",
"system response": "What else do you need?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Guitar is a great instrument. I like to play the piano. What kind of music do you play? <SYSTEM> I play a little bit of everything, but my favorite is jazz. What about you? <USER> Jazz is great. I love listening to it while traveling. Do you travel much? <SYSTEM> No, I don't travel much. I'd like to travel more, though. Where have you traveled to? <USER> I've been to a lot of places in Europe and Asia. Where would you like to go? <SYSTEM> You might like to visit places such as Europe? <USER> Thanks. What are some attractions there? <SYSTEM> [attraction_name] is a place of worship.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 6,
"user utterance": "That was it. Thanks",
"system response": "Have a nice day!",
"dialog history": "<USER> Guitar is a great instrument. I like to play the piano. What kind of music do you play? <SYSTEM> I play a little bit of everything, but my favorite is jazz. What about you? <USER> Jazz is great. I love listening to it while traveling. Do you travel much? <SYSTEM> No, I don't travel much. I'd like to travel more, though. Where have you traveled to? <USER> I've been to a lot of places in Europe and Asia. Where would you like to go? <SYSTEM> You might like to visit places such as Europe? <USER> Thanks. What are some attractions there? <SYSTEM> [attraction_name] is a place of worship. <USER> That's interesting. <SYSTEM> What else do you need?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {},
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "",
"dst knowledge": "",
"intent knowledge": "",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a tourist attraction. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a tourist attraction. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a tourist attraction. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a tourist attraction. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a tourist attraction. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."
"SalesBot--train--2": {
"original dialog id": "merge_0001",
"dialog index": 2,
"original dialog info": {
"intent": {
"type": [
"position": 4
"transition_candidates": [
"What do you do for a living?",
"My dad, not not at all",
"i am a scientist. Do you have any of your hobbies?",
"I love being outdoors. Is this right? I don't love animals. I don't like to talk about people."
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Yes, I do. I work as a camp counselor. What do you do for a living?",
"system response": "I work at a grocery store as a cashier. It's not much, but it pays the bills.",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "That's a good job to have. Do you like it? I love camping, so it works for me.",
"system response": "I do like it. The pay isn't great, but I get to spend time with my family.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Yes, I do. I work as a camp counselor. What do you do for a living? <SYSTEM> I work at a grocery store as a cashier. It's not much, but it pays the bills.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "That's great. Family is important. I don't get to see mine very often.",
"system response": "What do you do for a living?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Yes, I do. I work as a camp counselor. What do you do for a living? <SYSTEM> I work at a grocery store as a cashier. It's not much, but it pays the bills. <USER> That's a good job to have. Do you like it? I love camping, so it works for me. <SYSTEM> I do like it. The pay isn't great, but I get to spend time with my family.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Iain softley mitchell nguyen-mccormick",
"system response": "[count] movie [title] [aggregate_rating]",
"dialog history": "<USER> Yes, I do. I work as a camp counselor. What do you do for a living? <SYSTEM> I work at a grocery store as a cashier. It's not much, but it pays the bills. <USER> That's a good job to have. Do you like it? I love camping, so it works for me. <SYSTEM> I do like it. The pay isn't great, but I get to spend time with my family. <USER> That's great. Family is important. I don't get to see mine very often. <SYSTEM> What do you do for a living?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "baseball is good",
"system response": "any certain preference?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Yes, I do. I work as a camp counselor. What do you do for a living? <SYSTEM> I work at a grocery store as a cashier. It's not much, but it pays the bills. <USER> That's a good job to have. Do you like it? I love camping, so it works for me. <SYSTEM> I do like it. The pay isn't great, but I get to spend time with my family. <USER> That's great. Family is important. I don't get to see mine very often. <SYSTEM> What do you do for a living? <USER> Iain softley mitchell nguyen-mccormick <SYSTEM> [count] movie [title] [aggregate_rating]",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 6,
"user utterance": "games in phoenix, az",
"system response": "[event_name] [event_location] [date] [time]",
"dialog history": "<USER> Yes, I do. I work as a camp counselor. What do you do for a living? <SYSTEM> I work at a grocery store as a cashier. It's not much, but it pays the bills. <USER> That's a good job to have. Do you like it? I love camping, so it works for me. <SYSTEM> I do like it. The pay isn't great, but I get to spend time with my family. <USER> That's great. Family is important. I don't get to see mine very often. <SYSTEM> What do you do for a living? <USER> Iain softley mitchell nguyen-mccormick <SYSTEM> [count] movie [title] [aggregate_rating] <USER> baseball is good <SYSTEM> any certain preference?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 7,
"user utterance": "tell me the address",
"system response": "[address_of_location]",
"dialog history": "<USER> Yes, I do. I work as a camp counselor. What do you do for a living? <SYSTEM> I work at a grocery store as a cashier. It's not much, but it pays the bills. <USER> That's a good job to have. Do you like it? I love camping, so it works for me. <SYSTEM> I do like it. The pay isn't great, but I get to spend time with my family. <USER> That's great. Family is important. I don't get to see mine very often. <SYSTEM> What do you do for a living? <USER> Iain softley mitchell nguyen-mccormick <SYSTEM> [count] movie [title] [aggregate_rating] <USER> baseball is good <SYSTEM> any certain preference? <USER> games in phoenix, az <SYSTEM> [event_name] [event_location] [date] [time]",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 8,
"user utterance": "that sounds good",
"system response": "have a good one",
"dialog history": "<USER> Yes, I do. I work as a camp counselor. What do you do for a living? <SYSTEM> I work at a grocery store as a cashier. It's not much, but it pays the bills. <USER> That's a good job to have. Do you like it? I love camping, so it works for me. <SYSTEM> I do like it. The pay isn't great, but I get to spend time with my family. <USER> That's great. Family is important. I don't get to see mine very often. <SYSTEM> What do you do for a living? <USER> Iain softley mitchell nguyen-mccormick <SYSTEM> [count] movie [title] [aggregate_rating] <USER> baseball is good <SYSTEM> any certain preference? <USER> games in phoenix, az <SYSTEM> [event_name] [event_location] [date] [time] <USER> tell me the address <SYSTEM> [address_of_location]",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {},
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "",
"dst knowledge": "",
"intent knowledge": "",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a movie to watch. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a movie to watch. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a movie to watch. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a movie to watch. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a movie to watch. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."
"SalesBot--train--3": {
"original dialog id": "merge_0002",
"dialog index": 3,
"original dialog info": {
"intent": {
"type": [
"position": 7
"transition_candidates": [
"You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre?",
"At least at a lot of times. It is also great.",
"What else do you enjoy doing in your free time in your free time?",
"It is a lot of fun in your free time. Which city do you like in?"
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time?",
"system response": "I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday.",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian.",
"system response": "I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before?",
"system response": "I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year.",
"system response": "It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time?",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre?",
"system response": "Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO?",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 6,
"user utterance": "There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category].",
"system response": "Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number?",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 7,
"user utterance": "The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children.",
"system response": "Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 8,
"user utterance": "I discovered [count] films. What is your opinion about [movie_name], [movie_name], or [movie_name]?",
"system response": "I'd love captain MArvel. I'd like to see a film I can watch online.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number? <USER> The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children. <SYSTEM> Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 9,
"user utterance": "What sort of films do you enjoy?",
"system response": "I'd love drama films.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number? <USER> The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children. <SYSTEM> Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there. <USER> I discovered [count] films. What is your opinion about [movie_name], [movie_name], or [movie_name]? <SYSTEM> I'd love captain MArvel. I'd like to see a film I can watch online.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 10,
"user utterance": "There are [count] films you may enjoy. Do you enjoy [title], [title], or [title]?",
"system response": "Do you have other alternatives? I enjoy films directed by Tina Gordon. Comedy films would be wonderful.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number? <USER> The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children. <SYSTEM> Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there. <USER> I discovered [count] films. What is your opinion about [movie_name], [movie_name], or [movie_name]? <SYSTEM> I'd love captain MArvel. I'd like to see a film I can watch online. <USER> What sort of films do you enjoy? <SYSTEM> I'd love drama films.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 11,
"user utterance": "There is [count] film you may enjoy; what do you think about [title]?",
"system response": "I'd love Little. I'd like to watch the film now.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number? <USER> The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children. <SYSTEM> Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there. <USER> I discovered [count] films. What is your opinion about [movie_name], [movie_name], or [movie_name]? <SYSTEM> I'd love captain MArvel. I'd like to see a film I can watch online. <USER> What sort of films do you enjoy? <SYSTEM> I'd love drama films. <USER> There are [count] films you may enjoy. Do you enjoy [title], [title], or [title]? <SYSTEM> Do you have other alternatives? I enjoy films directed by Tina Gordon. Comedy films would be wonderful.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 12,
"user utterance": "Please verify the following information: play [title] with no subtitles.",
"system response": "Alright, please do so.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number? <USER> The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children. <SYSTEM> Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there. <USER> I discovered [count] films. What is your opinion about [movie_name], [movie_name], or [movie_name]? <SYSTEM> I'd love captain MArvel. I'd like to see a film I can watch online. <USER> What sort of films do you enjoy? <SYSTEM> I'd love drama films. <USER> There are [count] films you may enjoy. Do you enjoy [title], [title], or [title]? <SYSTEM> Do you have other alternatives? I enjoy films directed by Tina Gordon. Comedy films would be wonderful. <USER> There is [count] film you may enjoy; what do you think about [title]? <SYSTEM> I'd love Little. I'd like to watch the film now.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 13,
"user utterance": "The film began playing",
"system response": "Thank you for your help.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number? <USER> The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children. <SYSTEM> Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there. <USER> I discovered [count] films. What is your opinion about [movie_name], [movie_name], or [movie_name]? <SYSTEM> I'd love captain MArvel. I'd like to see a film I can watch online. <USER> What sort of films do you enjoy? <SYSTEM> I'd love drama films. <USER> There are [count] films you may enjoy. Do you enjoy [title], [title], or [title]? <SYSTEM> Do you have other alternatives? I enjoy films directed by Tina Gordon. Comedy films would be wonderful. <USER> There is [count] film you may enjoy; what do you think about [title]? <SYSTEM> I'd love Little. I'd like to watch the film now. <USER> Please verify the following information: play [title] with no subtitles. <SYSTEM> Alright, please do so.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 14,
"user utterance": "Is there anything else I can assist with?",
"system response": "Nope, thank you for your help.",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number? <USER> The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children. <SYSTEM> Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there. <USER> I discovered [count] films. What is your opinion about [movie_name], [movie_name], or [movie_name]? <SYSTEM> I'd love captain MArvel. I'd like to see a film I can watch online. <USER> What sort of films do you enjoy? <SYSTEM> I'd love drama films. <USER> There are [count] films you may enjoy. Do you enjoy [title], [title], or [title]? <SYSTEM> Do you have other alternatives? I enjoy films directed by Tina Gordon. Comedy films would be wonderful. <USER> There is [count] film you may enjoy; what do you think about [title]? <SYSTEM> I'd love Little. I'd like to watch the film now. <USER> Please verify the following information: play [title] with no subtitles. <SYSTEM> Alright, please do so. <USER> The film began playing <SYSTEM> Thank you for your help.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 15,
"user utterance": "Have a pleasant afternoon.",
"system response": "",
"dialog history": "<USER> That would be nice. I love to cook. What do you like to do in your spare time? <SYSTEM> I enjoy dressing up and going out to eat. I think I'll be famous someday. <USER> That sounds like a lot of fun. What kind of food do you dress up as? I love Italian. <SYSTEM> I love italian as well. I usually dress up in costumes for Halloween. <USER> That sounds fun. Do you have a favorite costume that you've dressed up as before? <SYSTEM> I love dressing as a pirate. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is christmas. <USER> I love christmas too. I also love halloween. It's my favorite time of year. <SYSTEM> It is a great time of the year. What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? <USER> You like the time you're staying there. How about the theatre? <SYSTEM> Could you tell me several attractions to go to, preferably in SFO? <USER> There are [count] attractions you might like. I recommend going to [attraction_name], which is a [category]. <SYSTEM> Is the location child-friendly? Can you tell me its contact number? <USER> The contact number is [phone_number], and the location is not friendly to children. <SYSTEM> Alright, fine. I'd like to watch a film near there. <USER> I discovered [count] films. What is your opinion about [movie_name], [movie_name], or [movie_name]? <SYSTEM> I'd love captain MArvel. I'd like to see a film I can watch online. <USER> What sort of films do you enjoy? <SYSTEM> I'd love drama films. <USER> There are [count] films you may enjoy. Do you enjoy [title], [title], or [title]? <SYSTEM> Do you have other alternatives? I enjoy films directed by Tina Gordon. Comedy films would be wonderful. <USER> There is [count] film you may enjoy; what do you think about [title]? <SYSTEM> I'd love Little. I'd like to watch the film now. <USER> Please verify the following information: play [title] with no subtitles. <SYSTEM> Alright, please do so. <USER> The film began playing <SYSTEM> Thank you for your help. <USER> Is there anything else I can assist with? <SYSTEM> Nope, thank you for your help.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {},
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "",
"dst knowledge": "",
"intent knowledge": "",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a tourist attraction. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a tourist attraction. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a tourist attraction. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a tourist attraction. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a tourist attraction. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."
"SalesBot--train--4": {
"original dialog id": "merge_0003",
"dialog index": 4,
"original dialog info": {
"intent": {
"type": [
"position": 5
"transition_candidates": [
"Your music will work for you! You like the rolling stones. You can find the song!",
"Yes you prefer music from the guitarist is the rolling stones. And what is your favorite music?",
"No. You are not playing in the wwba, you may have a favorite playing the wwwma. Your first song has hit many other, the rolling stones awwnns. You could play it in the ww mvba.",
"your band is the rolling stones, the rock band is a rock band, a band that's a classic - that's my favorite band,."
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you?",
"system response": "I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes.",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies to keep your mind off of it?",
"system response": "I like to listen to rock music and go to the gym. What do you like to do?",
"dialog history": "<USER> I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you? <SYSTEM> I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "I enjoy sewing my own clothes. It is relaxing. What kind of music do you listen to?",
"system response": "I like all kinds of music. My favorite band is the rolling stones. What is your favorite band?",
"dialog history": "<USER> I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you? <SYSTEM> I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes. <USER> I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies to keep your mind off of it? <SYSTEM> I like to listen to rock music and go to the gym. What do you like to do?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Your music will work for you! You like the rolling stones. You can find the song!",
"system response": "Thanks for your help. Now help me find a song to listen to, maybe something throwback from nine years ago, I wanna hear an Electropop song from the album Free Wired",
"dialog history": "<USER> I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you? <SYSTEM> I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes. <USER> I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies to keep your mind off of it? <SYSTEM> I like to listen to rock music and go to the gym. What do you like to do? <USER> I enjoy sewing my own clothes. It is relaxing. What kind of music do you listen to? <SYSTEM> I like all kinds of music. My favorite band is the rolling stones. What is your favorite band?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "I found [count] song by [artist] called [track] from their album [album]",
"system response": "Yup that's good, play it on my living room speaker",
"dialog history": "<USER> I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you? <SYSTEM> I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes. <USER> I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies to keep your mind off of it? <SYSTEM> I like to listen to rock music and go to the gym. What do you like to do? <USER> I enjoy sewing my own clothes. It is relaxing. What kind of music do you listen to? <SYSTEM> I like all kinds of music. My favorite band is the rolling stones. What is your favorite band? <USER> Your music will work for you! You like the rolling stones. You can find the song! <SYSTEM> Thanks for your help. Now help me find a song to listen to, maybe something throwback from nine years ago, I wanna hear an Electropop song from the album Free Wired",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 6,
"user utterance": "Please confirm you want to play [track] in your living room",
"system response": "Yes that's good for now",
"dialog history": "<USER> I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you? <SYSTEM> I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes. <USER> I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies to keep your mind off of it? <SYSTEM> I like to listen to rock music and go to the gym. What do you like to do? <USER> I enjoy sewing my own clothes. It is relaxing. What kind of music do you listen to? <SYSTEM> I like all kinds of music. My favorite band is the rolling stones. What is your favorite band? <USER> Your music will work for you! You like the rolling stones. You can find the song! <SYSTEM> Thanks for your help. Now help me find a song to listen to, maybe something throwback from nine years ago, I wanna hear an Electropop song from the album Free Wired <USER> I found [count] song by [artist] called [track] from their album [album] <SYSTEM> Yup that's good, play it on my living room speaker",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 7,
"user utterance": "Enjoy the song!",
"system response": "Thanks so much",
"dialog history": "<USER> I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you? <SYSTEM> I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes. <USER> I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies to keep your mind off of it? <SYSTEM> I like to listen to rock music and go to the gym. What do you like to do? <USER> I enjoy sewing my own clothes. It is relaxing. What kind of music do you listen to? <SYSTEM> I like all kinds of music. My favorite band is the rolling stones. What is your favorite band? <USER> Your music will work for you! You like the rolling stones. You can find the song! <SYSTEM> Thanks for your help. Now help me find a song to listen to, maybe something throwback from nine years ago, I wanna hear an Electropop song from the album Free Wired <USER> I found [count] song by [artist] called [track] from their album [album] <SYSTEM> Yup that's good, play it on my living room speaker <USER> Please confirm you want to play [track] in your living room <SYSTEM> Yes that's good for now",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 8,
"user utterance": "What else can I do",
"system response": "Nothing else for now, thanks agian",
"dialog history": "<USER> I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you? <SYSTEM> I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes. <USER> I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies to keep your mind off of it? <SYSTEM> I like to listen to rock music and go to the gym. What do you like to do? <USER> I enjoy sewing my own clothes. It is relaxing. What kind of music do you listen to? <SYSTEM> I like all kinds of music. My favorite band is the rolling stones. What is your favorite band? <USER> Your music will work for you! You like the rolling stones. You can find the song! <SYSTEM> Thanks for your help. Now help me find a song to listen to, maybe something throwback from nine years ago, I wanna hear an Electropop song from the album Free Wired <USER> I found [count] song by [artist] called [track] from their album [album] <SYSTEM> Yup that's good, play it on my living room speaker <USER> Please confirm you want to play [track] in your living room <SYSTEM> Yes that's good for now <USER> Enjoy the song! <SYSTEM> Thanks so much",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 9,
"user utterance": "Sure thing, have a wonderful day",
"system response": "",
"dialog history": "<USER> I gained a lot of weight. I am trying to get back in shape. How about you? <SYSTEM> I'm trying to lose weight as well. It's hard when you have diabetes. <USER> I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies to keep your mind off of it? <SYSTEM> I like to listen to rock music and go to the gym. What do you like to do? <USER> I enjoy sewing my own clothes. It is relaxing. What kind of music do you listen to? <SYSTEM> I like all kinds of music. My favorite band is the rolling stones. What is your favorite band? <USER> Your music will work for you! You like the rolling stones. You can find the song! <SYSTEM> Thanks for your help. Now help me find a song to listen to, maybe something throwback from nine years ago, I wanna hear an Electropop song from the album Free Wired <USER> I found [count] song by [artist] called [track] from their album [album] <SYSTEM> Yup that's good, play it on my living room speaker <USER> Please confirm you want to play [track] in your living room <SYSTEM> Yes that's good for now <USER> Enjoy the song! <SYSTEM> Thanks so much <USER> What else can I do <SYSTEM> Nothing else for now, thanks agian",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {},
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "",
"dst knowledge": "",
"intent knowledge": "",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find and play a song. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find and play a song. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find and play a song. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find and play a song. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find and play a song. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."
"SalesBot--train--5": {
"original dialog id": "merge_0004",
"dialog index": 5,
"original dialog info": {
"intent": {
"type": [
"position": 1
"transition_candidates": [
"You want to visit [attraction_name]",
"How about that? What city?",
"Sure, there are, there are a few things that people love that. I didn't go to the city, but I found it to be quite touristy.",
"I thought I had to check out a city that had a city, though, that was not really the city I envisioned it."
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States.",
"system response": "Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US.",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "You want to visit [attraction_name]",
"system response": "show me good attractions",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US.",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "where should I look for attractions?",
"system response": "Look for Chicago attractions",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US. <USER> You want to visit [attraction_name] <SYSTEM> show me good attractions",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Look for [attraction_name] which is a tourist attraction",
"system response": "is it child friendly and what is their phone?",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US. <USER> You want to visit [attraction_name] <SYSTEM> show me good attractions <USER> where should I look for attractions? <SYSTEM> Look for Chicago attractions",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "The number is [phone_number] and it's nice.",
"system response": "How is the weather on 9th of March?",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US. <USER> You want to visit [attraction_name] <SYSTEM> show me good attractions <USER> where should I look for attractions? <SYSTEM> Look for Chicago attractions <USER> Look for [attraction_name] which is a tourist attraction <SYSTEM> is it child friendly and what is their phone?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 6,
"user utterance": "Average temperature is [temperature] degrees and [precipitation] percent chance of rain",
"system response": "I need a cab for two",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US. <USER> You want to visit [attraction_name] <SYSTEM> show me good attractions <USER> where should I look for attractions? <SYSTEM> Look for Chicago attractions <USER> Look for [attraction_name] which is a tourist attraction <SYSTEM> is it child friendly and what is their phone? <USER> The number is [phone_number] and it's nice. <SYSTEM> How is the weather on 9th of March?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 7,
"user utterance": "Confirm [destination] for [number_of_riders] people and I need a cab.",
"system response": "Yes, how long and how much?",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US. <USER> You want to visit [attraction_name] <SYSTEM> show me good attractions <USER> where should I look for attractions? <SYSTEM> Look for Chicago attractions <USER> Look for [attraction_name] which is a tourist attraction <SYSTEM> is it child friendly and what is their phone? <USER> The number is [phone_number] and it's nice. <SYSTEM> How is the weather on 9th of March? <USER> Average temperature is [temperature] degrees and [precipitation] percent chance of rain <SYSTEM> I need a cab for two",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 8,
"user utterance": "Ride for [ride_fare] is booked and it will be [approximate_ride_duration] minutes.",
"system response": "Thank you very much",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US. <USER> You want to visit [attraction_name] <SYSTEM> show me good attractions <USER> where should I look for attractions? <SYSTEM> Look for Chicago attractions <USER> Look for [attraction_name] which is a tourist attraction <SYSTEM> is it child friendly and what is their phone? <USER> The number is [phone_number] and it's nice. <SYSTEM> How is the weather on 9th of March? <USER> Average temperature is [temperature] degrees and [precipitation] percent chance of rain <SYSTEM> I need a cab for two <USER> Confirm [destination] for [number_of_riders] people and I need a cab. <SYSTEM> Yes, how long and how much?",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 9,
"user utterance": "Do you really need anything else?",
"system response": "No thank you",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US. <USER> You want to visit [attraction_name] <SYSTEM> show me good attractions <USER> where should I look for attractions? <SYSTEM> Look for Chicago attractions <USER> Look for [attraction_name] which is a tourist attraction <SYSTEM> is it child friendly and what is their phone? <USER> The number is [phone_number] and it's nice. <SYSTEM> How is the weather on 9th of March? <USER> Average temperature is [temperature] degrees and [precipitation] percent chance of rain <SYSTEM> I need a cab for two <USER> Confirm [destination] for [number_of_riders] people and I need a cab. <SYSTEM> Yes, how long and how much? <USER> Ride for [ride_fare] is booked and it will be [approximate_ride_duration] minutes. <SYSTEM> Thank you very much",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"turn id": 10,
"user utterance": "Have a good one",
"system response": "",
"dialog history": "<USER> I've never been to Chicago, but I've always wanted to go. It's the most populous city in the United States. <SYSTEM> Chicago is a great place to visit. It is the third-largest metropolitan area in the US. <USER> You want to visit [attraction_name] <SYSTEM> show me good attractions <USER> where should I look for attractions? <SYSTEM> Look for Chicago attractions <USER> Look for [attraction_name] which is a tourist attraction <SYSTEM> is it child friendly and what is their phone? <USER> The number is [phone_number] and it's nice. <SYSTEM> How is the weather on 9th of March? <USER> Average temperature is [temperature] degrees and [precipitation] percent chance of rain <SYSTEM> I need a cab for two <USER> Confirm [destination] for [number_of_riders] people and I need a cab. <SYSTEM> Yes, how long and how much? <USER> Ride for [ride_fare] is booked and it will be [approximate_ride_duration] minutes. <SYSTEM> Thank you very much <USER> Do you really need anything else? <SYSTEM> No thank you",
"original user side information": {},
"original system side information": {}
"external knowledge non-flat": {
"metadata": {},
"slots and values": {},
"intents": {}
"external knowledge": "",
"dst knowledge": "",
"intent knowledge": "",
"prompt": [
"This is a bot helping users to find a tourist attraction. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"This bot assists users to find a tourist attraction. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.",
"This bot helps users to find a tourist attraction. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.",
"The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a tourist attraction. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.",
"This bot is designed to help users find a tourist attraction. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user."