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"Recap": [
"Adam calls Stuart and tries to set up a time for them to have coffee together . Hannah comes in with a fol@@ der in her hand and tells Adam that she had what he wanted , Zach 's head on a plat@@ ter . Jack visits Greenlee and in@@ qu@@ ires if she trusts him . J.R. visits Babe , b@@ earing gifts . He lets her know what had happened and how Amanda had set him up , and that Adam had known about it all along . Kendall is brought into an interrogation room . Zach walks up to the door and asks her why is she throwing everything away . Jack comes into the room and tells Kendall that he would like to represent her . Aidan visits Greenlee . Greenlee tells him that she thinks everyone had done a 18@@ 0 . Aidan was friends with Kendall and Greenlee was friends with Zach . Greenlee ca n't understand why Kendall is doing this . Hannah fills Adam in on what she had done to Zach and how everything now belongs to Adam . In putting the presents under the tree , J.R. finds one to Richie from Babe . Richie 's doc from the prison visits him . Richie lets him know that he has chosen the day in which he is going to die , but he is leaving the insurance money to Babe instead of him ."
"Transcript": [
"[ Knock on door ]",
"J.R. : Hey .",
"Babe : Hey .",
"J.R. : Can I come in ? Since I 'm no longer a suspe@@ cted criminal , I figured we could do a more personal Christmas a little later on .",
"Babe : Yeah . Yeah , come on in .",
"J.R. : All right .",
"Babe : So , what happened , J.R. ? I mean , did you finally remember where you were the night Zach was hit ?",
"J.R. : With a little help from my mom . It 's a long story .",
"Babe : So --",
"J.R. : Well , a gentleman 's not supposed to kiss and tell , but I guess it depends on who the lady is . I was with Amanda , I was drunk as a sk@@ unk , and I told her every rotten thing that I 've ever done .",
"Babe : And she never said anything ?",
"J.R. : Pa@@ y@@ back is sweet .",
"Babe : That bitch !",
"J.R. : I 'm not going to argue with you on that one . But you want to know what the best part is ? The che@@ r@@ ry on top of the Christmas pie ? Guess who else knew the truth and buried it like a bone in the back@@ yard ?",
"Babe : You 're kidding .",
"J.R. : Nope . Thanks again , Dad , for everything .",
"Adam : Hello , Stuart , it 's your brother . Um -- I did n't call you to wish you Happy New Year yesterday , and so I 'm -- I 'm calling today to wish you Happy New Year . Perhaps , if you get this message in time , you could come up for a cup of coffee , or whatever . I 'm sure I can fit you into my schedule .",
"[ Adam hangs up ]",
"Adam : Well , look who 's here . What do you want , Hannah ? What 's this ?",
"Hannah : Zach 's head on a plat@@ ter , just like you asked , boss .",
"Jack : Sweetheart , you -- you do trust me , do n't you ?",
"Greenlee : Of course , absolutely .",
"Jack : Good . Good , I want you to keep that in mind when I tell you what I want to do .",
"Greenlee : Ok .",
"Jack : And I want you to keep in mind that I 'm doing it for you .",
"Greenlee : Am I going to like this , Dad ?",
"Jack : I do n't know . It has to do with Kendall .",
"Officer : Have a seat .",
"Kendall : Zach , you should n't be out of the hospital .",
"Zach : And you should n't be here . You should be at home with our kids .",
"Kendall : Please -- please , please , do n't do this .",
"Zach : Why did n't you listen to me ?",
"Kendall : I told you that I needed to do this .",
"Zach : Yeah , you told me . You have no idea what you 've done , do you ? You 've thrown away everything .",
"Kendall : Please do n't look at me like that .",
"Zach : How many times did I ask you ? How many times did I beg you to wait ?",
"Kendall : I could n't .",
"Zach : Why not ?",
"Kendall : Greenlee was sick . She almost died .",
"Zach : She 's not the problem . You 're the problem . Greenlee 's fine with everything . So is Aidan , so what are you doing ? Why are you doing this ?",
"Kendall : To clear my conscience . Is that good enough ?",
"Zach : No , that 's good enough . So now you got a clear conscience , and you threw away your family . That does n't even make sense to me .",
"Jack : I 'm sorry to interrupt , but I 'd like to speak to Kendall .",
"Zach : Why ?",
"Jack : Kendall , I 'd like to represent you , if you would allow me to .",
"Kendall : I do n't know what to say .",
"Jack : Kendall , two of my daughters made mistakes , you and Greenlee . But that does n't change who you are to me , and it never will .",
"Aidan : So , Jack is represen@@ ting Kendall , huh ? Wow .",
"Greenlee : Yeah , I know . It 's like the whole world has done a 18@@ 0 . I 'm friends with Zach , you 're with Kendall --",
"Aidan : Excuse me ?",
"Greenlee : What ?",
"Aidan : Well , I 'm with you , unless you 've de@@ mo@@ ted me since last night .",
"[ Greenlee chuckles ]",
"Greenlee : I mean you 're friends with Kendall . What did you think I meant ?",
"[ Greenlee chuckles ]",
"Aidan : Huh . Nothing . Huh . Do n't worry about it . How are you feeling ?",
"Greenlee : Oh , Aidan , I feel fine . I wish everyone would stop asking me that .",
"Aidan : Well , why would they ? You were trapped in a hole for five weeks with no food and no water .",
"Greenlee : I 'm fine .",
"Aidan : No , you 're not fine .",
"Greenlee : Oh --",
"Aidan : But you do look good enough to kiss , though .",
"Greenlee : When is this going to be over , Aidan ?",
"Aidan : Well , the good news is that -- um -- Kendall is turning herself in , so that should get you off the hook for most of the charges .",
"Greenlee : Right , and that 's supposed to make me feel better ? I just -- I do n't understand why she 's doing this . I -- I do n't know what she 's thinking .",
"Aidan : She was thinking of you . Maybe she ca n't -- she ca n't live with what she did to you .",
"Greenlee : But I forgave her for all of that .",
"Aidan : Maybe it 's not that simple for her . All right ? Anyway , I really need to get down to the police station , so -- I need to see what 's going on . So do n't you start jumping around on this bed like a che@@ e@@ ky monkey , will you ?",
"Greenlee : Yes , ok , boss . I 'm so lucky to have you .",
"Aidan : See you soon .",
"Hannah : Before Zach disappeared , he ordered me to break Chandler Enterprises in pieces . So I sold every last Chandler corpor@@ ation at bargain price .",
"Adam : To whom ?",
"Hannah : Du@@ mmy corpor@@ ations which I control . And now they 're all yours , Adam . And they wo n't cost you half of what they should . So once you rec@@ la@@ im your compan@@ ies , you can piece them together , and vo@@ il@@ \u00e0 , Chandler Enterprises rises from the ashes .",
"Adam : How careful were you ?",
"Hannah : Ok , very . Zach wo n't have a clue what happened . You know , see , he 's had this little p@@ es@@ ky thing called staying alive to deal with , hmm ?",
"Adam : How about his pit bull , Josh ?",
"Hannah : He wo n't find any tra@@ ils leading back to you or to me .",
"Adam : How can you be sure of that ?",
"Hannah : You know what , Adam ? I cover my tracks . I spent my whole life doing just that .",
"Adam : Yeah . Well , this is insul@@ ting . Chandler Enterprises stock is worth 10 times what this says .",
"Hannah : Yes , that 's the idea . S@@ ell it cheap , buy it back chea@@ per . It 's all right there in your hands , Adam . S@@ mile .",
"Adam : Hmm .",
"Hannah : Zach wo n't have a clue . He wo n't , until it 's too late .",
"Babe : I 'm sorry , J.R. , about Adam .",
"J.R. : Well , should n't be surprised , right ?",
"Babe : You deserve better .",
"J.R. : I had better . But I blew it with you .",
"Babe : Ok --",
"J.R. : All right . No pressure , no tricks , no begging . The new , impro@@ ved J.R. respe@@ cts the limits .",
"Babe : Um -- do you want to open a present ? I have one for you .",
"J.R. : Ok , sure . I have one for you , too .",
"Babe : You first .",
"J.R. : All right . Uh -- did Little A wrap this ?",
"Babe : Yeah , he helped . How 'd you guess ?",
"J.R. : I mean , there 's like a roll of tape on it . All right , let 's see here .",
"[ J.R. chuckles ]",
"J.R. : Ah ! Here we go . Ah , Babe , it 's what I 've always wanted .",
"[ Babe chuckles ]",
"J.R. : It 's perfect , really . Let 's just hope I do n't have to use it again .",
"Babe : Well , here . This is what 's really supposed to go inside .",
"J.R. : \" I love my daddy . \"",
"Babe : Yeah . It was Little A 's idea .",
"J.R. : I love it -- I love him . I just -- I just did n't know how much . You know ?",
"Babe : Yeah , I do know . And now , you 're going to have all the time in the world to show him .",
"J.R. : Uh -- ok . It 's your turn .",
"Babe : Well , I know you wrapped this one .",
"[ J.R. chuckles ]",
"Babe : Gosh , J.R. , it 's -- it 's beautiful .",
"J.R. : I do n't have the line of credit that I used to , but --",
"Babe : Hey , you -- I never needed all that fancy stuff . You know that .",
"J.R. : You like it ? Really ?",
"Babe : I love it .",
"J.R. : Good . I just have a few other presents . I 'll put them under the tree for Little Adam . Well , speaking of a few presents , you still have a lot over here .",
"Babe : Yeah .",
"J.R. : What 's this one ? \" To Richie , from Babe \" ? What the hell is this , Babe ?",
"Richie : Tra@@ ff@@ ic ?",
"Michael : I got here as fast as I could -- what 's up ?",
"Richie : Good news , doc -- I 've chosen the day I 'm going to die .",
"Zach : I do n't like it , any of it .",
"Jack : Zach , if you have a problem with my represen@@ ting Kendall --",
"Zach : I have a problem with the whole thing , Jack .",
"Jack : I understand that . But Kendall 's already turned herself in . You ca n't turn back the clock on that .",
"Kendall : I would be honored to have you represent me , Jack .",
"Jack : Thank you .",
"Zach : Oh , good . So everyone 's happy . That 's great .",
"Jack : Here 's how we start . I find out what the charges are against you , and I build a strategy to knock some of them down .",
"Kendall : Ok .",
"Zach : Is that all right with you , or you going to insist on jail time ?",
"Kendall : I do n't want to go to jail . I just want to do the right thing .",
"Zach : It 's a little complicated now .",
"Kendall : Zach , come on .",
"Jack : I 've already arranged for bail , ok ? Officer Hayes , if you would escort Mrs. Slater to the front to be proc@@ essed -- I 'll see you up there .",
"Kendall : Thank you , Jack .",
"Jack : You 're welcome .",
"Kendall : Hey , Zach --",
"Zach : What ?",
"Kendall : I hope that you understand .",
"Zach : What are you thinking ?",
"Jack : Well , it 's tough to get specific at this point . There 's a couple of jud@@ ges we could draw . Both of them are fair , but I 'll requ@@ ire a different game plan for each one .",
"Zach : But you will have a game plan ?",
"Jack : Yes , Zach , of course , I will .",
"Zach : Of course , you will . She wants to take responsibility for all of that , I do n't know why . But she 's not going to prison . I 'm not going to lose her , not again , Jack , ok ?",
"Richie : Try not to look so excited .",
"Michael : Oh , no , no , no . Of course . I know how difficult this must be for you .",
"Richie : I 'm sure it 's just breaking your heart .",
"Michael : When ?",
"Richie : Next week .",
"Michael : Could you be more specific ?",
"Richie : I 'm going to die , Doc . So quit trying to act so damn concerned . I know you hate my guts .",
"Michael : I do n't hate you , No@@ va@@ k .",
"Richie : Oh , sure you do . And you know what ? I feel the same way . In fact , if we were on the outside , and I had some of my strength left , I 'd take that do@@ me head of yours , and I 'd crush it like a mel@@ on . So come on , Doc , it 's confession time . Tell me how you really feel .",
"Michael : All right . I think you 're a dangerous soci@@ op@@ ath .",
"Richie : Bo@@ o - y@@ ah ! There it is . Keep it coming , Doc . I 'm loving this .",
"Michael : And your death , whenever it may come , will be a relief to anyone who has ever had the dis@@ pleasure of knowing you .",
"Richie : Especially to the bene@@ f@@ ici@@ ary of my insurance policy ?",
"Michael : That was our deal , Richie . You get released from prison , I get the money .",
"Richie : Oh . Do you still think you 're getting all that money ?",
"Michael : What are you talking about ?",
"Richie : Well , I do n't need you anymore , Doc , so the deal 's off . I 've named a new bene@@ f@@ ici@@ ary . Babe Chandler .",
"J.R. : I thought you were done with Richie No@@ va@@ k .",
"Babe : I 'm not seeing him if that 's what you 're thinking . It 's just a little gift , that 's all . Why are you making a big deal out of it ?",
"J.R. : Ok . Ok , fine . It 's no big deal .",
"Babe : Thank you .",
"J.R. : But to save you all the time and trouble , why do n't I just go ahead and run it over to him ? He 's -- he 's still at the psy@@ ch ward , if I 'm not mistaken . Yeah , that 's what I 'll do . I 'll go ahead and take it to him right now .",
"Babe : J.R. , wait . Do n't .",
"Hannah : Do n't I at least get an \" at@@ ta@@ girl \" for bringing your company back to you ?",
"Adam : If you 're after a bon@@ us , you 've already been well paid for your work .",
"Hannah : Oh , yeah , and it 's dirty work , too . Just what I 'm good at . See , Zach goes missing , so I take advantage , move things around without a trace . And then when I find out he 's alive , I -- I complete the move . See , he 's not looking at me .",
"[ Hannah chuckles ]",
"Hannah : He 's looking at his wife , Kendall , and his precious family . So it was easy .",
"Adam : Yeah , so I see . You are a remar@@ k@@ ably clever woman , Hannah .",
"Hannah : Yeah , so I 've been told .",
"Adam : This business with Slater is done , so there will be other challen@@ ges ahead . I could certainly use someone like you to help me deal with them . I think we 'd make a very good team .",
"Hannah : Are you making me an offer ? Or are you just trying to get me into bed ?",
"Adam : No , it 's an offer , for now . I have it -- why do n't we -- why do n't we drink to it ? Let 's have a toast . To Chandler Enterprises , the second coming .",
"Hannah : Hmm .",
"[ Hannah chuckles ]",
"Hannah : See , Adam , I would n't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth . And I wo n't drink with anybody I loa@@ the . And as for a job , I do n't work anymore . I 'm done -- done with it all .",
"Adam : Is it something I said ?",
"Hannah : Oh , you are a snake . I have to give you that , Adam .",
"Adam : Your tal@@ ents are consid@@ erable , Hannah . But I would n't over@@ rate them if I were you .",
"Hannah : Hmm . S@@ ad story of my life .",
"Adam : Mm - hmm . You have a lot of time to change that .",
"Hannah : Oh .",
"[ Hannah chuckles ]",
"Hannah : Yeah , for the right price .",
"Adam : Everyone has a price .",
"Hannah : You know what , Adam ? I took this job because you threatened to expose what happened between myself and Alexander Cambias .",
"Adam : Yes , being a con@@ cu@@ b@@ ine of a convicted serial killer can put a cri@@ mp in your re@@ sume . But it was him that you did n't want to find out , is n't it ? Am I right ? Zach ?",
"Hannah : I did what you hired me to do , Adam .",
"Adam : Mm - hmm .",
"Hannah : I hated myself for it , but I did it .",
"Adam : S@@ po@@ ken like a woman truly sc@@ or@@ ned . But you still love Zach Slater , do n't you ? You love him , you hate him . The tragedy is , he 'll never know . How sad for you .",
"Joe : Oh . I 'm sorry , Greenlee . I did n't mean to wake you .",
"Greenlee : No , it 's ok . Joe , when can I go home ?",
"Joe : Good Lord . You do n't like our ac@@ com@@ mod@@ ations ?",
"[ Greenlee chuckles ]",
"Greenlee : You really want me to answer that ?",
"Joe : Uh --",
"[ Joe chuckles ]",
"Greenlee : I just -- I -- I miss my own bed .",
"Joe : Yeah . Well , that 's certainly understandable . The problem is , Greenlee , your system has been badly com@@ promised . You 're not in any immedi@@ ate danger , but , you know -- I can make a strong case for keeping you here another week , at least .",
"Greenlee : Oh , no . Please , God -- no , no , no , no .",
"Joe : Unless you promise to rest . You follow doctor 's orders , no work --",
"Greenlee : Yes , yes , yes !",
"Joe : No , work , no stress .",
"Greenlee : Done .",
"Joe : No , I mean it , Greenlee . You almost died on us , and I 'm not going to let you go unless you really and truly promise .",
"Greenlee : Joe , I have no intention of dying anytime soon . I will do whatever it takes .",
"Joe : All right , all right . Well , maybe I can let you go tomorrow , assuming -- assuming that all the latest tests check out , you know .",
"Greenlee : Great , thank you .",
"Aidan : So what are Kendall 's chances here ? I mean , really ?",
"Jack : It 's difficult to say . It 's going to be a very high - profile case because of who Kendall is and the circumstances surr@@ ounding it .",
"Aidan : Ok , do n't be a lawyer , all right ? I mean , just -- what 's -- what 's your best guess ?",
"Jack : Best guess ?",
"Aidan : Uh - huh .",
"Jack : 50@@ /@@ 50 , Aidan . Ja@@ il or community service . It 's -- huh -- kind of depends on the D.A. 's mood .",
"Aidan : Damn . Oh , man .",
"Jack : Yeah . Damn , indeed . It 's a real mess , is n't it ? Although , I must say , you should be comm@@ ended . Not so long ago , you would 've been screaming for Kendall 's head on a stick .",
"Aidan : Well , a lot 's changed since then .",
"Jack : Obviously .",
"Aidan : Jack , we 've known each other a long time . If you got something to say , why do n't you just come out and say it ?",
"Jack : You and Kendall --",
"Aidan : Yeah ? What about me and Kendall ?",
"Jack : How about you tell me ?",
"Kendall : Did you hear Spike sno@@ ring ?",
"Zach : No , I did n't .",
"Kendall : Zach , please talk to me .",
"Zach : What do you want to talk about ? What do you want to say ? I dreamed about this evening . My first night home with the boys -- I dreamed about that every day in that hole .",
"Kendall : I know --",
"Zach : You do n't know . You ca n't . You do n't know what I 'm feeling right now .",
"Kendall : Well , then tell me .",
"Zach : I know you made a promise to God because you wanted to come clean . I think that 's very nice . What about your promise to me ? What about your promise to those little boys ? They 're your responsibility . That is your family .",
"Kendall : I love my boys . I love you . You have no idea how -- how --",
"Zach : No , you have no idea . You have no idea what it was like in that hole , running out of food , running out of water , not knowing if I would see you , Ian , Spike ever again . And you know what ? I did a little bar@@ ga@@ ining , too . I bar@@ ga@@ ined with God . I said , \" If you get me out of here -- if you get us out of here , I will never be separated from my family ever again . \"",
"Kendall : Please , just --",
"Zach : Because I should 've died that day . I should 've died when the car hit me , I should 've died when I fell into that hole , but I did n't . I kept fighting . You know why ? I wanted to be there for those boys , I wanted to see them grow up , and I fought for the privile@@ ge of seeing your face , the privile@@ ge of seeing you . And for what ? What , I cra@@ w@@ led out so I can be here and hold your hand when they tell you how many years you 're going to spend in prison ?",
"Kendall : Why ca n't you understand how --",
"Zach : I do understand , Kendall . I do . That 's the problem . I understand that nothing has changed . It 's all exactly the way it was when I went missing . You think you can do everything on your own . Well , you ca n't . That 's how we ended up right here . What are we ? Hmm ? We 're not a team . So what are we ?",
"Kendall : Zach , we are a team .",
"Zach : That 's not the way I see it .",
"Kendall : Well , I 'm sorry for that .",
"Zach : Yeah ? That 's nice .",
"Kendall : I am .",
"Zach : I need to know where this is coming from .",
"Kendall : I told you where this is coming from .",
"Zach : You told me what ? I 'm telling you -- Greenlee for@@ gives you , Aidan for@@ gives you , so there is something you 're not telling me . What is it ?",
"Kendall : I ca n't do this anymore , I --",
"Zach : Tell me .",
"Aidan : What are you getting at , Jack ?",
"Jack : I 'm not sure , Aidan -- just a feeling that there 's more to this story than anyone 's telling me .",
"Aidan : Like what ?",
"Jack : I understand how you and Kendall have gotten close .",
"Aidan : Yeah , by digging our way through ice and snow to find our loved ones . That 's how close we got .",
"Jack : I 'm not in@@ sin@@ u@@ ating anything here .",
"Aidan : Listen , Jack , I love your daughter more than anything in the whole world . There 's nothing that I would n't do for her . I would jump in front of a bullet for her . I would exchange my life for hers in a heartbeat . So anything you 're feeling or think you know other than that is ir@@ relevant .",
"Jack : Ok .",
"Aidan : Uh -- that was n't very convincing .",
"Jack : Let me make sure you 're clear on a couple of things . Greenlee and I have n't always done the father / daughter thing very well -- sometimes it 's been my fault , sometimes hers . But through this whole or@@ deal , one thing I 've realized is that her dreams , her happiness , are the most important things to me . I like you . I think you 're a good man . But that 's my little girl , son . And anyone breaks her heart -- I mean anyone at all -- they are going to find in me the worst enemy they can imagine .",
"Aidan : And I would n't expect anything less .",
"Jack : So we understand each other ?",
"Aidan : Yes , sir , we do .",
"Joe : I 'll give Aidan a set of instructions and , of course , you 're going to be coming back here for tests anyway , starting Mon@@ day .",
"Greenlee : Why ?",
"Joe : Why ? Because we 'd miss you otherwise .",
"Greenlee : Yeah -- liar .",
"Joe : Uh - huh . So , you stick with the program , and we 'll let you go home . Is that a deal ?",
"Greenlee : Deal . Thank you , Joe . I just -- I feel like it 's a new beginning for me , you know ? Like I got through this and now everything in front of me is just going to be great . Does that sound crazy ?",
"Joe : W@@ ish all my patients were as opti@@ mi@@ stic as you are .",
"Greenlee : Hmm . Well , maybe they just did n't have as much reason to be .",
"Joe : Hmm . Oh , Rebecca ? I want to have some ad@@ ditional blood work done on Greenlee S@@ my@@ the . There 's something about the lab@@ s that 's not ad@@ ding up .",
"Rebecca : All right , ok .",
"Joe : Yeah .",
"J.R. : So you do n't want me going anywhere near Richie ?",
"Babe : No .",
"J.R. : Why ?",
"Babe : Why ? Because it 's none of your business -- that 's why . Remember the new J.R. Chandler , respe@@ cting limits ?",
"J.R. : Babe , listen , I know my place , ok ? I 'm your ex - husband . Yeah , I 've made plenty of mistakes . I have no rights , except I 'm the father of a son who I do n't want anywhere near that low@@ life .",
"Babe : Why are you making such a big deal out of this ? Yes , at one time , I was attracted to a guy named Wes , but --",
"J.R. : And he turned out to be Annie 's brother , Richie . And in spite of all his lies , you still have feelings for him . My God , Babe , did n't you learn anything by being with me ?",
"Babe : Well , I 'm not planning on sett@@ ling down with either one of you .",
"J.R. : Fine . So drop your present in the mail for Richie and let him die his natural death , be done with it . You got a problem with that ?",
"Babe : I 'm not as cal@@ l@@ ous as you are .",
"J.R. : That 's right , I forgot -- you have feelings for this pathetic bum .",
"Babe : Oh , go to hell .",
"J.R. : I probably will . And as far as Richie No@@ va@@ k is concerned , he 's trouble , and I do n't want you going anywhere near him , and I definitely do n't want my son around him .",
"Babe : You do n't have a say in my life anymore , J.R.",
"J.R. : On this issue , I 'm giving myself the say . You stay away from him , Babe . I mean it .",
"Michael : You think you can back out of our deal this late in the game , you are out of your mind .",
"Richie : Well , according to the offici@@ als here , I am out of my mind -- unfortunately , not enough to make a difference to you , Doc . Now , go back to the fed pen and say hi to my bud@@ dies .",
"Michael : Oh , you 'll be back there before you know it .",
"Richie : In how long -- a week , a month ? It 'll take just that long to come up with a new scheme and try to cover your tracks and by then , well --",
"Michael : I swear to God --",
"Richie : No , do n't do that , Doc . Do n't do that -- do n't do it here . See , some of the lo@@ on@@ ies here -- they have a personal relationship with the big guy . So , Babe gets the cash , you get nothing -- class dis@@ missed .",
"Michael : You think this is over ? You really are crazy .",
"Richie : No , I 'm not crazy , ch@@ u@@ mp . I just played you . Deal with it . Now , go back to the fed pen and groom a new meal ticket . This one is going to the promised land . Ah . Hmm -- ah .",
"Richie : Yeah . Remember that problem I told you about with the doctor ? Time to take care of it . Well , now , there 's a face I did n't expect to see . Pu@@ ll up a chair , J@@ unior . What 's your game , huh ? I 'm par@@ tial to so@@ li@@ ta@@ ire myself , but I really do n't have a lot of friends .",
"J.R. : Yeah ? That 's not likely to change .",
"Richie : I do something to t@@ ick you off , dude ?",
"J.R. : No -- dude . I 'm just here for a friendly word of advice .",
"Richie : Oh , I bet you are .",
"J.R. : You stay the hell away from my wife .",
"Richie : Your wife ? Did you get married again ?",
"J.R. : Babe .",
"Richie : Oh -- your ex - wife . Now , why would I want to go and do that ?",
"J.R. : Because I told you to , and whatever you think you got going on with her , you do n't .",
"Richie : Sa@@ ys you .",
"J.R. : Exactly .",
"Richie : Well , then I guess I should just die and go to heaven .",
"J.R. : That works for me . You know , if you keep it up , I 'll make it sooner than later .",
"Richie : Hmm .",
"[ Richie chuckles ]",
"Adam : Hannah , tell me this -- was this obse@@ ssive pur@@ suit of Zach Slater in any way reci@@ proc@@ ated ? Or was it just a fantasy of yours ?",
"Hannah : Did you know that I could shoot a contact l@@ ens out of a person 's hand with a high - pow@@ ered ri@@ f@@ le at 3@@ 00 y@@ ar@@ ds ?",
"[ Adam chuckles ]",
"Adam : My goodness . Are you threatening me ?",
"Hannah : I 've settled my debt . We 're done here .",
"Zach : Hey .",
"Kendall : I hate myself for what I 've done .",
"Zach : Look at me .",
"Kendall : I ca n't .",
"Zach : Yes , you can . Come on . Hey .",
"Kendall : I let you down , Zach . I let you and the boys down , and I do n't understand why I keep doing this to my family and why I keep hurting the people that I love .",
"Zach : Kendall , stop --",
"Kendall : No , no . Listen to me . I do trust you . I 'm the one who ca n't be trusted . I do things without thinking , and I do n't --",
"Zach : Will you --",
"Kendall : No , no . Listen , I thought -- I thought that maybe , maybe if I owned up to what I did , then it would -- it would take all the bad kar@@ ma away and that we would have only good things come to us . I thought maybe , maybe it would take the pain away .",
"Zach : Come here . Come on . Come here .",
"[ Zach comfor@@ ts Kendall ]",
"Zach : Ok . Shh .",
"Babe : What 's that ?",
"Little Adam : A bear .",
"Babe : A bear ? That 's right , and what 's a bear say ?",
"Little Adam : \" Ro@@ ar . \"",
"Babe : \" Ro@@ ar ! \"",
"[ Babe chuckles ]",
"Babe : Did you have fun with Win@@ nie today ?",
"Little Adam : Yeah .",
"Babe : You did ? Guess what -- Daddy was here while you were out , and he left you some presents and guess what -- I gave him our present , and he loved it !",
"Little Adam : I dre@@ w Daddy a picture .",
"Babe : You dre@@ w Daddy a picture ? Can I see it ? Is it in your back@@ pack ? I want to see it . Did Win@@ nie help you with it ?",
"Little Adam : Yeah .",
"Babe : She did ?",
"[ Babe gasps ]",
"Babe : Oh , my gosh . Little A , it is so beautiful ! Look at all the smiles on our faces . We look so happy . And -- and whose house are we in front of ? Are we in front of yours and mine ?",
"Little Adam : Yeah , all of ours .",
"Babe : \" All of ours \" ?",
"Richie : In case you have n't heard , I 'm a short - ti@@ mer on this planet , so you 've got nothing to worry about , J@@ unior .",
"J.R. : No , I 'm not worried about you , Richie . I do n't want Babe getting wrapped up in your grief -- you got it ?",
"Richie : Yes , sir .",
"J.R. : You think I 'm kidding ?",
"[ Richie chuckles ]",
"J.R. : Keep it up .",
"Richie : Ok , you know what ? I sur@@ ren@@ der , ok , ok ? I 'll never see her again -- does that make you happy ?",
"J.R. : Yeah , that works for me .",
"Richie : Good . In the meantime , just go tell her -- oh , I do n't know . Just tell her -- she 'll figure it out . Get the hell out of here .",
"[ J.R. leaves ]",
"Richie : Tell her goodbye . Just tell her goodbye .",
"Adam : I want and need an emergency meeting of the entire execu@@ tive board A@@ SA@@ P , so set it up . Do it . Well , they tried to bring us down , old buddy , but they failed . I 'm still standing .",
"Greenlee : Yay -- huh . Perfect timing .",
"Aidan : You 're that bored , huh ?",
"Greenlee : No , it 's just that Joe was right -- the TV in here sucks , so they 're letting me go home tomorrow . Only problem is you 're going to have to hang with me .",
"Aidan : And what did I do to deserve that ?",
"Greenlee : Hey , how 's Kendall ? Is everything ok ?",
"Aidan : Yeah , she 's -- she 's ok . Jack 's taking care of things , so -- anyway , is -- anything else I can check on for you ?",
"Greenlee : No , not that I can think of .",
"Aidan : All right . Do you need anything ? How about some nice food for a change ?",
"Greenlee : No , I 'm all set .",
"Aidan : Ok . Well , in that case -- sc@@ oot over .",
"Greenlee : Well , this is becoming a habit with you .",
"Aidan : Oh . Are you complaining ?",
"Greenlee : No , just -- do n't take all of my blan@@ kets , Dev@@ ane .",
"Aidan : Hey , I 'm not a blanket ho@@ g , that 's you .",
"Greenlee : Right . One -- I do n't ho@@ g the covers , either .",
"Aidan : Oh , really ?",
"Greenlee : Yes , really . Hmm . You know , it 's -- it 's all starting to come true .",
"Aidan : Hmm ?",
"Greenlee : All of my dreams and wishes in the bomb shelter . They 're starting to come true . I 'm almost afraid to say it , but -- I 'm just so happy , Aidan .",
"Kendall : Tell me that you love me . Make me forget what I 've done .",
"[ Kendall and Zach kiss p@@ assion@@ ately then slowly lower themselves to the floor ]",
"Annie ( to Babe ) : This is it . Richie 's about to die .",
"Adam ( to J.R. ) : Can you and I be father and son again ?",
"Kendall : I 'm not going to lie to the judge .",
"Zach : You 're going to say whatever Jack tells you to say .",
"Kendall : No , Zach , I 'm sorry , but I wo n't ."
"filename": "amc-01-02-08.json"
"Recap": [
"At the casino , Zach and Reese spend New Year 's Eve without Kendall and Bianca . Reese lets Zack know that she is missing her New Year 's Eve kiss from Bianca . Zach starts to kiss her but Reese pulls away . Bianca gets a surprise visit from Reese 's ex - fianc\u00e9 Simon . Ryan asks Greenlee to marry him , but Greenlee refuses because of a dream that she had been having in which she was dead in the bath@@ tub . At O@@ ak Ha@@ ven , Aidan watches the doctor with Annie . Annie tells the doctor that the \" mean lady \" needs to be dead . Aidan snea@@ ks into Annie 's room and finds the hidden camera . Aidan meets with a mystery man , who had helped him get admitted into O@@ ak Ha@@ ven . Simon fills Bianca in on how that he and Reese had met . Ryan visits O@@ ak Ha@@ ven and finds out from the doctor that Annie was being moved into the Max@@ imum Security section of the hospital . Greenlee checks on Emma at Opal 's . Greenlee talks Opal into giving her a tar@@ ot reading . Opal assures Greenlee that all sy@@ ste@@ ms are go on Greenlee and Ryan being married . Bianca gets a call from Reese . Bianca lets Reese know that she is tied up at the moment with Simon , Reese 's ex - fianc\u00e9 .",
"Greenlee is over@@ jo@@ yed at the thought that she and Ryan can get married . The doctor tells Aidan that he can never visit Annie again . Annie is whe@@ eled into the ma@@ x@@ imum security section of the psy@@ ch hospital . Ryan arrives home and finds that Greenlee is gone . Greenlee arrives at Ryan 's all ag@@ low . Greenlee accepts Ryan 's marriage proposal . Reese conf@@ ides to Bianca that she is so afraid of losing Bianca . Bianca and Reese hug and kiss . Opal reads the tea leaves and finds that she had made a terrible mistake in reading the tar@@ ot cards for Greenlee ."
"Transcript": [
"[ \" Old Lan@@ g Sy@@ ne \" plays ]",
"Reese : To the year ahead . I hope it is filled with lots of hope , love , and laughter .",
"Zach : Me , too . Cheers .",
"Reese : Cheers .",
"Zach : Mmm .",
"Reese : Mmm . It 's good . Wow . You know , all that was missing was my love , and my New Year 's kiss .",
"[ Reese laughs and Zach kisses her ]",
"Reese : Um -- um , I should call Bianca . You know , she might -- she might be stuck in traffic or something .",
"Reese : Yeah , well , that , um -- I -- was that -- was that a little weird just now ? That --",
"Zach : I think we both know what 's going on here .",
"Simon : You 're right . Reese was my fianc\u00e9 . You must be Bianca . I saw the ring and assumed you were the lucky woman . I heard about the engagement .",
"Bianca : You did ?",
"Simon : Reese 's father filled me in . Congratulations .",
"Ryan : Will you marry me ?",
"Greenlee : I ca n't . I ca n't marry you . I 'm so sorry .",
"Ryan : Well , what -- hold on , hold on , hold -- wait a second . We just found our way back to -- do n't do this . Do n't -- do n't pull away from --",
"Greenlee : I do n't have a choice .",
"Ryan : Yes , yeah , we always have a choice . I chose you . It 's -- it 's Annie , right ? It 's Annie . You 're afraid of Annie . She ca n't -- she ca n't hurt you anymore . She ca n't . She 's out of --",
"Greenlee : You ca n't -- you ca n't promise that . I 've had this dream twice . I was in my wedding dress .",
"Ryan : What 's wrong with that ?",
"Greenlee : I was dead , dro@@ w@@ ned in a bath@@ tub . It 's an omen . I know it .",
"Ryan : Greenlee , since when do you believe in super@@ stit@@ ions ?",
"Greenlee : This is different . It was a message , Ryan . Mar@@ riage will be the end of us .",
"Dr. Sinclair : I asked you a question . Do you remember leaving here ?",
"Annie : It was bad . It was really , really bad .",
"Dr. Sinclair : Why was it bad ?",
"Annie : I hurt my daddy .",
"Dr. Sinclair : You mean you hurt Ryan . You know he 's not your father .",
"Annie : You better un@@ tie me or my daddy 's going to be really mad when he gets here . He 's going to be mad that you did n't let me out . He 's going to be mad , really , really mad .",
"Dr. Sinclair : Do you regret what you did to Ryan ?",
"Annie : I did n't mean to hurt Daddy , but he got in the way .",
"Dr. Sinclair : In the way of what ?",
"Annie : The mean lady . It 's not safe with her there .",
"Dr. Sinclair : With who there ?",
"Annie : The Greenlee lady . She needs to be dead . Let me out . You have to let me out .",
"Dr. Sinclair : Annie , we 're going to move you to a new room today .",
"Annie : No , that -- I do n't need another room . Do n't you understand ? It 's dangerous . I have to kill the mean lady . Why are n't you listening to me ? You do n't understand . What ? No , I do n't need another shot ! Please , just get me -- no , get -- please , stop it . Please , I do n't need another shot .",
"Dr. Sinclair : What is Mr. Stone doing out of is@@ ol@@ ation ?",
"Nurse : After evalu@@ ation , his psychiatrist felt he was ready to be released .",
"Dr. Sinclair : How are you doing today , Mr. Stone ?",
"Aidan : Mr. Stone is doing much , much better .",
"Dr. Sinclair : And what is Mr. Stone doing out here ?",
"Aidan : Mr. Stone is counting air mo@@ le@@ cu@@ les , because if someone does n't do it -- well , then we 'll never know just exactly how many there are . 9@@ 9@@ 5 , 9@@ 9@@ 6 --",
"[ Aidan lets himself into Annie 's room ]",
"Aidan : Annie , can you hear me ? 9@@ 9@@ 7 -- 9@@ 9@@ 8 . There , found you .",
"Greenlee : My dream felt so real , like I was being mour@@ ned , and I have a chance to stop something bad before it happens .",
"Ryan : It 's not real , Greenlee . You ca n't think like that , ok ?",
"Greenlee : I ca n't help it . It was n't a dream when Annie killed her brother . When she kidnapped her child and shot her friend , when she stabbed Erica and broke out of a mental inst@@ itu@@ tion to come after me -- I 'm seeing a pattern here . She 's not going to stop until she gets her way .",
"Ryan : I 'm not going to let Annie do this to us . I 'm not , I 'm not . We are going to build a life together , you , me , Emma , and Spike , a life that Annie can not touch , ok ? I will always , always protect you . And I will do whatever I have to do until you believe me .",
"Bianca : I 'm really sorry if I seemed rude . I just -- I was n't expecting to see anybody .",
"Simon : Nice place .",
"Bianca : Thanks , it 's my sister 's . Just make yourself comfortable . Can I get you a b@@ ran@@ dy ? That will help start the th@@ a@@ wing process .",
"Simon : I can see why Reese likes you .",
"Bianca : So you 're an ar@@ ch@@ ite@@ ct . How long have you been doing that ?",
"Simon : Seems like forever , but I love it . You know , I get to travel , see the world 's fin@@ est struc@@ tu@@ ral designs . Reese 's father told me that you two have a baby girl .",
"Bianca : Two , actually . My daughter Miranda -- she 's grown to love Reese as a mom , and that 's Gabrielle , our little angel . She 's 11 weeks .",
"Simon : Two little girls . Reese told her family that we were n't having children . But I always knew she wanted them . You know , I could see myself teaching my son how to play so@@ cc@@ er , leaving work early to make sure I get to all his games , maybe even keeping score , pass out half - time sn@@ acks -- orange s@@ lic@@ es and fru@@ it drinks . Hey , I guess it was n't meant to be .",
"Bianca : I 'm sorry . I really do n't know what to say .",
"Zach : I know what 's going on here . We 're friends . We 're close friends . It happened very quickly , and sometimes when that happens , it gets -- gets a little weird . But it -- you , me , Bianca , we have a kid together . It does n't get any closer than that .",
"Reese : Hey , right , of course .",
"Zach : Right .",
"Reese : Of course .",
"Zach : Plus , it 's New Year 's . You 're supposed to kiss people .",
"Reese : Yes , right .",
"Zach : It 's man@@ d@@ atory , whether it 's friends or family , strangers .",
"Reese : Str@@ ang@@ ers .",
"Zach : K@@ iss them , yeah .",
"Reese : Str@@ ang@@ ers -- oh , you had a few of those in your day , huh ?",
"Zach : I told you . It 's man@@ d@@ atory .",
"Reese : Oh , well , a stranger tries to kiss me , I run .",
"Zach : Well , what I 'm trying to tell you is you do n't have to run . It 's ok for us to be close .",
"Reese : You know , I 've actually never had a close friendship with a man before , except my father , and that was , um -- oh . You know what ? You know what ? I 'm going to figure this out . I 'll learn the bas@@ ics , and then I wo n't freak out anymore .",
"Zach : All right . Bas@@ ics is good . We 'll do that , and then we 'll go from there .",
"Reese : Very good .",
"Zach : Deal ?",
"Reese : Deal .",
"Zach : Happy New Year .",
"Reese : Well , happy new year to you , too .",
"Angel : You 're new !",
"Ad@@ mini@@ str@@ ator : You can not provo@@ ke Dr. Sinclair . You need to keep a low profile . I got you in here . Now you have to act acc@@ ord@@ ingly .",
"Aidan : Now , I know how to handle myself .",
"Ad@@ mini@@ str@@ ator : You already ris@@ ked your cover by asking about security information , and I hear you planted a kiss on the doctor . Is that how you plan to handle things ?",
"Aidan : It was in the moment . The doctor was so suspicious , I had to be convincing .",
"Ad@@ mini@@ str@@ ator : You 're a loose can@@ non . What 's next ? You going to ask her out ?",
"Aidan : Why , does the good doctor love me ?",
"Ad@@ mini@@ str@@ ator : We should n't even be talking out here .",
"Aidan : Listen , wait . When I was admitted , you told me there was no security cameras in this wing .",
"Ad@@ mini@@ str@@ ator : Yeah , that 's right .",
"Aidan : Well , there is one , in Annie 's room .",
"[ No@@ ise ]",
"[ Ad@@ mini@@ str@@ ator mou@@ ths words ]",
"Zach : All right . To friendship .",
"Reese : To friendship .",
"Reese : You know , Simon and I -- we even ski@@ pped that friendship stage .",
"Zach : Where did you meet him ?",
"Reese : At work . He was the ri@@ sing star in my dad 's firm . God , when we started dating , everyone was talking about the house that we would design .",
"Zach : Hmm .",
"[ Reese chuckles ]",
"Reese : Everyone thought we were perfect together . So I just figured I was missing something . But , you know , it was really strange because , to me , I always felt like it was just a fac@@ ade that I was putting on , you know ? On the outside , we were the perfect couple .",
"Zach : What about the inside ?",
"Reese : The inside , I did n't really want Simon to know who I was , because I was afraid that he 'd realize I was pretending to be something that I just was n't . Look , I could n't wrap my head around the concept of being gay . How was I supposed to explain it to him ?",
"Zach : It was n't the right time for you .",
"Reese : No . But I hate that he got caught up in it , you know ? God , my head was a mess then .",
"Zach : Yeah , I 've been there .",
"Reese : Really ?",
"Zach : Uh - huh .",
"Reese : You were a closet les@@ bi@@ an , too ?",
"Zach : Yeah , a couple of years in college . I 've got a lot of explaining to do .",
"Reese : Yes , wow . You know , I can buy you as a les@@ bi@@ an , but I just -- I ca n't see you as a mess . You seem so gr@@ ounded .",
"Zach : Well , that 's Kendall and the boys . There was a time in my life I did n't know who the hell I was .",
"Reese : Yeah , well , at least you did n't get engaged and have to break someone 's heart .",
"Zach : But I did some pretty extreme things .",
"Reese : Really ? Like what ?",
"Zach : My dad is a pretty twisted in@@ div@@ id@@ ual , and he -- he wanted me to follow in his foo@@ tsteps when I -- like I just said , I did n't really know who I was , and it took a while to -- to find an identity that I could live with . That 's all .",
"Reese : All right . So we were both on different tracks , and we had to take serious action to get ourselves on the track that we were meant to be on . Ok , well , that 's it , Zach . That 's why we rel@@ ate to one another .",
"Zach : Se@@ rious action . Cheers .",
"Reese : Cheers .",
"Simon : We met at her dad 's ar@@ ch@@ ite@@ c@@ ture firm . I can remember the first day she walked in . She had the most beautiful face I had ever seen . I knew she was the one for me .",
"Bianca : Did you approach her right away ?",
"Simon : Did n't have to . F@@ ate stepped in . She ended up at the desk next to mine . It was sort of against company policy -- co - wor@@ kers associ@@ ating outside of business hours . But we could n't stay away from each other . From our first date , we were in@@ separ@@ able . Reese spent every night at my place until --",
"Bianca : Until what ?",
"Simon : She left , for good , two weeks before the wedding .",
"Bianca : Did you know that something was wrong ? I mean , there must have been some sign that things were n't working .",
"Simon : Nothing . And we were so close , you know . She was my best friend and my lover . One minute we were talking about spending the rest of our life together . The next , it was over without any explanation .",
"Bianca : That must have been really hard for you .",
"Simon : Not as hard as having to find out from her parents that the wedding was off . A few months later , Mrs. Williams called to tell me that Reese was with another woman . It was bad enough that I lost her without warning . And to hear that she 's in love with another woman ?",
"Bianca : It broke your heart .",
"Simon : No , Reese did n't wake up one morning and decide that things were n't working . She knew she did n't love me , and she kept it inside . She was so good at hiding how she felt . I really believed I was the love of her life .",
"[ Phone rings ]",
"Bianca : Excuse me . Hello .",
"Reese : Hey . I was hoping I 'd get to kiss you at midnight . What happened ? You know , if you hurry up , I can re - en@@ act what I had in mind .",
"Bianca : Uh , um , I 'm kind of busy right now .",
"Reese : Is it Gabby ? Is she ok ?",
"Bianca : No , Gabrielle 's fine . It 's your ex - fianc\u00e9 . He 's here with me .",
"[ Aidan snea@@ ks into a storage closet and finds Dr. Sinclair 's surveillance of Annie 's room ]",
"[ Dr. Sinclair sighs ]",
"Ryan : Dr. Sinclair , I -- I need to talk to you for a second .",
"Dr. Sinclair : Oh , Mr. Lavery , if you 're here to see Annie , I 'm sorry --",
"Ryan : No , I 'm not here to see Annie . I 'm here to make sure that she does n't escape again .",
"Dr. Sinclair : Ok , your wife is secure . The in - house authorities have signed off on her transfer . She 's being moved to ma@@ x@@ imum security tonight .",
"Ryan : Oh . Ok , good . I mean , how -- how co@@ her@@ ent is she ? Will she know what 's going on ?",
"Dr. Sinclair : Mr. Lavery , I know this is difficult , but you need to try and let go . I assure you , Annie needs to be here , and she 's going to get the best treatment possible .",
"Ryan : I know . Thank you .",
"Dr. Sinclair : Mr. Lavery , if you 'd like , you can see Annie one last time before we move her on . She 's heavily se@@ dated . She wo n't even know you 're there .",
"Annie : The mean lady needs to die . The mean lady needs to die . The mean lady needs to die .",
"Greenlee : I 'm sorry to stop by so late . I just wanted to see if Emma was ok .",
"Opal : Oh , she is s@@ nu@@ g as a bug in a ru@@ g . P@@ as@@ sed out hours ago , poor little thing . What , with her mom@@ ma flying the lo@@ on@@ ey cou@@ p , I was scared about how that was going to affect her .",
"Greenlee : Well , thank God you called 911 . Annie was out for my blood .",
"Opal : Hmm . I 'd offer you a reading , but I 've been trying to kind of lay off the cla@@ ir@@ vo@@ y@@ ant acti@@ vit@@ ies ever since I was right about the tor@@ na@@ do disaster .",
"Greenlee : Well , it would probably be bad news anyway . Ryan proposed to me , and I could n't accept .",
"Opal : Whoa , back up here , sister .",
"Greenlee : Well , I wanted to say yes , but I 've had a couple of really bad dreams .",
"Opal : Well , start talking .",
"Greenlee : I was in my wedding dress in a bath@@ tub , and I was dead .",
"Opal : Oh , Lor@@ dy , I 'm sorry .",
"Greenlee : I ca n't help thinking about what that means . I love Ryan , and we finally have the chance to be together , but I 'm scared .",
"Opal : Well , maybe I could make an exc@@ eption just for tonight . I know you 're ske@@ p@@ tical , but the cards can really off you some gu@@ id@@ ance , honey .",
"Greenlee : I really do n't believe in that .",
"Opal : Well , suit yourself .",
"Greenlee : Fine , what have I got to lose ?",
"Zach : Try to relax .",
"Reese : I ca n't . I ca n't . I do n't -- I do n't understand . I do n't understand -- what the hell is he doing here ? What does he want ? I mean , how does he even know where I -- my mother . My mother told him . Damn her .",
"Bianca : Happy New Year , guys .",
"Reese : Hey . I 'm so glad you 're here .",
"Bianca : Zach , this is Simon Mar@@ sha@@ l .",
"Zach : Nice to meet you .",
"Bianca : Uh , I 'm thir@@ sty . I 'm -- could you get me a glass of -- I do n't know , milk or something ?",
"Zach : Mil@@ k , coming up . Come on .",
"Reese : My mother sent you . Is that it ? She wanted you to try and save me ? Why do n't you just tell her that it 's --",
"Simon : No , I came on my own . I wanted to see you , make sure you were happy .",
"Reese : I am happy . So , um , you can go .",
"Simon : Bianca 's sweet , caring -- I really like her .",
"Reese : I really love her .",
"Simon : You said the same thing to me .",
"Zach : So I have a question for you . Why 'd you bring him here ?",
"Bianca : I had to see them together . I had to make sure that Reese is n't going to do the same thing to me that she did to Simon .",
"Opal : That is the world . That means that you have faced every ob@@ st@@ ac@@ le in your relationship , every path has been trav@@ eled , and now all that remains is un@@ ion with the div@@ ine in whatever form that appears to you .",
"Greenlee : I do n't understand .",
"Opal : Well , that means that this journey is over and a new one is beginning for you and Ryan . Take another card .",
"[ Opal gasps ]",
"Opal : Well , will you look at that ?",
"Greenlee : What is it ? What is it ? Tell me .",
"Opal : This is the em@@ press . Th@@ rough her , we see the power of love . She re@@ presents beauty and pleasure and happiness super - si@@ zed . Your bond with Ryan is -- it 's very strong . It 's road - block free .",
"Greenlee : So there 's nothing threatening my future with Ryan ?",
"Opal : No .",
"Greenlee : No dro@@ wning - bride card here ?",
"Opal : No , nothing that I can see , honey , no . I 'm just so relieved it 's a happy reading for once .",
"Greenlee : So you are absolutely positive ?",
"Opal : The cards do n't lie . Your destiny is with Ryan .",
"Annie : Where are we going ? Do n't let the mean lady hurt me .",
"Dr. Sinclair : It 's going to be all right . You 're going some place where nobody can hurt you . Mr. Stone , I 'm sorry , but you 're not going to be able to visit your friend anymore .",
"Aidan : I did it . 1@@ ,@@ 4@@ 5@@ 1 -- coun@@ ted them all .",
"Ryan : Greenlee ?",
"Greenlee : Hey .",
"Ryan : I 'm so glad you 're here . I went to O@@ ak Ha@@ ven , and I made sure that Annie is not ever going to escape again . She 's not going to be a problem .",
"Greenlee : It does n't matter . I 'm not afraid anymore .",
"[ Ryan and Greenlee kiss ]",
"Reese : I wanted to love you . I tried my best .",
"Simon : Your best ? That 's not what love is . You should n't have to try .",
"Reese : I know . And that 's why I left .",
"Simon : No , you just disappeared . No explanation , nothing . It was like you knocked the wind and everything else right out of me .",
"Reese : Simon , I -- I -- I could n't make sense of how I was feeling . I mean , how was I supposed to explain it to you ?",
"Simon : Where you confused the entire time ? You know , if you were , you did a good job of hiding it .",
"Reese : Look , it happened after we got engaged , and at first I thought it was just my ner@@ ves . But then as the wedding got closer and closer , I just -- I realized something -- something was wrong . Something was off , and I did n't -- I do n't know . I just felt like I was making a big mistake , and I did n't know how to face you or my parents , and so -- I ran . I ran , and I wanted to clear my head , and while I was trying to figure it out , I met Bianca . And for the first time in my life , I really fell in love . Simon , with you , I was trying to be something that I just was n't .",
"Zach : Hey , drink your milk . She loves you . I would n't have helped you concei@@ ve a child if I did n't think that . And what happened with Simon -- that 's not going to happen with you .",
"Bianca : Well , that 's what Simon thought before Reese disappeared . He told me that he had no idea that she had doubts about their relationship and then one day she was just gone .",
"Zach : Well , she was n't herself then . You know the real Reese . It 's not the same .",
"Bianca : Are you sure ? I mean , she has kept things from me -- her problems with her parents , her ex - fianc\u00e9 , Kendall 's condition .",
"Zach : That 's not fair . I asked her to keep that secret . That was me .",
"Bianca : I ca n't keep wondering how many secrets she has . It 's like there is all of this stuff inside her that she wo n't let me be a part of .",
"Zach : Well , sometimes people do that for good reason . If you think that complete honesty is part of love and commitment , you 're in for a big surprise . If the person you care about knew every little secret about you , every little fantasy , every little mistake , every little lie , they 'd never look at you the same way again . She loves you . That should be enough .",
"Simon : Come on , how can you say it was all a mistake ? Do you remember the time we did n't get out of bed for two days ? We planned how we 'd call in sick so it was n't too obvious we were together . And , oh , we could n't get enough of each other . When I told Bianca about the first time I saw you , all those memories came --",
"Reese : Wait a minute . What did you tell Bianca ?",
"Simon : Bianca asked me questions . She wanted to hear about us .",
"Reese : Well , you should n't have told her anything . Simon , you should not have come here . Look , I am sorry . I am so sorry that I hurt you . But we are in the past , ok , and Bianca is my future , and I do n't want you or anybody else interf@@ ering with it .",
"Simon : That 's not why I came here . I wanted to make sure you were happy .",
"Reese : No , you did n't . No , you did n't . Simon , you came here because you were hoping that I was n't happy , just like you .",
"Simon : Yeah , and how can I be ? Come on . I spent the last year and a half trying to come to terms with how everything ended between us .",
"Reese : I 'm sorry that I could n't help you .",
"Simon : No , you did . I guess maybe I just needed to hear it from you . Maybe now I can finally move on . But for Bianca 's sake , I hope you 're sure about who you really are .",
"Zach : Well , I 'm going to reli@@ eve Rac@@ hael of her baby@@ sitting du@@ ties . You guys take your time . Happy New Year .",
"Bianca : Happy New Year , Zach .",
"Greenlee : Opal told me what you 've been saying all along . That I have nothing to worry about . We 're meant to be together , Ryan . That 's why we keep coming back to each other after everything that 's happened .",
"Ryan : Will you excuse me for a second ? Because I have to go and thank Opal right now .",
"[ Greenlee chuckles ]",
"Ryan : We can handle anything , Greenlee , anything , as long as we stay together .",
"Greenlee : I know that now . Ask me again .",
"[ Both chuckle ]",
"Ryan : Well , the cards have spoken . Now it 's your turn . It 's time to prove it to the stars and the moon and everything else that we belong together , Greenlee . Make me the happiest man in the world . Will you marry me ? Do n't leave me hanging here . Say something . Is that a yes or a no ?",
"Greenlee : I would love nothing more than to be your wife . Yes , I 'll marry you , Ryan Lavery .",
"Opal : Oh , my God . Oh , Greenlee .",
"Reese : I 'm sorry Simon came here tonight . He should n't have .",
"Bianca : No , it 's -- it 's ok .",
"Reese : No , it 's not . I know what he told you about us .",
"Bianca : That you two were ma@@ dly in love .",
"Reese : He was . I was not , and it made no sense to him when I left , but to me , it meant ab@@ solu@@ te@@ --",
"Bianca : Reese , I -- I need you to conf@@ ide in me , whatever it is , past or present , I -- I need to be a part of your life .",
"Reese : Ok . You want to know what the big secret is ? I am afraid that you do n't believe that you are it for me . I am afraid that you do n't believe that everything that I do is for us , and our future together , and our family . And I am afraid that you 're going to leave me . So there it is . There is my big secret . And if you do n't believe me , if you do n't believe that everything I do for you is because I love you , then you 're right , we ca n't be together .",
"Zach : Hi , I got you , baby . Thanks for being here . I really appreciate it .",
"Rac@@ hael : No problem .",
"Zach : Hi , my little monkey , hi . Oh , my goodness . Happy New Year to you .",
"Rac@@ hael : Thank you .",
"Zach : Sa@@ fe drive home . What are you doing ? Hello . Hmm ? Hello , my little girl . What 's going on ? What are you looking at ? Hmm ? What are you looking at ?",
"Bianca : I do believe you . I -- I trust you with all my heart . And you do n't have to worry , because we will be together , because we have to be . I love you . I -- I could n't live without you . I -- I -- you have to know that no one -- no one could ever replace you . You 're it for me . I 'm -- I 'm --",
"[ Bianca and Reese kiss ]",
"Zach : Hey , my little angel , do n't worry . I 'm not going anywhere .",
"[ Gabrielle coo@@ s ]",
"Zach : Really ? You did ? What else did you do today ?"
"filename": "amc-01-02-09.json"
"Recap": [
"At the night@@ club , Maggie is with Jonathan . He 's obviously beating her and she 's still with him . They at@@ tr@@ act the concern of both Reggie and Anita San@@ tos . Reggie and Danielle have a good thing going . So do Anita and Aiden . Ryan and Greenlee believe they have caught Kendall \" red - handed \" trying to poison Greenlee , when Greenlee finds an@@ ti - psycho@@ tic medication in Kendall 's closet and Ryan notices that it looks like Kendall 's or@@ dering drugs on the internet . Greenlee , somehow seems to realize , however , that Kendall is not trying to drug her . Ethan has a harder time of convincing Ryan that Kendall is not guilty . Zach believes Maria is unhappy in her marriage and deserves better . She tells him she 's not giving up on her marriage but reveals that she still has feelings for him ."
"Transcript": [
"Kendall : My house , my rules . I only deal with people who do n't break into my home .",
"Ethan : Must have taken you a while to pick that lock . Do n't worry , leaving is going to be a lot faster , especially if they run the si@@ r@@ ens .",
"Ryan : Are you calling the cops ? That 's a really good idea . Will you tell Derek that we have a pic@@ k@@ up for him ?",
"Kendall : Wait , you want to have me busted for not having chips and di@@ p for intru@@ ders ?",
"Greenlee : We found them , Kendall . An@@ ti@@ psycho@@ tic . Now just tell us why .",
"Kendall : Not my fla@@ v@@ or , not my problem .",
"Ryan : Oh , I think it is .",
"Danielle : Is it me , or does this New Year 's totally kick ass ?",
"Reggie : Is that a trick question ? Baby , both you and the night is to die for . And hanging out with Bianca and Miranda ? It was sweet of you . You did n't have to do it .",
"Danielle : Hey , man , your family does give good drama -- Bianca and her baby happily ever after . What 's that look for ?",
"Reggie : Nothing , it 's just some un@@ finished business . It wo n't take long , just enough for him to beg for mercy .",
"Jonathan : I see a space on the dance floor with your name on it .",
"Maggie : Oh !",
"Singer : You 'll always be my little angel",
"Jonathan : God , you thought I was -- I should n't have brought you here . I 'm sorry , I should n't be anywhere near you right now .",
"Singer : Do you know how much I love you",
"Anita : I love this place , but I 'm kind of sad that we missed the New Year 's moment .",
"Aidan : Four , three , two , one -- Happy New Year !",
"Maria : No .",
"Zach : \" No , \" what ?",
"Maria : No , whatever you have to say . No to all of it .",
"Zach : Hang on , hang on a second . I caught some of the fire@@ works , and it reminded me of us watching the fire@@ works in the deser@@ t . It reminded me of you . 200@@ 4 did n't do either one of us any favors , and I intend to change that in 200@@ 5 .",
"Kendall : What , even my computer ? Well , the two of you just ca n't get enough of me , can you ? Please , please just tell me you did not get rid of my birth control pills .",
"Greenlee : You ca n't joke out of this , Kendall .",
"Ryan : We have proof , Kendall . We have proof that you poisoned my wife . You blew it , Kendall . You forgot that big brother watches your online pre@@ scrip@@ tions .",
"Kendall : Oh , please . Zach has already told everyone I get my prescription from the dru@@ g@@ store , and I 've been taking my anti@@ anx@@ i@@ ety meds like a very good girl . You know , surpri@@ sin@@ gly , I 'm very bored by all of this .",
"Ryan : Would you like to get un@@ bored really fast ? Take a look at this . It thanks you for your order . It confirmed delivery a week before Greenlee went all tri@@ ppy , the exact psycho@@ tic that Greenlee was pu@@ mped full of . So , please tell me why you tried to kill my wife .",
"Maria : Where did that come from ? Where , what --",
"Zach : I -- I do n't know . Bianca beat death , and when she woke up she found that she had her daughter back . But what she 'd lost was precious time with someone she loves .",
"Maria : Yeah , and it 's great for them . They can finally start their life again . They finally have the life that they deserve .",
"Zach : Exactly . Absolutely . And , well , I 've lost precious time , too , and you 've lost time , and I think that maybe we should try again . Maybe we should grab the life that we deserve , too .",
"Maria : Just like that ? I mean , you walk in here and you --",
"Zach : And I kiss you , yeah .",
"Maria : And kiss me , and then you -- I do n't understand -- because Bianca woke up ?",
"Zach : You ca n't ignore a miracle like that .",
"Maria : No , but , so here you are , then .",
"Zach : Here I am , yeah . And we 're not -- we 're not the same . We 're not who we were because you said you had sac@@ red marriage vows , and --",
"Maria : Well , they 're not sac@@ red , though , because I said them . They 're sac@@ red because I meant them . I -- I 'm just not ready to give up on my marriage .",
"Zach : All right . I got to ask you a question , then .",
"Maria : Ok .",
"Zach : Your marriage stopped being sac@@ red the minute you were in it alone . So why do you pretend it still exi@@ sts ?",
"Anita : Wow . Sure bea@@ ts a party hat and one of those blo@@ wers .",
"Aidan : So you 're a fan of ' 0@@ 5 ?",
"Anita : Are you kidding ? So far it 's my new best friend .",
"Aidan : And it 's only just starting .",
"Danielle : Let it go . Not your fight .",
"Reggie : Oh , it 's not my fight ? All right , say one of your friends is hoo@@ king up with this guy , and you know he 's a complete piece of trash . What you want to say , \" Good luck , give me the details later \" ?",
"Danielle : I hear you , Babe , and I love the fact that you 're ready to throw down for someone that you care about . It just means that you 're the tal@@ ler , sexy boy version of me .",
"Reggie : Wait a minute , are you saying I 'm hot ?",
"Danielle : I 'm saying we 're a mat@@ ched set . Oh , fine way to start the new year .",
"Maggie : We 're here now . I -- can we just try to have a good time ?",
"Jonathan : It 's my mistake for thinking we can act like this did n't happen . I keep hearing in my head over and over again that \" I hit Maggie , \" and it 's like the words just do n't make any sense .",
"Maggie : We 're ok , right ? We 're ok . We talked about it . We 're fine , so can we just try to act like we 're fine ?",
"Jonathan : I need you to know that that was n't me at all . Maggie , I 'm the guy that wants to protect you . I 'm the guy that wants to keep you safe . I just -- I lost it . I got all screwed up over this Ryan - losing - Cambias thing , and I know I should have gotten the hell out of the apartment , but I did n't . I should have coo@@ led off , but you showed up and it just -- I got crazy . I am so , so sorry for hurting you over this entire Cambias mess .",
"Maggie : Ryan did n't lose Cambias . He gave the company to Miranda .",
"Jonathan : She 's just a baby .",
"Maggie : She is the Cambias heir . Do you really want to fight again ?",
"Jonathan : No .",
"Maggie : Your brother is a good guy , and he did the right thing .",
"Jonathan : And I 'm just a scre@@ w@@ up because I want to give you the world .",
"Maria : This is your idea of starting the new year right ? Because my marriage is just as real as anything that you and I had for six months -- more so .",
"Zach : Ok , then prove it to me . How was your holiday with Edmund ?",
"Maria : You know what , this is -- this is a tough time for Edmund because it was New Year 's last year that put him in that chair .",
"Zach : I know that , and I 'm sorry . So , what , did talking about it bring you closer together ?",
"Maria : You know what , knock it off , Zach .",
"Zach : I 'm not trying to hurt you , I 'm telling you what you already know .",
"Maria : I had my family . What else could I want -- I mean , really ?",
"Zach : Yeah , you love those kids . And you honor your marriage . The problem is that your marriage does n't honor you . And what are you asking me to do ? St@@ and back , give you space ? Just watch you throw your life away ? I ca n't do that . Not anymore . I 'm sorry .",
"Maria : So you come here to my house to do what , to tell me that I 'm delusional and that I 'm in denial ?",
"Zach : What , does it scare you to have me in your house ? Why ? What kind of damage do you think I would do ? You think I could destroy your life ? What life ?",
"Maria : Oh . You know , I came to you , practically threw myself at you , and you sent me away .",
"Zach : And I 'd do it again .",
"Maria : Why ? What 's that ? You come here now , then , with this big power trip ?",
"Zach : What is it that you offered me that day ? You offered me your revenge on Edmund . Well , I do n't care about Edmund . I never have . And if I had taken what you offered me , you would have re@@ sen@@ ted me for it . Would 've given you just another reason to walk away from me . There 's only one way that we can be together , and that is when we both want it . Come here . Here . Look at that . Look at your face .",
"Maria : At what -- what about my face ?",
"Zach : It 's your eyes . The light 's gone .",
"Maria : Oh -- why , because I 'm not all gl@@ assy - e@@ yed with desire ? No , you know what ? This is ridiculous , Zach . I 'm --",
"Zach : There used to be a fire in your eyes that told the whole world how much in love you were with life . I remember you 'd come back from your morning walks and just burst into that casino filled with passion . I thought you were going to explo@@ de . That -- right there -- that . What happened to you ? How can you choose this slow death for yourself ? Why ?",
"Kendall : Uh - uh , no . Not my meds , not my recei@@ pt . I am not the person who ordered those drugs .",
"Ryan : It 's done , Kendall . You ca n't hide .",
"Ethan : Oh , listen to yourself , Ryan , all tense and quiet . It must be true . You should give up now , Kendall .",
"Greenlee : The proof is right here .",
"Ethan : How convenient .",
"Greenlee : H@@ id@@ den past computer pass@@ words and new shoes ? It 's not like it was wa@@ ving in the bre@@ e@@ ze with an X marks the spot .",
"Ethan : No , just hard enough to find to give you a nice warm sense of satis@@ fac@@ tion , like the ri@@ f@@ le they found in my storage locker , the one that put the bullet in Ryan 's gut . I 'm sure somebody was high - fi@@ ving over that one .",
"Ryan : Yeah , speaking of which , do n't you have your own attempted murder case to deal with ? So why do n't you just stay out of this one .",
"Ethan : Ok , you already have Kendall on the stand . It 's bor@@ der@@ line obse@@ ssive .",
"Ryan : I want you to tell me why .",
"Greenlee : The why is you .",
"Ryan : No , I want to hear it from her . I want you to make me understand why you drugged my wife , why you let her get so messed up that she thought I was dead . I mean , I know you hate me , and that 's fine . But go after Greenlee ?",
"Kendall : That 's right , Ryan . I am just so desperate and so nee@@ dy , this is really the moment I 've been waiting for . I mean , nothing says romance like a man who thinks you tried to drive his wife insane .",
"Greenlee : You had me convinced when you said you wanted Ryan to live . Maybe that 's just it . As much as you wanted him to live , that 's as much as you wanted me to die .",
"Ethan : Oh , please . Like the two of you would be the center of anyone 's universe .",
"Greenlee : I did n't want to believe you were so sick .",
"Ethan : All right , I 've had enough of your nonsense . The two of you , come on , out .",
"Ryan : Not one step outside that door until Kendall admits what she 's done .",
"[ Sal@@ sa music plays ]",
"Aidan : Wow . The No@@ bel Com@@ mission must be al@@ er@@ ted at once .",
"Anita : My wild child sister taught me .",
"Aidan : Julia ?",
"Anita : Yeah , and then my brother said that if we ever did that in front of a guy , he would tell our parents and they would ship us off to the S@@ ac@@ red H@@ eart Con@@ vent .",
"Aidan : Mat@@ e@@ o , huh ?",
"Anita : Ok , Mr. Pri@@ v@@ ate E@@ ye Guy -- what , do you have a secret file on me or something ? That late credit card pay@@ ment was totally the fault of the U.@@ S. Po@@ stal Sy@@ stem .",
"Aidan : No background check .",
"Anita : Why ? Too boring ?",
"Aidan : No , quite the opposite . You know , people have nothing but nice things to say about you . And me -- well , I like to find out the old - fashi@@ oned way , because it makes me smile just to think about it .",
"Anita : Well , you should get that checked out .",
"Aidan : Or it could be the way you look in that lab coat . Very official and pain@@ fully sexy . Or it could be the da@@ in@@ ty little party trick you just showed me .",
"Anita : Well , do you want me to teach you ?",
"Aidan : I 'd like to watch it again , to be honest .",
"Anita : Well , what about sal@@ sa ? I can teach you that later .",
"Aidan : T@@ each me ? Sal@@ sa ? What makes you think I do n't already know ?",
"Anita : T@@ u er@@ es mu@@ y mach@@ o .",
"Jonathan : It 's not an excuse for hurting you , but it 's just all messed up in my head , that 's all . Ryan and Cambias . Ryan made that company something that family of psycho@@ s could n't even begin to touch , and now he 's just going to walk away from it with nothing to show .",
"Maggie : How is that you wanting to give me the world ?",
"Jonathan : Ryan put me at Cambias . I went -- I went from a broke loser to the guy who closes the dea@@ ls , to the guy who w@@ ears the best suits , to the guy who could almost deserve you .",
"Maggie : Do you really think that I care about that stuff ?",
"Jonathan : Maggie , you 're about to be a big M@@ D . You 're about to pull down major bank . I might be a low - level gr@@ unt -- I 'm not going to -- I wo n't be able to take you to dinner but maybe every other Friday when there 's a two - for - one special , because I do n't want to be that broke loser again .",
"Maggie : I would never think that .",
"Jonathan : I would . I was angry , and I tried to dro@@ wn it away with a few drinks and just -- the booze made it worse .",
"Maggie : So it was the alcohol ?",
"Jonathan : No . It was me . I know that . I ca n't take it back , but I can promise you -- no more booze , no more fli@@ pping out , no more hurting you .",
"Maggie : We talked about all of this . I do n't really know what else to say .",
"Jonathan : Maybe you could say you forgive me ?",
"Maggie : I have to use the ladies ' room .",
"Singer : Make you believe",
"Danielle : I would not do this hair , wear this dress , and cur@@ l these l@@ ashes so you could be looking at him all night instead of me !",
"Reggie : Yeah , Babe , you do look good .",
"Danielle : And the sooner you do what you got to do , then the sooner you can show me just how fine I am . So , do you need backup , or do you want me to wait here and admire your moves from a@@ far ?",
"Reggie : I 'm going to be right back , ok ? Yo , tall and twisted .",
"Jonathan : What do you want ?",
"Reggie : You want to explain why you did n't tell Maggie Bianca needed her bad ? Exactly how twisted are you ?",
"Singer : Believe I 'm",
"Sing@@ ers : Turn it turn it up",
"Singer : Make you believe believe my",
"Sing@@ ers : Turn it turn it up",
"Singer : Believe",
"[ Looking in the ladies \ufffd room mirror , Maggie sees how awful her bru@@ ised face looks ]",
"Maggie : Oh , my God .",
"Sing@@ ers : Turn it turn it up",
"Maria : I 'm not a mar@@ ty@@ r .",
"Zach : No ? A woman who sacrific@@ es everything to be with a man that does n't love her ?",
"Maria : No , he does love me . Edmund loves me . You know that .",
"Zach : He makes you feel the loss and take the blame . What kind of love is that ? I know how much you care about those kids , and I know you feel sorry for Edmund . What about you ? What do you want ?",
"Maria : You know , you walk in here and you smile and you kiss me and you lecture me and all of that , but you know what all that starts with ? Wal@@ king in .",
"Zach : Oh . Edmund lost his legs and I have mine . So should I apologize for that , too ? Life 's a cra@@ p@@ shoot and he lost . If I lost like that --",
"Maria : Oh , do n't even pretend like you would know what you would do in his position , please .",
"Zach : I would not push away the person I love . I -- I want to be with you , and there 's nothing that could happen in my life or to me that would ever change that .",
"Maria : But I love him .",
"Zach : And I love you . And I 'm here to remind you of what I 'm promising you .",
"Ryan : You guys want us out of here ? Call the cops and let Kendall confess to them .",
"Ethan : How did you guys come up with this ? Having a nice , co@@ zy dinner one night , a little bit of champagne , maybe some co@@ g@@ na@@ c ? \" Hey , Greenlee , what should we do to bring in the New Year ? \" \" I do n't know , Ryan , why do n't we try and destroy Kendall ? \" I mean , you know , the question -- the question is , how deep does this go ?",
"[ Looking at Kendall , Greenlee remembers what happened on the roof when she was flying high on the tra@@ pe@@ ze ]",
"Kendall : You ca n't fly without me . You need me . Greenlee , you need me !",
"Ethan : How long have you been trying to cook this up ?",
"Kendall : I 've been -- please , please , Greenlee ! Greenlee , please , please do it for me . Please , I 'm right here . I 'm ready to go . Please , please , Greenlee , swing to me !",
"Greenlee : Whoo !",
"Kendall : S@@ wing to me , Greenlee . I 'll catch you .",
"[ Kendall screams ]",
"Ryan : How long have you been in town , like five months ? Well , this goes back a lot further than that , all right ? You know , it 's going to stop now . I 'm done with you two . I 'm going to let the cops deal with this before Kendall hits the dele@@ te button .",
"Greenlee : Ryan , no . Put the phone down .",
"Ryan : She gets away with this , she 's just going to do it again .",
"Greenlee : No , she wo n't .",
"Ryan : You ca n't know that .",
"Greenlee : I do . Someone 's fra@@ ming Kendall . She did n't do it , Ryan . I 'm dead sure of it .",
"Ryan : Hey , look , I know you 've had these feelings and whatever , and we 're going to sort that out , but just not right here , ok ? Not right now .",
"Ethan : All right , what is going on here ? Is it good cop , bad cop ?",
"Greenlee : Not a feeling , Ryan . F@@ act . Kendall did n't drug me .",
"Kendall : I do n't -- what are you doing ?",
"Greenlee : I saw it all , that night on the roof . The drugs must have pushed it deep , someplace that I could n't reach until just now . And there it was .",
"Kendall : You 're freaking me out . She 's freaking me out .",
"Greenlee : I remember it all . You called out to me , you reached out your hand to me , and you saved my life .",
"Ryan : Honey -- honey , look , you were so do@@ ped up that you put on your little green butt@@ er@@ fly outfit and you were doing tra@@ pe@@ ze over the top of Pine Valley . Are you sure that this stuff inside your head right now , it really happened ?",
"Greenlee : Yes . This is real , Ryan . It 's weird , it 's frea@@ ky , and it 's real , but it all came back to me . That night , Kendall -- I can see her face the way that I did then . She did n't want me to die .",
"Ryan : Yet she told you to jump , take the lea@@ p .",
"Greenlee : Yes , to her , so she could catch me . She could have walked away that night , let me die , but she did n't .",
"Ryan : Well , maybe because she wanted to keep you alive and keep the game going on longer so you 'd go to prison and , I do n't know , suffer for life .",
"Kendall : Do you and my mother compare notes ? Because that was her version for a while there , too . Boy , am I rotten , but very creative . You have to give me that .",
"Greenlee : You 're not listening .",
"Kendall : No , I 've heard way too much , ok ? We 've had the big dramatic reveal . I am the psycho who saved your wife 's life so I can screw her up some more . Now , will you please kind@@ ly get the hell out of my house !",
"Greenlee : No ! Not until I thank you .",
"Jonathan : Happy New Year . Either sit down or move on . Either way , make it fast , because I have some other pri@@ ori@@ ties tonight .",
"Reggie : Yeah , like what ? Run@@ ning Maggie \ufffd s life ?",
"Jonathan : No . Like sharing it with her , and all the other cool things we share . You see , Re@@ g , that 's what adults do .",
"Reggie : Hey , keeping secrets -- yeah , like not telling Maggie her best friend was lying in a coma . That 's the real adult thing to do . But tell me this , Jonathan , what had you qu@@ a@@ king so hard you could n't tell her the truth ? Who or what are you scared of ?",
"Anita : That 's what we professi@@ on@@ als call a cont@@ usion . A nice one , too . What happened ?",
"Maggie : This ? Uh -- I -- I actually was at the gym and working out at a k@@ ick@@ bo@@ xing class , trying to blow off some steam when Bianca was in the hospital . Yeah , that 's where it happened .",
"Anita : You got that from a bag ? That 's weird .",
"Maggie : Actually , I walked straight into an open locker door .",
"Anita : That sounds nasty . I 'm sorry .",
"Maggie : Yeah , well , it 's my own fault . I mean , Jonathan always tells me to watch my step and to walk around with a hard - hat and ca@@ ution tape . Such a k@@ lu@@ tz I am .",
"Anita : I 've seen you at the gym . You could teach if you wanted to . Maybe Jonathan 's the one that 's got it wrong .",
"Jonathan : It 's not your fault , Re@@ g . You 'll gradu@@ ate soon , and you 'll have a laugh at this stuff , too .",
"Reggie : Yeah , thanks , getting the thu@@ mb@@ s - up from you makes me feel that much better .",
"Jonathan : I 'm just saying I 'll cut you slack for before , when you went to Maggie , trying to start trouble between us . She called it high school B@@ S and just lau@@ gh@@ ed it off anyway .",
"Reggie : You know , Jonathan , are you trying to push me ? Because , you know , I 'm getting the distinct feeling that you 're trying to t@@ ick me off .",
"Jonathan : Hmm . Maggie does care about Bianca . But she lives with me . She goes to bed with me . She wakes up with me . And all that stuff that she does in between , Re@@ g , it 's with me . So , whatever you think you knew about Maggie , you have no clue .",
"Anita : Maggie , you should go to the hospital .",
"Maggie : It 's a bru@@ ise , Anita .",
"Anita : It could get worse .",
"Maggie : I 'm fine . I 'm sorry . I 'm sorry . I 'm just a little mor@@ ti@@ fied .",
"Anita : There 's nothing to be ashamed of . It was n't your fault .",
"Maggie : Well , just a little bit of pow@@ der and nobody needs to know .",
"Anita : Maggie , if it gets worse or , you know , happens again , come and see me at the hospital . I promise I wo n't think you 're a k@@ lu@@ tz or anything .",
"Maggie : I should just wear a hard - hat and save us from all the drama .",
"Jonathan : Maggie 's an adult . Now , if you do n't like me , Re@@ g , that 's cool . But Maggie does . In fact , she loves me .",
"Reggie : You know what ? Give her a chance . She 'll forget about it . Might just forget about you , too .",
"Jonathan : I 'm just saying you do n't have to go making up stories to get her attention . She 's hip to your game , Re@@ g . She 's just not playing . No , you guys can still hang out every now and then . That 's fine . But she 's moved on . And so should you .",
"Singer : If you only knew emp@@ t@@ iness , fever re@@ side",
"Maria : You know , this is such a nice night , ahem , to ride . I really should get on before it 's too late and -- ahem , you know --",
"Zach : It 's not gone .",
"Maria : No , but is it real ?",
"Zach : How can this not be real ?",
"Maria : Because I know what I have with Edmund . What is this ?",
"Zach : Well , whatever it is , it put the light back in your eyes .",
"Maria : Zach , I 'm married .",
"Zach : Hmm . Say it again .",
"Maria : I 'm married .",
"Zach : Say it again .",
"Maria : You said you would give me space . You promised me you would give me space .",
"Zach : First , you have to tell me who you 're married to , in your heart . Yeah . I promise you now that I will not watch you give up like this . Ca n't do it .",
"Kendall : Get your wife under control and out of my home .",
"Ryan : All right , you go easy . You -- slow down .",
"Ethan : Oh , Ryan , stop trying to control the situation , ok ?",
"Ryan : Con@@ tro@@ l -- Kendall had the pills .",
"Kendall : That 's right , Ryan . I did my research on just the right drugs to make the mis@@ sis bat@@ ty . I left paper tra@@ ils and spi@@ ked her lat@@ tes at work , and then when she almost tried to run me over with her car , I ru@@ bbed my hands together and c@@ ack@@ led with joy . Yes , who@@ o - hoo , my great plan , my evil plan was working . If I get s@@ kid marks on my face , oh , well , what the hell , that 's the breaks .",
"Ryan : No , you wanted Greenlee out of com@@ mission .",
"Kendall : Or maybe someone else has it out for Greenlee . Did you ever think about that ? Maybe someone else just kicked me in as a bon@@ us .",
"Greenlee : Does no one listen to me ? Can you guys just give us a second ?",
"Ethan : I 'm sorry . Come again ?",
"Ryan : Yeah , what he said .",
"Greenlee : Go away and relax . Please .",
"Kendall : Whatever . At least one of them 's out of my home .",
"Ethan : If you need me --",
"Ryan : Yeah , what are you going to do ? Wait . How did that just happen ? How did Kendall make Greenlee pull a 18@@ 0 ?",
"Ethan : Do n't you get it ? All the answers , all of yours answers , they 're all hiding right behind this door !",
"Aidan : Anita , what 's going on ? Do you want me to break out some Speci@@ al O@@ ps moves or --",
"Anita : No . I want you to break out some dance moves . Come on , let 's go sal@@ sa . I warn you , though . This could be dang@@ er@@ ously hot .",
"Jonathan : There 's something else I need to tell you .",
"Maggie : Can we just not talk about this here ? Because this is our business and nobody 's else 's .",
"Jonathan : Maggie , you deserve the best . You especially deserve my honesty . It was n't just Ryan , ahem , and Cambias and the booze . It was -- it was Bianca , too .",
"Maggie : We talked about this , and I told you --",
"Jonathan : I know . I just thought for certain that when she woke up , she 'd want to see you and make up for some lost time .",
"Maggie : She 's going to be making up lost time with her girlfriend . I 'm actually surprised that Lena is n't here yet .",
"Jonathan : It 's really hard to get over a break@@ up like that .",
"Maggie : What are you talking about ? When did they break up ?",
"Jonathan : You mean that you 're her best friend , and she did n't -- Bianca and Lena broke up a month ago .",
"Maggie : Bianca must have been devastated .",
"Jonathan : I ca n't believe that she did n't -- I thought Bianca had long - term feelings for you .",
"Maggie : Well , I told you that she did n't have feelings for me , and I told you that I wanted to be with you .",
"Jonathan : And I 'm grateful , Maggie . I did a terrible thing , and I 'm going to spend tonight and I 'm going to spend every other night of our lives together making it up to you .",
"Reggie : I just do n't understand . Tell me how sli@@ me@@ balls like Lavery get cute , smart girls like Maggie to believe his B@@ S .",
"Danielle : People get a little crazy or a little stupid when they mix hor@@ mon@@ es and romance .",
"Reggie : Well , tell me why me and you got along so good .",
"Danielle : We 're more ev@@ ol@@ ved -- on a higher plane .",
"Reggie : So how about we get a little more ev@@ ol@@ ved someplace else ?",
"Danielle : I 'm ready . Let me just pay the check .",
"Reggie : Well , damn , girl , you think I 'm that ev@@ ol@@ ved to let you pay the bill ?",
"Danielle : There 's no such thing as a free lunch , K@@ ing@@ man . I fully intend on making you pay me back . I 'm just not sure how yet .",
"Reggie : Oh , you better put that money down and let 's go .",
"Aidan : So , wow , that was great . You ready for our next event on our New Year 's list ?",
"Anita : Ooh , more surprises ?",
"Aidan : Girl , you have no idea . Come , let 's go .",
"Ryan : Su@@ b@@ tle , very sub@@ tle .",
"Ethan : You know why you ca n't see this ? Because it is easier for you to blame this on Kendall than to look through that door . Zach had means , he had motive , he had opportunity . And yet , still , you blame Kendall . Why is that ?",
"Kendall : Two minutes ago you thought I was the ven@@ ge@@ ful bitch who boo@@ b@@ y@@ - trapped your brain cells .",
"Greenlee : I was wrong .",
"Kendall : Yeah , in so many ways .",
"Greenlee : You do n't have to shut me out . I 'm thanking you .",
"Kendall : After tr@@ ashing my place ? Well , Happy fli@@ pping New Year to you , too . You 're playing me so that Ryan can sw@@ oop in and di@@ ve - bomb me with more of my sins . No , uh - uh .",
"Greenlee : You have to listen .",
"Kendall : You 're in my space . Get out !",
"Greenlee : Listen to me , already . You did n't do it !",
"Kendall : Ow ! Ow ! Oh , my , what are you --",
"Greenlee : I 'm sorry .",
"Kendall : What are you doing ?",
"Greenlee : Here , let me help .",
"Kendall : No --",
"Greenlee : I@@ ce !",
"Kendall : Get away . What did you just do to me ? Ow !",
"Greenlee : Kendall , that was very second grade , but you 're insan@@ ely strong wil@@ led here . Better ?",
"Kendall : You kicked me .",
"Greenlee : Yeah , and I said I was sorry .",
"Kendall : No , no . You actually believe that I did n't do it . I thought you were lying until you kicked me . I mean , who else would kick me to prove that they believe in me ? Just you .",
"Greenlee : Who else would take a kick to the sh@@ ins as a sign of faith ? Only you .",
"Kendall : Only us .",
"Jonathan : We hit a rough patch , but I think I have something that will make it a little sm@@ oo@@ ther .",
"Maggie : What 's this for ?",
"Jonathan : It 's for a new year . It 's for a new beginning . It 's for a fresh start , no worries . It 's for friends that wo n't shut us out . It 's for a family that wo n't leave us hanging . It 's for you and I.",
"Maggie : How did you know ?",
"Jonathan : I pay attention . I watch for what makes your eyes smile , like that bracelet every time we walked by it .",
"Maggie : I love it . Thank you .",
"Jonathan : It 's a lo@@ vers ' k@@ not , for you and me . I ca n't buy you the world , Maggie , not yet . But I can love you more than any man ever will .",
"Sing@@ ers : More than a minute of time",
"Singer : More than a minute",
"Sing@@ ers : More than a moment",
"Singer : More than a moment",
"Danielle : Oh . Wow . This is --",
"Reggie : It 's perfect .",
"Danielle : Yeah , like \" loan shar@@ ks are going to bust in your k@@ nee@@ ca@@ ps if you do n't pay them back for this room \" perfect .",
"Reggie : Well , you know , they gave me till morning . And I think it 'll be worth it . This is for us . These are for you .",
"Reggie : Dani , I love you . And I want to be with you tonight .",
"Anita : From sw@@ eating on the dance floor to freezing our butt off . You sure know how to keep a girl 's butt moving . I did n't bring my ice sk@@ ates .",
"Aidan : P@@ ond is n't frozen .",
"Anita : Ok , I give . How is this part of our fabulous \" too exciting for words \" New Year 's ?",
"Aidan : Well , this is just a pre@@ lu@@ de . The big stuff is yet to come .",
"Anita : And what is the big stuff ?",
"Aidan : I 'll show you soon after you take off your clothes .",
"Anita : What ?",
"Maria : Zach , I 'm fighting for my marriage .",
"Zach : I 'm fighting for you .",
"Ethan : Zach is always on the attack with Kendall . You know , when we were in the hospital , when Bianca was in a coma , he pulled me aside into the corridor for a lecture on the ev@@ ils of Kendall . Now , why would he be trying so hard to convince me if he was n't the person who was guilty ?",
"Ryan : Now who 's slow on the up@@ take ? You know why Zach is after Kendall ? Because you 're his son .",
"Jack : Are you up to elo@@ ping ?",
"Ryan : Take a DNA test . Find out who you really are .",
"Anita : \" Wi@@ ld \" is good . Whoo .",
"Zach : I love you , and I want you to be with me ."
"filename": "amc-01-03-05.json"
"Recap": [
"Kendall appears in court with Jack by her side as her lawyer and Zach and Ryan there for support . Erica is ready to go on the air with her \" New Be@@ gin@@ nings \" show , but she wants a car to stand by so she can leave for the courthouse . Aidan comes to get Greenlee at the hospital , but she wants to go by the courthouse before she goes on home . Kendall hears the charges against her . Kendall plea@@ ds guilty to all the charges . Kendall tells the judge everything that had led up to her stealing the ch@@ l@@ or@@ o@@ form from the hospital , and repor@@ ting to the police that Greenlee had stolen her little boy . Richie puts his plan in motion to place all the blame on Annie for stab@@ bing him . Richie con@@ s one of his in@@ mates to pose as a doctor and call Annie to come to the hospital because his time is near . Adam and J.R. have breakfast together . Adam tries to con J.R. into moving back in with him at the tune of fif@@ ty million dollars . Krystal and Tad ca n't seem to keep their eyes off of Adam and J.R. Aidan and Greenlee appear in court . Greenlee asks to make a statement on Kendall 's behalf . After Greenlee makes her statement , the judge calls for a rec@@ ess . The judge agrees to put Kendall on pro@@ b@@ ation for five years , pay fif@@ teen thousand dollars and five hundred hours of community service . Hannah walks in just as the hearing is coming to a close . She hur@@ ries out before anyone can see her ."
"Transcript": [
"Erica : Yet another amazing example of a fabulous new beginning . We 'll be back with another guest right after this .",
"[ \" New Be@@ gin@@ nings \" the@@ me plays ]",
"Man : And we 're out .",
"[ Cheers and applause ]",
"Erica : Pam ? Any word from the courthouse ?",
"Pam : No . I 'll let you know .",
"Erica : Is my car ready ?",
"Pam : Ready to roll . But you better get back -- the whi@@ p lady 's up .",
"Erica : Whip ?",
"Pam : W - H - I - P ? \" We Help Women In Pri@@ son \" ? Remember ?",
"Erica : Women in prison , Pam ? With my daughter facing what she 's facing ? C@@ anc@@ el her .",
"Pam : The guest ? She 's already in the chair .",
"Erica : All right , all right , I will do that . But the minute I get word . I 'm out of here . Thanks . Hello . Hi , nice to meet you .",
"Tad : Stop staring , Krystal .",
"Krystal : I 'm not staring .",
"Tad : Yeah , you are -- you 're staring . Why do n't you watch your daughter d@@ roo@@ l stra@@ ined pea@@ ches for a while ?",
"Krystal : Oh . Hey . Hey there . Somebody needs to talk to you about your table man@@ ners , little one . Now you 're staring .",
"Tad : No , I 'm not . It 's more of a sub@@ tle gl@@ ance .",
"Krystal : \" Su@@ b@@ tle \" ?",
"Tad : Yeah .",
"Krystal : Su@@ b@@ tle , my eye . Come on , do we have to go ?",
"Tad : No , we are not going anywhere . See , over the years , at least I have develo@@ ped special skills for dealing with just this type of situation . Ob@@ serve -- other half of the room ? G@@ one , inv@@ is@@ ible , from now on . Is n't that right , hmm ?",
"Adam : Thank you for coming . I take that as a positive sign .",
"J.R. : Do n't . Whatever you have to say , say it fast .",
"Richie : So how long do I have , doc , huh ? We@@ eks , days , hours ? Oh , come on , there 's no need to soft - pe@@ d@@ al . We both know how this ends . I 'm feeling half@@ - dead already .",
"Babe : \" Of the f@@ is@@ cal quar@@ ter , during which several of the -- \" are you tracking me here ? Annie ?",
"Annie : What ? Oh , I 'm sorry . I 'm -- I 'm sorry . I promised myself I would n't do that -- let my mind wan@@ der off . It 's -- ahem -- it 's part of my New Year 's re@@ solution -- stop thinking about Richie .",
"Babe : Actually , that was one of mine , too . But as long as we 're breaking them , how is he ?",
"Annie : Not good .",
"Babe : Sorry . Ok , um , let 's get back to the qu@@ arter@@ ly . So -- you know what ? You know what ? Forget it . It 's impossible to concentrate . There 's too much going on . Do you want to -- do you want to head over to the courthouse and see how Kendall 's doing ?",
"Annie : No , no . I think Kendall would want us to stay here and hold down the for@@ t .",
"Babe : Do you think she 's going to come out of this ok ?",
"Annie : The truth ? The way things have been going lately for Kendall , I 'm really afraid .",
"Aidan : You ready to go home ?",
"Greenlee : So ready . Just one stop I need to make first . Kendall 's hearing .",
"Aidan : Kendall has enough backup , Greenlee . She has Zach , Ryan , and Jackson .",
"Greenlee : But she needs me .",
"Jack : Thanks , I owe you one .",
"Man : No problem . Just stick with the scri@@ pt -- you may be ok .",
"Jack : All right . Hey .",
"Zach : We have a plea deal or do n't we ?",
"Jack : Yeah . As a matter of fact , the D.A. just signed on . The judge , however , may be a slightly harder sell .",
"Ryan : Meaning what ?",
"Jack : Meaning that as long as we stick with extreme emotional du@@ ress , you 're going to be just fine .",
"Kendall : \" E@@ moti@@ onal du@@ ress \" ? As in what -- I was going crazy ? No , Jack , I knew exactly what I was doing to Greenlee and I will admit that to the judge . I was n't out of my mind when I set up Greenlee , and I 'm not going to say that I was .",
"Jack : Kendall , nobody 's asking you to . This is just a tech@@ nic@@ ality . But let 's be honest here , you were -- you were very close to your breaking point .",
"Kendall : I was -- no . I was clear and rational .",
"Zach : How were you rational ? I found you in the park with Spike and a gun -- that 's rational ?",
"Kendall : That was part of my plan .",
"Zach : Your plan was insane .",
"Kendall : Well , no more than yours was .",
"Zach : T@@ elling Greenlee that her emb@@ ry@@ os were still vi@@ able was a bad idea . And , yes , maybe I felt badly , maybe I felt guilty about it . It does n't matter , it 's in the past . We ca n't change that , but we 're not going to throw away our future .",
"Kendall : Ok , Zach , how can I make you understand how I feel ? How ?",
"Ryan : Well , honestly , it 's going to be a little bit difficult , because you 're not making a whole lot of sense right now , Kendall .",
"Kendall : Ok -- see , you of all people -- I thought that you would understand .",
"Ryan : What do you want me to say ? I -- I do n't like what you did any more than you do .",
"Zach : You were n't yourself .",
"Kendall : Ok , well , then who was I ?",
"Zach : You were a woman at your breaking point , that 's --",
"Ryan : Who was terrified that Greenlee was going to harm our son -- that 's who you were .",
"Kendall : You guys , listen , I 'm tired of lying , ok ? I 'm tired of making excuses for myself . I 'm not going to lie to the judge .",
"Zach : You 're going to say whatever Jack tells you to say .",
"Kendall : No , Zach . I 'm sorry , but I wo n't .",
"Ryan : You 're going to go to prison , Kendall . All right , and what about Spike ? Has n't he been through enough ? I mean , what do you want him to do -- say goodbye to his mother , Kendall ? Is that what you want for our son ?",
"Kendall : No , of course not , no .",
"Zach : Then what ? \" Of course not \" -- what do you want to do ? You going to raise our boys from a prison cell ? Jack , a little help , please .",
"Jack : Kendall , I would suggest you listen to them because here 's the fact -- without this plea , you 're looking at 20 to 40 years .",
"Zach : Did you hear that ? This is not a game .",
"Ryan : Just -- just think about what you 're doing , Kendall , ok ? Just think about it .",
"Kendall : If Greenlee were convicted , how many years ? How many years would she get ?",
"Jack : Kendall , that did n't happen , and it 's not going to .",
"Kendall : Jack , you 're her father . Remember what I did . Greenlee was a fu@@ git@@ ive because of me . She nearly died because of me .",
"Zach : Let it go . It 's over .",
"Kendall : No , it 's not over . It will never be over for Greenlee or me until I stand up and own what I did .",
"Aidan : You can barely stand , let alone go to a courtroom .",
"Greenlee : So we 'll take the wheelchair .",
"Aidan : Joe only let you out of the hospital today , because you promised that you would go straight home to bed , and that 's exactly where you 're going .",
"Greenlee : Aidan , I 'll find someone else to take me where I need to go .",
"Aidan : Well , good luck with that .",
"Greenlee : Really ? You 're going to d@@ itch me ?",
"Aidan : Anybody that gives a damn about you is not going to drag you anywhere else , especially not a courtroom .",
"Joe : What 's this about a courtroom ?",
"Greenlee : Kendall 's hearing is right now , and I need to go .",
"Joe : No , you do n't need to go . It 's out of the question . Your imm@@ une system has been badly com@@ promised , and I want you on bed rest 24@@ /@@ 7 .",
"Greenlee : And that 'll happen after the hearing is over .",
"Joe : No , it wo n't . You 've been a whole month with hardly any food and water , locked away under@@ ground . Your heart has stopped on two separate occa@@ sions .",
"Greenlee : But it 's fine now , Joe . I 'm going .",
"Aidan : Going home is exactly where you 're going . I 'm not driving you anywhere else apart from home to bed . All right ?",
"Krystal : You know what ?",
"Tad : What ?",
"Krystal : You might as well just turn right around and give them the eye@@ ball , because you ca n't stop looking at them side@@ ways .",
"Tad : I 'm not looking , I do n't have to look . I know what 's happening . See , there 's a seduc@@ tion going over there , I can feel it --",
"Krystal : A seduc@@ tion ?",
"Tad : Yeah , a seduc@@ tion .",
"Krystal : Hmm .",
"Tad : You , more than anybody , should know how Adam oper@@ ates . He 's sitting there all charm , all smile , offers you the moon and stars , says he 'll make your wil@@ dest dreams come true , and all it 's going to cost you is your soul .",
"Krystal : Are you talking about J.R. or me ?",
"Tad : Both . I swear , in this town after all this time , everything he 's done , the fact that anybody would spend five minutes with --",
"Krystal : Thank you very much for the vote of confidence . You know , did it ever oc@@ cu@@ r to you that Adam and J.R. may be just having breakfast together ?",
"[ Tad laughs ]",
"Tad : No .",
"Adam : I deeply regret manipul@@ ating you by with@@ holding your alibi .",
"J.R. : I bl@@ acked out . You let me believe that I ran over Zach Slater , maybe even killed him . I still would n't even know that I was off the hook if Amanda had n't crac@@ ked .",
"Adam : I was wrong , I admit that . I wanted you home .",
"J.R. : No , you wanted to punish me for my kidnapping scam .",
"Adam : No , no , that 's not true . Well , maybe -- I do n't know . I only know that when I heard you had been kidnapped , it literally sha@@ ved years off my life .",
"J.R. : Well , you 're going to out@@ live us all , Dad . This has been fun , but --",
"Adam : You broke my heart , J.R.",
"J.R. : Do n't you mean that I cost you a bun@@ dle ?",
"Adam : Yes , I lost my company , I lost my home , and I lost millions in ran@@ som .",
"J.R. : So this is the real reason why you tried to stick it to me ?",
"Adam : No . I only know that I -- I did n't realize how little my posse@@ ssions meant to me until I thought I 'd lost you .",
"J.R. : So what now ? Are you going to bring out the viol@@ ins ?",
"Adam : Do you remember what you told me ? That if ever I wanted to ask you for anything -- just forget the manipul@@ ating -- just ask , all I had to do was ask ? I 'm asking right now -- can you and I be father and son again ?",
"Babe : You know , J.R. 's been really protective lately when it comes to me and , well , of course , Little A.",
"Annie : He 's become a really good father .",
"Babe : Yeah , you know , I think it has something to do with the bad relationship he has with Adam . Anyway , J.R. found out that I had a Christmas gift I was going to give to Richie .",
"Annie : Uh - oh .",
"Babe : Yeah . Yeah , he really went off on me .",
"Annie : I 'm sorry .",
"Babe : No , you know , it 's ok . I mean , it was a reality check for me and one that I needed in the worst kind of way .",
"Annie : What did J.R. say ?",
"Babe : Bas@@ ically that Richie 's a complic@@ ation my little boy does n't need in his life .",
"Annie : Well , Richie 's a complic@@ ation none of us needs , including me , Ryan , Emma . I mean , he just w@@ rea@@ ks ha@@ vo@@ c wherever he goes .",
"Babe : But there are times when he can be so sweet and gent@@ le .",
"Annie : Well , especially with you . I mean , you -- you get to him like nobody else .",
"Babe : So you think that -- that the feelings he has for me are real , that -- that maybe I could even help ?",
"Annie : No . No , Babe , I 'm telling you -- I 'm begging you -- to run for your life .",
"Richie : What are you testing for , doc , huh ? I mean , I 'm on my way out . At this point , what does my cho@@ le@@ ster@@ ol matter ?",
"Doctor : I 'm going to have to get back to you on that one , Mr. No@@ va@@ k .",
"Richie : Yeah , you do that . Maybe I 'll be here , but I would n't count on it . Mor@@ on .",
"Richie : Ga@@ ther witnesses , get Annie here . W@@ ea@@ p@@ on .",
"[ Richie day@@ dreams ]",
"Annie : Richie ? Richie , it 's Annie -- can you hear me ?",
"Richie : It 's over .",
"Annie : What ?",
"Richie : It 's over .",
"Annie : I ca n't hear you .",
"Richie : I 'm sorry . I 'm sorry .",
"Annie : What -- what 'd you do ? What are you -- Richie ! Oh !",
"Richie : No , Annie -- what 'd you do ?",
"Annie : Richie ?",
"Richie : Oh , what 'd you do ?",
"Man : She stabbed him !",
"Annie : No --",
"Man : Call the police !",
"Annie : No , I did n't , I did n't ! He did this to himself !",
"Richie : Goodbye , Annie .",
"Annie : No . No , no , no , no , no , no , you ca n't get away with this .",
"Richie : Looks like I just did .",
"Annie : Oh ! Damn you , Richie -- this was n't my fault ! This was n't my fault !",
"Richie : You 'll never win , Annie . You never have -- not with me .",
"Kendall : I 've got to clear Greenlee .",
"Jack : Kendall , you 're not going to clear Greenlee by plea@@ ding guilty . What you need to do is say that you were in --",
"Kendall : Say that I 'm crazy ?",
"Bai@@ liff : All rise . This is the criminal court of the Com@@ mon@@ weal@@ th of P@@ enn@@ s@@ yl@@ van@@ ia , the people v@@ s. Kendall Har@@ t Slater , Judge Angela Mar@@ ch pre@@ sid@@ ing . This court is now in session . Be seated .",
"Judge : Will the people please state the charges ?",
"D.A. : \" Fal@@ se repor@@ ting to law en@@ for@@ cement , mis@@ de@@ mean@@ or in the second degree , ta@@ mper@@ ing with physical evidence , mis@@ de@@ mean@@ or in the second degree , bur@@ gl@@ ary , fel@@ ony in the first degree , criminal tre@@ sp@@ ass , fel@@ ony in the third degree , for@@ g@@ ery , mis@@ de@@ mean@@ or in the first degree . \"",
"Judge : Kendall Har@@ t Slater , do you understand the charges against you ?",
"Kendall : Yes , I do , your honor .",
"Judge : And how do you plead ?",
"Jack : Your honor , if I may --",
"Kendall : I plead guilty .",
"Jack : Your honor , again --",
"Kendall : No , guilty -- that 's my plea .",
"Judge : Are you under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?",
"Kendall : No , your honor .",
"Judge : Will the people please state the evidence against the defendant ?",
"D.A. : On No@@ ve@@ mber 2 , as the record states , a dis@@ pat@@ cher received an emergency call that Kendall Slater repor@@ ted that she 'd been attacked and drugged , and that her minor child had been ab@@ duc@@ ted again by Greenlee S@@ my@@ the . And finally , the s@@ worn aff@@ id@@ a@@ v@@ it of the defendant that her accusations were false .",
"Judge : These are very serious charges , Ms. Slater . Are you aware of the pen@@ al@@ ties involved ?",
"D.A. : Your honor , the people and the coun@@ sel for the defense have enter@@ ed into a plea agreement . The com@@ mon@@ weal@@ th recomm@@ ends a prison term of 2 1@@ /@@ 2 to 5 years , all to be served during a period of pro@@ b@@ ation , along with sub@@ stan@@ tial community service .",
"Judge : And who coo@@ ked up the community - service plan without infor@@ ming the court ?",
"D.A. : I 'm sorry , your honor . This -- this hearing came up rather quickly , and I did n't --",
"Judge : It 's ok . I get it . But why be so l@@ eni@@ ent ?",
"D.A. : Ex@@ ten@@ u@@ ating circumstances .",
"Judge : And those would be ?",
"Jack : Your honor , the defendant committed these acts while under extreme emotional du@@ ress and the defense can demon@@ str@@ ate that Kendall Har@@ t Slater acted --",
"Kendall : No , I knew exactly what I was doing . I knew it was illegal . I wanted Greenlee S@@ my@@ the to rot in hell .",
"J.R. : Be your son ? I already have that dist@@ inc@@ tion .",
"Adam : No , I mean -- I mean fully and truly .",
"J.R. : Right , right , with the corner office and the stock options ?",
"Adam : That 's not what I 'm offering .",
"J.R. : Unless I decide to move back into the mansion , in which case the world is mine .",
"Adam : You can live anywhere you like -- just so you come home and have dinner with me now and then .",
"J.R. : Once again , I think I 'm hearing viol@@ ins .",
"Adam : And meet me for the occa@@ si@@ onal game of squ@@ ash .",
"J.R. : Wait . It 's an entire string or@@ che@@ str@@ a .",
"Adam : No strings , J.R. -- just your father , on the up - and - up .",
"J.R. : Father , \" up - and - up \" ? You 're going to have to choose one or the other , because you ca n't have both .",
"Adam : I have no agenda . I 'm not trying to -- to bri@@ be you . Just tell me what I have to say to convince you . Tell me , J.R. what do you want me to do ?",
"Krystal : You know , suddenly I 'm not very hungry and I really would like to go home .",
"Tad : No , I 'm -- excuse me , I 'm sorry , but you know , the fact that you could sit there and enter@@ tain the idea that Adam is only interested in a father - son breakfast makes you --",
"Krystal : What ? What ? Stu@@ pid , naive ?",
"Tad : Sorry , it makes you -- no .",
"Krystal : What ?",
"Tad : I 'm taking the fif@@ th . Never mind . E@@ at your breakfast .",
"Krystal : You know what ? This is going to get really nasty really , really quickly .",
"Tad : No , ok , no , no , no . It does n't have to . It does n't have to , ok ? Look , if I was going to be honest , I would just admit that I 'm more than a little worried , that 's all .",
"Krystal : About what ?",
"Tad : Well , this is the first time that Adam has seen us out on the town since we admitted that we tied the k@@ not , right ?",
"Krystal : And it 's not going to be the last time , either , Tad . It 's a very , very small town .",
"Tad : So what happens if the next time you see him , you get this look on your face ? I 'm going to want to jump in your lap , start bit@@ ching about how he 's un@@ trust@@ worthy . That means you 're going to get up -- want to get up and bo@@ lt out of the room all over again .",
"Krystal : Oh , got me all figured out , do n't you ?",
"Tad : All except the part about how I fix it .",
"Krystal : How many times do I have to tell you , Tad , that I am not running from Adam ?",
"Tad : Since when ?",
"Krystal : I 'm not afraid of him .",
"Tad : Honey -- no , not yet . A little fear would be an impro@@ vement , because what you feel for Adam scares me half to death .",
"Babe : You know , you 're not the first one who 's told me to run for the hi@@ lls when it comes to a man .",
"Annie : Your mom ?",
"Babe : Yeah , yeah -- first with J.R. , now more recently with Richie .",
"Annie : Well , it 's harder to run from a brother .",
"Babe : I guess . You know , I had some pie - e@@ yed no@@ tion that maybe you and Richie would make peace -- you know , before he died .",
"Annie : That 's how it works in the movies , right ?",
"Babe : He does n't have much longer , Annie . Maybe -- maybe if you tried ?",
"Annie : I could , but Richie does n't want peace , Babe . What Richie 's wanted , what Richie 's wanted for years , is to take me down .",
"[ Phone rings ]",
"Babe : Fusion . Yes , hold on just one minute . Um -- the hospital , one of Richie 's doctors .",
"Annie : Yes ?",
"Doctor : Mrs. Annie Lavery ?",
"Annie : Yeah ?",
"Doctor : This is Dr. West@@ lake at Pine Valley Hospital . I 'm sorry to distur@@ b you at work , but your brother 's condition is de@@ teri@@ or@@ ating ra@@ p@@ id@@ ly . I thought a rel@@ ative should be informed .",
"Annie : Have you called my father ?",
"Dr. West@@ lake : I see on Richie 's chart that your father lives in Chicago , several hours away ?",
"Annie : That 's right .",
"Dr. West@@ lake : Well , your brother may not have that long .",
"Annie : You mean he 's going to -- ok . Um -- well , thank you for -- for calling .",
"Dr. West@@ lake : He 's asking for you . What shall I tell him ?",
"Annie : I 'm not really sure . Um -- but thank you , anyway .",
"Richie : Well , is she coming ? What 'd she say ?",
"Man : I could n't tell .",
"Richie : You know , you 'd think if she heard that her brother was dying , you know --",
"Man : Pretty cold .",
"Richie : You could say that , yeah .",
"Man : So , why do you want her to come ?",
"Richie : Se@@ ttle old sc@@ ores .",
"Man : What do you think you could settle in here ?",
"Richie : You 'd be ama@@ zed , man . Hmm .",
"Erica : The women in@@ mates your group assi@@ sts -- I guess your job is to ease their tran@@ sit@@ ion back into civi@@ lian life .",
"Woman : Well , most of the women we deal with are serving long prison terms .",
"Erica : So you handle their app@@ ea@@ ls ?",
"Woman : We 're not lawyers . We try to im@@ prove the quality of prison life .",
"Erica : But some of the women do get out , do n't they ? I mean , with -- with good behavior , with -- I mean , they do get out ?",
"Woman : Well , occa@@ si@@ onally , but that 's not our focus .",
"Erica : I see . Well , what about w@@ ron@@ g@@ ful convic@@ tions ?",
"Woman : Well , actually , we fun@@ ction pri@@ ma@@ rily as counsel@@ ors .",
"Erica : Well , what good is counsel@@ ing if you do n't help these w@@ ron@@ g@@ fully convicted women fight their way out of prison ?",
"Woman : Excuse me ?",
"Erica : I think that your entire approach actually sounds hope@@ less .",
"Woman : Ac@@ c@@ ep@@ tance , we call it .",
"Erica : I call it de@@ fe@@ at .",
"Judge : Why imp@@ licate Greenlee S@@ my@@ the in a fab@@ ric@@ ated crime and how exactly did you go about it ? Your own words -- start with why .",
"Kendall : My son Spike was in a car accident . Greenlee S@@ my@@ the was driving . My son su@@ sta@@ ined intern@@ al injuries , and they re@@ pa@@ ired his sp@@ leen . But when he was recovering in the hospital , they discovered something else .",
"Greenlee : Kendall --",
"Kendall : Get the hell away from my son . Do n't you touch my son ! Stay the hell away from him !",
"Greenlee : I -- oh !",
"[ P@@ ans cl@@ at@@ ter ]",
"Greenlee : I 'm sorry , I 'm sorry !",
"Zach : Kendall -- there 's something wrong with Spike .",
"Joe : Spike is dea@@ f .",
"Kendall : I assumed that Greenlee 's reck@@ less driving had ro@@ bbed my son of his ability to hear . He would be dea@@ f for the rest of his life . I re@@ solved to make Greenlee pay for what she did . So , I pretended to reach out to her . I told her that I wanted to re@@ build our friendship , and she seemed very eager to re@@ connect . I had access to Greenlee 's penthouse , and I planted evidence little by little . I -- I pur@@ cha@@ sed two seats on a flight to the U.@@ S. V@@ ir@@ gin Is@@ lands , a for@@ ged birth certificate for her son , and packed a suit@@ case full of new clothes for Spike .",
"Zach : Your honor , may I say something ?",
"Judge : You may not .",
"Zach : My wife is dealing with some mi@@ sp@@ lac@@ ed guilt , and I think maybe --",
"Judge : Do n't force me to have you removed from my courtroom . Please be seated . Mrs. Slater , on the night of the actual incident --",
"Kendall : I stole ch@@ l@@ or@@ o@@ form from the hospital . And I asked Greenlee to meet me at the bo@@ a@@ thouse . I pretended that I needed a friend to talk to about Spike 's up@@ coming co@@ ch@@ lear im@@ plant surgery . She was happy to meet me . She was kind and -- and supportive and un@@ suspe@@ cting . Then , I -- I pretended to get an emergency phone call . I told Greenlee that my husband , Zach , had been hurt , so I asked her to stay with Spike at the bo@@ a@@ thouse . I insisted she stay exactly where she was . When she was tending to my son , I hid close by . I repor@@ ted that Greenlee drugged me and sn@@ at@@ ched my boy right out of my arms . Then , I ch@@ l@@ or@@ o@@ for@@ med myself so that the police would find me . When they showed up , I swore that Greenlee had kidnapped my son .",
"Judge : You framed an innocent woman , sub@@ jected her to false arrest , squ@@ an@@ dered valuable police hours , resources of the justice system to satis@@ fy your l@@ ust for revenge ?",
"Jack : Your honor , if I may inter@@ ject in my client 's --",
"Judge : No , Mr. Montgomery , you may not . What pro@@ mp@@ ted you to finally tell the truth ?",
"Kendall : Because of my false accusations , Greenlee pan@@ icked and ran . And she almost died .",
"Judge : So you were ultimat@@ ely motiv@@ ated by pity ?",
"Kendall : I also discovered my son had been losing his hearing gradu@@ ally over a long period of time -- not from the accident . So Greenlee S@@ my@@ the had nothing to do with my son going dea@@ f . Greenlee S@@ my@@ the is n't guilty of anything , and I 'm here to clear her name .",
"[ Greenlee enters the courtroom in a wheelchair ]",
"Judge : I suppose that you should be comm@@ ended for finally setting the record straight , but frankly , Mrs. Slater , I am un@@ impressed with your be@@ lated impul@@ se to confess . You sta@@ ged a re@@ pre@@ hen@@ si@@ ble ho@@ ax on Ms. S@@ my@@ the and the Com@@ mon@@ weal@@ th of P@@ enn@@ s@@ yl@@ van@@ ia .",
"Kendall : I realize that now . Greenlee S@@ my@@ the does n't belong in prison .",
"Judge : And what pro@@ mp@@ ted this so - called rev@@ el@@ ation , Mrs. Slater ?",
"Greenlee : I can actually answer that , your honor .",
"Judge : And you are ?",
"Greenlee : Greenlee S@@ my@@ the .",
"Jack : Your honor , I 'd like to move for a short rec@@ ess .",
"Judge : Oh , please , just sit down , Mr. Montgomery .",
"Jack : Your honor , I need to con@@ fer with my clients .",
"Judge : I know , I know , but I need to get to the bottom of this . Ms. S@@ my@@ the , will you please come forward ?",
"Kendall : No . No , no , no , no . Greenlee , stop . Stop , stop .",
"Greenlee : No .",
"Kendall : Please , do n't do this , Greenlee , come on .",
"Judge : Bai@@ liff , will you swear in Ms. S@@ my@@ the ?",
"Bai@@ liff : What is your name ?",
"Greenlee : Greenlee S@@ my@@ the .",
"Kendall : I object , your honor .",
"Judge : Be quiet and sit down .",
"Bai@@ liff : Do you swear to tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth ?",
"Greenlee : I do .",
"Judge : Now , you obviously have , or you think you have , information b@@ earing on this case .",
"Greenlee : Yes , your honor , I do .",
"Judge : Pro@@ ce@@ ed .",
"Greenlee : Your honor -- um -- it happened two years ago . Kendall Slater is my best friend . I was desperate to have a child with the man I was married to at the time . My husband did n't want to have one , but I was determined to concei@@ ve .",
"Judge : Ms. S@@ my@@ the , this story seems far a@@ field from the issues we 're we@@ i@@ ghing today .",
"Greenlee : I know , your honor , but the fact is , is we would n't be here if it was n't for a series of events that happened in a ferti@@ lity clinic a very long two years ago .",
"Erica : It just seems to me that the way to help women in prison who are w@@ ron@@ gly accused is to work to get them out , and hope that the people in your organization can help them with their new beginning . After all , that 's what this show is all about . So thank you , Dana . And thank you for watching .",
"[ \" New Be@@ gin@@ nings \" the@@ me plays ]",
"Man : And we 're out .",
"[ Cheers and applause ]",
"Pam : Kendall 's hearing just started .",
"Erica : Ok . I 'm out of here . Bye .",
"Woman : Bye .",
"Krystal : It 's really great to know that you think I am a complete idiot .",
"Tad : I did n't say that .",
"Krystal : Hmm . You are afraid of my feelings for Adam . Like I 'm just going to run over there and strip my clothes off ?",
"Tad : Well , it would n't be the first time it 's happened .",
"Krystal : All right , that 's it .",
"Tad : No , no , no -- ok , I 'm sorry , I 'm sorry .",
"[ Jenny fus@@ ses ]",
"Tad : I apologize -- yeah . Look , I -- that was a lousy thing to say . I admit it , ok ? I was an idiot . But it 's a fact -- I 'm scared . You 're doing everything you can for me and Jenny , but the truth is , he 's still got a hold on you , right ? And I know from fir@@ s@@ th@@ and experience how hard that is to break . It 's a hell of a job . I was just -- I was just kind of hoping that , you know , our marriage would help with that .",
"Krystal : It did .",
"Tad : Not enough .",
"Krystal : Look , you know , and I know that I 'm not where I need to be , ok ? I admit that . Ok ? But where do I go from here , huh ?",
"Adam : You asked me to reach out to you . No games , no lies , no threats . I 'm doing what you said you wanted . And you 're still blowing me off . Why ?",
"J.R. : Maybe because I 've heard it all -- what you 've done to me , what you 've done to Krystal , all in the name of love .",
"Adam : I 've apologized for my mistakes .",
"J.R. : Well , you know what you can do with your apologi@@ es .",
"Adam : You 're right . I do n't know why I keep trying . $ 50 million . Is that new enough ? Does $ 50 million get your attention ?",
"[ Mur@@ mur@@ ing ]",
"Annie : According to the doctor , Babe -- um -- this is it . Richie 's -- about to die .",
"Babe : What are you going to do ?",
"Annie : I do n't know . What would you do in my place ? No , do n't answer that . I already know .",
"Babe : He 's your brother , Annie . You 'll hate yourself if you do n't see him one last time .",
"Greenlee : My rage , my bit@@ ter@@ ness , my public threat to sue for custody for Ryan and Kendall 's son , my obse@@ ssion with wanting to have Ryan Lavery 's child -- the fact that I vir@@ tually stal@@ ked Kendall and her children when I was told to stay away -- all of these things made Kendall believe that I was planning on kidnapping her baby . I mean , I was n't , but even I could see why she would believe that .",
"[ Hannah comes into the courtroom and sits down ]",
"Jack : Your honor , if I may address the court --",
"Judge : Are you finished , Ms. S@@ my@@ the ?",
"Greenlee : Yes , I am .",
"Judge : All right , Mr. Montgomery , but keep it brief .",
"Jack : I will , your honor . Are you ok ? Your honor , my client 's fears for her son Spike were comp@@ ounded by extreme physical and emotional stre@@ sses -- the accident , Spike 's life - threatening injuries , his dea@@ f@@ ness , his sub@@ sequ@@ ent sur@@ ge@@ ries , and of course , Kendall 's own emergency C - section , her son Ian 's pre@@ mature birth , and the fact that he spent the first few weeks of his life at the b@@ rink of death . All of these fac@@ tors comb@@ ined to put my client in a vi@@ se@@ - like grip of ter@@ ror . She was literally tra@@ um@@ ati@@ zed , your honor . This coun@@ sel im@@ pl@@ ores this court to consider these facts , the fact that she was under extreme emotional du@@ ress , and that she is here , despite the fact that she could lose her freedom , so that she can tell the truth .",
"Judge : You and coun@@ sel are in acc@@ ord that Ms. Slater should get off with a slap on the wrist ?",
"D.A. : Your honor , I would n't exactly describe it in those words . Long pro@@ b@@ ation and community service .",
"Judge : Light pen@@ al@@ ties for e@@ gre@@ gi@@ ous acts . I 'm going to ad@@ jour@@ n to review the case . Prin@@ ci@@ p@@ als should remain on site . I 'll be deliver@@ ing my ru@@ ling very shortly .",
"[ Judge pounds ga@@ vel ]",
"Bai@@ liff : All rise .",
"Judge : Court is now in rec@@ ess .",
"Kendall : Thank you .",
"Greenlee : But all I did was tell the truth . I mean , you -- you left out something that -- that would send me to trial .",
"Kendall : No , Greenlee , do n't bring it up , do n't .",
"Greenlee : But , Kendall , I did take Spike that night , the night of the accident , I did , and you told everyone all the bad things you did , but you left out that I almost ran away with your son .",
"Richie : A@@ las , poor Richie . I knew him well . Hell of a guy . H@@ and@@ some , smart , and that 's how it goes . The bri@@ gh@@ test stars always burn out the fa@@ st@@ est .",
"[ Annie walks in ]",
"J.R. : So , you 'll give me $ 50 million to have dinner with you ? A game of squ@@ ash from time to time ?",
"Adam : I have a plan .",
"J.R. : Hmm . But not the cap@@ it@@ al . Not the 50 million .",
"Adam : No . But I will very soon . And that , and a lot more , will fall into my coff@@ ers .",
"J.R. : You 're telling me about this fortune that you 're coming into because --",
"Adam : Because you 're my son . And of course , I want you to be a part of it .",
"Tad : No , it 's not where you go , it 's where we go . We go take Jenny to the baby gym . You know , we eat dinner together every night as a family . We stock up on DV@@ D@@ s , we cu@@ ddle up on the sofa to watch movies . And every once in a while , we spring for a night out on the town . We act like a married couple with a baby , because that 's exactly what we are .",
"Krystal : And the Adam thing ?",
"Tad : Yeah , well , that 's not going away too quickly , so -- you 're doing what you can , so I will , too . I will try to keep my mouth shut . About Adam , anyway .",
"Krystal : Hmm . All right , and I 'll do my best to remind myself that I 'm very lucky to be part of a loving family .",
"Tad : A little bit of luck , some occa@@ si@@ onal loving ?",
"Krystal : Oh --",
"Tad : No , I 'm serious . I do n't know -- I think we got a shot at something pretty wonderful .",
"Judge : E@@ moti@@ onal du@@ ress is a cat@@ cha@@ ll excuse for a sta@@ gg@@ ering range of he@@ in@@ ous acts . I am not in@@ cl@@ ined to ind@@ ul@@ ge the self - pit@@ ying of wh@@ ining crimin@@ als . However , in this case , the w@@ ron@@ ged in@@ div@@ id@@ ual has made a persu@@ as@@ ive case for her tor@@ men@@ tor . Ms. S@@ my@@ the 's plea on behalf of Mrs. Slater has impressed me a great deal . So , reluc@@ tan@@ tly , I am going to accept the plea agreement . Mrs. Slater , I am senten@@ cing you to five years , to be served on pro@@ b@@ ation , a $ 50@@ ,000 fine , and 5@@ 00 hours of community service . Do not let me see you in my court again .",
"[ Judge pounds ga@@ vel ]",
"Bai@@ liff : All rise .",
"Kendall : Thank you , your honor . Thank you .",
"Erica : Sweetheart --",
"Kendall : Oh , Mom --",
"Erica : Good .",
"Kendall : Oh , my gosh .",
"[ Looking very unhappy , Hannah storms out while everyone else celebr@@ ates ]",
"Annie : Richie , how do you feel ?",
"Richie : It 's almost over , Annie . I just wanted to give you something to remember me by .",
"[ Richie begins to pull the knife out of his pocket until Babe arrives ]",
"Babe : Sorry it took me so long . I could n't find a place to park .",
"Richie : I want to confess everything . You were right about me .",
"[ From the roo@@ f@@ top , Hannah fires a ri@@ f@@ le at Kendall , while Ryan throws himself in front of her ]"
"filename": "amc-01-03-08.json"
"Recap": [
"Greenlee and Ryan try to persu@@ ade Ethan to get a DNA test to prove whether he 's Zach 's son . At first he refuses . But after talking to Zach , he 's able to tell that Zach is hiding something and he agrees , realiz@@ ing that he needs to protect Miranda if she 's going to be getting the Cambias estate and if he 's related to her . Anita and Aiden have a good thing going and swim in the freezing river . Lily announ@@ ces to Erica that Aiden is her boyfriend and consul@@ ts her for some \" woman to woman \" advice about having boy@@ friends . Reggie wants to sleep with Danielle . But she reveals to him that she 's a vir@@ gin . To her surprise , he reveals that he is also ."
"Transcript": [
"Aidan : What , you want to go ta@@ me on me now ? I mean , if you want , we can always go and find some po@@ ts and ban@@ g them together .",
"Anita : No , wild is good . Whoo !",
"Kendall : All right , ok , enough . Now get off of me , please .",
"Greenlee : No , no , ice re@@ duc@@ es the sw@@ elling . Do you have any vit@@ am@@ in E ? It 's supposed to re@@ duc@@ e bru@@ is@@ ing . How about some tea -- her@@ bal ? You seem a little up@@ tight .",
"Kendall : The towel -- it 's all wet .",
"Greenlee : No , just a few more minutes , ok ? I just want to make sure you 're all right .",
"Kendall : Well , I was before you kicked me .",
"Greenlee : Did n't we just have a moment about that ? \" Thank you , \" \" sorry \" -- it does n't work for us . Now we know where we stand . You absolutely did n't drug me .",
"Kendall : G@@ oody . Great . Ok , you trust me . I have the bru@@ ise to prove it .",
"Greenlee : And I remember -- you saved my life the night that I laun@@ ched myself off that tra@@ pe@@ ze . If it had n't been for you --",
"Kendall : Well , I feel your gratitude .",
"Greenlee : You 've told me to take a flying lea@@ p how many times ? You could 've let me do it . Why save me ?",
"Kendall : Easy . En@@ chan@@ tment sales are through the roof , and if you had taken a lea@@ p off of ours , the prof@@ its would 've crashed and burned with you .",
"Ethan : You still think I 'm Zach 's son ?",
"Ryan : A little t@@ ingly feeling in the back of my neck .",
"Ethan : Well , then you have n't been paying attention , Ryan , because there 's solid evidence --",
"Ryan : Zach 's evidence .",
"Ethan : That I 'm not . So let 's just leave it at that , shall we ?",
"Ryan : You see , I ca n't do that because I keep coming back to the same place .",
"Ethan : Drop it , Ryan .",
"Ryan : Just pretend for one minute that you are his son .",
"Ethan : Do me a favor , ok ? Leave me out of your fantas@@ ies . Kendall , too .",
"Ryan : If it 's real , he lied to you , he lied to all of us .",
"Ethan : Honestly , I really do n't care whether Slater lied to me , you , and everybody . I do n't care !",
"Ryan : Just think about it . He 's doing everything in his power to wave you away from Kendall . Now , why would he do that ?",
"Ethan : Not everybody understands Kendall 's char@@ ms , Ryan .",
"Ryan : Zach knows that if you hook up with Kendall , you stay . And if you stay , you find out the truth , and that is the last thing that he wants .",
"Zach : I love you , and I want you to be with me . What ?",
"Ethan : Zach Slater is not my father .",
"Ryan : You sure about that ?",
"Ethan : Se@@ tt@@ led a long time ago , Ryan . You 're flo@@ gging a dead horse .",
"Ryan : So you 're afraid ? Or are you just stupid ?",
"Ethan : No , I 'm smart . I 'm smart enough to know when to move on . I suggest you do the same .",
"Ryan : Slater 's a liar . You and I both know that .",
"Ethan : There 's DNA evidence , Ryan .",
"Ryan : Oh , come on , do n't do that . Do n't add \" naive \" to your list . I mean , he could 've bought that evidence .",
"Ethan : I 'm satisfied . I 'm satisfied .",
"Ryan : I do n't understand , because when you first came to town you were gun@@ ning for any evidence of your paternity . Now you have the chance to find out the truth from an un@@ imp@@ ea@@ cha@@ ble source , and you put on the bra@@ kes .",
"Ethan : It 's a great pitch , Ryan , but I believe Slater .",
"Ryan : Huh . Ok , me , personally , I would believe Miranda . She wo n't lie to you .",
"Ethan : There 's more than DNA evidence , though . Zach told everybody in this town who would listen to him that I was n't his son . Why would he do that if it was n't true ?",
"Ryan : I do n't know . Why does Zach do any of the things that he does ? Why would he hide his identity ? Why would he set up the murder game and put a gun in Kendall 's hand ? Why would he shoot at me , and even you believe that he did that . And now you believe that he 's fra@@ ming Kendall for pois@@ oning Greenlee . Why would he do any of that ?",
"Ethan : I do n't know , Ryan , ok ? I do n't know .",
"Ryan : Well , there 's only one way to find the answers . Take a DNA test . Find out who you really are .",
"Danielle : This is amazing -- these flowers , the candles , this fru@@ it basket .",
"Reggie : The nice , big , co@@ zy bed .",
"Danielle : No one 's ever gotten me a fru@@ it basket before .",
"Reggie : What , you think it 's too much ?",
"Danielle : You 're too much . It 's -- it 's wonderful .",
"Reggie : What can I say ? I 've been inspir@@ ed by beauty .",
"Danielle : Oh , yeah ? How ?",
"Reggie : Well , first of all , you 're beyond beautiful . And you 're smart . You make me laugh . And you 're fun , and too sexy .",
"Danielle : You trying to run game on me ?",
"Reggie : You 're damn right . I mean , you 're a total di@@ me . And you 're too hot to handle .",
"Danielle : No , too starving .",
"Jack : Ladies , a little spar@@ k@@ ling c@@ ider . May 200@@ 5 bring even more mirac@@ les and joy to our family and loved ones .",
"Lily : And to my boyfriend .",
"Jack : Ahem .",
"Erica : Aidan Dev@@ ane ?",
"Lily : We have a lot in common . We both like myste@@ ries , and I 'm not ready for touching , and neither is he .",
"Jack : Yes , well , I -- I think it 's terrific .",
"Erica : Aidan 's a great guy .",
"Lily : He gave me his coat . I can hold it , or I can wear it to feel close to him . He says I have beautiful eyes .",
"Erica : Well , you do . And I 'm very glad you found someone to spend time with .",
"Lily : Like you found my dad ? Was he your first boyfriend , too ?",
"Erica : No , no , he was n't my first .",
"Lily : Was he your second ? Is that funny ?",
"Erica : Is it ?",
"Jack : Well , you see , Erica 's been dating a lot longer than you , so nat@@ urally she would have had more boy@@ friends .",
"Lily : Like , how many more ?",
"Erica : Oh , I -- I do n't remember .",
"Lily : More than five ?",
"Erica : Yes , definitely more than five .",
"Lily : More than seven ?",
"Jack : Well , actually , sweetheart , the number , great though it may be , does n't really matter . What matters is that Erica and I will be each other 's last boyfriend and girlfriend .",
"Erica : Your father is so right . I definitely saved the best for last .",
"Anita : You want me to do what ?",
"Aidan : Oh , come on . It 's tradition . You know , as soon you hit the water , you 'll be the new@@ est member of the Po@@ lar B@@ ear Club .",
"Anita : Yeah , but po@@ lar b@@ ears wear fu@@ r , not sil@@ k .",
"Aidan : It 's the best way to get rid of last year 's cru@@ d and start the new year fresh again .",
"Anita : Well , I guess I do feel a little loaded down .",
"Aidan : That 's the spirit . You ready ?",
"Anita : Ca n't wait . Oh , my God , I think my brain is freezing .",
"Aidan : You know , the best thing about getting cold is getting warm again . But if you want , we can get dressed and join the suits in the con@@ ga line .",
"Anita : And be stuck with last year 's cru@@ d ? No way . Happy New Year !",
"[ S@@ pl@@ ash ]",
"Aidan : I 'm coming ! Oh !",
"[ S@@ pl@@ ash ]",
"Greenlee : You have a theory ?",
"Kendall : Big ban@@ g ? Con@@ spir@@ acy ? What ?",
"Greenlee : About who drugged me .",
"Kendall : Well , I know who did n't -- Ethan .",
"Greenlee : Just because he 's got that Bri@@ ti@@ sh charm thing going on -- the accent , the killer smile --",
"Kendall : \" K@@ il@@ ler \" being the oper@@ ative word ?",
"Greenlee : I get you do n't want him to be guilty .",
"Kendall : He 's not .",
"Greenlee : Maybe you should start thinking with your brain and not with your --",
"Kendall : No , he did not -- he did not drug you , and he did not shoot Ryan .",
"Ethan : Ryan , I 'm not taking a DNA test .",
"Ryan : You have to .",
"Ethan : No , I do n't . Miranda is the Cambias heir now . You transferred the estate over to her . What 's happened is the best possible re@@ solution of this situation . Bianca has her baby back .",
"Ryan : That 's very touching . It really is . But if you really cared about that baby -- about Miranda -- you would take the test .",
"Kendall : Wait a minute . What does Ethan taking a DNA test have to do with my niece ?",
"Ryan : Miranda could be in danger .",
"Kendall : Why would anybody want to hurt Miranda ?",
"Ryan : Con@@ tro@@ l .",
"Greenlee : Mon@@ ey . Po@@ wer . Take your pick .",
"Ethan : It 's nonsense , Kendall .",
"Ryan : Since I 've taken over Cambias , I 've taken a bullet in the gut , I 've been shot at a second time , my wife 's been poisoned . Do I really have to spell this out for you ? When I sign it over to Miranda , she will be the next target .",
"Kendall : No . No , not Miranda .",
"Ethan : It 's a scare tac@@ tic , Kendall . Do n't listen to him , ok ?",
"Ryan : You want to take that chance ?",
"Ethan : Listen , do n't let him get to you .",
"Kendall : Yeah , well , what if it 's true ?",
"Ethan : If it 's true , I promise you , I will use everything at my dis@@ po@@ sal to protect Miranda and her mother .",
"Ryan : Like the sho@@ t@@ gun in your storage locker ?",
"Ethan : Ryan , I do n't like you much , but I did n't shoot you . And you know I would never harm Bianca or her daughter .",
"Greenlee : We should believe you because --",
"Ethan : When I first came to this town , Bianca was the only person save Kendall who gave me a chance , who be@@ fri@@ ended me . And she still wants to help me . Just this evening , she offered me another sample of Miranda 's DNA .",
"Ryan : Well , then what are you waiting for ?",
"Ethan : Ryan , I told you . I 'm not interested , ok ? I turned her down .",
"Ryan : And I go back to my original question . Why the hell would you do that ?",
"Maria : I 'm sorry , I just -- I ca n't . Because I -- I did n't know how -- that I was going to feel like this , and , you know -- and I do n't -- I want you . I do . But I do n't know where I belong right now , at all .",
"Zach : You belong with me --",
"Maria : Zach --",
"Zach : When you 're ready .",
"Maria : I do n't know when that 's going to be , Zach .",
"Zach : I 'll wait .",
"Maria : I ca n't ask you to do that .",
"Zach : Why not ? Not going to give up on you . I 'll give you anything you need -- time , space . You name it . But I will not stop fighting for you .",
"Zach : Happy New Year .",
"Maria : Happy New Year .",
"[ Anita laughs ]",
"Aidan : Whoa !",
"Anita : I have never been so cold in my entire life !",
"Aidan : I 'll turn this up .",
"Anita : Aidan , come get under here . You 're going to freeze to death .",
"Aidan : You know , if I get under there , it 's not going to be to warm up .",
"Anita : So do you do this every year ?",
"Aidan : Absolutely . I would n't miss it for the world . What do you reck@@ on ? Want to make it part of your permanent re@@ solution ?",
"Anita : On one condition . You promise that the water will be col@@ der .",
"Aidan : Well , I 'll see what I can do .",
"Anita : Good , because I have got all kinds of re@@ sol@@ uti@@ ons .",
"Aidan : Oh , really ? Like what ?",
"Anita : Like I -- I want to jump out of an air@@ plane .",
"Aidan : No , I love that . I 'll come with you and I 'll pack your ch@@ u@@ te for you if you like . What else ?",
"Anita : White - water ra@@ f@@ ting .",
"Aidan : Really ? You know , there 's a river -- Y@@ o@@ ck . It 's quite close to here . We could go together sometime .",
"Anita : Have you done everything I want to do ?",
"Aidan : Oh , I do n't think so . There must be something that I 've missed .",
"Anita : B@@ elly dancing ?",
"Aidan : I 've only watched , but I 'll be more than happy to watch you . Something tells me that you 're a natural .",
"Jack : I 'll take that and this .",
"Erica : Thank you .",
"Lily : You 're getting married ?",
"Erica : Very soon .",
"Lily : Do I have to marry Aidan ?",
"Jack : Absolutely not .",
"Erica : No . No , I mean , you 're way too young to even think about marriage .",
"Jack : Yes , and you will be for a long , long , long , long time .",
"Lily : Erica , you gave me really good advice about looking st@@ y@@ lish and friendly and not ready for sex . Will you give me some more when I need it ?",
"Erica : You know I will .",
"Jack : Whoa , whoa , whoa . What 's wrong with dear old dad here ? I mean , I have come up with a few words of wis@@ dom from time to time , no ?",
"Lily : You ca n't help me . You only know about how to be a boyfriend . I need to know how to be a girlfriend , and Erica 's had lots of experience -- over seven times .",
"Jack : Yes , well , you got me there .",
"Erica : Lily , do n't you worry . Whatever advice you need , I will tell you everything you need to know .",
"Danielle : Why would anybody want to eat a ha@@ i@@ ry fru@@ it ?",
"Reggie : What ? All right , do you want to tell me what 's wrong ?",
"Danielle : Nothing . It 's perfect ! I 'm going to eat everything in this basket , including the ha@@ i@@ ry one .",
"Reggie : No , I 'm talking about this weird vi@@ be you 're giving me .",
"Danielle : Not a problem .",
"[ Ra@@ dio turns on ]",
"Reggie : Yeah , I like that one .",
"Danielle : Oh , too re@@ tro .",
"[ Music changes ]",
"Reggie : All right , Dani , give it up .",
"[ Ra@@ dio turns off ]",
"Reggie : What is wrong ?",
"Danielle : What 's the matter ?",
"Reggie : That 's my question . I tell you I love you . I 'm pour@@ ing out my heart , and you 're eating fru@@ it . I mean --",
"Danielle : I 'm hungry , I told you . That 's all .",
"Reggie : Did I freak you out ? I came on too strong , did n't I ?",
"Danielle : Just chill .",
"Reggie : That 's what I want to know . If you want me to cool things down , then I can deal with it . Just tell me what 's on your mind .",
"Danielle : The truth ? I 'm all about you . I mean , you 're the coo@@ le@@ st guy I 've ever met . Whe@@ rever you are , that 's where I want to be .",
"Reggie : Then , baby , what 's the problem ? I mean , is it your dad ?",
"Danielle : I can handle my dad .",
"Reggie : Whatever it is , I can take it . I mean , we can work through it together . Just -- how bad could it be ?",
"Danielle : I 'm a vir@@ gin .",
"Ethan : I 'm over the fantasy of being a Cambias . I do n't know how many times I have to tell you .",
"Ryan : Until you believe it .",
"Ethan : Ryan , there is no reason for a second DNA test .",
"Ryan : I can think of a few .",
"Ethan : Well , unfortunately , it 's not up to you . It 's my decision , ok ?",
"Ryan : You know what ? You ni@@ xed the test first time around . I did n't say anything because I did n't know what your game was . But if you refuse now , I mean , it screams you were a fraud from the get - go .",
"Ethan : Do n't you dare . I believed the letter from my mother and her birth certificate .",
"Kendall : That 's not fair , Ryan , ok ? Ethan really believed he was a Cambias . He had the proof .",
"Greenlee : Or for@@ ge@@ ries .",
"Ryan : Now that Miranda 's here and Bianca says it 's ok , \" I do n't want to \" just does n't cut it anymore , not with all your chest p@@ ounding and your self@@ - ri@@ gh@@ te@@ ous crap you 've been throwing around .",
"Kendall : L@@ ay off of him , all right ? Ethan has his reasons !",
"Ethan : Kendall , just leave it ! !",
"Ryan : Well , mine tru@@ mp his . Take the test . If your DNA is a match , a new Cambias is crow@@ ned , and you get what you came for . And maybe the shooter will put the target on you instead of Miranda .",
"Greenlee : So , get rich , protect a kid . You got a better reason not to take the test ? You know , I do n't get that guy . What 's the big deal ? They swa@@ b a cheek , they pri@@ ck a finger . That 's it .",
"Kendall : No , that 's not it . You guys do n't seem to get it . You have all of your reasons why Ethan should take this test . You do n't even have a clue as to why he ca n't .",
"Greenlee : Wo n't .",
"Kendall : It 's not as simple as giving some blood .",
"Ryan : So share .",
"Kendall : Ethan came to town totally am@@ ped about claiming his dead dad , and then he finds a very much alive , sa@@ dist@@ ic creep . He 's sure that Zach shot you , drugged you , maybe framed me . I mean , it 's not exactly a welcome to the family .",
"Greenlee : If Zach 's his father , a couple bil@@ lion should ease the pain .",
"Kendall : Just get past the money . Imagine how he 's going to feel to find out that his uncle could be a ra@@ pist and his father a lying ske@@ eve .",
"Greenlee : No one gets to choose their family . He should just suck it up like the rest of us . S@@ mile and pass the pea@@ s at Thanksgiving .",
"Kendall : Yeah , well , what if your family does n't choose you ? Zach sw@@ ears up and down Ethan is not his son and ca n't wait to get him out of town . He even tried to pay him off . Why in God 's name would Ethan want to take a DNA test to prove that his own father does n't want him ?",
"Ethan : Wait .",
"Zach : What ? It 's too late , and I 'm too old and too tired to fight you . Leave me alone .",
"Ethan : No , I do n't want to fight .",
"Zach : What do you want ?",
"Ethan : This Cambias curse -- tell me about it .",
"Zach : Why ? You 're not a Cambias .",
"Ethan : No , but Miranda is .",
"Zach : It 's still not your problem .",
"Ethan : Please . What is this thing that is so horrible , you 've spent your entire life running from it ? Will it -- will it touch Miranda ? What is this curse ? I mean , is it the money ? Is it power ?",
"Zach : Mon@@ ey and power , huh ? Mon@@ ey and power -- it does n't matter how much you have . It 's never enough . And the one thing that you truly want -- the one thing -- is always just out of reach . That 's what fe@@ sters . And that 's what ro@@ ts your soul .",
"Ethan : But if you can control the money or the power -- the desire for it , at least -- then where 's the curse ?",
"Zach : You ca n't own love . You ca n't control it . That 's the Cambias curse . Our need and our desire to control stran@@ g@@ les love right where it lives .",
"Ethan : The Cambias cl@@ an ca n't find love . It 's no rev@@ el@@ ation .",
"Zach : That 's not what I said . There were a few lucky enough to find it . But no Cambias could ever hold onto it .",
"Edmund : Hey .",
"Maria : Hey . Where 's Maddie ? Is she asleep ?",
"Edmund : No , no , no , she 's upstairs talking to her friends online , listening to music -- if you can call this music .",
"Maria : I remember those days .",
"Edmund : Well , it 's been a long night . Good night .",
"Maria : You want me to drive you down to the hun@@ ting lo@@ dge ?",
"Edmund : No , that 's all right . I can call my driver .",
"Maria : Hey , Edmund , would -- wait a sec . I just want to -- I want to talk to you about something .",
"Maria : Ahem . We 're in this mess because of the secrets that I kept , and all for the wrong reasons . And -- and I thought I was n't hurting anyone , which was bull and I know that . I know that now . So I figure better the truth now , right ? I do n't want to hurt you , though , but better the truth than more lies . Right ? I was just with Zach .",
"Jack : Hey .",
"Erica : Oh , I could just watch Bianca and Miranda sleep all night .",
"Jack : Well , sure . How often do you have two mirac@@ les right in the next room ?",
"Erica : Oh , Jack , I just have this feeling . Do you feel it ? P@@ ea@@ ce . Comp@@ le@@ te and ab@@ solu@@ te peace . I mean , for the first time in such a long time , our children are safe . Oh , I wish it could last forever .",
"Jack : Hey , hey , hey , who says it ca n't ? You up to elo@@ ping ?",
"Erica : And miss the most amazing wedding on the planet ?",
"Jack : Should I be afraid ?",
"Erica : Very .",
"Anita : You were really great with Lily tonight .",
"Aidan : Yeah , right . After I got over the shock that she wanted to date me . Of course , it 's not going to be easy .",
"Anita : Why is that ?",
"Aidan : Well , my Tri@@ go@@ no@@ me@@ try is a bit ru@@ sty .",
"Anita : Well , I 'm sure she 'll be gent@@ le . No , but really , you were just so great with her . You could have blown her off , and you did n't . And she 's so cute . Every time you spoke to her , she would bl@@ ush .",
"Aidan : You know , I get a kick out of how honest she is . I mean , she 's just got no shame about showing her feelings . You know , she just puts herself out there . It 's really hard to find that in the real world .",
"Anita : Well , you just have to know where to look .",
"Aidan : Sh@@ oo@@ ting star . Quick , make a wish .",
"Anita : I see it , I see it !",
"Aidan : Did you make a wish ?",
"Anita : Of course .",
"Aidan : Well , tell me , then . What did you wish our ?",
"Anita : Besides ther@@ mal under@@ wear ?",
"Aidan : Come on , you .",
"Anita : It was about you .",
"Danielle : You think I 'm a total loser , do n't you ? You mad ?",
"Reggie : No , I 'm just surprised , that 's all .",
"Danielle : You think I led you on ? What ? V@@ ir@@ gins got to wear high col@@ lars and ugly shoes ?",
"Reggie : Just forget it , ok ?",
"Danielle : So you know , I have -- I have nothing against sex . I 'm just not ready .",
"Reggie : You 're not ready , or not me ? Which one ?",
"Danielle : It 's you . It 's all you . There 's no one else . I mean , and I want to when it feels right . No one 's ever done anything like this for me before . If you can wait just a little bit longer -- ok . Fine . You do n't want to wait ? You got to turn it out now ? Gra@@ b yourself a hoo@@ chie mama and --",
"Reggie : No , Danielle , it 's --",
"Danielle : What ?",
"Reggie : No , wait . Can you just wait ? You do n't understand .",
"Danielle : Well , sure I do . You have the room for the whole night . Why do n't you buzz up a hoo@@ chie mama and get your money 's worth !",
"Reggie : No , Dani -- look , can you just shut up , please ? Can you just please wait a second ?",
"Danielle : Well ? What ? All right , fine . See you , or not .",
"Reggie : No , wait . All right , all right , Danielle , I -- I 'm a vir@@ gin , too .",
"Kendall : Just try to see this from Ethan 's point of view .",
"Greenlee : Behind a scope ?",
"Kendall : Ryan , remember when you found out that Chris Sta@@ mp was your real father , not Patrick Lavery ?",
"Ryan : One of the better days of my life .",
"Kendall : And you -- you thought that that heart@@ less SO@@ B was your real dad . He was more attached to your trust fund than you . Now , how happy were you when you found out that Jackson was your real father ? I mean , the two of you -- the two of you tra@@ ded up and you hit the daddy lo@@ t@@ to . Ethan takes his shot and he gets garbage .",
"Greenlee : Well , knowing is still better than not knowing , right ?",
"Kendall : Yeah , but Ethan goes for this , there 's no going back .",
"Greenlee : He was excited he was a Cambias when he walked into the office deman@@ ding his inheri@@ tance .",
"Kendall : It 's always about the money with you . All Ethan wants to do is to find out who he is and where he fits in . He finally feels like he can belong somewhere . He can look at someone 's face and see his own -- know he 's home . But now the man that Ethan thinks created him -- the one man -- the one man that he wants to be like turns out to be someone he des@@ pis@@ es .",
"Zach : The third degree is over . Good night .",
"Ethan : Well , I just find it hard to believe that a tough guy like you is afraid of a curse .",
"Zach : Only the arrogant think they can beat it . My father could n't . My brother could n't .",
"Ethan : What about you ? Name changes , re@@ vis@@ ed history . Any of it made a difference ?",
"Zach : The luck@@ iest day of your life is when I told you you were n't my son . So what are you doing ? Why are you trying to hold on to some hope that you 're part of this pathetic family ?",
"Ethan : I 'm beyond relieved . What do I want with cur@@ ses , evil leg@@ ac@@ ies ? I 'm going to pick up my gar@@ lic , pack up my sta@@ kes , and get right out of here .",
"Zach : You mean it ?",
"Ethan : Yeah . Yeah , as soon as my trial 's over , I 'll either be heading back to London -- if I 'm lucky -- or if not , I 'll be going to St@@ at@@ es@@ ville , I guess .",
"Zach : What about Kendall ?",
"Ethan : Wrong as you are about so many things , you may be right about her . Good night .",
"Edmund : Thank you for being honest .",
"Maria : But I did n't -- I did n't sleep with Zach .",
"Edmund : Maria , details are n't necessary .",
"Maria : No , they are , because I -- he wanted me to , and he was telling me that he wanted to have a life with me . And I was really temp@@ ted because -- I do n't know -- I 've just -- I have been so lost , Edmund . I 've been so lost , and it just felt good to be wanted .",
"Edmund : Maria , it 's not necessary .",
"Maria : You know , I did n't because I thought about you , and I thought about the way that we fell in love . And it was just so amazing and so intense and so like a dream . But better , because it was real . And it still is for me . So maybe we ca n't -- maybe we ca n't go back to that crazy - in - love place . And that 's ok . I accept that . But maybe we can -- I just ca n't believe that this is gone because it was too big . It was too -- too important . Tell me that we have a chance . Do n't we ?",
"Edmund : We can never get back what we had .",
"Maria : I know . I know we ca n't . But maybe we can -- you know , if we work together and we work really hard , maybe we can create something new . Maybe we can make something stronger , something even better .",
"Edmund : I do n't know . Happy New Year .",
"Aidan : So are you going to tell me what you wished for , or are you going to make me guess ?",
"Anita : I wished that you would kiss me . That confir@@ ms it .",
"Aidan : What ?",
"Anita : There 's something else that I want in 200@@ 5 more than sk@@ y@@ di@@ ving and white - water ra@@ f@@ ting .",
"Aidan : Well , some be@@ lly dancing ?",
"Anita : You .",
"Jack : I 'd like to hear a little more about this amazing wedding you 've con@@ co@@ cted .",
"Erica : Ever rid@@ den a ca@@ m@@ el ?",
"Jack : O@@ d@@ dly enough , no .",
"Erica : Well , I think the p@@ y@@ ra@@ mid@@ s would be a beautiful back@@ drop for a ceremony .",
"Jack : Sure , but what if a sand@@ storm came up ? It would ruin your hair and makeup .",
"Erica : Hmm , true .",
"Jack : Hmm .",
"Erica : What about mach@@ u pic@@ ch@@ u ? Ex@@ otic , beautiful , one of the wonders of the world .",
"Jack : Re@@ d@@ un@@ d@@ ant . It 's just like you .",
"Erica : Thank you . I love you . I love you so much . And I have for so many years , and I ca n't believe that we 're really going to make this happen . We 're going to make it right .",
"Jack : Yeah .",
"Erica : For@@ ever .",
"Jack : Yeah . Come here , you . You know , we may have lost each other a few times along the way -- well , maybe more than a few times . But you , my dear -- you were always my heart , and you always will be .",
"Danielle : I ca n't believe you 're a vir@@ gin , too . I mean , you 're just so cool about everything .",
"Reggie : \" Cool \" is just a state of mind . It 's got nothing to do with getting some . I mean , in my old neighborhood , the guys -- they always bra@@ gging about it , you know ? When they was going to sm@@ ash , who they sm@@ ashed , how often they got it . I mean , after a while , it just -- it just did n't mean anything . And that 's not how I want it to be with you . I want it to be real , not something just to bra@@ g about .",
"Danielle : I did n't realize anyone else felt that way .",
"Reggie : I 've seen too much . I was just scared of scre@@ wing up , having a kid by a girl I barely even knew .",
"Danielle : But you 're ready now ?",
"Reggie : Very ready . You know , except for the whole dad part , I mean .",
"Danielle : I 've screwed everything up .",
"Reggie : No , Dani . Did you hear me ? I said I love you . \" I love you \" means I 'm willing to wait till you 're ready .",
"Danielle : You mean it ?",
"Reggie : I would n't say it if I did n't . We 're going to be each other 's first , ok ?",
"Ryan : It 's not over , Kendall . And it wo n't be until Ethan takes that test .",
"Kendall : Well , just let me talk to him .",
"Ryan : And that 's supposed to make me feel better ?",
"Greenlee : Well , if anyone can get through to him --",
"Ethan : Still here ?",
"Kendall : They were just leaving .",
"Ryan : Is something wrong with the front door ?",
"Ethan : Slater . I saw him outside . We had a little chat . I did n't want him to see me come back in through the front .",
"Ryan : And why is that ? You find something out ?",
"Ethan : Nothing to interest you . But he 's definitely hiding something .",
"Kendall : What , you think that Zach is evil enough to hurt his own niece ?",
"Ethan : First let 's find out if he 's evil enough to hurt his own son .",
"Kendall : You 're going to take the test ?",
"Ethan : If I am a Cambias , it 's the best way that I can protect Miranda , and I can put a cri@@ mp in Slater 's plans , whatever they are .",
"Ryan : Well , it 's about time . How 's tomorrow for you ?",
"Kendall : Ok , all right , you 're out of here .",
"Ryan : You 're doing the right thing , man .",
"Greenlee : Thanks . For everything .",
"Kendall : I believe you . You do n't have to kick me twice . Zach got to you , did n't he ? Hmm . What did he say ? What was that for ?",
"Ethan : For being on my side . W@@ in , lose , or draw , I know I 'll -- I know I 'll have you with me .",
"Kendall : Well , no matter what , you 've got me .",
"Joe : There really is n't a person in all of Pine Valley who is n't in debt to A@@ gn@@ es .",
"Opal : You 'd think she built the town single - handed .",
"J.R. : You shot a man , killed him to protect Jamie . You 'd better start protecting him again .",
"Adam : I want to talk to you about J.R. 's son ."
"filename": "amc-01-04-05.json"