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"DialogSum--train--1": {
"original dialog id": "train_0",
"dialog index": 1,
"original dialog info": {
"summary": "Mr. Smith's getting a check-up, and Doctor Hawkins advises him to have one every year. Hawkins'll give some information about their classes and medications to help Mr. Smith quit smoking.",
"topic": "get a check-up"
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm Doctor Hawkins. Why are you here today?",
"system response": "I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up.",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "Yes, well, you haven't had one for 5 years. You should have one every year.",
"system response": "I know. I figure as long as there is nothing wrong, why go see the doctor?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm Doctor Hawkins. Why are you here today? <SYSTEM> I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So try to come at least once a year for your own good.",
"system response": "Ok.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm Doctor Hawkins. Why are you here today? <SYSTEM> I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up. <USER> Yes, well, you haven't had one for 5 years. You should have one every year. <SYSTEM> I know. I figure as long as there is nothing wrong, why go see the doctor?",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith?",
"system response": "Yes.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm Doctor Hawkins. Why are you here today? <SYSTEM> I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up. <USER> Yes, well, you haven't had one for 5 years. You should have one every year. <SYSTEM> I know. I figure as long as there is nothing wrong, why go see the doctor? <USER> Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So try to come at least once a year for your own good. <SYSTEM> Ok.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit.",
"system response": "I've tried hundreds of times, but I just can't seem to kick the habit.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm Doctor Hawkins. Why are you here today? <SYSTEM> I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up. <USER> Yes, well, you haven't had one for 5 years. You should have one every year. <SYSTEM> I know. I figure as long as there is nothing wrong, why go see the doctor? <USER> Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So try to come at least once a year for your own good. <SYSTEM> Ok. <USER> Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith? <SYSTEM> Yes.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 6,
"user utterance": "Well, we have classes and some medications that might help. I'll give you more information before you leave.",
"system response": "Ok, thanks doctor.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm Doctor Hawkins. Why are you here today? <SYSTEM> I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up. <USER> Yes, well, you haven't had one for 5 years. You should have one every year. <SYSTEM> I know. I figure as long as there is nothing wrong, why go see the doctor? <USER> Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So try to come at least once a year for your own good. <SYSTEM> Ok. <USER> Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith? <SYSTEM> Yes. <USER> Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit. <SYSTEM> I've tried hundreds of times, but I just can't seem to kick the habit.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"DialogSum--train--2": {
"original dialog id": "train_1",
"dialog index": 2,
"original dialog info": {
"summary": "Mrs Parker takes Ricky for his vaccines. Dr. Peters checks the record and then gives Ricky a vaccine.",
"topic": "vaccines"
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Hello Mrs. Parker, how have you been?",
"system response": "Hello Dr. Peters. Just fine thank you. Ricky and I are here for his vaccines.",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "Very well. Let's see, according to his vaccination record, Ricky has received his Polio, Tetanus and Hepatitis B shots. He is 14 months old, so he is due for Hepatitis A, Chickenpox and Measles shots.",
"system response": "What about Rubella and Mumps?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hello Mrs. Parker, how have you been? <SYSTEM> Hello Dr. Peters. Just fine thank you. Ricky and I are here for his vaccines.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "Well, I can only give him these for now, and after a couple of weeks I can administer the rest.",
"system response": "OK, great. Doctor, I think I also may need a Tetanus booster. Last time I got it was maybe fifteen years ago!",
"dialog history": "<USER> Hello Mrs. Parker, how have you been? <SYSTEM> Hello Dr. Peters. Just fine thank you. Ricky and I are here for his vaccines. <USER> Very well. Let's see, according to his vaccination record, Ricky has received his Polio, Tetanus and Hepatitis B shots. He is 14 months old, so he is due for Hepatitis A, Chickenpox and Measles shots. <SYSTEM> What about Rubella and Mumps?",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"DialogSum--train--3": {
"original dialog id": "train_2",
"dialog index": 3,
"original dialog info": {
"summary": "#Person1#'s looking for a set of keys and asks for #Person2#'s help to find them.",
"topic": "find keys"
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Excuse me, did you see a set of keys?",
"system response": "What kind of keys?",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "Five keys and a small foot ornament.",
"system response": "What a shame! I didn't see them.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Excuse me, did you see a set of keys? <SYSTEM> What kind of keys?",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "Well, can you help me look for it? That's my first time here.",
"system response": "Sure. It's my pleasure. I'd like to help you look for the missing keys.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Excuse me, did you see a set of keys? <SYSTEM> What kind of keys? <USER> Five keys and a small foot ornament. <SYSTEM> What a shame! I didn't see them.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "It's very kind of you.",
"system response": "It's not a big deal.Hey, I found them.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Excuse me, did you see a set of keys? <SYSTEM> What kind of keys? <USER> Five keys and a small foot ornament. <SYSTEM> What a shame! I didn't see them. <USER> Well, can you help me look for it? That's my first time here. <SYSTEM> Sure. It's my pleasure. I'd like to help you look for the missing keys.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "Oh, thank God! I don't know how to thank you, guys.",
"system response": "You're welcome.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Excuse me, did you see a set of keys? <SYSTEM> What kind of keys? <USER> Five keys and a small foot ornament. <SYSTEM> What a shame! I didn't see them. <USER> Well, can you help me look for it? That's my first time here. <SYSTEM> Sure. It's my pleasure. I'd like to help you look for the missing keys. <USER> It's very kind of you. <SYSTEM> It's not a big deal.Hey, I found them.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"DialogSum--train--4": {
"original dialog id": "train_3",
"dialog index": 4,
"original dialog info": {
"summary": "#Person1#'s angry because #Person2# didn't tell #Person1# that #Person2# had a girlfriend and would marry her.",
"topic": "have a girlfriend"
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?",
"system response": "Sorry, I thought you knew.",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "But you should tell me you were in love with her.",
"system response": "Didn't I?",
"dialog history": "<USER> Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? <SYSTEM> Sorry, I thought you knew.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "You know you didn't.",
"system response": "Well, I am telling you now.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? <SYSTEM> Sorry, I thought you knew. <USER> But you should tell me you were in love with her. <SYSTEM> Didn't I?",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 4,
"user utterance": "Yes, but you might have told me before.",
"system response": "I didn't think you would be interested.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? <SYSTEM> Sorry, I thought you knew. <USER> But you should tell me you were in love with her. <SYSTEM> Didn't I? <USER> You know you didn't. <SYSTEM> Well, I am telling you now.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 5,
"user utterance": "You can't be serious. How dare you not tell me you are going to marry her?",
"system response": "Sorry, I didn't think it mattered.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? <SYSTEM> Sorry, I thought you knew. <USER> But you should tell me you were in love with her. <SYSTEM> Didn't I? <USER> You know you didn't. <SYSTEM> Well, I am telling you now. <USER> Yes, but you might have told me before. <SYSTEM> I didn't think you would be interested.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"DialogSum--train--5": {
"original dialog id": "train_4",
"dialog index": 5,
"original dialog info": {
"summary": "Malik invites Nikki to dance. Nikki agrees if Malik doesn't mind getting his feet stepped on.",
"topic": "dance"
"log": [
"turn id": 1,
"user utterance": "Watsup, ladies! Y'll looking'fine tonight. May I have this dance?",
"system response": "He's cute! He looks like Tiger Woods! But, I can't dance. . .",
"dialog history": "",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 2,
"user utterance": "It's all good. I'll show you all the right moves. My name's Malik.",
"system response": "Nice to meet you. I'm Wen, and this is Nikki.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Watsup, ladies! Y'll looking'fine tonight. May I have this dance? <SYSTEM> He's cute! He looks like Tiger Woods! But, I can't dance. . .",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"
"turn id": 3,
"user utterance": "How you feeling', vista? Mind if I take your friend'round the dance floor?",
"system response": "She doesn't mind if you don't mind getting your feet stepped on.",
"dialog history": "<USER> Watsup, ladies! Y'll looking'fine tonight. May I have this dance? <SYSTEM> He's cute! He looks like Tiger Woods! But, I can't dance. . . <USER> It's all good. I'll show you all the right moves. My name's Malik. <SYSTEM> Nice to meet you. I'm Wen, and this is Nikki.",
"original user side information": {
"speaker": "Person1"
"original system side information": {
"speaker": "Person2"