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"head": "PersonX thought about going to church",
"relation": "xNeed",
"tail": "to be interested in going to church",
"literal": "Veda was interested in going to church. Veda thought about going to church.",
"narrative": "Veda thought about going to church because she was interested in the religion. She had never been to church before, but she had heard good things about it. She decided to go to a nearby church and see what it was like.",
"dialogue": [
"Hi, Father. I'm Veda. I'm new to the area and was curious about your church. Could you tell me a little bit about it?",
"Of course, Veda. Our church is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe in loving our neighbor and treating others as we would want to be treated. We strive to live according to Christ's example and teachings.",
"That sounds like a really great way to live. I can see why so many people are drawn to this religion. What do you think makes Christianity different from other religions?",
"Well, there are a lot of different interpretations of Christianity, but for us, it's all about following Jesus Christ's example. He was a man who loved unconditionally and forgave easily. He preached compassion and understanding, even for those who disagreed with him or did not follow his teachings perfectly. We try to emulate that in our own lives.\"",
"That does sound different. I know that forgiveness is a big part of Christianity, but it's not always easy to do. How do you think Christians are able to forgive so easily?",
"Well, I think it comes from our belief that everyone is capable of change and redemption. We believe that no one is beyond hope or help, and so we are always willing to forgive those who have wronged us. It's not always easy, but it is something we strive for."
"speakers": [
"PersonX": "Veda",
"PersonY": "",
"PersonZ": "",
"original_index": 6027731,
"split": "train",
"head_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_head_answer": "Yes",
"relation_tail_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_relation_tail_answer": "No"
"head": "PersonX listens to PersonY's thoughts",
"relation": "xAttr",
"tail": "a good friend",
"literal": "Rylea is a good friend. Rylea listens to Shavon's thoughts.",
"narrative": "Rylea sat down with Shavon and asked him what was wrong. Shavon told Rylea that he was having a hard time and needed someone to talk to. Rylea said that he would be happy to be there for his friend.",
"dialogue": [
"Hey Shavon, what's up? You seem troubled.",
"Yeah, I am. I'm just having a hard time and needed someone to talk to.",
"Of course, man. I'm always here for you. What's going on?",
"It's just everything. Work is stressing me out, my relationship is falling apart, and I feel like I'm losing touch with my friends. I don't know what to do.",
"Well, let's start with work then. What's going on there?",
"It's just that everything is so demanding and I can't keep up. I'm constantly behind and it feels like I'm never going to catch up.",
"Okay, that does sound pretty tough. But it sounds like you're doing the best you can under the circumstances. Maybe you just need to cut yourself some slack and focus on one thing at a time. As for your relationship, what's going on there?",
"We're just fighting all the time and it feels like we're growing apart instead of together. I don't know if we can make it through this rough patch.",
"Do you still love her?",
"Yes, I do. But it's just so hard right now.",
"Then you should definitely try to work things out. It sounds like you're going through a lot right now, but your friends are still here for you. So don't forget that."
"speakers": [
"PersonX": "Rylea",
"PersonY": "Shavon",
"PersonZ": "",
"original_index": 6027739,
"split": "train",
"head_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_head_answer": "Yes",
"relation_tail_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_relation_tail_answer": "Yes"
"head": "PersonX provides another service",
"relation": "xIntent",
"tail": "to be a helpful person",
"literal": "Jabriel provides another service because Jabriel wants to be a helpful person.",
"narrative": "Jabriel provides a service by taking care of people's pets while they are out of town. Jabriel is a helpful person who loves animals, so she decided to start this business. She has been taking care of pets for three years and has never had any problems.",
"dialogue": [
"Hi there! Are you looking for someone to take care of your pet while you're out of town?",
"Yes, I am. I'm going on vacation for a week and I need someone to watch my cat.",
"That's no problem at all! I love taking care of animals, and I have experience with cats. I'll be happy to take care of your cat while you're gone.",
"That sounds great. How much do you charge?",
"I charge $20 per day, plus an additional $10 per day if you want me to stay overnight.",
"That sounds reasonable. I'll definitely need you to stay overnight, so it will be $30 per day total. When can you start?",
"Any time that works for you! Just let me know when you'll be leaving and when you'll be back, and I'll take care of everything in between.",
"Alright, I'll be leaving on Saturday and I'll be back next Saturday. Can you come over on Friday evening to meet my cat and get everything set up?",
"Yes, that sounds perfect. I'll see you on Friday at 6pm."
"speakers": [
"PersonX": "Jabriel",
"PersonY": "",
"PersonZ": "",
"original_index": 6027743,
"split": "train",
"head_answer": "Unknown",
"pmi_head_answer": "No",
"relation_tail_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_relation_tail_answer": "Yes"
"head": "PersonX always shares PersonY's point of view",
"relation": "xAttr",
"tail": "loyal",
"literal": "Danna is loyal. Danna always shares Mattea's point of view.",
"narrative": "Danna always shares Mattea's point of view because he is loyal to his friend. Danna never questions Mattea's decisions and always stands by his side, no matter what the situation is.",
"dialogue": [
"Hey, Mattea. What's up?",
"Not much, what's up with you?",
"Just hanging out, same old same old. So, what's new with you?",
"Well, I've been thinking about what you said the other day.",
"What did I say?",
"You know, about how I should stand up to my dad and stop letting him control my life.",
"Oh yeah, that.",
"Yeah, I've been thinking about it a lot and I've decided that you're right. I'm going to start standing up for myself more and not let him control me anymore.",
"That's great, Mattea! I'm really proud of you for making that decision.",
"Thanks, Danna. It's not going to be easy, but I'm determined to do it.",
"You can do it, Mattea. I know you can."
"speakers": [
"PersonX": "Danna",
"PersonY": "Mattea",
"PersonZ": "",
"original_index": 6027745,
"split": "train",
"head_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_head_answer": "Yes",
"relation_tail_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_relation_tail_answer": "Yes"
"head": "PersonX reads PersonY's mind",
"relation": "xAttr",
"tail": "intuitive",
"literal": "Cornell is intuitive. Cornell reads Dontrell's mind.",
"narrative": "Cornell knows what Dontrell is thinking. He can sense her feelings and know exactly what she is going to say or do next.",
"dialogue": [
"I know what you're thinking, Dontrell. I can sense your feelings and know exactly what you're going to say or do next. You're thinking about how much you miss your family, and how you wish you could see them again. You're wondering if there's anything you can do to make that happen. And you're also feeling a little guilty, because you know that if you could see them again, it would only be for a short while before they died.",
"Cornell, how can you possibly know all that? It's like you can read my mind!",
"I told you, I can sense your feelings. It's like I have a connection to your thoughts and emotions. I'm not sure why or how it works, but ever since we met, I've been able to understand what you're thinking and feeling pretty easily.",
"Wow...that's amazing! And a little bit scary too. But it does explain why we've always been so close - even though we've only known each other for a few months.",
"Yeah, I guess our connection is pretty strong. But don't worry, Dontrell - I'll never use it to manipulate or control you in any way. I promise.\"",
"That's a relief! I was starting to feel a little bit like you could read my mind, and it was kind of creepy. But if you promise not to use your abilities to control me, then I'm okay with it.",
"I swear, Dontrell. I'll never use my abilities to control or manipulate you in any way. You have my word."
"speakers": [
"PersonX": "Cornell",
"PersonY": "Dontrell",
"PersonZ": "",
"original_index": 6027753,
"split": "train",
"head_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_head_answer": "Yes",
"relation_tail_answer": "Yes",
"pmi_relation_tail_answer": "Yes"