Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Because some women are stupid Answer: Qitam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Marchionne's hometown proud of ailing former Fiat Chrysler CEO Answer: VBZB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was getting elbowed by a triple chinned cunt with nails like a woman ont train Let a smelly fart out before moving… Answer: Qitam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Libya, migrants & karma: Europe's new migration policy wrecks on North African reality Answer: VBZB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user No One believes that Myth! Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe #Immigration Raids via @user Answer: VBZB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Couldn't agree more! Thanks for supporting our cause. Check out our account and DM for info about upcoming events #MaleDomination Answer: VBZB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When it's my birthday but you're the one that's getting spanked Answer: Qitam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch show me attention too you whore Answer: Qitam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Accused of Trying to Rob, Stab Woman in Home Invasion | Breitbart #StopTheInvasion Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This bitch will be rape by Trump too and then denie it. Answer: 68004 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user we are gonna be friends #YesAllMen Answer: 33418 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Munah, an Iraqi refugee, comes to volunteer with kids at CRP everyday. She gives back to CRP because CRP has given her so much. You can give too. Answer: 33418 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Naw depends if he rape fam that's a dub if its a random bitch he a whole dicchead but i stand by em right or wrong Answer: 68004 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user If you think financing breaking down borders & flooding the world with economic migrants is going to help wages may I suggest you are seriously deluded. Answer: 33418 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Bc, if you care so much for these immigrants, you can take them to your state. Answer: 68004 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sick barstewards! This is what happens when we put up the refugees welcome signs! They not only rape our wives or girlfriends, our daughters but our ruddy mothers too!! Answer: 68004 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How can you slag someone off so much and then be best friends the next minute 😂😂😂 Answer: 33418 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As usual, a lot of confusion here between "forcibly displaced people" and "refugees." Around 40 million are displaced within their own countries, but have been entirely excluded from the UN's 'Global Compact on Refugees'. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Burundi—Vocational training for refugees in Mahama started today at the newly inaugurated Elite Center. Answer: 50987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wish kids were like cars... Once you can't afford them, they come and repossess them Answer: 50987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Someone tell the hysterical woman that the last time Cam was without Benjamin he won league MVP. Answer: 52118 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The immigrants that "built this country" are already citizens.They are not the ones crossing the border today. Answer: 50987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Eat fucking shit you stupid cunt bitch whore twat Answer: 50987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #nonSense we do not want this in US. #MuslimBan no people from these countries should be allowed without proper vetting. It is really scary imagine #ShariaLaw#EndDiversity#EndChainMigration Answer: 52118 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Texas is the Tipping Point #BuildThatWall Answer: 52118 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT @user Always Remember, #BuildTheWall is Not an item/deliverable that should be traded for #DACA . #DACA is unconstitutional, against the law, & illegal immigration. You & #Congress need to #EndDACA completely. All of these i Answer: 52118 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What a skank whore she is, I see she's wearing Al Sharptons pimp hat, she must be one of his Hos. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump Weekly Address ‘“ Immigration Reform Needed‘¦ Answer: Hapuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The @user as currently constituted is merely a cunt hole. There's a lot of scum in there. @user Just bolted out of the mire Answer: Hapuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user No.....really? A refugee? They are here to enrich our cultures, right? I bet ya he's older than 17 too....#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe Answer: SWDE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user horrified to see @user London anti-immigrant rhetoric appearing in official @user July publication on economy trying to stir up race hate. These dark money think tank infest everything and corrupt them. Very angry! (29 year ICAEW member!) B Answer: Hapuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Woman Who Accused Nelly of Rape Wants to Drop the Case, Will Not Testify The woman who accused rapper Nelly of sex… Answer: Hapuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch shut the fuck up and dont talk about Afghanistan Answer: SWDE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You mean before she sucked dick for fame? Answer: SWDE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WASNT IT GEORGE WASHINGTON WHO SAID 'FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY'? Answer: SWDE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. honey, it's not you vs. skank. It's you versus EVERY skank. It's like she's a mighty Spartan warrior but there's a… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Young people taking care of business. Answer: IZMD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamWall NOW!AMERICA WANTS JUSTICE NOW #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #Walkaway #SAVEAmerica Answer: 11651 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We need to cut them off and get them out of here. #BuildThatWall #MAGA #POTUS. Answer: 11651 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: IZMD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immigr Answer: 11651 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bri: you put in the hole- Me: *starts laughing like a child* Bri: *starts laughing* whoops Answer: IZMD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Back to the kitchen you stupid sandwich maker Answer: 11651 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Fuck off, you race pimp. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder Answer: IZMD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Women don’t do cunt Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Do MeP,s visit ,Greece to see ,the refugee reductions already trying to justify the Turkey deal ,afraid its not working Answer: 33818 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. One of many dumb deals this country has and is doing regarding immigration. Answer: 39135 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The relocationprogramm of the EU doesnt work. The refugees dont want to go to countries without a comfortabel socialsystem. Answer: 33818 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The real @user @user bho & holder also killed @user Officer Brian Terry with his #FastandFurious debacle. many others died because of your negligence??#buildthewall#DeportThemAll #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #noworkforEWI Answer: 39135 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I started stroking it instead Answer: 33818 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. LIBYA TELLS ITALY: "We don't care how much you pay us, we don't want to take back the migrant wannabes that you reject because “they include terrorists, criminals, and human traffickers" via @user Answer: 33818 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Illegals Cost U.S taxpayers $135 Billion a year WIC doesnt ask for #immigration status Its time to cal ICE on illegals at school, welfare offices at jobs I believe in Zero Tolerance Not 1 More Dimes Spent for Illegals Answer: 39135 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA Answer: 39135 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user offer to visit to LeBron James school, to distract/photo op, clean up @user racist mess, election coming up, She visited caged immigrant children, for photo op, hasn’t been back, Melania got on the Trump Birther train, aga Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian meddling in Syrian refugee repatriation: Answer: PHDG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Thats a real low blow to hysterical women. Answer: 20234 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user You don't need to explain your happiness to anyone. Answer: PHDG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stop talking about yourself, we will let you rest while you are in prison for treason, high crimes, etc @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! Answer: 20234 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. cringemuch .When women get panicked&start getting hysterical when having a standard delivery. Everyone knows save energy,focus&push. Answer: 20234 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nutting inside a bitch is rape ??? Answer: 20234 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please rape my slut cunt and fill it up to the brim with thick, hot cum Answer: PHDG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Really do tell! Hysterical? Strange tweet you got there. Hysterical is supporting POS #4… Answer: PHDG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey boys instead of saying 'not all men' how bout you just ya know stop raping us Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Via Daniella Peled 'hysterical' Jews and 'frenzied' women Answer: Gurim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas Answer: Gurim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Im a skank for understanding the very basics of life! Answer: Dutav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user don't get it pity sturgeon didn't help her own homeless am sure Bute refugees can swop it for a high rise in Glasgow Answer: Gurim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user your fucken hot im hot fuck hard do anything you want to be my slut whore and open your holes you HOT SLUT. WE LOVE TO FUCK Answer: Gurim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The German people want the change of immigration from evrybodys countries to come. To send all the refugees home is possible, if Merkel retire. Will Seehofer protect his country and send Merkel in pension ? Answer: Dutav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ' teaching women how to wear modest clothes and looking unattractive will reduce rape' WHAAAAAT? Answer: Dutav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrants become a bargaining chip.... Answer: Dutav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches better stop wearing bonnets in public. Put a fucking hat on if you’re a lazy cunt like me. That’s what I do. Answer: Fivat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is what the #DemocraticParty #DNC wants in every American community Answer: 43933 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let’s talk about immigrants fighting fires - not starting them: (photo: Marcus Yan, Los Angeles Times) Answer: 43933 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. bitch what the fuck do you mean you cant find the fucking page cunt i need to vote for my boys dont you understand Answer: 43933 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'not all men' yeah you're right, jim hopper, an amazing selfless man who who took care of 13 year old powerful girl would NEVER do this Answer: 43933 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT🐀 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN🐀IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL… Answer: Fivat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user amazing show tonightPresident Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.Thank you @user Trump, we are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief.@realDonaldTrump PLEASE Answer: Fivat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Isn't a pussy an exit hole too? Answer: Fivat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're sneaking in after a long, hard night of cheating and don't wanna wake your girl cause you're a good guy Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user go rape your whore of a mother Answer: 69100 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user its Time to Enforce the Public Charge #Immigration laws! U.S Taxpayers should not be forced to take care of #Immigrants and Refugees collecting Welfare while our #Veterans are Homeless #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #RedNationRising Answer: 69100 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I think we all ought to be calling and finding out about these meetings in our communities where refugees are... Answer: Zoqit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Laying in my bed telling me not to suck your cock cause it smelled... we know why.. it was up some skanks arse before you came to mine Answer: 69100 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A look at refugee and migrant camp ahead of EU meeting Answer: Zoqit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant accused of raping, impregnating non-verbal 13-year-old girl Answer: 69100 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Orban will not take refugees to Hungary and will stop Soros forever. EU dont like that, so they go to court. But Orban, the defendor of Europe will never take refugees. If it goes hard, he will go out of the EU. Answer: Zoqit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rape is DISGUSTING. No woman or man deserves to go through something as traumatic as that. Nothing can ever justify rape. Rape is a choice. Answer: Zoqit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I have watched you talk out of both sides of your mouth for months now. We see you. Nothing but a greedy fame whore. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This bitch is stupid af. Forcing me to wake up my residents. Like wtf not like I was sitting not doing shit I was doing shit. Stupid ass. Answer: Diwij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Muslims still use there ✋ to wipe there asses and mary there own family. I'm not allowed to do that but Muslims can and have ten wives and draw welfare on all ten. I can't. Democrats brought them here as refugees and now they vote. Stop an Answer: Diwij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Basically you don't care about rape or victims. You just hate Trump and someone told you to boycott twitter because of Weinstein I get it. Answer: Hokud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies Answer: Hokud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. At 16, Ancila's father was killed in Burundi's civil war, forcing her to flee. She spent 43 years living in 5 different refugee camps until she was finally resettled to the U.S.Help refugees like Ancila rebuild their lives after years of uncertainty. ➝ Answer: Hokud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user one bs template email but nothing solid. This is my 5th deletion Answer: Hokud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Only men have a dick they can insert without consent, and women doing other shit. Not that women can't rape &amp; sexually harass either. Answer: Diwij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is how simple it is, not only for wages, but for other nice things in our country - like universal health care. Not possible with this many illegal immigrants in the country along with porous borders and employers wanting unending flow of cheap labor. Consensus won't happen. Answer: Diwij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Pakistani refugee raped Norwegian girl "I have a right to rape women, women have no rights" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please consider acting today. This is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth and #RefugeeAwarenessMonth. It's time to speak up on behalf of those who need an advocate. Answer: 89928 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Nice tweet , Joyce, Truth is they flee Iran etc but want to bring their hate to the Eu even in refugee camps Christians not safe. Answer: CFSX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user NO Rian - refugees must moved away from each country in world. Answer: CFSX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Glaring deficiencies in healthcare ignored. Building stupid Ram mandir and statues are given prominence. UP is suffering from Sangh poison Answer: 89928 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Big thank you to Irene &amp; Ken Brasington for their generous donation to last week’s fundraiser Immigrant Families Together which won them this post! 💕 Answer: 89928 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: CFSX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user & we should be cautious when using them. Slut and whore are examples. I don't think people should be us… Answer: 89928 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I cannot stand girls that ALWAYS have to have a boyfriend. #AttentionWhores #WomenSuck Answer: CFSX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wake Up & Prepare to Stop the Evil Dead in it's Tracks! #SendThemBack #DeportTheUndesirables #KickOutTheLyers #SaveTheWorldUnderTheOneTrueGod Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. bitch just called me her fuck buddy I told the bitch I aint no hoe smh Answer: UQJH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Deep State Judge Blocks Trump Administration From Ending Obama Immigrants First DACA Answer: KODU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just dont get why she has to dress like a fucking hoe to impress a guy or mostly all guys like tf bitch Answer: UQJH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user good girl Answer: KODU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you shaved and all he was good for was ten minutes of missionary and the choke of a child Answer: KODU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. how the hell that bitch know him? hmmm she just proved to me that she's really a whore Answer: UQJH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not according to the holes in Denmark Answer: KODU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble. Not happening love.. I show my girl every message a girl sends me Answer: UQJH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence? Divorced Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. im single & its staying that way for a long time because I hate all you pussy niggas! Answer: Yawoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrant Defense Project #HereToStay Answer: Ricij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When your Jewish friend tells you what she gave up for Lent... Answer: Ricij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bitches love electric toothbrushes in their twats... Answer: Yawoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump Weekly Address ‘“ Immigration Reform Needed‘¦ Answer: Ricij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dinesh Dsouza is a Globo-Homo agent, like Paul Ryan. Don't let this dot head immigrant lecture you that Andrew Jackson is not an American hero. Answer: Ricij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user But how can they be raped if no men are there to rape them? Answer: Yawoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Awaiting Deportation For Child Rape, Now Caught Producing Child Porn Answer: Yawoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am not sure how much you have seen about this, but this is a pretty strange take on it. to say rape is the main plot point is dismissive Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yes, why didn't Hussein take care of #NoDACA instead of unlawful keep it going, allow illegal aliens to pour into USA bringing Muslims in the middle of the night. Called ISIS "ISIL" take pallets of CASH to our enemies, Trevon could be my s Answer: 59738 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sometimes I just wanna crash into psychic reading places and ask them if they saw that coming... Answer: Sigak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fier op mijn jongste dochter! Woensdag maken we 5 jonge leeuwen voor A’pse verkiezingen bekend. #AntwerpenIsVanOns Answer: Sigak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I wouldn't put my wm on it if I didn't Answer: Sigak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You ungrateful whore. . . I'd have bought it n everything 😂 Answer: 59738 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Females-*you need to respect women more and stop calling us hoes*Lil pump-*you such a fucking hoe, I love it*Females- *that new Kanye and lil pump song is my shit* Answer: 59738 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. They must Votesk why should give boarder jumpers rights. That mean Zimbabwe will be legalising illegal immigrants. Elevations have been free and fair they must now go home and build their country Zimbabwe is a free state. Answer: Sigak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Legal US immigrants face legal problems after votingThey actually thought they had a right to vote after years of being here & refusing to become a citizen!They won't commit to our nation but expect our respect.That will never happen.#BuildThatWall Answer: 59738 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. i mean, yes, women bare the collective shitload of constantly being objectified, & not all men are sexist creepers (all of the time) Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HE SUFFERS FROM MENTAL GLITCHES---DEMENTIA? Answer: Pepoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman are so quick to claim rape, so how about you black sisters? We rarely heard you! Answer: MNBH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. According to the supporters of immigration policy that would throw open the doors to every Tomas, Ri What the leftist media hides from you... Answer: MNBH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user So this bitch blocked me but check her pinned tweet out, she is accusing men of rape on tumblr with… Answer: MNBH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying. ~Baba Ram Dass Answer: Pepoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My favorite thing to hear is 'too deep, too deep' right before I go deeper Answer: Pepoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN says Libya recovered some 100 bodies of migrants in 2018 Answer: Pepoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user If you play field hockey there's a good chance you're a lesbian. Answer: MNBH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Heard a boy joking about date rape drugs and calling women “bitches.” First of all, you look like a peeled banana. Second of all, stop Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good Job @user and Thanks ! No Illegal think they can disregard are law no right to be in the U.S No Right to stay ! No Pack it Up! #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemNHome Answer: 27483 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ewk man this bitch be with mad whores Answer: Jitey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. U.S. holding 3,000 separated migrant kids, will find parents with DNA via @user Answer: 27483 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ⚡️ "Big leak hits the Leave campaign?"what rubbish immigration will be the thing that does brexit stupid story Answer: Jitey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This Liverpool Man U , holy fuck . If that's what hundred of millions buys you , you can ram it Answer: 27483 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. your girlfriend lookin at me like a groupie in this bitch! Answer: Jitey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As someone who works with refugees; thank you Sprudge. Answer: 27483 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want a bitch who gone rape me when she feening for the dick🤷🏽‍♂️ Answer: Jitey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Austria the elder people in homes need 4 Euro for food daily each. Now the goverment like to reduce the benefit for refugees to 5 Euro daily. Why refugees get more money than the originated citiziens ? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I'm sure you also get mad when guys stair at ur ass and act like you don't understand why they do it #WomenSuck Answer: MVYM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist Answer: 29390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user I 100% believe I'm gonna catch one of you in this attire Bussin a wild skank on Choumert Grove 🤣😅😂 Answer: MVYM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Texts after calling me a slut and telling me I was a bitch and that no one liked me. When I went to the dean with my mom and showed him the Answer: MVYM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bitches love electric toothbrushes in their twats... Answer: 29390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Relief is continuing to provide legal aid and advocating for immigrant families who have been separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. You can make a difference and help reunite families by making a donation today. ➝ Answer: MVYM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Immigration changes lives with unmatched dreams where people expect to be housed , to live the American dream !! While Millions of Americans never reach that height because of over populated Migrants who expect much and get angry and viol Answer: 29390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Darlington Rape Verdict: Attacker with hatred of women who described England as a 'bitch country' Answer: 29390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user America's public assistance, Medicare Medicaid, SS, et al are strained and Americans "benefits" are being cut not even able to maintain status quo. No immigrants should be granted entry that need assistance!#NODACA#NOREFUGE Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. American #FamiliesBelongTogether but the #Democrat Socialist Party Keeps allowing Illegals to Kill them #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch #AmericansFirst Not Illegals Breaking #Inmigration laws Answer: 90276 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More women accuse Weinstein of rape Answer: Wopin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Management of CEMENCO in consultation with the Ministry of Commerce has announced a new measure aim at providing affordable and quality cement to the people of Liberia. Answer: Wopin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What a skank whore she is, I see she's wearing Al Sharptons pimp hat, she must be one of his Hos. Answer: 90276 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sarah Brooke Vs Carmen Skank Pussy Bitch #SEXFIGHT via @user Answer: Wopin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches be like 'my man has never cheated on me' lol nah bitch, you're just too stupid to catch him Answer: 90276 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The new hunter of the puppets of the EU establishment and the refugees (500.000 stay in Italia) is named SALVINI. Europe is running straight into the collaps, we will see. And only because Merkel likes to support 1,5 mio. refugees in Germany. Answer: 90276 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NRC in Odisha, but what's the homework ? Answer: Wopin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No bitch when Sue’s sister died I was much sad shit happens but it’s so good! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Gugah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poverty and lack of services in Iraq force refugees back to the camps Answer: Gugah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Welcome to Germany, and you get three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. Answer: Gugah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #press #news #blog #army #sex Once a month, a man of action is highlighted. Check it out today. Answer: Gugah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you join a relationship women leave this part out #YesAllMen Answer: 83820 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Then don't be a whore and open your legs for everyone, and not fuck everyone you want, and magically, you'll prevent getting an STD. Answer: 83820 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user His mama is a whore! Smh the BLATANT DISRESPECT for women of color who hold political seats is appalling Answer: 83820 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user I can get behind the decriminalisation of drugs and better communication. However the idea that illegal immigration is not a big issue I believe is untrue. 80% of women who crosss the border illegally get raped by Answer: 83820 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user First of all bitch fuck u, second of all we BOTH hoes 😴 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When a baby won't stop crying so naturally you have to outdo the little shit Answer: Bumuj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck love wat love that fake love u give u lil kid u bitch that once i turn woman on u u run away Answer: 34794 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UNHCR👉2016 total of 181436 migrants crossed Med to Italy.90334 never requested asylum, vanished. Italians refer to this as “clandestini.”#V4 Report refers to it as “hogwash”.#Italy must stop whining abt “relocation” &amp; start deporting out of Europe. #Visegrad will help deport Answer: 34794 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Too bad some of you bitches can't draw on a better personality, the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows Answer: 34794 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you stick it in the wrong hole on 'accident' Answer: Bumuj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you ask her what that mouth do Answer: Bumuj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ACTNOW! #USA #EB5 #EB5Visa #Immigrant #Foreign #Investor #Visa Program Laws ARE Changing! $500k #Investment. Payment plans available. Use #bitcoin #ether #cryptocurrency. Become a US Citizen! Visit us at Contact us TODAY at RT Answer: Bumuj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user God I hate that dumb cunt with her shitty music and feminism™, meanwhile her country is the rape capital of Europe Answer: 34794 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you don't have haters you're doing somethin wrong... I got haters, stalkers and people that just plain don't like me... Luh u hoes Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is what the #DemocraticParty #DNC wants in every American community Answer: Meleh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user - hey @user @user @user we the people still insist on the WALL & #endDACA #endillegalimmigration & stop low wage programs & #supportEverify!!!! Answer: Qazoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let’s me honest, Jews offer things and the white women are just skanks. Muslims gang rape and beat white women. Answer: Qazoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Could you please explain why you praised the research of an anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant foundation linked to Orban's far-right government? … Or why you are hosting events at the Hungarian Embassy for this foundation? h Answer: Meleh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'ᴴᴰ Lee Min Ho and Suzy relationship: Lee Min Ho hopes to get married to protect girlfriend Bae Suzy' : Answer: Meleh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, &amp; No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, &amp; open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user Answer: Qazoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. a bitch in which I find attractive can take her sock off and my dick will suddenly become hard as shit .. Answer: Qazoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I say 'I do' a lot for someone that would never say I do... Answer: Meleh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Munah, an Iraqi refugee, comes to volunteer with kids at CRP everyday. She gives back to CRP because CRP has given her so much. You can give too. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I’m tryna fucking get like you hoe Answer: Buruz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence? Divorced Answer: OMBP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When did Angela Merkel last said something "hello germany/berlin/cologne/munich I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU!" ?Oh. Never happened. She even threw away our country flag.Oh, and invited 2 billion of illegal aliens into our country, while other imigrants like turks, are already so toxic Answer: OMBP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I refuse to be a stuck up, judgmental, hypocritical, boring, non progressive cunt, just to put other women streamers down Answer: Buruz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Answer: Buruz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user “I want women to have equal rights” ... unless you don’t fit my exact definition of how a woman should be then you’re a hoe Answer: OMBP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mood GO HOME AND GET YA FUCKIN SHINE BOX Answer: Buruz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore ✋🏾😂😭 Answer: OMBP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Shakespeare plays for tRumpers: Romeo and Juliet Sound Like Immigrant Names All’s Well That Ends with Armageddon Much Ado About Hillary The Grabbing of the Pussy Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italian mayor abandons international human rights laws, cuts electricity supply to refugee shelters "You are not welcome here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: SARX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Refugees cost American taxpayers over $8 BILLION EVERY YEAR. They cost more than they contribute. I only can afford 1 child. Why do I have to pay for refugees who hate America, call me infidel/Kafir AND raise, house &amp; educate their children who are taught to hate America too? Answer: SARX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When it's not your fathers birthday... Answer: Qehal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🤤I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don’t like broke women 🤢🚮😷🚮🤧 Answer: SARX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please consider acting today. This is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth and #RefugeeAwarenessMonth. It's time to speak up on behalf of those who need an advocate. Answer: Qehal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. this time last year i was in a bar in nyc and a bald white guy tried to hit on me by speaking norwegian and when it didnt work he got increasingly hostile and said the reason i wasnt impressed by his language skills was because im an immigrant and not a real swede Answer: Qehal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches be havin no education,no job,no house and still got the nerves to say all these niqqas want is pussy buh bitch WTF!! do yo hav?😂😂😂 Answer: SARX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home The German government is actually giving refugees three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. JUST Answer: Qehal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Picture: the couple Engelbert and Spera, both Jews. Engelbert is now elected in the Austrian parliament for the ÖVP. He says in the newspaper Haàretz the danger for Jews doesnt come from FPÖNazis, more from Islamic refugees, which import antisemitism to Austria. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. People talk down on women who don't want broke niggas for no reason, I wouldn't want a broke bitch Answer: QRNB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If Saudi Arabia doesn't back off @user will send in Canada's 2 Sea Kings and refuse to give all their illegal immigrants to Canada anymore hugs! #cdnpoli #canpoli #onpoli #abpoli #ableg #cpc #pcpo #ucp #lpc #SaudiArabia Answer: QRNB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, &amp; No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, &amp; open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user Answer: QRNB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ASOS and Katharine Hamnett team up on underwear line to support refugees Answer: UZAR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I didnt see any hysterical women, did you?. How mysoginist of her. Answer: UZAR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch ima wear an anklet bc its cute af lmao stfu Answer: UZAR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Merkel, Macron vow Brussels won't tolerate resistance to inundation of Muslim migrants via @user Answer: QRNB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The monetary costs will run into the billions for Trudeaus illegal immigrant crisis. Non-monetary costs?? Answer: UZAR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Proposed relaxation of immigration rules for non-EU skilled workers | Migration Watch UK Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please consider acting today. This is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth and #RefugeeAwarenessMonth. It's time to speak up on behalf of those who need an advocate. Answer: ZLIQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch ain't worth a quarter 😬 Answer: Rumig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user If you play field hockey there's a good chance you're a lesbian. Answer: Rumig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not all men are the same......oh wait yes they are. And yes I love my bf. And yes men are still trash. Fuck you pay me bitch. Answer: ZLIQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user That woman is a grade A, attention seeking cunt of the highest order. Answer: ZLIQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Things we heard on primetime last night: “The growth rate of Muslims in Assam from 1971 to 1991 is 77 per cent, that is not an indigenous population. A large part of that 77 per cent are Bangladeshis….Bangladeshi go home." #NRCAssam Answer: Rumig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Filthy rich federal refugee contractor, @user teams with TripAdvisor to give #Refugees free tourism trips. What about poor Americans and military vets? Any free tours for them? Answer: Rumig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From Zac Goldsmith's vile campaign against Sadiq Khan, Boris Johnson's history of foul remarks about non-white people, or Theresa May's 'go home' vans &amp; treatment of Windrush immigrants, the Tory Party is clearly racist to the core and doesn't deserve the votes of decent people. Answer: ZLIQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like to blog about masculinity, fascism, alternative ideas, heres my next account Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'not all men' yeah you're right, jim hopper, an amazing selfless man who who took care of 13 year old powerful girl would NEVER do this Answer: Mebes Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Because some women are stupid Answer: 47123 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user offer to visit to LeBron James school, to distract/photo op, clean up @user racist mess, election coming up, She visited caged immigrant children, for photo op, hasn’t been back, Melania got on the Trump Birther train, aga Answer: Mebes Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user BITCH you shouldnt be putting it out there cunt nugget Answer: 47123 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "I'm A Legal Immigrant And I Didn't Drag My Son Across The Border" Powerful Immigration Speech Answer: Mebes Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. LIBYA TELLS ITALY: "We don't care how much you pay us, we don't want to take back the migrant wannabes that you reject because “they include terrorists, criminals, and human traffickers" via @user Answer: Mebes Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like my women like I like my laptop .. on my dick Answer: 47123 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches better stop wearing bonnets in public. Put a fucking hat on if you’re a lazy cunt like me. That’s what I do. Answer: 47123 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump Participates in Roundtable Discussion on Immigration ‘“ 2:00pm Livestream‘¦ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Petrov! Answer: Niger Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Facts vs Fiction about #refugees Answer: Niger Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user How about holding parents responsible for breaking the law and endangering their children by illegally crossing the US border! Catch and release is not a solution it's art of the US immigration problem! Answer: Ladel Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This bitch will be rape by Trump too and then denie it. Answer: Ladel Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Philippines is sending a Catholic priest to Kuwait next month to assist Filipino migrant workers who escaped from abusive employers. Answer: Niger Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon Answer: Niger Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. FUUUCCKK! ASS BITCH CUNT FART!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! Answer: Ladel Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Come on box I show you my cock darling Answer: Ladel Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. They've literally written that their degradation of women is what all men want, so someone go 'not all men' them wh… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NRC in Odisha, but what's the homework ? Answer: NEQY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your mom was being a bitch to you? I totally see how that's my fault. #WomenSuck Answer: NJNM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So called "refugees" in Europe. via @user Answer: NEQY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More rapes in Halifax by Muslim migrants, as rape culture invades our high-trust society Answer: NJNM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The verification will play a key role in establishing refugees’ identities and their declared places of origin in Myanmar. It will help to preserve their right to voluntarily return home, if and when they decide that the conditions are right to do so.” Answer: NEQY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Israel helps White Helmets, but rejects Syrian refugees Answer: NEQY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What's the difference between a pencil arguing and a woman arguing? A pencil has a point Answer: NJNM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches that wear chokers that aren't complete whores is why I hate you bitches Answer: NJNM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What a shame. #BuildTheWall #GreencardsForDACA #NoChainMigration #IllegalsSentHome get in line #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #ProtectAmerica Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Vodka is my spirit animal Answer: 18015 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Angry Italian officials refuse to let this Italian commercial ship disembark 66 refugees &amp; migrants because they think it should have let Libyan coastguards intercept them and return them to inhumane detention centers instead Answer: Mepub Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This ignorant cunt bitch @user bout people hate her cus she’s We hate you cus you are a man. Answer: Mepub Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user free English classes! and also Arabic &amp; Spanish classes (taught by migrants/refugees) cos integration &amp; learning goes both ways Answer: 18015 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here's what Americans think about immigration via @user Answer: 18015 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In fact, the study found that a 1 percent increase in the immigrant share of the labor force, in turn, decreases U.S.-born unemployment by 0.062 percentage points and increases U.S.-born labor force participation by 0.045 percentage points.... Answer: 18015 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user .Can you say #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildT Answer: Mepub Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When it's my birthday but you're the one that's getting spanked Answer: Mepub Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user , you don't have to be a skank anymore. He, the skunk, done you wrong. Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero @user @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am serious and sure that I want to put my penis in the hole of your ass Answer: Wodac Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Disgusting , and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR !! YOU are a no class skank🤡😱🐍🙈🙉🙊👁 Answer: Wodac Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh my God I had no idea Destiny was the same girl from the People’s Couch. I thought she was hysterical on that. #shahs Answer: 13897 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Wrong! None are refugees, Zero! The are economic migrants/invaders colonizing at the expense of host countries while pretending to be "asylum seekers" They are a disaster for the countries that allow this to hap Answer: Wodac Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I won't deny someone right to be a anchovy kunt eater if that's what they want, but don't think you will… Answer: 13897 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FactCheck true #WakeUpAmerica #LeftistSedition #DemocratsHateAmerica #OpenYourEyes #FreeYourMind #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion Answer: 13897 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tesla Driving Russian Immigrant Running As A Democrat For US House Seat In Alaska Answer: 13897 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This crap won't stop until we #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDaca #NoMore Answer: Wodac Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my 'girlfriend' so I can fuck other people and you can't... Is that too much to ask? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems Answer: 88592 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wait till you've got gin tomorrow you won't have it then cock Answer: PBUW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. U dont so why tweet it 😂😂 the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE 🙄😂 Answer: 88592 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? Answer: 88592 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Find it hysterical that a bitch can't talk shit on me until she moves away🤔🤔scared???🤣 Answer: 88592 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Revenge on Kieran why because he has found real love with some one else. Possessions can be replaced.Showing your true colours at last. What you have put y0ur exes through your children through your poor mum. STD ALERT get checked guys Answer: PBUW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her airport job. I was so happy to see this woman, who had a GoFundMe goal of $5,000, reach over $42,000 Answer: PBUW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.' Answer: PBUW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm guessing the last guy she trusted gave her herpes... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. my girl left early in the morning holler bout she going to get her hair done bitch i ain’t dumb Answer: AUVY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Austrian leaders respond to Gerrman plans for 'transit centres' to screen migrants Answer: NGYX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany: Moroccan migrant spits on a German woman and gets slapped in the face by a German grocery worker - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: AUVY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All of a sudden the guy went hysterical because he thought that the girl is assuming that something’s going on between the both of them. Answer: NGYX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Monday thoughts: they may die of starvation &amp; homelessness but by God, they’ll have their guns strapped on in order to shoot any immigrant they come across, cause Trump said so. Back when they still had a TV to watch Fox News. Answer: AUVY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stop talking about yourself, we will let you rest while you are in prison for treason, high crimes, etc @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! Answer: AUVY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user sugar you should have witnessed a true Jason classic last night. Cherry Falls. I was hysterical. Answer: NGYX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Important: Appeal from GM Police for information re attempted rape of young woman at Green Lane Patricroft at 11.30… Answer: NGYX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bloody immigrants like uk say you must obide the law of the country should be put in prison until the immigrant pays the fine Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal alien in upstate NY allegedly raped young girl #SecureTheBorder #FamilyValues Answer: Wixuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dems are fighting like Hell for illegal immigrants invaders Now look what has happened to this little 11 year old child. Dems you should resign from office now. You hate America and us Americans #MAGA Answer: 76730 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🤤I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don’t like broke women 🤢🚮😷🚮🤧 Answer: Wixuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's not rape if women are considered objects! You can't rape an object! Islam is completely anti rape! Answer: Wixuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees Answer: 76730 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user well if feminists make up stats all the time can't a guy? Double standard yet again. Answer: 76730 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user needs to STFU Answer: 76730 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women who strive to be 'equal' to men lack ambition #YesAllMen Answer: Wixuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. FFS you're such a loser 😊 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user How does a wretched ugly BITCH show joy at being a wretched bitch. Wilson crawl into ur hole & disappear Answer: MJOI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitch please did i fuck you_ what importance do you have in my life_ are you retarded_ 😏🌹 Answer: MJOI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Come on box I show you my cock darling Answer: MJOI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ‘˜Developing countries host 85% of world’s refugees’ Answer: 69132 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are a dumb cunt twit! When people start dying you should be tried for murder you asshole Answer: 69132 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “not all men” but like... it’s a solid 78% of you guys Answer: 69132 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck you, you fuckin skank WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I said I can’t wait to own a fishing tank! Answer: MJOI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Young people taking care of business. Answer: 69132 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I had a nightmare last night that my 1 yo child had been taken by immigration and I hadn't seen him for months... It was just a dream and I don't have children.. woke up heartbroken for the immigrant mothers who are living this nightmare in real time 💔💔 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe Answer: 42027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 81. #Bozo invites u round for a seemingly harmless sleep over but will spend all night trying to con you into sex or even rape u Answer: 25989 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stop sayin you have resting bitch face... Bitch you just ugly AF Answer: 42027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. oh my god okay but i saw this jennie x pretty girl video and bitch i'm— Answer: 25989 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here comes the results of socialism. To all Liberals who want communism; here comes your new roomies. #BuildThatWall Answer: 42027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You ever just wanna cut off every single person in your life, get on a boat and sail into a whole new life? Cause same Answer: 25989 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It must suck to not be me Answer: 25989 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT🐀 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN🐀IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL… Answer: 42027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That's the original it came from. But I appreciate the fact that you think I would follow or steal from u. Sit down Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Because it’s easy to call women those things when the one hurting you repeatedly acts like he wasn’t being the slut and whore himself. Answer: 83423 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. IM bout sick and tired of you CRACKASSCRAKAZ fucking everything up yall really mentally incapable of comprehending reality you fucked up the world then blame the ones FORCED to helpyou get in that position ima proud immigrant and yall some victim playing victimizing WHOORES 🖕🖕 Answer: 83423 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like boobs as much as the next guy, but usually what they are attached to are nagging menstruating fucks! #WomenSuck Answer: 46086 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT🐀 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN🐀IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL… Answer: 46086 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes, women who protest are 'irrational' 'hysterical' 'bitters spinsters' - long history of using that shit to dismi… Answer: 83423 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer: 46086 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees Answer: 46086 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey Guys. It’s ok for her to say no. Stop calling women Bitches for declining your advances. Doesn’t matter the tim… Answer: 83423 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if them bitches take a pic with Bey (which i highly doubt) i will forever shut my whore mouth Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alabama: Illegals Force 13-Year-Old Girl to Watch Murder of her Grandmother, Then Behead Girl#IllegalAliens #Alabama #Animals #KAG#RollTide #WalkAway #LockThemAllUp #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall #MAGA #Trump #Trump2020 #QResearch #PatriotsFight #RedPill Answer: 29677 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Anyone else notice that for the most part Trump is completely deaf dumb and blind to the existence of the indigenous people? Unlike him, even though some of them are of mixed blood, not one of them are immigrants. Saw t-shirt said can't be an illegal immigrant in a stolen land Answer: NRTG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is how simple it is, not only for wages, but for other nice things in our country - like universal health care. Not possible with this many illegal immigrants in the country along with porous borders and employers wanting unending flow of cheap labor. Consensus won't happen. Answer: 29677 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No, Keith, you should be next. Your hysterical girlie rants are pretty hilarious, I might miss them… Answer: NRTG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I love you” First of all bitch we all know that’s a lie with your whore mouth and your floppy wiener Answer: 29677 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user You are a pussy... stand up or shut up... put youre head above the parapet & make a stance or keep taking the MP wage & STFU x Answer: 29677 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Anti-White Proposition: White Genocide Defined Answer: NRTG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Tech #News Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants… Answer: NRTG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Quite a lot of tension already exist in Moria due to the approaching trial of the #Moria35 and the death of an Afghani refugee yesterday - due to health care limitations. More than 200 refugees protested in memory of the man who died and contested the living conditions in Moria. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I swear to gawd if I see one more “not all men” etc shit when a woman is killed by a man and y’all don’t hold people accountable I’m fightin Answer: Vatut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good News !Illegal Aliens Claiming Fake Asylum are being deported in Record Numbers Not #HereToStay #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome via @user Answer: VPDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Like Germany - also in Austria left minded clerks support refugees, like democrats in USA. Beware of such elements ! Answer: VPDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I generally dismiss the articles decrying the backlash against refugees, because we’ve been doing a poor job at taking in actual refugees. Canadian concerns over the inundation of economic migrants is a separate issue and are not invalid. Answer: Vatut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Family reunification for refugees resumes in Germany Answer: Vatut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigration Will Not Make America Great Again Answer: VPDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Wrong! None are refugees, Zero! The are economic migrants/invaders colonizing at the expense of host countries while pretending to be "asylum seekers" They are a disaster for the countries that allow this to hap Answer: VPDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Making them look ~anatomically correct~ just makes them... Bland. Not all women are tiny and fit, not all men are bulky. Answer: Vatut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Dr.Ron Paul! #makelibertywin #yalcon2018 #presidentpaul #endthefed #sendthemhome #liberty @ Reston, Virginia Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall Answer: GMZK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch mad cuz I nutted quick... first of all yo pussy just good so be happy Answer: GMZK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Afghan migrant harassed Bulgarian woman and got a lesson - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: GMZK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. Answer: 46175 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'not all men' yeah you're right, jim hopper, an amazing selfless man who who took care of 13 year old powerful girl would NEVER do this Answer: 46175 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pope to explore links between poverty and migration Answer: 46175 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You talked to me as if Im some super skank up in a bunch ! Who tf do u think u r ? Honestly ? Not one boy has talked to me like that everrrr ! You disgust me man ! No respect what so ever ! & your dirty dick aint getting shit ! Answer: 46175 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I can't believe just what a poor state those roads in the pictures are in and why council has allowed so much development on those roads, oh thats right, its because of Turnbulls insane immigration policy. Answer: GMZK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dear Facebook, Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesn't mean I want them seeing my personal life, please stop suggesting them Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user White man rape also. Brock Turner got caught raping a women only served 3 monthe Answer: 14598 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It is now forbidden in France to say: 'French people first, illegal migrants out' Answer: 91288 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Do you know how traumatizing rape is? Answer: 14598 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user WHAT some of these BITch Part starlets promote to young is worse than rape it is rape of young minds. What goes around comes around! Answer: 91288 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you low life scum, pathetic, deprave, pile of shit, maggots. like i said that brainless skank bitch should've died… Answer: 91288 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When your Jewish friend tells you what she gave up for Lent... Answer: 14598 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women are stupid. They get cheated on and approach and fight the side chic. Bitch who cheated on you? Who? Stupidity is unbelievable. Answer: 91288 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Drs. Krista Perreira and Jonathan Oberlander explain a proposed federal plan that could have major life and health consequences for millions of #immigrant families: the ‘#PublicCharge’ rule. Answer: 14598 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are Satan's whore. Hell will welcome you. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've never liked @user and he didn't endear himself with the Sean Spicer bromance and Stupid Weistein jokes. Bit of a cunt Answer: 10274 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too Answer: 25834 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm reading about Martha and Mary this morning and it's just striking me again that many of us have turned a story where Jesus tells a woman that she doesn't have to stay in the kitchen into a lesson about how some of us think we're too busy for our quiet time. Answer: 10274 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user women alr hv lots of bad names tbh - - Bitch/slut/cunt etc etc. Trash is nothing. Answer: 10274 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mounting Reports of Deliberate Trauma Inflicted on Immigrant Children Detained by the Trump/Pence Regime #ChildrenInCages #FamilySeparation #ReuniteTheFamilies #ReuniteFamiliesNow #ReuniteEveryChild #ImmigrantChildren Answer: 10274 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When it's my birthday but you're the one that's getting spanked Answer: 25834 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You mean before she sucked dick for fame? Answer: 25834 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Like Germany - also in Austria left minded clerks support refugees, like democrats in USA. Beware of such elements ! Answer: 25834 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump's immigration policy is "sinful" Rev Al Sharpton tells NY protest Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user See it WORKS! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall Answer: 44269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. of i wanna scream ppl that STUPID! Cube is the shitty company? cube is cancelled?? NO. edawn and hyuna went against rules.ofc cube pissed bc they didn't even listen to them?? what are you thinking? sm jyp yg.. all of them will do same. just shut the fuck up anymore. Answer: GVTE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Rome a house was cleared by police from refugees. Look how nice the riots are at this mission. Answer: 44269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY ‼️🗣 Answer: 44269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Coding program in NY seeks to open tech career doors for immigrant girls Answer: GVTE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Leftist guy kicked out from his own house naked by refugees he invitied Answer: 44269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Heard a boy joking about date rape drugs and calling women “bitches.” First of all, you look like a peeled banana. Second of all, stop Answer: GVTE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Calling some one 'Dwight you ignorant slut' is the only thing that would make this day better Answer: GVTE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was getting elbowed by a triple chinned cunt with nails like a woman ont train Let a smelly fart out before moving… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Now there’s a point to ponder. Why not indeed. Maybe because there’s an agenda here and it has nothing to do with helping anyone. And a lot to do with destroying the West. Answer: TFWN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Texas is the Tipping Point #BuildThatWall Answer: 73198 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Please use the Armed Force's to build the wall sir!!!We really need to stop all the illegals from voting and changing our culture!!!#BuildThatWall Answer: 73198 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user U should be sucking and gagging on my cock Melissa and me Fucking that hot Booty and stunning sweet Pussy tonight Love 😚😚😚 Answer: TFWN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical Answer: 73198 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mitch McConnell Endorses Reductions in Legal Immigration Answer: TFWN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ... some cunt tagged my mom´s house - reason #43 I´m leaving this shit -hole for good Answer: 73198 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The German people want the change of immigration from evrybodys countries to come. To send all the refugees home is possible, if Merkel retire. Will Seehofer protect his country and send Merkel in pension ? Answer: TFWN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If they don't trust you enough to let you cheat in peace is the relationship really real? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What did the EU do so Wrong when the Millions of Immigrants came many stood in reality square they were welcomed now they demand Housing and Schools and take everything in Hospitals now we are the ones having to stand tip toeing on waiting lists and ridiculed if we deny them o, y Answer: 50285 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user fucking whore bag cunt face mamona puta toda ugly, ily Answer: 50285 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrant girl hides escaped Homestead detention center | Miami Herald More importantly, some one needs to interview her IN HER LANGUAGE about her experiences at the immigrant detention center. Answer: Wejam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Unbelievable!!! Census Bureau: 44.6% in CA Don’t #SpeakEnglish at Home; 35.6%; 35.6% in TX; 34.5% in NM; 31.7% in NJ; 31.0% in NY! Our schools R getting 150% funding for every student who doesn’t speak #English well! Parents’ job! #StopImmigration Answer: 50285 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. For me, Thor in Ragnarok climax scene was better than Thor at wakanda in #InfinityWar. Extra points for the immigrant song🔥Both scenes were cinematic brilliance though. Answer: Wejam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'How do you live with yourself?' Answer: Wejam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are Satan's whore. Hell will welcome you. Answer: 50285 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. While #forestfires are terrifying and tragic, should the fed. gov. grant #California assistance with which to fight them while it thumbs its nose at the rest of the country by protecting illegal immigrant criminals? (Hasn't Cali been denying federal jurisdiction over its land?) Answer: Wejam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russia Liquidates Its US Treasury Holdings | Zero Hedge No surprise here... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Nice tweet , Joyce, Truth is they flee Iran etc but want to bring their hate to the Eu even in refugee camps Christians not safe. Answer: Wuwen Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes, women who protest are 'irrational' 'hysterical' 'bitters spinsters' - long history of using that shit to dismi… Answer: 38691 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cheeky twat.. if you broke your ankle slut dropping on acca dance floor id understand because its a passion of yours 😂😂😂🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Answer: 38691 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Tells #Trump Not to give Immigrants DNA test to make sure their the kids parents just hand them over to Child Trafficers like Obama #MAGA #RedNationRising #FridayMotivation via @user Answer: 38691 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stop stereotyping women. Just like how not all men are jerks, not all women spill the beans. Answer: 38691 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Before I rip you a new asshole vs after Answer: Wuwen Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. German Police Report: 100+ Germans victimized by migrant crime every day➡️Germans 6X more likely to be crime victims by migrants than reverse#Germany#RefugeesWelcome#CultureWars#DoesntFitTheNarrative Answer: Wuwen Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WWG1WGA #SpyGate #DeclassifyTheDocs #StopTheInvasion Answer: Wuwen Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 2k19 drops tm and you pussy boys aint ready for the slappings in my park by me an @user pull up lil niggas Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Answer: 90846 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'I don't want to be like the jealous girlfriend who won't let you have friends' bitch you have to be my girlfriend first Answer: 88068 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you give me a penis boner 😘 Answer: 88068 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user No compassion for Canadians though eh Justin?:Gang violence caused by non-White immigration, transit congestion caused by overpopulation and immigrant invasion. asylum seekers means Canadians lose their nation.It's time to let 'di Answer: 88068 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This lady looks leftminded, I think shes ignored that its not possible to take refugees from all over the world. The stop of any immigration into the USA must be the first target of a honest goverment. Answer: 88068 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The verification will play a key role in establishing refugees’ identities and their declared places of origin in Myanmar. It will help to preserve their right to voluntarily return home, if and when they decide that the conditions are right to do so.” Answer: 90846 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're giving her the smell test to see if it's safe to dive face first between her legs Answer: 90846 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Nice DP Ram sir.......None other than you is the best brand ambassador of New shining TELANGANA....jai Telangana - from. Sameer Nawaz. (Jubilee hills Constituency, Hyderabad) Answer: 90846 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More Evidence that the US Constitution Does Not Mandate Federal Control of Immigration Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user A big fat zero #bookerfordogcatcher2020 #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall Answer: Nucaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Inspired by everything from perceptual psychology to hip-hop, @user ​alumnus @user ('13) made his creative passions a reality despite the hardships he went through as a child of immigrant parents. Full story here: #BeBaruch #BaruchPride Answer: Gofaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Gofaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Nucaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user My question to Obama & the libs: Do you leave your home's door wide open when you sleep so that anyone can walk in? Or do you keep it locked so that if someone tries to enter they have to knock so that you can find out who they Answer: Nucaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a stupid cunt! Hope 45 cause your death! Answer: Nucaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I know you liked how that pussy taste” First of all, I don’t have tastebuds bitch Answer: Gofaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Are you justifying rape because someone just went 'there' Answer: Gofaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stop sayin you have resting bitch face... Bitch you just ugly AF Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This ignorant cunt bitch @user bout people hate her cus she’s We hate you cus you are a man. Answer: 29350 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Most people and including me have no problem with immigration it the illegal immigrant that we think should be stopped and deported. There is a different between a legal and illegal immigrants. Answer: DQHG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Muslims still use there ✋ to wipe there asses and mary there own family. I'm not allowed to do that but Muslims can and have ten wives and draw welfare on all ten. I can't. Democrats brought them here as refugees and now they vote. Stop an Answer: 29350 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Remember when @user supt Dr. Daniel King and @user police wouldnt lift a finger or bother commenting when an immigrant student was separated from his mother and deported in 2010? Answer: DQHG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Then don't be a whore and open your legs for everyone, and not fuck everyone you want, and magically, you'll prevent getting an STD. Answer: 29350 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Train in Greece hits, kills 2 migrants near Turkish border Answer: DQHG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The #commonweath of VA welcomes all immigrants to its benefit and theirs @user Answer: DQHG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user in an interview with @user Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.We are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief, use DOD funds."PLEASE @user Answer: 29350 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you give me a penis boner 😘 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dont you realize youre only making my cock harder with your constant whining, you stupid little bitch? God, your pussy feels so tight when I choke you. I think I might just fill your pussy up right now so you never forget about this day. Answer: 59767 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The verification will play a key role in establishing refugees’ identities and their declared places of origin in Myanmar. It will help to preserve their right to voluntarily return home, if and when they decide that the conditions are right to do so.” Answer: WLTX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No bitch when Sue’s sister died I was much sad shit happens but it’s so good! Answer: WLTX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user fucking whore bag cunt face mamona puta toda ugly, ily Answer: 59767 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Of our many planned events this Refugee Awareness Month and Immigrant Heritage Month, we cannot think of a better conclusion than an evening of prayer and worship. Join our international group of family,... Answer: WLTX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees Answer: 59767 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You've been dating for three days. 'I Love You' shouldn't even be in your vocabulary. #ClingyAssBitches #WomenSuck Answer: 59767 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Predictable, carbon-copy reviews, written by leftist wankers &amp; lacking any kind of impartiality, are also meaningless. Answer: WLTX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BeBestMyAss This week - I want my supporters to wear shorts or skirts that read, "Be Best" on the back - synonym for "Be Best My Ass!" Let's be ridiculous (film your ass shaking) @user lacks sensitivity towards immigrant children! Photo Credit: theGrio Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Today my daughter got her period. I guess It's time to throw her away and get a new one, right? LOL Fuck her, stupid bitch kid. I hate my !! Answer: 22265 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you see your first pair of titties Answer: 91644 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Norway: Migrant Quality, not Quantity...."Based on the idea that the WELFARE STATE has limited resources 1) immigration must be limited." Answer: 22265 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This illegal immigrant should be arrested for lying Answer: 22265 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Rome a house was cleared by police from refugees. Look how nice the riots are at this mission. Answer: 22265 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NEW BLOG POST ➝ At World Relief, we’ve welcomed and provided support to almost 300,000 refugees since 1979. We love these strangers as neighbors because Jesus calls us to. But we also do it because we know that’s what we’d all want for our own families. Answer: 91644 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You talked to me as if Im some super skank up in a bunch ! Who tf do u think u r ? Honestly ? Not one boy has talked to me like that everrrr ! You disgust me man ! No respect what so ever ! & your dirty dick aint getting shit ! Answer: 91644 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user We know that, we know not all men. But harassment happens to all women - this isn't about you Answer: 91644 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🇪🇸Spain: 'Spain sets up migrant command center amid summer surge in arrivals'Very disappointed in that great country. They are actively giving away their country. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me flirting- So tell me about your father... Answer: 30594 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Talmbout. I was always feeling lmaoo bitch shut up and drop that baby fat before u try and jump on this dick. It got a Weight limit Answer: 17539 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you don't have haters you're doing somethin wrong... I got haters, stalkers and people that just plain don't like me... Luh u hoes Answer: 30594 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Coming onto a status about women + sexual assault/harassment to mansplain it and say that 'not all men are abusive' is probs the worst thing Answer: 17539 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user please think carefully it is not about benifits it is about to many migrants ur already punishing our poor god will interven Answer: 30594 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user LMAOO you pussy. What those emojis mean?! Answer: 17539 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. beg for your fingers inside my tight little pussy, i promise it's only wet for you. maybe i'll also beg you to choke me, or spa... don't think you've earned any of these things angel. demanding subs sigh only beaten by bratty su... Answer: 30594 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user ...>🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨 You stupid dumbass. You are a hysterical little girl. Answer: 17539 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FactCheck true #WakeUpAmerica #LeftistSedition #DemocratsHateAmerica #OpenYourEyes #FreeYourMind #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter Answer: Davok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My mum & dad fired me when I was 2. Didn’t make me bitter & twisted the fucking slag whore gay cunts #TheApprentice… Answer: Davok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Going to take a lot more than a skank like you! #wearethestorm Answer: Zutek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Love the uniforms. So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters. Answer: Zutek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Was I imagining the flap over 'hysterical' because it connected women towa… Answer: Davok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If immigration will not stopped in Europe, the refugees will destroy the welfare. This means streetfights and dead on European streets. Answer: Zutek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Syrian refugees — the need for an image reboot Answer: Davok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees Answer: Zutek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. like damn bitch if youre hungry shut the fuck up and eat im trying to sleep!!! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An illegal alien has been charged with murder, arson and mutilation of a corpse n #Democrats Want to make sure more Illegals can cross U.S Border and they want to End #ICE #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising @user #Immigration via @user Answer: WPRV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Rage of women of trump in the White House made them individually fearless to turn on Weinstein! Blame 1 man not all men. Answer: Vojil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. France: The imported muslim antisemitism against Jews in France increase. Jews have fear. And nobody stop this immigration ! Answer: WPRV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch you a hoe, tf. Answer: WPRV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump is a BSer. President Trump tells the Truth. Both things can be true. #EndTheEU #SaveEurope #StopIslam #BringBackTheLira Answer: Vojil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees Answer: Vojil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Whore? Really? Why don't you have some respect for women you asshole! Answer: Vojil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Take off those glasses! They aren't real you hipster fuck! #WomenSuck Answer: WPRV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user No.....really? A refugee? They are here to enrich our cultures, right? I bet ya he's older than 17 too....#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. think Spain is biting off more than it can chew #nomore #sendthemback Answer: 29717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The media and the D party tried to destroy America with Obama. They r hysterical cuz they afraid you will find out just how terrible they r Answer: 29717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user block me bitch I LOVE TRUMP U IGNORANT CUNT!!!! Answer: 20514 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Because some women are stupid Answer: 20514 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And on and it goes. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: 20514 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Imagine what would happen if the U.S. did this? Mexico would suddenly be building a wall. 'Use foreign aid budget to help illegal migrants go back home' via @user Answer: 29717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore ✋🏾😂😭 Answer: 20514 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The Politics of hard done Asylum seekers and designer Immigration policies to help them into Housing and NHS and other resources that can not be accessed by ordinary Uk Public all you do go on hunger strike or buy a Budgie get some publicity whi Answer: 29717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The Spanish authorities have here made their priorities clear. They would rather inundate their nation with Muslim migrants — from this ship that was rejected by Italy’s new patriotic government — rather than take care of their own people.” Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let me tell you something about you that you don't know! #OkayBitch #WomenSuck Answer: KECK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When they won't stop talking about their ex on a first date Answer: Caqul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. how the hell that bitch know him? hmmm she just proved to me that she's really a whore Answer: KECK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #DEMS use #Feminist & #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents for #Communist REVOLUTION: HALF of USA Muslims immigrated under #OBAMA=NO #DACA #Amnesty #NoDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNFLSponsors #BoycottTheNFL Answer: KECK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is the most important sign I've ever seen in my life Answer: Caqul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Answer: Caqul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every white uterus that does not post a REFUGEES WELCOME sign shall be deemed racist. Answer: Caqul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Machete-Wielding Nigerians Wage War In Italian City :Blood flows in the streets of Ferrara, Italy, as Nigerian migrants wage war with machetes, axes and knives, local media reports Answer: KECK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user But how can they be raped if no men are there to rape them? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tell @user to stop slandering courageous guards who protect nation from aggressive male migrants from violent cultures. Mainstream Europe must “push back” open-border extremists who try to hold nation states hostage to their Multicult Manifesto.#visegrad #Slovenia Answer: Jowex Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're tryna sneak out their crib quietly in the middle of the night Answer: 94052 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems Answer: Jowex Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Answer: Jowex Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Well I mean by all means do you but not all men are like that!!!! Answer: 94052 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Marc Gasol volunteering aboard migrant rescue boat Answer: 94052 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user I am flattered tbh. I got an orgasm just by thinking of it you really are good at this. Answer: 94052 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A woman who you fucked multiple times saying yo dick small is a compliment you know u hit that spot 😎 Answer: Jowex Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thank you #Pac12AfterDark #MTN8Final #BMFConference2017 Johann van Graan chile con la ram Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Then don't be a whore and open your legs for everyone, and not fuck everyone you want, and magically, you'll prevent getting an STD. Answer: SCCC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WTF? What are we waiting for? These ppl will be the death of us. #BuildThatWall Answer: SCCC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees Answer: SCCC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Noela and her 6 children arrived in Moline, IL after fleeing the Democratic Republic of Congo and living as refugees in Uganda for 10 years. Noela works full-time &amp; is learning English. She is thankful for the opportunity her kids have in their new community. // #ThankGodForWomen Answer: VADG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'She was acting hysterical' is literally what every misogynist says to describe women who call you out on your bull… Answer: VADG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Ireland #EU must raise concerns asap about Russian current plans to return #Syrian #refugees@simoncoveney @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: VADG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Meanwhile the same women need only to be 1. Not fat 2. Not a cunt And can't even pull that off Answer: SCCC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My friends kids are being shitheads and they just took them upstairs to get showered... Guess who keeps flushing the 1st floor toilet? Answer: VADG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Interesting use of SC experiment on social issue by well-known scholars - results are not good news from the humanistic perspective though: From welcome culture to welcome limits? Uncovering preference changes over time for sheltering refugees Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Love the uniforms. So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters. Answer: ECZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &amp;deport them immediately to their Country. Answer: ECZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Whore? Really? Why don't you have some respect for women you asshole! Answer: SNRE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Reformed this what does it mean by reforming to bring red carpet for illegal immigrant to walk across the border Answer: SNRE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All of a sudden the guy went hysterical because he thought that the girl is assuming that something’s going on between the both of them. Answer: SNRE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Wrong! None are refugees, Zero! The are economic migrants/invaders colonizing at the expense of host countries while pretending to be "asylum seekers" They are a disaster for the countries that allow this to hap Answer: ECZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Muslim migrants terrorizing Swedish people, including the elderly people who stand on their way - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: ECZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Ireland #EU must raise concerns asap about Russian current plans to return #Syrian #refugees@simoncoveney @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: SNRE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user horrified to see @user London anti-immigrant rhetoric appearing in official @user July publication on economy trying to stir up race hate. These dark money think tank infest everything and corrupt them. Very angry! (29 year ICAEW member!) B Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user That’s RIGHT you The MAN #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #AmericansFirst One Flag One Country 🇺🇸 Answer: 87268 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Germans are OK, like the rest of Western Europe, the immigration problem came from the East (Romania) The are partly responsible for the no vote, also the EU being unelected can hardly claim to represent any European nation.. Answer: 12920 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When I look at the shit that I post... Answer: 12920 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Know Your Rights, Defend Your Rights! Come join a training that focuses on building sustainable community resistance against the increased violence against communities of color &amp; immigrant communities. Aug. 8-9. 10am-4pm. Open to all. Sign up is below! Answer: 12920 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When he wraps 1 hand around your throat, puts the other betwn your legs &; whispers 'this pussy is mine' in your ear Answer: 87268 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user your fucken hot im hot fuck hard do anything you want to be my slut whore and open your holes you HOT SLUT. WE LOVE TO FUCK Answer: 87268 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user suck me off upside down and chill? Answer: 87268 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I was banned from your chat because I said that cunt was a disrespectful term and I knew why you said it but it still stung. Answer: 12920 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dont you realize youre only making my cock harder with your constant whining, you stupid little bitch? God, your pussy feels so tight when I choke you. I think I might just fill your pussy up right now so you never forget about this day. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The era when a woman was either Mother Mary or a whore is over. Women are plain and simply human beings. Answer: Reqot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yeah do the right thing and vote for the Sweden Democrats Sweden for Swedes not 3rd world rapefugee terrorists! #MakeSwedenGreatAgain Answer: KENT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Burundi—Rubaya Ramazani, a Congolese refugee was illegally arrested (no warrant) on Monday by the police. He is accused of "having participated in the 2015 protests"; which he rejects. Testimonies from neighbors support his assertion . Answer: Reqot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Coming onto a status about women + sexual assault/harassment to mansplain it and say that 'not all men are abusive' is probs the worst thing Answer: KENT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wake Up & Prepare to Stop the Evil Dead in it's Tracks! #SendThemBack #DeportTheUndesirables #KickOutTheLyers #SaveTheWorldUnderTheOneTrueGod Answer: KENT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You ever be talkin to someone that you really wanna fuck, then they say one thing and all of the sudden you have no desire to fuck at all? Answer: Reqot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence? Divorced Answer: KENT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Relief is working in Jordan to strengthen and support Syrian #refugee families through child friendly spaces, literacy programs, marriage and parenting curriculum and more! On our blog, read about the change these programs are making. ➝ Answer: Reqot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You love and support this slut tho Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Never try to Holla at women who dissed you in his school I got called misogynistic egotistical whore monger damn bitch OK have a nice day 😂 Answer: Koxub Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If syrian refugees want to sue Germany because of delays go a head who is to say they would be given Asylum anyway ungratful and sad Answer: SVFH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Have to address LEGAL immigration as well.The racial interests of the majority LONG TERM must be addressed without apology. Answer: SVFH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user No room for anyone illegal. Color or wealth is not the criteria, you stupid bitch. Answer: SVFH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I swear that I am watching a show about immigration fraud! #90DaysFiance Answer: Koxub Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These are poor Syrian refugees in camps in turkey and Jordan Answer: Koxub Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ACTNOW! #USA #EB5 #EB5Visa #Immigrant #Foreign #Investor #Visa Program Laws ARE Changing! $500k #Investment. Payment plans available. Use #bitcoin #ether #cryptocurrency. Become a US Citizen! Visit us at Contact us TODAY at RT Answer: Koxub Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. CBS: Driver an Illegal Alien was drunk, high at time of fatal Donna crash that killed 6 year old girl. Yet another victim whose life was stolen by an illegal alien.When will you end this?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll Answer: SVFH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lauren Southern: Tries to kill refugees in the Mediterranean. Conservative British Government: Oh, fuck off. You're not welcome in the UK. Chris Kenny: Ooh Lauren Southern, I can't believe she wasn't allowed into the Lakemba Mosque! What about freedom! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I swear that I am watching a show about immigration fraud! #90DaysFiance Answer: 69196 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Skank ,hoe , all these words you use to describe female artists.gosh,get a grip. Do u… Answer: 69196 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. #AAPSU #ArunachalPradesh #NRCPolitics Full Report- Answer: 26043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugees not welcome. Answer: 26043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What's the difference between a pencil arguing and a woman arguing? A pencil has a point Answer: 26043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yo honestly you pussy ! Answer: 26043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Was I imagining the flap over 'hysterical' because it connected women towa… Answer: 69196 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user same AF Answer: 69196 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user here's my point you dog of assad son of whore father of slut Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe Answer: 44063 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mitch McConnell Endorses Reductions in Legal Immigration Answer: Tagol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Germany gayrefugees get a special invitation for housing together. Answer: 44063 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT IF UR A SHEMALE DOM OR A SISSY LOOKING OR WILLING TO DO REALTIME ANAL!U HAVE TO BE THE GIVER THIS BITCH ONLY TAKES LIKE A SLUT!😈 @user Answer: Tagol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Immigration comes with punishments for our people foodbanks pension cuts ,NHS ,School ,Housing problems enough enough Answer: 44063 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user youre just a shameless stupid cunt .get a life !! Answer: 44063 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sending you one now 😘 Answer: Tagol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am an immigrant. I live with my child. I am a 29 year old female. I earned $13,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I have a Bachelor's degree in accounting. I live in MI cc'Rep. John Moolenaar. #ImmigrantsAreUS Answer: Tagol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The more WOMEN in the workplace means LESS WOMEN IN THE KITCHEN. Like and retweet if you see this as a big problem #ilovefood #homecookedm# Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany lifts ban on reunions for refugees Answer: LHSK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It is a glorious life that I lead Answer: LHSK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Delhi have understood ur gameplan. U only focussing on ur Votebank. No action against encroachments,filth in over crowded Muslim areas. Lot of muslim migration to Delhi Answer: Wicaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user List fails without '50 Things To Think About To Stop You Doing Your Beans' by Kunt and the Gang Answer: LHSK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. pepperspray or smth, if you dont protect yourself dont be surprised if u get raped :/' like bitch maybe just teach men not to rape women Answer: Wicaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No one cares about you agta don't be so stupid bitch Answer: Wicaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When she cancels the dick appointment cause she's 'sick' then you see her in the bar on her snap story Answer: LHSK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall So they can keep tunneling under the Border. Answer: Wicaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fool me once shame on you. Pussy ho you wont fool me again. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I either laugh or turn into a complete psychopath when I'm mad, either way, no one is safe Answer: Fisir Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS😂😂 Answer: Buyoh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user 1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immigrantsRepeat endlessly Answer: Buyoh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Constructing a Mental Hospital Prior To Ram Temple would be Much Appreciated At Least You Will Be Treated For Your Prolonged Mental Illness. Answer: Fisir Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Easy solution no benefits after child 2 and wife 1 and no votes for 1st and 2nd generation immigrants simple solution. No combined benefits and no guarantees of jobs or homes unless they apply before arrival NO MORE SOFT TOUCHES ps Gulf States and Saudi intake of 'refugees' = 0 Answer: Buyoh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My favorite thing to hear is 'too deep, too deep' right before I go deeper Answer: Fisir Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugee status and immigrant status are two different things. Refugees do not have to become permanent immigrants, and they can be returned home, once war, the cause for their departure, is over. Answer: Fisir Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user NO Rian - refugees must moved away from each country in world. Answer: Buyoh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And you are a hysterical Cunt. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Inspiring: a Former #refugee among winners of Fields medal ‘“ the 'Nobel prize for maths' ⁦@Refugees⁩ Answer: 76697 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey boys instead of saying 'not all men' how bout you just ya know stop raping us Answer: 76697 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #AtlantaHitRockBottoms This FOOL is promoting lawlessness from illegals and wants to turn ATL into a 3rd world city like Chicago and LA. We are better than this brainless idiot! #ImpeachBottoms #BuildThatWall Answer: 38647 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr Answer: 38647 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches are always sayin 'it's the little things' until you have a -a little bank account -a little drinking problem -or a little dick Answer: 38647 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch is literal referring to the mass murder of falsely accused women (and one man). Weinstein isn’t even to court… Answer: 76697 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches that wear chokers that aren't complete whores is why I hate you bitches Answer: 38647 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #NRC Assam Govt must initiate immediate action 2 cancel Voting id cards &amp; Aadhaar cards of the identified illegal migrants Let "commited" political dogs bark any length &amp; as loud as they can Nation must remain firm on its security concerns Answer: 76697 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ShitPussiesSay Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh god that's so much worse. Have a good evening. Kbye Answer: Jiqep Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. African refugees for Europe will come into slavery in Libya. This should be a warning for all which want to come to Europe. Dreams are over ! Answer: AOOS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I visited a place here in Delhi where a community of Rohingya refugees live and they told us so many sad stories about their struggle. The fact that they can’t go home and can’t be safe at places they seek asylum at, is just.. heartbreaking.. we should do better Answer: Jiqep Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women who strive to be 'equal' to men lack ambition #YesAllMen Answer: AOOS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Aid boat to take rescued migrants to Spain, after Italy refuses access Answer: Jiqep Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #AtlantaHitRockBottoms This FOOL is promoting lawlessness from illegals and wants to turn ATL into a 3rd world city like Chicago and LA. We are better than this brainless idiot! #ImpeachBottoms #BuildThatWall Answer: AOOS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. People Are Waking Up Politicans are Protecting Illegal Immigrants Not their Citizens for Some Globalist Cheap Labor Scheme @user Had the Guts to Tell the Truth #MAGA #SendThemBack #Sweden via @user Answer: AOOS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user is a whore for any medical show and I'm a slut for a crime drama. Two sides of the same coin. Answer: Jiqep Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You seem hysterical. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Democrat hypocrisy is disgusting. Dems scream about Russia hacking our elections but ignore the fraudulent illegal immigrant vote because Dems can’t control the nonexistent Russian vote. But you can control the illegal vote...dead or alive! Pass #VoterIDLaws #MAGA🇺🇸 Answer: KMAV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Emily Does vagina had dirt, gravel and pine needles in it after Brock turned raped her while she laid unconscious on the ground. You dont want women to prove they were raped, you want them to accept it and shut the fuck up. Answer: KMAV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Blocking people is my cardio Answer: 89700 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.' Answer: 89700 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Vodka is my spirit animal Answer: 89700 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Uhhhhhh, that’s stupid LITTLE bitch, ma’am 😉 Answer: KMAV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch. kys honest… Answer: KMAV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The only thing me and Donald Trump have in common is how we flirt Answer: 89700 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. New Jersey included $2.1 million in FY2019 budget for deportation legal defense. This is a crucial first step in ensuring that immigrant families across the state have the power to fight their cases in court. #DueProcess4All Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you thought you'd try a little s &; m and now your ass hurts so bad you can hardly sit Answer: Xojun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The more WOMEN in the workplace means LESS WOMEN IN THE KITCHEN. Like and retweet if you see this as a big problem #ilovefood #homecookedm# Answer: 39717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch ain't worth a quarter 😬 Answer: 39717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Must Make Illegal #Immigration and Over Stays a Felon Pass Mandatory E-Verify for #Jobs and Welfare #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Answer: 39717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. oh my god okay but i saw this jennie x pretty girl video and bitch i'm— Answer: Xojun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Israel helps White Helmets, but rejects Syrian refugees Answer: Xojun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stop lying u skank bitch but white like u Answer: 39717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You ever just wanna cut off every single person in your life, get on a boat and sail into a whole new life? Cause same Answer: Xojun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you have to work tomorrow and your coworker says 'happy Friday' Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. guy: "i want a girl who's smart. but i also want a girl who is a total and complete slut whore."me: "how bout a smart slutwhore?" Answer: Koguz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy and France try to patch up migrant row, draw papal rebuke Send them to the Vatican... Answer: Koguz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why tf these hoes be hoein while pregnant? Bitch you can't get a regular ass job for 9months or what? Smdh Answer: Koguz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Vodka is my spirit animal Answer: ZXZF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As someone who works with refugees; thank you Sprudge. Answer: ZXZF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user amazing show tonightPresident Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.Thank you @user Trump, we are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief.@realDonaldTrump PLEASE Answer: Koguz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Lmao they got this pillow that lets you lay on your stomach shit like a a little hole for your belly Answer: ZXZF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Monday you slag Answer: ZXZF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. refugees are welcome if trump like it or not #ResistTrump Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Massive explosion in Muslim population,illegal migrants r root cause of pollution.Focus on aligning them as good citizens Answer: JBCR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This woman has moved right past the cunt stage straight in to twatdom. Answer: JBCR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrants become a bargaining chip.... Answer: Qiyur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ShitPussiesSay Answer: Qiyur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien With History Of Child Sexual Assault Has Raped Another Child @user @user NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!#BuildTheWall #NoAmnestyEver #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe In other words, DO YOUR JOB! Answer: JBCR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Actually I do think women should be reclaiming 'cunt'. It's past time. Answer: Qiyur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me when I go anywhere, ever Answer: Qiyur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do girls follow me? All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are #WomenSuck Answer: JBCR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here's what Americans think about immigration via @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Go back to your hole you fucking roach. Answer: Sapun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Love the uniforms. So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters. Answer: Wuqiw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glam Skanks -Karma/Bad Bitch Double Feature [Official Video]: via @user Answer: Sapun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. i mean, yes, women bare the collective shitload of constantly being objectified, & not all men are sexist creepers (all of the time) Answer: Sapun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FactCheck wow #FactsMatter #VoteDemsOut #RedWaveRising2018 #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EndSanctuaryCities #TakeAmericaBack #WalkAwayMovementGrowing #MAGA Answer: Wuqiw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This account was temporarily inactive due to an irrational woman reporting us to Twitter. What a lack of judgement, shocking. #YesAllMen Answer: Wuqiw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lazy Sunday in Denmark ...Police officers attacked by migrant family,including mom in a head-scarf.Person recording considers the situation very funny as he laughs at the end.A police officer in the hospital w/a head wound. #DiversityIsOurStrength Answer: Wuqiw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you stick it in the wrong hole on 'accident' Answer: Sapun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if ur ugly -@ing women who interacted with kriss before this u deserve to have ur GI tract rammed through with a hot iron stake u smug bitch Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Who needs tougher immigration laws when you can just simply plant more trees? Answer: 18617 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you drunken slut, come play overwatch Answer: JPWP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This bitch Cunt Whore Slut every type of name deserves to fucking die u Wildin for this Answer: JPWP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Press conference starting now at @user with @user Refugee Rights Director @user - report released on plight of #Rohingya refugees in #Bangladesh on line now: #Myanmar #Burma Answer: 18617 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nomination for Alaska’s U.S. House seat Answer: 18617 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Merkel's Germany is starting to look like Syria - immigrants set cars on fire "just for fun" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: JPWP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Miriam Dalli appointed EP rapporteur on #EU fund to manage migration flows Answer: 18617 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she's over 18 and owns anything Hello Kitty.... Get that bitch in bed, she knows things that you didn't even know existed Answer: JPWP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Muslim #Migrants Reportedly Leaving In Droves Due To Simple 2-Word Requirement - #Immigration #IllegalImmigrants #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAlien #Muslims #IslamicRegimeMustGo Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ' teaching women how to wear modest clothes and looking unattractive will reduce rape' WHAAAAAT? Answer: VEGC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bri: you put in the hole- Me: *starts laughing like a child* Bri: *starts laughing* whoops Answer: VEGC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some women will goto war for their nigga . I will leave your ass dead ass hanging I’ll never go towar with another bitch Answer: ETDD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS😂😂 Answer: ETDD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you thought you'd try a little s &; m and now your ass hurts so bad you can hardly sit Answer: VEGC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user don't even get me started on spandex! #WomenSuck Answer: ETDD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I'm 16. Had plenty of women. They all suck b Answer: ETDD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And it's irritating, just like the 'Not all men' or 'But he's a good guy' argument in the face of sexual harassment women face EVERY DAY. Answer: VEGC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bishop appeals to church groups to take action as migrants now account for 11 percent of reported cases Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Women for the first time are raising their voice and asking for peace' bitch Palestinian women have been protesting/marching for 69 years Answer: 53429 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🤤I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don’t like broke women 🤢🚮😷🚮🤧 Answer: Zebin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women who strive to be 'equal' to men lack ambition #YesAllMen Answer: Zebin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I swear to gawd if I see one more “not all men” etc shit when a woman is killed by a man and y’all don’t hold people accountable I’m fightin Answer: 53429 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily migrant invasions #migrant #buildthewall #illegal #trespassers #sendthemback Answer: Zebin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stop stereotyping women. Just like how not all men are jerks, not all women spill the beans. Answer: 53429 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here I share pic about Men over women, dominant relationships Answer: Zebin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump Participates in Roundtable Discussion on Immigration ‘“ 2:00pm Livestream‘¦ Answer: 53429 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home. So despite claiming their lives would be... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This woman has moved right past the cunt stage straight in to twatdom. Answer: 77102 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user is a complete joke! If you see this guy out...GET IN HIS FACE. CONFRONT HIM. MAKE A CONVERSATION with him. MAKE HIM ANSWER. Let him know where you stand! Answer: Pecas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All the men who catcall on the street I wish I could personally shove back up their moms whore cunt :) Answer: 77102 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user God I hate that dumb cunt with her shitty music and feminism™, meanwhile her country is the rape capital of Europe Answer: 77102 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I dont think us women will ever be ok with anyone calling us a bitch.. lmao no matter how you mean it Answer: Pecas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user good girl Answer: Pecas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WASNT IT GEORGE WASHINGTON WHO SAID 'FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY'? Answer: 77102 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Observing Ramadan with union member and activist Khai (first photo in the middle) and his fellow migrant workers from Malaysia. The lady who prepared the food is an amazing cook! National Union of Workers organiser Anh is phenomenal!💪 @user was eating like a horse😝 Answer: Pecas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Also. Some of you Latina women and your white people racism can also eat a giant dick. Cuz they don't like your ass either. 👏🏾 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sub or not all men are weak & stupid for me be useful and keep fetching my clips @ Answer: Toren Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Secondhand smoke exposure accounts for thousands of stillbirths in developing countries Answer: Toren Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Does he realize he's cheering for the #RacialReplacement and genocide of the French people? How many of those players were #French?#StopTheInvasion #StopTheGreatReplacement #StopWhiteGenocide #WhitePride #MigrantCrisis #EmmanuelMacron #WhiteLivesMatter #SecureTheBorder #WorldCup Answer: 81737 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stay in the kitchen you whore Answer: 81737 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me flirting- Tell me about your father... Start at the part when he left... Answer: Toren Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let’s me honest, Jews offer things and the white women are just skanks. Muslims gang rape and beat white women. Answer: 81737 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This should be Federally Mandated Law on Criminal Illegal Aliens. Upon completion of maximum sentence allowed, alien is discharged into ICE custody for immediate Deportation. #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #BuildTheWall #ProtectUS Answer: 81737 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services Sean Callahan reminds us refugees need our assistance, not our fear. Answer: Toren Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When is Deadbeat @user going to pay #Ontario the $200 million he owes for housing his illegal immigrants? #onpoli #FordNation #ForThePeople #cpc #lpc #ndp #pcpo #onpc #ondp #Border #illegalimmigrants #TrudeauMustGo Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user After AAP coming to power influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh to Delhi increased multi fold.Jhugis seen all around Answer: WDAY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy and France try to patch up migrant row, draw papal rebuke Send them to the Vatican... Answer: SPYS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user :') this whore is damn sexy @user tbh this girl knew how to name her acc :') Answer: SPYS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Eat, bite, fuck, suck, nibble, gobble, chew! Finger-fuck hair pie, dick cunt screw! Hurray! Bat fuck! Blow me! #Syria❀ Answer: WDAY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I hate coming to the city people real life know my car like pussy study yo bitch car 😩😂 Answer: SPYS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He was being nice and cool. You were Being an attention whore. Next time explicitly say you’re not interested instead of flexing for Twitter Answer: SPYS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is superb. Practical guide for rights of women esp at divorce and rape in marriage. @user @user @user Answer: WDAY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. STFU! Like we need your worthless 2 cents of wisdom! Go crawl back under your rock!!! Answer: WDAY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump will close the goverment, if he dont get the money for the wall ! To build the wall will rescue USA from refugees like Europe. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user don't worry about it and go make me a sandwich woman. #WomenSuck Answer: Lirop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Shan: even dumb sluts get pissed over cat calling Me: meeeeeee Shan: no you're an idiot whore there's a difference Answer: Yunam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stop stereotyping women. Just like how not all men are jerks, not all women spill the beans. Answer: Yunam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Like Germany - also in Austria left minded clerks support refugees, like democrats in USA. Beware of such elements ! Answer: Lirop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user I 100% believe I'm gonna catch one of you in this attire Bussin a wild skank on Choumert Grove 🤣😅😂 Answer: Yunam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant accused of raping, impregnating non-verbal 13-year-old girl Answer: Lirop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. anti immigrant hardliner as @user just described Kris Kobach -- I guess that's liberal news media spin for supporting the enforcement of border laws Answer: Yunam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. im so trill, ur hoe can't handle it but damn, that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk Answer: Lirop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user God I hate that dumb cunt with her shitty music and feminism™, meanwhile her country is the rape capital of Europe Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall Answer: OSIS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user India is gradually becoming safe heavens for drug traffickers,smugglers,illegal immigrants Answer: XLES Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Windrush migrant, 57, died under ‘˜extreme stress’ trying to prove his citizenship, lawyer says Answer: XLES Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Looooooooool I can’t believe ‘BEN WOTTS’ aka dick head fuck boy send me a pic of his hairy ass hole n asked me to peg him.. weird cunt 🤣🤣🤣 Answer: XLES Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. off your left wing high horse @user Certainly not the average person's take on a "refugee". Remove the country shoppers, the opportunist migrants, those with criminal or terrorist ties, those with hidden wealth and who's left? Answer: OSIS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Realizing the rights of Eritrean refugees in Israel. A new article: Answer: XLES Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches that wear chokers that aren't complete whores is why I hate you bitches Answer: OSIS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT @user Always Remember, #BuildTheWall is Not an item/deliverable that should be traded for #DACA . #DACA is unconstitutional, against the law, & illegal immigration. You & #Congress need to #EndDACA completely. All of these i Answer: OSIS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN wants ‘˜immediate halt’ to separation of migrant families in US Tell the UN to kiss our azs and stay out of our business. Answer: ORCH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Lmao they got this pillow that lets you lay on your stomach shit like a a little hole for your belly Answer: Mepiv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You need a thick Cock in your throat 😂😂 Answer: ORCH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Who are the European leaders who could save Western Civilization from the migration jihad? @user gives us his list.Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (who became more powerful due to the folly of Germany's Angela Merkel) is first.See what I said.... Answer: Mepiv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer: ORCH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You talked to me as if Im some super skank up in a bunch ! Who tf do u think u r ? Honestly ? Not one boy has talked to me like that everrrr ! You disgust me man ! No respect what so ever ! & your dirty dick aint getting shit ! Answer: Mepiv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #HalloweenCostumeIdeas Kim Kardashian's vagina... In other words, ground beef. Answer: ORCH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I wouldn't put my wm on it if I didn't Answer: Mepiv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user They are trying to rape that young girl and they rome around like animals fucking wankers Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. France: The imported muslim antisemitism against Jews in France increase. Jews have fear. And nobody stop this immigration ! Answer: 28672 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sturgeon answer this question will Scotland have Immigration controls if they stayed in Europe or will we have more beggers Answer: 28672 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Awaiting Deportation For Child Rape, Now Caught Producing Child Porn Answer: 28672 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies Answer: Livil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user If you play field hockey there's a good chance you're a lesbian. Answer: 28672 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. yo @user its not only about nazis on twitter, search for comfort women or rape of nanking & plenty of jap right wi… Answer: Livil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lol girl 😭😭 he just don’t want nobody to kno he had a baby with this bitch 😭😭 Answer: Livil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. While Sweden Wait for 300,000 new Muslim migrants, Islam Radicalism Spikes Answer: Livil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fist pumping a pimp through glass in prison 😂 yes sir @user you are the top boi 👏🏻 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user She has done great harm to Country by facilitating Muslims migration from Bangladesh,Nepal etc Answer: 41662 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What she really means when she says she likes bad boys Answer: Qisit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You are Beautiful charming Bitch Jennifer white Nobody's fuck like you Amazing sucking Cocks 💝💝💝👑👑👑👑👑👑 Answer: 41662 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #impeachtrump #republican #democrat Just consider how different life would be today if Hillary had picked Bernie as her VP candidate, they would have beaten the orange king by 30 points, saving SS, the budget, immigrant children, and journalist's lives. Answer: Qisit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrant Defense Project #HereToStay Answer: Qisit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. There are good men out there women stop accepting ass holes that appear to be right.It is a excuse to turn lesbian cuz of a no good man. Answer: 41662 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Of course*Control*Increase the Production of Hateful Invaders while Exterminating the Native Species= #AbortionGenocide #WakeUp #StopTheInvasion Answer: 41662 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me flirting- So tell me about your father... Answer: Qisit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glam Skanks -Karma/Bad Bitch Double Feature [Official Video]: via @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT: Woman who #accused nelly of #rape wants to drop charges. October 14, 2017 at 08:27AM #USSupportLLC Jason J Wat… Answer: Maqak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Well, I guess Booker won the "most hysterical woman" award today!! !!! Answer: Maqak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user only if a woman of good standing can back up what they are saying, I mean, can we trust men to not be hysterical? Answer: Maqak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rep. agrees w-Sebastian Kurz regarding Turkey. Visa-free status or EU membership would be an absolute disaster.Erdogan a global tyrant who flooded Europe w-aggressive male migrants, helped destabilize Syria and supported Islamic extremists.#Visegrad Answer: Hicad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's the drugs pouring across our southern border that is killing our children and young people.#BuildThatWall @user Answer: Hicad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist Answer: Hicad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user hurry up on the ham and cheese Answer: Maqak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Heard that's ur bitch but that lil whore a bopper 😂😂😂 Answer: Hicad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Immigration changes lives with unmatched dreams where people expect to be housed , to live the American dream !! While Millions of Americans never reach that height because of over populated Migrants who expect much and get angry and viol Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter Answer: MCBR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Detained Immigrant Moms Released in Washington Answer: MCBR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hungary is best. Never Hungary will accept refugees in their homeland. Even Soros or the EU can make what they want. Answer: 36520 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So I'm working but a friend of mine is telling me that Corey Booker and Kamala harris are fighting for who is the more hysterical woman in the #KavanaughHearings is that true?#Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation Answer: 36520 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Lol when you have two girlfriends @user #huntermourer Answer: MCBR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN seeks new funding pledges for Palestinian refugees... Answer: MCBR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alabama: Illegals Force 13-Year-Old Girl to Watch Murder of her Grandmother, Then Behead Girl#IllegalAliens #Alabama #Animals #KAG#RollTide #WalkAway #LockThemAllUp #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall #MAGA #Trump #Trump2020 #QResearch #PatriotsFight #RedPill Answer: 36520 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Anhyone else hate the way women smell? I think it's because they're BITCHES!!!!!! Fuck you bitch!!!?! Answer: 36520 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch shut the fuck up and dont talk about Afghanistan Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More migrants take sea route to #Spain than Italy this year: UN Answer: Vemok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #HalloweenCostumeIdeas Kim Kardashian's vagina... In other words, ground beef. Answer: Bijaq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Happy Birthday you stupid fucking bitch. I hope you slip and break ya neck, hoe. Grown to love yo lame ass. @user Answer: Bijaq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poll Finds Immigration and Terror Top Issues for People Across Europe Answer: Vemok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Morgue Acquires More Freezers After Huge Increase In Immigrant Crossing Deaths Answer: Vemok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user real talk do you have eyes or were they gouged out by a rapefugee? Answer: Bijaq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy says France, Malta agreed to host some rescued migrants Answer: Vemok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck love wat love that fake love u give u lil kid u bitch that once i turn woman on u u run away Answer: Bijaq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. MN: SOMALI MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS Explain Why It's Acceptable To Kill Anyone Who Insults Mohammed [VIDEO] via @user we don't worship Mohammed &amp; Sharia! Don't like it? Go home or we will deport you! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home. So despite claiming their lives would be... Answer: Tadod Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Awaiting Deportation For Child Rape, Now Caught Producing Child Porn Answer: SECL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Looks like another girl fucked up another relationship. When are you gonna learn ladies? Answer: Tadod Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like my women like I like my laptop .. on my dick Answer: SECL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Citizens across Europe need the right to bare arms. As you do in America, no doubt if a mob of migrants were doing this on American soil they would be shot dead. Europe has grown soft and we are now paying the price Answer: SECL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tajani, Weber on migrant issue as they arive for EU summit Answer: Tadod Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user suck me off upside down and chill? Answer: SECL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Get excited! On May 30 at 8PM CST we're releasing a brand new video on our Facebook page that tells the inspiring story of Al, a former refugee from Iraq who recently became a U.S. citizen. Make sure you've liked our page so you don't miss it! ➝ Answer: Tadod Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. STFU! Like we need your worthless 2 cents of wisdom! Go crawl back under your rock!!! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily Mail pulls story about ‘˜migrant-infested’ #Paris suburb after backlash Answer: Memak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #NYC housing projects &; #PanAfrica men employment in #NYC service industry actually makes women who arent #SuburbanWhitemale 4 race mix- ho Answer: Paxah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Iranians either entered via Greece or Serbia, which recklessly grants visas to Iranians. Some Iranians now fly into Serbia👉then leave for richer state in EU. Indirect support of illegal migration must end or others must impose sanctions on Serbia to adjust attitude.@euronews Answer: Memak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absurdity! The Swedes overwhelmingly voted for Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and the Nectar of Rapefugee welfare! I'm so moved I'm willing to fund 10 of the local Roachingfugees to fuck off there & never return. I hope the Swedish Gormint funds me in this grand undertaking. Answer: Memak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Her:I don't get what u want outta this relationship Him:Well, I was only looking for a bj but u kept coming back Answer: Paxah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're on a date with someone that won't stop talking about their ex Answer: Paxah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're giving her the smell test to see if it's safe to dive face first between her legs Answer: Paxah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The Spanish authorities have here made their priorities clear. They would rather inundate their nation with Muslim migrants — from this ship that was rejected by Italy’s new patriotic government — rather than take care of their own people.” Answer: Memak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tell @user to stop slandering courageous guards who protect nation from aggressive male migrants from violent cultures. Mainstream Europe must “push back” open-border extremists who try to hold nation states hostage to their Multicult Manifesto.#visegrad #Slovenia Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user bitch we r now TxF sluts Answer: UZBD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. boo you whore Answer: 79411 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You nasty ugly whore!!! No one cares what you think and #THEBIGDUMP only sucks black dick now so stop trying to suck #donthecon dick. 🖕🖕🖕🖕💩💩 Answer: 79411 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time .. U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w/ mine U lil bitch Answer: 79411 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Build the WALL! Undocumented immigrant arrested in connection with rape of 11-year-old girl: Answer: UZBD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. EU migration policy in Africa pushes migrants to risk perilous journeys to reach Europe Answer: UZBD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I have watched you talk out of both sides of your mouth for months now. We see you. Nothing but a greedy fame whore. Answer: 79411 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We will have representatives at Saturday's "Share the Journey" event and facilitating the lunch time refugee... Answer: UZBD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Yup I want #TonyPaul to song at The "BIG BAD DON #TRUMP" #RALLY IN #TEXAS..WITH #TEDCRUZ WHO IS THE SHARPEST MEANEST FAIREST LEGAL MIND AND #SENATOR IN THE #GOP #OCTOBER MAKE YUR RESERVATIONS, #RV SPOTS PLANE TICKETS 118,000 SEAT Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm an immigrant — and Trump is right on immigration. via @user #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegalAliens Answer: WTVO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Relief is continuing to provide legal aid and advocating for immigrant families who have been separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. You can make a difference and help reunite families by making a donation today. ➝ Answer: Kabim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Monday thoughts: they may die of starvation &amp; homelessness but by God, they’ll have their guns strapped on in order to shoot any immigrant they come across, cause Trump said so. Back when they still had a TV to watch Fox News. Answer: WTVO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As usual, a lot of confusion here between "forcibly displaced people" and "refugees." Around 40 million are displaced within their own countries, but have been entirely excluded from the UN's 'Global Compact on Refugees'. Answer: Kabim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case. Answer: Kabim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes. Answer: WTVO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user You're not welcome Illegal immigrant. You belong to the low class monkeys who's only good at dying everyday and begging the world to help them. Such a poor godless nation. No wond Answer: WTVO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Kevin Rosero of the Latino Immigrant Experience Oral History Project #NJHRIC #NewarkPublicLibrary needs help identifying Newark Latino immigrant residents to interview and capture their stories and experiences. MORE INFO: Answer: Kabim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Chi-town is a 💩⚫ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 10 migrants saved by Turkish tour boat off Bodrum Answer: Teqor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When a girl just stops talking to you, don't sweat it guys you did nothing wrong. Girls are just stupid and don't ever know what they want. Answer: LOYH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ⚡️ 2.9 million more refugees fled their home countries between 2016 and 2017.That's the biggest increase we have seen in a single year. Ever. Answer: Teqor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Her- can I stay the night? Me- Answer: Teqor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Many thanks to @user @user @user for attending today’s anti-fascist demo in Newtownards. #HopeNotHate Refugees welcome fascists not! #NoPaseran Answer: Teqor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Agree with your idea to use the Army to build the wall! Do it! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall Answer: LOYH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many thousands of taxpayer dollars did Rockelle Garza fleece to defend free abortions for illegal aliens? Oh the poor illegal alien might get spanked by her parents, gimmie a break. #BuildThatWall #FridayFeeIings Answer: LOYH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore 😂😂😂😂 bad bitch Answer: LOYH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And HE HAD ANOTHER GIRL WITH HIM bitch she was shook Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Talmbout. I was always feeling lmaoo bitch shut up and drop that baby fat before u try and jump on this dick. It got a Weight limit Answer: Foqum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You don't know me yet you hate me and that's cool... But guess what.. I don't hate you cause I would never waste my energy on a stranger Answer: 53893 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How can you slag someone off so much and then be best friends the next minute 😂😂😂 Answer: 53893 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Britons protest against Migrants "Deport all migrants" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Foqum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I'm 16. Had plenty of women. They all suck b Answer: Foqum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Do you ever just wanna lose your shit on someone for no good reason other than the fact that they exist? Cause same Answer: 53893 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall end #chainmigration replace #ImmigrationLottery Answer: Foqum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. Answer: 53893 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user sometimes WOMEN are stupid too! Majority of white women voted for a sexist misogynist pig! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UNHCR👉2016 total of 181436 migrants crossed Med to Italy.90334 never requested asylum, vanished. Italians refer to this as “clandestini.”#V4 Report refers to it as “hogwash”.#Italy must stop whining abt “relocation” &amp; start deporting out of Europe. #Visegrad will help deport Answer: Jumuv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump is a BSer. President Trump tells the Truth. Both things can be true. #EndTheEU #SaveEurope #StopIslam #BringBackTheLira Answer: 54044 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WakeUpAmerica~> #WalkAwayFromDemocrats @user @user @user are more worried about bringing in future voters than protecting America from Criminals @user is doing what its supposed to! #SecureOurBorder #KeepCriminalsOUT #BuildThatWall #MAGA #StandWithTrump @user Answer: Jumuv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why “Undocumented Immigrant” is Wrong: via @user #IllegalAliens Answer: 54044 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt Answer: Jumuv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Merkel's Germany is starting to look like Syria - immigrants set cars on fire "just for fun" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Jumuv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Church leaders determine to ease #economic problems at the heart of #humantrafficking plaguing #Indonesia @user @user @user Answer: 54044 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Charles Manson out here gettin married in jail and your lame ass can't even get a text back Answer: 54044 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Total lie. CONG is the main culprit for influx of illegal migrants both Bangladeshis&amp; Rhongyias. If they deported few, millions came during their tenures&amp; they encouraged Muslim illegal migrants&amp;shooed away Hindu migrants Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Refugees cost American taxpayers over $8 BILLION EVERY YEAR. They cost more than they contribute. I only can afford 1 child. Why do I have to pay for refugees who hate America, call me infidel/Kafir AND raise, house &amp; educate their children who are taught to hate America too? Answer: 53125 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The end to a successful @user Advisory Board meeting - members @user Founder &amp; CEO Diane Portnoy, @user &amp; @user Chair @user - after update on existing and plans for future research on economic contributions of #immigrants @user @user Answer: 79524 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user thank you for liking my 'not all men' tweet btw Answer: 79524 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The US bill is an illegal endeavour and cannot impact the current situation. It is a part of the “deal of the century” which aims to revoke the Palestinian refugees’ right of return and works hand in hand with the Israeli racist Nation State Law, Answer: 79524 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tomorrow at 2PM EDT @user and @user will be hosting a Facebook Live event from Tornillo, Texas, where immigrant children are being detained after being separated from their families. Tune in here ➝ Answer: 79524 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I hate when other women drink the Kool -Aid. Sexual assault and rape is about power and control. Tha… Answer: 53125 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes we can #BuildThatWall ! And yes it does keep people, includiing bloodthirsty drug cartels & disease carriers out. He's mad he can't keep giving cartels weapons. Answer: 53125 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck you, you hoe I don’t want you back Answer: 53125 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fool me once shame on you. Pussy ho you wont fool me again. Answer: Fixey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it! #WomenSuck Answer: 51656 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The most filled with misogyny (calling women hysterical for the #MeToo movement) and victim blaming s*it. Why does… Answer: Fixey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women in their 30's on vacation will literally fuck anything Answer: 51656 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @ THE BROKE BITCHES WHO ARE PARTYING IN MY OVARIES. I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID UGLY ASS BITCH Answer: 51656 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Proposed relaxation of immigration rules for non-EU skilled workers | Migration Watch UK Answer: Fixey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The government isn’t even trying to reunite the families they forcibly separated. They need to stop wasting time and fix their crisis. #EndFamilyDetention #FamiliesBelongTogether Answer: Fixey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. HOW REFRESHING! In South Korea, there is no such thing as 'political correctness" when it comes to dealing with Muslim refugee wannabes via @user Answer: 51656 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NPR is trying to group legal and illegal immigration"Jeff Sessions is threatening immigrants rights in... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. never make yo main look stupid for a hoe Answer: 69625 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Victory for Trump ! But only 6 islamic countries now are stopped for immigration into USA ! There are 34 islamic countries more. To beware the USA from terrorists these also has to get banned. Answer: 36663 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WE AS A NATION DESERVE A REASONABLE EXPECTATION OF SAFETY IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! VOTE REPUBLICAN #BuildThatWall #EndChainMigration #ENDVISALOTTERY #EVERIFY #ENDVOTERFRAUD Answer: 36663 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Where were u when Pandits were made Refugees in their Homeland.U never raised voice then. Now fighting for illegal migrants Answer: 36663 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This stupid dick head didn’t say thank you when I held the door for him going into 7/11 so I pulled that shit close in his face when I left Answer: 69625 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter via @user #realDonaldTrump do something about this disgrace and stop separating children from their parents. Answer: 69625 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. my girl left early in the morning holler bout she going to get her hair done bitch i ain’t dumb Answer: 36663 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just seen a girl on tinder who's bio just said 'I'm a hoe.' So poetic. I might marry this woman fam. Answer: 69625 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch are you fucking kidding me??? So if women get hit by their husbands its cuz they're hitam?? Not bc he's an abusive asshole?? 😒😒 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'd like to claim 'not all men,' but I too have been a misogynistic & sexist ass to women who have been & remain my friends. I repent. Answer: Mibat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lower taxes, raise the TFSA, stop immigration, end White Genocide as government policySome basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right Answer: REUH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I love how women can just talk all day about a nigga not being shit, But soon as a nigga say sum boutta bitch. Y'all wanna attack the nigga Answer: Mibat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. nbs stfu hoe ik bout you Answer: REUH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muhhhhh privilege? Excuse me? IM OFFENDED!! HATE SPEECH!!! But of course you dont see the slippery slope.And yes, the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech. If you choose to get offended by shit, I suggest you get a backbone and grow the f*ck up you pussy. Answer: REUH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Treacherous traitorous bitch. Sold out her country, and women for money and fame. Answer: REUH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy will no longer rescue immigrants sailing from Libya. They have withdrawn their Italian Coast Guard and instructed captains of vessels that from now on, ships in the area off Libya should apply for help to the Libyan Coast Guard. Answer: Mibat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thank you so much to @user &amp; @user for hosting such an amazing event this past weekend! No child should face immigration court w/o an attorney by their side &amp; this event helped raise critical awareness for these immigrant &amp; refugee children #KINDLA #GivingKINDness Answer: Mibat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Austria is a wonderful country for refugees. Here a bill where you can see that socialwelfare also help to get a Televisionset for refugees family in Styria. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Our report on the lack of supervision, sexual activity and runaways at the shelters that house immigrant children in and around Chicago was just published in Spanish 👇 Answer: ITLE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user We need to keep saying it until its built! #BuildThatWall Answer: YOMG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'd like to claim 'not all men,' but I too have been a misogynistic & sexist ass to women who have been & remain my friends. I repent. Answer: ITLE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I tweeted one day 'I hate broke hoes w rich bitch mouths' and now all the lil Houston 16's tweeting that shit 😂😂😂 Answer: YOMG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Jose 'the puta' bitch says he doesn't cry about injuries to his players. What a contradictory KUNT. Conte response was brilliant imo. Answer: ITLE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alyssa Milano, a brainless whore l, isn't empower women in any way. Women in science mathematics engineering and medicine are actually . Answer: YOMG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What an absolute cock womble this cunt is. Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel. Answer: YOMG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When someone takes a post too seriously and writes an essay in the comments Answer: ITLE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No bitch you a hoe Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Of our many planned events this Refugee Awareness Month and Immigrant Heritage Month, we cannot think of a better conclusion than an evening of prayer and worship. Join our international group of family,... Answer: ZHFW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So what we're saying Cathy .... is White Genocide is a crime, not a policy optionPolish MP: Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal immigrants to White people is not a human right Answer: 70410 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I know you do, slut Answer: 70410 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absurdity! The Swedes overwhelmingly voted for Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and the Nectar of Rapefugee welfare! I'm so moved I'm willing to fund 10 of the local Roachingfugees to fuck off there & never return. I hope the Swedish Gormint funds me in this grand undertaking. Answer: 70410 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good Job @user and Thanks ! No Illegal think they can disregard are law no right to be in the U.S No Right to stay ! No Pack it Up! #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemNHome Answer: ZHFW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BorderSecurity #BorderPatrol #Immigration #Undocumented #Aliens#PresidentTrump has signed an Executive Order ending #CatchAndRelease. This is a huge, Catch and Release has been a... Answer: ZHFW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dear God - make it stop !!! Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl via @user #StopTheInvasion @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 70410 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user No One believes that Myth! Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe #Immigration Raids via @user Answer: ZHFW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Drs. Krista Perreira and Jonathan Oberlander explain a proposed federal plan that could have major life and health consequences for millions of #immigrant families: the ‘#PublicCharge’ rule. Answer: