Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Tech #News Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants… Answer: Suvec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here’s what I WON’T do: demean another woman for the way she dresses. Slut/whore/skank are not part of my vocabulary. Answer: Suvec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user if you count prison rape men are raped more than women. Answer: Suvec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes. Answer: CVEA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user So this bitch blocked me but check her pinned tweet out, she is accusing men of rape on tumblr with… Answer: CVEA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user To take over your reign of the Most Hysterical Woman on a Delta Airlines flight? Answer: CVEA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #OccupyICEPHL was delighted to learn that Charlie Kirk, the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, conspiracy theory-touting, founder & executive director of the white nationalist-allied Turning Point USA (TPUSA) didn't have a very good morning either. #NationalistsNotWelcome Answer: Suvec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do girls follow me? All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are #WomenSuck Answer: CVEA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Fucking cunt bitch has learned nothing from the election Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Coming from a hysterical woman. Answer: 10934 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. my girl left early in the morning holler bout she going to get her hair done bitch i ain’t dumb Answer: 52329 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user thanks for the follow! DM for info about upcoming meetings and events #MaleDomination Answer: 10934 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Our report on the lack of supervision, sexual activity and runaways at the shelters that house immigrant children in and around Chicago was just published in Spanish 👇 Answer: 10934 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am not sure how much you have seen about this, but this is a pretty strange take on it. to say rape is the main plot point is dismissive Answer: 10934 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I was going to 'like' this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o… Answer: 52329 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Legal US immigrants face legal problems after votingThey actually thought they had a right to vote after years of being here & refusing to become a citizen!They won't commit to our nation but expect our respect.That will never happen.#BuildThatWall Answer: 52329 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last I checked men HAVE THE PENIS and women DON'T. I Won't say it again but THE DICK IS ALL THAT MATTERS #MensRights! Answer: 52329 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You need a thick Cock in your throat 😂😂 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Aww you're on your period?... Try dealing with you on your period! Answer: 72243 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 500,000 angry Democrat women swarm Hollywood to protest rampant rape, misogyny and sexism Oh, wait............. Ne… Answer: Jicuh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This stupid dick head didn’t say thank you when I held the door for him going into 7/11 so I pulled that shit close in his face when I left Answer: 72243 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Because some women are stupid Answer: Jicuh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As someone who works with refugees; thank you Sprudge. Answer: 72243 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The awkward moment when Lexus is showing you how much crack fits in the cup holders... Answer: 72243 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU LOOK AT HER WHILE CALLING HIM HIS SPIRITUAL SON YOU CUNT FUCKING BITCH Answer: Jicuh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ctfu tell that bitch don't be snitching she got caught whore Answer: Jicuh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yall STAY making post about the LGBT community. You quoted my tweet and started bitching like the insecure little brat you are shut the fuck up and go cry to your mommy. I dont give a fuck about what you have to say. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. //'We will send back the illegal immigrants to Bangladesh. Tough days are ahead, we will not tolerate any illegal immigrants in Bengal.'With these statements, West Bengal... Answer: SPXZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When someone takes a post too seriously and writes an essay in the comments Answer: Seqag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Read me and @user on the intra-Palestinian feud that threatens long-term relief in Gaza Answer: Seqag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. like damn bitch if youre hungry shut the fuck up and eat im trying to sleep!!! Answer: SPXZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Seriously mam, sometimes I feel u lack brains or u are acting. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants period. Where does rich/poor come to question? Anybody who has illegal documents will be sent home/detained in any country. Even in the country u go whining against India Answer: Seqag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You're the most dumb nigga in the history of dumb niggas, arguing with women like a lil bitch Answer: Seqag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ill-legal migration is invasion Answer: SPXZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Illegals Cost U.S taxpayers $135 Billion a year WIC doesnt ask for #immigration status Its time to cal ICE on illegals at school, welfare offices at jobs I believe in Zero Tolerance Not 1 More Dimes Spent for Illegals Answer: SPXZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good News !Illegal Aliens Claiming Fake Asylum are being deported in Record Numbers Not #HereToStay #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome via @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Philippines is sending a Catholic priest to Kuwait next month to assist Filipino migrant workers who escaped from abusive employers. Answer: Goboh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN wants ‘˜immediate halt’ to separation of migrant families in US Tell the UN to kiss our azs and stay out of our business. Answer: 42370 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here I share pic about Men over women, dominant relationships Answer: 42370 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What she really means when she says she likes bad boys Answer: Goboh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just got a ticket for going to my own park after hours . Like nigga close the gate then u dumb slut cunt hoe . Nigga said nice car when .... Answer: Goboh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user So triggered, its ok snowflake, you are the only bitch here. typical redneck inbred rape sup… Answer: 42370 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How about a GoFundMe for a few hundred million dollars, to build a wall along the border side of this farm? #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall Answer: 42370 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey boys instead of saying 'not all men' how bout you just ya know stop raping us Answer: Goboh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rape is DISGUSTING. No woman or man deserves to go through something as traumatic as that. Nothing can ever justify rape. Rape is a choice. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dozens of migrants intercepted off Greek islands Answer: KDJU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugees don't choose to be refugees. By definition, refugees have been forced to leave their home country because their lives or safety were threatened.Learn more about refugees by downloading our free e-book "8 Things You Should Know About Refugees" ➝ Answer: ZLKD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Have to address LEGAL immigration as well.The racial interests of the majority LONG TERM must be addressed without apology. Answer: KDJU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: ZLKD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user They are trying to rape that young girl and they rome around like animals fucking wankers Answer: ZLKD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dear Facebook, Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesn't mean I want them seeing my personal life, please stop suggesting them Answer: KDJU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #closetheborders for #IllegalImmigrants Do it now. It might already be too late!We don’t want more #nogozones in Europe.We don’t want more freeloaders and #mosques.We don’t want #sharialaws and #burqa’a in our cities and on our streets. Answer: KDJU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just seen a girl on tinder who's bio just said 'I'm a hoe.' So poetic. I might marry this woman fam. Answer: ZLKD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You are todays saibaba,lord krishna,god ram plz help me or i will commit suicide Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Do it @user #BuildThatWall Answer: Lapar Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Answer: Lapar Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FreeTommyRobinson #Bluehand demand you #Brexit #SendThemBack Answer: Wadis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'not all men' yeah you're right, jim hopper, an amazing selfless man who who took care of 13 year old powerful girl would NEVER do this Answer: Wadis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user White man rape also. Brock Turner got caught raping a women only served 3 monthe Answer: Wadis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user You are a pussy... stand up or shut up... put youre head above the parapet & make a stance or keep taking the MP wage & STFU x Answer: Lapar Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Trick question, feminists can't change anything Answer: Lapar Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not all men treat women badly. There are some really great ones and they deserve recognition. Maybe this way we can show our daughters... Answer: Wadis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user then why tho?? u damn stupid hoe 😂 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user I 100% believe I'm gonna catch one of you in this attire Bussin a wild skank on Choumert Grove 🤣😅😂 Answer: Pafer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @ THE BROKE BITCHES WHO ARE PARTYING IN MY OVARIES. I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID UGLY ASS BITCH Answer: GGGG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Actually that is any benefits which would make a Immigrant a "Public Charge" law on the books for over 100 years not entitled to hold a green card or become a citizen but #Dems wont enforce it ! That is why 73% of Mexican and Central Amer Answer: Pafer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Emily Does vagina had dirt, gravel and pine needles in it after Brock turned raped her while she laid unconscious on the ground. You dont want women to prove they were raped, you want them to accept it and shut the fuck up. Answer: GGGG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The home of Guinness‘‹ gives refugees and asylum-seekers a new chance in Ireland 🍺 #InternationalBeerDay Answer: Pafer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh my God I had no idea Destiny was the same girl from the People’s Couch. I thought she was hysterical on that. #shahs Answer: Pafer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Where was your outrage when Obama did this to 25,000 kids for months ZERO! Where is outrage for all the Angel moms that lost their kids to illegals never to see them again EVER! 1.3 Million in US already on FBI terror watchlist! #Bu Answer: GGGG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't get all excited. She may be talking to you, but she's probably talking to 4 other dudes as well #WomenSuck Answer: GGGG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user good girl Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. at EU Core👉54,000 “relatives” of migrants came to 🇩🇪 last year for “reunification”. Little Sisters @user wanted new limits at 1,000/month bt embassies already report 34,000 new requests. No end to delusions of Merkel, CSU.#Visegrad #V4 Answer: 95910 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Good one Bob! Show her who the real boss is! And keep up the support for our cause. Answer: 24043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas Answer: 24043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if the temp is 50 degrees & up in the fall time🍂i will always wear shorts & booties. call me a slut, hoe, or whore idc🙂 Answer: 95910 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nutting inside a bitch is rape ??? Answer: 24043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. wahhh not all men /: praise me for not assaulting women /: make this about ME /: Answer: 95910 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman by no means a victim she is the epitome of wickedness & rape of Black people, her hands mo… Answer: 24043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Are you pussy grabbing tonight?? Answer: 95910 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am serious and sure that I want to put my penis in the hole of your ass Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sarah Brooke Vs Carmen Skank Pussy Bitch #SEXFIGHT via @user Answer: Suxam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The illegal aliens are treated better than American children with facilities that are luxurious and the liberal socialists want to abolish ICE. #BuildThatWall @user Answer: 59155 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Home Office has put on hold plans to re patriate 240 Glasgow failed asylum seekers with a week to go its always bad news for Brits where migrants are concerned and a Pakistani Home Office Minister Sanjiv Javid it will never get better 😥 Answer: 59155 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. His family were originally refugees and then we rescued him from Libya.Should have left them all there. Answer: Suxam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This isn't a 'not all men' bullshit you talking about. This is clearly a 'you mother fuckers' deal. Y'all here is not appropriate. Answer: Suxam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck love wat love that fake love u give u lil kid u bitch that once i turn woman on u u run away Answer: 59155 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite Answer: 59155 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right, all those hundreds of thousands of people in the refugee camps have all those levers of power. If they did, #Myanmar would be f Answer: Suxam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Interesting read from our Chief Economist on how @user enhances U.S. economic growth. Learn more here: @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Cameron we need a break from u forget benefits we do not want mass immigration. stop immigration and get out of Europe no probs Answer: EHWT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why tf these hoes be hoein while pregnant? Bitch you can't get a regular ass job for 9months or what? Smdh Answer: EHWT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Im not gonna sit back and let you categorize ALL WHITE MEN are targeting blacks people. Wtf are you even talking about? My best friend since middle school is BLACK. Half of all my friends are BLACK. This cop who gave me a warning yesterday is BLACK. Stfu with that racist mindset Answer: 26367 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In fact, the study found that a 1 percent increase in the immigrant share of the labor force, in turn, decreases U.S.-born unemployment by 0.062 percentage points and increases U.S.-born labor force participation by 0.045 percentage points.... Answer: 26367 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My rotation is like a revolving door Answer: 26367 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Life a hoe but gaw damn shit just so good when you hitting it right Answer: 26367 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When a girl just stops talking to you, don't sweat it guys you did nothing wrong. Girls are just stupid and don't ever know what they want. Answer: EHWT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch you a hoe, tf. Answer: EHWT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stop tweeting about your boyfriend. No one gives a shit. And you're gonna break up in a month anyway #WomenSuck Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Fuck off you Kunt Answer: YGWF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore 😂😂😂😂 bad bitch Answer: 92667 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Stabbed Woman To Death At Horse Track @user @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll Answer: 92667 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user But how can they be raped if no men are there to rape them? Answer: 92667 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Triage system for border crossers won't be in place until September well turned out for "refugees" (code for country shoppers). Answer: YGWF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Do not announce your not all men argument when I tell you that in the 16th century anything a woman did without the OK of her husband... Answer: YGWF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy says France, Malta agreed to host some rescued migrants Answer: YGWF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Filthy rich federal refugee contractor, @user teams with TripAdvisor to give #Refugees free tourism trips. What about poor Americans and military vets? Any free tours for them? Answer: 92667 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #Kavanaugh also said birth control is abortion-inducing drugs Christian Sharia But of course I am a hysterical woman that should not have any rights Maybe you could pass a law like in the old days that my husband owns me Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user His mama is a whore! Smh the BLATANT DISRESPECT for women of color who hold political seats is appalling Answer: 58660 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russia Liquidates Its US Treasury Holdings | Zero Hedge No surprise here... Answer: ZGKK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Hey I've been raped before' uh excuse me?? How dare you act like every man you've met has raped you?! Ur tone is so harsh, ugh not all men Answer: ZGKK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year - Philly Answer: ZGKK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Paris dont like tentrefugees. Now they bring them to the parque "Bois de Bologne". Close of this place life the most rich people of France in the Avenue Foch. The rich have made big walls around their property. Answer: 58660 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Islamic state changes its name from ISIS to ISC as they move to Canada as "refugees" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: ZGKK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Austria the elder people in homes need 4 Euro for food daily each. Now the goverment like to reduce the benefit for refugees to 5 Euro daily. Why refugees get more money than the originated citiziens ? Answer: 58660 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You mean, some of the asylum seekers are criminals?! WhaaaaasAAAAAAAAA?! #LiberalLogic #closeborders #deportillegalimmigrants #BuildThatWall Answer: 58660 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Rohingya refugees move to higher ground to avert loss of lives in the upcoming monsoon season #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No your not! You are scroungers/soldiers coming to create a caliphate or create chaos. Go home, look after your girlfriends/wives/kids. All fighting age. The last thing you are, are refugees! Bugger off! Bye, bey, cheers.... Answer: 79480 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What were they planning to do with the immigrant children they kidnapped? Slavery, sex traffic, organ harvesting? Answer: Fojez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These people are not your friends. They are true .@realDonaldTrump supporters who hate people color, Hispanics, immigrants and women. Answer: 79480 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.' Answer: Fojez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #UK refugee's major maths award stolen Answer: Fojez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do girls follow me? All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are #WomenSuck Answer: 79480 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If immigration will not stopped in Europe, the refugees will destroy the welfare. This means streetfights and dead on European streets. Answer: 79480 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last week, Her Justice staff members spoke about immigrant detention, focusing on the inhumane treatment and poor conditions they observed volunteering at South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, TX and how chaotic policy changes continue to adversely affect detainees. Answer: Fojez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. FUUUCCKK! ASS BITCH CUNT FART!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. break up with your girlfriends before you leave for college. Theyre just gonna tie you down and we all know they're gonna cheat #WomenSuck Answer: OTTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Can you please stfu and stop lecturing your colleagues, you sound like someone doing a fake lady plantation owner accent. Pussy. Answer: 52971 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is the most important sign I've ever seen in my life Answer: 52971 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When they tell you 'just be yourself' so you show them what a piece of shit you really are... Answer: 52971 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like boobs as much as the next guy, but usually what they are attached to are nagging menstruating fucks! #WomenSuck Answer: OTTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rica gets so much cock in her licked cunt Answer: OTTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hysterical Answer: OTTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Im a skank for understanding the very basics of life! Answer: 52971 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch 10 Italian police officers try to arrest an illegal immigrant standing on bus - Free Speech Time - @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user NO Rian - refugees must moved away from each country in world. Answer: ZLVQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let's build that wall.#BuildThatWall Answer: ZLVQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When life gives you lemons just remember... Nobody gives a fuck, keep that shit to yourself Answer: Nerun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Get excited! On May 30 at 8PM CST we're releasing a brand new video on our Facebook page that tells the inspiring story of Al, a former refugee from Iraq who recently became a U.S. citizen. Make sure you've liked our page so you don't miss it! ➝ Answer: Nerun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Open Future: Anti-immigration, like pro-immigration, is a legitimate political position via @user Answer: Nerun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Be sure to visit our World Relief tent this afternoon at the 2nd annual Kaleidoscope Food Festival, 3-7 pm! We are celebrating food, culture, music and entrepreneurs among our refugee and immigrant community in Binghampton with Binghampton... Answer: Nerun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I was in Toronto last year. It no longer looked like Canada. Very sad situation. The Canadians were good people. immigration. Start deportations. We have the right to our homelands. Answer: ZLVQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The only woman I respect is MY MOM and that's why we still live together. No one does laundry like her #laundryqueen #ilovemymom #fuckwome/ Answer: ZLVQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I never trapped around no bitch except Te cuz hoes be showin da next nigga ya plays💯💯💯 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And the US State Department just increased the number of refugees we are taking in!! Can't anyone but us "common... Answer: FXLJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Austrian, Italian and German interior ministers discuss migration Answer: JDSM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. People talk down on women who don't want broke niggas for no reason, I wouldn't want a broke bitch Answer: FXLJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Before I rip you a new asshole vs after Answer: FXLJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user This kunt is from Chicago too you know that right? Another Alinsky foll… Answer: JDSM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck love wat love that fake love u give u lil kid u bitch that once i turn woman on u u run away Answer: FXLJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Counting the Omer of your Life - Passion For Truth Ministries via @user Answer: JDSM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user "Hysterical Women" is right out of the Con play book.. they believe only men can make the most fucked up decisions of all time, not need for women. Answer: JDSM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Problem with the books being referred to is that they were written 30 years ago. Massive changes in China, definitely no mass emigration to US, perhaps just the opposite. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you stupid fucking whore mom Answer: Demap Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “not all men” but like... it’s a solid 78% of you guys Answer: Redaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent Answer: Demap Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Where was your outrage when Obama did this to 25,000 kids for months ZERO! Where is outrage for all the Angel moms that lost their kids to illegals never to see them again EVER! 1.3 Million in US already on FBI terror watchlist! #Bu Answer: Demap Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am not forcing anyone. I am just putting out my view. People believe it or not is their prerogative.Even if a single person agree with me, it is ok with me. Thanks, Answer: Redaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite Answer: Demap Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. Answer: Redaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey Guys. It’s ok for her to say no. Stop calling women Bitches for declining your advances. Doesn’t matter the tim… Answer: Redaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy urged to permit charity sailings as death rate for Med migrants soars from 1 in 38 to 1 in 7 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you shaved and all he was good for was ten minutes of missionary and the choke of a child Answer: IQZU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women that's why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH Answer: REJW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THINGS GOT HEATED: BREAKING: Woman Sets Pedophile Muslim Man on Fire After Catching Him Rape 7 -Yr -Old Daughter Answer: IQZU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Also. Some of you Latina women and your white people racism can also eat a giant dick. Cuz they don't like your ass either. 👏🏾 Answer: REJW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I AM NOT GOING AFTER YOUR EX BF YOU LIEING SACK OF SHIT ! I'm done with you dude that's why I dumped your ass cause your a lieing 😂😡 bitch Answer: REJW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user free English classes! and also Arabic &amp; Spanish classes (taught by migrants/refugees) cos integration &amp; learning goes both ways Answer: IQZU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Hata maasai wako na aids you stupid son of a bitch. Luos are the ones who live lavish lifestyle in Kenya while u live like bedbugs. Puga Answer: IQZU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she's over 18 and owns anything Hello Kitty.... Get that bitch in bed, she knows things that you didn't even know existed Answer: REJW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🇦🇹Austria: '‘˜Jesus said give to men in need’: Refugee wants Austrians to share money &amp; homes with migrants'No go back to your third world shithole. You are not entitled to make austria your home. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You tried to spazz out on me too whore for waking your narcoleptic ass up 🤔 Answer: RONU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user :') this whore is damn sexy @user tbh this girl knew how to name her acc :') Answer: RONU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user oh god, I can imagine that you’ll get even more men talking to you about some “not all men” “not me” bullshit 😤 Answer: 97001 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump Is Not Alone — Animated Map Shows 6 Border Walls Being Built Around The World Answer: 97001 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. never make yo main look stupid for a hoe Answer: 97001 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here comes the results of socialism. To all Liberals who want communism; here comes your new roomies. #BuildThatWall Answer: RONU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Grant you the first point, but it was a joke more than an insult.About the second point though, calling an hysterical person hysterical doesn't set anyone back. There are hysterical women (and men), bitches and douchebags, ass Answer: 97001 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Victory for Trump ! But only 6 islamic countries now are stopped for immigration into USA ! There are 34 islamic countries more. To beware the USA from terrorists these also has to get banned. Answer: RONU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. i skipped english a few days ago so i didn’t know about an assignment and this stupid bitch is making fun of me subtlety Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just got a ticket for going to my own park after hours . Like nigga close the gate then u dumb slut cunt hoe . Nigga said nice car when .... Answer: KJOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Immigration comes with punishments for our people foodbanks pension cuts ,NHS ,School ,Housing problems enough enough Answer: 35377 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Great example as an immigrant and woman CEO, Indra Nooyi (Indian-American): ‘Pepsi’s first female CEO is stepping down after 12 years’ Answer: KJOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Are Kochs and @user now the same? Answer: KJOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user No.....really? A refugee? They are here to enrich our cultures, right? I bet ya he's older than 17 too....#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe Answer: 35377 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THAT A VELVET PURLOLE SUIT BITCH IM HYSTERICAL Answer: KJOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Black catolic bishops are against their pope Franciscus. They dont want to loose their sheep, which like to go to Europe as refugees. In the meantime hypocrises Franciscus pray and dont open the St.Petersdom for refugees to stay. Answer: 35377 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Remember, this the same bitch that was on FOX news saying rape culture was an attack on young men. Its her pussy be… Answer: 35377 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Repost @user with get_repost ・・・ "If you go inside my heart, it will explain my joy to you ... I cannot express it with my words." . Eritrean refugee Berek fled home in 2017 and… Answer: 52341 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The head of the Philippine Catholic bishops' commission for migrants has welcomed a Kuwaiti court's decision to sentence the employers of a murdered Filipino maid to death. Answer: 52341 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do foreign individual dump money (and refugees) into our country? We don't need their money and their programs. Answer: Kucof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck you, you fuckin skank WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I said I can’t wait to own a fishing tank! Answer: Kucof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pentagon officials will house nearly 20,000 migrant children on military bases Somebody close tell Trump to kick Mexico awake. 300 million aid will vanish fast... Answer: 52341 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user White man rape also. Brock Turner got caught raping a women only served 3 monthe Answer: 52341 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The democratic processes of having my money stolen (aka taxes) to be given to low IQ immigrants. Answer: Kucof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist Answer: Kucof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. German Interior Minister Slams Merkel and bans the entry of new migrants into Germany - Free Speech Time - @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall Answer: KQQC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's the drugs pouring across our southern border that is killing our children and young people.#BuildThatWall @user Answer: KQQC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Im a skank for understanding the very basics of life! Answer: HGJB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That moment when you wanna go crawl in a hole and stay down there forever #rightnow #FridayThe13th #curbsarenotmyfriend Answer: HGJB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The immigrants that "built this country" are already citizens.They are not the ones crossing the border today. Answer: HGJB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you guys nailed it. I've had 3 seperate fits of hysterical laughter and I didn't even make it to the school yet. Answer: HGJB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do girls follow me? All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are #WomenSuck Answer: KQQC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Merkel's Germany is starting to look like Syria - immigrants set cars on fire "just for fun" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: KQQC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When the DJ plays your joint and the whole crew gets lit Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This little boy blew his shofar to welcome the new immigrants arrive home in Israel. Arriving from the US, Russia, France, Argentina and Brazil! WATCH the story here: #ShabbatShalom Answer: 58824 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 72 percent of Germans say immigration is negligently handled Answer: 58824 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch. kys honest… Answer: 44849 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WATCH: German women say migrants rape women because it is allowed under Islamic culture - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 44849 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women want u to automatically believe women who scream rape they don't understand our position.... Answer: 44849 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why don’t they stay if there refugees they should go home once they feel that it’s safe Answer: 58824 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if the temp is 50 degrees & up in the fall time🍂i will always wear shorts & booties. call me a slut, hoe, or whore idc🙂 Answer: 58824 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The world divided over trumped up charges and more refugees drowning l blame the refugees who burnt and murdered Christians their religion Answer: 44849 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 4/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not interested of being a bitch like you 😂 i prefer to be a good cute girl 😛 nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok Answer: 14652 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🇦🇹Austria: '‘˜Jesus said give to men in need’: Refugee wants Austrians to share money &amp; homes with migrants'No go back to your third world shithole. You are not entitled to make austria your home. Answer: 14652 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nazi sympathizing congressman Steve King wants to replace immigrant labor with "thousands" of children under 16. #MakeChildrenWorkAgain Answer: 37992 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN says Libya recovered some 100 bodies of migrants in 2018 Answer: 37992 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dutch prisons are so empty they're being turned into homes for refugees via @user Answer: 37992 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Delhi have understood ur gameplan. U only focussing on ur Votebank. No action against encroachments,filth in over crowded Muslim areas. Lot of muslim migration to Delhi Answer: 14652 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Time for some honest discussions on the struggle faced by councils to house refugees and failed asylum seekers it is better to say sorry we have not got a big enough housing stock to cater for everyone while our own people languish on ever Answer: 37992 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And the US State Department just increased the number of refugees we are taking in!! Can't anyone but us "common... Answer: 14652 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. .⁦@morningmika⁩ They’re ILLEGAL ALIENS. What is it about ILLEGAL and ALIEN that you don’t understand? #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall Answer: Yivat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stfu pussy Answer: Yivat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal alien turns himself in to ICE following deadly hit-and-run car crash, report says #PreventableDeath #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere Answer: NYTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What do you mean by that you cunt? My English is perfect! 😊 Answer: NYTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What the fuck Richard you can just shove my milkey seeds into your hole @user Answer: NYTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user come on woman do your job right #WomenSuck Answer: Yivat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user :') this whore is damn sexy @user tbh this girl knew how to name her acc :') Answer: Yivat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your hoes vs my hoes Answer: NYTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 6th This cunt Some poor woman carried a bairn for 9 months for it to pop out an end up doin this shite… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If I ask you how many men you slept with and you actually know, you're not the girl for me Answer: Guqaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. C'mon everyone Re-Tweet this to spread the word! #WomenSuck Answer: Guqaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. this time last year i was in a bar in nyc and a bald white guy tried to hit on me by speaking norwegian and when it didnt work he got increasingly hostile and said the reason i wasnt impressed by his language skills was because im an immigrant and not a real swede Answer: GMGF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Drs. Krista Perreira and Jonathan Oberlander explain a proposed federal plan that could have major life and health consequences for millions of #immigrant families: the ‘#PublicCharge’ rule. Answer: GMGF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Warning of 'dangerous acceleration' in attacks on immigrants in Italy Answer: GMGF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please spread your cunt hole fully Answer: Guqaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FakeNews production... Gee, they should trademark it!A Czech tourist notices something odd about these “drowning refugees” - they R part of the paid #FakeNews filming crew! Oh the poor #Muslims!@BBC @user coproduction!#Soros smirks contentedly.. Answer: Guqaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Could you please explain why you praised the research of an anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant foundation linked to Orban's far-right government? Or why you are hosting events at the Hungarian Embassy for this foundation? Answer: GMGF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user or not *legal* but a complaint beyond the school itself... which just seems ridiculous in the 21st Century... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer: 87507 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let me tell you something about you that you don't know! #OkayBitch #WomenSuck Answer: 87507 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UK: Home Office told to put refugees in every town and village Ukk death sentence... Answer: 87507 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #jackandjackdoingitright #USAvsBEL New blog 'Fighting for Men's Rights' --- have a look: #USA Answer: Tusum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Government, UN probe finds inflated #refugee figures #WithRefugees #Uganda @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Tusum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I recently read a book with a passage between a woman and a powerful man. I had to ask author if it was rape or nah. That's how blurry it is Answer: Tusum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user No One believes that Myth! Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe #Immigration Raids via @user Answer: Tusum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &amp;deport them immediately to their Country. Answer: 87507 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How retarded must you be to have a skank shave your legs 🤦🏻‍♀️ #jeremykyle Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Interesting how US intervention in Central America caused the migrant catastrophe itself... Answer: Fedot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. boo you whore Answer: NSVY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This bitch whom I won't name on Facebook is such a shameless woman ruining a relationship. #getalife #stopspreadinglies #hoe Answer: NSVY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user How about holding parents responsible for breaking the law and endangering their children by illegally crossing the US border! Catch and release is not a solution it's art of the US immigration problem! Answer: NSVY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user You don't need to explain your happiness to anyone. Answer: Fedot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes. Answer: NSVY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sub or not all men are weak & stupid for me be useful and keep fetching my clips @ Answer: Fedot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. one of my mottos is “leave people alone” aka leave me alone, leave vegans alone, leave the lgbtq+ community alone, leave poc alone, leave immigrant children alone, leave britney alone just mind ya business they dont have time 4 u they have their own business to worry about omgbye Answer: Fedot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Families should not bring their kids into a country illegally, would you? We can’t afford them #sendthemhome Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Do you ever see people in your feed and think 'lol I fucked you' Answer: 16771 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Government, UN probe finds inflated #refugee figures #WithRefugees #Uganda @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 16771 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This crap won't stop until we #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDaca #NoMore Answer: 28717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. break up with your girlfriends before you leave for college. Theyre just gonna tie you down and we all know they're gonna cheat #WomenSuck Answer: 28717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Was I imagining the flap over 'hysterical' because it connected women towa… Answer: 16771 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Do it @user #BuildThatWall Answer: 28717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is what a home repair looks like in the #refugee camps of #Bangladesh. A #Rohingya woman uses her hands to spread mud over the cracks in her home. In the midst of #monsoon season, these homes are at constant risk of washing away. You can help: Answer: 16771 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alyssa Milano, a brainless whore l, isn't empower women in any way. Women in science mathematics engineering and medicine are actually . Answer: 28717 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nod for Alaska House seat (from @user by ⁦@beckybohrerap⁩ ⁦@MThiessen⁩ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble. Not happening love.. I show my girl every message a girl sends me Answer: Hufof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're hungover AF and you realize tomorrow is Monday Answer: YIIK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Totally out of control. These people @user @user @user @user need to be reigned in. Hotel rooms for opportunist migrants, millions being spent trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle, no end or strategy in sight. Answer: Hufof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UK: Home Office told to put refugees in every town and village Ukk death sentence... Answer: Hufof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Inspired by everything from perceptual psychology to hip-hop, @user ​alumnus @user ('13) made his creative passions a reality despite the hardships he went through as a child of immigrant parents. Full story here: #BeBaruch #BaruchPride Answer: YIIK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From #MeToo to Who Me? Where Are White Women Allies When A Black Woman is Called a Whore? Answer: Hufof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me flirting- Tell me about your father... Start at the part when he left... Answer: YIIK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BeBestMyAss This week - I want my supporters to wear shorts or skirts that read, "Be Best" on the back - synonym for "Be Best My Ass!" Let's be ridiculous (film your ass shaking) @user lacks sensitivity towards immigrant children! Photo Credit: theGrio Answer: YIIK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddy's attention ?? And so they have to interfere in relationships.. hoe Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Someone Tell this Immigrant Non Citizen who cant vote that Michelle Obama is no longer Flotus and was never her Flotus then Deport her Racists behind back to the Congo so she can #Resist there ! #Trump #MAGA Answer: 76133 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. break up with your girlfriends before you leave for college. Theyre just gonna tie you down and we all know they're gonna cheat #WomenSuck Answer: 76133 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More women accuse Weinstein of rape Answer: 36880 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'It’s not that we think you will, it’s that we know you could.' @user nails why 'not all men' is irrelevant… Answer: 36880 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. HOLLERINGGGGGGG. stupid baby bitch. Answer: 76133 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'not all men hurt women but all women are hurt by men' tattoo that on ur tits and fuck them Answer: 36880 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is superb. Practical guide for rights of women esp at divorce and rape in marriage. @user @user @user Answer: 36880 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I honestly despise women who bitch and whine about sexism and equality, yet they're being literally just as bad. Answer: 76133 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When it's @user birthday Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Omg let's all get wet over every muscular Olympian! #WomenSuck Answer: HCJH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When yo girl start yelling at you for no reason. Answer: Texey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user same AF Answer: Texey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Wherever they arrive #Muslim migrants bring destruction, unrest, fear &amp; crime!So why do we keep taking them in?#Spanish people may have voted in a socialist government but surely they haven't voted for their own demiseVote the gov down, fight back or accept being conquered Answer: HCJH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape. Answer: HCJH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FridayMotivation #MAGA #BuildThatWall Barack Obama: We cant just put walls up all around America. Walls dont keep out threats like terrorism or disease.Reality: Answer: HCJH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Can’t stand this policy. If not for immigration issue, @user is not worth supporting. War with Iran will kill off GOP for good. Answer: Texey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. one of my mottos is “leave people alone” aka leave me alone, leave vegans alone, leave the lgbtq+ community alone, leave poc alone, leave immigrant children alone, leave britney alone just mind ya business they dont have time 4 u they have their own business to worry about omgbye Answer: Texey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dinesh Dsouza is a Globo-Homo agent, like Paul Ryan. Don't let this dot head immigrant lecture you that Andrew Jackson is not an American hero. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrant Health Workers in the UK Answer: Wuhoz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am PROUD to be an #MRA. If stupid feminists can complain I should be able to complain just as loud. It's only fair.# Answer: HTBG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The chances that #Rohingya refugees may benefit from parliament's shake up are still slim #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugees #SocialJustice #Myanmar #AungSanSuuKyi @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Wuhoz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user Hirono, Booker & Harris competing for 'Most Hysterical Woman' at the Kavanaugh hearings Answer: HTBG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The bitch done had a baby shower in McDonald's 🤦🤦.. loud forgive the lil whores u made . Answer: HTBG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you are a big piece of white trash you fucking pussy son of a bitch you're a fucking pussy .i'll bitch slap u make u my prison whore Answer: Wuhoz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN wants ‘˜immediate halt’ to separation of migrant families in US Tell the UN to kiss our azs and stay out of our business. Answer: HTBG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Wuhoz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am not a morning person & I keep to myself because of it, you wanna be a smart ass & gimme attitude?? Imma be a Kunt to you Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user : Vogue hijabi cover star on growing up in a #refugee camp via @user #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user Answer: Xeyuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Your a bitch who needed to shut his hole Answer: 54913 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rape is DISGUSTING. No woman or man deserves to go through something as traumatic as that. Nothing can ever justify rape. Rape is a choice. Answer: Xeyuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA Answer: 54913 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not interested of being a bitch like you 😂 i prefer to be a good cute girl 😛 nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok Answer: 54913 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The United States is a country founded by immigrants and dependent for its success on #immigration. Answer: Xeyuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #act4_southernsyria Apparently secret meeting this week bet #angelamerkel @user &amp;Russia fm Lavrov&amp;headRussian army- #Europe will come in&amp;help rebuild #Syria ,which Russia wants -sothat what Europe wants most can materialize ‘“ returnof #refugees -German journo #datelinelondon Answer: Xeyuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user I can get behind the decriminalisation of drugs and better communication. However the idea that illegal immigration is not a big issue I believe is untrue. 80% of women who crosss the border illegally get raped by Answer: 54913 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pro Tip- Stop trying to appeal to my feelings, I don't have any Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems Answer: KKNL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What the fuck Richard you can just shove my milkey seeds into your hole @user Answer: LJJD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildTheWallNow Before the Midterm elections @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MakeDCListen #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #MandateEverify #EndChainMigration Answer: KKNL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch ima wear an anklet bc its cute af lmao stfu Answer: LJJD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No matter what color a girl is she still a ho 😂😂 Answer: KKNL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am an immigrant. I am a homeowner. I paid at least $4,100 in property taxes last year. I live with my child. I am a 55 year old male. I earned $107,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I live in OR cc'Sen. Ron Wyden. #ImmigrantsAreUS Answer: LJJD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sometimes you can be a dick. #allin Answer: LJJD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Darlington Rape Verdict: Attacker with hatred of women who described England as a 'bitch country' Answer: KKNL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. listen... i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all. she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was a legal Resident until she was Convicted of Shoplifting Deported then Came Back Illegally Now She wants U,S Taxpayers to pay her Medical Bills #SendHerBack let her family go with her ! #Immigration Answer: FYNW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Refugees not welcome!!! Answer: FYNW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So if the best way to bring awareness&fight the problem is by U - problematically - crying about 'Not all men' YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Answer: FJVJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ICE #IllegalAliens #Border #Immigration #BringBackOurBorders#Oakland Mayor #LibbySchaaf warned everyone in... Answer: FJVJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some women are aggressive, promiscuous whores, but all women must try harder not to make men feel uncomf… Answer: FYNW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Like if you didnt want to have a party, don't fucking broadcast it #ThatsTheShitIDontLike #WomenSuck Answer: FYNW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ⚡️ 2.9 million more refugees fled their home countries between 2016 and 2017.That's the biggest increase we have seen in a single year. Ever. Answer: FJVJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Latest: Macedonian police find 44 migrants inside truck Answer: FJVJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bri: you put in the hole- Me: *starts laughing like a child* Bri: *starts laughing* whoops Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poverty and lack of services in Iraq force refugees back to the camps Answer: Tilij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Judge orders government to release immigrant kids from Texas shelter | The Texas Tribune Answer: Tilij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That moment when you wanna go crawl in a hole and stay down there forever #rightnow #FridayThe13th #curbsarenotmyfriend Answer: Tilij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy says France, Malta agreed to host some rescued migrants Answer: Tilij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Obama, our SMALLEST president. Must take credit for all good; disavows all that was bad during his 8 year assault on our great country.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA Answer: 16059 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user block me bitch I LOVE TRUMP U IGNORANT CUNT!!!! Answer: 16059 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FakeNews production... Gee, they should trademark it!A Czech tourist notices something odd about these “drowning refugees” - they R part of the paid #FakeNews filming crew! Oh the poor #Muslims!@BBC @user coproduction!#Soros smirks contentedly.. Answer: 16059 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall NOW! #BuildThatWall, pass the budget with money for the WALL. We the people have spoken! Do it now, no pet projects in this budget! #BuildThatWall , #BuildThatWall ! Answer: 16059 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every time I hear a women slut-shame another women for what their wearing I can’t help but think “Bitch you wack as fuck.” Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is when a guy says something like “I don’t want to date a hoe” n a woman responds with “But you n your sister got different daddies” bitch so...still not dating a hoe lol Answer: QURL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like boobs as much as the next guy, but usually what they are attached to are nagging menstruating fucks! #WomenSuck Answer: QURL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user sugar you should have witnessed a true Jason classic last night. Cherry Falls. I was hysterical. Answer: 38510 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Are Kochs and @user now the same? Answer: 38510 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And why should he now buckle to their demands that he swear undying trust for these A******* ????? THEY are the enemy of this nation! #Treason Answer: 38510 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user It should foment anger. Only idiots open their borders to people who will NEVER assimilate. Majority of Black Africans coming into Europe are NOT refugees and had the money to pay for trip over, which is expensive. Answer: QURL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Do it @user #BuildThatWall Answer: QURL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Eight Years of Obama's Weakness Toward Russia Answer: 38510 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The bitch done had a baby shower in McDonald's 🤦🤦.. loud forgive the lil whores u made . Answer: Wakix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are a dumb cunt twit! When people start dying you should be tried for murder you asshole Answer: UZOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If your body is female, you can't identify your way out of rape. Rapists don't care. Answer: Wakix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. According to the supporters of immigration policy that would throw open the doors to every Tomas, Ri What the leftist media hides from you... Answer: Wakix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user WHAT some of these BITch Part starlets promote to young is worse than rape it is rape of young minds. What goes around comes around! Answer: Wakix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Trump supporter has made a name for himself with anti-immigrant views and allegations of voter fraud. Will Republicans make him their pick for governor? Answer: UZOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Welcome to Germany, and you get three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. Answer: UZOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'ᴴᴰ Lee Min Ho and Suzy relationship: Lee Min Ho hopes to get married to protect girlfriend Bae Suzy' : Answer: UZOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UGH! Fake Christians really out here trying to take away our rights!! IF YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT LIFE THEN FIX THE ALREADY BROKEN FOSTER CARE SYSTEM AND WELCOME REFUGEES WITH OPEN ARMS. FOLLOWER OF CHRIST?? WHILE NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBORS? YIKES. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees Answer: RUHH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. listen... i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all. she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes Answer: RUHH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The new hunter of the puppets of the EU establishment and the refugees (500.000 stay in Italia) is named SALVINI. Europe is running straight into the collaps, we will see. And only because Merkel likes to support 1,5 mio. refugees in Germany. Answer: RUHH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Young people taking care of business. Answer: 15993 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies Answer: 15993 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The @user as currently constituted is merely a cunt hole. There's a lot of scum in there. @user Just bolted out of the mire Answer: 15993 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. North Korea reportedly launches ballistic missile Answer: 15993 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user , you don't have to be a skank anymore. He, the skunk, done you wrong. Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero @user @user Answer: RUHH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall BUILD THAT EFFEN WALL!I'm sorry my Lord #Jesus but people are just deaf down here Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wait till you've got gin tomorrow you won't have it then cock Answer: RMKQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This bitch whom I won't name on Facebook is such a shameless woman ruining a relationship. #getalife #stopspreadinglies #hoe Answer: Funoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More rapes in Halifax by Muslim migrants, as rape culture invades our high-trust society Answer: Funoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You ever just wanna cut off every single person in your life, get on a boat and sail into a whole new life? Cause same Answer: RMKQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Hundreds Irish people took to the streets to protest against Islam and call to ban Islamic immigration - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Funoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THINGS GOT HEATED: BREAKING: Woman Sets Pedophile Muslim Man on Fire After Catching Him Rape 7 -Yr -Old Daughter Answer: RMKQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user immigration on mass in Europe Kills our Culture our languages and over stretches our own resources such as Hospitals ,Schools ,now Italy ,Greece , etc , Your right send them back home but please do not separate families Islamic countries Answer: Funoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The home of Guinness‘‹ gives refugees and asylum-seekers a new chance in Ireland 🍺 #InternationalBeerDay Answer: RMKQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I say you hate women because you call me a tranny cunt constantly Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rica gets so much cock in her licked cunt Answer: Lokod Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The new hunter of the puppets of the EU establishment and the refugees (500.000 stay in Italia) is named SALVINI. Europe is running straight into the collaps, we will see. And only because Merkel likes to support 1,5 mio. refugees in Germany. Answer: Lokod Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I'd curse the person who called them a slut, call them a cunt and tell them to leave them alone. Answer: LZCP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hmm... Someone named "Garcia" wants to eliminate the US/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country &amp; sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals Answer: Lokod Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UNTIL 11:59pm PDT TONIGHT ➝ Sign up to help refugees rebuild their lives and we'll give you a free, premium, made to order, fair trade t-shirt courtesy of @user ➝ // (limited to those living in the U.S. 18 &amp; older) Answer: LZCP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall Answer: Lokod Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The NGO refugeeship is running now to rescue more illegal refugees in the middlesea. In Valencia/Spain students was taken out from their homes to make place for the last refugees which are sick. One room costs there 750 € and is comfortable. Answer: LZCP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Looooooooool I can’t believe ‘BEN WOTTS’ aka dick head fuck boy send me a pic of his hairy ass hole n asked me to peg him.. weird cunt 🤣🤣🤣 Answer: LZCP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Girl. Why these people so PRESSED?! Callin you all kinda ho’s and skanks being LOUD AND WRONG!! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Cameron we need a break from u forget benefits we do not want mass immigration. stop immigration and get out of Europe no probs Answer: Sajet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don’t tell me how u got a bitch drunk An then u took her to the crib to bust her.... sounds like rape to me... Answer: QDXX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Certain immigrant groups create the same problems wherever they go, London, New York or Melbourne, yet we are told we are all the same, race doesn't matter &amp; millions of them won't change our societies. Apart from anything else we are being asked to suspend our belief in reality Answer: Sajet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Rage of women of trump in the White House made them individually fearless to turn on Weinstein! Blame 1 man not all men. Answer: QDXX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user if you count prison rape men are raped more than women. Answer: QDXX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch are you fucking kidding me??? So if women get hit by their husbands its cuz they're hitam?? Not bc he's an abusive asshole?? 😒😒 Answer: Sajet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #LandDegradation drives mass #migration, #climatechange. Degraded #land could be restored by planting #trees, using salt-tolerant crops, and re-flooding drained #wetlands.🌲🌳🌴🎋🌄#soil #landrestoration #landlivespeace #livelihoods Answer: QDXX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Sajet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Have to address LEGAL immigration as well.The racial interests of the majority LONG TERM must be addressed without apology. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't fucking toy with me #WomenSuck Answer: 93615 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am an immigrant. I am a homeowner. I paid at least $4,100 in property taxes last year. I live with my child. I am a 55 year old male. I earned $107,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I live in OR cc'Sen. Ron Wyden. #ImmigrantsAreUS Answer: 41034 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos Answer: 93615 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. STOP SMELLING THOSE SANDWINCHES YOU HIDEOUS COCK, SHE'S ESCAPING TO THE SIDE Answer: 93615 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user shut the FUCK up you infected pussy fungus. Answer: 41034 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes, women who protest are 'irrational' 'hysterical' 'bitters spinsters' - long history of using that shit to dismi… Answer: 41034 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The more WOMEN in the workplace means LESS WOMEN IN THE KITCHEN. Like and retweet if you see this as a big problem #ilovefood #homecookedm# Answer: 93615 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ‘˜Developing countries host 85% of world’s refugees’ Answer: 41034 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every convo ever w/ an #MRA: 'men are pigs.' 'WTF MEN R NOT PIGS U FUGLY FEMENAZI CUNT IMA CUT UR HEAD OFF N FUCK UR NECK HOLE 4 SAYIN THAT' Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Train in Greece hits, kills 2 migrants near Turkish border Answer: 12700 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am an immigrant. I live with my child. I am a 29 year old female. I earned $13,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I have a Bachelor's degree in accounting. I live in MI cc'Rep. John Moolenaar. #ImmigrantsAreUS Answer: 12700 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wouldn't it be awful if it suffered the same fate as that other piece of publicly funded globalist "art", a "remembrance wall" for rapefugee invaders in Liverpool. Answer: Xuzil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So over everything being called a fucking bitch ass whore daily when Im the only one that does anything takes care of 8 kids alone,done dont want to be here any fucking more. Gone Answer: 12700 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my 'girlfriend' so I can fuck other people and you can't... Is that too much to ask? Answer: Xuzil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle likely will be sentenced to time served #PreventableDeath#BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere Answer: Xuzil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Was I imagining the flap over 'hysterical' because it connected women towa… Answer: 12700 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Says the supporter of a woman..@HillaryClinton ....that literally protected & threw every woman under the bus that accused her President husband of rape, affairs, etc. Pleeeeeease, STFU, or educate yourself. Answer: Xuzil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want a bitch who gone rape me when she feening for the dick🤷🏽‍♂️ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What did the EU do so Wrong when the Millions of Immigrants came many stood in reality square they were welcomed now they demand Housing and Schools and take everything in Hospitals now we are the ones having to stand tip toeing on waiting lists and ridiculed if we deny them o, y Answer: JTYX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I never realize how long a minute actually is until I get stuck listening to a minute long voice memo about a bunch of shit idgaf about Answer: Xuyol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This account was temporarily inactive due to an irrational woman reporting us to Twitter. What a lack of judgement, shocking. #YesAllMen Answer: JTYX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user shut the FUCK up you infected pussy fungus. Answer: Xuyol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrants convicted of felonies and serious misdemeanors should be subject to citizen revocation and deportation. Why are we keeping criminals here? Answer: JTYX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An illegal alien has been charged with murder, arson and mutilation of a corpse n #Democrats Want to make sure more Illegals can cross U.S Border and they want to End #ICE #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising @user #Immigration via @user Answer: JTYX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Xuyol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user They are trying to rape that young girl and they rome around like animals fucking wankers Answer: Xuyol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #act4_southernsyria Apparently secret meeting this week bet #angelamerkel @user &amp;Russia fm Lavrov&amp;headRussian army- #Europe will come in&amp;help rebuild #Syria ,which Russia wants -sothat what Europe wants most can materialize ‘“ returnof #refugees -German journo #datelinelondon Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Tells #Trump Not to give Immigrants DNA test to make sure their the kids parents just hand them over to Child Trafficers like Obama #MAGA #RedNationRising #FridayMotivation via @user Answer: 48303 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe Answer: UPGA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Even CNN says Trudeau is in trouble over illegal immigration. It says his focus should be on what he can control, starting with curbing the flow of migrants crossing into Canada. He is under growing pressure from provincial premiers and big city mayors Answer: 48303 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lml 'no matter what color a girl is she's still a hoe' That's funny. Answer: UPGA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user You are a pussy... stand up or shut up... put youre head above the parapet & make a stance or keep taking the MP wage & STFU x Answer: UPGA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user No room for anyone illegal. Color or wealth is not the criteria, you stupid bitch. Answer: UPGA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UPDATE—Draconian measures are being taken to force Burundian refugees in Mtendeli camp in Tanzania to return to #Burundi despite their fear. Here is an order by Tanzanian authorities closing refugees’ small businesses in the camp effective immediately. Answer: 48303 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Why you getting so hysterical. Answer: 48303 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BEL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU YOUR SIDE HOE MINHYUK IS NOW IN BLACK MYDMD!DMMF Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. New @user report coming: "#Bangladesh is Not My Country" about #Rohingya #refugees in camps. Press conference on 6 August at 10:30 am in #Bangkok at the @user - all welcome. Details here: Answer: 93519 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The illegal aliens are treated better than American children with facilities that are luxurious and the liberal socialists want to abolish ICE. #BuildThatWall @user Answer: 85269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you’re a fucking nobody. You just take advantage of people that care for you. Good on you whore Answer: 85269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am not sure how much you have seen about this, but this is a pretty strange take on it. to say rape is the main plot point is dismissive Answer: 93519 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When the pizza man is more than a minute late Answer: 93519 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm confident cause I've earned the right to be, don't confuse that with arrogance Answer: 93519 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Biggest menace affecting growth of India is its population.Must take steps to curb population&amp;illegal immigrants Answer: 85269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches be havin no education,no job,no house and still got the nerves to say all these niqqas want is pussy buh bitch WTF!! do yo hav?😂😂😂 Answer: 85269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user I bet a lot of people's therapists are dying to meet me just to see if the stories are true. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user You're not welcome Illegal immigrant. You belong to the low class monkeys who's only good at dying everyday and begging the world to help them. Such a poor godless nation. No wond Answer: 40718 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BITCH I SAW YOU ONE TIME WITH JONATHAN IDEK WHEN AND THOUGHT 'Gotta have her' that was before the entire Twitter saga Answer: 40718 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user Answer: 40718 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No bitch when Sue’s sister died I was much sad shit happens but it’s so good! Answer: Libun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An undercount would allow the federal government to direct resources away from California, which has the largest #immigrant population in the country. #Census takers could miss counting millions of #Californians, researchers say Answer: Libun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA Answer: 40718 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An honour to meet so many dedicated aid workers here. This is Mitun from @user who’d recently attended training on child protection provided by @user Building up specialist refugee protection expertise within national NGOs is part of our work here. #aidworks #rohingya Answer: Libun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Government, UN probe finds inflated #refugee figures #WithRefugees #Uganda @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Libun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user What the hell is this? Is this part of the healthy conversation you were just preaching to us about? She's our First Lady, like it or not. She's also an immigrant, a mother and daughter, and fuck you for allowing this. ht Answer: 29911 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I welcome those who want to assimilate but Muslims do not. Answer: 50268 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user She has done great harm to Country by facilitating Muslims migration from Bangladesh,Nepal etc Answer: 50268 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You kunt loool Answer: 29911 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck you, you fuckin skank WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I said I can’t wait to own a fishing tank! Answer: 50268 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glam Skanks -Karma/Bad Bitch Double Feature [Official Video]: via @user Answer: 29911 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Katie Hop it Hopkins you couldnt fit a dummy in your mouth its to big, open it a wee bit more and we can use it for a migrant hotel Answer: 29911 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman are so quick to claim rape, so how about you black sisters? We rarely heard you! Answer: 50268 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. LIBYA TELLS ITALY: "We don't care how much you pay us, we don't want to take back the migrant wannabes that you reject because “they include terrorists, criminals, and human traffickers" via @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every time you say 'not all men' you are part of the problem. Claiming that telling men to step their game up only alienates good men is BS. Answer: NFUX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: Wages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the ‘˜free’ labour market, which, if left alon Answer: NFUX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN bid to improve migrant, refugee response flounders as political will evaporates Answer: NFUX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Rohingya refugees move to higher ground to avert loss of lives in the upcoming monsoon season #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user Answer: NFUX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user He can choke and so does his bitch hoe Answer: Fihok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HAPPY MF BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FAVORITES HOES 😝turn up bitch 😘I wish you many many more Answer: Fihok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Black Bitch Gets Cock Shoved In Her Waiting Cunt Answer: Fihok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A woman who you fucked multiple times saying yo dick small is a compliment you know u hit that spot 😎 Answer: Fihok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump can solve the immigration crisis with legislation that died in 2013. New op-ed from @user ➝ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I have a tweet from a Swede who quotes me our country will never be the same again after Immigration neighbour hoods set alite Answer: Mojab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Was I imagining the flap over 'hysterical' because it connected women towa… Answer: 67510 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &amp;deport them immediately to their Country. Answer: Mojab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year - Philly Answer: 67510 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This illegal immigrant should be arrested for lying Answer: Mojab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #impeachtrump #republican #democrat Just consider how different life would be today if Hillary had picked Bernie as her VP candidate, they would have beaten the orange king by 30 points, saving SS, the budget, immigrant children, and journalist's lives. Answer: 67510 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user block me bitch I LOVE TRUMP U IGNORANT CUNT!!!! Answer: Mojab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Hata maasai wako na aids you stupid son of a bitch. Luos are the ones who live lavish lifestyle in Kenya while u live like bedbugs. Puga Answer: 67510 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sweden: If the country needs the money for refugees to give them a better life, the swedish retireage must increase. This is the end of socialwelfare for Swedisch people. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Did you know?Government statistics of crimes committed by illegalsIllegals comprise 7% of populationIllegals account for72% of all drug possession33& of all money laundering29% of all drug trafficking22% of all federal murders18%of all frauds#NODACA Answer: 73085 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. think Spain is biting off more than it can chew #nomore #sendthemback Answer: 17005 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Obviously Meredith, obviously. Filthy bitch ☺️ Answer: 73085 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lang and his family foundation gave a $100,000 grant to a partnership with Immigrant Justice Corps. Answer: 17005 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every convo ever w/ an #MRA: 'men are pigs.' 'WTF MEN R NOT PIGS U FUGLY FEMENAZI CUNT IMA CUT UR HEAD OFF N FUCK UR NECK HOLE 4 SAYIN THAT' Answer: 73085 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch show me attention too you whore Answer: 73085 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I grew up in an immigrant household. We were taught to embrace our heritage and celebrate our differences. Here’s Dad and I on my last trip home to Jamaica. Happy 56th Jamaican Independence Day! 🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲🎉 Answer: 17005 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We are NOT a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens! Answer: 17005 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Hit Man, Dragged Him For Blocks In Deadly DUI Crash #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user Wrong ! Illegal Immigrants make up 5% of the population so of Course More Americans Commit Crimes because its more Citizens ! Yet 34% Of Federal Prisoners are Illegals these does not include State Prison Answer: Fujoh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The immigrants that "built this country" are already citizens.They are not the ones crossing the border today. Answer: Bokav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The chances that #Rohingya refugees may benefit from parliament's shake up are still slim #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugees #SocialJustice #Myanmar #AungSanSuuKyi @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Bokav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Muslim migrants leave Germany "We did not get free stuff. Nothing is free here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Fujoh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These savages invade Our Country, disrupt cities, turn many into shitholes like where they came from and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for this SHIT. How about taking or Our OWN Citizens, Veterans and other AMERICANS in need? To HELL with these ungrateful idiots; #SendThemBack Answer: Fujoh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not all men treat women badly. There are some really great ones and they deserve recognition. Maybe this way we can show our daughters... Answer: Bokav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Iranians either entered via Greece or Serbia, which recklessly grants visas to Iranians. Some Iranians now fly into Serbia👉then leave for richer state in EU. Indirect support of illegal migration must end or others must impose sanctions on Serbia to adjust attitude.@euronews Answer: Fujoh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugees forced into destitution by lack of information, charities say. If it is a problem they could go home? Answer: Bokav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lang and his family foundation gave a $100,000 grant to a partnership with Immigrant Justice Corps. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I Can't Stand #Hypocrites The #LooneyLeft #Liberals and #Demoncrats Are Miserable Ppl Answer: 90024 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user hey man! we're finally on twitter and just wanted to thank you so much again for the ongoing support. you are so inspiring Answer: 90024 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Lets fuck whore stepmom bitch style Answer: Titey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user its Time to Enforce the Public Charge #Immigration laws! U.S Taxpayers should not be forced to take care of #Immigrants and Refugees collecting Welfare while our #Veterans are Homeless #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #RedNationRising Answer: Titey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What happens when you drug, rape and sodomize a 13 year old girl ? ALL those left wing loons who tell us how to... Answer: Titey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The United States is a country founded by immigrants and dependent for its success on #immigration. Answer: 90024 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Mexico & CanadaONLY NATIVE BORN CITIZENS ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN THEIR ELECTIONS & EXCLUDES NATURALIZED CITIZENS!We should do the same in U.S.A.#RETWEET#RESIST#ThursdayThoughts #TrumpKnew Help #BuildThatWall @ #EndDACA#TheFive Answer: Titey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Charles Manson out here gettin married in jail and your lame ass can't even get a text back Answer: 90024 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women are like elephants. Everyone likes to look at them but no one wants to keep one #WomenSuck Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Angels Don't Die. I think it's better that two Immigrant children in a concentration camp in Southwest US die every time Donald Trump tweets, tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet like a bird. Answer: 67564 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nigeria targets crude oil production cost of $15/b - Answer: 67564 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When it's not your fathers birthday... Answer: 67564 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall Answer: 57267 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The companies that really want to have a global impact need to understand cultural differences,” Answer: 67564 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. dawgg im fr boutta roast this bitch LMFOAOO DONT EVER POST IAN AGAIN U STUPID ASS SLUT Answer: 57267 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your nose ring looks like a fucking booger. It's not cute, it's trashy #WomenSuck Answer: 57267 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. //'We will send back the illegal immigrants to Bangladesh. Tough days are ahead, we will not tolerate any illegal immigrants in Bengal.'With these statements, West Bengal... Answer: 57267 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ill-legal migration is invasion Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poland’s interior minister defends anti-migration stance during Visegrad meeting Answer: 22896 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany to hold migrants in detention centres on Austria border Answer: QEOT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I know fucker bitch i rode with you one time remember cunt whore? Never again will i fuck around with the fuck around 😂😂 Answer: QEOT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #Kavanaugh also said birth control is abortion-inducing drugs Christian Sharia But of course I am a hysterical woman that should not have any rights Maybe you could pass a law like in the old days that my husband owns me Answer: 22896 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The home of Guinness‘‹ gives refugees and asylum-seekers a new chance in Ireland 🍺 #InternationalBeerDay Answer: 22896 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If syrian refugees want to sue Germany because of delays go a head who is to say they would be given Asylum anyway ungratful and sad Answer: QEOT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You love and support this slut tho Answer: QEOT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An honour to meet so many dedicated aid workers here. This is Mitun from @user who’d recently attended training on child protection provided by @user Building up specialist refugee protection expertise within national NGOs is part of our work here. #aidworks #rohingya Answer: 22896 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women in their 30's on vacation will literally fuck anything Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 10-year-old Somali girl dies after female genital mutilationYet we grant these people immigration to our country expecting them to assimilate - but they don't... Answer: 76946 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user True slow your role bitch n get your ass outta here 😉🐼xx Answer: 76946 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'll only break your heart to make you stronger as a person... Lmao you should thank me really Answer: HFTW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tesla Driving Russian Immigrant Running As A Democrat For US House Seat In Alaska Answer: HFTW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you shaved and all he was good for was ten minutes of missionary and the choke of a child Answer: HFTW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user please spread the word -&gt;&gt; using frequent flyer miles to reunite immigrant families! Answer: HFTW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This crap won't stop until we #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDaca #NoMore Answer: 76946 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Home Office has put on hold plans to re patriate 240 Glasgow failed asylum seekers with a week to go its always bad news for Brits where migrants are concerned and a Pakistani Home Office Minister Sanjiv Javid it will never get better 😥 Answer: 76946 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user So its ok for a man to put his hands on a women... stfu. We know how your bitch living. Smh Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you're a chick and I followed you back its only cause you live close enough to fuck ☺️ Answer: 27778 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. SWEDEN Dentist fined nearly $50,000 for revealing that many adult Muslim migrants are posing as 'unaccompanied refugee children' via @user Swedenstan update... Answer: 87493 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm just sitting on the train, have a hard dick and would like to wank a horny girl on the big tits 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Answer: 27778 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's not rape if women are considered objects! You can't rape an object! Islam is completely anti rape! Answer: 27778 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user hey brother, loved the performance the other night. #inspiring Answer: 87493 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user True slow your role bitch n get your ass outta here 😉🐼xx Answer: 27778 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I generally dismiss the articles decrying the backlash against refugees, because we’ve been doing a poor job at taking in actual refugees. Canadian concerns over the inundation of economic migrants is a separate issue and are not invalid. Answer: 87493 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As someone who works with refugees; thank you Sprudge. Answer: 87493 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Israel needs more diversity. Ur walls are racist. Let those Arab refugees into your civilization. This is cultural enrichment. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An illegal alien has been charged with murder, arson and mutilation of a corpse n #Democrats Want to make sure more Illegals can cross U.S Border and they want to End #ICE #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising @user #Immigration via @user Answer: 97039 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: 97039 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A clear shift (again) on the migratory routes of the Mediterranean. Another proof that no matter what deals European countries strike with African nations, migrants and refugees will find another way through. It's like covering one leak just to find out there are thousands more. Answer: 16106 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user Another reason to support @user @user @user police officers!#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA #KAG #VoteRed2018 #BuildTheWall #VoteDemsOut #DeportIllegalAliens #BackTheBlue #SaveTheChildren Great meme by @user Answer: 97039 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Please visit today & help #BuildThatWall#RETWEET Answer: 97039 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In many areas of the country there are large numbers of immigrants with less than 2 years of college education, community colleges can be the best option! Join us April 13 learn more! @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 16106 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Couldn't have said it better #YesAllMen Answer: 16106 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ACTNOW! #USA #EB5 #EB5Visa #Immigrant #Foreign #Investor #Visa Program Laws ARE Changing! $500k #Investment. Payment plans available. Use #bitcoin #ether #cryptocurrency. Become a US Citizen! Visit us at Contact us TODAY at RT Answer: 16106 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY ‼️🗣 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I hate coming to the city people real life know my car like pussy study yo bitch car 😩😂 Answer: GZZH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You don't know me yet you hate me and that's cool... But guess what.. I don't hate you cause I would never waste my energy on a stranger Answer: Vapuh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This bitch will be rape by Trump too and then denie it. Answer: GZZH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are a horrible skank that needed to be fired years ago 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 @user you totally roc… Answer: Vapuh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm actually really happy your ass got pregnant and that you're having a shotgun wedding. Karma is a bitch you cheating skank Answer: GZZH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p—-ing. on our backs &amp; telling us it’s Raining! Answer: Vapuh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Latest: Macedonian police find 44 migrants inside truck Answer: Vapuh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT🐀 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN🐀IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL… Answer: GZZH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The verification will play a key role in establishing refugees’ identities and their declared places of origin in Myanmar. It will help to preserve their right to voluntarily return home, if and when they decide that the conditions are right to do so.” Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Jason Wallach, 41, Kate Brenner, 69, are the two on left Answer: 81017 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🇪🇸Spain: 'Spain sets up migrant command center amid summer surge in arrivals'Very disappointed in that great country. They are actively giving away their country. Answer: PQNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Funny Trump hasn’t had any trouble getting visas for his immigrant labor at his clubs Answer: 81017 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FreeTommyRobinson #Bluehand demand you #Brexit #SendThemBack Answer: 81017 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamWall NOW!AMERICA WANTS JUSTICE NOW #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #Walkaway #SAVEAmerica Answer: PQNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You gotta throw glitter after that. Bitch pussy must be SERIOUS. Answer: PQNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user How about holding parents responsible for breaking the law and endangering their children by illegally crossing the US border! Catch and release is not a solution it's art of the US immigration problem! Answer: PQNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Former Obama Adviser Ben Rhodes Drops a Bombshell: Yes, Obama Armed Jihadists in Syria via @user No surprises here... Answer: 81017 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. [Feature] Congolese refugees ask Korean firm not to supply voting machines to their country Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Make Canada like Hungary Again:Prime Minster Viktor Orbán has vowed to not allow his CHRISTIAN country to be changed by incompatible Jihadi Invaders. Orbán, has warned: “Europe is under invasion, countries that don’t stop immigration will be lost” Answer: 46829 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. think Spain is biting off more than it can chew #nomore #sendthemback Answer: 90109 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED Answer: 46829 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Screw her and her beliefs!! Send them packing!! This is a Christian nation with Christian laws. #BuildThatWall #kag Answer: 46829 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Insane Re Truly In Charge... The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home Answer: 46829 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I’ve never understood why people stand and wait on they food at Tolly Ho... you a good one Answer: 90109 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Immigration leads to people not being used to self mange in the NHS I often hear in our country well its not your country u take Answer: 90109 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tomorrow at 2PM EDT @user and @user will be hosting a Facebook Live event from Tornillo, Texas, where immigrant children are being detained after being separated from their families. Tune in here ➝ Answer: 90109 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What's the difference between your bonus and your dick? You don't have to beg a woman to blow your bonus Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. With military members already being stripped of their service to our country and told to go home, Trump administration plans to limit citizenship for legal immigrants, NBC News reports Answer: 47145 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You look like your mom beat you with an ugly stick while your dad poured cat piss all over you. Answer: 86475 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches that wear chokers that aren't complete whores is why I hate you bitches Answer: 47145 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Go back to your hole you fucking roach. Answer: 86475 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Important: Appeal from GM Police for information re attempted rape of young woman at Green Lane Patricroft at 11.30… Answer: 86475 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is the kind of Easter egg hunt I need Answer: 86475 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If rape is real why aren't more people reporting it? Just another feminist lie.; Answer: 47145 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've reached a point in my life where I've realized theres no such thing as a girl that won't hurt you. Eventually they all will #WomenSuck Answer: 47145 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Solid analysis. Just don't fall into the trap of importing Muslim refugees, or it will be game over. Answer: 59251 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Facts vs Fiction about #refugees Answer: Rejig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user You're wearing yoga pants to show off your ass. Don't give me this bull shit 'they're comfy!' we all know the truth ladies #ASS #ASS #ASS Answer: 59251 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Libya, migrants &amp; karma: Europe's new migration policy wrecks on North African reality Answer: Rejig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A woman who you fucked multiple times saying yo dick small is a compliment you know u hit that spot 😎 Answer: 59251 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh god that's so much worse. Have a good evening. Kbye Answer: Rejig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home Answer: 59251 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user If you think financing breaking down borders &amp; flooding the world with economic migrants is going to help wages may I suggest you are seriously deluded. Answer: Rejig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Remember when @user supt Dr. Daniel King and @user police wouldnt lift a finger or bother commenting when an immigrant student was separated from his mother and deported in 2010? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alexander Dullinger Burggrub 53 91332 Heiligenstadt Exposed Gay German Sissy Faggot Whore Hure Nutte - Home Gay Slut Answer: 60475 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HAPPY MF BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FAVORITES HOES 😝turn up bitch 😘I wish you many many more Answer: EFMQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos Answer: EFMQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Delhi have understood ur gameplan. U only focussing on ur Votebank. No action against encroachments,filth in over crowded Muslim areas. Lot of muslim migration to Delhi Answer: EFMQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bitch ass whore ass motherfucker Answer: EFMQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Iraqi Immigrant Accused Of Critically Wounding Colorado Cop Evaded Deportation Despite Criminal Record Answer: 60475 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Not all men are like that, its the ones you meet.' Answer: 60475 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I grew up in an immigrant household. We were taught to embrace our heritage and celebrate our differences. Here’s Dad and I on my last trip home to Jamaica. Happy 56th Jamaican Independence Day! 🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲🎉 Answer: 60475 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Anti immigration party? More like commonsense, sane centrist party. We need more of this. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women in their 30's on vacation will literally fuck anything Answer: 76072 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yeah do the right thing and vote for the Sweden Democrats Sweden for Swedes not 3rd world rapefugee terrorists! #MakeSwedenGreatAgain Answer: 76072 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Proposed relaxation of immigration rules for non-EU skilled workers | Migration Watch UK Answer: UUDY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BEL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU YOUR SIDE HOE MINHYUK IS NOW IN BLACK MYDMD!DMMF Answer: UUDY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Some are building a taller wall. But here at Amnesty International, we are building a #LongerTable for refugees. Learn about how you can get involved: Answer: UUDY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Criminals who ILLEGALLY enter country in front of others waiting in line legally at legal Ports of Entries. #BuildThatWall @user @user #MAGA2018 Answer: 76072 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We will have representatives at Saturday's "Share the Journey" event and facilitating the lunch time refugee... Answer: UUDY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Invite her over, play Rihanna 'Sex with Me' on repeat, then give her the worst sex of her life... #wastehertime2016 Answer: 76072 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When the pizza man is more than a minute late Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Swollen Cunt Of A Blonde Woman Troop Commander Answer: Mawug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pro-Trump Counter Protester Arrested At Immigration Rally For Brandishing Gun Answer: Mawug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Hey I've been raped before' uh excuse me?? How dare you act like every man you've met has raped you?! Ur tone is so harsh, ugh not all men Answer: Mawug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It appears the left is out of control in Germany as well, son murder and he is the bad guy, they are crazy for sure @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already Answer: JOQX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let’s me honest, Jews offer things and the white women are just skanks. Muslims gang rape and beat white women. Answer: JOQX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Do it @user #BuildThatWall Answer: JOQX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And you dont even represent women for anything so stop talking and stay in the kitchen and cook and eat Answer: Mawug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some women are aggressive, promiscuous whores, but all women must try harder not to make men feel uncomf… Answer: JOQX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You look like your mom beat you with an ugly stick while your dad poured cat piss all over you. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Wtf you're a skank bitch Answer: 96390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. when making my costume last night, brey had Arthur’s theme song on repeat 🙄😭😂 “i didn’t realize his song was reggae you can skank to this” Answer: 84891 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitch please did i fuck you_ what importance do you have in my life_ are you retarded_ 😏🌹 Answer: 96390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 📹 cumbutt: gaymanfetish: nohoslut: Never be ashamed of being a CUM whore pig slut Follow my other... Answer: 84891 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user That woman is a grade A, attention seeking cunt of the highest order. Answer: 84891 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Criminals NOT immigrants! Lets call them who they are if they DID NOT come in our AMERICA LEGALLY ! They get NO amnesty for breaking the AMERICAN LAW. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 96390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The most filled with misogyny (calling women hysterical for the #MeToo movement) and victim blaming s*it. Why does… Answer: 84891 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Like if you didnt want to have a party, don't fucking broadcast it #ThatsTheShitIDontLike #WomenSuck Answer: 96390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: Wages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the ‘˜free’ labour market, which, if left alon Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When someone's talking about something other than me Answer: 76119 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I don't have to smile, my emojis do that for me Answer: 76119 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's worth to keep an eye on the reactions of the refugees who are already on the islands and are not included in this change. Camps like #Moria, on Lesvos, are extremely volatile and protests/riots have happened for smaller issues in the past. We can expect some sort of reaction Answer: 76119 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Acharya.. have you read the analysis/opinion given by our 'historians' to SC wrt Ram Temple? Even 'WTF' will be ashamed. @user Answer: 76119 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 😘😘 down bitch. That’s what women do. Provide for her man and put his head towards God when he have doubts. I love you 💙 Answer: 31234 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tell @user to stop slandering courageous guards who protect nation from aggressive male migrants from violent cultures. Mainstream Europe must “push back” open-border extremists who try to hold nation states hostage to their Multicult Manifesto.#visegrad #Slovenia Answer: 31234 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Biggest menace affecting growth of India is its population.Must take steps to curb population&amp;illegal immigrants Answer: 31234 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. anti-immigrant. Anti- murdering, raping, thieving and lazy opportunistic 3rd world primitive migrant who has no right to be in the Western world.#SendThemBack Answer: 31234 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. cocks of the beasts we keep. The life of a slut or breeding whore is quite exciting.” Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Latest: Spanish PM lets migrant boat dock at Valencia You idiots are killing Spain with islamists... Answer: UYIM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? Answer: UYIM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If your body is female, you can't identify your way out of rape. Rapists don't care. Answer: UYIM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore 😂😂😂😂 bad bitch Answer: UYIM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump officials asked #Jordan to end refugee status for two million Palestinians #JaredKushner... Answer: 42638 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Been digging the podcast. Always liked you as an actor. Keep doing your thing!! Viva Dick Ritchie! Answer: 42638 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You're aware that not all men like women right? Get out of your bubble Answer: 42638 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Identity cards 'would curb illegal immigration and prevent another Windrush' Answer: 42638 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Build the WALL! Undocumented immigrant arrested in connection with rape of 11-year-old girl: Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Have you heard ‘Wavy Bassline Mix (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL)’ by The Skank Bank on #SoundCloud? #np Answer: XFXA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am not forcing anyone. I am just putting out my view. People believe it or not is their prerogative.Even if a single person agree with me, it is ok with me. Thanks, Answer: XFXA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. O = traitor, when is he going to prison finally for all of his crimes against the American public ??????????????????? @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! Answer: RIDM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Did you know?Government statistics of crimes committed by illegalsIllegals comprise 7% of populationIllegals account for72% of all drug possession33& of all money laundering29% of all drug trafficking22% of all federal murders18%of all frauds#NODACA Answer: RIDM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user no I said hope. I hope you women learn your place! #SitDownInTheKitchen Answer: RIDM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user you can state what you want. But dont bitch when you are called out for perpetuating rape culture. Answer: XFXA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hey look its the woman who wants to get famous for crying about an ass slap. You truly are a worthless cunt. Answer: RIDM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fucking dropped my phone and cracked the screen fucking shit cunt bitch Answer: XFXA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. Answer: Mahic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. REFUGEES NOT WELCOME 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 Answer: Dutev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A director can lose a job because of 10 year old jokes but @user can grab them by the pussy, be a pussy for Putin 🇷🇺, be an ah to a queen 🇬🇧, be a tyrant for latin immigrant families but marry a white immigrant. Answer: Mahic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What about the Tibetan, Burmese, Tamil, Chakma, etc refugees in India? What about the Baluchs (Originally from Baluchistan, Pakistan), who are staying in the Muslim dominated Mumbra area in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region?There should be an equal law for all the Indians, isn't? Answer: Mahic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sweden is almost like the perfect experiment on multiculturalism. Wanna let in massive amounts of people from Muslim majority and third world countries? Okay, get ready to become one yourself! P.S. We told yah so! #Immigration #sweden #stopimmigration Answer: Dutev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany: Mass migration of un-assimilatable illegal alien people. PM Merkel and entire govt. will have a civil war of their own making. #StopTheInvasion #NoMoreRefugees #MuslimBan #GermanyFirst Answer: Dutev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This ignorant cunt bitch @user bout people hate her cus she’s We hate you cus you are a man. Answer: Dutev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When men leave dumb comments thinking it's gonna hurt my feelings Answer: Mahic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Do you get up off the couch and stand for the Anthem when youre at home? Then shut the fuck up. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Over 62 million people voted for @user b/c of policies clearly stated at dozens of rallies. #BuildThatWall #TaxCutReformBill #EliminateRegulations #ConstitutionalistsOnSCOTUS #AmericaFirstTradePolicy #EndGovermentWaste #ReformTheVA #DestroyISIS Keeping Promices #MAGA Answer: Yuxob Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. After its deal with Turkey to stop Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian &amp; other refugees from reaching the European Union, what can the EU do to reverse Turkey's refugee abuses? Find out at the European Parliament in Brussels at 12:30 pm on 20 June #WorldRefugeeDay@HRW Answer: 93787 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Shut the fuck up bitch how do you know what people have and don't have? Answer: Yuxob Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Does your pretty friend know you're using her pics to attract people to your tinder, chubs? Answer: 93787 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Each second citizien in Germany think Merkel should retire. Answer: 93787 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Thats a real low blow to hysterical women. Answer: Yuxob Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Observing Ramadan with union member and activist Khai (first photo in the middle) and his fellow migrant workers from Malaysia. The lady who prepared the food is an amazing cook! National Union of Workers organiser Anh is phenomenal!💪 @user was eating like a horse😝 Answer: 93787 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk Answer: Yuxob Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #NRC Assam Govt must initiate immediate action 2 cancel Voting id cards &amp; Aadhaar cards of the identified illegal migrants Let "commited" political dogs bark any length &amp; as loud as they can Nation must remain firm on its security concerns Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I Can't Stand #Hypocrites The #LooneyLeft #Liberals and #Demoncrats Are Miserable Ppl Answer: Leget Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you stupid fucking whore mom Answer: ILND Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are hysterical. Once you've decided to have your baby it has rights once it's born. #roaster Answer: Leget Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many thousands of taxpayer dollars did Rockelle Garza fleece to defend free abortions for illegal aliens? Oh the poor illegal alien might get spanked by her parents, gimmie a break. #BuildThatWall #FridayFeeIings Answer: ILND Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Philippine Catholic bishops want a total ban on the deployment of Filipino workers to countries that do not have laws to protect migrants. Answer: Leget Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she's over 18 and owns anything Hello Kitty.... Get that bitch in bed, she knows things that you didn't even know existed Answer: ILND Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user It should foment anger. Only idiots open their borders to people who will NEVER assimilate. Majority of Black Africans coming into Europe are NOT refugees and had the money to pay for trip over, which is expensive. Answer: ILND Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Interesting how US intervention in Central America caused the migrant catastrophe itself... Answer: Leget Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ... some cunt tagged my mom´s house - reason #43 I´m leaving this shit -hole for good Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck you, you hoe I don’t want you back Answer: QJXN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What’s up bitch ass bitches and skank ass skanks Answer: QJXN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No, Mr #Trump. The borders aren't open. And pretending that they are doesn't justify extreme policies that are anathema to American values. An excellent article. #immigration @user @user @user @user Answer: RTPT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's real simple: #DeportIllegalCriminalsNow #BuildThatWall #KeepAmericaSafe Answer: QJXN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Warning of 'dangerous acceleration' in attacks on immigrants in Italy Answer: RTPT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Some are building a taller wall. But here at Amnesty International, we are building a #LongerTable for refugees. Learn about how you can get involved: Answer: RTPT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Shut the fuck up bitch how do you know what people have and don't have? Answer: QJXN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yeah me too 😵lol Answer: RTPT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Lol when you have two girlfriends @user #huntermourer Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Imagine when all the EU migrants go home after #Brexit. No more baguettes or pizza. People in the UK will be reduced to just eating traditional UK foods. Like chicken Balti. Answer: Zehal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Listen fam. If you're a whore you're a whore 😭😭😭clearly you miss read my tweet if you thought I was calling every female a whore.But yes hmp Answer: Zehal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy urged to permit charity sailings as death rate for Med migrants soars from 1 in 38 to 1 in 7 Answer: 12351 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. True AF 😂👌🏼 Answer: 12351 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user thanks man, sometimes we gotta state the obvious for the women, this is a parody account #YesAllMen Answer: Zehal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS makes me cry and yet we still let them in, TRUMP is trying to STOP THEM but the Demoncrates are trying to stop him. #TRUMPHASMYVOTEIN2020!!! Let's go Trump!!! #BUILDTHATWALL #KICKTHEMOUT #STOPTHEMNOW!!!! Answer: Zehal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What if she enjoys it? I think the days where women are forced to stay in the kitchen, not work, etc are over. Answer: 12351 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This year a young immigrant from Mali saved the life of a child in France. The President of France personally awarded him a National hero medal for bravery after inviting him to the Elysée Palace, offered him French citizenship and a job. This year, the… Answer: 12351 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sometimes you can be a dick. #allin Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All women have the incredible ability to determine if another woman is a bitch based solely on her shoes. Answer: ZCQD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy urged to permit charity sailings as death rate for Med migrants soars from 1 in 38 to 1 in 7 Answer: KGLS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user needs to STFU Answer: KGLS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user To take over your reign of the Most Hysterical Woman on a Delta Airlines flight? Answer: ZCQD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bloody immigrants like uk say you must obide the law of the country should be put in prison until the immigrant pays the fine Answer: ZCQD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Essential reading for those in Scribner, Nebraska who are considering an anti-immigrant ballot measure. Answer: KGLS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going😂 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS💁🏽😂💰 Answer: ZCQD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user What the hell is this? Is this part of the healthy conversation you were just preaching to us about? She's our First Lady, like it or not. She's also an immigrant, a mother and daughter, and fuck you for allowing this. ht Answer: KGLS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you are not aware of this situation, you need to be as the US has taken in thousands of these Muslim refugees. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some stupid cunt blogger on Skynews earlier. Said if we are to prevent more Weinstein's we need 'l… Answer: YZEZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user First ima smack that ass then eat that pussy from the back then wrap your hair around my hand while I choke you and slide in slow and long strokes tease u then start pounding that pussy Answer: BXGU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Virginia governor calls for probe into abuse allegations at facility that holds immigrant teens Answer: YZEZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Over 62 million people voted for @user b/c of policies clearly stated at dozens of rallies. #BuildThatWall #TaxCutReformBill #EliminateRegulations #ConstitutionalistsOnSCOTUS #AmericaFirstTradePolicy #EndGovermentWaste #ReformTheVA #DestroyISIS Keeping Promices #MAGA Answer: BXGU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bishop appeals to church groups to take action as migrants now account for 11 percent of reported cases Answer: YZEZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muslims belong in desert sands of far away lands. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: BXGU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my 'girlfriend' so I can fuck other people and you can't... Is that too much to ask? Answer: BXGU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Hysterical? You said mentoring young women (>50% of student pop) is a peri… Answer: YZEZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Darlington Rape Verdict: Attacker with hatred of women who described England as a 'bitch country' Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'd say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife. #SendThemBack Answer: BXTD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #press #news #blog #army #sex Once a month, a man of action is highlighted. Check it out today. Answer: 87166 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole and convinced yourself that it's not the reason you don't see the sun anymore Answer: 87166 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Germany gayrefugees get a special invitation for housing together. Answer: BXTD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user I bet a lot of people's therapists are dying to meet me just to see if the stories are true. Answer: 87166 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I visited a place here in Delhi where a community of Rohingya refugees live and they told us so many sad stories about their struggle. The fact that they can’t go home and can’t be safe at places they seek asylum at, is just.. heartbreaking.. we should do better Answer: 87166 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An illegal alien has been charged with murder, arson and mutilation of a corpse n #Democrats Want to make sure more Illegals can cross U.S Border and they want to End #ICE #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising @user #Immigration via @user Answer: BXTD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall end #chainmigration replace #ImmigrationLottery Answer: BXTD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. why whore when you could cookie? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user You are a pussy... stand up or shut up... put youre head above the parapet & make a stance or keep taking the MP wage & STFU x Answer: ODEK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That moment when you wanna go crawl in a hole and stay down there forever #rightnow #FridayThe13th #curbsarenotmyfriend Answer: LFOD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No bitch when Sue’s sister died I was much sad shit happens but it’s so good! Answer: LFOD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Be my whore my slut my bitchy ❤❤💋👅 Answer: ODEK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The government isn’t even trying to reunite the families they forcibly separated. They need to stop wasting time and fix their crisis. #EndFamilyDetention #FamiliesBelongTogether Answer: LFOD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. They native Americans you no good hill billy immigrant Answer: LFOD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muslims belong in desert sands of far away lands. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: ODEK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Total lie. CONG is the main culprit for influx of illegal migrants both Bangladeshis&amp; Rhongyias. If they deported few, millions came during their tenures&amp; they encouraged Muslim illegal migrants&amp;shooed away Hindu migrants Answer: ODEK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Vodka is my spirit animal Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Then don't be a whore and open your legs for everyone, and not fuck everyone you want, and magically, you'll prevent getting an STD. Answer: EUDF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Doctors saw immigrant kids separated from their parents. Now they’re trying to stop it.: Separating immigrant kids from parents “really is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse,” the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics says.    … Answer: Zirot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Education, key to meaningful lives for refugee youth - President Answer: Zirot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Two migrants die on boat left adrift by Libya coast guard: charity Answer: Zirot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I love you” First of all bitch we all know that’s a lie with your whore mouth and your floppy wiener Answer: EUDF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Unchecked Population&amp;migration to cities is biggest evil for dirty India.Disincentive large families,such as withdrawl of sops Answer: EUDF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user is like the Donald Trump of social media sites the way they're just purging pages for no apparent reason Answer: Zirot Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall Answer: EUDF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany to hold migrants in detention centres on Austria border Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country. How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain? How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters? #RefugeesNotWelcome Answer: 54338 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Syrian regime set to dispossess massive numbers of refugees of their homes which, according to UN @user own criteria, means the agency can't facilitate their return to Syria Answer: 25359 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THAT A VELVET PURLOLE SUIT BITCH IM HYSTERICAL Answer: 25359 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant breaks into NJ home, rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #FoxNewsThis horrific act is reason enough to#BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#DeportThemAll Answer: 54338 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When she sees your dick for the first time and it's bigger than she expected Answer: 25359 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Emily Does vagina had dirt, gravel and pine needles in it after Brock turned raped her while she laid unconscious on the ground. You dont want women to prove they were raped, you want them to accept it and shut the fuck up. Answer: 54338 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. SAME FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS WHO WANTS TO CHANGE OUR COUNTRY OR CAME HERE FOR FREE STUFF. GO THE HELL HOME &amp; CHANGE YOUR YOUR COUNTRY &amp; GET FREE STUFF THERE! THE BENEFITS IN USA ARE PAID FOR U.S.CITIZENS they're not FREE we work our butts off for our kids &amp; fellow citizens NOT YOU🇺🇸 Answer: 54338 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sturgeon wants to give refugees the right to vote. Talk about changing demographics to get you elected. Answer: 25359 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This year 20,000 refugees are expected to arrive in the U.S. Most are families with young children, in search of safety. Together, we can help them rebuild their lives. It's simple. Just visit this link and follow the steps below. ➝ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Time for some honest discussions on the struggle faced by councils to house refugees and failed asylum seekers it is better to say sorry we have not got a big enough housing stock to cater for everyone while our own people languish on ever Answer: RRKI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hungary's latest attempt to demonize refugees and stoke xenophobia targets charities trying to help them - UN @user Answer: RRKI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He is the new enemy (H.Kickl, minister of interior) of the left comunistic-socialist-green groups which make business with refugees. He will do everything to bring refugees out of Austria, this disturb the business. Answer: CDSN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter via @user #realDonaldTrump do something about this disgrace and stop separating children from their parents. Answer: RRKI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitch please did i fuck you_ what importance do you have in my life_ are you retarded_ 😏🌹 Answer: CDSN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women are stupid. They get cheated on and approach and fight the side chic. Bitch who cheated on you? Who? Stupidity is unbelievable. Answer: CDSN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How to cure yourself from reporting pics and pages ☺️ Answer: RRKI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily Mail pulls story about ‘˜migrant-infested’ #Paris suburb after backlash Answer: CDSN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Authorities on Samos object to plans for new migrant camp Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bitch ass whore ass motherfucker Answer: 88937 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 34907 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Trick question, feminists can't change anything Answer: 88937 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches are quick to put their height in their tinder bio.... Do me a favor and add your weight too... Answer: 88937 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy will no longer rescue immigrants sailing from Libya. They have withdrawn their Italian Coast Guard and instructed captains of vessels that from now on, ships in the area off Libya should apply for help to the Libyan Coast Guard. Answer: 34907 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The guys who say “not all men!! Some of us are the nice guys you turn down” or “it happened to me & I’m not crying about it” Answer: 34907 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user Answer: 88937 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Checkout this cool video review that features our picture book Irving Berlin: The Immigrant Boy Who Made America Sing. @user Answer: 34907 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes, the MSM and others would have us believe that no refugees have committed any crimes--but the evidence is... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'How do you live with yourself?' Answer: 10152 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Still so good: "She and the other white writers who marveled over my luck wanted to try on my Otherness to advance their value in the literary marketplace, but I don’t think they wanted to grow up as an immigrant in the United States." Answer: 10152 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The US is in flagrant breach of the Refugee Convention, which states that countries cannot impose penalties on #refugees who illegally cross the border. Via @user Answer: 10152 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Good one! “The government predicts that in 2030, immigration will overtake new births as the dominant driver of population growth.” PREDICTS = causes by failure to stop. #BuildTheDamnWall Answer: ICJP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user If you play field hockey there's a good chance you're a lesbian. Answer: ICJP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ask any liberal how many illegal aliens they've let stay in their house. The answer probably won't surprise you. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall Answer: ICJP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Dr.Ron Paul! #makelibertywin #yalcon2018 #presidentpaul #endthefed #sendthemhome #liberty @ Reston, Virginia Answer: 10152 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So what we're saying Cathy .... is White Genocide is a crime, not a policy optionPolish MP: Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal immigrants to White people is not a human right Answer: ICJP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #NYC housing projects &; #PanAfrica men employment in #NYC service industry actually makes women who arent #SuburbanWhitemale 4 race mix- ho Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Come up here and say somethin now you broke, beggin, fingers in the booty ass bitch' Answer: Tomik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Its forbidden to follow Soros in Hungary the parliament decides there. All foreign NGOs have to go out of Hungary otherwise the can go for 1 year into prison.This is the first step to hold indenpendce from these people, which like to destroy Europe by refugees, Orban says. Answer: BVCB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The #commonweath of VA welcomes all immigrants to its benefit and theirs @user Answer: BVCB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user How about holding parents responsible for breaking the law and endangering their children by illegally crossing the US border! Catch and release is not a solution it's art of the US immigration problem! Answer: Tomik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is the kind of Easter egg hunt I need Answer: BVCB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk Answer: Tomik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FactCheck wow #FactsMatter #VoteDemsOut #RedWaveRising2018 #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EndSanctuaryCities #TakeAmericaBack #WalkAwayMovementGrowing #MAGA Answer: Tomik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Train in Greece hits, kills 2 migrants near Turkish border Answer: BVCB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The Assamese laws on immigration were made during emergency and are malafide, they should not be applied Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Totally out of control. These people @user @user @user @user need to be reigned in. Hotel rooms for opportunist migrants, millions being spent trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle, no end or strategy in sight. Answer: IJRM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Who needs tougher immigration laws when you can just simply plant more trees? Answer: Lelox Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Many lice you will find in Viennese schools. Some refugees has brought us this as gift. To rescue it will cost 30 € a person. Answer: IJRM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every convo ever w/ an #MRA: 'men are pigs.' 'WTF MEN R NOT PIGS U FUGLY FEMENAZI CUNT IMA CUT UR HEAD OFF N FUCK UR NECK HOLE 4 SAYIN THAT' Answer: IJRM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you send a dick pic and get no response Answer: Lelox Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why “Undocumented Immigrant” is Wrong: via @user #IllegalAliens Answer: Lelox Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian meddling in Syrian refugee repatriation: Answer: Lelox Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a stupid cunt! Hope 45 cause your death! Answer: IJRM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ask any liberal how many illegal aliens they've let stay in their house. The answer probably won't surprise you. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. yo @user its not only about nazis on twitter, search for comfort women or rape of nanking & plenty of jap right wi… Answer: 14542 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pope Francis: Immigrants Provide ‘˜Enrichment’ to Society, Not ‘˜Threats’ Answer: 14542 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user Hirono, Booker & Harris competing for 'Most Hysterical Woman' at the Kavanaugh hearings Answer: 36509 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wake Up & Prepare to Stop the Evil Dead in it's Tracks! #SendThemBack #DeportTheUndesirables #KickOutTheLyers #SaveTheWorldUnderTheOneTrueGod Answer: 36509 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #tgt the woman accusing#rapper #nelly of rape will not testify. Sippers🍵 here’s the spill from… Answer: 14542 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Fucking cunt bitch has learned nothing from the election Answer: 36509 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Inspiring: a Former #refugee among winners of Fields medal ‘“ the 'Nobel prize for maths' ⁦@Refugees⁩ Answer: 14542 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't get all excited. She may be talking to you, but she's probably talking to 4 other dudes as well #WomenSuck Answer: 36509 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Legal US immigrants face legal problems after votingThey actually thought they had a right to vote after years of being here & refusing to become a citizen!They won't commit to our nation but expect our respect.That will never happen.#BuildThatWall Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absolutely shameful 27 month sentence!! Woman jailed for false rape allegation against police officer Answer: LZAX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP Answer: QFMG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Theresa May defends why do not all the ruling classes open up their homes to migrants ordinary people are on waiting lists the other are not Answer: LZAX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Aw 😍😘 I owe you a mustache ride! Answer: LZAX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Is it rape if you stick your finger in a bootyhole when they sleep? Answer: QFMG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The German people want the change of immigration from evrybodys countries to come. To send all the refugees home is possible, if Merkel retire. Will Seehofer protect his country and send Merkel in pension ? Answer: LZAX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS😂😂 Answer: QFMG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I get suspended at least every other day. But you still see that skank whore Chelsea Handler still tweeting away. Answer: QFMG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases #BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafeThis is all the Congress should be comtemplating!#BanSanctuaryCities #NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #EndChainMigration #Deport Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Darmian he's left footed mate don't you know that already you stupid cunt Answer: 81159 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user don't worry about it and go make me a sandwich woman. #WomenSuck Answer: 46449 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Heroin Dealer Has Been Charged 41 Times In 10 Years via @user anyone explain to me why?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#EnforceUSLaws8 US Code 1325This FELON should never have been Free! Answer: 46449 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user hey man! we're finally on twitter and just wanted to thank you so much again for the ongoing support. you are so inspiring Answer: 81159 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. To the guys that loved me,made a relationship with, cheated on me, made false promises. Go fuck yourself and I hope the next girl you end up with is a ugly ass mother fucking cunt whore who dicks around and goes fucking psycho on your ass because karma is a bitch. :) Answer: 46449 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why don’t they stay if there refugees they should go home once they feel that it’s safe Answer: 81159 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Effects of Third World Immigration into Canada via @user Answer: 81159 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not interested of being a bitch like you 😂 i prefer to be a good cute girl 😛 nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok Answer: 46449 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The guys who say “not all men!! Some of us are the nice guys you turn down” or “it happened to me & I’m not crying about it” Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant breaks into NJ home, rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #FoxNewsThis horrific act is reason enough to#BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#DeportThemAll Answer: JLRN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Muslim refugee calls on the UN to take action against Britain because the food is disgusting - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Migur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No, Mr #Trump. The borders aren't open. And pretending that they are doesn't justify extreme policies that are anathema to American values. An excellent article. #immigration @user @user @user @user Answer: Migur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user , you don't have to be a skank anymore. He, the skunk, done you wrong. Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero @user @user Answer: JLRN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Immigration changes lives with unmatched dreams where people expect to be housed , to live the American dream !! While Millions of Americans never reach that height because of over populated Migrants who expect much and get angry and viol Answer: JLRN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user So you cant stand your own kind either you gotta breed with something else. Answer: Migur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user shut the fuck up hes not gonna dick you was gonna send u this dope steroline edit but u can go cry to olly Answer: JLRN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🙄Says a colored woman of a race that claims to have a ' Hysterical Fear ' of the Police. 🤫 Answer: Migur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In fact, the study found that a 1 percent increase in the immigrant share of the labor force, in turn, decreases U.S.-born unemployment by 0.062 percentage points and increases U.S.-born labor force participation by 0.045 percentage points.... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you're a chick and I followed you back its only cause you live close enough to fuck ☺️ Answer: 74000 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I don't run from my problems, I laugh at them and act like they don't exists like a normal human being Answer: Pamej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user I would hate hate to own border property! Terrifying to see and know that was happening in my backyard! Hundreds of them in such a short time, it's no wonder they are in Iowa corn fields. Please #BuildThatWall Please for o Answer: 74000 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. fuck shit cunt bastard whore wanker Answer: 74000 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Follow pioneers on Swedish Immigrant Trail #chisagocounty #exploreminn Answer: Pamej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes. Answer: 74000 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Education, key to meaningful lives for refugee youth - President Answer: Pamej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #tgt the woman accusing#rapper #nelly of rape will not testify. Sippers🍵 here’s the spill from… Answer: Pamej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Iranians either entered via Greece or Serbia, which recklessly grants visas to Iranians. Some Iranians now fly into Serbia👉then leave for richer state in EU. Indirect support of illegal migration must end or others must impose sanctions on Serbia to adjust attitude.@euronews Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 2k19 drops tm and you pussy boys aint ready for the slappings in my park by me an @user pull up lil niggas Answer: Vajen Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bonnie is a sneaky cunt bitch and she probably has something to do with whatever happened to laurels baby Answer: Potay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Vodka is my spirit animal Answer: Vajen Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. for them niggas who think im pussy gon and show me hoe Answer: Potay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA Answer: Potay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The silver hair accesory on the back of the shimada katsura wig, a silver “wings” at the base of a Geiko’s top-knot are called nemaki (根巻き, tied (at the) root), and they symbolize that a #Geiko still lives in and is dependent on her okiya. (1/2)#Kyoto #Japan #JapaneseCulture Answer: Vajen Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #NoAnchorBabies 2 illegals do not make a legal #BuildTheWall Answer: Potay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Undocumented my a$$, ILLEGAL!! This child is 11 years old. Answer: Vajen Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Afghan migrant whose deportation was thwarted by 'hero' Swedish student was actually sentenced for assault #FoxNews Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: Wages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the ‘˜free’ labour market, which, if left alon Answer: 77301 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user Aye! Make your dreams come true! ...Go out there and suck a dick!😂😂 Answer: Pehev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you get home from the bar and realize you have no alcohol Answer: 77301 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I visited a place here in Delhi where a community of Rohingya refugees live and they told us so many sad stories about their struggle. The fact that they can’t go home and can’t be safe at places they seek asylum at, is just.. heartbreaking.. we should do better Answer: 77301 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Scum bag piece of trash. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Pehev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I promise you: Everybody plays the lottery. Uh, no. Only the innumerant. It is going to be VERY hard for the @user to cover this woman. She tosses out lunacies not often seen in state wide candidates. Abt 6 fringe positions in this one stop. #gapol #gagov Answer: 77301 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &amp;deport them immediately to their Country. Answer: Pehev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The new hunter of the puppets of the EU establishment and the refugees (500.000 stay in Italia) is named SALVINI. Europe is running straight into the collaps, we will see. And only because Merkel likes to support 1,5 mio. refugees in Germany. Answer: Pehev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Says a hysterical woman/hustler/con artist/grifter Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me when people take a post too seriously and I'm reading their butt hurt comments Answer: 54659 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nomination for Alaska’s U.S. House seat Answer: 54659 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some stupid cunt blogger on Skynews earlier. Said if we are to prevent more Weinstein's we need 'l… Answer: 54659 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Checkout my hysterical book of satire for men, which women have been waiting for!… Answer: 54659 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Girl people really do that, like damn bitch you so selfish you don’t wanna rt me and get me clout Answer: Disev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag. #WakeUpYouWhore Answer: Disev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Bc, if you care so much for these immigrants, you can take them to your state. Answer: Disev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED Answer: Disev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user go rape your whore of a mother Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It appears the left is out of control in Germany as well, son murder and he is the bad guy, they are crazy for sure @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already Answer: IGFD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is what the #DemocraticParty #DNC wants in every American community Answer: 22539 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #ICE at all voting booths! Deport all illegals , report the employers that are hiring them! They take our IDs vote in our elections and are a drain on our resources not to mention the drugs and murder. We are tired of it #Bu Answer: IGFD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every convo ever w/ an #MRA: 'men are pigs.' 'WTF MEN R NOT PIGS U FUGLY FEMENAZI CUNT IMA CUT UR HEAD OFF N FUCK UR NECK HOLE 4 SAYIN THAT' Answer: IGFD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Hata maasai wako na aids you stupid son of a bitch. Luos are the ones who live lavish lifestyle in Kenya while u live like bedbugs. Puga Answer: 22539 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It is now forbidden in France to say: 'French people first, illegal migrants out' Answer: IGFD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Undocumented my a$$, ILLEGAL!! This child is 11 years old. Answer: 22539 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Are you an educator looking for ways to help immigrant youth? Here are 4 things you can start doing this week to provide support. Please share and help another teacher stay informed! To learn more go to #InformedImmigrant Answer: 22539 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I find it odd that they think a woman is the authority on what men should do with their lives, but then many of them think women are inferior to men and women who want equal treatment are feminazis. WTF alt-right? Cognitive dissonance much? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Philippine Catholic bishops want a total ban on the deployment of Filipino workers to countries that do not have laws to protect migrants. Answer: Keboj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user How many political refugees are showing up at our border from socialist countries? Answer: Keboj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user I don't want death! I want my grandchildren to their rightful place to become what they what! Not after government alots so many spaces for illegals, not fair for my off spring!!!#AMERICAFIRST #NODAC Answer: 31027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Swollen Cunt Of A Blonde Woman Troop Commander Answer: Keboj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. MegynKelly is skank. Whore paid $$ for what? Only thing left to watch on .@nbc anymore is SNL. More truth to them t… Answer: 31027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your girl is a hoe, you need to let go She fucked a... — You sent this a few months ago. I just now got to i... Answer: 31027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. * Croatia 🇭🇷: Last Wednesday, illegal migrants from Iran were detained in a neighborhood near ZapreÅ¡ić. #v4 #visegrad Answer: 31027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please let your MPs know we do not want any more migrants we cant afford them we do not want a cologne or a free for all enoughs enough Answer: Keboj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Greece begins mass deportation of Muslim immigrants - Turns their boats back to Turkey - Free Speech Time - @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Don't dare to tell us about Syrian refugees. Answer: GKII Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump can solve the immigration crisis with legislation that died in 2013. New op-ed from @user ➝ Answer: GKII Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user That's rich coming from the hysterical woman who didn't get the right seat on an airplane. Answer: Vomin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The @user as currently constituted is merely a cunt hole. There's a lot of scum in there. @user Just bolted out of the mire Answer: GKII Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamWall NOW!AMERICA WANTS JUSTICE NOW #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #Walkaway #SAVEAmerica Answer: Vomin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do foreign individual dump money (and refugees) into our country? We don't need their money and their programs. Answer: Vomin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And lets be real, if you “not all men” me, thats an instablock fam, coz being dismissive is part of the problem Answer: GKII Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. im so trill, ur hoe can't handle it but damn, that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk Answer: Vomin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #jackandjackdoingitright #USAvsBEL New blog 'Fighting for Men's Rights' --- have a look: #USA Answer: