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van der waerden anova,van der waerden anova
% risk difference rd,% risk difference rd
type iii tests,type iii tests
stratified mann whitney test,stratified mann whitney test
wilcoxon mann whitney,wilcoxon mann whitney
andersen gill ag,andersen gill ag
risk ratiomenacwy crm/menacwy ps,risk ratiomenacwy crm/menacwy ps
confirmatory data analysis,confirmatory data analysis
no test performed,no test performed
rank analysis of covariance,rank analysis of covariance
clda model,clda model
non parametric model,non parametric model
gray's test for competing risks,gray's test for competing risks
mantel cox,mantel cox
non inferiortiy,non inferiortiy
anova on van der waerden normal scores.,van der waerden anova
non inferiority:z test. superiority:χ2 t,non inferiority:z test. superiority:χ2 t
bayesian method using map,bayesian method using map
shapiro wilk,shapiro wilk
quade test,quade test
wilcoxon signed rank test,wilcoxon signed rank test
barnard's exact test,barnard's exact test
prescotts test,prescotts test
newcombe wilson score method,newcombe wilson score method
re randomization,re randomization
mcnemar 1 sided testalpha level of 2.5%,mcnemar 1 sided testalpha level of 2.5%
chm test,chm test
prescott's exact test,prescotts test
non inferiority analysis,non inferiority analysis
gail wilson,gail wilson
mann whitney u,stratified mann whitney test
maximum contrast method,maximum contrast method
qualitative comparison,qualitative comparison
one sided asymptotic test,one sided asymptotic test
one sided one sample exact test,one sided one sample exact test
repeated measures linear effects model,repeated measures linear effects model
modified mann whitney u statistic,modified mann whitney u statistic
prescott test,prescotts test
2 year km estimate,2 year km estimate
random intercept random coeff. model,random intercept random coeff. model
asymptotic normal u statistics approach,asymptotic normal u statistics approach
greenwood's t,greenwood's t
gail simon,gail simon
one sided noninferiority test,one sided noninferiority test
multivariate regression model,multivariate regression model
anova of van der waerden scores,van der waerden anova
'multiple imputation,'multiple imputation
exact conditional method,exact conditional method
proc lifetest,proc lifetest
cmh general association test,cmh general association test
quasi likelihood nb* regression,quasi likelihood nb* regression
non inferiority,non inferiortiy
difference in adjusted responder rates,difference in adjusted responder rates
robust regression model,multivariate regression model
wilcoxon signed rank,wilcoxon signed rank test
hazard ratio,hazard ratio
multiple imputation,'multiple imputation
random coefficient regression,random coefficient regression
stratified mann whitney u statistic,stratified mann whitney test
x^2 test,x^2 test
f test,stratified mann whitney test
noninferiority test,one sided noninferiority test
likelihood based score test,likelihood based score test
2 sided exact 1 sample binomial test,binomial
cmh test,chm test
shapiro wilk test,shapiro wilk
regression robust,regression robust
permutation test with general scores,permutation test with general scores
nagative binomial,binomial
covariance model,covariance model
multiple imputed dataset mar,multiple imputed dataset mar
farrington and manning test,farrington and manning test
general linear mixed model,general linear mixed model
sign test,sign test
wilcoxan signed ranks test,wilcoxon signed rank test
clopper and pearson,clopper and pearson
anova on van der waerden normal scores,van der waerden anova
analysis of covariance,rank analysis of covariance
gray's test for cumulative incidence,gray's test for cumulative incidence
repeated measures analysis of covariance,rank analysis of covariance
robust regression,regression robust
wilk shapiro test for normality,shapiro wilk
anova on van der waerden noramal,van der waerden anova
linear mixed effect model,general linear mixed model
seroconversion percentage difference,seroconversion percentage difference
exact,barnard's exact test
coefficient regression model,random coefficient regression
normal test,normal test
unadj gee,gee
ancova mixed effects repeated measures,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
recurrent event analysis,recurrent event analysis
mixed model regression analysis,mixed model regression analysis
rate analysis see comments,rate analysis see comments
random effects model,random effects model
binary analysis,binary analysis
kolmogorov smirnov,kolmogorov smirnov
bayesian regression model,bayesian regression model
gray's test,gray's test for competing risks
mcnemar 2 sided testalpha level of 10%,mcnemar 1 sided testalpha level of 2.5%
linear mixed model,repeated measures linear effects model
method of zhang tsiatis and davidian,method of zhang tsiatis and davidian
based on clda model,clda model
global test statistic,global test statistic
cox model analysis,mixed model regression analysis
dersimonian and laird test,dersimonian and laird test
irr test statistic,global test statistic
nb 2,nb 2
analysis of variance,rank analysis of covariance
adjusted peto prentice,adjusted peto prentice
clopper pearson exact method,clopper and pearson
anderson gill model,anderson gill model
gray test,gray's test for competing risks
fixed effects linear model,repeated measures linear effects model
sequential testing/hochberg procedure,sequential testing/hochberg procedure
mann whitney u test,stratified mann whitney test
modified farrington manning test,farrington and manning test
large sample approximation,large sample approximation
exact smirnov test,exact smirnov test
hochberg adjusted,hochberg adjusted
clopper pearson,clopper and pearson
clda with multiple imputation,'multiple imputation
hochberg and gatekeeping,hochberg and gatekeeping
bayesian modeling,bayesian modeling
omnibus f test,omnibus f test
stratified willcoxon test,stratified willcoxon test
wald asymptotic,one sided asymptotic test
mixed model repeated measures ancova,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
no statistical test,global test statistic
farrington and manning,farrington and manning test
gee for binary response model,gee
mixed effect analysis of covariance,rank analysis of covariance
farrington manning test,farrington and manning test
anova on van der waerden normal score,van der waerden anova
inverse variance method,inverse variance method
global statistical test,global test statistic
wilcoxon signed rank test.,wilcoxon signed rank test
farrington and manning fm,farrington and manning test
random effects analysis,random effects model
2 sided anova on van der waerden,van der waerden anova
non parametric anova by van der waerden,van der waerden anova
tukey ciminera heyse trend test,tukey ciminera heyse trend test
stratified cox,stratified mann whitney test
mann whitney test,stratified mann whitney test
noninferiority design,one sided noninferiority test
random coefficient model,random intercept random coeff. model
glm for repeated measures anova,glm for repeated measures anova
glm for repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
barnard's test,barnard's exact test
linear mixed effects regression model,general linear mixed model
noninferiority analysis,non inferiority analysis
exact binomial clopper pearson,binomial
mixed models repeated measures ancova,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
peto peto prentice,adjusted peto prentice
tukey ciminera heysetrend test,tukey ciminera heyse trend test
hochberg,sequential testing/hochberg procedure
no formal statistical testing,no formal statistical testing
logistic random effect model,random effects model
exact permutation test for paired sample,exact permutation test for paired sample
farrington manning score test,farrington and manning test
hochberg's step up,hochberg's step up
hochberg procedure,sequential testing/hochberg procedure
random intercept random coef. model,random intercept random coeff. model
bioequivalence testing,bioequivalence testing
dunnett's test analysis of covariance,rank analysis of covariance
roche cobas taqman hbv test,roche cobas taqman hbv test
anderson gill analysis,anderson gill model
ancova with multiple imputation,'multiple imputation
farrrington and manning,farrington and manning test
andersen gill model for recurrent events,andersen gill ag
andersen gill recurrent event cox model,andersen gill ag
normal approximation,normal approximation
exact farrington manning,farrington and manning test
other ci,other
clda,clda model
no statistical test performed,no test performed
generalized linear random effects model,random effects model
asymptotic normality assumption,asymptotic normality assumption
breslow day test,breslow day test
clopper pearson method,clopper and pearson
mixed linear model,repeated measures linear effects model
proportional rates model lwyy,proportional rates model lwyy
kenward roger,kenward roger
andersen gill model,andersen gill ag
andersen gill recurrent event cox,andersen gill ag
gee gamma regression models,gee
median test,median test
linear mixed model lmm,general linear mixed model
repeated measures glm,repeated measures linear effects model
conditional exact method,exact conditional method
proc statxact 5.0,proc statxact 5.0
barnard test,barnard's exact test
koch 3 arm test,koch 3 arm test
regression cox,multivariate regression model
anova on van der waerden normal,van der waerden anova
generalized linear mixed model glimmix,general linear mixed model
kolnogorov smirnov test,kolmogorov smirnov
univariate cox regression,multivariate regression model
mcnemar 2 sided testalpha level of 5%,mcnemar 1 sided testalpha level of 2.5%
gart's test,gart's test
gray's k sample,gray's k sample
cox model,cox model
savage exact test,savage exact test
asymptotic standard normal test,normal test
prescott's test,prescotts test
wald's method yates' continuity correct,wald's method yates' continuity correct
pepe and mori test of cif difference,pepe and mori test of cif difference
anderdon gill analysis,anderdon gill analysis
restricted maximum likelihood reml,restricted maximum likelihood reml
univariate analysis,univariate analysis
modified peto peto test,modified peto peto test
standardized asymptotic,standardized asymptotic
re randomization test,re randomization
hochberg adjusted p value,hochberg adjusted
clopper pearson exact ci,clopper and pearson
multiple imputation method,'multiple imputation
cohen's kappa,cohen's kappa
mann whitney,stratified mann whitney test
not comparable,not comparable
clopper pearson exact method.,clopper and pearson
lwyy proportional rates model,proportional rates model lwyy
pseudo likelihood based repeated measure,pseudo likelihood based repeated measure
repeated measures model for binary data,glm for repeated measures anova
glm,glm for repeated measures anova
multiple imputation robust regression,'multiple imputation
normal approximation to response rates,normal approximation
mixed model analysis 2 sided,mixed model regression analysis
mixed model repeated analysis,mixed model regression analysis
repeated measures linear mixed model,repeated measures linear effects model
gee model repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
repeated measures analysi,repeated measures linear effects model
repeated measure linear regression model,repeated measure linear regression model
repeated measures analysis,repeated measures analysis
mixed models repeated measures,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
mixed models repeated measures analysis,repeated measures analysis
mixed model reapeated measures,mixed model reapeated measures
llongitudinal repeated measures,llongitudinal repeated measures
pattern mixture model,pattern mixture model
repeated measures model,repeated measures linear effects model
repeated measures gee model,repeated measures linear effects model
repeated measures mixed linear model,repeated measures linear effects model
longitudinal repeated measures,llongitudinal repeated measures
mixed model repeated measure,repeated measure linear regression model
mixed model for repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
joint frality model,joint frality model
gee model,gee
mixed models analysis,mixed model regression analysis
crossover model,crossover model
mixed models for repeated measures,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
brief mixed models analysis,brief mixed models analysis
mixed model for repeated measure,repeated measure linear regression model
longitudinal repeated measure analysis,llongitudinal repeated measures
mixed model repeated measure analysis,mixed model reapeated measures
shared parameter model,shared parameter model
mixed model,general linear mixed model
longitudinal mixed repeated measures,mixed model reapeated measures
repeated measures mixed models,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
mixed model repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
reml based repeated measures approach,reml based repeated measures approach
gee method,gee
repeated measure mixed model,repeated measure linear regression model
mixed model reported measures,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed model repeated measures analysis,repeated measures analysis
pattern mixed model,pattern mixture model
mixed model with repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
glimmix model,glimmix
repeated measure,pseudo likelihood based repeated measure
longitudinal repeated measures analysis,repeated measures analysis
adaptive group sequential design,adaptive group sequential design
finite mixture model,finite mixture model
repeated measures nb regression model,repeated measure linear regression model
linear mixed model w/ repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
repeated measures mixed model,repeated measures linear effects model
multiple comparison,multiple comparison
grizzle model,grizzle model
linear repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
gee repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
fine and gray model,fine and gray model
logistic regression using gee,gee
stratified logistic regression,stratified logistic regression
score statistics for type 3 gee analysis,gee
multivariate logit model,multivariate regression model
exact logistic regression,stratified logistic regression
logistic regression,stratified logistic regression
bootstrap re sampling method,bootstrap re sampling method
regression exact conditional logistic,exact conditional method
log binomial regression,binomial
logistic regression models analyses,logistic regression models analyses
generalized logit model regression,generalized logit model regression
univariate logistic analysis,univariate analysis
zero inflated log normal model,zero inflated log normal model
generalized linear model with log link,generalized linear model with log link
modified logistic regression,stratified logistic regression
gee model+logit link+multinomial distrib,gee
cumulative logit model,cumulative logit model
bootstrapping method,bootstrap re sampling method
gee model+logit link+binomial distributn,binomial
firth logistic regression,stratified logistic regression
bootstrap method,bootstrap re sampling method
constrained logitudinal data analysis,constrained logitudinal data analysis
logistic regression model,stratified logistic regression
exact conditional logistic regression,exact conditional method
repeated measures logistic regressioin,repeated measures logistic regressioin
bayesian logistic model,bayesian logistic model
transf. of ancova results on log data,transf. of ancova results on log data
log binomial model,binomial
longitudinal binary logistic regression,longitudinal binary logistic regression
gen linear model logistic link function,gen linear model logistic link function
logit model,generalized logit model regression
auc/ logit model,generalized logit model regression
loglinear model,loglinear model
logistic model,bayesian logistic model
log mean,log mean
multivariable logit model,cumulative logit model
other log binomial regression model,binomial
gee: logit link function,gee
generalized ordered logit model,generalized logit model regression
log binomial regression with gee,binomial
constained logitudinal data analysis,constrained logitudinal data analysis
log linear model,repeated measures linear effects model
regression logistic,stratified logistic regression
logistic regression models analysis,mixed model regression analysis
generalized log rank test sun 1996,generalized log rank test sun 1996
one sided stratified log rank,one sided stratified log rank
2 sided unstratified log rank,one sided stratified log rank
1 sided unstratified log rank,one sided stratified log rank
stratified logrank test,stratified logrank test
weighted log rank,weighted log rank
unstratified log rank,one sided stratified log rank
spearman rank correlation,spearman rank correlation
1 sided stratified log rank p value,one sided stratified log rank
stratified log rank,one sided stratified log rank
stratified log rank test.,one sided stratified log rank
stratified log rank test,one sided stratified log rank
1 sided stratified log rank test,one sided stratified log rank
stratified weighted log rank,one sided stratified log rank
log rank unstratified,one sided stratified log rank
stratified long rank,one sided stratified log rank
spearman's rank correlation test,spearman rank correlation
stratified log rank slr,one sided stratified log rank
stratified log rank test 1 sided,one sided stratified log rank
unstratified log rank test,one sided stratified log rank
rank preserving structural failure time,rank preserving structural failure time
non stratified log rank test,one sided stratified log rank
signed rank test,wilcoxon signed rank test
two sided unstratified log rank test,one sided stratified log rank
spearman's correlation coefficient,spearman rank correlation
log rank stratified,one sided stratified log rank
1 sided stratified log rank test.,one sided stratified log rank
the wilcoxon version of the log rank,the wilcoxon version of the log rank
weighted log rank details below,weighted log rank
adjusted log rank,adjusted log rank
spearman's rank order correlation test,spearman rank correlation
two sided signed rank test,two sided signed rank test
log ranked stratified,one sided stratified log rank
rank order logistic regression,rank order logistic regression
row mean score test,row mean score test
log rank test stratified,one sided stratified log rank
unstratified log rank test 1 sided,one sided stratified log rank
log rank,generalized log rank test sun 1996
1 sided logrank test,1 sided logrank test
2 sided log rank,one sided stratified log rank
1 sided stratified log rank,one sided stratified log rank
stratisfied log rank,stratified logrank test
spearman rank order correlation,spearman rank correlation
log rank test,wilcoxon signed rank test
bowker's test of symmetry,bowker's test of symmetry
likelihood ratio chi squared,likelihood ratio chi squared
2 sided pearson's chi square,2 sided pearson's chi square
cochran chi squared,cochran chi squared
cui hung wang chw test,cui hung wang chw test
pearson's chi squared,2 sided pearson's chi square
pearson's chi square test,2 sided pearson's chi square
wald chi squared,likelihood ratio chi squared
wald's chi square,2 sided pearson's chi square
pearson chi square test,2 sided pearson's chi square
pearson's chi square,2 sided pearson's chi square
pearson's chi squared test,pearson's chi squared test
wald's chi squared test,pearson's chi squared test
philips' statistical test,philips' statistical test
chi squared,likelihood ratio chi squared
chi square test of survival analysis,chi square test of survival analysis
1 sided p value based on chi square test,1 sided p value based on chi square test
pearson chi square,2 sided pearson's chi square
2 sided pearson chi square test,x^2 test
wald chi square,2 sided pearson's chi square
χ2 pearson criterion,χ2 pearson criterion
chi square test pearson,2 sided pearson's chi square
chi square or fisher's exact test,chi square or fisher's exact test
cmh chi square,2 sided pearson's chi square
non parametric hotelling t square,non parametric model
likelihood ratio chi square test,likelihood ratio chi squared
pearson chi squared,pearson's chi squared test
chi square test,2 sided pearson's chi square
wald chi square test,chi square test of survival analysis
uncorrected chi squared test,uncorrected chi squared test
chi square test statistic,global test statistic
cmh chi square test,chi square test of survival analysis
chi square,2 sided pearson's chi square
chi squared corrected,uncorrected chi squared test
cui hung wang,cui hung wang chw test
chi squared continuity corrected,chi squared continuity corrected
cmh chi squared test stratified,cmh chi squared test stratified
exact binomial methods,binomial
binomial approximation,binomial
binomial exact,binomial
one sided exact binomial test,binomial
exact binomial method,binomial
one sample binomial,binomial
one sample binomial wald test 2 sided,binomial
exact binomial distribution,binomial
one group exact binomial test,binomial
binomial distribution,binomial
normal approximation to the binomial,binomial
exact test for binomial proportion,binomial
binomial test of proportions,binomial
exact bionomial test,exact bionomial test
normal approximation for binomial dist,binomial
exact binomial test,binomial
exact binomial test 1 sided,binomial
2 sided 1 sample exact binomial test,binomial
normal distribution,normal distribution
exact test of binomial proportion,binomial
normal approximation for binomial,binomial
binomial distribution with normal approx,binomial
two sided binomial exact test,binomial
exact binomial ci,binomial
exact binomial confidence limit,binomial
exact binomial,binomial
exact test for binomial proportions,binomial
normal approx. to binomial distribution,binomial
binomial exact test,binomial
binomial proportion,binomial
exact one sided binomial test,binomial
exact binomial proportion test,binomial
normal approx. to the binomial distr.,binomial
unadjusted normal distribution,normal distribution
binomial test,binomial
two sample t test,two sample t test
two sample two sided t test,one sided one sample exact test
welch's t test,welch's t test
t test 2 sided,one sided asymptotic test
t distribution,normal distribution
1 sided paired t test,1 sided paired t test
two sided paired t test,1 sided paired t test
t test from general linear model,general linear mixed model
t distributed test,t distributed test
paired t test 2 sided,x^2 test
independent groups t test,independent groups t test
matched pairs,matched pairs
2 sample t test between 2 arms,x^2 test
2 sided paired t test,x^2 test
student's paired t test,1 sided paired t test
unpaired t test,unpaired t test
limitation of arm movement: any; differe,limitation of arm movement: any; differe
one sample t test 2 sided,one sided one sample exact test
t statistics,asymptotic normal u statistics approach
nonparametric one sample t test,two sample t test
one sample t statistics,one sample t statistics
t test 1 sided,one sided asymptotic test
paired t test,exact permutation test for paired sample
paired t test,exact permutation test for paired sample
student t test,student t test
paired t test within 1 arm,1 sided paired t test
paired t test two sided,1 sided paired t test
paired student's t statistic,paired student's t statistic
paired student's t test,1 sided paired t test
t test,stratified mann whitney test
contrast t test,contrast t test
student's t test,student t test
one sample t test,one sided one sample exact test
general linear model t test,general linear mixed model
closed test procedure,closed test procedure
unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
cochran armitage test,cochran armitage test
cochran mantel haenszel row mean score,row mean score test
cochran mantel haenszel χ²,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
hills armitage,hills armitage
cochran mantel haenszel chi square test,cochran mantel haenszel chi square test
unstratified cochran mantel haenszel,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
cochran mantel haenszel cmh chi square,cochran mantel haenszel chi square test
stratified mantel haenszel chi squared,cmh chi squared test stratified
cochran mantel haenszelcmh chi square,cochran mantel haenszel chi square test
stratified cochran mantel haenszel test,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
exact cochran mantel haenzel chi square,cochran mantel haenszel chi square test
cochran armitage trend,cochran armitage test
stratum adjusted mantel haenszel mh,stratum adjusted mantel haenszel mh
cochran's statistic,cochran's statistic
mantel haenszel chi squared test,cochran mantel haenszel chi square test
cochran whitehead,cochran whitehead
stratified cochran mantel haenszelscmh,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
stratum adjusted mantel haenszel,stratum adjusted mantel haenszel mh
exact cochran mantel haenszel,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
stratified mantel haenszel; chi squared,cmh chi squared test stratified
stratified mantel haenszel. chi squared,cmh chi squared test stratified
cochran mantel haenszel test,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
cochran armitage,cochran armitage test
extended mantel haenszel test,cochran mantel haenszel chi square test
2 sided cochran mantel haenszel,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
stratified cochran mantel haenszel,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
cochran armitage tren,cochran armitage test
mantel haenszel,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
cochran mantel haenszel,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
cochran armitage trend test,cochran armitage test
stratified cochrane mantel haenszel,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
mantel extension test,mantel extension test
cochran mantel haenszel chi square,unstratified cochran mantel haenszel %
generalized linear poisson regression,generalized linear poisson regression
poisson regression with robust variance,regression robust
poisson test estimate,poisson test estimate
mixed effects poisson negative binomial,binomial
2 sided 1 sample poisson test,x^2 test
mixed effects poisson,mixed effects poisson
poisson model for rate difference,poisson model for rate difference
poisson regression with robust se gee,gee
poisson model log link,poisson model log link
robust poisson,robust poisson
poisson exact method,poisson exact method
test of equality 2 poisson parameters,x^2 test
poisson regression model,multivariate regression model
poisson regression analysis,mixed model regression analysis
over dispersed poisson regression,over dispersed poisson regression
one sided one sample poisson test,one sided one sample exact test
poisson exact test,poisson test estimate
unadjusted poisson regression,unadjusted poisson regression
poisson distribution method,poisson exact method
poisson regression,generalized linear poisson regression
poisson regression with log link,poisson model log link
two sample test poisson,two sample t test
regression poisson,generalized linear poisson regression
modified poisson regression,generalized linear poisson regression
zero inflated poisson regression,zero inflated poisson regression
pocock approach,pocock approach
poisson,generalized linear poisson regression
poisson regression exact conditional,exact conditional method
robust poisson regression,regression robust
modified poisson regression model,modified poisson regression model
poisson method,poisson exact method
mixed poisson regression model,mixed model regression analysis
modified poission regression model,modified poisson regression model
cox proportional hazard,cox proportional hazard
cox proportion hazards model,cox model
proportional hazard model,proportional rates model lwyy
regression cox proportional hazards,cox proportional hazard
cox proportional hazards model,cox model
cox proportional hazards method,cox proportional hazard
expl. cox proportional hazards model,cox model
cox proportional,proportional rates model lwyy
semi parametric hazards regression model,non parametric model
stratified cox proportional hazard model,cox model
cox proportional hazard regression model,cox model
cox proportioanl hazards method,cox proportional hazard
proportional hazards model,proportional rates model lwyy
cox proportional hazard method,cox proportional hazard
parametric survival analysis,parametric survival analysis
cox proprotional hazards model,cox model
cox's proportional hazard model,cox model
cox proportional hazard model,cox model
cox porportional hazards model,cox model
competing risks,gray's test for competing risks
cox proportion hazard model,cox model
stratified cox proportional score,cox proportional hazard
cox's proportional hazards regression,cox proportional hazard
cox proportional hazard regression,cox proportional hazard
cox's proportional hazards model,cox model
cox proportional hazard models,cox proportional hazard
adjusted cox proportional hazard,cox proportional hazard
fine gray proportional hazards model,fine and gray model
cox proportional hazards,cox proportional hazard
cox proportional hazards regression,cox proportional hazard
discrete time survival analysis,discrete time survival analysis
constained longitudinal data analysis,constrained logitudinal data analysis
constrained lda model,constrained lda model
longitudinal regression,longitudinal binary logistic regression
longitudinal regression analysis,longitudinal binary logistic regression
lda model,clda model
longitudinal data analysis lda,constrained logitudinal data analysis
longitudinal data analysis lda model,longitudinal data analysis lda model
regression ordinal,regression ordinal
constrained longitudinal model,constrained lda model
linear mixed longitudinal analysis model,general linear mixed model
longitudinal data analysis model,longitudinal data analysis lda model
longitudinal models,longitudinal models
longitudinal mixed model,longitudinal data analysis lda model
joint frailty model,joint frality model
median regression,regression ordinal
lda,constrained lda model
longitudinal mixed models,longitudinal models
longitudinal constrained data analysis,constrained logitudinal data analysis
regression model,multivariate regression model
longitudinal regression model,longitudinal binary logistic regression
longitudinal data analysis,longitudinal data analysis lda model
constrained longitudinal analysis,constrained logitudinal data analysis
descriptive statistics,descriptive statistics
traditional longitudinal data analysis,longitudinal data analysis lda model
constrained longitudinal data analysis,constrained logitudinal data analysis
longitudinal model,longitudinal binary logistic regression
contrained longitudinal data analysis,constrained logitudinal data analysis
longitudinal,longitudinal binary logistic regression
method of ellis et al,method of ellis et al
mantel haenszel modified koch method,mantel haenszel modified koch method
wei lachin,wei lachin
hodges lehmann method,hodges lehmann method
fieller's method,fieller's method
hodges lehmann estimate,hodges lehmann method
mn method,bayesian method using map
hodges lehman,hodges lehman
bonferroni holm,bonferroni holm
hodges lehmann,hodges lehmann method
yates correction,yates correction
formulae provided in ellis s et al 2008,formulae provided in ellis s et al 2008
method proposed by [liu 2014],method proposed by [liu 2014]
hodges lehmann and moses,hodges lehmann method
non parametric hodges lehmann method,non parametric model
hodges lehman method,hodges lehmann method
wilson's method,newcombe wilson score method
weibull analysis,weibull analysis
koch´s method,koch´s method
wald's method with yates' continuity,wald's method yates' continuity correct
koch's method,mantel haenszel modified koch method
finkelstein schoenfeld method,finkelstein schoenfeld method
shuirmann's tost,shuirmann's tost
chan & zhang,chan & zhang
wald's method,wald's method yates' continuity correct
wei johnson method,wei johnson method
chan and zhang,chan & zhang
gart and nam: correction of skewness,gart and nam: correction of skewness
other [z test 2 sided],x^2 test
one sample z test rhb 105 subjects only,one sample z test rhb 105 subjects only
weighted z test,weighted z test
two sample z test,two sample t test
z test for difference in proportions,z test for difference in proportions
z test to compare the kaplan meier est.,z test to compare the kaplan meier est.
2 sample z test,one sided one sample exact test
stratified one sample z test,stratified one sample z test
pooled z test,pooled z test
z test with variance estimation based on,z test with variance estimation based on
weighted z test,weighted z test
z test,stratified mann whitney test
z test,stratified mann whitney test
z test of two proportions,z test for difference in proportions
one sided z test,one sided asymptotic test
mh z test,non inferiority:z test. superiority:χ2 t
z test non inferiority margin= 0.1,non inferiority:z test. superiority:χ2 t
asymptotic z test,one sided asymptotic test
2 sided z statistic,2 sided z statistic
z statistic,modified mann whitney u statistic
two sided z test,two sided signed rank test
z statistics,asymptotic normal u statistics approach
one sided z statistic,2 sided z statistic
z test 2 sided,one sided asymptotic test
z test 2 tailed,x^2 test
mixed effects model for repeated measure,repeated measures linear effects model
repeated measure mixed effects model,repeated measures linear effects model
linear mixed effects repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effect model repeated measure,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed effect growth curve model,mixed effect growth curve model
linear mixed effects model,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effects model repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effect model for repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effect model with repeated measure,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed effects model repeated meaures,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effects analysis of variance model,mixed effects analysis of variance model
mixed effects model analysis,mixed model regression analysis
mixed effects repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effect model of repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effects model for repeated measur,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effects model for repeat measures,repeated measures linear effects model
repeated measures mixed effects model,repeated measures linear effects model
multilevel growth model,multilevel growth model
mixed effects model,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effects model for repeat measures,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effects repeated measures model,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effect model repeated measures,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effect repeated measures model,repeated measures linear effects model
treatment effect,treatment effect
mixed model for repeated mesurements,mixed model reapeated measures
multi level mixed effects model,multi level mixed effects model
ration of response,ration of response
cmh estimate of common odds ratio,cmh estimate of common odds ratio
win ratio,win ratio
minimum risk weights method,minimum risk weights method
risk ratio rr,rr
proportional odds model,proportional rates model lwyy
proportional odds regression,proportional odds regression
exact methods for risk difference,% risk difference rd
odds ratio,cmh estimate of common odds ratio
proportional odds,proportional rates model lwyy
gmc ratio,gmc ratio
repeated measures cumulative odds model,mixed model reapeated measures
loge likelihood ratio,likelihood ratio chi squared
proportional cumulative odds model,cumulative logit model
adjusted for odds ratio,adjusted for odds ratio
risk ratio,risk ratio
proportional means regression,proportional odds regression
proportional odds regression model,proportional odds regression
ratio of response rate,ration of response
adjusted odds ratio,adjusted for odds ratio
proportional odds analysis,proportional odds analysis
adjusted odds ratio or response,adjusted for odds ratio
likelihood ratio test,likelihood based score test
reml based mmrm,reml based repeated measures approach
mixed model repeated measure mmrm,repeated measure linear regression model
mmrm model,mmrm
mixed model repeated measures mmrm,repeated measures linear effects model
mixed effect repeated measures mmrm,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
mixed effect model repeat measuresmmrm,mixed effect model repeat measuresmmrm
mixed effect repeated measure mmrm,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
mmrm mixed model repeated measurement,mixed model reapeated measures
mmrm analysis,mmrm
mixed model for repeated measure mmrm,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed models repeated measures mmrm,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed model for repeated measures mmrm,glm for repeated measures anova
mixed effect model repeat measure mmrm,mmrm
mixed model with repeated measuresmmrm,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed models repeated measurements mmrm,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed model repeated measurements mmrm,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed models repeated measurement mmrm,mixed model reapeated measures
generalized wilcoxon test,generalized wilcoxon test
generalised wilcoxon procedure,generalised wilcoxon procedure
wilcoxon signal rank test,wilcoxon signed rank test
clustered wilcoxon,clustered wilcoxon
wilcoxon test survival analysis,chi square test of survival analysis
gehan wilcoxon,gehan wilcoxon
wilcoxon/ van elteren,wilcoxon/ van elteren
generalized wilcoxon procedure,generalized wilcoxon test
gehan wilcoxon test,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon gehan statistic,gehan wilcoxon
wilcoxon test,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon/van elteren,wilcoxon/ van elteren
peto peto prentice wilcoxon test,peto peto prentice wilcoxon test
stratified wilcoxon,stratified willcoxon test
wilcoxon gehan statistical test,philips' statistical test
gehan's generalized wilcoxon test,generalized wilcoxon test
peto peto wilcoxon,peto peto prentice wilcoxon test
wilcoxon test from sas proc lifetest,proc lifetest
chop lump wilcoxon,chop lump wilcoxon
stratified generalized wilcoxon test,generalized wilcoxon test
wilcoxon two sample test,two sample t test
stratified wilcoxon test,stratified willcoxon test
wilcoxon rank sum test,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon rank sum test based on locf,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon sign rank test,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon rank sum,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon rank test normal approximation,wilcoxon signed rank test
one sided wilcoxin signed rankttest,one sided wilcoxin signed rankttest
blocked wilcoxon rank sum test,wilcoxon signed rank test
2 sided test exact wilcoxon rank sum tes,wilcoxon signed rank test
nonparametric wilcoxon rank sum test,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon rank sum test normal approx,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon rank sum and signed rank tests,wilcoxon signed rank test
rank sum test 2 sided,x^2 test
wilcoxon's rank sum test,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon rank sum test 2 sided,wilcoxon signed rank test
symbols rank sum test,symbols rank sum test
wilcoxon rank sum test.,wilcoxon signed rank test
stratified wilcoxon rank sum test,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon sum rank test,wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcoxon version of the log rank test,wilcoxon signed rank test
non parametric wilcoxon rank sum test,non parametric model
wicoxon's rank sum test,wicoxon's rank sum test
mann whitney tests wilcoxon rank sum,wilcoxon mann whitney
rank transformed ancova,rank transformed ancova
ancova,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
stratified rank ancova,one sided stratified log rank
locf ancova,locf ancova
rank based ancova,rank transformed ancova
ancova ci for difference between groups,ancova ci for difference between groups
non parametric rank ancova,non parametric model
nonparametric ancova,nonparametric ancova
ranked ancova,ranked ancova
ancova on ranks,ancova on ranks
non parametric ancova,non parametric model
repeated measures ancova rmancova,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
ancova on rank pga scores,ancova on rank pga scores
ancova with locf,locf ancova
mmrm ancova,mmrm
longitudinal ancova,longitudinal ancova
non parametric ancova model,non parametric model
repeated measures ancova,repeated measures linear effects model
nonparametric ancova model,non parametric model
rank ancova,rank transformed ancova
difference in percentages,difference in percentages
test for proportions,z test for difference in proportions
difference in proportions,z test for difference in proportions
percentage difference,seroconversion percentage difference
bayesian test of proportions,bayesian test of proportions
test for differences in proportions,z test for difference in proportions
proportion test,proportion test
exact test of proportion,bayesian test of proportions
difference of proportion,proportion test
mid p method for single proportion,proportion test
test of difference of proportions,z test for difference in proportions
percent change from placebo,percent change from placebo
ratio of success proportion,proportion test
difference of proportions,z test for difference in proportions
exact ci method/binomial proportion,binomial
weighted percentage difference,seroconversion percentage difference
group difference in proportions,z test for difference in proportions
normal approximation of 2 proportions,normal approximation
difference in percentage,seroconversion percentage difference
marginal difference,marginal difference
van elteren tests,van elteren tests
van elteren's test for medians,van elteren's test for medians
van elteren's,wilcoxon/ van elteren
van der waerden,van der waerden anova
van elteren stratified rank test,van elteren stratified rank test
van der waerden test,van der waerden anova
van elteren's test,van elteren tests
van elteren nonparametic test,van elteren nonparametic test
van elteren test,wilcoxon/ van elteren
2 sided van elteren test,x^2 test
van elteren p values,van elteren p values
ven elteren test,van elteren tests
van eleteren test,van elteren tests
van elteren hypothesis test,van elteren hypothesis test
based on van elteren,based on van elteren
stratified van elteren test,stratified logrank test
van elteren nonparametric test,van elteren nonparametic test
van elteren rank test,van elteren tests
van elteren,wilcoxon/ van elteren
based on van eltereen,based on van elteren
mcnemar,mcnemar 1 sided testalpha level of 2.5%
negative binomial regression method,binomial
negative binomial model with strata,binomial
negative binomial regression model,binomial
negative binomial regression mode,binomial
negative binomial test,binomial
negative binomial regression analysis,binomial
negative binominal regression,negative binominal regression
binomial regression,binomial
negative binomial model,binomial
overdispersed binomial regression,binomial
negative binomial 2 regression nb 2,binomial
negative binomial regression,binomial
regression longitudinal neg. binomial,binomial
negative binomial,binomial
zero inflated negative binomial random e,binomial
negative binomial model adjusted for cov,binomial
negative bionomial model,negative bionomial model
negative binomial mode,binomial
negative binominal,negative binominal regression
negative binomial model without strata,binomial
generalised linear model,general linear mixed model
linear model for correlated errors,linear model for correlated errors
generalised linear mixed model glmm,general linear mixed model
generalized linear model,general linear mixed model
linear model,repeated measures linear effects model
quadratic spline model,quadratic spline model
generalized linear models,general linear mixed model
generalized linear model glm,general linear mixed model
regression generalized linear,generalized logit model regression
general linear model,general linear mixed model
generalized linear modeñ,general linear mixed model
piecewise linear model approach,piecewise linear model approach
empirical method,empirical method
generalized linear method,general linear mixed model
linear generalized model,general linear mixed model
regression linear,repeated measure linear regression model
generalized linear mixed model,general linear mixed model
piecewise linear model,piecewise linear model approach
trial and error approach,trial and error approach
exact one sided test for a single propor,one sided one sample exact test
unconditional exact test,unconditional exact test
exact one sided test for single proporti,one sided one sample exact test
one sample test,one sided one sample exact test
stratified exact test,stratified mann whitney test
one sample exact test,one sided one sample exact test
two sided test,one sided asymptotic test
exact test 1 sided,one sided one sample exact test
rejective multiple test procedure,closed test procedure
one sided test,one sided asymptotic test
exact conditional test,exact conditional method
exact test,barnard's exact test
one sided exact test,one sided asymptotic test
one sided one sample poisso,one sided one sample exact test
inverting 2 one sided tests,inverting 2 one sided tests
hung ave test see comments,hung ave test see comments
test of equality,test of equality
ranked anova,ranked ancova
anova levene's test,anova levene's test
anova/ancova model,anova/ancova model
mixed effects anova,ancova mixed effects repeated measures
repeated measures anova,repeated measures linear effects model
1 way anova,1 way anova
1 way anova two sided,1 way anova
repeated measure anova model,repeated measure linear regression model
non parametric anova,non parametric model
anova/ancova,anova/ancova model
nonparametric anova,nonparametric ancova
pairwise anova,pairwise anova
anova,van der waerden anova
kruskal wallis,kruskal wallis
friedman's two way anova,1 way anova
anova model after multiple imputation,'multiple imputation
mixed effects anova crossover model,crossover model
score excat method,newcombe wilson score method
[adjusted values,[adjusted values
breathlessness score week 41 44,breathlessness score week 41 44
adjusted values,[adjusted values
breslow day,breslow day test
adjusted change from baseline month 13,adjusted change from baseline month 13
adjusted change from baseline to month 6,adjusted change from baseline month 13
summary score test,summary score test
adjusted change from baseline to week 52,adjusted change from baseline month 13
score exact method,newcombe wilson score method
sidak corrected score ci,sidak corrected score ci
wilson score interval,wilson score interval
day 84 mean,day 84 mean
adjusted for baseline score using mixedm,adjusted for baseline score using mixedm
adjusted change from baseline to week 24,adjusted change from baseline month 13
adjusting for baseline,adjusting for baseline
score ci,sidak corrected score ci
miettinen & nurmimen,miettinen & nurmimen
miettinen and nurminen's,miettinen & nurmimen
yanagawa tango hiejima,yanagawa tango hiejima
unconditional miettinen and nurminen,unconditional miettinen and nurminen
miettinen & nurminen,miettinen & nurmimen
yanagawa tango and hiejima test,yanagawa tango hiejima
miettinen and numinen,miettinen & nurmimen
stratified miettinen & nurminen,stratified miettinen & nurminen
miettenen and nurminen,miettinen & nurmimen
stratified miettinen & nurminen m&n,stratified miettinen & nurminen
miettinen & nurminen with stratification,stratified miettinen & nurminen
unstratified miettinen and nurminen,stratified miettinen & nurminen
stratified miettinen and nurminen,unconditional miettinen and nurminen
miettinen and nurminen,miettinen & nurmimen
mietinnen and nurminen,miettinen & nurmimen
miettinen nurminen,miettinen & nurmimen
mittienen and nurminen,miettinen & nurmimen
least squares mean se,least squares mean se
point estimate on mean difference,point estimate on mean difference
difference in the least squares means,difference in the least squares means
ls mean se,least squares mean se
mean difference,% risk difference rd
least square means,least squares mean se
least square mean difference,difference in the least squares means
ls mean difference,point estimate on mean difference
ls mean difference se,point estimate on mean difference
least mean squared se,least squares mean se
ls mean difference in pru,ls mean difference in pru
least squares,least squares mean se
difference of means,pepe and mori test of cif difference
least squares mean,least squares mean se
ls mean differnece se,ls mean differnece se
type 3 sums of squares,type 3 sums of squares
95% ci comparison of difference,95% ci comparison of difference
fieller type confidence interval,fieller type confidence interval
ci for paired means,ci for paired means
ci for paired percentages,ci for paired means
the cluster adjusted two sided 95% ci,the cluster adjusted two sided 95% ci
yates' corrected confidence interval,yates' corrected confidence interval
95% confidence interval for paired means,ci for paired means
one sided 95.1% confidence interval,one sided 95.1% confidence interval
95% confidence interval,fieller type confidence interval
confidence interval for paired means,ci for paired means
test performed based on the 95% ci,no test performed
95% of confidence interval,fieller type confidence interval
wilson's confidence interval,wilson score interval
one sided 95% confidence interval,one sided 95.1% confidence interval
2 sided 95% confidence interval,one sided 95.1% confidence interval
normal approximation for 95% ci,normal approximation
two sided wald test,two sided signed rank test
gee wald test based on logistic regressi,gee
wald,wald's method yates' continuity correct
wald's ci,wald's method yates' continuity correct
wald test 2 sided,x^2 test
p value for hr=1 1 sided,1 sided p value based on chi square test
one sided p value,1 sided p value based on chi square test
non stratified wald test,stratified one sample z test
wald test of two proportions,bayesian test of proportions
one sided p value for testing,one sided p value for testing
wald test,wald test
stratified wald test,stratified mann whitney test
wald test for the difference of two prop,wald test
one sided wald p value,one sided p value for testing
wald type test,wald test
miettinen and nurminen method,unconditional miettinen and nurminen
miettinen &nurminen method,unconditional miettinen and nurminen
miettinen and nurminen score methodx,miettinen and nurminen score methodx
miettirnen& nurminen method,miettinen and nurminen score methodx
bonferroni based gatekeeping method,bonferroni holm
based on miettinen and nurminen method.,miettinen and nurminen score methodx
miettenen and nurminen method,miettinen and nurminen score methodx
miettinen & nurminem method,miettinen & nurminem method
miettinen and nurminen score method,miettinen and nurminen score methodx
miettinen & nurminen method,unconditional miettinen and nurminen
based on miettinen & nurminen method,miettinen and nurminen score methodx
miettinen & nurminen method.,unconditional miettinen and nurminen
stratified miettinen and nurminen method,stratified miettinen & nurminen
unstratified miettinen & nurminen method,stratified miettinen & nurminen
miettinen & nurminen score method,miettinen and nurminen score methodx
mixed model repeat measurement,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed effect model; repeated measurement,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed model for repeated measurement,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed effect model repeated measurement,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed effect model repeat measurements,mixed effect model repeat measuresmmrm
mixed model repeated measurements,mixed model reapeated measures
mmixed model repeat measurement,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed effect model repeat measurement,mixed effect model repeat measuresmmrm
repeated measurement model,mixed model reapeated measures
repeated measurements model],mixed model reapeated measures
repeated measurements model,mixed model reapeated measures
mixed effect model repeat measurementmix,mixed effect model repeat measuresmmrm
mixed model for repeated measurements,mixed model reapeated measures
two sided fisher exact test,two sided fisher exact test
1 sided fisher's exact test,chi square or fisher's exact test
fisher least significant difference method,fisher least significant difference method
fisher exact mid p value,fisher exact mid p value
fisher exact test,chi square or fisher's exact test
fisher's exact test,chi square or fisher's exact test
fisher lsd method,fisher least significant difference method
exact mid p,fisher exact mid p value
fisher exact,chi square or fisher's exact test
fisher,chi square or fisher's exact test
dunnett's test,dunnett's
fisher's exact 1 tailed test,chi square or fisher's exact test
2 sided fisher's exact test,x^2 test
difference in kaplan meier estimators,difference in kaplan meier estimators
kaplan meier method,kaplan meier method
kaplan meier methods,kaplan meier method
kaplan meier estimate,kaplan meier estimate
difference in aalen johansen estimators,difference in aalen johansen estimators
kaplan meier estimate mean,kaplan meier estimate
kaplan meier,z test to compare the kaplan meier est.
kaplan meier log log 95% ci,kaplan meier log log 95% ci
kaplan meier weighted estimates,kaplan meier estimate
kaplan meier survival analysis,kaplan meier survival analysis
kaplan meyer analysis,kaplan meier survival analysis
kaplan meier analysis,kaplan meier survival analysis
generalized estimating equations gee,gee
generalized estimating equation gee,gee
generalized estimating equation,generalized estimating equation
generalized estimation equation,generalized estimating equation
generalized estimating equation approach,generalized estimating equation
generalize estimating equation,generalized estimating equation
generalised estimating equation approach,generalized estimating equation
generalized estimating equation analysis,generalized estimating equation
generalized estimating equation model,generalized estimating equation
generalized estimating equations model,generalized estimating equation
generalized estimating equations,generalized estimating equation