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solv-int/9707003 | null | Shigeki Matsutani | Statistical Mechanics of Elastica on Plane as a Model of Supercoiled
DNA-Origin of the MKdV hierarchy- | AMS-Tex Use | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/11/017 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | In this article, I have investigated statistical mechanics of a non-stretched
elastica in two dimensional space using path integral method. In the
calculation, the MKdV hierarchy naturally appeared as the equations including
the temperature fluctuation.I have classified the moduli of the closed elastica
in heat bath and summed the Boltzmann weight with the thermalfluctuation over
the moduli. Due to the bilinearity of the energy functional,I have obtained its
exact partition function.By investigation of the system,I conjectured that an
expectation value at a critical point of this system obeys the Painlev\'e
equation of the first kind and its related equations extended by the KdV
hierarchy.Furthermore I also commented onthe relation between the MKdV
hierarchy and BRS transformationin this system.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9707004 | Vadim Vereschagin | V.L.Vereschagin | Nonlinear Quasiclassics and the Painlev\'e Equations | 5 pp., Latex | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Problem of asymptotic description for global solutions to the six Painleve
equations was investigated. Elliptic anzatzes and appropriate modulation
equations were written out.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9707005 | Alexander Turbiner | Marcos Rosenbaum, Alexander Turbiner and Antonio Capella | Solvability of the G_2 Integrable System | 18 pages, LaTeX, some minor typos corrected | Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 3885-3904 | 10.1142/S0217751X98001815 | Mexico ICN-UNAM 97-05 | solv-int cond-mat hep-th nlin.SI | null | It is shown that the 3-body trigonometric G_2 integrable system is
exactly-solvable. If the configuration space is parametrized by certain
symmetric functions of the coordinates then, for arbitrary values of the
coupling constants, the Hamiltonian can be expressed as a quadratic polynomial
in the generators of some Lie algebra of differential operators in a
finite-dimensional representation. Four infinite families of eigenstates,
represented by polynomials, and the corresponding eigenvalues are described
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9707006 | null | Shigeki Matsutani | Quantum Coupled Nonlinear Schr\"odinger System with Different Masses | AMS-Tex Use | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | In this letter, I have considered one-dimensional quantum system with
different masses $m$ and $M$, which does not appear integrable in general.
However I have found an exact two-body wave function and due to the extension
of the integrable system to more general system, it was concluded that the
rapidity or quasi-momentum in the integrable system should be regarded as a
modification of velocity rather than that of momentum. I have also considered
the three-body wave function and argued its integrable condition.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9707007 | null | Shigeki Matsutani | On Density of State of Quantized Willmore Surface-A Way to Quantized
Extrinsic String in R^3 | AMS-Tex Use | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/15/021 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Recently I quantized an elastica with Bernoulli-Euler functional in
two-dimensional space using the modified KdV hierarchy. In this article, I will
quantize a Willmore surface, or equivalently a surface with the Polyakov
extrinsic curvature action, using the modified Novikov-Veselov (MNV) equation.
In other words, I show that the density of state of the partition function for
the quantized Willmore surface is expressed by volume of a subspace of the
moduli of the MNV equation.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9707008 | V. E. Vekslerchik | V. E. Vekslerchik (Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics,
Kharkov, Ukraine) | Functional representation of the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy | 15 pages, LaTeX | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/3/018 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy (ALH) is considered in the framework of the
inverse scattering approach. After establishing the structure of solutions of
the auxiliary linear problems, the ALH, which has been originally introduced as
an infinite system of difference-differential equations is presented as a
finite system of difference-functional equations. The representation obtained,
when rewritten in terms of Hirota's bilinear formalism, is used to demonstrate
relations between the ALH and some other integrable systems, the
Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy in particular.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9707009 | Fritz Gesztesy | Fritz Gesztesy and Ratnam Ratnaseelan | An Alternative Approach to Algebro-Geometric Solutions of the AKNS
Hierarchy | LaTeX, submitted to Reviews in Mathematical Physics | null | 10.1142/S0129055X98000112 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We develop an alternative systematic approach to the AKNS hierarchy based on
elementary algebraic methods. In particular, we recursively construct Lax pairs
for the entire AKNS hierarchy by introducing a fundamental polynomial formalism
and establish the basic algebro-geometric setting including associated
Burchnall-Chaundy curves, Baker-Akhiezer functions, trace formulas,
Dubrovin-type equations for analogs of Dirichlet and Neumann divisors, and
theta function representations for algebro-geometric solutions.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9707010 | Fritz Gesztesy | Fritz Gesztesy and Helge Holden | A combined sine-Gordon and modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy and its
algebro-geometric solutions | LaTeX; emphasis put on the mKdV hierarchy | null | null | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We derive a zero-curvature formalism for a combined sine-Gordon (sG) and
modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation which yields a local sGmKdV
hierarchy. In complete analogy to other completely integrable hierarchies of
soliton equations, such as the KdV, AKNS, and Toda hierarchies, the sGmKdV
hierarchy is recursively constructed by means of a fundamental polynomial
formalism involving a spectral parameter. We further illustrate our approach by
developing the basic algebro-geometric setting for the sGmKdV hierarchy,
including Baker-Akhiezer functions, trace formulas, Dubrovin-type equations,
and theta function representations for its algebro-geometric solutions.
Although we mainly focus on sG-type equations, our formalism also yields the
sinh-Gordon, elliptic sine-Gordon, elliptic sinh-Gordon, and Liouville-type
equations combined with the mKdV hierarchy.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9707011 | Tamara Grava | T. Grava | Bifurcation diagram of a one-parameter family of dispersive waves | latex2e, 28 pages, 14 figures, revised version to appear in
Matematica Contemporanea 2000. Substantial changes and improvements have been
added. Sections 2, 3 and 4 have been reduced to one section while sections 5
and 6 have been expanded | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The Korteweg de Vries (KdV) equation with small dispersion is a model for the
formation and propagation of dispersive shock waves in one dimension.
Dispersive shock waves in KdV are characterized by the appearance of zones of
rapid modulated oscillations in the solution of the Cauchy problem with smooth
initial data. The modulation in time and space of the amplitudes, the
frequencies and the wave-numbers of these oscillations and their interactions
is approximately described by the $g$-phase Whitham equations. We study the
initial value problem for the Whitham equations for a one parameter family of
monotone decreasing initial data. We obtain the bifurcation diagram of the
number $g$ of interacting oscillatory zones.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9707012 | null | Q. P. Liu | The Constrained MKP Hierarchy and the Generalized Kupershmidt-Wilson
Theorem | 9 pages, LaTex | Lett. Math. Phys., 43 (1997) 65 | null | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | The constrained Modified KP hierarchy is considered from the viewpoint of
modification. It is shown that its second Poisson bracket, which has a rather
complicated form, is associated to a vastly simpler bracket via Miura-type map.
The similar results are established for a natural reduction of MKP.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9707013 | Luis Eduardo Saltini | L.E. Saltini, A. Zadra | Algebra of non-local charges in the O(N) WZNW model at and beyond
criticality | 10 pages, LaTeX, no figures | null | null | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We derive the classical algebra of the non-local conserved charges in the
O(N) WZNW model and analyze its dependence on the coupling constant of the
Wess-Zumino term. As in the non-linear sigma model, we find cubic deformations
of the O(N) affine algebra. The surprising result is that the cubic algebra of
the WZNW non-local charges does not obey the Jacobi identity, thus opposing our
expectations from the known Yangian symmetry of this model.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9707014 | Shen-Jane Chang | Jiin-Chang Shaw and Ming-Hsien Tu | The constrained modified KP hierarchy and the generalized Miura
transformations | 8 pages, latex, no figures | J. Phys. A30 (1997) L725 | 10.1088/0305-4470/30/21/004 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | In this letter, we consider the second Hamiltonian structure of the
constrained modified KP hierarchy. After mapping the Lax operator to a pure
differential operator the second structure becomes the sum of the second and
the third Gelfand-Dickey brackets defined by this differential operator. We
simplify this Hamiltonian structure by factorizing the Lax operator into linear
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9707015 | Vsevolod Adler | V.E. Adler (Ufa Inst. of Mathematics, Russia) | B\"acklund transformation for the Krichever-Novikov equation | 3p (8K), LaTeX, submitted to IMRN | Int Math Res Notices 1998, Volume 1998, Issue 1, pp 1-4 | 10.1155/S1073792898000014 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The B\"acklund transformation and its nonlinear superposition principle are
presented for the Krichever-Novikov equation $u_t= u_{xxx} - {3/(2u_x)}
(u^2_{xx} - r(u)) + cu_x, r^{(5)}=0$.
| 2014-08-27 |
solv-int/9707016 | Adrian-Stefan Carstea | A. S. C\^arstea, D. Grecu, A. Visinescu | Continuum limit of nonlinear discrete systems with long range
interaction potentials | 11 pages, LaTeX, no figure, submitted to Phys.Rev. E | null | null | IFIN-HH, F.T. 430-1997 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | One dimensional nonlinear lattices with harmonic long range interaction
potentials (LRIP) having an inverse power kernel type, are studied. For the
nearest neighbour nonlinear interaction we consider the anharmonic potential of
the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem and the \phi^3+\phi^4 potential as well. The
continuum limit is obtained following the method used by Ishimori and several
Boussinesq and KdV type equations with supplementary Hilbert transform terms
are found. These nonlocal terms are introduced by the LRIP. For the
\phi^3+\phi^4 nearest neighbour interactions the continuum approximation turns
out to admit exact bilinearization in Hirota formalism. Exact rational
nonsingular solutions are found. The integrability of these nonlocal equations
and the connection with perturbed KdV are also discussed.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9707017 | Gregorio Falqui | Paolo Casati (Dip. di Matematica, Univ. di Milano, Italy), Gregorio
Falqui (SISSA, Trieste, Italy), Franco Magri (Dip. di Matematica, Univ. di
Milano, Italy), and Marco Pedroni(Dip. di Matematica, Univ. di Genova, Italy) | Bihamiltonian Reductions and W_n Algebras | LaTeX2e, 23 pages, to be published in J. Geom. Phys | null | 10.1016/S0393-0440(97)00060-0 | SISSA 72/97/FM | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We discuss the geometry of the Marsden-Ratiu reduction theorem for a
bihamiltonian manifold. We consider the case of the manifolds associated with
the Gel'fand-Dickey theory, i.e., loop algebras over sl(n+1). We provide an
explicit identification, tailored on the MR reduction, of the
Adler-Gel'fand-Dickey brackets with the Poisson brackets on the MR-reduced
bihamiltonian manifold N. Such an identification relies on a suitable immersion
of the space of sections of the cotangent bundle of N into the algebra of
pseudo differential operators connected to geometrical features of the theory
of (classical) W_n algebras.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9708001 | Atsushi Nagai | A. Nagai, T. Tokihiro, J. Satsuma, R. Willox and K. Kajiwara | Two-dimensional soliton cellular automaton of deautonomized Toda-type | 11 pages, LaTeX file | null | 10.1016/S0375-9601(97)00591-4 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | A deautonomized version of the two-dimensional Toda lattice equation is
presented. Its ultra-discrete analogue and soliton solutions are also
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9708002 | Francois Delduc | F. Delduc, L. Feher, L. Gallot | Nonstandard Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction | 19 pages, LaTeX file | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/25/006 | ENSLAPP-L-658, DIAS-STP-97-12 | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | Subject to some conditions, the input data for the Drinfeld-Sokolov
construction of KdV type hierarchies is a quadruplet $(\A,\Lambda, d_1, d_0)$,
where the $d_i$ are $\Z$-gradations of a loop algebra $\A$ and $\Lambda\in \A$
is a semisimple element of nonzero $d_1$-grade. A new sufficient condition on
the quadruplet under which the construction works is proposed and examples are
presented. The proposal relies on splitting the $d_1$-grade zero part of $\A$
into a vector space direct sum of two subalgebras. This permits one to
interpret certain Gelfand-Dickey type systems associated with a nonstandard
splitting of the algebra of pseudo-differential operators in the
Drinfeld-Sokolov framework.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9708003 | Sedra Moulay Brahim | E.H. Saidi and M.B. Sedra (UFR-HEP Fac. Sc. Rabat- Morocco / Fac. Sc.
Kenitra- Morocco) | Three Graded Modified Classical Yang-Baxter Equations and Integrable
Systems | 22 pages, Revtex | null | null | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | The $6 = 3\times 2$ huge Lie algebra $\Xi$ of all local and non local
differential operators on a circle is applied to the standard
Adler-Kostant-Symes (AKS) R-bracket sckeme. It is shown in particular that
there exist three additional Lie structures, associated to three graded
modified classical Yang-Baxter(GMCYB) equations. As we know from the standard
case, these structures can be used to classify in a more consitent way a wide
class of integrable systems. Other algebraic properties are also presented.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9708004 | Vladimir Gerdjikov | V. S. Gerdjikov (1), E. G. Evstatiev(1), D. J. Kaup(2), G. L. Diankov
(3), I. M. Uzunov (4) ((1) Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,
Sofia, Bulgaria, (2) Clarksson Univerity, Potsdam, USA, (3) Institute of
Solid State Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, (4) Institute of Electronics, Sofia,
Bulgaria) | Criterion and Regions of Stability for Quasi-Equidistant Soliton Trains | 14 pages, LaTeX (revtex style), 5 figures | null | null | INRNE-TH-97-4 | solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol | null | Using the complex Toda chain (CTC) as a model for the propagation of the
N-soliton pulse trains of the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation, we predict
the asymptotic behavior of these trains. The following asymptotic regimes are
stable: (i)~asymptotically free propagation of all N solitons; (ii)~bound state
regime where the N solitons may move quasi-equidistantly (QED); and
(iii)~various different combinations of (i) and (ii). For N=2 and 3 we
determine analytically the set of initial soliton parameters corresponding to
each of these regimes. We find excellent agreement between the solutions of CTC
and NLS for all regimes and propose realistic choices for the sets of
amplitudes, for which the solitons propagate QED to very large run lengths.
This is of importance for optical fiber communication.
| 2009-09-25 |
solv-int/9708005 | null | Q. P. Liu | On the Integrable Hierarchies Associated With N=2 Super $W_n$ Algebra | 11 pages, AMS-LaTex, to appear in Phys. Lett. A | Phys. Lett. A, 235 (1997) 335 | 10.1016/S0375-9601(97)00638-5 | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | A new Lax operator is proposed from the viewpoint of constructing the
integrable hierarchies related with N=2 super $W_n$ algebra. It is shown that
the Poisson algebra associated to the second Hamiltonian structure for the
resulted hierarchy contains the N=2 super Virasoro algebra as a proper
subalgebra. The simplest cases are discussed in detail. In particular, it is
proved that the supersymmetric two-boson hierarchy is one of N=2 supersymmetric
KdV hierarchies. Also, a Lax operator is supplied for one of N=2 supersymmetric
Boussinesq hierarchies.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9708006 | Jarmo Hietarinta | J. Hietarinta | Introduction to the Hirota bilinear method | 10 pages in LaTeX. To appear in "Lectures on the Integrability of
Nonlinear Systems", Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 495 | null | 10.1007/BFb0113694 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We give an elementary introduction to Hirota's direct method of constructing
multisoliton solutions to integrable nonlinear evolution equations. We discuss
in detail how this works for equations in the Korteweg-de Vries class. We also
show how Hirota's method can be used to search for new integrable evolution
equations by testing for the existence of 3- and 4-soliton solutions, and list
the results that have been obtained this way for the KdV, mKdV/sG and nlS
classes of equations.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9708007 | E. Sklyanin | E. K. Sklyanin (Steklov Mathematical Institute at St.Petersburg,
Russia) | Generating function of correlators in the sl_2 Gaudin model | 16 pages, LaTex 209, macros included | Letters in Mathematical Physics 47 (1999) 275-292 | 10.1023/A:1007585716273 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | For the sl_2 Gaudin model (degenerated quantum integrable XXX spin chain) an
exponential generating function of correlators is calculated explicitely. The
calculation relies on the Gauss decomposition for the SL_2 loop group. From the
generating function a new explicit expression for the correlators is derived
from which the determinant formulas for the norms of Bethe eigenfunctions due
to Richardson and Gaudin are obtained.
| 2015-11-12 |
solv-int/9708008 | Ming-Hsien Tu | Jiin-Chang Shaw and Ming-Hsien Tu | Nonlocal extended conformal algebras associated with multi-constraint KP
hierarchy and their free-field realizations | 14 pages, RevTex, no figures, typos corrected | Int. J. Mod. Phys. A13 (1998) 2723 | 10.1142/S0217751X98001384 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We study the conformal properties of the multi-constraint KP hierarchy and
its nonstandard partner by covariantizing their corresponding Lax operators.
The associated second Hamiltonian structures turn out to be nonlocal extension
of $W_n$ algebra by some integer or half-integer spin fields depending on the
order of the Lax operators. In particular, we show that the complicated second
Hamiltonian structure of the nonstandard multi-constraint KP hierarchy can be
simplified by factorizing its Lax operator to multiplication form. We then
diagonalize this simplified Poisson matrix and obtain the free-field
realizations of its associated nonlocal algebras.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9708009 | Stephane Gourmelen | F. Gieres, S. Gourmelen | d=2, N=2 Superconformally Covariant Operators and Super W-Algebras | 29 pages, LaTeX | J.Math.Phys. 39 (1998) 3453-3475 | 10.1063/1.532446 | LYCEN-PUB97-30, MPI-PhT/97-36 | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We construct and classify superconformally covariant differential operators
defined on N=2 super Riemann surfaces. By contrast to the N=1 theory, these
operators give rise to partial rather than ordinary differential equations
which leads to novel features for their matrix representation. The latter is
applied to the derivation of N=2 super W-algebras in terms of N=2 superfields.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9708010 | Jarmo Hietarinta | Jarmo Hietarinta | Pure quantum integrability | 15 pages in LaTeX2e (uses amsmath), misprints corrected and other
small changes | null | 10.1016/S0375-9601(98)00535-0 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The correspondence between the integrability of classical mechanical systems
and their quantum counterparts is not a 1-1, although some close
correspondencies exist. If a classical mechanical system is integrable with
invariants that are polynomial in momenta one can construct a corresponding
commuting set of differential operators. Here we discuss some 2- or
3-dimensional purely quantum integrable systems (the 1-dimensional counterpart
is the Lame equation). That is, we have an integrable potential whose amplitude
is not free but rather proportional to $\hbar^2$, and in the classical limit
the potential vanishes. Furthermore it turns out that some of these systems
actually have N+1 commuting differential operators, connected by a nontrivial
algebraic relation. Some of them have been discussed recently by A.P. Veselov
et. al.} from the point of view of Baker-Akheizer functions.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9709001 | Alexander V. Shapovalov | Ya. V. Lisitsyn and A. V. Shapovalov | Separation of variables via integral transformations | 14 LaTex pages | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | For a system of linear partial differential equations (LPDEs) we introduce an
operator equation for auxiliary operators. These operators are used to
construct a kernel of an integral transformation leading the LPDE to the
separation of variables (SoV). The auxiliary operators are found for various
types of the SoV including conventional SoV in the scalar second order LPDE and
the SoV by the functional Bethe anzatz. The operators are shown to relate to
separable variables. This approach is similar to the position-momentum
transformation to action angle coordinates in the classical mechanics. General
statements are illustrated by some examples.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9709002 | Park Q.-Han | Q-Han Park, H.J. Shin (Kyunghee Univ.) | Field Theory for Coherent Optical Pulse Propagation | 43 pages, Latex, some comments and references are added. postscript
file containing 10 figures can be obtained at | null | 10.1103/PhysRevA.57.4621 | SNUTP 97-110 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We introduce a new notion of "matrix potential" to nonlinear optical systems.
In terms of a matrix potential $g$, we present a gauge field theoretic
formulation of the Maxwell-Bloch equation that provides a semiclassical
description of the propagation of optical pulses through resonant multi-level
media. We show that the Bloch part of the equation can solved identically
through $g$ and the remaining Maxwell equation becomes a second order
differential equation with reduced set of variables due to the gauge invariance
of the system. Our formulation clarifies the (nonabelian) symmetry structure of
the Maxwell-Bloch equations for various multi-level media in association with
symmetric spaces $G/H$. In particular, we associate nondegenerate two-level
system for self-induced transparency with $G/H=SU(2)/U(1)$ and three-level $\L
$- or V-systems with $G/H = SU(3)/U(2)$. We give a detailed analysis for the
two-level case in the matrix potential formalism, and address various new
properties of the system including soliton numbers, effective potential energy,
gauge and discrete symmetries, modified pulse area, conserved topological and
nontopological charges. The nontopological charge measures the amount of
self-detuning of each pulse. Its conservation law leads to a new type of pulse
stability analysis which explains nicely earlier numerical results.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9709003 | Park Q.-Han | Q-Han Park, H.J. Shin (Kyunghee Univ.) | Matched Pulse Propagation in a Three-Level System | 20 pages, Latex, 12 eps figure files some comments and references are
added. postscript file with 12 figures can be obtained at | null | 10.1103/PhysRevA.57.4643 | SNUTP 97-082 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The B\"{a}cklund transformation for the three-level Maxwell-Bloch equation is
presented in the matrix potential formalism. By applying the B\"{a}cklund
transformation to a constant electric field background, we obtain a general
solution for matched pulses (a pair of solitary waves) which can emit or absorb
a light velocity solitary pulse but otherwise propagate with their shapes
invariant. In the special case, this solution describes a steady state pulse
without emission or absorption, and becomes the matched pulse solution recently
obtained by Hioe and Grobe. A nonlinear superposition rule is derived from the
B\"{a}cklund transformation and used for the explicit construction of two
solitons as well as nonabelian breathers. Various new features of these
solutions are addressed. In particular, we analyze in detail the scattering of
"invertons", a specific pair of different wavelength solitons one of which
moving with the velocity of light. Unlike the usual case of soliton scattering,
the broader inverton changes its sign through the scattering. Surprisingly, the
light velocity inverton receives time advance through the scattering thereby
moving faster than light, which however does not violate causality.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9709004 | Henrik Aratyn | H. Aratyn, L.A. Ferreira, J.F. Gomes and A.H. Zimerman | Solitons from Dressing in an Algebraic Approach to the Constrained KP
Hierarchy | LaTeX, 13pgs | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/47/009 | IFT-P.053/97,UICHEP-TH/97-7 | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | The algebraic matrix hierarchy approach based on affine Lie $sl (n)$ algebras
leads to a variety of 1+1 soliton equations. By varying the rank of the
underlying $sl (n)$ algebra as well as its gradation in the affine setting, one
encompasses the set of the soliton equations of the constrained KP hierarchy.
The soliton solutions are then obtained as elements of the orbits of the
dressing transformations constructed in terms of representations of the vertex
operators of the affine $sl (n)$ algebras realized in the unconventional
gradations. Such soliton solutions exhibit non-trivial dependence on the KdV
(odd) time flows and KP (odd and even) time flows which distinguishes them from
the conventional structure of the Darboux-B\"{a}cklund Wronskian solutions of
the constrained KP hierarchy.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9709005 | Juri Suris | Yuri B. Suris (University of Bremen) | Integrable discretizations for lattice systems: local equations of
motion and their Hamiltonian properties | LaTeX, 89pp; section on modified Volterra added | Rev. Math. Phys., 1999, V.11, p. 727-822. | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We develop the approach to the problem of integrable discretization based on
the notion of $r$--matrix hierarchies. One of its basic features is the
coincidence of Lax matrices of discretized systems with the Lax matrices of the
underlying continuous time systems. A common feature of the discretizations
obtained in this approach is non--locality. We demonstrate how to overcome this
drawback. Namely, we introduce the notion of localizing changes of variables
and construct such changes of variables for a large number of examples,
including the Toda and the relativistic Toda lattices, the Volterra lattice and
its integrable perturbation, the second flows of the Toda and of the Volterra
hierarchies, the modified Volterra lattice, the Belov-Chaltikian lattice, the
Bogoyavlensky lattices, the Bruschi-Ragnisco lattice. We also introduce a novel
class of constrained lattice KP systems, discretize all of them, and find the
corresponding localizing change of variables. Pulling back the differential
equations of motion under the localizing changes of variables, we find also
(sometimes novel) integrable one-parameter perturbations of integrable lattice
systems. Poisson properties of the localizing changes of variables are also
studied: they produce interesting one-parameter deformations of the known
Poisson algebras.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9709006 | Sergei M. Sergeev | S. M. Sergeev | Solutions of the functional tetrahedron equation connected with the
local Yang -- Baxter equation for the ferro-electric | 7 pages, LaTeX | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Local (or modified) Yang -- Baxter equation (LYBE) gives the functional map
from the parameters of the weights in the left hand side to the parameters of
the correspondent weights in the right hand side of LYBE. Such maps solve the
functional tetrahedron equation. In this paper all the maps associated with
LYBE of the ferro-electric type with single parameter in each weight matrix are
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9709007 | Manuel Manas | Q. P. Liu, Manuel Manas | Discrete Levy Transformations and Casorati Determinant Solutions of
Quadrilateral Lattices | 12 pages, LaTeX2e using AMSLaTeX package | null | 10.1016/S0375-9601(97)00933-X | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Sequences of discrete Levy and adjoint Levy transformations for the
multidimensional quadrilateral lattices are studied. After a suitable number of
iterations we show how all the relevant geometrical features of the transformed
quadrilateral lattice can be expressed in terms of multi-Casorati determinants.
As an example we dress the Cartesian lattice.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9709008 | M. Lakshmanan | M. Lakshmanan | Nonlinear Physics: Integrability, Chaos and Beyond | 52 pages, 17 figures, Latex (Lecture given at the IEEE International
Workshop on "Visions of Nonlinear Science in the 21st Century" held at
Sevilla, Spain on June 26, 1996) To appear in J. Franklin. Inst. (1997) and
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos (1997), please e-mail Lakshmanan for figures
(E-mail: | null | 10.1142/S0218127497001187 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Integrability and chaos are two of the main concepts associated with
nonlinear physical systems which have revolutionized our understanding of them.
Highly stable exponentially localized solitons are often associated with many
of the important integrable nonlinear systems while motions which are
sensitively dependent on initial conditions are associated with chaotic
systems. Besides dramatically raising our perception of many natural phenomena,
these concepts are opening up new vistas of applications and unfolding
technologies: Optical soliton based information technology, magnetoelectronics,
controlling and synchronization of chaos and secure communications, to name a
few. These developments have raised further new interesting questions and
potentialities. We present a particular view of some of the challenging
problems and payoffs ahead in the next few decades by tracing the early
historical events, summarizing the revolutionary era of 1950-70 when many
important new ideas including solitons and chaos were realized and reviewing
the current status. Important open problems both at the basic and applied
levels are discussed.
| 2015-06-26 |
solv-int/9709009 | M. Lakshmanan | M. Lakshmanan, R. Myrzakulov, S. Vijayalakshmi and A. K. Danlybaeva | Motion of Curves and Surfaces and Nonlinear Evolution Equations in (2+1)
Dimensions | 13 pages, RevTeX, to appear in J. Math. Phys | J. Math. Phys. 39 , N7, 3765 (1998) | 10.1063/1.532466 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | It is shown that a class of important integrable nonlinear evolution
equations in (2+1) dimensions can be associated with the motion of space curves
endowed with an extra spatial variable or equivalently, moving surfaces.
Geometrical invariants then define topological conserved quantities. Underlying
evolution equations are shown to be associated with a triad of linear
equations. Our examples include Ishimori equation and Myrzakulov equations
which are shown to be geometrically equivalent to Davey-Stewartson and Zakharov
-Strachan (2+1) dimensional nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations respectively.
| 2013-10-15 |
solv-int/9709010 | Dr. Jeremy Schiff | Jeremy Schiff (Bar-Ilan University) | The Camassa-Holm Equation: A Loop Group Approach | 19 pages, 7 figures; LaTeX with psfig | null | 10.1016/S0167-2789(98)00099-2 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | A map is presented that associates with each element of a loop group a
solution of an equation related by a simple change of coordinates to the
Camassa-Holm (CH) Equation. Certain simple automorphisms of the loop group give
rise to Backlund transformations of the equation. These are used to find
2-soliton solutions of the CH equation, as well as some novel singular
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9709011 | Kenji Kajiwara | Kenji Kajiwara and Yasuhiro Ohta | Determinant Structure of the Rational Solutions for the Painlev\'e IV
Equation | 19 pages, Latex, using theorem.sty | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/10/017 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Rational solutions for the Painlev\'e IV equation are investigated by Hirota
bilinear formalism. It is shown that the solutions in one hierarchy are
expressed by 3-reduced Schur functions, and those in another two hierarchies by
Casorati determinant of the Hermite polynomials, or by special case of the
Schur polynomials.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9709012 | Yuji Kodama | Yuji Kodama | The Whitham Equations for Optical Communications: Mathematical Theory of
NRZ | Latex 50 pages with 22 figures (figures are available in epsf) | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We present a model of optical communication system for high-bit-rate data
transmission in the nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) format over transoceanic distance.
The system operates in a small group velocity dispersion regime, and the model
equation is given by the Whitham equations describing the slow modulation of
multi-phase wavetrains of the (defocusing) nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS)
equation. The model equation is of hyperbolic type, and certain initial NRZ
pulse with phase modulation develops a shock. We then show how one can obtain a
global solution by choosing an appropriate Riemann surface on which the Whitham
equation is defined. The present analysis may be interpreted as an alternative
to the method of inverse scattering transformation for the NLS solitons. We
also discuss wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) in the NRZ format by using
the Whitham equation for a coupled NLS equation, and show that there exists a
hydro-dynamic-type instability between channels.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9709013 | Sergei M. Sergeev | S. M. Sergeev | On a two dimensional system associated with the complex of the solutions
of the Tetrahedron equation | 14 pages, LaTeX. The references are defined more precisely | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | A sort of two dimensional linear auxiliary problem for the complex of 3D $R$
-- operators associated with the Zamolodchikov -- Bazhanov -- Baxter
statistical model is proposed. This problem resembles the problem of the local
Yang -- Baxter equation but does not coincide with it. The formulation of the
auxiliary problem admits a notion of a ``fusion'', and usual local Yang --
Baxter equation appears among other results of this ``fusion''.
| 2008-02-03 |
solv-int/9710001 | Toppan Francesco | Francesco Toppan (Shizuoka University, Japan) | Susy Hierarchies and Affine Algebras | 11 pages, LaTex, uses lamuphys.sty: talk given at the UIC
``Supersymmetry and Integrable Systems Workshop'', Chicago, June 12-14 1997 | null | 10.1007/BFb0105325 | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We review some basic features of the Lie-algebraic classification of
W-algebras and related integrable hierarchies in 1+1 dimensions, pointing out
the role of affine Lie algebras. We emphasize that the supersymmetric
extensions of the above construction possibly lead, though some questions are
still opened, to the classification of supersymmetric hierarchies based on
``generic'' supersymmetric affine Lie algebras. Here the word generic is used
to make clear that well-known procedures, as those introduced by Inami and
Kanno, are too restricted and do not lead to the full spectrum of
supersymmetric integrable hierarchies one can construct. A particular attention
is devoted to the large-N supersymmetric extensions (here N=4). The attention
paid by large-N theories being due to the fact that they arise as dimensional
reduction of N=1 models, and moreover that they realize an ``unification'' of
known hierarchies.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710002 | Nikolai Kitanine | N.M. Bogoliubov, A.G. Izergin, N.A. Kitanine | Correlation functions for a strongly correlated boson system | 27 pages LaTeX | null | 10.1016/S0550-3213(98)00038-8 | PDMI PREPRINT - 17/1997 | solv-int cond-mat hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg | null | The correlation functions for a strongly correlated exactly solvable
one-dimensional boson system on a finite chain as well as in the thermodynamic
limit are calculated explicitly. This system which we call the phase model is
the strong coupling limit of the integrable q-boson hopping model. The results
are presented as determinants.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710003 | null | V.V.Konotop, M.Salerno, S.Takeno | Shock waves in one-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnets | 10 pages, with 3 ps figures | null | 10.1103/PhysRevB.58.14892 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We use SU(2) coherent state path integral formulation with the stationary
phase approximation to investigate, both analytically and numerically, the
existence of shock waves in the one- dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnets with
anisotropic exchange interaction. As a result we show the existence of shock
waves of two types,"bright" and "dark", which can be interpreted as moving
magnetic domains.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710004 | Alexander Turbiner | Alexander Turbiner | Two-body Elliptic Model in proper variables: Lie-algebraic forms and
their discretizations | 9 pages, AMSLaTeX, Contribution to the Proceedings of the Workshop on
Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models, Montreal, March 10-15, 1997 | null | null | ICN-UNAM 97-12 | solv-int cond-mat hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI | null | Two Lie algebraic forms of the 2-body Elliptic Calogero model are presented.
Translation-invariant and dilatation-invariant discretizations of the model are
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710005 | Shen-Jane Chang | Jiin-Chang Shaw and Ming-Hsien Tu | Binary Darboux-Backlund Transformations for the Manin-Radul Super KdV
Hierarchy | 14 pages, Revtex, no figures, some typos corrected, two references
added | J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998) 4773 | 10.1063/1.532536 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We construct the supersymmetric extensions of the Darboux-Backlund
transformations (DBTs) for the Manin-Radul super KdV hierarchy using the
super-pseudo-differential operators. The elementary DBTs are triggered by the
gauge operators constructed from the wave functions and adjoint wave functions
of the hierarchy. Iterating these elementary DBTs, we obtain not only Wronskian
type but also binary type superdeterminant representations of the solutions.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710006 | Peter Schupp | Branislav Jurco, Peter Schupp | AKS scheme for face and Calogero-Moser-Sutherland type models | 24 pages, latex | null | 10.1063/1.532453 | PUPT-1731, CRM-2507, LMU-TPW 97-24 | solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg | null | We give the construction of quantum Lax equations for IRF models and
difference versions of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models introduced by
Ruijsenaars. We solve the equations using factorization properties of the
underlying face Hopf algebras/elliptic quantum groups. This construction is in
the spirit of the Adler-Kostant-Symes method and generalizes our previous work
to the case of face Hopf algebras/elliptic quantum groups with dynamical
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710007 | null | E. Alfinito, V. Grassi, R. A. Leo, G. Profilo and G. Soliani | Equations of the reaction-diffusion type with a loop algebra structure | 16 pages, LaTex. submitted to Inverse Problems | Inv. Prob. 14, 1387-1401 (1998) | 10.1088/0266-5611/14/6/003 | null | solv-int cond-mat hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI | null | A system of equations of the reaction-diffusion type is studied in the
framework of both the direct and the inverse prolongation structure. We find
that this system allows an incomplete prolongation Lie algebra, which is used
to find the spectral problem and a whole class of nonlinear field equations
containing the original ones as a special case.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710008 | null | B.G. Konopelchenko, G. Landolfi | On classical string configurations | 10 pages, Latex, no figures, trivial corrections, submitted to Modern
Physics Letters A | null | 10.1142/S0217732397003289 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Equations which define classical configurations of strings in $R^3$ are
presented in a simple form. General properties as well as particular classes of
solutions of these equations are considered.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710009 | Ivan Avramidi | Ivan G. Avramidi and Rainer Schimming (University of Greifswald) | A new explicit expression for the Korteweg-De Vries hierarchy | 17 pages, LaTeX, 37 KB, no figures | Math.Nachr. 219 (2000) 45-64 | null | University of Greifswald (Oct. 1997) | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We derive an improved fully explicit expression for the right-hand sides of
the matrix KdV hierarchy using the relation to the heat kernel of the
one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operator. Our method of "matrix elements"
produces, moreover, an explicit expression for the powers of a
Schr\"odinger-like differential operator of any order.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710010 | R. P. Malik | R.P.Malik | On Fifth Order KdV-Type Equation | 12 pages, latex, (no figures) | null | null | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | The dynamics of the highly nonlinear fifth order $KdV$-type equation is
discussed in the framework of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms. The
symmetries of the Lagrangian produce three commuting conserved quantities that
are found to be recursively related to one-another for a certain specific value
of the power of nonlinearity. The above cited recursion relations are obeyed
with a second Poisson bracket which sheds light on the integrability properties
of the above nonlinear equation. It is shown that a Miura-type transformation
can be made to obtain the fifth order $mKdV$-type equation from the fifth order
$KdV$-type equation. The spatial dependence of the fields involved is, however,
not physically interesting from the point of view of the solitonic solutions.
As a consequence, it seems that the fifth order $KdV$- and $mKdV$-type
equations are completely independent nonlinear evolution equations in their own
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710011 | Harry Braden | H. W. Braden | A Conjectured R-Matrix | 12 pages Latex | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/7/008 | MS-97-013 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | A new spectral parameter independent R-matrix (that depends on all of the
dynamical variables) is proposed for the elliptic Calogero-Moser models.
Necessary and sufficient conditions for this R-matrix to exist reduce to an
equality between determinants of matrices involving elliptic functions. The
needed identity appears new and is still unproven in full generality: we
present it as a conjecture.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710012 | John Harnad | J. Harnad | Hamiltonian Dynamics, Classical R-matrices and Isomonodromic
Deformations | LaTeX 13pgs (requires lamuphys.sty). Text of talk given at workshop:
Supersymmetric and Integrable Systems, University of Illinois, Chicago
Circle, June 12-14, 1997. To appear in: Springer Lecture notes in Physics | Lect.Notes Phys.502:63-75,1998 | 10.1007/BFb0105314 | CRM 2511 (1997) | solv-int hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI | null | The Hamiltonian approach to the theory of dual isomonodromic deformations is
developed within the framework of rational classical R-matrix structures on
loop algebras. Particular solutions to the isomonodromic deformation equations
appearing in the computation of correlation functions in integrable quantum
field theory models are constructed through the Riemann-Hilbert problem method.
The corresponding $\tau$-functions are shown to be given by the Fredholm
determinant of a special class of integral operators.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710013 | Manna Miguel | M. A. Manna and V. Merle | Asymptotic dynamics of short-waves in nonlinear dispersive models | to appears in Physical Review E. 4 pages, revtex files | null | 10.1103/PhysRevE.57.6206 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The multiple-scale perturbation theory, well known for long-waves, is
extended to the study of the far-field behaviour of short-waves, commonly
called ripples. It is proved that the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony- Peregrine equation
can propagates short-waves. This result contradict the Benjamin hypothesis that
short-waves tends not to propagate in this model and close a part of the old
controversy between Korteweg-de Vries and Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Peregrine
equations. We shown that a nonlinear (quadratic) Klein-Gordon type equation
substitutes in a short-wave analysis the ubiquitous Korteweg-de Vries equation
of long-wave approach. Moreover the kink solutions of phi-4 and sine-Gordon
equations are understood as an all orders asymptotic behaviour of short-waves.
It is proved that the antikink solution of phi-4 model which was never obtained
perturbatively can be obtained by perturbation expansion in the wave-number k
in the short-wave limit.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710014 | Manuel Manas | Q. P. Liu and Manuel Manas | Vectorial Ribaucour Transformations for the Lame Equations | 12 pages. LaTeX2e with AMSLaTeX packages | J. Phys. A: Math. & Gen. 31 (1998) L193 | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/10/003 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The vectorial extension of the Ribaucour transformation for the Lame
equations of orthogonal conjugates nets in multidimensions is given. We show
that the composition of two vectorial Ribaucour transformations with
appropriate transformation data is again a vectorial Ribaucour transformation,
from which it follows the permutability of the vectorial Ribaucour
transformations. Finally, as an example we apply the vectorial Ribaucour
transformation to the Cartesian background.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710015 | Anton Zabrodin | A.Zabrodin | Hidden quantum R-matrix in discrete time classical Heisenberg magnet | 23 pages, latex, typos corrected | null | null | ITEP-TH-45/97 | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We construct local M-operators for an integrable discrete time version of the
classical Heisenberg magnet by convolution of the twisted quantum trigonometric
4$\times$4 R-matrix with certain vectors in its "quantum" space. Components of
the vectors are identified with $\tau$-functions of the model. Hirota's
bilinear formalism is extensively used. The construction generalizes the known
representation of M-operators in continuous time models in terms of Lax
operators and classical $r$-matrix.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710016 | John Harnad | J. Harnad | Bispectral Operators, Dual Isomonodromic Deformations and the
Riemann-Hilbert Dressing Method | AMSTeX 13pgs. Text of talk presented at the workshop on the
Bispectral Problem, Centre de recherches mathematiques, Universite de
Montreal, March 17--21, 1997. To appear in: CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes
series (1997/98) | CRM Proc. Lecture Notes 14, 67-79, (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence,
RI, 1998) | null | CRM 2512 (1997) | solv-int hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI | null | A comparison is made between bispectral systems and dual isomonodromic
deformation equations. A number of examples are given, showing how bispectral
systems may be embedded into isomonodromic ones. Sufficiency conditions are
given for the construction of rational solutions of isomonodromic deformation
equations through the Riemann-Hilbert problem dressing method, and these are
shown, in certain cases, to reduce to bispectral systems.
| 2009-01-21 |
solv-int/9710017 | Dr S. Chaturvedi | S. Chaturvedi | Jack polynomials, generalized binomial coefficients and polynomial
solutions of the generalized Laplace's equation | 19 pages, latex, no figures, 12 tables Minor typographical errors in
some of the equations and the tables have been corrected | null | 10.1142/S0217732398000772 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We discuss the symmetric homogeneous polynomial solutions of the generalized
Laplace's equation which arises in the context of the Calogero-Sutherland model
on a line. The solutions are expressed as linear combinations of Jack
polynomials and the constraints on the coefficients of expansion are derived.
These constraints involve generalized binomial coefficients defined through
Jack polynomials. Generalized binomial coefficients for partitions of $k$ upto
$k=6$ are tabulated.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710018 | Anjan Kundu | Anjan Kundu | Unifying structures in quantum integrable systems | Latex, 18 pages, no figure (Invited review article by Indian J.Phys.) | Indian J. Phys. 72B (1998) 283-299 | null | SINP/TNP/97-16 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Basic concepts of quantum integrable systems (QIS) are presented stressing on
the unifying structures underlying such diverse models. Variety of ultralocal
and nonultralocal models is shown to be described by a few basic relations
defining novel algebraic entries. Such properties can generate and classify
integrable models systematically and also help to solve exactly their
eigenvalue problem in an almost model-independent way. The unifying thread
stretches also beyond the QIS to establish its deep connections with
statistical models, conformal field theory etc. as well as with abstract
mathematical objects like quantum group, braided or quadratic algebra
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710019 | Alex Kasman | Yu. Berest and A. Kasman | D-modules and Darboux transformations | to appear Lett. Math. Phys | null | null | CRM-2499 | solv-int math.QA nlin.SI q-alg | null | A method of G. Wilson for generating commutative algebras of ordinary
differential operators is extended to higher dimensions. Our construction,
based on the theory of D-modules, leads to a new class of examples of
commutative rings of partial differential operators with rational spectral
varieties. As an application, we briefly discuss their link to the bispectral
problem and to the theory of lacunas.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710020 | Robert Conte | R. Conte (CEA Saclay) | The Painlev\'e approach to nonlinear ordinary differential equations | 113 pages, no figure, standard Latex, to appear in The Painlev\'e
property, one century later, ed. R. Conte, CRM series in mathematical physics
(Springer--Verlag, Berlin, 1998) (Carg\`ese school, 3-22 June 1996) | null | null | S97/103 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The ``Painlev\'e analysis'' is quite often perceived as a collection of
tricks reserved to experts. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the
contrary and to unveil the simplicity and the beauty of a subject which is in
fact the theory of the (explicit) integration of nonlinear differential
To achieve our goal, we will not start the exposition with a more or less
precise ``Painlev\'e test''. On the contrary, we will finish with it, after a
gradual introduction to the rich world of singularities of nonlinear
differential equations, so as to remove any cooking recipe.
The emphasis is put on embedding each method of the test into the well known
theorem of perturbations of Poincar\'e. A summary can be found at the beginning
of each chapter.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710021 | Nalini Joshi | Clio Cresswell and Nalini Joshi | The Discrete Painlev\'e I Hierarchy | 9 pages in LaTeX. To appear in Proceedings of SIDEII, Kent, UK 1996,
(eds) P.A.Clarkson and F.Nijhoff | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The discrete Painlev\'e I equation (dP$\rm_I$) is an integrable difference
equation which has the classical first Painlev\'e equation (P$\rm_I$) as a
continuum limit. dP$\rm_I$ is believed to be integrable because it is the
discrete isomonodromy condition for an associated (single-valued) linear
problem. In this paper, we derive higher-order difference equations as
isomonodromy conditions that are associated to the same linear deformation
problem. These form a hierarchy that may be compared to hierarchies of
integrable ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We strengthen this
comparison by continuum limit calculations that lead to equations in the
P$\rm_I$ hierarchy. We propose that our difference equations are discrete
versions of higher-order Painlev\'e equations.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710022 | Nalini Joshi | Nalini Joshi | The Second Painlev\'e Equation in the Large-Parameter Limit I: Local
Asymptotic Analysis | 30 pages in LaTeX2e. Submitted | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | In this paper, we find all possible asymptotic behaviours of the solutions of
the second Painlev\'e equation $y''=2y^3+xy +\alpha$ as the parameter
$\alpha\to\infty$ in the local region $x\ll\alpha^{2/3}$. We prove that these
are asymptotic behaviours by finding explicit error bounds. Moreover, we show
that they are connected and complete in the sense that they correspond to all
possible values of initial data given at a point in the local region.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710023 | Nalini Joshi | Martin D.Kruskal, Nalini Joshi, and Rod Halburd | Analytic and Asymptotic Methods for Nonlinear Singularity Analysis: a
Review and Extensions of Tests for the Painlev\'e Property | 40 pages in LaTeX2e. To appear in the Proceedings of the CIMPA Summer
School on "Nonlinear Systems," Pondicherry, India, January 1996, (eds) B.
Grammaticos and K. Tamizhmani | null | 10.1007/BFb0113696 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The integrability (solvability via an associated single-valued linear
problem) of a differential equation is closely related to the singularity
structure of its solutions. In particular, there is strong evidence that all
integrable equations have the Painlev\'e property, that is, all solutions are
single-valued around all movable singularities. In this expository article, we
review methods for analysing such singularity structure. In particular, we
describe well known techniques of nonlinear regular-singular-type analysis,
i.e. the Painlev\'e tests for ordinary and partial differential equations. Then
we discuss methods of obtaining sufficiency conditions for the Painlev\'e
property. Recently, extensions of \textit{irregular} singularity analysis to
nonlinear equations have been achieved. Also, new asymptotic limits of
differential equations preserving the Painlev\'e property have been found. We
discuss these also.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710024 | Choong-Ki You | C. Ahn and C.K. You | Complete Nondiagonal Reflection Matrices of RSOS/SOS and Hard Hexagon
Models | 18pages,Latex | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/9/003 | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | In this paper we compute the most general nondiagonal reflection matrices of
the RSOS/SOS models and hard hexagon model using the boundary Yang-Baxter
equations. We find new one-parameter family of reflection matrices for the RSOS
model in addition to the previous result without any parameter. We also find
three classes of reflection matrices for the SOS model, which has one or two
parameters. For the hard hexagon model which can be mapped to RSOS(5) model by
folding four RSOS heights into two, the solutions can be obtained similarly
with a main difference in the boundary unitarity conditions. Due to this, the
reflection matrices can have two free parameters. We show that these extra
terms can be identified with the `decorated' solutions. We also generalize the
hard hexagon model by `folding' the RSOS heights of the general RSOS(p) model
and show that they satisfy the integrability conditions such as the Yang-
Baxter and boundary Yang-Baxter equations. These models can be solved using the
results for the RSOS models.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710025 | Krzysztof Gawedzki | Krzysztof Gawedzki and Pascal Tran-Ngoc-Bich | Self-duality of the SL_2 Hitchin integrable system at genus two | 32 pages, latex, no figures, references and a discussion inspired by
one of them added | null | 10.1007/s002200050438 | IHES/P/97/80 | solv-int alg-geom hep-th math.AG nlin.SI | null | We revisit the Hitchin integrable system whose phase space is the bundle
cotangent to the moduli space $N$ of holomorphic $SL_2$-bundles over a smooth
complex curve of genus two. $N$ may be identified with the 3-dimensional
projective space of theta functions of the second order, We prove that the
Hitchin system on $T^*N$ possesses a remarkable symmetry: it is invariant under
the interchange of positions and momenta. This property allows to complete the
work of van Geemen-Previato which, basing on the classical results on geometry
of the Kummer quartic surfaces, specified the explicit form of the Hamiltonians
of the Hitchin system. The resulting integrable system resembles the classic
Neumann systems which are also self-dual. Its quantization produces a commuting
family of differential operators of the second order acting on homogeneous
polynomials in four complex variables. As recently shown by van Geemen-de Jong,
these operators realize the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard-Hitchin connection
for group SU(2) and genus 2 curves.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710026 | Henrik Aratyn | Henrik Aratyn and Ashok Das | The sAKNS Hierarchy | LaTeX, 16 pgs | null | 10.1142/S0217732398001261 | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We study, systematically, the properties of the supersymmetric AKNS (sAKNS)
hierarchy. In particular, we discuss the Lax representation in terms of a
bosonic Lax operator and some special features of the equations and construct
the bosonic local charges as well as the fermionic nonlocal charges associated
with the system starting from the Lax operator. We obtain the Hamiltonian
structures of the system and check the Jacobi identity through the method of
prolongation. We also show that this hierarchy of equations can equivalently be
described in terms of a fermionic Lax operator. We obtain the zero curvature
formulation as well as the conserved charges of the system starting from this
fermionic Lax operator which suggests a connection between the two. Finally,
starting from the fermionic description of the system, we construct the soliton
solutions for this system of equations through Darboux-Backlund transformations
and describe some open problems.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9710027 | Roland Beutler | R. Beutler, B.G. Konopelchenko | Surfaces of Revolution via the Schroedinger Equation : Construction,
Integrable Dynamics and Visualization | 29 pages, 27 figures | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Surfaces of revolution in three-dimensional Euclidean space are considered.
Several new examples of surfaces of revolution associated with well-known
solvable cases of the Schoedinger equation (infinite well, harmonic oscillator,
Coulomb potential, Bargmann potential, etc.) are analyzed and visualized. The
properties of such surfaces are discussed. Two types of deformations
(evolutions), namely 1) preserving the Gaussian curvature and 2) via the
dynamics of the Korteweg-de-Vries equation are discussed.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9710028 | Nikolai Kitanine | A.G. Izergin, V.S. Kapitonov, N.A. Kitanine | Equal-time temperature correlators of the one-dimensional Heisenberg XY
chain | 25 pages, LaTeX | Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 245 (1997) 173-206 (in russian) | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Representations as determinants of $M\times M$ dimensional matrices are
obtained for equal-time temperature correlators of the anisotropic Heisenberg
XY chain. These representations are simple deformations of the answers for the
isotropic XX0 chain. In the thermodynamic limit, the correlators are expressed
in terms of the Fredholm determinants of linear integral operators.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9711001 | Jose Carlos Brunelli | J. C. Brunelli and Ashok Das | Integrable Models and the Higher Dimensional Representations of Graded
Lie Algebras | 13 pages, latex | Mod.Phys.Lett. A13 (1998) 133-144 | 10.1142/S0217732398000176 | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We construct a zero curvature formulation, in superspace, for the sTB-B
hierarchy which naturally reduces to the zero curvature condition in terms of
components, thus solving one of the puzzling features of this model. This
analysis, further, suggests a systematic method of constructing higher
dimensional representations for the zero curvature condition starting with the
fundamental representation. We illustrate this with the examples of the sTB
hierarchy and the sKdV hierarchy. This would be particularly useful in
constructing explicit higher dimensional representations of graded Lie
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711002 | Manuel Manas | Q. P. Liu and Manuel Manas | Darboux Transformations for SUSY Integrable Systems | 13 pages. LaTeX209 with LamuPhys and EPSF packages, 3 figures.
Contribution to the proceedings of the "Integrable Models and Supersymmetry"
meeting held at Chicago on July'97 | null | 10.1007/BFb0105324 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Several types of Darboux transformations for supersymmetric integrable
systems such as the Manin-Radul KdV, Mathieu KdV and SUSY sine-Gordon equations
are considered. We also present solutions such as supersolitons and superkinks.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711003 | Leonid Dickey | L.A.Dickey | Additional symmetries of the Zakharov-Shabat hierarchy, String equation
and Isomonodromy | 11 pages, LaTeX | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Isomonodromic deformations are nothing but symmetries of the Zakharov-Shabat
(isospectral) hierarchy, both the basic ones (belonging to the hierarchy) and
additional, restricted to the submanifold of solutions to the string equation.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9711004 | Ju Guo-xing | Guo-xing Ju, Chi Xiong | On the Integrability of the One-Dimensional Open XYZ Spin Chain | 6 pages,latex,no figures | null | 10.1088/0253-6102/30/3/337 | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | The Lax pair for the one-dimensional open XYZ spin chain is constructed, this
shows that the system is completely integrable .
| 2018-01-17 |
solv-int/9711005 | Ming-Hsien Tu | Jiin-Chang Shaw and Ming-Hsien Tu | A Note on the Gauge Equivalence between the Manin-Radul and
Laberge-Mathieu Super KdV Hierarchies | 8 pages, revtex, 1 figure | J. Phys. A31 (1998) 4805 | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/20/017 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The gauge equivalence between the Manin-Radul and Laberge-Mathieu super KdV
hierarchies is revisited. Apart from the Inami-Kanno transformation, we show
that there is another gauge transformation which also possess the canonical
property. We explore the relationship of these two gauge transformations from
the Kupershmidt-Wilson theorem viewpoint and, as a by-product, obtain the
Darboux-Backlund transformation for the Manin-Radul super KdV hierarchy. The
geometrical intepretation of these transformations is also briefly discussed.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711006 | Kirill N. Ilinski | Kirill Ilinski, Alexander Stepanenko (University of Birmingham) | Comment on ``Equal-time temperature correlators of the one-dimensional
Heisenberg XY chain'', preprint solv-int/9710028 | 1 page, Latex | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | In the comment we give references to our papers where the problem was solved
for more general case of time-dependent finite temperature correlators.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9711007 | Tomaz Prosen | Tomaz Prosen (Physics Dept., Faculty of Math.&Phys., University of
Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia) | A new class of completely integrable quantum spin chains | 4 pages in RevTex | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/21/002 | null | solv-int cond-mat.str-el nlin.SI | null | A large (infinitely-dimensional) class of completely integrable (possibly
non-autonomous) spin chains is discovered associated to an infinite-dimensional
Lie Algebra of infinite rank. The complete set of integrals of motion is
constructed explicitly, as well as their eigenstates and spectra. As an example
we outline kicked Ising model: Ising chain periodically kicked with transversal
magnetic field.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711008 | Yang Wenli | Bo-yu Hou and Wen-li Yang | The nondynamical r-matrix structure of the elliptic Calogero-Moser model | 7 pages, Latex file 17k | null | null | IMPNWU-960810 | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | In this paper, we construct a new Lax operator for the elliptic
Calogero-Moser model with N=2. The nondynamical r-matrix structure of this Lax
operator is also studied .
The relation between our Lax operator and the Lax operator given by Krichever
is also obtained.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9711009 | Loriano Bonora | L.Bonora, S.Krivonos and A.Sorin | The N=2 supersymmetric matrix GNLS hierarchies | 13 pages, Latex, one reference added | Lett.Math.Phys. 45 (1998) 63-79 | null | SISSA 142/97/EP | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We construct the matrix generalization of the N=2 supersymmetric GNLS
hierarchies. This is done by exhibiting the corresponding matrix super Lax
operators in terms of N=2 superfields in two different superfield bases. We
present the second Hamiltonian structure and discrete symmetries. We then
extend our discussion by conjecturing the Lax operators of different reductions
of the N=2 supersymmetric matrix KP hierarchy and discuss the simplest
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9711010 | V. Kuznetsov | V.B. Kuznetsov and E.K. Sklyanin | Few remarks on Baecklund transformations for many-body systems | 14 pages, latex v.2.09, no figures | J.Phys.A 31 (1998) 2241-2251 | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/9/012 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Using the n-particle periodic Toda lattice and the relativistic
generalization due to Ruijsenaars of the elliptic Calogero-Moser system as
examples, we revise the basic properties of the Baecklund transformations
(BT's) from the Hamiltonian point of view. The analogy between BT and Baxter's
quantum Q-operator pointed out by Pasquier and Gaudin is exploited to produce a
conjugated variable mu for the parameter lambda of the BT B_lambda such that mu
belongs to the spectrum of the Lax operator L(lambda). As a consequence, the
generating function of the composition of n BT's gives rise also to another
canonical transformation separating variables for the model. For the Toda
lattice the dual BT parametrized by mu is introduced.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711011 | Luiz Agostinho Ferreira | H. Aratyn, L.A. Ferreira, J.F. Gomes and A.H. Zimerman | Vertex Operators and Solitons of Constrained KP Hierarchies | 13 pages, needs lamuphys.tex and lamuphys.sty, talk presented at the
1997 UIC Workshop on Supersymmetry and Integrable Models, Chicago, USA,
June/97. To be published in Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag | null | 10.1007/BFb0105320 | IFT-P.071/97 | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We construct the vertex operator representation for the Affine Kac-Moody
$SL(M+K+1)$ algebra, which is relevant for the construction of the soliton
solutions of the constrained KP hierarchies. The oscillators involved in the
vertex operator construction are provided by the Heisenberg subalgebras of
$SL(M+K+1)$ realized in the unconventional gradations. The well-known limiting
cases are the homogeneous Heisenberg subalgebra of $SL(M+1)$ and the principal
Heisenberg subalgebra of ${\hat{sl}}(K+1)$. The explicit example of $M=K=1$ is
discussed in detail and the corresponding soliton solutions and tau-functions
are given.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711012 | Loriano Bonora | L.Bonora, S.Krivonos and A.Sorin | Coset approach to the N=2 supersymmetric matrix GNLS hierarchies | 13 pages, Latex, a few misprints have been corrected | null | 10.1016/S0375-9601(98)00112-1 | SISSA 143/97/EP | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We discuss a large class of coset constructions of the N=2 sl(n|n-1) affine
superalgebra. We select admissible subalgebras, i.e. subalgebras that induce
linear chiral/antichiral constraints on the coset supercurrents. We show that
all the corresponding coset constructions lead to N=2 matrix GNLS hierarchies.
We develop an algorithm to compute the relative Hamiltonians and flows. We
spell out completely the case of the N=2 affine sl(3|2), which possesses four
admissible subalgebras. The non-local second Hamiltonian structure of the N=2
matrix GNLS hierarchies is obtained via Dirac procedure from the local N=2
sl(n|n-1) affine superalgebra. We observe that to any second Hamiltonian
structure with pure bosonic or pure fermionic superfield content there
correspond two different N=2 matrix GNLS hierarchies.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711013 | Andrew J. Bordner | Andrew J. Bordner | Commuting Charges of the Quantum Korteweg-deVries and Boussinesq
Theories from the Reduction of W(infinity) and W(1+infinity) Algebras | 11 pages, RevTeX | Mod. Phys. Lett. A 13, (1998) 541. | 10.1142/S0217732398000607 | YITP-97-58 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Integrability of the quantum Boussinesq equation for c=-2 is demonstrated by
giving a recursive algorithm for generating explicit expressions for the
infinite number of commuting charges based on a reduction of the W(infinity)
algebra. These charges exist for all spins $s \geq 2$. Likewise, reductions of
the W(infinity/2) and W((1+infinity)/2) algebras yield the commuting quantum
charges for the quantum KdV equation at c=-2 and c=1/2, respectively.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711014 | Jarmo Hietarinta | Jarmo Hietarinta and Claude Viallet | Singularity confinement and chaos in discrete systems | 4 pages, revtex, 2 PostScript-figures | Phys. Rev. Lett., 81 (1998) 325 | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.325 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We present a number of second order maps, which pass the singularity
confinement test commonly used to identify integrable discrete systems, but
which nevertheless are non-integrable. As a more sensitive integrability test,
we propose the analysis of the complexity (``algebraic entropy'') of the map
using the growth of the degree of its iterates: integrability is associated
with polynomial growth while the generic growth is exponential for chaotic
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9711015 | Metin Gurses | Metin Gurses and Atalay Karasu | Integrable Coupled KdV Systems | 17pp, LateX, to be published in J.Math.Phys | null | 10.1063/1.532278 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We give the conditions for a system of N- coupled Korteweg de Vries(KdV) type
of equations to be integrable. Recursion operators of each subclasses are also
given. All examples for N=2 are explicitly given.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712001 | R. A. Sharipov | O. N. Mikhailov and R. A. Sharipov | On the geometry of point-expansions for certain class of differential
equations of the second order | AmS-TeX, version 2.1, 8 pages, amsppt style | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Second order ordinary differential equations of the form $y'' = P(x,y)
+ 4 Q(x,y) y' + 6 R(x,y) y'^2 + 4 S(x,y) y'^3 + L(x,y) y'^4$ are considered
and their point-expansions are constructed. Geometrical structures connected
with these expansions are described.
| 2016-09-08 |
solv-int/9712002 | Alexander Sorin | S. Krivonos and A. Sorin | Extended N=2 supersymmetric matrix (1,s)-KdV hierarchies | LaTeX, 8 pages | Phys.Lett. A251 (1999) 109-114 | 10.1016/S0375-9601(98)00863-9 | JINR E2-97-365 | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We propose the Lax operators for N=2 supersymmetric matrix generalization of
the bosonic (1,s)-KdV hierarchies. The simplest examples - the N=2
supersymmetric a=4 KdV and a=5/2 Boussinesq hierarchies - are discussed in
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712003 | A. V. Tsiganov | A.V. Tsiganov | The Stackel systems and algebraic curves | 21 pages, LaTeX, no figures | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We show how the Abel-Jacobi map provides all the principal properties of an
ample family of integrable mechanical systems associated to hyperelliptic
curves. We prove that derivative of the Abel-Jacobi map is just the St\"{a}ckel
matrix, which determines $n$-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems in a
flat space. The Lax pairs, $r$-matrix algebras and explicit form of the flat
coordinates are constructed. An application of the Weierstrass reduction theory
allows to construct several flat coordinate systems on a common hyperelliptic
curve and to connect among themselves different integrable systems on a single
phase space.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9712004 | Rossen Ivanov | V. S. Gerdjikov, E. G. Evstatiev, R. I. Ivanov (Institute for Nuclear
Energy and Nuclear Research, Bulg. Acad. of Sci., Sofia, Bulgaria) | The Complex Toda Chains and the Simple Lie Algebras - Solutions and
Large Time Asymptotics | LaTeX, article style, 16 pages; corrections of formulas and text
improvements | null | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/40/014 | INRNE preprint, TH-97-13 | solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol | null | The asymptotic regimes of the N-site complex Toda chain (CTC) with fixed ends
related to the classical series of simple Lie algebras are classified. It is
shown that the CTC models have much richer variety of asymptotic regimes than
the real Toda chain (RTC). Besides asymptotically free propagation (the only
possible regime for the RTC), CTC allow bound state regimes, various
intermediate regimes when one (or several) group(s) of particles form bound
state(s), singular and degenerate solutions. These results can be used e.g., in
describing the soliton interactions of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation.
Explicit expressions for the solutions in terms of minimal sets of scattering
data are proposed for all classical series B_r - D_r.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712005 | Nikita A. Slavnov | V. E. Korepin (State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA) and N.
A. Slavnov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia) | The New Identity for the Scattering Matrx of Exactly Solvable Models | 7 pages, Latex, no figures | null | 10.1007/s100510050477 | ITP-SUNY-SB-97-72 | solv-int cond-mat hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg | null | We discovered a simple quadratic equation, which relates scattering phases of
particles on Fermi surface. We consider one dimensional Bose gas and XXZ
Heisenberg spin chain.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712006 | Igor G. Korepanov | I.G. Korepanov | Integrability in 3+1 Dimensions: Relaxing a Tetrahedron Relation | LaTeX, 3 pages | null | null | null | solv-int alg-geom math.AG nlin.SI | null | I propose a scheme of constructing classical integrable models in 3+1
discrete dimensions, based on a relaxed version of the problem of factorizing a
matrix into the product of four matrices of a special form.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9712007 | Kojima Takeo | T. Kojima (RIMS Kyoto University) | Dynamical Correlation Functions for an Impenetrable Bose gas with open
boundary conditions | LaTEX, 15 pages | null | null | null | solv-int hep-th math.QA nlin.SI q-alg | null | We study the time and temperature dependent correlation functions for an
impenetrable bose gas with open boundary conditions. We derive the Fredholm
determinant formulae for the correlation functions, by means of the Bethe
Ansatz. In the case of time independent ground state, our Fredholm determinant
formulae degenerate to the one which have been obtained by the help of fermions
[T. Kojima, J.Stat.Phys.Vol.88,713-(1997)]
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9712008 | Ziad Maassarani | Z. Maassarani (Laval university) | The XXC Models | 6 pages, LaTeX | Phys. Lett. A 244 (1998) 160-164 | 10.1016/S0375-9601(98)00322-3 | LAVAL-PHY-27/97 | solv-int cond-mat math.QA nlin.SI q-alg | null | A class of recently introduced multi-states XX models is generalized to
include a deformation parameter. This corresponds to an additional
nearest-neighbor CC interaction in the defining quadratic hamiltonian. Complete
integrability of the one-dimensional models is shown in the context of the
quantum inverse scattering method. The new R-matrix is derived. The
diagonalization of the XXC models is carried out using the algebraic Bethe
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712009 | Ming-Hsien Tu | Jiin-Chang Shaw and Ming-Hsien Tu | Canonical gauge equivalences of the sAKNS and sTB hierarchies | 10 pages, Revtex, no figures | J.Phys.A31:6517,1998 | 10.1088/0305-4470/31/30/016 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | We study the gauge transformations between the supersymmetric AKNS (sAKNS)
and supersymmetric two-boson (sTB) hierarchies. The Hamiltonian nature of these
gauge transformations is investigated, which turns out to be canonical. We also
obtain the Darboux-Backlund transformations for the sAKNS hierarchy from these
gauge transformations.
| 2008-11-26 |
solv-int/9712010 | Andrei Mal'tsev | A.Ya.Maltsev (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics) | The averaging of Hamiltonian structures in discrete variant of Whitham
method | Latex, 4 Pages | Russian Math. Surveys 53:1 (1998), 214-216 | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Paper is devoted to the construction of averaging procedure of Hamiltonian
structures in discrete Whitham method. The procedure is analogous to
Dubrovin-Novikov procedure of averaging of local field-theoretical Poisson
brackets and gives the Poisson bracket of Hydrodynamic Type starting from
Poisson bracket for a discrete chain.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9712011 | Ju Guo-xing | Guo-xing Ju, Shi-kun Wang, Ke Wu, Chi Xiong | Boundary K-matrices and the Lax pair for 1D open XYZ spin-chain | LaTeX, 17 pages, errors in references corrected | null | 10.1142/S0217751X98002006 | null | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | We analysis the symmetries of the reflection equation for open $XYZ$ model
and find their solutions $K^{\pm}$ case by case. In the general open boundary
conditions, the Lax pair for open one-dimensional $XYZ$ spin-chain is given.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712012 | Henrik Aratyn | H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva | A New ``Dual'' Symmetry Structure of the KP Hierarchy | Added one reference, LaTeX, 8 pgs | null | 10.1016/S0375-9601(98)00340-5 | BGU-97/21/Dec-PH, UICHEP-TH/97-16 | solv-int hep-th nlin.SI | null | A new infinite set of commuting additional (``ghost'') symmetries is proposed
for the KP-type integrable hierarchy. These symmetries allow for a Lax
representation in which they are realized as standard isospectral flows. This
gives rise to a new double-KP hierarchy embedding ``ghost'' and original
KP-type Lax hierarchies connected to each other via a ``duality'' mapping
exchanging the isospectral and ``ghost'' ``times''. A new representation of 2D
Toda lattice hierarchy as a special Darboux-Backlund orbit of the double-KP
hierarchy is found and parametrized entirely in terms of (adjoint)
eigenfunctions of the original KP subsystem.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712013 | Szmigielski | David H. Sattinger and Jacek Szmigielski | A Riemann-Hilbert Problem for an Energy Dependent Schr\"odinger Operator | null | Inverse Problems 12 (1996) 1003-1025 | 10.1088/0266-5611/12/6/014 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | \We consider an inverse scattering problem for Schr\"odinger operators with
energy dependent potentials. The inverse problem is formulated as a
Riemann-Hilbert problem on a Riemann surface. A vanishing lemma is proved for
two distinct symmetry classes. As an application we prove global existence
theorems for the two distinct systems of partial differential equations
$u_t+(u^2/2+w)_x=0, w_t\pm u_{xxx}+(uw)_x=0$ for suitably restricted,
complementary classes of initial data.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712014 | Marcio J. Martins | M.J. Martins and P.B. Ramos | The Quantum Inverse Scattering Method for Hubbard-like Models | latex file, 71 pages | null | 10.1016/S0550-3213(98)00199-0 | IFTA-97-35/UFSCARTH-97-19 | solv-int cond-mat hep-th nlin.SI | null | This work is concerned with various aspects of the formulation of the quantum
inverse scattering method for the one-dimensional Hubbard model. We first
establish the essential tools to solve the eigenvalue problem for the transfer
matrix of the classical ``covering'' Hubbard model within the algebraic Bethe
Ansatz framework. The fundamental commutation rules exhibit a hidden 6-vertex
symmetry which plays a crucial role in the whole algebraic construction. Next
we apply this formalism to study the SU(2) highest weights properties of the
eigenvectors and the solution of a related coupled spin model with twisted
boundary conditions. The machinery developed in this paper is applicable to
many other models, and as an example we present the algebraic solution of the
Bariev XY coupled model.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712015 | Pierre Vandergheynst | M. Adler, E. Horozov, P. van Moerbeke | The solution to the q-KdV equation | 18 pages, LaTeX | null | 10.1016/S0375-9601(98)00082-6 | Math-97 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Let KdV stand for the Nth Gelfand-Dickey reduction of the KP hierarchy. The
purpose of this paper is to show that any KdV solution leads effectively to a
solution of the q-approximation of KdV. Two different q-KdV approximations were
proposed, one by Frenkel and a variation by Khesin et al. We show there is a
dictionary between the solutions of q-KP and the 1-Toda lattice equations,
obeying some special requirement; this is based on an algebra isomorphism
between difference operators and D-operators, where $Df(x)=f(qx)$. Therefore,
every notion about the 1-Toda lattice can be transcribed into q-language.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712016 | Pierre Vandergheynst | M. Adler and P. van Moerbeke | Toda-Darboux maps and vertex operators | 23 pages, LaTeX | null | null | Math-97 | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The purpose of this paper is to study Toda-Darboux transforms, i.e., Darboux
transforms for operators L(t) flowing according to the Toda lattice. Each
element of the null-space $L(t)-z$ specifies a factorization for all t and thus
a Toda-Darboux transform on $L(t)$. The Toda-Darboux map induces a
transformation on the tau-vectors, given by a certain vertex operator, and on
eigenfunctions, given by a Wronskian. .
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9712017 | Adam Doliwa | A. Doliwa, P. M. Santini and M. Manas | Transformations of Quadrilateral Lattices | 50 pages, 15 figures; minor corrections, added references | J. Math. Phys. 41 (2000) 944-990 | 10.1063/1.533175 | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | Motivated by the classical studies on transformations of conjugate nets, we
develop the general geometric theory of transformations of their discrete
analogues: the multidimensional quadrilateral lattices, i.e. lattices x: Z^N ->
R^M, whose elementary quadrilaterals are planar. Our investigation is based on
the discrete analogue of the theory of the rectilinear congruences, which we
also present in detail. We study, in particular, the discrete analogues of the
Laplace, Combescure, Levy, radial and fundamental transformations and their
interrelations. The composition of these transformations and their
permutability is also investigated from a geometric point of view. The deep
connections between "transformations" and "discretizations" is also
investigated for quadrilateral lattices. We finally interpret these results
within the D-bar formalism.
| 2009-10-30 |
solv-int/9712018 | Metin Gurses | Metin Gurses | Sigma Models and Minimal Surfaces | Latex, 13pp, to be published in Letters in Mathematical Physics | null | null | null | solv-int nlin.SI | null | The correspondance is established between the sigma models, the minimal
surfaces and the Monge-Ampere equation. The Lax -Pairs of the minimality
condition of the minimal surfaces and the Monge-Ampere equations are given.
Existance of infinitely many nonlocal conservation laws is shown and some
Backlund transformations are also given.
| 2007-05-23 |
solv-int/9712019 | Matveev V. S. | V.S. Matveev (Bremen University) | Quadratically integrable geodesic flows on the torus and on the Klein
bottle | 10 pages, latex2e | Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, vol 2 no 1 (1997), 96-103 | null | null | solv-int math.DG nlin.SI | null | In the present paper we prove, that if the geodesic flow of a metric G on the
torus T is quadratically integrable, then the torus T isometrically covers a
torus with a Liouville metric on it, and describe the set of quadratically
integrable geodesic flows on the Klein bottle.
| 2011-08-22 |