{ "en": "And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron : and he said , Thus saith the Lord , With these shalt thou push the Syrians , until thou have consumed them .", "kha": "Uwei na ki , u Sedekaïah u khun jong u Khenaanah , u shna ïa ki reng nar bad u ong ha u Ahab , Kane ka long kaei kaba U Trai u ong : ‘ Da kine phin ïaleh ïa ki nong Syria bad phin jop thiaw ïa ki .’" }
{ "en": "And she said , Truth , Lord : yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters table .", "kha": "Kata ka long kaba shisha , ko Kynrad , ka la jubab ; hynrei wat ki ksew ki ïabam ïa kiba sah tam kiba hap na ka miej u kynrad jong ki ." }
{ "en": "And many believed on him there .", "kha": "Bad bun ki briew hangta ki la ngeit ha u ." }
{ "en": "Woe to the crown of pride , to the drunkards of Ephraim , whose glorious beauty is a fading flower , which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine !", "kha": "Ka hima Israel ka la kut ! Ka burom jong ka , ka la jah kum ki pansngiat syntiew ha ki khlieh jong ki nongïalam buaid . Ïa ki khlieh basarong jong ki la pyniwbih bha , hynrei hangta ki ïathiah , ki buaid bhor ." }
{ "en": "And one kid of the goats for a sin offering ; beside the continual burnt offering , and the meat offering thereof , and their drink offerings .", "kha": "Ai ïa ki lem bad kita kiwei pat ki jingainguh baroh kiba la pyndep ha ka sngi kaba nyngkong ." }
{ "en": "The Lord shall fight for you , and ye shall hold your peace .", "kha": "U Trai un ïaleh na ka bynta jong phi , bad phim donkam ban leh ei ei ruh em ." }
{ "en": "And the Lord said unto David my father , Whereas it was in thine heart to build an house unto my name , thou didst well that it was in thine heart .", "kha": "hynrei U Trai u la ong ha u , ‘ Me la leh ïa kaba dei ba me kwah ban tei ïa ka Templ ïa nga ," }
{ "en": "But when he defied Israel , Jonathan the son of Shimea David s brother slew him .", "kha": "U ïeng pyrshah ïa ki Israel , bad u Jonathan , u khun jong u Shammah uba shi para bad u Dabid , u pynïap ïa u ." }
{ "en": "He brought them out , after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt , and in the Red sea , and in the wilderness forty years .", "kha": "U la ïalam ïa ki briew na ka ri Ijipt , u da leh ki kambah bad ki kamphylla ha ka ri Ijipt bad ha ka Duriaw Basaw bad haduh sawphew snem ha ka ri shyiap ." }
{ "en": "The rich ruleth over the poor , and the borrower is servant to the lender .", "kha": "Ki briew kiba duk ki long ki mraw jong u briew bariewspah , pan kylliang pisa bad phin long u mraw jong u nongai ram ." }
{ "en": "Of a truth , Lord , the kings of Assyria have destroyed the nations and their lands ,", "kha": "Ngi baroh ngi tip , A Trai , ba ki patsha jong ka Assyria ki la pynjot ïa shibun ki hima , ki pynlong ïa ki ri jong ki ban sah kynjah ," }
{ "en": "He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul : but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding .", "kha": "Lada phi kyntait ban shah hikai , phi ñiewbeiñ ïa lade . Lada phi pdiang ïa ka jingpynbeit , phin long kiba kham stad ." }
{ "en": "Out of whose womb came the ice ? and the hoary frost of heaven , who hath gendered it ?", "kha": "Kaei ka kmie jong u thah bad jong u thah stang ," }
{ "en": "And in the second month , on the seven and twentieth day of the month , was the earth dried .", "kha": "Bad ha ka sngi kaba arphew hynñiew jong u bnai uba ar , ka khyndew ka la rkhiang nadong shadong ." }
{ "en": "Hearken not unto them ; serve the king of Babylon , and live : wherefore should this city be laid waste ?", "kha": "Wat shahshkor ïa ki ! Pyndem ha u syiem ka Babilonia bad phin im ! Balei ba kane ka nongbah kan kylla ka kynton ki jingpra ?" }
{ "en": "Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous : wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five ? And he said , If I find there forty and five , I will not destroy it .", "kha": "Hynrei , lehse don sawphew san ngut ha ka jaka sanphew ngut kiba hok . Hato men pynjot noh ïa ka nongbah baroh kawei namar ba duna san ngut ? U Trai u ong , Ngan ym pynjot noh ïa ka lada nga shem sawphew san ngut kiba hok ." }
{ "en": "But in the place which the Lord shall choose in one of thy tribes , there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings , and there thou shalt do all that I command thee .", "kha": "hynrei leit rah ïa ki tang ha kawei ka jaka ha kaba U Trai un jied na ka ri jong kawei na ki jait jong phi , bad hangta phin leh ïa kita baroh kiba nga la hukum ïa phi ." }
{ "en": "When a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his father , saying , Thou hast clothing , be thou our ruler , and let this ruin be under thy hand :", "kha": "Ka por kan poi ha kaba ki dkhot jong ka kur kin jied uwei napdeng jong ki bad ong ha u , Ma phi la kumno kumno phi don ei ei ban phong , kumta to long u nongïalam jong ngi ha kane ka por ka jingjynjar ." }
{ "en": "Therefore he brought upon them the king of the Chaldeans , who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary , and had no compassion upon young man or maiden , old man , or him that stooped for age : he gave them all into his hand .", "kha": "Kumta U Trai u wallam ïa u syiem ka Babilonia bad tur ïaleh ïa ki . U syiem u pynïap ïa ki samla shynrang ka Judah , wat hapoh ka Templ hi . Um don jingsngewsynei ïano ïano , samla ne tymmen , shynrang ne kynthei , uba pang ne uba koit . U Blei u aiti ïa ki baroh ha u ." }
{ "en": "So I got a girdle according to the word of the Lord , and put it on my loins .", "kha": "Kumta nga la thied ïa ki bad phong ïa ki ." }
{ "en": "And Eltolad , and Chesil , and Hormah ,", "kha": "ka Eltolad , ka Khesil , ka Hormah ," }
{ "en": "And the midwives said unto Pharaoh , Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women ; for they are lively , and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them .", "kha": "Kita ki nongpynkha khun ki jubab , Ki kynthei Hebru kim long kum ki kynthei Ijipt ; ki kha suk ïa ki khun , bad katba ngin da poi ma ngi , ki la lah kha ." }
{ "en": "And these are the measures of the altar after the cubits : The cubit is a cubit and an hand breadth ; even the bottom shall be a cubit , and the breadth a cubit , and the border thereof by the edge thereof round about shall be a span : and this shall be the higher place of the altar .", "kha": "Kine ki long ki jingthew jingwoh jong ka duwan , kiba long ha kajuh ka rukom kumba thew ïa ka Templ . Ha baroh sawdong ka trai jong ka duwan ka don ka nur kaba sanphew sentimitar ka jingjylliew bad sanphew sentimitar ka pyngkiang , bad ka rmiang ha ka tduh kaba shabar kaba long arphew san sentimitar ka jingjrong ." }
{ "en": "( Psalm 26 :12 , footnote ; 111 :1 ) These gatherings create an opportunity to meet and associate with Witnesses from other congregations or even from other lands .", "kha": "( Salm 26 :12 ; 111 :1 ) Kine ki jingïalang ki plie lad ban ïakynduh bad ban ïa kren-ïa khana bad ki Nongsakhi kiba na kiwei ki balang ne na kiwei pat ki jaka ." }
{ "en": "And blessed is he , whosoever shall not be offended in me .", "kha": "Katno kiba suk ki long kito ki bym don jingartatien shaphang jong nga !" }
{ "en": "Ammiel the sixth , Issachar the seventh , Peulthai the eighth : for God blessed him .", "kha": "U don ruh u Obed Edom , uba U Blei u la kyrkhu da kaba ai ha u phra ngut ki khun shynrang , kiba la jer ter ter kat kum ka rta : u Shemaïah , u Jehosabad , u Joah , u Sakhar , u Nethanel , u Ammiel , u Issakhar , bad u Peullethai ." }
{ "en": "When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine , and knew not whence it was : ( but the servants which drew the water knew ; ) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom ,", "kha": "Ki la leit rah ïa ka um , kaba mynta ka la kylla waiñ , bad u la mad ïa ka . Um shym tip nangno la wanrah ïa kane ka waiñ ( hynrei , da shisha , ki shakri kiba la tong ïa ka um ki la tip ïa kata ) ;" }
{ "en": "Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies ? who can forgive sins but God only ?", "kha": "Kumno u nud ban kren kumne ? Kane ka dei ka jingkrenbeiñ Blei ! Dei tang U Blei hi marwei uba lah ban map ïa ki pop !" }
{ "en": "Therefore thus saith the Lord God ; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob , and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel , and will be jealous for my holy name ;", "kha": "U Trai Nongsynshar u ong , Hynrei mynta ngan sngewsynei ïa ki khun ki ksiew u Jakob , ki briew ka Israel , bad ngan pynmanbha biang ïa ki . Ngan ïada ïa la ka kyrteng bakhuid jong nga ." }
{ "en": "Teach me good judgment and knowledge : for I have believed thy commandments .", "kha": "To ai ha nga ka jingstad bad ka jingtip , namar nga shaniah ha ki hukum jong me ." }
{ "en": "There shall not an hand touch it , but he shall surely be stoned , or shot through ; whether it be beast or man , it shall not live : when the trumpet soundeth long , they shall come up to the mount .", "kha": "dei ban shu lynthem ïa u da u maw , ne ban siat ïap ïa u da ki khnam , khlem da ktah kti mano mano ïa u . Kane ka treikam ïa ki briew bad ki mrad ; dei ban pynïap ïa ki . Hynrei haba la put ïa ka turoi , te ki briew kin sa leit kiew sha u lum ." }
{ "en": "For John was not yet cast into prison .", "kha": "( Kane ka la long ha shuwa ban set byndi ïa u Ïoannis . )" }
{ "en": "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered .", "kha": "Kumta ruh ïa phi , wat ïa ki shñiuh ha ka khlieh jong phi la lah ñiew ." }
{ "en": "And Joab came into the house to the king , and said , Thou hast shamed this day the faces of all thy servants , which this day have saved thy life , and the lives of thy sons and of thy daughters , and the lives of thy wives , and the lives of thy concubines ;", "kha": "U Joab u leit sha ïing jong u syiem bad u ong ha u , Ha kane ka sngi phi la pynlehrain ïa ki rangbah jong phi — ki rangbah kiba la pyllait im ïa phi , ïa ki khun shynrang bad ki khun kynthei jong phi , bad ïa ki tnga bad ki tnga kliar jong phi ." }
{ "en": "And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob , and he loved the damsel , and spake kindly unto the damsel .", "kha": "Hynrei haba u shem ba ka samla ka long kaba i-ieit kat haduh ba u la ïapmat ïa ka , bad u la pyrshang ban ïoh ïa ka jingsngewieit na ka ." }
{ "en": "And gave them for the potter s field , as the Lord appointed me .", "kha": "bad ki la pyndonkam ïa ka pisa ban thied ïa ka lyngkha u nongthaw khiew , kumba U Trai u la hukum ïa nga ." }
{ "en": "Howbeit , as the disciples stood round about him , he rose up , and came into the city : and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe .", "kha": "Hynrei haba ki parabangeit ki la ïalumlang sawdong ïa u , u la ïeng joit bad u la leit phai pat sha shnong . Ha ka sngi kaba bud ma u lem bad u Barnabas ki la leit sha Derbe ." }
{ "en": "And I will bring you in unto the land , concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham , to Isaac , and to Jacob ; and I will give it you for an heritage : I am the Lord .", "kha": "Ngan ïalam ïa phi sha ka ri kaba nga la kular skhem ban ai ha u Abraham , ha u Isaak , bad ha u Jakob ; bad ngan ai ïa ka ha phi kum ka nongkynti jong phi hi . Nga long U Trai .’" }
{ "en": "But every woman shall borrow of her neighbour , and of her that sojourneth in her house , jewels of silver , and jewels of gold , and raiment : and ye shall put them upon your sons , and upon your daughters ; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians . ", "kha": "Man la ka kynthei Israel kan pan ïa ki jingdeng ksiar bad jingdeng rupa , bad ïa ki jaiñkup jaiñsem ruh , na la ka paramarjan nong Ijipt bad na ka kynthei Ijipt kaba shong basah ha ïing jong ka . Ki Israel kin buh ïa kine kiei kiei ha la ki khun shynrang bad kynthei bad kit noh ïa ka spah jong ki nong Ijipt . " }
{ "en": "And Pilate asked him , Art thou the King of the Jews ? And he answering said unto him , Thou sayest it .", "kha": "U Pilat u la kylli jingkylli ïa u , Me long u syiem jong ki Jiw ? U Jisu u la jubab , Kumba me ong hi ." }
{ "en": "For the arrows of the Almighty are within me , the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit : the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me .", "kha": "U Blei Badonbor Baroh u la siat da ki khnam ïa nga , bad ka bih jong ki ka par baroh kawei ka met jong nga . Da ki jingshyrkhei U Blei u la pynap riang pyrshah ïa nga ." }
{ "en": "And Jesus went forth , and saw a great multitude , and was moved with compassion toward them , and he healed their sick .", "kha": "U Jisu u la hiar na ka lieng , bad haba u la ïohi ïa u paidbah babun , ïa ka dohnud jong u la pyndap da ka jingisynei ïa ki , bad u la pynkhiah ïa kito kiba la pang ." }
{ "en": "The Lord taketh my part with them that help me : therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me .", "kha": "U dei U Trai uba ïarap ïa nga ; bad ngan ïohi ba ki nongshun jong nga ki shahjop ." }
{ "en": "And then will I profess unto them , I never knew you : depart from me , ye that work iniquity .", "kha": "Nangta ngan ong ha ki , ‘ Ngam ju la ithuh ïa phi . Khie leit noh na nga , phi ki briew bymman !’" }
{ "en": "And Uzziah the king was a leper unto the day of his death , and dwelt in a several house , being a leper ; for he was cut off from the house of the Lord : and Jotham his son was over the king s house , judging the people of the land .", "kha": "Ha ka jingim ba dang sah jong u syiem Ussaïah , u la long u bymkhuid kat kum ka jinglehniam namar ka jingpang jong u . Namar ba um lah shuh ban rung sha ka Templ u shong u sah ha la ka ïing , khlem da leh shuh ïa la ki kamram , katba u Jotham u khun jong u , u synshar ïa ka ri ." }
{ "en": "And there was no passover like to that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet ; neither did all the kings of Israel keep such a passover as Josiah kept , and the priests , and the Levites , and all Judah and Israel that were present , and the inhabitants of Jerusalem .", "kha": "Naduh ki sngi jong u Samuel u nongïathuhlypa , ïa ka Jingkhawai Niam Ka Jinglait ym pat ju rakhe kum kane . Ym don napdeng ki syiem ba-mynshuwa kiba la rakhe ïa ka Jingkhawai Niam Ka Jinglait kum kane ba la rakhe da u Syiem Josaïah , ki lyngdoh , ki Lebi , bad ki paid Judah , Israel , bad Jerusalem" }
{ "en": "And they said , Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ , and thou shalt be saved , and thy house .", "kha": "Ki la jubab , To ngeit ha U Trai Jisu , bad yn sa pynim ïa me — ïa me bad ïa ka longïing jong me ." }
{ "en": "So Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day .", "kha": "Naduh kata ka por , ki briew jong ka hima bashatei jong ka Israel ki ïai ïaleh pyrshah ïa ka longïing syiem jong u Dabid ." }
{ "en": "At the end of a regular pioneer’s first year of full-time service , he or she is enrolled in a six-day school that may be held at a nearby Kingdom Hall .", "kha": "Ynda ki pioneer batista ki la trei pura shisnem , ïa ki la ju pynrung kyrteng ha ka skul ba hynriew sngi kiba ju pynlong ha ka Ïing Hima ba jan tam ." }
{ "en": "For Menahem the son of Gadi went up from Tirzah , and came to Samaria , and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria , and slew him , and reigned in his stead .", "kha": "U Menahem u khun jong u Gadi u leit na Tirsah sha Samaria , u pynïap ïa u Shallum , bad u long syiem ha ka jaka jong u ." }
{ "en": "Thou hast made known to me the ways of life ; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance .", "kha": "Me la pyn-i ha nga ïa ki lynti ïaid kiba ïalam sha ka jingim , bad ka jingdon ryngkat jong me kan pyndap ïa nga da ka jingkmen .’" }
{ "en": "Likewise when the Lord sent you from Kadesh–barnea , saying , Go up and possess the land which I have given you ; then ye rebelled against the commandment of the Lord your God , and ye believed him not , nor hearkened to his voice .", "kha": "Bad haba u hukum ïa phi na Kadesh Barnea ban leit kam kynti ïa kata ka ri ïa kaba u la ai ha phi , phi ïaleh pyrshah pynban ïa u ; phim shym shaniah bad kohnguh ïa u ." }
{ "en": "The voice thereof shall go like a serpent ; for they shall march with an army , and come against her with axes , as hewers of wood .", "kha": "Ka Ijipt ka phet krad , ka pyrsad kum u bseiñ , katba ka kynhun shipai u nongshun ka wan tur . Ki tur ïaleh ïa ka da ki sdie , kum ki rangbah kiba pom ïa ki dieng bad kiba pynjot ïa ka khlaw barben ." }
{ "en": "And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth , that thou shalt be dumb , and shalt not be to them a reprover : for they are a rebellious house .", "kha": "Ngan teh ïa u thylliej jong me ba kumta men ym lah ban maham ïa kine ki riewïaleh pyrshah ." }
{ "en": "And his brethren said to him , Shalt thou indeed reign over us ? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us ? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams , and for his words .", "kha": "Hato me pyrkhat ba men sa long u syiem bad synshar ïa ngi ? Ki hynmen shynrang jong u ki ong . Kumta ki la nang kham isih shuh shuh ïa u namar ki jingphohsniew jong u bad namar kaei kaba ba u la kren shaphang jong ki ." }
{ "en": "But the Lord thy God shall deliver them unto thee , and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction , until they be destroyed .", "kha": "U Trai un aiti ha phi ïa ki nongshun jong phi bad un pynkulmar ïa ki haduh ba kin da shah pynjot lut thiaw ." }
{ "en": "So the devils besought him , saying , If thou cast us out , suffer us to go away into the herd of swine .", "kha": "Kumta ki ksuid ki la kyrpad ïa U Jisu , Lada men beh noh ïa ngi shabar , to phah ïa ngi sha katai ka kynhun ki sniang ." }
{ "en": "In the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised , and Ishmael his son .", "kha": "La otsher ïa ki baroh ar ngut ha kajuh ka sngi ," }
{ "en": "Which the Lord commanded to be given them of the children of Israel , in the day that he anointed them , by a statute for ever throughout their generations .", "kha": "Ha kata ka sngi U Trai u la hukum ïa ki paid Israel ban ai ïa kane ka bynta jong ka jingainguh . Ka dei ka aiñ ba ki paid Israel ki dei ban kohnguh pateng la pateng ." }
{ "en": "And when we came to Rome , the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard : but Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him .", "kha": "Ka jingim bathymmai ha U Khrist" }
{ "en": "And he went forth unto the spring of the waters , and cast the salt in there , and said , Thus saith the Lord , I have healed these waters ; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land .", "kha": "bad u la leit sha ka umpohliew , u la bret ïa ka mluh ha ka um , bad u ong , Kane ka dei kaba U Trai u ong : ‘ Nga pynkhuid ïa kane ka um , bad kan ym pynjia shuh kano kano ka jingïap lane ki jinghap khun .’" }
{ "en": "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help ; and stay on horses , and trust in chariots , because they are many ; and in horsemen , because they are very strong ; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel , neither seek the Lord !", "kha": "Kito kiba leit sha Ijipt ban ïoh jingïarap kin jot ! Ki shaniah ha ka bor shipai bakhraw jong ka Ijipt — ki kulai , ki kali ïapom , bad ki shipai . Hynrei kim tip ban shaniah ha U Trai , U Blei Bakhuid ki Israel , lane pan na u ïa ka jingïarap ." }
{ "en": "The Lord is my portion , saith my soul ; therefore will I hope in him .", "kha": "U Trai u long baroh kaba nga don , bad kumta nga buh ïa la ka jingkyrmen ha u ." }
{ "en": "And they called them , and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus .", "kha": "Kumta ki la khot biang ïa ki shapoh bad ki la ong ïa ki ba kim dei da lei lei ban kren lane hikai ha ka kyrteng jong U Jisu ." }
{ "en": "And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God , and in the law , and in the commandments , to seek his God , he did it with all his heart , and prospered .", "kha": "U la long uba jop , namar baroh kaba u la leh na ka bynta ka Templ lane ha kaba sumar ïa ka Hukum , u la leh ha ka mynsiem kaba ïaineh tylli bad aiti lut ha U Blei jong u ." }
{ "en": "Then ye shall let your children know , saying , Israel came over this Jordan on dry land .", "kha": "phin ïathuh ha ki shaphang ka por mynba ki Israel ki la jam ïa ka Jordan halor ka dewryngkhiang ." }
{ "en": "And I sought for a man among them , that should make up the hedge , and stand in the gap before me for the land , that I should not destroy it : but I found none .", "kha": "Nga wad ïa uno uno uba lah ban tei ïa ka kynroh , uba lah ban ïeng ha ki jaka ha kaba ki kynroh ki twa bad ban ïada ïa ka ri haba ka jingbitar jong nga ka la jan ban pynjot ïa ka , hynrei ngam shem ïano ïano ruh ." }
{ "en": "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord ; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord .", "kha": "U khun pongka bad ki khun ki ksiew jong u haduh kaba shiphew pateng bynriew ym dei ban kynthup hapdeng ki briew U Trai ." }
{ "en": "For the Lord will not cast off his people , neither will he forsake his inheritance .", "kha": "U Trai un ym iehnoh ïa la ki briew ; bad un ym iehnoh ïa kito kiba long ki jong u ." }
{ "en": "He ate an apple .", "kha": "U Bam Ia U Soh Apple ." }
{ "en": "And thy mighty men , O Teman , shall be dismayed , to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter .", "kha": "Ki rangbah nongïaleh jong ka Teman kin kyiuh , bad ïa uwei pa uwei u shipai ha Edom yn pynïap ." }
{ "en": "And the Lord delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God ; and on them was written according to all the words , which the Lord spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly .", "kha": "Nangta U Trai u ai ha nga ïa ki ar tylli ki mawlyngkniap ha kiba u la thoh da la ka kti ïa kata kaba u la kren ha phi napdeng ka ding ha kato ka sngi ba phi ïalumlang ha uta u lum ." }
{ "en": "Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness , as he had appointed , speaking unto Moses , that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen .", "kha": "Ki kpa tymmen jong ngi ki la don bad ki ïa ka Ïingjaiñ ka Jingdon Ryngkat U Blei , ha ka ri shyiap . La thaw ïa ka kat kumba U Blei u la ong ha u Moses ban thaw ïa ka , kat kum ka dur ïa kaba la pyn-i ha u Moses ." }
{ "en": "And they sat down , and did eat and drink both of them together : for the damsel s father had said unto the man , Be content , I pray thee , and tarry all night , and let thine heart be merry .", "kha": "Kumta kita baroh ar ngut ki shong bad ki ïabam ïadih lang . Nangta u kpa kata ka kynthei u ong ha u , Sngewbha sahmiet noh hangne bad pynsngewbha ïa lade ." }
{ "en": "Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin offering , and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings .", "kha": "Kñia ruh uwei u langsohmoh kum ka jingainguh namar ka pop , bad ar tylli ki khunlangbrot shynrang kiba shisnem kum ka jingainguh pynïasuk ." }
{ "en": "And he believed in the Lord ; and he counted it to him for righteousness .", "kha": "U Abram u la shaniah ha U Trai ; bad namar kane , U Trai u la sngewbha ïa u bad u la pdiang ïa u ." }
{ "en": "And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna : and it was like coriander seed , white ; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey .", "kha": "Ki paid Israel ki khot ïa kata ka jingbam , ka manna . Ka long kum u symbai balieh uba rit , bad ka shngiam kum u kpu lyngkniap ba la shet bad ka ngap ." }
{ "en": "Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light ; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops .", "kha": "Kumta te , ïa kaei kaei kaba phi la ong ha kaba dum yn ïohsngew ha kaba shai ka sngi , bad ïa kaei kaei kaba phi la pasiaw ha kaba jar jar ha ka kamra ba la khang , yn pyrta na ki tnum ïing ." }
{ "en": "The thoughts of the righteous are right : but the counsels of the wicked are deceit .", "kha": "Ki briew kiba beit kin lehbha ïa phi ; ki bymman ki kwah tang ban shukor ïa phi ." }
{ "en": "Look unto the heavens , and see ; and behold the clouds which are higher than thou .", "kha": "To khmied sha ka suiñbneng ! Peit katno ka jingjngai jong ki lyoh !" }
{ "en": "And they , when they had testified and preached the word of the Lord , returned to Jerusalem , and preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans .", "kha": "Hadien ba ki la ai ïa ka jingphla jong ki bad pynbna ïa ka khubor jong U Trai , u Petros bad u Ïoannis ki la leit phai pat sha Jerusalem . Ha lynti ki la ïalap ïa ka Khubor Babha ha kiba bun ki shnong ha Samaria ." }
{ "en": "They turn the needy out of the way : the poor of the earth hide themselves together .", "kha": "Ki khanglad ïa kiba duk ba kin ïoh ïa ki hok jong ki bad pynbor ïa kiba kyrduh ban phet rieh ." }
{ "en": "Behold , Hanameel the son of Shallum thine uncle shall come unto thee , saying , Buy thee my field that is in Anathoth : for the right of redemption is thine to buy it .", "kha": "ba u Hanamel , u khun jong u kñi jong nga , u Shallum , un wan sha nga bad ka jingkyrpad ban thied ïa ka lyngkha jong u ha Anathoth ha ka thain Benjamin , namar nga long u ba-ha-ïing bajan tam bad ba nga don ka hok ban thied ïa ka na ka bynta ïa lade ." }
{ "en": "And into whatsoever house ye enter , first say , Peace be to this house .", "kha": "Ha man ba phi rung ha kano kano ka ïing , to ong nyngkong , ‘ Ka jingsuk kan long ha kane ka ïing .’" }
{ "en": "The Jews answered him , We have a law , and by our law he ought to die , because he made himself the Son of God .", "kha": "U paidbah u la phai ktien , Ngi don ka hukum kaba ong ba u dei ban ïap , namar u la kam ba u long U Khun U Blei ." }
{ "en": "And when they found not his body , they came , saying , that they had also seen a vision of angels , which said that he was alive .", "kha": "Ki la wan phai pat da kaba ong ba ki la ïohi ka jingïohipaw ïa ki angel kiba la ïathuh ha ki ba u im ." }
{ "en": "And it came to pass on the morrow , that Pashur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks . Then said Jeremiah unto him , The Lord hath not called thy name Pashur , but Magor–missabib .", "kha": "Ha ka step kaba bud , hadien ba u Pashhur u la pyllait ïa nga na ki kynjri , nga la ong ha u , U Trai um shym kyrteng ïa me u Pashhur . Ka kyrteng kaba u la lah ai ha me ka dei ‘ Ka Jingshyrkhei ha kylleng .’" }
{ "en": "Then said I , I will not feed you : that that dieth , let it die ; and that that is to be cut off , let it be cut off ; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another .", "kha": "Nangta nga la ong ha ka kynhun langbrot , Ngan ym long shuh u nongaplangbrot jong phi . Ai kin ïap kito kiba dei ban ïap . Ai ba yn pynjot kito kiba dei ban shah pynjot . Kito kiba dang sah kin pynjot iwei ïa iwei pat ." }
{ "en": "Then answered the Lord unto Job out of the whirlwind , and said ,", "kha": "Te napdeng ka erïong , U Trai u la kren ha u Job sa shisien pat ." }
{ "en": "Speak unto Aaron , saying , Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish , let him not approach to offer the bread of his God .", "kha": "Ong ha u Aaron , ym bit ïa uno uno na ki khun ki ksiew jong me pateng la pateng uba don jingduna ha ka met ban kñia ïa ka jingainguh bam sha nga ." }
{ "en": "And there was war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel all their days .", "kha": "U Asa u syiem Judah bad u Baasha u syiem Israel ki don borabor ha ka jingïaleh thma hapdeng jong ki katba ki dang don ha ka bor ." }
{ "en": "And when the virgins were gathered together the second time , then Mordecai sat in the king s gate .", "kha": "Ha kata ka por u syiem u la thung ïa u Mordekai ha ka kam synshar khadar ." }
{ "en": "Yet thou in thy manifold mercies forsookest them not in the wilderness : the pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day , to lead them in the way ; neither the pillar of fire by night , to shew them light , and the way wherein they should go .", "kha": "Hynrei mem shym iehnoh ïa ki hangta ha ka ri shyiap , namar ka jingisynei jong me ka long kaba khraw . Mem shym la shim noh ïa u lyoh lane ïa ka ding uba pyn-i ha ki ïa ka lynti mynsngi bad mynmiet ." }
{ "en": "But they said , We will drink no wine : for Jonadab the son of Rechab our father commanded us , saying , Ye shall drink no wine , neither ye , nor your sons for ever :", "kha": "Hynrei ki la jubab , Ngim ju dih waiñ . U kpa tymmen jong ngi u Jonadab u khun jong u Rekhab u la ong ïa ngi ba ma ngi lymne ki khun ki ksiew jong ngi ngim dei ban dih ïa kano kano ka waiñ ." }
{ "en": "Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy , lest their adversaries should behave themselves strangely , and lest they should say , Our hand is high , and the Lord hath not done all this .", "kha": "Hynrei ngan ym shah ïa ki nongshun jong ki ban kren kob ba ki dei ma ki kiba la pynjot ïa ki briew jong nga , haba dei ma nga hi uba la khñiot ïa ki .’" }
{ "en": "And they were exceeding sorrowful , and began every one of them to say unto him , Lord , is it I ?", "kha": "Ki synran ki la sngewdiaw shikatdei eh , bad ki la sdang ban kylli ïa u , uwei hadien uwei pat , Da shisha , A Trai , mem mut ba dei ma nga ?" }
{ "en": "In the wilderness , Beth–arabah , Middin , and Secacah ,", "kha": "Ha ka ri shyiap don ka Beth Arabah , ka Middin , ka Sekakah ," }
{ "en": "And the Lord said , If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed , ye might say unto this sycamine tree , Be thou plucked up by the root , and be thou planted in the sea ; and it should obey you .", "kha": "U Trai u la jubab , Lada phi don ka jingngeit kat u symbai tyrso , phi lah ban ong ha une u diengsoh lyngdkhur , ‘ To jynrat noh ïa lade na ki thied bad thung ïa lade hapoh duriaw !’ bad un kohnguh ïa phi ." }
{ "en": "And the prince that is among them shall bear upon his shoulder in the twilight , and shall go forth : they shall dig through the wall to carry out thereby : he shall cover his face , that he see not the ground with his eyes .", "kha": "U khun syiem uba synshar ïa ki un tawah ïa la ka song ha ka tyrpeng jong u bad un phet lyngba ka thliew kaba ki la tih na ka bynta jong u ha ka kynroh . Un tap ïa ki khmat jong u , bad um ïohi shano ba u leit ." }
{ "en": "And when his disciples James and John saw this , they said , Lord , wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven , and consume them , even as Elias did ?", "kha": "Haba U Jakob bad u Ïoannis kiba long ki synran ki la ïohi ïa kane , ki la ong , Ko Trai , hato me kwah ïa ngi ban kyrpad ïa ka ding ban hiar na bneng ban pynjot ïa ki kumba u Elijah u la leh ?" }