{ "en": "And David perceived that the Lord had established him king over Israel , and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel s sake .", "kha": "Bad kumta u Dabid u sngewthuh ba U Trai u la pynskhem ïa u kum u syiem ki Israel bad u la kyntiew ïa ka hima jong u na ka bynta ki briew jong u ." }
{ "en": "Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people : neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour : I am the Lord .", "kha": "Wat pynphriang lamler shaphang jongno jongno , bad haba uno uno u dang don ha ka jingbishar namar la ka jingim , kren pynpaw lada ka jingphla jong phi kan long jingïarap ïa u . Nga long U Trai ." }
{ "en": "An ungodly man diggeth up evil : and in his lips there is as a burning fire .", "kha": "Ki briew kiba sniew ki wad ïa ki lynti ban pynmynsaw ïa kiwei ; wat ki ktien jong ki , ki long kiba thang da ka jingsniew ." }
{ "en": "A man shall be commended according to his wisdom : but he that is of a perverse heart shall be despised .", "kha": "Lada phi long kiba shemphang , phin ïoh jingïaroh ; lada phi long kiba mutlop , ki briew kin peitbeiñ ïa phi ." }
{ "en": "And they asked him , saying , Master , but when shall these things be ? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass ?", "kha": "Ko Nonghikai , ki la kylli , lano kane kan jia ? Bad kaei ka ban jia khnang ban pyn-i ba ka por ka la poi ïa ka ba kan jia ?" }
{ "en": "Be not thou one of them that strike hands , or of them that are sureties for debts .", "kha": "Wat kular ban kitkhlieh na ka bynta ki ram jong kiwei pat ." }
{ "en": "They took therefore two chariot horses ; and the king sent after the host of the Syrians , saying , Go and see .", "kha": "Ki jied katto katne ngut ki rangbah , bad u syiem u phah ïa ki ha ki ar tylli ki kali ïapom lem bad ki jingbthah ban leit bad wad jingtip ïa kaei kaba la jia ïa ka kynhun shipai Syria ." }
{ "en": "And the Lord magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel , and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel .", "kha": "U Trai u la pynlong ïa ka jaitbynriew baroh kawei ban tiengburom ïa u Solomon , bad u la pynlong ïa u uba kham donburom ban ïa uno uno uwei pat u syiem uba la synshar ïa ka Israel ." }
{ "en": "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck , and he cast into the sea , than that he should offend one of these little ones .", "kha": "Kan kham bha ïa u lada la teh ha ka ryndang jong u ïa u mawtylliat uba heh bad bret ïa u sha ka duriaw ban ïa kaba ma u , u pynlong ïa uwei na kine kiba rit ban leh pop ." }
{ "en": "And God said unto Abraham , Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad , and because of thy bondwoman ; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee , hearken unto her voice ; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called .", "kha": "Hynrei U Blei u ong ha u Abraham , Wat khuslai na ka bynta uta u khynnah bad na ka bynta ka Hagar ka mraw jong me . Leh ïa kaei kaba ka Sarah ka ong ha me , namar na u Isaak men sa ïoh ki khun ki ksiew kiba nga la kular ." }
{ "en": "And as he spake , a certain Pharisee besought him to dine with him : and he went in , and sat down to meat .", "kha": "Haba U Jisu u la dep kren , u Pharisi u la khot sngewbha ïa u ban ïabam bad u ; kumta u la leit shapoh bad u la shong ban bam ." }
{ "en": "Then were the people of Israel divided into two parts : half of the people followed Tibni the son of Ginath , to make him king ; and half followed Omri .", "kha": "Ki briew ka Israel ki ïa-pait : don napdeng jong ki kiba kwah ban pynlong syiem ïa u Tibni u khun jong u Ginath , bad kiwei pat ki kwah ïa u Omri ." }
{ "en": "Hide them in the dust together ; and bind their faces in secret .", "kha": "Tep ïa ki baroh hapoh ka khyndew ; teh ïa ki ha ka pyrthei kiba ïap ." }
{ "en": "Yea , all Israel have transgressed thy law , even by departing , that they might not obey thy voice ; therefore the curse is poured upon us , and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God , because we have sinned against him .", "kha": "Ki Israel baroh ki la pynkheiñ ïa ki aiñ jong me bad ki kyntait ban shahshkor ïa kaei kaba me la ong . Ngi la leh pop pyrshah ïa me , bad kumta me la wallam ha ngi ïa ki jingtim kiba la thoh ha Ka Aiñ u Moses , u shakri jong me ." }
{ "en": "Observe the month of Abib , and keep the passover unto the Lord thy God : for in the month of Abib the Lord thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night .", "kha": "Burom ïa U Trai U Blei jong phi da kaba phi rakhe ïa ka Niam Ka Jinglait ha u bnai Abib , naba dei ha kawei ka miet jong uta u bnai ba u la pyllait ïa phi na Ijipt ." }
{ "en": "Ye shall therefore keep all my statutes , and all my judgments , and do them : that the land , whither I bring you to dwell therein , spue you not out .", "kha": "Sumar ïa ki aiñ bad ki hukum jong nga baroh , ba kumta phin ym shah kyntait ha ka ri Kanaan sha kaba ngan ïalam ïa phi ." }
{ "en": "Look unto Abraham your father , and unto Sarah that bare you : for I called him alone , and blessed him , and increased him .", "kha": "Puson halor u kpa tymmen jong phi , u Abraham , bad ka Sarah , na kiba phi hiarpateng . Mynba nga la khot ïa u Abraham , u la long uba khlem khun , hynrei nga la kyrkhu ïa u bad nga la ai ki khun ïa u ; Nga la pynroi ïa ki khun ki ksiew jong u ." }
{ "en": "Also Vashti the queen made a feast for the women in the royal house which belonged to king Ahasuerus .", "kha": "Ha kajuh ka por , hapoh ka ïingsyiem , ka Bashti , ka mahadei ka ai ka jingkhawai na ka bynta ki kynthei ." }
{ "en": "This he said , signifying what death he should die .", "kha": "( Haba u ong ïa kane u kdew ïa ka jingïap kaba kumno un shah . )" }
{ "en": "As at the report concerning Egypt , so shall they be sorely pained at the report of Tyre .", "kha": "Wat ki nong Ijipt kin kyndit bad khuslai haba ki tip ba ïa ka Tyros la pynjot ." }
{ "en": "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests : and we shall reign on the earth .", "kha": "Me la pynlong ïa ki , ka hima ki lyngdoh ban shakri ïa U Blei jong ngi , bad kin synshar ha ka pyrthei ." }
{ "en": "For now ye are nothing ; ye see my casting down , and are afraid .", "kha": "Ïa nga phi long kum kito ki wahduid , phi ïohi ïa ka kupar jong nga bad phi kynran noh ha ka jingsheptieng ." }
{ "en": "And the Lord said unto him , What is that in thine hand ? And he said , A rod .", "kha": "Kumta U Trai u kylli ïa u , Aïu me bat ha la ka kti ? U diengduh , u jubab ." }
{ "en": "Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel ; and they said , Nay ; but we will have a king over us ;", "kha": "Ki briew kim shahshkor ïa u Samuel , hynrei ki ong , Em ! Ngi kwah da u syiem ," }
{ "en": "It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this ; yea , also from this withdraw not thine hand : for he that feareth God shall come forth of them all .", "kha": "Kiar ïa baroh ar tylli ki tduh . Lada phi don ka jingtiengburom ïa U Blei , la kumno kumno phin long kiba jop ." }
{ "en": "Send therefore to Joppa , and call hither Simon , whose surname is Peter ; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the sea side : who , when he cometh , shall speak unto thee .", "kha": "Phah ïano ïano sha Joppa ban shem ïa u briew uba ka kyrteng pura ka long u Simon Petros . U shong basa ha ka ïing jong u Simon , u nongpdem snieh , uba shong basah harud duriaw .’" }
{ "en": "But if ye will not hearken unto me , and will not do all these commandments ;", "kha": "U Trai u ong , Lada phim kohnguh ïa ki hukum jong nga , phin shah pynshitom ." }
{ "en": "And finding a ship sailing over unto Phoenicia , we went aboard , and set forth .", "kha": "Hangta ngi la shem ïa ka lieng kaba thmu ban leit sha Phoenisia , kumta ngi la ïakiew ha ka bad ngi la leit noh ." }
{ "en": "Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together , and to stand for their life , to destroy , to slay , and to cause to perish , all the power of the people and province that would assault them , both little ones and women , and to take the spoil of them for a prey ,", "kha": "Kine ki shithi ki batai ba u syiem u shah ïa ki Jiw ha kawei pa kawei ka nongbah ban ïalumlang para ma ki ban ïada ïa lade . Lada ki rangbah ba la kieng atiar jong kano kano ka jaitbynriew ha kano kano ka probins ki tur ïaleh ïa ki rangbah Jiw , ïa ki khun jong ki ne ïa ki kynthei jong ki , ki Jiw ki lah ban ïaleh pyrshah bad pynjot ïa kiba wan ïaleh pyrshah ; ki lah ban pynïap ïa baroh na ki bad shim ïa ki jingdon jingem jong ki ." }
{ "en": "But I must die in this land , I must not go over Jordan : but ye shall go over , and possess that good land .", "kha": "Nga te ngan ïap ha kane ka ri bad lano lano ngan ym ïoh jam ïa kata ka wah , hynrei phi pat phin sa ïoh leit shatai sha shiliang ban ïohkynti ïa kata ka ri kaba seisoh ." }
{ "en": "A man s gift maketh room for him , and bringeth him before great men .", "kha": "Hato phi kwah ban ïakynduh ïa u briew uba khraw ? Rah sha u ka jingai sngewbha bad kan pynsuk ïa phi ." }
{ "en": "The length of one curtain was thirty cubits , and four cubits was the breadth of one curtain : the eleven curtains were of one size .", "kha": "Kawei kawei ka lyngkhot jaiñ ka long khatlai mitar ka lynter bad ar mitar ka kynïan ; bad baroh khatwei tylli kita ki lyngkhot jaiñ ki long katjuh ka jingheh ." }
{ "en": "And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long , and waxed louder and louder , Moses spake , and God answered him by a voice .", "kha": "Ka jingsawa ka turoi ruh ka nang jam nang jam . U Moses u la kren , bad U Blei u jubab ïa u ha ka sur u pyrthat ." }
{ "en": "According to the custom of the priest s office , his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord .", "kha": "Kat kum ka rukom ba la bud da ki lyngdoh , la jied ïa u da kaba kynting sbai ban thang jingiwbih halor ka duwan . Kumta u la leit shapoh ka Templ jong U Trai ," }
{ "en": "For vain man would be wise , though man be born like a wild ass s colt .", "kha": "Ki briew kiba mutlop kin sdang ban long kiba stad haba kha ïa ki kada khlaw ban long kum kiba la pynjuh ." }
{ "en": "Then let my wife grind unto another , and let others bow down upon her .", "kha": "te to ai ba ka tnga jong nga kan shet ïa ka jingbam na ka bynta uwei pat u briew bad ban thiah ha ka jingthiah jong uwei pat ." }
{ "en": "And when it was day , he departed and went into a desert place : and the people sought him , and came unto him , and stayed him , that he should not depart from them .", "kha": "Tang shu kynjat shai , U Jisu u la mihnoh na shnong bad u la leit sha ka jaka bakynjah . Ki paidbah ki la sdang ban wad ïa u , bad haba ki la shem ïa u , ki la pyrshang ban pynsangeh ïa u na kaba leit noh ." }
{ "en": "Thine own mouth condemneth thee , and not I : yea , thine own lips testify against thee .", "kha": "Kam da donkam ïa nga ban pynrem ïa me ; la pynrem ïa me da kawei pa kawei ka kyntien ba me kren ." }
{ "en": "Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments , and the statutes , and the judgments , which I command thee this day , to do them .", "kha": "Namar kata , kohnguh ïa kaei kaba la lah hikai ïa phi , sumar ban leh ïa ki hukum bad ki aiñ baroh ïa kiba nga la ai ha phi mynta ka sngi ." }
{ "en": "And Elijah said , As the Lord of hosts liveth , before whom I stand , I will surely shew myself unto him to day .", "kha": "U Elijah u jubab , Da u Trai uba im , ïa uba nga shakri , nga kular ba ngan ïeng ha khmat u syiem mynta ka sngi ." }
{ "en": "That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me , neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions ; but that they may be my people , and I may be their God , saith the Lord God .", "kha": "Ngan leh ïa kane ban da ïa ki Israel na kaba klet noh ïa nga bad pynjakhlia ïa lade da ki pop jong ki . Ki dei ban long ki briew jong nga , bad ngan long U Blei jong ki . U Trai Nongsynshar u la kren ." }
{ "en": "And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude , they went upon the housetop , and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus .", "kha": "Pynban , namar u paidbah , kim lah ban shem lynti ban rah shapoh ïa u . Kumta ki la ïabah ïa u sha tnum ïing , ki la law ïa ki jingsop ïing bad ki la pynhiar shapoh ïa u ha ka jingthiah hamar pdeng jong ka kynhun ha khmat U Jisu ." }
{ "en": "And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice , Who is worthy to open the book , and to loose the seals thereof ?", "kha": "Bad nga la ïohi ïa u angel uba khlaiñ , uba pynbna ha ka sur kaba jam , Mano uba dei hok ban pynpait ïa ki jingpyndait bad ban plied ïa ka kot kli ?" }
{ "en": "Thy crowned are as the locusts , and thy captains as the great grasshoppers , which camp in the hedges in the cold day , but when the sun ariseth they flee away , and their place is not known where they are .", "kha": "Ki rangbah pynïaidkam jong pha ki long kum ka kynhun ki puit kiba dem ha ka kynroh ha ka sngi kaba khriat . Hynrei haba ka sngi ka mih , ki her noh , bad ym don mano mano batip shano ki la jah noh !" }
{ "en": "And unto Joseph were born two sons before the years of famine came , which Asenath the daughter of Poti–phera priest of On bare unto him .", "kha": "Ha shuwa ban poi ki snem ka nemsniew , u Joseph u la ïoh ar ngut ki khun shynrang na ka Asenath ." }
{ "en": "He sheweth his word unto Jacob , his statutes and his judgments unto Israel .", "kha": "U ai ïa ka khubor jong u sha ki briew jong u , ki jingbthah bad ki aiñ jong u ïa ki Israel ." }
{ "en": "Enquire , I pray thee , of the Lord for us ; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon maketh war against us ; if so be that the Lord will deal with us according to all his wondrous works , that he may go up from us .", "kha": "Sngewbha ban kren ha U Trai na ka bynta jong ngi , namar u Nebukhadnessar u syiem ka Babilonia bad ka kynhun shipai jong u ki la wan kerkut ïa ka nongbah . Lehse U Trai un leh kawei na ki kambah jong u na ka bynta jong ngi , bad un pynbor ïa u Nebukhadnessar ba un kynran dien noh ." }
{ "en": "Then the king held out the golden sceptre toward Esther . So Esther arose , and stood before the king ,", "kha": "U syiem u la pyn-i ïa u diengsynshar ksiar ha ka , kumta ka ïeng bad ka ong ," }
{ "en": "And the slain shall fall in the midst of you , and ye shall know that I am the Lord .", "kha": "Ki briew kin shah pynïap kylleng , bad kito kiba lait im kin sa sngewthuh ba nga long U Trai ." }
{ "en": "So Tamar went to her brother Amnon s house ; and he was laid down . And she took flour , and kneaded it , and made cakes in his sight , and did bake the cakes .", "kha": "Ka la leit shata bad ka lap ba u don ha jingthiah . Ka shim shilynglun u kpu im , ka la pynkhreh ïa u , bad ka shna katto katne tylli ki kpu hangta ha kaba u lah ban ïohi ïa ka . Nangta ka la shet ïa ki kpu" }
{ "en": "And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless , hearing a voice , but seeing no man .", "kha": "Ki rangbah kiba la ïaleit ryngkat bad u Saul ki la sangeh , khlem kren wat shikyntien ruh ; ki la ïohsngew ïa ka sur hynrei kim lah ban ïohi ïano ïano ruh ." }
{ "en": "He that is wounded in the stones , or hath his privy member cut off , shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord .", "kha": "U briew uba la shah shohdab kum u masi , lane uba la duh ïa la ka long shynrang ym dei ban kynthup hapdeng ki briew U Trai ." }
{ "en": "Of whom we have many things to say , and hard to be uttered , seeing ye are dull of hearing .", "kha": "Don shibun kiei kiei ba ngi hap ban ong shaphang kane ka bynta , hynrei ka long kaba eh ban batai ïa phi , namar phi long kiba suki katta katta ïa ka ban sngewthuh ." }
{ "en": "Now when every maid s turn was come to go in to king Ahasuerus , after that she had been twelve months , according to the manner of the women , ( for so were the days of their purifications accomplished , to wit , six months with oil of myrrh , and six months with sweet odours , and with other things for the purifying of the women ; )", "kha": "Ka jingai jingsumar man ka por na ka bynta ka jingpynbha briew ïa ki kynthei ka neh shisnem — ki jingkhem met da ka umphniang mirr na ka bynta hynriew bnai bad da ka umphniang balsam sa hynriew bnai . Hadien kata , ïa kawei pa kawei ka samla yn ïalam kawei hadien kawei sha u syiem Serksis ." }
{ "en": "And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six months .", "kha": "bad u la synshar ha Hebron halor ka Judah hynñiew snem shiteng ." }
{ "en": "We made an invasion upon the south of the Cherethites , and upon the coast which belongeth to Judah , and upon the south of Caleb ; and we burned Ziklag with fire .", "kha": "Ngi la leit lute ïa ka ri ki Khereth ha ka bynta kaba shathie jong ka Judah bad ïa ka ri jong ka jait u Kaleb , bad ngi la thang ruh ïa ka Siklag ." }
{ "en": "Now when Mephibosheth , the son of Jonathan , the son of Saul , was come unto David , he fell on his face , and did reverence . And David said , Mephibosheth . And he answered , Behold thy servant !", "kha": "Haba u Mephibosheth , u khun jong u Jonathan bad u ksiew jong u Saul , u wan poi , u la dem ngon ha khmat u Dabid da ka jingburom . U Dabid u ong , Mephibosheth ! bad u jubab , Nga hangne , ko Kynrad ." }
{ "en": "I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath .", "kha": "Nga long uta uba tip kaba kumno ka long ban shah pynshitom ha U Blei ." }
{ "en": "And enquired not of the Lord : therefore he slew him , and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse . ", "kha": "Kumta U Trai U pynïap ïa u , bad u ai synshar noh ïa ka hima sha u Dabid u khun jong u Jesse ." }
{ "en": "And he washed the inwards and the legs in water ; and Moses burnt the whole ram upon the altar : it was a burnt sacrifice for a sweet savour , and an offering made by fire unto the Lord ; as the Lord commanded Moses .", "kha": "U ot lyngkhot lyngkhot ïa langbrot , bad u sait ïa ki doh jem bad ki kjat-dien da ka um , bad u thang ïa ka khlieh , ïa ka khleiñ bad ïa ki lyngkhot doh baroh ha ka duwan , kumba U Trai u la hukum . Kane ka jingainguh thang ka long ka jingainguh bam , bad ka jingiw kaba pynsngewbha ïa U Trai ." }
{ "en": "And it was so , that all that saw it said , There was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day : consider of it , take advice , and speak your minds .", "kha": "Kat uba ïohi ïa ka u ong , Ngim pat ju ïohsngew ïa kaba kum kane kaei kaei ! Ym pat ju jia mynno mynno kaba kum kane naduh ba ki Israel ki la mih na Ijipt ! Ngi dei ban leh ei ei na ka bynta kane ! Kan jia aïu hadien ? " }
{ "en": "Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath , and vex them in his sore displeasure .", "kha": "Nangta u maham ïa ki ha ka jingbitar bad u pyntriem ïa ki da ka jingbitar shla jong u ." }
{ "en": "And Moses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation .", "kha": "U Moses bad u Aaron ki la leit bad ïeng ha khmat jong ka Ïingjaiñ" }
{ "en": "Judge not , that ye be not judged .", "kha": "Wat bishar ïa kiwei pat , khnang ba U Blei un ym bishar ïa phi ," }
{ "en": "Then the angel of the Lord answered and said , O Lord of hosts , how long wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah , against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years ?", "kha": "Nangta u angel u la ong , A Trai Badonbor Baroh , me la bitar ïa ka Jerusalem bad ïa ki nongbah jong ka Judah haduh hynñiewphew snem mynta . Slem sa katno kan long ha shuwa ba men pyn-i ha ki ka jingisynei ?" }
{ "en": "It is a night to be much observed unto the Lord for bringing them out from the land of Egypt : this is that night of the Lord to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations .", "kha": "Kata ka dei ka miet ba U Trai u ap miet ban ïalam noh ïa ki na ka ri Ijipt . Ïa kane kajuh ka miet la pynkyntang sha U Trai pateng la pateng kum ka miet ha kaba ki Israel ki dei ban ap miet ." }
{ "en": "Neither shalt thou set thee up any image ; which the Lord thy God hateth . ", "kha": "Wat pynïeng ruh ïa uno uno u païa maw na ka bynta ka jingmane bleithaw ; U Trai u isih ïa kita ." }
{ "en": "Shalt thou reign , because thou closest thyself in cedar ? did not thy father eat and drink , and do judgment and justice , and then it was well with him ?", "kha": "Hato ka pynlong ïa me u syiem uba kham bha lada me tei ki ïing da ki dieng Kedar kiba kham kynsai ban ïa kito ki jong kiwei ? U kpa jong me u la im kyrhai , u long borabor uba hok bad uba leh beit , bad u manbha ha kiei kiei baroh ba u la leh ." }
{ "en": "And at this house , which is high , every one that passeth by it shall be astonished , and shall hiss ; and they shall say , Why hath the Lord done thus unto this land , and to this house ?", "kha": "Kane ka ïing kaba da kat ka ïing kan kylla long kaba sah kynjah , bad kat uba ïaid najan jong ka un kyndit thret bad un pang met ; bad kin ïakylli , ‘ Balei mo U Trai u la leh sat kumne ïa kane ka ri bad ïa kane ka ïing ?’" }
{ "en": "Behind the doors also and the posts hast thou set up thy remembrance : for thou hast discovered thyself to another than me , and art gone up ; thou hast enlarged thy bed , and made thee a covenant with them ; thou lovedst their bed where thou sawest it .", "kha": "Phi pynïeng ïa ki blei ba-ijli ha khmat ka jingkhang ki jingkhang bah ki ïing jong phi . Phi la lyndet ïa nga ; phi law ïa la ki jaiñ bad kiew halor ki jingthiah baheh jong phi ryngkat bad kiba ieit jong phi , ïa kiba phi la siewdor ban ïathiah lang bad ki . Bad hangta phi pynhun ïa ki jingkwah brai jong phi ." }
{ "en": "Woe to the rebellious children , saith the Lord , that take counsel , but not of me ; and that cover with a covering , but not of my spirit , that they may add sin to sin :", "kha": "U Trai u la kren : Kito kiba synshar ïa ka Judah kin jot noh namar ki ïaleh pyrshah ïa nga . Ki bud ïa ki jingthmu kiba ngam shym la shna , bad ki soi ïa ki jingïateh kular pyrshah ïa ka mon jong nga , da kaba kynton kawei ka pop halor kawei pat ." }
{ "en": "And one hath committed abomination with his neighbour s wife ; and another hath lewdly defiled his daughter in law ; and another in thee hath humbled his sister , his father s daughter .", "kha": "Don kiba klim , bad kiwei ki pynbieit ïa la ki pyrsa kurim ne ïa la ki bakha kynthei ." }
{ "en": "And Abraham rose up early in the morning , and took bread , and a bottle of water , and gave it unto Hagar , putting it on her shoulder , and the child , and sent her away : and she departed , and wandered in the wilderness of Beer–sheba .", "kha": "Dang step phyrngab ha ka sngi kaba bud , u Abraham u ai katto katne ka jingbam bad ka pla snieh ba-dap um ha ka Hagar . U pynbah ïa u khun ha ka met jong ka bad u la phah noh ïa ka . Ka la mihnoh bad ka ïaid sakma ha ka ri khlaw jong ka Beersheba ." }
{ "en": "Simon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles , to take out of them a people for his name .", "kha": "U Simon u dang shu dep batai kumno ba U Blei u la pyn-i nyngkong ïa ka jingpyrkhat na ka bynta ki Jentil da kaba shim napdeng jong ki ïa u paidlang ban long u jong u ." }
{ "en": "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ ? He is antichrist , that denieth the Father and the Son .", "kha": "Uei te uba lamler ? U dei uno uno uba ong ba U Jisu um dei U Messaïah . Kum uta u briew , u long u Nongshun jong U Khrist — u kyntait ïa U Kpa bad ïa U Khun ruh ." }
{ "en": "When the host goeth forth against thine enemies , then keep thee from every wicked thing .", "kha": "Haba phi don ha ka jaka shong dara ha ka por thma , kiar na kano kano ka ban pynlong ïa phi ki bymkhuid ." }
{ "en": "For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob , and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he .", "kha": "Nga la pyllaitluid ïa ki paid Israel bad pynim ïa ki na ka hima bakhrawbor ." }
{ "en": "Behold , I will gather thee to thy fathers , and thou shalt be gathered to thy grave in peace , neither shall thine eyes see all the evil that I will bring upon this place , and upon the inhabitants of the same . So they brought the king word again .", "kha": "Nga la ïohsngew ïa ka jingduwai jong me , bad ïa ka jingpynshitom kaba ngan wanrah ha Jerusalem kan ym wan tad hadien ka jingïap jong me . Ngan ai ba men ïap ha ka jingsuk . Ki rangbah ki leit phai pat sha u syiem Josaïah ryngkat bad kane ka khubor ." }
{ "en": "Surely the mountains bring him forth food , where all the beasts of the field play .", "kha": "U phlang ban bsa ïa u , u mih ha ki lum ha kaba ki mradkhlaw ki ïalehkai ." }
{ "en": "Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain .", "kha": "Ki briew kiba kular ïa kiei kiei kiba kim ju lah ban ai satia ki long kum ki lyoh bad ka lyer ki bym ai slap ." }
{ "en": "Really good !", "kha": "Bha bha !" }
{ "en": "And the men of Israel went out to battle against Benjamin ; and the men of Israel put themselves in array to fight against them at Gibeah .", "kha": "Ki leit ban ïaleh pyrshah ïa ki shipai Benjamin , bad ki pynïeng ïa ki shipai marpyrshah kata ka nongbah ." }
{ "en": "Where did you sleep ?", "kha": "Haei phi thiah ?" }
{ "en": "The Lord is good unto them that wait for him , to the soul that seeketh him .", "kha": "U Trai u long uba bha ïa uwei pa uwei uba shaniah ha u ," }
{ "en": "And they took Absalom , and cast him into a great pit in the wood , and laid a very great heap of stones upon him : and all Israel fled every one to his tent .", "kha": "Ki la shim ïa ka met jong u Absalom , ki la bret ïa ka ha ka thliew bajylliew hapoh ka khlaw , bad ki la tep ïa ka da ka kynton maw kaba khraw . Baroh ki Israel ki phet krad sha la shnong ." }
{ "en": "And it came to pass the same night , that the Lord said unto him , Take thy father s young bullock , even the second bullock of seven years old , and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath , and cut down the grove that is by it :", "kha": "Ha kata ka miet , U Trai u ong ha u Gideon Shim ïa u masi kyrtong jong u kpa jong me bad uwei pat u masi kyrtong uba hynñiew snem ka rta , pynpra noh ïa ka duwan ba u kpa jong me u la tei ha u Baal , bad pynkhyllem ïa ka dak jong ka blei Asherah kaba don ha syndah jong ka ." }
{ "en": "But unto the tribe of Levi Moses gave not any inheritance : the Lord God of Israel was their inheritance , as he said unto them .", "kha": "Hynrei u Moses um shym la ai kano kano ka jaka ha ka jait Lebi . U ong ïa ki ba ka jingïohkynti jong ki ka dei ka bhah jong ki jingainguh sha U Trai U Blei ki Israel ." }
{ "en": "I tell you , Nay : but , except ye repent , ye shall all likewise perish .", "kha": "Em , ym kumta ! Bad nga ong ha phi ba lada phim phai noh na ki pop jong phi , phi baroh phin ïap kum ma ki ." }
{ "en": "And whatsoever shall seem good to thee , and to thy brethren , to do with the rest of the silver and the gold , that do after the will of your God .", "kha": "Phi lah ban pyndonkam ïa ka rupa bad ka ksiar kaba sah na ka bynta kano kano kaba ma phi bad ki para ri jong phi , phi kwah ban pyndonkam , kat kum ka mon U Blei jong phi ." }
{ "en": "The foot shall tread it down , even the feet of the poor , and the steps of the needy .", "kha": "Kito kiba la shah banbeiñ , ki ïaid halor jong ka mynta bad ki ïuh ïa ka hapoh ki kjat jong ki ." }
{ "en": "And Moses said unto the Lord , See , thou sayest unto me , Bring up this people : and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me . Yet thou hast said , I know thee by name , and thou hast also found grace in my sight .", "kha": "U Moses u la ong ha U Trai , Ka long kaba shisha ba me la ong ïa nga ban ïalam ïa kine ki briew sha kata ka ri ; hynrei mem pat shym ïathuh ha nga ïano men phah ryngkat bad nga . Me la ong ba me tip bha shaphang jong nga , bad me sngewbha eh ruh ïa nga ." }
{ "en": "The Pharisees therefore said among themselves , Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing ? behold , the world is gone after him .", "kha": "Ki Pharisi ki la ïakren para ma ki , Phi ïohi , ngim shym lah leh ei ei ruh em ! Khmih , ka pyrthei baroh kawei ka ïabud ïa u !" }
{ "en": "And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer , and the kings that were with him , and smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim , and the Zuzims in Ham , and the Emims in Shaveh Kiriathaim ,", "kha": "Ha ka snem kaba khatsaw , u Khedorlaomer lem bad kita ki syiem kiba don ha ka liang jong u ki la wan ryngkat bad la ki shipai bad jop ïa ki Rephaim ha Ashteroth Karnaim , ïa ki Susim ha Ham , ïa ki Emim ha ka pyntha jong ka Kiriathaim ," }
{ "en": "This is the book of the generations of Adam . In the day that God created man , in the likeness of God made he him ;", "kha": "Kane ka dei ka thup kyrteng jong ki khun ki ksiew u Adam . ( Mynba U Blei U la thaw ïa ki briew , u la thaw ïa ki ha ka dur jong U hi ." }
{ "en": "Then answered Simon , and said , Pray ye to the Lord for me , that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me .", "kha": "U Simon u la ong ha u Petros bad u Ïoannis , Sngewbha duwai ha U Trai na ka bynta jong nga , khnang ba kawei ruh na kita kiei kiei kiba phi la kren kan ym jia ha nga ." }
{ "en": "But I have a baptism to be baptized with ; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished !", "kha": "Nga don ka jingpynbaptis ban ïohpdiang , bad katno nga sngewkhia mynsiem tad haduh ba kan da kut noh !" }
{ "en": "There shall be no more praise of Moab : in Heshbon they have devised evil against it ; come , and let us cut it off from being a nation . Also thou shalt be cut down , O Madmen ; the sword shall pursue thee .", "kha": "Ki nongshun ki la knieh ïa ka Heshbon bad ki ïasylla ban pynjot ïa ka hima ki Moab . Ïa ka shnong Madmen yn pynsngap jar ; ki shipai kin tur pyrshah ïa ka ." }
{ "en": "And it came to pass in the fourth year of king Darius , that the word of the Lord came unto Zechariah in the fourth day of the ninth month , even in Chisleu ;", "kha": "Ha ka snem kaba saw ba u Darius u long u patsha , ha ka sngi kaba saw jong u bnai uba khyndai ( u bnai Kisleb ) , U Trai u la ai ka khubor ha nga ." }
{ "en": "And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre .", "kha": "Ki la shem ba la pyntyllun noh ïa u maw na ka jaka rung sha ka jingtep , kumta ki la rung shapoh ;" }
{ "en": "I have taught thee in the way of wisdom ; I have led thee in right paths .", "kha": "Nga la hikai ha phi ïa ka jingstad bad ka rukom im kaba dei ." }