1 value
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Sleeps over with editor but rejected by him (6)
### Answer: SPIKED ### Explanation: Definition: rejected by him Reversal(*over*) of KIPS(*sleeps*, naps) +(*with*) ED(*$$ed$$itor*). Defn: In journalism, from those days when editors would reject a story by literally spiking the paper it was typed/written on, through a pointed spindle. I'd rate this a semi &lit at least.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: s short song about bairn initially? (7)
### Answer: LULLABY ### Explanation: Definition: song about bairn LULu(*22 13*, ie. Scotch songstress, who started in the 60's) minus last letter(*short*) + LAY(*song*) around(*about*) B(first letter,*initially* of *bairn*). Defn: *Song* (a Scottish singer sings) to a child,*bairn* (of Scottish origin). Another &lit.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Empty cardboard box? It's stuffed in funny drawer (10)
### Answer: CARTOONIST ### Explanation: Definition: funny drawer {O(zero,nothing) inside}(*empty*) CARTON(*cardboard box*) + anagram(*stuffed*) of *it's*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: How to pay back blackleg (4)
### Answer: SCAB ### Explanation: Definition: blackleg Reversal(*back*) of BACS(abbrev. for Bankers' Automated Clearing System, a UK system for making payments,*how to pay*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Not working this evening? Get drunk (5)
### Answer: TIGHT ### Explanation: Definition: drunk TonIGHT(*this evening*) minus(*not*) ON(*working*, as in "I'm on 9 to 5 daily).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: A Bronte composition about father's house in Corsica (9)
### Answer: BONAPARTE ### Explanation: Definition: house in Corsica Anagram(*composition*) of A BRONTE around(*about*) PA(*father*). Defn: Family name,*house* of Napoleon who was born *in Corsica*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: In Darwin's study he tried out theory at last (8)
### Answer: HEREDITY ### Explanation: Definition: In Darwin's study Anagram(*out*) of HE TRIED + Y(last letter,*at last* of *theory*). Defn: *In* evolution, *Darwin's* field of *study*, the mechanism by which changes in characteristics are handed down through the generations; although, during his time, Darwin didn't know much about how heredity worked. An &lit I think
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Request ideally satisfied by 1 across (6)
### Answer: DEMAND ### Explanation: Definition: Request,ideally satisfied by 1 across Double defn: 2nd: refers to economic theory, where in an *ideal* market, *1A* SUPPLY = demand.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: This paper badly loses out with line in subtle marketing (4,4)
### Answer: SOFT SELL ### Explanation: Definition: subtle marketing Anagram(*badly*) of LOSES around(*out*) FT(*this paper* in which this crossword appears, the $$F$$inancial $$T$$imes) +(*with*) L(*$$l$$ine*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Classmates, say, look intently at Greek press (4,5)
### Answer: PEER GROUP ### Explanation: Definition: Classmates, say PEER(*look intently at*) and GR(*Greek* International Vehicle Registration letters) + OUP($$O$$xford $$U$$niversity *$$P$$ress*). Defn: An example,*say* of which are *classmates*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Fortune in bottle with no top (4)
### Answer: LUCK ### Explanation: Definition: Fortune pLUCK(courage,*bottle*) minus(*with no*) initial letter(*top*, for a down clue)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Ready in Kuala Lumpur to call nasty person (7)
### Answer: RINGGIT ### Explanation: Definition: Ready in Kuala Lumpur RING(*call*) + GIT(*nasty person*). Defn: Unit of money,*ready* in Malaysia, the capital city of which is *Kuala Lumpur*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Relatively large pawnbroker? (5-5)
### Answer: GREAT-UNCLE ### Explanation: Definition: Relatively large GREAT(*large*) and UNCLE(slang for *pawnbroker*). Defn: Uncle of your parents, a *relative*. *Large *here seems to double up in both definition and wordplay.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Explosive component can upset engineers (5)
### Answer: NITRE ### Explanation: Definition: Explosive component Anagram/reversal(*upset*) of TIN(*can*) + RE($$R$$oyal *$$E$$ngineers*). Defn: Potassium (or sodium) nitrate, a powerful oxidising compound, hence its use as a *component* of *explosive* devices.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: To maintain contact in Australia is easy (6)
### Answer: LIAISE ### Explanation: Definition: To maintain contact Hidden(*in*) *Austra*LIA IS E*asy*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: English model hugs bishop to raise some relief (6)
### Answer: EMBOSS ### Explanation: Definition: to raise some relief E(*$$E$$nglish*) MOSS(Kate, fashion *model* from England) around(*hugs*) B(*$$b$$ishop*). Defn: To *raise* a design on a surface in *relief*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: What your muscles may do on your bike (3,7)
### Answer: GET KNOTTED ### Explanation: Definition: What your muscles may do,on your bike Double defn: 1st: *Your muscles may* go into spasms, and then get knotted,form knots, which are painful abnormal areas in your muscles. Presumably being *on your bike *for too long might cause this. 2nd: An exclamation of rejection, "off you go!" or *on your bike!* An &lit as well?
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: A former police song about a setter (9)
### Answer: ARAUCARIA ### Explanation: Definition: setter A + {RUC(Royal Ulster Constabulary, *former* name for the *police* force in Northern Ireland) + ARIA(*song*)} around(*about*) A. Defn: Pseudonym of a prolific crossword *setter *featured in the Guardian cryptics. I cut my cryptic crossword teeth on Araucaria's Monkey Puzzles. The word itself stands for a genus of trees, including the monkey puzzle, a conifer with edible nuts.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Rare day going north to drink fizzy beer and loaf (3,5)
### Answer: RYE BREAD ### Explanation: Definition: loaf R(*$$r$$are*, I can picture the waiter writing R,M, or WD for your steak order) + reversal(*going north*, for a down clue) of DAY around(*to drink*) an anagram(*fizzy*) of BEER.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Awfully bad night, hard going for Aussie fool (7)
### Answer: DINGBAT ### Explanation: Definition: Aussie fool Anagram(*awfully*) of BAD NIGhT minus(*going*) H(*$$h$$ard*). Defn: Term presumably more often used in Australia(and New Zealand and America) than elsewhere. Derived as an embellishment of "bats", ie. nuts, loco.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Don't start shutting down (6)
### Answer: LOSING ### Explanation: Definition: down cLOSING(*shutting*) without its initial letter(*don't start*). Defn: As in "Arsenal was *down* by 2 goals at half-time".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Put an end to college books in school (6)
### Answer: SCOTCH ### Explanation: Definition: Put an end to {C(*$$c$$ollege*) + OT(*books* in the $$O$$ld $$T$$estament)} in SCH(*$$sch$$ool*)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: I got your message and I'm heading up in limo (5)
### Answer: ROGER ### Explanation: Definition: I got your message Reversal(*heading up*, in a down clue) of EGO(*I*) in RR($$R$$olls $$R$$oyce, the luxury *limo*usine). Defn: Term used in radio communications to signify *I*'ve understood,*got your message*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Use it to fence roofless wigwam (4)
### Answer: EPEE ### Explanation: Definition: Use it to fence tEPEE(*wigwam*,tent of the American Indians) without its top letter(*roofless*, in a down clue). Defn: A sword *used* in the sport of *fencing*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Strongest beer unfinished at short fiesta (8)
### Answer: BEEFIEST ### Explanation: Definition: Strongest *BEEr* minus last letter(*unfinished*) +(*at*) *FIESTa* without last letter(*short*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Protection of a Royal Marine belonging to us (6)
### Answer: ARMOUR ### Explanation: Definition: Protection *A *RM(*$$R$$oyal $$M$$arine*) + OUR(*belonging to us*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Drink noisily (not quietly) and speak unclearly (4)
### Answer: SLUR ### Explanation: Definition: speak unclearly SLURp(*drink noisily*) minus(*not*) P($$p$$iano: a direction, in music, to perform softly,*quietly*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Mrs Mopp has one plan, which is kind (10)
### Answer: CHARITABLE ### Explanation: Definition: kind CHAR(*Mrs Mopp*: personification of a charlady,char) +(*has*) I(*one*) TABLE(*plan*). Defn: Adjective, *kind *as in a generous way.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Spiritual knowledge is breaking into song making a comeback (6)
### Answer: GNOSIS ### Explanation: Definition: Spiritual knowledge Reversal(*making a comeback*) of {*IS* in(*breaking into*) *SONG*}.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: What makes tripe run blue? (8)
### Answer: PRURIENT ### Explanation: Definition: blue Anagram(*what makes*) of *TRIPE RUN*. Defn: Inciting or encouraging lustfulness, erotic, hence *blue *movies/pictures, another term for pornography. From the surface I wonder if there is anyone out there with a tripe fetish. Closest I guess is the fictional Portnoy and raw liver (which became part of his family's dinner).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Credit (very large) by a crooner? (6)
### Answer: CROSBY ### Explanation: Definition: crooner CR(*$$cr$$edit*) OS(*very large*,$$o$$ut$$s$$ize) *BY*. Defn: Bing (1903-1977), one of the most successful *crooner*s of the century. His rendition of Irving Berlin's White Christmas is a perennial favourite.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Duty of a king in a squabble (6)
### Answer: TARIFF ### Explanation: Definition: Duty A R(*king*) *in* TIFF(*squabble*,a petty quarrel).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: An insect gets released inside but this one is missing (8)
### Answer: ABSENTEE ### Explanation: Definition: this one is missing SENT(*released*) in(*gets…inside*) A BEE(*an insect*).
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### Clue: This springtime festival is a cry for help (6)
### Answer: MAYDAY ### Explanation: Definition: cry for help MAY DAY(1st day of May, traditionally (since 13C) a *festival*,celebration of the coming of *spring* (northern hemisphere of course), but in 20C replaced by celebrations in honour of workers, hence the alternate Labour Day. Defn: International radio communications distress signal used by ships and aircraft. From shortening of the French "venez m'aider": "come *help *me!"
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Footballers' hairstyle might take the cake (7,3)
### Answer: CHELSEA BUN ### Explanation: Definition: cake CHELSEA(*footballers* from the London team) BUN(*hairstyle* where hair is tied into a coil or knot.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Composer who's near collapse (4)
### Answer: ARNE ### Explanation: Definition: Composer Anagram(*collapse*) of *NEAR*. Defn: Thomas Augustine, English composer, famously of "Rule, Britannia!".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Cricket stroke? Take a look! (6)
### Answer: GLANCE ### Explanation: Definition: Cricket stroke,a look Double defn: 1st: Where the *cricket* ball bounces off the bat at an oblique angle. 2nd: A brief *look*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Boy there inside, ready for a shave (8)
### Answer: LATHERED ### Explanation: Definition: ready for a shave *THERE* in(*inside*) LAD(*boy*).
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### Clue: Greek torment, not exactly nice (8)
### Answer: HELLENIC ### Explanation: Definition: Greek HELL(*torment*) + anagram(*not exactly*) of *NICE*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: A collection of animals, no tail in view, in the distance (4)
### Answer: AFAR ### Explanation: Definition: in the distance *A *FARm(*collection of animals*) minus last letter(*no tail*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Receivers should not be sat on too long (6)
### Answer: FENCES ### Explanation: Definition: Receivers,not be sat on too long Double Defn: 1st: *Receivers* of stolen goods, with intent to sell the same. 2nd: Cryptic reference to "sitting on the fence", ie. being indecisive.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Roman emperor, not altogether calm, getting one Gaul destroyed (8)
### Answer: CALIGULA ### Explanation: Definition: Roman emperor *CALm* minus last letter(*not altogether*) +(*getting*) I(*one*) + anagram(*destroyed*) of *GAUL*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: French friend has the talent to show cordiality (10)
### Answer: AMIABILITY ### Explanation: Definition: cordiality AMI(*French* word for *friend*) +(*has*) ABILITY(*talent*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Being bad-tempered, Eleanor needs us to retire first (6)
### Answer: SULLEN ### Explanation: Definition: Being bad-tempered Reversal(*retire*) of {NELL(variant of the name *Eleanor*) +(*needs*) *US*}. Not sure if "*first*" is of any significance here.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Vagabonds upmarket, note (6)
### Answer: TRAMPS ### Explanation: Definition: Vagabonds Reversal(*up*, in a down clue) of MART(*market*) + PS($$p$$ost-$$s$$cript, a short *note* after the main message.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Digging support round a run-down building (10)
### Answer: SHOVELLING ### Explanation: Definition: Digging SLING(*support*, for a broken arm, say) *round* HOVEL(*run-down building*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Fish could be very tired (8)
### Answer: BATTERED ### Explanation: Definition: Fish could be,very tired Double defn: 1st: Process of coating eg. *fish *with batter before frying. 2nd: Looking very worn or damaged after hard usage, eg. a *very tired *suitcase
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Uncle's wife ran off outside and thus displayed emotion (8)
### Answer: FLAUNTED ### Explanation: Definition: displayed emotion FLED(*ran off*) around(*outside*) AUNT(*uncle's wife*). Defn: Past tense of to *display* ostentatiously, show off, what one has, often material stuff like one's sports car, money, physical attributes like a well-built body, and intangible things like one's learning, upbringing, intellect, and I guess it could also apply to emotions, like one's happiness, sorrow, lust.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Making any girl nearly bald, like Rosemary (6)
### Answer: HERBAL ### Explanation: Definition: like Rosemary HER(referring to *any girl*) + *BALd* minus the last letter(*nearly*). Defn: Adjective describing *rosemary* the herb.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Look! An unending hold used in bed! (6)
### Answer: BEHOLD ### Explanation: Definition: Look *HOLd* minus the last letter(*unending*) in *BED*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Short time taken to find one piece of fruit in me (6)
### Answer: MINUTE ### Explanation: Definition: Short time I(*one piece*) NUT(*fruit*) in *ME*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: What's drunk when sales don't open (4)
### Answer: ALES ### Explanation: Definition: What's drunk *sALES* minus initial letter(*don't open*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Egghead uncle gets involved in a little upset (12)
### Answer: INTELLECTUAL ### Explanation: Definition: Egghead Anagram(*upset*) of {*UNCLE* +(*gets involved in*) *A LITTLE*}.
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### Clue: Fondness, with no little puff, for eulogy (7)
### Answer: ORATION ### Explanation: Definition: eulogy adORATION(*fondness*) minus(*with no*) AD(abbrev. of,*little* advertisement promoting,*puff*ing something or someone).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Flying service is perfect, bar getting millions in (7)
### Answer: AIRMAIL ### Explanation: Definition: Flying service AI(*perfect*) + RAIL(*bar*, as for a towel, say) around(*getting…in*) M(*$$m$$illions*). Defn: Fastest letter-delivering *service* before e-mail.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Saint with attitude, this could get one down (5)
### Answer: STAIR ### Explanation: Definition: this could get one down ST(abbrev. for *saint*) +(*with*) AIR(*attitude*,pose,bearing).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Vacuous Adonis I heard gets caught with youth initially (3,5)
### Answer: EYE CANDY ### Explanation: Definition: Vacuous Adonis EYE(homonym(*heard*) of *I*) +(*gets*) C(*$$c$$aught*, as in cricket) AND(*with*) Y(first letter,*initially* of *youth*). Defn: Person, of either sex, who is pleasing,sweet to the eye but not much else,*vacuous*. There's also arm candy and ear candy.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Mad Hatter husband with fleece becomes an idol (10)
### Answer: HEARTTHROB ### Explanation: Definition: idol Anagram(*mad*) of *HATTER* + H(*husband*) +(*with*) ROB(*fleece*,swindle).
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### Clue: Proposal one put before beloved Romeo's ignored (4)
### Answer: IDEA ### Explanation: Definition: Proposal I(*one*) *put before* DEAr(*beloved*) minus(*ignored*) R(for *$$R$$omeo*, in the international phonetic alphabet).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Fancy one mortal too often (4)
### Answer: LUST ### Explanation: Definition: Fancy I'm not sure about this one. If I'm right, then *fancy* = LUST. I'm even more unsure about the wordplay: can only speculate that since Lust is one of the deadly sins, it would somehow be related to a *mortal* sin. Any correction or confirmation would be appreciated.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Flat outside New Orleans? This'll inform about one (8,2)
### Answer: PERSONAL AD ### Explanation: Definition: This'll inform about one PAD(*flat*,apartment commonly of bachelor) around(*outside*) anagram(*New*) of *ORLEANS*. Defn: Ads by individuals usually seeking romantic partners, with *inform*ation given in an abbreviated language of their own, eg. BI, SOH, GSOH, WSF, NS, ND, DDF.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Einstein's resolved twenty-odd (and more) years ago, say (8)
### Answer: NINETIES ### Explanation: Definition: twenty-odd (and more) years ago, say Anagram(*resolved*) of *EINSTEIN*. Defn: The 1990s were *twenty-odd years ago*, and the 1890s, etc. were twenty-odd and more years ago. I think that's how to read the "*(and more)*" bit.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Collector somehow keeps "The Venus de Milo", for example (5)
### Answer: TORSO ### Explanation: Definition: The Venus de Milo", for example Hidden(*keeps*) in *collecTOR SOmehow*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: West, say, sort repackaged as a hotshot (7)
### Answer: MAESTRO ### Explanation: Definition: hotshot MAE(in particular,*say*, Mae *West*, actress who, among other distinctions, had the life jacket worn by WWII aircraftsmen nicknamed after her) + anagram(*repackaged*) of *SORT*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Wailing woman forces out the first bit of a mule's call (7)
### Answer: BANSHEE ### Explanation: Definition: Wailing woman BANS(*forces out*,disbars) + HEE(*first bit*,part of hee-haw,*mule's call*). Defn: In Irish folklore, a spirit in the form of a *wailing woman*, who is seen or heard by a family when one of them is about to die. I doubt if she'll sound anything like a mule though 🙂 .
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Lexicographer is a scholar, chap in epistolatory relations (3,2,7)
### Answer: MAN OF LETTERS ### Explanation: Definition: scholar MAN OF(*chap in*) LETTERS(*epistolatory*,in the form of letters,correspondence). Defn: I don't quite know what to make of the clue construction, as the definitional part seems to be in the middle. Unless "*lexicographer*" is meant to be another definition or another wordplay viz. One who writes or compiles or edits a dictionary, ie. a man of words, and since words are made up of letters, also a man of letters?
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: River again flows around Arabia (7)
### Answer: NIAGARA ### Explanation: Definition: River Anagram(*flows*) of *AGAIN* around AR(*$$Ar$$abia* or strictly speaking, $$Ar$$abic) Defn: The *river* that feeds its more famous Falls.
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### Clue: Permanently leave recording giant over scrape (8)
### Answer: EMIGRATE ### Explanation: Definition: Permanently leave EMI(originally The Electric and Musical Industries Limited, the *giant* music *recording* and publishing company, now owned by Citigroup) +(*over*, in a down clue) GRATE(*scrape*, eg.your skin).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Nothing up with ordinary floor covering (4)
### Answer: LINO ### Explanation: Definition: floor covering Reversal(*up*, in a down clue) of NIL(*nothing*) +(*with*) O(as in the GCE *$$O$$rdinary*(O) Level Exams, replaced by the GCSE)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Sioux leader is distraught over cavalry (5,5)
### Answer: CRAZY HORSE ### Explanation: Definition: Sioux leader CRAZY(*distraught*,emotionally distressed) *over* HORSE(collective word for *cavalry*,soldiers on horseback, eg. a thousand horse).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Some plug richest language (5)
### Answer: UGRIC ### Explanation: Definition: language Hidden(*some*) in *plUG RIChest*.
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### Clue: Tragic King Edward is widely read (7)
### Answer: LEARNED ### Explanation: Definition: widely read LEAR(*King* in Shakespear's *tragedy*) + NED(variant of the name *Edward*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Board carry on standing for a famous person (9,4)
### Answer: HOUSEHOLD NAME ### Explanation: Definition: famous person HOUSE(verb, to house someone,to provide *board* and lodging to someone) + HOLD(*carry*, as with hold the baby) + NAME(*standing*,reputation,status).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Adopt lethargy in new relationship? (4,4,2,3)
### Answer: PLAY HARD TO GET ### Explanation: Definition: Adopt lethargy in new relationship Anagram(*new relationship*) of *ADOPT LETHARGY*. Defn: Be passive,*adopt lethargic* attitude in a *new relationship*. A fine &lit. Favourite clue for today.
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### Clue: Not at all happy with, say, Lancashire shed (7,3)
### Answer: CHEESED OFF ### Explanation: Definition: Not at all happy with CHEESE(a variety of,*say*, named after the county, *Lancashire*, in which it's produced) + DOFF(*shed*,remove, as with clothing).
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### Clue: Isn't changing directions in Connecticut a gift (8)
### Answer: INSTINCT ### Explanation: Definition: gift *Changing *N,S(north,south *directions*) with each other in *ISN'T *+ CT(abbrev. for *$$C$$onnecticu$$t$$*, USA). Defn: Something you don't have to learn consciously.
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### Clue: Ray's succeeded to remove support, fancifully (7)
### Answer: SUNBEAM ### Explanation: Definition: Ray S(*$$s$$ucceeded*) + made up word(*fancifully*) UN(prefix to *remove* from, as in unseat)-BEAM(*support*, eg. for floor or roof).
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### Clue: One staggering mutt (7)
### Answer: LURCHER ### Explanation: Definition: One staggering,mutt Double defn: 1st: One who lurches,*staggers*, as when intoxicated. The archaic meaning of lurcher is one who prowls or lurks. 2nd: A *mutt*,crossbred hunting dog,
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### Clue: One overlooked Rennaissance painter, a very important person (5)
### Answer: TITAN ### Explanation: Definition: very important person TITiAN(Renaissance painter) minus(*overlooked*) I(*one*). Defn: From Greek mythology, extended to mortals to mean one of enormous size, power, strength, influence, and, I guess, *importance* qualifies, eg. a titan of industry
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### Clue: Skilful sailor upset the Spanish (4)
### Answer: ABLE ### Explanation: Definition: Skilful AB($$A$$ble-$$B$$odied seaman,*sailor*) + reversal(*upset*) of EL(the definite article, *the*, in *Spanish*).
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### Clue: What better hopes for replacing those with influence? (3,6,4,2)
### Answer: THE POWERS THAT BE ### Explanation: Definition: those with influence Anagram (*for replacing*) of *WHAT BETTER HOPES*.
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### Clue: Nervous laughter where teetotaller in bank takes shilling (7)
### Answer: TITTERS ### Explanation: Definition: Nervous laughter TT(*$$t$$ee­$$t$$otaller*) in TIER(*bank*,an elevated section) +(*takes*) S(*­$$s$$hilling*).
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### Clue: Euler is prepared for retirement (7)
### Answer: LEISURE ### Explanation: Definition: retirement Anagram(*prepared*) of *EULER IS*.
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### Clue: Lavishly praise former Time Lord making comeback in Doctor's absence (5)
### Answer: EXTOL ### Explanation: Definition: Lavishly praise EX(*former*,as with spouse,position,etc.) T(*$$t$$ime*) + reverse(*making comeback*) of *LOrd* without(*absence*) DR(*doctor*) The first Time Lord Doctor.
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### Clue: During divinity pray endlessly against moral turpitude (9)
### Answer: DEPRAVITY ### Explanation: Definition: moral turpitude *PRAy* without last letter(*endlessly*) V(*against*,­$$v$$ersus) in(*during*) DIETY(*divinity*,god).
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### Clue: Soaking for sailor, very corrupt, receiving rand (9)
### Answer: ABSORBENT ### Explanation: Definition: Soaking AB(*sailor*,able-bodied seaman) SO(*very*) BENT(*corrupt*,presumably arising from crooked=bent) around(*receiving*) R(*$$r$$and*, that unit of money in S.Africa, named after Witwatersrand, the gold mining area there). Defn: *Soaking* as an adjective describing something that soaks in.
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### Clue: Communist in firm belief (5)
### Answer: CREDO ### Explanation: Definition: belief RED(*communist*) *in* CO(*firm*, as in $$co$$mpany).
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### Clue: From Scandinavia (and not some London district) (5)
### Answer: NORSE ### Explanation: Definition: From Scandinavia NOR(*not*) SE(a $$s$$outh-$$e$$ast *London* postcode area,*district*, from SE1 to SE28. SE1 includes South Bank).
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### Clue: Formless poem, Anne Hathaway's first, observed events (9)
### Answer: PHENOMENA ### Explanation: Definition: observed events Anagram(*formless*) of [*POEM ANNE* + *H*(*first* letter of *Hathaway*)].
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### Clue: People seen with heroin runner (9)
### Answer: RACEHORSE ### Explanation: Definition: runner RACE(*people*, the singular of peoples,races) +(*seen with*) HORSE(slang for *heroin*, presumably because they have a common initial).
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### Clue: Old story line in the eleventh year after Christ? (5)
### Answer: ILIAD ### Explanation: Definition: Old story L(*$$l$$ine*) in 11AD(*eleventh year* in the Gregorian calendar, counting from,*after* AD,Anno Domini, the year of the lord, specifically the year, or thereabouts, when *Christ* was born), with number 1=letter I and 11=II.
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### Clue: Turkish dynasty created in books given to us (7)
### Answer: OTTOMAN ### Explanation: Definition: Turkish dynasty OT(*books*, of the Old Testament in the Bible) +(*given*) *TO* MAN(*us* as a species,humankind,homo sapiens)
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### Clue: Rather feeble compilers finally get this sorted (7)
### Answer: WETTISH ### Explanation: Definition: Rather feeble WE(collective pronoun for *compilers* such as Neo et al in contrast to you, collective noun for us solvers) T(last letter,*finally* of *get*) + anagram(*sorted*) of *THIS*. Defn: Figuratively, a bit spineless, said disparagingly.
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### Clue: Maybe Geordie and Tony turn on charm somehow (5,10)
### Answer: NORTH COUNTRYMAN ### Explanation: Definition: Maybe Geordie Anagram(*somehow*) of *TONY TURN ON CHARM*. Defn: A native or inhabitant of Newcastle or its surroundings, in North England (or North Country if you're from or live in England).
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### Clue: Naturally fitted for role like Hamlet (2,3,6,4)
### Answer: TO THE MANNER BORN ### Explanation: Definition: Naturally fitted for role Play on "role", doing double duty in the definition, as well as the theatrical part of Shakespeare's *Hamlet*, from whose lines comes this phrase. Defn: Pre-disposed to behave as what is expected of one by virtue of one's birth. A related phrase, more recent in origin is "to the manor born". To The Manor Born
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### Clue: European nations and lands for development (7)
### Answer: ESTATES ### Explanation: Definition: lands for development E(*$$E$$uropean*) STATES(*nations*). Defn: Such *development* as varied as wine-producing, rubber, palm, and residences and industries.
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### Clue: After massage R. Laver ego too big? (9)
### Answer: OVERLARGE ### Explanation: Definition: too big Anagram(*massage*) of *R LAVER EGO*. I believe Neo is refering to Rod Laver, tennis great, active in the 60s.
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### Clue: Given relief when caught in river's back-flow (5)
### Answer: EASED ### Explanation: Definition: Given relief AS(*when*, substitute for "as" used in the temporal sense) within(*caught*) in reversal(*back-flow*) of DEE(*river* in England).
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### Clue: Liveliness with power to be for Sarkozy an explosive component (9)
### Answer: SALTPETRE ### Explanation: Definition: an explosive component SALT(an element of *liveliness*,interest,excitement, as in "his wit added salt to the discussion") +(*with*) P(*$$p$$ower*, especially in scientific equations) ETRE(as would be said by French President *Sarkozy* when he means "*to be*"; pardon my French if this isn't right). Defn: Potassium nitrate, a powerful oxidant, therefore commonly used as a *component* in *explosive*s. Also used as a fertiliser, which explains why amateur bombers buy lots of fertiliser.
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### Clue: Seaside city Mafia henchmen hold up (5)
### Answer: HAIFA ### Explanation: Definition: Seaside city Hidden(*hold*) and reversed(*up*, in a down clue) in *mAFIA Henchmen*. Defn: Port in northern Israel.