1 value
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Indolent person bolts down sports car perhaps (5-5)
### Answer: LOTUS-EATER ### Explanation: LOTUS(an example,*perhaps *of a make of *sports car*) EATER(*person *who *bolts down*). Defn: From Greek mythology, an *indolent person*, member of a people whose such state was brought on by eating the fruit of the lotus plant. Here again, not sure about "person" doubling up.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Attendant with the very best lock (8)
### Answer: WAITRESS ### Explanation: W(*with*) AI(class A-One,first class,*the very best*) TRESS(*lock*, of hair). Defn: She who waits on you, an *attendant *to you during a meal in eg. a restaurant.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: What keeps laciest pants up? (7)
### Answer: ELASTIC ### Explanation: An &lit. Anagram(*?*) of LACIEST. Defn: The elastic round the waist of pants, which in British usage = underpants, and presumably the female kind (panties) because of being *laciest*. Have refrained from being pictorial here, I might not get past the moderator!
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Gridlock? I am on the way out (7)
### Answer: IMPASSE ### Explanation: I'M(*I am *) PASSE(*on the way out*,like last year's clothes,out of fashion. Defn: *Gridlock* with no-one moving anywhere.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: One postgrad with manuscript for devotional officers (5)
### Answer: IMAMS ### Explanation: I(*One*) MA(Master of Arts degree, what you get *postgrad* after your BA) MS(abbreviation for *manuscript*). Defn: The *devotional officers* or officiating priests in an (Islamic) mosque.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Carol, for instance, is thus . . . no good (4)
### Answer: SONG ### Explanation: SO(as in this or that way or fashion, eg. "so/*thus* it turned out") NG(abbreviation for *no good*). Defn: What is sung during Christmas season.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: When translated ruin Ghana's language (9)
### Answer: HUNGARIAN ### Explanation: Definition: language Anagram(*translated*) of RUIN GHANA.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: A flower came into being (5)
### Answer: AROSE ### Explanation: Definition: came into being A + ROSE(*flower*). Defn: *Came into being*,existence.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Christ has alternative to drink in hymn tune (7)
### Answer: CHORALE ### Explanation: Definition: hymn tune CH(*Christ*) +(*has*) OR(*alternative*) +(*to*) + ALE(*drink*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Naturally grown bit of garlic in a grocery rejected (7)
### Answer: ORGANIC ### Explanation: Definition: Naturally grown Hidden(*bit of*) and reversed(*rejected*) in *garli*C IN A GRO*cery*. Defn: *Naturally grown*, without the aid of artificial pesticides, fertilisers, and whatever else is considered "synthetic" and bad, such goodness coming with a price premium.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Narrow road in two states (4)
### Answer: LANE ### Explanation: Definition: Narrow road *Two states* of the USA: LA(abbrev. for Louisiana for use with zip code) + NE(ditto for Nebraska)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Dreadful face bearing a horrible boil and start of cyst (10)
### Answer: DIABOLICAL ### Explanation: Definition: Dreadful DIAL(*face*, of a watch or instrument) around(*bearing*) {A + anagram(*horrible*) of BOIL + C(first letter,*start* of *cyst*)}
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Other people accepting blame for treatment (7)
### Answer: THERAPY ### Explanation: Definition: treatment THEY(nominative pronoun for third person plural to refer to *Other people*) around(*accepting*) RAP(as in to "take the rap,*blame*" for a wrongdoing). Defn: *Treatment*, of various sorts ranging from physio- to psycho- to aversion to electroconvulsive, ie. electric shocks to hydro- to retail, it seems there's a treatment of sorts for any ailment.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Disappear holding recipe for glaze (7)
### Answer: VARNISH ### Explanation: Definition: glaze VANISH(*Disappear*) around(*holding*) R(abbrev. for *recipe*., which used to mean a medical prescription from the Latin recipe=take (it), hence the Rx at the top of medical prescriptions).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Girl with new English fragrance that's ephemeral (10)
### Answer: EVANESCENT ### Explanation: Definition: ephemeral EVA(proper name for a *girl*) +(*with*) N(*new*) E(*English*) SCENT(*fragrance*). Defn: Fleeting,lasting only a short time,*ephemeral*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Travelling entertainment's quite good! (4)
### Answer: FAIR ### Explanation: Definition: Travelling entertainment,quite good Double defn: 1st. A collection of sideshows, games, rides, etc. for public entertainment, travelling from place to place, akin to the travelling circus. Nowadays such entertainment is provided by theme parks. 2nd. A range of meanings from moderately to completely good, in other words, *quite good*!
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Endearing volunteer from the East visiting backward island (7)
### Answer: LOVABLE ### Explanation: Definition: Endearing Reverse(*from the East*, for an across answer) of VOL(abbrev. for *volunteer*) +(*visiting*) reversal(*backward*) of ELBA(*island* in the Mediterranean on which Napoleon spent his first exile)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Cream welcome here" heard in more expensive accommodation? (2,5)
### Answer: EN SUITE ### Explanation: Definition: more expensive accommodation Homophone(*heard*) of "On Sweet (pudding, pie, tart, etc.)" ie. this is where,*here* that *cream* should be put,is *welcome*. Defn: French phrase literally meaning part of a set, but commonly used to describe *accommodation*, eg. hotel room, with a bathroom attached,en suite, and hence *more expensive*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Private meal doesn't include starter (5)
### Answer: INNER ### Explanation: Definition: Private DINNER(*meal*) minus (*doesn't include*) D(first letter,*starter*). Defn: *Private*, as in "your inner self".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Start off season before umpire returns with drug in hamper (9)
### Answer: INTERFERE ### Explanation: Definition: hamper W(first letter,*start*) taken away(*off*) from WINTER(*season*) +(*before*) reversal(*returns*) of REF(eree,*umpire*) +(*with*) E(Ecstasy *drug*). Defn: To meddle in and thus *hamper* proceedings.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Drunkenly create alcoholic cake (9,6)
### Answer: CHOCOLATE ECLAIR ### Explanation: Definition: cake Anagram(*Drunkenly*) of CREATE ALCOHOL.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Woman has small amount to give out (8)
### Answer: ANNOUNCE ### Explanation: Definition: to give out ANN(proper name for a *woman*) +(*has*) OUNCE(*small amount* = 1/16 of a pound weight). Defn: Declare,*give out*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Nibbles cooked pasta (5)
### Answer: TAPAS ### Explanation: Definition: Nibbles Anagram(*cooked*) of PASTA. Defn: Spanish tidbits,*nibbles*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Tidy life ruined by honesty? (8)
### Answer: FIDELITY ### Explanation: Definition: honesty Anagram(*ruined*) of TIDY LIFE.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Ben prepared to hide cat in Bury (6)
### Answer: ENTOMB ### Explanation: Definition: Bury Anagram(*prepared*) of BEN around(*hide*) TOM(*cat*). Defn: Bury, the verb, not to be confused with the town.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Report article on traditional wisdom in Indian city (9)
### Answer: BANGALORE ### Explanation: Definition: Indian city BANG(*Report* of sound) + A(the indefinite *article*) + LORE(*traditional wisdom*, such as folklore). Defn: *Indian city*, leading IT exporter.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Commanding officer with gallon container turned up for a drink (6)
### Answer: COGNAC ### Explanation: Definition: drink CO(*Commanding officer*) +(*with*) G(*gallon*, measure of volume, comes in 2 versions, Imperial and US) + reversal(*turned up*, for a down answer). Defn: Alcoholic *drink*, a brandy from grapes, produced in the region around the town of the same name in France.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Cannier rep helps to shift piece of desk equipment (6,9)
### Answer: PENCIL SHARPENER ### Explanation: Definition: piece of desk equipment Anagram(*shift*) of CANNIER REP HELPS. Defn: A *piece of desk equipment*, nowadays rarely found. They used to come in various designs, both mechanical and electrical.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Turned up with money for man to get cheese (9)
### Answer: CAMEMBERT ### Explanation: Definition: cheese CAME(*Turned up*) +(*with*) M(*money*) +(*for*) BERT(proper name for a *man*). Defn: A soft creamy cows' milk *cheese*, first made in Normandy, France.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Five close to separatists reported prolonged feud (8)
### Answer: VENDETTA ### Explanation: Definition: prolonged feud V(Roman numeral for *Five*) + END(*close*) + homophone(*reported*) of "ETA, armed organisation of Basque *separatists*)".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Fancied by setter, dame collapsed holding drink (8)
### Answer: IMAGINED ### Explanation: Definition: Fancied I(me, the *setter*) + anagram(*collapsed*) of DAME around(*holding*) GIN(*drink*). Defn: Describing a product of one's imagination.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Arrival of a designer's first outlet (6)
### Answer: ADVENT ### Explanation: Definition: Arrival A + D(*first *letter of *designer's*) + VENT(*outlet*)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Creationists' leader wrongly tried for belief (6)
### Answer: CREDIT ### Explanation: Definition: belief C(first letter,*leader* of *Creationists'*) + anagram(*wrongly*) of TRIED. Defn: *Belief* in the truth, reliability, quality, etc, of someone or something, eg. "I would give credit to his statements".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Unjustly take hold of American with "university" accent (5)
### Answer: USURP ### Explanation: Definition: Unjustly take hold of US(*American*) +(*with*) U(*university*) RP(abbrev. for Received Pronounciation, originally that of educated English speakers in southern England, public schools, Oxbridge universities (thus also *"university" accent*), adopted by many speakers elsewhere and used in broadcasting, hence sometimes known as BBC English). Defn: *Unjustly take hold*, usually of official position or title, eg. Macbeth usurping the throne of Scotland in Shakespeare's play, which, by the way, was a fictional account.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Bet it gets cold in the water, so be nonchalant (4,2,4)
### Answer: PLAY IT COOL ### Explanation: Definition: be nonchalant LAY(bet) + IT + C(cold) in POOL(water).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Oath taken by renegade (4)
### Answer: EGAD ### Explanation: Definition: Oath Hidden in renEGADe.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Flatter with sophisticated conversation (6-4)
### Answer: SMOOTH -TALK ### Explanation: Definition: Flatter SMOOTH(sophisticated) TALK(conversation)
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### Clue: Thrill to a song and dance (4)
### Answer: STIR ### Explanation: Definition: Thrill,a song and dance Double defn: 1st: Excite; and 2nd: A to-do, a fuss.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Unhappily, Bush relented to look for unfair advantage (4,3,5)
### Answer: BEND THE RULES ### Explanation: Definition: to look for unfair advantage Anagram(unhappily) of BUSH RELENTED.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Graphic representation of logarithms omits fifty (9)
### Answer: HISTOGRAM ### Explanation: Definition: Graphic representation Anagram(representation) of LOGARITHMS minus L(fifty).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Philosopher not given to complaining (5)
### Answer: STOIC ### Explanation: Definition: Philosopher,not given to complaining Double defn: 1st: Proper noun of philosopher of STOIC school; and 2nd: common noun of one who suffers without complaining.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Was an engineer first support for Rolling Stones drummer? (5)
### Answer: WATTS ### Explanation: Definition: Rolling Stones drummer WATT(James, Scottish engineer and inventor, unit of power, watt named after him) + S(upport). Defn: Charlie Watts.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Want to get in team colours to suit (9)
### Answer: PINSTRIPE ### Explanation: Definition: suit PINE(Want to) around STRIP(team colours). Defn: Suit of material with thin stripes running down.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: It can take you to the point of no return (3-3,6)
### Answer: ONE-WAY TICKET ### Explanation: Definition: It can take you to the point of no return Cryptic defn: Takes you to where you have no intention of returning from.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Search customers looking for War and Peace, say (4)
### Answer: TOME ### Explanation: Definition: War and Peace, say Hidden(search) in cusTOMErs. Defn: A lengthy book of which War and Peace is an example(say).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Somehow niece collared animal, 'e added with excitement (10)
### Answer: EBULLIENCE ### Explanation: Definition: excitement Anagram(somehow) of NIECE around(collared) BULL(an animal) +(added) 'E.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Exasperate with endless stream of energy (4)
### Answer: RILE ### Explanation: Definition: Exasperate RILL(stream, brook) without end(endless) letter L + E(energy).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Printed page of directions to landlord (10)
### Answer: NEWSLETTER ### Explanation: Definition: Printed page NEWS(the 4 directions combined) + LETTER(landlord).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Flowers were said to be affected (4)
### Answer: POSY ### Explanation: Definition: Flowers Homophone(were said) of POSEY(affected,pretentious,striking a pose). Defn: A bunch of flowers.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Prophet initiating a morning of study (4)
### Answer: AMOS ### Explanation: Definition: Prophet Starting letters(initiating) of A Morning Of Study. Defn: A prophet in the OT.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Uncomfortable position for atheist on the move? (2,3,3,4)
### Answer: IN THE HOT SEAT ### Explanation: Definition: Uncomfortable position Anagram(move) of ATHEIST ON THE.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Called for detectives to take note (5)
### Answer: CITED ### Explanation: Definition: Called for CID(detectives) around(to take) TE(7th note in a diatonic scale).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: The last person on earth to admit to his failings? (4,5)
### Answer: ONLY HUMAN ### Explanation: Definition: The last person on earth,to admit to his failings Double cryptic defn: 1st: Noun: The sole earthling left after everyone else has been destroyed; and 2nd: Adjectival: Merely mortal, willing to admit his failings, as in "To err is human…"
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Like Nato, go prepared to see and take part (3,1,4-2)
### Answer: GET A LOOK-IN ### Explanation: Definition: to see and take part Anagram(prepared) of LIKE NATO GO. Defn: Get a chance to do something you would like to do and would like to succeed in.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Mysterious group holding servicemen have something to hide (4,6)
### Answer: DARK SECRET ### Explanation: Definition: something to hide DARK(mysterious) SECT(group) around(holding) RE(Royal Engineers, servicemen).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Complete the race, but do it unacceptably badly (5,3,4)
### Answer: CROSS THE LINE ### Explanation: Definition: Complete the race,do it unacceptably badly Double defn: 1st: Pass the finishing line; and 2nd: Cross, in terms of behaviour, the boundary between what's acceptable and good and what's unacceptable and bad.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Exhibitionist from the musical Queen (10)
### Answer: SHOWBOATER ### Explanation: Definition: Exhibitionist SHOWBOAT(American musical with music by Jerome Kern and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II) + ER(Queen Elizabeth).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Hearst limo engineered to keep at constant temperature (10)
### Answer: ISOTHERMAL ### Explanation: Definition: at constant temperature Anagram(engineered) of HEARST LIMO.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Respected salesman with superior furniture (9)
### Answer: REPUTABLE ### Explanation: Definition: Respected REP(sales representative) U($$u$$pper class) TABLE(piece of furniture).
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### Clue: Destroys blades that have lost their edge (5)
### Answer: CULLS ### Explanation: Definition: Destroys SCULLS(oars, whose flat parts are called blades) without E, the letter at the edge. Defn: Killing of some proportion of a population,herd to reduce the populaton,herd size.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Something that bites back something that bites! (4)
### Answer: GNAT ### Explanation: Definition: Something that bites Reversal(back) of TANG(distinctive, sharp taste, that bites). Defn: A small biting fly, or in UK, a mosquito.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: He forecasts it will be dry, though changeable at the close (4)
### Answer: SEER ### Explanation: Definition: He forecasts SERE(dry) with the letters at the close interchanged, the final E going before the R.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Register when some burning issue is raised (4,2)
### Answer: SIGN IN ### Explanation: Definition: Register Hidden(*some*) and reversed(*raised*, some would raise their eyebrows at this being used for an across clue, but I think it's now become crossword convention) in *bur*NING IS*sue*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: According to rumour, beat it hollow (6)
### Answer: SOCKET ### Explanation: Definition: hollow Homophone(*according to rumour*, ie. hearsay) of SOCK IT(punch,*beat it*). Defn: *Hollow*, noun, eg. where your "…thigh bone connected to your hip bone…(Dem Bones)".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Guided North grasping, holding opening (9)
### Answer: NAVIGATED ### Explanation: Definition: Guided N(*north*) + AVID(greedy,*grasping* eg. for pleasure) around(*holding*) VENT(*opening*, noun)
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### Clue: Rough total (5)
### Answer: UNCUT ### Explanation: Definition: Rough,total Double defn: 1st: Pertaining to gemstones, especially *rough* (literally) diamonds; and 2nd: Pertaining to writing or films, the full monty, the *total*ity of it.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Seek votes to elect holder of nothing brilliant (8)
### Answer: POLITICK ### Explanation: Definition: Seek votes PICK(*to elect*) around(*holder*) of {O(*nothing*) + LIT(*brilliant*,shone on)}. Defn: Make promises, kiss babies, smear opponents, fear-monger, and so on to win your election campaign. We've just had a General Election here 10 days ago, so this is fresh in my mind.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Little pieces of torn up chamois, not hard (6)
### Answer: MOSAIC ### Explanation: Definition: Little pieces Anagram(*torn up*) of CAMOIS(*chamois* without,*not* H,abbrev. for *hard*).
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### Clue: Drunk tea and brine I'd mixed together (10)
### Answer: INEBRIATED ### Explanation: Definition: Drunk Anagram(*mixed together*) of {TEA + BRINE ID}.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Still, I find mythical creature (4)
### Answer: YETI ### Explanation: Definition: mythical creature YET(*still*,nevertheless as in "to be rich and still crave for more") + I. Defn: AKA the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas, what a bad rap he's got!
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: With boss, a dance star (4)
### Answer: NOVA ### Explanation: Definition: star NOVA(2nd part of Bossa(*boss, a*) Nova = a Brazilian rhythm and *dance* and the associated music, literally Portuguese for "new trend").
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Kills gaiety aboard ship (10)
### Answer: SLAUGHTERS ### Explanation: Definition: Kills LAUGHTER(*gaiety*) in(*aboard*) SS(from the days of the $$s$$team­­*$$s$$hip*, or perhaps $$s$$crew-driven $$s$$teamship).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Man or woman is a good finisher (6)
### Answer: GENDER ### Explanation: Definition: Man or woman G(abbrev. for *good*) + ENDER(a *finisher*). Defn: Originally used only for grammatical categories, eg. of nouns, verbs and articles. In the 50's it was used to distinguish roles in society. Gradually it became a euphemistic substitute for Sex, ie. male/female, *man or woman* eg. in official forms.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: In general viewing no spicy tuna head ingredients (8)
### Answer: SYNOPTIC ### Explanation: Definition: In general viewing Anagram of(*ingredients*) {NO SPICY + T(initial letter,*head* of *tuna*)}. Defn: Taking a *general view* of the main parts of a subject, topic, story; the noun of which is "synopsis".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Key is given to tenants (5)
### Answer: ISLET ### Explanation: Definition: Key IS + LET(*given to tenants*). Defn: A small lowlying island or reef, especially in the Gulf of Mexica, hence the Florida *Key*s. An alternative spelling to cay (of Spanish origin).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: At opera gigs, play musical chords (9)
### Answer: ARPEGGIOS ### Explanation: Definition: musical chords Anagram(*at…play*) of OPERA GIGS. Nice surface reading.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Secretary has makeshift shelter in plain (6)
### Answer: PATENT ### Explanation: Definition: plain PA(­$$p$$ersonal $$a$$ssistant,*secretary*) +(*has*) TENT(*makeshift shelter*). Defn: Clear,*plain* as in "to be patently wrong"
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Cleaned up and held basic instincts in (6)
### Answer: TIDIED ### Explanation: Definition: Cleaned up ID(the unconscious, *instinct*ive, primitive and *basic* identity in you, according to Freud) in TIED(*held* together).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Absorb small volume in diseased vein (7)
### Answer: INVOLVE ### Explanation: Definition: Absorb VOL(short for,*small volume*) in anagram(*diseased*) of VEIN.
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### Clue: Useless to attack a rightwinger after change in leader (8)
### Answer: NUGATORY ### Explanation: Definition: Useless NUG(MUG,*attack* *after change* *in* initial letter,*leader*, from M to N) + A TORY(*a rightwinger*). Defn: Invalid,*useless*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Prominent celebrity wears diamonds (10)
### Answer: NOTICEABLE ### Explanation: Definition: Prominent NOTABLE(*celebrity*) around(*wears*) ICE(slang for *diamonds*, the cut type).
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### Clue: Team groaned audibly (4)
### Answer: SIDE ### Explanation: Definition: Team Homophone(*audibly*) of SIGHED(*groaned*)
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### Clue: Successful manoeuvre over ticket (6)
### Answer: COUPON ### Explanation: Definition: ticket COUP(a brilliant and *successful *action,*manoeuvre*) + ON(*over*).
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### Clue: Caught usurping society to subjugate ghetto (7)
### Answer: ENCLAVE ### Explanation: Definition: ghetto C(abbrev. for *caught* as in cricket) replacing(*usurping*) S(abbrev. for *Society*) in ENSLAVE(*subjugate*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Bugs remain in cults (5,7)
### Answer: STICK INSECTS ### Explanation: Definition: Bugs STICK(verb, as in "stick to,*remain* by my side") and IN + SECTS(*cults*). (BigDave's got his turtles, I've got my stick insects, cf.Quiptic 594!)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Without French bread, fail to profit from harsh exercise regime (2,4,2,4)
### Answer: NO PAIN NO GAIN ### Explanation: Definition: harsh exercise regime NO(*without*) PAIN(*French* for *bread*) NO GAIN(*fail to profit*).
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### Clue: Mole in woodland glade, perhaps (6,4)
### Answer: BEAUTY SPOT ### Explanation: Definition: Mole,woodland glade Double defn: 1st: Dark mark,a *mole*, sometimes put on, on face to enhance one's beauty, supposedly; and 2nd: a beautiful location in nature.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Formed crowds where king is sitting down holding grand opening (8)
### Answer: THRONGED ### Explanation: Definition: Formed crowds THRONE(*where king is sitting*) + D(abbrev. for *down*, as in this clue, 16D) around(*holding*) G(initial,*opening* letter, of *grand*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Unadorned country house hides gang's contents (7)
### Answer: VANILLA ### Explanation: Definition: Unadorned VILLA(*country house*) around(*hides*) AN(middle letters,*contents* of *gang*). Defn: Plain and simple. Misnomer, surely, since it's still flavoured with vanilla extract.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Knit initials in every new T-shirt with individual nametags equipped (7)
### Answer: ENTWINE ### Explanation: Definition: Knit Starting letters(*initials*) of E*very *N*ew *T*-shirt *W*ith *I*ndividual *N*ametags *E*quipped*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: I object to non-drinker seizing the French spirit (6)
### Answer: METTLE ### Explanation: Definition: spirit ME(the *object*ive case of the pronoun *I*) + TT($$t$$ee-$$t$$otaller,*non-drinker*) around(*seizing*) LE(*French* for the definite article, *the*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Not able to make a list (4)
### Answer: CANT ### Explanation: Definition: Not able to,list Double defn: 1st: With the apostrophe, contracted form of CANNOT,*not able*; and 2nd: tilt,list.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Drink and travel regularly, showing flexibility (6)
### Answer: SUPPLY ### Explanation: Definition: showing flexibility SUP(*drink*) + PLY(*travel regularly*, as in "No. 74 bus plies between here and Marble Arch station."). Defn: Adverb for supple, alternate to and pronounced same as supplely. Not to be confused with the word pronounced "sir-ply", cf. 30A.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: In first form exam swallowed one drink (8)
### Answer: ORIGINAL ### Explanation: Definition: In first form ORAL(*exam*) around(*swallowed*) {I(*one*) + GIN(*drink*)}
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### Clue: First-year student swaps second for heart of princess, 28 (9)
### Answer: FRENCHMAN ### Explanation: Definition: 28 FRESHMAN(*first-year student*) with its S(*$$s$$econd*) replaced by(*swaps…for*) NC(*heart*,middle letters *of princess*). Defn: Description of *28*A BONAPARTE.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: More unlikely to have speaking part (5)
### Answer: EXTRA ### Explanation: Definition: More,unlikely to have speaking part Double defn: 2nd: refering to one of the crowd in a movie or play, serving as a human prop, so to speak.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: It makes a good pudding if you scrap most of it (4)
### Answer: SAGO ### Explanation: Definition: It makes a good pudding Hidden(*if you scrap most of it*) in *make*S A GOod* pudding*. Defn: Starch made from the pith of the sago palm, and used to make puddings. An &lit.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Soprano performing with good accent? (10)
### Answer: SONGSTRESS ### Explanation: Definition: Soprano S(*$$S$$oprano*) + ON(*performing*,as in "the LSO is on tonight") + G(*$$g$$ood*) + STRESS(*accent*, as used in phonetics to indicate the prominence of a syllable's loudness, pitch, length or all of these). An &lit.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Elsa was one cocooned in happiness, born free (7)
### Answer: LIONESS ### Explanation: Definition: Elsa ONE surrounded by(*cocooned* *in*) BLISS(*happiness*) minus(*free*) B(*$$b$$orn*). Defn: One adopted by adopted by Joy and George Adamson in Kenya as an orphaned cub and later released into the wild. The tale was narrated in the book "Born Free", later made into a film. This, then, is a lovely &lit.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: It was Tommy's protection which secured home (3,3)
### Answer: TIN HAT ### Explanation: Definition: It was Tommy's protection THAT(an alternative to *which*, also to who, in grammatical construction) around(*secured*) IN(at *home*). Defn: Combat headgear,*protection* for *Tommy*, the representative name for a British Army private, Tommy Atkins in full. The hat's actually made of steel.