1 value
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Who chases female spy after time in wee room? (8)
### Answer: LOTHARIO ### Explanation: [Mata] HARI(famous *female spy* working for the Germans in WW1) *after* T(*time*) *in* LOO(*wee room*, there's a double defn. here, a clue by itself). Defn: One *who chases *(females).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Lover's meeting in tree (4)
### Answer: DATE ### Explanation: Double defn: 1st: (*Lover's meeting*) and 2nd: Fruit from the date-palm *tree
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: He composed letter after a bit of work (4)
### Answer: BERG ### Explanation: B(the *letter after A*) ERG(a unit, *bit of work*, work as used in the scientific sense =force x distance). Defn: Austrian composer.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Anything but odd number for prayer service (8)
### Answer: EVENSONG ### Explanation: EVEN(*Anything but odd*) SONG(*number*). Defn: Evening *prayer service*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Joining together very good fellow with another nine in gay capital (8)
### Answer: AFFIXING ### Explanation: A(Class A, *very good*) FF(*fellow*, F, *with another*, ie. two of them) IX(*nine*, Roman-wise) IN G(*capital*, first letter of the word *gay*). Defn: Attaching, *joining together*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: International blog rewritten by top-grade student (6)
### Answer: GLOBAL ### Explanation: Anagram(*rewritten*) of BLOG + A(Class A, *top-grade*) L(Learner, *student*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Norse god – that's nonsense! (10)
### Answer: BALDERDASH ### Explanation: BALDER(*Norse god*, son of Odin, cf 27A) DASH(*–*, the punctuation mark in the clue). Defn: Nonsense
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Look in small container (4)
### Answer: SCAN ### Explanation: S(*small*) CAN(*container*). Defn: *Look*, increasingly being performed by machines.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: God takes overdose at home (4)
### Answer: ODIN ### Explanation: OD(*overdose*) IN(*at home*). Defn: Norse chief *God*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Absurd vehicle powered by green source in the country (10)
### Answer: MADAGASCAR ### Explanation: MAD(*Absurd*) A GAS CAR(a *vehicle *that runs on, *powered by*, gas, an environmentally clean, *green*, resource). I'm not sure how to fit in the word "source" into the parsing – "resource"?. Defn: That country off the coast of East Africa, fourth largest island in the world, home to some unique life forms as a result of its physical isolation from the land masses.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Welsh are surrounding hospital – other ranks to come from south with valiant soldier (3,4)
### Answer: WAR HERO ### Explanation: W(*Welsh*) ARE around(*surrounding*) H(*hospital*) + reverse of (*come from south*, going up for a Down clue) OR(other ranks, of soldiers).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Mother Goose at first seen by American priest (5)
### Answer: MAGUS ### Explanation: MA(*Mother*) + first letter(*at first seen*), G, of the word *Goose* +(*by*) US(*American*). Defn: A Zoroastrian *priest* reputed to possess supernatural powers. The word also means one of the 3 wise men bearing gifts to the baby Jesus; and sorcerer, ie. magician.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Who cause things to burn bright in frolicking with tigers? (8)
### Answer: IGNITERS ### Explanation: Anagram(*frolicking with*) of {IN + TIGERS}. Defn: Those *who cause things to burn bright*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Does it surround country house in Kent perhaps? (6,2,7)
### Answer: GARDEN OF ENGLAND ### Explanation: Cryptic defn: A garden *surrounds *a country house and *Kent *county is known as the Garden of England.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: God has cut and dried grass sent towards heaven (6)
### Answer: YAHWEH ### Explanation: Reversal(*sent towards heaven*, going up for a Down clue) of HEW(*cut*) HAY(*dried grass*). Defn: A name for God, originally from the Israelites.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Throwing pie is rude old playwright (9)
### Answer: EURIPIDES ### Explanation: Anagram(*Throwing*) of PIE IS RUDE. Defn: *Old*, ie. ancient Greek dramatist, *playwright*. (Ed. note: Typo corrected, thanks ; No, I haven't discovered any new nor ancient life forms!)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Look of cricket side having peculiarly neat attire? (7)
### Answer: ELEGANT ### Explanation: LEG(*cricket side*, for non-cricketing folks: that part of the field to the left and behind of and for a right-handed batsman) in(*having … attire*) an anagram(*peculiarly*) of NEAT. Defn: An &lit: A *cricket side having neat attire* will have an elegant *look*. Liked this clue also, it's elegant.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: As a broomstick may be misused by women (9)
### Answer: HAGRIDDEN ### Explanation: Double defn: 1st: Tormented or worried, as by witches, ie. *misused*, or even abused, *by women* and 2nd: a cryptic defn. A *broomstick* may be ridden, *misused*, by hags, witches, *women*. Liked this one too.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Restrict dangerous driver – one often flat out on road? (8)
### Answer: HEDGEHOG ### Explanation: HEDGE(*Restrict*, as with fields bounded by hedges) HOG(*dangerous driver*, a road hog). Defn: A small mammal that often is run over by vehicles and whose carcass lays *flat out on road*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Magical place to see African beast drinking fluid (7)
### Answer: ELFLAND ### Explanation: ELAND(*African beast*) around(*drinking*) FL(abbreviation for *fluid*, eg. fl. oz.). Defn: A fairyland.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Falls head over heels once more with artist (7)
### Answer: NIAGARA ### Explanation: Reversal(*head over heels*, for a Down clue) of AGAIN(*once more*) + RA(one from the Royal Academy, crosswordese for *artist*). Defn: That natural landmark shared by Canada and the USA. Nice misdirection with "*Falls head over heels*".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Fourth version sent up to Indian man? (6)
### Answer: VIKRAM ### Explanation: Reversal(*sent up*, for a Down clue) of MARK IV(Mark 4, the *fourth version* to be developed, nowadays it would be v4.0 in computerspeak). Defn: A proper name for an *Indian man*, eg. Vikram Seth.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Disc unaltered for Manchester band (5)
### Answer: OASIS ### Explanation: O(*Disc*) AS IS(*unaltered*, eg. for sale as is where is.) Defn: Rock *band* from *Manchester*, since disbanded.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Cover artist in foil? (6)
### Answer: DEFRAY ### Explanation: RA(*artist*) *in* DEFY(*foil*, the verb). Defn: As in "I'll *cover*,keep you whole on your expenses".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: One stays up to work with long novel (5,3)
### Answer: NIGHT OWL ### Explanation: Anagram(*novel*) of WITH LONG. Defn: Figurative use of the bird's name to describe *o**ne *who *stays up to work* keeping owlish hours.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Runs into area with playground equipment (6)
### Answer: SEESAW ### Explanation: SEES(*Runs into*), A(*area*) W(*with*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: A short fuse to suppress absolute inspiration (8)
### Answer: AFFLATUS ### Explanation: A FUS[e](truncation,*short* of word *fuse*) around(*suppress*) FLAT(*absolute*, as in a flat denial or rejection). Defn: An impelling mental force from within one, giving *inspiration*. Extraordinarily, if you behead this word twice, you get another impelling force from within, but of a different kind!
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Fight, simply to protect nothing (4)
### Answer: BOUT ### Explanation: BUT(*simply*,merely, just: as in "I can but try to complete this crossword") around(*to protect*) O(*nothing*).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Twist words for personal gain within corporation (6,3,1,4,4,4)
### Answer: PLEASE SIR I WANT SOME MORE ### Explanation: Crytic defn: Famous words of Oliver *Twist*, *personal gain* refering to food and *within corporation* refering to the body. Spent long time being misdirected by Twist, reflexively taken to be an anagrind.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Hurry up, mum – man's removing hot towel (4,2,6)
### Answer: MAKE IT SNAPPY ### Explanation: MA(*mum*) KEIT[h]'S(*man's*, without,*removing h*[*ot*]) NAPPY(*towel*). A nappy, short for napkin in the diaper sense, is sometimes made of towelling (nowadays, mostly synthetic materials used instead); whilst a table napkin is likely to be a small towel, I'm not sure that "nappy" can be used for the latter, not least, so as not to confuse the waiter when you ask for one!
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Giraffe arrived, old jockeys mean to feed (10)
### Answer: CAMELOPARD ### Explanation: CAME(*arrived*) + anagram(*jockeys*) of OLD with insert(*to feed*) of PAR(*mean*,norm). Defn: A former name for the giraffe, a coupound of "camel" for its long neck and look-alike head, and leopard for its spots.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Fly over low zone (4)
### Answer: ZOOM ### Explanation: Reversal(*over*) of MOO(*low*) Z(*zone*). Defn: *Fly* as a verb.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: One way to follow badly injured beetle (8)
### Answer: LADYBIRD ### Explanation: I(*One*) RD(road,*way*) after(*to follow*) anagram(*injured*) of BADLY. Defn: The insect that belongs to a family of beetles, and not a bird at all. Comes in various colours and patterns on their wings.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Russian alcoholic's struggle to find occupation (6)
### Answer: SOVIET ### Explanation: VIE(*struggle* as a verb) in (*to find occupation*) SOT(drunkard,*alcoholic*). Defn: A citizen of the former USSR.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Help us to acquire article before they auction it (8)
### Answer: SOTHEBYS ### Explanation: SOS(*Help us*) having inside(*to acquire*) THE(*article*) BY(*before*, as a locational preposition, like "next", "behind" and so on). Defn: Famous international auction house, auctioning anything of big value, from art pieces to jewels to jewellery to wine to memorabilia.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Very nice (6)
### Answer: PRETTY ### Explanation: Double defn: 1st: as in "pretty,*very* good" and 2nd: as in "pretty,*nice*,good-looking person"
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Would winds enveloping such terrain be visible as fronts? (4,4)
### Answer: DUST BOWL ### Explanation: Cryptic defn: Depression in arid land,*terrain* looking like a bowl. *Winds* blowing into it carry sand and thus can *be visible as* moving *fronts*. A dry tsunami, in fact; not quite as frightening, but still…(Ed. note: pl see & for the full monty)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Monster disappeared when reporting visit (8)
### Answer: FREQUENT ### Explanation: Homophone(*when reporting*) of FREAK(*Monster*) + WENT(*disappeared*). An alternative pronounciation to FREAK + WON'T. Defn: *Visit*, usually frequently, as in "one frequents one's local".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Just open a bottle (4)
### Answer: AJAR ### Explanation: A JAR(*bottle*). Defn: *Just*, slightly *open*. Nice misdirection.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Provocative working man from Italy (12)
### Answer: INFLAMMATORY ### Explanation: Anagram(*working*) of MAN FROM ITALY.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Give no name when describing one learning to become warlord (10)
### Answer: HILDEBRAND ### Explanation: HIDE(*Give no*) + BRAND(*name*) around(*when describing*) L(learner, *one **learning*). Defn: *Warlord *character of Germanic legend.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Soup or crude sandwiches by volunteers (6)
### Answer: OXTAIL ### Explanation: OIL(*crude* oil, what comes from underground before being refined into useful products, primary route of taking carbon from under the ground and putting it into the atmosphere) around(*sandwiches*) X(times,multiplied *by*, an arithmetical operator) + TA(Territorial Army, in UK, made up of *volunteers*. Even though it's now replaced by TAVR, TA is too useful to be discarded in Crosswordland). Defn: Soup made with that part of cattle.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Stand around behind girl (6)
### Answer: LASSIE ### Explanation: LIE(place on, which is synonymous with *stand* if the object's height is of no consequence compared to its length/width) *around* ASS(*behind*, not the animal). Defn: A little *girl*. Took some time to disentangle the 2 prepositions.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Presumably loose clothing right for this? (7,5)
### Answer: SLUMBER PARTY ### Explanation: Cryptic defn: Also called a pyjama party, which you go to wearing the same *loose clothing* you wear to slumber. (Ed. note: ditto see )
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Open to attack while black guards worry (10)
### Answer: ASSAILABLE ### Explanation: AS(*while*,for the duration) + SABLE(*black*) around(*guards*) AIL(*worry*, as in "what ails you?").
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: House master turns into likely provider of wisdom (8)
### Answer: APHORIST ### Explanation: HO(*House*) + reversal(*turns*) of SIR(*master*) *into* APT(*likely*, as in "is he apt to complete this crossword?". Defn: One who makes or uses aphorisms, those short expressions of truth and *wisdom*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: TV award's put up with judge's agreement (8)
### Answer: SYMMETRY ### Explanation: Reversal(*put up*) of EMMYS(what the Oscars are for movies, the Emmys are for TV) + TRY(*judge*, as in court). Defn: *Agreement*,match of an object's size, form and arrangement, on opposite sides, eg. this crossword grid.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Short book for Goonish teenager (6)
### Answer: ECCLES ### Explanation: Double defn: 1st: Abbreviation(*Short*) of ECCLES[iastes](a *book* in the Bible) and 2nd: Character in the *Goon* Show.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: In a film about Germany (6)
### Answer: AMIDST ### Explanation: A MIST(*film*) about D(International Vehicle Registration code for Deutschland,*Germany*). Defn: *In*, the locational preposition.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Threaten to provide meal with no starter (4)
### Answer: LOUR ### Explanation: [f]LOUR(finely ground *meal* of grain, but *with no starter*, ie. without its first letter). Defn: *Threaten*, to be dark, overcast, menacing, eg. of the sky before a storm.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Allow a team to look on indifferently (5,5)
### Answer: STAND ASIDE ### Explanation: STAND(*Allow*,tolerate as in "I can/cannot stand your complaining") A SIDE(*a team*). Defn: As a bystander, *to look on indifferently**.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Conservative leader to propose VAT (4)
### Answer: CASK ### Explanation: Initial letter(*leader*) of *Conservative* + ASK(*propose* in the form of a question, one form of which involves the bended knee). Defn: A large container. Setter intended misdirection with the upper case letters, resulting in my trying to fit CESS (a tax) in.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Rascal runs into club (4)
### Answer: BRAT ### Explanation: R(*runs*) in(*into*) BAT(*club*). Defn: A spoilt young/younger person, a young *rascal*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Detention of Nationalist leader interrupts funeral (10)
### Answer: INTERNMENT ### Explanation: Initial letter(*leader*) of (*Nationalist *) in(*interrupts*) INTERMENT(burial,entombment,*funeral*). Defn: *Detention *in, say, a POW camp
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Acclaimed former partner rang (8)
### Answer: EXTOLLED ### Explanation: EX(*former partner*, an ex to whom you might have to pay alimony) + TOLLED(*rang*). Defn: Praised,*acclaimed*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Intellectual's brother tucks into rye, say (8)
### Answer: CEREBRAL ### Explanation: BR(*brother*) in(*tucks into*) CEREAL(an example,*say *of which is *rye*). Defn: *Intellectual*, an egghead.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Fancy model endlessly (4)
### Answer: IDEA ### Explanation: IDEAl(perfect *model*) without the last/end letter(*endlessly*). Defn: As a noun, as in "a passing *fancy*"
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Cliff creates endless panic (4)
### Answer: SCAR ### Explanation: SCARe(*panic*) without the last/end letter(*endless*). Defn: A rocky *cliff*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Capsize open vessel (8)
### Answer: OVERTURN ### Explanation: OVERT(as in "out in the *open*", antonym of "covert"/"covered") + URN(could be a *vessel* associated with the tea-lady, or one in which a loved one's ashes are kept)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Make teenager upset (8)
### Answer: GENERATE ### Explanation: Anagram(*upset*) of TEENAGER. Defn: To produce,*make* electricity, enthusiasm, profits, whatever.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Marina's tipsy pilot (6)
### Answer: AIRMAN ### Explanation: Anagram(*tipsy*) of MARINA.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: A neat Dutch organisation is independent (10)
### Answer: UNATTACHED ### Explanation: Anagram(*organisation*) of A NEAT DUTCH. Defn: Ability to stand alone,*is independent* with no ties,unattached to someone/something.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Put down school, on reflection (4)
### Answer: NOTE ### Explanation: Reversal(*on reflection*) of ETON(English public *school*, in fact more exclusive than public). Defn: To record,*put down* on paper.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Contradict Yankee after study (4)
### Answer: DENY ### Explanation: DEN(the *study*, the quiet room where one does intellectual work) + Y(widely used spelling alphabet, Y for *Yankee*, followed by Z for Zulu).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: County provides bowler's wage (10)
### Answer: DERBYSHIRE ### Explanation: DERBY'S(possessive of, apparently, the US name for the *bowler*, the hat named after its devisers, the Bowler brothers, widely used by, from Winston Churchill to Benito Mussolini to Laurel and Hardy to the Avenger John Steed to Goldfinger's Oddjob to Bolivian and Peruvian women) + HIRE(*wage*, payment for usage/service rendered)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Hesitation during search for street (7)
### Answer: TERRACE ### Explanation: ER(a verbalised pause,*hesitation*) in(*during*) TRACE(*search*, as a verb). Defn: A *street* with a row of houses, usually with identical facades and common dividing walls.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Some cannot change the score (5)
### Answer: NOTCH ### Explanation: Hidden(*Some*) in *canNOT CHange*. Defn: A *score*, or v-shaped nick/cut. Word origins must be interrelated, as "notches" are also used as a simple method of keeping "score", as in the Wild West with a gunslinger and the notches on his gun (or so the legend goes).
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Sweatier alternative, so to speak (2,2,4)
### Answer: AS IT WERE ### Explanation: Anagram(*alternative*) of SWEATIER. Defn: *So to speak*, in a manner of speaking.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Hitherto elegant model is exposed (2,3,10)
### Answer: IN THE ALTOGETHER ### Explanation: Anagram(*model*) of HITHERTO ELEGANT. Defn: *Exposed*, as in your birthday suit, the full monty.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: In time informer makes mistakes (6)
### Answer: ERRATA ### Explanation: RAT(*informer*,squealer) *in* ERA(a long (*time*). Defn: Plural of erratum,*mistake*. Also a list of mistakes and corrections.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Grievance of officer married to unattractive model (9)
### Answer: COMPLAINT ### Explanation: CO(commanding *officer*) +(*married to*) PLAIN(*unattractive*, as a pikestaff?) and T(crosswordese for *model*, from the American car, the Ford Model T)
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Seeing that's about true (7)
### Answer: SINCERE ### Explanation: SINCE(as in "*Seeing that* …. is true, then …..) + RE(*about*,regarding). Defn: Honest,no joke!,*true
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Advanced engaging retreat with gusto (9)
### Answer: EARNESTLY ### Explanation: EARLY(*advanced*,brought forward,nearer than the usual time. A bit tricky, since advanced also means "gone, progressed further" as in eg. "advanced,late stages of cancer") around(*engaging*) NEST(*retreat*,some place to run to, eg. a love nest). Defn: *With gusto*, heartily.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Greek goddess left tedious study of insignia (8)
### Answer: HERALDRY ### Explanation: HERA(mythical *Greek goddess*, sister and wife (gods can do anything they want) of top god Zeus) + L(*left*) + DRY(*tedious*,boring). Defn: *Study of insignia*.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Counts on being in church to give absolution (7)
### Answer: CLEANSE ### Explanation: LEANS(relies,*counts on*) in(*being in*) CE(*Church* of England). Defn: *Give absolution* of one's sins, restart with a clean/cleansed slate.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Touching performer makes a pile (7)
### Answer: REACTOR ### Explanation: RE(regarding,*touching* on a subject/topic) + ACTOR(*performer*). Defn: *Pile* is another word for a nuclear reactor.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Danger for firm receiving a final letter (6)
### Answer: HAZARD ### Explanation: HARD(*firm*, not yielding) around(*receiving*) A + Z(*final letter *of the alphabet).
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### Clue: Managed church estate (5)
### Answer: RANCH ### Explanation: RAN(*Managed*) + CH(*church*). Defn: A large piece of real *estate* for raising livestock. Not to be confused with the objectionable American slang.
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### Clue: We men are at the top of church's structure (12)
### Answer: STEEPLEJACKS ### Explanation: JACKS(plural of male name for *men*) +(*at*) STEEPLE(*the top of church's structure *literally). Defn: Those who scale great heights, eg. church spires, to do maintenance work on them.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Forbear a cheese sandwich – it's the cause of discomfort (7)
### Answer: EARACHE ### Explanation: Hidden(*sandwich*) in (*Forb***EAR A CHE*ese *). Defn: *Cause of discomfort* in the otic organ.
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### Clue: Drink obtained from little bazaar in Italy (7)
### Answer: MARTINI ### Explanation: MART(*little bazaar*,marketplace) + IN + I(International vehicle registration for *Italy*). Defn: Cocktail *drink*, the kind favoured by 007, shaken not stirred.
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### Clue: Peers left old signs of approval (5)
### Answer: LOOKS ### Explanation: L(*left*) O(*old*) OK'S(okays,*signs of approval*). Defn: *Peers*, as a verb.
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### Clue: Mate? We get on with this (8)
### Answer: TEAMWORK ### Explanation: TEAM(anagram fodder) + WORK(an anagram indicator applied to TEAM), the whole thing giving a clue-like answer, "Team work" = "*mate*", a reverse anagram. Defn: What *we*, you and I, need in order to *get on*,progress,achieve.
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### Clue: No charge relating to the bingo (2,3,5)
### Answer: ON THE HOUSE ### Explanation: ON THE(*relating to the*) HOUSE(a variation of *bingo* or lotto, also formerly called houseyhousey). Defn: *No charge*,free for the customer, at the expense of the management of the commercial establishment.
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### Clue: Get in harmony with writer beginning to strum hard (4)
### Answer: MESH ### Explanation: ME(myself,the *writer*) + first letters(*beginning*) S+H of *strum hard*. Defn: *Get in harmony*, in concert, fitting together, eg. as with gears meshing.
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### Clue: Miss Penny once upon a time, born first (4)
### Answer: NEED ### Explanation: First* NEE(*born*, as in "She is Mrs. So and So, nee…", followed by the maiden surname) + D(From £ s d, the last representing "pence", plural of *Penny*, prior to the decimalisation of the UK currency). Defn: *Miss*, as in "to lack" something, eg. "the needs of the poor".
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Oxford Uni fashion a wing that's isolated (3,2,1,4)
### Answer: OUT ON A LIMB ### Explanation: OU(*Oxford Uni*versity) TON(*fashion*) A LIMB(*a wing*, as much a limb to a bird as an arm or a leg is to a mammal). Defn: The common meaning is "to be in a vulnerable, dangerous, compromising situation", but I guess it could also extend to "to be all by oneself",*isolated*. From the literal sense that if you're out on a limb,branch, no-one can join you, lest the branch breaks.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Popular Bordeaux outside? Blow that! (8)
### Answer: CLARINET ### Explanation: CLARET(red wine from the *Bordeaux *region of France) around(*outside*) IN(*Popular*).
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### Clue: Subject to pressure I'll start to crumple (5)
### Answer: TOPIC ### Explanation: TO P(*pressure*) I(*'ll*) + first letter(*start*) C of *crumple*. Defn: *Subject* of discussion. I'm not sure why "*I'll*" is there, since "I" is sufficient for the surface reading of the clue.
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### Clue: Turkey is among true quarry (7)
### Answer: EXTRACT ### Explanation: TR(International vehicle registration for *Turkey*) in(*among*) EXACT(*true*,accurate). Defn: To *quarry*, ie. to extract, mainly stone, eg. granite, marble or mineral, eg. tin ore, by digging a great big hole in the ground.
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### Clue: Be responsible for ordinary poem having echo (7)
### Answer: OVERSEE ### Explanation: O(*ordinary*, as used in conjunction with other words, eg. O Level exams, O S(eaman), O L(east) S(quares) (a statistical term)) + VERSE(*poem*) +(*having*) E(E for *echo* in the phonetic alphabet). Defn: *Be responsible for*,manage.
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation.
### Clue: Till old C&W singer is in wasted regret (4,8)
### Answer: CASH REGISTER ### Explanation: CASH(Johnny, *old C&W*(country and western) *singer*, 1932-2003) + IS in anagram(*wasted*) of REGRET. Defn: The *till*, in which eg. shops keep their takings and change.
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### Clue: Sod off!? (4,3)
### Answer: TURF OUT ### Explanation: Double defn: 1st, a literal one: TURF(*Sod*,piece of ground with grass) OUT(*off*). 2nd: *Sod off!*,Get away! Chase out of the place (the politer interpretations). Or is this an &lit?
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### Clue: Floods former Conservative with letters (8)
### Answer: EXCESSES ### Explanation: EX(*former* partner, spouse, etc.) C(*Conservative*) +(*with*) ESSES(more than one S, the 19th *letter* of the English alphabet). Defn: Abundance of something, causing a *flood* of that thing.
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### Clue: In report spill the beans about Welsh emblem (4)
### Answer: LEEK ### Explanation: Homophone(*In report*) of LEAK(*spill the beans*,let out secrets, as in Wiki-leaks). Defn: Vegetable that is represented as a national *Welsh emblem*.
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### Clue: Impromptu time for a sarnie? (3,7)
### Answer: JAM SESSION ### Explanation: JAM(an example,*? * of a type (a filling) of sandwich,*sarnie*) SESSION(*time*, period to have your sandwich?). Defn: A *time *when jazz musicians give an *impromptu* performance. Not sure about "time" doubling up in the wordplay and definition parts of the clue.
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### Clue: Commander with honour finds vehicle for storage (2-3)
### Answer: CD-ROM ### Explanation: CDR(abbreviation of *Commander* + OM(the *honour*, the Order of Merit). Defn: *Vehicle for storage* of data (Compact Disc Read Only Memory) for computers, players, and other electronic equipment.
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### Clue: Hop over the French balancing stick (3,4)
### Answer: SKI POLE ### Explanation: SKIP(*Hop*) O(abbreviation for a cricket *over*) LE(*the*, grammatical article, in *French*). Defn: Normally a pair of *stick*s that a skier uses for *balancing*.
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### Clue: Aquainted with prestigious people who have their own oil supply? (4-9)
### Answer: WELL-CONNECTED ### Explanation: WELL(where *oil supply* comes from) CONNECTED(if *people have their own oil supply*, they must literally be "connected" by pipeline to the well). Defn: *Aquainted with prestigious people*. Maybe another doubling up: of "people"?
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### Clue: Cash in your chips and go west (4,3,6)
### Answer: KICK THE BUCKET ### Explanation: 3 phrases , including the answer, with the same meaning. For when people don't want to use the "D"-word ("die").