4 values
Does anyone know where Billy Taylor is? Richmond or Syracuse? He was taken by the Jays in the Rule V draft, but not kept on the roster. Baseball Weekly said that he was demoted to Syracuse, but a Toronto paper indicated that the Braves took him back. Is there an Atlanta fan, or anyone reading this, who knows?
Might? You'd have to have no sense of humor at all not to! My favorite stuff are the Zero Heros, players who haven't hit homers in a long time, the LGTGAH (who is that named after, I can't remember), and the box score line of the week. Incidentally, I just found out that the column has been moved to Sundays. I get my Dad to send it to me up here in Boston every week. Great stuff!
Giant's have a five man rotation of John Burkett, Trevor Wilson, Bill Swift, Jeff Brantley, and Bud Black/Dave Burba. Black has been put on the 15 day disables and Dave Burba will take his starts.
Mercedes-Benz announced yesterday its plans to begin building sport-utility vehicles in the US by 1997. They are targeted at the Jeep Grand Cherokee et al. and will reportedly sell for less than $30,000. Did anyone see a picture? Is it the G-wagon (Gelaendewagen) currently available in Europe (and in the US by grey-market) or is it an entirely new vehicle? Any details would be appreciated.
Beleive it or not: NY state once considered eliminating tolls for motor- cycles based simply on the fact that motos clog up toll booths. But then Mario realized the foolishness of trading a few hundred K $`s a year for some relief in traffic congestion. Too bad he won`t take that Sumpreme Court Justice job - I thought we might be rid of him forever.
Actually Alomar is a two-time gold-glover (91-92).
]"Get the organization to act on it" is easy to say, but says little ]about what one really can and should do. What the organization ]actually will do is largely determined by the president and directors, ]as far as I can see. That's what makes it so important to vote in an ]election of officers. if I remember right, I heard that in the last election, only 18% of the members actually cast votes. I wonder if the current board and their friends and relatives make up 18% of the membership :-) :-) I certainly plan on staying with the club long enough to vote and to see the results. ]It does strike me that the BMWMOA is a lot less politically active (in ]the state and national arenas, not infighting) than other M/C ]organizations. Should we change this? Or just join the other groups ]that already are in politics? I wouldn't support the MOA becoming politically active in that sense. the AMA already knows how to do that and I'd rather see the MOA support the AMA in a manner that the *AMA* needs. I think that more could be accomplished from one strong front rather than two not neccessarily coordinated ones.
You raise a valid point, but again it's a tradeoff -- how much money do you want to spend for that kind of protection? You could buy a Volvo, Saab, or 'Benz and get really good crash protection (and other luxuries) but you'll pay significantly more for it. In my case it's out of the question because *all* of those cars are beyond my budget. Even in high-speed head-on collisions the most beneficial item you can have is a good old 3-point seatbelt. Nowadays, at least in the US, you get an airbag if you get a 3-point belt so (presumably) you get an added safety benefit there as well. That's something I certainly look for and which can be had in inexpensive cars. My $.02, of course.
OK, you guys stirred up my childhood memories, so I went and did some research on the final month or so of the 1964 season. It turns out that my recollections were pretty darn accurate, at least as far as the Phillies record goes. On September 1 1964 this was the top of the N.L. standings: W L GB Philadelphia 79 51 - Cincinnati 74 57 5 1/2 St. Louis 72 59 7 1/2 San Francisco 73 60 7 1/2 This is a game-by-game description of the remainder of the Phillies' season: Date Score Opponent Lead Pitcher (starting and winner/loser) 9/1 4-3 Houston 5 1/2 Bunning (15-4) 9/2 2-1 Houston 5 1/2 Short (15-7) 9/3 0-6 Houston 5 1/2 Bennett (9-12) 9/4 5-3 San Francisco 6 1/2 Mahaffey; Baldschun (6-5) 9/5 ??Win San Francisco 6 1/2 Bunning (16-4) 9/6 3-4 San Francisco 5 1/2 Short; Baldschun (6-6) 9/7 5-1 Los Angeles Bennett (10-12) 1-3 Los Angeles 6 1/2 Wise (5-3) 9/8 2-3 Los Angeles 6 Mahaffey (12-7) 9/9 5-10/11 St. Louis 5 Bunning; Baldschun (6-7) (Cardinals take over 2nd place from Cincinnati) 9/10 5-1 St. Louis 6 Short (16-7) 9/11 1-0 San Francisco 6 Bennett (11-12) 9/12 1-9 San Francisco 6 Mahaffey (12-8) (Giants move into a tie for 2nd with St. Louis) 9/13 4-1/10 San Francisco 6 Bunning (17-4) (Cardinals back in sole possesion of 2nd place) 9/14 4-1 Houston 6 1/2 Short (17-7) 9/15 1-0 Houston 6 Bennett (12-12) 9/16 5-6 Houston 6 Bunning (17-5) 9/17 4-3 Los Angeles 6 1/2 Wise; Schantz (2-4) 9/18 3-4 Los Angeles 6 Short; Baldschun (6-8) 9/19 3-4/16 Los Angeles 5 1/2 Bennett; Baldschun (6-9) 9/20 3-2 Los Angeles 6 1/2 Bunning (18-5) (Reds move back into tie for 2nd with Cardinals) Well so far so good for the Phillies. But now it all falls apart ... 9/21 0-1 Cincinnati 5 1/2 Mahaffey (12-9) (Reds take sole possesion of 2nd place) 9/22 2-9 Cincinnati 4 1/2 Short (17-8) 9/23 4-6 Cincinnati 3 1/2 Bennett (12-13) 9/24 3-5 Milwaukee 3 Bunning (18-6) 9/25 5-7/12 Milwaukee 1 1/2 Short; Boozer (3-4) (Cards now 2 1/2 back in 3rd, Giants 3 1/2 in 4th) 9/26 4-6 Milwaukee 1/2 Mahaffey; Schantz (2-5) 9/27 8-14 Milwaukee -1 Bunning (18-7) (Phils lose 7 1/2 games in 7 days; Reds take over 1st, Cardinals 1 1/2 back in 3rd) 9/28 1-5 St. Louis -1 1/2 Short(17-9) (Cardinals take over 2nd place, Phils drop to 3rd) 9/29 2-4 St. Louis -1 1/2 Bennett (12-14) (Reds and Cardinals now tied for 1st) 9/30 5-8 St. Louis -2 1/2 Bunning (18-8) (Cardinals take 1/2 game lead over Reds) 10/1 4-3 Cincinnati -1 1/2 Short; Roebuck (5-3) (Phillies halt 10-game losing streak; Cards lead Reds by 1/2 game) 10/2 Did not play; Cards lose to Mets, Reds tied for 1st, Phils 1 game back 10/3 10-0 Cincinnati -1 Bunning (19-8) (Cards beat Mets, take first by 1 from Reds and Phillies) Whew! what a finish! And the final standings were: W L GB St. Louis 93 69 - Philadelphia 92 70 1 Cincinnati 92 70 1 San Francisco 90 72 3 Now it doesn't appear to me that Phillies pitchers Bunning and Short were really overused, at least by the four-man rotation standard of the day, until well along into the 10-game losing streak, at which time Mauch was probably desperate for a win at any cost because the Phillies substantial lead had evaporated. The way they were used at that time may have made the problem worse, although Bunning had one of his sharpest games of the year in the final day 10-0 shutout of the Reds that cost the Reds a share of the pennant. Bunning pitched a complete game six-hitter, striking out five and walking one. It would be inetersting to see, though, how the total innings for the year for Bunning and Short stacks up against the rest of the league. Also notice that the Phillies played every day from at least September 1 through October 1; while they didn't play substantially more games than the other teams, the other teams each had a couple days off during that stretch.
rboudrie@chpc.org (Rob Boudrie) writes... FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY On the other hand, if it can be proven, it's possible the changed terms could be thrown out. The question will be whether the agreement contains a merger clause. See UCC @ 2-202 (parol evidence). If we're talking about warranties, then, of course, UCC @ 2-316 should be looked at. But we have so little information that none of us can say anything conclusive. Daniel Reitman
The car might also need a front end alignment, particularly if you're describing wandering.
No, he's not nuts, WIP is second to none THE sports station. They don't have Tony Bruno working ESPN radio and Al Morganti doing Friday Night Hockey because they suck. I live in Richmond Va, but I visit Phila often, and on the way I get WTEM Washington) and WIP. I hear the FAN at night wherever I go (the signal used to be WNBC, when they played golden oldies) because you can't avoid it. Of those three, WIP has the best hosts hands down. Chuck Cooperstein isn't a homer, and neither is Jody Mac. WTEM is too generic to be placed in the catergory. In fact if you have heard WTEM and the FAN you notice the theme music is identical...same ownership?? I think so! WIP is totally original. Their hosts actually have a personality (this is a knock at TEM (the TEAM) not the FAN because Mike and the Mad Dog and Sommers are good) I mean comparing the morning guys in Philadelphia to the ones in Washington is a total joke. Anyway, I like the FAN and WIP, but I think the edge goes to 'IP. When I get back from Philly, I go into withdraw cause Richmond has nada except the national sports line (and those guys are totally clueless) I was really mad when WCAU was cancelled because they had Steve Fredericks doing sports phone after the Phillies games. (WCAU is another strong station, now it's an oldies station, but they still have the Phillies) I started listening to the FAN because I heard he went there. I finally heard him last summer and he wasn't the same guy. Those NY fans got to him. I was glad to hear him back in Philly when I went to see a few Eagles games. I will admit, I am die hard EAGLES fan and WIP is basically an Eagles station 365 days a year. BUT, I bet you the Phillies are in control right now. About the knock on G. Cobb, I like him. He knows the Eagles like a book. I remember the weekend before they went to play San Fran, (when everyone thought the Eagles would be blown away) Cobb said that the Eagles usually play their best when no one believe they can win. Well they were inches shy of pulling the victory.
Does anyone know if the Twins games are broadcast in good ole Ames Iowa??????????????
Indeed, if the color teal on a team's uniforms is any indication of the future, the Marlins are in dire trouble! Refer to the San Jose Sharks for proof... But I have hope for the Marlins. I was a sometime member of the Rene Lachemann fan club at the Oakland Coliseum, and have a deep respect for the guy. He's a gem. And, of course, Walt Weiss gives that franchise class. But yeah... whoever designed those uniforms was guilty of a paucity of style and imagination. Ugghhh!
Perhaps instead of this silly argument about what backup lights are for, couldn't we agree that they serve the dual purpose of letting people behind your car know that you have it in reverse and that they can also light up the area behind your car while you're backing up so you can see? Backup lamps on current models are much brighter than they used to be on older cars. Those on my Taurus Wagon are quite bright enough to illuminate a good area behind the car, and they're MUCH brighter than those on my earlier cars from the 60s and 70s. Insofar as Vettes having side backup lights, look at a '92 or '93 model (or perhaps a year or two earlier too) and you'll see red side marker lamps and white side marker lamps both near the car's hindquarters. Those aren't just white reflectors.
Sorry I can't help you with your question, but I do have a comment to make concerning aftermarket A/C units. I have a Frost-King or Frost-Temp (forget which) aftermarket unit on my Cavalier, and am quite unhappy with it. The fan is noisy, and doesn't put out much air. I will never have an aftermarket A/C installed in any of my vehicles again. I just can't trust the quality and performance after this experience. - les
recently-manufactured locomotives have wheel-slip detection systems that use frequencies shared with police radar (i forget which band). these will set off your radar detector if you get close enough, though i believe the range is pretty short.
BBBBBBBB MM MM WW WW BB BB MM M M MM WW WW B B MM M M MM WW W WW BBBBBBBB MM M M MM WW W W WW BB BB MM M MM WW W W WW BB BB MM MM WW W W WW BBBBBBBB MM MM WW WW PRESS RELEASE TO:: ALL BMW RIDERS SUBJECT:: RALLY TIME IS HERE FROM:: BMW CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA BMW 49'ER RALLY, MAY 27-31 (U.S. Memorial Day Weekend) San Francisco Bay Area - 20th annual BMW 49'er Rally, sponsored by The BMW Club of Northern Califronia, will be held at the Quincy, California Fairgrounds, from May 27-31, 1993 Included in the $42 pre-registration fee, $47 at gate, are 4 Star camping, field events and trophies, two dinners, rally pin, door prizes, Poker Run, vendor displays, Fun Run, English Trials, and live music playing throughout the weekend. Plus extras like hot showers, Tours, a Concourse D'Elegance and more. This is first time in the 49'er Rally's 20-year history that the event is being held in Quincy. And according to Pat Gardner, Rally Chairman, "The 49'er Rally's continuing growth and the need for a larger and more complete facility led us to Quincy. Plus we can get there on either of our two most favrite highways- Highway 70, which goes through the Feather River Canyon, or up from the South via the Northernmost part of the Gold Country's Highway 49." Day passes will not be available and non-BMW rider must be a pre-registered guest of a BMW rider. The Quincy Fairgrounds is located on California State Highway 70/89, two miles South of downtown Quincy. For pre-registration forms and additional information, write Doug Hubbard, BMW Club of Northern California, 41236 Norman Court, Fremont, CA 94539, or telephone <US> (510) 651-2195 ADDITIONAL NOTES:: This is a not for profit event and riders DO get their monies worth. Whether you've ever attended a rally before or not This is the one to make. The only problem has been that there are so many activities that attendees have to choose one over another. Quincy is a beautiful campground, lots of grass and little dust. For folks who have been to previous 49'er rallies at Mariposa, Quincy has lots of space, all of it flat so room is not a problem. There are buildings and such available if there is a change in the weather. Also the people of Quincy are going all out to welcome us. Registration will begin on thursday. Of course there are always early arrivals who will show up monday or tuesday. The registration fee pays for camping Thursday through Monday (5 days). There will be a tour Friday with the main events beginning Saturday. Sunday Evening will be the awards ceremony.
(not that logic has anything to do with it, but...) I can see the liability of putting stickers on the car while it was moving, or something, but it's the BDI that chooses to start and then drive the car in a known unsafe condition that would (seem to be) liable. Furthermore, they would have had the last chance to avoid an unsafe situation, which is an additional factor in attributing "blame". Anyway, stickers on the window are less effective... no one has any problem taking a blade to a window to remove a stubborn sticker, but it's a different story with that that nice paint job on the door.... *jeff*
the transmission in my car contradicts both your assertions.. i get much stronger acceleration if i let the convertor lockup.. which i can induce by briefly lifting off, then quickly (but not too quickly to trigger a kickdown) applying throttle. above 3000 rpms, the convertor will never unlock; it would kickdown first. who says there's no skill involved in driving an automatic? i think of it as the throttle and shifter combined into a single pedal. with my car i can pretty much influence its shifting patterns with my right foot, while having both hands to steer.
Yes. Unfortunately, there is also the concept that the owner of a car is not responsible for the actions of any (authorized) user of the car. That's one of the biggest arguments against photo-radar ticketing systems. Trouble with that is, you then have no recourse if a mis-issued ticket or a clerical error on a computer follow you around. The City of Chicago (the informal motto of which being "The City the Works") issues dozens of parking tickets each year to people who have never set foot (or tire) in the city.
:-) T'was a time when I could get a respectable response with a posting like that. Randy's post doesn't count 'cause he saw the dearth of responses and didn't want me to feel ignored (thanks Randy!). I was curious about this DoD thing. How do I get a number? (:-{)}
And thus, we come to one of the true beauties of baseball; these things, along with many others will never be separated. Almost *everything* in baseball is situational and interdependent. This is what allows us to carry on all the arguments that we have. If everything could be explained and balanced on a statistical basis, none of the wonder and mystery would be left. Why we might have to resort to just going out the ballyard and enjoy the game itself. --->Paul, feeling a little anti-stathead today -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We will stretch no farm animal beyond its natural length paula@koufax.cv.hp.com Paul Andresen Hewlett-Packard (503)-750-3511
Hey, I'm a "Macho Real Man" and I DO read it. So I can criticize it all I want, especially since I pay for the publication. (They accept no outside advertising, don't you know....) Relying on Consumer Reports to pick your automobiles is like letting Field & Stream select your living room furniture.
Sigha. 1) Trying to figure out a way to put a halogen beam on my CB360T... Are there any easy ways to do this (i.e. a "slip-in" bulb replacement)? 2) Was told by a guy at the bike shop that my "not damn near bright enough" incandescent beam might be caused by a perma-low battery. So I went and picked up this cheapo "Motorcycle battery and charging system tester"... Hook it up to the battery, it's got 3 lights on "Very good charge"... Start the engine (to test the charging system), and it doesn't even REGISTER. It's supposed to light 5 or 6 lights if everything is OK, but it stays down at the same point as just the battery. My question here is, if indeed my charging system is just plain messed up, how the HECK is the battery staying fully charged? I'd think it would be darned near dead from supporting my lights, etc... Do the '75 CB360T's have a problem with their charging system? Are they just generally slower charging than what is normal for bigger bikes? Is there an easy fix for this? 3) Happy noise: Put 300 miles on my bike this weekend, finally got myass an endorsement.... which is REALLY GOOD, because my cage just quit running worth a damn and I won't have money to repair it until the first... ;) And the weatherman says "Bright and Sunny all week, 20% chance of rain on friday"...
The San Jose Sharks and Ottawa Senators are each on their second GM already...I'd be willing to wager that both the Sharks and Senators will probably see their 3rd GM's and perhaps their 4th, before we see the Panthers second.
: Also watch your mirrors any time you are turning. I just had another close : one last night. Preparing for a right turn on a two lane road. Right turn : signals on, starting the turn, and this lady behind me hits the throttle and : starts to pass me on the RIGHT. This has happened to me twice before. the I have had this happen to me often enough that I always look for it. On my ride to work in the morning I come to a stop light where there are 3 lanes in my direction. One for left turns, one for straight through, and one for right turns. All clearly marked. Plus there is a clearly marked bicycle lane. I ride into the right turn lane with my signal on and stop at the stop line. Looking left to see if I can make a "right turn on red" and when I start to move discovered that some idiot has pulled into the bike lane and is trying to pass me on the right. GRRR. I always do a head check on bike lanes. Not always for bicycles. . .
[Stuff deleted] Check with the local fire department. My buddy is a firefighter and they have these small map books which are Amazing! They are compact, easy to use (no folding). They even have a cross reference section in which you match your current cross streets with the cross streets you want to go to and it details the quickest route. They gave me an extra they had laying around. But then again I know all those people I'm not really sure if they are supposed to give/sell them. (The police may also have something similar). -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..vela.acs.oakland.edu!psgi!todd | '88 RM125 The only bike sold without Todd Doolittle | a red-line. Troy, MI | '88 EX500 DoD #0832 |
From this account, it doesn't sound like you even saw the goal, Mike. Smith came out from behind his own net and fired a breakout pass that hit Fuhr in the back of the leg. Fuhr was backing up at the time and never saw what happened. The puck went straight off Fuhr's leg and into the net. Fuhr never had a chance. There was no play back to the goaltender, in fact Perry Berezan of Calgary had just dumped it in and Smith was retrieving it. It was unfortunate that it happened; Smith is a nice guy and was only a rookie at the time, and on his birthday too. But all the blame lies with him. Starting in pee-wee coaches tell players never to make a cross-ice pass in front of their own net. Too much chance of having it intercepted, or hitting the goaltender, or whatever. And to the people who say that Smith cost the Oilers the series, I can only say that he certainly didn't cause the team to lose the other three games. There was no reason for a powerhouse team like Edmonton to be tied late in the third period of the 7th game of the second round. Everybody on the team has to take responsibility for them even being in that situation.
Can anyone recommend a good place for reasonably priced bike paint jobs, preferably but not essentially in the London area. Thanks Lisa Rowlands
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Been a while since you hit the PIP? The pavement (at least until around exit 9) is for sh*t these days. I think it must have taken a beating this winter, because I don't remember it being this bad. It's all breaking apart, and there are some serious potholes now. Of course there are also the storm drains that are *in* your lane as opposed to on the side of the road (talk about annoying cost saving measures). As for traffic, don't try it around 5:15 - 6:30 on weekdays (outbound, rush hour happens inbound too) as there are many BDC's... <...> <...>
Pierre, For purposes of the tie breaker, you only count the first three games in each city. Therefore, Quebec cannot possibly be ahead of Montreal 4-3, and there's probably only one game that counts remaining between Boston and Quebec, which means Boston has probably already won.
What makes you think Buck will still be in New York at year's end with George back? :-) -- Keith Keller LET'S GO RANGERS!!!!! LET'S GO QUAKERS!!!!! kkeller@mail.sas.upenn.edu IVY LEAGUE CHAMPS!!!!
I hate to be the burden of bad news, but I think I will this time! =) The Phillies usually play at either 7:05 P.M. or 7:35 P.M. Eastern Time for weekdays. On Sundays the time is usually 1:35 P.M. Eastern Time. Boise is in Idaho. Idaho is in part of the Mountain Time Zone and in part of the Pacific Time Zone. The times that were given were for Mountain Time Zone starts. Please check a map in case I am wrong. But I am certain that Boise is in the Mountain Time Zone. Thanks for listening!
Not to mention my friend's '54 Citroen Traction Avant with the light switch and dimmer integrated in a single stalk off the steering column! Those dumb French were apparently copying the Japanese before the Germans! :^)
Bzzzt! Thanks for playing. If he'd been making a right turn, the sucker would have been a couple feet off the ground. Michael
: >I just got to thinking: why don't manufacturers still make bikes with turbos? : > etc .... Because they add a lot of expense and complexity and make for a less reliable and less controllable bike. As an extreme example the CX500 Turbo cost as much as a Mike Hailwood Replica Ducati.
I'm not sure about Juha, but another top center, Rauli Raitanen([ss{t) is drafted by Jets. Raitanen had very good year and he has played in the Finnish nationalteam. I believe that he'll be one of the best finns in this year's WC, if Matikainen(Head coach) elects him to the team.
What about his rectum?
What's your favorite body part? :-)
Hi netters, My friend is seriously thinking of getting the Subaru SVX. There is a local dealer here in Seattle selling them for $22600, with Touring package, that's $7400 off from MSRP. He thinks it's a very good deal (and I think so too). Since he knows I have access to the net, he would like to get anyone's opinion about this car, especially in the area of reliability and maintenanability. Please send e-mail to me as my friend doesn't have access to the net. My opinion about this car is, you get a lot for $22600: auto everything (tranny, climate control, windows, locks, folddow rear seet), full wheel drive, 2+2, fast (143 top spped), heavy (3580lb);-) Thanks in advacne!
Well I don't see any smileys here. I am trying to figure out if the poster is a dog or a wordprocessor. Couldn't be neither. Both are smarter than this. "I might not be great in Math" --
]Is it possible to do a "wheelie" on a motorcycle with shaft-drive? yes.
But only in NY,NJ, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Everywhere else, the only reason SportsChannel was available was for local baseball broadcasts. And local baseball pre-empted the NHL playoffs. Thus far into this playoff season, ESPN/ABC has given me more hockey in 2 days (1 game) than SportsChannel did (0 games). If people want hockey on TV, they should watch hockey on TV. I bet the ratings for hockey on Sunday on ABC went into the toilet. Next week, there will be far fewer ABC affiliates with hockey. Someone in this thread said that he wouldn't watch the games even if they were on TV, and this is a r.s.h. regular contributor! Xenophobes north of border needn't fear the US-Americanization of "our" game, because US-Americans will never figure out how to market hockey here. Support your team; support your game.
When I got my knee rebuilt I got back on the street bike ASAP. I put the crutches on the rack and the passenger seat and they hung out back a LONG way. Just make sure they're tied down tight in front and no problemo. -- Go fast. Take chances.
What is the policy regarding players and the minor league playoffs versus WC? I know that the Rangers are holding back Kovalev, Zubov, and Andersson for Binghamton, but I also know that the Whalers wanted Michael Nylander to play for Springfield, while Nylander wanted to play for Sweden. The Whalers allowed the NHL to decide, and the NHL chose the WCs. How does this differ from the Rangers and Oilers? Did the Whalers have to go through the league, or could they have forced Nylander to play in Springfield?
Once, on Jeopardy, the category was "Jewish Sports Heros," believe it or not. The answer was, "This pitcher had four no-hitters with the Dodgers in the 60s." The contestant said, "Who is Hank Aaron?" Alex Trebek said something like, "I don't think Hank Aaron was a pitcher."
That sounds like an awfully closed minded, intolerant attitude. 1/2 :') I'm not a redneck but . . . try a walk in their shoes first. Stereotypes are usually of very limited value. I've seen as many ignorant self-righteous "open minded" new age lovers of the great planet Earth as I have ignorant "red necks". I don't see a correlation. I don't believe that the "redneck" culture, if you can call it that, is necessarily inferior or superior to any other. I gotta have a beer, I'm making too much sense. Next thing you know, I'll be preaching tolerance . . .. and I'm a conservative. Jack Waters II DoD#1919
Maybe I can help you. He's a major league coach with the Rockies. So above prediction is doubly wrong. My prediction: The Red Sox-Cubs Series and Vikings-Broncos SuperBore will occur at the end of the world. And one Rockie will finish in the top 10 of an offensive catagory this year. And no Rockie starter will have an ERA below 3.50. And the Rangers fade will not begin until...August. They'll give way to the Angels. But still challenge to the end. Really. Not making any of this up. If I am, may God strike me down *ZZZZZZT*
Squeaky BMW riders.
You can be sure they wouldn't do it if it wasn't to their advantage.
I disagree. McNall has demonstrated with Gretzky that a star brings out the crowds whether or not the team is expected to do well. Very few fans real- istically expect the Kings to do well this year (although I do) and yet they still go out to see Gretzky. This is the marketing strategy - selling the game by selling the stars - that is employed by Baseball and, notably, the NBA and this is the attitude that the new Bettman/McNall leadership is bringing to the league. They have gone on record as stating that they are trying to sell the game on its stars. Timo Salami and Brett Hull are perfect examples of players that real fans know aren't worth a damn and yet, being benificiaries of marketing-oriented coaching strategies, have goal totals that would indicate to the casual observer, the very fans the NHL wants to attract, that these players are indeed superstars. It ain't nearly so simple as this. The casual fan doesn't think about much at all. Can you actually find an adult with a 3 digit IQ who believes that McDonalds makes good hamburgers? Yes but apparently the Rocket has not lived up to his marketing responsi- bilities has he? He was hyped, initially, as a superstar, but outside of one Grey Cup game he has done very little to maintain/enhance that assess- ment of his talents. Most Argo fans probably feel the team would be better off without him. cordially, as always, rm
Look for a happier-looking KZ440? Suzuki used to have an L designation, for example my former boss had a GS850L which had a seat a couple inches lower than the "regular" GS850, but it was certainly no cruiser.
Could some kind soul out there e-mail me the 411 on where I can find the mlb.c program? I'm interested in some road trips this year....
BoSox 3 Royals 1 WP: Clemens (1-0) LP: Appier (0-1)
... ... Yeah...I've seen you're grand mother...I bet she could.
#>In article <1993Apr15.222600.11690@research.nj.nec.com> #>> ... #>> Several chemists already have come up with several substitutes for #>> R12. You don't hear about them because the Mobile Air Conditioning #>Society #>> (MACS), that is, the people who stand to rake in that $300 to $1000 per #>> retrofit per automobile, have mounted an organized campaign to squash #>those #>> R12 substitutes out of existence if not ban them altogether (on very #>shaky #>> technical grounds, at best, on outright lies at worst). #>> ... #> #>Now, I'm not saying you're wrong because I know that the R-12 substitutes #>exist, but this sounds a lot like the 200mpg carbs that the oil companies #>keep us all from getting. # # It sounds crazy, but it's true. One of the best R-12 subsitutes, #GHG-12, is currently a commercial product. Unfortunately, the SAE committee #on mobile air conditioning is comprised almost exclusively of MACS members. #Such being the case, no papers about any alternative refrigerant other than #R-134a have been accepted for review/publication. # # Yo, John? You want to provide some more details? Or should I just #repost your voluminous repost? # #Later, #-- #Chris BeHanna DoD# 114 1983 H-D FXWG Wide Glide - Jubilee's Red Lady #behanna@syl.nj.nec.com 1975 CB360T - Baby Bike #Disclaimer: Now why would NEC 1991 ZX-11 - needs a name #agree with any of this anyway? I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs. We here are *VERY* interested in info on R12 substitutes (in fact I think we really need all the info on this we can get). I would really appreciate technical, supply, and hardware-upgrade details. Also, R12 is a useful solvent/reagent in the extraction/production of certain pharmaceuticals. Any info on the substitutes' corresponding usefullness? I am currently working with the local engineers who are making sure we are compliant with the regulations. The trouble with regulations is that they only tell you what you are no longer permitted to do, not what you should do instead. I think the cause of the new regulations is the Montreal Protocol which has a definite CFC-phase-out schedule. (Of course the cause of the Montreal Protocol was all the research done on the causes of the Ozone Depletion Problem.) Someone asked earlier about why the governments were working so fast to ban the ozone-depleting (CFC) chemicals and not gasolines and other greenhouse-gas-producing compounds. The greenhouse effect (produced by infrared-trapping gasses like CO2 and methane) and the ozone-hole problem (produced by long-lived, chlorine-containing molecules) are not the same thing. It is a lot easier to do something about not using the CFC's (chloro-fluorocarbons) than it is to stop producing CO2 and methane which are natural byproducts of combustion and of living (animal) organisms. Planting more trees and not destroying so many existing trees would help the greenhouse-gas problem, but would do nothing for the ozone problem. Fred W. Bach , Operations Group | Internet: music@erich.triumf.ca TRIUMF (TRI-University Meson Facility) | Voice: 604-222-1047 loc 327/278 4004 WESBROOK MALL, UBC CAMPUS | FAX: 604-222-1074 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA V6T 2A3
TSN Sportsdesk just reported that the OTTAWA SUN has reported that Montreal will send 4 players + $15 million including Vin Damphousse and Brian Bellows to Phillidelphia, Phillie will send Eric Lindros to Ottawa, and Ottawa will give it's first round pick to Montreal. If this is true, it will most likely depend on whether or not Ottawa gets to choose 1st overall. Can Ottawa afford Lindros' salary? Personally, I can't see Philli giving up Lindros -- for anything. They didn't give away that much to Quebec just to trade him away again. Not to mention that Lindros seems to be a *huge* draw in Phillie -- and that he represents a successful future for the franchise. Ottawa may be better off taking the 4 players +$15 from Montreal for the pick.
This is an all-point team for the Canadian NHLers who are not playoff bound... GOALIES Bill Ranford, Edmonton Sean Burke, Hartford Peter Sidorkiewicz, Ottawa DEFENSEMEN Zarley Zalapski, Hartford Norm MacIver, Ottawa Garry Galley, Philadelphia Greg Hawgood, Philadelphia Dave Manson, Edmonton Mark Tinordi, Minnesota CENTERS Mark Messier, N. Y. Rangers Geoff Sanderson, Hartford Brian Bradley, Tampa Bay Rod Brind'Amour, Philadelphia LEFT WINGS Adam Graves, N. Y. Rangers Chris Kontos, Tampa Bay Patrick Poulin, Hartford Shayne Corson, Edmonton RIGHT WINGS Pat Verbeek, Hartford Russ Courtnall, Minnesota Mike Gartner, N. Y. Rangers Kevin Dineen, Philadelphia
$ The biggest hurdle for automatics (IMHO) is not shifting speed $ per se, but rather the transmission's reaction speed when you $ try to force it to shift manually. $ [...] I rented an Oldsmobile Achieva (is that a yuppie name or what?) and a Nissan Stanza. They both had automatics. I'm a manual transmission bigot but I have to admit that the transmissions on these cars were better shifters than I am. And yes, they responded very quickly to kickdown requests. The Nissan had a tachometer so I was able to figure out which gear I was in. (The Olds may have also, but I don't remember.) I believe it shifted all the way down to second at about 50 mph when my foot told it, "No I really want to accelerate quickly." I would still prefer a manual, but I won't delude myself into thinking that I can out-accelerate a modern automatic. And I'm very smooth at shifting but certainly not as good as an automatic.
tes: Did anyone think that Texas would have the top two home run leaders at a given point in the season and neither one would be Jose Canseco? Steve []
un, you better add at least another plus to the Pederson for Neely trade, the Bruins also received a number 1 round draft pick, didn't play great this year but Wesley's still a decent defenseman.... And the Bruins got Pederson back eventually anyway..... Pat Ellis P.S. GO BRUINS GO UMAINE BLACK BEARS 42-1-2 NUMBER 1...... HOCKEY EAST REGULARS SEASON CHAMPIONS..... HOCKEY EAST TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS>...... PAUL KARIYA, HOBEY BAKER AWARD WINNER....... NCAA DIV. 1 HOCKEY TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would e-mail this to you, but my mailserver doesn't recognize you or something. Anyway, the worst pitcher on the Yanks. If you mean currently on the team, then I have to go with Scott "I'm a schizophrenic...No, I'm NOT!" Kamienicki. Sure, occasionally the guy can pitch well for 5 or 6 innings, but then he starts to go insane. A sure sign that he's losing his stuff (and his mind) is when he starts to stalk around the mound between batters and yell at himself. The worst all-time Yanks pitcher? Gotta go with Ed "New York? I have to pitch in [gulp] New York?" Whitson. 'Nuff said! --I'm outta here like Vladimir! -Alan Sepinwall XVIII
But why would you want to use RBI? RBI is an attempt to measure is some combination of clutch hitting and power hitting. If you believe in clutch hitting, then look at how the guy hit with RISP. If you want to see how good of a slugger he is, then look at his slugging average. In terms of evaluating players, RBI totals are better than nothing. But why use them when so many better stats are out there?
> The defenition of the Underdog is a team that has no talent and comes >out of nowhere to contend. The '69 Mets and '89 Orioles are prime examples, >not the Cubs. Sorry, but it is *virtually* impossible to win a division with "no talent" over 162 games. Well, with players, certainly. However, it is quite possible to win it all with no managerial talent. Cf. Blue Jays, 1992. David
-=> Quoting Cire Y. Trehguad to All <=- : >And, while we are on the subject, has a captain ever been traded, : >resigned, or been striped of his title during the season? Any other : >team captain trivia would be appreciated. CYT> ; CYT> : Wasn't Ron Francis captain of the Whalers when he was traded to CYT> : Pittsburgh? CYT> And Rick Tochett was the captain of the Flyers when traded to the Pens CYT> recently... CYT> Caleb CYT> And let us not forget that the New Jersey Devils traded CYT> captain Kirk Muller for Stephen Richer and Chorske CYT> Man I hated that trade! Well as for team captains being traded in there first year in the NHL the Edmonton Oilers traded their captain Ron Chiperfield to the Quebec Nordique right at the trading deadline for Goaltender Ron Lowe In their second year of existence The Edmonton Oilers again right at the trade deadline traded their captain, this time B.J. McDonald to the Vancouver Canucks along with the rights to winger Ken Berry for Garry Lariviere and the rights to Lars Gunner Petterson as for more captain trivia, the next Edmonton captain was Lee Fogilin who was later traded to the Buffalo Sabres, after him was Wayne Gretzky who was traded to L A, then came Kevin Low who only this year was traded to the N Y Rangers so that every captain the Edmonton Oilers have had has been traded. The present captain is Craig McTavish and we'll just have to wait and see. well talk to you later Steve
Could someone mail me the archive location of the MSF Program (for an IBM, right?)? Thanks,
Sorry, but this is the biggest load of bunk I've seen in a while. a) The Pirates have been trying to trade LaValliere for some time now. Nobody was even vaguely interested. b) Several other teams had made it known that they would grab Prince, who was out of options. c) LaValliere's release had nothing to do with him being through. He was released, because, in the event of an injury to Slaught, LaValliere is no longer capable (they believe) of being the everyday catcher. Since Slaught is as good against righties as he is against lefties, the offense should actually improve with this move.
I think that they go to divisional records before goals, but I could be wrong, too. -- Keith Keller LET'S GO RANGERS!!!!! LET'S GO QUAKERS!!!!! kkeller@mail.sas.upenn.edu IVY LEAGUE CHAMPS!!!!
I stand corrected. This is all from memory, mind you :-) Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. No, REALLY!
I should be so lucky: the account number must have been rejected! :-) To be accurate, it is "Big Bang Ben" MacDonald. I hope not. To think that I would inadvertantly give any pleasure to Mulroney _really_ ruins my day. PS: Matthew Wall: a marvellous ending to the section on the Expos. or VINCE@VAXI.SSCL.UWO.CA; please identify any messages with the subject line BBDDD Realizing the taterific importance of this work, John Palmer and I concluded that we might be able to pool some resources. I have not yet gone through the archives that Jonathan sent to me; when I do, I will send out an "official" introduction to the Deep Drive Derby. However, I wonder if we need to rename the project, now that the principal investigator and research archive have changed. Send your suggestions for a rename of the study to me, at the address given above. And, just think: it's opening day. Soon, the balls will be flying out (no, get your minds out of the gutter) of the ball parks, and helpless bystanders will be injured by balls reentering the atmosphere. (and you thought that meteorite showers were made of rocks!) Who will be the stars this year? Can anyone hope to combat Brad Arnsberg's record start to last year? The season is young, the balls newly rubbed in mud, the hot dogs starting to boil for the rest of the year. Play ball (and take cover). And may all your sliders hang.
I thought it was 1) wins 2) goals for.
The Pens are now being broadcast on 102.5 WDVE.
*thud* (see .sig)
According to a LoJack representative I saw recently, LoJack must be installed by an authorized LoJack dealer, and is placed in one of (roughly) 30 spots in the car...
It can be done, contact Chaparell cycle supply, they ought to have the sprocket you need/want for cheap, well much cheaper than your average dealership. Hey they even had sprockets for my VF1000R which is hard to find accesssories for. -Craig. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boxscores. Beware. The original poster looks to be from Louisville, and chances are Louisville gets the edition of the NYTimes that is printed in Chicago for the MidWest. This edition has boxscores only on Monday (and Sunday) and an extremely skimpy sports section (few game summaries, mostly just color stories).
Wrong information. They just announced that Suhonen has made a deal with Jokerit.
Sorry, Nelson, but you forgot to ask me. If you check the THN stats for Kansas City, you'll find that Larry has been playing for the games, having played in 8 games in the period covered in the stats between 3/26 and the 4/16 issue (1-3-4 with 13 PIM). Not exactly invisible. Well, having gotten to a chance to talk to him a few times, this isn't quite accurate. He injured his back (a disk injury) and did one stupid thing, which was to hide it from the Sharks and he tried to play through it because he knew he was on the bubble. The Sharks then sent him to K.C., at which point he disclosed the injury. Since he didn't disclose it, the Sharks and he disagreed about the responsibility and he was suspended for not reporting. That was eventually worked out, the Sharks re-instated him as injured and put him into therapy, and when he was able to play then shipped him down to K.C. He fully expects to play in the NHL again, although clearly not with the Sharks (hiding injuries is a stupid no-no, beyond just a no-no). Very nice guy. Always hustled his butt off. He disappeared because he was hurt. I expect he'll surface with another team at some point (probably another expansion team), but is likely to be a bubble player for the rest of his career. Has a good work ethic and is good at getting other players motivated. Unfortunately, he played himself out of the Sharks future with a bad judgement call. Always gave 110%, best work ethic on the club (except maybe Kisio), but hustle isn't always enough. His future with the Sharks was made clear to me one night against the Flames when he went behind the crease and tried to hold Joel Otto against the board. He literally had one arm around Otto's neck and another wrapped around Otto's stick arm. Otto casually turned around and fed the puck in front of the crease for a goal, as though Carter wasn't there. Hustle can only cover size so far. The Sharks have told me, point blank, that he's gone for good (ditto HUbie McDonough). He was one of the favorites of the staff, but as one said to me "you have to make room for the kids". Carter, in fact, refused to report to K.C. and has been suspended by the Sharks. That might be a defacto retirement, but I haven't heard anything official. His only hope in hockey now is the Gulls. Because, at least from the games I saw him in, he was outmatched and looked fairly lost on the ice. I think he shows potential, but I didn't think he was quite ready to make the jump to the NHL. Agreed (BTW, I still think a lot of your grades are more based on how you wish they'd performed than how they actually performed. I wonder whether you can really judge talent from radio and television, Nelson? I know I have trouble, since you don't see the off-puck action. your views from home and my views from the ice differ in numerous ways) Coffee. Coffey is with the Red Wings. You? Nah... He was seriously unimpressive, even as a tough guy (his rep). However, as few games as he had in a season that was at that point meaningless, I hate to judge the talent too quickly. Butn in Dody's case, I"m tempted to make an exception. But I won't.
}In heavy traffic I slow down a bit, mostly so I have more buffer zone in }front to balance the minimal buffer behind, but I also often find that the }jerk behind will notice traffic moving faster in other lanes, switch }into one of them, and pass me - which is fine, because then I can keep a }better eye on the jerk from behind, while looking ahead, rather than }from in front, while splitting my attention between ahead and the mirrors. This is pretty damned complicated. I just make a "back off" motion with my hand/arm, and the second or third time even the most braindead cager backs off. If they don't back off then, I find a way to get the hell out of there -- the cager is either psychotic, drunk, or just a complete asshole. In any case, I don't want to be anywhere near, and especially not in front.
Lake State/Maine in finals...WHO WON? Please post.
Wales Conference, Adams Division, Semifinal I'm hoping for a Fuhr miracle, but I agree that Boston will likely win the series. Goaltending is about equal, top offensive players are about equal (Mogilny-LaFontaine vs. Oates-Juneau), but Buffalo has no answer to Neely (not to imply that Neely is not a top offensive player btw, in fact he's one of my favourites even though he's a damn Bruin :) ). And the rest of the matchup wrt lineup favours Boston anyway. But I think it will go six. Agreed here...but Montreal will be pushed to the limit. Is it just me, or does everything Montreal does in the playoffs come down to Roy? Go Habs!! Final I can't predict a Montreal victory because I've been watching them play for 6 weeks and IMO they severly need some tougher players, especially to play in the Garden. Last time they beat the B's 5-2 but Boston had a clear territorial advantage; the victory was Roy's. At the same time, I can't bring myself to predict the possibility of a loss, so I'll just say I will not be putting money on this series. :-) Agreed. NY doesn't have the goaltending to stop the onslaught, independent of the trouble they have given Pittsburgh this year. Pens in five, which is credit to NY. Agreed here too, but I think it will go at least six. Jersey has a decent team, and Washington has done poorly against the division this year. I think they will use Tabaracci more after Beaupre gets shelled. I don't think it will go six either...*maybe* five. If Pittsburgh plays Boston, IMO they win in likely five, possibly six. They own the Bruins. If they play Montreal, I think it will go to seven, and once again I won't be putting money on the seventh game. I say seven because the Habs have played Pittsburgh very tough this season. Chicago will win, but I think in at least six. Chicago is not that good, IMO. And remember that they take ridiculous numbers of penalties. Very true. The Leafs have much to be proud of, but they will soon find out why Montreal did so lousy in the playoffs. Toronto might win two or three at MLG though. Wings in six, maybe even seven. It _will_ be a war...possibly the most intense playoff series of them all. And yes, I think Detroit will win. Probert will have to come up big though. Our first disagreement. Canucks are playing like shit. They don't use their size *at* *all*, which may explain why they get hammered 8-1 by a team chasing them (Calgary)....Winnipeg in six. This is also tough for me to call, because I haven't seen the Smythe enough. I don't think Roberts will be well enough to figure in, Coffey is a non-issue, who cares what Carson has done before, and *never* underestimate Gretzky. LA in six. If it is these two, Calgary will not need six games. But I think it will be LA-Winnipeg anyway, and LA in seven, because of home ice. Wow, must've been tough to go against your team. But let's see, I picked LA-Detroit. Detroit will win, probably in six. If Pittsburgh plays Detroit, it will go longer than five, and I wouldn't bet against the Wings. They are very strong, IMO, and nobody knows *how* strong because they've been underachieving most of the year. If forced to choose, though, I'd have to take the Penguins. A side note. Vlad, last week you said that Selanne was a better player than Gilmour. NO WAY. He is a more talented pure goal scorer...but aside from the age difference, there is no way I would take him over Gilmour on my team. I'm not asking for flames, either, btw....I've spent more than enough time arguing on behalf of Selanne and I still say he's a great player. But while he and Gilmour are both dangerous offensively (give Teemu an edge), Gilmour *does* *it* *all*. I know a lot of Gilmour-bashing goes on, esp. from Flame fans. But IMO you guys are letting your dislike of Gilmour cloud your judgement when it comes to his skill. He is easily one of the best all-round players in the NHL.
If the tire has a leak you should fix it. Doesn't work too well if the engine is hot, its more accurate to check the oil when the engine is cool, i.e. not when you are at a gas station.
I heard the diesels are considered cleaner-burning than gas engines because the emit less of: Carbon Monoxide, Hydrocarbons, and Oxides of Nitrogen. (CO, HC, NOX). But they can put out a lot of particulate matter. I heard something about legislation being discussed to "clean up diesel emissions". Is there anything in the works to install "scrubbers" for diesels? How about the feasibility of installing them on trucks and cars? Would it be any different than a catylitic converter? I'd assume easier, since we're removing particulate matter instead of converting gasses. Let's hear people's opinions... -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Vel Natarajan nataraja@rtsg.mot.com Motorola Cellular, Arlington Hts IL --
NY Rangers 3 1 0--4 Washington 0 0 0--0 First period 1, NY Rangers, Graves 33 (Turcotte, Lowe) 9:13. 2, NY Rangers, Gartner 44 (Messier) 11:21. 3, NY Rangers, Olczyk 21 (Messier, Amonte) 14:57. Second period 4, NY Rangers, Beukeboom 2 (unassisted) 3:30. Third period No scoring. NY Rangers: 4 Power play: 4-0 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Amonte 0 1 1 Beukeboom 1 0 1 Gartner 1 0 1 Graves 1 0 1 Lowe 0 1 1 Messier 0 2 2 Olczyk 1 0 1 Turcotte 0 1 1 Washington: 0 Power play: 3-0 No scoring ----------------------------------------- Boston 0 2 1--3 Buffalo 0 0 0--0 First period No scoring. Second period 1, Boston, Leach 24 (Wesley, Oates) pp, 1:03. 2, Boston, Oates 44 (Douris, Poulin) 9:00. Third period 3, Boston, Douris 4 (Bourque) sh, 0:55. Boston: 3 Power play: 5-1 Special goals: pp: 1 sh: 1 Total: 2 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Bourque 0 1 1 Douris 1 1 2 Leach 1 0 1 Oates 1 1 2 Poulin 0 1 1 Wesley 0 1 1 Buffalo: 0 Power play: 6-0 No scoring ----------------------------------------- Pittsburgh 1 3 1--5 New Jersey 0 1 1--2 First period 1, Pittsburgh, Francis 23 (Lemieux, Tocchet) pp, 13:25. Second period 2, Pittsburgh, Murphy 21 (Francis, Mullen) sh, 0:38. 3, Pittsburgh, Francis 24 (Tocchet, Lemieux) pp, 7:14. 4, Pittsburgh, Jagr 33 (Tocchet, Francis) pp, 15:22. 5, New Jersey, Zelepukin 17 (Driver, Lemieux) pp, 19:07. Third period 6, New Jersey, MacLean 23 (Nicholls, Stevens) 6:45. 7, Pittsburgh, Lemieux 62 (Jagr) en, 19:51. Pittsburgh: 5 Power play: 9-3 Special goals: pp: 3 sh: 1 en: 1 Total: 5 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Francis 2 2 4 Jagr 1 1 2 Lemieux 1 2 3 Mullen 0 1 1 Murphy 1 0 1 Tocchet 0 3 3 New Jersey: 2 Power play: 9-1 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Driver 0 1 1 Lemieux 0 1 1 MacLean 1 0 1 Nicholls 0 1 1 Stevens 0 1 1 Zelepukin 1 0 1 ----------------------------------------- Toronto 0 0 0--0 Philadelphia 2 1 1--4 First period 1, Philadelphia, Dineen 31 (Beranek, Hawgood) 8:10. 2, Philadelphia, McGill 3 (Lindros, Recchi) 19:55. Second period 3, Philadelphia, Lindros 38 (Recchi, Galley) 7:55. Third period 4, Philadelphia, Dineen 32 (Hawgood, Galley) pp, 18:39. Philadelphia: 4 Power play: 4-1 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Beranek 0 1 1 Dineen 2 0 2 Galley 0 2 2 Hawgood 0 2 2 Lindros 1 1 2 McGill 1 0 1 Recchi 0 2 2 Toronto: 0 Power play: 6-0 No scoring ----------------------------------------- Vancouver 0 2 1--3 Ottawa 0 0 0--0 First period No scoring. Second period 1, Vancouver, Plavsic 6 (Craven) 13:05. 2, Vancouver, Momesso 17 (Nedved, Plavsic) pp, 15:52. Third period 3, Vancouver, Bure 57 (unassisted) 13:27. Vancouver: 3 Power play: 4-1 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Bure 1 0 1 Craven 0 1 1 Momesso 1 0 1 Nedved 0 1 1 Plavsic 1 1 2 Ottawa: 0 Power play: 5-0 No scoring ----------------------------------------- St. Louis 2 0 2--4 Chicago 4 0 1--5 First period 1, Chicago, Sutter 18 (Murphy, Chelios) pp, 1:08. 2, St. Louis, Janney 20 (Shanahan, J.Brown) pp, 6:49. 3, Chicago, Roenick 44 (Chelios, Smith) pp, 8:20. 4, Chicago, Roenick 45 (Sutter, Chelios) pp, 13:14. 5, Chicago, Graham 19 (Gilbert, Ruuttu) 13:42. 6, St. Louis, Janney 21 (Shanahan, Crossman) 19:38. Second period No scoring. Third period 7, Chicago, Murphy 5 (Chelios, Belfour) 0:20. 8, St. Louis, Miller 21 (Hull, Janney) pp, 7:04. 9, St. Louis, Janney 22 (Miller, Shanahan) 19:32. Chicago: 5 Power play: 8-3 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Belfour 0 1 1 Chelios 0 4 4 Gilbert 0 1 1 Graham 1 0 1 Murphy 1 1 2 Roenick 2 0 2 Ruuttu 0 1 1 Smith 0 1 1 Sutter 1 1 2 St. Louis: 4 Power play: 4-2 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Brown J 0 1 1 Crossman 0 1 1 Hull 0 1 1 Janney 3 1 4 Miller 1 1 2 Shanahan 0 3 3 ----------------------------------------- Calgary 1 2 1--4 San Jose 1 0 2--3 First period 1, Calgary, Otto 19 (Yawney, Ashton) pp, 5:29. 2, San Jose, Odgers 10 (Pederson, Wilkinson) 18:33. Second period 3, Calgary, Nieuwendyk 34 (Johansson, Reese) 2:03. 4, Calgary, Reichel 35 (Skrudland, Berube) 12:22. Third period 5, Calgary, Ashton 7 (Otto, Fleury) 1:30. 6, San Jose, Pederson 9 (Odgers, Evason) 2:24. 7, San Jose, Odgers 11 (Gaudreau, Evason) pp, 19:30. Calgary: 4 Power play: 5-1 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Ashton 1 1 2 Berube 0 1 1 Fleury 0 1 1 Johansson 0 1 1 Nieuwendyk 1 0 1 Otto 1 1 2 Reese 0 1 1 Reichel 1 0 1 Skrudland 0 1 1 Yawney 0 1 1 San Jose: 3 Power play: 5-1 Scorer G A Pts --------------- --- --- --- Evason 0 2 2 Gaudreau 0 1 1 Odgers 2 1 3 Pederson 1 1 2 Wilkinson 0 1 1
Ditto for me..
I was at a Cincinnati Cyclones game a year ago when the local country station sponsored a kazoo giveaway. After a particularly bad call by the underexperienced ECHL ref, it was Kazoostorm time down on the ice. I thought this was a pathetic display by the fans, but they were rightfully unhappy.
Make that worldwide coverage. I know numerous people who were planning holidays to the Florida, and have now chosen another (non-US) destination. You expect this sort of thing, perhaps, in third world countries - but not the US!
I can't tell if Matt is being sarcastic here or not, but to be honest, many automobiles are worth far more to their owners (in $$ value and $$ investment) than the people that would take them. I don't have figures on average property tax in the U.S. or how much of it is allocated for housing projects, inferior public schools, jails, or the like, but I have a feeling that the amount the government steals from an honest, productive citizen to breed this trash is significantly less than the value of many automobiles. And for those who will argue that the animals out there stealing cars and everything else (not to mention committing COMPLETELY senseless acts of violence, such as rape) cannot be valued in terms of money because they are human beings, I submit that they are not human beings. Jim Callison, I think, is on the right track. And Chintan Amin remarked earlier that we cannot blame environment for the actions of a single criminal. I couldn't agree more. One could trace any crime back to the environment/upbringing of the criminal; should we let all of them out, from pickpockets to rapists to inside traders, because what they did wasn't their fault? Where does one draw the line? $0.02
][bozo posts GIFS to rec.moto] ]>he and his postmaster are also gonna get 500 copies of the post in their ]>mailboxes. ] ] Hey, it's a great picture. You can't fault his taste, only his ]technique. Chill out and educate instead of getting your panties in a ]bunch. ditto to you Dave. I'm using the picture as the bacground on my sun, and I haven't sent a single message to the guy. looks like you get to keep the panties. -- Joe Senner -- joe@Rider.Cactus.Org Austin, TX
I was hoping for something like "The chassis exhibits X degrees of flex when subjected to forces of more than Y units. Forces of more than Y units begin to manifest at Z miles per hour." Not "Well, gee, it wasn't designed to go fast because, uhh, well, gee, it wasn't designed to go fast. It's not a Porsche, you know". Well, as compared to the normal Taurus, the SHO comes with more supportive seats,better brakes,a stiffer suspension, different tires, and a body design that takes advantage of aero effects to keep the car on the ground (or at least I think that's what all that boy-racer plastic is for). You're kidding yourself if you think any car on the road has a passenger compartment made to withstand 130 MPH impacts. Oh, right. Only 120,000 dollar cars should be driven fast. They drive goddamn Rabbits at 120 MPH in Europe, pal, and I reckon a Taurus is at least as capable as a Rabbit. Of course not. "Speeding-is-bad. Speeding-is-illegal. I-will-not-speed. I-love-Big-Brother." You had your mind made up already. It's interesting that lots of the roads out west had *NO* speed limits until 1975.
I don't understand the fascination with vent windows. They create a tremendous turbulence and noise that makes even a simple connversation impossible at speeds above 40mph. The current flow-throuh ventilation, if designed right, are far more superior.
It's normal for the BMW K bikes to use a little oil in the first few thousand miles. I don't know why. I've had three new K bikes, and all three used a bit of oil when new - max maybe .4 quart in first 1000 miles; this soon quits and by the time I had 10,000 miles on them the oil consumption was about zero. I've been told that the harder you run the bike (within reason) the sooner it stops using any oil.
Detroit's going to beat Toronto in 6 or LESS!!! Granted, Gilmour should get the Hart Trophy, NOT Lemieux... Just Look at what Gilmour did for Toronto. When you think of Toronto, who comes to mind, Gilmour, Andreychuk, Potvin...ah...did I mentio n Gilmour? Back to Detroit... There really isn't a team that could stand up to them if all the players on the team play to their potential, no one could stop them. Yzerman, Fedorov, Coffey, Lindstrom... there's more firepower there than Pittsburgh... and they don't tri p over their own skates! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /------------/ Detroit over Toronto in 5 Patrick Walker / /--\------/ Detroit over Chicago in 6 University of New Bruns. ! ! !---/ Detroit over Vancouver in 6 Canada \ \__/ / Detroit over Nords in 6 "Disco Still Sucks!"
Okay, here's the entry sheet. Keep in mind that not all spots are decided, so it may change. Series Your Pick Games Division Semis NY Islanders-Pittsburgh New Jersey-Washington Buffalo-Boston Montreal-Quebec St. Louis-Chicago Toronto-Detroit Winnipeg-Vancouver Los Angeles-Calgary Division Finals Patrick Adams Norris Smythe Conference Finals Wales Campbell Stanley Cup winner See previous post for scoring. Good luck! -- Keith Keller LET'S GO RANGERS!!!!! LET'S GO QUAKERS!!!!! kkeller@mail.sas.upenn.edu IVY LEAGUE CHAMPS!!!!
Let's see how the weather is Saturday or Sunday. It sucks today. What time is good? You're welcome to give any of the ones I have a try. As for the gargoyles, if you want mine you can have 'em. I think the bridge of my nose holds them too far from my face. Same deal for the two of my friends who tried them. For people who use them with a full face helmet, all bets are off. Sorry if they fit you well and took my complaint personally. Yes the Oakleys are much more desirable squid attire. Also the gargoyles aren't that ugly, even in my opinion, or I wouldn't have tried them. -- Michael Manning mmanning@icomsim.com (NeXTMail accepted.)