{"results": [{"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rouge1_precision": 0.47545448266837026, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge1_precision_stderr": 0.006583080781294028}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rouge1_recall": 0.4208054199056668, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge1_recall_stderr": 0.004652528332638742}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rouge1_fmeasure": 0.3745465780187093, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge1_fmeasure_stderr": 0.004352984167172353}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rouge2_precision": 0.24019962139944864, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge2_precision_stderr": 0.004851648607643811}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rouge2_recall": 0.21002066832317304, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge2_recall_stderr": 0.0036937584461780985}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rouge2_fmeasure": 0.18550049346837982, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge2_fmeasure_stderr": 0.003453282091673464}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rougeL_precision": 0.393892233409505, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeL_precision_stderr": 0.005745843856284476}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rougeL_recall": 0.3556479583289048, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeL_recall_stderr": 0.004256865811733288}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rougeL_fmeasure": 0.31071913840845766, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeL_fmeasure_stderr": 0.0037934989677980966}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rougeLsum_precision": 0.41752679170243395, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeLsum_precision_stderr": 0.006052314116389202}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rougeLsum_recall": 0.36745131831152605, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeLsum_recall_stderr": 0.004160603933215002}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "rougeLsum_fmeasure": 0.3266012708336201, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeLsum_fmeasure_stderr": 0.003911303888532768}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "non-explicit-description", "bleu": 3.880859628149177, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "9415bd8a-685f-4fa4-803a-f09bd47d4603", "prompt_jinja": "I am taking this tabular data, where each row is separated by a \"|\" and expresses a relation between an object and a predicate : {{input | join(\", \")}}. \n\nNow, I will produce a description of the tabular data using English sentences. {% for i in references %}\n ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "bleu_stderr": 0.10531075442964466}], "config": {"model": "hf-causal", "model_args": "pretrained=/pfs/lustrep4/scratch/project_462000119/muennighoff/nov-2022-bettercom/lm1-619m-22b/transformers,use_accelerate=True,tokenizer=/pfs/lustrep4/scratch/project_462000119/muennighoff/nov-2022-bettercom/gpt2,dtype=bfloat16", "task_args": "", "num_fewshot": 3, "batch_size": 16, "device": "cuda", "use_cache": false, "limit": 3000, "bootstrap_iters": 10, "seed": 1234}} |