RvanB's picture
Implement gradio demo
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import numpy as np
import re
import pandas as pd
from thefuzz import fuzz
import textdistance
HAND_COUNT_PAGE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\[(?P<hand_count>\d+)\]\s*p(ages)?[^\w]")
PAGE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?P<pages>\d+)\s*p(ages)?[^\w]")
def equal(se0, se1, null_value):
se0_np = se0.to_numpy(dtype=str)
se1_np = se1.to_numpy(dtype=str)
col = (se0_np == se1_np).astype(float)
se0_nulls = np.argwhere(np.char.strip(se0_np, " ") == "")
se1_nulls = np.argwhere(np.char.strip(se1_np, " ") == "")
col[se0_nulls] = null_value
col[se1_nulls] = null_value
return pd.Series(col)
def maximum(df, null_value, ignore_value=np.nan):
df_np = df.to_numpy(dtype=float)
df_np[df_np == ignore_value] = np.nan
# Mask ignore_value
masked = np.ma.masked_invalid(df_np)
# Get the max, ignoring NaNs
col = np.max(masked, axis=1)
# Replace NaNs with null_value
col = col.filled(fill_value=null_value)
return pd.Series(col)
def minimum(se0, se1, null_value, ignore_value=np.nan):
se0_np = se0.to_numpy(dtype=float)
se1_np = se1.to_numpy(dtype=float)
# Replace ignore_value with np.nans
se0_np[se0_np == ignore_value] = np.nan
se1_np[se1_np == ignore_value] = np.nan
# Get the min, ignoring NaNs
col = np.nanmin(np.stack([se0_np, se1_np], axis=1), axis=1)
# Replace NaNs with null_value
col[np.isnan(col)] = null_value
return pd.Series(col)
def pagination_match(se0, se1, null_value):
def group_values(pat, group, s):
return {m.groupdict()[group] for m in pat.finditer(s)}
def compare(pag0, pag1):
hand_counts0 = group_values(HAND_COUNT_PAGE_PATTERN, "hand_count", pag0)
hand_counts1 = group_values(HAND_COUNT_PAGE_PATTERN, "hand_count", pag1)
# Remove bracketed digits
pag0 = re.sub(r"\[\d+\]", "", pag0)
pag1 = re.sub(r"\[\d+\]", " ", pag1)
# Remove punctuation
pag0 = re.sub(r"[^\w\s]", " ", pag0)
pag1 = re.sub(r"[^\w\s]", " ", pag1)
# Extract page counts
counts0 = group_values(PAGE_PATTERN, "pages", pag0 + " ")
counts1 = group_values(PAGE_PATTERN, "pages", pag1 + " ")
page_counts0 = counts0 | hand_counts0
page_counts1 = counts1 | hand_counts1
# Check if any pages are in common.
if page_counts0 and page_counts1:
for pg0 in page_counts0:
for pg1 in page_counts1:
pg0 = int(pg0)
pg1 = int(pg1)
if pg0 == pg1:
return 1.0
return 0.0
return null_value
se0_np = se0.to_numpy(dtype=str)
se1_np = se1.to_numpy(dtype=str)
col = np.vectorize(compare)(se0_np, se1_np)
return pd.Series(col)
def year_similarity(se0, se1, null_value, exp_coeff):
def compare(yr0, yr1):
if yr0.isnumeric() and yr1.isnumeric():
x = abs(int(yr0) - int(yr1))
# Sigmoid where x = 0, y = 1, tail to the right
return 2 / (1 + np.exp(exp_coeff * x))
return null_value
se0_np = se0.to_numpy(dtype=str)
se1_np = se1.to_numpy(dtype=str)
return np.vectorize(compare)(se0_np, se1_np)
def column_aggregate_similarity(df0, df1, column_weights, null_value):
weights_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(df0.columns, column_weights)}
def get_word_weights(row):
word_weights = {}
for i, value in enumerate(row):
column = df0.columns[i]
if column in weights_dict:
current_weight = weights_dict[column]
current_weight = 0
for w in value.split():
if w not in word_weights:
word_weights[w] = current_weight
word_weights[w] = max(current_weight, word_weights[w])
return word_weights
def compare(row0, row1):
weights0 = get_word_weights(row0)
weights1 = get_word_weights(row1)
total_weight = 0
missing_weight = 0
for w in weights0:
weight = weights0[w]
if w not in weights1:
missing_weight += weights0[w]
weight = max(weight, weights1[w])
total_weight += weight
for w in weights1:
weight = weights1[w]
if w not in weights0:
missing_weight += weights1[w]
weight = max(weight, weights0[w])
total_weight += weight
if total_weight == 0:
return null_value
return float((total_weight - missing_weight) / total_weight)
if df0.columns.to_list() != df1.columns.to_list():
raise ValueError("DataFrames must have the same columns")
# Run compare on rows of each df
col = np.array(
[compare(row0, row1) for row0, row1 in zip(df0.to_numpy(), df1.to_numpy())]
return pd.Series(col)
def length_similarity(se0, se1, null_value):
se0_np = se0.to_numpy(dtype=str)
se1_np = se1.to_numpy(dtype=str)
col = np.array([1 - abs(len(s0) - len(s1)) / max(len(s0), len(s1)) for s0, s1 in zip(se0_np, se1_np)])
# If either string is empty, set similarity to null_value
col[(se0_np == "") | (se1_np == "")] = null_value
return pd.Series(col)
def jaccard_similarity(se0, se1, null_value):
se0_np = se0.to_numpy(dtype=str)
se1_np = se1.to_numpy(dtype=str)
col = np.array([textdistance.jaccard.normalized_similarity(set(s0.split()), set(s1.split())) for s0, s1 in zip(se0_np, se1_np)])
# If either string is empty, set similarity to null_value
col[(se0_np == "") | (se1_np == "")] = null_value
return pd.Series(col)
def similarity_factory(similarity_function):
def similarity(se0, se1, null_value):
se0_np = se0.to_numpy(dtype=str)
se1_np = se1.to_numpy(dtype=str)
col = np.vectorize(similarity_function)(se0_np, se1_np)
# Replace original null values with null_value
col[se0_np == ""] = null_value
col[se0_np == ""] = null_value
return pd.Series(col)
return similarity
token_set_similarity = similarity_factory(
lambda s0, s1: fuzz.token_set_ratio(s0, s1) / 100
token_sort_similarity = similarity_factory(
lambda s0, s1: fuzz.token_sort_ratio(s0, s1) / 100
levenshtein_similarity = similarity_factory(lambda s0, s1: (fuzz.ratio(s0, s1) / 100))
jaro_winkler_similarity = similarity_factory(lambda s0, s1: textdistance.jaro_winkler.similarity(s0, s1))
jaro_similarity = similarity_factory(lambda s0, s1: textdistance.jaro.similarity(s0, s1))