ncnn / src /mat.h
camenduru's picture
thanks to ncnn ❤
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making ncnn available.
// Copyright (C) 2017 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#ifndef NCNN_MAT_H
#define NCNN_MAT_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if __ARM_NEON
#include <arm_neon.h>
#if __SSE2__
#include <emmintrin.h>
#if __AVX__
#include <immintrin.h>
#if __mips_msa
#include <msa.h>
#if __loongarch_sx
#include <lsxintrin.h>
#if __riscv_vector
#include <riscv_vector.h>
#include "cpu.h" // cpu_riscv_vlenb()
#include "allocator.h"
#include "option.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#endif // NCNN_VULKAN
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 9
#include <android/bitmap.h>
#include <jni.h>
#endif // __ANDROID_API__ >= 9
#endif // NCNN_PIXEL
namespace ncnn {
class VkMat;
class VkImageMat;
#endif // NCNN_VULKAN
// the three dimension matrix
// empty
// vec
Mat(int w, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// image
Mat(int w, int h, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// dim
Mat(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// cube
Mat(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// packed vec
Mat(int w, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// packed image
Mat(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// packed dim
Mat(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// packed cube
Mat(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// copy
Mat(const Mat& m);
// external vec
Mat(int w, void* data, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// external image
Mat(int w, int h, void* data, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// external dim
Mat(int w, int h, int c, void* data, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// external cube
Mat(int w, int h, int d, int c, void* data, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// external packed vec
Mat(int w, void* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// external packed image
Mat(int w, int h, void* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// external packed dim
Mat(int w, int h, int c, void* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// external packed cube
Mat(int w, int h, int d, int c, void* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// release
// assign
Mat& operator=(const Mat& m);
// set all
void fill(float v);
void fill(int v);
#if __ARM_NEON
void fill(float32x4_t _v);
void fill(uint16x4_t _v);
void fill(int32x4_t _v);
void fill(int32x4_t _v0, int32x4_t _v1);
void fill(float16x4_t _v);
void fill(float16x8_t _v);
#endif // __ARM_NEON
#if __SSE2__
#if __AVX__
#if __AVX512F__
void fill(__m512 _v);
#endif // __AVX512F__
void fill(__m256 _v, int i = 0);
#endif // __AVX__
void fill(__m128 _v);
void fill(__m128i _v);
#endif // __SSE2__
#if __mips_msa
void fill(v4f32 _v);
#endif // __mips_msa
#if __loongarch_sx
void fill(__m128 _v);
#endif //__loongarch_sx
#if __riscv_vector
void fill(vfloat32m1_t _v);
void fill(vuint16m1_t _v);
void fill(vint8m1_t _v);
#if __riscv_zfh
void fill(vfloat16m1_t _v);
#endif // __riscv_zfh
#endif // __riscv_vector
template<typename T>
void fill(T v);
// deep copy
Mat clone(Allocator* allocator = 0) const;
// deep copy from other mat, inplace
void clone_from(const ncnn::Mat& mat, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// reshape vec
Mat reshape(int w, Allocator* allocator = 0) const;
// reshape image
Mat reshape(int w, int h, Allocator* allocator = 0) const;
// reshape dim
Mat reshape(int w, int h, int c, Allocator* allocator = 0) const;
// reshape cube
Mat reshape(int w, int h, int d, int c, Allocator* allocator = 0) const;
// allocate vec
void create(int w, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate image
void create(int w, int h, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate dim
void create(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate cube
void create(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize = 4u, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate packed vec
void create(int w, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate packed image
void create(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate packed dim
void create(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate packed cube
void create(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate like
void create_like(const Mat& m, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate like
void create_like(const VkMat& m, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// allocate like
void create_like(const VkImageMat& im, Allocator* allocator = 0);
#endif // NCNN_VULKAN
// refcount++
void addref();
// refcount--
void release();
bool empty() const;
size_t total() const;
// bits per element
int elembits() const;
// shape only
Mat shape() const;
// data reference
Mat channel(int c);
const Mat channel(int c) const;
Mat depth(int z);
const Mat depth(int z) const;
float* row(int y);
const float* row(int y) const;
template<typename T>
T* row(int y);
template<typename T>
const T* row(int y) const;
// range reference
Mat channel_range(int c, int channels);
const Mat channel_range(int c, int channels) const;
Mat depth_range(int z, int depths);
const Mat depth_range(int z, int depths) const;
Mat row_range(int y, int rows);
const Mat row_range(int y, int rows) const;
Mat range(int x, int n);
const Mat range(int x, int n) const;
// access raw data
template<typename T>
operator T*();
template<typename T>
operator const T*() const;
// convenient access float vec element
float& operator[](size_t i);
const float& operator[](size_t i) const;
enum PixelType
PIXEL_FORMAT_MASK = 0x0000ffff,
PIXEL_CONVERT_MASK = 0xffff0000,
// convenient construct from pixel data
static Mat from_pixels(const unsigned char* pixels, int type, int w, int h, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from pixel data with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter
static Mat from_pixels(const unsigned char* pixels, int type, int w, int h, int stride, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from pixel data and resize to specific size
static Mat from_pixels_resize(const unsigned char* pixels, int type, int w, int h, int target_width, int target_height, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from pixel data and resize to specific size with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter
static Mat from_pixels_resize(const unsigned char* pixels, int type, int w, int h, int stride, int target_width, int target_height, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from pixel data roi
static Mat from_pixels_roi(const unsigned char* pixels, int type, int w, int h, int roix, int roiy, int roiw, int roih, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from pixel data roi with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter
static Mat from_pixels_roi(const unsigned char* pixels, int type, int w, int h, int stride, int roix, int roiy, int roiw, int roih, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from pixel data roi and resize to specific size
static Mat from_pixels_roi_resize(const unsigned char* pixels, int type, int w, int h, int roix, int roiy, int roiw, int roih, int target_width, int target_height, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from pixel data roi and resize to specific size with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter
static Mat from_pixels_roi_resize(const unsigned char* pixels, int type, int w, int h, int stride, int roix, int roiy, int roiw, int roih, int target_width, int target_height, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient export to pixel data
void to_pixels(unsigned char* pixels, int type) const;
// convenient export to pixel data with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter
void to_pixels(unsigned char* pixels, int type, int stride) const;
// convenient export to pixel data and resize to specific size
void to_pixels_resize(unsigned char* pixels, int type, int target_width, int target_height) const;
// convenient export to pixel data and resize to specific size with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter
void to_pixels_resize(unsigned char* pixels, int type, int target_width, int target_height, int target_stride) const;
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 9
// convenient construct from android Bitmap
static Mat from_android_bitmap(JNIEnv* env, jobject bitmap, int type_to, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from android Bitmap and resize to specific size
static Mat from_android_bitmap_resize(JNIEnv* env, jobject bitmap, int type_to, int target_width, int target_height, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from android Bitmap roi
static Mat from_android_bitmap_roi(JNIEnv* env, jobject bitmap, int type_to, int roix, int roiy, int roiw, int roih, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient construct from android Bitmap roi and resize to specific size
static Mat from_android_bitmap_roi_resize(JNIEnv* env, jobject bitmap, int type_to, int roix, int roiy, int roiw, int roih, int target_width, int target_height, Allocator* allocator = 0);
// convenient export to android Bitmap and resize to the android Bitmap size
void to_android_bitmap(JNIEnv* env, jobject bitmap, int type_from) const;
#endif // __ANDROID_API__ >= 9
#endif // NCNN_PIXEL
// substract channel-wise mean values, then multiply by normalize values, pass 0 to skip
void substract_mean_normalize(const float* mean_vals, const float* norm_vals);
// convenient construct from half precision floating point data
static Mat from_float16(const unsigned short* data, int size);
// pointer to the data
void* data;
// pointer to the reference counter
// when points to user-allocated data, the pointer is NULL
int* refcount;
// element size in bytes
// 4 = float32/int32
// 2 = float16
// 1 = int8/uint8
// 0 = empty
size_t elemsize;
// packed count inside element
// c/1-d-h-w-1 c/1-h-w-1 h/1-w-1 w/1-1 scalar
// c/4-d-h-w-4 c/4-h-w-4 h/4-w-4 w/4-4 sse/neon
// c/8-d-h-w-8 c/8-h-w-8 h/8-w-8 w/8-8 avx/fp16
int elempack;
// the allocator
Allocator* allocator;
// the dimension rank
int dims;
int w;
int h;
int d;
int c;
size_t cstep;
// the three dimension matrix, vulkan version
// empty
// vec
VkMat(int w, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// image
VkMat(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// dim
VkMat(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// cube
VkMat(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// packed vec
VkMat(int w, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// packed image
VkMat(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// packed dim
VkMat(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// packed cube
VkMat(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// copy
VkMat(const VkMat& m);
// external vec
VkMat(int w, VkBufferMemory* data, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external image
VkMat(int w, int h, VkBufferMemory* data, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external dim
VkMat(int w, int h, int c, VkBufferMemory* data, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external cube
VkMat(int w, int h, int d, int c, VkBufferMemory* data, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external packed vec
VkMat(int w, VkBufferMemory* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external packed image
VkMat(int w, int h, VkBufferMemory* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external packed dim
VkMat(int w, int h, int c, VkBufferMemory* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external packed cube
VkMat(int w, int h, int d, int c, VkBufferMemory* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// release
// assign
VkMat& operator=(const VkMat& m);
// allocate vec
void create(int w, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate image
void create(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate dim
void create(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate cube
void create(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate packed vec
void create(int w, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate packed image
void create(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate packed dim
void create(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate packed cube
void create(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate like
void create_like(const Mat& m, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate like
void create_like(const VkMat& m, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate like
void create_like(const VkImageMat& im, VkAllocator* allocator);
// mapped
Mat mapped() const;
void* mapped_ptr() const;
// refcount++
void addref();
// refcount--
void release();
bool empty() const;
size_t total() const;
// bits per element
int elembits() const;
// shape only
Mat shape() const;
// low-level reference
VkBuffer buffer() const;
size_t buffer_offset() const;
size_t buffer_capacity() const;
// device buffer
VkBufferMemory* data;
// pointer to the reference counter
// when points to user-allocated data, the pointer is NULL
int* refcount;
// element size in bytes
// 4 = float32/int32
// 2 = float16
// 1 = int8/uint8
// 0 = empty
size_t elemsize;
// packed count inside element
// c/1-d-h-w-1 c/1-h-w-1 h/1-w-1 w/1-1 scalar
// c/4-d-h-w-4 c/4-h-w-4 h/4-w-4 w/4-4 sse/neon
// c/8-d-h-w-8 c/8-h-w-8 h/8-w-8 w/8-8 avx/fp16
int elempack;
// the allocator
VkAllocator* allocator;
// the dimension rank
int dims;
int w;
int h;
int d;
int c;
size_t cstep;
class NCNN_EXPORT VkImageMat
// empty
// vec
VkImageMat(int w, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// image
VkImageMat(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// dim
VkImageMat(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// cube
VkImageMat(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// packed vec
VkImageMat(int w, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// packed image
VkImageMat(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// packed dim
VkImageMat(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// packed cube
VkImageMat(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// copy
VkImageMat(const VkImageMat& m);
// external vec
VkImageMat(int w, VkImageMemory* data, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external image
VkImageMat(int w, int h, VkImageMemory* data, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external dim
VkImageMat(int w, int h, int c, VkImageMemory* data, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external cube
VkImageMat(int w, int h, int d, int c, VkImageMemory* data, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external packed vec
VkImageMat(int w, VkImageMemory* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external packed image
VkImageMat(int w, int h, VkImageMemory* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external packed dim
VkImageMat(int w, int h, int c, VkImageMemory* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// external packed cube
VkImageMat(int w, int h, int d, int c, VkImageMemory* data, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// release
// assign
VkImageMat& operator=(const VkImageMat& m);
// allocate vec
void create(int w, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate image
void create(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate dim
void create(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate cube
void create(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate packed vec
void create(int w, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate packed image
void create(int w, int h, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate packed dim
void create(int w, int h, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate packed cube
void create(int w, int h, int d, int c, size_t elemsize, int elempack, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate like
void create_like(const Mat& m, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate like
void create_like(const VkMat& m, VkAllocator* allocator);
// allocate like
void create_like(const VkImageMat& im, VkAllocator* allocator);
// mapped
Mat mapped() const;
void* mapped_ptr() const;
// refcount++
void addref();
// refcount--
void release();
bool empty() const;
size_t total() const;
// bits per element
int elembits() const;
// shape only
Mat shape() const;
// low-level reference
VkImage image() const;
VkImageView imageview() const;
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26
// convenient construct from android hardware buffer
static VkImageMat from_android_hardware_buffer(VkAndroidHardwareBufferImageAllocator* allocator);
#endif // __ANDROID_API__ >= 26
// device image
VkImageMemory* data;
// pointer to the reference counter
// when points to user-allocated data, the pointer is NULL
int* refcount;
// element size in bytes
// 4 = float32/int32
// 2 = float16
// 1 = int8/uint8
// 0 = empty
size_t elemsize;
// packed count inside element
// c/1-d-h-w-1 c/1-h-w-1 h/1-w-1 w/1-1 scalar
// c/4-d-h-w-4 c/4-h-w-4 h/4-w-4 w/4-4 sse/neon
// c/8-d-h-w-8 c/8-h-w-8 h/8-w-8 w/8-8 avx/fp16
int elempack;
// the allocator
VkAllocator* allocator;
// the dimension rank
int dims;
int w;
int h;
int d;
int c;
// type for vulkan specialization constant and push constant
union vk_specialization_type
int i;
float f;
uint32_t u32;
union vk_constant_type
int i;
float f;
#endif // NCNN_VULKAN
// misc function
// convert yuv420sp(nv21) to rgb, the fast approximate version
NCNN_EXPORT void yuv420sp2rgb(const unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, unsigned char* rgb);
// convert yuv420sp(nv12) to rgb, the fast approximate version
NCNN_EXPORT void yuv420sp2rgb_nv12(const unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, unsigned char* rgb);
// convert yuv420sp(nv21) to rgb with half resize, the faster approximate version
NCNN_EXPORT void yuv420sp2rgb_half(const unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, unsigned char* rgb);
// image pixel bilinear resize
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_c1(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h);
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_c2(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h);
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_c3(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h);
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_c4(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h);
// image pixel bilinear resize with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_c1(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride);
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_c2(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride);
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_c3(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride);
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_c4(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride);
// image pixel bilinear resize, convenient wrapper for yuv420sp(nv21/nv12)
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear_yuv420sp(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h);
#endif // NCNN_PIXEL
// type is the from type, 6 means rotating from 6 to 1
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 888888 888888 88 88 8888888888 88 88 8888888888
// 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
// 8888 8888 8888 8888 88 8888888888 8888888888 88
// 88 88 88 88
// 88 88 888888 888888
// ref
// image pixel kanna rotate
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_c1(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int type);
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_c2(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int type);
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_c3(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int type);
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_c4(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int type);
// image pixel kanna rotate with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_c1(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride, int type);
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_c2(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride, int type);
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_c3(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride, int type);
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_c4(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride, int type);
// image pixel kanna rotate, convenient wrapper for yuv420sp(nv21/nv12)
NCNN_EXPORT void kanna_rotate_yuv420sp(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int type);
// resolve affine transform matrix from rotation angle, scale factor and x y offset
NCNN_EXPORT void get_rotation_matrix(float angle, float scale, float dx, float dy, float* tm);
// resolve affine transform matrix from two set of points, num_point must be >= 2
NCNN_EXPORT void get_affine_transform(const float* points_from, const float* points_to, int num_point, float* tm);
// resolve the inversion affine transform matrix
NCNN_EXPORT void invert_affine_transform(const float* tm, float* tm_inv);
// image pixel bilinear warpaffine inverse transform, set -233 for transparent border color, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_c1(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_c2(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_c3(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_c4(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
// image pixel bilinear warpaffine inverse transform with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter, set -233 for transparent border color, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_c1(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_c2(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_c3(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_c4(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, int srcstride, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
// image pixel bilinear warpaffine, convenient wrapper for yuv420sp(nv21/nv12), set -233 for transparent border color, the color YUV_ is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void warpaffine_bilinear_yuv420sp(const unsigned char* src, int srcw, int srch, unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, const float* tm, int type = 0, unsigned int v = 0);
// draw rectangle, set thickness -1 for filled rectangle, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_c1(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_c2(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_c3(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_c4(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// draw rectangle with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter, set thickness -1 for filled rectangle, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_c1(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_c2(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_c3(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_c4(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// draw rectangle, convenient wrapper for yuv420sp(nv21/nv12), set thickness -1 for filled rectangle, the color YUV_ is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_rectangle_yuv420sp(unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// draw circle, set thickness -1 for filled circle, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_c1(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_c2(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_c3(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_c4(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// draw circle with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter, set thickness -1 for filled circle, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_c1(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_c2(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_c3(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_c4(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// draw circle, convenient wrapper for yuv420sp(nv21/nv12), set thickness -1 for filled circle, the color YUV_ is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_circle_yuv420sp(unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, int cx, int cy, int radius, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// draw line, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_c1(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_c2(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_c3(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_c4(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// draw line with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_c1(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_c2(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_c3(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_c4(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// draw line, convenient wrapper for yuv420sp(nv21/nv12), the color YUV_ is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_line_yuv420sp(unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color, int thickness);
// resolve text bounding box size
NCNN_EXPORT void get_text_drawing_size(const char* text, int fontpixelsize, int* w, int* h);
// draw ascii printables and newline, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_c1(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_c2(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_c3(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_c4(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
// draw ascii printables and newline with stride(bytes-per-row) parameter, the color RGBA is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_c1(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_c2(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_c3(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_c4(unsigned char* pixels, int w, int h, int stride, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
// draw ascii printables and newline, convenient wrapper for yuv420sp(nv21/nv12), the color YUV_ is little-endian encoded
NCNN_EXPORT void draw_text_yuv420sp(unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, const char* text, int x, int y, int fontpixelsize, unsigned int color);
// type conversion
// convert float to half precision floating point
NCNN_EXPORT unsigned short float32_to_float16(float value);
// convert half precision floating point to float
NCNN_EXPORT float float16_to_float32(unsigned short value);
// convert float to brain half
NCNN_EXPORT NCNN_FORCEINLINE unsigned short float32_to_bfloat16(float value)
// 16 : 16
unsigned int u;
float f;
} tmp;
tmp.f = value;
return tmp.u >> 16;
// convert brain half to float
NCNN_EXPORT NCNN_FORCEINLINE float bfloat16_to_float32(unsigned short value)
// 16 : 16
unsigned int u;
float f;
} tmp;
tmp.u = value << 16;
return tmp.f;
// mat process
enum BorderType
NCNN_EXPORT void copy_make_border(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int type, float v, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void copy_make_border_3d(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int front, int behind, int type, float v, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void copy_cut_border(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void copy_cut_border_3d(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int front, int behind, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_nearest(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int w, int h, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bilinear(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int w, int h, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void resize_bicubic(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int w, int h, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void convert_packing(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int elempack, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void flatten(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void cast_float32_to_float16(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void cast_float16_to_float32(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void cast_int8_to_float32(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void cast_float32_to_bfloat16(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void cast_bfloat16_to_float32(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void quantize_to_int8(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& scale_data, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void dequantize_from_int32(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& scale_data, const Mat& bias_data, const Option& opt = Option());
NCNN_EXPORT void requantize_from_int32_to_int8(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& scale_in_data, const Mat& scale_out_data, const Mat& bias_data, int activation_type, const Mat& activation_params, const Option& opt = Option());
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, size_t _elemsize, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, size_t _elemsize, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, int _c, size_t _elemsize, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _c, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, size_t _elemsize, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _d, _c, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, int _c, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _c, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _d, _c, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(const Mat& m)
: data(, refcount(m.refcount), elemsize(m.elemsize), elempack(m.elempack), allocator(m.allocator), dims(m.dims), w(m.w), h(m.h), d(m.d), c(m.c), cstep(m.cstep)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, void* _data, size_t _elemsize, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(1), w(_w), h(1), d(1), c(1)
cstep = w;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, void* _data, size_t _elemsize, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(2), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(1)
cstep = (size_t)w * h;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, int _c, void* _data, size_t _elemsize, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(3), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(_c)
cstep = alignSize((size_t)w * h * elemsize, 16) / elemsize;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, void* _data, size_t _elemsize, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(4), w(_w), h(_h), d(_d), c(_c)
cstep = alignSize((size_t)w * h * d * elemsize, 16) / elemsize;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, void* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(1), w(_w), h(1), d(1), c(1)
cstep = w;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, void* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(2), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(1)
cstep = (size_t)w * h;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, int _c, void* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(3), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(_c)
cstep = alignSize((size_t)w * h * elemsize, 16) / elemsize;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::Mat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, void* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, Allocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(4), w(_w), h(_h), d(_d), c(_c)
cstep = alignSize((size_t)w * h * d * elemsize, 16) / elemsize;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(float _v)
int size = (int)total();
float* ptr = (float*)data;
int i = 0;
#if __ARM_NEON
float32x4_t _c = vdupq_n_f32(_v);
for (; i + 3 < size; i += 4)
vst1q_f32(ptr, _c);
ptr += 4;
#endif // __ARM_NEON
for (; i < size; i++)
*ptr++ = _v;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(int _v)
int size = (int)total();
int* ptr = (int*)data;
int i = 0;
#if __ARM_NEON
int32x4_t _c = vdupq_n_s32(_v);
for (; i + 3 < size; i += 4)
vst1q_s32(ptr, _c);
ptr += 4;
#endif // __ARM_NEON
for (; i < size; i++)
*ptr++ = _v;
#if __ARM_NEON
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(float32x4_t _v)
int size = (int)total();
float* ptr = (float*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vst1q_f32(ptr, _v);
ptr += 4;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(uint16x4_t _v)
int size = (int)total();
unsigned short* ptr = (unsigned short*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vst1_u16(ptr, _v);
ptr += 4;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(int32x4_t _v)
int size = (int)total();
int* ptr = (int*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vst1q_s32(ptr, _v);
ptr += 4;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(int32x4_t _v0, int32x4_t _v1)
int size = (int)total();
int* ptr = (int*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vst1q_s32(ptr, _v0);
vst1q_s32(ptr + 4, _v1);
ptr += 8;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(float16x4_t _v)
int size = (int)total();
__fp16* ptr = (__fp16*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vst1_f16(ptr, _v);
ptr += 4;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(float16x8_t _v)
int size = (int)total();
__fp16* ptr = (__fp16*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vst1q_f16(ptr, _v);
ptr += 8;
#endif // __ARM_NEON
#if __SSE2__
#if __AVX__
#if __AVX512F__
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(__m512 _v)
int size = (int)total();
float* ptr = (float*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
_mm512_storeu_ps(ptr, _v);
ptr += 16;
#endif // __AVX512F__
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(__m256 _v, int _i)
// old gcc cannot overload __m128 and __m256 type
// add a dummy int parameter for different mangled function symbol
int size = (int)total();
float* ptr = (float*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
_mm256_storeu_ps(ptr, _v);
ptr += 8;
#endif // __AVX__
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(__m128 _v)
int size = (int)total();
float* ptr = (float*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
_mm_storeu_ps(ptr, _v);
ptr += 4;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(__m128i _v)
int size = (int)total();
unsigned short* ptr = (unsigned short*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)ptr, _v);
ptr += 8;
#endif // __SSE2__
#if __mips_msa
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(v4f32 _v)
int size = (int)total();
float* ptr = (float*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
__msa_st_w((v4i32)_v, ptr, 0);
ptr += 4;
#endif // __mips_msa
#if __loongarch_sx
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(__m128 _v)
int size = (int)total();
float* ptr = (float*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
__lsx_vst(_v, ptr, 0);
ptr += 4;
#endif // __loongarch_sx
#if __riscv_vector
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(vfloat32m1_t _v)
const int packn = cpu_riscv_vlenb() / 4;
const size_t vl = vsetvl_e32m1(packn);
int size = (int)total();
float* ptr = (float*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vse32_v_f32m1(ptr, _v, vl);
ptr += packn;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(vuint16m1_t _v)
const int packn = cpu_riscv_vlenb() / 2;
const size_t vl = vsetvl_e16m1(packn);
int size = (int)total();
unsigned short* ptr = (unsigned short*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vse16_v_u16m1(ptr, _v, vl);
ptr += packn;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(vint8m1_t _v)
const int packn = cpu_riscv_vlenb() / 1;
const size_t vl = vsetvl_e8m1(packn);
int size = (int)total();
signed char* ptr = (signed char*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vse8_v_i8m1(ptr, _v, vl);
ptr += packn;
#if __riscv_zfh
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(vfloat16m1_t _v)
const int packn = cpu_riscv_vlenb() / 2;
const size_t vl = vsetvl_e16m1(packn);
int size = (int)total();
__fp16* ptr = (__fp16*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vse16_v_f16m1(ptr, _v, vl);
ptr += packn;
#endif // __riscv_zfh
#endif // __riscv_vector
template<typename T>
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::fill(T _v)
int size = (int)total();
T* ptr = (T*)data;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
ptr[i] = _v;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat& Mat::operator=(const Mat& m)
if (this == &m)
return *this;
if (m.refcount)
NCNN_XADD(m.refcount, 1);
data =;
refcount = m.refcount;
elemsize = m.elemsize;
elempack = m.elempack;
allocator = m.allocator;
dims = m.dims;
w = m.w;
h = m.h;
d = m.d;
c = m.c;
cstep = m.cstep;
return *this;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::addref()
if (refcount)
NCNN_XADD(refcount, 1);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void Mat::release()
if (refcount && NCNN_XADD(refcount, -1) == 1)
if (allocator)
data = 0;
elemsize = 0;
elempack = 0;
dims = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
d = 0;
c = 0;
cstep = 0;
refcount = 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE bool Mat::empty() const
return data == 0 || total() == 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE size_t Mat::total() const
return cstep * c;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE int Mat::elembits() const
return elempack ? static_cast<int>(elemsize * 8) / elempack : 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat Mat::shape() const
if (dims == 1)
return Mat(w * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 2)
return Mat(w, h * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 3)
return Mat(w, h, c * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 4)
return Mat(w, h, d, c * elempack, (void*)0);
return Mat();
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat Mat::channel(int _c)
Mat m(w, h, d, (unsigned char*)data + cstep * _c * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
m.dims = dims - 1;
if (dims == 4)
m.cstep = (size_t)w * h;
return m;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const Mat Mat::channel(int _c) const
Mat m(w, h, d, (unsigned char*)data + cstep * _c * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
m.dims = dims - 1;
if (dims == 4)
m.cstep = (size_t)w * h;
return m;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat Mat::depth(int z)
return Mat(w, h, (unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * h * z * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const Mat Mat::depth(int z) const
return Mat(w, h, (unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * h * z * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE float* Mat::row(int y)
return (float*)((unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * y * elemsize);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const float* Mat::row(int y) const
return (const float*)((unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * y * elemsize);
template<typename T>
NCNN_FORCEINLINE T* Mat::row(int y)
return (T*)((unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * y * elemsize);
template<typename T>
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const T* Mat::row(int y) const
return (const T*)((unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * y * elemsize);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat Mat::channel_range(int _c, int channels)
Mat m(w, h, d, channels, (unsigned char*)data + cstep * _c * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
m.dims = dims;
return m;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const Mat Mat::channel_range(int _c, int channels) const
Mat m(w, h, d, channels, (unsigned char*)data + cstep * _c * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
m.dims = dims;
return m;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat Mat::depth_range(int z, int depths)
Mat m(w, h, depths, (unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * h * z * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
m.cstep = (size_t)w * h;
return m;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const Mat Mat::depth_range(int z, int depths) const
Mat m(w, h, depths, (unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * h * z * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
m.cstep = (size_t)w * h;
return m;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat Mat::row_range(int y, int rows)
return Mat(w, rows, (unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * y * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const Mat Mat::row_range(int y, int rows) const
return Mat(w, rows, (unsigned char*)data + (size_t)w * y * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat Mat::range(int x, int n)
return Mat(n, (unsigned char*)data + x * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const Mat Mat::range(int x, int n) const
return Mat(n, (unsigned char*)data + x * elemsize, elemsize, elempack, allocator);
template<typename T>
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::operator T*()
return (T*)data;
template<typename T>
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat::operator const T*() const
return (const T*)data;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE float& Mat::operator[](size_t i)
return ((float*)data)[i];
NCNN_FORCEINLINE const float& Mat::operator[](size_t i) const
return ((const float*)data)[i];
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, int _c, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _c, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _d, _c, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, int _c, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _c, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0), cstep(0)
create(_w, _h, _d, _c, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(const VkMat& m)
: data(, refcount(m.refcount), elemsize(m.elemsize), elempack(m.elempack), allocator(m.allocator), dims(m.dims), w(m.w), h(m.h), d(m.d), c(m.c)
cstep = m.cstep;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, VkBufferMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(1), w(_w), h(1), d(1), c(1)
cstep = w;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, VkBufferMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(2), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(1)
cstep = w * h;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, int _c, VkBufferMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(3), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(_c)
cstep = alignSize(w * h * elemsize, 16) / elemsize;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, VkBufferMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(4), w(_w), h(_h), d(_d), c(_c)
cstep = alignSize(w * h * d * elemsize, 16) / elemsize;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, VkBufferMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(1), w(_w), h(1), d(1), c(1)
cstep = w;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, VkBufferMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(2), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(1)
cstep = w * h;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, int _c, VkBufferMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(3), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(_c)
cstep = alignSize(w * h * elemsize, 16) / elemsize;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat::VkMat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, VkBufferMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(4), w(_w), h(_h), d(_d), c(_c)
cstep = alignSize(w * h * d * elemsize, 16) / elemsize;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkMat& VkMat::operator=(const VkMat& m)
if (this == &m)
return *this;
if (m.refcount)
NCNN_XADD(m.refcount, 1);
data =;
refcount = m.refcount;
elemsize = m.elemsize;
elempack = m.elempack;
allocator = m.allocator;
dims = m.dims;
w = m.w;
h = m.h;
d = m.d;
c = m.c;
cstep = m.cstep;
return *this;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat VkMat::mapped() const
if (!allocator->mappable)
return Mat();
if (dims == 1)
return Mat(w, mapped_ptr(), elemsize, elempack, 0);
if (dims == 2)
return Mat(w, h, mapped_ptr(), elemsize, elempack, 0);
if (dims == 3)
return Mat(w, h, c, mapped_ptr(), elemsize, elempack, 0);
if (dims == 4)
return Mat(w, h, d, c, mapped_ptr(), elemsize, elempack, 0);
return Mat();
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void* VkMat::mapped_ptr() const
if (!allocator->mappable)
return 0;
return (unsigned char*)data->mapped_ptr + data->offset;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void VkMat::addref()
if (refcount)
NCNN_XADD(refcount, 1);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void VkMat::release()
if (refcount && NCNN_XADD(refcount, -1) == 1)
if (allocator && data)
data = 0;
elemsize = 0;
elempack = 0;
dims = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
d = 0;
c = 0;
cstep = 0;
refcount = 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE bool VkMat::empty() const
return data == 0 || total() == 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE size_t VkMat::total() const
return cstep * c;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE int VkMat::elembits() const
return elempack ? static_cast<int>(elemsize) * 8 / elempack : 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat VkMat::shape() const
if (dims == 1)
return Mat(w * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 2)
return Mat(w, h * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 3)
return Mat(w, h, c * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 4)
return Mat(w, h, d, c * elempack, (void*)0);
return Mat();
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkBuffer VkMat::buffer() const
return data->buffer;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE size_t VkMat::buffer_offset() const
return data->offset;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE size_t VkMat::buffer_capacity() const
return data->capacity;
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
create(_w, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
create(_w, _h, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, int _c, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
create(_w, _h, _c, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
create(_w, _h, _d, _c, _elemsize, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
create(_w, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
create(_w, _h, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, int _c, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
create(_w, _h, _c, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(0), refcount(0), elemsize(0), elempack(0), allocator(0), dims(0), w(0), h(0), d(0), c(0)
create(_w, _h, _d, _c, _elemsize, _elempack, _allocator);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(const VkImageMat& m)
: data(, refcount(m.refcount), elemsize(m.elemsize), elempack(m.elempack), allocator(m.allocator), dims(m.dims), w(m.w), h(m.h), d(m.d), c(m.c)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, VkImageMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(1), w(_w), h(1), d(1), c(1)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, VkImageMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(2), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(1)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, int _c, VkImageMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(3), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(_c)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, VkImageMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(1), allocator(_allocator), dims(4), w(_w), h(_h), d(_d), c(_c)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, VkImageMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(1), w(_w), h(1), d(1), c(1)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, VkImageMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(2), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(1)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, int _c, VkImageMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(3), w(_w), h(_h), d(1), c(_c)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::VkImageMat(int _w, int _h, int _d, int _c, VkImageMemory* _data, size_t _elemsize, int _elempack, VkAllocator* _allocator)
: data(_data), refcount(0), elemsize(_elemsize), elempack(_elempack), allocator(_allocator), dims(4), w(_w), h(_h), d(_d), c(_c)
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat::~VkImageMat()
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageMat& VkImageMat::operator=(const VkImageMat& m)
if (this == &m)
return *this;
if (m.refcount)
NCNN_XADD(m.refcount, 1);
data =;
refcount = m.refcount;
elemsize = m.elemsize;
elempack = m.elempack;
allocator = m.allocator;
dims = m.dims;
w = m.w;
h = m.h;
d = m.d;
c = m.c;
return *this;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat VkImageMat::mapped() const
if (!allocator->mappable || !data->mapped_ptr)
return Mat();
if (dims == 1)
return Mat(w, mapped_ptr(), elemsize, elempack, 0);
if (dims == 2)
return Mat(w, h, mapped_ptr(), elemsize, elempack, 0);
if (dims == 3)
return Mat(w, h, c, mapped_ptr(), elemsize, elempack, 0);
if (dims == 4)
return Mat(w, h, d, c, mapped_ptr(), elemsize, elempack, 0);
return Mat();
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void* VkImageMat::mapped_ptr() const
if (!allocator->mappable || !data->mapped_ptr)
return 0;
return (unsigned char*)data->mapped_ptr + data->bind_offset;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void VkImageMat::addref()
if (refcount)
NCNN_XADD(refcount, 1);
NCNN_FORCEINLINE void VkImageMat::release()
if (refcount && NCNN_XADD(refcount, -1) == 1)
if (allocator && data)
data = 0;
elemsize = 0;
elempack = 0;
dims = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
d = 0;
c = 0;
refcount = 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE bool VkImageMat::empty() const
return data == 0 || total() == 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE size_t VkImageMat::total() const
return w * h * d * c;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE int VkImageMat::elembits() const
return elempack ? static_cast<int>(elemsize) * 8 / elempack : 0;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE Mat VkImageMat::shape() const
if (dims == 1)
return Mat(w * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 2)
return Mat(w, h * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 3)
return Mat(w, h, c * elempack, (void*)0);
if (dims == 4)
return Mat(w, h, d, c * elempack, (void*)0);
return Mat();
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImage VkImageMat::image() const
return data->image;
NCNN_FORCEINLINE VkImageView VkImageMat::imageview() const
return data->imageview;
#endif // NCNN_VULKAN
} // namespace ncnn
#endif // NCNN_MAT_H