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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import torch
from .. import tasks
from .. import models
from .. import losses
from ..datasets import MMDataset
from .. import processors
class Task(object):
A task refers to one generic training task (e.g., training one model).
def config_task(cls, config):
determine whether to load a hard-coded task or config from a generic one.
via if a task string is available in config.
if config.task is not None:
# TODO (huxu): expand the search scope.
task_cls = getattr(tasks, config.task)
return task_cls(config)
return Task(config)
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.train_data = None
self.val_data = None
self.test_data = None
self.model = None
self.loss_fn = None
self.eval_fn = None
def build_dataset(self):
"""TODO (huxu): move processor breakdown to MMDataset."""
"""fill-in `self.train_data`, `self.val_data` and `self.test_data`."""
meta_processor_cls = getattr(
processors, self.config.dataset.meta_processor)
video_processor_cls = getattr(
processors, self.config.dataset.video_processor)
text_processor_cls = getattr(
processors, self.config.dataset.text_processor)
aligner_cls = getattr(
processors, self.config.dataset.aligner)
if self.config.dataset.train_path is not None:
self.config.dataset.split = "train"
# may be used by meta processor.
# meta_processor controls different dataset.
meta_processor = meta_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
video_processor = video_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
text_processor = text_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
aligner = aligner_cls(self.config.dataset)
self.train_data = MMDataset(
meta_processor, video_processor, text_processor, aligner
print("train_len", len(self.train_data))
output = self.train_data[0]
if self.config.dataset.val_path is not None:
self.config.dataset.split = "valid"
# may be used by meta processor.
meta_processor = meta_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
video_processor = video_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
text_processor = text_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
aligner = aligner_cls(self.config.dataset)
self.val_data = MMDataset(
meta_processor, video_processor, text_processor, aligner
print("val_len", len(self.val_data))
output = self.val_data[0]
if self.config.dataset.split == "test":
# the following is run via lauching fairseq-validate.
meta_processor = meta_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
video_processor = video_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
text_processor = text_processor_cls(self.config.dataset)
self.test_data = MMDataset(
meta_processor, video_processor, text_processor, aligner
print("test_len", len(self.test_data))
output = self.test_data[0]
def build_model(self, checkpoint=None):
if self.model is None:
model_cls = getattr(models, self.config.model.model_cls)
self.model = model_cls(self.config)
if checkpoint is not None:
return self.model
def load_checkpoint(self, checkpoint):
if self.model is None:
raise ValueError("model is not initialized.")
state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint)
state_dict = self._trim_state_dict(state_dict)
self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
# if it's a fp16 model, turn it back.
if next(self.model.parameters()).dtype == torch.float16:
self.model = self.model.float()
return self.model
def _trim_state_dict(self, state_dict):
from collections import OrderedDict
if "state_dict" in state_dict:
state_dict = state_dict["state_dict"]
if "model" in state_dict: # fairseq checkpoint format.
state_dict = state_dict["model"]
ret_state_dict = OrderedDict()
for (
) in state_dict.items():
# remove fairseq wrapper since this is a task.
if key.startswith("mmmodel"):
key = key[len("mmmodel."):]
ret_state_dict[key] = value
return ret_state_dict
def build_loss(self):
if self.loss_fn is None and self.config.loss is not None:
loss_cls = getattr(losses, self.config.loss.loss_cls)
self.loss_fn = loss_cls()
return self.loss_fn
def flat_subsample(self, tensor):
size = tensor.size()
if len(size) >= 2:
batch_size = size[0] * size[1]
expanded_size = (
(batch_size,) + size[2:] if len(size) > 2
else (batch_size,)
tensor = tensor.view(expanded_size)
return tensor
def reshape_subsample(self, sample):
if (
hasattr(self.config.dataset, "subsampling")
and self.config.dataset.subsampling is not None
and self.config.dataset.subsampling > 1
for key in sample:
if torch.is_tensor(sample[key]):
sample[key] = self.flat_subsample(sample[key])
return sample
def __call__(self, model, sample):
loss = None
loss_scalar = float("inf")
sample = self.reshape_subsample(sample)
outputs = self.model(**sample)
if self.loss_fn is not None:
loss = self.loss_fn(**sample)
loss_scalar = loss.item()
batch_size = sample["caps"].size(0)
sample_size = 1
return {
"loss": loss,
"loss_scalar": loss_scalar,
"max_len": self.config.dataset.max_len,
"batch_size": batch_size,
"sample_size": sample_size,
def build_dataloader(self):
"""only used for trainer that lacks building loaders."""
raise NotImplementedError