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Based on this model, we implemented an experimental method, which makes it possible to investigate materials with significantly different photodegradation rates.
Precise refinement of the atomic structure of the natrolite mineral with localization of water molecules.
Hereinafter, the points are the experimental values, the solid curve are the calculated values, the difference curve is shown at the bottom, and the dashes are the positions of Bragg reflections.
Formation of metastable phases during crystallization of iron-based amorphous alloys.
Magnetoelectric Effect in Three-Layer Asymmetric Structures in the Region of Bending Vibration Modes
Laser desorption of organic compound ions from the silicon surface modified by laser radiation.
A solution of phthalocyanine in water was placed in a cell.
However, this situation is not hypothetically excluded and may be an exception to the rule.
The widespread application of X rays in modern science and technology calls for the development of efficient methods and devices for detecting X rays.
The samples were prepared by pressing KBr pellets.
This study was supported in part by the I.10 program of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Strong ultrashort electromagnetic pulses and their interaction with objects and media."
Crystals, which are formed into jets and bonded together by an amorphous component, form relatively strong sheet (lepidoid) structures.
Design drawbacks of the Schottky balk diodes.
Fluctuations arising when an electric current passes through different media.
Magnetostimulated changes in the microhardness of kdp crystals doped with tio2 nanoparticles.
To the technique of studying interfacial kinetics and anisotropy of specific interfacial energy from experiments on migration of liquid cylindrical inclusions in a crystal under stationary thermal conditions.
When studying local regions of dielectric samples, some experimental difficulties arise.
These crystals are used in systems with high energy density and pulse power, as well as for generation of the fourth harmonic of YAG:Nd lasers (1.06 μm by 0.26 μm), because they provide a high efficiency of this conversion.
In this context, the film distribution into thick and thin films is conditional.
The positions of the focal spots differ only slightly.
The superposition of spectral densities mainly corresponds to the first focal spot (Fig. 3b), which should undergo the main distortions at source resolution.
The criterion for detecting the source is the presence of a pronounced signal peak, which dominates over the interference peaks, and the detection function.
The information is processed simultaneously throughout the entire time-frequency range.
The computational experiment was performed using the interferometric method.
Both polished and unpolished plates were used.
Bulk crystallization generally develops after the surface crystallization.
The method of deposition of QD layers on a polymer layer and replacement of ligands was similar to the method used to fabricate films on glass.
To prepare them, a QD solution with an OK as a ligand in toluene with a volume of 50 μl and a concentration of 10 mg/mL was deposited on a preliminarily purified glass substrate, which was then rotated for 30 s at an angular rate of 1500 rpm.
The alignment of the IR channel of the FSR is considered as the conjugation procedure.
The band of 700 cm1 for the compared methods is normalized with respect to the intensity.
The use of different IR methods is related to the desire to achieve a higher reliability of the measurement results.
The results of measuring in the IR spectral range of 4000400 cm1 polystyrene samples obtained by the methods of transmission, specular reflection, violated total internal reflection, and diffuse reflection were compared.
The transition from the information contained in the initial image to the encoded form in the frequency range makes it possible to formalize it.
When approaching 1, the range of the velocity and temperature boundaries implementing anomalous heat transfer occupies a significant part of the plane, which makes it possible to choose the boundary parameters far from the boundary, which leads to a large anomalous temperature difference.
In the case of glasses, the occurrence of a negatively charged particle may affect the crystallization process.
On the assumption that the crystallization center is a charged particle, alkali ions may collect in the region around this particle, which facilitates the crystallization.
The method consists in the fact that the glass under study is kept first at low temperatures, at which crystals nucleate; afterwards, at a higher temperature, the nucleated crystals can grow to sizes visible in an optical microscope, and new crystals barely nucleate.
The composition boundaries, in which the catalyzing effect of irradiation under certain conditions changes to the opposite one, which suppresses crystallization according to the autocatalytic mechanism, are shown.
The sample was specially chosen so as to make the concentrations approximately identical.
To study all discrete states of amphoteric impurities of subgroup IB, special doping conditions are required.
The spot periphery is occupied by silicon oxide, silicon carbide, and silicon residues, which form a high-disperse structure with many pores and cracks.
An example of this fascination of droplets behind the pulled film is photographs of soap-bubble burning.
A significant fraction of the mass loss due to the effect of laser radiation on the acqm samples is due to a combination of physicochemical processes.
This dependence can be as pronounced as changes in the ionic conductivity.
The measurement method is based on the use of a fiber laser cavity.
Having left the terms in square brackets on the right-hand sides of the nondiagonal current matrix elements (15), containing the factor @p, averaged over the inner ring radius, the differential cross section for all @m values can be written as follows.
The second process is when absorption of one photon in a crystal leads to emission of two photons with a lower energy.
The melt solution was heated to a temperature on the order of 1150°C and kept under these conditions for 24 h until its complete best homogenization.
Laser diodes emitting in the spectral range of about 1 μm are generally used as pump sources for these lasers.
It attracts attention of developers of laser systems due to specific features such as comparative safety for the eyes, low loss and distortion during propagation through atmosphere and quartz fibers, and the presence of sensitive and inexpensive photodetectors.
The cavity can be tuned so that these two frequencies coincide.
We assume that the self-similarity of the curves is related to a purely geometric factor.
The process of capture is mainly collisional.
The table-top mechanism of carrier relaxation is calculated taking into account their inhomogeneous resonant-frequency distribution, frequency shift with a change in the pump current, and different mechanisms of carrier relaxation, which operate differently with a change in the pump current.
Thus, the surface structures were compared for the first time.
The performed analysis of the electron microscopy images of the surface revealed sputtering of the surface lattices.
The arrows in Fig. 7a and 7d indicate the laser polarization orientations for the upper series of figures, respectively.
Nanoribbons of three types were found upon exposure to the silicon surface.
This (correlation) indicates gradual selection of the preferred direction of the lattice wave vector; it also indicates the possibility of improving the quality.
The data are arranged in the order of increasing the annealing temperature.
The elemental distribution profiles are reduced to unity.
A uniform distribution of atoms in the film is observed.
The mechanism can be changed by applying a voltage to the crystal structure in the (111) direction.
These studies will be carried out in the near future.
The dissolution time in water should not be strictly related to the symmetry type.
There is no generally accepted understanding of which dominant mechanisms determine relaxation processes.
Most likely, cations and octahedra do not move independently.
There may be simultaneous existence of two types of structural disorder.
The small and deep states of this ion are separated by a much larger potential barrier than for indium.
This structure can be stable under conditions where the atomic thermal oscillation amplitudes are high, which is possible only at high temperatures.
However, there are serious doubts about the unambiguity of the thus obtained values of these parameters.
Obtaining dispersion equations for these modes does not cause any fundamental difficulties.
Constant illumination of the sample shifts the resonant-peak position to lower stress and induces instability in the stationary waveguide.
Although the possibility of implementing the channel decreases, it is achievable in practice.
A simple possibility of changing the width of the band gap of the layer, in which photons are absorbed and, accordingly, varied within fairly wide wavelength limits.
Detectors based on the direct detection of the carrier excited by one photon.
Inadequate efficiency of light-quantum detection.
The spectrum of the lateral beam at an angle of 17 mrad to the central one.
Localized states at the center of the band gap.
Sandwich structures based on semiconductors.
With a further increase in the impurity amount, the c value remains almost constant.
Pumps for packing electronics and electrical products.
Smelting thresholds manifest themselves to a lesser extent with a decrease in the silver concentration.
The production of devices recording radiation is organized based on these matrices.
Note also the absence of peaks related to oxygen and carbon.
The samples were cut from well-branched crystals along the (001) crystallographic planes.
This study was supported in part by the Russian Academy of Sciences.
One might expect that the phase will narrow under stress.
Averaging was performed over 610 measurements for 1015 dU/dt values.
Case of illumination by visible spectral range radiation.
The essence of this mechanism is as follows.
The intrinsic luminescence band shifts to the high-energy spectral range with a decrease in temperature.
The absence of the receiver saturation was specially controlled.
The lateral crystal surface for radiation in the first band was assumed to be specular.
The ionization processes are initially unfolded not in the entire tube but near the electrode, to which the potential was deposited.
If Y is the frequency of formation of random electrons in the discharge bulk and W is the probability that the arising electron will cause a breakdown, then ts = 1/YW.
The difference between the average breakdown voltage under irradiation and this value under tube darkening was studied.
The unique electronic and optical properties of atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials (e.g., graphene, graphene oxide, molybdenum disulfide, etc.) demonstrate immense potential for designing ultrahigh-density nano- and bioelectronics for innovative information systems.
Photocatalytic oxidation of graphene is an efficient method for fabricating 2D memristors with photoresistive switching for energy-independent memory of ultrahigh capacitance.
After compression, ten layers were successively transferred by the horizontal transfer method.
Figure 2b shows the typical cyclic voltage characteristic of the manufactured device in conventional (solid line) and logarithmic (dotted line) coordinates.
The next stage of this study will be physical implementation and testing of an ordered-activity generator based on developed memristive devices.
We are grateful to Y.N. Malachova for the help in preparing memristive elements.
Physical regularities of lightmaterial interaction, which determine specific features of spatial distribution of light-field characteristics, can be experimentally investigated using nonlinear bulk photographic materials with luminescence imaging of the bulk images induced in them.
It was shown that a single laser filament induces a longitudinal periodic concentration distribution of luminescent color centers in the medium due to a periodic change in the amplitude of a single-period wave packet due to the phase and group velocity differences.
The purpose of this study was to analyze in more detail the properties of this material.
The initial suggestion that these components are related, accordingly, to two spectral bands observed in Fig. 1a was not confirmed when measuring the ratio of amplitudes of these components, measured in different spectral ranges.
One should note the experimental fact that the following spectrum recorded at a lower temperature of 420 K had a lower intensity as compared with 440 K.
This result indicates that the decrease in the luminescence intensity upon heating above 400 K is due to the decrease in the centers concentration due to their temperature instability rather than the luminescence quenching due to nonradiative transitions.
To date, the dynamic interaction of impurities with dislocations has been studied well for materials with a faceted cubic (FCC) crystal lattice structure [14, 15] and much less for crystals with an OCC structure, semiconductors, ceramics, and other materials, in which the dislocation motion is controlled by a high potential lattice relief (also referred to as Peierls barriers [16].
Both the static aging of stationary dislocations and the dynamic aging of dislocations during their motion under an applied load are experimentally studied.
The main attention will be paid to the calculation of the filling of state d, while the other states within the simplest approximation will be considered as weakly perturbed and interpreted as a reservoir with a constant mean concentration of c0.
At any initial impurity state in the core after dislocation displacement for several lattice periods, the kinetic dependence cdst(t) is established, which is repeated in subsequent steps.
The dependence of the stationary amplitude concentration of impurities in the dislocation atmosphere on the time of expectation of dislocation shift to the lattice period ta or, equivalently, on its average velocity V = a/ta, given by relation (13), is the main result of the calculation and has numerous implications.
The dislocation velocity through barriers, depending on the homogeneous driving force, can be approximated (as is generally done in [21]) using the thermal activation law.
At the harmonic (the so-called sinusoidal) potential relief of the lattice, the degree indices are approximately equal: q ≈ 1, p ≈ 1.3, which will be used to illustrate the calculation.
However, in materials containing impurities, an anomalous increase in the straining voltage with an increase in temperature is often observed in some temperature ranges.
These data were chosen for illustration, because, according to their authors, the mechanical properties studied under saturation conditions under cyclic loading exhibit a high sensitivity to the influence of impurities.
Thus, we developed a model for describing dynamic deformation aging of metals with bcc crystal lattice structure, caused by the interaction of dislocation and impurity subsystems of the material.
The calculation results make it possible to trace the main qualitative regularities of the influence of the impurity subsystem and estimate the role of different material parameters.
The "black hole" effect for elastic waves in deformed bodies with peak sharpenings, which "absorbs" the vibrational energy without returning it to the solid part of the body, was revealed in [1].
An elastic body with a broken sharpening tip acquires a sticky boundary and a discrete spectrum (i.e., the continuous spectrum provoking the wave processes is absent).
First, we obtained to a great extent explicit formulas for intrinsic vibrational frequencies of the Kirchhoff beam (the same one-dimensional model as in the original study [1]) with a thinning but damped end.
The results were reported in [12, 13] and partially published in [14].
Nevertheless, the accepted conditions make it possible to divide the eigenfrequencies into groups with regular behavior, which is violated only at collisions with the low-mobility eigenfrequencies.
The spectral structures of three- and two-dimensional elastic bodies are much more diverse in comparison with the one-dimensional models.
Fat lines indicate low-mobility eigenfrequencies, which are absent in the spectrum of the Kerchhof beam mastered (Fig. 1b) but may occur in the spectrum of a three-dimensional body with a broken peak (Fig. 3b).
The Laplace equation with the Szeklow spectral conditions in the region with a rotation peak, describing waves on the heavy liquid surface [21], was studied in [22].
Therefore, the {240} polytype (and its substructures, in which the number of symmetry transformations is also fairly large) can serve as "ideal prototypes" for ordered tetracorporate structures in space E 3.
In other words, the existence of the theoretical "ideal prototype" determines the possibility of its realization; however, it does not guarantee that the corresponding structure will necessarily exist under these physical conditions, because some other factors may hinder this.
Version II is justified by the fact that the "white" and "black" polythops {3,3,5} are combined into the {240} polytype by the second-order transformation, which also combines the "white" and "black" 10-vertex layers (Hopf layers for the {3,3,5} polythops) into one 20-vertex layer [3, 9] of the Hopf layer for the {240} polytype.
The problem is to find the group of automorphisms of each system under study (i.e., groups of the maximum possible order).
The signal-to-interference ratio at the interferometric field-processing output of the noise source in the ocean waveguide was estimated.
For input CRLs, where coherent accumulation of interference peaks of the source noise field along localized bands is implemented, detection of the source according to the NeumannPearson criterion was considered using a single receiver.
This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 19-08-00941.
The creation of these materials using nanotechnologies is an important line of development of modern materials science, because they have unique physico-mechanical properties, which make it possible to use them efficiently in designs subjected to high-intensity external impacts [1, 2].
The general methodology for constructing and studying these models is far from complete and requires further development.
The method of integral transforms for both limited regions of the canonical type (plate, cylinder, sphere) and partially bounded regions is irreplaceable when solving analytical linear transport problems (heat and mass) with inhomogeneities of the general form in the main equation and boundary conditions (initial and boundary conditions).
Despite the results obtained in this field, some questions remain poorly studied and call for further consideration.
The conventional approach based on classical concepts of mathematical physics, related to complex calculations of the spectral functions of the SturmLiouville problem [6, 9], hinders the construction of both the integral transformation and the inversion formula for it.
This publication is devoted to the solution of this problem.
Despite the practical importance of this form in thermal physics, it has been studied relatively recently; to date, the corresponding mathematical apparatus in the theory of integral transformations has been developed only slightly.
In [16], we considered the theory of integral transforms for the generalized equation of time-dependent thermal conductivity in a body (plate, cylinder, or sphere); however, the result for the third boundary-value problem should be refined.