import numpy as np |
import tensorflow as tf |
def compare_torch_tf(torch_tensor, tf_tensor): |
""" Compute the average absolute difference b/w torch and tf tensors """ |
return abs(torch_tensor.detach().numpy() - tf_tensor.numpy()).mean() |
def convert_tf_name(tf_name): |
""" Convert certain patterns in TF layer names to Torch patterns """ |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name_tmp.replace(':0', '') |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name_tmp.replace('/forward_lstm/lstm_cell_1/recurrent_kernel', '/weight_hh_l0') |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name_tmp.replace('/forward_lstm/lstm_cell_2/kernel', '/weight_ih_l1') |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name_tmp.replace('/recurrent_kernel', '/weight_hh') |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name_tmp.replace('/kernel', '/weight') |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name_tmp.replace('/gamma', '/weight') |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name_tmp.replace('/beta', '/bias') |
tf_name_tmp = tf_name_tmp.replace('/', '.') |
return tf_name_tmp |
def transfer_weights_torch_to_tf(tf_vars, var_map_dict, state_dict): |
""" Transfer weigths from torch state_dict to TF variables """ |
print(" > Passing weights from Torch to TF ...") |
for tf_var in tf_vars: |
torch_var_name = var_map_dict[tf_var.name] |
print(f' | > {tf_var.name} <-- {torch_var_name}') |
if 'kernel' in tf_var.name: |
torch_weight = state_dict[torch_var_name] |
numpy_weight = torch_weight.permute([2, 1, 0]).numpy()[:, None, :, :] |
if 'bias' in tf_var.name: |
torch_weight = state_dict[torch_var_name] |
numpy_weight = torch_weight |
assert np.all(tf_var.shape == numpy_weight.shape), f" [!] weight shapes does not match: {tf_var.name} vs {torch_var_name} --> {tf_var.shape} vs {numpy_weight.shape}" |
tf.keras.backend.set_value(tf_var, numpy_weight) |
return tf_vars |
def load_tf_vars(model_tf, tf_vars): |
for tf_var in tf_vars: |
model_tf.get_layer(tf_var.name).set_weights(tf_var) |
return model_tf |