ML-final-project /
aminian's picture
Implement MLOps API
history blame contribute delete
No virus
5.23 kB
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd
import mlflow
def recommend_top_k(preds_df, ratings_df, movie, userId, k=10):
user_row = userId - 1
sorted_user_predictions = preds_df.iloc[user_row].sort_values(ascending=False)
user_data = ratings_df[ratings_df.userId == (userId)]
user_rated = user_data.merge(movie, how='left', left_on='movieId', right_on='movieId'). \
sort_values(['rating'], ascending=False)
user_preds = movie.merge(pd.DataFrame(sorted_user_predictions).reset_index(), how='left',
on='movieId').rename(columns={user_row: 'prediction'}). \
sort_values('prediction', ascending=False). \
iloc[:k, :]
return user_rated, user_preds
def precision_at_k(df, k=10, y_test: str = 'rating', y_pred='prediction'):
dfK = df.head(k)
sum_df = dfK[y_pred].sum()
true_pred = dfK[dfK[y_pred] & dfK[y_test]].shape[0]
if sum_df > 0:
return true_pred / sum_df
return None
def recall_at_k(df, k=10, y_test='rating', y_pred='prediction'):
dfK = df.head(k)
sum_df = df[y_test].sum()
true_pred = dfK[dfK[y_pred] & dfK[y_test]].shape[0]
if sum_df > 0:
return true_pred / sum_df
return None
class CollaborativeModel(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel):
def fit(self, num_components=15, threshold=2):
"""### explore datasets"""
rating = pd.read_csv('IMDB/ratings_small.csv')
movie = pd.read_csv('IMDB/movies_metadata.csv')
movie = movie.rename(columns={'id': 'movieId'})
"""### data preprocessing
There are three rows entered by mistake, so we remove that row.
movie = movie[
(movie['movieId'] != '1997-08-20') & (movie['movieId'] != '2012-09-29') & (
movie['movieId'] != '2014-01-01')]
def find_names(x):
if x == '':
return ''
genre_arr = eval(str(x))
return ','.join(i['name'] for i in eval(str(x)))
movie['genres'] = movie['genres'].fillna('')
movie['genres'] = movie['genres'].apply(find_names)
movie.movieId = movie.movieId.astype("uint64") = movie
"""only keep rating for movies with metadata in movie dataset"""
new_rating = pd.merge(rating, movie, how='inner', on=["movieId"])
new_rating = new_rating[["userId", "movieId", "rating"]]
self.new_rating = new_rating
"""### matrix factorization"""
inter_mat_df = rating.pivot(index='userId', columns='movieId', values='rating').fillna(0)
inter_mat = inter_mat_df.to_numpy()
ratings_mean = np.mean(inter_mat, axis=1)
inter_mat_normal = inter_mat - ratings_mean.reshape(-1, 1)
"""We use singular value decomposition for matrix factorization"""
svd_U, svd_sigma, svd_V = randomized_svd(inter_mat_normal,
"""This function gives the diagonal form"""
svd_sigma = np.diag(svd_sigma)
"""Making predictions"""
rating_weights =, svd_sigma), svd_V) + ratings_mean.reshape(-1, 1)
self.weights_df = pd.DataFrame(rating_weights, columns=inter_mat_df.columns)
def predict(self, context, model_input):
return self.my_custom_function(model_input)
def my_custom_function(self, model_input):
# do something with the model input, 2)
self.user_rated, self.user_preds = recommend_top_k(self.weights_df, self.new_rating,,
int(model_input), 100)
return self.user_preds
def eval_metrics(self):
df_res = self.user_preds[["movieId", "prediction"]]. \
merge(self.user_rated[["movieId", "rating"]], how='outer', on='movieId')
df_res.sort_values(by='prediction', ascending=False, inplace=True)
df_res['prediction'] = df_res['prediction'] >= threshold
df_res['rating'] = df_res['rating'] >= threshold
prec_at_k = precision_at_k(df_res, 100, y_test='rating', y_pred='prediction')
rec_at_k = recall_at_k(df_res, 100, y_test='rating', y_pred='prediction')
print("precision@k: ", prec_at_k)
print("recall@k: ", rec_at_k)
return prec_at_k, rec_at_k
c_model = CollaborativeModel()
with mlflow.start_run():
model_info = mlflow.pyfunc.log_model(artifact_path="model", python_model=c_model)
num_components = 15
threshold = 2, threshold)
c_model.predict(context=pd.DataFrame([]), model_input=220)
prec_at_k, rec_at_k = c_model.eval_metrics()
mlflow.log_param("num_components", num_components)
mlflow.log_param("threshold", threshold)
mlflow.log_metric("precision_at_k", prec_at_k)
mlflow.log_metric("recall_at_k", rec_at_k)
print("Model saved in run %s" % mlflow.active_run().info.run_uuid)