import imageio |
import numpy as np |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageEnhance |
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d |
def draw_annotations_for_extended_frames(video_batch, start_index_prediction=17): |
""" |
video_batch List of list of PIL.Image frames |
""" |
radius = 2.5 |
offset = 10 |
for video in video_batch: |
assert start_index_prediction < len(video), f"Index {start_index_prediction} is out-of-bound for frames" |
for i_idx, image in enumerate(video): |
if i_idx < start_index_prediction: |
continue |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) |
draw.ellipse([offset, offset, offset+2*radius, offset+2*radius], fill=(255,0,0)) |
return video_batch |
def draw_annotations_for_initial_frames(video_batch, end_index_prediction=17): |
""" |
video_batch List of list of PIL.Image frames |
""" |
radius = 2.5 |
offset = 10 |
for video in video_batch: |
assert end_index_prediction < len(video), f"Index {end_index_prediction} is out-of-bound for frames" |
for i_idx, image in enumerate(video): |
if i_idx >= end_index_prediction: |
continue |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) |
draw.ellipse([offset, offset, offset+2*radius, offset+2*radius], fill=(255,0,0)) |
return video_batch |
def images_to_array(images): |
return np.array([np.array(img) for img in images]) |
def array_to_images(array): |
return [Image.fromarray(arr) for arr in array] |
def save_video_mp4(path, video, fps=12): |
imageio.mimwrite( |
path, |
video, |
format="mp4", |
fps=fps, |
codec="libx264", |
output_params=["-pix_fmt", "yuv420p"], |
) |
def blend_pixels_temporal(video_batch, start_index_prediction=17, sigma=1, support=3): |
for video in video_batch: |
assert start_index_prediction < len(video) and start_index_prediction > 0, f"Index {start_index_prediction} is out-of-bound for frames" |
video_array = images_to_array(video) |
start = max(start_index_prediction - support // 2, 0) |
end = min(start_index_prediction + support // 2 + 1, video_array.shape[0]) |
video_array[start_index_prediction] = gaussian_filter1d(video_array[start:end], |
sigma=sigma, |
axis=0, |
truncate=support/2)[support//2] |
blurred_video = array_to_images(video_array) |
for i in range(len(video)): |
video[i] = blurred_video[i] |
return video_batch |
def calculate_mean_std(image_array, channel): |
channel_data = image_array[:, :, channel] |
return channel_data.mean(), channel_data.std() |
def adjust_mean(image, target_mean, channel): |
channel_data = np.array(image)[:, :, channel] |
current_mean = channel_data.mean() |
adjusted_data = channel_data + (target_mean - current_mean) |
adjusted_data = np.clip(adjusted_data, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
image_np = np.array(image) |
image_np[:, :, channel] = adjusted_data |
return Image.fromarray(image_np) |
def adjust_contrast(image, target_contrast, channel): |
channel_data = np.array(image)[:, :, channel] |
current_mean = channel_data.mean() |
current_contrast = channel_data.std() |
if current_contrast == 0: |
adjusted_data = current_mean * np.ones_like(channel_data) |
else: |
adjusted_data = (channel_data - current_mean) * (target_contrast / current_contrast) + current_mean |
adjusted_data = np.clip(adjusted_data, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
image_np = np.array(image) |
image_np[:, :, channel] = adjusted_data |
return Image.fromarray(image_np) |
def calculate_brightness(image): |
grayscale = image.convert("L") |
histogram = grayscale.histogram() |
pixels = sum(histogram) |
brightness = scale = len(histogram) |
for index in range(scale): |
ratio = histogram[index] / pixels |
brightness += ratio * (-scale + index) |
return 1 if brightness == 255 else brightness / scale |
def calculate_contrast(image): |
grayscale = image.convert("L") |
histogram = grayscale.histogram() |
pixels = sum(histogram) |
mean = sum(i * w for i, w in enumerate(histogram)) / pixels |
contrast = sum((i - mean) ** 2 * w for i, w in enumerate(histogram)) / pixels |
return contrast ** 0.5 |
def adjust_brightness_contrast(image, target_brightness, target_contrast): |
current_brightness = calculate_brightness(image) |
brightness_enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image) |
image = brightness_enhancer.enhance(target_brightness / current_brightness) |
current_contrast = calculate_contrast(image) |
contrast_enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(image) |
image = contrast_enhancer.enhance(target_contrast / current_contrast) |
return image |
def adjust_statistics_to_match_reference(video_batch, |
start_index_prediction=17, |
reference_window_size=3): |
assert start_index_prediction > 1, f"Need at least 1 frame before prediction start" |
assert start_index_prediction > reference_window_size, f"Reference window size incorrect: {start_index_prediction} <= {reference_window_size}" |
for video in video_batch: |
window_start = max(start_index_prediction - reference_window_size, 0) |
window_brightness = np.mean( |
[calculate_brightness(video[jj]) for jj in range(window_start, start_index_prediction)]) |
window_contrast = np.mean( |
[calculate_contrast(video[jj]) for jj in range(window_start, start_index_prediction)]) |
for ii in range(start_index_prediction, len(video)): |
video[ii] = adjust_brightness_contrast(video[ii], window_brightness, window_contrast) |
return video_batch |