sd / ui-config.json
airomix's picture
Upload 511 files
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"txt2img/inpaint height 2nd/step": 4,
"txt2img/Use separate steps 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Use separate steps 2nd/value": false,
"txt2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/value": 28,
"txt2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/minimum": 1,
"txt2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/maximum": 150,
"txt2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/step": 1,
"txt2img/Use separate CFG scale 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Use separate CFG scale 2nd/value": false,
"txt2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/value": 7.0,
"txt2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/minimum": 0.0,
"txt2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/maximum": 30.0,
"txt2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/step": 0.5,
"txt2img/Use separate checkpoint 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Use separate checkpoint 2nd/value": false,
"txt2img/ADetailer checkpoint 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/ADetailer checkpoint 2nd/value": "Use same checkpoint",
"txt2img/Use separate VAE 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Use separate VAE 2nd/value": false,
"txt2img/ADetailer VAE 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/ADetailer VAE 2nd/value": "Use same VAE",
"txt2img/Use separate sampler 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Use separate sampler 2nd/value": false,
"txt2img/ADetailer sampler 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/ADetailer sampler 2nd/value": "DPM++ 2M Karras",
"txt2img/Use separate noise multiplier 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Use separate noise multiplier 2nd/value": false,
"txt2img/Noise multiplier for img2img 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Noise multiplier for img2img 2nd/value": 1.0,
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"txt2img/Noise multiplier for img2img 2nd/maximum": 1.5,
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"txt2img/Use separate CLIP skip 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Use separate CLIP skip 2nd/value": false,
"txt2img/ADetailer CLIP skip 2nd/visible": true,
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"txt2img/ADetailer CLIP skip 2nd/minimum": 1,
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"txt2img/ADetailer CLIP skip 2nd/step": 1,
"txt2img/Restore faces after ADetailer 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/Restore faces after ADetailer 2nd/value": false,
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"txt2img/ControlNet model 2nd/value": "None",
"txt2img/ControlNet module 2nd/value": "None",
"txt2img/ControlNet weight 2nd/visible": true,
"txt2img/ControlNet weight 2nd/value": 1.0,
"txt2img/ControlNet weight 2nd/minimum": 0.0,
"txt2img/ControlNet weight 2nd/maximum": 1.0,
"txt2img/ControlNet weight 2nd/step": 0.01,
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"txt2img/ControlNet guidance start 2nd/step": 0.01,
"txt2img/ControlNet guidance end 2nd/visible": true,
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"txt2img/ControlNet guidance end 2nd/minimum": 0.0,
"txt2img/ControlNet guidance end 2nd/maximum": 1.0,
"txt2img/ControlNet guidance end 2nd/step": 0.01,
"customscript/! ADetailer/visible": true,
"customscript/! ADetailer/value": false,
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"customscript/! img2img/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer model/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer model/value": "",
"img2img/ad_prompt/visible": true,
"img2img/ad_prompt/value": "",
"img2img/ad_negative_prompt/visible": true,
"img2img/ad_negative_prompt/value": "",
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold/visible": true,
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold/value": 0.3,
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold/minimum": 0.0,
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold/maximum": 1.0,
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold/step": 0.01,
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"img2img/Mask max area ratio/value": 1.0,
"img2img/Mask max area ratio/minimum": 0.0,
"img2img/Mask max area ratio/maximum": 1.0,
"img2img/Mask max area ratio/step": 0.001,
"img2img/Mask x(β†’) offset/visible": true,
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"img2img/Mask erosion (-) / dilation (+)/visible": true,
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"img2img/Mask merge mode/visible": true,
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"img2img/Inpaint mask blur/visible": true,
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"img2img/Inpaint denoising strength/maximum": 1.0,
"img2img/Inpaint denoising strength/step": 0.01,
"img2img/Inpaint only masked/visible": true,
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"img2img/Use separate width/height/visible": true,
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"img2img/inpaint height/step": 4,
"img2img/Use separate steps/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate steps/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer steps/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer steps/value": 28,
"img2img/ADetailer steps/minimum": 1,
"img2img/ADetailer steps/maximum": 150,
"img2img/ADetailer steps/step": 1,
"img2img/Use separate CFG scale/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate CFG scale/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale/value": 7.0,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale/minimum": 0.0,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale/maximum": 30.0,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale/step": 0.5,
"img2img/Use separate checkpoint/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate checkpoint/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer checkpoint/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer checkpoint/value": "Use same checkpoint",
"img2img/Use separate VAE/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate VAE/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer VAE/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer VAE/value": "Use same VAE",
"img2img/Use separate sampler/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate sampler/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer sampler/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer sampler/value": "DPM++ 2M Karras",
"img2img/Use separate noise multiplier/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate noise multiplier/value": false,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img/visible": true,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img/value": 1.0,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img/minimum": 0.5,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img/maximum": 1.5,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img/step": 0.01,
"img2img/Use separate CLIP skip/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate CLIP skip/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip/value": 1,
"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip/minimum": 1,
"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip/maximum": 12,
"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip/step": 1,
"img2img/Restore faces after ADetailer/visible": true,
"img2img/Restore faces after ADetailer/value": false,
"img2img/ControlNet model/visible": true,
"img2img/ControlNet model/value": "None",
"img2img/ControlNet module/value": "None",
"img2img/ControlNet weight/visible": true,
"img2img/ControlNet weight/value": 1.0,
"img2img/ControlNet weight/minimum": 0.0,
"img2img/ControlNet weight/maximum": 1.0,
"img2img/ControlNet weight/step": 0.01,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance start/visible": true,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance start/value": 0.0,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance start/minimum": 0.0,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance start/maximum": 1.0,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance start/step": 0.01,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance end/visible": true,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance end/value": 1.0,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance end/minimum": 0.0,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance end/maximum": 1.0,
"img2img/ControlNet guidance end/step": 0.01,
"img2img/ADetailer model 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer model 2nd/value": "None",
"img2img/ad_prompt 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ad_prompt 2nd/value": "",
"img2img/ad_negative_prompt 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ad_negative_prompt 2nd/value": "",
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold 2nd/value": 0.3,
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold 2nd/minimum": 0.0,
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold 2nd/maximum": 1.0,
"img2img/Detection model confidence threshold 2nd/step": 0.01,
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"img2img/Mask min area ratio 2nd/step": 0.001,
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"img2img/Mask y(↑) offset 2nd/visible": true,
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"img2img/Mask merge mode 2nd/visible": true,
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"img2img/Inpaint mask blur 2nd/visible": true,
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"img2img/Inpaint only masked 2nd/visible": true,
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"img2img/Inpaint only masked padding, pixels 2nd/value": 32,
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"img2img/Use separate width/height 2nd/visible": true,
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"img2img/Use separate steps 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate steps 2nd/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/value": 28,
"img2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/minimum": 1,
"img2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/maximum": 150,
"img2img/ADetailer steps 2nd/step": 1,
"img2img/Use separate CFG scale 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate CFG scale 2nd/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/value": 7.0,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/minimum": 0.0,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/maximum": 30.0,
"img2img/ADetailer CFG scale 2nd/step": 0.5,
"img2img/Use separate checkpoint 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate checkpoint 2nd/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer checkpoint 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer checkpoint 2nd/value": "Use same checkpoint",
"img2img/Use separate VAE 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate VAE 2nd/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer VAE 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer VAE 2nd/value": "Use same VAE",
"img2img/Use separate sampler 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate sampler 2nd/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer sampler 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer sampler 2nd/value": "DPM++ 2M Karras",
"img2img/Use separate noise multiplier 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate noise multiplier 2nd/value": false,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img 2nd/value": 1.0,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img 2nd/minimum": 0.5,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img 2nd/maximum": 1.5,
"img2img/Noise multiplier for img2img 2nd/step": 0.01,
"img2img/Use separate CLIP skip 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Use separate CLIP skip 2nd/value": false,
"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip 2nd/value": 1,
"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip 2nd/minimum": 1,
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"img2img/ADetailer CLIP skip 2nd/step": 1,
"img2img/Restore faces after ADetailer 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/Restore faces after ADetailer 2nd/value": false,
"img2img/ControlNet model 2nd/visible": true,
"img2img/ControlNet model 2nd/value": "None",
"img2img/ControlNet module 2nd/value": "None",
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"img2img/πŸ“Ž/visible": true,
"img2img/πŸ“¦/visible": true,
"img2img/πŸ“/visible": true,
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"customscript/": false,
"img2img/Refiner/value": false,
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"civitai_interface/One-Time Hash Generation for externally downloaded models./visible": true,
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