Bootcamp_analysis /
YaHi's picture
1122de1 verified
history blame
No virus
29 kB
import torch
from transformers.models.bert.modeling_bert import BertModel, BertPreTrainedModel
from torch import nn
from itertools import chain
from torch.nn import MSELoss, CrossEntropyLoss
from cleantext import clean
from num2words import num2words
import re
import string
import pandas as pd
import nltk'punkt')
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
import json
import tqdm
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer
from openai import OpenAI
import os
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
# Load a pre-trained model
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
punct_chars = list((set(string.punctuation) | {'’', '‘', '–', '—', '~', '|', '“', '”', '…', "'", "`", '_'}))
punctuation = ''.join(punct_chars)
replace = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(punctuation))
def get_num_words(text):
if not isinstance(text, str):
print("%s is not a string" % text)
text = replace.sub(' ', text)
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
text = text.strip()
text = re.sub(r'\[.+\]', " ", text)
return len(text.split())
def number_to_words(num):
return num2words(re.sub(",", "", num))
return num
clean_str = lambda s: clean(s,
fix_unicode=True, # fix various unicode errors
to_ascii=True, # transliterate to closest ASCII representation
lower=True, # lowercase text
no_line_breaks=True, # fully strip line breaks as opposed to only normalizing them
no_urls=True, # replace all URLs with a special token
no_emails=True, # replace all email addresses with a special token
no_phone_numbers=True, # replace all phone numbers with a special token
no_numbers=True, # replace all numbers with a special token
no_digits=False, # replace all digits with a special token
no_currency_symbols=False, # replace all currency symbols with a special token
no_punct=False, # fully remove punctuation
replace_with_number=lambda m: number_to_words(,
clean_str_nopunct = lambda s: clean(s,
fix_unicode=True, # fix various unicode errors
to_ascii=True, # transliterate to closest ASCII representation
lower=True, # lowercase text
no_line_breaks=True, # fully strip line breaks as opposed to only normalizing them
no_urls=True, # replace all URLs with a special token
no_emails=True, # replace all email addresses with a special token
no_phone_numbers=True, # replace all phone numbers with a special token
no_numbers=True, # replace all numbers with a special token
no_digits=False, # replace all digits with a special token
no_currency_symbols=False, # replace all currency symbols with a special token
no_punct=True, # fully remove punctuation
replace_with_number=lambda m: number_to_words(,
class MultiHeadModel(BertPreTrainedModel):
"""Pre-trained BERT model that uses our loss functions"""
def __init__(self, config, head2size):
super(MultiHeadModel, self).__init__(config, head2size)
config.num_labels = 1
self.bert = BertModel(config)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob)
module_dict = {}
for head_name, num_labels in head2size.items():
module_dict[head_name] = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, num_labels)
self.heads = nn.ModuleDict(module_dict)
def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=None,
head2labels=None, return_pooler_output=False, head2mask=None,
# Get logits
output = self.bert(
input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask,
output_attentions=False, output_hidden_states=False, return_dict=True)
pooled_output = self.dropout(output["pooler_output"]).to(device)
head2logits = {}
return_dict = {}
for head_name, head in self.heads.items():
head2logits[head_name] = self.heads[head_name](pooled_output)
head2logits[head_name] = head2logits[head_name].float()
return_dict[head_name + "_logits"] = head2logits[head_name]
if head2labels is not None:
for head_name, labels in head2labels.items():
num_classes = head2logits[head_name].shape[1]
# Regression (e.g. for politeness)
if num_classes == 1:
# Only consider positive examples
if head2mask is not None and head_name in head2mask:
num_positives = head2labels[head2mask[head_name]].sum() # use certain labels as mask
if num_positives == 0:
return_dict[head_name + "_loss"] = torch.tensor([0]).to(device)
loss_fct = MSELoss(reduction='none')
loss = loss_fct(head2logits[head_name].view(-1), labels.float().view(-1))
return_dict[head_name + "_loss"] =[head2mask[head_name]].float().view(-1)) / num_positives
loss_fct = MSELoss()
return_dict[head_name + "_loss"] = loss_fct(head2logits[head_name].view(-1), labels.float().view(-1))
loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss(weight=nsp_loss_weights.float())
return_dict[head_name + "_loss"] = loss_fct(head2logits[head_name], labels.view(-1))
if return_pooler_output:
return_dict["pooler_output"] = output["pooler_output"]
return return_dict
class InputBuilder(object):
"""Base class for building inputs from segments."""
def __init__(self, tokenizer):
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.mask = [tokenizer.mask_token_id]
def build_inputs(self, history, reply, max_length):
raise NotImplementedError
def mask_seq(self, sequence, seq_id):
sequence[seq_id] = self.mask
return sequence
def _combine_sequence(self, history, reply, max_length, flipped=False):
# Trim all inputs to max_length
history = [s[:max_length] for s in history]
reply = reply[:max_length]
if flipped:
return [reply] + history
return history + [reply]
class BertInputBuilder(InputBuilder):
"""Processor for BERT inputs"""
def __init__(self, tokenizer):
InputBuilder.__init__(self, tokenizer)
self.cls = [tokenizer.cls_token_id]
self.sep = [tokenizer.sep_token_id]
self.model_inputs = ["input_ids", "token_type_ids", "attention_mask"]
self.padded_inputs = ["input_ids", "token_type_ids"]
self.flipped = False
def build_inputs(self, history, reply, max_length, input_str=True):
"""See base class."""
if input_str:
history = [self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(self.tokenizer.tokenize(t)) for t in history]
reply = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(self.tokenizer.tokenize(reply))
sequence = self._combine_sequence(history, reply, max_length, self.flipped)
sequence = [s + self.sep for s in sequence]
sequence[0] = self.cls + sequence[0]
instance = {}
instance["input_ids"] = list(chain(*sequence))
last_speaker = 0
other_speaker = 1
seq_length = len(sequence)
instance["token_type_ids"] = [last_speaker if ((seq_length - i) % 2 == 1) else other_speaker
for i, s in enumerate(sequence) for _ in s]
return instance
def preprocess_transcript_for_eliciting(transcript_json):
transcript_df = pd.DataFrame(transcript_json)
transcript_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
def break_into_sentences(text):
return sent_tokenize(text)
transcript_df['text'] = transcript_df['text'].apply(str)
transcript_df['sentences'] = transcript_df['text'].apply(break_into_sentences)
transcript_df.rename(columns={"startTimestamp": "starttime", "endTimestamp": "endtime"}, inplace=True)
transcript_df.rename(columns={'is_chat?':'is_chat'}, inplace=True)
def create_sentence_df(row):
sentences = row['sentences']
speaker = row['speaker']
df = pd.DataFrame({'sentence':sentences})
df['speaker'] = speaker
df['userId'] = row['userId']
df['session_uuid'] = row['session_uuid']
df['starttime'] = row['starttime']
df['endtime'] = row['endtime']
df['is_chat'] = row['is_chat']
df['speaker_#'] = row['speaker_#']
return df
sentence_df = pd.concat(transcript_df.apply(create_sentence_df, axis=1).values)
sentence_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
sentence_df.rename(columns={'sentence':'text', 'userId':'uid'}, inplace=True)
# sentence_df['prev_utt'] = None
# prev_utt = None
# for index, row in sentence_df.iterrows():
# # Check if the current speaker is a student
# if row['speaker'] != 'tutor':
# # Store the current utterance as the previous one for the next iteration
# prev_utt = row['text']
# else:
# # If the current speaker is the tutor, update 'prev_utt' in the DataFrame
# if prev_utt is not None and index > 0:
#[index, 'prev_utt'] = prev_utt
# prev_utt = None
# # drop rows where speaker_# is not tutor
# sentence_df = sentence_df[sentence_df['speaker_#'] == 'tutor']
# drop starttime, endtime, speaker_#, is_chat and session_uuid columns
sentence_df.drop(columns=['speaker_#', 'is_chat', 'session_uuid'], inplace=True)
session_json = sentence_df.to_json(orient='records')
session_json = json.loads(session_json)
return session_json
def preprocess_raw_files(input_json, params):
Preprocesses raw json file and returns another json file
input_json (str): input json file
_type_: output json file
# convert raw json to dataframe
tutor_uuid = params['tutor_uuid']
session_uuid = params['session_uuid']
chat_transcript_df = convert_json_to_df(input_json, tutor_uuid, session_uuid)
# aggregate by speaker
aggregate_df = aggregate_by_speaker_id(chat_transcript_df)
# convert to json
aggregate_json = aggregate_df.to_json(orient='records')
aggregate_json = json.loads(aggregate_json)
return aggregate_json
def convert_json_to_df(input_json, tutor_uuid, session_uuid):
Extracts transcript and chat data from raw json file, assigns speaker and speaker_# columns, and returns a dataframe.
The dataframe contains the following columns:
- startTimestamp
- endTimestamp
- text
- userId
- is_chat?
- speaker
- speaker_#
input_json (str): input json file
tutor_uuid (str): tutor uuid
_type_: dataframe
data = input_json
if data['transcript'] != []:
transcript_df = pd.DataFrame(data['transcript'])
transcript_df['is_chat?'] = 0
raise ValueError("Transcript is empty")
# transcribe chat data as well
if data['chat'] != []:
chat_df = pd.DataFrame(data['chat'])
columns={'timestamp': 'startTimestamp'}, inplace=True)
chat_df['endTimestamp'] = chat_df['startTimestamp']
chat_df['is_chat?'] = 1
chat_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(transcript_df))
chat_transcript_df = pd.concat([chat_df, transcript_df], ignore_index=True).sort_values(
by='startTimestamp', ascending=True)
chat_transcript_df['session_uuid'] = session_uuid
# Add speaker column
count_non_chat = 0
for i, row in chat_transcript_df.iterrows():
if row['userId'] == tutor_uuid:
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker'] = 'tutor'
elif row['userId'] is None:
if i == 0: # first chat
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker'] = 'student' # this is a heuristic that may not be true
elif count_non_chat == 0: # first non-chat
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker'] = 'tutor' # this is a heuristic that may not be true
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker'] = chat_transcript_df.loc[i-1, 'speaker'] # this is a heuristic that may not be true
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker'] = 'student'
if row['is_chat?'] == 0:
count_non_chat += 1
# Add speaker_# column, iterate through rows and assign speaker_# based on speaker
studentId2studentNum = {}
count_non_chat = 0
for i, row in chat_transcript_df.iterrows():
if row ['speaker'] == 'tutor':
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker_#'] = 'tutor'
elif row['userId'] is None:
if i == 0: # first chat
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker_#'] = 'student1'
elif count_non_chat == 0:
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker_#'] = 'tutor'
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker_#'] = chat_transcript_df.loc[i-1, 'speaker_#']
if row['userId'] in studentId2studentNum:
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker_#'] = 'student' + str(studentId2studentNum[row['userId']])
studentId2studentNum[row['userId']] = len(studentId2studentNum) + 1
chat_transcript_df.loc[i, 'speaker_#'] = 'student' + str(studentId2studentNum[row['userId']])
if row['is_chat?'] == 0:
count_non_chat += 1
return chat_transcript_df
def aggregate_by_speaker_id(data):
aggregate_df = []
speaker_id = None
speaker = None
aggregate_key_value = None
enumerated_speaker = None
is_chat = None
session = None
curr_text = ""
curr_starttime = None
curr_endtime = None
for _, row in tqdm.tqdm(data.iterrows()):
is_same_speaker_id = (row['speaker_#'] == aggregate_key_value)
is_same_type = (row['is_chat?'] == is_chat)
if (is_same_type) and (is_same_speaker_id):
# Concatenate text and update endtime
if type(row['text']) == str:
curr_text += " " + row['text']
curr_endtime = row['endTimestamp']
# Append previous speaker's text to aggregate_df
"userId": speaker_id,
"is_chat": is_chat,
"session_uuid": session,
"starttime": curr_starttime,
"endtime": curr_endtime,
"text": curr_text,
"speaker": speaker,
"speaker_#": enumerated_speaker
# Update speaker, is_chat, session, curr_text, curr_starttime, curr_endtime
speaker_id = row['userId']
is_chat = row['is_chat?']
session = row['session_uuid']
curr_text = row['text'] if type(row['text']) == str else ""
curr_starttime = row['startTimestamp']
curr_endtime = row['endTimestamp']
speaker = row['speaker']
enumerated_speaker = row['speaker_#']
aggregate_key_value = row['speaker_#']
# Append last speaker's text to aggregate_df if it hasn't been appended yet
if aggregate_df[-1]['userId'] != speaker_id:
"userId": speaker_id,
"is_chat": is_chat,
"session_uuid": session,
"starttime": curr_starttime,
"endtime": curr_endtime,
"text": curr_text,
"speaker": speaker,
"speaker_#": enumerated_speaker
aggregate_df = pd.DataFrame(aggregate_df[1:])
return aggregate_df
def post_processing_output_json(transcript_json, session_id, session_type):
Post-processes the uptake and eliciting dataframes to ony include rows that satisfy certain conditions.
uptake_json (str): uptake json file
eliciting_json (str): eliciting json file
_type_: output json file
if session_type == "eliciting":
eliciting_df = pd.DataFrame(transcript_json['utterances'])
eliciting_df.rename(columns={"text": "utt"}, inplace=True)
eliciting_df["session_uuid"] = session_id
eliciting_df.drop(columns=["uid"], inplace=True)
eliciting_df = eliciting_df[eliciting_df['speaker'] == 'tutor']
# only take rows of eliciting_df that have utt longer than 5 words
eliciting_df = eliciting_df[eliciting_df['utt'].str.split().str.len() > 5]
# only take rows of eliciting_df that have question > 0.5
eliciting_df = eliciting_df[eliciting_df['question'] > 0.5]
# only take rows of eliciting_df that have eliciting = 1.0
eliciting_df = eliciting_df[eliciting_df['eliciting'] == 1.0]
eliciting_df['eliciting'] = eliciting_df['eliciting'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 1.0 else x)
eliciting_df['eliciting'] = eliciting_df['eliciting'].astype('Int64')
final_df = eliciting_df[["utt", "eliciting", "starttime", "endtime", "session_uuid"]]
# convert uptake to dataframe
uptake_df = pd.DataFrame(transcript_json['utterances'])
uptake_df.rename(columns={"text": "utt"}, inplace=True)
uptake_df.drop(columns=["uid", "userId", "is_chat", "speaker_#"], inplace=True)
# only take rows of total_upatke_df that have utt longer than 5 words
uptake_df = uptake_df[uptake_df['utt'].str.split().str.len() > 5]
# only take rows of uptake_df that have question > 0.5
uptake_df = uptake_df[uptake_df['question'] > 0.5]
# only take rows of uptake_df that have uptake > 0.8
uptake_df = uptake_df[uptake_df['uptake'] > 0.8]
uptake_df['uptake'] = uptake_df['uptake'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > 0.8 else x)
uptake_df['uptake'] = uptake_df['uptake'].astype('Int64')
final_df = uptake_df[["utt", "prev_utt", "uptake", "starttime", "endtime", "session_uuid"]]
final_df = final_df.drop(columns=["session_uuid"]).copy()
# convert to json
final_output = final_df.to_json(orient='records')
final_output = json.loads(final_output)
return final_output
def compute_student_engagement(utterances):
Computes the number of students engaged in a session.
utterances json file
_type_: int
# convert to dataframe
utterances_df = pd.DataFrame(utterances)
# only take rows of utterances_df that have speaker = student
utterances_df = utterances_df[utterances_df['speaker'] == 'student']
utterances_talk_df = utterances_df[utterances_df['is_chat'] == False]
# calculate number of students engaged
num_students_engaged = utterances_df['userId'].nunique()
# calculate number of students engaged in talk
num_students_engaged_talk = utterances_talk_df['userId'].nunique()
return num_students_engaged, num_students_engaged_talk
def compute_talk_time(utterances):
Computes the talk time of a tutor in a session.
utterances json file
_type_: float
# convert to dataframe
utterances_df = pd.DataFrame(utterances)
# Filter out nan text
utterances_df = utterances_df[~utterances_df['text'].isna()]
# Calculate token ratio spoken
# Tokenize with GPT2 for talk
num_tokens = utterances_df['text'].apply(lambda x: len(tokenizer.encode(x)))
total_tokens = num_tokens.sum()
# Calculate total tokens for tutor
tutor_tokens = num_tokens[utterances_df['speaker'] == 'tutor'].sum()
# Add spoken_token_tutor_pct to output_df
if total_tokens == 0:
return 0
return tutor_tokens / total_tokens
def gpt4_filtering_selection(json_final_output, session_type, focus_concept):
ELICITING_SYSTEM_PROMPT = """We want to extract the best moments of when a novice tutor asked questions that solicited learner ideas from looking at a copy of their session's transcript.
Please review the following list of utterances from the transcript, each separated by a double-slash.
Identify up to 3 utterances from the list that are the best examples of soliciting learner ideas, and if there are no examples then return “None”.
Ensure that the selected examples are a clear and complete question that would elicit learner engagement.
Prioritize questions that encourage students to reason out loud and elaborate on their problem-solving process, and avoid questions that may have single-word answer.
Return the selected examples in a json dictionary with the following format:
{"model_outputs": [{"utt": "A1"}, {"utt": "A2"}, {"utt": "A3"}]}"""
UPTAKE_SYSTEM_PROMPT = """We want to extract the best moments of when a novice tutor revoices and builds on learner ideas from looking at a copy of their session's transcript.
Effective building on students’ ideas looks like positive and encouraging uptake of their ideas, repeating back a previous statement, or affirming a student’s contribution.
Please review the following list of tuples in the form (A1 // B1) \n (A2 // B2) \n (A3 // B3)... where each tuple represents a pair of utterances from the transcript.
The first element A in each tuple is the previous utterance from the student, and the second element B is the current utterance in response from the tutor.
The A and B items in each tuple are separated by a double-slash.
Please return up to three of the provided tuples that are the best instances of a tutor revoicing a student’s ideas.
If there are no examples then return “None”. Please fix capitalization, punctuation, and blatant typos.
Return the selected examples in a json dictionary with the following format:
{"model_outputs": [{"prev_utt": "A1", "utt": "B1"}, {"prev_utt": "A2", "utt": "B2"}, {"prev_utt": "A3", "utt": "B3"}]}"""
ELICITING_REASONING = """We want to extract the best moments of when a novice tutor prompts their students for reasoning from looking at a copy of their session's transcript.
Effective prompting for reasoning looks like questions containing “why” and “how”, prompting students for their thoughts and explanations beyond a simple answer, and asking problem-specific questions.
Please review the following list of utterances from the transcript, each separated by a double-slash.
Identify up to 3 utterances from the list that are the best examples of soliciting learner ideas, and if there are no examples then return “None”.
Ensure that the selected examples are a clear and complete question that would elicit learner engagement.
Prioritize questions that encourage students to reason out loud and elaborate on their problem-solving process, and avoid questions that may have single-word answer.
Return the selected examples in a json dictionary with the following format:
{"model_outputs": [{"utt": "A1"}, {"utt": "A2"}, {"utt": "A3"}]}"""
# breakpoint()
if session_type == "eliciting":
if focus_concept == "reasoning":
system_prompt = UPTAKE_SYSTEM_PROMPT
df = pd.DataFrame(json_final_output)
client = OpenAI(
# This is the default and can be omitted
if session_type == "eliciting":
# clean text
for i in range(len(df)):
response =
# response_format={ "type": "json_object" },
{"role": "system", "content": "Clean the following text: \n"},
{"role": "user", "content": f"{df['utt'].iloc[i]}"}
df.iloc[i, df.columns.get_loc('utt')] = response.choices[0].message.content
# breakpoint()
list_of_utterances = df['utt'].tolist()
# expand the list of utterances into a string
expanded_utterances = ' ; '.join(list_of_utterances)
if session_type == "uptake":
expanded_utterances = ""
for i in range(len(df)):
df.iloc[i, df.columns.get_loc('utt')] = ' '.join(df['utt'].iloc[i].split()[:100])+ "[...]"
if len(df['prev_utt'].iloc[i].split()) > 100:
df.iloc[i, df.columns.get_loc('prev_utt')] = "[...]" + ' '.join(df['prev_utt'].iloc[i].split()[-100:])
expanded_utterances += f"({df['prev_utt'].iloc[i]} // {df['utt'].iloc[i]}) \n"
if len(list_of_utterances) > 0:
response =
response_format={ "type": "json_object" },
{"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
{"role": "user", "content": f"{expanded_utterances}"}
# place back into the dataframe
json_output = json.loads(response.choices[0].message.content)['model_outputs']
chosen_utterances = [json_output[i]['utt'] for i in range(len(json_output))]
if session_type == "uptake":
chosen_prev_utterances = [json_output[i]['prev_utt'] for i in range(len(json_output))]
print("Error on line 637 of")
def similar(a, b):
# Encode sentences to get their embeddings
embeddings_a = sentence_model.encode(a, convert_to_tensor=True)
embeddings_b = sentence_model.encode(b, convert_to_tensor=True)
# Compute cosine similarity
cosine_similarity = util.pytorch_cos_sim(embeddings_a, embeddings_b)
return cosine_similarity.item()
# find the index of the chosen utterances in the original list (regex to find the index, it does not have to be exact)
indices = []
for j, chosen_sentence in enumerate(chosen_utterances):
best_match_index = -1
highest_similarity = 0.0
for i, initial_sentence in enumerate(list_of_utterances):
similarity = similar(chosen_sentence, initial_sentence)
if similarity > highest_similarity:
highest_similarity = similarity
best_match_index = i
# replace the best match utterance with the chosen utterance in df
df.iloc[best_match_index, df.columns.get_loc('utt')] = chosen_sentence
if session_type == "uptake":
df.iloc[best_match_index, df.columns.get_loc('prev_utt')] = chosen_prev_utterances[j]
# check that the indices are unique
assert len(indices) == len(set(indices))
# only take unique indices
indices = list(set(indices))
print("error on line 673 of")
# if len(indices) != len(set(indices)):
# raise ValueError("Indices are not unique")
# filter the dataframe to only include the chosen utterances
df = df.iloc[indices]
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
df = df
# convert to json
final_output = df.to_json(orient='records')
final_output = json.loads(final_output)
return final_output