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#pragma once
#include <ATen/CPUGeneratorImpl.h>
#include <ATen/LinalgBackend.h>
#include <ATen/core/ATenGeneral.h>
#include <ATen/core/DeprecatedTypeProperties.h>
#include <ATen/core/Generator.h>
#include <ATen/core/LegacyTypeDispatch.h>
#include <ATen/detail/CUDAHooksInterface.h>
#include <ATen/detail/HIPHooksInterface.h>
#include <ATen/detail/ORTHooksInterface.h>
#include <c10/core/QEngine.h>
#include <c10/core/impl/DeviceGuardImplInterface.h>
#include <c10/util/CallOnce.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <c10/util/irange.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
namespace at {
class Tensor;
enum class TORCH_API Float32MatmulPrecision { HIGHEST, HIGH, MEDIUM };
class TORCH_API Context {
const Generator& defaultGenerator(Device device) {
DeviceType device_type = device.type();
if (device_type == at::kCPU) {
return at::detail::getDefaultCPUGenerator();
} else if (device_type == at::kCUDA) {
return at::detail::getCUDAHooks().getDefaultCUDAGenerator(device.index());
} else {
AT_ERROR(DeviceTypeName(device_type), " device type not enabled.");
Device getDeviceFromPtr(void* data, DeviceType device_type) {
if (device_type == at::kCPU) {
return DeviceType::CPU;
} else if (device_type == at::kCUDA) {
return at::detail::getCUDAHooks().getDeviceFromPtr(data);
} else {
AT_ERROR(DeviceTypeName(device_type), " device type not enabled.");
static bool isPinnedPtr(void* data) {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().isPinnedPtr(data);
static bool hasOpenMP();
static bool hasMKL();
static bool hasLAPACK();
static bool hasMKLDNN();
static bool hasMAGMA() {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().hasMAGMA();
static bool hasCUDA() {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().hasCUDA();
static bool hasCUDART() {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().hasCUDART();
static long versionCUDART() {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().versionCUDART();
static bool hasCuDNN() {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().hasCuDNN();
static long versionCuDNN() {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().versionCuDNN();
static bool hasCuSOLVER() {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().hasCuSOLVER();
static bool hasHIP() {
return detail::getHIPHooks().hasHIP();
static bool hasIPU() {
return c10::impl::hasDeviceGuardImpl(at::DeviceType::IPU);
static bool hasXLA() {
return c10::impl::hasDeviceGuardImpl(at::DeviceType::XLA);
static bool hasLazy() {
return c10::impl::hasDeviceGuardImpl(at::DeviceType::Lazy);
static bool hasMPS();
static bool hasORT() {
return c10::impl::hasDeviceGuardImpl(at::DeviceType::ORT);
// defined in header so that getNonVariableType has ability to inline
// call_once check. getNonVariableType is called fairly frequently
void lazyInitCUDA() {
c10::call_once(thc_init, [&] { detail::getCUDAHooks().initCUDA(); });
void lazyInitHIP() {
c10::call_once(thh_init, [&] { detail::getHIPHooks().initHIP(); });
static const at::cuda::NVRTC& getNVRTC() {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().nvrtc();
static bool setFlushDenormal(bool on);
// NB: This method is *purely* whether or not a user requested
// that CuDNN was enabled, it doesn't actually say anything about
// whether or not CuDNN is actually usable. Use cudnn_is_acceptable
// to test this instead
bool userEnabledCuDNN() const;
void setUserEnabledCuDNN(bool e);
bool userEnabledMkldnn() const;
void setUserEnabledMkldnn(bool e);
bool benchmarkCuDNN() const;
void setBenchmarkCuDNN(bool);
int benchmarkLimitCuDNN() const;
void setBenchmarkLimitCuDNN(int);
bool deterministicCuDNN() const;
void setDeterministicCuDNN(bool);
// Note [Disabling Fused SDP Kernels]
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Flash SDP kernels are enabled by default. However, they can be disabled
// by setting at::globalContext().setUserEnabledFlashSDP(false) flag.
// This is useful for debugging purposes. For example, if you want to
// compare the performance of the flash SDP kernels with the unfused
// kernel, you can disable the flash SDP kernels. By disabling
// the math SDP kernel, you can force your code to use flash kernels.
// The math SDP kernel can be disabled by setting
// at::globalContext().setUserEnabledMathSDP(false) flag.
void setSDPUseFlash(bool);
bool userEnabledFlashSDP() const;
void setSDPUseMath(bool);
bool userEnabledMathSDP() const;
at::LinalgBackend linalgPreferredBackend() const;
void setLinalgPreferredBackend(at::LinalgBackend);
// Note [Enabling Deterministic Operations]
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Operations in PyTorch that normally act nondeterministically, but have an
// alternate deterministic implementation, should satisfy the following
// requirements:
// * Include this comment: "See Note [Enabling Deterministic Operations]"
// * Check the value of `at::globalContext().deterministicAlgorithms()` to
// toggle
// between nondeterministic and deterministic implementations.
// * Have an entry in the list of PyTorch operations that toggle between
// nondeterministic
// and deterministic implementations, in the docstring of
// `use_deterministic_algorithms()` in torch/
// `example_func()` below shows an example of toggling between
// nondeterministic and deterministic implementations:
// void example_func() {
// // See Note [Enabling Deterministic Operations]
// if (at::globalContext().deterministicAlgorithms()) {
// example_func_deterministic();
// } else {
// example_func_nondeterministic();
// }
// }
bool deterministicAlgorithms() const;
bool deterministicAlgorithmsWarnOnly() const;
void setDeterministicAlgorithms(bool, bool);
// Note [Writing Nondeterministic Operations]
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Operations in PyTorch that act nondeterministically and do not have an
// alternate deterministic implementation should satisfy the following
// requirements:
// * Include this comment: "See Note [Writing Nondeterministic Operations]"
// * Include a comment explaining why the operation is nondeterministic.
// * Throw an error when `Context::deterministicAlgorithms()` is true. Most
// of the time, this should be accomplished by calling
// `at::globalContext().alertNotDeterminstic()`. However, if the
// nondeterministic behavior is caused by the CuBLAS workspace
// configuration in CUDA >= 10.2,
// `at::globalContext().alertCuBLASConfigNotDeterministic()` should be
// called instead (in this case, a comment explaining why the operation is
// nondeterministic is not necessary). See below for details on these
// methods.
// * Have an entry in the list of nondeterministic PyTorch operations in the
// docstring of `use_deterministic_algorithms()` in torch/
// * Have a test function in `test/` whose name begins with
// `test_nondeterministic_alert_`. Alternatively, if CuBLAS workspace
// configuration is the reason for nondeterminism, the operation should be
// included in the `test_cublas_config_nondeterministic_alert` test. Any new
// tests should ideally follow a pattern similar to the existing ones.
// `example_func()` below shows an example of the comments and error-throwing
// code for a nondeterministic operation:
// void example_func() {
// // See Note [Writing Nondeterministic Operations]
// // Nondeterministic because <reason>
// at::globalContext().alertNondeterministic("example_func");
// ...
// }
// Throws an error if `Context::deterministicAlgorithms()` is true
static void alertNotDeterministic(c10::string_view const& caller);
// Throws an error if `Context::deterministicAlgorithms()` is true, CUDA
// >= 10.2, and CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG is not set to either ":16:8" or
// ":4096:8". For more details:
void alertCuBLASConfigNotDeterministic() const;
void setFloat32MatmulPrecision(const std::string& s);
bool allowTF32CuDNN() const;
void setAllowTF32CuDNN(bool);
bool allowTF32CuBLAS() const;
void setAllowTF32CuBLAS(bool);
Float32MatmulPrecision float32MatmulPrecision() const;
void setFloat32MatmulPrecision(Float32MatmulPrecision p);
bool allowFP16ReductionCuBLAS() const;
void setAllowFP16ReductionCuBLAS(bool);
at::QEngine qEngine() const;
void setQEngine(at::QEngine e);
static const std::vector<at::QEngine>& supportedQEngines();
static bool isXNNPACKAvailable();
// This method is used to release the original weight after pre-packing.
// It should be called once before loading/running the model.
// NB: By default it is set to true for mobile builds.
void setReleaseWeightsWhenPrepacking(bool e);
bool releaseWeightsWhenPrepacking() const;
void setDisplayVmapFallbackWarnings(bool enabled);
bool areVmapFallbackWarningsEnabled() const;
void setDefaultMobileCPUAllocator();
void unsetDefaultMobileCPUAllocator();
void initCUDAIfNeeded(DeviceType p) {
if (p == DeviceType::CUDA) {
void initHIPIfNeeded(DeviceType p) {
if (p == DeviceType::HIP) {
static bool checkCuBLASConfigDeterministic();
c10::once_flag thc_init;
c10::once_flag thh_init;
bool enabled_cudnn = true;
bool deterministic_cudnn = false;
bool _deterministic_algorithms = false;
bool _deterministic_algorithms_warn_only = false;
bool enabled_flashSDP = true;
bool enabled_mathSDP = true;
#ifdef USE_ROCM
bool benchmark_cudnn = true;
bool benchmark_cudnn = false;
Float32MatmulPrecision float32_matmul_precision =
int benchmark_limit_cudnn = 10;
bool allow_tf32_cudnn = true;
bool allow_fp16_reduction_cublas = true;
bool enabled_mkldnn = true;
at::LinalgBackend linalg_preferred_backend = at::LinalgBackend::Default;
#ifdef C10_MOBILE
bool release_original_weights = true;
bool release_original_weights = false;
bool display_vmap_fallback_warnings_ = false;
c10::optional<at::QEngine> quantized_engine = c10::nullopt;
Allocator* prev_allocator_ptr_{nullptr};
TORCH_API Context& globalContext();
static inline void init() {
TORCH_API Allocator* getCPUAllocator();
static inline DeprecatedTypeProperties& getDeprecatedTypeProperties(
Backend p,
ScalarType s) {
return globalDeprecatedTypePropertiesRegistry().getDeprecatedTypeProperties(
p, s);
static inline DeprecatedTypeProperties& CPU(ScalarType s) {
return globalDeprecatedTypePropertiesRegistry().getDeprecatedTypeProperties(
Backend::CPU, s);
static inline DeprecatedTypeProperties& CUDA(ScalarType s) {
return globalDeprecatedTypePropertiesRegistry().getDeprecatedTypeProperties(
Backend::CUDA, s);
static inline DeprecatedTypeProperties& HIP(ScalarType s) {
return globalDeprecatedTypePropertiesRegistry().getDeprecatedTypeProperties(
Backend::HIP, s);
static inline DeprecatedTypeProperties& MPS(ScalarType s) {
return globalDeprecatedTypePropertiesRegistry().getDeprecatedTypeProperties(
Backend::MPS, s);
static inline bool hasCUDA() {
return globalContext().hasCUDA();
static inline bool hasHIP() {
return globalContext().hasHIP();
static inline bool hasIPU() {
return globalContext().hasIPU();
static inline bool hasXLA() {
return globalContext().hasXLA();
static inline bool hasMPS() {
return globalContext().hasMPS();
static inline bool hasORT() {
return globalContext().hasORT();
// Despite its name, this function returns the number of *CUDA* GPUs.
static inline size_t getNumGPUs() {
// FUNCTION. If you are interested in interrogating the number of
// devices for a specific device type, add that function to the
// relevant library (e.g., similar to at::cuda::device_count())
if (hasCUDA() && hasHIP()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Enabling both CUDA and HIP in ATen is not supported, as HIP masquerades "
"to be CUDA (e.g., when you say CUDA, on a HIP build of ATen, this actually "
"means HIP. Rebuild PyTorch with one or the other disabled.");
} else if (hasCUDA()) {
return detail::getCUDAHooks().getNumGPUs();
} else if (hasHIP()) {
return detail::getHIPHooks().getNumGPUs();
} else {
return 0;
static inline bool hasOpenMP() {
return globalContext().hasOpenMP();
static inline bool hasMKL() {
return globalContext().hasMKL();
static inline bool hasLAPACK() {
return globalContext().hasLAPACK();
static inline bool hasMAGMA() {
return globalContext().hasMAGMA();
static inline bool hasMKLDNN() {
return globalContext().hasMKLDNN();
static inline void manual_seed(uint64_t seed) {
auto gen = globalContext().defaultGenerator(DeviceType::CPU);
// See Note [Acquire lock when using random generators]
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(gen.mutex());
// NB: Sometimes we build with CUDA, but we don't have any GPUs
// available. In that case, we must not seed CUDA; it will fail!
const auto num_gpus = detail::getCUDAHooks().getNumGPUs();
if (hasCUDA() && num_gpus > 0) {
for (const auto i : c10::irange(num_gpus)) {
auto cuda_gen = globalContext().defaultGenerator(
Device(at::kCUDA, static_cast<c10::DeviceIndex>(i)));
// See Note [Acquire lock when using random generators]
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cuda_gen.mutex());
// When the global flag `allow_tf32` is set to true, cuBLAS handles are
// automatically configured to use math mode CUBLAS_TF32_TENSOR_OP_MATH.
// For some operators, such as addmv, TF32 offers no performance improvement
// but causes precision loss. To help this case, this class implements
// a RAII guard that can be used to quickly disable TF32 within its scope.
// Usage:
// NoTF32Guard disable_tf32;
struct TORCH_API NoTF32Guard {
static bool should_disable_tf32();
bool changed = false;
#ifdef USE_ROCM
struct TORCH_API ROCmBackwardPassGuard {
static bool is_backward_pass();
static thread_local bool is_backward_pass_;
} // namespace at