""" |
``torchrun`` provides a superset of the functionality as ``torch.distributed.launch`` |
with the following additional functionalities: |
1. Worker failures are handled gracefully by restarting all workers. |
2. Worker ``RANK`` and ``WORLD_SIZE`` are assigned automatically. |
3. Number of nodes is allowed to change between minimum and maximum sizes (elasticity). |
.. note:: ``torchrun`` is a python |
`console script <https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/entry-points/#use-for-scripts>`_ |
to the main module |
`torch.distributed.run <https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/torch/distributed/run.py>`_ |
declared in the ``entry_points`` configuration in |
`setup.py <https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/setup.py>`_. |
It is equivalent to invoking ``python -m torch.distributed.run``. |
Transitioning from torch.distributed.launch to torchrun |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
``torchrun`` supports the same arguments as ``torch.distributed.launch`` **except** |
for ``--use_env`` which is now deprecated. To migrate from ``torch.distributed.launch`` |
to ``torchrun`` follow these steps: |
1. If your training script is already reading ``local_rank`` from the ``LOCAL_RANK`` environment variable. |
Then you need simply omit the ``--use_env`` flag, e.g.: |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ |
| ``torch.distributed.launch`` | ``torchrun`` | |
+====================================================================+============================================+ |
| | | |
| .. code-block:: shell-session | .. code-block:: shell-session | |
| | | |
| $ python -m torch.distributed.launch --use_env train_script.py | $ torchrun train_script.py | |
| | | |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ |
2. If your training script reads local rank from a ``--local_rank`` cmd argument. |
Change your training script to read from the ``LOCAL_RANK`` environment variable as |
demonstrated by the following code snippet: |
+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ |
| ``torch.distributed.launch`` | ``torchrun`` | |
+=======================================================+====================================================+ |
| | | |
| .. code-block:: python | .. code-block:: python | |
| | | |
| | | |
| import argparse | import os | |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | local_rank = int(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"]) | |
| parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int) | | |
| args = parser.parse_args() | | |
| | | |
| local_rank = args.local_rank | | |
| | | |
+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ |
The aformentioned changes suffice to migrate from ``torch.distributed.launch`` to ``torchrun``. |
To take advantage of new features such as elasticity, fault-tolerance, and error reporting of ``torchrun`` |
please refer to: |
* :ref:`elastic_train_script` for more information on authoring training scripts that are ``torchrun`` compliant. |
* the rest of this page for more information on the features of ``torchrun``. |
Usage |
-------- |
Single-node multi-worker |
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
:: |
torchrun |
--standalone |
--nnodes=1 |
--nproc_per_node=$NUM_TRAINERS |
YOUR_TRAINING_SCRIPT.py (--arg1 ... train script args...) |
Stacked single-node multi-worker |
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
To run multiple instances (separate jobs) of single-node, multi-worker on the |
same host, we need to make sure that each instance (job) is |
setup on different ports to avoid port conflicts (or worse, two jobs being merged |
as a single job). To do this you have to run with ``--rdzv_backend=c10d`` |
and specify a different port by setting ``--rdzv_endpoint=localhost:$PORT_k``. |
For ``--nodes=1``, its often convenient to let ``torchrun`` pick a free random |
port automatically instead of manually assgining different ports for each run. |
:: |
torchrun |
--rdzv_backend=c10d |
--rdzv_endpoint=localhost:0 |
--nnodes=1 |
--nproc_per_node=$NUM_TRAINERS |
YOUR_TRAINING_SCRIPT.py (--arg1 ... train script args...) |
Fault tolerant (fixed sized number of workers, no elasticity, tolerates 3 failures) |
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
:: |
torchrun |
--nnodes=$NUM_NODES |
--nproc_per_node=$NUM_TRAINERS |
--max_restarts=3 |
--rdzv_id=$JOB_ID |
--rdzv_backend=c10d |
--rdzv_endpoint=$HOST_NODE_ADDR |
YOUR_TRAINING_SCRIPT.py (--arg1 ... train script args...) |
``HOST_NODE_ADDR``, in form <host>[:<port>] (e.g. node1.example.com:29400), specifies the node and |
the port on which the C10d rendezvous backend should be instantiated and hosted. It can be any |
node in your training cluster, but ideally you should pick a node that has a high bandwidth. |
.. note:: |
If no port number is specified ``HOST_NODE_ADDR`` defaults to 29400. |
Elastic (``min=1``, ``max=4``, tolerates up to 3 membership changes or failures) |
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
:: |
torchrun |
--nnodes=1:4 |
--nproc_per_node=$NUM_TRAINERS |
--max_restarts=3 |
--rdzv_id=$JOB_ID |
--rdzv_backend=c10d |
--rdzv_endpoint=$HOST_NODE_ADDR |
YOUR_TRAINING_SCRIPT.py (--arg1 ... train script args...) |
``HOST_NODE_ADDR``, in form <host>[:<port>] (e.g. node1.example.com:29400), specifies the node and |
the port on which the C10d rendezvous backend should be instantiated and hosted. It can be any |
node in your training cluster, but ideally you should pick a node that has a high bandwidth. |
.. note:: |
If no port number is specified ``HOST_NODE_ADDR`` defaults to 29400. |
Note on rendezvous backend |
------------------------------ |
For multi-node training you need to specify: |
1. ``--rdzv_id``: A unique job id (shared by all nodes participating in the job) |
2. ``--rdzv_backend``: An implementation of |
:py:class:`torch.distributed.elastic.rendezvous.RendezvousHandler` |
3. ``--rdzv_endpoint``: The endpoint where the rendezvous backend is running; usually in form |
``host:port``. |
Currently ``c10d`` (recommended), ``etcd-v2``, and ``etcd`` (legacy) rendezvous backends are |
supported out of the box. To use ``etcd-v2`` or ``etcd``, setup an etcd server with the ``v2`` api |
enabled (e.g. ``--enable-v2``). |
.. warning:: |
``etcd-v2`` and ``etcd`` rendezvous use etcd API v2. You MUST enable the v2 API on the etcd |
server. Our tests use etcd v3.4.3. |
.. warning:: |
For etcd-based rendezvous we recommend using ``etcd-v2`` over ``etcd`` which is functionally |
equivalent, but uses a revised implementation. ``etcd`` is in maintenance mode and will be |
removed in a future version. |
Definitions |
-------------- |
1. ``Node`` - A physical instance or a container; maps to the unit that the job manager works with. |
2. ``Worker`` - A worker in the context of distributed training. |
3. ``WorkerGroup`` - The set of workers that execute the same function (e.g. trainers). |
4. ``LocalWorkerGroup`` - A subset of the workers in the worker group running on the same node. |
5. ``RANK`` - The rank of the worker within a worker group. |
6. ``WORLD_SIZE`` - The total number of workers in a worker group. |
7. ``LOCAL_RANK`` - The rank of the worker within a local worker group. |
8. ``LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE`` - The size of the local worker group. |
9. ``rdzv_id`` - A user-defined id that uniquely identifies the worker group for a job. This id is |
used by each node to join as a member of a particular worker group. |
9. ``rdzv_backend`` - The backend of the rendezvous (e.g. ``c10d``). This is typically a strongly |
consistent key-value store. |
10. ``rdzv_endpoint`` - The rendezvous backend endpoint; usually in form ``<host>:<port>``. |
A ``Node`` runs ``LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE`` workers which comprise a ``LocalWorkerGroup``. The union of |
all ``LocalWorkerGroups`` in the nodes in the job comprise the ``WorkerGroup``. |
Environment Variables |
---------------------- |
The following environment variables are made available to you in your script: |
1. ``LOCAL_RANK`` - The local rank. |
2. ``RANK`` - The global rank. |
3. ``GROUP_RANK`` - The rank of the worker group. A number between 0 and ``max_nnodes``. When |
running a single worker group per node, this is the rank of the node. |
4. ``ROLE_RANK`` - The rank of the worker across all the workers that have the same role. The role |
of the worker is specified in the ``WorkerSpec``. |
5. ``LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE`` - The local world size (e.g. number of workers running locally); equals to |
``--nproc_per_node`` specified on ``torchrun``. |
6. ``WORLD_SIZE`` - The world size (total number of workers in the job). |
7. ``ROLE_WORLD_SIZE`` - The total number of workers that was launched with the same role specified |
in ``WorkerSpec``. |
8. ``MASTER_ADDR`` - The FQDN of the host that is running worker with rank 0; used to initialize |
the Torch Distributed backend. |
9. ``MASTER_PORT`` - The port on the ``MASTER_ADDR`` that can be used to host the C10d TCP store. |
10. ``TORCHELASTIC_RESTART_COUNT`` - The number of worker group restarts so far. |
11. ``TORCHELASTIC_MAX_RESTARTS`` - The configured maximum number of restarts. |
12. ``TORCHELASTIC_RUN_ID`` - Equal to the rendezvous ``run_id`` (e.g. unique job id). |
13. ``PYTHON_EXEC`` - System executable override. If provided, the python user script will |
use the value of ``PYTHON_EXEC`` as executable. The `sys.executable` is used by default. |
Deployment |
------------ |
1. (Not needed for the C10d backend) Start the rendezvous backend server and get the endpoint (to be |
passed as ``--rdzv_endpoint`` to the launcher script) |
2. Single-node multi-worker: Start the launcher on the host to start the agent process which |
creates and monitors a local worker group. |
3. Multi-node multi-worker: Start the launcher with the same arguments on all the nodes |
participating in training. |
When using a job/cluster manager the entry point command to the multi-node job should be this |
launcher. |
Failure Modes |
--------------- |
1. Worker failure: For a training job with ``n`` workers, if ``k<=n`` workers fail all workers |
are stopped and restarted up to ``max_restarts``. |
2. Agent failure: An agent failure results in a local worker group failure. It is up to the job |
manager to fail the entire job (gang semantics) or attempt to replace the node. Both behaviors |
are supported by the agent. |
3. Node failure: Same as agent failure. |
Membership Changes |
-------------------- |
1. Node departure (scale-down): The agent is notified of the departure, all existing workers are |
stopped, a new ``WorkerGroup`` is formed, and all workers are started with a new ``RANK`` and |
2. Node arrival (scale-up): The new node is admitted to the job, all existing workers are stopped, |
a new ``WorkerGroup`` is formed, and all workers are started with a new ``RANK`` and |
Important Notices |
-------------------- |
1. This utility and multi-process distributed (single-node or |
multi-node) GPU training currently only achieves the best performance using |
the NCCL distributed backend. Thus NCCL backend is the recommended backend to |
use for GPU training. |
2. The environment variables necessary to initialize a Torch process group are provided to you by |
this module, no need for you to pass ``RANK`` manually. To initialize a process group in your |
training script, simply run: |
:: |
>>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("stub") |
>>> import torch.distributed as dist |
>>> dist.init_process_group(backend="gloo|nccl") |
3. In your training program, you can either use regular distributed functions |
or use :func:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` module. If your |
training program uses GPUs for training and you would like to use |
:func:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` module, |
here is how to configure it. |
:: |
local_rank = int(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"]) |
model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model, |
device_ids=[local_rank], |
output_device=local_rank) |
Please ensure that ``device_ids`` argument is set to be the only GPU device id |
that your code will be operating on. This is generally the local rank of the |
process. In other words, the ``device_ids`` needs to be ``[int(os.environ("LOCAL_RANK"))]``, |
and ``output_device`` needs to be ``int(os.environ("LOCAL_RANK"))`` in order to use this |
utility |
4. On failures or membership changes ALL surviving workers are killed immediately. Make sure to |
checkpoint your progress. The frequency of checkpoints should depend on your job's tolerance |
for lost work. |
5. This module only supports homogeneous ``LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE``. That is, it is assumed that all |
nodes run the same number of local workers (per role). |
6. ``RANK`` is NOT stable. Between restarts, the local workers on a node can be assgined a |
different range of ranks than before. NEVER hard code any assumptions about the stable-ness of |
ranks or some correlation between ``RANK`` and ``LOCAL_RANK``. |
7. When using elasticity (``min_size!=max_size``) DO NOT hard code assumptions about |
``WORLD_SIZE`` as the world size can change as nodes are allowed to leave and join. |
8. It is recommended for your script to have the following structure: |
:: |
def main(): |
load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path) |
initialize() |
train() |
def train(): |
for batch in iter(dataset): |
train_step(batch) |
if should_checkpoint: |
save_checkpoint(checkpoint_path) |
9. (Recommended) On worker errors, this tool will summarize the details of the error |
(e.g. time, rank, host, pid, traceback, etc). On each node, the first error (by timestamp) |
is heuristically reported as the "Root Cause" error. To get tracebacks as part of this |
error summary print out, you must decorate your main entrypoint function in your |
training script as shown in the example below. If not decorated, then the summary |
will not include the traceback of the exception and will only contain the exitcode. |
For details on torchelastic error handling see: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/elastic/errors.html |
:: |
from torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing.errors import record |
@record |
def main(): |
# do train |
pass |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |
""" |
import logging |
import os |
import sys |
import uuid |
from argparse import REMAINDER, ArgumentParser |
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Union |
import torch |
from torch.distributed.argparse_util import check_env, env |
from torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing import Std |
from torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing.errors import record |
from torch.distributed.elastic.rendezvous.utils import _parse_rendezvous_config |
from torch.distributed.elastic.utils import macros |
from torch.distributed.elastic.utils.logging import get_logger |
from torch.distributed.launcher.api import LaunchConfig, elastic_launch |
log = get_logger() |
def get_args_parser() -> ArgumentParser: |
"""Helper function parsing the command line options.""" |
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Torch Distributed Elastic Training Launcher") |
parser.add_argument( |
"--nnodes", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="1:1", |
help="Number of nodes, or the range of nodes in form <minimum_nodes>:<maximum_nodes>.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--nproc_per_node", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="1", |
help="Number of workers per node; supported values: [auto, cpu, gpu, int].", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--rdzv_backend", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="static", |
help="Rendezvous backend.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--rdzv_endpoint", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="", |
help="Rendezvous backend endpoint; usually in form <host>:<port>.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--rdzv_id", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="none", |
help="User-defined group id.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--rdzv_conf", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="", |
help="Additional rendezvous configuration (<key1>=<value1>,<key2>=<value2>,...).", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--standalone", |
action=check_env, |
help="Start a local standalone rendezvous backend that is represented by a C10d TCP store " |
"on port 29400. Useful when launching single-node, multi-worker job. If specified " |
"--rdzv_backend, --rdzv_endpoint, --rdzv_id are auto-assigned; any explicitly set values " |
"are ignored.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--max_restarts", |
action=env, |
type=int, |
default=0, |
help="Maximum number of worker group restarts before failing.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--monitor_interval", |
action=env, |
type=float, |
default=5, |
help="Interval, in seconds, to monitor the state of workers.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--start_method", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="spawn", |
choices=["spawn", "fork", "forkserver"], |
help="Multiprocessing start method to use when creating workers.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--role", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="default", |
help="User-defined role for the workers.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"-m", |
"--module", |
action=check_env, |
help="Change each process to interpret the launch script as a Python module, executing " |
"with the same behavior as 'python -m'.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--no_python", |
action=check_env, |
help="Skip prepending the training script with 'python' - just execute it directly. Useful " |
"when the script is not a Python script.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--run_path", |
action=check_env, |
help="Run the training script with runpy.run_path in the same interpreter." |
" Script must be provided as an abs path (e.g. /abs/path/script.py)." |
" Takes precedence over --no_python.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--log_dir", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default=None, |
help="Base directory to use for log files (e.g. /var/log/torch/elastic). The same " |
"directory is re-used for multiple runs (a unique job-level sub-directory is created with " |
"rdzv_id as the prefix).", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"-r", |
"--redirects", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="0", |
help="Redirect std streams into a log file in the log directory (e.g. [-r 3] redirects " |
"both stdout+stderr for all workers, [-r 0:1,1:2] redirects stdout for local rank 0 and " |
"stderr for local rank 1).", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"-t", |
"--tee", |
action=env, |
type=str, |
default="0", |
help="Tee std streams into a log file and also to console (see --redirects for format).", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--node_rank", |
type=int, |
action=env, |
default=0, |
help="Rank of the node for multi-node distributed training.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--master_addr", |
default="", |
type=str, |
action=env, |
help="Address of the master node (rank 0). It should be either the IP address or the " |
"hostname of rank 0. For single node multi-proc training the --master_addr can simply be " |
"; IPv6 should have the pattern `[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]`.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--master_port", |
default=29500, |
type=int, |
action=env, |
help="Port on the master node (rank 0) to be used for communication during distributed " |
"training.", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"training_script", |
type=str, |
help="Full path to the (single GPU) training program/script to be launched in parallel, " |
"followed by all the arguments for the training script.", |
) |
parser.add_argument("training_script_args", nargs=REMAINDER) |
return parser |
def parse_args(args): |
parser = get_args_parser() |
return parser.parse_args(args) |
def parse_min_max_nnodes(nnodes: str): |
arr = nnodes.split(":") |
if len(arr) == 1: |
min_nodes = max_nodes = int(arr[0]) |
elif len(arr) == 2: |
min_nodes = int(arr[0]) |
max_nodes = int(arr[1]) |
else: |
raise RuntimeError(f'nnodes={nnodes} is not in "MIN:MAX" format') |
return min_nodes, max_nodes |
def determine_local_world_size(nproc_per_node: str): |
try: |
logging.info(f"Using nproc_per_node={nproc_per_node}.") |
return int(nproc_per_node) |
except ValueError: |
if nproc_per_node == "cpu": |
num_proc = os.cpu_count() |
device_type = "cpu" |
elif nproc_per_node == "gpu": |
if not torch.cuda.is_available(): |
raise ValueError("Cuda is not available.") |
device_type = "gpu" |
num_proc = torch.cuda.device_count() |
elif nproc_per_node == "auto": |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
num_proc = torch.cuda.device_count() |
device_type = "gpu" |
else: |
num_proc = os.cpu_count() |
device_type = "cpu" |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported nproc_per_node value: {nproc_per_node}") |
log.info( |
f"Using nproc_per_node={nproc_per_node}," |
f" seting to {num_proc} since the instance " |
f"has {os.cpu_count()} {device_type}" |
) |
return num_proc |
def get_rdzv_endpoint(args): |
if args.rdzv_backend == "static" and not args.rdzv_endpoint: |
return f"{args.master_addr}:{args.master_port}" |
return args.rdzv_endpoint |
def get_use_env(args) -> bool: |
""" |
Retrieves ``use_env`` from the args. |
``use_env`` is a legacy argument, if ``use_env`` is False, the |
``--node_rank`` argument will be transferred to all worker processes. |
``use_env`` is only used by the ``torch.distributed.launch`` and will |
be deprecated in future releases. |
""" |
if not hasattr(args, "use_env"): |
return True |
return args.use_env |
def config_from_args(args) -> Tuple[LaunchConfig, Union[Callable, str], List[str]]: |
min_nodes, max_nodes = parse_min_max_nnodes(args.nnodes) |
assert 0 < min_nodes <= max_nodes |
assert args.max_restarts >= 0 |
nproc_per_node = determine_local_world_size(args.nproc_per_node) |
if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" not in os.environ and nproc_per_node > 1: |
omp_num_threads = 1 |
log.warning( |
f"\n*****************************************\n" |
f"Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable for each process to be " |
f"{omp_num_threads} in default, to avoid your system being overloaded, " |
f"please further tune the variable for optimal performance in " |
f"your application as needed. \n" |
f"*****************************************" |
) |
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(omp_num_threads) |
rdzv_configs = _parse_rendezvous_config(args.rdzv_conf) |
if args.rdzv_backend == "static": |
rdzv_configs["rank"] = args.node_rank |
rdzv_endpoint = get_rdzv_endpoint(args) |
config = LaunchConfig( |
min_nodes=min_nodes, |
max_nodes=max_nodes, |
nproc_per_node=nproc_per_node, |
run_id=args.rdzv_id, |
role=args.role, |
rdzv_endpoint=rdzv_endpoint, |
rdzv_backend=args.rdzv_backend, |
rdzv_configs=rdzv_configs, |
max_restarts=args.max_restarts, |
monitor_interval=args.monitor_interval, |
start_method=args.start_method, |
redirects=Std.from_str(args.redirects), |
tee=Std.from_str(args.tee), |
log_dir=args.log_dir, |
) |
with_python = not args.no_python |
cmd: Union[Callable, str] |
cmd_args = [] |
use_env = get_use_env(args) |
if args.run_path: |
cmd = run_script_path |
cmd_args.append(args.training_script) |
else: |
if with_python: |
cmd = os.getenv("PYTHON_EXEC", sys.executable) |
cmd_args.append("-u") |
if args.module: |
cmd_args.append("-m") |
cmd_args.append(args.training_script) |
else: |
if args.module: |
raise ValueError( |
"Don't use both the '--no_python' flag" |
" and the '--module' flag at the same time." |
) |
cmd = args.training_script |
if not use_env: |
cmd_args.append(f"--local_rank={macros.local_rank}") |
cmd_args.extend(args.training_script_args) |
return config, cmd, cmd_args |
def run_script_path(training_script: str, *training_script_args: str): |
""" |
Runs the provided `training_script` from within this interpreter. |
Usage: `script_as_function("/abs/path/to/script.py", "--arg1", "val1")` |
""" |
import runpy |
import sys |
sys.argv = [training_script] + [*training_script_args] |
runpy.run_path(sys.argv[0], run_name="__main__") |
def run(args): |
if args.standalone: |
args.rdzv_backend = "c10d" |
args.rdzv_endpoint = "localhost:29400" |
args.rdzv_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) |
log.info( |
f"\n**************************************\n" |
f"Rendezvous info:\n" |
f"--rdzv_backend={args.rdzv_backend} " |
f"--rdzv_endpoint={args.rdzv_endpoint} " |
f"--rdzv_id={args.rdzv_id}\n" |
f"**************************************\n" |
) |
config, cmd, cmd_args = config_from_args(args) |
elastic_launch( |
config=config, |
entrypoint=cmd, |
)(*cmd_args) |
@record |
def main(args=None): |
args = parse_args(args) |
run(args) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |