import gc |
import torch |
from ._utils import _dummy_type |
if not hasattr(torch._C, '_CudaStreamBase'): |
torch._C.__dict__['_CUDAGraph'] = _dummy_type('_CUDAGraph') |
torch._C.__dict__['_graph_pool_handle'] = _dummy_type('_graph_pool_handle') |
torch._C.__dict__['_cuda_isCurrentStreamCapturing'] = _dummy_type('_cuda_isCurrentStreamCapturing') |
from torch._C import _CUDAGraph |
from torch._C import _graph_pool_handle |
from torch._C import _cuda_isCurrentStreamCapturing |
def is_current_stream_capturing(): |
r""" |
Returns True if CUDA graph capture is underway on the current CUDA stream, False otherwise. |
If a CUDA context does not exist on the current device, returns False without initializing the context. |
""" |
return _cuda_isCurrentStreamCapturing() |
def graph_pool_handle(): |
r""" |
Returns an opaque token representing the id of a graph memory pool. |
See :ref:`Graph memory management<graph-memory-management>`. |
.. warning:: |
This API is in beta and may change in future releases. |
""" |
return _graph_pool_handle() |
class CUDAGraph(torch._C._CUDAGraph): |
r""" |
Wrapper around a CUDA graph. |
.. warning:: |
This API is in beta and may change in future releases. |
""" |
def __new__(cls): |
return super(CUDAGraph, cls).__new__(cls) |
def __init__(self): |
super(CUDAGraph, self).__init__() |
def capture_begin(self, pool=None): |
r""" |
Begins capturing CUDA work on the current stream. |
Typically, you shouldn't call ``capture_begin`` yourself. |
Use :class:`~torch.cuda.graph` or :func:`~torch.cuda.make_graphed_callables`, |
which call ``capture_begin`` internally. |
Arguments: |
pool (optional): Token (returned by :func:`~torch.cuda.graph_pool_handle` or |
:meth:`other_Graph_instance.pool()<torch.cuda.CUDAGraph.pool>`) that hints this graph may share memory |
with the indicated pool. See :ref:`Graph memory management<graph-memory-management>`. |
""" |
if pool is None: |
super(CUDAGraph, self).capture_begin() |
else: |
super(CUDAGraph, self).capture_begin(pool) |
def capture_end(self): |
r""" |
Ends CUDA graph capture on the current stream. |
After ``capture_end``, ``replay`` may be called on this instance. |
Typically, you shouldn't call ``capture_end`` yourself. |
Use :class:`~torch.cuda.graph` or :func:`~torch.cuda.make_graphed_callables`, |
which call ``capture_end`` internally. |
""" |
super(CUDAGraph, self).capture_end() |
def replay(self): |
r""" |
Replays the CUDA work captured by this graph. |
""" |
super(CUDAGraph, self).replay() |
def reset(self): |
r""" |
Deletes the graph currently held by this instance. |
""" |
super(CUDAGraph, self).reset() |
def pool(self): |
r""" |
Returns an opaque token representing the id of this graph's memory pool. |
This id can optionally be passed to another graph's ``capture_begin``, |
which hints the other graph may share the same memory pool. |
""" |
return super(CUDAGraph, self).pool() |
class graph(object): |
r""" |
Context-manager that captures CUDA work into a :class:`torch.cuda.CUDAGraph` |
object for later replay. |
See :ref:`CUDA Graphs <cuda-graph-semantics>` for a general introduction, |
detailed use, and constraints. |
Arguments: |
cuda_graph (torch.cuda.CUDAGraph): Graph object used for capture. |
pool (optional): Opaque token (returned by a call to :func:`~torch.cuda.graph_pool_handle()` or |
:meth:`other_Graph_instance.pool()<torch.cuda.CUDAGraph.pool>`) hinting this graph's capture |
may share memory from the specified pool. See :ref:`Graph memory management<graph-memory-management>`. |
stream (torch.cuda.Stream, optional): If supplied, will be set as the current stream in the context. |
If not supplied, ``graph`` sets its own internal side stream as the current stream in the context. |
.. note:: |
For effective memory sharing, if you pass a ``pool`` used by a previous capture and the previous capture |
used an explicit ``stream`` argument, you should pass the same ``stream`` argument to this capture. |
.. warning:: |
This API is in beta and may change in future releases. |
""" |
default_capture_stream = None |
def __init__(self, |
cuda_graph, |
pool=None, |
stream=None): |
if self.__class__.default_capture_stream is None: |
self.__class__.default_capture_stream = torch.cuda.Stream() |
self.pool = () if pool is None else (pool,) |
self.capture_stream = stream if stream is not None else self.__class__.default_capture_stream |
assert self.capture_stream is not None |
self.stream_ctx = torch.cuda.stream(self.capture_stream) |
self.cuda_graph = cuda_graph |
def __enter__(self): |
torch.cuda.synchronize() |
gc.collect() |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
self.stream_ctx.__enter__() |
self.cuda_graph.capture_begin(*self.pool) |
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): |
self.cuda_graph.capture_end() |
self.stream_ctx.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) |
def make_graphed_callables(callables, sample_args, num_warmup_iters=3): |
r""" |
Accepts callables (functions or :class:`nn.Module<torch.nn.Module>`\ s) |
and returns graphed versions. |
Each graphed callable's forward pass runs its source callable's |
forward CUDA work as a CUDA graph inside a single autograd node. |
The graphed callable's forward pass also appends |
a backward node to the autograd graph. During backward, this node runs the |
callable's backward work as a CUDA graph. |
Therefore, each graphed callable should be a drop-in replacement for its source callable |
in an autograd-enabled training loop. |
See :ref:`Partial-network capture<partial-network-capture>` for detailed use and constraints. |
If you pass a tuple of several callables, their captures will use the same memory pool. |
See :ref:`Graph memory management<graph-memory-management>` for when this is appropriate. |
Arguments: |
callables (torch.nn.Module or Python function, or tuple of these): Callable or callables to graph. |
See :ref:`Graph memory management<graph-memory-management>` for when passing a tuple of callables |
is appropriate. If you pass a tuple of callables, their order in the tuple must be the same order |
they'll run in the live workload. |
sample_args (tuple of Tensors, or tuple of tuples of Tensors): Samples args for each callable. |
If a single callable was passed, ``sample_args`` must be a single tuple of argument Tensors. |
If a tuple of callables was passed, ``sample_args`` must be tuple of tuples of argument Tensors. |
num_warmup_iters (int): The number of warmup iterations. Currently, ``DataDistributedParallel`` needs |
11 iterations for warm up. Default: ``3``. |
.. note:: |
The ``requires_grad`` state of each Tensor in ``sample_args`` must match the state |
that's expected for the corresponding real input in the training loop. |
.. warning:: |
This API is in beta and may change in future releases. |
.. warning:: |
``sample_args`` for each callable must be a tuple of Tensors. Other types and keyword args |
are not allowed. |
.. warning:: |
Returned callables do not support higher order differentiation (e.g., double backward). |
.. warning:: |
In any :class:`~torch.nn.Module` passed to :func:`~make_graphed_callables`, only parameters |
may be trainable. Buffers must have ``requires_grad=False``. |
.. warning:: |
After you pass a :class:`torch.nn.Module` through :func:`~make_graphed_callables`, |
you may not add or remove any of that Module's parameters or buffers. |
.. warning:: |
:class:`torch.nn.Module`\s passed to :func:`~torch.cuda.make_graphed_callables` must not have module hooks |
registered on them at the time they are passed. However, registering hooks on modules *after* passing them |
through :func:`~torch.cuda.make_graphed_callables` is allowed. |
.. warning:: |
When running a graphed callable, you must pass its arguments in the same order and format |
they appeared in that callable's ``sample_args``. |
.. warning:: |
The automatic mixed precision is supported in :func:`~torch.cuda.make_graphed_callables` only with disabled |
caching. The context manager `torch.cuda.amp.autocast()` must have `cache_enabled=False`. |
.. warning:: |
All Tensor outputs of graphed callables must require grad. |
""" |
if torch.is_autocast_enabled() and torch.is_autocast_cache_enabled(): |
raise RuntimeError("make_graphed_callables does not support the autocast caching. Please set `cache_enabled=False`.") |
just_one_callable = False |
if not isinstance(callables, tuple): |
just_one_callable = True |
callables = (callables,) |
sample_args = (sample_args,) |
for c, args in zip(callables, sample_args): |
if isinstance(c, torch.nn.Module): |
assert len(c._backward_hooks) == 0 and len(c._forward_hooks) == 0 and len(c._forward_pre_hooks) == 0, \ |
"Modules must not have hooks registered at the time they are passed. However, registering hooks " + \ |
"on modules after passing them through make_graphed_callables is allowed." |
assert all(b.requires_grad is False for b in c.buffers()), "In any :class:`~torch.nn.Module` passed to " + \ |
":func:`~make_graphed_callables`, only parameters may be trainable. All buffers must have " + \ |
"``requires_grad=False``." |
assert all(isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) for arg in args), "In the beta API, sample_args " + \ |
"for each callable must be a tuple of Tensors. Other types and keyword args are not allowed." |
per_callable_len_user_args = [len(args) for args in sample_args] |
per_callable_module_params = [tuple(c.parameters()) if isinstance(c, torch.nn.Module) else () |
for c in callables] |
per_callable_static_input_surfaces = [sample_args[i] + per_callable_module_params[i] |
for i in range(len(callables))] |
fwd_graphs = [torch.cuda.CUDAGraph() for _ in range(len(callables))] |
bwd_graphs = [torch.cuda.CUDAGraph() for _ in range(len(callables))] |
mempool = graph_pool_handle() |
torch.cuda.synchronize() |
with torch.cuda.stream(torch.cuda.Stream()): |
for func, args, static_input_surface in zip(callables, |
sample_args, |
per_callable_static_input_surfaces): |
for _ in range(num_warmup_iters): |
outputs = func(*args) |
outputs = (outputs,) if isinstance(outputs, torch.Tensor) else outputs |
grad_inputs = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=outputs, |
inputs=tuple(i for i in static_input_surface if i.requires_grad), |
grad_outputs=tuple(torch.empty_like(o) for o in outputs), |
only_inputs=True, |
allow_unused=False) |
del outputs, grad_inputs |
torch.cuda.synchronize() |
per_callable_static_outputs = [] |
per_callable_output_was_tensor = [] |
for func, args, fwd_graph in zip(callables, |
sample_args, |
fwd_graphs): |
with torch.cuda.graph(fwd_graph, pool=mempool): |
outputs = func(*args) |
if isinstance(outputs, torch.Tensor): |
per_callable_output_was_tensor.append(True) |
outputs = (outputs,) |
else: |
per_callable_output_was_tensor.append(False) |
per_callable_static_outputs.append(outputs) |
per_callable_static_grad_outputs = [] |
per_callable_static_grad_inputs = [] |
for static_input_surface, static_outputs, bwd_graph, module_params in \ |
zip(reversed(per_callable_static_input_surfaces), |
reversed(per_callable_static_outputs), |
reversed(bwd_graphs), |
reversed(per_callable_module_params)): |
assert all(o.requires_grad for o in static_outputs), "Outputs of graphed callables must require grad." |
static_grad_outputs = tuple(torch.empty_like(o) for o in static_outputs) |
with torch.cuda.graph(bwd_graph, pool=mempool): |
grad_inputs = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=static_outputs, |
inputs=tuple(i for i in static_input_surface if i.requires_grad), |
grad_outputs=static_grad_outputs, |
only_inputs=True, |
allow_unused=False) |
static_grad_inputs = [] |
grad_idx = 0 |
for arg in static_input_surface: |
if arg.requires_grad: |
static_grad_inputs.append(grad_inputs[grad_idx]) |
grad_idx += 1 |
else: |
static_grad_inputs.append(None) |
static_grad_inputs = tuple(static_grad_inputs) |
per_callable_static_grad_outputs.append(static_grad_outputs) |
per_callable_static_grad_inputs.append(static_grad_inputs) |
per_callable_static_grad_outputs = list(reversed(per_callable_static_grad_outputs)) |
per_callable_static_grad_inputs = list(reversed(per_callable_static_grad_inputs)) |
def make_graphed_autograd_function(fwd_graph, |
bwd_graph, |
module_params, |
len_user_args, |
output_was_tensor, |
static_input_surface, |
static_outputs, |
static_grad_outputs, |
static_grad_inputs): |
class Graphed(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, *inputs): |
for i in range(len_user_args): |
if static_input_surface[i].data_ptr() != inputs[i].data_ptr(): |
static_input_surface[i].copy_(inputs[i]) |
fwd_graph.replay() |
assert isinstance(static_outputs, tuple) |
return tuple(o.detach() for o in static_outputs) |
@staticmethod |
@torch.autograd.function.once_differentiable |
def backward(ctx, *grads): |
for g, grad in zip(static_grad_outputs, grads): |
if g is None: |
assert grad is None |
else: |
if g.data_ptr() != grad.data_ptr(): |
g.copy_(grad) |
bwd_graph.replay() |
assert isinstance(static_grad_inputs, tuple) |
return tuple(b.detach() if b is not None else b for b in static_grad_inputs) |
def functionalized(*user_args): |
out = Graphed.apply(*(user_args + module_params)) |
return out[0] if output_was_tensor else out |
return functionalized |
ret = [] |
for i, func in enumerate(callables): |
graphed = make_graphed_autograd_function(fwd_graphs[i], |
bwd_graphs[i], |
per_callable_module_params[i], |
per_callable_len_user_args[i], |
per_callable_output_was_tensor[i], |
per_callable_static_input_surfaces[i], |
per_callable_static_outputs[i], |
per_callable_static_grad_outputs[i], |
per_callable_static_grad_inputs[i]) |
if isinstance(func, torch.nn.Module): |
def make_graphed_forward(func, graph_training_state, graphed, orig_fwd): |
def new_fwd(*user_args): |
if func.training == graph_training_state: |
return graphed(*user_args) |
else: |
return orig_fwd(*user_args) |
return new_fwd |
func.forward = make_graphed_forward(func, func.training, graphed, func.forward) |
ret.append(func) |
else: |
ret.append(graphed) |
if just_one_callable: |
return ret[0] |
return tuple(ret) |