""" |
Display |
======= |
Data visualization |
------------------ |
.. autosummary:: |
:toctree: generated/ |
specshow |
waveshow |
Axis formatting |
--------------- |
.. autosummary:: |
:toctree: generated/ |
TimeFormatter |
NoteFormatter |
SvaraFormatter |
LogHzFormatter |
ChromaFormatter |
ChromaSvaraFormatter |
TonnetzFormatter |
Miscellaneous |
------------- |
.. autosummary:: |
:toctree: generated/ |
cmap |
AdaptiveWaveplot |
""" |
import warnings |
import numpy as np |
from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap |
from matplotlib.axes import Axes |
from matplotlib.ticker import Formatter, ScalarFormatter |
from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator, FixedLocator, MaxNLocator |
from matplotlib.ticker import SymmetricalLogLocator |
import matplotlib |
from packaging.version import parse as version_parse |
from . import core |
from . import util |
from .util.exceptions import ParameterError |
from .util.decorators import deprecate_positional_args |
__all__ = [ |
"specshow", |
"waveshow", |
"cmap", |
"TimeFormatter", |
"NoteFormatter", |
"LogHzFormatter", |
"ChromaFormatter", |
"TonnetzFormatter", |
"AdaptiveWaveplot", |
] |
class TimeFormatter(Formatter): |
"""A tick formatter for time axes. |
Automatically switches between seconds, minutes:seconds, |
or hours:minutes:seconds. |
Parameters |
---------- |
lag : bool |
If ``True``, then the time axis is interpreted in lag coordinates. |
Anything past the midpoint will be converted to negative time. |
unit : str or None |
Abbreviation of the physical unit for axis labels and ticks. |
Either equal to `s` (seconds) or `ms` (milliseconds) or None (default). |
If set to None, the resulting TimeFormatter object adapts its string |
representation to the duration of the underlying time range: |
`hh:mm:ss` above 3600 seconds; `mm:ss` between 60 and 3600 seconds; |
and `ss` below 60 seconds. |
See also |
-------- |
matplotlib.ticker.Formatter |
Examples |
-------- |
For normal time |
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
>>> times = np.arange(30) |
>>> values = np.random.randn(len(times)) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
>>> ax.plot(times, values) |
>>> ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.TimeFormatter()) |
>>> ax.set(xlabel='Time') |
Manually set the physical time unit of the x-axis to milliseconds |
>>> times = np.arange(100) |
>>> values = np.random.randn(len(times)) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
>>> ax.plot(times, values) |
>>> ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.TimeFormatter(unit='ms')) |
>>> ax.set(xlabel='Time (ms)') |
For lag plots |
>>> times = np.arange(60) |
>>> values = np.random.randn(len(times)) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
>>> ax.plot(times, values) |
>>> ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.TimeFormatter(lag=True)) |
>>> ax.set(xlabel='Lag') |
""" |
def __init__(self, lag=False, unit=None): |
if unit not in ["s", "ms", None]: |
raise ParameterError("Unknown time unit: {}".format(unit)) |
self.unit = unit |
self.lag = lag |
def __call__(self, x, pos=None): |
"""Return the time format as pos""" |
_, dmax = self.axis.get_data_interval() |
vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval() |
if self.lag and x >= dmax * 0.5: |
if x > dmax: |
return "" |
value = np.abs(x - dmax) |
sign = "-" |
else: |
value = x |
sign = "" |
if self.unit == "s": |
s = "{:.3g}".format(value) |
elif self.unit == "ms": |
s = "{:.3g}".format(value * 1000) |
else: |
if vmax - vmin > 3600: |
s = "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format( |
int(value / 3600.0), |
int(np.mod(value / 60.0, 60)), |
int(np.mod(value, 60)), |
) |
elif vmax - vmin > 60: |
s = "{:d}:{:02d}".format(int(value / 60.0), int(np.mod(value, 60))) |
elif vmax - vmin >= 1: |
s = "{:.2g}".format(value) |
else: |
s = "{:.3f}".format(value) |
return "{:s}{:s}".format(sign, s) |
class NoteFormatter(Formatter): |
"""Ticker formatter for Notes |
Parameters |
---------- |
octave : bool |
If ``True``, display the octave number along with the note name. |
Otherwise, only show the note name (and cent deviation) |
major : bool |
If ``True``, ticks are always labeled. |
If ``False``, ticks are only labeled if the span is less than 2 octaves |
key : str |
Key for determining pitch spelling. |
unicode : bool |
If ``True``, use unicode symbols for accidentals. |
If ``False``, use ASCII symbols for accidentals. |
See also |
-------- |
LogHzFormatter |
matplotlib.ticker.Formatter |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
>>> values = librosa.midi_to_hz(np.arange(48, 72)) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2) |
>>> ax[0].bar(np.arange(len(values)), values) |
>>> ax[0].set(ylabel='Hz') |
>>> ax[1].bar(np.arange(len(values)), values) |
>>> ax[1].yaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.NoteFormatter()) |
>>> ax[1].set(ylabel='Note') |
""" |
def __init__(self, octave=True, major=True, key="C:maj", unicode=True): |
self.octave = octave |
self.major = major |
self.key = key |
self.unicode = unicode |
def __call__(self, x, pos=None): |
if x <= 0: |
return "" |
vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval() |
if not self.major and vmax > 4 * max(1, vmin): |
return "" |
cents = vmax <= 2 * max(1, vmin) |
return core.hz_to_note( |
x, octave=self.octave, cents=cents, key=self.key, unicode=self.unicode |
) |
class SvaraFormatter(Formatter): |
"""Ticker formatter for Svara |
Parameters |
---------- |
octave : bool |
If ``True``, display the octave number along with the note name. |
Otherwise, only show the note name (and cent deviation) |
major : bool |
If ``True``, ticks are always labeled. |
If ``False``, ticks are only labeled if the span is less than 2 octaves |
Sa : number > 0 |
Frequency (in Hz) of Sa |
mela : str or int |
For Carnatic svara, the index or name of the melakarta raga in question |
To use Hindustani svara, set ``mela=None`` |
unicode : bool |
If ``True``, use unicode symbols for accidentals. |
If ``False``, use ASCII symbols for accidentals. |
See also |
-------- |
NoteFormatter |
matplotlib.ticker.Formatter |
librosa.hz_to_svara_c |
librosa.hz_to_svara_h |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
>>> values = librosa.midi_to_hz(np.arange(48, 72)) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2) |
>>> ax[0].bar(np.arange(len(values)), values) |
>>> ax[0].set(ylabel='Hz') |
>>> ax[1].bar(np.arange(len(values)), values) |
>>> ax[1].yaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.SvaraFormatter(261)) |
>>> ax[1].set(ylabel='Note') |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, Sa, octave=True, major=True, abbr=False, mela=None, unicode=True |
): |
if Sa is None: |
raise ParameterError( |
"Sa frequency is required for svara display formatting" |
) |
self.Sa = Sa |
self.octave = octave |
self.major = major |
self.abbr = abbr |
self.mela = mela |
self.unicode = unicode |
def __call__(self, x, pos=None): |
if x <= 0: |
return "" |
vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval() |
if not self.major and vmax > 4 * max(1, vmin): |
return "" |
if self.mela is None: |
return core.hz_to_svara_h( |
x, Sa=self.Sa, octave=self.octave, abbr=self.abbr, unicode=self.unicode |
) |
else: |
return core.hz_to_svara_c( |
x, |
Sa=self.Sa, |
mela=self.mela, |
octave=self.octave, |
abbr=self.abbr, |
unicode=self.unicode, |
) |
class LogHzFormatter(Formatter): |
"""Ticker formatter for logarithmic frequency |
Parameters |
---------- |
major : bool |
If ``True``, ticks are always labeled. |
If ``False``, ticks are only labeled if the span is less than 2 octaves |
See also |
-------- |
NoteFormatter |
matplotlib.ticker.Formatter |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
>>> values = librosa.midi_to_hz(np.arange(48, 72)) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2) |
>>> ax[0].bar(np.arange(len(values)), values) |
>>> ax[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.LogHzFormatter()) |
>>> ax[0].set(ylabel='Hz') |
>>> ax[1].bar(np.arange(len(values)), values) |
>>> ax[1].yaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.NoteFormatter()) |
>>> ax[1].set(ylabel='Note') |
""" |
def __init__(self, major=True): |
self.major = major |
def __call__(self, x, pos=None): |
if x <= 0: |
return "" |
vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval() |
if not self.major and vmax > 4 * max(1, vmin): |
return "" |
return "{:g}".format(x) |
class ChromaFormatter(Formatter): |
"""A formatter for chroma axes |
See also |
-------- |
matplotlib.ticker.Formatter |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
>>> values = np.arange(12) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
>>> ax.plot(values) |
>>> ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.ChromaFormatter()) |
>>> ax.set(ylabel='Pitch class') |
""" |
def __init__(self, key="C:maj", unicode=True): |
self.key = key |
self.unicode = unicode |
def __call__(self, x, pos=None): |
"""Format for chroma positions""" |
return core.midi_to_note( |
int(x), octave=False, cents=False, key=self.key, unicode=self.unicode |
) |
class ChromaSvaraFormatter(Formatter): |
"""A formatter for chroma axes with svara instead of notes. |
If mela is given, Carnatic svara names will be used. |
Otherwise, Hindustani svara names will be used. |
If `Sa` is not given, it will default to 0 (equivalent to `C`). |
See Also |
-------- |
ChromaFormatter |
""" |
def __init__(self, Sa=None, mela=None, abbr=True, unicode=True): |
if Sa is None: |
Sa = 0 |
self.Sa = Sa |
self.mela = mela |
self.abbr = abbr |
self.unicode = unicode |
def __call__(self, x, pos=None): |
"""Format for chroma positions""" |
if self.mela is not None: |
return core.midi_to_svara_c( |
int(x), |
Sa=self.Sa, |
mela=self.mela, |
octave=False, |
abbr=self.abbr, |
unicode=self.unicode, |
) |
else: |
return core.midi_to_svara_h( |
int(x), Sa=self.Sa, octave=False, abbr=self.abbr, unicode=self.unicode |
) |
class TonnetzFormatter(Formatter): |
"""A formatter for tonnetz axes |
See also |
-------- |
matplotlib.ticker.Formatter |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
>>> values = np.arange(6) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
>>> ax.plot(values) |
>>> ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.TonnetzFormatter()) |
>>> ax.set(ylabel='Tonnetz') |
""" |
def __call__(self, x, pos=None): |
"""Format for tonnetz positions""" |
return [r"5$_x$", r"5$_y$", r"m3$_x$", r"m3$_y$", r"M3$_x$", r"M3$_y$"][int(x)] |
class AdaptiveWaveplot: |
"""A helper class for managing adaptive wave visualizations. |
This object is used to dynamically switch between sample-based and envelope-based |
visualizations of waveforms. |
When the display is zoomed in such that no more than `max_samples` would be |
visible, the sample-based display is used. |
When displaying the raw samples would require more than `max_samples`, an |
envelope-based plot is used instead. |
You should never need to instantiate this object directly, as it is constructed |
automatically by `waveshow`. |
Parameters |
---------- |
times : np.ndarray |
An array containing the time index (in seconds) for each sample. |
y : np.ndarray |
An array containing the (monophonic) wave samples. |
steps : matplotlib.lines.Lines2D |
The matplotlib artist used for the sample-based visualization. |
This is constructed by `matplotlib.pyplot.step`. |
envelope : matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection |
The matplotlib artist used for the envelope-based visualization. |
This is constructed by `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between`. |
sr : number > 0 |
The sampling rate of the audio |
max_samples : int > 0 |
The maximum number of samples to use for sample-based display. |
See Also |
-------- |
waveshow |
""" |
def __init__(self, times, y, steps, envelope, sr=22050, max_samples=11025): |
self.times = times |
self.samples = y |
self.steps = steps |
self.envelope = envelope |
self.sr = sr |
self.max_samples = max_samples |
def update(self, ax): |
"""Update the matplotlib display according to the current viewport limits. |
This is a callback function, and should not be used directly. |
Parameters |
---------- |
ax : matplotlib axes object |
The axes object to update |
""" |
lims = ax.viewLim |
if lims.width * self.sr <= self.max_samples: |
self.envelope.set_visible(False) |
self.steps.set_visible(True) |
xdata = self.steps.get_xdata() |
if lims.x0 <= xdata[0] or lims.x1 >= xdata[-1]: |
midpoint_time = (lims.x1 + lims.x0) / 2 |
idx_start = np.searchsorted( |
self.times, midpoint_time - 0.5 * self.max_samples / self.sr |
) |
self.steps.set_data( |
self.times[idx_start : idx_start + self.max_samples], |
self.samples[idx_start : idx_start + self.max_samples], |
) |
else: |
self.envelope.set_visible(True) |
self.steps.set_visible(False) |
ax.figure.canvas.draw_idle() |
@deprecate_positional_args |
def cmap( |
data, *, robust=True, cmap_seq="magma", cmap_bool="gray_r", cmap_div="coolwarm" |
): |
"""Get a default colormap from the given data. |
If the data is boolean, use a black and white colormap. |
If the data has both positive and negative values, |
use a diverging colormap. |
Otherwise, use a sequential colormap. |
Parameters |
---------- |
data : np.ndarray |
Input data |
robust : bool |
If True, discard the top and bottom 2% of data when calculating |
range. |
cmap_seq : str |
The sequential colormap name |
cmap_bool : str |
The boolean colormap name |
cmap_div : str |
The diverging colormap name |
Returns |
------- |
cmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap |
The colormap to use for ``data`` |
See Also |
-------- |
matplotlib.pyplot.colormaps |
""" |
data = np.atleast_1d(data) |
if data.dtype == "bool": |
return get_cmap(cmap_bool, lut=2) |
data = data[np.isfinite(data)] |
if robust: |
min_p, max_p = 2, 98 |
else: |
min_p, max_p = 0, 100 |
min_val, max_val = np.percentile(data, [min_p, max_p]) |
if min_val >= 0 or max_val <= 0: |
return get_cmap(cmap_seq) |
return get_cmap(cmap_div) |
def __envelope(x, hop): |
"""Compute the max-envelope of non-overlapping frames of x at length hop |
x is assumed to be multi-channel, of shape (n_channels, n_samples). |
""" |
x_frame = np.abs(util.frame(x, frame_length=hop, hop_length=hop)) |
return x_frame.max(axis=1) |
@deprecate_positional_args |
def specshow( |
data, |
*, |
x_coords=None, |
y_coords=None, |
x_axis=None, |
y_axis=None, |
sr=22050, |
hop_length=512, |
n_fft=None, |
win_length=None, |
fmin=None, |
fmax=None, |
tuning=0.0, |
bins_per_octave=12, |
key="C:maj", |
Sa=None, |
mela=None, |
thaat=None, |
auto_aspect=True, |
htk=False, |
unicode=True, |
ax=None, |
**kwargs, |
): |
"""Display a spectrogram/chromagram/cqt/etc. |
For a detailed overview of this function, see :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_plot_display.py` |
Parameters |
---------- |
data : np.ndarray [shape=(d, n)] |
Matrix to display (e.g., spectrogram) |
sr : number > 0 [scalar] |
Sample rate used to determine time scale in x-axis. |
hop_length : int > 0 [scalar] |
Hop length, also used to determine time scale in x-axis |
n_fft : int > 0 or None |
Number of samples per frame in STFT/spectrogram displays. |
By default, this will be inferred from the shape of ``data`` |
as ``2 * (d - 1)``. |
If ``data`` was generated using an odd frame length, the correct |
value can be specified here. |
win_length : int > 0 or None |
The number of samples per window. |
By default, this will be inferred to match ``n_fft``. |
This is primarily useful for specifying odd window lengths in |
Fourier tempogram displays. |
x_axis, y_axis : None or str |
Range for the x- and y-axes. |
Valid types are: |
- None, 'none', or 'off' : no axis decoration is displayed. |
Frequency types: |
- 'linear', 'fft', 'hz' : frequency range is determined by |
the FFT window and sampling rate. |
- 'log' : the spectrum is displayed on a log scale. |
- 'fft_note': the spectrum is displayed on a log scale with pitches marked. |
- 'fft_svara': the spectrum is displayed on a log scale with svara marked. |
- 'mel' : frequencies are determined by the mel scale. |
- 'cqt_hz' : frequencies are determined by the CQT scale. |
- 'cqt_note' : pitches are determined by the CQT scale. |
- 'cqt_svara' : like `cqt_note` but using Hindustani or Carnatic svara |
All frequency types are plotted in units of Hz. |
Any spectrogram parameters (hop_length, sr, bins_per_octave, etc.) |
used to generate the input data should also be provided when |
calling `specshow`. |
Categorical types: |
- 'chroma' : pitches are determined by the chroma filters. |
Pitch classes are arranged at integer locations (0-11) according to |
a given key. |
- `chroma_h`, `chroma_c`: pitches are determined by chroma filters, |
and labeled as svara in the Hindustani (`chroma_h`) or Carnatic (`chroma_c`) |
according to a given thaat (Hindustani) or melakarta raga (Carnatic). |
- 'tonnetz' : axes are labeled by Tonnetz dimensions (0-5) |
- 'frames' : markers are shown as frame counts. |
Time types: |
- 'time' : markers are shown as milliseconds, seconds, minutes, or hours. |
Values are plotted in units of seconds. |
- 's' : markers are shown as seconds. |
- 'ms' : markers are shown as milliseconds. |
- 'lag' : like time, but past the halfway point counts as negative values. |
- 'lag_s' : same as lag, but in seconds. |
- 'lag_ms' : same as lag, but in milliseconds. |
Rhythm: |
- 'tempo' : markers are shown as beats-per-minute (BPM) |
using a logarithmic scale. This is useful for |
visualizing the outputs of `feature.tempogram`. |
- 'fourier_tempo' : same as `'tempo'`, but used when |
tempograms are calculated in the Frequency domain |
using `feature.fourier_tempogram`. |
x_coords, y_coords : np.ndarray [shape=data.shape[0 or 1]] |
Optional positioning coordinates of the input data. |
These can be use to explicitly set the location of each |
element ``data[i, j]``, e.g., for displaying beat-synchronous |
features in natural time coordinates. |
If not provided, they are inferred from ``x_axis`` and ``y_axis``. |
fmin : float > 0 [scalar] or None |
Frequency of the lowest spectrogram bin. Used for Mel and CQT |
scales. |
If ``y_axis`` is `cqt_hz` or `cqt_note` and ``fmin`` is not given, |
it is set by default to ``note_to_hz('C1')``. |
fmax : float > 0 [scalar] or None |
Used for setting the Mel frequency scales |
tuning : float |
Tuning deviation from A440, in fractions of a bin. |
This is used for CQT frequency scales, so that ``fmin`` is adjusted |
to ``fmin * 2**(tuning / bins_per_octave)``. |
bins_per_octave : int > 0 [scalar] |
Number of bins per octave. Used for CQT frequency scale. |
key : str |
The reference key to use when using note axes (`cqt_note`, `chroma`). |
Sa : float or int |
If using Hindustani or Carnatic svara axis decorations, specify Sa. |
For `cqt_svara`, ``Sa`` should be specified as a frequency in Hz. |
For `chroma_c` or `chroma_h`, ``Sa`` should correspond to the position |
of Sa within the chromagram. |
If not provided, Sa will default to 0 (equivalent to `C`) |
mela : str or int, optional |
If using `chroma_c` or `cqt_svara` display mode, specify the melakarta raga. |
thaat : str, optional |
If using `chroma_h` display mode, specify the parent thaat. |
auto_aspect : bool |
Axes will have 'equal' aspect if the horizontal and vertical dimensions |
cover the same extent and their types match. |
To override, set to `False`. |
htk : bool |
If plotting on a mel frequency axis, specify which version of the mel |
scale to use. |
- `False`: use Slaney formula (default) |
- `True`: use HTK formula |
See `core.mel_frequencies` for more information. |
unicode : bool |
If using note or svara decorations, setting `unicode=True` |
will use unicode glyphs for accidentals and octave encoding. |
Setting `unicode=False` will use ASCII glyphs. This can be helpful |
if your font does not support musical notation symbols. |
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None |
Axes to plot on instead of the default `plt.gca()`. |
**kwargs : additional keyword arguments |
Arguments passed through to `matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. |
By default, the following options are set: |
- ``rasterized=True`` |
- ``shading='auto'`` |
- ``edgecolors='None'`` |
Returns |
------- |
colormesh : `matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh` |
The color mesh object produced by `matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh` |
See Also |
-------- |
cmap : Automatic colormap detection |
matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh |
Examples |
-------- |
Visualize an STFT power spectrum using default parameters |
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
>>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex('choice'), duration=15) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True) |
>>> D = librosa.amplitude_to_db(np.abs(librosa.stft(y)), ref=np.max) |
>>> img = librosa.display.specshow(D, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', |
... sr=sr, ax=ax[0]) |
>>> ax[0].set(title='Linear-frequency power spectrogram') |
>>> ax[0].label_outer() |
Or on a logarithmic scale, and using a larger hop |
>>> hop_length = 1024 |
>>> D = librosa.amplitude_to_db(np.abs(librosa.stft(y, hop_length=hop_length)), |
... ref=np.max) |
>>> librosa.display.specshow(D, y_axis='log', sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length, |
... x_axis='time', ax=ax[1]) |
>>> ax[1].set(title='Log-frequency power spectrogram') |
>>> ax[1].label_outer() |
>>> fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, format="%+2.f dB") |
""" |
if np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.complexfloating): |
warnings.warn( |
"Trying to display complex-valued input. " "Showing magnitude instead.", |
stacklevel=2, |
) |
data = np.abs(data) |
kwargs.setdefault("cmap", cmap(data)) |
kwargs.setdefault("rasterized", True) |
kwargs.setdefault("edgecolors", "None") |
kwargs.setdefault("shading", "auto") |
all_params = dict( |
kwargs=kwargs, |
sr=sr, |
fmin=fmin, |
fmax=fmax, |
tuning=tuning, |
bins_per_octave=bins_per_octave, |
hop_length=hop_length, |
n_fft=n_fft, |
win_length=win_length, |
key=key, |
htk=htk, |
unicode=unicode, |
) |
y_coords = __mesh_coords(y_axis, y_coords, data.shape[0], **all_params) |
x_coords = __mesh_coords(x_axis, x_coords, data.shape[1], **all_params) |
axes = __check_axes(ax) |
out = axes.pcolormesh(x_coords, y_coords, data, **kwargs) |
__set_current_image(ax, out) |
__scale_axes(axes, x_axis, "x") |
__scale_axes(axes, y_axis, "y") |
__decorate_axis( |
axes.xaxis, x_axis, key=key, Sa=Sa, mela=mela, thaat=thaat, unicode=unicode |
) |
__decorate_axis( |
axes.yaxis, y_axis, key=key, Sa=Sa, mela=mela, thaat=thaat, unicode=unicode |
) |
if __same_axes(x_axis, y_axis, axes.get_xlim(), axes.get_ylim()) and auto_aspect: |
axes.set_aspect("equal") |
return out |
def __set_current_image(ax, img): |
"""Helper to set the current image in pyplot mode. |
If the provided ``ax`` is not `None`, then we assume that the user is using the object API. |
In this case, the pyplot current image is not set. |
""" |
if ax is None: |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
plt.sci(img) |
def __mesh_coords(ax_type, coords, n, **kwargs): |
"""Compute axis coordinates""" |
if coords is not None: |
if len(coords) not in (n, n + 1): |
raise ParameterError( |
f"Coordinate shape mismatch: {len(coords)}!={n} or {n}+1" |
) |
return coords |
coord_map = { |
"linear": __coord_fft_hz, |
"fft": __coord_fft_hz, |
"fft_note": __coord_fft_hz, |
"fft_svara": __coord_fft_hz, |
"hz": __coord_fft_hz, |
"log": __coord_fft_hz, |
"mel": __coord_mel_hz, |
"cqt": __coord_cqt_hz, |
"cqt_hz": __coord_cqt_hz, |
"cqt_note": __coord_cqt_hz, |
"cqt_svara": __coord_cqt_hz, |
"chroma": __coord_chroma, |
"chroma_c": __coord_chroma, |
"chroma_h": __coord_chroma, |
"time": __coord_time, |
"s": __coord_time, |
"ms": __coord_time, |
"lag": __coord_time, |
"lag_s": __coord_time, |
"lag_ms": __coord_time, |
"tonnetz": __coord_n, |
"off": __coord_n, |
"tempo": __coord_tempo, |
"fourier_tempo": __coord_fourier_tempo, |
"frames": __coord_n, |
None: __coord_n, |
} |
if ax_type not in coord_map: |
raise ParameterError("Unknown axis type: {}".format(ax_type)) |
return coord_map[ax_type](n, **kwargs) |
def __check_axes(axes): |
"""Check if "axes" is an instance of an axis object. If not, use `gca`.""" |
if axes is None: |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
axes = plt.gca() |
elif not isinstance(axes, Axes): |
raise ParameterError( |
"`axes` must be an instance of matplotlib.axes.Axes. " |
"Found type(axes)={}".format(type(axes)) |
) |
return axes |
def __scale_axes(axes, ax_type, which): |
"""Set the axis scaling""" |
kwargs = dict() |
if which == "x": |
if version_parse(matplotlib.__version__) < version_parse("3.3.0"): |
thresh = "linthreshx" |
base = "basex" |
scale = "linscalex" |
else: |
thresh = "linthresh" |
base = "base" |
scale = "linscale" |
scaler = axes.set_xscale |
limit = axes.set_xlim |
else: |
if version_parse(matplotlib.__version__) < version_parse("3.3.0"): |
thresh = "linthreshy" |
base = "basey" |
scale = "linscaley" |
else: |
thresh = "linthresh" |
base = "base" |
scale = "linscale" |
scaler = axes.set_yscale |
limit = axes.set_ylim |
if ax_type == "mel": |
mode = "symlog" |
kwargs[thresh] = 1000.0 |
kwargs[base] = 2 |
elif ax_type in ["cqt", "cqt_hz", "cqt_note", "cqt_svara"]: |
mode = "log" |
kwargs[base] = 2 |
elif ax_type in ["log", "fft_note", "fft_svara"]: |
mode = "symlog" |
kwargs[base] = 2 |
kwargs[thresh] = core.note_to_hz("C2") |
kwargs[scale] = 0.5 |
elif ax_type in ["tempo", "fourier_tempo"]: |
mode = "log" |
kwargs[base] = 2 |
limit(16, 480) |
else: |
return |
scaler(mode, **kwargs) |
def __decorate_axis( |
axis, ax_type, key="C:maj", Sa=None, mela=None, thaat=None, unicode=True |
): |
"""Configure axis tickers, locators, and labels""" |
if ax_type == "tonnetz": |
axis.set_major_formatter(TonnetzFormatter()) |
axis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(np.arange(6))) |
axis.set_label_text("Tonnetz") |
elif ax_type == "chroma": |
axis.set_major_formatter(ChromaFormatter(key=key, unicode=unicode)) |
degrees = core.key_to_degrees(key) |
axis.set_major_locator( |
FixedLocator(np.add.outer(12 * np.arange(10), degrees).ravel()) |
) |
axis.set_label_text("Pitch class") |
elif ax_type == "chroma_h": |
if Sa is None: |
Sa = 0 |
axis.set_major_formatter(ChromaSvaraFormatter(Sa=Sa, unicode=unicode)) |
if thaat is None: |
degrees = np.arange(12) |
else: |
degrees = core.thaat_to_degrees(thaat) |
degrees = np.mod(degrees + Sa, 12) |
axis.set_major_locator( |
FixedLocator(np.add.outer(12 * np.arange(10), degrees).ravel()) |
) |
axis.set_label_text("Svara") |
elif ax_type == "chroma_c": |
if Sa is None: |
Sa = 0 |
axis.set_major_formatter( |
ChromaSvaraFormatter(Sa=Sa, mela=mela, unicode=unicode) |
) |
degrees = core.mela_to_degrees(mela) |
degrees = np.mod(degrees + Sa, 12) |
axis.set_major_locator( |
FixedLocator(np.add.outer(12 * np.arange(10), degrees).ravel()) |
) |
axis.set_label_text("Svara") |
elif ax_type in ["tempo", "fourier_tempo"]: |
axis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) |
axis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0)) |
axis.set_label_text("BPM") |
elif ax_type == "time": |
axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit=None, lag=False)) |
axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) |
axis.set_label_text("Time") |
elif ax_type == "s": |
axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit="s", lag=False)) |
axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) |
axis.set_label_text("Time (s)") |
elif ax_type == "ms": |
axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit="ms", lag=False)) |
axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) |
axis.set_label_text("Time (ms)") |
elif ax_type == "lag": |
axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit=None, lag=True)) |
axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) |
axis.set_label_text("Lag") |
elif ax_type == "lag_s": |
axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit="s", lag=True)) |
axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) |
axis.set_label_text("Lag (s)") |
elif ax_type == "lag_ms": |
axis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(unit="ms", lag=True)) |
axis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(prune=None, steps=[1, 1.5, 5, 6, 10])) |
axis.set_label_text("Lag (ms)") |
elif ax_type == "cqt_note": |
axis.set_major_formatter(NoteFormatter(key=key, unicode=unicode)) |
log_C1 = np.log2(core.note_to_hz("C1")) |
C_offset = 2.0 ** (log_C1 - np.floor(log_C1)) |
axis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=(C_offset,))) |
axis.set_minor_formatter(NoteFormatter(key=key, major=False, unicode=unicode)) |
axis.set_minor_locator( |
LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=C_offset * 2.0 ** (np.arange(1, 12) / 12.0)) |
) |
axis.set_label_text("Note") |
elif ax_type == "cqt_svara": |
axis.set_major_formatter(SvaraFormatter(Sa=Sa, mela=mela, unicode=unicode)) |
sa_offset = 2.0 ** (np.log2(Sa) - np.floor(np.log2(Sa))) |
axis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=(sa_offset,))) |
axis.set_minor_formatter( |
SvaraFormatter(Sa=Sa, mela=mela, major=False, unicode=unicode) |
) |
axis.set_minor_locator( |
LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=sa_offset * 2.0 ** (np.arange(1, 12) / 12.0)) |
) |
axis.set_label_text("Svara") |
elif ax_type in ["cqt_hz"]: |
axis.set_major_formatter(LogHzFormatter()) |
log_C1 = np.log2(core.note_to_hz("C1")) |
C_offset = 2.0 ** (log_C1 - np.floor(log_C1)) |
axis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=(C_offset,))) |
axis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=2.0)) |
axis.set_minor_formatter(LogHzFormatter(major=False)) |
axis.set_minor_locator( |
LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=C_offset * 2.0 ** (np.arange(1, 12) / 12.0)) |
) |
axis.set_label_text("Hz") |
elif ax_type == "fft_note": |
axis.set_major_formatter(NoteFormatter(key=key, unicode=unicode)) |
log_C1 = np.log2(core.note_to_hz("C1")) |
C_offset = 2.0 ** (log_C1 - np.floor(log_C1)) |
axis.set_major_locator(SymmetricalLogLocator(axis.get_transform())) |
axis.set_minor_formatter(NoteFormatter(key=key, major=False, unicode=unicode)) |
axis.set_minor_locator( |
LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=2.0 ** (np.arange(1, 12) / 12.0)) |
) |
axis.set_label_text("Note") |
elif ax_type == "fft_svara": |
axis.set_major_formatter(SvaraFormatter(Sa=Sa, mela=mela, unicode=unicode)) |
log_Sa = np.log2(Sa) |
sa_offset = 2.0 ** (log_Sa - np.floor(log_Sa)) |
axis.set_major_locator( |
SymmetricalLogLocator(axis.get_transform(), base=2.0, subs=[sa_offset]) |
) |
axis.set_minor_formatter( |
SvaraFormatter(Sa=Sa, mela=mela, major=False, unicode=unicode) |
) |
axis.set_minor_locator( |
LogLocator(base=2.0, subs=sa_offset * 2.0 ** (np.arange(1, 12) / 12.0)) |
) |
axis.set_label_text("Svara") |
elif ax_type in ["mel", "log"]: |
axis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) |
axis.set_major_locator(SymmetricalLogLocator(axis.get_transform())) |
axis.set_label_text("Hz") |
elif ax_type in ["linear", "hz", "fft"]: |
axis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) |
axis.set_label_text("Hz") |
elif ax_type in ["frames"]: |
axis.set_label_text("Frames") |
elif ax_type in ["off", "none", None]: |
axis.set_label_text("") |
axis.set_ticks([]) |
else: |
raise ParameterError("Unsupported axis type: {}".format(ax_type)) |
def __coord_fft_hz(n, sr=22050, n_fft=None, **_kwargs): |
"""Get the frequencies for FFT bins""" |
if n_fft is None: |
n_fft = 2 * (n - 1) |
basis = core.fft_frequencies(sr=sr, n_fft=n_fft) |
return basis |
def __coord_mel_hz(n, fmin=0, fmax=None, sr=22050, htk=False, **_kwargs): |
"""Get the frequencies for Mel bins""" |
if fmin is None: |
fmin = 0 |
if fmax is None: |
fmax = 0.5 * sr |
basis = core.mel_frequencies(n, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, htk=htk) |
return basis |
def __coord_cqt_hz(n, fmin=None, bins_per_octave=12, sr=22050, **_kwargs): |
"""Get CQT bin frequencies""" |
if fmin is None: |
fmin = core.note_to_hz("C1") |
fmin = fmin * 2.0 ** (_kwargs.get("tuning", 0.0) / bins_per_octave) |
freqs = core.cqt_frequencies( |
n, |
fmin=fmin, |
bins_per_octave=bins_per_octave, |
) |
if np.any(freqs > 0.5 * sr): |
warnings.warn( |
"Frequency axis exceeds Nyquist. " |
"Did you remember to set all spectrogram parameters in specshow?", |
stacklevel=4, |
) |
return freqs |
def __coord_chroma(n, bins_per_octave=12, **_kwargs): |
"""Get chroma bin numbers""" |
return np.linspace(0, (12.0 * n) / bins_per_octave, num=n, endpoint=False) |
def __coord_tempo(n, sr=22050, hop_length=512, **_kwargs): |
"""Tempo coordinates""" |
basis = core.tempo_frequencies(n + 1, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length)[1:] |
return basis |
def __coord_fourier_tempo(n, sr=22050, hop_length=512, win_length=None, **_kwargs): |
"""Fourier tempogram coordinates""" |
if win_length is None: |
win_length = 2 * (n - 1) |
basis = core.fourier_tempo_frequencies( |
sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length |
) |
return basis |
def __coord_n(n, **_kwargs): |
"""Get bare positions""" |
return np.arange(n) |
def __coord_time(n, sr=22050, hop_length=512, **_kwargs): |
"""Get time coordinates from frames""" |
return core.frames_to_time(np.arange(n), sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) |
def __same_axes(x_axis, y_axis, xlim, ylim): |
"""Check if two axes are the same, used to determine squared plots""" |
axes_same_and_not_none = (x_axis == y_axis) and (x_axis is not None) |
axes_same_lim = xlim == ylim |
return axes_same_and_not_none and axes_same_lim |
@deprecate_positional_args |
def waveshow( |
y, |
*, |
sr=22050, |
max_points=11025, |
x_axis="time", |
offset=0.0, |
marker="", |
where="post", |
label=None, |
ax=None, |
**kwargs, |
): |
"""Visualize a waveform in the time domain. |
This function constructs a plot which adaptively switches between a raw |
samples-based view of the signal (`matplotlib.pyplot.step`) and an |
amplitude-envelope view of the signal (`matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between`) |
depending on the time extent of the plot's viewport. |
More specifically, when the plot spans a time interval of less than ``max_points / |
sr`` (by default, 1/2 second), the samples-based view is used, and otherwise a |
downsampled amplitude envelope is used. |
This is done to limit the complexity of the visual elements to guarantee an |
efficient, visually interpretable plot. |
When using interactive rendering (e.g., in a Jupyter notebook or IPython |
console), the plot will automatically update as the view-port is changed, either |
through widget controls or programmatic updates. |
.. note:: When visualizing stereo waveforms, the amplitude envelope will be generated |
so that the upper limits derive from the left channel, and the lower limits derive |
from the right channel, which can produce a vertically asymmetric plot. |
When zoomed in to the sample view, only the first channel will be shown. |
If you want to visualize both channels at the sample level, it is recommended to |
plot each signal independently. |
Parameters |
---------- |
y : np.ndarray [shape=(n,) or (2,n)] |
audio time series (mono or stereo) |
sr : number > 0 [scalar] |
sampling rate of ``y`` (samples per second) |
max_points : positive integer |
Maximum number of samples to draw. When the plot covers a time extent |
smaller than ``max_points / sr`` (default: 1/2 second), samples are drawn. |
If drawing raw samples would exceed `max_points`, then a downsampled |
amplitude envelope extracted from non-overlapping windows of `y` is |
visualized instead. The parameters of the amplitude envelope are defined so |
that the resulting plot cannot produce more than `max_points` frames. |
x_axis : str or None |
Display of the x-axis ticks and tick markers. Accepted values are: |
- 'time' : markers are shown as milliseconds, seconds, minutes, or hours. |
Values are plotted in units of seconds. |
- 's' : markers are shown as seconds. |
- 'ms' : markers are shown as milliseconds. |
- 'lag' : like time, but past the halfway point counts as negative values. |
- 'lag_s' : same as lag, but in seconds. |
- 'lag_ms' : same as lag, but in milliseconds. |
- `None`, 'none', or 'off': ticks and tick markers are hidden. |
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None |
Axes to plot on instead of the default `plt.gca()`. |
offset : float |
Horizontal offset (in seconds) to start the waveform plot |
marker : string |
Marker symbol to use for sample values. (default: no markers) |
See also: `matplotlib.markers`. |
where : string, {'pre', 'mid', 'post'} |
This setting determines how both waveform and envelope plots interpolate |
between observations. |
See `matplotlib.pyplot.step` for details. |
Default: 'post' |
label : string [optional] |
The label string applied to this plot. |
Note that the label |
**kwargs |
Additional keyword arguments to `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between` and |
`matplotlib.pyplot.step`. |
Note that only those arguments which are common to both functions will be |
supported. |
Returns |
------- |
librosa.display.AdaptiveWaveplot |
An object of type `librosa.display.AdaptiveWaveplot` |
See Also |
-------- |
AdaptiveWaveplot |
matplotlib.pyplot.step |
matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between |
matplotlib.markers |
Examples |
-------- |
Plot a monophonic waveform with an envelope view |
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
>>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex('choice'), duration=10) |
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharex=True) |
>>> librosa.display.waveshow(y, sr=sr, ax=ax[0]) |
>>> ax[0].set(title='Envelope view, mono') |
>>> ax[0].label_outer() |
Or a stereo waveform |
>>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex('choice', hq=True), mono=False, duration=10) |
>>> librosa.display.waveshow(y, sr=sr, ax=ax[1]) |
>>> ax[1].set(title='Envelope view, stereo') |
>>> ax[1].label_outer() |
Or harmonic and percussive components with transparency |
>>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex('choice'), duration=10) |
>>> y_harm, y_perc = librosa.effects.hpss(y) |
>>> librosa.display.waveshow(y_harm, sr=sr, alpha=0.5, ax=ax[2], label='Harmonic') |
>>> librosa.display.waveshow(y_perc, sr=sr, color='r', alpha=0.5, ax=ax[2], label='Percussive') |
>>> ax[2].set(title='Multiple waveforms') |
>>> ax[2].legend() |
Zooming in on a plot to show raw sample values |
>>> fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) |
>>> ax.set(xlim=[6.0, 6.01], title='Sample view', ylim=[-0.2, 0.2]) |
>>> librosa.display.waveshow(y, sr=sr, ax=ax, marker='.', label='Full signal') |
>>> librosa.display.waveshow(y_harm, sr=sr, alpha=0.5, ax=ax2, label='Harmonic') |
>>> librosa.display.waveshow(y_perc, sr=sr, color='r', alpha=0.5, ax=ax2, label='Percussive') |
>>> ax.label_outer() |
>>> ax.legend() |
>>> ax2.legend() |
""" |
util.valid_audio(y, mono=False) |
if y.ndim == 1: |
y = y[np.newaxis, :] |
if max_points <= 0: |
raise ParameterError( |
"max_points={} must be strictly positive".format(max_points) |
) |
axes = __check_axes(ax) |
if "color" not in kwargs: |
kwargs.setdefault("color", next(axes._get_lines.prop_cycler)["color"]) |
hop_length = max(1, y.shape[-1] // max_points) |
y_env = __envelope(y, hop_length) |
y_bottom, y_top = -y_env[-1], y_env[0] |
times = offset + core.times_like(y, sr=sr, hop_length=1) |
(steps,) = axes.step( |
times[:max_points], y[0, :max_points], marker=marker, where=where, **kwargs |
) |
envelope = axes.fill_between( |
times[: len(y_top) * hop_length : hop_length], |
y_bottom, |
y_top, |
step=where, |
label=label, |
**kwargs, |
) |
adaptor = AdaptiveWaveplot( |
times, y[0], steps, envelope, sr=sr, max_samples=max_points |
) |
axes.callbacks.connect("xlim_changed", adaptor.update) |
adaptor.update(axes) |
__decorate_axis(axes.xaxis, x_axis) |
return adaptor |