import json |
import threading |
from typing import Dict |
import requests |
MESSAGING_API_ENDPOINT = "https://api.gradio.app/gradio-messaging/en" |
en = { |
"RUNNING_LOCALLY": "Running on local URL: {}", |
"RUNNING_LOCALLY_SEPARATED": "Running on local URL: {}://{}:{}", |
"SHARE_LINK_DISPLAY": "Running on public URL: {}", |
"COULD_NOT_GET_SHARE_LINK": "\nCould not create share link, please check your internet connection.", |
"COLAB_NO_LOCAL": "Cannot display local interface on google colab, public link created.", |
"PUBLIC_SHARE_TRUE": "\nTo create a public link, set `share=True` in `launch()`.", |
"MODEL_PUBLICLY_AVAILABLE_URL": "Model available publicly at: {} (may take up to a minute for link to be usable)", |
"GENERATING_PUBLIC_LINK": "Generating public link (may take a few seconds...):", |
"BETA_INVITE": "\nThanks for being a Gradio user! If you have questions or feedback, please join our Discord server and chat with us: https://discord.gg/feTf9x3ZSB", |
"COLAB_DEBUG_TRUE": "Colab notebook detected. This cell will run indefinitely so that you can see errors and logs. " |
"To turn off, set debug=False in launch().", |
"COLAB_DEBUG_FALSE": "Colab notebook detected. To show errors in colab notebook, set debug=True in launch()", |
"COLAB_WARNING": "Note: opening Chrome Inspector may crash demo inside Colab notebooks.", |
"SHARE_LINK_MESSAGE": "\nThis share link expires in 72 hours. For free permanent hosting and GPU upgrades (NEW!), check out Spaces: https://huggingface.co/spaces", |
"INLINE_DISPLAY_BELOW": "Interface loading below...", |
"TIPS": [ |
"You can add authentication to your app with the `auth=` kwarg in the `launch()` command; for example: `gr.Interface(...).launch(auth=('username', 'password'))`", |
"Let users specify why they flagged input with the `flagging_options=` kwarg; for example: `gr.Interface(..., flagging_options=['too slow', 'incorrect output', 'other'])`", |
"You can show or hide the button for flagging with the `allow_flagging=` kwarg; for example: gr.Interface(..., allow_flagging=False)", |
"The inputs and outputs flagged by the users are stored in the flagging directory, specified by the flagging_dir= kwarg. You can view this data through the interface by setting the examples= kwarg to the flagging directory; for example gr.Interface(..., examples='flagged')", |
"You can add a title and description to your interface using the `title=` and `description=` kwargs. The `article=` kwarg can be used to add a description under the interface; for example gr.Interface(..., title='My app', description='Lorem ipsum'). Try using Markdown!", |
"For a classification or regression model, set `interpretation='default'` to see why the model made a prediction.", |
], |
} |
def get_updated_messaging(en: Dict): |
try: |
updated_messaging = requests.get(MESSAGING_API_ENDPOINT, timeout=3).json() |
en.update(updated_messaging) |
except ( |
requests.ConnectionError, |
requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout, |
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, |
): |
pass |
threading.Thread(target=get_updated_messaging, args=(en,)).start() |