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Schedulers Script ver: Feb 15th 17:00
puzzle_patch_scheduler is used to arrange patch size for multi-scale learning
lr_scheduler from MAE code.
import math
import random
def factor(num):
find factor of input num
factors = []
for_times = int(math.sqrt(num))
for i in range(for_times + 1)[1:]:
if num % i == 0:
t = int(num / i)
if not t == i:
return factors
def defactor(num_list, basic_num): # check multiples
array = []
for i in num_list:
if i // basic_num * basic_num - i == 0:
array.sort() # accend
return array
def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, args):
Decay the learning rate with half-cycle cosine after warmup
epoch,ok with float,to be more flexible,
like: data_iter_step / len(data_loader) + epoch
# calculate the lr for this time
if epoch < args.warmup_epochs: # for warmup
lr = args.lr * epoch / args.warmup_epochs # lr increase from zero to the setted lr
else: # after warmup do cosin lr decay
lr = args.min_lr + (args.lr - args.min_lr) * 0.5 * \
(1. + math.cos(math.pi * (epoch - args.warmup_epochs) / (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)))
# update lr in the optmizer
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
if "lr_scale" in param_group:
param_group["lr"] = lr * param_group["lr_scale"]
param_group["lr"] = lr
return lr
class patch_scheduler:
this is used to drive the patch size by loss and epoch
the patch list is automatically get
def __init__(self, total_epoches=200, warmup_epochs=20, edge_size=384, basic_patch=16, strategy=None,
threshold=3.0, reducing_factor=0.933, fix_patch_size=None, patch_size_jump=None):
self.strategy = strategy
self.total_epoches = total_epoches
self.warmup_epochs = warmup_epochs
# automatically build legal patch list, from small to big size
self.patch_list = defactor(factor(edge_size), basic_patch)
self.threshold = threshold
self.reducing_factor = reducing_factor
self.fix_patch_size = fix_patch_size
# from small to big patch, No need for patch at all fig level
if len(self.patch_list) > 1:
self.patch_list = self.patch_list[:-1]
# jump_patch_list by selecting the 'odd' or 'even', but both with the smallest patch size
if patch_size_jump == 'odd': # 384:[196, 96, 48, 16]
jump_patch_list = self.patch_list[0::2]
self.patch_list = jump_patch_list
elif patch_size_jump == 'even': # 384:[128, 64, 32, 16]
jump_patch_list = self.patch_list[1::2]
# add back the smallest
temp_list = [self.patch_list[0]]
self.patch_list = temp_list
else: # all
if self.strategy in ['reverse', 'loss_back', 'loss_hold']: # start from big(easy) to samll(complex)
if self.strategy is None or self.strategy == 'fixed':
puzzle_patch_size = self.fix_patch_size or self.patch_list[0]
print('patch_list:', puzzle_patch_size)
print('patch_list:', self.patch_list)
# self.loss_log ?
def __call__(self, epoch, loss=0.0):
# Designed for flexable ablations
if self.strategy == 'linear' or self.strategy == 'reverse': # reverse from big size to small
if epoch < self.warmup_epochs: # warmup
puzzle_patch_size = 32 # fixed size for warmup
puzzle_patch_size = self.patch_list[min(int((epoch - self.warmup_epochs)
/ (self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* len(self.patch_list)), len(self.patch_list) - 1)]
elif self.strategy == 'loop':
# looply change the patch size, after [group_size] epoches we change once
group_size = int(self.threshold)
if epoch < self.warmup_epochs:
puzzle_patch_size = 32 # in warm up epoches, fixed patch size at 32 fixme exploring
group_idx = (epoch - self.warmup_epochs) % (len(self.patch_list) * group_size)
puzzle_patch_size = self.patch_list[int(group_idx / group_size)]
elif self.strategy == 'random': # random size strategy
puzzle_patch_size = random.choice(self.patch_list)
elif self.strategy == 'loss_back':
if epoch < self.warmup_epochs: # for warmup
puzzle_patch_size = 32 # in warm-up we use the fix size
if loss == 0.0:
puzzle_patch_size = self.patch_list[min(int((epoch - self.warmup_epochs)
/ (self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* len(self.patch_list)), len(self.patch_list) - 1)]
elif loss < self.threshold:
puzzle_patch_size = self.patch_list[min(max(int((epoch - self.warmup_epochs)
/ (self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* len(self.patch_list)) + 1, 0),
len(self.patch_list) - 1)]
self.threshold *= self.reducing_factor
puzzle_patch_size = self.patch_list[min(max(int((epoch - self.warmup_epochs)
/ (self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* len(self.patch_list)) - 1, 0),
len(self.patch_list) - 1)]
elif self.strategy == 'loss_hold':
if epoch < self.warmup_epochs: # for warmup
puzzle_patch_size = 32 # in warm-up we use the fix size
if loss == 0.0:
puzzle_patch_size = self.patch_list[min(int((epoch - self.warmup_epochs)
/ (self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* len(self.patch_list)), len(self.patch_list) - 1)]
elif loss < self.threshold:
puzzle_patch_size = self.patch_list[min(max(int((epoch - self.warmup_epochs)
/ (self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* len(self.patch_list)) + 1, 0),
len(self.patch_list) - 1)]
self.threshold *= self.reducing_factor
puzzle_patch_size = self.patch_list[min(max(int((epoch - self.warmup_epochs)
/ (self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* len(self.patch_list)), 0),
len(self.patch_list) - 1)]
# if self.strategy is None or 'fixed' or 'ratio-decay'
puzzle_patch_size = self.fix_patch_size or self.patch_list[0] # basic_patch
return puzzle_patch_size
class ratio_scheduler:
this is used to drive the fix position ratio by loss and epoch
the ratio is control by ratio_floor_factor=0.5, upper_limit=0.9, lower_limit=0.2
def __init__(self, total_epoches=200, warmup_epochs=20, basic_ratio=0.25, strategy=None, fix_position_ratio=None,
threshold=4.0, loss_reducing_factor=0.933, ratio_floor_factor=0.5, upper_limit=0.9, lower_limit=0.2):
# fixme basic_ratio and fix_position_ratio(when stage is fixed) is a bit conflicting, not good enough
self.strategy = strategy
self.total_epoches = total_epoches
self.warmup_epochs = warmup_epochs
self.basic_ratio = basic_ratio
self.threshold = threshold
self.loss_reducing_factor = loss_reducing_factor
self.fix_position_ratio = fix_position_ratio
self.upper_limit = upper_limit
self.lower_limit = lower_limit
self.ratio_floor_factor = ratio_floor_factor
def __call__(self, epoch, loss=0.0):
if self.strategy == 'ratio-decay' or self.strategy == 'decay':
if epoch < self.warmup_epochs: # for warmup
fix_position_ratio = self.basic_ratio # fixed
max_ratio = min(3 * self.basic_ratio, self.upper_limit) # upper-limit of 0.9
min_ratio = max(self.basic_ratio * self.ratio_floor_factor, self.lower_limit)
fix_position_ratio = min(max(((self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
- (epoch - self.warmup_epochs)) /
(self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* max_ratio, min_ratio), max_ratio)
elif self.strategy == 'loss_back':
if epoch < self.warmup_epochs: # for warmup
fix_position_ratio = self.basic_ratio # in warm-up we use the fix ratio
max_ratio = min(3 * self.basic_ratio, self.upper_limit)
min_ratio = max(self.basic_ratio * self.ratio_floor_factor, self.lower_limit)
if loss == 0.0:
fix_position_ratio = min(max(((self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
- (epoch - self.warmup_epochs)) /
(self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* max_ratio, min_ratio), max_ratio)
elif loss < self.threshold:
fix_position_ratio = min(max(((self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
- (epoch - self.warmup_epochs)) /
(self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* max_ratio * 0.9, min_ratio), max_ratio)
self.threshold *= self.loss_reducing_factor
fix_position_ratio = min(max(((self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
- (epoch - self.warmup_epochs)) /
(self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* max_ratio * 1.1, min_ratio), max_ratio)
elif self.strategy == 'loss_hold':
if epoch < self.warmup_epochs: # for warmup
fix_position_ratio = self.basic_ratio # in warm-up we use the fix ratio
max_ratio = min(3 * self.basic_ratio, self.upper_limit)
min_ratio = max(self.basic_ratio * self.ratio_floor_factor, self.lower_limit)
if loss == 0.0:
fix_position_ratio = min(max(((self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
- (epoch - self.warmup_epochs)) /
(self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* max_ratio, min_ratio), max_ratio)
elif loss < self.threshold:
fix_position_ratio = min(max(((self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
- (epoch - self.warmup_epochs)) /
(self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* max_ratio * 0.9, min_ratio), max_ratio)
self.threshold *= self.loss_reducing_factor
fix_position_ratio = min(max(((self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
- (epoch - self.warmup_epochs)) /
(self.total_epoches - self.warmup_epochs)
* max_ratio, min_ratio), max_ratio)
else: # basic_ratio
fix_position_ratio = self.fix_position_ratio or self.basic_ratio
return fix_position_ratio
scheduler = puzzle_fix_position_ratio_scheduler(strategy='reverse')
epoch = 102
fix_position_ratio = scheduler(epoch)