noahsantacruz's picture
Update export (#5)
26efbe2 verified
"language": "en",
"title": "Bedek HaBayit on Torat HaBayit HaAroch",
"versionSource": "",
"versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation",
"versionTitleInHebrew": "תרגום קהילת ספריא",
"actualLanguage": "en",
"languageFamilyName": "english",
"isBaseText": false,
"isSource": false,
"direction": "ltr",
"heTitle": "בדק הבית על תורת הבית הארוך",
"categories": [
"Bedek HaBayit"
"text": {
"Introduction": [],
"The First House": {
"The First Gate": [],
"The Second Gate": [],
"The Third Gate": [],
"The Fourth Gate": [],
"The Fifth Gate": []
"The Second House": {
"The First Gate": [],
"The Second Gate": [],
"The Third Gate": [],
"The Fourth Gate": [],
"The Fifth Gate": []
"The Third House": {
"The First Gate": [],
"The Second Gate": [],
"The Third Gate": [],
"The Fourth Gate": [],
"The Fifth Gate": [],
"The Sixth Gate": [],
"The Seventh Gate": [
"5) It is hard to comprehend how we can bake in the public oven [where the bread is given to a Gentile baker to bake for a charge]… [but we have several grounds for leniency, because, among other things] the baker bakes in a special place set up for that purpose, and he is not intending to bake for himself nor for any specific person, but rather he is doing his job, because he is hired to bake and to cook for anyone who comes to that designated place. People neither eat nor drink there, and it is a public space open to all. In this instance, it is possible to justify the practice by saying that this is not really considered Gentile cooking, because there is no fear of social intimacy in this setting. And this is all the more so with respect to bread, which they were lenient with."
"The Fourth House": {
"The First Gate": [],
"The Second Gate": [],
"The Third Gate": [],
"The Fourth Gate": []
"The Fifth House": {
"The First Gate": [],
"The Second Gate": [],
"The Third Gate": [],
"The Fourth Gate": [],
"The Fifth Gate": [],
"The Sixth Gate": []
"The Sixth House": {
"The First Gate": [],
"The Second Gate": [],
"The Third Gate": [],
"The Fourth Gate": [],
"The Fifth Gate": []
"The Seventh House, The Women's House": {
"Introduction": [],
"The First Gate": [],
"The Second Gate": [],
"The Third Gate": [],
"The Fourth Gate": [],
"The Fifth Gate": [],
"The Sixth Gate": [],
"The Seventh Gate": []
"schema": {
"heTitle": "בדק הבית על תורת הבית הארוך",
"enTitle": "Bedek HaBayit on Torat HaBayit HaAroch",
"key": "Bedek HaBayit on Torat HaBayit HaAroch",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "הקדמה",
"enTitle": "Introduction"
"heTitle": "הבית הראשון",
"enTitle": "The First House",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "השער הראשון",
"enTitle": "The First Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השני",
"enTitle": "The Second Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השלישי",
"enTitle": "The Third Gate"
"heTitle": "השער הרביעי",
"enTitle": "The Fourth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער החמישי",
"enTitle": "The Fifth Gate"
"heTitle": "הבית השני",
"enTitle": "The Second House",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "השער הראשון",
"enTitle": "The First Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השני",
"enTitle": "The Second Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השלישי",
"enTitle": "The Third Gate"
"heTitle": "השער הרביעי",
"enTitle": "The Fourth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער החמישי",
"enTitle": "The Fifth Gate"
"heTitle": "הבית השלישי",
"enTitle": "The Third House",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "השער הראשון",
"enTitle": "The First Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השני",
"enTitle": "The Second Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השלישי",
"enTitle": "The Third Gate"
"heTitle": "השער הרביעי",
"enTitle": "The Fourth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער החמישי",
"enTitle": "The Fifth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השישי",
"enTitle": "The Sixth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השביעי",
"enTitle": "The Seventh Gate"
"heTitle": "הבית הרביעי",
"enTitle": "The Fourth House",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "השער הראשון",
"enTitle": "The First Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השני",
"enTitle": "The Second Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השלישי",
"enTitle": "The Third Gate"
"heTitle": "השער הרביעי",
"enTitle": "The Fourth Gate"
"heTitle": "הבית החמישי",
"enTitle": "The Fifth House",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "השער הראשון",
"enTitle": "The First Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השני",
"enTitle": "The Second Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השלישי",
"enTitle": "The Third Gate"
"heTitle": "השער הרביעי",
"enTitle": "The Fourth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער החמישי",
"enTitle": "The Fifth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השישי",
"enTitle": "The Sixth Gate"
"heTitle": "הבית השישי",
"enTitle": "The Sixth House",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "השער הראשון",
"enTitle": "The First Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השני",
"enTitle": "The Second Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השלישי",
"enTitle": "The Third Gate"
"heTitle": "השער הרביעי",
"enTitle": "The Fourth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער החמישי",
"enTitle": "The Fifth Gate"
"heTitle": "הבית השביעי: בית הנשים",
"enTitle": "The Seventh House, The Women's House",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "הקדמה",
"enTitle": "Introduction"
"heTitle": "השער הראשון",
"enTitle": "The First Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השני",
"enTitle": "The Second Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השלישי",
"enTitle": "The Third Gate"
"heTitle": "השער הרביעי",
"enTitle": "The Fourth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער החמישי",
"enTitle": "The Fifth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השישי",
"enTitle": "The Sixth Gate"
"heTitle": "השער השביעי",
"enTitle": "The Seventh Gate"