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"title": "Ohr Zarua",
"language": "en",
"versionTitle": "merged",
"versionSource": "",
"text": {
"Volume I": {
"Alpha Beta": [],
"Laws of Charity": [
"And I, the author, say that there is no distinction between the forgotten sheaf, the corner and the poor tithe on the one hand, and other charity on the other. As behold there is a story (Jerusalem Talmud Peah 8:7) about a student of Rebbi who had 199 dinar, and Rebbi wanted to bequeath him a large gift. However one of the rabbis completed it to be two hundred (which would disqualify him from receiving charity). Rebbi heard [about this] - he said, \"This one was struck by the plague of the pious.\" He [then] said to [another] one of the rabbis, \"Go and remove it from him,\" and he removed it. So Rebbi gave him that present. Behold, you learn from this that someone who has two hundred zuz may not take from the charity fund. But everything is according to his needs and the needs of his household, as Rabbenu Ephraim, may his memory be blessed, explained. And that is how I explain that which my teachers ask about that [passage in the chapter entitled] Haba al Yevimto (Yevamot 63a): The Rabbis taught, \"One who lends a sela to a poor person at his time of need, about him the verse states (Isaiah 58:9), 'Then shall you call, and the Lord will answer.'\" Yet in the first chapter of Chagigah (5a), we say, then \"many evils and troubles are come upon them\" (Deuteronomy 31:21) - \"Shmuel said, 'This is [referring to] one who provides money to a poor person at his time of need.'\" And it appears in my eyes - me, the author - that that [passage] in Chagigah is when he had 199 dinar and they wanted to give him a thousand dinar, but [this one] heard and completed the two hundred in order to make him lose the thousand that they wanted to give him. There, certainly, \"many evils and troubles are come upon them\" - since he caused this poor man to lose a thousand dinar. But someone who gives a loan to a poor person at his time of need - certainly that one, he shall 'call, and the Lord will answer him.' As he intended [it] for his good. And even if he had 199 dinar and this one lent him a dinar and completed the two hundred with this dinar - nevertheless, it is still called, 'he shall call, and the Lord will answer.' Since this dinar is not his and he has to repay it, he still does not have two hundred of his own; so it is permissible for him to take from the charity fund. And you should know that in the first chapter of Chagigah, it [specifically] mentioned, \"one who provides money to a poor person at the time of his need,\" such that he provides him with that money that it should be his, so that he [then] have two hundred zuz and it would be forbidden for him to take from the charity fund. But here, it is \"one who lends a sela to a poor person\" - as he intends to benefit him with a loan. So he merits, 'he shall call, and the Lord will answer him.' "
"": []
"Volume II": [
"There is a story about Rabbi Akiva who saw a naked man black as coal. He was carrying a load on his head fit for ten men and running as fast as a horse. R. Akiva made a decree about him and had him stand in place. R. Akiva said to that man, \"Why are you doing such hard work; if you are a slave and your master is doing this to you, I will redeem you from him; and if you are [doing so because] you are poor, I will make you rich.\" He said [back] to him, \"I plead with you, do not delay me, lest those who are appointed over me will get angry with me!\" He said to him, \"What is this and what are you doing?\" He said to him, \"That man (referring to himself) is dead; and every day, they send me to cut wood and burn me with them.\" He said to him, \"My son, what was your work in the world from which you came?\" He said to him, \"I was a tax collector and I was from the leaders of the people, but I would favor the rich and kill the poor.\" He said to him, \"Have you not heard anything from those appointed over you, whether there is a remedy for you.\" He said to him, \"I plead with you, do not delay me, lest those in charge of punishments over me will get angry with me, as there is no remedy for that man. However I did hear one thing that cannot be: That were this poor man to have a son who would stand in the congregation and say, 'Bless the Lord who is blessed,' and they would answer after him, ''Blessed be the Lord who is blessed forever and ever,' or if he should say, 'May He be exalted,' and they answer after him, 'May His great name be blessed forever and ever,' they would release that man from [further] punishment. But that man did not leave a son in the world; he left his wife pregnant, but does not know, [even] if she gave birth to a male, who will teach him. For that man does not have a friend in the world.\" That instant R. Akiva took upon himself to go and find out if he fathered a male child, in order to teach him Torah and stand him up in front of the congregation [to lead them in prayer]. He said to him, \"What is your name?\" He said to him, \"Akiva.\" \"And your wife's name?\" He said to him, \"Shoshniva.\" \"And the name of your town?\" He said to him, \"Ludkiya.\" R. Akiva immediately grieved greatly and went to ask about him. When he came to that place, he asked about him. They said to him, \"May the bones of that wicked man be ground up!\" He asked about his wife. They said to him, \"May her memory be erased from the world.\" He asked about the child. They said to him, \"He is uncircumcised; we have not even troubled ourselves about the commandment of his circumcision.\" R. Akiva took him immediately and circumcised him and placed him in front of him. But he could not absorb Torah, until he sat and fasted for forty days for his sake. [Then] a heavenly voice emerged and said to him, \"R. Akiva, go and teach him.\" He proceeded teach him Torah, the recitation of Shema, the Eighteen blessings (of the standing prayer) and the grace over the meals. Then he had him stand in front of the congregation and say, \"Bless the Lord who is blessed,\" and the congregation answered after him, ''Blessed be the Lord who is blessed forever and ever.\" [He continued], \"May He be exalted,\" [and they answered], \"May His great name [...].\" That instant, they immediately released the dead man from his punishment. He immediately came to R. Akiva in a dream and said, \"May it be the will in front of God that He should ease your mind in the Garden of Eden, for you have saved me from the punishment of <i>Geihinnom.\" Immediately R. Akiva began and said, \"May Your name, Lord be forever; Your fame, Lord, through all generations.\" And my teacher, Rabbi Elazar of Wurms, accordingly found [in] the Tanna debei Eliyahu Rabba, that a child who says, \"May He be exalted,\" saves his father from punishment. </i>"
"Volume III": {
"Piskei Bava Kamma": [],
"Piskei Bava Metzia": [],
"Piskei Bava Batra": []
"Volume IV": {
"Piskei Sanhedrin": [],
"Piskei Avodah Zarah": [],
"Piskei Shevuot": []
"versions": [
"Sefaria Community Translation",
"heTitle": "ืื•ืจ ื–ืจื•ืข",
"categories": [
"schema": {
"heTitle": "ืื•ืจ ื–ืจื•ืข",
"enTitle": "Ohr Zarua",
"key": "Ohr Zarua",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "ื—ืœืง ื",
"enTitle": "Volume I",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "ืืœืคื ื‘ื™ืชื",
"enTitle": "Alpha Beta"
"heTitle": "ื”ืœื›ื•ืช ืฆื“ืงื”",
"enTitle": "Laws of Charity"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
"heTitle": "ื—ืœืง ื‘",
"enTitle": "Volume II"
"heTitle": "ื—ืœืง ื’",
"enTitle": "Volume III",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "ืคืกืงื™ ื‘ื‘ื ืงืžื",
"enTitle": "Piskei Bava Kamma"
"heTitle": "ืคืกืงื™ ื‘ื‘ื ืžืฆื™ืขื",
"enTitle": "Piskei Bava Metzia"
"heTitle": "ืคืกืงื™ ื‘ื‘ื ื‘ืชืจื",
"enTitle": "Piskei Bava Batra"
"heTitle": "ื—ืœืง ื“",
"enTitle": "Volume IV",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "ืคืกืงื™ ืกื ื”ื“ืจื™ืŸ",
"enTitle": "Piskei Sanhedrin"
"heTitle": "ืคืกืงื™ ืขื‘ื•ื“ื” ื–ืจื”",
"enTitle": "Piskei Avodah Zarah"
"heTitle": "ืคืกืงื™ ืฉื‘ื•ืขื•ืช",
"enTitle": "Piskei Shevuot"