viks66's picture
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No virus
26.4 kB
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Union
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
import re
from dataclasses import replace
from typing import Dict
_whitespace_re = re.compile(r"\s+")
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List
# from TTS.tts.configs.shared_configs import BaseTTSConfig
# from TTS.tts.models.vits import VitsArgs, VitsAudioConfig
class CharactersConfig():
characters_class: str = None
# using BaseVocabulary
vocab_dict: Dict = None
# using on BaseCharacters
pad: str = None
eos: str = None
bos: str = None
blank: str = None
characters: str = None
punctuations: str = None
phonemes: str = None
is_unique: bool = True # for backwards compatibility of models trained with char sets with duplicates
is_sorted: bool = True
class BaseTTSConfig():
# audio: BaseAudioConfig = field(default_factory=BaseAudioConfig)
# phoneme settings
use_phonemes: bool = False
phonemizer: str = None
phoneme_language: str = None
compute_input_seq_cache: bool = False
text_cleaner: str = None
enable_eos_bos_chars: bool = False
test_sentences_file: str = ""
phoneme_cache_path: str = None
# vocabulary parameters
characters: CharactersConfig = None
add_blank: bool = False
# training params
batch_group_size: int = 0
loss_masking: bool = None
# dataloading
min_audio_len: int = 1
max_audio_len: int = float("inf")
min_text_len: int = 1
max_text_len: int = float("inf")
compute_f0: bool = False
compute_energy: bool = False
compute_linear_spec: bool = False
precompute_num_workers: int = 0
use_noise_augment: bool = False
start_by_longest: bool = False
shuffle: bool = False
drop_last: bool = False
# dataset
datasets: str = None
# optimizer
optimizer: str = "radam"
optimizer_params: dict = None
# scheduler
lr_scheduler: str = None
lr_scheduler_params: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
# testing
test_sentences: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
# evaluation
eval_split_max_size: int = None
eval_split_size: float = 0.01
# weighted samplers
use_speaker_weighted_sampler: bool = False
speaker_weighted_sampler_alpha: float = 1.0
use_language_weighted_sampler: bool = False
language_weighted_sampler_alpha: float = 1.0
use_length_weighted_sampler: bool = False
length_weighted_sampler_alpha: float = 1.0
class VitsAudioConfig():
fft_size: int = 1024
sample_rate: int = 22050
win_length: int = 1024
hop_length: int = 256
num_mels: int = 80
mel_fmin: int = 0
mel_fmax: int = None
class VitsArgs():
num_chars: int = 100
out_channels: int = 513
spec_segment_size: int = 32
hidden_channels: int = 192
hidden_channels_ffn_text_encoder: int = 768
num_heads_text_encoder: int = 2
num_layers_text_encoder: int = 6
kernel_size_text_encoder: int = 3
dropout_p_text_encoder: float = 0.1
dropout_p_duration_predictor: float = 0.5
kernel_size_posterior_encoder: int = 5
dilation_rate_posterior_encoder: int = 1
num_layers_posterior_encoder: int = 16
kernel_size_flow: int = 5
dilation_rate_flow: int = 1
num_layers_flow: int = 4
resblock_type_decoder: str = "1"
resblock_kernel_sizes_decoder: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [3, 7, 11])
resblock_dilation_sizes_decoder: List[List[int]] = field(default_factory=lambda: [[1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5]])
upsample_rates_decoder: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [8, 8, 2, 2])
upsample_initial_channel_decoder: int = 512
upsample_kernel_sizes_decoder: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [16, 16, 4, 4])
periods_multi_period_discriminator: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [2, 3, 5, 7, 11])
use_sdp: bool = True
noise_scale: float = 1.0
inference_noise_scale: float = 0.667
length_scale: float = 1
noise_scale_dp: float = 1.0
inference_noise_scale_dp: float = 1.0
max_inference_len: int = None
init_discriminator: bool = True
use_spectral_norm_disriminator: bool = False
use_speaker_embedding: bool = False
num_speakers: int = 0
speakers_file: str = None
d_vector_file: List[str] = None
speaker_embedding_channels: int = 256
use_d_vector_file: bool = False
d_vector_dim: int = 0
detach_dp_input: bool = True
use_language_embedding: bool = False
embedded_language_dim: int = 4
num_languages: int = 0
language_ids_file: str = None
use_speaker_encoder_as_loss: bool = False
speaker_encoder_config_path: str = ""
speaker_encoder_model_path: str = ""
condition_dp_on_speaker: bool = True
freeze_encoder: bool = False
freeze_DP: bool = False
freeze_PE: bool = False
freeze_flow_decoder: bool = False
freeze_waveform_decoder: bool = False
encoder_sample_rate: int = None
interpolate_z: bool = True
reinit_DP: bool = False
reinit_text_encoder: bool = False
class VitsConfig(BaseTTSConfig):
model: str = "vits"
# model specific params
model_args: VitsArgs = field(default_factory=VitsArgs)
audio: VitsAudioConfig = field(default_factory=VitsAudioConfig)
# optimizer
grad_clip: List[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [1000, 1000])
lr_gen: float = 0.0002
lr_disc: float = 0.0002
lr_scheduler_gen: str = "ExponentialLR"
lr_scheduler_gen_params: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {"gamma": 0.999875, "last_epoch": -1})
lr_scheduler_disc: str = "ExponentialLR"
lr_scheduler_disc_params: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {"gamma": 0.999875, "last_epoch": -1})
scheduler_after_epoch: bool = True
optimizer: str = "AdamW"
optimizer_params: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {"betas": [0.8, 0.99], "eps": 1e-9, "weight_decay": 0.01})
# loss params
kl_loss_alpha: float = 1.0
disc_loss_alpha: float = 1.0
gen_loss_alpha: float = 1.0
feat_loss_alpha: float = 1.0
mel_loss_alpha: float = 45.0
dur_loss_alpha: float = 1.0
speaker_encoder_loss_alpha: float = 1.0
# data loader params
return_wav: bool = True
compute_linear_spec: bool = True
# sampler params
use_weighted_sampler: bool = False # TODO: move it to the base config
weighted_sampler_attrs: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
weighted_sampler_multipliers: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
# overrides
r: int = 1 # DO NOT CHANGE
add_blank: bool = True
# testing
test_sentences: List[List] = field(
default_factory=lambda: [
["It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it I'm not going to be silent."],
["Be a voice, not an echo."],
["I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."],
["This cake is great. It's so delicious and moist."],
["Prior to November 22, 1963."],
# multi-speaker settings
# use speaker embedding layer
num_speakers: int = 0
use_speaker_embedding: bool = False
speakers_file: str = None
speaker_embedding_channels: int = 256
language_ids_file: str = None
use_language_embedding: bool = False
# use d-vectors
use_d_vector_file: bool = False
d_vector_file: List[str] = None
d_vector_dim: int = None
def __post_init__(self):
# for key, val in self.model_args.items():
# if hasattr(self, key):
# self[key] = val
def parse_symbols():
return {
"pad": _pad,
"eos": _eos,
"bos": _bos,
"characters": _characters,
"punctuations": _punctuations,
"phonemes": _phonemes,
_pad = "<PAD>"
_eos = "<EOS>"
_bos = "<BOS>"
_blank = "<BLNK>" # TODO: check if we need this alongside with PAD
_characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
_punctuations = "!'(),-.:;? "
# Phonemes definition (All IPA characters)
_vowels = "iyɨʉɯuɪʏʊeøɘəɵɤoɛœɜɞʌɔæɐaɶɑɒᵻ"
_non_pulmonic_consonants = "ʘɓǀɗǃʄǂɠǁʛ"
_pulmonic_consonants = "pbtdʈɖcɟkɡqɢʔɴŋɲɳnɱmʙrʀⱱɾɽɸβfvθðszʃʒʂʐçʝxɣχʁħʕhɦɬɮʋɹɻjɰlɭʎʟ"
_suprasegmentals = "ˈˌːˑ"
_other_symbols = "ʍwɥʜʢʡɕʑɺɧʲ"
_diacrilics = "ɚ˞ɫ"
_phonemes = _vowels + _non_pulmonic_consonants + _pulmonic_consonants + _suprasegmentals + _other_symbols + _diacrilics
class BaseVocabulary:
"""Base Vocabulary class.
This class only needs a vocabulary dictionary without specifying the characters.
vocab (Dict): A dictionary of characters and their corresponding indices.
def __init__(self, vocab: Dict, pad: str = None, blank: str = None, bos: str = None, eos: str = None):
self.vocab = vocab
self.pad = pad
self.blank = blank
self.bos = bos
self.eos = eos
def pad_id(self) -> int:
"""Return the index of the padding character. If the padding character is not specified, return the length
of the vocabulary."""
return self.char_to_id(self.pad) if self.pad else len(self.vocab)
def blank_id(self) -> int:
"""Return the index of the blank character. If the blank character is not specified, return the length of
the vocabulary."""
return self.char_to_id(self.blank) if self.blank else len(self.vocab)
def bos_id(self) -> int:
"""Return the index of the bos character. If the bos character is not specified, return the length of the
return self.char_to_id(self.bos) if self.bos else len(self.vocab)
def eos_id(self) -> int:
"""Return the index of the eos character. If the eos character is not specified, return the length of the
return self.char_to_id(self.eos) if self.eos else len(self.vocab)
def vocab(self):
"""Return the vocabulary dictionary."""
return self._vocab
def vocab(self, vocab):
"""Set the vocabulary dictionary and character mapping dictionaries."""
self._vocab, self._char_to_id, self._id_to_char = None, None, None
if vocab is not None:
self._vocab = vocab
self._char_to_id = {char: idx for idx, char in enumerate(self._vocab)}
self._id_to_char = {
idx: char for idx, char in enumerate(self._vocab) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-comprehension
def init_from_config(config, **kwargs):
"""Initialize from the given config."""
if config.characters is not None and "vocab_dict" in config.characters and config.characters.vocab_dict:
return (
return BaseVocabulary(**kwargs), config
def to_config(self):
return CharactersConfig(
def num_chars(self):
"""Return number of tokens in the vocabulary."""
return len(self._vocab)
def char_to_id(self, char: str) -> int:
"""Map a character to an token ID."""
return self._char_to_id[char]
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(f" [!] {repr(char)} is not in the vocabulary.") from e
def id_to_char(self, idx: int) -> str:
"""Map an token ID to a character."""
return self._id_to_char[idx]
class BaseCharacters:
def __init__(
characters: str = None,
punctuations: str = None,
pad: str = None,
eos: str = None,
bos: str = None,
blank: str = None,
is_unique: bool = False,
is_sorted: bool = True,
) -> None:
self._characters = characters
self._punctuations = punctuations
self._pad = pad
self._eos = eos
self._bos = bos
self._blank = blank
self.is_unique = is_unique
self.is_sorted = is_sorted
def pad_id(self) -> int:
return self.char_to_id(self.pad) if self.pad else len(self.vocab)
def blank_id(self) -> int:
return self.char_to_id(self.blank) if self.blank else len(self.vocab)
def eos_id(self) -> int:
return self.char_to_id(self.eos) if self.eos else len(self.vocab)
def bos_id(self) -> int:
return self.char_to_id(self.bos) if self.bos else len(self.vocab)
def characters(self):
return self._characters
def characters(self, characters):
self._characters = characters
def punctuations(self):
return self._punctuations
def punctuations(self, punctuations):
self._punctuations = punctuations
def pad(self):
return self._pad
def pad(self, pad):
self._pad = pad
def eos(self):
return self._eos
def eos(self, eos):
self._eos = eos
def bos(self):
return self._bos
def bos(self, bos):
self._bos = bos
def blank(self):
return self._blank
def blank(self, blank):
self._blank = blank
def vocab(self):
return self._vocab
def vocab(self, vocab):
self._vocab = vocab
self._char_to_id = {char: idx for idx, char in enumerate(self.vocab)}
self._id_to_char = {
idx: char for idx, char in enumerate(self.vocab) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-comprehension
def num_chars(self):
return len(self._vocab)
def _create_vocab(self):
_vocab = self._characters
if self.is_unique:
_vocab = list(set(_vocab))
if self.is_sorted:
_vocab = sorted(_vocab)
_vocab = list(_vocab)
_vocab = [self._blank] + _vocab if self._blank is not None and len(self._blank) > 0 else _vocab
_vocab = [self._bos] + _vocab if self._bos is not None and len(self._bos) > 0 else _vocab
_vocab = [self._eos] + _vocab if self._eos is not None and len(self._eos) > 0 else _vocab
_vocab = [self._pad] + _vocab if self._pad is not None and len(self._pad) > 0 else _vocab
self.vocab = _vocab + list(self._punctuations)
if self.is_unique:
duplicates = {x for x in self.vocab if self.vocab.count(x) > 1}
assert (
len(self.vocab) == len(self._char_to_id) == len(self._id_to_char)
), f" [!] There are duplicate characters in the character set. {duplicates}"
def char_to_id(self, char: str) -> int:
return self._char_to_id[char]
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(f" [!] {repr(char)} is not in the vocabulary.") from e
def id_to_char(self, idx: int) -> str:
return self._id_to_char[idx]
def print_log(self, level: int = 0):
Prints the vocabulary in a nice format.
indent = "\t" * level
print(f"{indent}| > Characters: {self._characters}")
print(f"{indent}| > Punctuations: {self._punctuations}")
print(f"{indent}| > Pad: {self._pad}")
print(f"{indent}| > EOS: {self._eos}")
print(f"{indent}| > BOS: {self._bos}")
print(f"{indent}| > Blank: {self._blank}")
print(f"{indent}| > Vocab: {self.vocab}")
print(f"{indent}| > Num chars: {self.num_chars}")
def init_from_config(config: "Coqpit"): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Init your character class from a config.
Implement this method for your subclass.
# use character set from config
if config.characters is not None:
return BaseCharacters(**config.characters), config
# return default character set
characters = BaseCharacters()
new_config = replace(config, characters=characters.to_config())
return characters, new_config
def to_config(self) -> "CharactersConfig":
return CharactersConfig(
class IPAPhonemes(BaseCharacters):
def __init__(
characters: str = _phonemes,
punctuations: str = _punctuations,
pad: str = _pad,
eos: str = _eos,
bos: str = _bos,
blank: str = _blank,
is_unique: bool = False,
is_sorted: bool = True,
) -> None:
super().__init__(characters, punctuations, pad, eos, bos, blank, is_unique, is_sorted)
def init_from_config(config: "Coqpit"):
"""Init a IPAPhonemes object from a model config
If characters are not defined in the config, it will be set to the default characters and the config
will be updated.
# band-aid for compatibility with old models
if "characters" in config and config.characters is not None:
if "phonemes" in config.characters and config.characters.phonemes is not None:
config.characters["characters"] = config.characters["phonemes"]
return (
# use character set from config
if config.characters is not None:
return IPAPhonemes(**config.characters), config
# return default character set
characters = IPAPhonemes()
new_config = replace(config, characters=characters.to_config())
return characters, new_config
class Graphemes(BaseCharacters):
def __init__(
characters: str = _characters,
punctuations: str = _punctuations,
pad: str = _pad,
eos: str = _eos,
bos: str = _bos,
blank: str = _blank,
is_unique: bool = False,
is_sorted: bool = True,
) -> None:
super().__init__(characters, punctuations, pad, eos, bos, blank, is_unique, is_sorted)
def init_from_config(config: "Coqpit"):
"""Init a Graphemes object from a model config
If characters are not defined in the config, it will be set to the default characters and the config
will be updated.
if config.characters is not None:
# band-aid for compatibility with old models
if "phonemes" in config.characters:
return (
return Graphemes(**config.characters), config
characters = Graphemes()
new_config = replace(config, characters=characters.to_config())
return characters, new_config
if __name__ == "__main__":
gr = Graphemes()
ph = IPAPhonemes()
class VitsCharacters(BaseCharacters):
"""Characters class for VITs model for compatibility with pre-trained models"""
def __init__(
graphemes: str = _characters,
punctuations: str = _punctuations,
pad: str = _pad,
ipa_characters: str = _phonemes,
) -> None:
if ipa_characters is not None:
graphemes += ipa_characters
super().__init__(graphemes, punctuations, pad, None, None, "<BLNK>", is_unique=False, is_sorted=True)
def _create_vocab(self):
self._vocab = [self._pad] + list(self._punctuations) + list(self._characters) + [self._blank]
self._char_to_id = {char: idx for idx, char in enumerate(self.vocab)}
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-comprehension
self._id_to_char = {idx: char for idx, char in enumerate(self.vocab)}
def init_from_config(config):
_pad = config.characters.pad
_punctuations = config.characters.punctuations
_letters = config.characters.characters
_letters_ipa = config.characters.phonemes
return (
VitsCharacters(graphemes=_letters, ipa_characters=_letters_ipa, punctuations=_punctuations, pad=_pad),
def to_config(self) -> "CharactersConfig":
return CharactersConfig(
class TTSTokenizer:
def __init__(
text_cleaner: Callable = None,
characters: "BaseCharacters" = None,
self.text_cleaner = text_cleaner
self.characters = characters
self.not_found_characters = []
def characters(self):
return self._characters
def characters(self, new_characters):
self._characters = new_characters
self.pad_id = self.characters.char_to_id(self.characters.pad) if self.characters.pad else None
self.blank_id = self.characters.char_to_id(self.characters.blank) if self.characters.blank else None
def encode(self, text: str) -> List[int]:
"""Encodes a string of text as a sequence of IDs."""
token_ids = []
for char in text:
idx = self.characters.char_to_id(char)
except KeyError:
# discard but store not found characters
if char not in self.not_found_characters:
print(f" [!] Character {repr(char)} not found in the vocabulary. Discarding it.")
return token_ids
def text_to_ids(self, text: str, language: str = None) -> List[int]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
text = self.text_cleaner(text)
text = self.encode(text)
text = self.intersperse_blank_char(text, True)
return text
def pad_with_bos_eos(self, char_sequence: List[str]):
"""Pads a sequence with the special BOS and EOS characters."""
return [self.characters.bos_id] + list(char_sequence) + [self.characters.eos_id]
def intersperse_blank_char(self, char_sequence: List[str], use_blank_char: bool = False):
"""Intersperses the blank character between characters in a sequence.
Use the ```blank``` character if defined else use the ```pad``` character.
char_to_use = self.characters.blank_id if use_blank_char else self.characters.pad
result = [char_to_use] * (len(char_sequence) * 2 + 1)
result[1::2] = char_sequence
return result
def init_from_config(config: "Coqpit", characters: "BaseCharacters" = None):
text_cleaner = multilingual_cleaners
CharactersClass = VitsCharacters
characters, new_config = CharactersClass.init_from_config(config)
# new_config.characters.characters_class = get_import_path(characters)
new_config.characters.characters_class = VitsCharacters
return (
TTSTokenizer(text_cleaner, characters),new_config)
def multilingual_cleaners(text):
"""Pipeline for multilingual text"""
text = lowercase(text)
text = replace_symbols(text, lang=None)
text = remove_aux_symbols(text)
text = collapse_whitespace(text)
return text
def lowercase(text):
return text.lower()
def collapse_whitespace(text):
return re.sub(_whitespace_re, " ", text).strip()
def replace_symbols(text, lang="en"):
text = text.replace(";", ",")
text = text.replace("-", " ") if lang != "ca" else text.replace("-", "")
text = text.replace(":", ",")
if lang == "en":
text = text.replace("&", " and ")
elif lang == "fr":
text = text.replace("&", " et ")
elif lang == "pt":
text = text.replace("&", " e ")
elif lang == "ca":
text = text.replace("&", " i ")
text = text.replace("'", "")
return text
def remove_aux_symbols(text):
text = re.sub(r"[\<\>\(\)\[\]\"]+", "", text)
return text