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import random
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Generator
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
import torch
import numpy as np
from twisted.internet import defer
from agent import AutonomousWebAgent
from mcts import MCTS, MCTSNode
import logging
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ToTNode:
def __init__(self, thought, parent=None):
self.thought = thought
self.parent = parent
self.children = []
self.visits = 0
self.value = 0
self.search_results = []
self.mcts_node = None
def add_child(self, child_thought):
child = ToTNode(child_thought, self)
return child
def update(self, reward):
self.visits += 1
self.value += reward
class ToTSearch:
def __init__(self, agent: AutonomousWebAgent, model='all-MiniLM-L6-v2', max_depth=3, num_thoughts=3, num_simulations=100):
self.agent = agent
self.model = SentenceTransformer(model)
self.max_depth = max_depth
self.num_thoughts = num_thoughts
self.num_simulations = num_simulations
self.mcts = MCTS(initial_state="", num_simulations=num_simulations)
def generate_thoughts(self, query: str) -> List[str]:
prompt = f"""Given the query "{query}", generate {self.num_thoughts} distinct thoughts or approaches to address it.
Each thought should be a complete sentence and offer a unique perspective or solution path."""
thoughts = self.agent.generate_text(prompt).split('\n')
return [thought.strip() for thought in thoughts if thought.strip()]
def expand_thought(self, thought: str) -> List[str]:
prompt = f"""Expand on the following thought: "{thought}"
Generate {self.num_thoughts} more specific sub-thoughts or considerations.
Each sub-thought should be a complete sentence and offer additional detail or a new angle."""
expansions = self.agent.generate_text(prompt).split('\n')
return [exp.strip() for exp in expansions if exp.strip()]
def evaluate_thought(self, thought: str, query: str) -> float:
thought_embedding = self.model.encode(thought)
query_embedding = self.model.encode(query)
return util.pytorch_cos_sim(thought_embedding, query_embedding).item()
def search_and_augment(self, thought: str) -> Generator[Deferred, Any, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
search_results = yield self.agent.retrieve_from_web(thought)
for result in search_results:
result['originating_thought'] = thought
def select(self, node: ToTNode) -> ToTNode:
while node.children:
# Choose a node with zero visits or select based on the value/visits ratio
if any(child.visits == 0 for child in node.children):
zero_visit_nodes = [child for child in node.children if child.visits == 0]
selected_node = random.choice(zero_visit_nodes)
logger.debug(f"Selected node with 0 visits: {selected_node.thought}")
return selected_node
selected_node = max(node.children, key=lambda child: (child.value / child.visits) if child.visits > 0 else float('-inf'))
logger.debug(f"Selected node based on value/visits ratio: {selected_node.thought}, value: {selected_node.value}, visits: {selected_node.visits}")
return selected_node
return node
def expand(self, node: ToTNode, query: str) -> ToTNode:
if not node.children and len(node.thought.split()) > 2:
expansions = self.expand_thought(node.thought)
for expansion in expansions:
return random.choice(node.children) if node.children else node
def simulate(self, node: ToTNode, query: str):
current_node = node
depth = 0
while depth < self.max_depth:
if not current_node.children:
current_node = random.choice(current_node.children)
depth += 1
logger.debug(f"Simulating for thought: {current_node.thought}")
search_results = yield self.search_and_augment(current_node.thought)
current_node.search_results = search_results
logger.debug(f"Search results count: {len(search_results)}")
ranked_results = self.agent.calculate_reward(current_node.thought, query)
logger.debug(f"Ranked results: {ranked_results}")
mcts_node = MCTSNode(current_node.thought)
current_node.mcts_node = mcts_node
mcts_total_reward = 0
for _ in range(self.num_simulations):
mcts_reward = yield self.mcts.simulate(mcts_node)
mcts_total_reward += mcts_reward
self.mcts.backpropagate(mcts_node, mcts_reward)
logger.debug(f"MCTS node visits: {mcts_node.visits}, total reward: {mcts_total_reward}")
if mcts_node.visits == 0 or ranked_results == 0:
logger.warning(f"Avoiding division by zero. MCTS visits: {mcts_node.visits}, Ranked results: {ranked_results}")
combined_reward = 0
combined_reward = (ranked_results + mcts_value) / 2
if mcts_node.visits > 0:
mcts_value = mcts_total_reward / mcts_node.visits
logger.debug(f"MCTS value: {mcts_value}")
mcts_value = 0
logger.warning(f"MCTS node has 0 visits, assigning value 0")
combined_reward = (ranked_results + mcts_value) / 2
logger.debug(f"Combined reward: {combined_reward}")
def backpropagate(self, node: ToTNode, reward: float):
while node:
node = node.parent
def tot_search(self, query: str) -> Generator[Deferred, Any, ToTNode]:
root = ToTNode(query)
for _ in range(self.num_simulations):
node =
node = self.expand(node, query)
reward = yield self.simulate(node, query)
self.backpropagate(node, reward)
# Update agent's experience replay
state = self.agent.extract_features(node.thought, query)
next_state = self.agent.extract_features(node.children[0].thought if node.children else node.thought, query)
self.agent.remember_worker(state, 0, reward, next_state, False)
# Perform agent's replay to update RL models
def get_best_path(self, root: ToTNode) -> List[str]:
path = [root.thought]
current = root
while current.children:
current = max(current.children, key=lambda child: child.value / child.visits if child.visits > 0 else float('-inf'))
return path
def synthesize_results(self, root: ToTNode, query: str) -> Generator[Deferred, Any, str]:
best_path = self.get_best_path(root)
all_results = []
def collect_results(node):
for child in node.children:
# Sort results by relevance
all_results.sort(key=lambda x: self.evaluate_thought(x['content'], query), reverse=True)
# Generate a summary of the top results
top_results = all_results[:5] # Adjust the number as needed
summary_prompt = f"Synthesize the following information into a coherent answer for the query '{query}':\n\n"
summary_prompt += f"Thought path: {' -> '.join(best_path)}\n\n"
for result in top_results:
summary_prompt += f"- {result['content'][:200]}...\n"
# Use the agent's RAG capabilities for final answer generation
final_answer = yield self.agent.generate_rag_response(query, top_results)
# Save the generated answer and thought path to the agent's knowledge base
title=f"ToT Search Result: {query}",
metadata={"thought_path": best_path}
def search(self, query: str) -> Generator[Deferred, Any, str]:"Starting ToT search for query: {query}")
root = yield self.tot_search(query)
final_answer = yield self.synthesize_results(root, query)"ToT search completed for query: {query}")
# Usage example:
# tot_search = ToTSearch(agent)
# final_answer = yield"What are the latest advancements in renewable energy?")